Superintendent Scott Klavetter gave the Kingsland School Board a facility maintenance update during their March 17 meeting.
The plan for solar installations is moving forward with bids due on Monday, March 24.
“Those will come in and whoever is the winning bid will start working in the month of April on the grant application on the school district’s behalf. They will submit the grant in May,” Klavetter explained.
The school has been working with TSP, Inc and ICS Consulting Inc. as they plan for the upcoming maintenance project.
“We had a second walk-through with architects and project manager,” Klavetter said. “Essentially, there were a few things that they wanted some feedback on that we took to the facilities committee, as far as looking at prioritizing the list and what what order you want those items in. Where it was left at that meeting was that might depend upon what happens in May, in terms of if there is wiggle room in the maintenance funds. We have a tentative plan, but it’s not going to be finalized until after May.”
When speaking of the maintenance project, Klavetter acknowledged there are questions concerning unknowns such as the ever rising costs of building material and how that may affect the list of maintenance needs within the district.
“Looking at how far down into the 10-year facilities maintenance plan, you know, how far down do you go? The bonds have to be spent within four years, so you definitely want to pick off the first four years from the list. How far down do you want to go? Those are decisions that will ultimately have to be made when we start getting bids in and see where the numbers actually come in at.”
Questions were also raised about the school’s parking if the referendum passes in May.
“It wouldn’t take as many spaces as you think, because the only piece that would go that far is the theoretical new gym,” Klavetter said. He noted there may be other ways to add more or save current parking spots.
The district will be looking to bid the project out in the fall of 2025.
Other Business
The board thanked the Kingsland School Parents (KSP) for their donations of $445 to the second grade field trip to Quarry Hill Nature Center and $250 to the choir for transportation costs to attend the Minnesota Twins game.
Representing the Spring Valley-Wykoff FFA, Cody Howard shared the farm management team placed third in their competition and will be advancing to state, the ag mechanics team placed sixth and the floriculture team placed eighth.
The 2025-2026 school calendar and course offering were approved.
The board approved a personal electronic device policy. This dictates the time students are allowed to use these devices during school hours will be limited. For elementary and junior high students use of personal electronic communication devices on school premises from the beginning bell to the dismissal bell will be prohibited. For the high school students devices will be prohibited during instructional time. During these prohibited times students will be required to keep their devices in their designated area.
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