By Ron Scheevel
Vietnam Vet
Preston, MN
As I pen this commentary, the mid-term elections are behind us. There are a couple of states where the results were not entirely decided right away, but in most cases, the winners had been chosen shortly after. Hopefully our elected leaders can bring back to life the art of compromise. I, for one, believe that the radical far “right” and far “left” get too much attention and press for their agenda. I really believe the “moderates” of both parties need to band together for common sense ideas for the good of our great nation.
Let’s discuss what I feel major issues are for our country in the years ahead. First, if we don’t get illegal immigration in check, our entire country is at risk. The numbers are staggering. If the wall isn’t the answer, let’s hear some truly bipartisan ideas that may work, then empower the border agents with the people and tools to control the flow of immigrants into our country. At the very least, enforce the laws currently on the books.
Next, let’s make a couple of changes in our voting laws. If I’m not mistaken, the states decide most of the rules. I believe one thing that must change is that any and all absentee ballots must be in the hands of the election judge on or before election day, period. These mail-in ballots are fine with me, but not having election results for days or weeks is pure nonsense! Another item is voter I.D. There is some difference in opinion on this issue. Personally, I don’t have a problem with presenting a driver’s license or some other form on I.D. to vote. After all, I.D. is required for many other things we do in our society. I see no problem with showing a photo I.D of some sort to vote.
Another serious problem is the surge in crime in a number of our larger cities. While the underlying causes are varied, and solutions are complex, we really need to curb the upswing in serious crime. While we live in a quiet and peaceful rural area, we are starting to see an increase in major crime in the rural areas also. One thing in our favor is that neighbor watching our neighbor helps deter criminals.
The next topic for discussion is Roe vs Wade. While the “Old Soldier” is very much pro-life, I don’t believe any government agency should legislate or force women to make their decision on abortion based on legislation or court decision. This issue, in my opinion, should be left to the woman, her doctor, family and guidance from her pastor. My suggestion is for government to spend their efforts on ideas to make it easier for childless couples to adopt these babies.
One other huge problem we have is our “national debt.” Very little, if any, discussion was had during mid-term campaigns or debates. How can we continue to give away dollars we don’t have, or fund foreign wars when our taxes don’t cover our expenses? With inflation at a record high, it’s past time to get our country’s fiscal house in order. While some say we should raise the national debt level or eliminate the debt ceiling entirely, I say enforce what we have and spend only what we take in.
Finally, as Veterans Day is behind us, I need to commend our area school students for their patriotic attitudes and actions. The writings of our “Voice of Democracy” and “Patriot’s Pen” contest winners are absolutely exceptional! In addition, our elementary students with their colored pictures and patriotic essays were outstanding. It has certainly returned this “Old Soldier’s” faith that the next generations will do what it takes to maintain our freedom and democracy.
Thanks for reading. God Bless the USA and our veterans!
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