The SWCD Board of Supervisors is comprised of five supervisors, one from each district of the county. Supervisors serve a four-year term and are elected in the general election. Fillmore SWCD supervisors are elected at large – meaning that all eligible voters throughout the county are able to vote for the open positions.
This past November three supervisors were elected. Travis Willford was re-elected to represent District 5. Kathryn Tesmer was elected to represent District 3 after Leonard Leutink, Jr. did not file, and Robert Pickett was elected to represent District 4 to replace Pamela Mensink.
Tesmer was a first grade teacher for 25 years and was the director of a daycare before she retired. She also helped with the farm in her early married years, where she and her husband had a farrow to finish hog operation. As a landowner who rents her land, she is watchful of the conservation practices used to maintain the land.
Pickett has a diverse history. He obtained a Bachelor of Science Degree in Animal Science from the University of Minnesota, worked for 3M Company, worked as a dairy herdsman, was employed by Midwest Breeders Coop, worked as a loan officer at F&M Bank, and was the Fillmore County Assessor before he retired in 2007.
Willford has been farming with his dad for the past 20 years, has past employment as a surgical tech at St. Mary’s Hospital for 25 years, and has been a supervisor since 2009.
Other board members include Brian Hazel, a dairy farmer, representing District 1 and an active board member since 1997 and Tim Gossman, an ag and commercial banker with Merchants Bank in St. Charles, who has served on the board since 1991.
The board of supervisors meets monthly to discuss the business of the SWCD, including state grant allocations to landowners, district conservation priorities, coordination with other local units of government and state agencies, and legislative priorities.
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