MablVice-chairperson Chris Miller called the September 19 meeting of the Mabel-Canton School Board to order at 6 p.m. and led his colleagues and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. The board unanimously approved the meeting agenda and the August 24 minutes as presented.
Board members present included Miller, Mark Weidemann, Dustin Tollefsrud, Traci McKenzie-Livingood, Jason Marquardt and Diane Wilder. Cristal Adkins was absent.
Mabel-Canton Public Schools is celebrating homecoming the week of September 24. Coronation is in the high school gymnasium on Sunday evening at 5 p.m. There will be one-hour games for the 7th–12th graders in the high school gym Monday through Thursday. Principal Michelle Weidemann said the kids enjoyed the games last year. Tuesday is the junior versus senior volleyball game following the varsity game. On Friday morning the students will get their floats ready for the parade that begins at 2:15 p.m. Following the parade is the tailgating party at the community center hosted by the Booster Club. Weidemann added, “The dress-up days are ready and it is always interesting.” It is a fun week for the students and staff.
Weidemann thanked Miller and his family for hosting the annual Miller Invitational FFA judging contest at their farm. 150 students participated and there were 12 Iowa and Minnesota schools represented.
“We have two foreign exchange students,” reported Weidemann. Two girls, one from Spain and the other from Palestine.
In one swift motion, the board approved the consent agenda as written including (1) 2021-22 school budget, (2) claims report, (3) donations of a saxophone from the Austin High School Band, $465.00 from First Southeast Bank in Canton for elementary milk break, K-8th grade school supplies, plus $2,142.67 from the Area Council of Churches for additional school supplies, $250.00 for each of the following sports account – football, volleyball, boys basketball, girls basketball, cheer, baseball and softball from the M-C Booster Club, and school supplies from the Waterloo Ridge Lutheran Church Ladies Aid, hired Sandra Benson as a part-time pre-school para and Jordan Riska-Taylor as a full-time custodian.
The board unanimously approved the updated COVID policy for 2023-24. As of September 19, 2023, the updated COVID policy for school and extracurricular participation is as follows. If your child is positive for COVID-19:
•Stay home for five days. (Day symptoms start/day positive test taken.)
•If you have no symptoms or your symptoms (Ex: fever free for 24 hours) are resolving on day six, you can return to school.
•It is recommended (not required) to wear a mask around others for five additional days.
Please contact the school office with any questions.
In other business, the board:
•Approved the annual agreement for transportation of children and youth in foster care to and from school.
•Approved the proposed levy limit at the maximum amount allowed and set the date for the Truth-in-Taxation Hearing and Final Levy Certification for 6:01 p.m. prior to the December 19 school board meeting.
•Unanimously agreed that they would like the superintendent to schedule a joint city council/school board meeting with Mabel and Canton City Councils.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:21 p.m.
The next school board meeting is scheduled for October 17. The following months’ meetings are scheduled for November 21 and December 19. Meetings start at 6 p.m. and are held in Mrs. Peter’s science room, number 50. The public is welcome to attend.
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