At their August 5 regular meeting, the Houston School Board made the decision to recommend the wearing of masks in school buildings. Superintendent Mary Morem reported that the Section 1 COVID infection rate was currently the highest in the state with Houston, Winona and Fillmore Counties all in the high risk category for infections. Decisions on mask wearing and all COVID related items are left up to local school boards at this point. Morem informed the board the COVID team will meet again following meetings at the state and county level. Parents will be polled for input at the upcoming August 10 fall activities meeting.
Season passes and user fees
Admission to sporting events has been increased to $6.00 for adults and $4.00 for students. Season passes will be $40 for adults, single adult with family will be $60, two parent with family will be $90, and senior citizen 65+ pass will drop from $25 to $15.
User fees will remain the same as in the past: varsity, $70; JV, $60, and fine arts, $30. The family cap will be $200 per year.
Sports and activities
Houston High School collaborates with various other schools to offer sporting and other activity opportunities to the students. A standing agreement with LaCrescent Montessori was amended to include dance-high kick and softball for Montessori students along with the other opportunities already offered. Cross country will be added to the current track agreement with Rushford-Peterson Lewiston-Altura. Practices will be held in Rushford; Houston currently provides a coach for track.
A previous agreement with Caledonia for boys and girls soccer and wrestling will be followed at this time; negotiations are ongoing regarding dollar amounts involved in order to continue this collaboration.
Other business
The board discussed whether regular preschool transportation would be provided this year to licensed daycares. After Richard Erdmann mentioned that buses don’t have the necessary seatbelts for preschoolers, Superintendent Morem was asked to find out how many students might be needing busing and report back next month. The board consensus was that they are willing to transport students, but a fee might be needed.
Regarding early outs on Wednesday, Morem plans on getting input from the staff. The district advisory meeting focused its discussion on the possibility of Wednesday early outs and how the time would be used. A survey will also be sent to parents about the possibility to obtain their input.
Elementary, high school, and MNVA handbooks were approved after a minor change to the name of algebra required at Summit. Principal Mangan assured the board that the classes were based on state standards for high school graduation.
Policies were approved after a second reading; most of the changes had to do with replacing former superintendent Krin Abraham’s name with Mary Morem’s.
Richard Erdmann from the facilities committee reported that they were moving forward on the HVAC and will be able to ask for bids soon. He also noted that the window on the announcer’s booth at the football field will be replaced. The furnace at the preschool building has been replaced at a total cost of $4,975.
Interviews are being conducted for the two openings at the first grade level.
The Truth in Taxation hearing was set for December 2, 2021, at 6:30 p.m.
Anyone wishing to help provide school supplies for students in need is asked to contact the school office.
The next Houston School Board meeting will be August 19 at 6 p.m.; the public is welcome to attend.
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