The Minnesota Department of Transportation is seeking public comments on existing rules for Special Transportation Services providers that serve the elderly or disabled, or provide nonemergency medical transportation services paid for with public funding.
MnDOT is in the process of updating the existing rules, and is interested in hearing from stakeholders about updates and improvements that should be considered, before any new rule changes are proposed.
Comments on the existing rules may be submitted online through the Commercial Vehicle Operations rulemaking webpage at, or by mailing written comments to Will Jensen-Kowski, Office of Freight and Commercial Vehicle Operations, 395 John Ireland Blvd., MS 420, St. Paul, Minn. 55155.
There is no deadline for the public comment period at this time. There will be a 30-day comment period after MnDOT hears from stakeholders and proposes rule changes. Information about the 30-day comment period and other updates will be posted online at when available.
All new rule amendments, after implemented, will affect STS providers, drivers and attendants of special transportation service vehicles, clients of special transportation services, insurance companies that provide coverage for special transportation service providers, and instructors and organizations that provide training related to STS.
MnDOT administers the STS program, which certifies and regulates STS providers, drivers, attendants and trainers. Procedures for the program are established in Minnesota Rules, Chapter 8840.
For more information about the rulemaking process, go to the Commercial Vehicle Operations rulemaking website or contact
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