Mabel residents will be encouraged to make use of the citywide cleanup day on May 12. This was discussed during the May 9 City Council meeting, with all members in attendance (Liz Folstad, Gary Morken, Mayor James Westby, City Clerk Karen Larson, Terry Torkelson, and Kirsten Wyffels). Mayor Westby said, “I did an observation around town, took a few pictures, and we’re going to try to contact a few people to let them know there is a cleanup day… and if it doesn’t happen, I will be seeing the city attorney” to follow up with properties that are not in compliance with the city’s ordinances.
Council members asked several questions about bills to be paid by Mabel, including one from David Drown Associates. Larson responded, “What that David Drown & Associates is, that’s Mike Bubany, and it has to do with the interim financing” (on the infrastructure project). She also explained that the fire truck needed all of the tires replaced. The council voted to approve the accounts payable as submitted, totaling $109,470.60. No private citizens attended the meeting to bring up any concerns.
After discussion, the council approved Change Order #1 from Municipal Pipe Tool Company, for pipe joint grouting ($2700) to fix a water leak. The council also discussed the 2018/2019 MiEnergy Wholesale Power Rate Schedule for Mabel, and chose to make no changes to the current rates. Next, the council approved zoning permits for three property owners who will be doing roofing repairs (Wanda Rasmussen, Kelly Sand, and Gary Arneson).
The council discussed the idea of the city having a Facebook page. Larson said she had spoken with the deputy clerk of Spring Grove, and that city has a Facebook page which is used only for informational purposes. Larson said she’d discussed this idea with Brock Bergey and Mabel’s city attorney, and both agreed it could be a useful tool for the city, if used wisely, to get information to citizens who might be working outside of the area but could still check Facebook during a break. Larson summarized, “My thought was, if it’s used for informational purposes, like the week we’re hydroflushing, to put that out there,… cleanup day…strictly informational purposes and no comments (allowed)… like today when there was a power outage.” The council agreed to move forward on looking into Mabel having such a Facebook page.
Larson also summarized the recently completed financial audit for the city. She said the findings were almost identical to recent years. She said the only issues raised are “small town issues” related to not having full segregation of responsibilities, but that every city of Mabel’s size deals with this, and it’s not a problem, just something that the audit makes note of.
Mayor Westby asked if trailer houses are to be anchored down in Mabel. Public Works Director Bob Mierau replied, “Yes, our zoning is older, but I’m pretty sure they’re supposed to be strapped down.” Mayor Westby said he’s seen at least one example of a trailer house that looks as if it could tip easily.
Council members discussed the upcoming Farm Safety Day, set for May 15 at the Steam Engine grounds. The council also discussed some areas where sidewalks within the city may need repairs. Larson pointed out that if the city has an inspection, it could lead to liability. She explained that if the city is documented as being aware of sidewalk safety problems, and does not take action to fix the problems, the city could be found liable for damages or injuries. The council agreed that the first step will be to develop a city policy on the issue of sidewalks. It was pointed out that Liz Folstad and Terry Torkelson will be eligible for re-election later this year, while Gary Morken and Kirsten Wyffels each have two years remaining in their terms on the council. The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. The next regular meeting will be June 13, at 7 p.m. The public is welcome.
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