The Mabel-Canton school board accepted the resignation of music teacher Connor Jones, effective immediately at their October 18 meeting. So far, they have only one applicant for the job and are actively seeking more. Calls have been made to local colleges to notify music students of the opening.
“We’re doing what we can do,” Dean of Students and Interim Administrator Michelle Weidemann said. She is hopeful that a new teacher will be found soon. In light of the Jones’ resignation, she is considering the option of combining the elementary and high school holiday concerts into one event on December 8. She is still working out details and will have more information at the next board meeting.
The board thanked the communities of Mabel, Spring Grove, and Canton for their support of former Mabel-Canton and current Spring Grove teacher Paula Snell. A fundraiser was recently held to raise money for Snell and her family as she fights cancer.
Lonnie Morken was hired as the junior high girls basketball coach for the 2016-17 school year.
The board approved the FFA fruit sales fundraiser which will begin soon.
The budget was reviewed and approved. “So far, so good!” Backer reported. The expenditures are currently under budget and are expected to remain that way.
Eight students were able to attend the FFA conference in Indianapolis. They left early in the morning on October 17.
Emails were sent out to all of the school staff asking for nominations for the new student representatives whose terms will begin in January 2017.
Superintendent Jennifer Backer reported that she is currently applying for a wellness grant and for a student centered grant. She will have more information on both at the November board meeting.
Backer handed out stacks of brochures with details on the proposed 2016 operating levy referendum and asked the board to hand them out to community members. The next public meeting to discuss the referendum will be held on October 25 at 6 p.m. at the Canton Community Center. On November 1, another meeting will be held at 6 p.m. at the Mabel Community Center.
Prior to the meeting, Backer reviewed and analyzed the uniform needs and schedules from prior years for extracurricular activities. Due to the district’s finances, all uniform purchases for the last several years were frozen. The only exception were the football uniforms which were paid for by a donation earmarked for that purpose.
Backer distributed information on the proposed uniform purchase schedules to the board members to review before the November meeting, at which time, a discussion will be held.
The next meeting will be on November 15 at 7 p.m.
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