On January 21, 2025, during the regularly scheduled board meeting, Mabel-Canton Superintendent Gary Kuphal led the newly elected and re-elected board members in the Oath of Office, followed by the election of officers. The district’s new officers are: Chairman Chris Miller, Vice Chair Dustin Tollefsrud, Clerk Jason Marquardt, and Treasurer Diane Wilder.
The meeting was called to order at 6 p.m. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. The board approved the minutes from the December 17, 2024, school board meeting.
Since it was the first meeting of the year many organizational tasks needed to be addressed. The consent agenda comprised of 15 items was unanimously approved including:
- Authorized the business manager, school board treasurer, and/or superintendent to wire transfer funds for reinvestment.
- Authorized the business manager office and/or superintendent to issue checks, electronic fund transfers, and wire transfers.
- Authorized the business manager and/or superintendent to invest funds not needed for current expenses.
- Authorized the use of facsimiles and bitmap signatures for the 2025 school board officers on payroll and voucher checks.
- Authorized the business management offices, principal, and/or superintendent to sign the Activity Fund checks with signatures needed for withdrawal.
- Authorized the business management offices and/or superintendent to execute and file applications for state and federally funded programs.
- Designated the Fillmore County Journal as the district’s official newspaper.
- Designated the law firm of Kennedy & Graven as the district’s official law firm.
- Designated MN Liquid Asset Fund, Bank of the West, and First Southeast Bank of Canton as the district’s official depositories.
- Unanimously approved the school board salaries.
- Designated the Midwest Radio Family/WIZM, KDEC, KVIK, KTTC/FOX 47, and Remind 101 as the district’s official communication channels.
- Set the dates, time, and location of the school board meetings (third Tuesday of the month at 6 p.m. in Mrs. Peter’s Science Room #50).
- Approved the 2024-25 budget.
- Approved the claims report.
- Accepted the following donations: $600 each to the football and volleyball programs, $200 to the M-C Booster Club donated by Diane Wilder/Collins Aerospace; a popcorn machine donated by M-C Booster Club, Mabel Lions Club, and Cougar Hoops Basketball; $25 to the choir department in memory of John Westby by an anonymous donor; $350 toward bowling for 2nd Quarter Rewards Day donated by M-C Booster Club; and DJ equipment to be used for school dances and activities donated by Stephanie and Carl Westby.
Student Representative Rachelle Tollefsrud announced that the seniors are still selling tickets. Tickets are available by contacting a senior or calling the school.
K-12 Principal Michelle Weidemann reported, “We’re ready for the next part of the year.” The drama club will be presenting “Waiting for the End of World” on Sunday, February 2 at 4 p.m. and Tuesday, February 4, at 7 p.m. The Excel and Triple A winners will be recognized on Friday night during the boys basketball game. February 12 is the Dream Job event for grades 9-12.
Superintendent Gary Kuphal updated the board on upcoming events including the Legislative Breakfast, the solar field project, and the two public meetings for the bond referendum. He also announced that the para’s have elected to become a formal bargaining unit.
The enrollment report in the board packet shows an enrollment of 267 with Superintendent Gary Kuphal stating that the school’s enrollment is remaining “pretty stable.”
The board approved the list of committee assignments as follows: HVED-SPED – Diane Wilder; Community Ed – Mark Weidemann; Negotiations – Chris Miller, Jason Marquardt and Amber Tripp; Minnesota State High School League – Diane Wilder; Facilities and Capital Outlay – Mark Weidemann and Chris Miller; Staff Development – Dustin Tollefsrud; World’s Best Workforce – Dustin Tollefsrud; Policy – Jason Marquardt and Amber Tripp; Meet and Confer – Chris Miller; Calendar – Traci Livingood; SSC Board Elected Position – Jason Marquardt.
The board unanimously approved the revised 2024-25 budget after Business Manager Aimee Lake reviewed the budget with the board. She said that her presentation would be quick because there are not a lot of major changes from the original 2023-24 budget.
In other business, the board:
- Took no action on the superintendent position for 2025-26. Kuphal expressed his interest in returning if the board is interested in having him back and it would be dependent on negotiations.
- Approved a resolution directing the administration to make recommendations to reductions in programs, staffing, and reasons therein. Kuphal does not expect any changes to programs or staffing.
- Combined the district’s polling places into one for 2025.
- Approved the licensed staff seniority list.
- Approved the pay equity report.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:08 p.m.
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