Mabel-Canton’s School Board held a regular meeting on June 16, via remote technology, due to coronavirus prevention guidelines. One of the agenda items that generated significant discussion was how to use the “student activity fund” balance for the recently graduated seniors.
Board Chair Cristal Adkins stated that after certain fees were paid, the graduating class’s activity funds still has a balance of roughly $30,000. The graduates had been asked to discuss as a group how they would prefer to have the funds used. Adkins said, “Their wish is to spend up to $1,000 on a memorial item, bench or otherwise, in memory of Dylan Delaney. And then that would leave approximately $29,000 left. Out of the 18 students, eight are going on to college, six are going into the workforce, and four were a little bit indecisive.” Senior Class President Payton Danielson confirmed that this was the decision reached by the majority of the class.
Adkins said the majority of the 18 favored a plan to offer “scholarships” with the funds. For those going into the workforce, reimbursement could be made for tools or similar supplies needed in that person’s field of work. For those going to college, the funds would be used to help pay tuition. The four undecided students will also be eligible, assuming that they enter the workforce or further schooling and submit whatever “application” is determined by the class and Mabel-Canton. Following discussion, Danielson was asked to consult with school personnel to determine a process and timeline through which the graduates would submit a “letter of intent” regarding their work and/or school plans, so that “scholarships” can then be appropriately designated.
Principal Michelle Wiedemann said the school is finalizing plans to allow students in grades 10-12 to “opt out” of receiving a school laptop, if desired. She said the idea is being referred to as BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). She said that to opt out, the student would need to have a personal laptop that meets certain specifications, and would also need to fill out an “opt out” form, which is currently being developed. She will bring an update to the board at an upcoming meeting.
Superintendent Kuphal asked the board’s opinion on two possible happenings over the summer. He explained that over the past two summers, the school board has held a joint meeting with the city councils of Mabel and Canton. The consensus of the board was to schedule such a meeting again this summer. Kuphal also brought up whether or not to hold a “volunteer day” this summer. He said it has traditionally been on a Sunday. Adkins said, “I think it’s been very successful, so I would say so.” The board concurred. Kuphal will bring information to the board regarding the scheduling of both of these summer happenings.
Business Manager Aimee Lake gave an overview of the assumptions built into the preliminary budget for the upcoming school year. She explained that the school expects a total enrollment of 284, with 253 of those being Minnesota residents, while the remaining 31 are from the Decorah school district. She highlighted the main points in the expected revenues and expenses, and the board voted to approve the preliminary budget as presented.
The board approved Lisa Halverson to fill the high school/board secretary position. The vacancy was created due to the retirement of Lynette Donald. Kuphal shared, “I wanted to thank Lynette for all of her years of service, and especially the last three years with me. Good luck in retirement. Enjoy!”
Kuphal said the recent survey done by School Perceptions has been completed, and School Perceptions plans to present their findings at the board’s July meeting. The survey was done to help determine what level of financial support the community is likely to give regarding a future bond issue. The next regular board meeting will be Tuesday, July 28 at 6 p.m. Any members of the public interested in listening to the meeting are asked to contact the school beforehand to get call-in details.
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