Restructuring of the Solid Waste Department following the retirement of solid waste administrator Jon Martin took a step forward at the county board’s November 1 meeting.
County Engineer Ron Gregg had considered taking over as department head of Solid Waste, but declined to take on the additional responsibility for the pay offered. Building maintenance supervisor Terry Schultz was willing to take on the oversight of staff for the Solid Waste Department for the $8,000 stipend offered in addition to his current pay as maintenance supervisor.
Kristina Kohn, Human Services, explained the arrangement to consolidate the departments will be looked at again in about a year, after the transition can be evaluated. At that time, the board may continue with this structure and have their consultant provide an employee description for the new combined department head position.
The Personnel committee recommended the Schultz promotion recognizing his leadership and management skills. The restructuring described was approved. With that, the motion to advertise for a solid waste director was rescinded. This position had been recommended when Gregg was considering taking over the Solid Waste department.
The restructuring involving Schultz will involve the hire of a second Transfer Attendant instead of the Solid Waste Director. A motion to post internally to fill that position was approved. Kohn said a training schedule has been put together to get the proper certifications. Trainings for certification will be held on November 16 and 17.
Schultz wants two of his current staff in maintenance to be cross-trained. He will take the training for certification himself.
The structure with Schultz providing oversight of Solid Waste and the hire of an additional transfer attendant instead of a solid waste director will save the county about $17,000 per year.
A week ago, the board voted to contract with Waste Management, one of two proposals that had been received for solid waste and recycling services. County coordinator Bobbie Vickerman said they were looking at the Request for Proposals and there is some confusion on the recycling piece and rural sites portion. The Solid Waste committee recommended that the motion to give the contract to Waste Management be rescinded. There is still an option to go with Harter’s Quick Clean-up or WM or throw out all proposals and start over. The motion to rescind the award to WM was approved.
There is an agreement with WM to continue to extend their extension agreement until March 1, 2017 allowing time to review the proposals and options.
Matt Harter had offered last week to provide trained personnel at an hourly rate if they were needed in the interim. The offer was to provide a certified person at the Resource Recovery Recycling Center for $40 per hour as back-up if needed. Schultz noted that two of his staff members are interested in working there and are already doing cross-training at the center. Chairman Marc Prestby said it will be good to have the option if it becomes necessary. Vickerman added the plant needs to be covered all day, every day. Commissioner Mitch Lentz agreed he liked the option to have available certified coverage and made a motion to accept Harter’s offer, which was approved.
Approval was given to have an add-on to the solid waste compactor which will allow refuse to be smashed three times prior to an operator coming off the loader to process the load. The additional option will cost $975 and will allow for greater staff efficiency in use of equipment. The purchase was recommended by the Solid Waste committee.
Other business in brief
• A resolution authorizing a quit claim deed from the county to Jane Gehrking was approved. County Attorney Brett Corson explained that it was a corrected quit claim deed for one previously approved in October 2015, due to improvements made to CR 11. The corrected quit claim deed is necessary due to an error in the legal description from the original survey. No money will change hands.
• An access permit request from William A. Schmidt, Section 22, Sumner Township, to widen an existing driveway to accommodate larger machinery and semi traffic was approved.
• Jessica Erickson, Public Health, received approval to apply for WIC remodel grant dollars. The money, if awarded will be used to improve the office or waiting room. No funds are to be provided by the county.
• Rep. Greg Davids presented to each of the board members a framed resolution regarding the Southeast Minnesota Veterans Cemetery, which was officially opened on May 29, 2016.
• Final payment to Zenke, Inc. in the amount of $26,375.54 on CSAH 25 in Peterson was approved. Commissioner Duane Bakke asked about the 16% overage. Gregg explained that the increase was due to nasty soils which needed to be eliminated to provide a good road base.
• The resignation of Barbara Kerns, Eligibility Worker, effective December 30 was accepted with thanks for her years of service. A request to hire a replacement Eligibility Worker from current list of candidates was approved.
• Canvassing for the general election was set for November 15, 10 a.m. Bakke and Harry Root will serve on the canvassing board, along with Sherida Newgaard. Vickerman, who usually would participate, can’t because she is on a school board ballot.
• By consensus, the board approved December 13 and 20 for board meetings in December.
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