Tell us about yourself.
I am a lifelong resident of Caledonia. My family owns and operates Caledonia Implement Company, where I have worked for the last 47 years. My wife Jan taught kindergarten and First Grade at Caledonia Elementary for 33 years and we raised our four children here, three of whom still live in Caledonia or nearby.
Why are you running for office?
I recently retired from our family business and I have more time to devote to our community. I want to give back to Caledonia. Working in sales and management as I have for so many years I have learned how to work effectively with customers and employees. I have served on several boards and committees including acting as president of the Minnesota-South Dakota Farm Equipment Association. I have a lot to offer my community.
What do you hope to accomplish if you get elected?
I think the biggest issue is the wastewater treatment plant and new well. If elected I will work to secure competitive bonding for these projects. I am also concerned with the Levy/Budget proposal increase of 9%. I think the city needs to keep the Levy increase in line with the cost of living increase which is 3-4%.
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