At its January 10 meeting, Mayor Jim Westby reported to the city council that the final plans and spec book for the daycare center should be ready by the end of the month. “The electrical, plumbing, wood and shingles are getting finalized,” Westby said. “Once that’s done, we will have a final spec book that can go out for bids.”
Kirsten Wyffels, Economic Development Authority (EDA) President, said these final plans will be sufficient for contractors to bid on the project again. The bidding process will be open for three weeks. The goal is to select a contractor as soon as possible. The start date for construction is set for April 1 with completion of the daycare building scheduled for the end of August.
In other EDA news, Wyffels said that Sue Morken’s term on the EDA Board had expired. Morken was asked to serve another three years, to which she agreed. The council approved her reappointment. It was announced that Mabel will have a new EDA/Community Economic Development Authority (CEDA) representative. His name is Bryce Lange and will be in Mabel one day a week. Lange also serves on the Lewiston City Council. Wyffels reported that the Mabel Community Center has a number of upcoming bookings for parties, meetings and weddings.
A notice that went out to Mabel residents regarding garbage and recycling containers needed clarification. The city wanted to be sure residents knew that if snow is NOT predicted, they can put garbage and recycling containers out on Tuesday evening.
The written notice stated, “If snow is predicted on Tuesday evening, please wait until after 5:30 a.m. Wednesday morning to place your garbage and recycling containers on the boulevard for pickup. Once your containers have been emptied, remove them from the curb as soon as possible. Your cooperation improves the efficiency of city snow removal and prevents damage to the garbage and recycling containers. Thank you!”
Public Works Department employee, Jeff Rein, gave the report for the department. The city’s new skid loader arrived last week. The purchase price was $1,500. Rein indicated that the sidewalk company he has been working with over the past few months will have a new packet of information. He recommended that the city take advantage of Safe Step’s free sidewalk analysis and quote. And finally, Rein attended the Waste and Water School training in the Cities in December. Rein is working towards his licensure and will be able to take the test by April.
In other business
• A $25 per month raise was approved for the ambulance director, bringing her salary to $925 a month. The director had not asked for a raise, but the council voted to give her a merit increase.
• Bills were approved to pay in the amount of $118,865.
• The city will be audited on January 23 with the audit expected to take two days.
• A grant will be submitted for the Rockwell Collins Green Communities program. The city has received grants for LED lighting and other “green” initiatives the last three years. It has not been determined what the city will request yet.
• A new vacuum is being considered to purchase for cleaning city buildings. Two were selected and the company will be asked to demonstrate them first before making a decision. Both are under state bid and cost under $400.
A new meeting date for the next City of Mabel Council meeting was decided since the second Wednesday falls on Ash Wednesday. The council selected Wednesday, February 7 at 7 p.m. for their next meeting. It will be held at City Hall.
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