The Mabel City Council had previously voted to waive utility late fees throughout the month of March, since the council recognizes that many citizens are facing tough financial times due to the various restrictions related to the coronavirus pandemic. At the council’s meeting on April 8, the council voted to also waive such late fees in April. This and other coronavirus-related matters were the main focuses of the meeting, which was held via teleconference. Karen Larson stated that the city’s attorney had suggested that due to the coronavirus and the ever-changing guidelines, the city should “Take everything one month at a time.” All council members participated in the meeting (Mayor Jim Westby, City Clerk/Treasurer Karen Larson, Gary Morken, Terry Torkelson, Adam Wilder and Kirsten Wyffels, as well as Jeff Rein). The council had previously set Citywide Clean-up Day for May 9, but now chose to postpone it. The council plans to set a new date during the regular council meeting in May.
There was discussion about the Local Board of Appeal & Equalization meetings, which had been scheduled for April 20 and 23 in Preston. Council members had concerns about how this will work with current courthouse restrictions. Karen Larson stated, “I did call on Monday… and the gal I talked to in the assessor’s office said no, they’re still planning on having it… If you want to dispute or double-check the valuation of your property… that’s what this is for… So her recommendation then was to call ahead, because maybe they could do an over-the-phone.”
The council also discussed a request to hold a blood drive in Mabel. Larson explained, “We had a request from Dave Kelly from the American Red Cross… wondering if they would be able to host a Bloodmobile at the community center in Mabel (in May).” Kirsten Wyffels said she understands there is a need for more blood donations nationwide, and she supports that, but she also had concerns about the location and the timing of this proposed blood drive. Wyffels said the Mayo Clinic in Rochester is always an option for citizens wishing to donate blood, but she’s aware that the distance is not convenient. She stated, “I think a lot of our decision making depends on what day he is talking about.” Larson said there was no specific date proposed, but that Mr. Kelly was just asking for any date in May. After discussion, the council’s consensus was that a date in the later part of May would be favorable. Larson will follow up with Dave Kelly on scheduling.
Larson brought up the topic of citizens who need to purchase pet licenses or ATV permits during this time of the city office being closed to foot traffic. Regarding pet licenses, she said, “They can either mail us, or put in the drop box the vaccination records along with the money, and we’ve been mailing out the licenses.” For ATV permits, Larson stated, “ATV permits, we’ve started doing that too. If it’s something you had last year, we have your information on file. Just give us the $15, and we can mail out the permit.”
Mayor Westby brought up the topic of the MiEnergy Cooperative’s Consumer Owned Generator Load Management Program 2020. He said, “We can either opt out or opt in. We’ve been in this agreement for quite a few years. Larson added, “I know Bob’s always said it’s a good deal for us.” The council voted to opt in again.
Jeff Rein gave an update regarding the city’s Well #3. He said the well is having some problems with sand build-up, and he suggested that the city consider purchasing a VFD (Variable Frequency Device) for the well. He said the bids received included a bid of $6,872.50 for the VFD and interface module. Another bid was slightly lower ($6,749.54, but did not include the interface module). Rein also said the higher bid was a “more reliable unit.” The council voted to accept the $6,872.5 bid, which was from Willie Hoskins.
The council approved a zoning permit request from Guy (Weston) Whalen, who plans to build a 28×30-foot garage on his property at 123 North Cedar. The council also discussed the annual Tornado Drill Day, which is set for April 16, at 1:45 p.m. and 6:45 p.m. In case of bad weather, the tornado drill will not be performed.
The City of Mabel is putting the retired police car up for bids. Anyone interested in seeing the car can come view it between the hours of 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. on weekdays. The council’s next regular meeting will be Wednesday, May 13, at 7 p.m. at the community center. If social distancing rules are extended, the meeting may be switched to a teleconference format.
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