Women’s reproductive health under attack…
To the Editor,
When Roe vs Wade was passed by the Supreme Court in 1973 I believed the abortion issue was settled. With the recent laws being passed in Alabama and Missouri, it is urgent that Americans respond. These states propose criminalizing women who have abortions and doctors who terminate their pregnancies. Those legislating these laws are ignoring the role men play in this “crime”! Every unwanted pregnancy begins with a man implanting the seed! How much time should men spend in prison? These laws are not based on science and discriminate against women. Further, it must be clear, contraceptives and IUDs should be accessible and without cost to every woman in America. For both men and women, education and prevention should be the focus. Women’s reproductive health is complex and must be evaluated on a personal basis between patient and doctor.
Yvonne Nyenhuis
Lanesboro, Minn.
Herbert Panko says
Hawkeye, have you been saving all those skin cells your body periodically sheds? No? Since each one can now be genetically engineered to produce human life, I guess that makes you something akin to a mass murderer. Also, are you aware that a woman commonly sloughs off hundreds of fertilized eggs during or after a pregnancy? Since your god could prevent that, I guess that also makes him, her, it a mass murderer.
Hawkeye63 says
Who is really under attack, Ms. Nyenhuis? What many people see here is a move by several states to legalize infanticide; third trimester babies, perfectly viable, killed or left without care to die like a parasite.
You have stated in the past that no one is ” pro abortion”. Really? What do you call it when leaders of your political party celebrate the passing of legislation that allows infanticide? I feel your position is sick, sad, and morally indefensible, though I would welcome your further thoughts and explanations.