Chairperson Cristal Adkins called the July 18 regularly scheduled meeting of the Mabel-Canton School to order at 6 p.m. and led her colleagues in the Pledge of Allegiance.
The board approved the meeting agenda as amended and the June 20 meeting minutes as written.
Board members present included Cristal Adkins, Chris Miller, Mark Weidemann, Dustin Tollefsrud, Traci McKenzie-Livingood and Jason Marquardt. Board member Diane Wilder was absent.
Blaine Storlie is the new PE/health/social studies teacher. Dana Vesterse is the new head custodian, effective September 1. Principal Michelle Weidemann shared, “The school is still looking for a Special Education Para and a Junior High Basketball coach.
Senior student council representative, Anna Wheat, reported that she is not ready for the first day of school, and summer is going too fast.
Kuphal reported that four policies (tobacco free, bullying prohibition, overdose medication on site, food service) were added to the meeting agenda over the past couple of weeks. They are a result of the 2023 legislative session and pertain to the student/parent handbook. The first reading of the policies and the student/parent handbook are on the meeting agenda for discussion only, no action will be taken. There is more work to do on the student discipline policy, so it is not on the agenda. Kuphal added that he will be scheduling a policy committee meeting to start the process of reviewing the school’s policies.
PreK-12 Principal Michelle Weidemann reported that area churches held a fundraiser which raised enough money to buy school supplies except for planners, headphones and tennis shoes for the M-C students in K-8. The board expressed their thanks to the area churches for their support and school supplies.
Kuphal said, “Annual requirement by every school district in the state to have a copy of a 10-year plan.” He noted that the school’s long-term facilities maintenance 10-year plan is basic. It is updated every year. After chairperson Adkins read the resolution, the board voted to approve the resolution by roll call.
The 2023-2024 advisors are Mr. Wyffels (12th grade), Mrs. Munroe (12th grade), Mrs. Nelson (11th grade), Mr. Tollefsrud (11th grade), Mrs. Schutte (10th grade), Mrs. Hollar (ninth grade, National Honor Society), Mrs. Horihan (ninth grade), Mrs. Gallagher (ninth grade, FFA), Mrs. Hahn-Miller, (eighth grade, National Honor Society), Mr. Wilder (8th grade), Mr. Farnen (seventh grade), Mrs. Peter (seventh grade), Mr. Storlie (seventh grade), Mrs. Wilder (10th Grade, Student Council), Mrs. Hollar (yearbook, ninth grade, National Honor Society, 90’s Club), Mrs. Vatland (Sr. Knowledge Bowl), Mrs. Peter (Jr. Knowledge Bowl), Mrs. Morken (drama club and speech), Mrs. Kleiboer (Yearbook), Mrs. Bergey (math wizards), and Mr. Henry (trapshooting).
The 2023-2024 fall coaches are Lonnie Morken (varsity volleyball), Coranda Vickerman (junior varsity volleyball), Bethany Moen (junior high volleyball), Paul Tollefsrud (varsity football), Adam Wilder (junior varsity football), Logan Richardson (junior high football), Heather Kleiboer (varsity cheerleading), and Logan Henry (trap).
The following fundraising activities were approved for the coming school year: concessions, turkey dinner, senior raffle, softener salt, 50-50 raffle, 5K walk/run, Kwik Trip gift cards, burger basket night, t-shirt sales, magazine sales, movie night, turkey bingo, cookie dough sales, Scholastic book fair and coin drive, yearbook advertising sales, candy cane grams, hug/kiss a senior goodbye, coronation admission/homecoming buttons, Valentine’s Day week carnations sales, Crush, dance admissions, fruit/cheese sales, Steam Engine Days raffle/advertising, Herd in the Yard, Christmas gift drive, blanket drive, butter braid sales, harvesting grapes, Cancer Night (t-shirt sales/silent auction/50-50 raffle), spring ditch cleaning, discount card fundraiser, pom poms for sale, car wash, cheer camps, homecoming week raffle, and clothing sales.
In other business, the board:
• Approved the 2023-24 advisors;
• Approved the 2023-24 extra-curricular handbook and the SAC handbook;
• Tabled the HVED joint powers agreement and the purchase of the Winona Mall until the August meeting;
• Adjourned the meeting at 6:54 p.m.
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