Photo by Charlene Corson Selbee
The Mabel-Canton School Board granted the senior class’ request for 2 ½ days off at the end of the year in place of a class prank or a senior skip day at its meeting on March 18
Vice-chair Dustin Tollefsrud called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. The board meeting followed the 6 p.m. community meeting regarding the upcoming bond referendum.
Board members present included Tollefsrud, Diane Wilder, Clerk Jason Marquardt, Mark Weidemann, Amber Tripp, and Traci Livingood (via phone). Chair Chris Miller was absent.
The board approved both the meeting agenda and the minutes from February 18 as presented.
The board reviewed and approved the 2024-25 budget and claims report. Donations were acknowledged, including $1,000 from the M-C Booster Club for band, choir and drama transportation for the Chanhassen trip $500 from an anonymous donor for the special milk program, and $320 from the Mabel Sportsmen’s Club for the archery program. Personnel changes included the resignation of Susie Munroe as concession stand supervisor, the resignation of Blaine Storlie as a teacher and assistant football coach, the resignation of Paul Tollefsrud as Jr. high boys basketball coach, and the hiring of Noelle Crawford as a short-term testing lab monitor.
Student representative, Rachelle Tollefsrud reported several upcoming school events. Parent-teacher conferences took place on March 12 and 13, with no school on March 14 due to a teachers’ workday. School will begin one hour late on March 19. The track has its first meet on Saturday, March 22, along with a softball game on the same day. The annual senior class turkey dinner is scheduled for Sunday, March 23. On Wednesday, March 26, the band, choir, and drama groups will take a trip to the Mall of America and Chanhassen. The quarter ends on March 28, and there will be no school for preschool through fifth grade on March 31. ACT testing is set for April 8, and the senior class trip will take place from April 10 through April 18.
Principal Michelle Weidemann congratulated the high school band for receiving three excellences at the large group band concert at Fillmore Center. MCA testing for the third through 11th grade starts Monday, March 24, and runs through the first week of May. Parents are reminded that their kids get enough sleep and always have breakfast in the morning.
Superintendent Gary Kuphal said that probably next month the school will be making a recommendation regarding girls basketball after talking with the parents and the girls.
Because of circumstances Policy 522, the Title IX Sex Nondiscrimination policy, was approved unanimously.
The board unanimously approved an increase in pay to $40 for the junior high athletic game workers.
The meeting adjourned at 7:49 p.m.
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