Mabel resident Lois Suckow attended the February 15 Mabel City Council meeting to address the enforcement of the city’s noise nuisance ordinance.
Suckow first visited the council about six months ago to ask them to deal with the issue of the high noise levels coming from the American Legion and the On/Off Sale Bar. She reported that she was unable to sleep at night due to the noise. After hearing Suckow’s complaints, Mayor Westby visited the owners of the American Legion and the On/Off Sale Bar and both agreed to keep the noise to a minimum, especially after 10 p.m.
“I appreciate the mayor’s efforts, but it has failed to achieve results,” Suckow stated. “I have had to call the police nine times regarding the constant levels of noise. I want you to know that making those calls is not easy for me to do.” Suckow brought along copies of the police reports, which she showed to the council.
Suckow said that she had been told by a sheriff’s deputy that it would be best to get the city council involved in the issue. “I am therefore requesting as a council that you intercede and enforce your ordinance, and that you keep me informed of your progress,” she said.
Suckow also asked that both businesses pick up the trash from their patrons that ends up in the yard of her apartment building. She complained that she and other residents of the building frequently have to clean up crushed beer cans and broken glass bottles on their walkway and yard.
“You have a problem,” Suckow stated. “I don’t want to cause trouble. The businesses need to be in town but you also have an obligation to the residents.”
“You need to file a complaint and take it to court,” Mayor Westby advised. “We have taken all kinds of steps to cut down on the noise, but we can’t control what people do outside of the bars.” He also pointed out that littering of beer cans and broken glass is a problem all over and not just in front of Suckow’s apartment.
“It would be decent for the businesses to clean up the trash the next morning,” Suckow said, to which Council Member Liz Torgerson replied that they didn’t have to if the litter was not on their properties.
“Are they supposed to clean up the whole town?” Torgerson asked. “It’s the patrons’ fault, not the bar owners.”
City Administrator Karen Larson pointed out that the city hires police officers to enforce ordinances. “It’s not our job. It’s theirs,” she said. “They need to handle it.”
Mayor Westby urged Suckow to file complaints and charges to deal with the problem, noting that if enough complaints are filed, the city would be forced to pull the businesses’ liquor licenses.
Suckow thanked the council for their advice. “I didn’t know that I should be filing charges,” she said. The council wished her their best in finding a resolution for the noise issue.
Five bids were received for the Allis Chalmers tractor that the city is selling. The council accepted a high bid of $4,756 from Gary Gunderson.
City Works Maintenance Director Bob Miereau reported that after inspections, 24 sump pumps in the City of Mabel were found in violation of city ordinances. Letters will be sent out to property owners to inform them that they need to fix their sump pumps so they are up to code.
The council approved the tree program again this year. The deadline for orders will be April 1 and five different species of trees will be offered.
Mabel’s annual cleanup day will be held from 8 a.m. to noon on May 13. Mayor Westby plans to conduct property inspections several weeks before the clean up day. “That will give people a chance to get rid of their junk,” he noted.
The city received a request to forgive a utility bill after a pipe broke in a house that was sitting empty. The owner of the home is in a nursing home, and his son was notified of the break after the city noticed a sudden jump in water and sewer usage.
“The city had no negligence and no obligation in the matter,” Larson said, pointing out that the city has never forgiven a utility bill before.
“It’s like asking every resident in town to pay your water bill,” Council Member Gary Morken noted.
The request was denied.
Due to a scheduling conflict, the next Mabel City Council meeting will be held on March 15 instead of the 8th.
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