The Mabel-Canton School Board met in regular session on August 20. Members present were Mark Wiedemann, Jason Marquardt, Business Manager Aimee Lake, Traci Livingood, Chris Miller, Principal Michelle Weidemann, high school Secretary Lynette Donald, and Superintendent Gary Kuphal. Diane Wilder, Board Chair Cristal Adkins and Chris Loppnow were absent.
Fundraisers were a topic of discussion, as Mabel-Canton is working to develop an official list of approved fundraisers for the school year. The Booster Club has asked to have their fundraiser listed on the fundraising list of Mabel-Canton. Kuphal pointed out that if the board chooses to do that, it may be more efficient, although it allows a “non-school entity” to be on the list. After discussion, the board voted to include the Booster Club to the annual fundraiser list. The board then approved the official list of fundraisers for the 2019-2020 school year. Kuphal encouraged the board to attempt to create such a list every year, and to avoid adding more fundraisers after the list is approved, if possible. He added, “I’m not trying to quash fundraisers, but you see how it could mushroom out of control.”
Superintendent Kuphal gave an update on the expected costs related to the recent water damage to the media center and band room. He stated, “The estimate from the adjustor came in at $32,000, and our insurance in this type of situation is capped at $25,000.” He explained that some parts of the job are still being figured out, adding, “I’m pretty sure we have to replace the carpet in the band room… We still need to get our duct work insulated again, and we have some tiles to replace.” He also said ServiceMaster will come in for a “final cleaning.” When a firmer overall cost is known, Kuphal will inform the board.
Dode Stoskopf addressed the board about a Mabel history book that she is working on developing. She said it will include Mabel history from 1892 through to the present time, and she asked if the board may consider including Mabel history in the school’s curriculum in some manner. Kuphal said the board generally does not take immediate action on items brought up during a meeting, and he suggested Principal Michelle Wiedemann would be the best person for Stoskopf to follow up with.
Regarding the Secure Entrance building plans, Superintendent Kuphal gave the board an update. He described a recent meeting with the contractors, and said regular progress meetings will be held weekly. He stated that the contractor has a target date for “substantial completion” (by Thanksgiving) and a target date for “final completion” (by Christmas). He explained that substantial completion means the work would essentially be done, other than some “punchlist” items. He said he asked if staff could move in before final completion, but was told it’s not preferred, so that any problem areas can be identified and remedied.
The board acknowledged donations from LuVern Raaen ($374 for lunchroom trays), Booster Club ($1,000 for gym mats), and Joseph B. Lund Post 299 American Legion ($200 to Cougar Account for weight room supervision).
The board approved a Leave of Absence extension request from Nichole Halverson, for October 1 through May 31, contingent upon finding a suitable replacement. Chris Miller asked if, in such situations, the employee is guaranteed to get their job back. Kuphal explained that due to “management right of assignment,” an employee in such a case is not guaranteed to get the same job back. The person is entitled to a position at the same number of hours, but not necessarily the same job.
There was discussion of setting a joint meeting of the school board and city councils of Canton and Mabel. Kuphal said both cities had asked that the school board pick a date. The board selected September 18 at 6 p.m. as the tentative date for a joint meeting. The next regular board meeting will be Tuesday, September 17 at 6 p.m. in the media center. The public is welcome at all open meetings.
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