Note: The Mabel-Canton School Board article published in the July 22 issue was the incorrect article. We apologize for the error.
Chairman Adkins called the July 16 meeting of the Mabel-Canton School board to order at 6 p.m. and led her colleagues in the Pledge of Allegiance.
The board unanimously approved the revised agenda and the minutes from the June 18 regularly scheduled school board meeting.
Board members present included Cristal Adkins, Chris Miller, Dustin Tollefsrud, Diane Wilder and Jason Marquardt. Traci Livingood attended the meeting virtually. Mark Weidemann was absent.
Chairman Adkins did not have any announcements and there were no public comments.
The consent agenda was unanimously approved. Included on the consent agenda was the 2023-2024 budget, claims report, the resignation of Tamie Nerstad as paraprofessional, and the hiring of Rose Florian as special education paraprofessional.
Principal Michelle Weidemann recognized the school’s trapshooting team for an outstanding performance at Nationals in Jackson, Mich. The M-C team, consisting of Colton Tollefsrud, Shawn Swenson, Mason Swenson, Carter Hershberger, Hunter Kelly, and alternates Janessa Hershberger and Katrinda Whalen earned a spot in the finals by shooting 477 out of 500 birds. The team placed 20th out of 261 teams. In the finals, the team shot 472 out of 500 birds, earning them 28th place among the top 80 teams in the finals. Colton Tollefsrud shot 91 out of 100 birds, placing 357th as an individual.
No action was required on the agreement between M-C and Hiawatha Valley Mental Health Center. Principal Weidemann confirmed that her contact confirmed that they will have someone in person at the school as outlined in the contract.
Superintendent Gary Kuphal updated the board on the proposed bond referendum noting that there is nothing new to report. The board received a copy of the timeline in their packet. At the August board meeting the board will get more detailed cost information, and in either August or September there will be another community group meeting. The group will review the school’s needs and discuss the financial impact. Kuphal added, “The public will also be surveyed to gauge their support for projects and how much of a tax impact they would support.”
Principal Weidemann reviewed the Redefining Ready report card with the board. Participating schools find the data useful and continue to gather data. M-C has data for 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024. Weidemann reminded that there were only 13 graduates which impacted the data. In 2024, 67% of M-C graduates were college and career ready as compared to 74% in 2023.
The board approved a motion to proceed with the application for the Minnesota’s Solar for Schools grant program.
In other business, the board:
•Approved the list of fall coaches and year-long advisors.
•Adopted the 10-year long-term facilities maintenance plan.
•Accepted the 2024-25 list of fundraising activities for preschool through 12 grade and the media center, yearbook, student council, art, FFA, NHS, band/choir, volleyball, football, girls and boys basketball, boys baseball, cheerleading, booster club and softball.
•Approved school policies 413, 503, 506, and 709.
•Approved the 2024-25 student/parent handbook and extra-curricular handbook.
The board unanimously adjourned the meeting at 6:42 p.m.
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