By Ron Scheevel
Preston, MN
As most of you know, the veterans of Fillmore County are continuing our efforts for a veterans home in Fillmore County.
Our committees have held many local meetings, had site tours and have met with various State and Federal legislators and their staffs.
The funding to move this project forward would be a State bond for 10 million dollars for each of the three homes proposed. Montevideo, Bemidji and Fillmore County are all trying to put veterans homes in their areas. The Federal government will then hopefully match the State portion 2:1.
Let’s assume the State bonds for 30 million dollars for all three homes, and put that number in perspective in today’s economy. First, the “cost overruns” on the multi-million dollar Capitol remodel project was in the 25-30 million range. In addition, the State was able to find 300-400 million for our new Vikings stadium.
Also consider the many millions put into MNsure and MinnesotaCare; then 30 million dollars becomes a manageable number.
Please let me explain my personal perspective on the project. While I speak for all my veteran friends from all banches of service and all conflicts, I do the narrative from a “first person” experience. As a Vietnam vet from 1967, I recall I started my military service as a PVT E-2 at a whopping $66.00 per month. As I progressed up through the ranks, I ended my military career in 1968 at the huge sum of $350.00 per month. That number includes about $70.00 per month for “hazardous duty pay” for serving in a war zone. Now, I realize that these are 1960s numbers, but it really wasn’t much for the job we were asked to do. Also, today’s all-volunteer force are certainly not receiving enough compensation for all the stress and sacrifice they endure.
Lets consider the State and Federal investment an additional payment for the difficult job our servicemen and women do.
Therefore, for all veterans and future veterans, I ask for your help to provide a veterans home for them in their aging years.
Please write, call, email your elected officials. Do it soon, as the time to decide this important issue is now!
The “Old Soldier”
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