Photo by Wanda Hanson
At their November 7 meeting, the Houston School Board acknowledged the unofficial results of the recent board elections. At this time, they know that Lisa Schultz will be joining the board to fill out the remaining two years of the position formerly held by Marissa Grams. Both Mimi Carlson and Josh Norlien were re-elected as well for four year positions. A third four-year position will be filled by a person elected by write-in. The county has not finished counting those votes at the time of writing, but will have the results available before the official canvassing of the votes on November 14.
Student School Board representatives Julia Carr and Grayden Beckman shared some of the student council work at the high school. They have reinstated a toilet paper drive for the Houston Food Shelf and are planning several junior high dances for the future. Grayden shared that they are also in the process of planning Christmas Dress Up Days.
The Honor Society will induct 11 new members; there will be 25 to 27 students in the group. Julia told the board about a recent tour of eight local businesses. She commented, “It was awesome to visit the businesses!”
The Washington D.C. trip will begin on December 1; two buses will transport the 62 or 63 students and their chaperones to D.C.
Hurricane Hero
Superintendent Mary Morem introduced the November Hurricane Hero, industrial tech instructor Kiel Koehler. Morem lauded Koehler for his countless hours of work on the set for the recent school production of “Shrek.” According to Morem, Koehler always goes the extra mile with unwavering commitment to the school. She said Koehler leads with his heart and takes care of all the staff at the school, thanking him for his service on the ambulance as well.
Koehler responded that Seth Hargrove and others had also done a lot on the set. He noted that Ethan Papenfuss had done a great job learning the new lights in less than a week.
World’s Best Workforce
The principals of Houston’s schools each presented a report for the World’s Best Workforce and College and Career Readiness. Houston’s Elementary Assistant Principal Angela McQuinn appeared in person to share the goals of the elementary. Each grade level has a goal of a 2% growth in their FastBridge CBM testing for the year. Previously, the MCA results were used for data. With the switch to the use of the CBM tests, there is little comparison data for previous years at this time.
McQuinn informed the board that the school is working to get a PTA going again. This will be parent driven with the finances running through the school.
The preschool has a SMART site goal of improving at least one level this year.
High School Assistant Principal Alexa Michaels and the MNVA principals presented virtually. The high school has a similar goal of improving by 2% through the year on FastBridge testing. A Direct Admissions program has been established to streamline applying to college for the high school students.
MNVA High School has a goal of 3% growth on CBM testing fort the year. The high school is working to increase graduation rates for its students as well and is using the Direct Admission program to encourage students to further their education.
School Board Member Arlin Peterson complimented the principals on the great job they are doing. He noted that they have “come a long way” since the days when he was a teacher and said they were doing a great job supporting the students.
Other Business
In other business, the board:
- Approved a resolution to apply for a MSHL Foundation Grant to support students and offset activity fees when needed;
- Gratefully accepted donations of $1,750 from the Knights of Columbus Council 16456 for the backpack program and $2,500 from American Legion Post 423 for microphones for Drama Club;
- Approved the second reading of board policies under consideration;
- Discussed the possibility of going out for quotes for the groundskeeper position after the resignation of Steve Walters as director of grounds and transportation;
- Discussed the possibility of going out for quotes for food service; Morem has already spoken with representatives of Taher and plans on asking for quotes from Taher and other interested companies for next year.
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