1. Tell us about yourself.
Being raised on a SE MN farm taught me to be kind, caring, responsible and giving. I carry those attributes by participating in communities I’ve lived in – the farm, college, metro cities and now, Rushford.
My bachelor of science degree provided a doorway to my business career, which exposed me to a variety of communities and businesses which taught me to appreciate life. I now work as a licensed insurance agent. My family is the most important part of life. I reside with my mom, Beverly Benson – who’s still trying to teach me patience. It is a journey, enjoyed daily.
2. Why are you running for mayor of Rushford?
Participating in my community has been rewarding and over the last four years while serving on the city council and on the EDA (Economic Development), I have witnessed the commitment of preservation and growth for our community. It takes a positive and determined community to maintain itself and grow, even when there are difficult decisions to be made. I would like to be mayor of Rushford to encourage that preservation and growth.
3. What do you feel are the most important issues facing the City of Rushford?
As with any community or business, CHANGE is the biggest opportunity to face. Rushford will be addressing several important issues like the upcoming Highway 30 project (partnership w/Minnesota Department of Transportation) and other potential growing changes to the downtown area. The development and the research being done is extensive and will need to be respectful to our community members.
4. What do you hope to accomplish if you are elected?
The City of Rushford is blessed with strong and talented community members who contribute to the success and growth of our city. The accomplishments won’t come from just a mayor but from the council and community groups that work to make a city inviting and welcoming, whether that is to live or visit here. I would like to continue that community spirit by becoming mayor.
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