Mabel Mayor Adam Wilder proclaimed September 4, 2023, and every year after as “Darol Milton Sherburne Memorial Day” at the Mabel, Minn., city council’s regularly scheduled August 9 meeting.
The application states, “S/Sgt. Darol Milton Sherburne of Mabel, Minn., was born on March 15, 1916, in Fillmore County, Minnesota. He was with the 480th Antisubmarine Group when he died in the crash of his aircraft near Port Lyautey, Morocco, North Africa on September 4, 1943. A book by James Pontolillo, Across Dar Waters, (2016) describes the events surrounding the crash and is dedicated to the crew, including Darol.”
Sherburne’s niece Kelly (Eide) Klein and great-nieces Della Mehaffey, Sherri Reutlinger, Debbie Giblin and Linda Tripp King, stated that they are very proud of uncle/great-uncle and thanked the council for honoring their Darol.
Mayor Wilder called the Mabel City Council meeting to order at 6 p.m. The meeting agenda and the minutes from July 12 were approved as written. The council unanimously approved a motion to pay the bills totaling $102,929.20.
Council members in attendance included Mayor Wilder, Tina Bakke, Cory Wilson and Valerie Arnold. Not present was Kiersten Wyffells.
Theresa Sunde representing Mediacom presented the franchise agreement between the city and Mediacom. Sunde explained that the 10-year agreement is for cable television only. The city receives 5% of the franchise fees which amounts to approximately $400 quarterly. The council approved the agreement effective October 1.
Kent Whitcomb, of MiEnergy, presented the Star Energy Services LLC proposal for the NOVA Power Portal project. NOVA Power Portal is defined as “an application that tracks and manages distributed energy resource interconnection applications for the consumer and the utility.” The proposal includes two online applications, data setup and initial training, and customer support. Additional applications will incur additional costs. No action was taken as it will be discussed in its entirety at next month’s council meeting. It was confirmed that the city already as an ordinance on the books regarding solar power, now to develop a process.
City Clerk Karen Larson spoke with Mabel BP site manager Kathy Peterson regarding the traffic situation in the alley next to the station. Peterson noted that changing the alley to one-way would not hurt their business no matter which direction it runs. The city moved to keep it as it and not change it to one-way heading south as recommended at last month’s council meeting by Mabel resident Danny Marsden.
Six zoning permits submitted by LaVern Britt, Catherine, Elaine Mengis, Penniann Ramirez, Randy Logsdon and Mike Wooldrik were all approved.
Larson updated the council on the 16 or 17 properties that were re-inspected, only four were not in compliance. Either they had not brought their property into compliance, were working on bringing it into compliance, or had contacted the city about their plans to bring it into compliance. The city approved having the sheriff deputy issue a ticket to each of the four properties that are not in compliance.
Garbage/recycle pick up the week of Labor Day is on Thursday, not Wednesday.
Larson explained that it was confirmed that the city has the right to revoke a recreational vehicle permit.
Each council member received a copy of the Fillmore County Sheriff’s August 2023 monthly report. There was a total of 16 calls for alarm, noise complaint, criminal damage to property, burglary, suspicious activity, disorderly conduct, welfare check, assist, information, traffic, and driving complaint.
Mayor Wilder called to adjourn the meeting at 6:31 p.m.
The next regularly scheduled Mabel City Council meeting will be held at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, September 13 at the Mabel Community Center, 201 South Main Street. For questions, contact City Clerk Karen Larson at (507) 493-5299 or The meeting is open to the public.
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