To the Editor,
Kudos to Jeff Erding for writing “Fact Checking the Haters,” April 20, 2020; as a counter to the misinformation and outright lies put out by the left-leaning mainstream media. As expected, the leftist media is exploiting the COVID-19 pandemic to smear him as a complete “failure” and even describing him as a “sociopath” while gleefully discussing how this pandemic can help the Democratic Socialists in 2020.
Why do Leftists hate America? America is a massive refutation of their utopian fantasy, universal equality. They compare America with their vision of a perfect country which has never existed. Rather than change their false theories, they lash out at America and conservatives, including Trump.
If we consider a “perfect” country, it is not hard to find problems in America: racial prejudice, economic exploitation and inequality, greed, etc. However, countries do not exist in fantasyland; they exist in the real world. However, the world that surrounds us is not too idyllic. If we compare the US to its surroundings, America is the one that begins to resemble an idealized paradise. Otherwise, why do so many foreign nationals risk life and limb to get to America?
In any election, the overriding consideration in voting should be the political ideologies associated with candidates and the direction America should take. Is it:
a. American Conservatism, promoted by Republicans and founded on Biblical/Christian principles that have resulted in the greatest country to have ever existed? Or,
b. Democratic Socialism, based on godless Marxism that has resulted in catastrophic failure with over 100 million people murdered by their governments in the 20 th century alone, with millions more living in poverty and misery whenever and wherever it’s been tried? Venezuela is a current example.
Gerald J. Boyum
Rochester, Minn.
Jenny says
Gerald J. Boyum’s letter presents a strong perspective on the political divide in America, though it simplifies a complex issue. While it’s fair to critique both political ideologies, labeling one side as solely responsible for the nation’s challenges overlooks the importance of dialogue and collaboration in democracy. America’s strength lies in its diversity of thought and the constant push for improvement. Instead of perpetuating a narrative of hate, perhaps we should focus on finding common ground, addressing real issues like inequality and justice, and working together for a better future. Political differences shouldn’t equate to hatred for the country we all share.
roger c says
David says
Hi Roger C.:
Thanks for your self-incriminating evidence that those which aquire their [FAKE] News from ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, PBS, NPR, & THE YOUNG JERKS; allow themselves to be
missled & lied to & thus become, & most likely will stay underinformed.
Roger, were you the one who vandalized my
vehicle & removed my NObama! bumper sticker?
Folks, Roger represents The Hateful Left, Mob Rules Mentality.
These types are Sheeple People who are incapable of thinking for themselves.
• I am not a Republican.
I identify as an Independent Voter. This being said, the Democrat Party history has been greatly misrepresented.
Simpley put, in actuality, they’ve embodied Narcissism!
• Kamala Harris’s
track-record is horrific. Besides, she is a genuine MARXIST!
•The United Nations, backed by The New World Order, is assisting Illegal Aliens in flooding our Boarders. There is nothing legal about this.
• President Donald J. Trump is an American Patriot. Sacrificing a “life of lyxury” for to defend the American People.
He is an ethical business man who is shrewd enough to know what posturing is needed when operating in “shark infested waters”.
• The Liberal Progressive Hateful Left cannot out-debate President Donald J. Trump on the issues, so they have chosen (as far back as 2015) to assult him & his entire family with a war of slander against this awsome, honorable, terrific
• President Donald J. Trump & Vice President J.D. Vance are sanity in an insane world.
• Make America Great Again! AGAIN!!
Robert D Jarsulic says
Amen to that! I’m Voting on the Republican ticket as an independant Voter because
Trump is the best Choice. And if they let the man alone and quit trying to set him up on crap I believe he could really get our Country back where it needs to be at. GOD BLESS TRUMP/VANCE & THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
Mrs. Pardo says
You really Think Trump is a good choice I don’t understand how anyone in there right mind would allow a person who talks about there daughter in a nasty way or who has raped many woman and be allow to be a president I was raped by my step dad when I was 8-9 years old and this why we don’t reported because they threaten us and people believe the rapist and that really makes me sick tell your self would you really trust him alone with your child haven’t you seen what he did in the 1990’s your no better than that sick man
Mike Hunt says
Are you a total idiot? Your shithole country is being destroyed right in front of your blind eyes. When the shithole collapses Canada will March in and clean up the mess, that is if putin dosent get there first. Wake up, give your head a shake and watch something other that fox.
Gary Price says
Wow! That was Perfect 👌! Liberals brains 🧠 are just Completely different than ours are. Personally, I can look at someone now after the past 8 years and know whether or not they are a liberal. They look different, they think different, and they act different. For example: Conservatives don’t start burning down cities when they don’t get their way, or, start looting and terrorizing people in large Packs. I think they’re Lazy people in general, they have zero motivation to do Anything. They actually Want large Government to coddle them and their belief systems. They want to be taken care of.
moderate sane american says
jan 6th trump supporters attacked the capital. you truly are a trump cult member. you are foaming at the mouth with hatred and saying ‘my people arent crazy… those other people NOT LIKE ME are the baddies. the decline in mental health from people not dealing with their own flaws and projecting them on others is sad. we all want freedom, secure borders, good jobs, and children. forcing the church into the government should have been the 1st red flag if you value democracy. that was why we are all here in the usa. the founders wanted to not have the church and a king dictate their life. that’s why its written to be separate. america is not a christen nation but a nation of many religions that are [soon to be where] able to believe what we wanted. america under trump that separation and freedom is gone. you pray to who he says you should. that’s not an american value nor should it be.
Kayla Blain says
Um doh ..yes they did ..what happened In an 6th 2021…you think shitting in the Capitol Bldg along with all the other “caught on tape” visuals were fake?? Don’t think anyone would put out that kinda money to show a FAKE insurrection…
who are the evil actors you seem to be blaming as far left?? Another opinion another day….
Joyce starnes says
Sorry to say , I just watched the Trump rally in msg , now that was total hate, unbelievable, there’s no getting pass that one, can’t believe this person is actually trying to be the leader, then I watched the Harris rally at the eclipse, all I seen was a plan , a touch on our history and a offering of a great America, never heard her say one bad thing about our country or her people..seeing America as one people. Seeing a future, not even boasting about the great economy, and all the great accomplishment , didn’t even remind us of the great economy that Trump inherited. She just speaks of the US moving forward, that’s what America is , that’s what makes America great , we do great things, together. As one nation under God. We are Americans , with a reputation of greatness.
Kent Perry says
You never see American Flags at a democrat Rally. You never hear democrats chant “USA, USA”. You never hear how fortunate we are to live in the land of milk and honey.
You only hear about how racist we are, that our Nation was built on the backs of slaves and that we stole most if not all the land for white supremacists. Democrats can’t wipe their own ass without blaming Trump for the stink on the paper. Nobody likes democrats anymore and many of their most notable members and their tinsel town twits, have been switching party. They know you’re all a bunch of whack jobs. Kamala is NOT a leader, she is a whore a prostitute and someone Putin referred to as the “Politburo Pump” She literally f*cked her way to the top.
Friend of truth says
Who are you, really?
Tukwila, Washington
moderate sane american says
i am so sad to see this maga movement destroy the american democratic dream. when they find out how wrong they have been i hope they take a good look in the mirror and say… what did i do. highly doubt it though. people should read more and the would see this is what germany went thru. where will our berlin wall be i wonder.
Barbara Geib says
I agree with you one hundred percent…
Ranee says
I know of good people in prison that would give less fortunate men the shoes of there feet the the less fortunate would there strength also. I know women in prison that hurt other people because someone was harming their loved one. But no one stands that until they walk in the convicted shoes.
Anonymous says
David. Have you ever been oppressed? Have you ever been racially profiled? Have you been stolen from your bed and Shanghaied to a foreign country to slave for a culture who treat you like an animal? If not you need to close your mouth an admit this traumatized human being is not a puppet but a real person.
Debra Bishop says
Make America great again it will have to wait 4 more years. Donald Trump is a convicted felon cannot be trusted at all. I want to puke everytime I see that draft dodging piece of crap.
Julie says
I LOVED what you said! It was poignant and intelligent and what’s more completely true. People spent too much time this past election voting for her just because they didn’t like him! It’s not about your personal feelings towards a candidate it’s about the issues of the country! This isn’t a high school popularity contest this is the future of our country and just like you said above Donald Trump has given up a life of luxury to help us get this miserable misled country back on its feet again! He is aided by top businessman who are intelligent and absolutely amazing in their thought processes. I am so excited to see what president Trump vice president JD Vance as well as Ramaswamy and Musk are going to make this country great again! The people have spoken!
Elizabeth says
Trump did not give up his life of luxury, he just got bored, and he lusts for more power and even more luxury, Putin style, he is now going to happily rape the world and destroy everything. Including himself. He thinks he will escape to luxury underground bunkers or luxury spaceships, while the world suffers and burns.
No one escapes the Eyes of God.
SCPU227 says
David: OMG where have you been hiding for the past 40 years and how can you and millions of other America’s been so misinformed or mislead by CHUMP and Republican Billionaires. CHUMP is a convicted criminal, a proven sexual predator of 19 or more women (what if it was your daughter) would you still think he’s good for America. I don’t have room to list all of the crimes he’s committed and gotten away with; TAX FRAUD, Real Estate Tax Evasion, Fake CHUMP University where he had to repay $25 million to students that signed up for his FAKE University, the Worst Ever is stealing 36 boxes of Top Secret Documents and hiding them in Maralogo FL. OUTRAGEOUS He’s a CROOK, plane and simple. For God’s sake WAKE UP to what he really is, a Liar, Dishonest, a cheat and on and on.
THE PRICE OF FOOD IS IN TRUMPS HANDS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kayla Blain says
You’re the whack job dude and all the other indolent cult maga members…sit back and watch as your Criminal in Chief and his drug addicts, alcohol, brain-worm infected administration bring down the USA you claim Democrats destroyed…ROFLMAO
Randy says
I think Jesus was a liberal dem.
roger cruz says
Anonymous says
Great comment. Glad to see some people use common sense.
Anonymous says
Why do the Republicans vote for getting rid of the American government and destroy democracy for Trump and his billionaire scumbags to overthrow America?
Los Alamos Joe says
Trump is the antithesis of the Christian values of truth, love, tolerance, all humans are are your neighbor, and humility. People who love their country do not want its leader to be a Jerk.
Randy says
I think Jesus was a liberal dem.
The Real Answer says
To all the very brainwashed far left radical liberal low life loser people out there that want Kamala, you should all go to Russia and China to live where you really belong in the first place. Trump to MAGA this Nov. 2024 for the win.
Holy ned says
Liberal low life? How about you getting a life. Your Rhetoric is pathetic….your dictator to be will endeavour to destroy US democracy. Ignorance rules RINO’s like you were once the Republican party and want to steal political control, and the nation….your unmitigated gall would enslave us all. says
Holy ned He is right you brainless fool.
Joe Smith says
No dude he is not. I am a Canadian and I can tell you the entire would thinks that the USA has become a Banana Republic, all because of Trump. I could not care less whom won your election, it does not really affect me (even trumps tariff threats are amusing, as they would destroy your (USA) economy as well).
I am just stating a fact, that I guarantee you Republicans will ignore. Let the name calling begin.
Bob Fraser says
Absolutely. I’m a life Republican but never have, nor ever will, vote for Trump or his ilk. The president should be a role model to inspire your children and future generations. How can anyone seriously consider Trump a role model.
Ron says
The gross domestic product of Texas was $2.1 trillion in 2o23 while the entire country of Canada’s was $2.14 trillion. Who do you think the tariffs will affect more?
Banana Republic? Your brain is frozen from too much ice fishing and Molson.
All the lies about rape are absolute nonsense. The left wing faggots will stop at nothing to smear The Donald. All you left wing socialist morons are nothing more than whiny ass faggots.
Deez says
He was already President, in fact the best President this country has had in your lifetime. You’re clearly mentally ill.
Tinefirchage says
Trump2024 trump2024 trump2024 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸AMERICA FIRST .MAGA,MAGA..
BW says
To Tinefirchage, Lets really hope so.
Ranee says
At least he stands for what he believes in. All I see is fake names, no records, misleading ads, redirects, and animals with human features. I believe what he’s trying to say is fight for what you believe in. Believe in yourself and stand up so the small people can be heard.
Anonymous says
Your exactly right. The left wants communism, control of the people. It’s sad that so many Americans can’t see this. Ask yourself this, was your lifestyle better under trump, or biden and kamala. It’s a easy question, it was much better under donald trump
The dems are driving Americans to be broke. Why do you think Russia, China, and Iran are all endorsing kamala, because they know the democratic party is weak and these countries can take advantage of us.
Ron says
You are exactly right Anonymous.
Gina says
We are turning into China and Russia. Dictatorship is not what we want. Canceling the constitution is not what is good for this country. He wants to be Putin in charge of the air we breathe.
Stewart Smith says
The only person who should. Go to Russia is Putin loving trump then he can be safe from prosecution
Keyser says
Good point to bad the rest of your country dosent get it.. one more thing let’s have all the women get raped, have the babies in front of the oval office you have the arrogance to say what a women can and cannot do with their own bodies. Maybe you should neuter every man do you think they’d bitch?.Maybe lets get some more guns out there that would probably solve the problem! Right Donny.
SCPU227 says
I don’t think “The Real Answer” has everything totally backwards. And I can guarantee you The Real Answer has never been to Russia, China or any part of those countries. You really need to relax, take a deep breath and understand what it will be like to live under a Dictator and Olagarts who will determine the fate of every American Citizen. GOD Help us with CHUMP behind the wheel.
zonker. tm says
Were you Fascist Sympathizers born with a ring in your noses?
It’s a joke, just how a man of middling intelligence…can listen to an audio, Cliff-Notes version on the tactics used by Adolf Hitler, and Jim Jones…can effortlessly, lead you fools around by your nose accessories.
You regurgitate his “doom and gloom”, fear mongerings…as if they were something handed down to him, from the Heavens…instead of being the tired and flaccid, same old-same old lies your Reich-publican Masters have been spewing, for the last half-century.
I figured out why y’all want to insure that no pregnancy of the result of incest and inbreeding be terminated; how else to, fill your Reich-Wing Base, with NEW voters?
They’re the ONLY ones who would possibly support the Reich-publican Party, as y’all have re-made it, today.
Sadly for you…MOST of them will be too smart to vote, with you NAZIS.
Normal Human says
Says the party that silences anyone who disagrees with them, indicts political opponents, riots and destroys cities across the country over the sake of a felon who lost his life while in the process of committing another crime. Says the party that has confirmed members of the Democratic party try to assassinate their political opponent, call for a ‘cooling down of rhetoric’ on main stream media and you want to call Trump a THREAT to democracy? Hillary Clinton goes on television and says that people need to go to prison for their ‘propaganda’ which is free speech weather you agree with it or not but conservatives are the fascists right? . The left constantly regurgitates the same thing no matter which of them I talk to. LGBTQIAXYZ++++ agenda, open borders so you all can take the “refugees” and put them wherever it fits the democratic party best. Even without the right to vote illegal immigrants are counted in the US census and that increases congressional seats as well as electoral college votes. Anti-gun rhetoric because guns are evil but if the cops come who do you call? The police who have guns. Oh wait you guys voted to defund the police in your cities as well. I guess you’ll just have to get robbed by anyone that comes into your home as well. When covid came around and told everyone that if they don’t get the shot then you lose your livelihood, but that wasn’t “forced” was it? You all claim to to be the party of science but in the same breath will say that trans women can get pregnant and that if a woman is pregnant it’s just a clump of cells as if that isn’t another human being in that woman’s belly. You’re delusional. Wake up
Anonymous says
LOVE has no enemies but hATE
Ron says
Guess you were wrong Zonker. Your comments only prove how stupid and deranged you Democrap Libtards are.
Anonymous says
Ranee says
At least he stands for what he believes in. All I see is fake names, no records, misleading ads, redirects, and animals with human features. I believe what he’s trying to say is fight for what you believe in. Believe in yourself and stand up so the small people can be heard.3
zonker. tm says
We’re you Fascist Sympathizers born with a ring in your noses?
It’s a joke, just how a man of middling intelligence…can listen to an audio, Cliff-Notes version on the tactics used by Adolf Hitler, and Jim Jones…can effortlessly, lead you fools around by your nose accessories.
You regurgitate his “doom and gloom”, fear mongerings…as if they were something handed down to him, from the Heavens…instead of being the tired and flaccid, same old-same old lies your Reich-publican Masters have been spewing, for the last half-century.
I figured out why y’all want to insure that no pregnancy of the result of incest and inbreeding be terminated; how else to, fill your Reich-Wing Base, with NEW voters?
They’re the ONLY ones who would possibly support the Reich-publican Party, as y’all have re-made it, today.
Sadly for you…MOST of them will be too smart to vote, with you NAZIS.
Voting red MAGA says
You people live such a miserable life ..not a dann thing you just said made any sense , you people are the ones who support unaliving babies , you support k@m@l@ lala ding dong and t@mp●n T|mmy,. You are a traitor and a disgrace to this country…wake up..and hey all the gibberish you wrote about the fear mongering is all wrote by you crats,I swear when the lord was handing out brains you thought he said trains and you missed’re definitely not the brightest crayon in the box..have the day you deserve.
The Absolute Truth says
For all of you very mentally disturbed people that plan on voting for bozo Biden or that laughing clown Kamala, think again because they’re planning to destroy our wonderful free America so that they can take control and have the power to do what they really want. Let that sink in you morons.
Noneoyourbusiness says
Lol, seethe
Anonymous says
Your Are a Sick Idiot & Easy to See Why ! No Brains !!!
True says
Said Anonymous, the very ignorant one.
Carla says
You are the ignorant one!
Steve Pittman says
We as Americans can have freedom…
We could vote in a communist, Marxist socialist regime….
Communism never knocks at the door and says hi. How would you like to be broke and rained over with the stick of taxes joblessness… Nope instead it says we need social justice then everybody will be happy. Everybody will be equal
Anonymous says
How hatred works.
The hater drinks the poison thinking the person he hates is the one that dies.
Janna says
Arguing with a liberal, is like playing chess with a pigeon. Liberals can’t think for themselves. They believe what the mainstream media tells them. I think God is separating the wheat from the chaff now.
The Truth Hurts But It Is Fact says
To Janna, Liberals have very severe brain damage to begin with.
Anonymous says
WELL SAID!!!!!!! It’s hilarious how these liberals and democrats think that Trump is a dictator and wants to ruin democracy when it’s the LEFT that wants to get everyone to think alike and unfortunately feeds morons and confuses them with frilly words and false promises of a utopian America. I mean is it just me but these dems are THE MOST HYPOCRITICAL people EVER!!?? Why do none of them see this!!!?? If these ignorant morons could turn off the lying left wing media for 2 SECONDS and open their eyes to what is REALLY happening some of the more intelligent ones MIGHT get it… but that’s a contradiction in terms isn’t it?
Anonymous says
Liberals Are Low Life Losers says
Anonymous you nailed it perfectly.
Regular American says
So labeling anyone you want as Hitler is a viable strategy to make your political enemies look bad with no grounding in reality? This is why Americans voted for Trump. We are sick of your nonsense.
Anonymous says
I Agree 👍
E says
So do I 100%
Anonymous says
I agree
Anonymous says
You didn’t drink enough bleach!
Anna Marie Fowler says
I believe in my heart that democrats are destroying our country and doing so intentionally. I believe Kamala Harris is a stooge, put in place by Obama and Clinton’s to do their evil work,just as they’ve been doing for one Joe. Obama needs to be in front of a firing squad or hung by his neck until dead and Clinton’s too. Traitors, liars pure evil!!!
BB says
To Anna Marie, Perfect comment. You nailed it.
Anon says
Bravo thank you for being a fine upstanding human being who really does care about getting rid of the vermin that plans on reaping the world all undercover of anti-Sementism what about anti-Catholicism, anti-Evangelism, etc. Don’t be stupid the whole world ask yourself now who has stolen, taken over, robbed, bought out, own, controls, destroyed all competitors & now own all no options they now monopolize entire Political-all politicians •legal-lawyers judges• medical-drs, hospitals, scientists, drug supply• Insurance• groceries•
banking system•
Taxes• Schooling system• And now the devil thinks it can take everything from everyone including their lives they control every single thing that you do where you can go what you can say all by taking over the communication system with cell phones introducing deviant sexual sodomite behaviour paedophile normalcy changing the words change in the books grooming the kids almost overnight there was A takeover on the TV about the Jews need in your money begging your money demanding your money all in the name of holocaust and now anti-Semite schism if they don’t get everything they want they’ll just kill you and take it but they’ll never ever do anything by their own hands always paying someone else they admit that they will never go to war or fight for anything they despise Waze and blacks even though they are black but they war go down fighting to deny it just like changing their names there is no one else in the world that uses their religion to control anyone to take anything from anyone to demean anyone to use it as a shield and weapons and make new words because they are the ultimate victims while at the same time they are your bosses they are your landlords they have everything and if you don’t comply they will take the food away from you and you will have to trade your baby in order to eat that day look at history and if you don’t believe in Sodom and Gomorrah then remember the middle evil days and they are holed up behold WALLS They won’t allow to protect the country but they will protect themselves from you and whoever they are bringing in the invasion is planned and it is meant to destroy the country that they hate they hate you and that is going to destroy your society and it has been planned for hundreds of years there are plenty of things you can find out for yourself just luck it is in typing words saying eventually we Jews will whittle down these fools and take over the what they call America and rename it for cells and it will join in with Israel and we will be WORLD RULERS 💰💰💰
Anonymous says
I agree!
Chantel says
This is so ass backwards! Trump is the lying, cheating, baby man, mysogynistic pig grabbing women, racist liar,liar,liar, cheater, negative. Friend of EpsteinHe is such a scumbag! Rips people off!He is a nothing burger! Hef is evil he took babies and children away from their parents. That is traumatizing! He is the devil on earth. And project 2025 come on! Open your ears and eyes! Do you really want a dictator for President! He only cares about himself! He doesnt even know the national anthem. He is not smart . He doesnt pay employees, he steals govt documents about nuclear weapons wtf was he going to do with those. He is not trustworthy, he is senile and too old to run for Pres. He only wants immunity. He is a doorknob! Kamala Harris 2024 President!!!!!!!!
The Imposter says
Trump lied. No. The women. Stormy Daniels paid to lie. The other lady could not remember what day, time, etc. Show proof. These people wait years. Surely their is video of Trump at the place she says. At least. Rips people off. Biden/Harris caused record inflation in stores, gas pump, etc. Babies away from children. Biden has record illegal immigrants. Many, Many, are criminals. The number of children being exploited for sexual and slave labor is in the thousands. Drug cartels being let in, or sneak in. Wreaking havoc on U.S. citizens, including kidnapping children. Terrorists just ignored. Murder. Looting. Biden was bribed by China, Ukraine, Burisma. Checks written to family, friends, and favors for the foreign countries. All shown with their signatures. Proven he used aliases to be hidden. He didn’t steal government documents. Nuclear weapons. That is the Mainstream Media that are biased. Paid off by Soros, and others. Like The Viewless. They get off by blaming everyone else for their Socialist, Communist, Marxist agenda. Why did Biden pay Iran big money? Afghanistan withdrawal was a disaster. Millions of dollars of U.S. Equipment left to be used against us. Biden did say, America last. Ouch! Hillary paid people to lie about Trump colluding with Russia to win the 2016 Election. Proven. She destroyed server, laptop, phone records. January 6 Committee also destroyed their records. And the FBI hid Hunter’s Laptop well before the election. Why? Threatened he Computer Repairman. That was called misinformation. Turns out to be true. Harris bailed BLM, Antifa, and other criminals out of jail. There are others that have weaponized against Trump. Exposed their corruption, stealing taxpayers money. Free speech called misinformation. Children exposed to CRT, DEI, Woke, nonsense. This has been used before and as expected, destroy societies and freedoms. Transgenderism also being lied about. Kids told to hide this from parents. Evil. Public schools more interested in pushing racism, then actually teaching reading, writing, Math, Geology, the Arts, Music, and factual history. Walz ignored the Minneapolis riots. For Defund the Police. That worked out. Not. Lockdowns, ban free speech, destroy small businesses, gyms, libraries, all necessary to stay healthy, and computers in libraries to look for work, or communicate with friends and family. Climate garbage. Calling that the worst threat. No. Socialist, Communist, Marxist, hateful policies. It’s happening in other countries. This is evil that needs to be rejected, and voted out. God. Not government. That is what has built this Nation. Less government is better, Why. To many greedy, lazy, people. Watch The First News with Jesse Kelly and Bill O’Reilly, NewsMax with Greta Van Susteren, Greg Kelly, Sebastian Gorka. Awesome. Fact checkers. IMPRIMIS and The Verdict Newsletters also discuss facts. What this country is up against. The IMPRIMIS Newsletter can be gotten free. Firs one. Additional copies for a small fee. Trump is not the threat. These biased people are afraid of losing their cash roll and power.
Anonymous says
Agree you gave all the facts great job
Lisamm says
ROGER J C says
CD says
ROGER J C You’re the real low life loser scumbag altogether.
Truth says
Chantel Did you find your brain yet?
Buck says
That one’s easy ..she sits on it collecting the welfare check
Anonymous says
You must be one of the gay loving idiots that biden let you come out of the closet to ruin our country for good. The democrats have destroyed our country and we will have a world war 3 if jarris gets elected . All you kids that think she’s great and love biden so much what has he done for this country in 4 years nothing . Is your answer but cause problems . Biden has money and so does pelosi . If she had to pay for the impeachment proceedings she wanted she wouldn’t have done it . She is so about her and not for the country. Like biden hes a puppet and loves to ruin our way of life
And That Is The Real Truth says
Anonymous Biden is a brain dead scumbag altogether.
Deez says
>Project 2025
You’re a brain dead idiot. Can’t wait ’til Trump wins by 10 points. God bless America.
Lana Smiley says
ROGER CRUZ small town USA says
Anonymous says
putunlikeslittleboys says
“they’re planning to destroy our wonderful free America so that they can take control and have the power to do what they really want. Let that sink in you morons.” trump is literally telling everyone he is going to make himself lifetime president, has threatened violence if he doesn’t get his way, bad mouths people to get the moronic on his side, and i’m pretty sure he’s butt buddies with putin. Oh should we mention his mail order russian bride is now no where to be seen. You may want to reconsider who the morons are at this point.
Anonymous says
sigh… spoken like a sheep of the party of “inclusion” that does nothing but hate trump with no policies but communism.
Alex Mott says
I honestly can’t tell if this is satire or if you’re a trump supporter.
Chantel says
This is so ass backwards! You are really out there if you think Trump is good , smart and cares about you. Trump stole govt documents about nuclear weapons wtf was he going to do with those. He is not trustworthy, he is senile and too old to run for Pres. He only wants immunity. Do you really want project 2025 ? Do you really want a dictator! Stupid!!!!!! President Kamala Harris 2024 President!!!!!!!! Yahoo!
Adam says
Right wing extremists like you and the author of this moronic article are so full of cognitive dissonance your head would explode if I sat you down for five minutes and FORCED you to reckon with all the garbage, propaganda and lies in your bulbous cranium.
Chantel says
This article is so ass backwards! I totally agree with Adam! Wake up ! I really dont get it ! How can these people be so dense!
Anonymous says
Chantel Get a real life you loser.
Maga says
Bernie Sanders communist but a millionaire.Dems turn on blacks that don’t pick cotton for Dems and vote Republican..Slick Willie sold us workers out for cash in his bank account NAFTA.Dems don’t want voter I’d why? I’m poor I’ve got I’d no excuse I paid 16 bucks
Chantel says
This is so ass backwards! Trump is the lying, cheating, thieving,con, flim flam, baby man, mysogynistic pig grabbing women, racist liar,liar,liar, cheater, negative whiney pimple! He is such a scumbag! Rips people off!He is a nothing burger! Hef is evil he took babies and children away from their parents. That is traumatizing! He is the devil on earth. And project 2025 come on! Open your ears and eyes! Do you really want a dictator for President! He only cares about himself! He doesnt even know the national anthem. He is not smart he is a scammer. He doesnt pay employees, he steals govt documents about nuclear weapons wtf was he going to do with those. He is not trustworthy, he is senile and too old to run for Pres. He only wants immunity. He is a doorknob! Kamala Harris 2024 President!!!!!!!!
Jeremy sharp aka "yalls dad says
President Donald Trump is the greatest president and man to ever live
, if I catch one of you undesirable taking a knee I’m gonna kick you in the mouth and your momma
roger Cruz says
Julie says
They’ve already destroyed r country &even worse to come if that laughing hyena has 2 practice on a stage with someone looking like Trump?
Only liers have to practice!what to say
Ed says
I totally agree with yoU Kalama Harris Would destroy this country as we know it I don’t see her winning the election she’s hurt this country enough her and
I don’t see any man voltIng for her maybe a transvestite
Sandi Rygg says
Trump is a buffoon who doesnt care about the US he cares about immunity! Republicans want the tax cuts! Pure greed over morals!S
Betty says
Evidently you don’t live what is preached. What is real is who can we trust to fix the messes Biden and the farleft created
Why is there so much hate in this nation. Who started it with all their disinformation conspiracy corruption lies to cover up truth tv hosts selling there souls to pro.mote liers
Wayne says
How can any of the democlowns believe themselves to be decent people based on what their party espouses? They tell inflammatory lies and persecute their political opponents, they support rioters everywhere they’re found, claiming that they’re ‘peaceful’ while the buildings all around are on fire and looters are stealing merchandise from stores next to them. It’s disgusting how shameless they are!
Henry says
You have families, you have bills, you need food, clothes, heck even just vacations…you are donating money to a man who could sell any one of his hotels and have more money than you would ever make in your lifetime. He could borrow from his millionaire children. He could sell his private plane. He could sell his gold toilet. He’s a self-proclaimed Billionaire, he could just pay for his own legal bills. Do you realize how insane it is that you are donating your hard-earned money to a man who doesn’t even remotely need it? And yet you complain about cost of living and yet you waste money donating to Don the con. You MAGA morons really take the cake.
RMS says
Robert Chizmar says
MAGA 2024
Philip Cunningham says
Traitor Trump. What a loser
John says
Is Obiden in the latter stages of dementi
Anonymous says
Joe Biden is the Traitor who sold out our country in order to afford multiple homes while pretending to be a poor civil servant for the past 50 years !
He and his entire family are nothing but white trash including his dogs who were allowed to continually bite the Secret Service agents.
Anonymous says
Your stupid
Anonymous says
He’s awesome ty Trump
Mike Pence says
What happened when you were a baby? Did your mama drop you on your head?
Chantel Sieh says
This article sucks just like trump!
Chantel Sieh says
This article sucks! Whomever wrote it is an idiot! Get the facts straight! Will you post this?
zelensky berry says
Don’t pray for us moron. You worship a fake god at the altar of trump and putin..
He’s taking you for everything he can. Keep kissing trumps feet. He will continue to tell you that YOU aren’t to blame for your failures in life, it’s everyone else. Then your life will never get better. As long as you have someone else that you can be angry at, you don’t have to take a cold hard look at how you screwed up your own life.
Give him your last 5 dollars, let your children go hungry. Then they can be angry too and you will leave behind a legacy of hate that makes you so happy.
Anonymous says
Like Kikki Haley, get down on your knees and kiss Trumps Ring!
Lisa says
Who rode with Senator Robert Byrd , who had to step down as , grand poobah of the kkk in order to become a Senator? Eulogized Byrd’s funeral? Wrote the Crime Bill, locking up more black people, some for life? That would be Joe Biden. And who receiced The Ellis Island award alongside Muhammad Ali and Rosa Parks? Who did Jesse Jackson, Don King an d Al Sharpton thank for his donations to inner-city youth groups and black colleges? That would be Donald Trump. Who sold Russia 20% our Uranium {Urani one Deal}}? That would be Hillary Clinton.
I see #facts are elusive on this site.
Anonymous says
You are so damn ignorant. No wonder this country has gone to hell with people like you. Joe Biden has destroyed this country and people like you are glad of it. He is such an embarrassment
Anonymous says
In case the Left has so easily forgotten it was the Democrats who were the white supremist and were in charge of the KKK. Yet you continue to support a socialist government that wants to continually eliminate your rights. Are you so uneducated that you cannot see what the Left and the media are doing to brainwash our kids and yourselves? It’s not rocket science that any sane and rational person can understand. Your obviously an ignoramus.
Anonymous says
Why does the far left have to so extreme about everything. Someone should tell them that thanks don’t always have to revolve around them. It’s almost like selfish or entitlement. Everybody should just get along.
Proud Midwesterner says
Why do Republicans worship a convicted rapist, known traitor, serial liar, serial adulterer, philanderer, felon, Russian sympathizer, and functional illiterate with a third grade reading capacity, which I know because I’ve run the text of his 2024 speeches through a Fleisch-Kincaid readability analysis.
Is it because Republicans just hate America or because they love Russia?
nery says
that’s just it, far right Republican Maga party claims they’re oh so shiny and patriotic yet you pay homage to a man with the vocabulary of a middle-schooler, the anger of false deity Poseidon and the financial accumen of a flea… the average millionaire only claims bankruptcy approximately 3.5 times in their lifetime, your illustrious leader has 13 times and counting… 94 indictments
jjj says
That’s what makes them extreme. Same thing with the far right.
Well said. I’m a liberal and I LOVE this country.
Anonymous says
All or most of you Demo’s are either brain washed or brain dead by all the lies spread by Demo’s about Trump and the republican party or just listen to all the garbage spread by news media about trump.. Anyone in politics or any other form of government who opens our border and allows anyone from every country in the world into our country are traitors to our country. I look at someone as a leader who works to protect our country and helps the people of our country. What has the Demo’s done for the people or our country …. nothing except ruin our country. I’m a independent and I vote for which ever party is running on things that make our country great and help our people and that certainly is not the Demo’s…. I voted for Biden and I am really sorry I did. I will never vote Demo again as long as Demo’s are trying to be dictators and trying to ruin our country and take away our freedom of speech and our rights.
Jim says
Just like Khrushchev predicted america will fall from within , it all started years ago with universities acceptance of democratic socialism and the brainwashing/indoctrination of American college students for generations that comes with it and will end with another civil war and the death of millions of American , this is not an opinion but a warning to all young people ,all governments and political parties lie , they are made up of imperfect and corrupt power seekers , nothing is what it seems
John says
Is Obiden in the latter stages of dementi
Connie says
Henry. Let’s do compare.
Trump earned every penny he made. He worked his back end off, so did his father. His father made him start at the very bottom and work himself up the ladder so he understood every persons position he would eventually hire one day.
Now lets look at what Biden has done to earn his millions? Nothing. What business has he made other than selling out America to her enemies?. He could sell all his homes too and should as they were bought and paid for by our enemies and our tax dollars.
Bob says
Actually Donald’s first venture into working as a Trump was a huge multi million dollar deal with the type of (incoming) tax breaks and rezoning residential areas that Fred will tap the right person to bring in soon.) Kind, sensible and thoughtful Fred who would put Donald in every job in the business first, disappeared from other’s fantasies and was replaced by historical Fred. At a large social gathering at the Trumps, Donald wandered into the room where Fred was designing and negotiating the deals for Donald’s huge first significant business proposal. Poor Donald accidently stumbled into the room where Donald was taking his first huge stride in his career.. Fred yelled ar him to ‘shut the f*** up and f*** off.. Donald left the room where Donald was making his first huge business deal.
Uh look ar Donald. He obviously is not the type who conscientiously worked away in minor job roles. He’s an idiot who just a few months after entering discussions to get himself added to Mount Rushmore cannot believe he is automatically granted the election he just wanted and couldn’t understand he couldn’t have.
His second business deal was a major landfall for the Mafia’s concrete company.
Lindy B. says
Trump was given $400,000,000 many years before he was old enough t work. You are an idiot if you think he even knows what work is.
Clairette Rose says
CONNIE — I have no idea where you got the idea that “Trump earned every penny he made.” You are seriously misinformed about his business success, and how he made his money.
Your willingness to repeat statements that have NO factual basis, and that are EASILY fact-checked, is a sign of what is wrong with the MAGA cult followers, and the adulation that Trump’s supporters mistakenly show him.
Trump didn’t “earn every penny he made”. You must have been smoking something very strong when you wrote those words.
Donnie was was a rich kid whose father staked him to begin with — and while Dad was still living, the two of them worked together lying, cheating, and stealing from contractors, laborers and others whom they hired, while using every lying trick and rotten angle to prevent those whom they cheated from ever recovering any of their lost payments or investments. At one point, the Trump Company was sued by the DOJ for blatantly violating Federal fair housing laws against discriminating against minorities in their rental properties. The Feds won that case!
Your comments about Biden’s “millions” are absolutely false — along with the blatant lies about “all his homes” (he has two modest properties — one a beach house, the other one he has owned in Wilmington for many years). As for those properties having been “bought and paid for by our enemies and our tax dollars.” — I can only say, without insulting you as much as your ignorance and gullibility warrant — that it is Trump who has ostentatiously been the “Useful Idiot” for Putin; MBS –Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia (who sent Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner home with TWO BILLION DOLLARS in what can only be described as a pay-off for favors rendered.
Shame on you for lacking the education and intelligence that Jefferson said would be needed for the democratic Republic of the US to thrive and survive..
El Vez says
Ah, someone with a brain who can read. If only those two things were required to vote.
Clairette Rose says
“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was, and never will be”
Thomas Jefferson was understood that to survive and thrive, a democratic nation required a citizenry that was educated, enlightened, and engaged in the processes of democracy.
Nemoi says
Jefferson was absolutely correct. The key to the success of a republic established by the Founding FNEMOathers was based on the virtue of its citizens. Proper education, knowledge, strong moral fiber, engagement in the process of governance, steadfastness and courage. I must add to these traits that of proper vigilance. Otherwise, they are not fit to govern themselves but are to be ruled over.
James Roscoe says
Nothing particularly insane about it. You have yet to give a real reason why. MAGA supporters are idiots except for unfounded claims against him .
Really? You cannot see why?
1) they live in a alternate reality based on trump…not actual reality
2) he tried to overthrow the government with a coup
3) Number 2 is separate…He tried to push and armed rebellion against the legal government ( which he was in charge of at the time) THEN in that position of power he FAILED to do his duty and stop it in the best and quickest way possible
4) He stole government documents ( I am not arguing this…this is simple fact and no amount of excuses can change it) THEN he tried to keep them when asked nicely to give them back.
5) You are paying for his legal fees for 91 indictments, and multiple lawsuits ( which are legitimate, and have ALL been decided against him) when he is supposedly a billionaire ( THIS ALONE IS JUSTIFICATION FOR THINKING YOU ARE IDIOTS!!!)
6) He lies, and you all believe him at his word, even when ample proof is available that he lies about EVERYTHING.
7) He is a fascist, and wants to be “king” or dictator of the US ( yes he is a fascist and I can prove that one, and he has admitted he wants to be a dictator on day one….dictators by the very definition do not give up power once they have it)
8) you all fail to question him, his motives, his false reality
That good enough bud? or do you need more?
Curtis Moss says
6:28 pm
March 11, 2024
Please stop regurgitating leftist exaggerations. Anyone without an axe to grind can see through all the trumped up (pun intended) charges,, which in my day would have been laughed out of court, IF it would have been given merit enough to have any legal forum at all. I imagine even Walter Cronkite would have made tongue-in-cheek jokes if it was mentioned at all. God save us from all fanatics; they cause less change than trouble. Nikki is the only voice from that quarter I hear mainly because she doesn’t believe she needs hyperbole to state her position.
Anonymous says
All MAGAs are fanatics. Cultist brain washed beyond help
Connie says
Dale. You believe the swamp then you too are part of the swamp. Trump is on record saying go peacefully. Do stop twisting truth.
Now lets look where we are now after 3.5 years of a silly far left socialist. How are you enjoying 40% increase in cost of living with you supporting millions of illegals who are also causing many deaths to Americans. Do you even care about that or are you too busy hating the only man who cares about you and this country. Keep up pushing these far left haters and you will get what you wished for and you will not like living in your socialist/communist country you now promote with a vengeance.
RedLizard64 says
Don’t forget billions to useless Ukrainian defense…er…uni-party money-laundering machine!@
Anonymous says
You are so ignorant and brainwashed.
Harold says
There is a mountain of evident on the communist America hating democrats. They have people in right place and are able to to keep it all hidden. J6 was a big set up. Everything about it done and planned by Ole Nancy herself. Even FBI was in on it. There’s been all kinds of evidence and witnesses that they’ve done terribly wrong with their lies. The hunter lab top mountain of evidence. The 2020 election they stole mountain of evidence and witnesses. They got people in right places. I’m sure threating or paying people off. A person would have to have shit for brains not to see through their lies and deception
Kimbara says
You do realize that Trump never took any pay in his term. Four years and never took a penny or a paycheck.
Yes, he is rich, but he got rich being a businessman. Look how rich Biden has gotten thru his…..way too many years in politics. Oh, and then there is Obama. There are hundreds of more examples of the corruption and greed through America’s history. Are you blind? Pelosi….that Narcissist…blamed the hair dresser when she got caught getting her hair done while Americans were locked up in their homes…..they do not care about us. I could write a series of books regarding the corruption in politics. It is disgusting. I wish people would really try and watch and listen to both Conservative and Liberal News, etc. They have brainwashed a generation of now….young adults. They project and gaslight all the time. They sound uneducated and have no class……’Come on man’……we are an embarrassment to the rest of the world. And Biden… many laws has he, his family AND the people he has put in political powers in our government. Biden is a pathological liar….its not his age…..he has been lying for 30+ years….but go ahead, drink the koolaid… our country turn into a place you no longer recognize or want to live in. They salivate for power and control. They are mostly Narcissistic or Psychopathic. No empathy…..Go watch Obama ‘wipe away’ invisible tears when we were all devastated by the Sandy Hook shooting…..absolutely NO EMOTION. Power drunk and money sick. God. Bless our country and OUR people…I am so tired of this Twilight Zone life we are living in and the 3 Ring Circus of the far left/socialists. People need to research other countries histories. America is BROKE. And guess who have no worries and millions of dollars….”Covid” March 2020….yes “Covid”…aka….The flu, Influenza……my buttons got pushed real hard reading this BS.
Proud Midwesterner says
Kimbara, you don’t actually prove a single MAGA point, you just spew more unfounded opprobrium, conspiracy theory, ad hominem, and childlike insult.
You literally said nothing factual, falsifiable, empirical, or verifiable.
This is why no one wants to seriously engage with GOPMAGAs; the cognitive dissonance and distortions of confirmation bias preclude intelligent discourse.
Memo says
What exactly have you contributed as fact. Your seriously attempting to educate on the greatness of Joe Biden? Oookkk. At least Trump cares about America. Joe Biden sold out to Ukraine China and Russia. Im Not a fan of Trump and its not like hes perfect but Joe Biden is sending America into ruines. Your hatred is so extreem you wouldnt couldnt and refuse to take a step back and look at the big pucture. Or maybe your benefitting greatly by his open boarders, insane policies and lies… in that case go play in a sandbox next to one of the biolabs and build yourself a big castle and be proud that your a traitor.
Clairette Rose says
Memo:: If you truly believe that Trump “cares about America” I wonder how you can manage to get through a day without being cheated, fooled, swindled, or actually buying the Brooklyn Bridge from a guy in a white suit with a mouth full of teeth as false as his promises! What drugs are you taking?
Please list 5 actual facts which indicate that Trump “cares about America” —
You are so deluded, so incapable, it seems, of taking care of yourself because you are blind to the truth, and dopily open to any and all propaganda and lies that pass your way, that if you were a relative or friend, I would hire a “keeper” for you to keep you out of trouble — and more to the point, to keep you away from any public activity in which you might, in your deluded ignorance, be making trouble for the rest of us.
Barry Goldwater says
Please do post a video of yourself screaming at the sky after election 2024
Clairette Rose says
Kimbara — You and many other MAGA / Trump followers posting here are the embodiment of Jefferson’s warnings about the need for an educated, enlightened citizenry if the Federal Democratic Republic of the United States was to survive and thrive.
YOU are an embarrassment to the gift of the Constitution which the Founders left to the citizens,. Your inability to spot a conman, grifter, non-stop liar is an embarrassment to the rest of the citiizenry.
That you adulate a man with a third grade reading ability, and a vocabulary and intellect to match is a rebuke to the ideals of a free nation, and the result of decades of deliberate dumbing down of the electorate by the forces that are on the verge of destroying our country. Your views are shot through with your inherent racism and hatred for minority groups, and your mistaken idea that YOUR religion, YOUR idea of a deity is what is needed to keep the US strong and free.
You and other avid MAGA/Trump cult followers are what con artists call “Easy Marks” — insufficiently educated to see past the grift, and too lazy even to fact check the false claims made by your fake leader.
In private life, would you trust a man who lies about EVERYTHING — INCLUDING HIS HEIGHT AND WEIGHT?
For all your fear and mockery of gay people or Drag Queen entertainers — how is it you fall to your knees to adulate a man who wears a bleached blonde wig, orange makeup, a girdle, and elevator shoes? A man who is so uneducated and ignorant that he has made the US a laughing stock in every nation he has visited in an official capacity — except for those autocracies and dictatorships who see in Trump an easy “mark” to manipulate to their own ends — and to the weakening of our nation.
It is your ignorance and gullibility, your lazy refusal to be the engaged and enlighened citizen that Jefferson warned was needed to keep the Republic he and the other Founders gave to the people that have pushed the USA to the brink of disaster.
Jim says
So your solution to provide for the the “poor” , most of which have a car and a big screen, is to vilify steal from productive membwrs of society.
Well done Comrade. Lenun, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot l, Castro, and other butchers of millions would be proud of you.
Proud Midwesterner says
I volunteer as a case worker helping impoverished working families who are homeless. There are no programs in 27 states that effectively reduce homelessness and federally funded programming to help them declined under Trump and only temporarily went up under Biden because it was tied to Covid relief and has subsequently been blocked by Republicans.
None of these families have a flat screen and the only ones with a car are living in it. They all have at least one job but even in a metropolitan area where fast food workers get $12;an hour it’s not enough for food AND housing.
So you either don’t know what you’re talking about or you’re another Republican liar addicted to Russian propaganda and Trump’s bizarre sexual fantasies.
Republicans condemn their perceived lack of Dem values as they celebrate the de facto nomination of Trump as their 2024 GOPMAGA candidate, who since 2016 has been proven guilty of campaign finance fraud for using donor funds to pay off and silence a porn star he was cheating with while his wife was in the hospital giving birth.
This is one of at least 33,000 reasons why I can respect some Republicans I can never and will never respect a trumper MAGA fanatic.
Memo says
You know you start out great but as usual regurgitate the propaganda you so willingly consume. Biden molested his daughter for heavens sake. However I wasnt there and all I know is heresay. Just like you so tired to hear the same old bs lets not forget Hunter and his taxing on us peeps with his agressive self entitled ways. Again heresay. So unless you have the proof then why spew the lies. I could make myself look equally as stupid with all the shenanigans of heresay I can spew on Biden. But hey you go vote for this man and dont complain.
C.Tolentino says
Biden never molested his daughter, your mixed up Trump has said on video on talk shows how “HOT” his daughter is and he would tap that!!! That is disgusting don’t lie about Biden!!! You people are braindead!!
Connie says
Proud Midwesterner
Their will always be a spectrum of living from wealthy to low income. Money has nothing to do with happiness. Stop pretending it does. Have been to parts of Mexico where all they had to eat were cactus and eggs; and lived in dirt huts. They were the happiest people you have ever seen. Stop trying to make everyone in your image of happiness, plenty or success. Travel to most other countries and then you will see how there is no one in these United States that have anything about which to complain! This is a special place because and only because America knows where our plenty comes from…….God …….and we are a very giving people and we dont need anyone especially Washington taking our money to waste on endless sick programs that bring all Americans earnings down to their demented level of total waste.
Larrry Burke says
You got that right. What a load of vacuous nonsense. These people aren’t just Trump’s victims, they are victims of themselves and their own lack of self-worth. That’s the recipe for an unhappy existence which Trump can only make worse for them. What a horrible thought.
Anonymous says
Why should only one man fight for America? Liberals always want someone else to pay for things that will benefit them.
Liberal says
…ya know Trump supports Corporate White collar crime…heck he’s a convicted fraudster himself. Not only that, he’s about tax breaks to the richest which is basically a handout at the expense of the public. Why would you vote for a loser like him? Show’s the cult mentality his followers have.
Dennis says
well I can think of a thousand more “Politicians that ask for donations to get us to pay for something they want get a bill passed or whatever. Seems these people get all kinds of “free bees from everything in our gov’t, so why are they asking us ( low citizens} for more money? It won’t help because the cast is already set. These people already know what will fly and what not. This America is so corrupt in political structure it will do what ever it wants whenever it wants… and fuck the common folk. Just wait and is coming
Lisa Connon says
President Trump donated his presidential paychecks to Charities. He’s the only president to come out worth less money than before. These are all facts. But you think he should sell his hotel to fix the mess that the DC politicians have put America in, especially the last 50 years. A businessman proved he can run America better than any politician. But they want to blame Trump for the mess were in. Anyone who says they didn’t have more mone in their pocket and the country safer {not being flooded with millions of fighting aged males} under Trump is just lying to themselves.
Bob says
Golly did Kind old Mr Trump forgo his salary ?
There is the ten million dollar expense of paying for his security detail who are generally placed in Trump owned hotels rooms that seem to increase their nightly room cost to about $ 1100 to $ 1600 a night for those special guests.
Plus any overseas dignitaries in the US on Government business were shoehorned intto the best rooms in Trump owned hotels at the highest rates. He would have made ten times the President’s salary from that.
Liberal says…and the fact that his charities always turn out to be fraud?
Anonymous says
Right on
Kenneth Arnold says
You are part of the problem in The to USa. You hate Trump and his
Supporters. You are communist socialist Marxist supporter of fing Biden who is a puppet of Obama regime. Trump will win in November and he will be the Revenge President against all communist socialist Marxist supporters like you are
Anonymous says
Is that why financially the economy was a a historical high, and everyone was doing better?I think you may be brainwashed Trump has been around forever hanging and friends with the left,so why the change…hmmmm,because the media ,ect…b4ainwashed you like pavlos dogs.People need economic stability and we have not seen this in 4 years, they need hope, people walk around as if they are looking for a bridge they can jump off.Why do you want another 4 years,and you know it will get much worse…
SPN says
Absolutely stated. We have followed a falsely educated society to be blind of the fog.of lies which Trump has put forth. This convicted crazy person should never again be in the Oval office. Anyone else would be in jail. Who’s in charge? I’ll give a hint ,WE ARE! Please vote.this November.
Steve says
Trump is rich. That is a fact.
He stands for the people of this
country. I like Trump. Always have.
Liberals, globalists, progressives
hate him. You hate him. That is a fact.
I believe in free speech.
I believe in the constitution.
I am allowed to have my own opinion, and my opinion is 180 degrees from yours. That is a fact.
God Bless my country and everyone
who gave their life to give me the
right to pursue the American dream.
Navy Veteran
Bob says
Um, Steve Trump told the crowd at one of his rallies a about three weeks ago that he doesn’t care abouthem, he just wants their votes.
That’s how dumb he really is.
The modern KGB visits all Russian top level athletes and instructs them on how they can be useful. The reason behind Trump floating the comp between the top UFC fighters against the creme of the illegal migrants is because UFC is very much at the forefront of his mind at the moment. Putin is using two top level mixed martial arts fighters as aa back channel to give his past his instructions.
Mitch Terrusa says
Are these two men the best we have to offer? The Felon and the Grandpa? Trump understands that you can fool some of the people all of the time. It would take 3.5% of the population to overthrow our country. He thought he had it on January 6. He watched his people lose the battle and afer over 3 hours, he decided to send them home (basically famously saying, “You’re Fired!”). He is a moral pauper. Convicted of rape, bankrupt 13 times, convicted of fraud, convicted of illegal election interference, and a fully documented liar. Did he build the wall and did Mexico pay for it? Did he release his taxes as he promise? No, no, no. Did he publicly commit treason by asking Russia to investigate his opponent? Did he say he would march with the mob to stop the legal transfer of power? Did he change from a democrat to a republican because republicans can overlook hypocracy better? Yes, yes yes.
Biden is hanging on to the ideal that our country can be unified and relevant with our best years ahead. Neither are perfect. He is 3 years older than Trump and it shows. Does he have a lifetime of service to the country without being convicted of any wrongdoing? Yes. Does he have family members who struggle with drugs? Yes. Has his family suffered from loss in service to their country? Yes. Is he too old to lead another 4 years? Maybe. Biden believes in the rule of law and that noone should be above the law. We are a nation bound by law. Trump would seek to unravel that binding so that he can wield un-American power. It was the same mindset as Castro, Hitler, Musolini, and Stalin. They came to power by scaring people with supposed enemies and divided people to fight each other rather than see them consolidate power, put loyalists in key power positions and alter the government to give them dictator power. Trump has publicly promised to do that. I don’t know how anyone can’t see that.
Dictator power has no place in America. I’d rather have no president than have a dictator who will fundamentally destroy our Constitution. If it’s a choice between Trump and a dead monkey, I’ll vote for the monkey.
We are a great nation and when we’re unified, we can still do great things. We can support democracies, help population through initiatives like the Peace Corps. We can continue to try to live up to the ideals that created our country. The ideals of freedom for all, equal justice, equal opportunity, separation of Church and State to allow all faiths the freedom to worship in their own ways, and the right to pursue happiness as long as it doesn’t infringe on others.
No government can do that without an educated population who will demand it from our leadership. Too many people in our country fail to self-educate and so are controlled by emotion and group-think. We can’t wait for our education system to do the task, We must seek knowledge ourselves. We need to relearn logic and embrace sense. We have allowed ourselves to be entertained rather than informed. The media runs on money so they have adapted to what we want. We need to want truth over sensationalism Truth leaves clues and we need to learn to follow the clues before we make up our minds on a thing. We all need to do that to remain a free country and we need to unify in that effort.
We can unify under leadership that promotes unity through respect of the right to be different than us. We had no choice in how we were raised, what color we are, where we were born. Respect those facts and you begin to understand why we need to respect each other, not only for what we agree on, but what we disagree on. We can’t do that until we are able to hear — not just listen. Walk a mile in your opponent’s shoes and you will understand that person better.
Getting everyone in our country to unify through respect is a tough sell — it doesn’t mean we should give up on that. There is strength in unity and leaders who choose to divide us can’t make us strong. I would urge you to vote for the candidates whose message is unity: They are the ones who understand the strength of America and her people and a future we can believe in.
Anonymous says
because Radical Left is the worst terrorist ever known!$$!9!
So Very True says
The Radical Left are brain damaged pieces of shit that deserve to burn in hell with Satan.
Maria says
Why is it the democratic voter seems cultlike . They can’t seem to move on their own , make decisions on their own
.theyr told to change their daughters to boys and boys to girls . Their told to take their little kiddies to a trans show and watch pedophiles get off . They are stump looking , zombies. Unless their party says to , or how to , or where to take their next plunge. It’s horrifying , but hilarious at the same time .
They’ve no brain , no solutions , you can’t speak with them , they grow weary looking , afraid , lost looking at times , to where when any of them mention ” o ‘ I’m a Democrat voter ” you just smile , and nod my head and quietly move away ..they are that disturbing . It’s comical , it’s sad , and quite alarming that a adult can become so gummy .
I enjoy being an independent voter . I see both sides ..sorry dems , but you guys are whack job . At least I can sit and have a great conversation with a republican . We let both sides speak freely ..we agree to disagree . That folks is called civility , responsible adults .
Shirley bridges says
I wish kamala and all the dirty democrats would get a slow boat to china never to be seen again take biden the pedipile somebody please tell me how you could vote for kamala when she has thw same policys that biden has do you want to keep living in hell she wants electic cars she wants to not have gas cars she wants the same things that biden wants and did you people know that they have been colonies to put us in they dont want us to have anything you may not like trump but go for his policys vote trump or you will regret it you think the grass is greener on theother side but it is full of wees
Anonymous says
I want to know how you dumbac people are living !
Shad says
Your right Trump don’t need the money, he’s only in it for us, apparently your not smart enough too see that
Shad says
Your right Trump don’t need the money, he’s only in it for us, apparently your not smart enough too see that
You man are the idiot
Nancy Gipson says
Totally agree!
Chantel says
This article is so ass backwards! I totally agree with Adam! Wake up ! I really dont get it ! How can these people be so deThey wont let me say my opinion. I havent said any of this ! Why are you afraid of my opinion you right wing paper???????
I Certainly Agree says
Chantel You need to go to China where you belong in the first place.
Dillan says
I can’t stand it when conservatives/republicans that whine and complain about how “judgmental” and “mean” people are to them. Their political party has literally destroyed so many families, friendships, and made so many people feel and be unsafe. And they have the audacity to act like they’re oppressed. And yet they are willing to ruin their own lives and others to kiss their Mango Mussolini that will actually crap on your graves. Just look at the “proud boys” shitstains Imagine going to jail for Trump? How embarrassing that your life is so meaningless you would go to jail for a politician.
Both Trump and Biden are close to end of their lives and Desantis is another frigging moron.
Anonymous says
You just have been brainwashed you brainless freak
Sherry Van Valkenburgh says
You guys are such cowards you hide behind masks and being “anonymous”. Brave keyboard warrior, oh teach me why licking every mainstream viewpoint is helping America. Get a clue from history and have an independent thought once in awhile
ken says
The Right will threaten and menace anyone including this 75 yo man that does not agree with the Fascist baloney and their bullshit godman.
Gina says
100%- RW thugs love to threaten the lives of otherss
Peter Gosinski says
The “right” is trying to save OUR country AND we are trying in a FAIR AND LEGAL way, unlike you violent, cry baby “leftists”, who insist on violence…..even Maxine, Piglosi OPENLY called for violence against us “MAGA tards”…
Hypocritical democrats constantly living in clown world.
Your rein is about up, and you will cry sweet sweet liberal tears, even sweeter than in 2016. Cant wait.
Anonymous says
A lot of the anonymous posts here are railing against Conservatives. They are on the same page as the one you commented on. How do you feel about those anonymous posts? And how did you miss them?
Ken says
The young punks that are posting this crap will soon be fighting obama’s wars! And the rest of us will be fighting the the illegals in this country that they let come in. The politicians don’t care about us neither party.
Barbara says
I see so many irrelevant comments here regarding Trump… like we should hate his wealth. And these asshole politicians who have grown wealthy over decades of lying to the American public? Yes, that could include both Democrats and Republicans. Why is Trump attacked for not being a perfect angel and for being wealthy? Most career politicians in Washington come from wealthy backgrounds but that is slowly changing. This should not prevent or preclude the ability to tackle real problems and develop effective policies in order to solve these problems. Some of you behave as though politicians in the Democrat party all come from humble beginnings. They do not. This is more Trump hate that exceeds reason or rational thought. He worked to protect our borders and this country’s interests…. not China, not Ukraine and the rest of Europe, and not Russia. That lie on the part of leftist promoters of false information has been put to rest. Trump understands the diplomatic concept of keeping one’s enemies close and communicating with him. Yes, it does require a certain amount of audacity and finesse. If that keeps America safe and first in matters of economic and foreign policy, then so be it. Biden is pushing for more conflict with Russia and more problems for America. Watch Putin’s interview with Tucker and listen carefully.
Frank says
You who feel trump is sent from the heavens. Can a simple minded liar be trusted with you future? A thief and a liar will never change. You will never hear the truth from a chronic LIAR. And as he stuffs his pockets and gullet with your savings. You cheer him on.HAiL To TRUMP the All mighty. A simpleton and a COWERD!!
Roy says
God bless you. You need all the love and compassion we can muster. We open our homes and country to welcome those who wish to coexist in the world we built. There are leechs that would come into the world that we have built for ourselves and bleed all our resources for their own comfort. I say we let these vermin stay in their country of origin and build their own utopia rather than come into our home and tell us we cannot protect our women and children how we see fit. We built this country from land that we stole fair and square from Native Americans and the mexicans. Many people died needlessly when my ancestors charged across this land leaving nothing but dead women, children and ashes in their wake. In most recent times we have our spies go to foreign countries and install puppet governments that we control for our own gain. But don’t you dare even think about doing that to us. We have stolen or bought the most destructive forces available in the universe and are prepared to exterminate the world if you do not fall into line with what “THEY” want you to do.. We are a engineered species, worker ants. So just shut up and do what you are told.
George says
I agree with what you say. The country is so divided it’s becoming an insane asylum. I am 82 years old, live in the country, own everything free and clear. I sit back watching the country implode on youtube while the super rich steal everything. At my age all I can do is watch and enjoy the entertainment. I thank god for Franklin Roosevelt, without whom I would be woking in some slave shop just to eat. It is good that people from my generation had some sense of unity for the good of the country. Sad that neither party gives a rats ass about the good of the country, only their agenda.
Anonymous says
What a load . Trump is the evidence of Americas idiocy . Trump really didn’t do any thing . He got his Bridget passed and gave tax breaks to the ultra wealthy . Other than that a lot of photo ops with world leaders and bought us Greenland for Xmas . And made a controversy about losing his ass in re election . I think hix contribution to me was showing up close how stupid the left and right are. Get the right scared thief guns could get taken or babies get aborted they will sign away a welfare check. They left can’t get a majority in Congress to pass a. Bill half the time and can’t fathom they aren’t the authority on all things moral . Besides the Greenland thing lick her up which got the blood flowing ? The Great Wall of Mexico which got his fan base in a frenzy and liberals crying their eyes out what did trump do? Went and told jokes at rally’s for 5 years before a controversial ass kicking in the next election by someone who will die of old age withiin 5 years of leaving office .
Annnonmous says
Every one on here has some good points … but I just have t interject a few missing points . Thai country was founded on. God . Wether u like it or believe in this or not that is a fact .. our money even says in god we trust !!!!
You all seem to be really into research so open the Bible and from the beginning of time no one ever learned their lesson every culture eventually had so much pride and turned to worldly idols instead of god .. in todays world it would be social media , porn , drugs , what ever the first thing you wake up and get to in the morning and spend hours on it all day will be what your idol is .
My point is once you remove hod from your culture and the the government and is doing a good job of that you allow evil in . This is what you are seeing in this country now .. what’s u know is wrong you are being told it right . You are being told there is racism , so they gave you Black Lives Matter to prove it although not one penny has gone ti help the black community ….. that is strange …. Also I don’t see a lot of people hating people of any race and if you ask them they don’t see it either , then you are being told same sex relationships and transgender should be excepted while we should live these people .. excepting these things are only telling them lies … while people may want to do these things more for social acceptance than anything it is not a real it is a mental issue and social is said but it is not biblical . The Bible says “ god created man then god created woman” also says A man should not be with a Man and a women should not be with a women “”………. Isn’t that funny that your own government is now telling everyone they have to except this as they cram it down everyone’s throats . …… Now they are trying to tell you that your kids and not yours .. what are they taking about !!!!!!!! They are telling you this because all of these pigs are into pedophilia and they are going to come after your kids next..
This country is about to self impload and you are arguing about who is right … none of you are right …
This country is owned by “we the people” but we are too busy arguing about our own agendas to see the evil that is taking over our country our family’s and our lives … everyone needs Unite and stop the division and to turn back to god … start praying together , open your bibles and learn the truth ….there is only one truth !!! There is not your truth … or you believe this and not that … there is one truth open the book and learn it !!!
In the history of the world not one nation has ever lasted when they surgecly remove god from a culture do your research !!!!
Sara says
And here I thought elderly people knew more about being less divisive. You don’t own anything “free & clear”. You could be sitting there watching that “entertainment” and have a knock on your door informing you that your home is now property of the US government and get out. You can and probably will lose your social security. Reason? Because of your smug, almost done with it attitude. You must not have any family or your family is as dumb as the democratic party AND the Republicans trying to destroy this country today. Because otherwise your old ass would be looking down the line and be worried for your grandchildren. In case you think you’re going to get out of this and be just fine, where do you think You’re going? There’s nowhere to go. Have fun with it though. As for me, I’ll actually make myself useful and fight these ***holes trying to take away my country.
Bob says
Golly did Kind old Mr Trump forgo his salary ?
There is the ten million dollar expense of paying for his security detail who are generally placed in Trump owned hotels rooms that seem to increase their nightly room cost to about $ 1100 to $ 1600 a night for those special guests.
Plus any overseas dignitaries in the US on Government business were shoehorned intto the best rooms in Trump owned hotels at the highest rates. He would have made ten times the President’s salary from that.
Bob says
The idea that the political party that wasn’t in Government giganticallt rigged an election (somehow secretly with no evidence trail is ludicrous. The election before that was riddled with corruption and interference from the Russians who illegally obtained a password for a Democrat login then hacked into the system and discovered Hillary Clinton’s illegal email server.. Clinton was always way ahead in the polls but this affected that at the last minute.
The aim of fishing for ways to illegally interfere in the election was for one purpose. Yo get Trump unto the White House.
The reasons are he is usually unsuitable for public office. His shortcomings in many areas – intelligence, character, social awareness etc, etc etc are so bad that he could cause America to implode if he gained any power.
America is closer to collapsing through this two-sided thing you mention.
Civil War anyone ???
Well let’s just vote Trump away from the White House in 2024 and see how he feels about that.
And then what him and his dopey supporters come up with next
Yep. There’s a democratic government in office on one side. There’s a spoilt brat billionaire lunatic on the other.
America is a disaster that the rest of the world watches in awe, not believing what they see.
By the way blaming the Southern border as the root of all evil is from Hitler’s Mein Kampf playbook. Which sits next to Trump’s bedside.
1. Identify the so called biggest problem.
2. Yell in triumph that only you, who have identified it can fix it.
For Hitler it was the damage to the German economy as a result of the First World War.
Hitler falsely stated it was all simply because of the Jews.
The ‘tell the big lie, because if they like you they won’t disbelieve you’ is from Mein Kampf too.
ronald r kallunki says
Your ideas of what life was like for native indians and mexicans is a pure fantasy. Apaches and Comaneches for hundreds of years were attempting to wipe each other out, mexican ancestors were comming human sacrafices. etc, etc
Anonymous says
You’re an idiot.
Anonymous says
It feels good to hear somebody actually tell the truth.
Monika says
KJS says
Sorry but your own CPAC guys just said they are looking to end democracy. When you think that you can assault others and take retribution on fellow citizens without repercussions that is called fascism. Your glorious leader is a wannabe dictator. Did you know that there was literally a “play book” in case of a pandemic that could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives?! An eight year old could have handled it better than the grifter and co. One of the first things Trump did in office was dismantle the teams of pandemic watchers who if left in place and followed protocols could have STOPPED co-vid dead in its tracks. TRUMP and his lack of knowledge, refusal to follow protocols, and insane ignorance is responsible for killing hundreds of thousands worldwide.
We could have been the superhero of the world….but became the villain. And y’all want more well, mark my words….TRUMP and Co will come for your children to screw/enslave AND then they will take your guns as well. Fascists leave nothing but pain and destruction.
Take the “where do you fall in the political grid” quiz. I bet y’all are top right which is authoritarian. I wish you all well and stop watching Fox/NewsMax. Fear begets hate, Acceptance begets Love. Compassion is how we should rule to become the hero again.
Carolyn says
Pissed off says
Trump is only in this game for himself and his rich buddies so they can bankrupt America and poor peoples pockets, if gets elected more people will be sleeping on the streets or maybe we all go across the border and have to live there
Anonymous says
Nope. It’s fact. So many relationships destroyed over this pathological lying narcissist and his very screwed up base that supports a rapist. That will be the legacy of MAGA. You’re a pox on our nation and no one is more brainwashed than your qult.
James Roscoe says
Nothing particularly insane about it. You have yet to give a real reason why. MAGA supporters are idiots except for unfounded claims against him .
nery says
94 indictments in US Courts say otherwise…
Memo says
What exactly have you contributed as fact. Your seriously attempting to educate on the greatness of Joe Biden? Oookkk. At least Trump cares about America. Joe Biden sold out to Ukraine China and Russia. Im Not a fan of Trump and its not like hes perfect but Joe Biden is sending America into ruines. Your hatred is so extreem you wouldnt couldnt and refuse to take a step back and look at the big pucture. Or maybe your benefitting greatly by his open boarders, insane policies and lies… in that case go play in a sandbox next to one of the biolabs and build yourself a big castle and be proud that your a traitor.
Mary says
You must be one of those emotional liberal lefties that worries more about his feelings than anything else in the world, I suggest you go get some serious mental health therapy, No one cries and whines anymore than the radical lefties, if you don’t call a transgender by what they think they are then your transphobic, racist and whatever adjective you want to throw at someone, which by the way I will never use any of the crazy pronouns they want people to use.
If you don’t like this country then leave, I would gladly pay for your ticket, and trust me you won’t be missed.
Ken says
These people are possessed by an evil spirit, they need deliverance. The Bible says to speak to your mountain if sickness and disease has overtaken you tell it to leave in Jesus name. we suffer due to lack of knowledge !
Bob says
Uh Ken people of normal intelligence will of course, naturally see people who really believe that the Jewish texts randomly assembled from a larger list of Jewish texts for an anthology editoon of old Jewish texts are ‘The Word Of God’ They’re just a story collection assembled for readers who like that sort if thing.
Take my word. Dr Seuss is far more quotable than the writings of a load of ancient Jews who thought personal hygiene was um…they just don’t know and they would die of a heart attack if they saw something like a tractor. And no. I didn’t bury those dinosaur bones that are everywhere. The Creator God literary template was no longer believable when the Galoleo’s of this world told you that the planet Earth wasn’t the centre if the universe that everything spun round. That was the end of that. You’ll find that the interdental qualities of the Bibble anthology have their roots in the Greek texts that were spread in the times of the Hellenic world.. You are free to examine that, unlike the knights of the Crusades who discovered a world a thousand years ahead of their own that lived a thousand years on the past. And had been hidden. All texts had been claimed, reclaimed and destroyed – in Europe. But the Plato’s and Aristotle’s etc etc writings still existed – once you left Europe for the Holy Land and another continent. If you want to understand the literary character called Jesus you start with Plato’s ‘The Cave’off the Cosmos where a man awakes in a cave, touching and feeling the walls because he has no idea where he is. In this fuctional world the material world (the Cismis) is separated from the spiritual world (the Pleuroma). The Son Of God is suspended on the Cross Of Light separating the two worlds from each other. Literary creations with hints of prostitution like Eve and Mary Magdalene represent the Trickster Spirit tricking the man who has the essence of Gid in his heart into believing the material world is real.
While the Bibble is just a junky collection of old Jewish texts I’m sure that you would agree that if I was to point to Saul as a ‘real reporter of the fictional Creator God’ you would sat to yourself he probably was. If you look up Saul saying there is only one Gospel,’ you’ll find he said exactly that. His Gospel was the root source of the other Gispels. It did not mention Jesus’ death and reincartion at all Never thought it was important enough to mention perhaps ? It took over 100,000 years for mankind to move from hunters and harvesters to producers. Sacrifice, which had been around forever,was gigantically significant to the ancients and robbed communities of edible food in famines had Roman Senators and many, many others sacrificing their newborn sons, wives family pets etc disappeared without a trace.
How did that happen ? Well, let’s just imagine what would happen if the Ronan State, got the Church Fathers to use the Godpel of Mark as a source text, added on the ‘death and resurrection’ rubbish outlawed sacrifice throughout the Roman world and said you’re going to practice the new Official State religion. One sacrifice fits all and it’s already done for you. Hang on a tick we’ll just leave this Official State Church mob with the Roman Army before they cause the Dark Ages .
There’s an argument upstream in this thread about how dumb Maga people are. Like people who believe the centuries out of date Creator God stories they just believe anything that Trump says
Um there is no debate at all about Trump being the biggest liar (and really dumb teller of ridiculous lkies ) you have ever seen. To outsiders they do not have normal levels of human intelligence. Full stop.
Bob says
Uh Ken people of normal intelligence will of course, naturally see people who really believe that the Jewish texts randomly assembled from a larger list of Jewish texts for an anthology editoon of old Jewish texts are ‘The Word Of God as possessing only a very basic childlike type of intelligence. They’re just a story collection assembled for readers who like that sort of subject, which was a very popular literary theme at the time.
Take my word. Dr Seuss is far more quotable than the writings of a load of ancient Jews who thought personal hygiene was um…they just wouldn’t know at all, and they would die of a heart attack if they saw something like a tractor.
And no. I didn’t bury those dinosaur bones that are everywhere.
The Creator God literary template was no longer believable when the Galiieo’s of this world told you that the planet Earth wasn’t the centre of the universe that everything spun round. That was over a thousand years ago and that was the end of that. You’ll find that the intertextual qualities of the Bibble anthology have their roots firmly in the Greek texts (not Jewish) that were spread in the times of the Hellenic world.. You are free to examine that, unlike the knights of the Crusades who discovered a world a thousand years ahead of their own that lived a thousand years on the past. And had been hidden. All texts had been claimed, reclaimed and destroyed – in Europe. But the Plato’s and Aristotle’s etc etc writings still existed – once you left Europe for the Holy Land and another continent. If you want to understand the literary character called Jesus you start with Plato’s ‘The Cave’of the Cosmos where a man awakes in a cave, touching and feeling the walls because he has no idea where he is. In this fictional world the material world (the Cosmis) is separated from the spiritual world (the Pleuroma). The Son Of God is suspended on the Cross Of Light separating the two worlds from each other. Literary creations with hints of prostitution like Eve in Genesis and Mary Magdalene represent the Trickster Spirit tricking the man who has the essence of oid in his heart into believing the material world is real and he belongs there.
While the Bibble is just a junky collection of old Jewish texts I’m sure that you would agree that if I was to point to Saul as a ‘real reporter of the fictional Creator God and a more trustworthy source for God’s word than the Bibble’ you might say to yourself he might well have been.. If you look up Saul saying ‘there is only one Gospel,’ you’ll find he said exactly that. His Gospel was obviously Mark, the root source of the other osspels. It did not mention Jesus’ death and resurrectiion at all Never thought it was important enough to mention perhaps ?
It took over 100,000 years for mankind to move from hunters and harvesters to producers.
Sacrifice, had been around forever,was gigantically significant to the ancients and robbed communities of edible food in famines, had Roman Senators and many, many others sacrificing their newborn sons, wives family pets etc for imaginary personal gain. Sacrifice seems to have disappeared without it’s curtailment leaving a trace.
How did that happen ? Well, let’s just imagine what would happen if the Ronan State, got the Church Fathers to use the Godpel of Mark as a source text, added on the ‘death and resurrection’ rubbish to a couple of new Gospel texts, outlawed sacrifice throughout the Roman Empire and said you’re going to practice the new Official State religion. One sacrifice fits all and it’s already done for you.
Hang on a tick we’ll just leave this Official State Church mob with the Roman Army before they cause the Dark Ages .
There’s an argument upstream in this thread about how dumb Maga people are. Like people who believe the centuries out of date Creator God stories they just believe anything that Trump says
Um there is no debate at all about Trump being the biggest liar (and really dumb teller of ridiculous lies ) you have ever seen. To all outsiders, all over the world Maga folk do not have normal levels of human intelligence. Full stop.
Trump is obviously the most dangerous thing to Ameruca you have ever seen
Michael R Parkansky says
Being emotional is far better than being a cowardly right wing sociopath. No you leave asshole, I bet any authoritarian country would love to have a brainwashed easily lead conservative morons, The US would be far better off without whiny bigots like you
Ian karoz says
Or we could just stick with the left’s traditional lie, deny, deflect and repeat. Blame everything on someone else and never admit your screw ups. Nancy should be in jail…. With Karen and that other traitor.,.. Hillary!
Memo says
Well said.
C.Tolentino says
No that’s Trump’s grift, lie,deflect ,fake news,witch hunt,lie,lie,deflect, he’s so jealous of Obama,Obama is everything Trump wishes he was—-Obama is thin, good looking,has hair,has a beautiful natural tan,is very intelligent,a Harvard grad,is happily married to a beautiful woman who loves him, People love and respect Obama!! Obama has class,and that’s one thing. Trump will never have! Money can’t buy CLASS!! BYE!!
Anonymous says
What a typical right-wing maga response…dreamer….
Bill Anderson says
I agree totally
Proud Midwesterner says
Mary, if you were capable of competently speaking English, you would know that a pronoun is a part of speech and serves specific and necessary functions. Contrary to GOPMAGA belief, transgender people did not invent pronouns, English has had them since it was a form of Frisian modified Angle-Saxon.
The English language is the largest human language with over 1.2 million words including unique technical terms. But the average American only has a working vocabulary of 12,000 words, and the average GOPMAGA only has a vocabulary of 800 words. Aren’t philology and applied linguistics FUN?!?
louella parsons says
Would you rather have a fascist, ex president, rule and destroy democracy?
You play right into their moronic rants by showing yourself to be as big a MORON as they are.
Kim says
This is EXACTLY what they want us to do……disagree, get angry, argue, division and hate…..none of them REALLY care about any of us. WAKE UP….both sides…..Democrats and Republicans…..there are good people in politics but the percentage is extremely small….they are mostly Narcissistic, consumed with power and control, love money more than people and have huge egos. We are just a game to them. A means to an end. They USE people….of all colors, religious, sexual orientation/gender….,and sorry guys, but Biden and his political gang….are all.pathological liars….ans the media….howndonthese people lay their heads down at night? Oh, because they have NO EMPATHY and think they are smarter than all of us. They think we are STUPID. I’m not being petty. Our country is in a very bad state. We are very vulnerable….we are not untouchable…..and those in power at the present time…..are weak and Americans are not on the top of their list to keep us safe….do you all want to live in a country where your rights are completely taken away….research history people….educate yourselves and stop letting them use us as pawns in their games. We need to cone together…..hey, I get angry….alot…since March 2020 and 2 weeks to stop the spread….I better stop now because I really do not want to offend anyone. Look how divided we have become…..its sad….we need to come to some kind of common ground before the damagw being done to the United States and our people is irreversible..
tony says
You wish you had the IQ of Mr. DeSantis
Jeri says
Trump gave us peace for 4 years, no new wars and a humane controlled border..
Fights for the working class.
I know, I was a loyal liberal for 20 years.
Jason Thomas says
Thank you for speaking truth. Leftists think we’ll actually allow communism to infiltrate this country. Over my dead body. I live with n Jersey and work in Philly. We all hate what Biden and Obama have done to this country. Please keep Trump safe!🇺🇲
Bob says
Gee Jason Thomss. You missed the bit where thee fiddled election was the 2016 one which the Russians fooled around with because they know Trump is not fit for a high role in Government and a danger to America
Trump who is dumb enough to think Putin likes him, instead of plays and uses him is quite obviously Russia’s man in the U.S..
Silly cover-ip crape like saying ‘NATO don’t pay enough,’ or ‘Russia’s idea of a deal with Ukraine isn’t good enough’ are band-aids forced on him by the party’s scriptwriters.
He’s Putin’s flunky. Full stop.
Bob says
Trump did not give us peace for four years Other countries didn’t commit to major, extremely controversial wars in that time for their own reasons. I am personally just as responsible for that as him, as is whoever has the next reply under mine.
Other countries might have encountered encountered major problems starting wars during Trump’s four years due to things like closed borders. I must say it would be extremely difficult to engage in a war whilst informing all your soldiers about the need for masks and social distancing.
Civil had far, far more say in the lack of wars in that time than Trump whi doesn’t understand that international stuff at all. At one point he tried to give the West Bank to that Saudi Arabian, Billionaire, evil pricek of a ruler King. Trump’s aides were furiously telling Trump he couldn’t do that.The Saudi ruler replied ‘what would I do with some remote unconnected political territory ???’
Must say that 2 billion dollar deal Trump’s son in law got with the Saudis is a shock, but us being investigated due to his obvious lack of business training to run those deals he does for them.
At the time Anerica was expecting Trumo to chastise the Billionaire-As***** King.over the American journalist’s murder by the King’s Death Squad inside the Saudi Ebassy.
Morgan says
You listen to yourself? The words coming out of your mouth are sickening to read. The media thrives on that. You should watch the project veritas videos of them catching Dems on tape admitting they cause chaos on purpose.
I never see any of you ever criticizing your own party.. You should listen to Mark Belling on iHeart radio.. We do plenty ripping on Trump. We aren’t afraid to show humility. We can laugh at ourselves. I don’t ever see that on the left. They literally teach you to be victims. To blame all your problems on someone else. Why do you think they got rid of comedy? Look at the names you call black conservatives & then you call us Racist? Trump didn’t start any wars. America was independent. Everyone was getting richer, yet you say he doesn’t care? Biden has started 2 wars already. It’s well known that those who throw out personal attacks have already lost the debate. Please, educate yourself more & don’t let your emotions get the best of you.
God Bless
Fuck the right wing teerorist traitor trumpers says
Thank you. Actually bought a desert Eagle to protect myself from these fucking pos clown show trrorist rethuglicans
Kw says
Other than spewing a bunch of opinionated BS nothing you said was factual or remotely close to real world experience. You complain about whiners all while being a screeching buffoon yourself. Oh the irony…
Pockit says
Because sometimes you’ve just got to stand for something and if it’s a message that you stand for then you must stand for the one in charge of getting the message out…. hail to the chief and let’s go! Brandon
Anonymous says
I think that is apparent who the moron is. Since are obviously mentally deficient, let me spell it out. It’s you
Cullen says
A lot of uneducated doofuses posting here! Some of you have drunk so deep from the Kool aid, that I’m not even sure a team of psychologists could help…
DillanTheFreak says
My Name is Dillan, I wear my hair in a man bun
Anonymous says
Good for you, and I agree wholeheartedly,repubes have always been useless, but since trump they are out of control and one day, they Will pay!
Mekagoen Mimadri says
“A lie told often enough becomes the truth.”
– Vladimir Ilych Lenin
“The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly…it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over.”
– Joseph Goebbels
“See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda.”
– George W. Bush
“I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country… corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money-power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed.”
– U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, Nov. 21, 1864
(letter to Col. William F. Elkins)
Ref: The Lincoln Encyclopedia, Archer H. Shaw
(Macmillan, 1950, NY)
Damned FAUX-News watching, poop-flinging, tree-dwelling, monkeys with car keys prove once again, as Einstein postulated, that “the two most-common elements in the universe remain hydrogen and stupidity.”
It started out innocently enough. I began to think at parties now and then to loosen up. Inevitably though, one thought led to another, and soon I was more than just a social thinker. I began to think alone – “to relax,” I told myself – but I knew it wasn’t true. Thinking became more and more important to me, and finally I was thinking all the time.
I began to think on the job. I knew that thinking and employment don’t mix, but I couldn’t stop myself. I began to avoid friends at lunchtime so I could read Thoreau and Kafka. I would return to the office dizzied and confused, asking, “What is it exactly we are doing here?”
Things weren’t going so great at home either. One evening I had turned off the TV and asked my wife about the meaning of life. She spent that night at her mother’s.
I soon had a reputation as a heavy thinker. One day the boss called me in. He said, “Listen – I like you, and it hurts me to say this, but your thinking has become a real problem. If you don’t stop thinking on the job, you’ll have to find another job.”
This gave me a lot to think about.
I came home early after my conversation with the boss. “Honey,” I confessed, “I’ve been thinking…”
“I know you’ve been thinking,” she said, “and I want a divorce!”
“It is serious,” she said, lower lip aquiver. “You think as much as college professors, and college professors don’t make any money, so if you keep on thinking we won’t have any money!”
“That’s a faulty syllogism,” I said impatiently, and she began to cry. I’d had enough. “I’m going to the library,” I snarled as I stomped out the door.
I headed for the library, in the mood for some Nietzsche, with a PBS station on the radio. I roared into the parking lot and ran up to the big glass doors… they didn’t open. The library was closed.
To this day, I believe that a Higher Power was looking out for me that night. As I sank to the ground clawing at the unfeeling glass, whimpering for Zarathustra, a poster caught my eye. “Friend, is heavy thinking ruining your life?” it asked. You probably recognize that line. It comes from the standard Thinker’s Anonymous poster. Which is why I am what I am today: a recovering thinker. I never miss a TA meeting. At each meeting we watch a non-educational video; last week it was “Porky’s.” Then we share experiences about how we avoided thinking since the last meeting. I still have my job, and things are a lot better at home.
Life just seemed… easier, somehow, as soon as I stopped thinking.
I think the road to recovery is almost complete for me; today, I registered to vote Republican.
Anonymous says
Go to California, you’ll be happier there.
Anonymous says
California is the fifth economic power in the world. Not the nation- the entire world. Your home state doesn’t even rank to lick the excrement off our boots, dumb mf-er.
Oh and as to the homeless population- it’s you idiots in other states sending them over. But as the saying goes: better to be homeless in California, than housed in Arkansas.
Jd says
Have fun in commiefornia
Jd says
Commiefornia is toast now thanks to the leftists
Dale says
Let’s just say ..Maga supporters don’t know if that are fucked or shot if they had a brain cell.they would know …the so called patriots …that if u support the drump cunt u support Putin ….that’s his goal idol wanna be ..u matter not to him.. u fuckin lemmings if u love ur freedom and speach if could be ur immigrat ancestors if u could get something besides a dumb fuck education. Ur ancestors built this to get away from that……. is that statement to deep for Maga…. supporters …I q .test for drump supporters to vote …I q test to vote… 30+ really dumb ass Americans from Canada …don’t come here we love dumb cunt Americans we have a sense of humour u will be ridulde d ..u r destroying what previous generations gave u….dumd fucks
Morgan says
That was some read. Sense of humor? I remember Obama getting rid of comedy immediately when he got in.
Anonymous says
You just have been brainwashed you brainless freak
Anonymous says
You simply appear to have no morals or a brain, anyone who talks like you and hates like you are the ones with a problem. There are other countries haters like you could live in, if our constitution doesn’t suit you, feel free to live elsewhere.
Anonymous says
My my, so violent you are.
Kevin says
Yeah very proper english spoken by what must be a leader in. canadas intellectual olympics. Keep your attitude and pacifism to yourself and keep licking your socialist governments ass,, you disarmed mental midget, and ine reason Califirnias economy does so well is the amount of illegal labor utilized in producing its exports. Damn right Gavin Newsom supports immigration, Endless cheap labor to crank out produce etc. Another is shear population numbers and an overconcentration of entertainment dollars. Individually A Californian is most likely a member of the 67-70 percent of people Carl Yung described when referring to those members of society who will get in line wgen told to regardless. Thank God for the 30-33 percent who dont. When the comfortability of a small percentage of a given population is more important than unity all is close to gone. Nationalism created the country people risk their lives to get into. The whole Woke, CRT, BLM, White Supremacist insurrection is HorseShit and unfortunately most are doing what all that barrative us intended to fo, keep Americans fighting one another snd no one is looking at what is actually happening which is a minority movement to change our system of government in the course of 4 years. There is only ine iutcome if this continues and everyone would lose.
Anonymous says
You just have been brainwashed you brainless freak
Memo says
That was an excellent story, I think I love it!!!
Aliens says
“Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it.”
– Henry Ford
It started out innocently enough. I began to think at parties now and then, to loosen up. Inevitably though, one thought led to another, and soon I was more than just a social thinker.
I began to think alone – “to relax,” I told myself – but I knew it wasn’t true. Thinking became more and more important to me, and finally I was thinking all the time.
I began to think on the job. I knew that thinking and employment don’t mix, but I couldn’t stop myself. I began to avoid friends at lunchtime so I could read Thoreau and Kafka. I would return to the office dizzied and confused, asking, “What is it exactly we are doing here?”
Things weren’t going so great at home either. One evening I had turned off the TV and asked my wife about the meaning of life. She spent that night at her mother’s.
I soon had a reputation as a heavy thinker. One day the boss called me in. He said, “Listen – I like you, and it hurts me to say this, but your thinking has become a real problem. If you don’t stop thinking on the job, you’ll have to find another job.”
This gave me a lot to think about.
I came home early after my conversation with the boss. “Honey,” I confessed, “I’ve been thinking…”
“I know you’ve been thinking,” she said, “and I want a divorce!”
“Honey,” I said, “It’s not that serious.”
“It IS serious!” she said, lower lip aquiver. “You think as much as college professors, and college professors don’t make any money, so if you keep on thinking we won’t have any money!”
“That’s a faulty syllogism,” I said impatiently, and she began to cry. I’d had enough. “I’m going to the library,” I snarled, as I stomped out the door.
I headed for the library, in the mood for some Nietzsche, with a PBS station on the radio. I roared into the parking lot and ran up to the big glass doors… they didn’t open. The library was closed.
To this day, I believe that a Higher Power was looking out for me that night. As I sank to the ground clawing at the unfeeling glass, whimpering for Zarathustra, a poster caught my eye. “Friend, is heavy thinking ruining your life?” it asked.
You probably recognize that line. It comes from the standard Thinker’s Anonymous poster. Which is why I am what I am today: a recovering thinker. I never miss a TA meeting. At each meeting, we watch a non-educational video (last week it was “Porky’s”), then we share experiences about how we avoided thinking since the last meeting. I still have my job, and things are a lot better at home.
Life just seemed… easier, somehow, as soon as I stopped thinking.
I think the road to recovery is almost complete for me; today, I registered to vote Republican.
Luis says
Plus, Two, Three, Four, Eight, Zero, Five, Five, Four, Five, Nine, Seven, Five, Seven
Guest says
Luis, You Included.
Anonymous says
Bing bong bong bong
That Is Epic says
Great fantastic news, Mentally retarded people will be banned from voting. A big super win for us.
Bob says
But Trump wouldn’t be able to vote for himself if mentally retarded people are prohibited from voting and he’d just love to cast that vote.
Oh, right…
He can’t vote anyway because he’s a convicted felon.
Maybe he could utilise the time would normally vote to study to learn how to spell tricky words like hamburger
Arnold Simpson says
What what gives him the right to say that I cannot watch what I want to watch
A Sherwood says
Oh my. This did not age well considering Bob Woodward’s Trump tapes wherein Trump is clearly revealed as a sociopath. Though the idea that the Democratic party are “Democratic socialists” when they aren’t even social Democrats is ridiculous, I hope the OP has come to see that we were absolutely 100% right about Trump and covid 19.
ddub says
This is what I don’t understand. Why would you ditch the greatest country in the world and trash our political and economic system because you hate Trump. Trump is irrelevant. Which candidates support freedom and prosperity and which support socialism and anti-american policies? That’s the only question that matters.
Anonymous says
Thank you “ddub” for publicly stating your propagandized ignorance…hope it serves you well.
RM says
You’re an uninformed moron. I hope your know it all attitude and “I’m better than you” attitude serve you well. Have a great evening. I hope I didn’t hurt your feelings. It just bothers me to no end when I see other’s opinions ridiculed. Get up grow up get a life.
D Burke says
remain anonymous, it fits your motive
Steve says
Anonymous has no name! How about coward!!
Anonymous says
Richard says
Why would someone hate the country they were born in.
I consider myself a liberal. We have
An obligation to help our fellow
Americans in need
But I served 4 years in the navy
1971-1975 I was overseas aboard the
USS LaSalle SGF3
Where did you serve ??
MC Weaver says
I served in the Navy aboard the USS FRANKLIN D ROOSEVELT CV-42 and the Harry E Yarnell CG-17. ON THE YARNELL, we were the Flagship of the 6th Fleet.
mike hardwick says
i served on the roosevelt also whats going in this country is a disgrace biden is a disgrace could you amagine going to battle with biden the cammander and chief
Anonymous says
Spend a little time in New Jersey and you will understand the culture and how people talk. Can’t judge a person on their character.
Memo says
Here here, will you be willing to run for President because you see the simpleness of what we all need so badly.
Preston Froelckick II says
Donald Trump is a wealthy man that is tired of watching other wealthy people cheat the system. The America that lives and dies fighting for freedom. Currently the people in charge are taking advantage of every way to Rob America of it’s wealth. They are stealing our tax dollars. It’s reached a 0oint that it’s too obvious. No Trump 8s not the problem. He’s trying to get the criminals out of our government.
Kerry A. Brown says
Trump is a crook, and there’s a lot of evidence for that.
Jason says
Good luck with those ninety one felonies.
Anonymous says
Thank you .
Jake says
Do you know, or choose to ignore that the Trump organization has been successfully prosecuted for tax evasion over decades? Do U know his CEO is currently serving time at Reichers Is prison for said crimes? Did U know Trump routinely “cheated” contractors in his R.E business? When you regurgitate MAGA Mafia talking points found all over right wing media, you are stating the opposite of fact. That’s called Gaslighting & GOP prescribes to it religiously. They make U look like fools & confused members of a vast cult. Don’t let them make you into a maga loon
I.dimaggio says
Oh boy this is like a missal taking off! Who cares what trump did before I am proud of what he did when he was president. The country was MUCH better
With him….there is no comparison to him and wicked biden. (Obama).
Notrump says
Your maga maggot Trump was the worst president and the biggest bigot and criminal. The traitor should be in prison and any blind person can see his crimes. If you still support this traitor your dumber than a box of rocks!
Rose says
Oh my goodness Donald Trump, his father Fred, and his grandfather Fredrick were and are the biggest crooks in America. There’s so much info out there, not just from now but back to the early 1900s that you can read about the Trumps. You’ve been duped by a con artist, it’s in his blood and all he knows. I hope he rots in jail for all he’s cost this country. YOU put him on a pedestal, it’s time to knock him off.
J says
If so Biden said hold my beer and watch this.
Morgan says
All these people say what the media says. If they ever listened to conservative media I listen to like Mark Belling on 1130 AM iHeart radio 3-6pm Monday-Thursday they would know we rip on Trump A LOT. I never see anyone on the left say anything bad about anyone.
Look at how they all fell in line with this dress code for Fetterman.
I know from experience they suffer from such hubris. Their mantra is do as I say, not as I do. They put themselves on a pedestal just because. Not for any accomplishments or anything. Just so that they can feel good. Feel important. Impose Power. They talk about women’s rights, but have no problem with men competing in women’s sports. They all fall in line. Don’t say a word cuz they know what happens to those that speak.
Reminds me of that movie The Witches.
Proud Midwesterner says
J, do you realize your accusation is baseless and your statement is semantically null? Without white supremacism, xenophobia, anti-LGBTQ bigotry, rank ammosexuality, anti-semitism, and a worship of Trump -Hitler, you GOPMAGAs have… nothing.
Nothing at all beyond childish repartee, playground bully aphorisms, and ad hominem.
Anonymous says
I agree absolutely 💯
Anonymous says
agree!!!! 100%
Lane says
Preston – You claim trump is tired of watching other wealthy people cheat the system. Name a single bill or executive order that Trump supported that made it harder for wealthy people to cheat the system. Name one.
Instead, republicans passed a huge tax cut to the ultra rich and corporations in 2017 that contributed to America adding 7 TRILLION in debut during a time of rapid economic expansion (traditionally, America reduces their debt when our economy expands).
Your claims have no basis in fact.
Don Lemon says
Trumps policy’s are what caused the economic expansion . Nobody likes to admit that but the stock market and my paycheck say differently. His foreign policy was the best I’d seen in my lifetime.
Trump talks like a New Yorker from the street so i understand why he rubs people wrong. Actions over words. The left attributes saying “…grab her by the p*ssee” as being the same as someone who grabbed a lady’s cunny.
Notrump says
Your maga maggot Trump was the worst president and the biggest bigot and criminal. The traitor should be in prison and any blind person can see his crimes. If you still support this traitor your dumber than a box of rocks!
Morgan says
Yup. People need to go back to that first debate of Trump Hillary & Obama. He says he knows the system is corrupt cuz he participates in the same thing that Hillary’s donors do. Then he says along the lines of, “If it’s so bad why won’t you stop it?”
You are right about crooks stealing money from the taxpayer right now. We are over $200,000 in debt per person in the USA. They force the dollar onto other countries on purpose to keep its value up.
Here is where it’s so obvious. People that do t invest in stocks don’t know. During Trump’s 4 years the DOW stock market went from 18k-30k. During Biden it keeps going from 30-35 back and forth. They intentionally slowed down the market. Killed a lot of progress Trump did.
I really wish more lefties would see this. It’s unfortunate you got the ones that know what’s going on & play dumb.
You got the lazy ones who take what others say at their word instead of doing research themselves.
People who go along with what others say because it’s cool & edgy. They feel apart of something. Herd mentality can be very dangerous. Thinking for themselves is not their strong suit. Affirmation is a label.
They are the biggest gossipers too that live their lives through one another. And you know how it is when people gossip. Each person adds on their own version (usually a lie) to make themselves look important.
They don’t like God or even think he’s real cuz that means they’d have to follow his rules.
Hate to break it to you, people. He is real. I have been in his presence once before. You don’t forget that experience.
Why do you think Hollywood says “Oh my God” so much in movies? Taking his name in vain. You can see it around Kobe when he died. It’s scary. 4.1 seconds 41. His best game ever was his 666th game.
Then you got people who are too emotional. The media plays into that on purpose. Manipulators. Using key words that get you going hard.
I know cuz whenever I hear Trump’s name, my subconscious is telling me he is bad. It’s in our dna.
If one says “Morgan is bad” for myriad years, it will be in your subconscious & if you want to dislike me it’s near impossible to see anything I would do as positive. Preconceived notion.
Then you got the ones who lie constantly just to get that 15 second dopamine high. I’m better than you. . They have no humility. The world needs more humility. People who can admit being wrong. It builds character.. I got no problem being the butt of a joke or being embarrassed. I’ve done far worse to myself than most could make me feel.
Unfortunately, History will repeat itself again. Many people will die. Because too many people are not following God. They’re following Money & Power. They suffer from such Hubris.
Wow that was long lol
Anonymous says
why do you care about other people!
Vikki says
Um, what universe are you living in? Trumpzi helped the wealthiest and screwed the working man, which is typical. He has absolutely spent his life cheating the system. You really need to start paying attention to why he has so many indictments. It’s not a big conspiracy, he deserves to rot in prison. You need a reality check. Trumpzi is the biggest lying, cheating, selfish “politician” ever! How you can post exactly the opposite of the truth is absurd and dangerous. It’s okay to change your mind when reality and truth become a thing again to Repugs.
Anonymous says
Trump has cheated the system his entire life and people elected him on that premise. He even bragged on the campaign trail in 2016 how much he cheats, and Republicans cheered. Likenit was a virtue. You rewarded him for it, so he cheated more.
Brenda E Boyle says
The fact that Donald Trump is a wealthy man is irrelevant. He was not a career politician, he was a businessman. The point you might have brought up is all the career politicians that have net worths that severely exceed their salaries.
Anonymous says
A business man who has no competency for business. The orange moron bankrupted casinos. That takes an unheard of level of stupidity to bankrupt a business where people willing throw away thousands of dollars every minute.
Bob says
Well I just watched a YouTube quickly called ‘Is this the birth of Maga ?’
It features a young Trump talking Presidential talk to Oprah who is asking him if he’s interested in becoming President, which he says no time even though it’s exactly what he’s pointing to.
His mother always said ‘God help us, I hope Donald never goes into politics, it would be a disaster (and if course, he had the cinnections since childbirth.
When Fred Trump was talking to a senior politician about Young Ddnald entering politicand Donald tried to enter the conversation about his future himself, he did the usual Fred thing and yelled ‘noone gives a f*** what you want or think ! Shut the f*** up and f*** off !!!’
The idea if politics was always there, all his life.
Anonymous says
You’re not right. Just misled.
Anonymous says
Nope. Left lied.
Charles Herrmann says
Yes Trump is the first and worst US president to be a psychopath, sociopath, pathological liar, white supremacist, anti-American wanna be dictator, Putin, Kim Jon Un, Bolsanaro, and other world dictator supporter that has wormed his way in to our Democratic political system! He is supposed by Right wing religious extremist bullies that think power, abuse and guns are the bleak future of our wonderful country! He and they have to be stopped and will !
KR says
Dude, you really have the wrong information. If you want the truth you need to watch FOX, they are not completely bought off. Thanks to Biden we are 3 heartbeats away from losing our freedom, our country, everything we ever cared about. How about all the military that have died FOR OUR FREEDOM. Wake UP!
Nay says
This didn’t age well.
This is 2023 look at our country.
Crime rates up
no cash bail
Open borders
That’s SOCIALISM & BLM was a self proclaimed Marxist Organization !
Do I smell, a snowflake says
Wow what a Christian fascist neoliberalism view point, lacking any values of a republic.
Some history.
Yes we should have ignored the 1865 Era you now seem to want back, where equality feels like oppression.
A war with your God was on your side, where taking his name in vain is a worst sin than owning another human being so you don’t have to work?
Voting suppression of women’s rights to vote, recall that, native American, guess what about 1974 before the federal government forced their Civil rights on your ilk.
Explain Jim Crow laws to us.
Tell me why did it take almost 100 years for Civil rights.
No real world is perfect is your defense?
From death marching native American, putting them up at the time on what was thought useless land, to slavery that built the Southern economy, to heroes Iike Custer who attacked what he thought was just women, children, because the men were gone, the list goes on and on, well America is like Trump, up the river of denial with it’s head up a Christian god’s arse.
You know you are correct looking back at US history, those border kids, Trump caged were lucky.
Could have sent Custer. to the border, taking care of them with the final solution?
I’m surprised jaba the Hutt Donnie didn’t think of it?
He does get confused by history, those Revolutionary air craft, when German bombed Pearl Harbor, windmills vs wind turbines, weather vs climate, staring at the sun.
You are correct America has never been great, you seem to think that is the standard? To be proud of?
Why is that?
Dan Emmanuel Munsayac Pelagio says
Thank you. This dummy tho, does not care for the truth. And tho I appreciate your explanation, these morons don’t care about the truth. They’re cherrypickers of the constitution, the bible and their own whitewashed laws.
Anonymous says
Perfectly stated.
Robert Graham Jr says
Oh my, someone has been far too sheltered from the real world, or unwilling to experience any of it. I’d be more comfortable in China if not only for the fact that at least their governments not scared to say don’t publish that horrible stuff we did you well thow you in prison. You know what to expect what your getting. How can you call this paradise when we are nothing but guinea pigs for our government to expirament on and play with as they wish. To cover their scandals the give illusion of free speech and then before print everyone who had any info is mysteriously gone or dead. How about when they wanted to just see how syphilis plays out from beginning to end so secretly injected over 400 black men with it spreading to wives mistresses and babies being born with it. Found vaccine quite soon after and refused to vaccinate anyone from original expirament or their families. This went on for 40 years. How about when they wanted to know more about asbestos and used black prisoners to inject them with it subcutaneously to study the side effects. And the gullibility testing we fail consistently why would they want to know how far out their they can make up and we still believe it? Example: government wanted to know if we were gullible enough to believe something irrefutable and obviously untrue an secretly leaks an article about how flying birds aren’t actually birds they are drones that spy for government. THEIR ARE STILL PEOPLE WHO GO OUT WITH THEIR SIGNS PROTESTING THAT THEY ARE ALL GOVERNMENT SPIES! Hasn’t anyone happened upon a dead bird before? Or eaten a bird? I can’t. This is just too ignorant. Please educate yourself before taking such a argumentative ideal.
Sean says
Name a country that has not committed violence and take over another? Humans are not perfect but we try
Hellen says
WELCOME TO THE GREAT TEMPLE OF ILLUMINATI, the Club of the Rich and Famous is the world oldest and largest fraternity made up of 3 Millions Members. We are one Family under one father who is the Supreme Being. In Illuminati we believe that we were born in paradise and no member should struggle in this world. Hence all our new members are given Money Rewards once they join in order to upgrade their lifestyle. and the question is where you able to get reach and well famous interested viewers should contact my grand master…on WhatsApp number
much smarter than you says
democrats are not “left”. there are ZERO leftists in congress, cia, fbi.
it’s all in your imagination, inventing a scapegoat.
Anonymous says
Nuts you are
sam says
Bill says
Thank you, Yoda.
Bill says
Thank you, Yoda. Enlightened was it not.
Paul Mozal says
Trump is a traitor to America, PERIOD, FULL STOP. All the evidence is there if you’re not to fucking stupid to see it.
Anonymous says
And you sir have a mental disorder! Full stop.
Anonymous says
Praise the Lord!
Never says
Anonymous, Did you say Praise the Lord? Well i wouldn’t praise that filthy pig at all.
Anonymous says
Never is a heretic.
Dorilene says
Anyone who follows a bully, a male chauviinist pig, a traitor, a criminal, and a narcissistic self-agrandising ruler with all the piles of evidence – well, I’m not using names like he relishes using, but i will agree that it’s the biggest mystery I will ever know.
Anonymous says
If you are speaking of that jack-o’-lantern, I agree.
The current stooge has to go as well.
Anonymous says
Your right Biden supporters really need a check up from the neck up.
Believer says
I agree but then let’s all get out and fight with our vote and stop these demonic powers on our knees. Jesus Christ is still on the throne and always will be. God has all power to stop people. The left hates anything right or good cuz they are spiritually blinded and can’t see truth it’s like talking to a dead person, they are spiritually dead and can’t see truth or good and people say what’s wrong with them, they are blinded by evil and can’t see truth. They trump cuz he ointment perfect no one is but he stands for some right things and truly cares what happens in this country. The left covers their evil and all their corruption by taking attn off themselves. And the only one who can truly change someone heart is the Holy Spirit.
Believer says
Meant they hate trump cuz he isn’t perfect no one is
Anonymous says
Are there really Biden supporters though? I’ve never ran into one lol. This is more of a cult members versus non cult members thing. When Trump said he had his followers so brainwashed that he could murder on 5th avenue and they would still vote for him, that was the one time he wasn’t lying.
Just The Facts says
Anonymous, Those Biden supporters have very severe brain damage as it is.
Anonymous says
Joe Biden?
J says
If so Biden said hold my beer and watch this.
swany says
Leftist idiots, biden crime family is all what needs saying. You love today because 80 million votes destroyed your freedom and liberty. Mobility is under attack, are borders are open with twice the population. Your after Trump with lies! Idiots like you need help with your thinking. Jealous idiot!
None says
Prove it
If it’s true prosicute
Trumpf on the other incriminated himself his own people are testifying against him
Not democrats
Yes there are 2 tiers of justice
Anyone else would be in jail already
Rob2tall says
Silly fool. There is only 1 political party and its called greed.
Our totally bribed Congress works for 1 puppet master.
Congress pits the Democrats against the Republicans as a diversion tactic.
The 1%ers control America’s political scene which is why nothing of any value is fixed in our nation.
As far as a loser Trump goes-he was and still is being used by the 1% to be the fall guy for why MAGA was never a reality-he just stalled any progress for 4 years as he played golf all day.
Mandy says
The borders r not open lol. We have so many coming to the border cuz trump put a policy in place to stop anyone coming to seek asylum etc. Legally during covid,it ended under biden which he tried since becoming president to work with the right to figure our what to do before the policy ended cuz they already knew it would be a mass influx since all of that time during the policy no one could enter, so they would be way back logged. The right didn’t want to work with him.biden also sent tons of money to help control the border, to hire more ppl and sent military persons to help aid. They don’t talk about all that in ur cult media do they?
Kansas kid says
We have a disease in this country and it is called stupid. Most left wing democrats have it. . The democrats or marxists, are flooding our border with wall to wall people of every culture. Our country already has enough problems and is broke ! What do u think another million homeless people every year is gonna do to this country ?
Sue says
Cultists keep guzzling the kool-aid
Kevin says
Kevin..hey anonymous!..too chicken to use your name? Hmm.. thought you’d be happy to support your orange king 👑! Every judge, courts, appeals, about the FAIR elections..threw out Trump and his zany lawyers arguments! And the VAST majority of them were Trump’s appointed choice.Only if someone disagrees..then they lie! He will toss anyone aside!!
Elijah says
I love how you have no evidence to bck up this claim. I guess you people figure if you say it enough times it will become true in people’s minds. Refutable evidence or your just another talking head. Moron
Hans says
They have their heads buried in permanent rectal deficit.
George says
There is tons of video evidence almost of the whole world saw it live in tv. Tump invited his troops to DC. Trump incited his troops. Trump sent them to the Capital building to intimidate Congress and VP Pence to overturn a legal election, taking the votes of 80,000,000 Americans away, and in doing so overturning our Nation’s Constitution. . Trump watched the rioting on tv for 4 hours (just like most of the world did) and never sent help, trump never told his troops to step down while several people called him and asked his to stop the violence and send help. A couple of months ago trump made the statement that parts of our Constitution needed to be terminated and he would declare himself President. That along with his January 6th, 2021 coup attemp show you how dangerous trump is. Trump loves trump.
Mcgehee says
Don’t forget Biden
Anonymous says
Nancy’s job
Kim says
Yes, I was just thinking the same regarding January 6.
RM says
Laughable media propaganda almost word for word. You seem most gullible.
Kansas kid says
Trump offered crazy senile Nancy Pelosi 10,000 troops 2 days before assembly, and she refused since they planned the whole setup by letting protesters into bldg. none if the Black Lives Matter rioters and antifia rioters got put in jail. They burnt down business and destroyed cities of billions of dollars. The democrats bailed them out of jail !
Vikki says
Kansas kid, that’s the dumbest thing anyone has said, and there is a lot of dumb up in here. Anyone, and I mean anyone who supports Trump is delusional. Even before he ran for office he was cheating, lying and criticizing everyone. And I mean everyone. Have you ever once heard him say anything positive about anything? Nope. Unless it was himself. And lying about BLM and Antifa is just stupid We’ve all seen the real video and who it was being violent. There wasn’t anything but Trumpzi psychos there. Period.
Anonymous says
Oh you mean Biden. Now there is a narcissist!!!
Truth teller says
Deflection doesn’t work on the educated Americans! Go get an education… apparently you need it!
Linda says
Correct your spelling you idiot.
It’s too, not to. Too means excessive.
You must have been educated by the woke who are failing our children in reading, writing and arithmetic.
Anonymous says
Thanks’s Professpor.
Sure glad you cleared that up.🤪
Leonardo says
There are no evil leftists ect..
These cult heads just spew nonsense to support Billionaires & WC criminals.
Democrats support US Labor/ Unions , Sane Govt regulatory oversight , the protection & expansion of both our Saftey Net & liberal democracy.
Democrats are responsible for our countries Golden Age.
The GOP is now so desperate for new voters that conspiracy lunatics , Anti Science morons & blantent idiots have become
The Base.
God Save our Republic.
Done says
Why is it that everyone lived Trump and thought he was awesome, Until he got into office and then he was a bigot,a racist Marxist. Even Shequille O’Neil had his back and laughed at the ignorance shown by Democrats. You listened to the news and that’s where you got all of the ignorance you spew, there isn’t any evidence to support any of your claims. When you ask a woke Democrat what evidence they have they freak out and start screaming how conservatives are all racists and we should die. So where is this so called evidence.
Anonymous says
Because they’re more worried about brainwashing our sons to be girls and our daughters to be boys rather than reading, math and spelling evidently. And you think life is great right now under commander and their Joe Biden?? Look at your life now versus 4 years ago and tell us with a straight face you’re living better and this country is doing better!! Absolutely not and doesn’t matter what wage group you fall into. Trump didn’t have us in any wars like Biden has.
Elayna says
What is wrong with Trump lovers? Don’t you know he is a male chauvinist pig, a narcissistic jerk, a criminal, and a traitor with not one ounce of caring about you and yours. He only cares about hmself and being a ruler. Watch your back. He will put you in jail, too.
Guest says
Elayna, very dumb fools like you need to go live in China or Russia since you will be their slave for life.
Cali Mark says
I saw and heard tRump on tv live telling his supporters to storm the Capitol and stop the lawful and peaceful transition of power. How is that not treason you bumpkins!?
Anonymous says
Exactly, that is what the main stream media wants you to believe.
Keep drinking the Kool Aide.
Kansas kid says
Let’s,see, gas 3.75 a gallon, groceries up all across the board, portfolios down 30 percent, no Justice or law and order, inflation sky high and climbing, Our senile president can’t even complete a sentence coherently, our vice president is just plain ignorant, illegal drugs and sex trade coming across border with criminals and who knows what else. This is what the democrats or marxists stand for and are encouraging ! Oh I for terrorists coming across too . This is definitely the destruction of our country and way of life !
Tony says
Why not just respond to the gist of the response? How is insulting someones grammar going to lead to any type of constructive communication or debate? Oh yes, you’re a Trump supporter trying to defend the indefensible.
Anonymous says
Why is it that all liberals think they are better than everyone else and their basic ultimatum is “ my way or no way”. But you know what? If it makes you feel better about yourself, go right ahead. Have a great evening. I respect your opinion but don’t agree with you. Agree to disagree. Live and let live. Just because others politics are not yours, it’s not necessary to belittle. Again, have a great night.
Proud Midwesterner says
Because a majority of Democrats are educated and actually DO KNOW BETTER, as the vast majority of Americans without high school educations (74%) are GOPMAGAs.
76% of GOPMAGAs are functionally illiterate and haven’t read a book since they dropped out of school.
Every post WWII presidential election in which tracking recorded educational attainment and party affiliation showed a majority of US college degree earners voting GOP until 2008 when a majority of degree holders voted for Obama. An ever increasing majority have since voted Dem in every election, the gap rising to 59% Dem, 2% third party, 39% GOPMAGA. SO…Democrats think they have better access to higher quality information and more robust and rigorous information sources, better reasoning and critical thinking skills, and more developed critical discourse analysis capacity because… THEY ACTUALLY DO!!!
Sorry, MAGAts, all you’ve got is insult, conspiracy theory, Bronze Age fairytales, Russian disinformatsiya and kompromat, urban mythology and rural folktales/make believe, and xenophobic paranoia!
This is why your party cannot govern, cannot win fair elections, and is radically opposed to the democratic due process and electoral franchise!
Anonymous says
Yer to smart fer me. Do you support teachers? Do you support education for all? Were you educated in a public school? Let me guess… No, No, and Yes.
Does your version of Jesus only care about the educated?
What’s your plan to address the education of these typo-lefties?
So, here’s the issue… When your convictions are supported by fear and hate, it’s time to get help because you’re in a Cult. There are too many people in this world (like Linda) that have NOT been taught how to think for themselves.
Cc says
Too means also too. Look it up einstein
Anonymous says
Paul is a northern brainwashed leftist ask his husband
jakie says
Hans Hinterland says
Always accuse your enemy of the very thing you are doing. It’s right in communist manifesto moron. That is what the main stream news does to your gord each hour. They repeat word for word like parrots from host to host and panel to panel with great venom. They need millions of useful idiots to be mind washed with the hate line of the day. Luckily half the country is waking up with the exception of the woke who have their heads un rectal deficit forever.
McGehee says
H Munster says
No. Biden is the traitor, along with Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush Sr. Get it zipperhead?
Anonymous says
Couldn’t have said that any better!!!
Anonymous says
Thank you, there are good people out there
Anonymous says
So true!
Anonymous says
Please quit taking money from these evil liars these are lawyers being paid by my slave wages and media use trump name for articles that do not have any substance that are related to trump
rusty Lee bonds says
Nice commentary. It seems that you do not have full a full grasp of simple English linguistic skills. You would be better served to provide a well-presented thought or idea rather than degrading to name-calling. The inability to communicate fully without resorting to name-calling, threats of violence, or cursing is a full sign of low IQ levels.
Ramon Alfonso says
You truly have mental illness. Please seek medical attention ASAP. The only traitors we have and need to be tried for treason is the Democratic party.
Pnus says
This is your brain on a diet of lead paint chips and whatever chinless Fox News lardass is vomiting on air
Andrea Smith says
‘Too’ not ‘to’.
Who’s the dummy now?
Anonymous says
Totally agree. The left hates the right because they are morally bankrupt, gun toting morons.
Anonymous says
Ral says
too bad you feel that way.. traitor what evidence…?
Anonymous says
Idiot, American hater, shut up and leave freedom, liberty, Trump and US alone, idiot!
Chumash says
Is this the best you can do?
Wayne says
My IQ is 148, what’s yours, 3?
Ray says
Which evidence? We’re on investigation what, #6? Now persecutors, not a typo, are literally changing laws and ignoring statutes to keep him out of the race. I’d love to see the reaction if a web of over 25 shell companies were used to quietly funnel tens of millions into 10 Trump family members accounts.
Name says
Your utterly lost, they got you because you’re weak minded. Programmed to hate Trump. Enjoy being eaten alive by that implanted hatred that you’re embracing. Your evidence is all delusions courtesy of mind control msnbc. I’m quite sure there is no hope for you, sad indeed.
Anonymous says
Trump is a traitor????? Biden is the biggest traitor in our history…. Fact!!!
Anonymous' Next Door Neighbor says
No, it’s not a FACT. Your hapless repub crew has been trying for years to pin something on him and they CAN’T FIND ANYTHING.. You need to wait for facts to make a judgement instead of parroting all the crap coming out of your representative.
Anonymous says
Amen brother
Anonymous says
How about this countries biggest traitor selling out this country to Communist China, and destroying everything good about this country and then blaming the one leader that defended and stood up for this country.
Anonymous says
which movie are you referring to?
Ian W. says
Reagan chopped up the fairness doctrine giving birth to Faux News and this herd of brain dead people willing to vote against their own interest, to get the interests of the 1% pushed through by brainwashing them. When I first saw broadcasts of Faux News I thought “Who would be stupid enough to watch this and think it’s actual news” well 20-25 years later we have our answer. Another of Reagan’s brilliant ideas was NAFTA. His VP George HW Bush wrote that wonderful legislation up but they couldn’t get it through a democratic congress. All it took was a republican congress making deals with “Slick Willy” (as they like to call him) Clinton to get it passed. Now they do their wonderful revisionist history and say on Faux News over and over “Clinton signed NAFTA, Clinton signed NAFTA, Clinton signed NAFTA” and eventually the zombies talk to each other and say “I hear Clinton signed NAFTA! IT’S ALL THE DEMOCRATS FAULT THERE’S NO JOBS” when really, their hero Reagan wanted NAFTA to finally crush the unions in America. It was successful. When they asked Reagan “What will people who have middle class jobs do once NAFTA is passed” he said “They can work service jobs”. Well here we are living in the shadow of that dream. Enjoy your McDonalds, Walmart, Starbucks, or other service jobs everyone, the good ones all went over seas for cheap labor. And how was that possible? Voting against your own interests due to a propaganda channel called Faux News that let you happily blame it all on the left. They tell blatant lies, and lies by omission, often saying “many people think” or “a lot of people believe” and then follow it with any kind of nonsense they want YOU to believe no matter how false or far outside the boundaries of reality it may lie. If you want a third world nation of VERY RICH and VERY POOR and nothing in-between, you just keep watching that propaganda on behalf of the rich and getting their interests voted in. Or you can educate yourselves, realize you’re being used, and free yourselves of their never ending need for control and power. If you do not, then you will soon find yourself in a country that “used to be great” and has become a “flyover country” that the rich just ignore because they’ve taken all the money you’ve given them and moved elsewhere. Jon Boehner works for China now, and was actually working for them for years as the house speaker. Good ol’ Glenn Beck lives in New Zealand now in a house with tons of solar panels on the roof, he’s no idiot. Realize you’re being used by people that think you are dumb, or just prove them right and keep posting articles like this one.
Anonymous says
Ian W. says
dare to care.
Anonymous says
Look there are many republicans that are changing their minds about being republicans because all you have is the greediness the selfishness the prejudiceness I mean it’s all locked there now for America’s to see it will can’t hide itself for long so now we see what do we do now oh my God I have to boat Democrat
Charles says
Well this spy for the left wants to boat for his own party brainwashed….
Anonymous says
I wish all of you would please stop talking!
Jay says
Trump and his party or cult (literally now domestic terrorists posing as the Republican Party) are trying the damndest to ruin this country. All based on the big lie which has been debunked by everyone from the cyber ninjas ,,trump appointed judges ,kris krebs(trump appointed chief of DHS and Cisca and of course his own personal butt boy atty general bill Barr . Then of course the infamous call to brad raffensberger on jan 3rd then jan6th insurrection then the jan 6th committee hearings which completely implicated trump . There is so much proof of this man’s guilt it makes the evidence against OJ look underwhelming. If you can’t believe your eyes ears and gut then you live in an alternate universe. I live in reality. Anybody who says that the only way he loses an election is if it is rigged is at the very least a psychopath. He’s been playing that garbage game since the primaries in 2016 when he lost to Ted Cruz in the Iowa caucuses.I’ll unfortunately go to my grave wondering how and why a guy like trump of all people has such a stranglehold over so many of my fellow Americans. Truly the biggest mystery of my life.
Bob Purcell says
Seen one really perceptive or intelligent comment from even one of his 70 million fans? Not to make a big thing of it, but, y’know…me either 🤔
Elayna says
Amen. You are the first to talk about Reagan. And not only did he start NAFTA, he also did alot of deregulation, which again was for the rich. Why do not-so-rich people on the right believe the hogwash on “Faux News” when some journalists in high places have left them because of the constant lies and distortions. It’s just how autocrats work to keep people in line, spewing their own propaganda to keep commoners hypnotized to their authority, while taking their money out the back door. And here we have the worst of the worst disguised as doing good for America while lining his pockets and laughing all the way to the bank.
Fedup w rep says
Reagan also had stagflation. Double digit inflation and double digit unemployment. At the same time eroding wprkers rights by firing air traffic controllers. He also termed ‘welfare queen’ when Sean Hannity bought 320 million dollars worth of property on HUD. Who is the welfare queen now. Hitler called mainstream media fake news. Fox news calls their announcers ‘host’ not journalists so they don’t have to abide to telling the truth.
Jay says
Let’s face it folks at the bare minimum 90% of today’s problems are fueled by the “big”lie” that was perpetrated by trump. Just focus on that bit of BS which is just a small portion of all of trumps other full fledged lies and nothing else needs to be discussed. Just based on kris krebs and atty gen Barr and all the other trump appointed judge’s decisions if you want to ignore facts so be it but I moved on long ago.
John says
Although I agree with your sentiments and commend you, I need to point out that NAFTA was passed in 1993 by the 103rd Congress, big D majorities both houses. Of course, the Old School GOP was the wellspring of thought on “free trade” but passage of NAFTA was ultimately owned by Ds across the board.
Proud Midwesterner says
But NAFTA was always a pre-MAGA GOP priority and it was a bitter pill for HW Bush to see it passed on Clinton’s watch. Also, Clinton only had congressional majorities in his first two years, after that it was the Gingrich revolution and all GOP investigation, all impeachment, all obstruction, all the time.
Michelle says
America stands no chance at being above average, let alone, great, as long as low education/low information voters keep allowing themselves to be manipulated by those at the top of the food chain. As long as they can keep you engaged,- falsely thinking you are somehow looking down at the rest of us -:stoking fears that we are parasites living off your tax dollars and wanting to corrupt your children with depraved sex education while taking all your guns- they know you arent going to be looking up-at them-the real enemy-that has been robbing you blind and removing any chance you had at a level playing field while you hated your neighbor,. This .conditioned false belief of your moral and intellectual superiority is why Fox, Donald and the rest of the “swamp drainers” were able to mind f*ck you with such blatant lies–and its obvious, in this age of easy access to multiple forms of nfo to verify things, that your refusing to do so is another layer of armor.. You’re always right if you never verify you may be wrong, right? You need to extricate your heads out of your rectums and focus that misplaced hate on some huge, difficult, bi-partisan problem that could be a step toward a better country, like term limits for Congress.
Sandra Corbett says
I concur!! Other corrections are the right to vote. Federal issued citizen’s ID cards, no more gerrymandering by both parties, accountability for police with no protection by their union when a death is involved.,if your news organizations is telling lies all the time about local, state and federal governments. Then your news organizations should not have TV or radio space on air. Every Congressman and Senator should be held accountable to uphold their Oath to the USA constitution.. Corruption shouldn’t be tolerated.!
Linda Marie Hammons says
Eliza Smith says
I’m not “scared of Trump”… I just reqlly don’t approve of him because anyone who doesn’t respect our country enough to let the vote go the way it’s going to go instead of asking someone to “‘find’ 11, 780 votes(in other words, just ACT like I didn’t lose” is NOT Predidential material, maybe Mafia material but not President material.
Biker Dan says
The democrats defiantly cheated in the 2020 election! President Trump should be serving his second term right now. Any body who supports the democrats either hate America or they have been brainwashed by MSNBC and CNN, CBS, MSNBC, ext. ext. Don’t you ppl see that those liars are globalists and they hate this country because it’s a great country!
Ella Novek says
Brain dead reply!
Bryan says
No fear of the person; the idiocracy he personifies and the “less than bright stars” he brings out is concerning. The idea that anyone would think trump is a patriot or americas savior is laughable. The only saving trump does is for trump.
Joe bladto says
Biden sucks and is a corrupt liar!
Guest says
Joe, Without a doubt. And Biden the clown is very crooked too.
Eliza says
How are your rants working for you now.? Trump the one term, disgraced, twice impeached convicted rapist with 4 indictments and 91 charges. If all of us never trumpers just stand back and watch trump and republican party implode. They’re off to a great circus, I mean start. The Republicans Civil War.
Donna Peterson says
Amen 🙏
Carri Walster says
Where do we start? I can wait until you get your head firmly out of your A** to reply. I’m patient.
Chris Olds says
Standing there and yelling your bullshit, doesn’t make it any more true. Broadbrushing over generalizations. That amount to blah-blah-blah.
You’re playing right into the hands of the American Nazi Party. They have you hating your fellow Americans. Worse, blaming them and spouting off hate. You’re right where they want you. Ignorant and hateful.
*slow clap. wake up lady.
Anonymous says
Only in your wet dam. dreams let. him. grab your stink pussy
Anonymous says
Ricky Sandefur says
Listen MAGA moron Trump cannot stay out of jail or fix anything after all he was the cause of most of our problems!
Bob says
No, Putin’s flunky is Russia’s saviour.
Bob says
Gee Linda Marrie Trump is only interested in corrupting the system of Government so that it operates for him personally and close cronies/underlings in the exact same manner as the Kremlin.
The English speaking world watches Ameruca in awe as a large portion if the voting public are too dumb to notice the obvious.
Trump is too ignorant for public office, is way too corrupt for it and has an agenda based on the copy of Mein Kampf he keeps next to his bed and advice from a dictator called Putin that Trump thinks likes him instead of funding him stupid enough to use.
Proamerican says
Funny how all the previous generations had to strive to succeed.
If one didn’t ,they fail. Either they tried harder or stepped aside.
Now the world wants everyone to believe they’re a winner,and there aren’t any losers lol
What’s that show that everybody wins? Everybody has talent !ok….just pathetic! Today everyone needs validation, justification,and a pat on the back and a cookie.
The lefties are so lazy they want the world to lower the bar and our standard s so the lazy can compete too. Stop demanding and EARN IT !!!!!! Doctors are lesson schooled,pilots require less hours,and blacks/Asians/lgbtq get the job by default. Ha, talk about selling out the posers,just dispicable. 5000 years,and all of a sudden we need 3 bathrooms? What’s next planes just for fat ppl? Seriously? What a pathetic society. Get rid of social media,and the world will be far less noisey.
People of today need to realize that history always repeats itself, and it will be far uglier than pre 1980.
So regardless of who Biden is blaming today for his short comings,he’s really divided the country and is deliberately putting races against each other,and zero good will come from that. Freedom of speech my arse! Well only if your ideology pairs with the lefties. Google search for instance. They twist every search 180 degrees,if the search has “black_asian_gay in the search………disgusting political pandering.
Traditional is what America was built on,. Not what the “last house on the left (White House) is promoting.
Joebama Dividen , killing America one day at a time.
He has dementia, and it’s as clear as the nose on his face.
Not the guy for the job !
Come on Desantis !!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous says
Really? Ron is an idiot. Attacking Disney, abortion rights, social security, seriously? I guess the lively hood of millions of seniors who are surviving only due to Social Security. Money they have been paying from their first job to their last. Not going to happen, hopefully ever🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Ella Novek says
There shouldn’t be any abortion rights! These babies are human beings! I had two children who aborted their babies! My heart to aches over this and I will never get over this!
Ricky Sandefur says
Not your body or your choice,! Get over it and move on. Funny you care so much for a clump of cells but not for mothers and babies outside the womb!
Bryan says
Whiny DeSantis. Nobody needs that idiot. He’s a child with the taste of power and first time control. Is that you Demetri, post reads like a Russian bot.
Ella Novek says
You sound like the Whiney child! How many of your babies have you killed?
Ughhhh says
Oh honey I hope you get the therapy you need, And while you’re at it please do some REAL research, Nobody supports infanticide, or abortion up until the end of pregnancy. If you believe any of that BS then it’s Very clear that the Republicans purposeful dumbing down of America has worked like a charm on you. Under Roe As soon as a baby was viable to survive outside of the womb, It was too late to have an abortion. Most Abortions are done before the cells even become a fetus. They are NOT children and no woman should be forced to share her vital organs with a fetus, or a ball of cells that she doesn’t want to share her vital organs with. We should not be forced to share our bodies and forced to give birth. Cadavers, dead bodies get more respect than women do in a lot of this country now.. You must have permission to take a dead person’s organs for a transplant, yet the legislatures in red States can now stop women from obtaining their own health care, From making their own choice..? We should not be forced to lay in a hospital bleeding out because doctors are scared to do their job. I hope these non- babies that you’re so worried about we’ll get the same care and concern from you once they actually become people.
And regarding your daughters, they made their own choices regarding their own futures and their own lives,. If you love them you should understand that they are their own people and should absolutely have the right to do what they did.. You also shouldn’t impress your own beliefs and feelings upon others. Just because you didn’t like your daughter’s abortions doesn’t mean nobody else should have the opportunity to make their own choice.
Anonymous says
How funny that statement really is let’s talk about some of the advances that the liberals have made in our society women’s rights voters rights for those of color and those that weren’t wealthy women having the right to get an education healthcare should I go on but it’s too much for you to realize what the liberals have done for this country to make it more equal society liberals aren’t lazy. They’re also some of the most intelligent educated people in our country but you don’t like that that goes against your narrative. Nobody should have to work till the day they die be on the assembly line somewhere where they don’t give a shit about who you are what you did or what your home life is like you just go to work one day and down the line they push you inside and they replace you with another worker so they wouldn’t bring back child labor that’s Republican they want to lower the amount of the minimum wage which hadn’t been raised in 13 years they don’t like unions because all my God we can’t have that they don’t want Medicaid Medicare Social Security Vet care housing care, food stamps in the hospital you tell me why not and every other civilized country they take care of their people because they pay taxes for that very reason but you call it Socialism I don’t. I see it as a government working for we the people it shouldn’t just be for the elites and the corporations so shove your thoughts about the liberals shove your thoughts about the Progressive because if it wasn’t for them, we would not have the advances that we have today and technology electronics and kids that can see a future that you cannot and that is one of the quality
Deb says
Abortion is murder as soon as there is a heartbeat its a person who has the right to be born not to be sucked out like a vacuum because that is what abortion is that little life when it sees that coming at it that vacuum it knows that will be the end of it it will have no chance of life once that hits him or her it already has enough sense to know that it is being done away with it has a soul and whether you believe or not it goes against God, I know there are many generations out there that do not believe in God and I pity those folks because judgement day is fast approaching and only the believers will see his next coming so you will have planes that fall from the sky with no pilot cars, flying off into oblivion because of no driver, utter chaos and all because God has called his chosen home. Then you will have to deal with the aftermath and trust me when I say all nations fall from within from the corruption at the top and you cannot get more corruption than from the liberals and democrats they are the worst human beings possible.
NOYDB says
Deb. All you guys say you are conservative and also you say that you are pro-life, but not anti abortion. In life you can’t have it both ways, you can’t be pro-life and then ignore the people who have lives after they’re born. Can you? That’s not what the Bible says. And what you guys who are conservatives and who claim to be such great christians, which I am a Christian by the way,, you will be spewed out from His mouth if you intend to continue this hypocrisy.. Nowhere in the Bible to say you’re supposed to condemn your fellow man for being poor. Nowhere does it say in there that you are supposed to attack your fellow neighbor for having a different opinion. And for God’s sake don’t you remember what it says in there, what you do to the least of these you do unto me. I know the bible. Do you? Do you read it? You just listen to the garbage and filth spewed out by these televangelists? I used to be the kind of conservative myself, but after living in Texas for over 20 years I’ve become vaccinated against such nonsense. I might go back and visit Texas one of these days but I sure as hell won’t go back to live there. It’s full of people just like you. Trump has broken so many laws that the justice system is a joke now, they don’t even respect or enforce their own laws because he’s rich, because he’s powerful, because the supreme Court is owned by him and his cronies and the previous ones like Reagan and others who put those same types of contaminated, highly slanted and unfair in there.. FOR LIFE. The only way we can get rid of them is to have them removed by congress, and that appears to be a very very slim possibility no matter what these guys do. No you are 100% wrong, you should be ashamed and you should get down on your knees and pray for forgiveness to the good Lord who created you. Yes I’m angry, I saw what he did the first time. There is a wise old saying, those who do not follow history, live to regret it and it is also said that they will relive it. I’m not a liberal, I’m an independent and I’m even more dangerous than then to you, because I have an intelligence level that’s far exceeding yours, I have an education, and I’m not ashamed of having it. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
JoSbOrNne says
“Traditional is what America was built on.”. The two or three sentences right before that leave no doubt that by ” traditional” you really mean “WHITE”. If I still had a dog he’d be going nuts over the screeching dog whistles up in here.
Jimmie. Cockburn says
The fathers of USA created the best country in the world,
The politicians , especially the democrats, are destroying the USA.
We the USA is a banana republic now,
If we , the people of USA don’t stop this THE USA WILL DISAPPEAR !!!!!!!
Walter says
The only way we will
loose the US is threw trump.They are planning the take over now. If you don’t get your act together we will loose. You must be lost anyway. The RNC
had their meeting in Hungria with trump buddy Victor Orbin then they invited him over here so get your act together traitor.
Anonymous says
Where the hell is Hungria? 😂😂
Anonymous says
Seriously, you’ve never heard of Hungria? It’s a small country between Hungary and Austria (hence the name “Hungria”) that was founded by fascists from around the world as a safe haven for autocrat-loving people fleeing democratic republics.
Anonymous says
Noneya says
If you don’t like it here, then there’s the door. Don’t let it hit you on the way out. I hear Cuba and Venezuela have great socialist systems where they oppress their people, most live well under the poverty level, and they enjoy great tyranny where they have no rights! Why not try it out for yourself instead of trying to create hell here!?
Julio says
I certainly don’t want 4 more years of this…….do you?
Biker Dan says
The democrats defiantly cheated in the 2020 election! President Trump should be serving his second term right now. Any body who supports the democrats either hate America or they have been brainwashed by MSNBC and CNN, CBS, MSNBC, ext. ext. Don’t you ppl see that those liars are globalists and they hate this country because it’s a great country! Trump 2024
Melvin Myers says
Biden won the vote but that is because of social media and mainstream media bias to Biden manipulating the news.
Had they been fair , Trump would have won.
Bring back the FAIRNESS DOCTRINE for these times
Marla says
In more than 60 cases, judges (Predominately Republican appointed) looked at the allegations Trump was making and said they were without merit. They were unable to bring forth any credible evidence that showed any sort of fraud. I am an independent, so I am impartial for the most part ,but the only one I see trying to steal an election are Republicans. Democrats won fair and square. If your still having trouble with the truth, wrap your head around Fox paying almost 800 million because they lied about the election. Move on to real issues.
Ricky Sandefur says
Your an uneducated idiot what is wrong with people that support Trump you have no idea what your talking about. Trump lost there was no rigged election! You Trump morons need to shut up move on and get educated and put your gun down and get a life!
Oh Absolutely says
Biker Dan, Those very brain damaged people that voted for bozo Biden should really be held accountable for all the trouble that they have caused our country now.
GW says
Biker Dan, Without a doubt.
Walter Tuck says
The it all planed out,they are working on their
leaders for the take over.It all their in black and white. Once the take over its no going back and these Repparty will be the only party. If we don’t get the people to start thinking who to vote for we are lost. Everybody I talk to says I don’t care I can’t do anything.
It’s funny how the same crooks get in there everything and don’t do anything for people I always think of Ky.
Jesse Ziegenhagen says
these multiple forms of info to verify things with, that you speak of, are all owned by the same super evil group of Trump hating people who have you mesmerized & transfixed.
You are just a useful idiot who THEY will sacrifice FIRST once their agenda is finally actually served
multiple layers of of verification my ASS
Holy hills says
Yelp true it’s good very good at times to hate your neighbors see many times people are either very dumb are just arrnt aware that their are honest to God real life hateful practicing witches an warlocks around us today an in this world I believe that if we are constantly attacked by several ones an also same ones over an over agin aw yes by al means hate those bastards cause many of them will have you killed locked up or screwrd up or do magic tricks on you so yes by all.means shout to the top of your lungs to get the message across these hate filled terrorist just dont stop but neither do I then then you live with a cold hearted bastard who carers to em all double Jeopardy so it’s like being caught in a rock an a hard place especially if he aint no believer but only a scapegoat for em an a womanizer too he an a hole a big ruthless baby my husband so life is so so so what can I do not much nut case has the wicked ones on his side this I know they are hell too cause.they are not believers so it’s hell hell hell them ya got the places we rent most of em arent christians either an they are leftist an take hubbys side so it’s hell on earth for me
Marion caldwell says
I could not have said it better. I am dumbfounded and sickened at the ignorance that so prevalent today.
But I also feel hopeless to do anything about it. When my right wing sister, who I love, tried to convince me that Hillary is an
Infant blood drinking human trafficker I lost all my faith that the USA will ever be ok
AMEN says
Michelle, they have to stop the very mentally retarded people from voting. Problem solved.
Gerald Norman says
It does not matter what the truth is, I have never been a Democrat or a leftist. I have always voted as an independent and will always do so, I exercise my rights with firearms and voice my opinion if asked. but now the Republican party has lost their minds. They are jerry meandering trying to cheat the elections, lying, bullying people because they don’t have a leg to stand on. Save your breath it will not help, these people have no sense and no morals. We will just continue to fight the good fight.
Proamerican says
You sure sound like a far lefty to me !
Jj says
Harold Roth says
I was always a republican until the bushes came to power and took away all the best deductions we had. They removed the deductions for deducting car interest, credit card interest, second mortgage interest and a bunch of others so the republicans can give the rich a break. They started reducing a lot of other deductions. Then they started with the crap of going to war against drug dealers but only went after the little guys and not the rich dealers.
Dan says
And you claim to be an independent? Ya, right! I think your as much leftists as Biden and the rest of his communist brothers and sisters! Their motto, “Destroy America “!
Kevin Roberge says
The stupid burns bright in this letter.
The Right Has Got To Hate says
Good Grief! This entire thread of 4000 plus comments has some of the most ignorant close minded comments I’ve ever seen. As far as socialism, everytime you drive on a road, use public transportation, a public school, rely on the police, walk on a sidewalk, call the fire department, etc etc. you are basically using infrastructure people and things funded by and built for, the common good. That’s Socialism in action, can’t think of a better example. Stop the hating, and the baiting.
Lib Tardestroya says
Wrong. This is why you have a GED and I have to sned you a welfare check. Keep clutching that EBT card in your mommys basement until that BK lobby needs a good mop down or fries need to be made
Mic Rofoon says
It’s S-E-N-D, not S-N-E-D. That’s why you DON’T have a GED, or even a grammar school diploma. It’s also why your pathetic lack of critical thinking skills has landed you in the ranks of the MAGA GQP.
The Left is truly Dangerous says
You know full well that isn’t what today’s left is about. You are about full control of everyone’ s life and wiping out people you disagree with.
Anonymous says
Jimmie cockburm says
The fathers of USA created the best country in the world,
The politicians , especially the democrats, are destroying the USA.
We the USA is a banana republic now,
If we , the people of USA don’t stop this THE USA WILL DISAPPEAR !!!!!!!
The Very True Facts says
Jimmie, all the liberals have very severe brain damage to begin with.
StacyGreen says
I agree
FedUpWithTheLeft says
False. 🤦🏻♀️
American Patriot says
NO NO NO NO NO that is not Socialism
Socialism is what people lives, experience, in CUBA for more han 50 years in Venezuela for about 20 years, YOUR “COMMON GOOD” ends when U don’t want that and the Government opress you to comply
Craig McCorkle says
Well stated
Craig McCorkle says
Very insightful and fact minded.
Get Help You Freak says
Hey Brant, First of all You are a very mentally ill person that should go see a shrink. And just maybe, You might get the help you really need which in your case it is very very unlikely.
Not hyperbole says
The far left has made it clear through their puppet Biden they are on a quest to wipe out Trump voters. Even if you voted for him and regret it now. The far left wants Genocide,
The Absolute Fact says
Not hyperbole, The very far left scumbag democrats were voted in by those moron people in the first place and really should be held accountable for all the trouble that they have caused today. They deserve to be sent to Russia China and Cuba since they will be slaves over there.
Brenda says
Uh in the Bible gods Bible says it states illness is the devils put uh the first ones to pop pills for any illness our church people there’s that god but when anyone does not believe regular people there mentaly I’ll our if you don’t believe there’s are superior then your ill uh just cus they copied the Bible and slashed some slaves on land of the strong doesn’t mean any ones mentaly Iill I think I rather think gods a pill all solid white like cocaine
Dan says
You need to go back to school and learn how to write a proper sentence! Idiot!
Mary Lynne Davis says
anybody that does not just step back and listen and observe the pure idiocy of what is going on in our nation right now and actually see that we as a people are assisting in the suicide of what i used to think was the America i was so proud of. The left the right the this the that come on people really.Wake up folks wake up
richard eugene venson sr says
The founding fathers yes they had that dream only people like trump and republicans lead by that small group of the greedy rich yes they are the problem reality of our present situation but they certainly are not the way things should be trump is a tool of putin who is trying to undermine and distablize the US and the rest of the sane world , while trump is milking the US of all the money he can steal while trump the narcissist is being used as putin’s type of leader to populate the world leaders using trump as the fascist model leader . Putin has spent lots of his money keeping trump afloat and he is seeing his return on his investement with trump fealty to him. That small group of greedy rich Americans just want to pay no taxes do away with social security medicare and medicaid taking us back to days where we have the rich and poor. The greedy rich don’t realize once trump gets the power of the military they won’t have so much power careful rich people what you hope for a world of fascists oligarchs
Lib Tardestroya says
Wrong. Libtardation is a severe mental disease. You can cure this by passing 7th grade getting a job that doesnt involve making fries and a mop and stopping siphoning welfare checks.Literally NO ONE believes or supports your nonsensical ficiton.
TiredOfTheLeft says
I’m so tired of hearing people make the claim that Trump is a tool of putin. Do you all not realize that not only is this false but that the relationship he had with Putin kept us I’m dealing with the very sort of nightmare that we’re getting ready to deal with now? There is nothing wrong with world leaders trying to get along. But, there is something wrong with someone who pays lots of money to make it look as though an individual is guilty so that the world will believe a lie like the very lie that you believe. Did you miss the memo or are you just in denial at the fact that Hillary Clinton was found to have paid for the lie that you bought into hook, line and sinker? Also, Trump made his own money. He didn’t start out wealthy and, unless you have forgotten, America is a country where have the freedom and the ability to become anything you want to be, and he just so happened to make himself Rich by borrowing money from his grandfather that, by the way, he paid back in full. No one handed the man anything, he has worked for it. However, there are multiple people who are in Washington who haven’t worked for squat and they are making millions of dollars to run this country into the ground. These are the individuals you ought to be upset with, not a self-made businessman who wanted to turn this country around because, whether you want to admit it or not, it was running. Into a brick wall when he came along and decided he wanted to do something about it. And during his entire time in office he was hounded by the left, lied about, threatened, his life was put it great risk and multiple times people tried to assassinate him. But you didn’t hear him complain about the many times radical leftists try to take him out. And honestly, just imagine how much someone could get done while in office when they’re not being treated the way he was! And let’s not forget that, until he decided that he wanted to run for president and until he made it clear that he wasn’t going to be on their side every single one of these people in Washington and all of these celebrities loved him and praised him and talked about him like he could do no wrong. But changed? I’ll tell you what changed, he wasn’t willing to play along like all of these puppets in the past have done, and like this current puppet is doing. He wasn’t willing to continue to allow Americans to be lied to and run over by the government any longer. Also, he didn’t want us in wars any longer and, news flash, those wars are what made money for the very individuals who have continually stirred the pot since before he was even in office. Also, this man worked for free the entire 4 years he was in office. He gave his check right back to the American people, every single time. Not to mention all of his own money that he gave to america. He’s not greedy, he’s the opposite!
Anonymous says
You are CORRECT!
Marion says
No sir. Trump did not make his own money and tried to hoodwink his dying father into establishing him as the sole executor of the estate.
Please don’t believe that big lie. Surely you do realize that the Appentrice was fiction, right?
Trump has loopholed his way around taxes, finagled and lied to banks and associates, and bullied his way through his entire life.
I beg you to seek the truth. Read, read and read some more
Marlin says
Not so fast kimo sabe.The Bidens are visually and proven takers ..Hunter Biden A gas company board of directors member ? Naaaw I bet he couldn’t tell you what a mcf of gas means..Yet here they are were finding out that several members of that family were mailed checks from big guy Joe!it makes me puke when I see our homeland security guy an idiot imo not even know what those brackets were when asked by Senator Ted Cruse and our opioid crisis probly wouldn’t be noticed if that fentanyl illegal type hadn’t been allowed over and now wew find they were giving apps on how to effectively enter the USA !!! Trump is not perfect but you and everyone is neither..Its getting crazy the methods they are trying to push to catch him at anything! I’m waiting for that idiot DA to press charges on scratching his ass but I do believe the entire democratic group is very capable of f being found guilty of that ..
Ricky Sandefur says
Your another Trump moron it is a fact that most trump idiots never went past eight grade and are unemployed women haters like Trump. The man is a pig!
Dan says
And you probably think Joe Biden is god!
Jj says
Do you really still believe the Russia lies? It was proven wrong. Trump should sue even man that signed that letter.
Without A Doubt says
All brain dead people should be banned from voting altogether.
Val Fitzgerald says
I’m Leftist, which means that I love America and I rejoice in having been born here. I’m Italian-American and I consider myself and my family to be proudly super-civilized and accepting of all good-hearted “others”!!!
al bundy says
most guinees are commies
Curtis says
I agree. Trump doesn’t care about other people, just his evil self and worthless family!
Antvee says
I think that would be Biden and his scum bag criminal trash family believe u got those names mixed up libtard !!!
AM says
Antvee, Speaking of Biden the scumbag which that low life piece of trash is being so very protected today since he is now known as the untouchable. Go figure.
Anonymous says
Nobody’s believed this crap we are being fed how could s as ndboudy
Believe the rap and get by with it
Slow mindset and try to make everyone believe how
Can we survive
With the bill our trying to feed lies
Ron Francis says
So what is Italy when your ancestors moved here? If you loved left wing bs so much why did they move here?. Sure with your moron beliefs over 100 million innocent people have been murdered by your stupid beliefs . . That is a proven fact. Trump was a very good President. Your ignorant Communist are scared to death of him. Wh? Because he is not a Murdering Stalin, Mao, Musolline, Lenin Castro, or Hitler..
Samuel Miskelly says
I 100 pc agree with everything u said
Lib Tardestroya says
Wrong jobless cretin. You failed at life. Have the common decency to end it all. Its the ONLY way every one over 4 stops laughing AT you
Me says
Not true
Dan says
So that’s why he kept his promises and got us oil independent and lowered our taxes so I got to keep more money in my pocket from my job? And you Trump haters also got more money! Or do you think Joe Biden is so great? Let’s see, Joe Biden got Americans killed in Afghanistan and since he’s opened the border to let everybody in, plus the fentanyl that’s already killed over 100,000 teens in this country? And you call Trump bad? You people are sick!
Anonymous says
being leftist means you have no morals no values you believe in nothing you are nothing, you are less than a man. You probably voted for biden, you fool, get help!!!
Guest says
Anonymous, All retarded people shouldn’t be allowed to vote at all since those bozo’s are really the ones that have really caused all of this mess today in the first place. And Biden the clown himself made these dumb fools believe that he was going to do a good job once he got in the White House, which is why they voted for him. Let that sink in you Liberal fools.
Proamerican says
Biden won’t be happy until he emmasculates every straight man on Earth, especially the 70% .
If it were up to Biden, we’d all be starving with $2000.00 monthly electricity bills.
Remember Biden/Robinettes had slaves,that’s where his guilt stems from,no guilt on my end.
If Biden has his way, this country will resemble a worn out country full of crime/graffiti/disease and ghettos. Coming to a theater near you.
Bidens Mantra for 2024. “Pride is overrated Joe Biden 2024”
JoSbOrNne says
70% of what? Might. need to clean the lint and fecal matter out of your dog whistle. What does come through clear is that you’re obsessed with the gay/straight thing in each comment. Must’ve had an intense homosexual crush in high school or something that didn’t work out. Whenever someone like you keeps coming back to gay stuff, I figure I wouldn’t have to dig too deep to find the Barbara Streisand records and Village People costumes.
Dan says
You got that right! The left are as dumb as a box of rocks if they think Biden is a good guy! Biden should be charged with treason and shot dead!
Anonymous says
Classic! Call people dumb as rocks and then proceed to advocate for murder of the POTUS on a public forum. Brilliant if you ask me! You getting this, USSS? I think a house call from a couple agents might be in order.
Anonymous says
Totally agree and these HYPOcrites need to stop invoking a God they show ZERO respect for…
Tami says
Ha yeah see how they shoot that down right
Gregory Smith says
Who ever wrote this is a damn moron! Donald j trumptard is an idiot, narcissistic overgrown three year old! He screwed this country divided this country and people like you should not be allowed to say the word lie! You hypocritical hypnotic sheep are the only people breathing that don’t know that all that pos did was lie I hope they put him in prison or he dies and either one would be fine! AND FOR THE RECORD ANY SO CALLED DAMN WOMAN THAT VOTES FOR THE MORON OR ANYONE IN THAT PARTY WHO HAVE LET 6 men decide to force you to have a baby out your hoohah a human mind you.. you women have no self respect whatsoever AND GOD HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT … Gen 2:7 basically spells it out for you… air in nostrils is when human life begins and those 6 idiot men should be forced to have a baby out the eye of their dick/ Johnson! Donald trumptard loving pos
Peggy says
Absolutely right!
I’m really worried about this country! For a long time we had faux news separating the country! Now we have a big orange turd that they worship!
Right wing media oddly keep their ratings up by just telling their viewers exactly what they want to hear! They believe the lies so deeply because its what they assumed to be true! Now their news station is confirming it! Weird tv but it makes a lot of money. And we’re losing our country if we don’t regulate disinformation! And/or teach media literacy in schools.
Myvue says
Wow! Hatred is hard on the cardiovascular.; might want to get your hinges reattached,
If those on the left really cared so much about women, why haven’t I heard them once scream and tantrum for vasectomies. Males getting their tubes tied; could prevent a lot of unwanted children from being conceived and enable women to avoid the trauma of abortion.
Isn’t it strange how vasectomies haven’t been promulgated anywhere near abortion. Irresponsible males who bought the sex revolution lie of ‘free love’ should especially have it done; women should not have to take most of the responsibility for male irresponsibility.
As for your own victim mentality gaslighting extended to women as victims; who is forcing women to have babies? It is deranged and super insulting to stereotype women as brainless sheep. Besides you wouldn’t even be on the planet if mama hadn’t pushed you out her ”Hoohah’. Seems the only life you value is your own.
Your hate-filled rant certainly detracts from your credibility and suggests you have 3 pointing back.
Don Goodinson says
I think with a couple of exceptions most of the American presidents are arseholes.Jimmy Carter,he that sees flying saucers.George Bush JNR,brains of a gnat and now THE DONALD.I lived in the states for a year and found they were very limited on what they knew about politics and the outside world.I wouldn’t even mentioned the times I was asked where South Africa was.
Mic Rofoon says
Jimmy Carter is a very good man whose gifts do not extend to top management or administration. He is likely a genius, having served the late Admiral Hyman Rickover as a nuclear propulsion engineer. How you can even mention him in the same sentence as W Bush, who can’t even pronounce “nuclear” is beyond me. There is quite simply no comparison.
Sylvia says
Name 100 things he did to screw country? Then Name 100 things Biden did to improve our country and lives?
What are the 34 felony charges( specify them 1 by 1)
Adrienne Sanders says
Amen! Wow that was incredible! You stated it perfectly!
Dan says
You got it turned around. That’s all the things Biden did, not Trump! Trump made this country run smoother then ever! Got gas prides down! Lowered our taxes! Kept our enemies afraid of us! Now we have an idiot in the White House that shakes hands with ghosts, and can’t remember what state he’s in, and has to ask a child what country he visited 2 days ago, because he can’t remember! And you think Trump was bad? You are a fool!
KR says
Lise says
Dr Brian Neil Talarico, North Bay Psychiatrist brutally abuses his power, he brutally beat my girlfriend to the floor. it was a retaliation. my bestie had reported talarico for woman beating, child molestation, harassment, and predatory stalking. he does nothing but constantly physically abuse, threaten and stalk her, police catch and release… violent harassment continues.
Robert Bryant says
The left does not hate America, just the racist tunnel-visioned pigs that for some reason think we should all be like them. The right has zero answers except for kissing the rich people’s asses. Complaints and culture wars are all they have. They will be swept away by the progression of this world. Change is inevitable and so is the stupidity of those trying to stop it! Complete fools!
Anonymous says
It’s really tough being a kid in todays world.
CJ says
I am so sorry that half of the country and the people I have sat by and allowed to run the country have left you with very little to work with. .
You’re not let anybody give you a commentary …
You may not even be a kid, as you remain anonymous. But even if you are not, I am ashamed that we did not do a better job to keep our children safe
And to the gentleman who has spoken and left this commentary on why the left hates the right. I don’t see anything left or right about being kind and being part of a religion
I thought we led by example,
I also believe that we should educate children.
These children of God that come upon the Earth ,
We should show them how nice we kept our land , treated each other with respect.
That is what we say is conservative?
If we truly are the one true country that leads the whole goal by example..
Joseph says
America is a big fat joke to the rest of the world because of letting that big fat orange Cheeto asshole run our country. Thank God he’s out and Biden is in. Thank God for Joe he has spent the last three years trying to clean up the mess that the one before it was in there made. Many reasons why Trump is hated and he has shown the world most of them. And there’s the ones who love him who go out and make it a daily mission to piss people off cause trouble shoot guns and just make complete assholes out of themselves 1+ one will still equal three to those bozos.!! All I can say is it that jack ass gets back in for a second term I am prepared to leave this godforsaken nation that I used to be so proud of, but not anymore everyone can just jump in bed with the skinheads and the Nazis and live in peaceful bliss under Satan‘s rule. I don’t give a shit anymore. The first day Trump went into the office was the end of the world for us. Anyone with any common sense whatsoever in their brain could see this all coming, Or has witnessed it. I’m sick of all the name calling the backbiting, the killing, six year olds running around with fucking AR 15s. That one I just can’t get over guns guns everywhere who are we going to kill today. Oh but it’s right to kill it was self-defense you see… Don’t send me to prison I’m not going anywhere but your neighbor who stole a pack of gum gets 20 years. Trump still hasn’t been thrown in prison yet, what does that set for us as a people? Unfair favoritism to all the wrong people who get away with literal murder. There is no equality and justice, it’s all about money and always will be our crooked nation and the people who jumped in the fire.
I am so glad my parents aren’t here to see this and my grandparents. This nation was built on their backs, how shameful we should feel. But we won’t we will just keep on keeping on just like every day comes and goes with even more bullshit and even more crazy people feeding us a bunch of trash on the news every day. Thank God for Canada!!
Proamerican says
It’s gonna get a lot more difficult, that’s if Biden doesn’t start a nuclear war.
Bidens admin doesn’t want the minorities to stand on their own two feet. He wants them to ride on the backs of the white Americans that make this country operate.
Look at the black countries, still the same as they were 5000 years ago, ZERO progress.
Biden states, GO WELFARE 2024.
The truth hurts. !
Bill Niewohner says
Such a bitter and hateful response. Can’t we work together like Reagan did and President Clinton did ?Stop the name calling. “Racsist tunnel vision pigs “?
Anonymous says
Hope you mean BOTH sides with the name calling… and maybe the problem is that too many view this as something with 2 (TWO) sides… In a country so large and so complex…. maybe that is a narrow view.
I have lost countless hours of sleep and peace since I was a kid because I have always been a GRAY thinker… there are never only “2 sides” to anything… not even “What’s for dinner?”
Wokes A Joke says
Says the guy trying to turn kids into the opposite gender. That’s called grooming that’s why we hate you
Valerie Fitzgerald says
No, that’s not called “grooming”, except only by the super-ignorant like it seems that you are. Nobody “tries to turn kids into the opposite gender’…God (for His own, unknowable ressons) is Who does that. YOUR (God-given) SUPER-duties as your children’s’ parents? To foster in them a sense of respect for all others—despite any differences in body, origin OR (and especially) religion!
Anonymous says
…….more Marxist Communist DemoNazi Propaganda……………….
Nobody says
So true
Val Fitzgerald says
Why be anonymous?! Ashamed of yourself, are you?!
Anonymous says
All democrats are worthless POS biden a primary example
Anonymous says
Yes. They hate America.
The Real Very True Honest Facts says
Anonymous , and they really need to be punished very severely for their very horrible crimes since those filthy liberal scumbags are just out to destroy our America completely.
Adrienne Sanders says
Yeah, well the omly good Republican is a dead Republican!
Jasmine says
I see we have too many I Only Watch Fox remarks
Val Fitzgerald says
Your ignorance shines bright, ‘Wokes…” with every word that you post..
Val Fitzgerald says
Lol…notice how they all seem to be afraid to sign even with just their first names? Lol…!
Anonymous says
It’s called were smart you fucking fool. Only a fucking complete idiot is going to reveal who they are online. Especially when you have to deal with baby killing, Americans who can’t figure out there fucking gender., Who are extremely violent most of the time as proven time and time again by so called “peaceful protests” fuck off you american hating pig.
Dan says
You’re a complete fool! I am center right and I care about the well being of the peoples in America! The left are trying to destroy America and take away our right to bear arms. They care nothing of the constitution and want to make up their own rules! Their motto, destroy America!
Nothing But The Truth says
Dan, the lefts are just like filthy cockroaches that really need to be punished very severely for their crimes. Too bad we don’t have real laws anymore since these very disgusting low life pathetic loser democrats are very protected nowadays.
Val Fitzgerald says
Yeah, guess what? America IS a Democracy- or, so our Founding Fathers taught, when they gave us our Constitution!
Brant says
Wow! Your comment is so full of hatred! I’m a Republican, conservative, a Christian. & a Natural Born American. I am so sorry.. please, with all due respect, please let us know what has happened in your life that the Democrats are directly responsible for? Share with us how they turned your life from great, into a tragedy thats filling you with such rage, anger & hatred, that it spews out like something from a demonic hell. What did the democrats do to you? How did they change your life from good into complete shambles?And what has the democrats done illegally or otherwise that you feel they need to be severely punished?? & what is a severe punishment that we could do to them? Let us know friend how your life has been completely destroyed now. We are here for you. Let us know all the horrific facts that’s happened to you. And may God Bless you & your tortured soul & ruined life. 🙏
Charles Herrmann says
Oh dear God! Nobody is trying to take away ur right to bear arms! Just simply ban war weapons! Grenades r illegal and or any weapons that r designed to kill mass quantities in wartime! Automatic assault weapons have no place in society! Poor little scared cowardly little babies need them because they r so afraid! Grow a pair whimpy Republicans and stop making it so easy to commit mass shootings!
Ken says
Chuck you might want to check your own shorts! We have millions people crossing our boarders what kind of weapons are they bring with them? If you have people shooting at you something equal would be best. There is a reason other countries don’t invade the United States it’s our Guns!
Anonymous says
It has been proven time and time again that taking those so called war weapons away will not stop the criminalsfrom getting them. Also if you knew your facts you would know that not a single mass shooting in the last 50 years would have been prevented if these laws they want to enact were in fact in effect then. In other ward it doesn’t work. Only fools think taking guns away from legal law abiding Americans will stop the criminals and crazies from getting them. The only way to solve this problem would be to ban every single type of firearm in the whole fucking world. God you people are so single minded and can’t see past your own stupidity. You got your heads so far up the democrats asses it’s not even funny. The difference between democrats and republicans is us conservatives aren’t lining up to try and take our fellow Americans rights away. It’s all in the name “democrat” stems from democracy; which is mob rule. So for all you fuckers who keep saying democracy threat to our democracy. Guess what dumb fucks we don’t live in a democracy. We live in a “Constitutional Republic”. And thank God for that. A democracy is where 51 percent control the lives of the other 49.
Anonymous says
Automatic weapons are already illegal. An AR15 is not an automatic weapon and is not a weapon of war. They are functionally the same as any semi-auto handgun, you pull the trigger and one round is fired and you have to pull the trigger again to fire another round just like a handgun. Most mass shootings are committed with handguns, criminals don’t follow laws and will still get guns even if they’re banned, and the 1994 assault ban was found to be ineffective in decreasing violent crime and homicides and there was increase in violent crime and homicides committed with other types of guns and other weapons and the banned guns were still being used as well. You know what has shown to be effective in stopping school shootings? Hardening our schools and having armed guards. Just a couple weeks ago a school shooter was stopped before anyone was harmed because the school had an armed guard.
D. W. says
GERALD J. BOYUM, ON the other hand, sounds like quite the FOOL.
Anonymous says
Is not the left hates America , could it be that they do care about the rule of law where we keep saying that no one is above the law , they care to keep and maintain everyone respectively of wealth accountable to the constitution and the rule of law , because most liberals believe that no one is above the law not even a Republican president that has a history for criminality. One question do Republican now that they might become the minority want to trough our democracy away for a plutocrat and fascist government, because they ( conservatives evangelical ) have given up on Christ and worship the god of monetary green . Trump himself said he only care and believes in himself not a god . Wow
Annie Schinnypuff says
The left care about the rule of law? With exception to the thousands and thousands that break the law when they cross the Southern border illegally .The left continue to agree with mutilating children all in the name of lgbtqrst gender bs, drag queen shows for kids, teaching kids to be racist, buying votes by promising kids to pay off student loan debt, false ideals on climate change, bidens in bed with China, inflation thru the roof, gas at $5.00 a gallon, Democrats care about one thing “power” that’s it . They are a very very sick group of people without morals, without common sense they believe in power and will go to any lengths to get it and will appease any weird group of people if they guarantee votes for them.
Johnny A says
I grew up in the segregated south and I can tell you whole heatedly. That the Democrats were the ones who created and upheld the Jim Crowe laws. How did society forget simple facts about this stuff? What happened in the 7 years I ignored media and politics that allowed the party that supported slavery aka the Democrat Party is now considered the party of tolerance?? Wow you all being such great disservice to the people who fought to free Black Americans aka the Republican Party.
Anonymous says
Val Fitzgerald says
Why be anonymous?! Ashamed of yourself, are you?!
Val Fitzgerald says
Get out the American Dictionary and next time you post, CHECK IT!
Nobody says
You’re absolutely right…except I DO NOT “hate America “…. or even Trump… I just REALLY DISLIKE what he has turned our country INTO. America WAS GREAT. I don’t care what he- or anyone sàys- I love my country but look at us now… now we(THEY) are trying to justify putting à very bad, self-absorbed màn in the Presidential election AGAIN….. so he can make us ALL self-absorbed, rotten people who are AFRAID to do or say they ethical things…. it’s not that we don’t care, but if we SAY we care that Trump is JUST PLAIN WRONG, we will be in TROUBLE! Is à çountry of bullying and hate the place you want to raise YOUR kids??? Not me!!!! I’m sorry but I CANNOT condone the behavior of the gameshow host ŵho STILL fancies himself à President. I’m GLAD Biden won fair and square. I HOPE he can so it AGAIN!!!
Val Fitzgerald says
I bet Biden does win again…even here in TX, he’s beginning to be prized!
Ragan says
Val, Biden for some damn reason is untouchable, and even the laws are in that moron’s favor now. Go figure.
Johnny A says
I’ve been out of politics and media for over 7 years so I missed a lot. Please explain to me exactly what Donald Trump did to hurt American citizens and the economy ECT. I like to ask the regular people because maybe they saw something I didn’t. And please link data so I can research it. Ty
Samuel Miskelly says
Really u think that ould IRA loving bastard will live that long lets hope for America’s sake no
Arlene says
You are so wrong.. The left hates America and we all know it.. And who is that, that you say kisses the asses of the rich? Check out who this administration being led by the misfit biden and his regime are kissing the asses of.. Good old whore-ly-wood millionaires/billionaires.. For some reason trash like biden seems to think it gives him credibility.. Nothing can give that slimebag credibility.. No one that sleeps with his own teenage daughter should be allowed to be free.. he belongs in prison.. along with everyone who supports such trash as he is..
Brant says
Thats right Arlene, You tell it right! KUDOS TO YOU! .I
too, am a Republican, consevative, faithful Christian & Natural born citizen of the USA! So i got your back. Now share with the leftists how your life changed from GREAT TO ALMOST UNBEARABLE! .List the FACTS OF ALL THE THINGS THAT ARE NOW DIFFERENT IN YOUR LIFE SINCE BIDEN TOOK OFFICE! LET EVERYONE SEE THE LIST ON ALL THAT HAS CHANGED IN YOUR LIFE AND ALL THAT YOU LOST IN YOUR LIFE BECAUSE OF THE DEMOCRAT’S!
Ben says
Arlene, you really are so right.
greg butler says
biden is the racist.did the eulogy at byrds funeral .a grand marshall of the kkk. .said obama is the first clean black person who can speak. and believed in segregation. .the left is intolerant.. my god read history. i can see it now you sitting in ur first college class,mouth a gape,eyes wide open and never blinking. some instructor saying how unfair capitalism is .your brain soaking it all up and believing it. thinking i knew my parents didnt know anything. not knowing this idiot could not get a job anywhere else but a college..thinking im the smartest person in the room ,so i should be paid the most and never understandin how jim and bobs fish and bait store makes them 5 times more money than he will ever make.the left is racist always has been
robert m toner says
really…. duck your head and grab a starbucks
Anonymous says
You must be a CCP jerk
Anonymous says
Nailed it…
Nonie says
The left are the fools. Wharton they are doing is destroying the very country they live in. They think they will be supreme rulers telling Everyone what they can have, do and say. I do not understand why anyone would want to be a leftist follower.
MM says
Nonie, they’re without a doubt the very same severely mentally retarded brain dead people that voted for that other retarded old man clown Biden in the first place which is why we have all this trouble today in the first place.
Dan says
You got that right! Biden and his scumbag friends have destroyed what Trump had done to make our country better!
Dan says
That’s what happens when you have a fake president running the show!
Mandala says
* XL pipeline shut down
* Baby formula plants shut down
* Hundreds of food processing plants shut down
* Oil refineries shut down
* Thousands of cattle mysteriously die at the same time
* Tens of millions of chickens destroyed
* Going EV when it is not at all feasible
* Refineries are not allowed to be built
* Giving away hundreds of billions to fruitless causes in Europe
* Pushing transgenderism.
* Pushing Satanism.
* Pushing abortion.
* Open borders, no restrictions for the illegal aliens.
* Compounding restrictions for legal American citizens.
* Pushing lies, cheating, stealing and master deceit.
* Go read the 1963 hearings on communist subversion. Everything in that is happening now.
Everything designed to take out the middle class and families.
Democrats are pushing it.
Republicans are doing nothing to stop it. It is you versus them.
It is time people understood this and took care of business.
“You can ignore reality, but you can’t ignore the consequences of ignoring reality” -Ayn Rand
” No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot.” – Mark Twain
Paul says
Get on YouTube and look up Russian spy interview on TV 1983 . In 1983 a Russian spy defected came to the United States had an interview and explained it on live TV exactly what is going on when it began all the way until today and he is 100% correct going on today
Bob says
And Republicans gutting U. S. manufacturing starting with Richard Nixon opening relations with China in the 1970s. The Republican motivation was obvious lower labor costs with absolutely no consideration for the fact that the entire middle class depended upon quality high paying jobs to raise families put them through school support their communities and support the infrastructure to keep communities thriving especially schools.
Frédéric says
josh says
Well said. Conservatism is in no position to claim either moral authority or superior social policy. It is no exaggeration to say the right wing in America has nearly always been dreadfully wrong about everything from social policy to science to history and economics. Additionally it seems popular on this web site to claim liberals and progressives “hate” America. Ironically quite the opposite is the case.. I have never seen such unbridled hate of American principles as that exhibited by the political right wing. Indeed they eschew any regard for the aspects of the country that are elements that can helped us to greatness. The MAGA principles are hollow, empty, hateful and exhibit not a morsel of adequate thought and deliberation. It’s no wonder you are losing support (if you ever had any) of genuinely moral and honest people. QEDUD
kara says
You literally described to the T the entire democratic party. You also gaslight conservatives by calling us all MAGA as though that means something bad. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Why would any principled, hard working, constitution loving, tax paying, honest, legal citizen not want America to rise back up and be as great as she coul be? Only those who want a free ride paid for by others and who want to blame others for every negative outcome in their lives would not want MAGA! For God’s sake every single incident predicted by Trump (hunter bidens china connection, the big guys (dementia joe) 10%, hunters lap top and Russia connection, Covid coming from the PRC lab not an animal, etc has proven to be true despite the democrats gaslighting republicans and now even the qanon pedophilia theory is proving true…Its not enough you want to eliminate biological women now you democraps are arguing for having grown arse adults teaching sex education to the grade school children stating we are all sexual beings from birth. ARE YOU DEMOCRAPS FOR REAL! How you can be ok with showing explicit porn to little children so “they wont be horrified when they see genitals in person”…. they should be horrified at that age… You democraps have no shame and are the reason the country is so divided and why we are on our knees and are going to fall as a nation…
Glen Coleman says
You don’t even see your hypocrisy. Pathetic!
Suzy Mac says
He stole that from another useless asshole, reagan. Buckle up buttercup treasonous traitorous trump is getting indicted between today and next week and I cannot wait to do a jig of glee. If you ever wake up to your complete gullibility of believing that lying, cheating, treasonous traitor snake trump please remember all the signs you chose to turn a blind eye to.and never let a piece of shit make you look like the fool you and the rest of the maga idiots you clearly are.
Anonymous says
You are so right. 👍🏻
GpaPa says
Hitler wanted to make Germany Great Again,, look at Hitlers results.
Arlene says
Totally agree.. kara.. Anyone who would not want to Make America Great Again has to really hate this country and all of it’s citizens.. The left has gone out of their way to ‘TADA” Take America Down Again.. They truly should think about going to live in what they would consider a better country for them.. They definitely would not be missed.. Imagine living in a country where everyone has loves the country.. The only way to achieve that would be to find somewhere for every democrat/liberal/communist can go to live as they want.. This is America..
Amy Lynn Daugherty says
What planet do you live on? Your comment could not be more incorrect. You need to do some research and fact checking before commenting.
Kristal Kerkondis says
Biden said this, “We’re transitioning into a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, it is painful but it is happening and IT WILL NOT BE STOPPED!”
Tells you everything that you need to know about the reason for the destroying of America and indeed every free country on earth! A One World Government that you support tells us everything we need to know about you! Traitor, fascist, brainwashed IDIOT all applies to you!
Steve says
Funny how conservatives are so for protecting the unborn but once your born, you’re on your own. What kind of sick, bible thumping baloney is that? Your country is 90% white yet whites feel they are on the decline. Plus the MAGA crowd would rather base their knowledge on pipedreams instead of reality. Where they actually believe rich narcissists have America’s best intentions at heart and you can write long diatribes in all capital letters about the twisted conspiracies you believe to be true. America is the land of the divided and warped, subjugated idealists who prefer corruption and weekend based religion as their truths. The American I remember is far too corrupted by both sides of the political realm whilst both sides continue to point fingers instead of working together. Fear not Kristal, you need not worry about foreign invaders destroying your country because your own people will do just that while your true enemies sit back and laugh.
Anonymous says
Never Pisted Before or will again says
I have been a Republican my entire life but last 20 years they have spent more money than Dem admin.s. GOP destabilized the MiddleEast by replacing gov.s of Iraq & Afganistan at a cost of 4 Trillion and many young men, looking for made up weapons of mass destruction. Made Abortion laws so harsh that my wife of 50yrs has to sign a NotPreg doc to get her Arthritus meds and my grandaughters all log their “periods” monthly to participate in sports. We scare OB docs with LIFE IN PRISON & say they can still use good judgement on women trying to have baby but preg issues must put her on death’s door before any intervention. Now instead of actually governing we just yell about Culture issues that you can easily fix: REPLACE YOUR SCHOOL BOARD ALREADY. You will find out that the dozens of examples that happen (in the 1 million schools) never actually were a problem at your school. If you really believe all the lies that FOX News is now admitting under oath they lie to keep viewers angry but loyal. . Please just try, as I have to get your news from 2 or 3 sources that are LEFTIST ! along with Fox or Breitbart AND talk to actual children in public schools and you will discover a whole new world that doesn’t make you scream all day. Gays do have too much influence but aren’t killing my children. Your angry kid / g.kid / nephew with a gun maybe will. I own 3 guns but laws allowing MINORS to carry assault rifles is not helping me !
John McCullough says
While I respect your right to express your beliefs, I believe there are some misconceptions in your comment that need to be addressed. I feel it is important to engage in a respectful, fact-based discussion to better understand and each other and our different perspectives.
Regarding the issue of adult/child relationships, it is crucial to clarify that no decent American, regardless of political affiliation, condones sexual abuse of anyone, especially minors. The left, like the right, is deeply concerned about the safety and wellbeing of children. Mischaracterizing this issue serves only to distract from the genuine efforts both sides are making to protect the most vulnerable among us.
On the topic of border control, it’s essential to differentiate between the desire for open borders and the need for effective, humane border policies. The left is not advocating for open borders; rather, we are calling for improved border management that focuses on staffing high-volume border crossings to prevent criminal activity and drug trafficking. Since the Biden administration took office, there has been a significant increase in drug confiscations at the border, indicating the effectiveness of this approach. Additionally, an expensive, continuous wall may not be the most efficient use of resources, considering the diverse terrain and complex challenges that our border presents.
In regards to foreign policy, specifically sending aid to Ukraine, it is essential to recognize that this support is grounded in our long-standing commitments to global stability and the defense of democracy. Many years ago, the United States and its allies negotiated with Ukraine to give up their nuclear arms in exchange for a promise to protect their sovereignty. By providing support to Ukraine, we are not only fulfilling this promise but also working to prevent the expansion of aggressive actors, which could ultimately drag us into a war we do not want.
As for the quote attributed to President Biden, I could not find a verified source for this statement. It is crucial that we base our discussions on verified information to ensure a fair and accurate representation of the facts. I encourage all of us to be diligent in fact-checking and critical thinking when discussing these complex issues.
In conclusion, I understand that we may have differing opinions, but it is through respectful dialogue that we can find common ground and work towards a better future for all Americans.
Anonymous says
Yes !!!! 👍🏻
Did Someone Brainwash U…or..Did U doo it Urself ?
Dan says
Why do you think Joe Biden and his family got all those millions of dollars?They sold Russia and China a bunch of the classified reports Joe Biden has stashed in his garage. You democrats are just plain stupid!
Peter says
“He who does not wish to see CHOOSES TO BE BLIND”
Your choice to be so Blinded by your sides Rhetoric & your laziness to research 4 facts is unconscionable unless you do search 4facts but decided they didn’t fit the narrative you’ve already committed to so you choose to just ignore them & carry on with the propaganda which is worse. Convincing yourself that you a PATRIOT of this country & you honor the Constitution while literally attacking that THE CAPITAL & have a noose to hang the Vice President, look 4 DEMOCRAT LEADERS to kill, your party attempts a COUP & INSURRECTION because you were lied to about voter fraud & it’s been proven. This would make the Founding Fathers curse your very Lying POLITICAL AGENDA SEEKING RELIGIOUS RIGHT ATTEMPTING TURNING ON THIS COUNTRY FOUNDATIONS SOUL!
You march on the streets of this country shouting “USA USA” &”WE’RE GONNA TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK” From who? The rest of the country”AMERICANS” that didn’t See things your way, is that who? WE THE PEOPLE is ALL AMERICAN CITIZENS not just Republican Maga citizens! Get help!
Peter says
Get out of the holes you slide into for to long.
Narc doe says
So what your saying is that you do not believe in the bible, or god , and the liberal party is the answer?,
I will tell you the truth, you have no solution,a parot could do better than you, what is the solution, you will find out very soon when you confess on your knees that god is your creator and you never should have fell for your baby killing, LGBT agenda, I say choose Jesus, and give up your satanic redoric
Anonymous says
The best agenda is choosing REALITY, not what other people tell you or write down which has no basis in fact and no proof whatsoever for their assertions.
RailRider says
Marc doe, you might want to read the Bible, not the version you made up. Jesus had some real views on the hate the so called religious right believes in. Read about the Sermon on the Mount when Jesus fed a multitude of people with 40 loafs and fish, maybe your to twisted to realize that was a act of Socialism.
Governor Huckabe said there are two kinds of Americans, normal and crazy. Assaulting Congress is no normal, forcing a raped 10 year old to bear a child isn’t normal either. Unlimited gun ownership when children are being shot down in their schools is selfish and
deplorable, not to mention your disgraceful comments on LBGT people.
Check out the history of Nazism and Fascism, modern conservatism I has more in common than you think.
PS I’ve been a gun owner since I was 14, yet l’ve had no use for a semi-automatic rifle.
Jm says
Looting and setting things on fire isn’t normal. Giving sexually explicit material to a 4th grader isn’t normal. Destroying churches isn’t normal. Attacking people with different veiwpoints than you isn’t normal. Blocking whole streets so you can race cars isn’t normal. Most of the young left are spoiled brats. They have been given their way since birth and respect nothing except what they want. All they know is how to leave ugly comments trying to one up whoever disagrees with them. They don’t want to work and they have no drive. All they know how to do well is blame other people for their own shortcomings.
R. Milley says
As we push freedoms toward LGBTQ, killing babies, magnify the wickedness of the Left, give our tax money to the Russian/ Ukraine war, The Government is destroying the divinely inspired Constitution of this country. President Biden’s dementia has been covered up even before he took office, which is why he stayed in the basement for most of his campaign.. The Physicians that did his last physical should be put on trial for lying to America, His Presidency has been the worst this nation has seen. It is a Democrat inflation that is destroying the American economy,Robbing our nation of manufacturing, food supplies all because of the Green Agenda. He is denying this country of its own oil and sending our reserves to China. He should be arrested for treason. This is the American Truth and you Leftists forget that God is in charge anyway.
Anonymous says
Your absolutely right….Biden is so bad for America. Trump made his cronies richer and killed a few million Americans with his handling of Covid but yes….gotta hate those Democrats. God is not in charge. You don’t even know if he exists, you just use his name to back your overall lack of intelligence. I guess you failed to realize that the age gap between Biden and Trump is nill. Sound like you need to pray more because you are so easily swayed by conspiracies. Conspiracies that have no factual basis. If Biden should be arrested for Treason then Trump should be arrested for murder x __million! Guess you believe the insurrection was God’s doing too? No more koolaid for you.
Akhnaten says
Believe in the BuyBull? Believe in God? The God that, in a fit of pique, because he didn’t like the way he was being worshipped, wiped out every living thing on the planet besides what Noah brought on the Ark? That God? Fuck Him, He’s a fucking cocksucker.
The greatest trick the devil ever played on idiots like you is to convince them he is God and God is the devil. You’ve been conned.
Secularism is the only solution and liberal secularism is the goal. After all if it wasn’t for Xtianity our progress would be light years ahead of where we are now.
Xtianity = Death.
YourMigraine says
We got a new age soviet here
Steve says
Choose Jesus? What makes you think he cares about the problems of mankind? What is Satanic rhetoric? Nobody knows God’s truth but God. Not you, not the guy with the $2 prayer book, nobody. Judge not unless you wish to also be judged but you probably already knew that. If you actually read the bible you wouldn’t be so confounded by division because the bible supports tolerance not ignorance but hey go pray to a statue and hope it saves you.
John McCullough says
Was it not Jesus who warned us to not judge our neighbor? Matthew 7:3-5 NIV
“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?
Most self proclaimed “Christians” in America today have strayed far from the teachings of Christ. They use the Bible and Jesus name as a weapon to shame those who they decide are not worthy of love and acceptance. That is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what Jesus wanted. He said to love thy neighbor and judge them not.
He warned of the heretics who think they are Christians!
Maximous says
Some excellent scriptures for those who love to twist Matthew 7:1 and who wrongly claim that Christians are never to judge…..
Judge with a righteous judgement: [John 7:24] Judge all things: [John 7:24] Judge sin within the church: [1 Corinthians
Judge matters between the brethren: [1 Corinthians 6:5]
Judge preaching: [1 Corinthians 14:29] Judge, false spirits and those who preach and teach counterfeit gospels and false doctrines:
[2 Corinthians 11:1-4] Judge the works and workers of darkness:
[Ephesians 5:11]
Judge false prophets and false apostles: [2 Peter 2-1 John 4:1 – Revelation 2:2] Judge false Christians among us: [1 John 2:18-20]
Ernie says
I have never in my life seen such a long post that says so little. You spend paragraphs name-calling and accusing others of not searching “4 facts” and you give NO FACTS to back up ANY of your arguments! Take a look at the first comment on this page. THOSE are facts!!!
Anonymous says
If you were given facts, you wouldn’t believe them. Like saying the GOP is pro cop unless they are looking into crimes a republican committed. Ashley Babet wasn’t murdered you may think she was because the cop that shot her. Is black. Republican presidents since the 50s have put our economy In a recession and then democratic have to save the economy and fix whatever damage the republican party has done to agencies in the government
Dan says
Is that why Joe got us in to a recession? Idiots!
Amy Lynn Daugherty says
If you read the comments, yours is the only one that sounds unhinged.
Anonymous says
Bravo and very well written.
Anonymous says
Great article .hope it wakes up those who don’t want the truth
Dan says
Your completely brain washed you idiot!
Noah Edelson says
Your claim is that the Democrats are too Commie friendly? Uhm.. it was Trump who recently said “we should be nice to China”.. Forbes magazine, ever the Capitalists friend, responded with an article titled “Is Trump on Chinas payroll? If so, impeach him!” This was back in 2017.
Currently,. it seems Biden is trying to start WWIII with Russia. I wouldn’t say thats a Commie friendly stance. In fact, he is violating the agreement that JFK had with Russia. Clinton was the first to betray JFK in such a manner, pushing NATO up to Russia. Even Jack Matlock, the Ambassador to Russia under Bush Sr and Reagan said that this was super unwise – both in the mid 1990s, and recently. The Ukraine Euromaiden ’14 “revolution” was strongly supported by Obama’s CIA. So.. you are about 180 degrees from correct. The sympathy for the Communists is now coming from the right. They even play Tucker Carlson’s FOX news rants on Russia Today!! (I think they are actually some of the more sensible things Tucker has said in the past.
I wish folks would take Orwell seriously now. He basically predicted all of this back when he coined the phrase “the cold war”. Look it up, Im not lying. Also: Orwell was a hardcore Marxist / democratic socialist, even volunteering to fight for the Spanish POUM (a Marxist military group that supported the Republicans against Franco’s Fascists).
“Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism.” -George Orwell, _Why I Write_ (verified on Wikiquote )
Also from Wikiquote, same essay:
“My starting point is always a feeling of partisanship, a sense of injustice. When I sit down to write a book, I do not say to myself, I am going to produce a work of art. I write it because there is some lie that I want to expose.”
“In my opinion, nothing has contributed so much to the corruption of the original idea of socialism as the belief that Russia is a socialist country and that every act of its rulers must be excused, if not imitated. And so for the last ten years, I have been convinced that the destruction of the Soviet myth was essential if we wanted a revival of the socialist movement.”
-George Orwell, Preface to the Ukrainian edition of Animal Farm,
kara says
You are dead wrong about socialism. It is communism and how about reading or even reaching out to the thousands of defectors from “socialist” countries and get their take on what it means to have the government in control of its citizens every day lives. Liberals and socialist just want to have more sex, drugs, and rock and roll while someone else pay their bills…. republicans want to party to but we WORK HARD and play harder but at least we earn it.
Alex says
Ok Karan.
Anonymous says
It’s so awfully funny to see people like you talking about “reality” when you base your own lives, actions and judgments of other people on your personal beliefs in things which in fact, have no basis in reality and there’s no proof that what you assert ever happened.
Chuck Meeryman says
Wake up people died for our country you destroying our god bless nation with redigested anti moral gay 🤮🤮🤮 leave our children alone shut your mouth do some good,go pick trash on the road
Just The Facts says
Mandala, the very sad problem is that most people nowadays are very severely mentally retarded since they don’t know right from wrong to begin with.
Anonymous says
your comment is an insult to all those people with legit mental retardation. Living proof that you lack common sense and respect for those less fortunate than you just to make a point that your opinion is the only one that matters.
Anonymous says
Anonymous, And you without a doubt are very severely mentally retarded altogether.
Dave says
It’s great to see that honesty, Truth and common sense does exist!
Biden and his accomplices like fouchi should be in prison.
Mayors, governors, Judges and prosecutor’s that don’t follow the constitution and/or enforce laws should also be incarcerated.
You Said The Very Truth says
Dave, Right on.
Nettie says
What about Nancy ,Hillary Clinton wrong doings. 🤔.I hope you all remember we hired them we fire them we need no reason ask labor and industries.
Chuck Meeryman says
Biden doesn’t know nothing that is pure or right he forgot about being a child . You mess with innocent children with gay faggots you need be gone ,nothing else said,no liberal bullshit gone dead,dust no cops no state police gone go to your grave
Anonymous says
Still beats trump!
Anonymous says
At least Mark Twain says the only facts, in that backwards rant.
Thom says
The Left is a coalition of mistaken intellect. All have one commonality: a perview which is dissident to the universal symmetry we in harmonics describe and ascribe as TRUTH…
Judy Turner says
So very very true I knew all this an more too yrs ago I said to my hubby America has fallen from GRACE a long long time ago an truly it is so my still HOPE is still I’n JESUS’ CHRIST my LORD an be SAVIOR out only HOPE law can’t help doc cant help an really now the way things are fast progressing even CLERGY cant help so the HOLY word of GOD doerh say when you see these things happening to. Look up for your REDEMPTION draweth nigh thank you Jesus
You Very Much Nailed It Completely says
Mandala, You wrote a very excellent comment which is the very truth of all.
christina says
You forgot pushing integregation which is against the Bible , the law of nature and God’s law. The Bible says do not let your daughters marry their sons Do not let your sons marry their daughters. Do not make a coven with them. Acts you cannot have clean from unclean. Do not let your cattle breed with a different kind. Race mixing is wrong. Loving verses Virginia 1967 needs to be abolished including all the amendments after the 10th amendment. We are only supposed to have 10 amendments to the Bill of rights. A 1959 Judge said God almighty created all the races and separated them in different areas because he did not intend for them to mix. The UN section 2 International law forbids racial genocide. Ted Cruz of Texas on TV quoted a Bible verse Homosexuals are to be put to death. We can not have the leftist dumbcrats destroy America by turning it into Sodum and Gohmorra.
It Totally Amazes me How People come on to Internet Sites & Spout their Alternate Realities . Debunking all your Totally Made Up Nonsense is such a Total Waste of Time . You Totally Swallowed KELLYANN’S …Alternate Facts Nonsense . CONGRATS . & Today …TRUMP got INDICTED in NEW YORK . GOOD LUCK
Arden Keyes says
America does not seem too idyllic when you consider: 1. The gun violence epidemic. 2.America is the most obese nation on the planet (by far), so the people are saturated in low-quality life. 3. Top five in developed countries with largest National Debt.
The Republicans are just as duped by the “elite-ruling-class” because Mr. Trump is definitely part of that strata of money-power-structure and certainly fed more into that “elite-ruling-class” power structure just as must as all the other insincere presidents.
Margeina P McClelland says
Ok. And who was pushing to open up China? Kissenger! That old globalist toad! I was not born until 1970, but have watched my beloved Nation completely change. Most American were proud of their country. We believed in a rule of law, respect for different opinions, We know what a woman is. liberals were against big government and regulators. Big business was something to be wary of! Now? They love big everything especially overbearing government! The positions the left now champion are deranged. Mutilation of the genitals of small children is not liberalism. Cancel culture is not liberalism. Fascism is not liberalism. Not prosecuting thugs and criminals in the name of equality is evil. The ideology that drives the left agenda now is so frightening I am selling my house and getting away from the city. It is no longer safe in Democrat run cities. I now believe if you only listen to the corporate talking heads and don’t get real alternate information, you are misinformed. My God, Walter Concrite was a huge globalist. How many people know that? I was raised hard left. I didn’t leave the” liberals” I belive they were high jacked by Marxists.
I think if more liberals were political junkies like myself they would realize they were swallowed up by radical socialist who they share very little in ideology.
Suzy Mac says
Boo! You sound like a frightened child. Stop watching tucker, hannity and ingraham they are helping you look like a completely misguided, gullible moron. Get an education and stop watching cable propagandists.
David B says
Mutilation of the genitals of small children isn’t happening anywhere in the US as part of any child exploring what gender is. Such an action would and should be considered criminal abuse by anybody liberal or conservative.
The issue with many arguments on the right is that they’re fighting against a demon that simply does not exist.
kara says
You are dead wrong about socialism. It is communism and how about reading or even reaching out to the thousands of defectors from “socialist” countries and get their take on what it means to have the government in control of its citizens every day lives. Liberals and socialist just want to have more sex, drugs, and rock and roll while someone else pay their bills…. republicans want to party to but we WORK HARD and play harder but at least we earn it.
Leo says
The Democratic party has always been the party of Govt Regulations since FDR because it Works
Without strong regulatory powers Greed runs rampant & we get endless boom & bust cycles blantent pollution , & consumer abuses .
Big Corporate interests ?
Ha 😄
Just ask DJT rated as
The worst US Labor POTUS ever – CWA
He put big Corporate interests over working peoples 24-7 for 4 years
You Fox Zombies live in an alternate reality world .
President Biden has been a Pro US Labor POTUS as he promised
His infrastructure bill Creates over 15 Million New US Jobs !
Real Good Paying Jobs .
I seems like today’s GOP voters don’t even know their own parties agenda ??
It’s all about Lib Owning & Hate mostly based in falsehoods
Barry Barney says
How dare you taĺk about the only President that has been a real President in the whole durration of my life. If you are so impecable then maybe its you that has brought on this rising cost of everything . Beyond the bullshit that you spread all over . Its just another way for you to point the eyes of America away from your own greed stricken selves. You justify it in your own minds by saying “if it weren’t for poverty we wouldn’t know prosperity”. I can just see that non elected piece of Barrok Hussain, Joebombya Obiden, or Obuyedin and his family of crooks just setting there on the wave of destrctionthat started this tsunamy against the very fiber of this Great nation that “WE THE PEOPLE” have grown to lazy to defend against terrorists in our own government. Starting with our own cities police. And rising to our very own Presidetial position. Well now it can no longer be that the best liar wins. Because we all have internet access. We all should and do demand transparentcy. In our government. Yet we all stood in silence and watched the crookedest family in America steal our election right out from under us. And we all know that we are considered to be their dumb cattle. But we the people have become fat and lazy .so much that we have let this kind of election fraud go on and on. And even when we are forced into seeing it ,which we were in that last election, we just simply say oh well what can I do about it and it gets swept in to the rising wave of destruction . Because we dont want to be deemed as a terrorist we just sit and hope it doesn’t hurt us individually.. But let me tell you all it is our government that has been infiltrated by the terrorists andthe sooner they start seeing our real constitution being used for what it was set up for then we will have bigger wavesof destruction untill we finally cause another cleansing of the earthand this time there will not be an Arc to save mankind. It will be the end of mankind and everything that goes with it. So again I saylets break out the ropes and lets watch them take their Oaths of Office and lets hold them to it. Because this is what made America great in the first place. And it is the only way to keep our great nation great. We really need to teach the constitution in all schools so that our nation does not get lazier than it already is. And our children need to knowhow we became this great nation so that they will carry on with it and not be over comed by any crooks taking their oath of office lightly. We need to impeach the whole congress. For this and run their own laws that they have made themselves immune to right up their own asses. Pardon the me for the language used but that really gets to me how they can make themselves immune to the same laws that they impose on us. That there is treason if I ever saw treason that is it. And now that we have the ability to see their transparentcy we demand it . And anyone who takes their oath of office lightly we need to stretch their neck. This will insure our nation stays great. We need to all wake up for our country is always at stake. So if you love your country it all begins right here in our infastructure . And that you can bet your bottom dollar. But only in the states where gambling is allowed. Ha ha
Moses says
🤣🤣🤣🤣 wow, just… wow. “Obombya” and “Obuyedin” is quite likely the brainwashed thing I’ve ever seen. It’s almost sad how hilarious you are by accident.
Think about it for a second. You know you didn’t make those names up yourself, but you use them endlessly to get a cheap chuckle. Putting it simply, you have no real sense of humor, nor originality. You borrow the things you hear to sound like you know what you talk about, but I bet dollars to donuts that you have that thick diatribe is a copy/paste you keep in your notes.
🤣🤣🤣 thanks for the laughs. You’re sharp as a freshly-tumbled marble.
Tyggs says
Such a long-winded view that shows that you’re not too bright. You get a ⭐️ for participating.
Just saying says
You have to do it with threats and violence because you will never win the 2024 election. Keep passing draconian abortion bans watch the youth turn out to vote ( who generally vote Republican lol ) and after they seal your fate you can try to explain to your base that it has to be fraud because how can a bunch of 20 year olds not vote Republican when you have stripped a right they had for 50 years by a conservative Republican Supreme Court. Good luck in 2024 you’re going to need it. Ha Ha Ha
Costa Ladeas says
Republicans wish they COULD BE Trump. A corrupt, amoral, rich scumbag..
Albert eric says
Join the illuminati 666 today and become very rich in life, Hello Are you a man or woman, business man, business woman or an artist,Politicians, student and you want to become big, Powerful and famous in the world…Money is not an issue with us, If you are interested contact mr Noah on WhatsApp +2349061156438
Barbara Bush says
You will be out of money and work soon just wait till tRump steals all your money and puts it in his pockets….. Stupid people do stupid things and loose all there money. Just ask the King of filing bankruptcy. So that is the book you need to buy How to file for Bankruptcy!!!!
Lindagist says
The House Jan. 6 committee released its final report Thursday on the “unimaginable” 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol, a mob assault by supporters of the defeated president, Donald Trump, that shook the nation and exposed the fragility of American democracy.Trump’s lies to the ‘unimaginable’ from Jan. 6 takeaways
Anonymous says
Overload of emotions personal passionate history personal private matters that there is no black and white but only gray area not meant for group judgement discussion it was a private matter between a married couple in a unpleasant very personal moment not for preying eyes judgemental cold hearts you could never know the actual truth there is no such reality in emotional occurrence that’s nobody’s business who are they to judge let he with no sins cast first stone
Barbara Bush says
I thought it was very well done and showed tRump for what he really is Liar, Thief, A terrorist, A Traitor, And a fraud, And lastly Idiot,
Anonymous says
okay, but if left socialists stormed the capital when nazi Trump won office we all would have been gunned down like pigs in a slaughterhouse.
Charles David Wright says
All Republicans are haters of a unified
democracy. Trump is a over the top fascist, dictator minded lying psychopath. If Trump should be able to gain any kind of public service office, he will use that position to only enrich himself. I could go on and on.
Michelle Inlow says
We can help with your brainwashed ideology if you want. If Trump were provably a fraction as corrupt as the Biden Crime-inistration, most of us would switch parties & be independent, probably. We definitely wouldn’t become democrats that hate America. Nobody cared about politics until mainstream shoved Trump down your throats & you bought every word. Trump was beloved by ALL until he threatened your corrupt elites. You know that you’re on the wrong side when big pharma, big tech, big govt, big media, etc share your views. Praying for you hard. It’s your only hope.
James Mason says
trumper comments are great because not only are they a great pick-me-up, as i’m reminded of how i’m not a delusional cretin worshipping a golden calf, it’s a sobering reminder that there is a large, preposterously stupid, and existentially-threatening fascist movement in this country that will take many years to fully extirpate. praying for you, michelle. prayer doesn’t work, but it sure is a nice, dismissively patronizing thing to say to someone. :^)
Checkmate says
So… being mean and inhumane is somehow more Americna to you then coming together and working as one for our spciety?
Lets not forget that the NAZis only rose to power based off Democrat ideas, which is whats happening now, then later turned Socialists, which is the Liberals all want, and then twisted and abused his power once all trust in Germany was his to claim to commit the most heinous acts ever conducted by a man.
Which if we look back on Democrat records, Democrat presidents makes up majority of the US’s major wars (And these are only the Declared ones on record). Democrats owned slaves and created majority of what African Americans complain about, Jim Crow, Blackface, Redlining, welfare, etc (Both of Which Biden and Kamala proudly announce that they imprisoned a lot of black folks in jail for.)
Its strange. That as Conservatives, which its hinted in the very title, work to CONSERVE the traditions and laws that created our society in the first place. It is a shame if we betrayed out founding GOP members, majority of which were black freed slaves, ll of whom were thankful to Lincoln probably the most famous of Republican presidents, that we would somehow…..I don’t know turn into our Confederate enemies?
What sense does it make if the Republicans suddenly though Democrat slave industry ideas and big business were somehow America’s future but somehow the parties over the centuries never combined as one.
In what world does any of those lessons in history make sense to you that the parties somehow switched idealogies but still hate one another?
The easiest way to shift blame it by blaming someone else. Don’t be fools. These companies, these media outlets, the social trending, ll of it paid for or orcstrated in a way that jusy turns Liberals into attack dogs who will never gain anything out of it but a simple dog treat.
Don’t confine yourseld to being beasts. Have a conversation. Look at history. Help your soecity. And no I don’t mean make a mean comment or tweet. Just be human and provide for your fellow man. Notice how I never brought race or gender here?
Because only pervs addicted sex talking about nothing but gender and only racists addicted to racism talk and think about nothong racism.
Think about it.
Anonymous says
I am..
Treat your body as a temple..
Exercise, eat healthy, pray=meditate
become one with the universe…peace and love thy neighbors,getting back to basics (needs)
Hmmm…sounds familiar ?
I think I read that somewhere in the Bible.
Barbara Bush says
You say things without prof of what you say. With tRump we have a track record that is miles long. He told us what he was and showed us that when he opened his lying mouth.
Religion is dead it died on the cross many years ago. The only thing tRump did was use religion to become president not by popular vote but the cheating way the electoral lying college.
M.A.H. says
Well said Michelle. Kudos to you ! Now please read my response to Costas Ladeas.
Anonymous says
Amen to that.
Anonymous says
You’re delusional. That des ribes your keeper, the far left which us the real Marxist ideology.
Barbara Bush says
the only delusional people in politics are the tRump supporters. The real problem with tRump supporters is they are all Nazi’s.
Rosemary Young says
What turnip truck did you fall off?
Narc doe says
Do you believe or have you ever heard of our creator god ?, Or do you think you evolved from a monkey 🐒, you are the problem, as always you and your comments never have any type of solution,what are you, who are you, ?. Try reading the book of Mathew I challenge you?, Then try to make the same self centered comment
Stefanie says
Yes Agree. There’s nothing wrong with hating trashy evil bigoted beings such as trump and definitely nothing wrong with despising the Nazism and fascism of the right wing
Guest says
To The Southern Liberal, Get a real life already, you low life loser.
Bob says
Bit of a sociopath?get a life?what are you?5 years old?sad bitter bigot
I Agree says
Said Bob the brainless wonder.
RubeBait says
Anything of substance or just second grade playground bullshit to contribute?
Narc doe says
Amen brother
Anonymous says
American Conservatism, promoted by Republicans and founded on Biblical/Christian principles that have resulted in the greatest country to have ever existed?
You don’t have a religion, you have a mental illness. Inbred donkeys have more intelligence than some of you retarded cunts.
Bruce says
There you have it folks. The picture of a leftist who spews hate and ad hominem attacks. The face of the radical left. Middle school maturity level and incapable of forming a lucid, logical argument.
Mrs Gallo says
Overload of emotions personal passionate history personal private matters that there is no black and white but only gray area not meant for group judgement discussion it was a private matter between a married couple in a unpleasant very personal moment not for preying eyes judgemental cold hearts you could never know the actual truth there is no such reality in emotional occurrence that’s nobody’s business who are they to judge let he with no sins cast first stone
Anonymous says
Well then let’s simplify this formally for all. It’s good Ethics of the light ,positive. Knowledge Responsibility controll equalling response with ability versus Bad ethics of the Dark & negative = the opposite naturally & what both create as a valuable final product that one can exchange now one the positives product will have an equitable & fair out come of aprosperoys and flirishing society. While the opposite will have the opposite a failing society.So to be fair what do we have Currently ? It’s a teetertotter kindigareners Up with the democrats for social /people issues two party system then up with the arepuplicans for the business structures infrastructure emphasis.the people vote this in as NEEDED. Which has priority today? What with voters rights do you feel is Higher priority today? Look at current events & decide.NOW “if” one party wants to push the other party off the teetertotter then we end up in a zero put no game condition that is detrimental to our Democracy Republic = resultant in socialism trending Communisim a plus for Putin Russia. Or A tightly run country putting its infrastructure back intact after the storms and if we are all in Unison there may be USA yet standing for everyone 2 RUN TO when in fact the Idea was we helped them to establish Democracy in thier own country.supported & built roads, gave training sent corporations to help them start up to par to our country. It takes constant Vigilance to attain freedom & union Everybody better sleep with one eye open there are plenty of Aliens spying our planet if not careful & intelligent using full capacity settling our differences in advanced form & put them at risk the probability of thier interference might put humans at the top of our own endangered Spiecies list relatively fast. VOTE & VOTE WISELY for Continued Human existence. Without “Mad MAX or Soilient Green” Or walking Dead perhaps the EntertainmentcIndustry could put out utopia samples or a garden of aeden scenarios to add positive to our manifestations by holding a more positive responsible point of view,for our children & grandcchildren.. as if you could be coming back in another life to reap what we sow viewpoint. Scarey thought Today!
Bob says
Funny how you fail to criticize people from same political view points who behave same way, hypocrisy made paramount,pot kettle and black spring to mind
Wahatoya says
You took the words out of my mouth. I said to myself did he skip over the Rights comments?
RubeBait says
I’m a progressive. All debate any policy or issue you care to.
Randolph L Burns says
Oh my God Bruce your projection is not going to work Buddy
And not everyone is going to fall for your attempt at gaslighting
John Brian Mclean says
Stefanie says
Yes Agree. There’s nothing Christian or spiritual about conservatives. They are just power hungry and bigoted. By the way the Nazis were never democratic or socialist but always mindless bigoted fascist right wing
Clyde says
Just read Catholics in politics have no agenda, bull shit the supremes just removed a 50 yr precedent an currently going after more white children in college and fewer blacks. Shame on the fanatic catholic communists on the Supreme Court what’s the most corrupt religious administration Catholics period its well documented they objectify children and rape,sodomize , and cover up their corrupt behavior. So yes on religious agenda and criminal acts. Harsh realization . Republicants have no shame to murder a sitting president and build a government cover up. JFK desired peace, the war mongers in gov. Wanted and orchestrated a South-Eastern Asia war, ended in surrender too many lives lost while the fucks got wealthy ho hum life continues and look where the country is now, running away from democracy saying stop the steal while they are attempting to overthrow and steal an election, no agenda my ass as a registered republican I am ashamed to admit. Be well
Michael L Morgan says
More fact than fiction; may I suggest the brief speech by Churchill after a dirty min intro, followed by an hour long applause: ” Nevah, nevah, nevah give up!!”
don brusk says
The democrats Killed JFK like they killed Abraham Lincoln and because they could not kill Trump the greatest US President in recent years is why they vilified and attacked him 24/7 like wild fucking savages, fabricated a Russia hoax and embraced Covid probably brought here by democrats so desperate as all else failed willing to kill millions of Americans from Covid and why democrats are killing even more Americans with fentanyl over doses that the left wing media ignores Biden and hunter corruption proof they above the law.
Anonymous says
Anonymous says
this guy shouldet be saying things about catholics are the best and so was trump look at what we have now a nut case
No name 223 says
Me thinks you are very ill informed. Tell us how and where you came to that ridiculous idea.
Anonymous says
if you a brain at all in your hart you know better
Anonymous says
OMG, put down the crack pipe
Andrew pike says
U should put your cracking down Andrea u All stole from me
LiberalSoutherner says
Wing-nuts have officially become fully UNHINGED. thankfully most of them are upwards of 70 years old, and won’t. be around to spout their uneducated, willfully ignorant, hypocritical rhetoric much longer. I have much more faith in the current and future generations.
None ya says
Lmao…… Gotta be a Marxist millennial.
None ya says
Lmao…… Gotta be a Marxist millennial.
Alexandra Newland Shea says
Good Lord … these people calling themselves patriots .. who clearly don’t even know their own Constitution; two items scream at me ( religious freedom .. they cram their brand of crazy evangelical Bible thumping down everyone’s throat no matter their personal / cultural choice :=hard core bigotry ) and two the grifting ( emoluments clause ) that Trump did from start up to his NFT cards … pure rip off of the tax payer! To support his failing resorts. All the trips to his properties cost us millions in taxes for security / housing / food/ golf/ his unelected family and their families. He is so patently corrupt that the entire world laughs at the USA for putting up with him . What a catastrophic decline
Bruce says
Liberal Southerner took a puff on her dooby, paused her Woodstock double album and blurted out some dumb leftist tripe. Hippies are funny.
Anonymous says
Shea says conservatives don’t understand the constitution, then spews ignorance of the same. Religious freedom is simply that….the freedom to choose your religion. The separation of church and state is simply that… church shall run the government. Democrats rely SOLELY on hateful rhetoric and name calling because ALL of them lack the intellect necessary to hold a TRUTH FILLED conversation. They are all upset claiming that SCOTUS outlawed the right to murder unborn children, aka, abortion. That’s absolutely NOT what they did. They simply turned the decision of law back to the sovereign states, where it should have been from the beginning. Some states will continue to allow abortions, some will not. Don’t like the laws in your state, them move. So simple. Offended that I call abortion what it truly is, murder? Why? Every pro choice person actually knows that abortion is murder. Why else would the murder of a pregnant woman ALWAYS be categorized as a double homicide? So, it’s only murder if someone else does the killing but not when the mother makes a choice? That’s what you call rational and progressive? And you have the nerve to call conservatives irrational sociopaths? It’s obvious that Democrats truly are the ignorant party. Democrats love to call Republicans nazi’s, but it’s SOLELY the Democrats who blatantly follow Hitler’s ideology. Murder your own, take guns away from law abiding citizens, kill or hate those who do not agree with you, and the list literally goes on forever. And why? Because Democrats truly believe that the government teet is their path to a nonexistent utopia. Where’s the money going to come from to support that stupidity? Why can’t Democrats, and for that matter, a majority of Republicans, figure out that we don’t all have to agree on ideology, or religion, or whatever? Yes, we ALL have rights, but we do NOT have the right to infringe on others rights because we don’t agree with them. I don’t care if you murder your baby. I don’t have to stand before God and explain myself. But wait, Democrats don’t believe in God, so it’s all good. Nobody is forcing any religion down your throats anyway, but Democrats sure love to pretend it’s happening. It’s not. When was the last time you saw a video of a Baptist or Lutheran, etc. cut off the head of someone who would not convert to Christianity? NEVER….that’s the answer. But, Democrats sure love the muslims, and those are the ones who truly shove their religion down your throats, otherwise they just cut that throat off your torso. But, hey, that’s okay. You’ll even worship and elect one as your president. Obama. He didn’t screw things up too bad, besides causing the most racial discord this country has seen since before the early 1960s, back when the Democrats were running around in their sheets and hoods killing innocent black Americans. Yeah, there’s the truth, if you know how to read. Old Al Gore’s family were all into that scene. Oh, I’m sorry, I told the truth there and that dispels the lie that Democrats spew in an effort to get more votes from black Americans. While Democrats were out whipping slaves then hanging folks by the light of burning crosses, the Republicans were trying to free them, hide them, and save them. It’s just the irrefutable truth, but, again, Democrats can’t help themselves. They spew hatred, call names, and lie to get their way. If we could ever get Democrats to be civil enough to agree to disagree, or to let everyone choose their own way of life instead of insisting that we see things your way, this country could actually move forward and progress. That will never happen as long as Democrats continue with their current agenda. The outcome of your current agenda WILL be another civil war, and same as last time, the Democrats WILL lose, because those who are right always win in the end.
Donnie Snider says
Hello my name is Donnie Snider please advise how do I enter the President race? Very seriously am interested I do not have billions to invest but at least I tell the truth I live in South Western Indiana little town Iona population 8
Alexandra Newland Shea says
You tell the truth ? Americans aren’t ready for the truth
Brandi C. says
Willful ignorance does not equate to truth nor to reality. Both trumpers (followers of a wannabe elite) and the the “woke” (followers of the actual elite) are willfully ignorant, choosing to accept spun information that was spun to entice their followers. Stop voting for the ahats .. vote for non politicians, teachers, laborers and grocery clerks. Vote for an actual American, not a Hollywood versions. Dummies.
James says
They did do that in 2016 dumbass. Too much truth and transparency for them. Too much straight to the point no sugar coating it bs. Need another one like that and not a bunch of imbeciles who hire 90k more irs to hound us. So so sickening
Barbara Bush says
get them out to vote for. Not one of the people you mentioned want to get into the mix with a bunch of liars in the republican party. And a lot of them are true Nazi’s. Taking away my rights to my own body and I went to war. What did tRump do he RAN AWAY LIKE THE LOSER HE IS AND WAS IN 1966. Coward tRump.
Danielle says
Donald Trump was not the greatest President in recent history. I thought perhaps this comment was written a few years ago, but it was written a month ago! It is pretty hard to take anything you say seriously after a remark like that with all the massive evidence to the contrary!
Herschel Dough Head Walker says
Keep drinking the Kool Aid, look at what trump did while president and none of it was for the working folk , trump hates the working class he calls them losers, the tax cuts were for the rich,he tossed pocket change at the working class while trump cut the tax burdon for the rich, some who got an extra $200 back in taxes can spend that in a day while the Rick like the Walmart got millions they used that to back back Walmart stock, he didn’t finish the wall,and the Mexicans find it to easy to get around,
Scott says
Well. said!
Anonymous says
I’m glad you see the light
Not surprised says
You ate a lot of paint chips I mean how else does it explain how gullible and misinformed u r.
Anonymous says
Living inside your brain must be hell on earth.
Jon says
Don you are correct. Too bad there’s so many blind fools that will never see the truth
Karen Keeney says
Go back and finish 8th grade, Bob. Your education and knowledge of history is lacking.
Wahatoya says
Where’s your evidence. Trump showed what he always has been. Did FAUX-FOX not report the he borrowed millions of dollars from North Korea while POTUS? You know who has that information the New York prosecutor’
Andrew pike says
You all tripping
Andrew pike says
You all tripping tell the truth
Donnie Snider says
i would like to put my name for President of United States this is for real I do not Lie about my past history please take this very seriously I am not a rich person but i work to support my family my wife Elizabeth and our 12 year old Daughter Phoebe Please Advise
John Mcwilliams says
One sad misinformed soul. I pray for your soul. You need to remove your head from the MSM s A $$.
John Brian Mclean says
Shut up,
Jim Baden says
The FBI, run by Democrats in 1963 murdered JFK.
Grace says
Clyde, you are not a conservative Republican. I will be ashamed to sit with you! Get your acts totter and go with those radical leftists and you will appreciate more and whining less. BTW, The democrats Killed JFK like they killed Abraham Lincoln.
Wendy says
Now that TFG will be going to PRISON do you want to take all this garbage back? I bet you do.
You pill giver says
How can you survive with so few brain cells? the sheer fact that you think people are going to jail just shows me how delusional you are! Do you know how many R’s & D’s have committed actual crimes but haven’t seen the inside of a prison? Even to tour a new facility! Go do some research you retard and stop making this country suck balls because NPC’S like you are so ignorant
Sick of the Repturds says
Dems hate tRumpistas, not America! You tRumpistas are the ones who hate, you are miserable, hating people and totally unpleasant to be around. You’ve filled your empty brains with so much tRumpy garbage, there’s no room for reality. There aren’t enough shrinks in the world to deal with the amount of mental illness in the Repturd party.
You all need to leave – go to Russia your beloved entity and sink with Putin.
Jan Lloyd says
We are the only country that has killed its own citizens in a farce and tragedy that is still killing people because of the asbestos released that day. 9/11/2001, and did it just to go to war with other countries for their oil and to make money for the 0ne percent that own 90 percent of the wealth. The right-wing Christians that have so little to do with Christianity are the worse threat to the constitution that has ever existed. We are a country based on religious freedom and we are supposed to separate church and state.
Benjamin Morgan says
Complete unity, or all the wants for the right or the left, would be great. But every person in America has their own life, wants, needs and feelings about religion and unity and the about others. That’s why our country can’t just turn into one person and we have to think of and respect every person’s wants, needs, and feelings educated, uneducated or just living in one person’s life and not everyone’s life.
Anonymous says
Vb says
Biden is satan
Anonymous says
No SATAN is about to plead the fifth , I hope the committee at the hearin plays the footage of of TrumapASS sayin anyone who pleads the fifth is an admission of guilt , his ass belongs in a mental institution and never be released , he’s not fit to run for President (allegedly) cause he did nothin but tear this country down .
Fact says
Vb, he always was.
AnonYmous says
Nope. You’ve got your wires crossed. It’s Trump that fits this description – in spades.
Anonymous says
You should know your obviously a his sycophant
Bill says
Your a idiot, I’m 70 and thank god their are people like Trump and desantis for to many stupid people on the left who love to have a leader like Biden who lies the people. You very stupid people with weakminds who love to be told what to do
Anonymous says
You can’t even spell correctly, enjoy prostatitis old man
JW says
Bill, It was the very brain dead loser low life pathetic pieces of garbage people that voted for the democrats that really caused all of these problems today for our country, since they’re without a doubt the most dumbest people on our planet in to begin with. They should never ever allow those real pathetic fools to vote in the first place, and they really should be held accountable for all of these problems we have now. Especially the ones that voted for bozo the clown Biden.
Southern liberal says
“your an idiot” lmao
Jim says
Funny you demonrats are the ones who start 💩 constantly.
Which actually means you are the ones who are hateful and intolerant.
John Q Publlic says
What is this? 7th grade?
I’m a lifelong conservative. I’ve held public office, led military divisions, served in the civil service at federal and state levels and taught and taught high school history. Buddy, let me tell you, the regressive, reductive, stereotypical name calling that most undereducated, uniformed “Republicans” engage in is exactly per strategy. What strategy? This one: welcome to the rat maze. You’ve won.
don brusk says
Sorry your lying America witnessed 4 years of democrat riots, a fabricated Russia hoax, 2 sham impeachments and embracing Covid hoping to hurt trump. Now more Americans are dying fro, bidens fentanyl pouring in the USA at insane levels and the cartels are so grateful making billions more daily because of scum bag Biden. Biden even funded Putin war while destroying the USAs energy independence brought to us by Trump as Biden will by oil from Putin and terrorists verse drilling more US oil.
HITLER WAS INSPIRED BY THE DEMOCRAT Party AND THERE JIM CROW Laws making him so emboldened. Democrats are the deadliest terrorist organization America has ever seen. Congrats you must be proud
Anonymous says
You need to get an education. Hitler was a fascist – right wing extremism. My father who faught in WW2 is turning over in his grave to listen to your agrieved non-accomplished idiot trumpsters. It’s amazing how all you can do is name call dems but have zero accomishments or policies to list for your corporate crony king trump who sucks up to dictators and believe a complete idiot who tells you to inject bleach and makes comments like, ‘we have big numbers we have small numbers we have perfect numbers like the phone call’. Like typical republicans, you can’t keep your hands, your germs, or your opinions to yourselves. Even Henry the 8th knew to quarantine during the bubonic plague but 400 yrs later and you idiots are crying, ‘i want my beer and chicken wings’. Name one thing good Trump or Reagan ever dod for this country as you can’t even vote for the violence against women act, ratify the era, and voted down every single piece of legislation for our veterans. The pilgrims came here to escape catholicism that’s why there were no vatholic presidents until jfk. Get out of our country, you aren’t welcome here with your fascist beliefs.
Ricky Sandefur says
You are a terrible ignorant MAGA and needs serious mental help! Your leader is a fascist maniac idiot. Yet you people continue to support this crap. When are you going to realize you lost so shut up and sit down, the country has no more time for you or your man baby in diapers.
Eric says
Dems hate America. If they loved America they would have protected our border. Not sent billions to Ukraine. If they loved America they would have stopped with covid mandates. If they loved America they wouldn’t have come up with a Russia collusion hoax. They wouldn’t have spent countless millions trying to investigate Trump on made up charges. If they loved America they would have built the wall and have election integrity They would want ID’s for voting everywhere. If they loved America they would keep working on all of our pipelines and not relying on foreign oil. If they loved America and wanted to be climate activists they wouldn’t just throw America under the bus. They would call out the world’s biggest polluters like China and India. If they loved America they would have executed a plan to safely withdraw from Afghanistan and not leave people and billions of dollars worth of military equipment behind for the Taliban. So when you start calling Trump supporters stupid, and hating America make sure you have supporting evidence, not your fragile little feelings and your wrong conclusions. Because when you look at actions, the evidence is clear as day. But why would you look at actions, just keep voting for idiot Democrats that hate America. Good day.
Syb says
Your Vulgar Language is merely a Reflection of your Intelligence.
Athea Marcos Amir says
“A American” tells us how educated this writer is.
Anonymous says
He’s just used to seeing two capitol A’s side by side.
Anonymous says
The left loves America it just dislikes rampant stupidity, liars, and those that that believe God is not for the truth. Ya’ll turning Christianity into a bad name and making the flag representative of the Those too stupid to know what’s true or not.
Ozzie o says
You took the words right out of my mouth
Sue says
So you worship a whoring man who grabs women pussies, and cheat, lies, keep Top Secret documents in his house. SHAME ON YOU. SHAME.
Jim says
Why are you bringing up Clinton? Or did you mean JFK or RFK? That’s really not a stretch.
Anonymous says
President Clinton kept Top Secret documents at his hotel?
Don Brus says
Really ? Then why did democrats fabricate the phony Russia hoax to go after Trump ? While we literally can watch Biden say they will not give Ukraine a billion dollars unless they fire a prosecutor investigating his son Hunters corruption !!! Why did Americans watch 4 years of deadly democrat riots on TV every night ? The obsessive hatred ,lies and corruption the democrats and media engage in make them the greatest threat to the USA and democracy.
Democrats are so deep in there cult they have lost all perception of reality
Dems need enemas. says
It is no wonder we can’t agree. I think this country should split up. Flyover will take the middle ground. East and west coast can take their crapholes. We will all be happy! Starve, freeze to death, and get vaxed, just leave flyover the fk alone! Take all of the lefties with you!
Anonymous says
Just leave Texas alone.
Monick adda says
What I don’t understand why Trump even consider running for office the man is very sick mentally sick people shouldn’t never run for office what kind of man stated on national television if his daughter wasn’t his daughter he would sleep with her I do understand all white men sleep with their ow children because all of you white peoples are mentally I’ll the crimes you white peoples are cometed from slavery to kill all those Indians for their lands and kill all these Jewish people if you not mentally sick how in the world you’ll cometed all these crimes and you peoples calling your self superior how simply because you sick in the head that’s the reason you don’t see yourself as inferior than any other race yes other race do comet crimes too but not like you white peoples is like killing is a sports for you white peoples you kill billions of your own white peoples the Jews are white that’s not races and you white peoples refused to take responsibility for your actions that’s the re crimes in America will never stop because you white peoples are the one cometed those crimes and the black man go to jail for your doing how could hitler children do any better you all white peoples come from Hitler that’s the re the world is the way it is because a bunch of menta I Sick white peoples are running the world I didn’t said that you white said it every second by showing yourselves on television and show the pure devil in you for the love of money what so sad about it no one thinks is serious thanksgiving the reason our black children are dying on the streets tell me the truth isn’t all of you white peoples are white supremacy because you are not man enough to show your face’s so to me all of you white peoples are white supremacy
Jon says
Please then go back to Africa where its better.
Clifford Leitzel says
Democrats are Communists!
That’s why they changed their color to blue, so people won’t associate them with Marxism.
Carly DeVILLE says
Wow , there are so many racist and uneducated comments from this woman of color I can tell she’s been told so many fear mongering divisive lies she can never be educated enough to see the real picture. God Bless you honey! I hope you can let go of that hate and anger . Btw Jewish is considered its own race and many white men and women including Americans died to save them in WWII. Get ready though they may be the ones planning depopulation Ala the Georgia Guide Stones.. plenty of black on black violence and reverse discrimination and Africans made slaves of Sicilian s once upon a time so can we let it go and as a species of Humans agree we need to do better ? If not we will all see each other standing in line for milk and toilet paper while Barrack Hussein Bin Laden Obama Akenaten clone lives high on the anti- Hog throne. 1/2 black half white 100% Muslim 100% Hates America and 100% loves power control and money !
Ryan says
You are evil….. wipe it off b-4 it’s too late
Don brus says
Damn look at your racist rant. You are the perfect example of democrat Hate equal to the democrat parties KKK they started in the early 19th century and your parties Jim Crow laws which inspired Hitler to be so embolden. Without white people you would be living in a 3rd world country like Africa, Jamaica and any country run by black people so shut up and be great full or get outta here. Go back to your ancestral country where you will live in poverty with no job living in a stick hut. Black Americans are murdering black Americans at record levels like in Chicago every week. At levels greater war zones.
Odd you ignore reality and spew hate filled lies.
Mizshell says
What the hell did you just say?
Jim says
Showing your full racist color aren’t you. Enjoy your “entitlement “ check. And you’re welcome, you ingrate.
Eric Carbery says
What is TFG?
Ozzie o says
I love my dirty mouth I’m 75 years old I love to talk dirty I’ve never seen anybody anymore delusional than Trump and the people that support him I’m sorry if you can’t take a step out of your shoes and take a look at everything and see what the problem is they ain’t no help for you quit supporting the f****** idiot that laughing jokes and talks about people’s wives and talks about killing people what kind of President is this and you support him that you’re as bad as he is that’s all I’ve got to say I hate you make me nauseated this morning damn I don’t want to shoot y’all I just want to line y’all up and kick your ass maybe well your old Trumper he was educated and look how retarded he is well I am educated but I am a dirty mouth don’t bother me at all and whether I’m educated or not it don’t take a rocket scientist to know that Trump is a f****** you’re part of the problem I’m a white person I was raised to love everybody I don’t go to church but I do believe in God but God put us on this Earth and what happens on this Earth is not of his making it’s of our makings he put us down here to love each other and what we do to each other is on us don’t use God as your excuse and you’re in in your political God has nothing to do with your political things you know God just wait for you to come to heaven and decides whether you’re going to heaven or hell I don’t believe that God is sitting up here waiting to do anything to any Republican or any Democrat is so stupid that you talk like that and yes I know the white man started this country and what he did to the Indians and the black people was just horrible but that wasn’t me I love I say my black people because you are my black people you are my brothers and my sisters God says love everybody it hurts me it hurts me to my heart to think that black people hate me because I’m white I don’t hate you I know that you hate me you have a good reason to be angry like black people have a good reason to be angry about the past but we have to go forward we have to do better for each other and as far as the black kids in the streets if you watch the news they all have guns and most of the crimes were committed by young black men running around with guns shooting up everybody so take responsibility to it ain’t just the white man the black man’s too if you can’t judge Everybody by a handful these good white people there’s good black people and he’s bad black people and white people why can’t we just love the ones that are good you know why can’t we just love those and it’s just like our place you want to hate our police but boy they’re the first person you call if you need them there’s good police there’s bad police there’s good people there’s bad people come on quit hate me because I’m white I love my neighbors I live in a predominantly black neighborhood I love my neighbors I don’t care what they are I have Nigerians that live across the street from me I love them too they what is wrong with this world I’m so sad I’m so sad please don’t hate me because I’m white do you have to realize it not all of those are haters stop blaming each other get it right be a lover not a hater when you talk about the white people when white people talk about the black people like that we’re strewn hate and it’s wrong it’s wrong cooking rock is wrong
Adeline says
I totally agree with you about trump as for me u don’t believe in why would I believe in something you can’t se touch.or feel besides that Bible was written by you white peoples and all of you white peoples your hand are full of blood and yet you gonna tell peoples how to leave theirs life look at crimes human trafficking and so on you white people created all this that the reason crimes in America will never end back then you use to sale blacks to make you money now that you can’t sale blacks you sale your own children you peoples are really the devil
Carly DeVILLE says
Before the white man sold you to that other white man farmer…. Back in African that Nigerian dark skin man traded you to those white man for trinkets…. That was after he burnt your village and killed off the weak males and raped all the women.
Right on, right? It that a tree I see in your eye?? God Love us bc we obviously are so many unaware of the truth of it all. Study all of history the real history or none at all bc these partial stories are conventient for the oppressed to stay victims and demonize the oppressors. You don’t want equality honey you want revenge and retribution when you have no reason to be mad. You could still be in Africa gettin clitoral circumcision eating dogs one leg at a time waking up to Kenny G and hummin along while you pee in a dirt hole! Wondering where you can find some clean water and HIV meds
Anonymous says
god has nothing to do with this sorry ass mf being president . it was all done by these stupid fucking christians that always harbor the rich and their families just like george burning bush moses . none of these worthless bastards ever contributed anything to the american people
Adeline says
Tell me that why you white peoples are so cruel so cruel you turn your own children into slave sex so you can make fast money because you white peoples don’t want to work that’s the reason crimes in America will never ended because you white peoples are the one commenting all those crimes if you can sale your own children who else you white peoples wouldn’t hurt you white peoples are really the devil wow
Jon says
Have you lost your mind?
Anonymous says
Wow is right
Nip says
You people need to all get a life. For life is only a wisk of smoke and no one lives forever enjoy it. Or loose it. Work for it or loose it. If it is not yours keep your hands off keep your kids and sick ass at home vote your party and shut up. If you cheat then own it. If you don’t god blesses you. You only go around once. You pay the man to do that.
Randy Rowell says
You people need to all get a life. For life is only a wisk of smoke and no one lives forever enjoy it. Or loose it. Work for it or loose it. If it is not yours keep your hands off keep your kids and sick ass at home vote your party and shut up. If you cheat then own it. If you don’t god blesses you. You only go around once. You pay the man to do that.
Randy Rowell says
You people need to all get a life. For life is only a wisk of smoke and no one lives forever enjoy it. Or loose it. Work for it or loose it. If it is not yours keep your hands off keep your kids and sick ass at home vote your party and shut up. If you cheat then own it. If you don’t god blesses you. You only go around once. You pay the man to do that. R. I. P.
Anonymous says
For all you brainless, clueless, worthless, low life pieces of garbage losers that voted for Biden which you need to see a good shrink altogether.
Harry says
You my friend are on wave length of my mind. God bless you and your family.
Monicker says
To bad I don’t believe in god only if you crazy to believe into something the white men created the white men wrote that Bible I call it the evil book how the white men cometed all those crimes gonna wrote a Bible you white peoples hands are full of blood the peoples who are reading that evil book they’re as evil as the white man
Jacob says
Biden was the better option. Trump is a failure.
He Is Right says
Jacob, and it is brainless fools like you that have caused this problem today.
Ralph Reviello says
Trump was a demagogue twice impeached, lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton, lost in a landslide to Joe Biden. Tax breaks for corporate America and the 10% almost made us his seventh bankruptcy. He did absolutely nothing but golf his whole presidency and put his entire family on the payroll. He’s in investigations with his taxes in New York State, in front of Congress for his inciting of an insurrection on January6th , Georgia governor turn them in for brow beating and coercing trying to get 1130 V, and don’t forget down there in swampy Lago espionage, for taking classify top-secret information. Anybody still on the Trump train after January 6 is a Southern confederate flag flying racist. We’re sick of the Boogaloo’s, the proud boys, QAnon, the old keeper cult45. RJR Vote blue make America copacetic vote red like Donald Trump said, they’ll be bloodshed. That is if he’s indicted. And he will be indicted.
Anonymous says
Biden and democrats are following demonic spirits . Biden follows Satan’s ways NOT GOD’S WAY. I wouldn’t want to be in Biden or any democrats shoes on the final day of judgement and it’s coming soon. HEAVEN OR HELL… it’s our choice. I CHOOSE JESUS AND HEAVEN.
Anonymous says
You’re really choosing god, a made up thing, that doesn’t exist, over not have the country fall apart due to Trump. Let me guess, ou think women shouldn’t get abortions, gay people should die, and trans people are horrible?
Anonymous says
Anonymous says
Guest says
And may they burn in hell with Satan when their time comes.
Shawn says
I am mystified that anyone could claim knowledge of God or the Bible and spew so much hate, intolerance and judgment.
Guest. says
Anonymous, Hopefully they will all burn in hell when their time comes.
Anonymous says
I have a feeling it will be you who burns in hell, mouth breather. And good riddance!
Mimi says
Were you one of the “Christians ” worshipping next to the golden trump idol? No Christian repub saw the irony there? I’d say you’re the one blinded by Satan. I haven’t seen anyone yet worshipping a golden statue of biden. I really do not understand the amount of trump supporters that are totally blinded by trump.
Anonymous says
Honey, if there WAS a god, he wouldn’t want anything to do with trump. And shame on anyone who calls themselves a Christian yet supports all that he “stands” for. Good luck with all that.
BW says
Anonymous, God and Jesus are very severely mentally retarded to begin with. Which is why we have all this corrupted garbage Liberals today. And a real God and Jesus wouldn’t had let this happen in the first place.
Patricia GAYLENE Hoeper Brown says
I had no idea thw amount of brain damage that all the toxins in our water had done till rwading that post. Please come back Mr President Trump, we need someone with a brain and that seems to be very hard to find these days. So many idiots in such a small planet.
Trevin Dorner says
Why do full 80 thousand seat stadiums chant F-Joe Biden but they didn’t chant F-Donald Trump just saying
Anonymous says
Biden was not the right choice. Obviously, he’s doing such a great job isn’t he? Thousands will freeze to death this winter because of his policies. Is your money buying more or less now than it was two years ago? How about the price of fuel now? bang up job he’s done there huh? Selling oil reserves to China is a brilliant plan! What a genius. Joe Biden is a racist, a creep and crooked as a barrel of snakes. You need to learn to read and turn off MSNBC. Biden has been one of the worst presidents ever!
Ozzie o says
I guess Jesus would be real proud of all you Republicans if January the 6th don’t tell you I don’t know what does if that ain’t January 16th something that God or Jesus or anybody would condone get a grip boy you just use God Jesus for and anything you know they sit up there he’s having a big laugh on us you’ll find out when you when you die oh yeah we got to get in Biden’s butt I mean he must have went to Walmart and he must have went to all these other places that oil companies that said you raise your prices I want Americans to pay sure that’s what he did why don’t you tell the real truth the rich people are raising the prices on us and reminisce a new butthole if you catch what I’m saying yeah you need to look at who’s really raising the prices it’s not the president it’s the greedy Rich the rich are getting richer and the poor getting poor and they going to try to screw us so the poor people better stand up to all these rich people including all the products that you buy that they’re screwing us on they made a profit they made a profit during all this what does that tell you probably for some of you probably don’t tell you too much and I’m surprised it tells me anything cuz I’m I’m so uneducated I curse and I the way I talk I’m so uneducated whatever duh
So Much Truth There. says
Anonymous, you nailed it perfectly on the head. Not to mention that low life loser old bag sleepy Joe the crook Biden is really responsible for so many lives that have been lost as well. The war in Ukraine with Russia with thousands of lives lost there, out of control crime, high gas prices, the Afghan problem where service men lost their lives. And he keeps doing us more damage with each passing day. Time for that corrupted scumbag to be impeached, ASAP. And the other brainless fools that voted for him should really be held accountable as well for this whole mess today that should’ve never happened in the first place. Trump would’ve never let this happen at all. Trump was our real best president that we ever had. MAGA vote republican. Trump in 2024.
Anonymous says
Oh my God, you really are a sad little delusional person. Biden is responsible for people dying in Ukraine? Wake up, you sad little stupid person … That would be Putin, you uninformed twat.
Jean Miller says
Trump was the worst President ever, he is even the worst former President ever, when he was voted out people in America celebrated in the street for days
Mad as hell and Im not taking it anymore says
Maybe your rich but poor people feel the Hurt demigods and Biden has put on our country. Maybe you thought masks actually worked to. No wars were being waged as now. People could afford food. Criminals stayed in jail. I could go on. Im sure your for killing babies that are born too. Why dont you stop watching cnn and actually look for real numbers and facts. Your making the USA into a 3rd world country and your future family will suffer.
I Agree With You says
Mad as hell and im not taking it anymore, You hit the nail right on the head, and those people have very severe brain damage as it is too.
Anonymous says
You are really delusional. Seek help. I bet you have no friends to speak of. Just like most Trump deadenders .. sad, stupid lizard brain loonies
JJ says
Anonymous Burn in hell with Satan where you belong.
Anonymous says
Really the first president in how long that wanted to put our country first keep illegals out crack down on people abusing welfare bring jobs back to America. He was his worst enemy not you idiots and that election like most was decided before it ever happened. Trump as a person maybe you don’t like especially a lot of women understandably but I don’t vote for personality I vote for stance and results no my daughter wouldn’t be allowed to have any chance at 1 on 1 time that’s besides the point. Name a policy that made him the worst president you can’t you get your false news like most Americans do and believe everything your friends or cnn or most of the major tv news tell you. I love my country and when so many people said they would leave if trump was elected I figured they wouldn’t and that was quite a shame. Take a look at how most of your big democratic cities are doing right now don’t take anyones word for it research it. The whole system in my opinion is off it’s always seeming to be lesser of the evil but in my opinion democrats and republicans haven’t helped out the citizens – environment or infrastructure nearly as much as they should have it’s all back to the $ here’s a topic no one brings up OVERPOPULATED
Me says
JJ says
Tell me honestly if you calling other peoples immigrants you should call yourself immigrants too no one from America specially you white peoples you come here and kill all the natives Indian for their country and you got some nerves calling other’s immigrants at list we foreigners did not kill the Indian for their home so what’s give you the right to call anyone immigrants oh I forgot all of you white peoples are mentally sick
Ozzie o says
See that’s our problem you immediately made it all the white people well I’m white and I don’t feel that way and I really don’t like you put me in that place any more than black people like being blamed for things that they feel that they’re not responsible for I did not bring black people over here a Slave I wouldn’t I’d never do anything like that 1 it’s people like you that’s making this world the way it is why do you hate me I did not do anything to you I don’t hate you black people look at me I’ve worked in an almost predominantly black bar at one time and they all treated me good nobody I had a couple people women that came in and act like they want to throw up because I was going to serve them they’re so stupid it’s so stupid why can’t we just love one another I’m so disillusioned with America quit blaming white people take responsibility there’s good people there’s white people what is your problem you’re the problem you’re a hater because you don’t see why people as summer good and some are bad just like you black people I love everybody the Mexicans the immigrants yes I’m an immigrant you’re an immigrant we are all immigrants we should all be equal under God’s eyes and I say God I don’t like to use religion because everybody else uses religions as their excuse to say bad things about people it’s wrong and if there is truly a God I like to believe there is he must be the rain must be his tears coming down on us that’s all I got to say for right now I better go watch me a funny movie so I get all this off of my back try some love hug a white person one that you think’s all right you might find that they’re just like your black friends have you ever had a white friend I’ve got black and white friends I love them all I’ve got gay people you know I love them they have brother I had a gay Uncle I love them just the same and don’t make no difference to me gay bisexual that’s for God to judge and if they if they ain’t sitting in front of you doing something why do you care go back in your house don’t worry about other people’s sexual orientations and stuff if you don’t like it go somewhere everybody has a right to live their life if it’s wrong when judgment time comes they’ll be judge let judgment be for the judge or not for you
Anonymous says
Jean, And you really are a total moron altogether.
Me says
Crying in the streets, maybe. But normal people weren’t celebrating.
boo boo says
in that case i hope we all die, if we have to either live a looney tunes cartoon of ineqaulity or death, ill take death everytime, cuz at least according to all the religous nuts, ill just get woken up when god descends to earth
Anonymous says
Hero’s are ruling everything and why call them that anyway cuz they blacklisting even normal good people and nurses and dr are killing people off left and rite and no I’m sorry god didn’t put us down her to love each other instead he gave us FREE WILL and CREATED US ALL EQUAL
Me says
Crying in the streets, maybe. But normal people weren’t celebrating.
Tim says
Tim says
Sorry about typos to all, everything was so slow I’d be sentence done n still it’s only writing out 2nd word I said
Chester says
Don’t lie, that was the best you could do. I can tell you tried really hard.
Because higher education = indoctrination, right???
Annabelle Vasser says
and you phony christian, dont you love your neighbour as you love yourself? anyone who loves trump a blatant pedophile, a criminal who stole money from charity …a dumb ignorant a parasite a cancer, is worthless of a reply but there you go, as your stupidity and imbecility makes me reply to you
Sarah says
Mike says
Just another psychopath reflection. Fact is Repubs are the ones trying to cheat the electorial system. It is the Republicans that permit lies about our country and Democrats prevail. It is the Republicans that are racist and homophobic. It is th Repubs that profess they are religious. Read the Ten Commandments. Republicans justify their own path and not the true path of Jesus Christ. Republicans have to chose Trump or God. Cristians can’t praise both. Pretty obvious what capital sin the Republicans chose. It is the Republicans that are tearing down the fabric of our Democracy. Narcissism and psychopathic reflections dominated the Republican party. Todays Republican Party are Traitors of the Democratic way of life. The biggest of all cons is Trump.
Sasha says
Need a cookie?
Mickey logue says
You are one of the hateful Republicans who probably call yourself a Christian’! You hate the people that do not agree with you and Trump has brought the worst out of you . Maybe you were enjoying the capital police who were killed or hurt !
Maybe you want a Putin type leader that will kill anyone who goes against him . So don’t worry the way you guys are destroying American with your hate it will happen. Sooner than later . I just pray for you to turn you heart around and think about how Jesus loved everyone no matter who or what they were !!!
Ldub says
Only an idiot would state there is a difference in agenda between the two parties. They’re all self serving parasites. And the only god they worship is money. I am so tired of hearing republican this and democrat that. NONE of those people represent the people of this country.
Ann says
Are your parents siblings?
Julie Taylor says
Hello my name is Julie from Colorado USA . I want to tell the world about the great and mighty spell caster called DR UWAIFO my husband was cheating on me and no longer committed to me and our kids, when I asked him what the problem was he told me he has no love for me and wanted a divorce I was so heart broken I cried all day and night but he left home. I was looking for something online when I saw an article about how the great and powerful DR UWAIFO has helped so many in similar situations like mine. His email address was there so I sent him an email telling him about my problem. He told me my husband shall return back to me within 24 hours. I did everything he asked me to do the next day. To my greatest surprise my husband came back home and was crying and begging me to forgive him and accept him back. This was the great work Dr UWAIFO did for me and my kids. Contact His Website: https: // druwaifospelltempl.wixsite. com/my -site-1
Anonymous says
You kiss the southern end of the cow when the cow goes north.
Common Sense says
Democracy was designed to protect the rights of ALL the people.
Not everyone can agree on everything, so if you don’t like a law, think about whom it protects.
Trump was not the beginning of the destruction of decency & conservatism in the GOP, it is a long game the Greedy Oppressors of People have been playing since Nixon; Reaganomics was the attack on the working people, GOP knew it would take decades for it to catch up to affecting the middle class & by then they could have convinced enough people to hate anyone that doesn’t think like them or look like them, it’s called Divide & Conquer. That is how FASCISTS take over.
Just because someone believes differently than you doesn’t make them an idiot – ignorant perhaps – but not an idiot.
An idiot is someone who refuses to accept facts, even though they have access to them, & votes against their own best interests & the interests of a democratic republic.
The real enemies of this Country are the extremely wealthy & the monopolized corporations who have purchased the votes of our elected representatives. We must get our representatives to represent We The People, not the corporations who are destroying our lives.
Neither party is free of criminals, however the Greedy Oppressors of People have shown that they shun the honest politicians in favor of attacking the rights of the American People.
Why isn’t anything getting done in the Senate; like protecting our voting rights? Easy – the obstructionist Mitch, his 49 lockstep oppressors & 2 bought off senators.
In November vote independent, or democrat, but please for the sake of humanity do not vote for any of the trumpublicans – they want to take ALL your rights away.
Most Americans want the same thing, the right to life liberty & the pursuit of happiness .Is it too much to ask?!
John says
I Don t care what you say. Ive lived under my Carter to Biden and im telling you that under Reagan and Trump we saw more prosperity by all. Im a very poor white guy, and always have been. Ive been up a little better at times, but those times were under a conservative admin. I was in the poor house with Carter and Obama the worst till Biden came along, now im really sunk. 5 dollar a gal gasoline, buying less food (if you can find it) costing 25 dollars more a week, my meds have went thru the roof. You said something I really want to say something about, conservative Christian, that is what our forefathers built thi country on. God tells us plainly, a nation that forgets Him/God, that nation WILL be turned into hell. You may not BELEIVE that, but it makes it no less true. When this country was 85-90% Christian we were in good shape, the 20s came along people went wild, then the depression. People returned to the church things got better. The 60s came along then viet nam happened we got Carter and things went to hell again. People returned to the church for the most part Reagan came along things got better. Carter came along things sunk again. The bush boys and Clinton it just was middle of the road. Obama came along things sunk way down Trump came along things got better than I remember. People got their pockets fairly in shape and disregarded God again and we got biden, NOW LOOK WHERE WE ARE. CONSRRVATIVE CHRISTIAN WORKS. IT HAS ALL THRU HISTORY. LOOK AT THE ROMAN EMPIRE FOR EXAMPLE WHY DID IT FALL?? IT LEGALIZED HOMOSEXUALITY AND ANYTHING VILE. SAME WITH SODOM AND GAMORRAH. THE GREECIAN EMPIRE AND SO ON. GOD IS LONG SUFFERING BUT HIS PATIENCE WILL RUN OUT, I THINK WE AS A NATION HAVE WENT OVER THE LIMIT THIS TIME. JUST YESTERDAY THEY VOTED TO CODIFY HOMOSEXUAL MARRIAGE IN ALL 50 STATES, THAT JUST ENDRD ANY HOPE WE HAD WITH GOD, WE WILL BE TURNED INTO HELL. Sorry if this was harsh, but God is real and He will not be mocked.
Rich says
Time for your medication, buddy.
Steve says
Time for a civil war in this country. ANYONE PROFESSING TO BE CHRISTIAN IS NOW HATED IN AMERICA AND GOD WILL NOT BE FORGOTTEN OR MOCKED (like you). Go ahead and laugh at Christians but you know where your going!
What says
If you are so Christian then quit accepting money from the ‘Trump organization! You are not keeping America safe and you are working your hardest to tie the hand of the democrats and the middle class! And oh by the way a really honest gal in M Green, she is nothing but a liar and cheat to fill her own pockets and yes take it away from some of you who are clamoring to be whoever the H you can be without skills and decent knowledge, just a bunch of loud mouth slimy limes! 👎👎👎👎down to all you crazy nuts!!
Can’t hold a candle to Joe Biden
Tym Tucker says
It is time. Time to put you where you belong. This country will progress into the future with or without you. I prefer the latter. You are mocking God every time you pass an opportunity to denounce trump and the right. We know where YOU are going.
Larry Moskowitz says
“Steve” , we know who you are, where you live and all the things you have said are catalogued for the FBI.
Clean up you apartment, Steve, we are only 3 minutes out, with a warrant.
Annabelle Vasser says
Steve if you are indeed a christian you should love your neighbour (the left) as you love yourself, if you dont then you are not a christian simply a pretended phony christian. Clear and simple.
Steven says
COnfederates lost in the Civil War.
Nazis lost in World War II.
Trump lost in 2020.
Get a grip, buddy.
John says
The guy is right. You need God more than him
Absolutely True says
John, Even God can’t help those people at all. Especially the very brainless ones that voted for old bag sleepy Joe. Just look at the mess we’re in now because of them.
RA says
Rich, you are a colossal ignoramus, doomed to eternal separation from God. You are going to get your wish: No Jesus and repentance.
Jusy says
Don’t be too quick to judge others lest you be judged.
This is how I know who is of God; the gift of discernent. Also, Romans 12:2 says we are not to be transformed by others.
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
I’m guessing one could read thru these comments & identify true Christians.
May your confusion be lifted by trusting fully in God.
jim, says
Do you not have eyes look at biden
James Eric Slone says
Tell me what you really think
Anonymous says
Amen and amen again to everything you said
Anonymous says
I found your statement, “Conservative Christian works. It has all through history”.
American Conservative Christianity began in the 1940’s.. American manufacturing and religious institutions cooperated to create corporate America.
Nixon opened up trade relations with China.
After that, the cheap labor was too profitable for American manufacturing to bypass, So we sent our manufacturing to China.
“Between 2000 and 2010, nearly six million jobs in US manufacturing were lost, with the sectors most prone to globalization displacement, such as textiles and furniture, taking the biggest hit.
Eight years of Bush and two years of Obama before that was reduced.
Conservative Christianity loves capitalism. I don’t mind capitalism. But the church shouldn’t be so money oriented. Corporate American is all about power and greed.
kat says
how do you just ignore all the evil trump has done, he tried to overthrow our government so he can be like Putin & kim jun. wake up, he’s got you in his cult for sure
Steve says
There is your problem, you hate trump so bad that you forget that he is NOT A POLITICIAN, which is why I VOTED FOR HIM. Anybody who does not think like you do is now hating on the very people who do not hate you but love America. Unfortunately you have no love or forgiveness in your hearts!
D says
That’s the problem with the Democrat party, especially their leadership. They hate Trump more than they LOVE America. I voted for Trump because he wasn’t a politician and he already had what most politicians wanted. Money…..Lots of it. He also realized what would happened if a democrat was elected president. Exactly what is happening now. Open borders, government debt out the roof, immorality like we’ve never seen before, the destruction of America by those that hate God. And war.
People don’t realize what Trump did for America in only 4 years with democrats and mainstream media at his heels even before he was elected. Death threats by members of the democrat leadership which the media downplayed as nothing. And lies that turned out to be just that. Lies and more lies.
Now that we do have a democrat in the white house all he predicted has come true. I don’t recognize America anymore. Do you?
Elvis says
Like all Snowflakes who have dangerous capacity to hate and therefor are logic intolerant, Trump have never been convicted of a crime to this point. So go melt on th the facts stupid hater !
Ben says
Ha ha. What a defense! Trump has never been convicted of a crime to this point.
You couldn’t make this stuff up, What a bunch of idiots! From believing that Obama was born in Kenya to believing whatever the grifter from New York tells them about the election – these are the dumbest, most despicable, deplorables this country has ever seen, Go do whatever Fox news and your orange hero tells you to! You aren’t deserving of hate – just pity.
Jay says
Ben your dumb
Brian says
What evil? If Trump did anything illegal, he would be in jail already. Things were so much better under Trump than under this clown in office that is doing his best to destroy our economy.
Fact Is says
Biden the old bag is very mentally disturbed to begin with, which it is time for that clown to be impeached immediately before he does more damage to us.
Louis says
All his people told him he lost, all his lawsuits failed in court. Gave the wealthy a huge tax break and I had to pay more taxes and I’m disabled. He’s been lieing and cheating his entire life and if he didn’t have daddy’s money we’d never have heard of him. All his ventures primarily failed. If you look up People Magazine interview he states he would get into politics as a Republican because the people are stupid, his words not mine. I’m a Conservative American and can’t believe anything he says. People from his own Administration said he can’t be trusted, yet some people think he’s the greatest. God didn’t pick this guy and if you believe he did you should read the Bible again. Democrats aren’t demons and Republicans aren’t right, we are all human beings who forgot who we are and can’t love our neighbors who don’t think the way we want so we must call people names and insult them. Careful what you wish for because our Democracy is fragile and I promise you that a Dictatorship is certainly not what we need. We used to be able to solve problems with debate not with threats and hatred. REMEMBER TRUTH, JUSTICE AND THE AMERICAN WAY! Take a long look in the mirror before writing hateful and threatening things to people you don’t have any clue about who they are that not how it’s supposed to work and remember right is right and wrong is wrong there’s no middle ground. GOD BLESS AMERICA AND EVERYONE IN IT.
Anonymous says
Your dumb
Anonymous says
Pms over throw our country your funny from where a democratic city perhaps? Vote like mommy and daddy I understand it is easier than thinking but remember a people divided are easier to control and fluoride in our water why? Teeth no that would be false there is no good reason but hitler had a good reason he wanted to control the people of Germany and it seemed to work pretty good. Malcolm x was right the media is the most dangerous weapon it can make hate the people you love and love the people you shouldn’t
David says
When Trump wins in 24 my biggest enjoyment will be the shame on Bidens old face. The shame, the mortification, the embarrassment of what he did or couldn’t do. So no, to all you illiterate haters, enjoy what’s coming. I’ll be so glad to see President Trump back to correct things.
Kino says
Just wait as he fires anyone who doesn’t fall into lockstep with his ego… As he fires generals from his cabinet — he kept people as “acting___” so he could dispense with them as needed to worship him.
You think Democrats hate Trump more than they love America? Why would that be? What would make them hate him? It’s not because he pretends to be Republican or Christian. It’s because he is a dangerous narcissist. Nobody like that should ever hold office, esp the presidency. His immaturity alone should exclude him from anyone wanting him in office.
He has shown repeatedly his interest is *himself,* not America. He is also an unbelievable pathological liar. Find out why the non-gerrymandered majority of Americans wanted him out. Seriously. There is so so so so much that it would fill several books, and all of it is documented.
Trump is the blight that will take down the US. If the GOP truly cares about America, they will put forward a candidate that is a true Republican in values and leadership style, i.e., not dicatator-wannabe and not one that infringes on the civil rights of Americans (read: using military to attack peaceful protesters, concertedly working to overturn out election even after 67 cases defeated in courts, and the list goes on). I can’t wait until the ignorant and idiotic and uneducated are shown just how idiotic they have been about grifter Trump.
Jay says
They don’t like Trump cause he exposed the Swamp and all the government bullshit wake the fuck up
Anonymous says
Joshua says
You don’t understand. If people don’t believe in god, then they don’t believe in hell. YOU live in fear and paranoia and you worship imaginary friends. We do laugh at Christians, but we don’t hate you. That’s the type of thing Fox news tells you over and over because they’re fearmongers. You’re a traitor if you want civil war.
Tim says
I am in the lower middle class and worked 45 years under both Rep and Dem but most froth I saw was while Dem held the office of president. When Clinton and Obama are in office. Most of my retirement was gained during the Clinton administration. After Obama fixed George Bush’s nightmare defaults of housing by 2012 my money was gaining again. I lost a lot of money during George Bush Junior was in office. I did gain money while Trump was in office but it only was because Obama got it started.
Jeffrey says
Well said my friend, who cares if it ruffles the feathers of progressive moonbats and the Biden supporter sheep that have no clue what rights are.
Anonymous says
My brother in law, thought that he was making and saving more too. Then I told him that the tax cut was for people making more than 400,000 a year. It’s not true, you’re just pathetic.
Teri says
Well said 👏👏
Leaders who advocate and legalize sin ut is the deterioration of a moral society and Destruction of civilization and this is what we are witnessing more then ever.and aligns with what you are talking about….sadly there are those who are so filled with hate and have been decieved they cant see past their noses this can all be explained jn Romans 1:20-28
Linda McFarland says
Marlon sabias says
Trump had his faults but I believe he is one of the best presidents we have ever had in the United States of America! Obama and Hillary Clinton should be in prison for many things! Biden has been going after Trump since he got in office that’s the only thing he has managed to accomplish is try to get Trump not to vote or not to be able to run for our presidency I believe the United States is on the verge of a revolution! What president in history ever ran for office on his own dime? Trump might not be perfect but I’m a disabled American that’s paying five dollars for gas and can’t afford food to feed his daughter! That is a fucking shame!
SouthernLiberal says
The current and past presidential administrations are not responsible for your windfalls or poor life choices. I’m sure you miscategorize many or both in your past, to support your misinformed argument.
Why does it often seem the poorest Americans that insist on voting against their own best interests?
Do yourself a favor, and watch something besides Fox News. Doesn’t have to be CNN or MSNBC. I’ll admit they are inversely biased. Try Reuters or NPR, hell even BBC.
Good luck with the homophobia and racism and everything. I hope you eventually grow away it. You’d be glad you did.
Stevehenry1 says
You hit the nail on the head. Our GOP driven corrupted Supreme Court have legalized bribery with Citizen United. The 1 percent and monopolistic corporate interests have no fear of the law. Jan 6 was intended to eliminate democracy for the 99 percent. And it’s goal was the same as Germany’s Reichstag fire, which Hitler used to eliminate their Congress and seize the whole government. Jan 6 almost succeeded. Remember Trump was considering martial law, just like Hitler.
People who fail to learn from history ,…………….
Anonymous says
Total biased uneducated nonsense.
coco says
on the contrary, totaly real, being in denial cant help you
Buck Fiden says
Love it when some Libtard with 23 credit hrs at a juco starts calling others “uneducated”….
Kink says
Try again with an actual argument besides “na na na na! You’re wrong and I’m right!” Try to read something not Faux News related first.
Anonymous says
Jan 6 was a protest to demand the corrupt Senate Republicans to get off of their asses and not allow such blatant rigging of a national election in a small amount of highly populated Democrat strongholds in 7 swing states. The entering of the Capitol by force was done so by about 6 people, a plan that was created by the FBI and is also why the Capitol and DC police stood by and watched as that little fist fight occurred. The Capitol Police invited the huge crowd of people into the Capitol, there is video footage in circulation of one officer walking up to the group of officers blocking people from coming in and talking to them. The officer walking up clearly had orders to invite them all in because that’s exactly what occurred as that officer walked off. Do you remember the bomb the FBI found in the Capitol? That was going to be used by the FBI to blow up all of the protesters the Capitol Police invited in, the only problem was the goons the FBI tried to convince to take the Capitol by gun didn’t really want to do so thus they had no guns so blowing up the Capitol and killing all of those protesters wasn’t going to be believable when blamed on 6 guys fist fighting with Capitol Police. And this is the reason that bomb the FBI “found” is rarely ever mentioned, didn’t even get a mention for the corrupt J6 Committee, why not, it would be great for them right? Not exactly, because all of those protesters the FBI rounded up, 700+ people held in prison for two years without trial for charges of trespassing they weren’t even guilty of(when Capitol Police invite you in you aren’t trespassing), all of those people were identified and tracked by cellphone data. Well, there is a video of the man that planted thar bomb walking infront of a city camera talking on his cellphone, yet oddly “the FBI can’t find him, doesn’t even know who he is”. The left has become retarded, this is how the corrupt government is getting away with everything they’ve done in the last 8 years, and they have done a lot, even being caught red-hands though it doesn’t really matter because they aren’t ever held accountable. They don’t even mention the bomb, clearly they aren’t on team Trump, they are still trying to frame him to this day, yet leftist retards are cheering on the corrupt government, as if the government has political favorism towards either party, there there is only one party in the Senate, and with every bill they pass the state gets more and more powerful, by robbing us of privacy and rights, as the Democrats clap like seals. When they have all the power, the intelligence agencies(they already spy on and blackmail congress and judges) it will be too late for any of us to do anything to fix this country, though even at this point it’s very unlikely that it will ever be fixed because the intelligence agencies are literally above the law, the head figures, which is why they are never held accountable. Anyway, when the leftist retards wake up, when the government becomes tyrannical over all of us, the retards can blame themselves as we kick their legs out from under them in the work camps so they get a good beating from the gaurds.
Anonymous says
Another person with a brain on here not to many of them
Steve says
Sorry brother but you have it completely backwards, it is the left leaning socialist party calling themselves democrats with no democracy in mind. They will take us down the road to a new one world government. Any Christian and yes Jewish religion will not be tolerated. Watch what the left will usher in the eventual downfall of the USA.
Jon Logue says
I am shocked at how stupid people are, stop watching CNN morons its all lies!
John says
After all that has happened in the last year and a half in this country I cannot wrap my mind around why anyone would want to vote Democrat. Joe Biden and his administration are the worst in history and I will be glad when they are gone forever
Anonymous says
what are you talking about, can you give specifics?
What has happened in the last year and a half that you want to blame democrats for?
All the while ignoring the blatant horrors the trump followers commit daily.
Jon Logue says
its actually comical listening to the democratic zombies, learn to think for your self and look around, just open your eyes and look around!
Anonymous says
Yeah i guess democrats are responsible for the war in Ukraine and covid-19 that caused scarcity of many raw materials creating Inflation world wide. I guess democrats are responsible for jan 6th coup and attack of the capitol. I guess democrats are responsible for denying all women from abortion rights. I guess democrats stole thousands of documents top secret to sell them to the Saudis (ask Donald Trump about the 2 billion invested by the Saudi in his shady businesses.)
I guess the Vets bill was reject by democrats, I guess the Chips bill to make american Chip makers competitive and give create thousands of jobs only passed thanks to republican vote despite the rejection of democrats….
I wonder who has to open his eyes.
Ignorance, denial, but yeah MTG says that Biden is responsible for the 5 dollar price of gas. And of course you believe that dumb lunatic.
Keep voting for idiots, most probably you deserve them. And your daughter and sisters and nieces will of course thank you.
They will pray little jesus at church, and give blessings to Trump for stealing Americans money and swearing at the devil for not letting him get his bid on the 6th of january coup. Go listen to liars like Alex Jones, and Tucker Carlson, the most ethical people…..
Buck Fiden says
Afghanistan. Recession. DOJ going after parents who want a say at school board meetings.
That’s just the tip of the iceberg, Libtard.
Anonymous says
In your own words you say an idiot is someone who votes against their best interests. Who in their right mind votes for Democrats knowing that they are going to increase your taxes and decrease your standard of living. That would be voting against your best interest.
RailRider says
Democrats raise your taxes? I guess you didn’t live under Ronald Regan, who I voted for by the way and he screwed me on taxes when he signed a away the interest deduction on consumer loans, car loans for example. I was a registered Republican then and have been since Gerald Ford and in those days the GOP wasn’t the party of Jesus. Fast forward to 2017 Donald Trump singed away the tax detection on home mortgage interest and property tax detection, which cost me a $4,000 refund. Next year the $10,000 deduction will be phased completely.
As for socialism, Social Security and Medicare are socialism and I’ve been working since I was 15 to collect it. You need to pick up a book educate yourself about the “isms” before you comment out of your ass.
Donald Trump isn’t Jesus, he’s a fowl month loon, who can’t rise above his crazy BS. A relative of mine, a former CFO of a fortune 100 company and a Republican Pioneer knew Trump when he was a draft dodging opportunist NY Democrat hanging out at Studio 54.
BobtheBuilder says
uhhh…what are you talking about??? we got tax deductions for interest paid on home loans. you must be a democrat LIAR.
T says
Listen all of you, you know how unhinged this idiot trump is he deserves everything he gets his mouth is bigger than the Pacific Ocean and he’s a habitual idiot liar and he cannot ever attempt at trying to run for president
He is a pug liar Wouk’s throw anyone under the bus
So get rid of the garbage idiot who is a criminal and should go to jail along with the other dumbasses
BobtheBUilder says
wah wah wah. state one thing he did that was illegal. sure he runs his mouth, last time i looked, that wasn’t illegal. all you leftists do is whine and bleat about your feelings all the while not providing a single shred of evidence for things you claim he has done illegally.
Gg says
Please at least get alternate news! You are being lied to the government is not on you side!!
Tom says
You are a communist Marxist who wants to destroy America. To say you want a country free from Trumpism shows how Marxist and racial you are. People like you need to be imprisoned for treason. I Hate Lying Democratic Socialistic Pigs.
Gg mcabbe says
I agree with you 90%.. I m a 50f in Iowa. No arrests/ work& Homeowner. I chose not to have children/overpopulation. Raised Liberal in my 30s went R. I got the same from both. Nothing& More of the same. Went independent 15yrs ago. Conservative leaning,&willing to hear any ideas. Somthing is very different now, the progressive left have gone full Marxist. History shows this is not going to end well. I think both parties are corrupt and our Government is so overgrown & bloated it’s only goal is it’s own survival. The deep state is the enemy of the people, it will destroy anyone who dares to reign it in. The actions of former President Barack Obama and secretary of state Hillary Clinton weponizeing the FBI to frame and persecute opposition to their annihilation of the bill of rights & constitution of the United States of America is the highest of crimes. The FBI has lied to obtain warrants that led to (failed) impeachment, raid& investigation after investigation all ending in nothing. Either our entire intelligence community is utterly enept or there is actually nothing. SEVEN LONG YEARS! NOTHING!! MILLIONS OF DOLLARS!! NOTHING! I have come to the conclusion this is a well coordinated all out effort to destroy Trump at any cost. He showed us who they are& that they hate us. Yes they do. Watch them listen to them, do they always put you first? No. Never. If you think they do, get alternate news. All mainstream news is propaganda. Remember covid 19? They did it to us. Then lied and lied and lied. They shut down any questions at all. Why? Because it was supposed to kill the sickness, the fatties and the old. Dead weight to the Liberal new world order.. Dont believe me? The playbook is on the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM website. Unless your an elite or wealthy it’s probably not good. Their motto is “YOU WILL OWN NOTHING AND BE HAPPY” The founder “Klaus Swaub has referred to the world population as “MINDLESS EATERS
I don’t think that’s good. Look the same social disruptions poping up everywhere around the globe. I don’t think that’s Trumps fault. As a matter of fact Trump is the only President in my life that left the elites and became president of the people. The powerful and wealthy made a plan to destroy him. It came from EVERY direction.. I decided to vote for him,
the same old thing same thing was failing us, so I thought let’s try a non political president. I watched as a man who was a popular pop culture figure, was assaulted & assassinated in every conceivable way. He and his family, business associates, employees and voters were demonized, accused of vile things, investigated and more. I have never In my life have done something to malign or hurt another person, these are the types of things that trump& his supporters are being accused of and it’s false. I have Never heard or seen Donald Trump do anything that was racist or mean to other people that wasn’t completely taken out of context and twisted. I have noticed and continue to see the all out hatred that is not hidden by the media for Donald Trump and anyone associated with him. I know most of our media is owned by a small number of entities some of which are Chinese or Chinese business partners. I do think this has a large bearing on the hatred of Trump and they all out effort to destroy anything TRUMP. I’ve never seen any real evidence that shows anything criminal done by Donald Trump if I did I would probably change my opinion. They have tried for so long, don’t you think if there was anything they would have found it? I think everyone should ask themselves why all the powers that be Left and Right were trying so hard, and continue to try so hard to stop Donald Trump. Maybe it’s because he is doing the work of the American people, something the Washington establishment are unwilling to do.
Marlon says
So true my friend! If they keep Trump from running for president. what a disservice! The rich that voted Biden into office don’t realize what they have done! We’ve had our country stripped of its monument. Biden has left one The biggest threat to Americans and America Isis and the Taliban! Some of the most state of the art weapon tree ever known to man. To use against us when we left Afghanistan. Why he did not destroy everything our military left behind?? But now iso and the Taliban have access to planes bombers helicopters night vision rockets missiles. what a slap in the face to our military men and women that have given and sacrifice so much! I support our police and especially our military. And now Biden is going to to try and disarm good working American citizens! Does anybody see ! What is really happening in America! Or am I the only one? I can say one thing. Any law abiding citizen in America. Is not going to give up their guns for any reason! I feel sorry for the people that are going to be forced to come and take them. our second amendment was put there for a reason and I will not let it be infringed upon. The only thing that stops a bad person with a gun! Is a good person with a gun. I believe. our kids are no longer to say the Pledge of Allegiance in school. we have a so-called president/puppet in office right now! That can’t finish a sentence! And he’s in charge of the nuclear suitcase! Lol Trump was not politically correct sometimes! but the man truly loved America! And Americans! While in office he still managed to accomplish quite a bit. Especially the border wall. He ran for office with his own money. That should tell people something in itself.? The only thing Biden has try to accomplish! Is to make it so Donald Trump cannot run for president again! Any true American that loves life liberty. Is fed up with what’s going on here! Our government has done nothing to help anyone out except their selves! All this Corruption in our government. Is coming to ahead! Anyone who doesn’t see it. Is a fool!
Kristina says
Hmmm What you don’t understand is that the new Trump Republican party is very different from the old *establishment* Republican party. The *establishment* (and this includes Democrats) sold us out for their own benefit. They did NOT stick up for the American people. They did NOT put America first. Trump changed all of that and blue collar workers were seeing improvements in wages. That is because he did the unthinkable, he rewrote trade deals to benefit the American worker. Something Obama refused or was unable to do. Obama one time at a talk told everyone they better get ready for a lower standard of living because of globalism. Bush actively pushed globalism and a NWO. Trump comes along and shakes up the apple cart. The enemies are not necessarily the rich. The enemies are the Deep State who do not care about you and me. The enemies are those that actively work to divide us and cause chaos so they can swoop in and claim power. Those are the true enemies.
Koe says
You rightwing hypocrites need help,I pray you all get the help you need, stupid,hateful and ignorant is know way to go through life.
Jule says
There is a big problem of all or nothing and so we are getting nothing. Talk about greed nd corporate and we see Bidens, the whole family and friends, making millions from foreign countries, living lavish lives and pretending to be for people. I was a Democrat until the last few years and I am so disgusted, i will never vote Democrat again. All Public is no good for us but neither is all private. Both take advantage of us. I think it has been this way in every country since the beginning of civilization, causing wars and revolutions and still we have not found a way to keep things in the middle Balance. Why? Why is it either the rich rule without equality or the Criminal rule as is happening and then some revolution. Can’t we get it right? It is not the values of either Left or Right and no extremes. This is not a sports game where people cheer for colors or mascots with such loyalty even seeing cheating right before their eyes. And then they start to think cheating is the best way. We have a problem and neither Left nor Right has the solution.
Anonymous says
Your not correct
SouthernLiberal says
THANK YOU for the best comment in this entire cesspool. 100% TRUTH. A voice of actual reason amidst all this ignorance and racism.
I couldn’t believe it, after I submitted my other comment, when I read my submission was being “held for moderation.” I have a hard time believing this comment section is being moderated at all, what with the sickening racist diatribes I’ve been reading. Perhaps the “moderator” went to the Musk School of Free (Hate) Speech.
Do better, Fillmore County Journal. And FFS, please do better, America.
Anonymous says
Conservatives love America and so do conservatives. The difference is that conservatives think one way is best for Americans, while democrats believe in an anarchy. They think sure u can be whatever u want to be-gender isn’t based on gender stereotypes-then what it gender based on-what is truth based on-nothing! They believe in subjective truth, which means if their is multiple truths, then that means there is no truth at all because the very definiton of truth means that there is only one truth. But if there is your truth and my truth, that means there is no truth at all. No there is your opinion and my opinion, but that doesn’t mean there is not truth-either your opinion is true or my opinion is true(most likely neither of our opinions our true), but we have to accept that. Now, I do believe that many liberals believe that this the best for our country, but I also believe that some liberals are against our country, and so are some conservatives. There are good people and bad people on both sides, but in the end, “progression” does not mean the discarding of truth, or the need for truth…change is different from the complete denial of the need for truth as a foundations for any claim.
Borris Johnson says
What do you call a bi polar french fagot with an art degree ?
the CBC .
What do you call a french bipolar fagot with an art degree and a gun ?
Marc Lepine
What do you call a bi polar , bi lingual , bi sexual …in a union with a gun and a horse?
Kanaduh eh ..same pile of shit sliced bi directionally …
Justin H. says
The “left” doesn’t hate America. Can you say with absolute certainty that all of us on the left hate America?
What we hate are illiberal fundamentalist Conservative fascist dictators who stomp all over our rights and freedoms on a regular basis and call that ‘DEFENDING LIBERTY AND FREEDOM’. Folks who support erasing the boundaries between church and state, turning us into a totalitarian, right-wing fascist Christian country, and forcing people to bow to the will of the theocrats or be charged with sedition, or branded as domestic terrorists for defiantly standing up to the loudest, most brutal and ruthless bullies in the world; right-wing Christian fundamentalist fascists.
Trump will forever be known for praising dictators, expressing awe and wonder at the possibility of emulating their terrible actions, walking all over civil liberties by sending National Guard troops to shut protestors up who are pissed off at the tremendous injustice brought against people of colour like Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, et al., sending in troops to violently quell oppositional protests, ATTEMPTING TO STEAL THE 2020 ELECTION LIKE AN INSUFFERABLE 5 YEAR OLD NARCISSITIC BRAT, treating women like objects with no regard for their feelings or respect for their bodily autonomy, and the countless thousands of lies told.
Yet, for some reason only the demented right wing fascists who still support Trump understand, those folks will never EVER come back down to reality and let go of the Trumpist lies that are corroding our bonds as American people. As for American Conservatism goes, do you really think it’s based on God-fearing Christianity? Are you frickin serious? CPAC HAD A GOLDEN STATUE OF THE ASSHOLE FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! People were bowing and praying to it!! You people don’t give a rat’s ass about the Bible, so knock off the lies and deceit already and come clean. American Conservatism has done nothing but cause death, destruction, misery, poverty, violence, war, famine, hatred of each other, regression into a fundamentalist Christian hellhole, stomping on the proverbial necks of the average American people while kissing the asses of millionaires / billionaires and lifelong politicians (Democrats do this too; conservatives are in the Democrat party as well), and on and on and on.
You right wing Christian fascists have spawned far-right militia groups who are now, thanks to your violent and hateful rhetoric against homosexuals, transgendered people and leftists, ARMED TO THE TEETH WITH MILITARY-GRADE WEAPONRY, STORMING PEACEFUL GATHERINGS FULL OF INNOCENT ADULTS AND CHILDREN WITH THE INTENT TO KILL, MAIM, OR THREATEN THEM!!! If that’s what right-wing conservative Christians want this country to be, then who in their right mind would ever support these disgusting fascist killers? Whipping up unstable killers into a frenzy and getting their blood boiling, ready to attack their own country in a bloody, brutal civil war is NOT a Christian value… oh wait; actually if you read the Bible there’s a lot of that stuff in there… You fools are Old Testament stalwarts, like the snobby, self-righteous, hateful and spiritually dead Pharisees who sold Jesus Christ up the river.
You theocratic fascists think you’re the salvation of your country, but you’re actually a giant, bloody, pus-filled gangrenous wound on the body politic that just plain refuses to heal. Not all leftists are Marxists, or Socialists, or anything. Not all right-wingers are demented Trumpists who fit the descriptions I laid out above, either; it just seems like most of them are thanks to the Trumpster Fire Movement.
I’m a leftist and a staunch progressive, but I think Marxism is a philosophical example of a peaceful, cooperative society, not something that can be implemented in a free society. There’s not enough checks and balances against corruption (kinda like how America is right now apparently), and it doesn’t work that well in reality. Socialism is better, but still (to me anyway) makes more sense as a large part of a mixed economy (say 65% socialism, 35% market capitalism) such as the way Ireland, Germany, Norway, etc. handle their economies. They aren’t Socialist countries, but the capitalist market doesn’t have much pull, if any, in politics or non-business-related areas.
We are one of the most corrupt, polluted, backwards, violent, hateful, negative, consumerist, wasteful, depraved, inhumane, bigoted, greedy, despicable, fascistic, unbalanced, ignorant countries in the world, and most of the blame for that can be laid squarely at the feet of the right wingers in our country and those who support them. Sure there are some folks like that on the left, and there are folks that aren’t like that on the right, but they are the exception to the rule it seems.
You traitors want to try to turn this country in to the Christian Taliban and instill a big government that tells women what they can and cannot do with their own bodies, OR ANYONE FOR THAT MATTER, dictates what books kids (and adults) can and cannot read, forcibly demand that public schools toe the line and burn any banned books on your banned books lists, tell people that they can’t smoke a medicinal herb that has been around since the dawn of Mankind, and IN THE SAME DAMN CONVERSATION TELL US HOW PATRIOTIC YOU ARE AND HOW MUCH YOU LOOOOVE FREEDOM, screeching about individual liberties and state’s rights (whatever that means), and how much you can’t stand the Big Evil Government telling us what to do!
You’re the biggest group of deranged, delusional hypocrites this world has ever seen, so sit down and shut up. Your ideas belong in the 16th century, just like your miserable excuse for a political party. If you want to raise the 4th Reich, do it somewhere else.
Get the hell out of America and leave it alone! It’s a free country, as long as the GQP doesn’t run it. We want a free, secular, open society where everyone can feel like they belong, where we won’t have to worry about a bunch of greedy fascists trying to tell us how to run our lives, and can vote freely and have our votes count fairly without fear of being bullied or intimidated at the polls, or having their votes go into the Memory Hole as per the Ministry of Truth’s instructions…
You guys would be much better off in a place like Russia or North Korea. Just leave us the hell alone and build your sickening Christian fascist society somewhere else. You folks love Hungary’s policies so much and fawn over their dictator Viktor Orban like Tucker Carlson does? If so, you don’t belong here anymore; go side with the fascists. America isn’t a fascist country and as long as I have a voice and a vote, I’ll do my part to ensure that it never gets there. We the People are sick of your lies and public policy that leads to death, starvation, misery, injustice, hatred, violence and every other sin / societal ill that your Bible has called you to HELP WORK AGAINST, not PROMOTE WITH YOUR POLICIES. Go shove your fake Christianity and lies where the sun don’t shine.
John says
Wonderful. The terminology used and the heart felt beliefs? I thought I was reading my own mind and heart in print. Thank you so much.
Bob says
Shame on all of you, and I mean both sides. Please read what you have written in this space. I thought republicans were bad for this but dems are far worse in spewing hate all of you need to be dragged out behind the woodshed for a good whooping. There, I said it.
Ron says
/end rant. Tldr. You people are nuts.
Laurie Livingston says
YES! I’ve just watched the”steve bannon idiot special” and am flabbergasted at how much input this disgusting excuse for a human has influenced the destruction of America! He’s a putrid piece of rotten meat filled with maggots with absolutely NO redeemable qualities. Just shoot him.
Jimmy Shu says
Isn’t that special Satan. Biden does not even know where he is. You Democratic idiots voted for this moron. You had the Presidency, the house and the Senate and you still got zero accomplished. Have you seen the price of gasoline and other goods? None of that is Trump’s or Putin’s fault but you lying scumbags keep insisting that it is. You know who’s fault it is? Crooked,lying, compromised with his scumbag son hunter, Joe Biden.
Mike C says
What party was dominant in the South and practiced slavery? Oh, the Democrats.
What party inslaved the Japanese Americans during WWII? That would be the Democrats
The great Franklin Roosevelt was a known racist and anti-Semitic. He was a Democrat.
Socialism is such a wonderful just look at the ruthless Castro who left his country living in the 1950’s. Look at Venezuela, Bolivia and now Peru in utter ruins thanks to your socialist friends.
Are you aware that your idol Karl Marx never worked a day in his life and lived off the system?
You link Christians and Facists together, but fact check and you will see that all Facists states denounced religion.
I agree with only one thing in you diatribe concerning Christians and the WASPS meet your criteria of Christian Facists, they have been ruthless against those outside their small group and are racists
Lastly, what happened to Floyd was a tragedy and that cop deserves to go away for life, but let the legal process rin before you destroy you own neighborhoods and hurt innocent people. They are people bent on destruction and only use these injustices to further their objectives of anarchy.
This is a free country and I am a conservative and I respect your views and only hope that you will realize that people on the right are not fanatics just as all leftists are not anarchists
Anonymous says
lol Mike is neglecting to mention the Party Switch in which many racist Democrats fled to the Republicans. People who claim this is a myth can’t explain how or why white nationalists went from Democrats to Republicans, they just scream MYTH.
David Duke, former Grand Wizard of the KKK was a Democrat and then, for some reason, switched to being a Republican.
So, despite the Democrats being evil and cruel racists, and the Republicans being noble beauties who freed the slaves; it seems those kooks in the KKK got their wires crossed and prefer to vote and live in red states. Hey there, KKK! Come to NYC and be with your brethren! Why you guys hanging out with people who free slaves and respect brown folk???
They’ll also point out Robert Byrd was a Democrat and minor member of KKK,but neglect that he left and was eventually recognized by NAACP and that David Duke endorsed their golden boy, Donald. Whether Donald wanted his endorsement is irrelevant, the point is why endorse Donald at all and not apparent KKK heir Hillary? Probably democrat conspiracy spanning centuries.
Also, Marx worked as an editor and contributor for a newspaper. He was then supported by his wealthier friend to keep producing work, somewhat like an artist with a patron.
I also need to point out the US sponsors coups in Latin American countries to purposefully destabilize their governments.
Steve says
Wow you just made the point. many racist DEMOCRATS .fled to another party, RACIST DEMOCRATS HAVE BEEN RUNNING THIS COUNTRY FOR CENTURIES NOW!
Gg mcabbe says
RailRider says
“What party in the South practiced slavery”. Your right, they were the Dixicrates, they were seditious malcontents then, they where racist trouble makers in the 1960s, the reason I became a Republican, and the same hateful racist are Republicans now. The Dixicrates haven’t changed in 200 years, their just hiding hiding behind a new name, and they aren’t worth the trouble they caused in this country.
Jeff Troiano says
I couldn’t have said it it any better. Amen.
Angelique C says
Anyone of those cocksucker globalists destroying my country should all drown.
Anonymous says
If America is such an insidious place , why is it still being inundated with migrants , both legal and illegal from every country on earth. ?
Anonymous says
U are right!!!
Steve says
Whoa, you got a lot of hate inside you! Who spends all that time spewing 11-12 run-on paragraphs that has nothing but hate and ridiculous run-on sentences? Ever hear of condensing your hate into smaller sentences? Ps: good luck in hell, oh wait you don’t believe in heaven or hell,
Kristina says
You are in your own little world. Fascism is goverment and corporations to control the people. Yes that is happening now but it’s not under Republians, it’s under Democrats. Look at how Big Tech and the Democrats collude to censor anyone critical of them. Look at how the medical establishment, together with the Democratic party and the Deep State collude to push vaxxines on all of us. Look at how Antifa and BLM were able to cause so much damage and death and not get into real trouble at all…why? Because of Democrats. I think you honestly need help.
CommiesNeed2go says
You don’t know anything about Christians. You speak about things you know nothing about.
What you lefties do is make claims of Christians being hateful for following their religion. For God so loved the world he gave his only begotten Son. Yeah so hateful. Also gave us commandments to follow, His commandments not mine. Love one another. Love thy enemy. You don’t want to follow them, your business. I’m not the judge.
Go educate yourself instead of judging people as hate mongers when it’s quite the contrary.
Rob says
Most sensible comment I’ve seen in this whole thread.
Guest says
My take after reading all these comments, the Right has spoken the truth (though there was that atheist who copied Trump’s moniker as an “atheist genius”, which was his desire to be a ruler over the Republicans and Religion rather than actual intellect) the Left wants things and demands they get their way or else they will use their Marxist totalitarian methods to enforce that they meet their greedy ends. Gerald J. Boyum, these Chinese loving posers, I mean posters, have doubled down on exactly what you said about them and you have now made and double backed up and double proven your point.
Anonymous says
It’s not leftist. It’s people that think raping over 20 women, drinking bleach and coup de’tas are bad ideas. Glad I am not ignorant. 👍
Anonymous says
NO one was raped NO ONE drank any bleach and there was NO insurrection. Welfare grubbing dolt. Think Ill use you for batting practice in public until you either understand reality or stop twitching. NO safe space. No help NO salvation
Ron says
Damn right.
The Retarded People Caused This says
Very mentally retarded people shouldn’t be allowed to vote at all.
Anonymous says
So true😂😂😂
Richard Lee says
I am here too prove everybody’s in powers guilties in front of all American people’s were I will take a lie detector test and a hypnotized test against everybody’s in powers in front of all American people’s proving they are all guilties in front of all American people’s yes I have called them all out and they know I have been they been hiding from me and the truth that they are all guilties I am calling everybody’s in powers out in front of all American people’s yes I am going too prove they are all guilties as hell in front of all American people’s time for justices is now time for them too faced theirs actions and crimes on innocent victim civilian American me I will not stop until they faced me in front of all American people’s this year
Anonymous says
Our country was founded on Judeo/Christian values—-not “Biblical/Christian’ values as stated by the author.
Anonymous says
Always one in the crowd.
Michael Merrill says
The Arthur is caught up in a superficial Cultural Christianity
Guest says
My take after reading all these comments, the Right has spoken the truth (though there was that atheist who copied Trump’s moniker as an “atheist genius”, which was his desire to be a ruler over the Republicans and Religion rather than actual intellect) the Left wants things and demands they get their way or else they will use their Marxist totalitarian methods to enforce that they meet their greedy ends. Gerald J. Boyum, these Chinese loving posers, I mean posters, have doubled down on exactly what you said about them and you have now made and double backed up and double proven your point.
David says
We have stoop to a lowest in America history and the Republican party is the root of all evil in this country because they are commist party in this country and we true American people must take control of our country
Guest says
My take after reading all these comments, the Right has spoken the truth (though there was that atheist who copied Trump’s moniker as an “atheist genius”, which was his desire to be a ruler over the Republicans and Religion rather than actual intellect) the Left wants things and demands they get their way or else they will use their Marxist totalitarian methods to enforce that they meet their greedy ends. Gerald J. Boyum, these Chinese loving posers, I mean posters, have doubled down on exactly what you said about them and you have now made and double backed up and double proven your point.
Anonymous says
You keep repeating your nonsense. No matter how much you copy and paste, it’s still a bunch of nonsense.
Anonymous says
Joe Biden is a communist dictator wannabe whether you want to admit it or not.
Dodie says
Also Liz cheney should look at herself – to me worthless and worries about President Trump – she’s try to get DemocRATS to vote for her….she needs to worry about the economy, gas prices, food, housing and others that has 🤬🤬🤬🤬up – look at the border majority are illegals sick and in American hospitals with all types diseases – what do you think Liz
And That Is The Truth says
Joe Biden was really dropped on his head when he was born which is why he is a very severely mentally retarded fool altogether. The fool needs to be impeached. ASAP.
Anonymous says
Bingo. You nailed it.
Fjb says
Joe Biden and his administration are the enemy of the American people and so are you. F*** Joe Biden
Anonymous says
Blessed is the Nation whos God is the Lord psalm33:12
Steve says
David, please learn to correctly write and then check your work. “They are commist party”?
Gg mcabbe says
This makes no sense at all
Steve says
Its the same thing! Our Judeo/Christian values are the same thing as Biblical/ Christian values! Read the bible and the Torah. Wow we have some real intelligent people here.
Anonymous says
I was a six year veteran 1984 and all the human resources for the companies with good pension jobs, told me they were only hiring blacks. So I ended up homeless, hopeless, hungry and bleeding teeth. I’m 64 now and a poor man suffering so the demoncrates could favour only blacks and I hate the left and I am determined to strick the left down.
Anonymous says
Should have stuck it out for 20 and received 50 percent in retirement at minimum.
Anonymous says
I’m white & been in construction for 30+ years. I never heard that in my entire career. Sad story. Never heard of hr for any company to do that. It’s illegal!!!!
David says
Of course it’s illegal.
But I’m amazed how many posts on the Internet by sincere citizens reflect little knowledge of law, politics and history. These are basic to civics.
I wish the US would take half its military budget and devote it to raising standards of education so as to bring all states, and school districts up to the same quality.
Kids are impeded from achieving the dream of a good life if they’re denied a good education.
There’s no good moral reason why the children of Appalachian should have one standard of education, and the children of upstate New York another.
The time when the US could play World Police is drawing to a close because economic changes. At the end of WW2, the US represented 40% of the world GDP. Today, it’s less than 15%. It’s a little higher than the EU, and about 20% smaller than China.
Two keys to the future:
– winding down gracefully from world military dominances, and building alliances with other countries to fill the gap.
– education, education, education.
Doug says
You are nearly 100% right, but it wouldn’t take a half of a trillion per year to elevate our education system to heights unimaginable anywhere in the world. Our schools could be places where every student would thrive, where every student would want to be every day. Every student could be educated to their fullest potential. Teachers could have all of the resources, support and assistance they need to teach at their highest level every day, to love their jobs. Our children would be smarter than us, happier and healthier than we were. America would experience a new renaissance. If we want citizens to love this country, give all of them the best education in the history of the world. It is a completely attainable goal.
Anonymous says
lol that’s because it’s a fake story. And if it isn’t entirely BS, it’s heavily embellished. Put yourself in the story as the hiring managers, would you confess to committing a crime to a guy off the street? For what purpose? And this happened multiple times? And somehow he knows the political affiliations of these hiring managers? And they’re all democrats?
If he’s so good at sussing out people’s party membership, why not find a company headed by a conservative? Why not just go to south?
But, yeah, BS story.
This forum is ridiculous and everyone is so one sided. Be rational like a good American says
They are trying to pass having gender and racial inority percentages on boards listed in the nasdaq. Today. Publicly, lealgally.
Anonymous says
Hear you loud n clear.Drive on!
Cpatain Crunch says
Religious logic says your material poverty is due to spiritual poverty. So, I guess you should’ve prayed more.
Steve says
Ken says
Thats so racist that black is taking ur job go to Russia they will give u a job or china the oppress brown skin people
Anonymous says
Maybe it was all the meth you are taking because your story is false.I am a veteran and it never stopped me from taking on responsibility and from working,guit blaming the government or people for what you chose to do.Veterans always are highly considered for employment more than all races.You have to really want to work or guess what happens.You will remain poor.
zidane says
Very good article, very useful. Thank you
Guest says
The demon two legged demorats are really to blame for our country going down hill today.
Anonymous says
Democrats suck. They are dumb liberals. They are too far right and we should vote for actual progressives instead.
Dan says
You should move to china you COMMUNIST piece of SH#T 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕 AOC THE TALKING ANAL WORT SL#T AND 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕 YOU
Tom says
Are you a real person?
Tom Pauley says
Are you a real person? Or is this Donny Junior?
Diana Marie Kersh says
That was nothing more than confusing
Anonymous says
We have a center and a right. The left has been shunned in American politics, and social programs that ensure opportunity isn’t monetized never get off the ground. Capitalism is fantastic for innovation and competition, but left unrestricted it leaves entire communities unable to participate
So True says
The Democrats are very evil radical far left pigs out to destroy our America which there should really be a law to actually arrest those two legged demons.
Leo says
Autocratic fascists who use white insecurities to push their dictatorship attempts on the country.
I would be more prone to blame corporate greed and selling out of country for current status.
How Putin is laughing at how his puppet has caused so much division in the U.S.A.
Mike says
Silliest article I’ve ever read.
All propaganda.
It’s a shame so many follow Trump blindly. In reality he’s nothing but a con man. He doesn’t pay his bills, he treats woman horribly and has no loyalty to friends or family.
He’s a lone island of greed and gluttony.
J says
How do your morons feel about your impotent, incapable figure head today??? Liberals do NOTHING but demolish the status quo, they BRING NOTHING TO ANYONE… N O T H I N G… Only morons would support the socialist.liberals – the taxes that get paid in this country to support you pathetic wastes are NOT contributed by the jobless, don’t wanna work, morons that comprise 90% of your movement’s… You are all pathetic
Whatever says
How do you survive on a diet of crayons? Holy f*clk! Y’all are certifiably dumb!You refuse to see reality . It’s absolutely mind boggling!
Anonymous says
You sat on your ass, retired in your 50s used your wives money, hung out with criminals, sluts did drugs, you had a great past job… but now it’s your diarrhea of the mouth pride, narcissist abuse of family, wife & crazy, making destructive talk & behavior
No To Anger & Outrage says
Amen to that! Trump is a grifter and a conman saying whatever outrageous thing needs to be said to get more money and power for himself at the greater expense of loosing our democracy. The Republicans have lost their morals and the Democrats want to make up for sins of our forefathers, but our country was founded on the Principles of EGALITARIANISM not Christianity because almost all of our founding fathers were agnostics. People need to stop being so angry and outraged all of the time. It’s not good for your health or your soul – or the soul of our country!
Gg mcabbe says
I can’t believe you could be this ignorant of reality and still remember to breathe
Signsofautumnsigns says
Yup! I read some articles that Putin was or still is paying off Americas environmentalists to attack oil/gas more than they ever have. And as for EV’s, in the end they cause deadly harm to rain forest , wildlife and indigenous peoples villages to mine for Ev materials and of course it’s mostly China doing the damage for EV materials. Wind turbines are killing 10000’s of birds and that’s a fact, but the green new deal people cover their ears and close their eyes. True hypocrites. And sending millions to Ukraine is bankrupting our future. It’s ok to help Ukraine, but democrat cities have homeless people OD’ing and shitting in the streets while governors are paying $320-700 a plate for food instead of helping their own people. It’s funny how all the democratic cities are trash pits filled with crime no matter how many New Democrats get voted in . Same with their schools. $37,000 per student and they can’t spell or pass a math class! Why do democratic voters refuse to see the truth or admit it? Because they’re liars and so many are deep down racists
RD says
your 0pinion is not well thought out . There is corrupt on both sides, and the government on both sides have just as many faults as the other .The only way to get compassion from either side is get rid of rich and get rid of poor and let the people do what is to be done with no money involved at all.This would eliminate greed, favoritism, and control, and all the bad that comes from being in power. Now on the positive side do things in a humble humane way . and everyone take a lesson what it means to be human, and everyone learn how to listen ,not hear but listen . Oh and the most important get them to be honest completely . Then you would have a government that was worth leading the people . But until that happens all politicians are evil and corrupt so get off your high horse and stop defending either side .
Anonymous says
Ok comrade
Anonymous says
Your about as ignorant as they come. No wait that’s the orange maggots title
Gg mcabbe says
You are a great representative of a liberal. Low information
Anonymous says
Don’t you know by now that democrats can’t comment truthfully. Not all of them lie just most of them.
Anonymous says
This is really a stupid answer that this person espoused because the liberals are not the ones who want to have an all white America. This extremist think that Trump is their god but he is not smart enough to come up with the real reason.
Anonymous says
We the people will vote in November
Deb says
You are going to lose.. your traitor hid us going to prison. Anyone who says they follow Jesus but support Trump, will not make it past Saint Peter. You are worshiping the wrong Jesus.
Gg mcabbe says
The wrong Jesus? Oh lord
Anonymous says
The Dems hate America and almost have destroyed it Yet their voters love them Every Dem in our government are doing the devil’s work
Southerners Suck says
We lie?
Who told you that?
Your former thrice married electoral president?
The incontinent crook who lied an estimated 30,000 times after being appointed president?
That guy?
Psst, stuff like that is why everyone thinks southerners are stupid liars…in case y’all were wondering Ong.
Anonymous says
How do you like it now the only people who approve of this dottering fool still live with mom and dad I for one think Joe biden is the worst president in our country’s history
Anonymous says
Your mistake, typical of conservatives, is assuming democrats make their entire personalities around our elected officials. I voted for Biden, therefore I need to update all of my social media. I need signs on my lawn and in my window. I need decals for my car, bumper stickers. Hats, keychains, and shirts. Maybe a Biden onesie for the child and dog. A tattoo?
You can’t just vote for someone with the hope that they’ll do their job. No, They have to be the Chosen One. The Anointed One.
Conservatives are an interesting bunch. They talk a big game about the Constitution and democracy, but I know they’d, if given the chance, go full dictatorship or monarchy. I mean, being governed by one being, and authority worship is baked into your brains at an early age.
In God we trust says
We worship god and democrats worship the devil and hate American values so much that they are willing to destroy there voters as well as us democrats use LGBQ and anyone else they can get to believe there lies.and democratic voters are so filled with hate they are literally destroying there self as well but they are blinded by hate and they have you believing they are for you when all they want to do is destroy America and that includes low class and middle class democrats.they claim they want to go green shut down Alaska pipeline American jobs and give Brazil millions of dollars to drill.they shut down Alaska pipeline again and buy Russian oil they do not want American to have good jobs or a good life they want us to struggle and die but all they have done is piss is off to the point where they better run and hid in another country because we will not back down we will fight we know the enemy now.most off us have nothing else to lose and that makes us very dangerous.the reason our country was so great is because we put god and country first they used our soldiers them demonized them for doing what they trained and made them do then did the same thing to cops it all about destroying everything we love about America and they will have a fight like they won’t believe.and everyone that lives in America will be affected by what they are doing no matter your political or your religion.wake-up fool.don’t let them destroy smart and pull your head out of your ass.don’t be a jackass unless you want to destroy your life as god we trust not science.if it was used for good intentions science is good but they don’t want us to have a better life they want more power and money it will never be enough they have a lot of money and act like there one with the people lol.they don’t care about anyone but there rich friends and family and there best interest.
Snaps says
MAGA is the American Taliban!. How you dumbf*cks got radicalized will be studied for decades to come. It’s absolutely mind boggling and terrifying!
Disproven bs says
Incorrect, you worship the uneducated promise of the god under the guise of inexact incomplete information.
The State Church of the UK is what most of the 1930’s-1940’s born US people think is the fate of the U.S.
The god is not blond haired and blue eyes, neither was the human from the Essence Jewish tribe.
You are human or you would not be able to understand these written words.
The devil or satan does not exist imo, but a demon want’s power over others to hold financial/political oppression over others.
The quota limitation on hiring was tried, in error, and removed.
If there was a devil it would be divisive, power grifting gluttony.
With the enactment of the State Church of the U.S., the United States ceases to exist.
The 1st political party of the U.S. is the Democratic Party, followed by many others, then the Republican Party prior to the civil war.
The most inaccurate ideals that current day Republicans hold, and I was brought up as one, is that you will get even for the 44th potus’ two term success & retirement.
Instead of the 44th potus being a natural progression of the decisions of the U.S. citizenry, it has been ignorantly interpreted as a personal vendetta.
Many of you that have errored on the side of thinking that the 45th potus was going to reestablish your fiscal power & religious/social rule, have still not righted your views following the January 6th 2021 coup d’état.
As it is a result of your limited incomplete comparative knowledge, it is impossible for there to be a reward granted to you by this imbecilic favor.
Killing is killing; from the early 80’s through to the Iraq wars I have constantly heard references to; make it a glass parking lot, they’re a bunch of “sand niggars”.
But what it comes to placing respectful power in the hands of the one who possesses the human body/a woman’s body, it’s a pagan blood ritual or a satanic ritual.
Many of you are uneducated beyond extreme religious dogma through the course of your lives.
And Abortion is part of the blasphemous masculine oppression of women, non caucasians.
The altr/isis tendency’s in our world are exactly the same; uneducated blind faith brainwashed through fear and continued blasphemous reinforcement.
And you want a compulsive lying conman like trump to be the god send!
Why not hitler or stalin, peu’tin?
Deb says
No you don’t worship god. If you truly did you would not be talking the way you do. You would also not be kneeling before Trump, a man who would not know Jesus if he passed him in the street. Jesus was a dark skinned Jewish man. Oath keepers who attacked our democracy on January 6th, don’t like Jewish people.
Missouri Blows says
It’s nice to see that insolvent trump-hole missouri is still filled with that same inferior breed of worthless rural human they’ve had there since their vile slaver compromise.
I honestly think I’d visit Syria before ever setting foot in that filthy un-American rural shithole.
master says
please. DO go to syria. the rest of the country would love that
Tammy says
❤️🤣. He wants communism so bad….why wait for the democrats to bankrupt our country and usher in communism! Let him move to Cuba.
disproven bs says
It’s not communism.
It’s you having enough healthcare to meet your needs while still owning a house!
disproven bs says
That’s alright, people should just go door to door and help educate the forgotten trodden, with ar-15 in tow of course, Missouri is a beautiful state, show me?
Anonymous says
Please do
In God We Trust says
That how stupid you are do you even realise those that you talk about work the farms that feed your dumb incredible y’all know nothing about us only the lies they tell you which it’s not your fault your a idiot you learned from them lol.
Gg mcabbe says
I am sure you would be treated well on your trip. Oh, Missouri is quite nice, especially without you. You won’t be missed!
Bob says
We learned it from Reagan.
arnold says
They are afraid of Trump the only problem eith Trump was his mouth other than that he has done every thing he has promised as for Biden he take no blaim for anyting it is Russia or Trump i hope you get impeached
Bobbi says
So tell me, Trump did everything he said out to do. You got that right. Never has this country had such a polarization of Democrats and Republicans. We can’t even Discuss basic issues and come to some resolution. We lost a sense of decency and integrity and forgot how to respect each other‘s opinions without it turning into a bar brawl. We need some kind of unification of our parties to make intelligent decisions for the people And by the people
Dwayne A Young says
The bipartisan bickering and party separation of the country really took hold when Nelson Mandella, I mean Barrack Obama took office and instantly declared us all racist. Its been downhill from there. I do not remember this issue in the Bush admin, though there were antiwar haters, which is typical for liberals. They would rather fight thier brother than the murderer at the door.
Choga Rae says
You’re correct I think…the right lost their heads when we put a black man in office and he did much better than the white man before them. Obama blew up their racist narrative of the “dumb n****r” and they’ve been butthurt over it since.
Anonymous says
No, what actually happened is you naturally assumed you were not racist or bigoted in anyway. Mostly because you don’t align with or even detest nazis or the KKK. You don’t believe in segregation or things like that. You don’t believe anyone is inherently inferior. Maybe you’ve even got a black pal you get along with.
So you’ll be damned if you listen to corrections or make changes because you do enough! Call them what? No. You’ve decided what they were being called was good enough already. Why are they complaining now? It’s just a joke, it’s just a costume, it’s just a name. Relax! What? Why can’t I say that word? It’s just a WORD. No one should be offended! Maybe if those minorities in the ghetto acted like your good minority friend, things wouldn’t be so dire for them!
And of course you didn’t see it in Bush. Dubya is white. Therefore you could still not listen to brown people and hold the moral highground because, hey, you’re not a nazi.
Michael Merrill says
when the author says America white and conservative assist American default
George McCauley says
Benedict Arnold, Jefferson Davis and Donald Trump are shame filled liars, cowards and traitors.
master says
luckily no1 cares what stupid people like you think
Dwayne A Young says
Your forgot to add George McCauley to that list you prick.
John says
People who think like you are the reason this country is doomed
In God We Trust says
And Hillary Clinton sails uranium one to Russia Obama gave guns to cartels through fast and furious act.Obama also had a meeting with china in Alaska by himself and acted like it was a coincidence china was there how stupid are you if trump did what Hillary Clinton did with classified documents they would have used everything they could to put him in jail Hillary Clinton,Obama and Biden are criminals
In God We Trust says
And Hillary Clinton sails uranium one to Russia Obama gave guns to cartels through fast and furious act.Obama also had a meeting with china in Alaska by himself and acted like it was a coincidence china was there how stupid are you if trump did what Hillary Clinton did with classified documents they would have used everything they could to put him in jail Hillary Clinton,Obama and Biden are criminals
rimshots73 says
Well Georgie, you’re a good democrat. I like democrats. I really like them better when they’ve been neutered and put out of office. Trump and DeSantis are going to spank America’s democrats soon while the entire world watches in astonishment.
Fact says
Said the moron himself that needs to get a real life.
Anonymous says
George, let me hit you with an akshully. Benedict Arnold was a swell enough dude who was totally screwed over by the American government and military. The government owed Arnold rightful wages and when he asked for them, he was written off as greedy and selfish. Similar for Aaron Burr. These gents received villain upgrades over time due to their stories being told by their enemies.
Also, Donald probably doesn’t feel shame. I stand with you in spirit, though.
Fact With Real Truth says
All you very brainless worthless retards that voted for Biden the clown is the real reason why we really are in such a mess today.
Trump is a Traitor says
No, It’s people who use the word “retard” who expose themselves as brainless knuckle dragging mouth breathers. I didn’t need to read past that word to know you were a Trumpanzee. You like him because he’s just as stupid, racist and thoughtless as you are.
Guest says
Hey listen moron, all you liberal psycho’s that are breathing are causing too much tragedy in our country today since you’re polluting this whole planet altogether.
disproven bs says
Read a book!
You’re gullible!
The 45th potus only cares about his bottom line!
Dwayne A Young says
Hey moron! Your very name has been debunked! how about you get up to speed and realise the damage your POTUS pick is causing the country and stop with this childish bullcrap behavior. I’ll take mean tweets and cheap gas any day of the week. FJB
You Said The Truth says
Dwayne, you certainly nailed it.
In God We Trust says
And Hillary Clinton sails uranium one to Russia Obama gave guns to cartels through fast and furious act.Obama also had a meeting with china in Alaska by himself and acted like it was a coincidence china was there how stupid are you if trump did what Hillary Clinton did with classified documents they would have used everything they could to put him in jail Hillary Clinton,Obama and Biden are criminals.
I Agree says
To Trump Is A Traitor, It is very retarded people like you that are to really blame in the first place just like the other person said. Bottom like is, they shouldn’t be allowed to vote at all since they’re so very clueless to begin with.
You can pray for me - I'll think for you says
How sad. I thought the whole deal with being a “christian” was not hating your neighbor?
I guess not. I just finished reading an article about oodles of studies that point to religious people having lower IQ’s. I was thinking, well, as your friendly neighborhood atheist, I doubt I’m any smarter than the next peasant, no matter his beliefs. I started looking for flaws in the data, ready to defend the rights of religious people to believe whatever helps them get through the hard times, just as I hope they would defend my right to have escaped my fundamentalist upbringing, and to have found my own peace in not being forced to believe at all.
I just miss the days when no matter how weird I thought my neighbors beliefs were, that because we live in a Democracy (which is what our representational republic was designed to accomplish) with a distinct separation between church and state, it allowed my neighbor to believe as he wished, while I had the right to do the same. Meanwhile, we could get about the business of being neighbors…digging each other out of the snow, passing extra tomatoes over the fence, and ultimately, having each other’s backs during hard times. It’s all just so very sad and such a silly waste of time. Life is hard enough for those of us among the working classes. Gee, I wonder who might have an interest in keeping us all so divided and less effective while the divide between the haves and have nots grows and grows and grows….
Tucker Filsner says
“Why do Leftists hate America? America is a massive refutation of their utopian fantasy, universal equality. They compare America with their vision of a perfect country which has never existed”
So we shouldn’t even try? Sounds very un-American and weak to me.
anonymous says
You shouldn’t even try communism/facism. They promise utopia but its really dystopia.
The Real Truth Teller says
The very severely mentally retarded people that voted Biden in are very much to blame as well for this very horrible mess that we have today.
Anonymous says
Bone head
Anonymous says
And that includes you too.
Dale says
Yes you are.correct
master says
lolol true story!
Patriot for American Conservatives says
I AGREE! My sister of 59 years and best friend of 55 years, I DISOWNED them both for voting Biden.
They can’t seem to understand why I am so hateful towards them, they are American traitors.
They are the idiots responsible for this entire mess. I WILL NEVER FORGIVE THEM!
I am an ex Army Sergeant and I guarantee all the dead soldiers DID NOT GIVE THEIR LIVES, to support an LGBTQ Woke Marxist Society.
Deb says
You disowned your family for Trump? Seriously? I’m not even. A Biden fan and I loathe Trump, Even if I don’t agree with my family over politics, I would not disown them for how they feel. This is what Putin wanted and you fell right into his hands. Wow. Your life is going to get real lonely soon. Bless you
Guest says
The real truth is that people that don’t play with a full deck really shouldn’t be allowed to vote at all since they’re without a doubt complete morons to begin with. I would make a brand new law for those morons to never vote at all period since they’re really the ones that caused all of this garbage to happen in the fist place. Let that sink in.
Jason Sethre says
Not believing Donnie’s Lies, Not Mincing, Vlad Tepic, Chick a dee dee, Alfredo Fettucine, Patton Franklin, and George Fillmore Watson… all the same poster coming from IP Address At least if you are going to post on comments, use the same name instead of pretending to be a whole bunch of different posters.
Arnold corny says
Republican candidates have been able to exploit their voters ignorance & lack of desire to educate themselves for many decades now, and ‘socialism’ has been a Boogeyman word that can win elections somehow.
Its pathetic that so many magas STILL have no clue what it means yet think it applies to our current government
When a maga shows me american capitalism ending, I’ll accept their use of socialism, until then-read a book ffs
Anonymous says
Your one pathetic democrat. Period
Anonymous says
Move to Cuba you lying commie DEMONcrat you’ll love it!
Anonymous says
The country is in such great shape under democrats said everyone living under a rock!
master says
lolol true story! …arnold corny, YOU are whats wrong with america. YOU are a straight up fuckN retard. I am extremely educated on all topics political and common sense dictates my choice of republican. libritarian to be more accurate. my true deep wish is that u let in SO many conservatives, you leftist commies will never come close to ruling again. creeps
John says
Demonic evil moron out causing racism and terror
In God we trust says
Well if you want government to control everything you have and do then that fine stupid enjoy them treating you like a slave when they are done with you things are as bad as they have ever been and they love capitalism they just don’t want you to lol do you live in a fairytale book because we live in the real you enjoy your high gas prices,do you enjoy the food shortage and bad food,do you enjoy the worst crime wave created by democrats well you get what you vote for enjoy.enjoy the environment they created and you can be the smartest man alive and with out common sense you will never solve anything because you do not see the whole picture but we do and we know what’s coming and the effects of what they are doing and it will only get worse with democrats in there they have proved they know nothing about running a country.look at there results every time they get in there oh that’s right your as dule as a rusted knife if you believe a word out of there mouth.
Erasmus says
I knew you were a Republican as soon as I saw the wall of text that is literally one giant run-on sentence, fraught with malapropisms and misspellings. This is what happens when these hick towns in Trump Country defund their public schools.
Anonymous says
U r an idiot Trump never said that , he said,” it’ a shame that we can’t inject it knowing it kills the COVID virus.”.
U going to quote get it right.
George Fillmore Watson says
Is there an English translation for this gibberish?
Jason Sethre says
Not believing Donnie’s Lies, Not Mincing, Vlad Tepic, Chick a dee dee, Alfredo Fettucine, Patton Franklin, and George Fillmore Watson… all the same poster coming from IP Address At least if you are going to post on comments, use the same name instead of pretending to be a whole bunch of different posters.
Big D says
Don’t you know by now that democrats can’t comment truthfully. Not all of them lie just most of them.
Rurals Are Trash says
From an unedicated welfare state missourian?
Don’t hold your breath
they will never learn. Dave Joyner says
Exactly I love it when the left here something from CNN but never here’s the retraction that’s happens so often. Just like the disabled reporter remember that? That was depuked 100 times but left this still talk about it just like Russian collusion remember that? The left still even though they know Hillary Clinton is the one who colluded with Russia they still say Trump colluded with Russia they will never learn
RuralsAreInferior says
Was that before or after diaper-don told the harrowing story of The Redcoats taking over our airports in the 1770s?
RuralsStink says
And then he asked his surgeon general to look into it, bug.
But, I guess to an inferior missourian, even a man who thought we had airports during The Revolutionary War is considered smart.
Eileen Crescas says
I agree completely. Read the history of Mr T and his family . He believes in robbing the poor and not paying his bills, because he was taught that is what he is entitled to. He says things that are about what he does in reality and says that is what the so called left is doing or responsible for. . And People that can’t think for themselves believe his Lies. What a waste of time spent by not having the courage to think for themselves and in so doing become a better human being for their family and the world. Thank you. Mrs. EC
David Joyner says
I guess maybe you forgot that Donald Trump gave us the greatest economy in history not just America’s history obviously no country has ever had a better economy that the one who gave us. So he wasn’t Out for himself he was out for the United States of America and he gave us the lowest unemployment in history and the highest median household income level in history and the greatest tax cuts in history the best 401(k)s and history of the most record stock market highs not to mention eight brand-new trade deals when the record was two not to mention breaking the all-time presidential record for work done getting 68% of his agenda completed smashing Reagan’s record of 49% so he wasn’t after the money he wanted to help this country and help this country more than every president in history and that is statistically proven in the board of labor statistics and homeland security
Rurals Are Smelly says
Whatever helps you sleep with your underage wife at night, Cletus.
In God We Trust says
Did you get your crack pipe biden giant you to have to keep you in retard status that our tax dollar Went to go smoke some more crack your obviously on something right now.
B.Real says
Nothing you said is true. Trumty dumpy has failed at everything he’s ever touched.
Tracy says
Amen to that
Deb says
What a load of crap. The country was at its best under Clinton. Great economy, healthcare and low taxes. He did not rob the poor to feed the rich. Then we get Bush fir eight years, cos loses the banks and started a war. Get a grip and an education.
John says
Awesome! You pretty much just said it all!
Ijah says
Zilla says
Too bad they don’t require passing a 3rd grade literacy test to make a comment. You are a perfect example of the retards that comprise the mental midget left.
TheRuralsAreSad says
Daddy tell us again how the Redcoats overran our airports in the 1770s.
Rural inferiors from joke states like missouri saying others are mentally compromised in some way would be like a bone-spur suffering draft dodger attacking the patriotism of soldiers who served.
The way your one term, electoral appointed president did before we cleans crushed him by seven million votes.
But hey, don’t fret rurals.
Your incontinent candidate came in second.
Nothing wrong with the silver rurals.
Scooter says
Stupid is as stupid does you are a meathead that is dead from kneck up
Thomas Breidel says
Hate, Hate, Hate leave this country and start your own. Look at your Clown what a great job destroying America!
John Doe says
It was the very severely mentally retarded people that are really too blame for voting that old bag man Biden in that has caused this very horrible mess today in the first place. The bottom line is that the very mentally retarded people shouldn’t be allowed to vote at all period since they’re just very dumb to know from right from wrong. Brainless fools altogether. And they need to be sent to Cuba.
master says
my god. what a dumbass XD ill just leave this 1 alone. i mean do u SERIOUSLY not understand why we’d rake the forrest? do u love forrest fires? r u 10 or retarded? no wait a retard would know better. omg im going to go poll as a conservative on like 15 things to make up for the retardation i just experienced out of ur soft ass head
The Real Truth Is says
Said the very pathetic low life loser piece of garbage.
In God we trust says
Dido you believe democrats have your well-being in there best interest can’t wait again to tell you I told you much more Proof do you need.are you blind dumb or just stupid.while they tell your kid your stupid and don’t know how to raise there own children they are hypocritical fans full of shit like you.
Anonymous says
“a. American Conservatism, promoted by Republicans and founded on Biblical/Christian principles that have resulted in the greatest country to have ever existed?”
This violates the constitution of the United States of America and is about as anti-American as you can get.
David Joyner says
I don’t really understand what you’re saying you’re trying to say being a conservative and loving the Bible is against the constitution? Obviously this country was started with God as ahead of everything in the Bible as an instruction manual for life because that’s exactly what it is. God should be the lead in everything we do in this life no matter what it does it always be there and he is he is what it’s all about
Anonymous says
I agree. But I think we are already there.
And now there’s nowhere to flee to.
The whole world is a Euro Shithole
tuffy says
euro shithole?more like a colored shithole created by liberal scumbags via immigration and the diversity scam.
blah says
Read the constitution more, a lot more and if you still can’t grasp it, start with remedial English 101 at your local adult education center.
Anonymous says
Your an idiot
Anonymous says
So utterly stupid.
Anonymous says
Writing as someone who lives in a “euro shithole” country on a continent with a long hallowed history of prejudice, arbitrariness, senseless wars and occasional descent into the rabbithole of irrational madness..
I must say, from our perspective, that’s exactly where you lot are heading unless you bang your heads together, strip away : (a) the hand-wringing accusatory BS on the left and (b) the calls for ethnic cleansing and false-victimhood on the right and start talking.
Jimmie Crank says
You sound a lot like AOC and the 3 STOOGES talking about Democrats history of spending tax dollars and prejudice !! The lies to when a election!! Yes , the history of the Democratic Party is sinful!! Sorry 😢!!
Chris Scovitch says
Cathy says
just thinking that commenting on this is basically me just walking out to my backyard and talking to a pile of dog crap – it will do nothing about the dog crap & in the end i will still have to clean it up
Anonymous says
It would be super weird if you didn’t even have a dog
Steve Drettler says
You’re obviously an ignoramus you have no idea you had a president that broke this country broke its norms basically a criminal all his life and brought out all the roaches the bastardized this country shame on you pick up a couple of history books and start to read your brainless idiot there’s a lot more I want to say but I want to try to keep this clean
Steve Drettler says
The above comment is addressed too Chris scovich who made that absurd comment about Trump on May 20th 2022 I want him to be pointed out
John Baird says
Oh but joe biden is not a criminal you fucking worm he should be impeached his cover up for his son is proof enough brainless flacid cock
sCarlet rEd says
Ever try talking to a brick?
Every time one of them gets caught with his/her hand in the “cookie jar” or on the ass of an underage child, we on the left asked about Hilary and her “server”. Which of course everyone has that carries a cell phone. Hunter Biden…yada yada. Follow the leader boys and girls plenty of kool-aid to go around.
The don’t seem to get the point we don’t care Which Party they belong to if they’re crooked get them out period.
Now The birth date was listed as 05.10.51 216 12th Av E, Faribault, MN 55021-6406. (507) 334-xxxx … more yada, yada, yada……
So I’ll just assume he isn’t to tech. friendly and can only view Faux News on the tube or the net.
Please just go to your resting place already. The world is thru with your kind and it’s time the grown ups rule things..
P.S. Your Social Security is SOCIALISM. It’s right there in the name.
Spare us the you’re a communist if you don’t agree with Trump bullshit. You may be daft enough
to believe the lies he tells but more than 81 million others know better. Including Wanda.
Joe Rogan says
Your another. Brainwashed idiot who would love to suck BrIan Seltser and Don Lemon I’m sure.. You ever why Obama favored the Cloward-Piven agenda for Americans? Soros money along with others like him have paid. the way in for the Democrat aka progressive party for one thing Only….to destroy America. The open borders are designed to overpopulate most of America and to help with the quick destruction of the United States…. One example: check baby formula availability for American citizens currently. The complete ignorance of the left is incredible too say the least.
Anonymous says
Well said Joe Rogan. I agree.
Elizabeth Masterson says
Bravo Joe Rogan well said!
Sybil Atkinson says
Well said Joe Rogan I agree with you.
Mike says
Joe, u Stop on Stupid soooo often. What the f does the left or Biden or the govt have to do with formula. They were shut down because of Contaminated product. Is it ar duty to find another company? Fuck u , Biden has better things to do. Go start a company, we can call it Rogans Stupid Formula.. That applies to a lot of u r Bad Breath of Stupidity.
Jbebad says
This pos in office has left the border open for criminals and terrorist to come in no problem if you support biden you and his administration should get the fuck put of usa om a veteran are you little pos worm you and others like you are why this country is so fucked up serve your country then open your cunt mputh
Patton Franlkin says
I challenge you to a duel, bitch. Name the time and place, so I can treat you to some military justice.
Jason Sethre says
Not believing Donnie’s Lies, Not Mincing, Vlad Tepic, Chick a dee dee, Alfredo Fettucine, Patton Franklin, and George Fillmore Watson… all the same poster coming from IP Address At least if you are going to post on comments, use the same name instead of pretending to be a whole bunch of different posters.
Your says
Can’t wait to see what Biden Laptop whistleblower gets out of the lying left media. Like Nick Sandman. Faux, so unoriginal
Anonymous says
The fact that your that brain dead to listen to the fake 80 million votes fraud and don’t have eyes and common sense for yourself even today you still are sleeping is very scary. Wake up
Russel R Schwarz says
Go shoot your meth so you can make it through your day. Not a single truthful word in your rantings
In God we trust says
You pay social security all your life that’s what it’s for.God give these idiots wisdom it’s like Arguing with teen that thinks they know everything pointless and a waist of breath.
Nick Eliopoulos says
Thank you for your succinct observations and advice.
American says
christopher MI carlson says
LOL they are censoring the comments here Clown Boy.
M. Freeman says
LOL OH MY LORD THEY MIGHT DELETE HIS COMMENT! 🤣 You’re so comfortable with being compliant and muzzled you assume others are too. Lol We’re not. We still speak our minds. Enjoy that muzzle.
Richard T Killian says
I’m with you.
End the attacks on the constitution. Defend our individual rights.
Anyone who is happy with runaway inflation, wars on every corner and a controlled media that inflames division and mistrust and thinks they’ll be unaffected is a threat to liberty.
It’s not just our country, but mankind that will disappear from the earth.
Michael says
Our constitution bwahaha
Leftist and Rightwingers like that
Theres no constitution
Everyone had to pander to
American exceptionally
We had a bill of rights
A constitution
Those don’t exist anymore
Might as well burn it
Better draft a new one
There won’t be civil war
Yheres going to have to be a revolution
In this country
The United States
Can no longer claim its united
After this false election
Theres just a group of semi autonomous Confederacies
There needs be a new constitution
The old United States is lost
I don’t get why people can’t realize that
metroknowm says
Finally, an intelligent, conservative opinion that is also legible, with proper grammar, spelling, and syntax. As a fellow constitutional conservative, I appreciate that. Truly. And to the creature that believed our constitution is eroded to the point where we are now confederacies, that is simply not true. We are not yet too far gone to redirect this wonderfully blessed country in a direction that is truly beneficial for all, highly functional, and constitutionally correct.
Anonymous says
Well spoken Tucker Carlson
Alfredo Fettucine says
I’ll tell you what , you little sissy. Come out from behind your All-CAPS keyoboard and let me bitchslap your fat, ignorant ass.
Name your time and place, I’ll be there, you pinche conio.
Jason Sethre says
Not believing Donnie’s Lies, Not Mincing, Vlad Tepic, Chick a dee dee, Alfredo Fettucine, Patton Franklin, and George Fillmore Watson… all the same poster coming from IP Address At least if you are going to post on comments, use the same name instead of pretending to be a whole bunch of different posters.
Anonymous says
I couldn’t have said it any better.
Sally Davis says
It is not just the Democrats that hate Trump. It is the other folks too who see the man for what he is. He is a narcissistic liar. He is not for America, he is for Trump and he has convinced you that if you are for Trump too, you are for America but you are not, you are only for Trump. He says he is a Christian but I have never seen him do a Christian thing yet. I believe he is the Anti-Christ because why could such an evil man have so many followers and have brain washed so many people. He stands up on the podium telling you how wonderful you are and how American you are but he leads you down a path of evil and hate. He cultivates the friendship of evil people like Putin and Kim Jong-un.
Now lets talk about when he tried to make everyone use voting machines and not mail in voting. I worked in software and know how easy it is to change an automated record but it is pretty hard to change everyone’s hard copy vote, This is the reason he did not win, because he could not manipulate the votes, not because of fraud, there was no fraud. Only he told you there was so you believe him and since you believe him, all the other Politian’s who want your vote now tell you the same thing.. Who are you? You are someone who can be mentally manipulated with praise and the feeling of belonging to a group and they are using you for self gain.
Josh says
Bravo .. the scary part about the comments from these right wing maga loving completely divorced from reality crazies is that they are completely divorced from reality.. trump was and is following the playbook of every authoritarian enemy of democracy. An obvious pathological lying sociopath who during his presidency in plain light never failed to reinforce the high level of ignorance or sociopathy .. even with hundreds of emails texts books interviews by people in his administration which except for a few diehard henchmen all in one voice describe trump as an out of control dangerous incompetent ignorant evil little man who had no business being in business ( with constant failures and grifting ) much less being president .. and now the BIG lie has been exposed by his own people as a baseless coup plan in their own words in many of the above referenced texts and emails and testimonies.. but as trump and the complicit republicans are attempting to destroy democracy in his cult no evidence matters .. there are no consequences for acts or words by him or his cult politicians that in a more normal time any individual act or words would be career ending .. but in a cult there is no consequence nor in the world of crazed conspiracy any evidence that disproves the theory is deemed part of that’s all i got he conspiracy..
since it’s already gone to far there is no possibility to have an intervention or persuade these crazy people away from the insane claims or feces filled bubbling swamp they inhabit.. we are 1 midterm away from losing our country
No one can really be this dumb. But then a person reads it and realizes just how ignorant some are. So scary.
Nik says
Ugh the brainwashed who still can’t open their eyes research the facts and truth themselves and drank the kool-aid like they been doing for many years worked on you it’s seems. How’s sad that with the access to internet and more in today’s age…. you yet to still have awoken from the left democrats complete corruption and lies…..we were brought up believing it’s the Republicans that were the bad guys…..I grew up being taught this too….. if your lucky and wise you once day woke up. Once you know the truth there’s nothing left to argue. Facts are facts. Don’tever ever ever expect the fake news to teach you one fact. They own the media. Please wake up
Anonymous says
How are you still seriously asleep and living under a rock….. Biden administration was enough to wake u up…. yet you would think…. Trump and the right warned you all. All coming true…..I luv how you only focus on your hate for Trump…. which is all false hatred your going by…. facts…. but your ego don’t want the truth. Start looking at Biden and the democratic corruption then talk or stay blind. You look uneducated at this point. Can’t fix stupid. It’s scary
Anonymous says
The only one manipulated was you. Wow.
Mike says
Thank You. Rogan stops on stupid a lot because he is.
Anonymous says
You hit the nail right on the head I don’t usually comment but I’ll tell you what America is in bad trouble we are all coming from immigrants they say we’re losing people why don’t we take the immigrants we need to immigrants are people just like us there’s good to good people there’s bad people why do we wake up and smell the roses start loving each other instead of hating
Russel R Schwarz says
Go shoot your meth so you can make it through your day. Not a single truthful word in your rantings
Puffy says
You are out of your mind, they fix and destroy hard ballots all the time, its easy to rig mail in votes thats why its never been allowed before now
Cheri says
Never been allowed before? You need to educate yourself, before making yourself look bad. You probably won’t read this, because why would you want to know the truth?
Oh, and another thing, Trump has voted by mail, several times in the last few years in Palm Beach. Looks like he’s really playing you people.
Tom says
It’s funny how people talk about robbing from the poor to get rich like if the poor people had to pay as many taxes and as much for all the same things that I have to they Would be what more rich? Isn’t the idea that a person who make 20k a year gets the same police, roads, fire department etc by paying a lot less in taxes mean they are robbing from the middle class?
Dan says
I can promise you that there is no calls for ethnic cleansing from a right-wing here in America. It’s non-existent. Anytime someone states that belief the mainstream media prop up and disingenuously treat that person like they’re legitimate and significant. I can give you countless examples but January 6th is probably the best. there were numerous FBI agents stirring up the crowd that day trying to Usher people into the capital to start some sort of conflict between the Capitol Police and Trump supporters. Also there’s numerous video showing the Capitol Police walking people through the capital and carrying on conversations with others peacefully. Also, the only person who died that day was shot point-blank from 10 ft away buy a capitol policeman. A trump supporter that is was shot. And they were unarmed. You can’t compare European right-wing to American right-wing. The European right-wing is a century-long history of big, Central authoritarian government and sometimes militarism. European political ideologies both agree on a big government they just disagree on how that big government is used and the policies it will implement
Right-wing and left-wing in America is much different. It’s a small government versus big government ideological difference. No one on the right wants a strong man. There is no voter block yearning for a right wing governmental dictatorship that centralises power in dc and enforce a nationalist/reactionary agenda. They want less Central government. The right-wing in America wants a weak arguably ineffective federal government with the majority of major legislation and the citizens focus on local politics. Essentially democracy on a Statewide level where citizens of each state vote on how they won Thursday to be run and the laws that they want to be enacted A back and forth between the Federalists and those who opposed federalism.
Chick A dee dee dee says
Define “Fedralism”…. without looking it up.
Yea…. I thought so.
Jason Sethre says
Not believing Donnie’s Lies, Not Mincing, Vlad Tepic, Chick a dee dee, Alfredo Fettucine, Patton Franklin, and George Fillmore Watson… all the same poster coming from IP Address At least if you are going to post on comments, use the same name instead of pretending to be a whole bunch of different posters.
Renny oko says
Greetings fellow perfectionists please allow this Republican retort. Republicants just focus on their favorite friend,PROFIT. WILL pass laws deregulating banks, auto makers, energy barons, politicians, food, all that increases profit and when it leads to death they verbalize we will do better,LIE, like when airplanes fell from the sky. They muttered damn it. Those airline companys dropped the ball on self regulating. Much like senators Burris and Tillis inside trading ponzie scheming is well non prosecuted. See you all in hell and no you will not be there counting your money nor will you be happy and smiling. Fanatical republicants are HATERS, and stand by while their friends assassinated a sitting president. And yes men know more about what a woman can do with her body, just like moslem control freaks treat their youthful wives. The good governments collect taxes not just deregulate municipal police and everything else hoping profit will increase. I’m betting on global warming wins this new breed fanatic. Please support texas recession now watch George Bush move to the north east.
Mekagoen Mimadri says
Help we, the folk, to eradicate the kamala harris and the faux fake president of a cigar butt, joey biden, from universe. DEMOCREXIT..!
The total abandonment of the SINISTER WRONG POLITICAL PARTY, in perpetuity, for all eternity. The sinister wrong party now downsizing at the speed of the internet, to become a pathetic, inconsequential, and stunningly inconvenient, get together..
A gathering of unsightly folk looking like the ancient Olmec heads adorning ancient archeological temples in Central America. The countenance of Rashida Tlaib (purely anti lust; men become effeminate at her mere sjght) Nancy, La Fica Pelosa. a most repulsive exemplar… As matters are truly dire under their watch, we kindly and cordially summon the help of your entire enterprise, in the radical removal and disposal of, the most treasonous inconvenient governance in history… We truly hope that y’all take heed, Children…
Anonymous says
Where were you born
Pete clark says
Bull crap
Maga B. Liever says
Just read Gerald’s original letter. Great assortment of random thoughs – supporting an equally random set of conclusions. You explain it all so well! Kudos too to the Fillmore County Journal – for supporting the special needs community, and publishing their best work.
sCarlet rEd says
Nick Eliopoulos says
Hello. Your insults registered with me and I share the sentiments, I’m wondering if there is a way to steer away from referencing disabled people to make this kind of insult work. I don’t know, maybe there isn’t. I didn’t even think of this reading it the first time through. Then it hit me. And I certainly don’t mean to scold you.
Benjamin S Henderson says
They all laughed when Trump made fun of a disability.
Libs are Brainless says
Yet we have a president and his family made forever deals with China and Ukraine. I think your president’s favorite friend is profit.
Drew Leen says
Ahhhhh, you found the elusive email of actual crimes no one could find. You should post it for all to see. Dumb ASS. Just like both parties , smoke and mirrors. STOP THE MADDNESS.
Jimmie Crank says
Nancy polosi and her husband has made MILLIONS from Government insider information, along with Maxine Waters, Eric Swalwell, Chuckie Shumer , rep. SHIFT but oh these are all Democrats that have made millions from the Government!!
Viktoriya Petrova says
Okay, like you say we live in the real world. That’s quite funny that you say that. Can you define what that is for me please? Do you have any knowledge in physics? Do you know multiverse theory? If you don’t, it stipulates that because the universe is expanding infinitely and matter can only adopt a certain amount of configurations, like a deck of cards, well there’s probably someone who looks similar to you, in a universe similar to this. There is no such thing as the real world. Glad we cleared that up.
Most countries right now are trash yes, but what is a country? An excuse to treat people like shit, adopt whatever policy was decided behind the curtains. The top of the pyramid will always abuse the others, if the education we have everywhere right now does not change. We are people. We make the governments, we make the countries, we made the languages, and we made the economy. These things are unnecessary, but they become so when human nature is allowed to be vile. In many rural and poor places, people leave a box of good, and people leave their money and are fair with one another. A perfect country is possible. The left does not hate America. No one hates America. There is no America. People hate each other, the way you aim this is with hate as well. Eliminate hate in the world, focus on the total good. And, believe me, if EVERY human did this, we would live fairly and in peace.
Do you know how to bees work? Each bee is a neuron, and the hive is the brain. When choosing a new place to settle camp, they don’t leave until EVERYONE has agreed, and they debate and discuss through dancing. This is a fair society, and it is because of the existence of hive mind. Humans were once connected through hive mind in ancient times, Egypt and even further in time, you should look into the Sumerians. Stop shooting words and hate at others doe. All you can do it learn, you’ll realize it involves a lot of respect towards others and oneself.
Anonymous says
You are comparing humans with bees?
Anonymous says
She’s saying bees are smarter!
EDGEY says
She is correct
Joe says
Wow I’ll bee thinking about this as i collect my honey tax. You are correct in many ways if the bees die so do we if we die the bees dont! I sit and have coffee in a cafa in America with a billionaire from Lebanon. His theary is some are lucky some are not, periob.
Tolerance and nonparticipating says
The issue with your theory is simple-
There is never going to be one single thing that “every person” is going to do. This is the reality of the real world that we find ourselves living in today. Every single human is a unique individual made up of a specific mixture of personality traits, values, goals, interests, priorities, preferences, dreams, aspirations, molecules, DNA, and many, many other things that scientists and technology have still not discovered yet in human history today. A world inhabited by billions of humans with such a complicated and diverse composition by basic definition I will have a complexity of lifestyles, political views, scientific theories, religious beliefs, cultural norms, and national interests. This widely accepted fact has been known for generations upon centuries of years and the historical evolution of humanity has grown and evolved through the history of our existence to become a better and safer environment for all of us to enjoy living in until a few selfish and evil people conspired in dark secrecy about unleashing a Covid-19 pandemic on the entire population of the earth in order to create unwarranted fear among unsuspecting and otherwise trusting human beings in a pathetic power grab to become more wealthy and more powerful while everyone else his forced to give up their freedoms and liberties that their families sacrificed their lives in generations of wars created by corrupt tyrants in meaningless pursuits of selfish personal individualistic gains. For the entire history of mankind, we the people have been deceived and manipulated by these families of corruption and tyranny to sacrifice o everything we ever had, our lives, possessions, property, land, children, and what little money we worked hard for our entire lives (and didn’t forfeit back through taxes) all for what purpose? Those powerful few elites that enjoy 90% or more of all the power and money in the world are born into privileged lives while accusing the middle class of being undeserving while at the same time claiming to represent the interests of the lower, working class who is gets tricked into lives of slavery. History repeats itself time and time again until the people wisen up to this treachery and thievery and unite together to stand up against tyranny. The United States was created for this very exact reason, and the elites fear the rest of the world’s population will rise up like the Americans which is why they infiltrated Washington D.C. and purchased the sitting president of the United States through corrupt bribes and scandals, which they also did with hundreds of other governments in nations all around the world, just like during WW1 and WW2 and most likely every other war in the history of mankind. Because the common people settle their conflicts with others through methods such as compromise and diplomacy and solve their disputes through conversations that use logic and common sense to produce beneficial outcomes for the mutual parties involved in the conflict. The common human resorts to war only as the final resort when forced to do so in order to protect innocent lives from evil perils a brought upon by the same authoritarian dictatorships responsible for what we see in society right now. Instead of repeating the same mistake this time, we came up with a different plan.
Ozzie says
I know where you’re coming from I know what you’re trying to say and it’s really sad the way America has gotten we do we should care about one another if you believe in the Bible you believe in God or whatever your religion is your ear your maker has two to believe in love and in giving I can’t believe that anybody’s religion would make them hate kill one another how lies about one another in order to gain and to get money it’s such a greedy thing the greed that is what’s killing people not just America everywhere the greedy man in America it’s the white man he makes me ashamed to be white I can’t hardly walk by a black person that makes me feel sad because my neighbor is a goddamn hater not hair saddens me
Anonymous says
all you dumb fucking republicans on a daily basis you prove there are people more stupid than maggot face trump he and Charles mansion and hitler must be triplets . one of the biggest reason maggot face trump wants to be in office so the law can not look into his evil criminal history
Anonymous says
Your tirade is a bit harsh and juvenile, but true.
John says
Your right about the harshness ! But I am for it! Just can’t understand your nonsense about being right! I studied Russian in college and have a friend who teaches at the university in Moscow: She said Trump is so unpredictable that he scares the heck out of Putin!!She thinks Trump is the best president America has had in our lifetime!
Deanna says
I just cannot get used to how rude and insulting people can treat each other on these comments. By the way posting as “anonymous” Kind of projects the image that you just don’t want anybody to know you & that you have to hide to verbalize how you really feel. I am so tired of the Trump put downs, he tweeted BFD! He ran the country a hell of a lot better then the previous 6 or 7 Presidents. I don’t include Clinton and that number. -Clinton actually didn’t do to bad – He and Gingrich worked together and got a lot accomplished.
Your ignorance does not not give you the right to call me a dumb fucking Republican. For starters I never vote straight ticket, do not consider myself a republican any more and also know that Republican and Democrat are just words politicians use to keep we the people divided. Having worked on the inside I do know that they are all the same once they get office.
Go ahead mock me, call me demeaning names, throw a stone (since you are without sin), You don’t define me, make me who I am, I don’t debate topics with people who don’t show respect – and I am not going to lower myself and start doing it now. However I will pray and ask God to bless you with the ability to pleasantly disagree without showing hate, name calling, belittling,.Bullying,,Verbal and emotional abuse is actually what this behavior exhibits. I enjoy political debates with my friends who are politically opposite of me. None of them nor I have to act like that to have a meaningful debate, However we also listen, when the other person is expressing an opinion, not just sit there and wait for the next opportunity to speak.
LetsGoBrandon says
Those countries you are citing are predominantly white. The only time you guys can come up with better systems than ours are countries that are more white than ours.
LetsGoBrandon says
This comment was meant for reverend Joe not this lunatic with a smooth brain.
Anonymous says
Look in the mirror.
Fuck off liberals says
Wow such intelligent banter from the brandon supporter. Haha
Timmy says
Are you as stupid as you sound ? Our country was in great shape , energy independent and prospering with Trump .
Timmy says
Joe and the Hoe gotta go !!!!!!
Drew Leen says
Imagine you are in a relay race, you get handed the baton by your team mate who is in the lead as was the team mate who handed him the baton, you take the batton, guess what, you are in the lead already and if you dont fuck it up you will finish in the lead.
Now tell yourself you won the race all by YOURSELF and convince all your minions you did. Sound familiar ?
Kathy says
Anonymous says
The left are literally living under a rock on another planet……. plant stupidity and brainwashed and blind. It’s scary even today you still haven’t woke up even slightly. Over the democrats and their delusions already
Libs are Brainless says
What criminal history did Trump have though?
Anonymous says
Wow you are a weak, ignorant,, brainwashed idiot!! I feel really sorry for you!!
Guest says
Anonymous, you will burn in hell with Satan where you belong.
mdm says
And yet AGAIN more proof that even without a brain…….
That Liberal Zombies are still capable of flailing their hooves around and banging them into any keyboards in the area .
Cj says
Excuse me ,sweety,I am a Republican,and I’d rather not be compared to the SOoooooo MANY, really dumb people in this world who like to point fingers at others and accuse them of being exactly what they are themselves,1- because,When Jesus comes ,(AND THAT IS VERY VERY SOON)! I’m smart enough to know that I will be one of the chosen few that will leave this ungodly world with Satan and his followers,and the SO MANY that never believed in God,that never believed that Jesus died so that we “sinners” could have eternal life with Him.,leave them all behind to burn for ever in Satan’s eternity,For their love of money,and the hate they carried in their stone cold hearts,this will be their forever and I am anything but dumb,I love you,and every creature upon this earth,because that was God’s greatest commands,TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER” And just stop a minute and take a long look at all the hate in this cruel world,for one,you call people dumb,and that’s certainly not love,so I will pray for you and love you till death will we forever part,,Jesus didn’t throw stones and he certainly did not talk about the one thing that His father said to love,Now, I hope I’ve given you a thought for the day.
Reverend Joe says
Ever notice how it’s ALWAYS Venezuela that’s used as a model for Democratic Socialism when the right talks their nonsense about anything they see as the enemy of Truth, Justice, and The American Way?
Which is even stupider than it sounds at first b/c Venezuela is OG “socialist”, which almost NO ONE on the left in America is advocating as a solution. It’s never a country that ACTUALLY embraces “Democratic Socialism”, like Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, etc.
Countries which, it might be noted, mostly have a higher standard of living on average than America, and MUCH better “free” health care than we do, which is probably a huge part of the reason their citizens are also much happier on average than Americans. The only thing they lack that we clearly outstrip them on is “billionaires per capita”.
I’ve never lived in a Democratic Socialist country, and can’t claim to know if it can be made to work in America, or if it would be better or worse than what we have now, and would agree America is still a lot better place to live than most countries.
But it would be nice if JUST ONCE the people decrying Democratic Socialism and all the ideas from the left in general as PURE EE-VILE would discuss those ideas HONESTLY based on the merits, not with ridiculously false and intentionally-deceptive scaremongering like we’ve gotten from our Cowardly Lion friend Gerald here.
roberto martinez says
Trump is the worst possible outcome that could come from bad quality sperm and much worst upbringing. After listening the comments of this orange fat lard about How much he admire Putin ( We all know that this dude wet his panties in the presence of the Russian bad hombre)., you only could come to the conclusion that he is a complete imbecile. Anybody that think that Trump is a leader need to have they head check. And as for Trump goes, he could go and fuck himself.
LetsGoBrandon says
Says the guy who gets his politics from TikTok. You hold such strong opinions for not being involved in politics. You’re a classic example of taking a headline for face value and assuming that it’s the truth.
Joe says
You are not wrong’ the left have blood on their hands ‘ ie’ crimea ‘ ukraine ‘ if you dont know where that is’ all these snivvelling left wing mummys boys don’t or can’t handle a tiny little bump in the road called life ‘ all they do is point fingers & crawl back under their mummy tits’ to distance themselves for the trouble they cause ‘ just like a spoiled brat ‘ blame everyone eles apart from themselves’ typical left wing jelous maggots’ if they do not like it’ they do not want others to’ they believe everything & anything ‘ when it suits them’ bunch of little cowards ‘ pure & simple ?
J says
That’s some odd attitude about Ukraine coming from a Trumpie. Your fearless leader tried to destroy NATO and through Ukraine and Afghanistan under the bus with his appeasement. Don’t rip on Dems for being half as weak as your. “Strongman” autocrat wannabe.
Anonymous says
Right on!!
Mark says
At least the left does not have a pro Putin Russian branch. The rights claim to patriotism is a joke. Republicans love Putin and Russia and hate America. Tell me I’m wrong.
Nick Eliopoulos says
You’re not wrong. It’s sick.
Cj says
You are wrong Bidens son is proof of whose in cahoots with China,Russia,and Lord only knows who and what else,you need to do some researching bud!!!
Anonymous says
Million percent wrong. You must be living under a rock to still be blind. Unreal the stupidly and uneducated brainwashed and you fall right into the lefts brainwash and manipulation corrupt tactics. Go get your free crack pipes kit Biden funded 30 million on……. they wanna keep their crack head left dumb. It works. Wake up already
Anonymous says
Ok – Your Wrong!
There, I told you!!
Person#7 says
You are a loud mouth idiot. Go back to grannies basement you lame. Trump lives in your head rent free and he’s go a problem? Thumb sucking sissy. I bet you really believe white people are the only ones who can be racist too.
Libs are Brainless says
Bro he scared off Putin and Kim Jong Un. As for your president, heres what hes done for our country. Highest Inflation if 40 years, gas prices doubling or tripling in price, he has the lowest approval rating then Carter, supply chain problems still persist, what he did in Afghanistan was a disaster, causing american deaths, supplies being abandonded and dogs being left in cages. Don’t worry im not done yet, your president promised he would shut down the virus in his presidential campaign did he not? Well turns out he said, “there is no federal solution to Covid.” So that ended up as a lie. Your president and his son made forever deals with china and made more deals with Ukraine. 1.7 Million migrants were arrested which is the highest we have seen. At this point I don’t why I try educating you low iq people.
Guest says
Said the low life loser scumbag himself.
Cj says
You are wrong Bidens son is proof of whose in cahoots with China,Russia,and Lord only knows who and what else,you need to do some researching bud!!!what’s with all the first grader name calling?
Linda BROADY says
You are lying about DONALD J. TRUMP THE GREAT
Gg mcabbe says
Which of the lovely socialist countries you’ve listed Has had open borders like the USAnd mark is very picky about who comes in
Ihatetheantichrist says
Sounds like you’re strawmanning ordinary people with opinions on Venezuela as “the right” — like trust me bro I was never a right winger until enough obnoxious leftists started calling me one. I was left then centrist then you guys pissed me right out of the center, so what do you think is going to happen next? You lied to us and gaslit us about gamergate, pizzagate, Trump, covid, the election… dude… there’s thousands of videos of election officials breaking the law in 2020, and you straight up gaslit us. After saying the election was stolen just four years prior. Though in your case it was “stolen” because you don’t like rural America keeping its say over the increasingly alien city masses. Whereas everyone else just wanted their vote counted the right way instead of being offset by dead people and midnight ballot drops.
Anonymous says
Stop trying to disenfranchise my vote with lies.
Mr. Red, White & Blue America! says
The only LIES are the ones the COMMUNIST left-wingers tell, every time they open their mouths! It was Communist scum like you that got people brainwashed and murdered in the 20th century! I’m glad I’m me (conservative) and not brainwashed COMMUNIST filth like yourself!!!!! I;ll pray for you . . . you sound like you desperately need it, as do ALL Dems & Libs!
Anonymous says
dogsgsnponies says
You are spot on – two thumbs up, bro! Thank you.
Anonymous says
Nick says
The countries in Scandinavia seem to have it about right.
They’re more left-wing than USA, of course.
LetsGoBrandon says
They are also more white. Go figure
Tia says
Curious, what is wrong with being white? Why are you upset that countries that you feel are better than the USA are white? Maybe the white people did a better job. I don’t know, just found it odd that a better country in YOUR statements are WHITE and that is a problem for you. The French are predominantly white, as is German, Italy, Czechoslovakian, Irish, etc. These are all ethnicities, all different each of them but get lumped in as WHITE because for the most part they assimilated as Americans. Why does that bother you so much?
Pppdn says
What’s the racial make up of those country’s? Don’t lie now.
Anonymous says
My Last Hope!!!!
“Reverend Joe”…….
To read humanities history.. not the lies in our religions (King James Version), Not the propaganda from our teachers (led by other liars) and the false truths from our parents that we wanted so deeply to believe in.
You are a Reverend who should understand the faith in what you have given yourself to.
To understand what is to come…. you must drop everything… Even my hopes to you are but a droplet of water onto the leaf which the caterpillar eats to transform into the most beautiful butterfly.
We are but earth bound creatures trying to fathom the power and source of God’s love.
You must walk away (both mental/physical) from those who play the game of life/politics (karma’s wrath) and keep focus on those few who are ready to move forward and looking to the stars……
Love and Piece to All
Anonymous says
Wayne Harmon says
Venezuela is a land rich in resources that had in fact embraced Socialism in their election of Hugo Chavez and a few years later, there is shortage of everything, unlike the free market capitalistic economies of Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Norway. They may levy very high taxes, but they are far from Socialist Democracies according to their governments.
Another more appropriate model is North Korea, versus South Korea. One has a very liberal capitalistic economy while the other is closed and government controlled. They are essentially the same ethnicity, but only one of them embraces capitalism and markets. One is taking over markets worldwide by serving greater needs while the other can even get along with free countries on the other side of the globe while the needs of its own people are seriously underserved.
Rob says
Interesting that no one here mentioning Venezuela or Cuba as failed examples of socialism happens to mention that the problems there are due largely to interference in their political systems and economies by the US, even to the point of repeated coup attempts and assassination attempts on their leaders.
If we didn’t have our boot on their necks their fates may have been quite different.
LetsGoBrandon says
Those countries you are citing are predominantly white. The only time you guys can come up with better systems than ours are countries that are more white than ours.
Patriot says
You need to get over the WHITE racist attitude bro. What’s so BAD in your FREE American life? Sounds to me like you are just pissed over your failures so you go get on the “ I hate white people horse” I’m so sick of every problem being blamed on race by you race mongers! Educate yourself and you will find you live in the greatest country on earth. If you want to argue that then move. Bet you won’t even consider that, huh?
Timmy says
Wheelchairwesley says
I wish I could find a button to report you, for your racist posts. The First Amendment of the United States of America’s Constitution protects it’s people GOVERNMENT censorship! Many online platforms produce Terms of Service that prohibit racist language, plus the three or four most offensive words in the English language. The Federal government, nor ANY US State Government sanctions them. Because, they are NOT LEGALLY ALLOWED TO DO SO. Furthermore, if someone living in (or simply visiting) the United States writes on the internet, e-mails or even writes in a paper letter, that they intend on killing (or maiming) a Congressperson or State Member OR political candidate, they will receive a “friendly” visit from FBI agents. This is because they have committed a CRIME called SEDITION; sedition is a felony whereby you tell people – or lobby them to commit a violent crime! Encouraging people to murder or assault sitting politicians or political candidates, is regarded, by civilised people, fans of politics, AND politicians – in peaceful democracy in the World 🌎 – as an ATTACK on DEMOCRACY ITSELF!! Bottom line; even in the United States, Freedom of Speech is NOT ABSOLUTE!!!
Daniel Sheeler says
“Why do Leftists hate America?”
The premise is false. I, as a leftest, am a counter example. I want very much for America to live up to its ideals which I love. Like you said, America is not perfect, and you gave a good list of some big problems. Like you also said, for all its problems, it’s one of the best nations in existence.
“In any election, the overriding consideration in voting should be the political ideologies associated with candidates and the direction America should take.”
“… Is it:
a. American Conservatism, promoted by Republicans and founded on Biblical/Christian principles that have resulted in the greatest country to have ever existed? Or,
b. Democratic Socialism, based on godless Marxism that has resulted in catastrophic failure with over 100 million people murdered by their governments in the 20 th century alone, with millions more living in poverty and misery whenever and wherever it’s been tried? Venezuela is a current example. ”
Firstly, this is a false choice because candidates can espouse lots of things besides your two(!) choices. Libertarians exist, for instance, and they always run a candidate. Even within parties there’s all kinds of disagreement.
Secondly, your description of Democratic Socialism is wrong. Present day European states are examples of Democratic Socialism. They don’t commit mass murder in France, but they do have universal healthcare.
What you described sounded more like totalitarianism. You and I both fear a state ruled by a dictator the likes of Hitler in Nazi Germany (far right) or Stalin in the Soviet Union (far left). I hate both Hitler and Stalin.
The reasons I don’t want Trump in power are too many to list, but one that should matter to you is that Trump wants to be a dictator. He’s lawless and narcissistic. He prolifically lies (so much that truth stops mattering, as in totalitarian state described in the novel 1984). He doesn’t respect the outcomes of elections (even Mike Pence just said, that’s unAmerican). At some point he claimed the constitution gave him the right to do whatever he wants, like a dictator.
My wish is for you, me, and all Americans is that we stop demonizing fellow Americans. We can disagree about what will get America to where its ideals would lead, but we all want to get there.
Garrett says
Trump is the best president we’ve had in the last several decades and joe is a lazy, crooked piece of shit and kamala is just a dumb bitch that couldn’t care less for america. Where ever or who ever told you trump was a dictator (cnn?) are just leftist assholes. people who think like you are the same kinda people who are too ignorant to know if there male or female or that being a faggot is wrong but thankfully 90% of americans have better sense so fuck you and your america hating beliefs
cyranobob says
Well, I must say your articulate and objective statements condemning “leftist assholes” seem to be honest and well-grounded in the basics of American democracy. Especially referring to Biden as a “piece of shit” and VP Harris as a “dumb bitch”. 90% of us completely agree, of course. If only I could be as smart as you.
Joe moronic biden says
It sounds like you are starting out with a strong IQ of 1 so sat
Anonymous says
Your post sounds sarcastic but the funny thing about the bell curve is that midwits can’t the difference between genius and basic salt of the Earth common sense.
Erik Prince says
I agree 100% and I would add that only a mentally insane person thinks there are more than two sexes, and Joe Biden has been a Lying Fraud and Conman his whole life, he’s dumber than rock, but a Professional Lying Con his whole life, and Heels Up Harris only got where she is today because she sucked willie browns pecker, known fact, Willie Brown himself said it was the biggest mistake he ever made in his life, look it up, Harris is dumber than rock, and the idiots who can’t admit to themselves that our country and everyone’s life was better under Trump, is only LYING to themselves and living in a delusion and not living in reality. whether you love Trump or hate Trump that doesn’t matter, he knew how to lead and we were ALL better off because of that. We Don’t elect a president because of their personality, we elect a President who can do the job we hire him to do!
An Election isn’t a Personality Contest!
Betty Hemphill says
RIGHT ON!! I didn’t think for 1 second that Trump couldn’t sweep the floor with Biden/Harris.
THAT is why Trump demanded an audit-they should have had a real way to audit. After that election, I don’t believe I’ll vote anymore. I didn’t pay any mind to Leftys before, but now I won’t even interact with any known Democrats. You can’t get a word in edgewise-their mouths are constantly spewing Dem-rhetoric at anything they see. Like a Tasmanian devil-ranting at nothing.
Paul Almgren jr. says
You SIR. Are blind to think Trump is any of those describe in your self risioust view piont. Your kind of thinking inside your little box. Trump may exaggerate a bitt,,,,,but piont well taken by 80+ millions that voted for him again. People can’t stand the Truth,,and if you don’t understand the Practical pionts,,,,then you,SIR. Mist it all!!!! It’s not about the little exaggerateions,,,it’s about the BIG PICTURE. Do you want AMERICA to be fed a bunch of real consequences LIES into ,,,it’s to late to save us???? Or get your head out of the sand and wake up,,and go back to school. Look at the bigger pic. And do not be filled with all the Blaiten Lies the Left have been doing for centuries to once and for,,DISTROY OUR NATION!!!! FROM before the Revolutionary War,,to the Civil War,,the Left has been wrong!!!!! Please Wake Up!!!
Kyle H says
Your suggestion that someone ELSE needs to go back to school still has me rolling with laughter!
Anonymous says
B.L. says
Do you really think that we are that stupid.? Our Country is going to Hell under that idiot President, who never knows where he is and cannot pronounce a sentence. And Harris, please don’t say how wonderful she is., the most stupid woman of all. She has no business being Vice President. She has never even done what her first job was. TAKE CARE OF THE BORDER.!!!!!! And I’m so sick of that phony laugh because she cannot answer a question. Tell me what she’s done. Biden/Harris have let in so many diseases and drugs into our Country. They need all of these illegal immigrants to be dropped off in the MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT in Delaware and Nancy’s Grape Vines in San Francisco.. The Democrats hate this Country and want to see us as Socialists. Why don’t they just move to a Socialist Country, and leave us alone. They will never tell me what to do. And Pelosi knew what was going on January 6th. She personally turned down President Trump’s offer to send in troops if something was to happen, and she declined. She and the demo-rats wanted this to happen and planned it. Why else would she turn down help. I’m sick and tired of all of their lies, the Russia collusion???? Has now been blamed on who else? The biggest liar, thief, and phoney woman in American History, Hillary Clinton. What a surprise!!!
And remember, Biden said he would entirely get rid of COVID immediately. Liar!!! Everything he has said has been a lie. He needs to be removed from office. And he is planning on running again????? GOD, help us all.!!!!!!!
Bob says
You are obviously the most well-informed citizen I’ve ever heard speak. Although I have to interject that these America-hating Democrats do not see tRump supporters as ‘Socialists’. They think you are ‘Fascists’. What a joke, right?
Anonymous says
lol @ your pathetic shallow mockery, you don’t actually have anything to say you’re just calling people dumb in a cowardly offhanded manner.
Barry Barney says
Anonymous says
I agree with you all people if punishment is needed the crooked and rich should not be above the law
Kevin Cannon says
I Agree…..Republican or Democrat…..Same Bed 🛌 and Answer to the Same Buearacrats. We need to Stop Voting for the 2 Cronies they pick for us……And start another or two parties of our own……and get this Pseudo – Goverment out of the Whitehouse While we still can.
Having No Borders….You have No Country.
cyranobob says
Daniel. I agree with most of what you say, yet mostly your last two sentences. The pure hatred of those who are not “like-minded” from other contributors here is, sad to say, all too common nowadays. Stay trough.
Thomas Payne says
You are not right, in the head!
America didn’t deserve Trump; an outsider who brought out the total control Democrats. May he be elected again so they can crawl under their rocks and die in solutude and leave us alone.
Thomas Payne
LetsGoBrandon says
I agree with the first part of your statement. You sound more like a classic liberal than a leftist. Trump is not a dictator though. For one you need a system backing you up in order to be a dictator. There was no such system backing him up to strip people of the rights but there is a system in place right now that is doing just that under Biden.
What a lot of people fail to understand is that Trump might not of had good character but he put in place good policy. Something we haven’t seen in this country in quite a while.
rightwing stanjonesjournal says
What policy? Name one.
Gregory Smith says
AMEN SIR! trump as well as whoever wrote this letter to the editor are morons or out of touch with reality! Godless Marxism is ridiculous but more ridiculous is republicans founded on biblical teachings if that was the case read Gen. 2:7 in the Bible and stop letting the ignorant southern states raping women, their rights and the constitution!
Mike says
True leftists hate the USA. You are an exception or should I say a liberal. Nothing wrong with being liberal but the hard left that is now in control hates the USA.
You and others know this. Freedom of choice is against their agenda.
Jb says
Mike, do you actually know any liberals or leftists. With a very few exceptions most love America, our form of government and the constitution. Plenty including me are veterans. And regarding those thst don’t it’s sour grapes because this country isn’t living up to its promises and potentiial. Contrast this with “conservatives” (really anti-leftists or authoritarian Trump and Putin supporters… real conservatives are the despised Romney and Liz Cheney.. The new GOP lied about the outcome of the election, defied judgements of our courts, and actually attempted to overthrow the election and constitutional government on Jan 6. The left doesn’t look so bad in that comparison.
Cindy Jantz says
Job you are deceived! Romney is no Conservative! He’s a traitor! Just like all of the RINOS in the Republican Party! We need a new political party! One that is truly God-fearing, and who understands that America was Founded upon the Holy Scriptures: the Inspired, Inerrant and Infallible Word of the Living God!! Come quickly Lord Jesus! Deliver Your people from this sinful and increasingly more wicked world run by God haters!!
Keith Iholts II says
What an asinine and arrogant thing to say to people you are too scared to even talk to. I am a Libertarian Socialist and yes Libertarians are actually socialists and the right stole our identity and twisted our arguments. We never said taxes were theft. Using our tax dollars to pad the wallets of rich parasites, war criminals, and greedy corporations. We also said that profit is theft when you take the majority of wealth created by the masses and skim off the top.
“And it is curious to note that from the slaves themselves they received, not merely very little assistance, but hardly any sympathy even; and when at the close of the war the slaves found themselves free, found themselves indeed so absolutely free that they were free to starve, many of them bitterly regretted the new state of things.” – Oscar Wilde The Soul of Man Under Socialism
A hungry man is not a free man. – Adlai E. Stevenson
“What good is having the right to sit at a lunch counter if you can’t afford to buy a hamburger?” – Martin Luther King Jr.
If we did not have an Electoral college Republicans would almost never win a presidency and in fact, would be a small party due to cheating, voter prevention, gerrymandering extremes, faux accusations of cheating which always results in the Republicans being caught. Taking corporate bribes, illegal wars, profiting off of eternal war while defunding our social safety net. You know who else is guilty of this though.
The corporate Democrats are DINO’s. They are not left-wing at all but Republican-lite. It is clear the Republicans have reached the fascist state and have even been marching proudly in our streets and the lefts cry NAZI and yet you still stay asleep and it won’t be long before they are no different than the evil NAZI’s the first ANTIFA of the American soldiers defeating the right-wing Hitler and his ilk. Leftists have the most popular beliefs but fascist corporate media both claiming to be liberal and conservative pathologically lie to the public about what anyone really believes and bribes politicians to allow them to continue to lie to the public in favor of fascist corporations. NAZIS did not at the first start as they ended. They gradually gained control, they gradually increased the hate, the racism, and the abuse of the poor and less fortunate. America is on the doorstep of full-blown fascism and you Republican lites keep cheating in the elections as you cheated Bernie Sanders twice. Let’s not pretend that to bribe all the politicians to drop out and endorse Biden was cheating Bernie Sanders who was the most popular Senator in America and Joe was mostly hated like Hillary who lost because she blatantly cheated, got caught and the courts ruled it was ok for Democrats to cheat their own party.
Let’s not pretend Biden is too not soft on Joe Manchin and Kristine Sinema who are criminals that are taking bribes to obstruct progress. Biden needs to force them to change and he could do it if he wanted to. He could make their lives miserable as FDR did to the Democrats when they were acting like Republican scum bags. There is no saving the Republicans and their party must be dismantled and belittled as criminals with all the Republicans put in prison that did not impeach and imprison Trump for treason. He could also use executive orders. He could also prosecute the companies giving bribes and doing a lot more but he sits on his hands and does nothing while every single penny that goes to real Americans is stolen by rich brats that never work. Rich people should not exist. Wealthy with a couple million is ok but billions or hundreds of millions is not ok and how we ended up with Epstein’s Islands. The rich have constantly been caught with children and yet rarely are they punished and no billionaire has ever really been punished for their crimes. If you are too rich to be prosecuted for grievous crimes then you are too rich.
Landowners exploit the tenants with high rent and rip them off of deposit and use people’s love of animals to extort excessively large amounts of money out of people. They don’t work and most do almost nothing for their tenants who pay them to take care of the property but the property owner does not even do that. Instead, most of our wages are stolen by greedy landlords. Living off the ownership of property contributes absolutely nothing to the economy so they are effectively parasites and nothing more. Far more than any potential damage most pets would cause. Especially cats who do very little damage to a home. Rent is a feudalistic term. Capitalism is merely Feudalism with extra steps and devolves into fascism when Capitalism inevitably fails miserably as it constantly crashes until the rot and crime are so bad you end up with Nazi Germany, The Republican Fascist Party of Italy, and the Japanese Empire. Being called a socialist is not an insult to us and we proudly bear the title but fascists and NAZIS are hated and are extreme right-wing ideologies.
Giving poor people money so they can have a better life keeps them off the street, creates a safer society but rich people never have to worry about crime because they are not subjected to the horrors of poverty they inflict on us, police protect their neighborhoods while murdering innocent blacks in poor black neighborhoods whose crime was being black. The United States still has not paid the black community back for unpaid labor. Why is it that the baby boomer generation who is the majority of these milk toast liberals and “moderates” (your extreme right-wing pretending to be liberal), used to be socialist, loved socialism, and took advantage of all of it? You had affordable education, you had affordable healthcare, you had affordable housing, far more welfare yet the economy was actually far stronger with more welfare than with almost none as it is now, you had everything handed to you on a silver platter but as soon as it was the next generations turn you brainwashed generation X into being boot lickers and screwed every other generation after it and acted as if we don’t deserve to live a decent life. You pay the highly educated little and almost all the money goes into the financial sector which contributes nothing to the economy, steals from the workers and these people are parasites who contribute absolutely nothing to society and they take the most.
When we got back at you and backed Game Stop and were about to cause billionaires to lose everything or almost everything, the Robin Hood scandal screwed over the poor, caused one man to commit suicide when he got a bill for several million dollars after Robin Hood and the government scammed the regular people so rich criminals could stay rich. This was an outright conspiracy of proving the rich control everything and we don’t have a Democracy anymore.
We have a maximum wage for disabled people who cannot have more than 2k in the bank but we have no limits for billionaires who don’t need that much money and should not have that much money as it enables them to have complete control of the country. The most unfortunate and often tortured souls who struggle with a sadistic system determined to screw over the people it was designed for making life miserable on disability and many on disability are threatened and attempted to be forced off disability need it for healthcare or we will die yet do you “liberals” care about us. No, you don’t and you wonder why we hate you. You wonder why we all hope you lose every single penny you have and end up on the streets like many of us have. You wonder why we want you afflicted with expensive and horrible diseases. We want you on OUR level and not the Republicans level so you represent us instead of Republican fascists.
You milk toast neoliberals are a threat to our life and wellbeing. Your existence prevents us from obtaining power but you know what? We are going to take over and all the conservative old baby generation is going to be left all alone and your final days will be miserable just like you did to your kids. I consider the Baby Boomer generation needing to be slipt in two in a unique way due to the severe difference in thought. The baby generation consists of self-centered hypocritical rich, privileged troglodytes that voted for Reagan who ruined America, and the boomer generation, the hippies that stayed hippies or later repented, the leftists who lost their right to vote due to unconstitutional drug laws and traps designed to give the right and excuse to take away the lefts right to vote.
No one should lose their right to vote no matter what or else it’s a slippery slope and they will take everyone’s right to vote away and a person can vote for any way he wants but most of these laws target the behaviors of leftists in an effort to take away our voice in addition to the mainstream media heavily censoring us. The longer you keep us out of power, the worse things will be for you in the future because the more you take from us, the more we will take from you, the harsher we will punish you for your selfishness and the less we will allow you to have when you are old, feeble, and helpless like many of us have been. Like many kids whose parents kicked them out in the middle of a pandemic, in the middle of winter because they are narcissistic and have untreated mental illnesses.
Face it. You rich spoiled egotistical, fascist right-wing lunatics pretending to be liberal will be thrown out and we will have no mercy on you. We will kick out those extremist judges for criminal activity and we will take over and ensure the rich can never take over our nation again. We hate our government and what it represents, not the American people. Leftists often feel pity for the ones we know who would be one with us if they actually knew what we really believed and the true history. We want more than FDR socialism. We want Democratic Socialism and we want to make Europe look conservative to comparison. We want to destroy Capitalism and replace it with a Democratic Socialist society where the grotesquely rich will no longer exist. There will be millionaires but not to the obscene extent we have today. “When the people shall have nothing more to eat, they will eat the rich.” – Jean-Jacques Rousseau We are hungry, we are coming for OUR wealth.
Ms-1 says
Jesus – you need a cookie.
Cindy Jantz says
There’s no Liberty or Constitutional Rights under Marxism/Socialism/Communism/Totalitarianism!! No rights except for their evil government officials! It’s a do what we say, but don’t do what we do ideology! I grew up with parents who had that evil philosophy! My mother was a backslidden Roman Catholic who had man-made religion! But she was absent a true relationship with God through Jesus Christ! He failed to lead by example, because she was sadly a lost but religious and unrepentant sinner who needed to be Born again of God’s Holy Spirit!
Paul Almgren jr. says
Good Luck with that Pipe dream. Look,,the facts are,,,the economy always gets better after a Rebuplican takes office. It put EVERYBODY back to a good job so they can buy there first house,,so they can buy a newer truck,,so they can put food on the table,and go by a new TV. ITS SIMPLE!!!! Everybody has a good job,,,if your willing to work,,,and with lower Taxes,,,you can take that vacation,,,you can landscape your Own house exc. There’s always gonna be people richer then you,,,but a Rebuplican strategy is FAR better then relying on the biggest theft of all,,,,The Government!!!!!
Sandy J. says
Be honest Paul, The Republican “GOVERNMENT” (republican strategy) allows you to increase your debt better? (trucks, bigger houses, cheap vacations, chicken in every pot)
FACT: Historically, the United States economy has performed better on average under the administration of Democratic presidents than Republican presidents since World War II.
“The economy always gets better after a Republican takes office.” Are you kidding?!? It’s no wonder the right wing are so easily led around by con men carny artists like Trump. You must be forgetting George W.Bush, who was responsible for dragging the economy into the deepest hole since the crash of 29. It’s funny how Republican’s scream about SOCIALism as they cash their SOCIAL security cheques, while poor red states grab all the federal welfare dollars to prop up their failing states. Stop the “sleepwalker” routine and WAKE UP to the reality of what’s truly going on.
Steve Borgwardt says
Geese, l hope you got all that trash out of your system! Yes, lm a “baby boomer”. And yes Uncle Sam paid for my education. I spent 8 years in the USMC during a war and earned every penny of it. I won’t go into why I feel less than friendly to you. Let’s just say that we have a hung difference of opinion.. Steve Borgwardt Captain USMC. PS. I would like to know what era you are coming from so that l can better understand you.
anon says
So you were too uneducated to get a real job and had to go into the service. Your CHOICE.
You decided to go to school… your CHOICE
You PAY for it.
JB says
Just gotta say, Rev Joe’s is the most sensible comment I’ve read here. Instead of spouting hate and describing liberalism as all the Venezuelan and Stalinist things it ain’t, why not just harvest whatever good stuff you can find in it and add to the list of best practices for improving our nation. We should pass on a better country to the next generation. Ideology of the left and right is a poison that limits what America can become. Both sides have good and bad… so let’s just keep and improve on the good, and ditch what is hateful and bad.
Mil says
You are totally wrong. I am baby boomer generation born 1947. My parents came to this country from Czechoslovakia before and after World War II. They came legally. They had nothing. They loved their country, but needed freedom. -my mother’s first husband was a flier who died over the English Channel and my Dad was a freedom fighter against the Germans. He could not stay in Czechoslovakia after the war because the Russians came and never left.
They came with nothing. There was no health insurance. They worked at anything and everything. They cleaned houses and built furniture. They bought nothing if they did not have the cash. We had no credit cards. My Dad told me this was the greatest country in the world and if I worked hard and studied hard I would have a good life. I did. I went to college and became an English teacher.
Stop crying. Those that don’t know their history are doomed to repeat it. Study your Western Civ.
Natalie says
Aww, You have so much anger and hate. You really need the Lord Jesus. He delivered me from anger and hate. and can do the same for you. Aren’t you tired of having this heavy burden of anger that is really only a shield to hide your fears? Jesus loves you so very much and can set you free to know his love. I will pray for you Keith, that in this time when others are overwhelmed by the uncertainty of life that the Lord will show himself to you in a very real way. You can have hope even in this time of global turmoil.
Kevin Cannon says
The Repulicans and The Deomocrats…..Are One in the Same……They all Lie in the Same Bed and are Controlled by the same Bureaucrats…..let’s get Real……Socialism is Nothing but Pre-Communism……We all need to stop Voting for the Only Two Candidates and Create a New Parties…..and get this Pusedo-Government out of our Whitehouse Before it is too Late.
Cindy Jantz says
You are a blinded hateful God hater! While God created us all equal, He is no Communist! We all are sinners in need of the only Savior and Messiah of mankind! God loves us, but He hates our sin and rebellion against Him! God is Holy and Just! He wants to bless us, however when we continue to reject Jesus Christ and His Inspired, Inerrant and Infallible Word, we suffer from the consequences of our sin against Him!! Ask God to Reveal Himself to you, and seek Him (Jesus Christ) with all of your heart! In His Holy Word!! Ask Him to save you from your sins! Repent (turn from attempting to be your own god, and doing your own will)! Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools dispise Wisdom and instruction. 22 How long, ye simple ones, will you love simplicity? and the scorners delight their scorning, and fools hate knowledge? 23 Turn you (Repent) at My reproof: be, I will pour out My Spirit unto you, I will make known My words unto you. 24 Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out My Hand, and no man regarded; 25 But ye have set at nought all My Counsel, and would none of My reproof: 26 I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh; 27 When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you. 28 Then shall they call upon Me, but I will not answer; they shall seek Me early, but they shall not find Me: 29 For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the LORD: 30 They would none of My Counsel: they despised all of My reproof. 31 Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices. 32 For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them. 33 But whoso hearkeneth unto Me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil. 2:1 My son, if thou wilt receive My words, and hide My Commandments with thee; 2 So that thou incline thine ear unto Wisdom, and apply thine heart to understanding; 3 Yea, if thou criest after knowledge, and liftest up thy voice for understanding; 4 If thou seekest her as silver, and searchest for her as for hid treasures; 5 Then shalt thou understand the fear of the LORD, and find the knowledge of God. 6 For the LORD giveth wisdom: out of His Mouth cometh knowledge and understanding. 7 He layeth up sound Wisdom for the righteous: He is a Buckler to them that walk uprightly. 8 He Keepeth the paths of judgment, and preserveth the way of His saints. 9 Then shalt thou understand righteousness, and judgment, and equity; yea, every good path. 10 When Wisdom entereth into thine heart, and knowledge is pleasant unto thy soul; 11 Discretion shall preserve thee, understanding shall keep (guard/protect) thee: 12 To deliver thee from the way of the evil man, from the man that speaketh froward things; 13 who leave the paths of uprightness, to walk in the ways of darkness; 14 who rejoice to do evil, and delight in the frowardness of the wicked; 15 Whose ways are crooked; and they froward in their paths: 3:1 My son, forget not My law; but let thine heart keep My Commandments: 2 For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall they add to thee. 3 Let not mercy and Truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart: 4 So shalt thou find favour and good understanding in the Sight of God and man. 5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and do not lean unto thine own (human reasoning) understanding. 6 In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths. 7 Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil (sin). 8 It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones. 9 Honour the LORD with thy substance, and with the first fruits of all thine increase: 10 So shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine. 11 My son, despise not the chastening of the LORD; neither be weary of His correction: 12 For whom the LORD loveth He correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighted.
Jerry says
Gerald, leave the country now and NEVER come back. Those who refuse to understand are not welcome.
John Hitz says
Jerry, Democrats are pretentious dummies who can’t get their facts straight and lie about it. The same truth applies to half-baked socialists such as yourself. You are a part of the Establishment, a phony compassion-peddling delusional who can’t lead because of your mental deficiency needs. Wake up.
Charles Eggenberger says
Americans! When things go well, they bicker and find fault! But, when things crash, you won’t find a better class of people to dig your way out. You cans always depend on the Congress and other politicians to screw it all up before they stumble into the right way if they do).
Whatever you do, follow the Constitution and the intent of those that wrote it.
Whether we like it or not, this planet and the people on it will always be in a constant state of evolution. There are 300 million people in the USA (+ -). When they all die, where are they going to be buried? Population increasing! Running out of room! Outa’ here. Bye!
An American citizen says
Biden is never right. Let me repeat…. He is never right. He is was will be wrong forever. He is a moron. When the wind blows and Biden turns his head you can hear a whistle. He’s 28cents shy of a happy meal & his cheese done slid off his cracker long long ago
Paul Almgren jr. says
Right On Jerry!!! The Left just can’t see the forest,because of all the trees!!!! Lol. Somethings wrong with there dna,,,,,it’s like there in an alternate reality. There constantly causing problems,,,then wanna pat them selves on the back,,with a worse solution.. Unbelievable and I had about enough!!!!
Jeff Clark says
It’s hilarious to hear individuals spout hatred under the guise of being a liberal socialist who rants on about the right and corruption while referencing the same tired quotes and stale talking points that have been used by every other self proclaimed leftist when they are unable to find any facts defend through its arguments like a child throwing a little hissy fit because they don’t get their little way and it’s not fair.. they’re bunch of people are too lazy to learn any fax it’s around the water cooler every Monday listen to the one person who has no clue what they talked about yet he’s a most convincing because he never shuts up long enough to have someone question their facts or lack thereof. Enter the 18% of people that actually think Biden is capable of accomplishing anything that doesn’t involve China and millions in his family’s bank account except for protecting the borders of his family’s 2nd power peddling province whom they’ve received millions from also and that’s backed by facts just like the involvement of every top Democrat thanks to Hillary and friends fabricating and hacking into Trump’s servers to rig the election and then went a step farther and hacked and fabricated lies on a sitting US President which involves all the Democratic elites and should be considered the worst political crime in History it is reprehensible and straight treason they destroyed this country manipulating weak minded individuals in the believing their false narrative so when people have sex with in that sideI love you but until then I’m sure that is good bunch of bitching whining and crying is always cuz everytime I get caught it’s just not fair
Anonymous says
Longest run on sentence ever? Nice work. The last couple lines need to be translated from crazy, though
Jb says
Those are some epic run-on sentences! But you sure do believe some crazy stuff… you really shouldn’t blame Hillary for trumps Russian connections or the compromat that Putin uses to control the Donald. Remember, TheSteele investigation was originally funded by Republicans. Hillary just inheritted it. If you think there’s no Russia connection, how do you explain Paul Manifort running Trumps campaign?
John Hitz says
We understand that Socialism is being tried now and is failing. That’s why Democrats are going to lose the next two elections. ✌️ Oh, and yes, the country was founded by bible-believers. They just didn’t “incorporate” it in the Constitution because they were not fascists, unlike elitists like Pelosi.
tom says
your wrong. Bfs were diests, dumb-dumb.
Kevin says
It’s very sad how the left has taken over the democratic party and believe government should be tearing down all that made this country what is is. History is history, societies do evolve and of course represent current ideologies. But what the left does is very wrong, and ii was a liberal until the left became extreme and overreaching. Now I feel they are tearing the soul of this nation apart. I left the democratic party and have become independent but will not support any Democrats as they have embraced the left and its extremists. Mandates were the final straw for me, and my liberty is now I feel threatened by Democrats and protected by republicans.
Borax Ramidji says
Please send back your SocIal Security checks and get rid of your Medicare Card, stop using Public Roads and public parks, public schools and well, ALL the “socialist” stuff you say you are opposed to.
Then Stop using the Internet which was built with Public Funds, so we won’t have to read rubbish that you post.
And while your at it, ask The Donald to stop Stealing Top-Secret documents!
Donald Baker says
Where do you people get this shit? Playboy? Trump ran this country like a business.
Taking care of our employees first. Borders? ATTEMPTING to lock them up. It’s not that we hate foreign people. We want them to work as the citizens of any country should to bring about the changes that we also are desperately trying to keep a hold of. You need to watch LIFE,LIBERTY, AND LEVIN on Fox News Channel. Quit believing everything you hear and see, and try to look at what is REASONABLE! Can’t you make up your OWN mind?
Rob says
There’s a certain irony in telling someone to watch something on Faux and then saying “Quit believing everything you hear and see, and try to look at what is REASONABLE! Can’t you make up your OWN mind?”
Stop making sense, that was too perfect. Right now you have a bunch of sleepwalkers on the right confused beyond words. How could they actually be closeted socialists in denial of the reality of their own surroundings.
John Hitz says
In my opinion, understanding socialism leads to identifying it as a cultural and humanitarian disaster. So maybe socialists should let the rest of us improve the quality of life for more people. True Democratic values, not Marxist ones.
cyranobob says
And in my opinion “understanding socialism” is a thing that most Americans are incapable of. Any institution, program or civic agency that is funded by tax dollars is a form of socialism. Look at any state or city fire department, police department, public utility, etc. Fully funded by our taxes, and answerable to no one. They own the buildings, the machinery, the vehicles, and pay all the employees, which includes staff and building facilities. This has evolved over the last 200 years. And it works for us.
Marxism? Communism? Uh, spend some time researching Marx and Engels. They were theorists who who fantasized a world that has never existed. I have run my own business for twenty years. That makes me a ‘capitalist’. Name-calling is easy. Try using some rational and educated thought. Just saying. No insult intended.
Anonymous says
It’s the demos that are Nazi and comies, and hate this country, not republicans, the demos want a dictator for pres. So he can kill our own people and stay in power, like putin
Timothy Frank says
Mr. Boyum’s initial premise itself is incorrect, that “… the leftist media … Socialist Democrats …” are conspiring against “… Christian … conservatives …”.
Disassembling the rest of his tirade, such as “… Christian principles …” etc; likewise, incorrect. Nothing in the Constitution, or the Declaration of Independence, suggests that the nation was founded upon Christian principles.
Quite the contrary.
I suggest Mr. Boyum spend a relaxing Saturday afternoon at his local library, find a copy of the Constitution, and read it.
Hugh Jardon says
Wanna bet that Gerald is an obese redneck that drives a truck?
Jackie Alexander says
Well aren’t you a self important little man!
SoulSqwusher says
Wanna bet that Hugh where’s a mask when alone in his car and isn’t sure what gender she is?
Harry Zimm says
‘Wears’ little man, not ‘where’s’.
Sarah Jane says
You read my mind, Hugh. As I laugh at the snowflakes with MAGA hats their brand of civics (hate). There aren’t enough of them and their white biblical grievances that anyone is listening anymore. For hundreds of years they have “decided what is best for the rest of us”, guess what? We outnumber them now and will fight like hell to vote them out. They don’t want to grow a party with inclusiveness nor do they stand for anything but obstruction and divisiveness, they don’t even know when they are being astroturfed! They just don’t want the rest of us to vote them out because it’s way over due for change from this incarnation of the GOP (you know they are stuck when they stick up for dictators). My one and only New Years resolve this year, is to get as many people as I can signed up to vote everywhere. Despite the suppression, PLAN YOUR VOTE. I know it takes time but use many news sources for information. Local papers are the best so keep them alive with subscriptions.
John Hitz says
You haven’t got a chance. Get a life. Democrats party politicking is for losers.
John Hits says
Many people say the “John Hitz” is not a real person.
Jon Hittz says
Identify theft is a serious crime, friend
An American citizen says
yep! You are excellent & American for sure. FYI & his minions, oh God especially Pelosi the mouth without a brain ( but does my hair look nice?) Biden is never right. Let me repeat…. He is never right. He is, was, & will be wrong forever. He is a moron and reminds me of Mr. Magoo notching at everyone cause he’s cranky, doesn’t know where he’s going or has been & his done so many ugly things that there isn’t enough space here to type them all out. I’m just flabbergasted that he has become our president after all the bullshit this man has done. He’s got to be the worst president ever that I truly wonder how it is this nightmare came to be. He’s destroying USA as the entire world watches & laughs. He is the beginning of the end.
And America, really? Biden? Why? He is the biggest racist, the biggest liar, plagiarizes his a.. off & couldn’t come up with a viable idea to help America if his life depended on it. He’s so out to lunch & lost it amazes me anyone would even want this man to run our country. He’s undone every good thing Trump accomplished.Half the time he isn’t even aware he is the president. And the way he threw Anita Hill under the bus. All this guy does is f… stuff up & then say “I’m sorry” & people go oh poor guy. I don’t want poor guy I want USA back, strong military, fortified borders, come yes but do it legally because what’s happening now will be the end of USA. Biden you are Mr. Magoo,cranky,lost, causing big problems in your aftermath & half the time you aren’t even aware. When the wind blows and Biden turns his head you can hear a whistle. He’s 28cents shy of a happy meal & his cheese done slid off his cracker long long ago.
And Pelosi OMG don’t let me get started. Lets just say it’s mouth is big & it’s jealousy runs a muck, it can barely articulate clear concise words that have value &meaning and most of all lacks truth. You could care less about American & the REAL IMPORTANT ISSUES. You & your minions have wasted so much money & valuable time searching for bullshit that doesn’t & never has existed that you forgot about USA. . And your hair & botox are at the forefront of your concern.
Congress has been so embarrassing that it feels like they should be in the comedy network except its not funny. The main stream media is mainstream evil & liars. They never bother with truth. What is wrong with everyone? Can’t you think for yourselves. F Madonna, Rosie, Ashley, etc etc Movie stars aren’t always the best place to go for facts…. they’re actors ok? Hey America, find out for yourselves F the internet & tv & actors media etc with their agendas. Open your eyes, dig a little into the history and open your mind about the truth instead of believing these people. You are your government really so act like it & do what is right but do it with effort in finding the truth. You will be shocked. I’m not leaning either way. I just don’t want people blindly going along with bullshit & lies cause it impending doom for us without knowledge of who the person(s) really is & stands for when you cast your vote.
May God continue to bless America & every human on this planet.
PeaceUnity Equality Hope for a better world
Bill Hartman says
Sarah, one can’t expect degenerate Leftist single cell amoebas to look beyond their Communist viewpoint and anything the deviates from the Cultural Marxist Revolution underway in this country now.
Atheistic Left Wing Communism is the most murderous ideology the world has ever known with over 150 Million people killed in approximately 100 years (e.g., Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, Kim Jong IL/Un, Ceaușescu etc….). The fact that we have elected Democrat leaders and Government officials that identify as Marxist and/or Communist is outrageous.
Left wing degenerate Marxists/Communists destroy all that is good in a society. Hate, murder and torture are signature features of the extreme Left. The Left Wing dictators and their Socialist/Communist utopias of the 20th century (and still today) exemplify that.
Your ideology brings nothing of value.
Randy McFarland says
Not MY mainstream media!
Anonymous says
GERALD BOYUM you are on some serious drugs. what did the republicans come out with their own bible? The bible does not talk about politics so get your story straight and grow a brain.
Linda Carbone says
The Bible speaks about our government ? even telling us to pray for them. So you are incorrect.
Janet Hastings says
Brian the only thing I’m going to reply to in your comment is about God’s word the Bible as you know it. When you said there’s nothing in the Bible about politics I thought you must never read about King Herod, Pontius Pilate, all the political leaders even the faults godly people who kept going to Pontius Pilate and then Rome it’s all political but the bottom line is God himself says when he comes back again he’s placing the government upon his shoulders he will ruin rain. So please don’t say politics is not in the Bible
Daniel E. Simmons says
I realize this comment was directed to Gerald J. Boyum, how about his main subject matter, “Why the left hates America and Trump”.
It’s easy to obfuscate and make it about a benign issue in the article and NOT about the authors actual subject:Why the left hates America and Trump.
It is so difficult to debate anyone associated with a Democrat Party these days, when we talk factual objective subject matter. It’s not about being right it’s about the principle of Truth. And seeking truth.
Danlel says
The Bible is full of countries and places that were showed what was bad what happened when they went astray from the word of God there so don’t say that the Bible doesn’t talk about countries principalities and everything
Steven M Phares says
Anonymous says
Steven M. Phases, you need to seek mental health counseling..
Anonymous says
Trump is a scumbag and his scumbag friends showed who they are!!!
Darryl Gora says
You’re obviously the product of weak parents and then you’ve been further dumbed down by the propaganda machine
Anonymous says
Anonymous says
Report him to the united states secret service.
Ron Harding says
TDS seriously!
Isham T Bagley says
Thank you for calling this guy out. Considering when it was written, and when I’m finding it, it would be no shock to learn of him being among the anti-American insurrectionists that stormed our nation’s capitol on Jan 6, 2021.
James V Larson says
That wasn’t an insurrection.. evidently you don’t read.. cuz you certainly don’t know the definition of insurrection. And you don’t pay attention and you have no idea what really happened at Capitol. Better to keep quiet about things you know nothing about than open your mouth and prove it
Anonymous says
James, Here is the definition of an insurrection. The definition looks accurate to me. Do you know what the definition of an insurrection is? Everything I have read and video’s I have watched lead me to say with out a doubt it was an insurrection by definition and the actions taken.
in·sur·rec·tion: a violent uprising against an authority or government.
Definitions from Oxford Languages
Anonymous says
That wasn’t an insurrection by any means.
Jeff Hebb says
There was No insurrection!! And not 1 single person has been charged with that!! It was a small group that rioted, and went against President Trump’s clearly stated order to Peacefully Protest…
Jeff says
You have a lot of nerve responding to this after Conservatives were proven right once again. This nation was founded on Christian principals, that is a fact. He never said the Bible talked about politics a lot.
SKUM says
Yup like burning of heretics, enslaving and forcefully conversion of the blacks, all christian values.
Marco says
“This nation was founded on Christian principals, that is a fact”
This is in, in fact, not a fact. It is actually a blatant lie. Please learn basic American history and stop lying on the internet.
Gl says
You gotta love those Christian principals, the that all but wiped out the native Indians and believed in slavery. I’ll pass.
If you Europeans don’t like American go back to that shit hole country you came from and fix it! Sound familiar?
Jeff Isdumb says
Jeff has read exactly two books. Neither one was the bible
Jeff Hebb says
Clearly you have never read the Bible!
Jeff Hebb says
You must be a left-wingnut radical…
Clearly you have Never opened a Bible!
Jeff Hebbeatsfarts says
The Bible is fiction
Cindy Jantz says
You are a blinded and deceived person who doesn’t know what Truth is! Go back under your rock you crawled out from!
Anonymous says
they paid him
or hes been drinking the kool aid
PHILLIPS RWiggins says
you can’t read I did not read to learn what the Bible says I learned it first hand hands on everyday of my life is the Bible as written day for day. I started to write a book one day , and I picked up my Bible and begun to read , be for I knew it I fought it .It was me my life as livedday to day of my life and on going no book needed I AM JEZUS EXCEPT IT I DID.IT IS NOT EASE YOU WANT THE JOB? I KNOW YOUR ANSWER .YOU DONT YOU HAVE TO BE STONG MINEDED TO SUCCEED YOU DON’T. NOW AS YOU WERE SAYING?
Renny oko says
Please forgive, requesting a group hug. My perception is no justice in America .as a congressman intent that is impossible to prove is there legal standard, IMMUNITY. TURMP is an admitted womanizer, loves his beautiful daughter and seems to lust for her. Instead of paying off on contractual obligations, he search’s for easily paid off judges to seek a win in bankruptcy. That is not a correct business model. They all said what a criminal trump was while in offfice, and it cannot be true as no federal charges filed. That indicates sweet joe, Nancy,Chuck and all politicians are criminal and corrupt. Sweet joe used his in office to get his son Hunter a no show job for a million a year. I think that is proof of corruption, now sweet joe is president and financed by the big big banks that he helped as a sitting us senator, also gave a gift of 66 Billion to Amtrak an insolvent bankrupt federal agency. More proof of self serving corruption. My fellow friend says trump is a genius don’t care about the details of of politiks and when is joe going to send another stimulus check and how much, then follow that with a request to donate to his campaign. Justice for common folk isn’t the same for a white collar criminal. No level of what was your intent when you stumbled they only say his intent was not to lie cheat and steal. I wonder if the government thought this virus may help us cull out of our world some undesirables, and now two full years of grief dealing with a pandemic, damn it worked better than we calculated, damn it now that too many are dead and wages are bumping up a bit, and recession is north of 7%. Will the cdc or university’s going to put this genie back in the bottle, I betting no,it’s here to stay,just like political corruption and massive incompetence. I have laid all my unloaded weapons on the front yard, hands raised above my head and know that when the authorities show up and knock as I open the door and turn my back they will shoot me cause they were scared I kept a loaded gun inside, it will be a legal kill never mind no gun inside all in front yard, but it’s legal cause they were scared makes it legal for police. Stlll waiting for a hug
Anonymous says
Interesting……When is your psychiatrist appt.?
autumn T carney says
Actually we are wondering when yours is? The Democratic party our the Federalist. The party of slavery. The party that lies and is undeniably wicked!!!! If you vote Democrat you are voting for NO Freedom & a socialist Country where Government is in complete control. That is a horribly way to live. Just Research the CCP and their Authority ways. If you live in the USA you should be thanking God & respecting your Country. Too many people in the US that do not belong here. Id suggest turning to God and repenting. Every knee will bow…including yours!! We are living through revaluations & the time to get right with God is NOW
Anonymous says
Funny how your rights “trump” (sorry for the expletive) everyone else’s.
Trump was a live circus act complete with a clown car and carnival barker, he gave those that walked around with white grievance (GOP) an excuse to put your hate on display, it shows your true feelings and let’s the rest of us know just who you are. The first coup was a dress rehearsal by the incompetent crew. Next time, they may have someone with better manners to usher in the autocracy. Never forget Hitler was elected on a nationalistic platform. You can read it in the books that are left in the libraries if they haven’t been banned and burned by those afraid of getting their feelings hurt by the truth.
Anonymous says
Yankee Doodler says
Sometime before Renny’s and that’s evident because someone sincere about his aspirations would certainly be proud to say who he is and how to establish a dialog with him. Fortunately when Trump wins the White House in 2024 he will call out the haters of our democracy and silence known haters of the Americań dream.
Patriotic Name says
Will he be president of the prison comb over club?
Linda Carbone says
Please stop taking CNN, talking points to be facts.
Clair Hoffman says
Your views seemed based on some odd fantasies. I would seek medical attention when you feel a little more relaxed and calm down the voices in your head. Good luck
Jeff Hebb says
Your leftist Delusions cloud your mind, and are in definite need for psychiatric help. Most men from that age group were infatuated with women and still are! They just aren’t as revealing about it. And that label. “womanizer”, was put on President Trump by Corrupt socialist democrat politicians who were trying to win an election!
And I do feel the need to point out that it’s very well proven that Biden is a Racist, and is very clearly a Paedophile, as was Bill Clinton…Just Sayin
In the Immortal Word of our Lord Jesus Christ: He That Is Without Sin Among You, Let Him First Cast A Stone…..
Anonymous says
Lol are you aware trump got ivanka 44 trademarks in China in his first year , and you are worried about hunter , koolaide gone to the brain
Chipster says
They hate Trump because He Exposed there corruption. The $$$ they steal. The Dirty Politicians should all be in Jail. On the same cell block
lemon demon says
crap forgot 2 add 2 my other comment read it it has soooooooooooo many cishet conservatives
Anonymous says
Mark says
Anonymous says
Lol 😉
lemon demon says
idk i think this whole politician thing is kinda gay. y u arguing w a man…? 2 hear his voice more…..?
lick my boot says
LMAO. The Gerald J. Boyum of the world will lick my boot. I’m looking forward to destroying his version of America.
Devonne says
And you will die with the other billions because when America, as we knew it is gone, we will be back to Neanderthalways….which you apparently have a jump on.
John Hitz says
You’ll have a very long time to wait because the Republicans are going to trash your party big time this year, in case you didn’t know.
Eric Tuten says
Here is my reponse to a _The Daily Wire_ post on Instagram:
On Instagram, Ben Shapiro posted a link for _The Daily Wire_ members only to an article by Ben Johnson titled “This 1972 Video Explains How The Left Won The Culture,” which discusses a 49-year-old episode of William F. Buckley’s PBS TV series, “Firing Line.” Because I’m not a member of _The Daily Wire_, I was able to read only the opening paragraph of Johnson’s article, but that was enough to prompt me to post the following comment on Sunday, December 26, 2021—
Mr. Shapiro, I hope you’ll make it clear to your adherents that Trump is NOT a true conservative. He represents conservatism, perhaps, only in his belief in open-market capitalism, but apart from that he is an anti-democratic, narcicistic bully who would gladly push aside our distinguished, if not perfect, democratic tradition and establish a “national-socialist” form of dictatorship in which capitalism/capitalists would play a part only if it/they serve his myopic, dictatorial purposes. I know that William F. Buckley would not approve of Trump and his anti-democratic approach and I sure hope you will never invoke Buckley’s name and philosophy in support of Trump and his ilk. More specific to U.S. politics, Trump is not a Republican, at least as Republican came to be defined in the twentieth century, and Buckley no doubt would harshly chastise members of that party for accepting Trump as one of them. If Trump becomes the face of a new Republican party and “conservatism”—G_d forbid!—then in the long run that’s where it will have proven to “gone wrong” in decades to come. Please, in remembrance of the Holocaust and in the name of sanity, clear thinking, and true conservatism, make these points clear to your supporters.
Shelly Catron says
You are so wrong, not to mention a fear monger..the Republican Party and conservatives today in general are much more accepting and tolerant of people’s individual thoughts and rights than the current so call Democratic Party which demands adherence to group thought and a big authoritarian government! Which is the real reason that we as a nation should remember the holocaust!
American says
is this another communist site afraid to post the truth because they are afraid to upset these pantie wasted communist damocraps ???
John Hitz says
Yeah, sure looks that way. You can always tell when the word “Nazi” is used by TDS sufferers that they’ve found a home on the web. Try calling Joe a Nazi. Won’t show up.
Linda Carbone says
Amen to that !
Trump's Underage Victim says
Individual rights just as long as you go to the same church as me and vote the same way and watch the same cable news. Individual rights as long as you adhere to strict binary gender terms and NEVER use a preferred pronoun even if someone asks politely. I’ve never met a conservative that has original thought. Y’all walk around with tiki torches chanting the same lame words. You vote for someone who has been accused by AT LEAST 26 women for sexual misconduct.
Get real
american says
the only one that is pushing SOCIALISM bullshit is the ignorant DAMOCRAPS that don’t even have a brain. it is called cranial rectal inversion. Better known as head in ass disorder. and I sure am hoping this so called civil war starts soon I will be there. you communist bastards go to China where you belong
and those ignorant DAMOCRAPS politic and this crooked ass government should be in prison and standing in line at a firing squad. that is the very best thing to do with you communist . the only good commie is a dead commie.
Yaya says
Obviously you are an idiot.
Who uses words like Democrats?
Linda Carbone says
Amen to that !I couldn’t agree with you more. Thank you for your comment.
Clair Hoffman says
Linda your meds are ready. Take them with food.
Darryl says
I agree 👍👍 wholeheartedly !!! The only good communist SCUM 👺👿🤡💀 is a DEAD COMMUNIST SCUM!!!
Anonymous says
😂The only Holocaust coming is the Marxist DemonRat party 🔥😁.
Randy Roberts says
TDS= Trump Derangement Syndrone. There is a mental health facility not too far away from you. Just call them, they can help you.
Zack says
You people are all losers fighting back and forth about what party is better. Your comments or feelings won’t change anything in America. The only way you can have influence America is if you have power like Musk or Bezos. Unfortunately money and power can reshape a country. If not, prove me wrong. Just live your life and be happy. People will always hate other people over different political views, Unless you sit down and have dinner or a drink with each people from different parties without talking politics. Then the world is doomed. People can get along great untill they have different political beliefs. Which is sad. Government should have limited powers and let everyone live free.
jack says
Democrats are the most intolerant bunch of Fs i have ever seen… And not very bright either..
Nazi Killer says
republicans are strait up Nazis. No longer American. They are all traitors.
American says
Amen . only good commie is a dead commie
Jeff Hebb says
You would be the Racist and Traitor to our Country, and our Constitution!! That is the Fact with All Socialist Marxist democrats, and All their Corrupt socialist politicians…
Allan Cohen says
Agree and disagree their are enough no nothings on both sides and always will be.let every one speak and go on and lead by example.
Lou says
says a mouth breathing nazi. yeah, people will def listen to you. idiot deplorable.
Irish Mike says
First time on this site….this comment caught my eye. Very judgemental of you….you can’t just throw 50 percent of the country in one bucket and say they are intolerant Fucks and not very bright…that is just intellectually dishonest. Might you be a Trumper by chance?
Linda Carbone says
And you must be apart of the party of haters, aka democrats ? i honest to God almighty don’t understand why there’s so much anger hatred towards President Trump supporters ? it’s honest to God almighty sad very sad 😥
God Almighty says
Linda does not represent me. I’m a democrat (and fictional)
Shane says
Unfortunately the county is divided, there is no, and never will be this “ equality” that these leftist idiots keep screaming about. Some people are just better off than others, doesn’t mean I have to give someone half my stuff. Same with crime… which mostly perpetuated by blacks, doesn’t mean I’m a racist… it just a damn fact, just check the FBI stats or visit any prison in America;) as for politicians… they’re all crooks, I just think the Democrats are bigger crooks with no soul. And I believe we should bring back the guillotine ( with no basket) for political traitors!
Anonymous says
I hope we do have many more low life needy billionaires leeching off society in the future.
John Jameson says
Your right. The only problem is conservatives feel that way, while the leftist elite Marxist are hell bent on changing America from what you just wrote, to their way or no way which is to turn this great country into another police, marcist, socialist, communist regime. You cant sit down and converse with people like that. In the old days we had differences, but we all thought on the same line of freedom, capitaism, and America first, now its just tear down and rebuild America to their way of thinking, it just wont work. You have mainly one side of thinking small govt. and leave the people alone, and the other side, saying, lets dig in and rule people from cradle to grave, there is no moderate anymore. Sure in the public there’s a few, but in the upper elites and people that’s bought into it, there’s not. So how do you reconcile with people like that? You dont, if you believe in a constitutional, bill of rights, and they Don t anymore, you cant have a normal America first conversation with them. I wish we would get back to that, America first and true patriotism on both side, but Im afraid those days are gone.
kib says
This is an utterly circuitous argument, not to mention narcissistic as hell. What I’m reading: “this country is a great place For Me, and therefore the appropriate action and attitude From Everyone Else is defending that status quo.”
Really? That’s what everyone else should be striving for, to keep it great For You, even if making it slightly less great for you personally would benefit millions who don’t have it as good as you do, millions, or perhaps the entire earth? I can understand why you desire this, but how you could argue with a straight face that it’s the right, Godly and just course of action for all of humanity is beyond me.
Concerned US PATRIOT says
Our and I say OUR country is controlled by the BIG MACHINE. We as citizens have the right 2 express OUR OPINIONS. Unfortunately our thoughts and ideas r stiffened.
Raymond Wilder says
because the great way it is and has been is what allows you to even write the comment you just did. It wasn’t YOU that created this advantage nor was it your idealism .
Nolan Market says
What is an example of how a country turning socialist or communist has ended up benefiting millions of people, as you say it would?
The whole idea of taxing the rich to improve life for the poor only works for a short period of time, because the more you tax the rich, the less rich they become, and eventually there are no more rich people to tax. As they say: communism fails because eventually you run out of other people’s money.
It is okay for people do achieve incredible wealth, victory, success, and greatness. It doesn’t mean they are narcissists, it means they did something great.
I invite anybody who thinks socialism and communism are superior options to capitalism to take a look at a list of the most important inventions of the last couple of centuries and look at what country they were invented in. You will find that The United States is responsible for an incredibly vast majority of them.
EnterTheFray says
Are you rich? If not (I’m talking Billionaire rich, LOTS of billions :), than you should ask a billionaire. Try Warren Buffet. He disagrees with you very much. Don’t have the link handy, but it’s him, Charlie Munger (his partner) and Bill Gates discussing this very subject. I’m thinking they have a better handle on this than you and I.
Warren Buffett: “The haves, can afford to take care of the have nots.” HIS WORDS.> PBS interview.
Catherine Seven says
Entitlement. That’s how.
This shit is getting old says
At this point I hope they do divide the country. Look at how many liberals/progressives who have fled NY and CA because of the policies the extreme left has put in place that ruined the places they lived. Give these people exactly what they voted for and then don’t let them into states where people are realistic and know how to critically think before they make decisions so they can suffer the consequences for their arrogance and idiocracy.
Anonymous says
Very well said. I love to see them becarful of what they wish for next time.
To much has been surfaced for anyone to know there something in the woodshed.
I’m feeling very disgruntled how some of our government has been abel to Buffalo over half the peopel in USA. (THAT IS IF WE HAD A HONEST ELECTION) IS IT POSSIBLE? OR WAS IT POSSIBLE THAT OVER HALF THE PEOPLE IN US ARE THAT STUPID??
Ether way how did bidden ever become a candidate or was that the best Democrat party had? I think wow , whats the conspiracy or gole of this party? Also wiggles my mind about Poloski. I’m thinking her good ideas been long gone. Is it only control or power now days and NOT whats best for our Country and people in it?
I could not think decisions were made out of NOT whats best but from a grind or just to provok. Whith that said was opening border good idea? Had to know the problems it would create. Just that alone tells me something creeps in the night. Some if not most that is stacked in bidden Poloski and Clinton’s corner adds up to something the usa should be embarrassed of I’m sure of that. THE SWAMP is good fitting name.
For anyone that can’t see the picture thats posted ( Your part of it and may God have mercy on you)
Sad daY embarrassed day and corruption . Whats good punishment for a crime goes for all and should hold higher slandered for ones in government and even more so if crimes done in front of God and everyone. I ask how do we the people let soo much happen 😕.
Should of been niped as it become fishy . Clinton’s scandals seem to stick straight out to me and second place Polosky just amazed me and joe for president shows me to many only vote a PARTY and not for the best of all living things in USA .
Anonymous says
Absolulytry getting money away from the loud mouthed America hating movie stars atheletes and elitists to give to the poor. let them open their mansions and all their benefits to the have nots. would that make things even. maybe everyone would become mediocre. Would that make you happy??
Bettye June Ferland says
Nalduc says
There is only one solution for all the mayhem ; every last fucking Jew on this planet must be exterminated with extreme prejudice, no exceptions. Only then will this world know peace. Hitler was the bravest man who ever lived and the fucking Jews know it. It’s why they still smear him 85yrs later. It’s time we get this job done, NOW.
Buddy Joe the plumber says
Don’t forget about the phony Republicans like Mitch McConnell who hates Trump. Anyone who speaks out against Trump is evil!
John says
Yeah that Liz Henry is pretty evil for supporting the constitution rather than the wanna-be “dear leader.” Trump envies Kim Jong Un, MBS and Putin for their unrestricted power and freedom to imprison or kill anyone who disagrees with them. If only that was me, says Trump…. longing for his lost Presidential immunity from prosecution or even investigation.
Anonymous says
Liz Cheney…. For the record.
John says
Liz Cheney…. For the record.
Anonymous says
People around you are stuck with you for minutes. You stew in you poison 24/7 . The palliative of hate will never relieve your self-inflicted pain.
Rob says
Hitler is now doing more for Germany as fertilizer that he ever has when he was living and breathing. In life, Hitler was an effeminate pansy who lived a closeted gay lifestyle, masked only by a wicked bloodlust. He was a man’s man for sure, and a failed artist, which is why he hated the Jews. Only an antisemitic goose stepping moron would worship a guy like that. Thankfully he committed suicide before anyone else died at his command because I don’t believe that the brain syphilis would have killed him fast enough.
Anonymous says
Complete fagot
Bettye June Ferland says
Anonymous says
This is perhaps the sickest thing I have ever read.
John says
Where to start? Maybe by asking if this idiot ever met a leftist? I have an American flag flapping outside my house and never miss an election. And probably unlike the letter writer, I paid attention in middle school civics class. Hardly a hater of America.
Or why do I hate Trump? Because Trump is the embodiment of every bad thing you can say about this country and none of the many good things….. Trump is greedy, self-centered, lies constantly, belittles and disrespects everyone who doesn’t kiss his a$$, he is totally ignorant of American history and the notion of the common good. He is a tax dodger. He swindled people with Trump University and fake charities. He talks populism but delivers tax cuts to the super-rich and the court system to the extreme right. Also he tried to steal the 2020 election (and is still trying today) and tried to overthrow the vote befor and on Jan 6. On top of that Trump polished Putin’s nob for 4 years and longs to become an anti-democratic autocrat for life just like his Russian “top” Oh and let’s not forget how he weakened Ukraine at Putin’s behest and tried to break up NATO.
Or should I talk about the author’s ignorant view of the world? Democratic Socialism is not communism. Marxist-Leninist communism is on a par with right wing Naziism and fascism that Trump seems to support. That’s your real threat to America. Meanwhile Not one person has been exterminated, starved or imprisoned by Bernie Sanders and those who think like him the world over. Instead, places with a DS agenda have elections, capitalism, and sufficient taxation to take care of the needs of people that are I’ll served by capitalism:. Capitalism is great at delivering our wants, but sucks at delivering our needs: health care, housing, education, living wages. Vienna doesn’t have skyrocketing housing prices turning the middle and working classes into homeless people living in their cars. my home city in the USA does. Let’s quote Teddy Roosevelt’ (despite pricing that reflects the gold standard.): if your mom bakes a pie and can only sell it for a penny, which also is her cost, but the buyer then turns around and sells it for 10 cents and pockets the profits, is your Mom getting a square deal?
The gipper says
Ok Charlie manson
Jennifer Adams says
Is this ‘Naiduc’ a real person? If so, is (he?- just guessing) serious? If so, where is the outrage? I can’t believe anyone could spew these words with no (other than anonymous) objection. I thought there was freedom of religion in the US.’ There is obviously freedom to hate. Who IS this ‘Naiduc’?’ Just a troll? First they came for the socialists.
Richard MARX says
naiduc is par for the conservative course.
Bettye June Ferland says
Mike King says
As my brother used to say whenever he talked to morons like you, Er why?
P.S. If you really are just kidding then kudos because you really have me convinced that you are a psychopath that should be confined to a looney bin until you can manage to act sane long enough to trick someone into letting you out to walk around with our children.
EB says
Excuse me? Is this “doctor” Mengele. JEW for Jesus here and I’m proud enough to fight for it. Go back to your world over 100 years past now, we are moving FORWARD!! Hate is NOT our Race.
Bettye June Ferland says
HN says
Juden says
I’m sure this is just trolling, but incredibly I’ll-humored.
If not…ha! You can try, but you’re not going to get the results you’re hoping for there, buddy. Bring it on, we’ve gotten pretty damn good at whoopin ass. Haha!
Hitler was an idiot with charisma, who knew how speak to the masses and sway them. Antisemitism started long before because the Catholic Church denounced Jews, go figure the CC did something terrible to a group of people. Germany was in debt after getting beat in WW1. Nazi’s used antisemitism to gain property, businesses, and finances by stealing it from Jews. (Sounds familiar)
Juden says
I’m sure this is just trolling, but incredibly I’ll-humored.
If not…ha! You can try, but you’re not going to get the results you’re hoping for there, buddy. Bring it on, we’ve gotten pretty damn good at whoopin ass. Haha!
Hitler was an idiot with charisma, who knew how speak to the masses and sway them. Antisemitism started long before because the Catholic Church denounced Jews, go figure the CC did something terrible to a group of people. Germany was in debt after getting beat in WW1. Nazi’s used antisemitism to gain property, businesses, and finances by stealing it from Jews. (Sounds familiar)
Anonymous says
Zedrich Ederech says
I’m glad to see that there are more people who are aware of what is really going on with the world, and who is really controlling and running this turd show of a clown world.
Think critically, think logically, read between the lines, follow the money, questing the existence of fiat currency, central banking, debt and usury, seek out the truth that they so desperately try to censor and hide by using their overly abused victim cards…
…and you will see the Matrix for what it really is, and not for what it strives to look like.
Ariella Rosenberg says
Venezuela is an example of the first option, with American Conservatism promoted by Republicans and founded on Biblical/Christian principles resulting in what Venezuelans believe is the greatest country to have ever existed, as the entirety of the world clearly sees the contrasting truth which is that Biblically Political Venezuela is unable to outdo the Marxist, Socialist societies which they aim to outdo in the delusional, false belief that this will bring economy gain and global advantages. Their driving cause for devoting themselves to outdoing Marxism is due to their jealousy of Colombia’s inventive creations and success in business as well as jealousy of the Colombian/American alliance. Please change this for your own credibility, -otherwise your sincere, cutely naive and creative interest on this topic will be overlooked as inaccurate and irrelevant.-
Once again, the facts must be addressed which is that 1) you lost the fight regarding “superior ethics in immigration” when you lost the second term of Trump’s presidency and 2) Venezuela has become this way through the first concept, which is -creating an economy and society by following biblical, Christian principles- which should not be mixed with business, since numerous other religions are involved in American and international business and do not have the same beliefs regarding this stance on the Bible.
The vin Art says
I think is sort of what happening in India.
Keep updating.
Anonymous says
Def 😡
MS Collection says
It was indeed very depth research.
Looking forward to having more from you.
Keep updating.
Spaghetti says
Is it:
a. American Conservatism, promoted by Republicans and founded on Biblical/Christian principles that have resulted in the greatest country to have ever existed? Or,
b. Democratic Socialism? (the rest left out because what is described is not “democratic socialism” just socialism.)
It’s both. American Conservatism is conserving Democratic and Liberal principles.
Renny oko says
Fanaticism doesn’t end well ever. Snake oil charmers, Christian holyrollers ,ponzi schemers, all have one very unhappy ending, mass suicide, death, or jail. When a barker blows his whisltle and weak minded souls stand at attention, it is at best entertainment, if you are easily entertained . Just visit Cuba, Brazil, Russia, or the great Saudi Arabia . Hedge funds don’t like published news, Facebook led around by your eyes not a clear honest picture of real life, just BS. FANATICISM such as Jim Jones, David koresh ,Marshall apple white, Donald trump. If you bark they will follow. Believe you will be saved, give me your capital, and all your young beautiful youth to enjoy. In the end drink my special koolaid as I will not be man enough to stand before a federal magistrate without fear of penalty. Donald is a failure hoping vladimer Putin can help buy my way out of trouble, he’s my friend, maybe I can market the secret launch codes so he may forgive my massive debt. He is a friend of democracy just look at how happy all Russians are, it’s proof he is a great person like me. Here the SCOUS loves to exploit beautiful coworkers,classmates,and yes money, it’s the lubricant that’s keeps the world turning. Faniticism love it or hate it, I can’t hear a dog whistle, all my neighbors share in lo tax liability or near no tax , I do like it and it was so nice to get a check from Donald for stemulation, they asked what I was to buy, I said 12 bottles of hi grade bourbon from Kentucky. Then they asked for a donation to support but I was out of stem cash. I pass on the right, sorry renny
Richard says
At this time in America it doesn’t matter about the last president look what’s happening right now with the current president. I can’t even look at this man when he’s on TV because he makes no sense when he speaks and how he is still in office I have no idea my guess is that he’s a puppet for another country that has taken over us and we just haven’t got that good news yet. But my point is we the American people can fix this if we the American people come together as the populace of this country with all the documents in hand from our forefathers and tell them people to get the hell out of the White House and Congress. We have gone backwards for 2 years and I’ve watched stuff on TV that has just left me speechless. I personally am a trump fan but that’s beside the point he’s not in office anymore and we know that was staged no way he lost that election bet my life on it. But all the mad souls in here complaining about our country we need to step back and realize we put those people in power and we can take them out of power but it takes all of us at one time not one group tearing up statues and cities and not one group storming the White House we need one group of everyone.
Adam says
You have been brainwashed in yoir echo chamber. Every law enforcement agency, every court in the country, thousands of local Republicans in charge of elections, and even the Trump campaign itself all know that Trump lost fair and square. That’s why Trump had to bring in crazies like Giuliani and Sidney Powell to bring forth his insane lawsuits. And both have subsequently lost their law licenses for pushing clearly false claims.
In America we still go by the rule of law. That means that just bc your candidate got beaten like a drum and managed to lose the White House, Senate, and House in only 4 years, you don’t get to just kick the current guy out of office for no reason. BTW, Trump was also the first President since Herbert Hoover to lose jobs while in office. Look it up if you don’t believe me.
The country is in a considerably better place than it was 11 months ago before Biden took over. Unemployment has been cut in half to 4.2 percent. Stock market at all time record highs. Wages rising faster than anytime in 50 years. Economic growth nearly double Trump’s best. After all, Trump and Obama were the only two Presidents in the past 90 years that never exceeded 3 percent annualized GDP growth. You can look that up too if you don’t believe me. It’s easy to find.
It’s interesting you talk about the forefathers and their documents while at the same time openly calling for a coup and completely disregarding the Constitution. You don’t get to cling to the Constitution if you don’t support it. It may fool the ignorant among us, but any intelligent person will see right through it.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
EnterTheFray says
What these people cannot fathom (NitWit45 supporters) is what a pure criminal this guy is. He’s been one his entire life, and everyone in NYC knows it (HIS hometown), hence why only 9% voted for him in 2020, in the city.
I can understand their bewilderment at Biden getting 81 million votes, but that’s because they don’t realize the hatred for Commissar Conjob is so deep, many of us would have voted for Biden if he had a grand mal seizure and a stroke on election night. Did I want Biden? No. I can’t stand Kamala Harris, who is a complete phony. But a rotten tomato would have been better than Drumpf. Jan 6th is proof of what some of us knew (and said) all along. He WASN’T going peacefully. We gave a demented sociopath the highest reins of power. This won’t end well short of a full confession from Captain Chaos, maybe! I don’t see that happening anytime soon.
Renny oko says
Gerald boyum, what a special ostrich, is his mind a republicant is opposed to tax’s for corporations, schools have an exemption. He lives in a dream world that I may be a socialist. I not so sure, my long term income is tax deferred ,I like well built super hiways, and no I do not like Facebook,Twitter, Chinese products,or Russian politics. The supremes love money, John Roberts proves this on every vote, politics is absolutely corrupt in America greed not work towards a better America. I’ll address the they all wanna live in America, well that is easy, the corruption,crime,and nothing to eat,no job to get to is their most obvious reason, just look at the new arrived Dominican Republic citizens, they want to work for amazon,Pepsi and learn English but not required to do so, the Catholic Church advocates for their arrival, I think the flawed men need new victims to squirt on in um dunno know, just know they do not go to prison for crimes against children, like say BOY SCOUTS AMERICA, too many counselors need want the same thing as priests, now they claim to be cured from their flawed deceptions. Trust them with young female children they say, they promis they will um be better. Stop every one that believes,stand on your head for three minutes and send me a pic. Men are flawed, power men are more flawed, politic men most flawed. Yes I know it’s not a perfect world, all I can do is be a better person while I’m counting my money, do you think dumb Donald thinks about his credit report, or his beautiful daughter, I do know sweet joe Biden assisted his hunter into a great no show board job at a foreign business, any one that says different is just stupid. America is broken, congress is hobbled with no honor, any one that says my side is RIGHT and your side is greedy is very stupid, ok Gerald I’m on the fence and you are out of bounds right field, lost be well Renny
Renny oko says
Please all wait one, I hate no one, but Donald is builder and never honors contract obligations, leans on friendly well compensated judges to assist his weak financial position. Also I do no like stupid people. All men are flawed,period, no honor exists In Washington DC legislators do not write laws, that is performed by special interest lobbyists, period. Congress does vote or defer. The Pelosi Clinton Schumer team brought to life the worst non presidential person into office. Women are flawed as well, me too as an ole man. The team of Nixon,bush,Dulles,hunt,Rodriguez ,and the whole republican machine to assassinate the sitting us president for his anti war stance on Cuba. And federal justice did not prosecute anyone. And our us government fixed a public campagne to build confusion and conspiracy by telling mafia,Cubans and others did the murder, the Nixon bush,Dulles men were the employers bush trained rodriguez and gave citizenship then he did killing DEA camarena agent for attempt to interrupt drug shipments from South America That were profit for republicans bush,Nixon and many others. MURDER WILL OUT, AND No justice for killing a powerful man .by their successful shit, brought American presidents Nixon,bush,Clinton,bush,Johnson, all war monger profiteers , all of Americans can be shamed due to stupidity, today I see stupid people that allow a smart phone make a driver look very stupid, and this is true. We Americans were duped so some very corrupt men could become wealthy, much like Jeb bush was suppose to carry the republicant torch as a very corrupt bush president also to hold off disclosures of his corrupt fathers participation in the murder of JFK. I know I know all you self servers believe in conspiracy,or the dog ate the pictures, research laws passed since 1964 to put cia,fbi,secret service,military machines under congress control. Look how the police attack peaceful protected speech, they shoot non lethal rounds at peoples heads, which is illegal according to manufacture. Be well all stay safe and survival of the fittest, don’t wear masks,or safe distancing, you know more then me. See you in the funny papers Renny
The vin Art says
Thanks for sharing on triump and lefts………..
Keep sharing!
Dewayne says
Why is Biden still president he has trashed everything and thoughs hoo dont believe it you are all fools
GW says
Biden should step down altogether since he is destroying our America very fast. Trump never would’ve never ever let this happen at all.
Patricia says
It was a related discussion. Keep updating.
Alex DeLarge says
A recent Dept of Education survey revealed that 54 percent of Americans read and function intellectually at a sixth grade or lower level. In the 2020 election, 74 million Americans voted for Trump.
Need more be said?
leslie landberg says
Well, you certainly proved you are among those who don’t understand critical thinking. Your statement contained four or five logical fallacies. Quite impressive for one little sentence.
Anonymous says
Factually accurate Information Trump supporter,kryptonite. Trump is a traitor
GW says
And you’re a real total loser altogether. You fool.
Anonymous says
AWW still screaming and spewing hate from 2016 boo hoo. Biden and the fools who voted for him are extreme haters with no other agenda because they have no capacity to think of anything useful
Holder ziggler says
Ember months are here again, the Illuminati always give out bonuses at this particular time of the season
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Every members must be welcome with at least a million to 6 million dollars after successful being a permanent member.
Anonymous says
Factually accurate Information Trump supporter,kryptonite. Trump is a traitor you can’t
Michael Anders says
I think your a great journoist”s not reading all! Don”t give up!! And believe in what you are!
I’m a terrible writer. I think we have enough to make movie?…We should do it
Phil Ces says
Thank God for what he’s using Dr Eziza to do in various lives which my marriage is inclusive, thank you for coming to my aid. Contact this man of power on ezizaoguntemple@gmail. com or WhatsApp him on +2347059218195
Skye Alexander says
This was nothing but nonsense.
American conservatism has led to civil rights violations, more struggling and poverty than a wealthy nation should have any concept of, and pushes economic Darwinism along with a rich elite that have done nothing but taken from the middle class and especially the poor for generations. If their ideology had been guiding us through the Great Depression, we would not be the prosperous nation we are today. Conservative economics has always led to disaster for the majority. Trump did fail, trying first to claim COVID was a hoax and then doing everything he could to get people to become anti-mask and then anti-vaccine. He then started an insurrection (albeit indirectly). He should be in prison for treason!
What was stated about Democratic Socialism was absolutely 100% lies. First off, socialism has not been responsible for a hundred million murders. People pretending to be may have been responsible, but one read of the actual works of Marx will result in one thing only: the knowledge that Marx is spinning in his grave at the idea of nations like Venezuela, China, or the USSR being called Socialist or Communist in any way. As for godless, good! Religion has caused more suffering and strife than literally anything else in history and set the entire species back 1000 years back when the “Church” first formed by destroying much of the gathered knowledge of the time. This caused the Dark Ages, which didn’t end until Pagan and Muslim invaders from without interrupted their little Catholic fantasy and the Protestants took them to task for authoritarianism. Religion still tries to oppress the LGBT and women! Several European countries have things that Americans would consider Socialist, and they are all doing better than the United States! All lies by Capitalists who want to keep the poor even poorer (hence why there are things like income limits for disability recipients and forced spend-downs on inheritances if disabled, along with hundreds of others of Conservative cost-cutting measures that outright cause poverty on a massive scale. You see all those homeless? Conservative politics is entirely to blame!
I wish there was a law requiring all journalism to be fact-based… and no more editorials or opinions allowed. If you have an opinion, put it in a blog, it does not belong with legitimate press. I would do anything for a change to the Constitution that forbid lies, and another that applied the Constitution to everyone in America.
Anonymous says
That was a post full of fiction
Anonymous says
Fiction indeed, and without any fact based examples to support it’s literary structure. They run around screaming fire, fire when in fact there is no fire. This methodology incites a panic driven response, they never even bother to verify the actual existence of a fire.. They’re reasoning is simply this, well, it sure could have started on fire, all it needed was fuel and a match and someone to strike the match.
Anonymous says
Nitwits united!
Bill says
This person makes my case..All democrats are. just like Jesus said, remember they hated me before they hated you.
kyle says
ANd Yes Socialism does work. Europe is doing better than we are while everything the USSR did we do here! Disability income limits and forfced spend downs and opposition to hate crimes laws and equal rights legislation prove that Jesus is a lie and America is evil!
And yes, I would leave if I had the chance
Anonymous says
I did leave. I couldn’t take it anymore. You’re on point Kyle.
Dean Sturkie says
Your post is full of fiction from start to finish.
Anonymous says
We’ve had 10 months to prove Socialism doesn’t work, and we’ve accomplished that task, thanks to the current administration.
Jp says
The proof is in our face. A party has to lie to survive. Examples you need
1 under trump day one republicans first action was to remove ethics guidelines regarding donors and political contributions. Day 1
2 the one big piece of legislation republicans passed this is what it did.
– the Republican tax cuts they said was great for America
Allowed Jeff bezos to pay no income or federal taxes the last three years.
– took 2 trillion in federal revenue , gave 1.8 trillion to the top 1.2%
– added over trumps term 8 trillion to the national debt ( even with stock records )
– allowed the top 65 out of the top 100 richest companies pay no federal taxes
– with new and old loopholes top 1% paid a effective rate of 6%
3 even with emails ,recorded phone calls , testimony showing the only fraud in the 2020 election came from republicans
– passing laws by lying about crimes ( I thought was illegal)
– passing laws to allow governors to over turn elections on a whim
– passing laws targeting a political party or rigging the future elections
4 how many republicans appointed by trump had criminal investigation open on them under by trumps own IGs , 35 , had over 135 criminal referrals , that Jeff sessions and willam Barr decided not to look into.
– used justice department to spy on seating members of the senate ,and their families, with no evidence of anything.
I skimmed the surface , this info came from IG reports and public reporting.
It takes seconds to debunk republicans, that’s why they flood you with propaganda, they know you’ll just believe them if they can make the other party look like demons.
That’s why today republicans get death threats for signing bills to help their own constituents. Cause fox and republicans paint people as demons why would you work with them , republicans created trump. Frankenstein was murdered by his monster.
Andrew says
Socialism is simply communism with the absence of terror.
Anonymous says
Wrong, they have and do incite terror. Without terror they wouldn’t have anything to base their reported claim on. The cities that burn, the law enforcement that are killed by their followers, and they justify it with their false baseless reports.
Anonymous says
baseless? I have a slightly important question: are you serious? lmao
Anonymous says
So sad to hear your perception of Socialism, Communism as being anything good in our beloved Country….And even defeating the purposes of the Church and of God…. If we cannot uphold peace and love for one another and law and order, then please go to another country and leave us alone…
Guest says
Right on.
Yusuf says
You know you talked about the Democrat Parry, right?
Yusuf says
You know you talked about the Democrat Party, right?
Citizen says
Last time I checked the Democratic Party was America’s oldest relic of slavery which also fathered Jim Crow and modernized racism.
Better to be homeless, poor, and free than lie in collectivized mass grave. Since genocide always seems to be the cure for homelessness and poverty under socialized equality.
I wish there was a law that outlawed socialism as a crime against humanity along with central planned authority of any kind, so the disease of socialism would never again infect the human race with stupidity.
It’s sad to once again see the human race fall for the stupidity and delusions socialism.
Especially when all the things the collectivized hate were fathered by their own diseased ideology.
Yes Stalin and Mao did use the works of Marx to implement totalitarian rule and mass murder.
Do you think these monsters didn’t read the vomit Marx spewed on paper?
They much like anyone else with common sense saw how easily one could weaponize Marxism into totalitarian rule.
The moment one concentrates the power needed to implement the Marxist ideology it sets the stage for a dictatorship.
Marxist will never be anything more than a failure fueled by delusion.
Socialism is fools bait selling free and fair delusions at cost of freedom and Liberty in the name of sugar coated totalitarianism.
Socialism is a disease and Marx should have been burned at the stake for his collectivized lies which have done absolutely nothing but lead to state sanctioned murder and misery for all but those in power.
I wish the constitution would have been amended to outlaw Marxism. Honestly I hope the collectivized get their way in the end.
So when it all comes crashing down all of them can taste the bitterness and misery of their own ideological equality.
By the way,
Trump is socialist not a capitalist and cronyism isn’t capitalism its Lemon Socialism.
All the things that socialist hate were fathered by their own diseased ideology.
Good things will never come from concentrating the authority of government to rule over all aspects of life beyond the realm of government.
Warren says
I like your tone of voice Skye you look good on the inside and the outside. I must inform you though
As The great Mark Twain once put it. It is harder to prove to a fool that he is one then to tell him so do not impede people slow like evolving some people evolve in a day others could take a million years I believe in carrying my own load and I am not looking for popularity I will leave that to the Oprah’s. And the religious media harlots as it is said “He’ll is paved with preachers skulls”. sincerely
Anonymous says
Well said satan
Adirondack Beard says
#Triggered much? Stop living under the rock. How come the liberals and lefts are always the worst when it comes down to respecting other’s point if view? Why simple mention of our ex president makes you go apeshit ( pardon my French, but this is what it really looks like)? Not a single country in the world exists currently, not to mention, prospers, based on ideals that you preach. Not even a tiny one. So, please, kindly, take your propaganda elsewhere. Thank you very much in advance.
P.S.: how come news agencies that publish Trump hating articles don’t have any comments section on their pages? Just saying
Spork says
Spot on. Conservatives regularly conflate opinions for facts. Almost nothing on Fox is factual at night. It’s almost ALL opinions and anti-news nonsense. They should take the word NEWS out of their title as it’s the opposite of News. Its now mostly all (Provable) propaganda.
Sarah says
Adam says
Weird. For some reason, when I read this all I could hear was “Waaaaaaahhhh!” Wonder why?
Pete says
Probably because you’re not capable of critical thought.
Michael Byrd=Hero,Babbit=DeadSlut says
Conservatives = The enemy within who will destroy America.
Katherine says
Absolutely ridiculous. Why don’t you just go get the vaccination and stop stewing over it? If people had taken an illiterate’s attitude about vaccinations back in the 1950’s, we’d still have polio, smallpox, and whooping cough, just to name a few. Weirdest bunch of illiterate fools I have ever seen.
Michael says
Another living in a utopia bubble.
Melinda Mills says
Why do you feel like it is your duty to force people to do what you want them to do ? If you have natural immunity it’s better than the vaccine and that is the science. So far it’s a year but it hasn’t been long enough to know exactly how long yet . This will take time and your not God and your probably not even a Dr or scientist . My right doesn’t end where your feelings begin. How would you feel if you were forced to get a vaccine that doesn’t protect you but for a few months and it kills your kid or significant other? It would feel like people like you killed them and they would be right
Beverly Pinkston says
MMills you are right on the money ! You are smart as a whip !!
Quinn George says
This will take time and your not God and your probably not even a Dr or scientist . : it’s you’re, not your lol
forced to get a vaccine that doesn’t protect you but for a few months and it kills your kid or significant other? : it wouldn’t kill your kid/significant other because it’s been tested a lot, and unless you’re getting your kid to have an incorrect dosage (but literally how) or are giving them a booster or something too early (your fault though? or theirs?) then they won’t die. And even for a few months of protection it’s worth it. believe me
Brother Michael says
Oh yes, God is the only solution. He gave us an immune system that adapts to the environment. Yes, you’re gonna see loss of life by trusting in God, but the end game or in the long run, by mandating vaccination on otherwise healthy humans results in a society filled with altered weakened immune systems, not to mention the possible precursor to the “mark of the beast. Also of note, the vaccines are developed by the use of cadavers, some of which are from aborted babies. But even so, the bible is a freedom based idioligy which gives every soul the right to choose, which is an entitlement given by our God. But the left insist we shouldn’t have the right to choose, because we don’t know what’s best for ourselves. And even if our choice leads to our own personal loss, or legally deficit, it’s still our free right to choose. The prisons are filled with souls that made a choice, as wrong as it may have been, they still made the choice, one that came with consequences.
I am a Holy Ghost filled, baptized in Jesus name saint of God. This above statement is yet another choice they are attempting to strip us of. At the onset of the covid-19 pandemic has given the left a way to control our choice to worship in our chosen house of God. Lock the doors, no one allowed in without masks, limited attendance, restricted to those who have proof of vaccination. They will have their reward waiting for them, as will all who conform to and follow the world rather than God. They use fear to attain followers, when in fact God instructs us to fear nothing except His wrath. There are eternal Consequences for the choices we Freely to make.
Anonymous says
Unfortunately there are risks in a free society and sometimes death is a consequence from the stupid decisions of others. You can live in a bubble and hope others protect (like the government) you or you can be free and take measures to protect yourself. I choose freedom and take my chances rather than have someone else’s ideas shoved down my throat.
benita says
******COVID CRISIS******
*****TAKE THE VAX……******
—- ITS A FLU—-
…”” WHATS IN IT..””
“””ENUF..IS ENUF…!!!”””
Anonymous says
Well said
Anonymous says
Really a good job by trump. First and only pres to be impact 2 in the history of the USA. Not just impeach 2 but in the same term. What a really lower. Most corrupt and worst pres ever#
Anonymous says
We all come from different life experiences and face different issues both which influence the choices we make. Yet somewhere along the way it has become acceptable to some to name call or label people negatively for having different beliefs. I can’t imagine where we will be in ten years if we don’t wake up as a society
regina says
I so agree with you. It’s a constant fight with everyone among political parties. Who’s right and who’s wrong, We should respect the right for others opinions, just as we are given the right to have ours. I call it . Agree to disagree. My truth is what I believe, and other’s truth is what they believe. People’s truth can change over time if open-minded. God’s truth never changes. I sure am grateful that were are all different. That’s what make each individual special. I mean, can you think what it would be if we all thought and acted the same way? ROBOTS lol
Anonymous says
I got the Jab ,however you or I dont know the long term effects of it an the shots they are giving now ARE GIVING PEOPLE THE COVID !!!!!!!
Jim Stein says
You are the illiterate fool….A good percentage of vaccinated people are still dying from covid (check stats in UK)…you sound just like a “progressive”….keep drinking the koolade that they are serving up…that way you never have to think for yourself
Matt Stilwell says
Maybe stop being such a worthless, nazi coward…
Rick Lynch says
You realize it takes approximately 10 years to develop, test, and finally release to the public a safe, reliable vaccine, don’t you? The polio vaccine you mention took researchers nearly 20 years to make safe and effective, the flu, fifteen years. Why don’t just worry about yourself? You have every right to commit your health to the lab-rat cohort, but no right to compel other to do so.
Connie says
U r the fool. Back in the day when we were young u had vaccinations that were created by mostly good people that was not overcome by greed and money. U look at how many vaccines there were then now look at how many there are now. U have so much greed and the love of money now they don’t care what they do to people. These vaccines r made to kill the people within 3 to 5 years. If u have cancer it makes the cancer worse and eventually u die. Then the doctors say u died from the cancer and it cannot be traced to the vaccine. U need to research and not believe the government. U r a big fool if u think these people will not lie to u. Even doctors r paid to lie to u. Research Research
Anonymous says
you’re an intolerant person and the hate in your message fails to deliver the most important point, that people should take the vaccine. hard to motivate people to do something when you act that way. you ought to reconsider your approach.
Mick says
The left hates Trump because Trump himself, is a leftist hypocrite who completely, utterly, and openly reflects the lefts own totalitarian/authoritarian ideologies in all of their intolerant racist big government loving denials and delusions.
Nothing infuriates the left more than being forced to acknowledge reality.
Tump, like the rest of the Republican Party, are just a bunch of would be Democrat Lemon Socialist selling the con of a limited government that’s only limited to serving their own goddamned greedy wants at the expense of all but their goddamned own.
Just like Ronald The Republican Fraud Reagan.
There was absolutely nothing about the Trump administration that ever reflected a limited government.
It was all the same old Reaganist wealth tax cuts, robbing the poor to make the rich even richer. Lest not forget the classic un-conservative cons like stealing public welfare, giving corporate welfare, pretending it’s capitalism, and claiming success.
The Democratic and Republican Party are just different sides of the same coin.
A different stink, same pile of shit.
Asses+Elephants = 1%Party.
If the nation had any sense at all it would throw the both parties from the steps of government instead of blindly recycling a bunch of long failed false choices.
The nation’s going to collapse under the weight of its own bureaucratic shit and laws of ignorances because the country can’t stop recycling two of the biggest piles of political shit in American history..
Both ideologies are a hollow disease upon citizen, country, and constitution.
leslie landberg says
This is brilliant. What political ideology to you ascribe to , I wonder? Anyway, kudos and thanks. You are 100% on target.
Anonymous says
Grow up. Snowflake
Anonymous says
God is a very evil filthy scumbag himself for making these liberals destroying Our America now. What in the world is up with that anyway? Everything that Trump really did was very excellent, and once Biden came in which he is doing everything the opposite of what Trump did. And now they keep letting them cross the boarder which we will never ever be able to have this very horrible Virus under control. If Trump was still President which this would had never ever happened, and the wall would had very easily been completed as well.
Anonymous says
Absolutely true
Anonymous says
Are you kidding?
Anonymous says
How could you possibly say that about the very God Who made you and keeps your ungrateful, petty and rotting self in existence? It isn’t God’s fault that ridiculous and nonsensical people have gone down their own sinful path in life. No one was born a a raging liberal; no one was born a democrat, or republican. No one was born hating or loving Donald Trump. No one was born supporting or protesting anything. It is each man’s choice what he becomes in his life. You are who you are because of your decisions and choices. I hope that someday you come to your senses.
Anonymous says
The other guy was very right on the money that God is a filthy low life piece of shit scumbag for letting these low life loser liberals destroy our America, and a real God would’ve stopped these bozo’s already since things are getting much worse with each passing day. Let me see now you morons, higher gas taxes, the boarder is out of control since they keep coming in by the thousands, American’s are still in Afghan and can’t get out, and Biden is destroying us altogether with his very horrible policies. Not to mention that this very horrible virus will never go away since they keep letting these illegals coming in and spreading this virus everywhere across the United States. Wake up and smell the coffee.
Anonymous says
yea right the covid19 happened on trumps watch everyone eles is paying what his inafective leadership because it was all about him
Anyonymous says
I’m a strong Christain, born and raised. But I am Liberal. Trump encouraged r*ape, made sexist, racist, and ableist comments, and embarrassed our country. He is the only president to have been impeached twice. Trump was the one that didn’t take covid seriously enough in the first place and let it spread.
Anonnimhmouse says
Yes, he did. He didn’t want to cause a panic and blatantly lied and admitted on tape to Woodward that he lied. A few hundred thousand who let emotions rule all their actions going crazy with panic for a few months or 700,000 dead. Gee, I wonder which most people would choose. Now when Trump does say the truth about covid people say he is just pretending or that the leftist terrorists ‘got to him’. When Colin Powell who was 84 and dying of cancer also had covid is your only real ‘evidence’ that vaccines are useless, we as a nation are in serious trouble.
Anonymous says
People that voted for trump wither thought they would benefit from him BEING president OR they have alot in common and missing COMPLETELY trumps BEHAVIOR, liying,sexist ,how he treats vetrans,disable,refusing the TRUTH when it is the TRUTH…MAKING UP LIES, THIS GUY SHOULDN’T OF EVER BE IN BUSINESS …LET ALONE …president….we would of been better of with a grade schooler …he did have a lot of street SLEAZYNESS to minipulate or blackmail colleagues…
Anonymous says
Ummmm u living under a rock. Trump was all for veterans. He gave the army a pay raise and gave all veterans private health care if must be because no veteran should be denied Healthcare for serving our county. They now go to top of list of your a veteran. You brainwashed by left wing media idiot. Try researching its not hard at all
Anonymous says
Donald Trump gets nothing except for being off the k k k and a lot of hatred in people that’s why he was voted out Donald Trump didn’t say nothing about the cover curse he lied to everybody he’s still lying about the he was voted out good reason he brought out and every hatred group there was including the k k k
Anonymous says
Such an u educated idiot. Wow
Grim Reaper says
And communist bastige Biden would have resulted in fewer deaths, right DumDum2? Because everyone knows a virus behaves differently depending on who is the president. You people are idiots. Now you’ve elected an alzheimer patient controlled by communist bastiges that are intentionally destroying our once great nation – turning it into a 3rd world shiphole. You sacks of ship are going to get your comeuppance and that will be a great day.
MDB says
Riggggght…cause “causing a panic” would be far worse than denying that there was an emergent pademic on the rise and doing everything in his power to stop it’s spread…and thus preventing the deaths over 1 million people in the US alone….never mind that whole thing where lied through his teeth about there being a pandemic at all and then when that didn’t wash…..offering “COVID cures” that not only didn’t cure COVID but could kill you if taken for the wrong reason…that he and his friends “coincidentally” held stock in…..
cat fish says
hahahahahahahaha wow your so far off.
Michael says
Another living in a utopia bubble. Impeached by wacky Dems with nothing but lies. Robert Mullers report showed no Russia collusion.
Yep not a peep from pudding eaten Biden
1) covers his son who media said laptop was Russia disinformation, which was later proved it was legitiment yet not a peep from Biden.
2) Hillary Clinton paid for a dossier of lies and passed them to FBI and DOJ as truthful nothing happened to her.
3) She destroyed emails that were under Congressional Subpoena.
4) She cried about the election was stolen from her for 2.5 years.
Then when Trump has suspicions and feels it was really stolen from him it is a threat to our democracy.
You people keep living in your bubble of utopia and one day it will POP and then you can come live in the real world with the rest of us.
Anonymous says
You need to stop spreading lies about Trump. The left made up lies about Trump and you should as a Christian pray for our Country.
Anonymous says
Grow up
Mindy says
He wasn’t impeached twice because it was proven Hillary put all of the Russian Hoax into play . It’s been proven and the F.B.I was in on it because they wanted her to win they have stricts and the lover text messages where they spoke back and forth on the plan to get rid of him and called Trump supporters dirty,poor ,retards that don’t deserve to vote. I didn’t vote that year but it pissed me off that so many Democrats felt like this the left claims to be good caring people but they are the furthest thing from it. The second time was easy to prove because it’s all on a transcript he was accused by someone who wasn’t even in the room and had no knowledge of what he said on the call. They started impeachment before even asking him for the transcript or asking the president of the Ukraine what was said it was easily disproven. Jan sixth impeachment was bogus because he was saying to fight like hell in court then go to the capital to cheer on the good Congress men and women and they would go together. Maxcine waters told people to get confortaional if they didn’t get the verdict they wanted for Floyd . They bailed out rioters and one of them that Kamala bailed out killed people after being let out. Hillary Clinton was on tape laughing at the fact that she got a rapist off because she tore down the victim and admitted she knew he was guilty and was laughing and proud of it.. Trump never said anything about raping people the media was good about doctoring tape and even tried to play one of the speech for January 6 didn’t work because they had the hole speech and played it. I find it rediculious that Democrats can’t see through the evil of most of the left and some on the right but majority of the evil Hippocrates are on the Democrats side. People who had friends and loved ones held as prisoners in other hostile countries some where captured some tried to preach Christianity in places like Korea they went to Trump for help and unlike other presidents who turned their back on Americans and left them behind he did whatever it took and got them out. He also started a program to get out some prisoners that was in for life because of drugs due to Biden and his 94 bill that had shown good and redeemed behavior. He called and meet with victims of all kinds of stuff to see how he could help and also made the boarder safe and threw special ceremonies for new immigrants getting green cards. He hand wrote letters to every family of a dead service members family and made each one different than called to see if they needed anything . Democrats make him out to be monsterous but does all of that sound like how the media made him out to be? I see through them they are the true evil.
Unknown says
You are very sick!!!!!
Matt Stilwell says
How did Trump encourage rape ? What ableist comments ?
Grim Reaper says
OK DumDum if you say so.
Anonymous says
Democrats are all in changing America to something else and that is complete control of everything. They dont even hide it really. They want no more freedoms for Americans. We are going to get what we voted for complete chaos. Prices on everything is going to go up not a little but a lot. Gas will be all time high. Food will be shortages. Who knows about jobs and a lot more worse stuff for Americans. I bet Democrat voters would still vote for him today. Tell me why
NoneYaBusiness says
Yeah, you’re such a “strong Christian” (sarcasm). Is that why you support Mark of the Beast Joe Biden? Turn off CNN or Washington Post, sheepie.
Lorelei says
Strong liberal Christian? Sorry, but no. You can’t be both. Liberals support, even encourage abortion. They think abortion up until birth is quite alright. Murder is a sin. The brutal murder of an unborn child is unthinkable. Stop calling yourself a Christian.
Anonymous says
What about biden releasing all the Mexicans and Afghans into the United States that have not been vaccinated dumb ass
Ahmet insel says
You are a liar, An anti-American, anti-white, neo-fascist democratic scum. You are not a Christian. You are a traitor.
David Delia says
Stop looking at CNN your getting brainwashed just like the rest of this country, voting for a senile bastard to run this country because of their selfish needs without thinking about the country as a whole which is presently causing its demise. Logic has to be dominant when voting for a person and a political party to run this country. Burning peoples property, attacking the police and those in authority because of their hatred taught by the communist infiltrated schools and colleges. Wanting to defund the police who risk their lives everyday to protect the people against those who would commit crimes against them. Democratic run states not enforcing the law but enabling instead to cause innocent people to be harmed and killed. Having no bail so the bastards who commit crimes can continue their destruction and harm to the people. Poisoning the minds of our youth and creating hatred amongst one another which for years the people of this country tried to correct which has succeeded to some degree only to have these Marxist communist bastards to try to reverse all that by their hatred and lies making those that live here hate this country and its founders. Promoting evils of the past to be repeated. Look at Venezuela, look at Cuba, look at Russia during Stalin’s regime and look at China spreading this deadly virus to this country intentionality causing thousands of deaths in this country and the world who is now creating havoc in the world because of their evil communist agenda to conquer the world. No one is perfect but logic must prevail along with our freedoms!
Sonya says
Did you read what you wrote before you posted it?? First you blame GOD, who is NOT responsible for our failures as human beings, filled with SIN and GREED. Then you told us what we already know about both presidents. You might want to start off by blaming our education system too, who actually gives children who are learning how to SPELL, points even if they spell the word WRONG, just so long as they get a few of the letters right in the word correct! In MY BOOK, if you get ONE LETTER WRONG, you FAIL on that word completely and you do NOT get any points This is called the dumbing down of America and the socialist agenda likes this VERY MUCH because knowledge is POWER, and when they take away POWER, they can RULE over you.
Michael says
That os what the schools jave produced, not scholars but what we call snowflakes. Pampered so the feelings ain’t hurt. Everyone gets a trophy at the playoff . What incentive does that give a kid to work harder as a team to win next year. NONE, we created another team of snowflakes. God knows these type people are going to have a hard time in life.
Thomas R Romano says
The bible is a thousands of years old and should have nothing to do with modern political leanings. Please stop insulting God.
PermReader says
Less words,more thoughts would be preferable!
Kevin says
Can you provide a well-reasoned and reliable methodology for establishing belief that your deity even exists?
How does one go about believing what you believe? Because the fantastical and outlandish tales to be found in Scripture certainly don’t make it any easier or enticing.
Bruce says
God is also your fantasy, a superstition born of fear you inherited from your parents.
Anonymous says
Thank you Sonya
Anonymous says
Anonymous says
Spot on
D-Nice says
You sound a little misguided. The election has nothing to do with Covid. People who did not want to stand in voting lines risking the chance of catching Covid voted by mail in their State if allowed. Trump wanted all counting of votes to be completed on Nov. 3, just counting people who voted in person that day. That’s not how elections work. He won in 2016 after mail-in ballots were counted and Hillary conceded 3 days later when that process was over. In 2020 Louis DeJoy, a Trump supporter was made postmaster general and he fouled up the post office so that mail-in ballots did not make it to destinations well after it should.
The rogue news people you speak of are who exactly? FoxNews, OAN, Newsmax, NY Post, Infowars? January 6 we saw sedition against America and none of those “NEWS” organizations have called out those individuals that committed treason. Just because your candidate didn’t win does not allow you to storm the US Capitol building during a closed session and force your candidate of choice into the Presidency. Those seditionist defiled the Capitol building and stole government files and Democrat’s personal items from their offices and no Republican office was ransacked? You can’t have a “normal tourist day” during strict Covid protocall build being invoked, closing it to the public during a closed session of Congress. The seated President can’t just walk into the Capitol building uninvited by Congress. Not a single seated President has ever sat in during that closed process in just receiving the electoral college votes.
Rob says
I noticed that you didn’t mention ABC, NBC, MSNBC, or CNN in your list of rogue news organizations. Is that because the news media sources that you mentioned are no less biased than that I mentioned? You can’t claim to be a free thinking individual if you’re going to let the “news media” do your thinking for you. That goes for anyone who listening to CNN ,newsmax, fox ,MSNBC ,or whatever propagandists you prefer to pollute your mind with. You have to question everything that you hear. We don’t have news organizations, we have cheerleaders who are politicized ideologues. We are not informed ,we are indoctrinated sheep, and we are told only what they want us to know. To believe otherwise is foolish and naive. Why do you think that we only have 2 dominating political parties that will ever be in power? Yes ,we have the libertarian party and the green party but a 3rd party candidate will never get into the white house as president.
Christine Kendall says
American Christianity doesn’t really follow the teachings of Jesus. It empowers greed and hypocrisy, which Jesus repeatedly spoke against, and eschews humility and love, which Jesus promoted and exemplified throughout His ministry. The “dumbing down of America” mentioned above happens when our schools are not allowed to include truth and critical thinking in their curriculum. When using the Bible to promote one’s political agenda, please remember what Jesus Himself said was the most important commandment, and then go and do likewise. I will try to do the same.
Biff Henderson says
You are the dumbing down of America. You do the work of the oppressor under the guise of righteousness, but in the end you are just buying lies and selling your soul. Wake up, fool, before it’s too late.
Anonymous says
Tom says
I really don’t believe that you are not in a mental institution. If you are not, you should be. People that support Trump, an evil man, that is a fascist racist that planned and attacked our own government. An all white gang of thugs killed 3 policemen and injured 130 capital policemen.This was planned by Trump and Steve Bannon and other Nazis that are causing a 2nd civil war. You say liberals are ruining America. Are you that stupid? A wall was so stupid. Trump said Mexico would pay for the wall. Mexico laughed at him and they should. Unless you are a native American or “Indians” as people like you would call them, you are here because your ancestors were allowed into this country, but now you want no foreigners to be allowed into our country. You are in a cult that is just a way for Trump and his minions to steal trillions of dollars and sell, out our country. Please go and see a phsyciatrist.
Olad says
How dare you say that. We are talking God the Supernatural Omnipotent Being
Anonymous says
tRump spent the first 2 years of his presidency dismantling the branch of our CDC that was in place to prevent the United States from the devastation of a global pandemic!! The Obama administration saved us from THREE GLOBAL PANDEMICS in the years of Obama’s presidency!! In the seven days and the World Health Organization warned tRump to take action to protect the USA from COVID-19, tRump NEGLECTED TO ALERT Senators and Governors of the growing threat to our country and instead, WENT GOLFING SIX TIMES!!! What kind of ineptitude do you have to have, not to see that tRump was not qualified to be the President of the United States?? tRump LITERALLY TOLD US that he FUCKING LIED to our citizens about how DEADLY and CONTAGIOUS COVID-19 is!! He then went on to SPREAD FALSE INFORMATION about masks and other protection measures that would have helped minimize the spread! He allowed COVID-19 to burn through our country and put people out of business!! tRump is responsible for the DESTRUCTION OF OUR ECONOMY and he’s responsible for nearly a MILLION LIVES LOST IN LESS THAN 2 YEARS!! GET EDUCATED! ASSHAT!!! You make yourself look like a damn fool!
Anonymous says
everyone in my family and friends have all abandoned me cuz i am a trump supporter i stand by my principals and beliefs and i hate biden with a passion and i have not gotten vax yet. what should i do
anonymous #2
Spock says
Anything that helps people they will call Socialism that is a paraphrase from Harry Truman and “they” are Republicans somethings never change. If Trump is your hero you are fucked up. He is only a so called conservative because it is the handle he is currently using to serve his own ends., He is only concerned with himself and always has been. He will glom onto anything that serves his vanity and that is simply it in a nutshell.
He is an empty individual, a vulgar,crude, dense and unread knuckle dragger.
He is cunning not smart and flattery will get you everywhere with the likes of him.
That is why authoritarians like Putin can wrap him around their finger.
Just a Putz not a President
Curtis Perfect says
Anonymous says
Donald Trump was voted out is a mini Putin want to be she can say whatever he wants to it’s all bulshit life
Facts are facts says
Evil will always exist and in our time it is the fascist left elite.
Anonymous says
This coming from a right wing abrahamic Nazi you know it was your God that created Hitler and it’s your God that created the second the 4th regime for a Nazi punk that couldn’t care about you he couldn’t even hold the Bible right the dumbass looked at the Sun during the solar eclipse I mean how bright can you Donald j Trump be
Anonymous says
Really a good job by trump. First and only pres to be impact 2 in the history of the USA. Not just impeach 2 but in the same term. What a really lower. Most corrupt and worst pres ever#
Neighbor says
What a great article, common sense about the evils of socialism and the core conservative values which made this country the greatest of all time- all the arguing about Trump just goes to show the blind hatred for one individual can’t take away from the common good… no matter your religion political preference.. formally have to look at history to see what is worked and what hasn’t to foresee for future….
Michael says
Why do honest men and women of good will dislike trump: It is because he is neither honest nor a man of good will. Both conservaties and progressive people know that the waste of 4 years at a critIcal time in history has dearly cost us all. Devouring future generations to keep trump in cheap suits is bad politics and poor judgment. THE PENALTY for treason….
Anonymous says
WWake up
Border children
Higher prices
And sooooooooo much more, open your eyes
Anonymous says
Tom Romano says
“True”? Wow you sound like a child. Go play in your sandbox and let educated people make the decisions.
Melinda M Mills says
They say by the end of the year there will easily be 2.3 million illegal immigrants here . They have been peeing in bags but nothing from the kids in Obama cages people say anything like a.o.c . Why would any person that loves the country go from energy independent to energy dependent in the first week of being president. everything he’s done has benefited Russia and china the two countries that pay his son and whoever the big guy is . They confirmed the laptop was his like we thought it was someone else who followed hunter around taking pictures of him smoking crack and being naked with his scared looking niece on the bed .
Anonymous says
Awe… is the dumb redneck afraid ? 😱
Anonymous says
Thank you
Grim Reaper says
There is no waking slime like Michael above. Leftists ACTUALLY believe that if a man says he is a woman, that he ACTUALLY IS a woman. That is the definition of insanity. You cannot reason with them and you cannot wake them with reason.
Paul Blake says
And so we have a booby prize for a president. He could not get hired by 7-11 to sweep-up because he could not be trusted without someone to keep track of him, DUH! You need to see a psych doctor for Trump-Derangement Syndrome, because you have a classic case of it!
Anonnimhmouse says
Yet people like you keep screaming bout civil war and killing and exiling all the liberals and progressives because a guy who screamed 7 months before the election that he would only lose if they cheated (more than him as the only fake votes found by conservative auditors are trump votes, hm) brainwashed you into believing him, and donating to a man who brags about being a billionaire all your money to help him prove fraud while not spending a dime on proving said fraud and making taxpayers pay for all his audits. We elected Biden because he’s the shiniest (and actually Christian as shown by his actual recorded actions as opposed to trump who thinks all Christians are simply gullible idiots who will give him all their money and votes if he blabbers about how bad abortion is, even though in Numbers chapter 5 Moses is given a ritual by god to make adulterous wives become infertile and have miscarriages but I still believe it is wrong yet I won’t treat women as slaves to stop them from doing it as Jesus will judge them and unborn children will be taken care of by the lord regardless) of two turds because your orange one has always been and will be a greedy shyster until he gives account to Jesus of his actions. But yes, people who think Trump isn’t a saintly messiah are deranged. Whatever you say, bud.
Anonymous says
Creepy Joe
Maggie says
You are more deranged than him. Listen Linda, he was able to lower the gasoline price down to less than $2 a gallon? You idiot! Now, do you like paying over $3 a gallon for the gas because you voted for an idiot president that’s been in politics for almost 50 years and did not do nothing for Americans? What’s your argument about?
Anyonymous says
Thank you, Michael! You’re exactly right! He was an embarrassment to our country as he encouraged r*ape and made so many sexist and racist comments. There’s a reason he’s the only president to be impeached twice.
The truth says
What planet do you live on. The ones that impeached and made up and spread lies all over the internet was the Democrats and they are the problem. If you believe the lies on the news and the Democrats maybe I can sell you a Bridge.
Marty says
This is an absurd lie. Trump was making America great and quality of life was rising. Where’s your quality now ignorant trash.
Anonymous says
This is not just a political war it is a spiritual one as well people have to decide, do I stand with satan and the ones who think it is ok to kill a child after a woman carries it for nine months and decides she doesn’t want it and they kill it or do you stand with god and the ones that think you should cherish life god gave us and protect innocent baby’s it’s not a hard choice which do you stand with
Tyler says
If you hate trump and suffer from TDS (trump derangement syndrome) then you are most likley a narcissist, you hate president Trump because you can’t stand for someone to be in power who is not placating to your garbage ideologies….
Michael says
Oh yea everyone would rather
1) pay 40% more on food,
2) pay $5.00 a gal of gas,
3) pay 40% more on energy to heat our homes
4) taking less money home to give our kid to go see a game Friday night.
5) or to buy clothes for our kids
6) Oh yea, break a century long United States ethical and tradition of leave no American behind
7) instead of spending billions on our own natural citizens that are currently homeless on the streets in tents and place them in housing for a second chance in like.
8) Democrates spend billions on illegal immagrant with our open borders
People like you are all an embarrassment to the USA. You have no values, no ehtics, no morals, and no respect to other Black, Asian, Latino, Whites or any other race that live among us as neighbors.
Trump had his bad side but he has been the only POTUS that actually helped middle class, lowest unemployment rate for Black’s Latino, and women in history
Melinda Mills says
If he did something why is it I ask everyone to list what he did bad and I get no answer yet when they ask what good things he did I can list so many things to prove he was a good man not by words which means nothing but by actions . Unlike the dictator that is in office now he doesn’t leave Americans behind he fought to get them out of other countries and did. I could write a book on the gross negligence of Bidens actions but I have asked countless times for someone to tell me what he did that was so bad and all I get is he just is or there’s so much I can’t remember. Bidens done a lot and I can remember especially since I have to deal with it every day when I go to the store or get gas. Energy independent vs getting everything from China. As usual Americans are last again
Anonymous says
Joe Biden currently is enforcing policy that undermines Americans. The likelihood that the progressives green new deal will turn the tide of climate change is slim to none. Face it out destiny here is doomed. Especially with greedy self centered foolish leadership. Progressives plan to save the world will only break the back of America. And if you like that idea consider That without the stabilizing good of America in our world the world will revert to chaos with China leading us to Hell. Good luck!
Jeff says
Good solid Thinking!!!!!
Thomas Romano` says
Donald Trump was given over a half a trillion dollars by his father, a racist. Trump lost all of that money plus a lot more., He is trying to be a dictator. He wants only wealthy white people to be able to vote and not pay taxes. A civil war has already started in the USA, which is what trump wanted.Civilized people will fight back because they are true patriots. People like you actually believe the election was stolen, without 1 ounce of proof. Every time you try and say that a certain state did something wrong, not 1 time was it ever proven, in fact all audits have shown that President Biden won by more. Rabid dogs are put down and all idiots that still support the treasonous nazi are more dangerous than rabid dogs.Do not think for a minute that libedral patriots will fight for our country.
Linda says
MDB says
Socialism is what allows for Police Departments, our Military, Fire Departments, and our Public Schools to exist. Socialism is literally what built the Middle Class, and saved us from The Great Depression.
It’s no wonder every single time The Right/Conservatives get in power they literally wreak everything and make all of our lives worse off….and then go on to blame Progressives/Liberals who have been proven right every…single…time for not cleaning up their perpetual eff-ups fast enough.
Anonymous says
Biff Henderson says
Evils of socialism? You don’t have the faintest understanding of socialism, which is why you have no real argument against it. You are a brainwashed fool who can only assign words like evil to thing you lack either the will or intellect to comprehend. There is no blind hatred for Trump, there is eyes-wide-open recognition of a con-man pulling the wool over the eyes of suckers like you.
JAMES says
To everyone who desires to join the Illuminati organization, Joining the illuminati is free and there is no human sacrifics or side effect, it’s totally free, anyone asking you to pay any money is a fraudsters. Be careful with such people! Don’t lose your hard earned money to fraudsters especially this period, a lot of desperate people are out there looking for ways to survive. Just tread with caution, money is hard to get! to join the Illuminati, kindly call or WhatsApp me with this number +13238147898 or email You will receive a confirmation Message from the Illuminati confirming your registration. once that is done, you will be receiving Message ge from the Illuminati, kindly read the messages and be Patient! Don’t be in too much haste! this is one reason why some of you keep being scammed, because you’re in a haste to getting there. Patient is a virtue, be patient!
QATard says
I feel dumber for having read this nonsense. Thanks, anti-intellectual Qanon morons.
Church says
You came here. You conquered… absolutely nothing. Very intelligent yourself apparently. Obviously no recollection of history either because either: 1. True history has never been taught to you? And/or: 2. You care not to research a thing and would rather be fed by the establishment like a good sheep? Us real Americans are trying to give you a better feed here. If it’s not to your taste, move on or move out. Starting your little name calling sissy war won’t make you far. You can Trust that news. So I’d suggest you go tard on your own or get your BlueCrew band together. We know where you stand and you best hope your roots are strong. Because you will be up-ended. PS… BLUEanon was last year grandpa Frosty.
Jade says
What was that word salad supposed to be? Did you have a stroke Church, or did your phone? Wow. That explains you voting for Trump and falling for hid cons.
Tyler says
If you voted for Joe Biden you may need psychiatric help. You voted for the worst president in US history because Trump is living in your brain rent free. The man served this country well and I appreciate his constant bullying of the elitist left, their propoganda machine, and calling out hypocrites in the swamp.
You are an authoritarian loser, you think you have the right to tell people how to think, you are the reason we have a second amendment.
Tom Romano says
“True”? Wow you sound like a child. Go play in your sandbox and let educated people make the decisions.
Biff Henderson says
Here’s some news for you, fake American, anti-patriotic, pseudo-history believing turd stain on the fabric of this country. The history you claim to know is the whitewashed American lie, taught to, and believed by, bleating fools like you who desperately want to keep your head buried in the sand. Stop being a little crybaby weakling victim coward, pull up your big-boy or big-girl pants, and try to accept reality. P.S. Your grammar is trash.
Kevin W Thornton says
It fits wear it
Kate says
Anonymous says
LOL, well put
JC says
Republicans like Gerald J. Boyum just throw shit around hoping it sticks somewhere!
Anonymous says
You are a fool.
Adam says
Your statement is literally, shit thrown hoping it sticks somewhere?
Don says
JC, go to China. We don’t want or need you here. Get out hater!
Frank says
LOL! True.
Anonymous says
You’re in a cult.
Anonymous says
Why everyone a cult
Bella says
If you Look up Envy, a deadly sin you might see a picture of Joe Biden. He’s telling President Trump and #TrumpTrain basically that he was in politics for over 50 years, got nothing done, an outsider comes in and Crushes it❗️He’s so GREEN he dismantled everything good. He can kick Rocks❗️
Jade says
Trump literally spent 4 years stealing from every single place he could, then conned you all out of money for his “lawyer fees for the stolen election”. His lawyers went to court and actually said “We are not saying the election is fraudulent”. Then of course he doesn’t pay his lawyers. So, where is that money??? Y’all just keep cherring while he calls you stupid.
Tyler says
Seek help.
TDS is a real problem in our country and is now treated by psychologists and psychiatrists as a dangerous mental disorder.
If you need help finding a therapist you can PM me.
Biff Henderson says
Crushes what? If you’re complaining about Joe Biden not getting anything done in 50 years, how are you then celebrating Trump for turning back policy in America by 50 years? Trump not only accomplished nothing, he unaccomplished more than anyone else. Also, Biden is so moderate it’s annoying, so calling him GREEN shows how much you’ve been suckered. Let’s get someone really GREEN in and build an economy based on new technology to make us competitive in the ACTUAL WORLD instead of someone trying to take us back to the 1970s and let China and the rest of the world continue to run away from us.
Nancy says
Anyone who supports this Con is in a Cult!
Orange man actually stated “On every news network” that what occurred on January 6th happened on January 3rd” and this was straight the liar’s mouth!
These cultist’s keep quoting nonsense from the Bible! Stop with your hypocrisy, open your eyes and more so……try reading something intelligent!!!!
Mattie says
I agree Anyone who states he or she likes Trump is a big scammer.
Frederick Dunn says
My mother always told me that profanity is a sign of ignorance. I think your post has just proved her point. You’re the typical leftist always wanting to change America into something our founders never intended it to be. You should find a new place to live – preferably away from the United States.
Rose says
Hmmmm have you ever read Trumps comments or heard the things he she’s said about people. There is nothing in Christianity faith that says it’s ok to name call or grab a women by her p____, And how many times has he been married. Abs what does the Bible say about doing to the”least of these” or those in need or your enemies. Or lying. Just the fact of making a general statement saying the left hate America is wrong.. I never liked Trump prior to his run for President. And look into who he admires.
Anonymous says
Love you comments ❤️
Jim Stein says
Amen brother….Trump was never impeached, and you certainly can’t get impeached twice. I really don’t understand the hatred over common sense. Biden has never been relevant…and he certainly isn’t now. He is involved in a crime syndicate with Hunter and his brother Jim. He is a liar, a plaguerist, totally lacking in character as his crime family has exploited their influence to enrich themselves. A journalist is publishing The Laptop From Hell which was Hunter’s and it is extremely incriminating. The liberals have done a masterful job of brainwashing college kids and so many others to hate America and adopt some crazy idealized utopia. I’ll take one Trump over a thousand Bidens. Think for yourself and vet everything this administration says.
Jim Stein says
My post was for Frederick Dunn’s post, nothing after that
Anonymous says
Amen to that
mommy says
brainwashed FOOLS , that is what they want you to buy into and its all magically paid for yep paid for , to CONTROL you morons! God is Real , the liars and thieves want you to believe them , that sadly makes all the money spent on your education a sad story to your parents! The Devil wants you to Hate and DEVIDE, you are being PLAYED dumb Dumb smart asses , you just think you are smarter than your parents cause you bought the lie Yet it is at a huge price geniuses, the Devil wants you DEAD! Seek TRUTH, Choo
se LOVE , wake up before it is too darn Late for you to have a quality life , it is all disappearing and sadly looks like many are buying what is behind the smoke and mirrors , it is going to take young ones to speak TRUTH TO THE LIE! Good LUCK , Teach your children well , apparently , no pun intended we FAILED! Sick and SAD!BE WELL Beauties , learn about your creator, not much time left!
Miles says
I’m a socialist so no matter what I say your all gonna blindly hate me without any knowledge of what I’m talking about or my points, but if you on this lady’s side, you probably made an error in your judgment
Tyler says
We do not hate socialists, we hate was socialists stand for.
We do not want the government mandating or creating laws that will prohibit speech.
We do not want our constitutional rights infringed on.
You believe the opposite and it is concerning.
You think people should lose their jobs for not sticking a needle in their arm.
You think people should speak how YOU want them to speak.
You stand for chaos, you stand for the swamp, you stand for China.
Anonymous says
Please show me anywhere on this hunk of dirt called Earth that socialism works.
michelle says
Young generation has alot to learn. who are you people Democrates are the racial . every Racial law has passed it’s been the democrates liberals what ever call. plus they are with kkk. Every Scare on American blame the Democrates. Democrates gave there Soul to the eveil. Sold out America to make there foreigners buddies. rich. True Americans don’t like goverement. we don’t do free handouts. your crazy if rhink take care of you. will leave you homeless. This virus is all about money. everyone wants to come to our beautiful countey start there dreams and have freedom. China wants to rule the world they don’t give up.If you don’t
America get up
move to china.You will be there slave.and
you want be able to speak your mind. I hope you believe in God because you will need it. T his will be the young generation.
mommy says
tried 2 times to leave a comment seriously only accepting comments “approved ” what a sad JOKE!
You can’t leave a comment if th”THJEY don’t “agree” JOKE! this is a joke forum!
Anyone says
Rob says
Judging by the sheer quantity of hateful and bigoted comments here I seriously doubt that anything is being censored. Your comments are showing up just fine. says
you are not interested in truth or others opinions , makes what you say irrelevant , thanks for wasting out time!
You are a legend in your own mind , congrats!
Ed Schnertzmann says
Wow, liberal much, you just proved the point. You must be a stupid ignorant lil piece of shit pal. Would love have this dialogue in face to face fashion.
What makes you pathetic, is you can’t have discussion based on facts. Probably that, and as well you have few real friends or worth. You have no idea if what it is to be American. If you believe in the Lefts ideas and where they headed, you will never find it.
Anonymous says
Blindly spewing hatred-filled rhetoric while making sweeping assumptions; could it possibly be that you’re a Trump supporter? It would be generous to call your writing structure “rambling” and you fail to provide any concluding statements.
Zero points, see me after class.
Biff Henderson says
LOL, you are so dumb it’s almost implausible. Sure you’d like to have the conversation face to face, you violent, stupid coward. You don’t have the brains so you want to solve things with fists. I’ll tell you something, I guarantee you’d come out of a tangle with me even stupider than you started. You crybaby conservative anti-patriots have none of the facts and all of the dumb.
Whyyyyyyy???? says
Look what that idiot is doing to the States , to all of us you dumbass!!! Trump is the only one that did a damn thing to make sure our economy was good !!! Trump , Trump , Trump you people are just unbelievable what a nightmare this has been 🤦🏻♀️😫 It’s scary to even think about what’s going to happen to our WORLD
Anonymous says
Whyyyyyyy, You really nailed it.
Anonymous says
Is there anyone out there that likes Pelosi ? Anyone!
tina says
The joy in my heart right now makes me want to tell everyone about the solution temple how he was able reunite both of us back together again with his reunion love spell permanently. His direct contact to reach him through his email https:// solution-temple.webnode. com get in contact with him and I strongly believe he will reunite your broken relationship just like mine, thanks…. Tina
Anonymous says
How is this relevant?!!
Anonymous says
I agree
Anonymous says
Qanon, right wing, anti-vaxxers, anti-maskers are all the same, they are riff raff that failed grade 2 and they are holding the country hostage with their constant nonsense. If we are lucky darwin will act swiftly.
Adam says
Funny you throw out all of these buzzwords like anti-vaxxers (I’m not anti-vax; I’ve actually had far more vaccines than you have or probably ever will; I served in the army and had everything they’ve given civilians since the 60’s plus smallpox and anthrax; but I won’t get this hastily done production they are calling a vaccine, why, because its STUPID to vaccinate against something that has a 0.01% morbidity rate, and much more likely to give me life threatening side effects, that’s why!) but its very clear you don’t really care what the truth is, your goal is to try to undercut validity by calling names. I find that most far LEFTISTS are the ones that are generally low education (or at least act like it!). Maybe you should educate yourself outside of the literal crap that the mainstream media tells you. They’ve been successfully lying to you since before 1980. Oh, I’ve got two masters degrees, btw…
And its funny you’ll say “if we are lucky darwin will act swiftly” – darwin was a man, dead now. So unless you’re merely saying hopefully the dumb are struck down, it sounds an awful lot like you’re waiting for the savior to reach down and strike down the “dumbs” and that savior you’ve dubbed darwin. I thought all of you didn’t believe in a higher power? Crazy.
Maybe post a few more words next time. Anyone can do what you did.
Radical, socialist, communist, extremist, anti-american, neo-facists….
Mike says
Right on Adam,
It is truly sad how the left has indoctrinated their sheep into believing the gutless crap ideologand disease called liberalism.
JR Andersen says
I believe most of you are missing the point on why Trump is now GONE. He is a very sick man (God help him) and as one who voted Republican most of our lives, we will NOT stoop to his lying, conning, racist, women hating crap and demoralizing the disabled just to name a few of his nasty ways. FYI Obama left him with HUGE increasing job numbers so please do educate yourselves, and why are Republicans refusing vaccine when it was PUSHED THROUGH AND TRUMP BRAGGED AND BRAGGED AND BRAGGED about it. I am not an anti-vaxxer but DO all my OWN research before health decisions. There should be be no left or right, only intelligent voters who research FACTS. Not too many folks particularly wanted Biden, Trump was GREAT at one one thing: dividing this great free country and making it ALL ABOUT HIMSELF, not the people. No sheep here, just disappointed in AMERICANS……
Biff Henderson says
If you had two Master’s degrees you couldn’t possibly be this stupid. You don’t even understand the meaning of the words you throw around. You are a toxic joke and everyone around you knows it.
Anonymous says
Another leftist with hopes of death to others
-Come and get some big boy.
God forbid you try to go after a patriot.
I hope you at least have the mental prowess to avoid a physical confrontation.
For God and for Country….
A patriot says
They will never come after you in public.
The amount of pussy ass maniac libs I have had to put in their place this year is overwhelming.
I have begged these idiots to hit me, try and beat me into submission and see what happens.
We have a long road ahead but we need to continue to stand our ground for freedom.
youarenotapatriot says
Patriot, HA. That word has become tainted since Fox “News” co-opted it and sold the lie that it’s synonymous with conservaturdism. Patriotism requires sacrifice for the good of your fellow American, not lip service to some fantasy of an idealized America that has never really existed. You shit-stain “patriot” cowards are all talk and no action, just like your loser president. God forbid your dumb mouth gets you in a real situation where you had to back up your empty threats, turd.
Common sense Libertarian says
Lol dude, before spewing nonsense about the 2nd grade – YOU should probably consider retaking it. But I agree with you in one regard – hopefully darwinism will react swiftly & remove the mental disease that is liberalism. Its funny you mention Darwinism too – the left is completely against nature taking its “natural” course – best man/woman for the job. Nope, you’re more interested in checking a box because of identity politics, which has obviously corrupted the Democratic party. Republicans are the party of Lincoln – & democrats wont stand for that bc its the truth – so Liberals are more interested in congratulating & promoting people for the color of their skin & being a minority..not for being better at their craft & the person who has EARNED the job. They’ll take any measure to cover up their true beleifs. As a black/Hispanic, i would find this disgusting & is a slap in the face to any educated American.. Democrats are low key racist and they won’t admit it..serious mental gymnastics going on over there – they think they’re “fighting the good fight”. No, you’re racists and hold this idea that black & Hispanic minorities aren’t smart enough to figure out life in America without handouts from the left. Seriously, please reflect on this and come up with an original thought. You’ve fallen in line with everything the Marxist left is trying to accomplish while the tyrant Joe Biden is in office. I cant stand either party anymore but the flagrant abuse from the left makes it hard not to speak out about how corrupt they truly here i am defending Republicans – not because I agree with everything they stand for because I don’t, but because defending truth is always the right thing to do. This brings me to another lefty fake news narrative – the leftist media said Trump was a dictator? I do not recall Trump ever mandating anything at the citizen level. Biden has in very short order though. Again, please think about these hypocrisies.
Biden is senile & cannot remember what he had for breakfast by lunchtime…but democrats are the masters of failing upwards..I’ve gotta give it them for that. I wasnt a huge Trump fan & can’t stand most Republicans anymore – they’re weak willed & it seems like a large percentage are undercover democrats..aka Rhinos. But Trump spoke the hard truths that democrats don’t want to acknowledge. Im sorry but facts do not care about your feelings.. Trump commanded the respect of foreign leaders. There were hardly any foreign conflicts for 4 years.. in less than a year, look at what has happened in the middle east with Biden at the helm. As for China, Biden would rather allow communist China free reign on the world, spreading a disease that 99% of people quickly recover from.
As for anti-vaxxers, again, you need to rethink what you’ve posted. Most Americans are not anti-vaccine, they’re anti BS & being told what’s right for them and how they need to live their lives. I can go on & on about this topic. Democrats want pure control of every aspect in your life.. theres no denying this anymore. Although this will be very hard to overcome as the media continues to perpetuate lies and control the narrative. The hypocrisy of the left is startling.
Why are so many vaccinated people contracting covid still? Liberal answer: because of conservatives, plain & simple, They verify everything and are pointing out our fallacies so we must lie to take control of the narrative at all costs.
I’ll take a COVID vaccination as soon as big pharma develops a new one that actually works….which brings me to another lefty hypocrisy. Weren’t democrats up in arms only a few years ago about big pharma and how out of control they’ve become? Now liberals want the government to give them insane amounts of cash for a vaccine thats not as effective as it should be? Whatever happened to their stance against big pharma? Libs blow with the wind. No honor, no trust, no real leadership- just power hungry crazies.
Church says
A human of Valor you are common sense libertarian. I commend you. Words of wisdom.
srsly says
Common sense my ass. This is all logical fallacy and conclusion jumping. If you’re as smart as you think you are, you should try reading what you wrote with a critical eye. You are incredibly biased and appear to have no idea.
Coan says
The vast majority of those unvaccinated in the south are black democrats. So, your “Darwin” comment is both filled with hate and racist.
William jones says
No one is more racist than the democratic left,they play the race card every hand!!!!
Anonymous says
The democratic left are real demons to begin with.
stoptryingsohard says
This is not actually true. This is something that’s being repeated over and over, but I looked at the CDC numbers and, though black vaccination numbers lag behind white, the lag is single digits almost everywhere.
Frank says
LOL! True.
Charles S Baker says
Since you’re calling ppl “Anti-Vaxxers” is it pretty safe to assume that you are vaccinated? I double dipped.. I had a positive COVID-19 test a year ago and I was vaccinated a couple months back. My question is.. Why are you threatened by someone who poses no threat to you? For years I’ve heard left leaning citizens call those on the right fascists and called President Trump a dictator. Now the leftists in the media their base are blaming the right for being unvaccinated yet 12 and under make up a large portion of the 80+ Million un-vaxxed. Next largest group is under 40 Women of Color. Last I checked that demographic more often than not vote Dem. And President Biden is dictating how American Citizens live their lives. If you can’t see the problem with that then You are part of that same problem.
Bob Muske says
TRUMP belongs in PRISON! he is SO hitler=esque it is NOT FUNNY! he ABUSED the presidential privilege and LIED to the public on EVERY SCORE! The BIG LIE is only the one HE MADE UP! He DESPISES anyone that disagrees with him! he disallows SUPPORT for MICHIGAN GOVERNOR WHITMER cuz he HATES her! GLOBAL WARMING is REAL! we have TONS of BAD WEATHER everywhere! We have RISING SEA LEVELS and melting ice TRUMP bought his way into the WHITE HOUSE and then started ABUSING his privileges! He stopped CONGRESS a few times! He DISGUISED himself as an AMERICAN while shutting down MAIL IN BALLOTS to KEEP his powers! He scoped out MT.RUSHMORE to put his VISAGE on a MOUNTAIN! He is NO roosevelt! He has BLOATED sense of self worth and had CONTROL of NUCLEAR WEAPONS! he nearly got us into WAR with KOREA! He is NOT my kind of PRESIDENT! And EVERYONE is AWARE of his misdeeds and WRONG doings while in the driver seat! He belongs in s NURSING HOME at his age and NOT as a sitting president! WE NEED FRESH blood that is NOT prejudiced! TRUMP is LOADED with HATRED for most humans! He UNDID all the GOOD THINGS OBAMA did and claimed OBAMA’S accomplishments as his OWN! He is a RECKLESS person and I have ZERO respect for him or his FAMILY! I HOPE he gets JAIL TIME ASAP! To show the WORLD that we do NOT tolerate AUTOCRATS abusing democratic principles! caps! GREENLAND is SHRINKING and NAPLES is DROWNING in WATER!I WANT TO SUE TRUMP for MILLIONS as he literally INTERFERES with my sense of SANITY and WELL BEING< just by BEING HIMSELF and sending me NEGATIVE PROPAGANDA to my eMail on YAHOO and using TWITTER as a way of UNDERMINING the reputations of others in charge! he is a SPOLIED BRAT of a person not GETTING HIS WAY! CHILDISH and SELF CENTERED>>IGNORING the WILL of the PEOPLE>> HE HAD his chance and he BLEW IT UP ruining our DEMOCRACY and baling OTHERS for the consequences! HE DOES BELONG in PRISON! I can HARDLY WAIT for JUSTICe to stepin!. Even NATURE has rebelled against him! A LARGE portion of the WALL< was DESTROYED by a HUGE HURRICANE! There was NO WARRANTY on it either!LOL! THAT is JUSTICE to me! BYE TRUMP! I am SO GLAD you got FIRED! MORON that you are! BYE AGAIN! IT was REMDESVIR that SAVED TRUMP and NOT hydroxychloroquine! HE charged us CITIZENS somehow for a PRICEY PARADE to whos off our STRENGTH< MILLIONS to repair his GOLF COURSES And we ALL know he tried to TWIST the GEORGIA governor into making up VOTES for hi to WIN! A SPOILED BRAT and INFERIOR human being, I HOPE he gets what HE REALLY DESERVES! GLAD you’re FIRED!
Scholmo says
Cope and seethe
Rob says
Dream on. This left wing dream always turns into a nightmare. How many people are crashing China,N. Korea, Cuba, Venezuela wanting to create a better life there?
joe blow says
You drank too much of the koolaid knucklehead
Seen enough says
No Darwin…. Lol you people make me literally sick. The idiot you elected handed billions of dollars in our weapons to a terrorist group who took over Afghanistan, oh, did I say handed he got punked. Then next week he’ll puppet out about gun control…. Wtf?? Are you really this stupid? Masks? Anti vaxxers? Do you see what’s happening? Oh wait that’s right you don’t? You understand that all these supposed to get wing elite are all getting filthy rich off all of you? It’s called spin…. It’s all Hollywood it’s not real. You get that right? Look at what happens when faced with real life situations, they crumble. I never thought I would see the day when I would be ready to separate this country. But I can’t take much more of the petty whining, defense of the cowardice act that took place in Afghanistan, the constant accusations of racism, when the very accusation itself is promoting a racist agenda. I keep thinking you liberals are smart enough to see what will happen if you keep poking the bear with a stick. But you aren’t. People died because of your ignorance. Not sure if it’s possible but I hope someday you can see that just because they tell you the square peg is round it the reality is it won’t fit in the round hole. By your own man or woman. And do it quick before you idiots ruin this country.
Richard Hewitt says
Jesus is our only savior We have the right to make personal decisions about our body not the government
Tom Schulte says
Hi Richard! Always nice to meet another pro-choice citizen!
Anonymous says
God and Jesus are both filthy no good pieces of shit scumbags for letting this happen to begin with, since they do have the power to stop all of this which they won’t.
Fred Dunn says
And you’re an ignorant, uninformed, individual typical of the left. A hater of capitalism and every single beautiful principle upon which our country was founded. Always trying to change our great nation into something our founders never intended it to be.
Freedom Fighter says
Funny, we thing anti freedom, narcissistic, face diaper, can’t understand Elementry science about viruses people like you will meet the same fate.
Anonymous says
Anonymous says
You are godless riff raff who will soon find out more about survival of the fit
SB says
It’s called, freedom of choice.
Rick says
Thank god(oops probably offended you there) we have super brains like yours hanging around in a coffee shop somewhere policing everyone’s speech. We are all safer and better off their coffee is good. You type your battles there and the rest of us will actually do the things that allow you to believe you’re more important than you are.
Ed Schnertzmann says
Ignirant much? You need to see who’s actually not vaxed. As for education? You might find that the rural red states kids do best in school. I don’t know how you people can just run with these stupid ideas. It’s like you by all in in the stupidity, on the non existent stereotypes. Grow up. Get a life, and make your own way, stop worrying about why others are better than you and how they got there.
John says
Right, along with the 800,000 babies abort every year. Because lives don’t matter.
James Moutoux says
WRONG! we are the truly awake ones we don’t buy into the lies of the democrats and the globalist controlled corporate owned main stream media. we research the facts diligently, we put the available information together to weigh out the facts glean the truth and make informed decisions. you on the other hand have been brainwashed by your television, all the commercialism and fake news that you have been spoon fed has greatly hindered your ability to use critical thinking and common sense. You don’t state actual facts learned from data, statistics, and information that’s out there if you use your brain and spend some time researching the information for yourself. Instead you turn on your television, Radio or connected device and repeat the narrative that is being fed to you over and over again until you accept it as truth. your not an educated person with a truly informed opinion. Your walking billboard for the Leftist globalist Narrative Like MONKEY HEAR MONKEY DO MONKEY REPEAT MONKY THINK. your a trained pet.
Church says
I’ll be your Darwin my sweet cheeks. Seems you may need to get back to 2nd Grade yourself with that punctuation and/or lack thereof darling. Darwin was a man and a name… Deserves capitalization. Hopefully you can learn something from a useless, right-leaning, anti-masker, Liberty-minded American white man. As small a gesture as it is. My gift to you.
Richard Hewitt says
Jesus is our only savior
Anonymous says
Who says I want reunion.
Sue says
We are all fighting for the same thing. The social climate has turned us aganist to each other.
We will get further if we work together. Change is good but it must be for everyone not just one side. We have become very lazy cause of the work it would take to come together and work it out. More time and alot more patience for one another. Good will to men, women, children no matter what blood runs through our veins., no matter what color , religion. After all arent we all human. Will it take a space war from some unknown to bring us together.. They are just waiting for us to destroy ourselves so they dont have to fight for the take over. Love and wishing all wellness to everyone.
Lana Smiley says
Uhhh….I’m gonna guess you have flowers in your hair and just lit some insense and toked up, right?
mary jane says
So what if they did what is wrong with that!
James Moutoux says
In some things you have said you are right, But make no mistake about it. WE ARE NOT ALL FIGHTING FOR THE SAME THINGS.
karvictho says
This article, I have just noticed, was first published in May 2020. In January 2020 Trump was in his last year as president. In his final year, 400,000 Americans died from Covid. As of today it is now 650,000+. This has everything to do with Trump hiding the ball when Covid hit, in order to keep his economic numbers looking good. Then we have his not paying taxes and scamming America out of what he should be paying, for many years (while all the rest of us had to). While in office Trump he gave contracts for infrastructure projects, instead of allowing them to be bid on. Trump said American manufacturers should come back to the USA and bring home jobs, yet his merchandise for his hotels, red hats and teeshirts etc. as well as his daughter’s clothing line are made in Mexico and China. He decided to abandon the Khurds to ISIS after they helped America, then decided to make a deal with the Taliban … who were not running the government we had been propping up for 20 years…. to allow us to pull out of Afghanistan. None of what I just mentioned has anything to do with lefty politics. Yet, these facts and many others which cannot be disputed get ignored by his supporters who are happy to throw the rule of law under the bus … and give Trump a free pass. Why would an American, who knows this country was built on the blood, sweat and tears of ancestors who fought for law and order … be happy to let Trump the swindler … who has done nothing but massage their egos about how being white is right … let him get away with it? So much for mis-placed patriotism.
Susan Santos says
Not one word is true in your ridiculous article how the hell can you blame Trump for this pandemic when it came from China they released this virus not Trump and if people are dying it’s because they’re not protecting themselves a lot of elderly people that catch it yes they have conditions with a virus will cause problems and death that most people they still go to parties they still go out drinking they don’t wear masks and they spreading it how can you blame one man when a nation is not doing what it should to protect everyone
Don says
You are correct. Furthermore, they never could accept Hillary’s defeat in 2016.
Part of me believes that the liberals funded the Chinese lab in the hopes that a pathogen would “accidentally” escape to undermine Trumps re-election bid.
Cyber punk says
Eww…. put your mask on
Richard Hewitt says
God-bless you for saying the right thing and believing it
Smarterthanyou says
They meant that due to Trumps terrible handling of covid, that it became as bad as it is in the usa.
barbara says
YEP you are sane , thank YOU! f
Anonymous says
Perfect answer. People not vac. just keep spreading it around. Stupid stupid people. Of course they know everything.
Austin says
What do you not understand about a morbidity of .01%.
What is so hard? Do you now know basic math? Do you know that having a 99% chance of survival is not something to worry about?
Do you not know, that driving to your local grocery store has greater odds of you dying?
Why are you such a fool and easily manipulated by the the liberal loonies?
Did you not pass the standardized test…oops sorry, I forgot, you liberals implemented no requirements for math or reading comprehension.
Perhaps that’s why you’re so easily baffled by numbers!
George Arnold says
You really can’t be serious. Below please find the intellectual bona fides of the folks you’ve thrown in with.
The Constitution was not divinely inspired, it was inspired by the European Enlightenment and by ancient Athenian democracy. The framers had little use for religion.
Anonymous says
U uneducated moron. THE VACCINE STILL SPREADS COVID. Along with all the other side effects. You been fooled. Ummmm u still haven’t learned this fact yet. Crazy
Cooter says
Trump, Trump, Trump IS NO LONGER IN OFFICE. Instead of spewing history I want to hear what you LOVE about Biden’s policies please?
Jack says
Susan that was a brutal response. There’s this really cool thing used in writing called a “period”, here’s how it works: You use it to end a sentence, so that those reading can make sense of whatever stupidity is spewing out of your mouth.
Pro-tip for next time!
E.A says
Candace Owens was so right when she said she feels like shes teaching common sense to pre-schoolers.. After awhile it just gets old! Heres the thing.. It doesnt matter how much “fact checked” data there is out there that disproves all the nonsense you stated, or the amount of scientific evidence that proves otherwise, it doesnt matter.. Bc ppl like you have “chosen” to dislike President Trump! It doesnt even matter to you whether you actually believe those falsehoods. Oftentimes they are 1-issue (emotional) voters, whose issue is not alligned with what Trump morally stands for, & other times its bc ppl are simply following the advice of others close to them. Either way its irrelevant to you, bc you’ve already made the choice too! Do you wanna know how I know this? Bc every single thing you accused him of or blamed him for has already been proven false! Most of it was proven before bidens fake inauguration! Which tells me that every single thing you accused him of is not only “yesterdays news” & easily verifiable, but that you havent even “circled back” to confirm the accuracy of these claims prior to falsifiing & slandering someones character! So you’re just repeating last years gossip which has resulted in making you appear foolish. Here’s whats so sad.. Ive watched this country turn into pure & utter hatred overnight! The greatest country on earth. Yet ppl who know very little to nothing about politics have drawn lines & cut ppl outve their lives over just that! This is no longer about “party affiliation” & regardless of whether you admit it or not, you know it too.. This is a battle of good vs evil! Its not a high school point the finger & blame game! So stop behaving that way! If you cant see ur own hypocrisy in blaming Trump for covid, who had the same “medical advisor” in his admin as biden currently does, then no one else can help you. I bet u blame him for the delta varient too, during bidens admin.. Why not blame him for Wendys changing their fries while ur at it! Do you still not see ur hypicrisy?! If not, then if I were you Id spend less time online & more time cleaning ur own home. Never has this country been where we are today, ever!! We are battling spiritual warfare! Again, good vs evil! If everyone stopped lowering themselves playing this infantile “feel sorry for me” blame game online, & instead directed all their time & energy researching & investigating “who” created the covid virus, “how” it got leaked & by “who” Obviously we know China’s involved but “who” is the link between our two countries, “Who” gained to benefit, & “who” still is.. Why do Dr. fauci’s words to the public differ greatly from the words in his personal emails… If everyone was focused on the “obvious”, then we’d be a unified country again bc We’d all be fighting against the real murderers who are trying to destroy & divide us, & have!! And that is precisely what conservatives have been doing, meanwhile the democrats keep blaming Trump… I cant even put into words how stupid that is!! My God He’s not even in office anymore, they made sure of that; hence covid-19.. But since u wanna live in the past, then start with the clintons, thats only fair!! (Make sure not to leave
Osama out) Fortunately, many have turned away fr the democrat party this year. Not bc they wanted to be republicans necessarily but bc they realized the leaders of this democrat party were lying & using its own ppl to pull this lie off, along with every other outlet imaginable! Its not a party anymore, Its the spread of evil! Im grateful for all of them, bc the day we as Americans have each others backs again & leave “the sides” to the side, will be the day we win this battle!! No battles are won without compromise, sacrifice, & accountability! Pres Trump certainly was held accountable, he was judged & ridiculed on a daily! So why is it biden isnt? Why is he always absent or vacationing? Why has he not even been expected to answer ques fr the press? Why does his own staff cut him off or whisper “NO” in his ear? Im not even gonna bring up the border or Afgan or the terrorists he just inserted into ALL of OUR cities!! Why 1 million UNVETTED Taliban in places like New Jersey, which is min’s from NY, & 2500 in Jax Fl?! You dont have to be a rocket scientist to see hes planning something… Taliban vs American citizens, perhaps?!! Yet you made the choice to come here blaming & obsessing over D.Trump…. Still dont see the pattern yet do ya… Candace, you nailed it!
Dumbo says
So you are questioning why most Americans don’t like a con man,and to you it is all about left and right. God, you people are so dumb!
Rick says
Love it! You are right on target. You can shove verifiable facts down their throats and their willingness to choke on it. These type of people are literally mentally unhealthy. You can’t tell them no because they’re always right. Then come up with some out of the universe theory and run with it like gospel. They have completely lost sight of the American dream and became brainwashed by liberal hacks whose only educational goals towards our children is to turn them against us. Any educator who brings their politics or ideology into class is the very first step of a dangerous indoctrination process. I applaud your passion and obvious love of country. I am a retired United States Marine. I have been to some pretty raggedy places all over this earth. Each time my boots hit American soil I bent down and kissed the American dirt under those black cadillac’s. There is no place like home. In the meantime these self-proclaimed communists are dead set and already rolling out their control agenda. We have only a few years to try and save our Republic. I fear tho, that even if we have the right people in office, it’s going to be a process to change the climate in DC. I can only pray that we survive this battle of good versus evil.
Carlos Solrac says
No one has simply chosen to dislike Trump. He posses no admirable qualities.
Is he thoughtful, reflective, insightful? No
Is he kind, respectful, honest? No
Is humorous, clever, witty? No
Is he a bully? Yes
Is he a cheater? Yes
Is he successful? Who knows, I don’t think so, not in any meaningful way. I might be rich.
Do you, or anyone else want your son to grow to be like him? Not me.
Scott A Hutchins says
Candace Owens is one of the world’s biggest liars!
Ellie Spangler says
Wow, so much to unpack here I won’t bother. Stupid can’t be fixed.
Coan says
Anonymous says
You nailed it.
Cindy Jantz says
You suffer from the very typical leftist envy of anyone who is successful in life! You can’t stand to see anyone else prosper! Why don’t you go back to your liberal (Communist) blog sites! Get a life and stop your Commie envy Campaign!!
Scott A Hutchins says
All capitalists are thieves who steal the fruits of their workers’ labor. Jeff Bezos is the laziest man on earth whose parents supported him well into his thirties.
anonymous says
Im pretty successful and i retired early. I want to see everyone do well. Republicans are holding us back on almost every level. covid-19, education, gun lobby, etc etc, and that awful previous President who just lost. And by the way, Republicans hate democracy. they lost and they refuse to accept it.
Richard Hewitt says
Right on brother
balyster2@gmail.comy says
you go girl keep speaking truth , maybe praying some TRUTH
will stick! In Jesuses Mighty name! Lord have MERCY!
Bobbie says
You realize that everything you just said is total bullshit. He did no such thing, other than what the left wing news media reported which if you actually were to do a little investigation instead of relying on the media to teach you with their total bullshit hating Trump lies you would know the truth. Biden has been in office for 9 months now and it’s time to stop blaming Trump and put it on Biden.
All I heard was Trump was a muderer because of the Covid deaths, but somehow Biden is doing a great job.
Let me tell you, this administration could give a crap less about your life. All they care about is numbers and making themselves look good. This vaccine mandate is in total disregard of the constitution of this country.
Inflation is through the roof, gas prices up almost double what they were, a complete fiasco of the Afghanistan withdrawal by pulling troops out ahead of citizens. Trump’s plan to keep the airbase open and leave 2500 troops there would have worked well.
Citizens first. Destroy all unused weapons, keep the base open and then withdraw, but this idiot decided he knew best.
I was only a fricken Sargent in the military and I knew that myself.
Open borders with people pouring in daily unvaxed but citizens losing their jobs for not taking it.
You left wing nut jobs have iq’s somewhere around 80 or you have a mental problem one the other.
You believe everything these left wing media outlets tell you.
By the way. I’m neither Republican nor democrat. I just use my 138 IQ and investigate things instead of being a sheep.
Cyber punk says
Eww…. put your mask on
joe blow says
You drank too much of the koolaid knucklehead and you are a complete moron
mary belinda says
My husband was diagnosed of Parkinsons disease 2 years ago, when he was 59. He had a stooped posture, tremors, right arm does not move and also a pulsating feeling in his body. He was placed on Senemet for 8 months and then Siferol was introduced and replaced the Senemet, during this time span he was also diagnosed with dementia. He started having hallucinations, lost touch with reality. Suspecting it was the medication I took him off the Siferol (with the doctor’s knowledge) him on PD natural herbal formula we ordered from TREE OF LIFE HEALTH CLINIC, his symptoms totally declined over a 3 weeks use of the TREE OF LIFE HEALTH Parkinson’s disease natural herbal formula. He is now almost 61 and doing very well, the disease is totally reversed! (w w w. treeoflifeherbalclinic .com)
Rob says
And if you believe that, please contact me. I’ve got a very nice bridge for sale cheap.
Rob says
And if you believe that contact me. I’ve got a really nice bridge for sale that you may be interested in.
Fred Dunn says
Hiding the ball. You idiot.
Michelle says
Your an idiot! It’s not about Trump, it’s about every single high ranking politician. Both republican and Democrats and even the far left use their political standing for their own (their and family/friends) for money and more importantly power. It all of these elites that are being down America, not one side or the other. Do your research,read things other than your party affiliations propaganda!
Lisa says
COVID19 is a plandemic scamdemic and go to the CDC website. Only 9000 died of coronavirus under Trump. The communist democrats are lying about everything that commie witch AOC is asking people to have their deceased cause of death changed to Covid19 and FEMA will give the $9000.00. The only way America will survive is to get rid of the communists.
Anonymous says
At least when Trump was in office our economy flourished. Democrats only know how to put us into recession or worst, a depression. My friends, Biden is lurking in recession waters. Hope all who voted him in are prepared for this.
Ed Schnertzmann says
Geeah, you’re ignorant. Non if that is the least true.
The IRS has never reported him once, not once of not paying his taxes. You just don’t get it, and you bought Al in in the Lefts rhetoric.
I guess you must blame the Vaccines on him too? Since his administration was the ones who actually got the companies to get going on it. Better blame him too then for the money’s behind Monoclonal Antibody treatments. Yeah he was the one pushing for the alternative treatments, instead of limiting people access like the Biden Administration is doing. Wouldn’t that be considered sick? Holding back treatments to specific groups for political reasons? You’re sick, your ideas are an illness. Get help, or GTFO and leave.
Brian Harris says
I am sorry that you paint a president that was and still is the greatest of all time. If you lift up Biden as a good president. He is been a failure ever sonde he entered politics!! He is on track to destroy our country and constitution. He needs to be charged with treason. For him and all the administration. No wonder everyone chants Fxxx Biden everywhere he goes. Do you like your freedom?
James Moutoux says
NOTHING you have just stated is factual And you have made yourself a racist here.
Frankie Jo Ellis says
karvictho, thank you for your well-reasoned comment. The pseudo-patriotism on this forum is mind-numbing. It does not seem like the users of this forum know anything of real patriotism–it is just a buzzword being thrown around. My grandpa enlisted in the U.S. Navy the day after Pearl Harbor was bombed. While off of Formosa–Taiwan now, his ship the USS Ticonderoga was hit by two Kamikaze. Many men died that day, thankfully, my grandpa survived. This brave man and many of his peers enlisted to stop the atrocities that Fascism idealizes. Every one of you trump supporters should be ashamed of yourselves. How dare you support a man who has ties to Neo-Nazis and white supremacist hate groups. You people wouldn’t know socialism if it smacked you in the head. Any service that is provided by the government for the public good is a form of socialism–public libraries, fire departments, the police, highways, the state, and the federal prison system, are all forms of socialism. Your mealy-mouthed, orange menace, and his sycophants plotted an insurrection to overthrow the government because he is not man enough to accept that he lost the election. Don’t you all know that trump hates all of you? Don’t kid yourselves. Your only use to trump is if can get you to cough up money.
jack says
just think if your grandpa would have not survived we would all be better off since your dumb fucking ass would have never been porked into existence just to become a dumbed down sheep who believes the lying propaganda machine and thus ignorantly hates the best pres we have ever had . There is no convincing morons like you about truth because you are what the world refers to as a sheep who just parrot what they hear from Don Lemon and other low IQ sellouts who are ownded by the leftists who hate this country. Your grandpa would be ashamed of you if he were alive because men like him died to keep this country safe from the evils who you have been brainwashed to worship and praise so ignorantly. baa baa you dumb sheep .
Melissa J says
Keep spreading that fear and hate to your sheep fake patriot. Now do career criminal trump killing 500,000 americans, telling 33,000 lies, rape, racism, sexual assault, his inner circle getting arrested and pardoned for federal crimes and his hypocrite fake patriot cult attacking america, beating cops with american & trump flags while committing the largest terrorist attack in US history. Stay brainwashed fake patriot while you cry about masks and vaccines but take away womens and voters constitutional rights.
Anonymous says
They’re all so big and bad with their guns and they are terrified of taking a shot for a virus that could kill them or someone else! Or they refuse vaccines and masks out of misplaced disloyalty to a disgraced, corrupt, twice impeached liar and bully who was never qualified to be president to begin with and would bring the entire country down and destroy our confidence in our democracy just because he is a spoiled brat and a sore loser.
Anonymous says
whats the point just follow the mass media
EMILY says
dave says
Liberal democrats (communists) (Marxists) #1 Antifa: Are basically a bunch of losers that can’t except the fact that they can’t succeed and prosper like normal people do. So they live at mommy and daddy’s house. So the pussies that they are, arm themselves with bricks, rocks, bats, etc, and their little plastic helmets, and head into their war zone to riot, set buildings on fire, yell at police, and hopefully smash their way into drug stores in the hopes of stealing all the good drugs,,opioids, Adderall, Xanax, etc. Then bolt and head to a liquor store to complete their shopping. They aren’t there to protest against abusive police, or help anyone, they don’t give a shit about themselves let alone someone else. #2 black lives matter: Headed by blacks who don’t give a shit about the blacks that march around for the blacks that claim they organized black lives matter to give blacks a voice. (NOT). Instead (black) so called leaders in charge of that organization enslaved other blacks to enrich and benefit themselves. But they love you (slaves) live and learn folks!! #3 Woke: Woke is a joke. Woke means: Shit !! I slept til noon again, when i wanted to be up by 11:00,, I knew i should have past on them last few rocks!! (Crack) Damn Trump!!
Rob says
Where is the proof Trump is a career criminal? Trump killed 500,000 people? You mean he released the virus in China knowing it was coming to America? How many lives were saved due his leadership and success of th vaccine? No one else did this. No other country, leader or individual. If Trump was so bad, what the hell do you call this Presidential Chernobyl? Please. get real.
Anonymous says
Let’s got forget it was Trump that made in record time all the vaccines to be available then Biden became president and that POS took credit. The left has no mind of their own. Sheep
Richard Hewitt says
Really January 6th was bigger than September 11th you need to have your head examined
Anonymous says
someones very jealous god it must be ashame to wake up and look at ur self in the mirror, god bless ur foolishness
Anonymous says
Let’s talk about racism, name a couple things that democratic president have done for the black community.
Ed Schnertzmann says
Another if orany Lefty. You need to see who’s actually vaxed, and who isn’t. Based on what you’re saying you must hate Blacks and Latinos and Asians, (I don’t see these people as the core constituency of the right) and they are the majority of the unvaxed as you say.
My question to the brain dead left… If Vaccines work, and you have it, then why are you worried?
Ever heard of Natural Immunity? You know, people who had it, like a cold or flu. They have 27x the antibodies if a Vaxed person. The Cleveland clinic researched this year 54k participants with COVID, Vaxed, natural immunity. Did you know that Delta breaks right through the vaccine, yet there wasn’t a single breakthrough case of a person with Natural Immunity.
You think you’re Woke saying all the stupid things you hear, but to those who actually are paying attention, you’re just another useful idiot for the left.
Mark says
Matthew 5:
5: Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.
6: Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.
7: Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
8: Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
9: Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
Anonymous says
YES! You are right! Fools have their blinders on , they can’t hear or seee the TRUTH , we Need to PRAY for them , God does not want anyone to perish , even if we might , be ok , all right LOL too dramatic, I just hate stupid people who speak out the likes of the dumb Goats , headed for a fiery grave the bought and paid for fools that the demon lost ones who have bought into the LIE! The weak and blind that have been lead to slaughter , the dark one persuaded! Sad , we can’t save these ones sadly the DEVIL OWNS them , sad , just cut the cord , they are hell bend and do not have ears to hear
mary belinda says
My husband was diagnosed of Parkinsons disease 2 years ago, when he was 59. He had a stooped posture, tremors, right arm does not move and also a pulsating feeling in his body. He was placed on Senemet for 8 months and then Siferol was introduced and replaced the Senemet, during this time span he was also diagnosed with dementia. He started having hallucinations, lost touch with reality. Suspecting it was the medication I took him off the Siferol (with the doctor’s knowledge) him on PD natural herbal formula we ordered from TREE OF LIFE HEALTH CLINIC, his symptoms totally declined over a 3 weeks use of the TREE OF LIFE HEALTH Parkinson’s disease natural herbal formula. He is now almost 61 and doing very well, the disease is totally reversed! (w w w. treeoflifeherbalclinic .com)
denise kordas says
teri says
are you insane?
Anonymous says
Georgia brown says
You are not too bright, need to get a little smarter about life you are a little mixed up. If you did not want something for nothing you’d be a little smarter, You evidently have gotten everything for just asking, Bet you have never had to work. Did you?
Eleanor Spangler says
This is a very common misconception among MAGA, ultra conservative types about liberals. Me, I am a flaming liberal all my life, who worked since the age of 13, worked my way through college and settled into a comfy middle class life till retirement. No food stamps, no gvt handouts, and the same for most of my large family and circle of friends. However, I can afford to be kind to others, share a meal or a little time to help out folks that need it, and believe that our country can afford to take care of those less fortunate. Does that idea offend you? Do you consider yourself a Christian person as its hard to tell from your statement?, my guess is no.
BTW, I also think it will be awesome when Biden gets his infrastructure bill through! Imagine a Star trek like society where everyone’s needs are met so they can focus on doing work they love. How do we get there without taking first steps?
B. says
You can go back to the basement and take off your tinfoil hat please. Also it’s Bongino. you leftist idiot
Anonymous says
Brian Krebs says
You poor poor sheep, shut off CNN and go out side and smell some flowers
balyster2@gmail.comy says
Hi Brian , they are the GOATS , dumb dumbs , led to slaughter cause they don’t get it we need to
pray for them!
Richard Hewitt says
Bonjino does not do that the government and the IRS absolutely do that and Carter page proves it with a fake fisa warrant
Jim Stein says
Denise you have completely gone off the rails…poor baby…My posts still aren’t up but maybe this one will sail through. I have come to an undeniable conclusion: Whoever came up with the Democrate representation of a jackass was a genius. And the most fitting motto for them would be “The road to hell is paved with good intentions” From LBJ’s Great Society to the appalling failures of the Democrats so evident in cities like San Francisco, Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore and others today, the long slide now culminating in making the country socialist has been an epic tragedy
Mark D. Budka says
I was reading through this. My, how you love each other. Oh, no doubt I have a Christian bias, but I don’t hold to a white only Christianity. After all, Christianity was originally an Eastern religion. The more I listen and read this and the news the more I actually agree with Martin Luther, not because I hate people, but how much people hate each other: “And though this world with devils filled, should threaten to undo us; We will not fear for God has willed His truth to triumph through us. The prince of darkness grim, we tremble not for him . . . one little word shall fell him. I’m not righteous, but I can actually believe Christ standing on Mt. Tabor looking over the Jezreel Valley toward Megiddo filled with an army, like many of the likes of you, and all he has to do his say his name and you, in absolute hate of him and yourselves launch into an instant slaughter of each other. You can take that literally or figuratively. Wow! How much you hate each other! It’s not even worth arguing about. God have mercy on us all! “But there is no god!” you cry . . . oh well . . . try being nice to each other. I wonder if you’re able. Not coming back to this. Have fun killing each other!
Jana Lemons says
I know that I should throw the electronics ph & tv out of my house – my neighbor has already done it – wise people. I think that is tearing the idols down!
Sam Hood says
Thanks for writing different content.
Looking forward to having more from you.
Kevin W Thornton says
Being woke always ends in Flames.
Anonymous says
So does red-pilling.
Anonymous says
What is woke?
Chris J says
Utter nonsense.
Republicans have proven themselves completely out of touch with reality and will lead the the destruction of America as a functioning nation, if not the destruction of humanity. Nobody owes you a shred of respect because you are the gutter trash of history.
Robb says
You are a complete out of touch idiot. Why is this country going over the edge of being the most fallen ever in such a few months since Democrats taking charge. For 4 short years under Trump this country had become greater in every way possible, like strong military, economically, safer streets because of respect for the laws just to name a few. Now look at state of the economy, with prices for every single simple thing we need daily just to survive. Don’t try that lame excuse “Trump left it for Biden to have to fix it. “UR a total idiot. Crawl back into your cave.
NAVSECGRU Veteran says
Did your parents have any children which LIVED?!? DUMBASS. Here’s a thought… Crack a BOOK, not a beer! Dumbass.
drumpf’s legacy/epitaph, from historians, will read like this:
impeachment (like Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton);
the most Covid deaths on his watch of any COUNTRY;
another republican economic recession;
racial tensions through the roof;
siding with Nazis in Charlottesville;
blowing Putin like a bugle in Helsinki;
Russian prostitutes;
22,000 lies in less than 4 years in office;
hate-crimes explosion;
kids still separated from their parents;
suggesting shooting bleach up your @$$ to get rid of Covid;
most turnover of any administration in history;
losing the popular vote TWICE;
idiotic rage tweets;
$160,000,000 on golf in one term;
6 bankruptcies;
known as “individual one”;
an administration with 216 indictments, 47 convictions, and 7 prison sentences;
hired more lobbyists in 4 years, than any president in 8 years;
losing a billion dollars over a ten-year period;
draft dodging cowardice;
ripping off a kids-with-cancer charity;
ripping off a veterans charity;
a fake “University”;
the plaintiff in over 3500 civil suits;
the Medal of Freedom to Rush Limbaugh, Tiger Woods, and other reprobates;
marrying and hiring illegals;
hanging out with known pedophiles (Epstein, Maxwell, Casablancas, Arif, Nader and Dersh;
walking in on naked teenaged beauty contestants unannounced;
called his own daughter “a great piece of ass”;
25 sexual-assault accusers;
accused of rape by a thirteen-year-old girl, and refused to provide DNA in the Carroll rape case;
rawdogging porn-stars, and paying them hush money;
grabbing women by the 🐈;
and that is just for starters..
Anonymous says
I bet you change a lot of minds telling people that they are stupid ….. Just remember when you point 👉 a finger there’s four points back .
We are either going to be divided like the Democrats want you to do so we can have socialism and starve or we can change history by standing together finding middle ground trump doesn’t have to be in the picture. he’s already proved how crazy and irrational people are when the media twist words and cuts tape to make it bias. We needed to see that so we can learn how to fix it or change the law to stop it. But standing together is important to stop socialism if you want socialism go to a country that has it already . this is free country still and will be for me until they try to put me in AOC reeducation camp idea. They have them in china for the wiggers it’s not pretty so I’ll die fighting instead
Scott A Hutchins says
Capitalism has caused starvation throughout the world, including right here in the United States.
B says
one answer to your dribble. Biden has lost more lives due to COVID then Trump. You failed
You are dumb says
God you are a hate-mongering idiot. Worshipping these people does nothing but make you an angry keyboard warrior thinking anything you say makes a difference. It’s either a geriatric old man who can’t say a complete sentence without stumbling over his words and forgetting where he is, or a big orange blabbering idiot that cries on twitter. The fact that you even consider yourself intelligent when you probably spend all your time in echo chambers so you can give your head full of soup some positive reinforcement, is just really really intellectually dishonest. I can’t even imagine how much anti-trump stuff you post online everywhere you go when it does absolutely nothing for you. Go see a therapist. Biden and Trump are both idiots. Get over it.
No 1 Trumper says
You are a UNEDUCATED idiot. NO facts for ANYTHING you just stated. You DO have a imagination though!!!!
Brian says
Well we don’t watch CNN. communist news network.. so a leftists and brainwashed you are
Damian says
Well said, and based from doing really research and knowing the facts rather than name calling like all of trump’s boyfriends. I highly appreciate credible-fact based argument over debate fueled by hate. You’re a wise fellow humanitarian. Thank you!
Anonymous says
Well well….. we’ll….. it couldn’t have been any more clear who was fooled and became a sheep without their own research done after learning false hate smear garbage they know for decades has so easily and simply and scarily worked without an ounce of evidence on a lefts part couldn’t be any more clear and proven. Your a sheep. Change your address at post office to the Rock u been living under. Wow. Go get your free crack pipes kit he funded 30 million for….ppl like yourself….. to continously dumb America. So sad
Gerald Bresett says
Robb you nailed it. This every things free moron Chris J is so stunned don`t waste your breath.
Bobbo says
NAVSECGRU Veteran comment hits all the points. trump is trash and was steering our country away from a democracy based country to a authoritative state with himself as the great leader.. One of the last insane ideas was for him to able to investigate any and all employee’s working for the Federal Gov’t. He wanted to fire ANY employee that did not worship is lying -ucking ass. Luckily there were enough intelligent people who recognized his intensions. Besides almost constantly lying he always spoke in a divisive manner going after Blacks and Hispanics and one of his favorites that labeled liberals as communists. I find his actions and intensions very easy to spot but far right folks think he is a god? Just for fun trace the style and actions that Hitler used to gain power step by step. You’ll find many matches in style and ideas. He like trump also used divisive speeches to demonize groups and individuals. It was and is so easy to see but a lot of his supporters based on their own words appeared to be less educated and showed brainwashed minds that just repeated trumps words like speaking as a live puppets. They came off as a strange pack of lemmings. trumps use of right wing and other hate groups to attack the Capitol.. I believe he is a traitor to America. His response to Covid 19 was criminal and he committed mass murder by directing health supplies from democratic states to other states with republican leadership. Pointed out by numerous newspapers and our Denver Post. He provide no federal help in supplies or cash assistance to states that provide large revenue to the federal government coffers. His throwing the states the responsibility of providing any needed health supplies was illogical and his stealing of those supplies and redirecting to republican states was criminal. The guy’s a traitor to American
joblow says
The scariest thing about you bobo is that you truely believe your own bullshit
randall Cyr says
Exactly right Rob finally some people are opening their eyes and seeing the facts. How could any sensible person in their right mind think biddumb and his administration is good for this country is beyond me, is there really over 78 million people that stupid that live here in the United States. Rob it’s really nice to hear somebody like you stand up and say what the hell are you talking about, lol there is a question that we could ask some of these dumb s**** what does Biden really done that’s helped us in the last 20 years. That will shut 90% of the clueless people from saying anything at all keep up the good work to Rob. 😂.
Anonymous says
What is your problem, hater? Can’t you convey your view without having to call people names? What are you 12? Each person has an opinion. Why don’t you try to respect that rule?
Anonymous says
Why don’t you? You called him a hater 🤣
Anonymous says
I agree 💯 I wish everyone would read between the lines when watching or reading the news . They twist the story by tricks to get you to assume what they want you to . If you listen carefully they don’t use exact language and they screw with definitions of words like rascit so that they can confuse and deceive you. Thank God for people that see through the lies and manipulation.
Autonomous Female says
You should use a comma after “touch” in your first sentence. As for the second sentence, I can’t offer much help. I wouldn’t know where or how to begin. I would suggest a library card, remedial grammar lessons from your local public grammar school, reading anything other than religious “end times” tracts, even if it’s just for five minutes a day. All of these simple exercises would be of benefit to your well being. They are truly among the “single simple thing we need daily just to survive.” And the best part is, they don’t cost a penny.
. says
Honestly, believe whatever you want, you suffer the proper consequences.
mary jane says
You just proved what your unholy leader said he loves the uneducated. What a bunch of cry babies you trumpsters are, I say leave the union and take trump with you and you are not getting another dime from the blue states who are keeping you fed.
Sam says
Lol comments like yours are why we need your kind of people out of this country and NEED to have non-senile and sensible people in power.
MARY jANE says
We need animals like you out of our country!! Your hatred is palpable!! You’re not American, you’re anti-American!!
Anonymous says
This statement sounds just like where we are right now with Biden?
Kevin W Thornton says
Thanx for your respect for your freedom.You are so self centered you don’t see life in the real word and it is sad to all soldiers in America .
Rommel Derivera says
Wow u most likely are a Narcissist wih a I’m Better than thouCOMPLEX!!!
Anonymous says
Why are you so hateful? Your accusing someone for what you are doing . I call that a hypocrite
Georgia brown says
You are crazy and stupid.
Chief says
Who’s out of touch with reality?
I’d say those crying defund police, then defunding police, then refunding police because of the violence.
I’d say those who ended the 3rd country agreement, reinstated catch and release then ended up with 2 million illegal crossers, then have the gall to say they inherited the crisis.
Or maybe those that halted a pipeline that benefited the US but gave Putin the green light for his pipeline then begged OPEC to produce more of what we were forced to stop producing.
Or is it those that have made it illegal to call a woman they instead of she?
I could go on and on.
Policy differences are one thing but reality checks are necessary.
Mike Hawk says
you truly are a blind SOCIALIST. Russia anyone?…
Do you know what we hate. Money, the slave collar the Right keeps choking us with while laughing and killing people off. Anyone that dies to them is some sort of sacrifice that wasn’t worthy in the first place. There should be no money. That is what ruined the planet. Everyone is a greedy nasty person out there.
The left sucks off corporate America to no end. It is disgusting. There need to be wage caps imposed on EVERY JOB in America to stop them from killing off the poor and taking advantage over everyone. There should be a law against any Religious people in office. ANY office, not even a School Board. Your God can suck it because there is not one. Good job killing off the pain killers for everyone including those with Chronic pain like me. The left killed off a lot of people with Heart Attacks, Strokes and Suicides. Not that the Left Cares, they have some notion that anyone in pain deserves it and they are sinners getting the payment they deserve. I curse all of the Left and hope they die screaming in Fear and Pain, Lots of Pain. The Left hired some dick who knows nothing about prescribing Pain Medication and he had a naked guy strung out running around his compound the night you were there checking out his so called “Phoenix House” . Kolondy should be thrown out of the country along with Grover Norquist another of your Nazi Soldiers. Drop them off in Afghanistan.
Grant DeGaramo says
If America is so horrible, why do so many people want to come here, and hardly anybody wants to leave!! People from all over the world come here for med care and education, etc., because we have the best the world has to offer!! Some people on the left praise countries like Cuba and China when their people and the people of other socialist countries are suffering from poverty and persecution!! Socialism and communism has never worked no matter where it’s been tried!! America is not perfect, but it’s the best the world has to offer!! So many people said they would leave America when Trump won in 2016. But I have yet to learn of any of them following through!!
Anonymous says
I’d love to leave the state of Texas which just restricted abortion rights even further (and I’ve gone through menopause, so it doesn’t apply to me). I would love to move to New Mexico where buying marijuana is legal to help w/ my arthritis and glaucoma!!
Grant DeGaramo says
Why do atheists hate Christians so much?? True Christians who follow the teachings of Judy’s Christ are the most compassionate and generous people in the world!! Christian Churches and organizations have done more to help the poor and suffering in this world than any other group or groups!! I’m talking about true believers and followers of Christ , not Christians in name only!!
Bob says
Very good question.
I am an atheist. I don’t believe fundamentally that true Christians have any bad intent. After all the book you hold so dear says to help others and not judge etc. So does the Quran and other religious texts.
What annoys non Christians (not just atheists) is when so many comments that really have no right to be aligned with “what God said” keep cropping up in threads without good cause, and used as a conversational n closer.
It is ok to have a debate about pretty much anything(with exceptions of course) but having it closed down by suggesting it’s ok for them cos God said so (one of many “trust in God” retorts) just annoys people. Because what that means is either you just plainly lost the debate, or you realized you didn’t know enough about a subject to declare you knew the answer…and then god is mentioned.
There’s is also a big different between having a belief and being part of an institution of religion.
Institutions throughout time are renowned to have self perpetuating dogma not related to the original intent. There are way too many evangelical groups that are actually working no different to a grifting corporation, and not even having to pay taxes.
So given my response, I would be interested in your retort as to why some Christians (not all) are so self righteous over their opinions in so many things?
Kevin W Thornton says
Freedom look it up in the real meaning.Dont add to it
Anonymous says
God loves you too!
Guest says
The lefts are very brain dead altogether which is why we have this problem today, since it is all about money for them which they could care less about everyone else. I hope God punishes them very severely.
Larry says
Why is it ok for obomba. To put a target. On. Special. Forses. Then. Give. The enemy. The time. And. Date. And. Place where. Are going. To. Be. ,Hillary. Took. Security. Away. From. Other. Places. And got people. Killed. Biden. Just leaves. Them. Behind. To. Get killed. Is. This. The. Way. Of. A. Democratic. Gov? Is. This. Sanity. Or. What?
mary jane says
You are wrong as usual the left is not brain dead their not the idiots that voted for a racist, homophobic, womanizer. And he was a horrible president.
Bonnie says
Well if you hate the right and the left so much what is left? Maybe you and some of your like minded friends should go in together and purchase an island somewhere and start your own utopia and see how that works out for you.
Just Sayin' says
So…you’re an Anarchist? Or Libertarian? In any instance, you make no sense
Anonymous says
Liberals the extreme left , Democrats & labour are a danger to the civerlized west , they own the media , tv , radio , newspapers , but real people the 90 % know the lies these vermin try to convince us with is not working anymore!!! Especially as we can watch real news on the internet now !!! You extreme left nazi’s will loose !!! Even if you bring out your vile army “ANTIFA ” to beat mame & kill normal members of the public sick to death of our western civilisation being attacked on a daily basis!!!!!!
Bob says
That’s complete nonsense. And showing the exact antithesis of the original letter to the editor.
Spewing anti left insults demonstrates the original article can be thrown straight back at the extreme right.
And I pointed out theses are both notional tribal constructs. You’ve been indoctrinated into hating the opposite team, whether that is GOP or Dems.
And using antifa as your crutch is wrong. Consider it means anti-fascist. Do if you are fundamentally against anti fascists, you are declaring you are all for Fascism. Which didn’t work out too well in Europe.
Sandy McIntosh says
You wrote that antifa means anti-fascist. I strongly disagree. While antifa does try to portray themselves as anti-fascist their actions “speak” louder than “words”. Fascism is ultra-nationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy. Sound familiar? Simply, antifa fuels riots, they are vandals, they believe in Marxism, they use violence against any person who has a different view or belief, they suppress free speech, they inflict damage to other innocent people’s property, that alone makes them fascist. They are promoting the exact opposite of anti-fascism. Close your eyes and think how the NAZI’s treated the Jews. The only difference is NAZI’s wore brown and went for Jews, antifa wears black and cover their faces and go after anybody who disagrees with them.
mary jane says
You have no idea what you are talking about the usual trumpster uneducated idiot.
Right is nuts says
Sounds like the proud girls to me. Lol
mary jane says
Another idiot for trump that has no idea what they are talking about, if you think trump is a great guy you are not paying attention or just pain dumb. That is why Trump says he loves the poorly educated it was not a complement.
keith says
Your very right the left burns down cities and kills innocent people and destroys businesses without even knowing who owns them they getmadover racism so there answer is to destroy their neighbors property and to set fire to black and white businesses alike all the while looting and stealing anything not nailed down meanwhile the same hypocrites act like the insersion at the capitol was this big assassination on the united States if it was them who lost the election and felt cheated it would not be some guy dressed like an Indian and a bunch of rowdy mad people riding up papers and yelling no if it was the other way around the democrats would have set fire to everything and looted every store within miles of the capital and set fire to Washington just like they did in Portland and so many other places no
I and the media would have put out the narrative can you blame these poor democrats they were cheated out of the election threw racism and false claims by the terrible trump monster thank God these great Americans fought back and stole the from the wall marts and set fire to racism they would use the word racism to justify it all cuz who can argue with that narrative shame on those terrible Republicans for saying make America great again it was never great how could it beit was never a socialist nation like we wanted now let’s all take a knee to the national anthem and burn 🔥 something in the name of freedom
mary jane says
You trump idiots donnot know your history you and trump are the traitors and act like the nazis not the democrats. says
natchomama, what an ignorrent slut you sound. You dont know what your talking, so you should maybe die with your other NASTY reds!
ThisIsTheList says
To hate Trump IS to love America. The Trumpers who bashed Capitol Police officers with flagpoles from their Thin Blue Line flags, breaking into the Capitol building to, “find Pelosi”, and “Hang Mike Pence”, didn’t do all that because they love America. They hate America, they hate the Constitution – especially that annoying “Democracy” thing.
jan says
It was under Trump that pain meds were cut off.
MARK says
autonomous female says
Pick a god, any god…could it be any more evident they all hate women, children and the poor. The Christian god is apparently, corporate personhood. Has been since the Regan years. Religion…the ultimate form of tribalism and the surest means of the ruling classes to work the peasants into enough of a frenzy that they would do all the heavy lifting, and fight all the wars, murder or abuse their neighbors, in the name of some invisible deadbeat dad in the sky…without the aristocracy ever having to chip a nail. Larders protected in the name of thy lord? Check.
Defender of the faith says
My goodness you’re dumb but you sure are stupid you probably wanting me alive when Reagan was in office God has been the god of the world and the God of all creation since the beginning of time you’re a liar and just like your father the devil you make me sick you people make me sick kill babies and then you want to tell us how bad we are you make me sick may the Lord God Almighty God judge you or just between me and you and in that day you stand before me you will see that he is the Lord God Almighty God
End timer says
I have to laugh at some of these comments but when it comes down to to God is in control and I’ll be locked and load ed d for the coming civil war. No I’m not afraid to die for what I believe, are you?
Anonymous says
I believe that it’s past time for that to happen but the real culprits are in Washington. This whole election and the party in control was orchestrated from both sides of the isle. Republicans going along with socialist democrats to thin out the countries population with covid and the vaccine. They didn’t win the election but everybody just stepped aside and let them have it I imagine just like planned. After all it’s basically the rich trying to eliminate the common citizens and the rich come from both sides.
Anonymous says
They don’t
Just Sayin' says
If God is in control, what do you need to be “locked and loaded” for? Wouldn’t He prevent said civil war? Seems contradictory to me.
Arcadia Berger says
When you begin from a false premise, you are never going to finish with a useful conclusion.
The left hates America? Junior, the left BUILT America, starting from when a leftist named Thomas Jefferson stuck his thumb in the eye of the right wingers in London by brashly telling them that an outrageous left-wing notion like the universal equality of all human beings, an idea that could start a fight in any pub in the Western world, was “self-evident”.
We kicked out the right-wing Tories.
A lifetime later, we whupped the right-wing Southern plantation owners and freed their slaves.
A lifetime after that, we crossed the ocean and defeated the right-wing Kaiser, and came back a generation later to FLATTEN his right-wing successors in Germany, Italy and Japan.
A generation after that, we on the left shoved your right-wing Jim Crow off the table. Our Dr. King and his Poor People’s Campaign made you so made you finally killed him, but we just kept right on pushing, and nothing you have thrown at us, from Ed Meese to Bill Barr, has stopped us yet.
We’re going to go right on building up this nation, no matter how hard you work to stop us, no matter how many times you try to turn this country into the kind of swamp you want, where a handful of privileged people live in luxury and the rest of us suffer in the muck down below, so the chosen few can feel even better about themselves by seeing how much we suffer by comparison.
We have been building a great nation for 400 years, and one day it will truly be great, and you cannot stop us.
ExtinguishSelfishAmericans says
You’re not wrong, the political schism is an illusion. I hate America because of all the lazy, dumb, disgustingly fat, selfish and needy POSes.
Joe says
Guest says
Burn in hell with Satan.
Anonymous says
Republicans ended slavery run by democrats and blacks did not build America nor will they ever do anything other than kill each other and blame everyone white person for thier own weak short coming shoulda left your asses in africa but even your own didn’t want you that’s why they sold you and being smart they sold us the bottom of the barrel of african people
Gth says
You are so right I feel the same as you about getting those no good black welfare sucking asshole s and England got us good those bastards are the ones who brought those stinky ass people here to get even with America for kicking there British assholes when we claimed this country !!
Brennan says
Notice how the comment you replied to used the terms left and right instead of democrat and republican? The reason for that is because left and right describe a spectrum with clearly defined attributes to either side, so that no matter what other words you call a group you can sort them based on their place on the spectrum. ie. either progressive/liberal or conservative/regressive. The words Democrat and Republican are just words that we choose to apply to the groups that are defined within the spectrum. The words, to no surprise, can be switched without changing any meaning, as in we could start calling democrats republican and republicans democrat (you know, kinda like what actually happened), but that would not change where they are on the spectrum. It would only change the word we call them. So, you see that you are being a completely disingenuous boob with your claim. After all, were the republicans of the civil war progressive or conservative? And were the southern democrats conservative or progressive? Please tell me you understand the concept…
Anonymous says
Republicans in the 1860s thru the 1950s were leftists.
The democrats were conservatives back then.
Jmullins665 says
The Republicans were leftists in the 1860s thru the 1950s, dumbass.
Leftist freed the slaves.
Democrats had been right wingers all the way up past the depression. Then once yall got your bread line sacks and your GI bill that excluded blacks, and got a good education while sending blacks to subpar schools, forced them to take shit jobs with shit pay, leaving their descendants with no inheritance or generational wealth to speak of, then, THEN, you call them lazy because they are still overwhelmingly poor comparatively. You really know how to stack the cards, don’t you?
Eat a dick, bruh. Jesus hates you.
Sharonkatakis says
This kind of hate keeps us in DOOM!!! What happened to Love thy neighbor? This is the real reason why the U.S. is in such termoil,WE have lost our way towards GOD!!!
autonomous female says
Some of us don’t believe in god. Yet, we manage to live among you with empathy and concern for your well being. I know it’s difficult for some of you to believe this is true because, you’ve been taught that those who don’t believe in god, worship Satan, instead. I do not worship anything, anyone, any being. I know there is the capacity within me not to do harm if I can help it. To work hard not to hate, not to take or use more than I need, to understand that the globe we share is the one sure thing that sustains us all, and to act as best I can with that in mind. I don’t need god to understand this concept, I only have to look in the eyes of your children, to see the eyes of my own children. That’s enough for me to understand, it’s up to me…up to all of us. It always has been and always will be. It’s time we all stopped fobbing our responsibility off on gods and kings and started looking out for one another, again. Life is hard, brutal and short. Especially, for the peasant classes. I want to do what I can to alleviate the misery and despair I see all around me in my broken country. Brother can you spare a dime? Not likely I’ll ever have one to spare, but I can and will share my dinner with you if you are hungry. No strings attached. No sermons for you to endure. Only a little music, a little story telling and laughter between us…and maybe a little help with the dishes would be nice.
jan says
You do realize that there was a flip in parties right? What used to be Republicans are now modern Democrats.. See The Southern Strategy for context. Also, if you look back, the “colors” of blue and red were flipped.
Anonymous says
The silent opposition to your lunacy and delusions will one day rise up and hand you your backside. We are bigger in number than you could ever imagine. 1st we watch you turn the nation you “built”, inside out. Then as you loose your support and ability to spin the narrative, we watch and laugh as you turn on each other. The likes of you have only built 1 thing, a spiral staircase to a very deserving portion of hell.
Anonymous says
Me says
I’m going to tell people something that will probably get me CANCALLED!”Quote un UN Agenda who brought that on the floor of Congress in 1992.?Nancy pelosi..chuck Schumer and John Kerry’s n it to.. sound familiar? mandatory multiple more gas.oil.federal policing.federal care.5g technology communications.sound familiar?all to b done by 2030.and the scariest thing is it calls for the population of the world to b 500million.theres 6.5 to 8 billion people on this planet.what better way to get rid of 90-95 percent of the world than mandatory multiple it.
Gina says
Where can I sign up to go to the southen border as an American, armed with a couple of hundred thousand to stop the influx of 100 National countries. Biden I has Alzheimer’s. Should have never run. They all new it. COVID was under control, know is not. Democrat, why would you allow this. They cannot vote for years,they clog our medical, schools get better treatment than my working daughter paying for insurance that is bad. They get Medicade. She works with women that have baby daddy’s that live in the house. They love very well. My daughter makes 43,000.00 a year has to pay for unbelievable no coverage for her and her son. She is an AMERICAN. What is wrong with this picture…….
Anonymous says
Bravo,new world order.What better way to control the masses,constant vaccines and masks while overpricing food and gas which will eliminate jobs and ultimately make us a 3rd world country.Republicans are full of crap too but they just want companies to make money.But to all corporate haters,companies will always make money,so do you want to pay less while rich get richer or more and live in an ally,your choice.
Mr. Ballard says
Dr. Fauci Everyone has to wear a Mask! I personally think this guy went out and created another version of Virus just to try and be in Control he is a very sick and Power Hungry person.
Anonymous says
Grow up America its time to act like we care about the outcome says
bruh you sound so passionate yet il-informed at the same time, how do you do that lol?
Me says
Grant DeGaramo says
The poorest of people in America have it better than 75% of the rest of the world!! That’s because of free market capitalism not socialism or communism!! Countries like Russia and China have persecuted and killed millions in the name of their glorious communism. America is not perfect, but it’s the best the world has to offer!! Government control of everything only leads to human misery under communism!!
Grant DeGaramo says
Why does anyone’s comment need moderation?? Is it because you just don’t Agee with someone who is a conservative??
Bob says
Err….. Where did you get this 75% from?
Free market capitalism without some control would have trashed the American system long ago.
You out SOCIAL rules in place to make a SOCIETY. You have laws. You have government to keep a structure to society and enforce the rules. How is that not socialist in nature.
Noone is advocating communism except that the extreme right and those with big money keep propagating the idea that the USA is about to topple into the cesspool of “commies coming to get ya”.
So that pushes those malleable enough to be pushed further right and make those at the top of the RW machinery even richer.
As for the USA model being the best the world has to offer… That is plainly bot true, but that likely is because you don’t know about other countries.
And finally, who told you anyone wants everything controlled by government? Cos that’s not true either.
Just saying.
Anonymous says
you really don’t now what your talking about, your off on so many facts in your rant. i don’t even know where to start. it seems that every evil is from the right . Hitler, Mussolini Japan… really. very uninformed people might actually believe your bullshit. . I had to say something. thanks for going on and on just proving how wrong you actually are.. and that you are full of information from the crazy wagon.
Brett Stenevich says
Hallelujah!! 👏🏻
Tyler k says
Never have I read a thread with so much hate for your fellow Americans. All of u folks should be ashamed. Whether You live in a blue state or a red state, you still live in a free state. This internal bickering and thinking that somehow your political beliefs make you superior to anybody else in your country or across the world for that matter is disgraceful. I spoke with a Russian playing chess online. While we sit here and chastise each other and the “socialists” this guy could speak no ill of his country. After I told him what this country was about he came to appreciate America. And I came to appreciate Russia and this individual and their beliefs. You people need to stop hating what you don’t understand. The left does not hate America any more than the right. maybe if you took a moment to talk and agree with a supposed “leftist” you would realize that you share a lot more in common than you would believe. Hiding behind your internet hating half of the country because they disagree with you merely exacerbates our narcissistic tendencies. Are we a country of narcissists, or are we a nation of civility and respect? look at ur comments and tell me? Or why not reach across the table and give your comrade a handshake for beating you in a game of chess. Maybe we can’t agree on some things, but at least we can enjoy a game of chess together.
Michael J Navin says
FYI the Republican party represented african Americans after slavery. The Democrats where still pro south and slavery .its ok to recite history. But tell all of it. Becuase the party’s changed course over history. So look at the party during the period. I am anti big government . I am pro people. The people are the government. It’s sad we have a bunch of billuonars protected by the system abusing the system and telling us what to do . it’s our money we run the show not them. Wake up. They got us fighting each other over false narratives or government created narratives. While the get rich doing the stuff they tell us not to do. We need to drain the swamp and change politics in amerucan so it represents the people and not the politicions best interest.
Anonymous says
Excellent reply
Mack says
Plantation owners we predominantly democrat. Jim crow was written by democrats. The democrat president today Joe Biden was against desecration. And Nazi germany was a totalitarian socialist party. How about you do some research before spitting out CNN sound bites. Not saying republicans are all good either both parties are corrupt and it is time for a government reset but republicans freed the slaves( Abraham Lincoln) and republicans pushed the civil rights act on and republicans were at least smart enough to vote for a man that was mean on twitter but had a fantastic record as president( while be it the dude was a huge jerk [child safe but you know what I want to say] over a completely brain dead twit that doesnt even know when and where he is at. Oh and P.S America isn’t 400 years old. Founded in 1776. You could really use a history class or maybe 12.
Anonymous says
learn history u nitwit
Me says
Ummm….let’s just start with any easy one….Jim crow law was enacted by democrates.
Me says
Riiiight…and it wasn’t like there were other reasons to free the slaves, say the fact that slavery was coming to an end around the world, and certainly had nothing to do with those nice ports in the south that the north sure could use for all those manufacturing companies…. Noooo…nothing to do with that….. nor the fact that Lincoln personally slaughtered Indians…. But other then that, what a great guy. …. History and facts??? The story is written by the one who wins,
Yvonne Puchalla says
Read the NKJ Bible and you will find any answer you want!
Dems use to be for the people until Johnson who brought in WELFARE, FOOD STAMPS TO HELP THE POOR! The Christian charities help anyone who wants help and you do not have to be member!
Gov. takes tax money to promote poor to stay at home, like Biden is doing now.
They’re are a lot of any color who made it, gov. makes you believe otherwise!
Sad, good morals are bad now, bad morals are the norm or you are a bigot
Jotaro Kujo says
“A generation after that, we on the left shoved your right-wing Jim Crow off the table.”
You do realize the southern states were more aligned with the democrats of the time, and also that Jim Crow was instated by a Democrat president?
If I recall correctly, it was a Republican who emancipated the slaves.
Biff Henderson says
Good attempt to try and explain things in left/liberal and right/conservatives terms. Unfortunately, most of the mouth-breathing tools who want to claim Lincoln, a LIBERAL, for the republican party are too mind-numbed by the conservative media machine to even think before spewing nonsense.
JW Worcester says
So simplistic as to be obviously false. No one is advocating total equality of outcome. But people are concerned with equal opportunity or equal access. Any time someone brings up the issue – you all say perfect access already exists.
The Republican Party didn’t exist until 1850’s. The Southern segregationists were all in the Democratic party. The Southern segregationists all became Republicans after Barry Goldwater, George McGovern, and Ronald Reagan. Their “sense of equality” has carried over into the current Republican/Dixiecrat party.
Real conservatism is not favoring corporations, but an economy built from within the middle class. Which is how our country prospered until the 1970’s when bean-counters rather than engineers dominated the board rooms..
These problems we have in America are all known to us. You all say that’s just life. Others say our Declaration commits us to the goal of accomplishing our aspirations. And they are simple. Equal access to all, livable wages, and capital formation at the local banks
DestiNova says
JW, sounds real good. Good call. I was pondering the “dividing” thing. Like you’re a this and I’m a that used to divide and conquer that way we forget about the truth in conspiracy theories and stay dormant. Like what about 911 and Bush? If so, we got nothing and we aren’t going to get anything. Who is “we”? We is the awake, alien vs Jezes fans. . Ever read the comments on YT… saying like… amen, its in the lords hands now? Omg. We aren’t ever going to evolve beyond the psychos running the show with comments like.. amen brother… haha… Does anyone remember the moments before they were born and remember seeing your parents seconds before birth? I do and it sure as hell wasn’t Jezes, it was the real men in black the grey aliens. Stay asleep and divided that’s the psychos like it. Thank you for your thoughtful post : )
Alex says
“The southern segregationists all became Republican” WRONG!
This is why the Democrats pushed this propaganda to change a narrative in there favor 🙄 anyone who knows history understands this ‘weak plot’.
Too many Whiners says
thank you! when will the rest of the world understand that the people in America that everyone are bashing aren’t the ones creating the problems, they look into our culture and our government and make assumptions that line up with their culture and their government when, News Flash! America is a VERY different country and every single person in this country has a different thought/opinion about everything (That’s called freedom in case you didn’t know) There are differences that are ignored because the democrats choose to ignore them and they are refusing to share that information with young impressionable people just to secure a vote. How’s the economy been Biden? oh just go ahead and blame everything on Covid like everyone else. and before anyone tries to call me a boomer I am 21 and I used to be left but when you grow up and start paying bills you quickly realize that there’s a reason for a right mentality and it has nothing to do with race or any of this other crap that everyone’s whining about.
Guy sick of the treasonous liars dividing America to leech off of us. says
Right wing mentality is why you pay so much to get so little, but left wing mentality is no different, nor is centrist mentality. You all sit there acting like you’re better than the other, but none of you are actually doing anything, but complaining about conspiracies, & being fed lies about yoir respective parties. Me I ain’t one of any of you hypocritical parties. You’re all frauds that differ only ever so slightly on an issue, & depending on who tries to tell you the same damned things over, & over again you either worship them, or scream angrily. If it was a Democrat the right gets mad over an issue, but if a Republican sends the very same message you Right wingers cheer, & celebrate them as a God, especially the more hateful of the left it is. Of course when you send the same message with no indication of who it’s from, or what side it’s told from you jump to your conclusions then depending on who, & what the person was you again either cheer, or cry in anger saying stupid things like “They’re no Republican,” or “They’re no Democrat.” Time for America to grow up, & retrace our roots purely from fact, & not overly politicized bullshit that politicians use to divide America daily. The truth is the country is being torn apart by politics, & the savage asshole politicians who only care about profiting off us. It’s just with more recent years the racist, fake Christians, & other so called religiouszealots who use God to blasphemously spread the word of hate, & murder, & neonazis alike have poisoned the right wingers because they are indoctrinated in such hateful fashion of anyone they’re told is an affront to their ideals regardless of how true, or untrue it is. Meanwhile the left wingers are left struggling to clean up the hateful anti-American, & highly sacrilegious mess of the unfortunately cluelessly brainwashed, & corrupted right, & in order to defend themselves from their corrupted sense of patriotism that in a truly disloyal fanatic, & very nazi fashion causes them the right wingers to violently lash out at, & even seek to kill left wingers. All the while hypocritically preaching from their falsely sanctimonious perches claiming they’re just fullfilling their patriotic duty their sad nazi like indoctrinated little minds have come to believe is genuine patriotism. Well, this is America, & we aren’t nazis, & we aren’t loyal to America if we’re being loyal exclusively to a single person, or handful of politicians who tell us to hate the other guys so they can continue to leech off of America’s divide. Oh, & the wage gaps are necessary? Whoever thinks that must enjoy maintaining an impoverished state. While yes it is impossible to maintain a completely equally balanced economy under the mentality of say Communism the gap is so damningly large that it adversely affects America, & is exclusively responsible for the constantly terrible economy of our country. We are a nation drowning in debt because the damned wage gap is so immense that it grossly has poisoned our economy. Our creedo is United we stand, divided we fall. That doesn’t mean we blindly agree with everything each other says, but without a willingness to put aside our worst differences at the very least, & work together for the survival of this country we will not survive. That means so we disagree on a few things, big deal get over it. Just look at what political division has done to America over the last decade. Politicians have divided us in hate because we ignorantly reelect the same hatefulbastards whouse their positions, & the division to make it easier to rob us blind. After all if you’re blinded by hate, rage, & constant suspicion of your neighbor you aren’t likely to pay a thief stealing stealthily from you any mind. This our country, so let’s stop listening to people trying to divide us, & start actimg like Americans again. Oh, & religious fellows remember that America was created for freedom from religion not oppression by religion, so stop blasphemously using God to spread hate, & control everything you hate in such an ugly anti-American sentiment. Oppression, terrorism, death threats, racism, sexism, bigotry, all these things are entirely unAmerican, & thus we systematically have tried to purge them. Just remember a nation so greatly divided in hate, rage, & suspicion only benefits its enemies. nazi Germany lost for 2 major reasons the comstant infighting caused by suspicion, rage, & hate, & allied resolve to win at any costs, so we could all be free from that hateful Hell that we are so dangerously close to reliving. Stop listening to the hate in your hearts that politicians prey on, & be Americans again. Stop being taken in by these treasonous conspirarorial articles telling you to unAmericanly hate your neighbors because they want you to think they hate America. It isn’t America they hate, it’s the animosity, the fake grandstanding, the mirderous wrath because they just want the same equality, liberty, & justice our blasted nation promised them that many right wingers afe unfortunately so clearly opposed to. IT IS THEIR RIGHT AS IT IS YOURS TO LIVE SAFELY, & HAPPILY, & TO SO VIOLENTLY, & VEHEMENTLY OBJECT TO THEIR RIGHTS IS TO BE NOT JUST UNAMERICAN,BUT ANTI-AMERICAN!
jan says
Sorry man, you are wrong. Go study some history! Read about The Southern Strategy. You are only 21 and think you have all the answers. Ah, the hubris of the young. “Youth is wasted on the young,” and that’s a fact.
Do you want to live in a healthy society, or turn the US into Brazil? Do you want people to be educated? These things cost money and every generation older than you have paid into it.
Bob says
You were making such a good point about individual freedom and individual thought. Then you go straight into boxing people into Dems or GOP.
The thing is you are right and wrong at the same time.
There’s nothing wrong with being capitalist. It is human nature. But that’s true for left and right thinking.
Ironically the left leaning or workers unions, or any other collective is exercising capitalism…. “what’s in it for me and mine”.
Until you are truly comfortable in you life (safety and comfort) then the human mind will always prioritise itself.
The difference is the left “social” idiology is to wrap some fundamentals so we can all expect and accept we all have a duty.
Without that concept you’d have no police in the first place, and you’d have no tarmac road to take you from your home to anywhere you wanna drive. That is collective responsibility.
Many of these posts start as a good paragraph and slowly launch in to a deriding monologue of “the others”.
An ideal society will encapsulate the ability to exceed at what you want – tending towards money (because it brings comfort and security), yet at the same time have social constructs to support that society. And a society is only considered good for all, when it is literally good for all
Is there a difference between wanting rules, laws and constructs to live by, and wanting to ensure there are rules laws and constructs to ensure everyone is safe and a level of comfort?
To be completely capitalist, you wouldn’t ever give a damn and cooperate with anyone ; to be complete socialist you won’t do anything that doesn’t first benefit everyone else, regardless of your own situation. NEITHER of these work and we would have died out as a species a long time ago.
Confusing GOP and Dems with these two constructs is at best disingenuous. They are political parties and by observation majority of politicians are trying to line their own pockets before they even think about you or society.
Back to the original post. I find it a construct to manipulate you based on a false premise that anything that is not absolute RW is full of hate. That’s not true, it cannot be true.
Then to argue about GOP and Dems Ase justification for pack mentality whilst not accepting the two packs have swapped roles over time is again disingenuous. And for some they are in a high state of denial.
Everyone is individual and everyone sits on a sliding scale.
What I observe about the loudest voices from the RW is “if you’re not with us, you’re against us”. Whilst the loudest voices on the LW seem to spend too much time pointing at RW saying “look what they’ve done” and do the same pocketing of resources as the RW.
Progressives/liberals can be derided by both extremes of thinking, but the irony is they are more like the average human that either extreme wishes to admit.
Just a thought.
Sabrina Gray says
Best comment yet.
Lucinda McGuire says
After my Parkinson’s Disease diagnosis, my primary care provider introduced me to Kycuyu Health Clinic and their Parkinson’s disease Formula protocol, the herbal treatment has made a tremendous difference for me. My symptoms including numbness and muscle weakness all disappeared after the treatment plan! Their website is w w w. kycuyuhealthclinic. c o m
Mike Collins says
Typical Republican, why can’t they see people for who they are instead of the color of their skin. The middle class are the one’s that made these corporations rich and yet they want to pay us wages that we have to work two jobs and our wives have to work another one. The reason many are living in poverty is because of the wealthy that don’t pay their fair share of taxes and now with the tax cuts Trump gave to the rich they are paying nothing compared to the people making 40,000 a year as far as percentage. What is the matter with helping people out, have you no compassion for anyone ? I bet if you were alive in the 1800’s you would have been a slave owner and getting rich off their hard work. You people are the worst. Just like I said I will be alive to piss on Trumps grave.
mike collins needs to check himself says
Lmao being a republican has nothing to do with race, Maybe you should check yourself because you do realize that most plantation owners were democrats? and being white has nothing to do with paying your dues everyone has to pay taxes, and how much you have to pay has to do with how much money you make and if your assuming that all white people are rich then you need to come to my town buddy and look down a couple streets and try to say that. poverty exists everywhere and trust me it doesn’t care about race
geezer says
We the middle class and the poor pay all the taxes. The rich pay nothing.
Anonymous says
You clearly don’t know history. Read about the Southern Strategy. The Democrats that you talk about and now the Republican Party! They exploit you with “dog whistles” about social issues and religion, just to get your vote. The current Dem party is the old Republican Party. Why is the South so poor? Study that.
Anonymous says
Ah yes the “great party switch” of a grand total of two people…. thats totally why joe biden a straight registered democrat went to the Klan leader’s rally, voted against blacks in every bill, and literally jailed more then almost every republican politician to date with his bills, but sure it was they that freed em “cough cough bull cough cough”
Jim Terry says
Bruh you have obviously never worked a job or made any money to yourself, there’s a reason people get greedy when they work hard for something, I mean isn’t that what your doing right now? in my opinion people with your mentality are the worst and are the root of the problem, quit asking for handouts, If you are so worried about living without having to work hard then why did you vote for someone who was going to raise the cost of living. Maybe you should actually do some research for yourself instead of hopping on the bandwagon.
Fname Lname says
Nobody is asking for handouts, they are just pointing out the reality that white owned corporations are not paying workers a livable wage yet corporate higher ups are taking home annual salaries and bonuses that could solve homelessness in most major cities!
Anonymous says
Thank you for speaking truth. The only problem is that most Republicans are too stupid, I’ll educated and just downright hateful to understand anything other than their own prejudices against anyone different than themselves. I kind of really pity them. They’d keep sending money to the biggest conman in the world by the name of Trump who is laughing all the way to the bank..
Phil says
Sorry to inform you. But all slave owners were Democrats. Republicans started with Lincoln in the 1850s. He won the war against the democratic slave owners. Democrats started the Jim Crow laws. Democrats also said blacks only account for 2/3 of a vote. Republicans struck them down. Democrats were the KKK. Anything that work against black people were democratic laws. It changed in the 1960s when the democrats realized they needed the black vote to keep power. If it was not for that. It would of taken 20 more years. Today the democrats started the antifa (anti first Ammendment) Blm – racist organization. So to blame Trump for the democrats mess is wrong. You need to stop watching the Nazie CNN, MSNBC and a couple others. I am not saying FOX is 100% great. But they are 80%. correct while the others are 10%. Read your history. Not the BS the Nazie channels and Pelosi is telling you
Balake el bandido says
The misinformation that you’re spewing as ‘facts’ is almost laughable, almost. The party ideology “switch” that the far left claims to have happened because they’re embarrassed of their own past has been disproven time & time again. Oh but that doesn’t align with today’s leftist ideology, so let’s just point fingers and pretend that ‘it wasn’t us’ and just throw the word racism around in every possible instance to make us feel better, right? Just so you know, your sheepish & brainwashed thought process doesn’t change the truth (No matter how bad you’d like it to).
Rojo says
You’re an idiot. You should probably pick up a history book.
Brett S. says
They get their history from statues of racist TRAITORS, not books! (If it really was the left that owned plantations and slaves and populated the CONFEDERACY, why is that the right now lives in all those same areas and is NOT OK with getting rid of those statues of racist, inbred, slave-holding treasonous bigots? Why is it the Nazis and other racist groups are exclusively on the Republican team NOW?
Karen McNicholas says
“I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease at the age of 56,in Jan of this year. I was approved by my neurologist to try feasible alternatives to my current prescribed medication in the hope of improving my quality of life. and I have to say this natural treatment is a 100% game changer for anyone with PD. It has been a complete turnaround with my balance, mobility,double vision, swollen feet, speech and tremors this is the best that I’ve felt in years. VISIT www. kykuyuhealthclinic. com Thank You Kykuyu. Karen McNicholas”
Lana Smiley says
What does this have to do with the democrats’ platform??
Glad you’re feeling better, but thats not the subject of this forum.
Rob says
They were never sick, they don’t even exist. This is just someone trying to sell snake oil.
Mike says
These post are enjoyable, because all you see are the inbred far right snowflaking. So just like the far left. It would be better to put all the extreme party voters and politicians from each on an island and napalm it.
Lori Johansen says
Agreed. What a load of crap!
Anonymous says
I think you should hang them from a tree branch and tell the refuge children it’s a big pinata a give them a big stick and say ” Swing away kids, swing away”.
Va says
Thank you for summarizing what I was thinking in essence. I’m just glad our beloved America doesn’t have to see his pathetic rapist criminal face everywhere anymore. DIng dong, that pathetic bastard is gone. And hopefully heading to his rightful place in jail. Financial crimes against America, rape of several women, just being butt ugly and a disgrace to man.
Natalie says
To Va, Are you talking about Bill Clinton?
Marianne Crane says
AWESOME, great comeback! Oh yeah, and it’s the TRUTH! Whereas the original statement is false. We know the lefties are just jealous because if you look at the world under Trump and look at it now, it speaks for itself.
mike says
dconnors says
Joe says
Name one true thing that is negative about Trump. All of this hate is brainwashing by the left so you will focus on him instead of how they are raping you of your freedoms, letting in hundreds of thousands of immigrants who not only have covid, are being flown around the country, given housing, cash, etc. The suckers call that diversity. The Dems are trashing their sheeple just for votes. Wake up. You’re so misinformed.
Lizza says
One true thing?
What’s with the postmaster he appointed?
How about how he took out a full page against the Central Park Five – when they were all innocent?
How about how he told us the covid pandemjc would be gone like a miracle?
I could name many many more, but you only asked for one.
Rob says
Your comment will now be ignored because you were only asked to name one.
JW says
Joe, you certainly very much nailed it.
JMP says
i can only wonder if you are indeed the idiot that you appear to be
jmp says
My post was NOT submitted in resonse to this post It was fraudulently manipulated by the CLOWNS that are referred to as MODERATORS ON THIS WEBSITE. mATTER TO BE REFERRED TO congressional comittee ON INTERNET FAIRNESS
Anonymous says
Yeah thats joe biden fir you yall pathetic American hating and trump hating mf have got a wake up call because republicans will win back house and senate and yes boy trump will be our president in 2024 and all of y’all will pay for all the innocent white blood that that lowlife bldm gangs have spilled when trump back in office blm will be gone first and i can’t wait to watch y’all and your whole damn socialist dems house crash down on your filthy pos heads
Anonymous says
To Anonymous, it is the left that is running America altogether with their very horrible policies. And the Republicans will without a doubt take back the house, and Trump will be back to clean this garbage up that Biden is doing now in 2024. Go Trump.
Anonymous says
Not on my watch.
jan says
Yeah, bc they CHEAT. See “gerrymandering.”
jan says
Yeah, bc they CHEAT. See “gerrymandering.” Moderators are terrible. Not posting comments.
Bonnie says
While your post was dated July 12, 2021 now you can happily add Andrew Cuomo to your post and the shoe does indeed fit. Let me give it to you straight Va. While your hatred of Donald Trump is patently obvious. There is not one politician on this planet and particularly in the United States who is going to fix any of the United States or world’s problems whether it be Democrat or Republican or Independent. This country’s problems and that of the world cannot be fixed by anyone ever.. We have gone over the edge and there is no coming back Va. It’s really that simple. All of the armchair quarterbacks are all bluster and offer no real solutions because they have none just like everyone else who carps and worships at the altar of any political party. My hope is not in this world.
Mother of Sentient Beings says
Yeah why would “the left” hate Trump? Because he is a treasonous serial rap(c)ist and petty tyrant wannabe dictator. The Faux Patriotism trope hasn’t aged well post Trump attacking his own civilian citizens and attempting a coup d’etat. You can be a lot of things and still be pro american, you can be pro small government and pro american, you can be anti choice and pro american, you can be pro police and pro american but you can’t be pro trump and pro american any more. Didn’t you all notice he was compromised and 25th Amendment from the jump and third best performance in a Manchurian Candidate to date if you are honest with yourselves “patriots”
Casey says
Lightfoot makes racist comment but the mainstream media ignores. Crime runs rampant in Chicago. Dems are awful at their job. “Defund the police when crime is at its highest” then they all do a complete 180 a week later lol. Its mind boggling how ppl still buy into the mainstream brainwashing
Rob says
Show me one place where police have been “Defunded”. It hasn’t happened.
Casey says
Lmao. Lightfoot makes extremely racist statement and mainstream media doesnt address it. Notice how whenever your ‘news” sources are discussing a specific policy or matter they’ll have an expert on who they question with some smarta** tone of voice like they already know if some politician is making a good choice or not? Its almost as if all news anchors would be better at politics
Anonymous says
Fantastic plan.
Anonymous says
Enlightened centrism
jane galloway moody says
All you see is the communist left trying to force their crap on everyone in the country. You still haven’t gotten over the civil war you started in 1861, and lost, because you now want more slaves!!!!
Anonymous says
Jane, The left are just real total losers altogether, and are very brainless as well.
jan says
It’s the opposite. Right-wingers are trying to force their religion and beliefs on others, esp women. They want a theocracy in the US for power over others. You are very confused. The South lost the Civil War., not the North. You seem to have never heard of The Southern Strategy.
Mica Hearne says
Charlie Kirk is an ambiguously gendered baked dessert of questionable content. I challenge him to a duel.
marion hatcher says
if i had made this comment , id be banned for 30 days
Felipe Dylan says
Hello, if you need help to win back your lost relationship with a love spell, then you have just found the right person that can help you do that within 48 hours and he’s name is Lord Zakuza. You can visit his website if you need his help via
Thomas H Birmingham says
see, spam like this. I love it. It’s Just the kind of stuff you would be able to sell to a Q friendly audience. A group of people with open minds that have difficulty thinking critically. The kind of people that believe in magic and superstition.
Folks, you’re a demographic to be targeted and manipulated.
A. Colin Flood says
The moment he said “ left-leaning mainstream media,” I knew we were playing pigeon chess with a right-wing nut.
Right winged Trump supporter says
Finally an article of truth not afilliated with the BS left wing socialist media. See how your socialism works out with the government handing out $1400 a month to live on. Go find another country that supports socialism and live there.
Starr says
God Bless America!
& send all the haters to places like Ilhan Omar & her squad of haters come from& worship!
sarky says
ugh, really…Just because you are a Dem or a Repub doesn’t PUT YOU IN A LEFTIST OR RIGHT-WING GROUP… we don’t all fit in a Neat Lil Group Box, A-Hole… 😩
Matthew 25:41
“Then He will also say to those on His left, ‘Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels;
2 Peter 2:6-18
New International Version
6 if he condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah by burning them to ashes, and made them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly; 7 and if he rescued Lot, a righteous man, who was distressed by the depraved conduct of the lawless 8 (for that righteous man, living among them day after day, was tormented in his righteous soul by the lawless deeds he saw and heard)— 9 if this is so, then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials and to hold the unrighteous for punishment on the day of judgment. 10 This is especially true of those who follow the corrupt desire of the flesh[a] and despise authority.
Bold and arrogant, they are not afraid to heap abuse on celestial beings; 11 yet even angels, although they are stronger and more powerful, do not heap abuse on such beings when bringing judgment on them from[b] the Lord. 12 But these people blaspheme in matters they do not understand. They are like unreasoning animals, creatures of instinct, born only to be caught and destroyed, and like animals they too will perish.
13 They will be paid back with harm for the harm they have done. Their idea of pleasure is to carouse in broad daylight. They are blots and blemishes, reveling in their pleasures while they feast with you.[c] 14 With eyes full of adultery, they never stop sinning; they seduce the unstable; they are experts in greed—an accursed brood! 15 They have left the straight way and wandered off to follow the way of Balaam son of Bezer,[d] who loved the wages of wickedness. 16 But he was rebuked for his wrongdoing by a donkey—an animal without speech—who spoke with a human voice and restrained the prophet’s madness.
17 These people are springs without water and mists driven by a storm. Blackest darkness is reserved for them. 18 For they mouth empty, boastful words and, by appealing to the lustful desires of the flesh, they entice people who are just escaping from those who live in error.
please do not worry my brethren we know God is loving and merciful but He also is JUST in all His ways. be ready all of us. its drawing near tribulation to test all man on earth to the end of the fullness of redemption for those who OBEY HIM.
L.L.G. says
Well we do fit in that nice little box we either do not vote or you left or right. Bided and his puppeteers are totally destroying this country bringing in all from various country’s and all are literally paying the price at grocery stores and at the gas pump. Also putting many many out of work. They are trying to turn this wonderful nation only for the votes so they can destroy even more!!!!
Wes brown says
Are you cognitively challenged?
Anonymous says
Are you cognitively challenged?
Anonymous says
you know some people have to be right all the time because it takes away the feeling of how small they feel after they win or take over something or people or place they feel bigger smarter better its look how good Iam people will be lost without me when its the other way around in there minds the own people and everything they get there hands on its the only way the know theyre somebody,
Anonymous says
add some punctuation, that was just confusing sorry.
TRUMP 2024!!!
Anonymous says
Lmao. Lightfoot makes extremely racist statement and mainstream media doesnt address it. Notice how whenever your ‘news” sources are discussing a specific policy or matter they’ll have an expert on who they question with some smarta** tone of voice like they already know if some politician is making a good choice or not? Its almost as if all news anchors would be better at politics
one says
do you all know that racism and prejudices are proven to be forms of lower life intelligence? one comment was right about “one race= human.” American constitution was mostly a copy from the IROQUOIS NATIONS, and not the ridiculousness from the bible. our relations left extreme religion ie CHRISTIANITY and CATHOLICISM (who murders more innocence “life” than CATHOCHRISTIANITY?) facts are that nobody murders more innocence from EARTH than CATHOCHRISTIANITY… donald trump should be in prison like all other land-developer thief’s– and he should be sharing his cell with bill gates (the self-imposed Jesus of our time.) in fact ALL OF OUR POLITICIANS BELONG BEHIND BARS FOR SELLING OUT TO CAPITALIST ELITIST IGNORANCE LUST-FULL MONEY MONGERS. and lets not get started on that jewish banking monster that is ruining life on Earth with its imaginary “inflation” called “THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK” fake money mongers!!! maybe we should all return to our NEANDERTHAL ROOTS… sound like better people than we homo-sapiens. not driven by greed of money or power.
Jerry says
You will never have the strength or power to change our country to your own selfish liking so you may as well move to a better country. Good luck finding it. I do agree that politicians should be jailed because they have controlling agendas that enable them to obtain millions of secret dollars that well exceed what their salary is. I don’t know how they even show their faces. They know we know they lie like dogs. I see them as secondary citizens, reprobates and derilects. And as a group that our country would be better off without along with their lapdog media mouthpieces that would say anything they are told for the American buc.. they are all going to meet theGod they don’t believe in when they die. I want to watch them grovel to the Lord
Tony says
I agree with you 100%. I just pray that this democratic leftist progressive marxist insanity will end. And end soon
Mike says
I also hope the far right klan head die off. The stuff the far left and right spew from their mouth just show that they’re inbreds.
Natalie says
To Mike: To every democrat, everything Republicans and Conservatives say and believe is far right. To a Republican and Conservative, everything the left says and believes is far left. Learn to recognize your own hypocrisies.
Anonymous says
And Natalie took the words from my mouth. Another American with her finger on the pulse. Not just regurgitating media propaganda. Mike, you should inform yourself. The truth is out there. You’ll be better off once you embrace it.
Anonymous says
You said it.
Anonymous says
it’s embarrassing to watch you just throw out random words that you don’t know the meaning
“democratic leftist progressive marxist”
is not a thing
these words are not all compatible. You would know this if you learned about politics and political views from a textbook instead of from Parler and angry old people on Fox News. Marxist doesn’t just mean “thing’s I don’t like”
JB says
Saf says
You are incorrect…. It is socialism that has murdered more innocents than any other cause … more than 100 Million in one century alone…. It is the godless ones the haters of good that are all you accuse others of….
Sonny says
I’m sorry you have not been able to thrive in the most thrive-able country in the world. Obviously, you want to be taken care of and are bitter against the successes of others. YOU would have never survived as early man and are only here because of modern medicine, etc. YOUR ancestors, if of your mindset, would have gone extinct very very early on…oh and oh so proud of your whining, envy, and general loser-ness. Sooo glad to NOT be you, still living in Mommy’s basement.
Bob says
It is inciteful reading all these comments. It is basic human nature to seek a better life. The Beauty of America is an individual who is willing to work to improve their station in life can do so.
We will always have problems, I agree many Politicians are self serving and I believe many are ripping us off and drawing attention away from their activities by accusing others of the deeds they are actually doing or the latest accusation is Racism. There are racist of every race, it is not a one way street. America is a Nation of Mutts. If you get your DNA tested we lots of connections to several Nationalities, including African, English, Asian, etc… To progress as a Nation we need to drop all the prefixes that serve to separate us into subcultures and agree that we are all Americans. and work together for the good of all Americans. Americans require JOBS. As Humans with Human temptations we require a strong legal system. We need strong Borders to protect Americans. Immigrants should be welcome but screened for disease with no criminal History, and self supporting. We need competitive capitalism to provide jobs and keep prices down. While we do need a welfare system we need it policed to prevent fraud. We need to return to the “Land of the Free” instead of the “Land where everything is Free” As a person I did not care for Trump, as a leader, his style was roughly entertaining. His accomplishments were in no way empathetic, but in many cases productive and good for America’s foundation. Biden is more likable but less effective. He has created inflation and destroyed our Border control. Demoralized our Law enforcement. Favors Illegal Immigrants over our Aging seniors living on fixed incomes and our ever growing population of Homeless, many of which are Veterans. and Senior citizens and Blacks.. Everyone has the right of Peaceful protest in America. No one has the right to riot, loot and destroy the property of others. Everyone should have the right to protect their own property with Justifiable Homicide if necessary.
Anonymous says
Trump 2024!
Marc says
The only thing created by liberalism this far is the road paved to hell with good intentions! If people dont like this country so much I dare you to move to a socialist communist country and we will see how fast you bring your stupid asses back here! I say good riddance to you fake Americans who claim they love this country but bash it every chance they get. Say what you want about Trump but hes been our best President by far since Regan and before that Kennedy! Trump is for America!! These dirty Democrats are so afraid cause they knew he was the real deal and could not be bought! I can go on and on…if I was a sensitive person like most of these idiot millennials and each generation after them I’d get a group together and protest cause your bashing my religion! But I’m not you see cause I dont look for excuses or reparations for things that happened hundreds of years ago….Blah blah blah
Kent says
Delusional Donny will go down as the WORST president EVER. Period. Anyone who hasn’t figured that out by now needs a lobotomy. The lying, cheating, stealing, racist, misogynist man child is sick and the GQP hanging onto their Savior’s pant legs, too afraid to stand up for what’s right (and needing Dumpster’s base to remain in office), will be right behind him. It’s disgusting. The difference between a crook like Nixon and tRUMP is that Nixon was crooked behind closed doors. Dumpster and his merry band of thugs do everything right out in the open for all to see.
alpha/omega says
wow kent looks like the only info u recieved on mars where u live is from cnn
JB says
Hey pagan, learn to read stupid. Stop listening to your marxist professors. You are one sheep in the collegant turmoil of garbage preached in this country for 40 years. Man you are a sorry pagan.
Cram says
more like a gazelle who tries to run in the center of the pack hoping some other gazelle is less fortunate
sarky says
Yay one 🎉🎉
jane galloway moody says
All you see is the communist left trying to force their crap on everyone in the country. You still haven’t gotten over the civil war you started in 1861, and lost, because you now want more slaves!!!!
Anonymous says
Jane, it is the left that are really total low life losers altogether that is causing our country to go down hill. But the Republicans will take back the house again, and hopefully this mess will go away. Trump in 2024.
sand man says
The only thing incorrect here is giving Christianity credit for America. BS. This continent was colonized by the Europeans in the first place that were fleeing AWAY from religious and ideological oppression and theocracy. Of course, like immigrants today eliciting a tearful narrative of being poor oppressed refugees and won’t you please let us in but actually ultimately being products of their environments, the people coming from Europe in the early days were just like the terrible people they were fleeing from, and it did not take them long to have the salem witch trials for instance. But once they were DONE with THAT part of its history, the COUNTRY, the country of America itself, was created on the ideals of REAL religious freedom, and it was founded by DEISTS, not CHRISTIANS, because Christianity always has had a reputation for oppressing everyone else, and continues this to this day. It never ceases to amaze me how much Christians are able to DISH IT OUT but unable to TAKE IT. They put up thousands of billboards across the country that say I’m going to hell if I don’t join their hate group, but the little snowflakes cry their little eyes out and cry oppression and a war on Christianity when an atheist group puts up one billboard that says something benign like ‘you’ve stopped believing? You know god ain’t real? Well, you don’t have to go back to church this Sunday then”. What a bunch of BABIES, the lot of them! No, America was NOT founded on that, it was founded on the principle of separation of church and state for good reason.
And the republicans are just as naive in their own ways. Not only do they not believe in separation of church and state and want to make America into the Christian version of the middle east and legislate their religion on the country, but they are JUST as susceptible to the naive idealizations of their own. While the left wants their communist utopia where racism and sexism doesn’t exist (while simultaneously being the most racist and sexist people on the planet, yes, I’m talking to YOU, feminists, you’re all nothing but a bunch of misandrist bigots, every last one of you!) the right has their absurd idealizations too, for instance they think that in their ideal world, guns are made to arm the good guys so as to let them shoot the bad guys. Well, I judge things based on the results they produce, and there’s certainly a lot less gun violence in countries that ban them like Australia and Japan, but the republicans aren’t interested in looking at REALITY, they prefer their naive idealizations. So I see them as much the same as the left in many ways, usually when it’s religiously motivated or clashes with their naive concept of infringing upon their freedoms, which they imagine should include oppressing non-Christians while pretending to be marginalized themselves. Boy is THAT something the left and right have in common.
Between the commie left and the theocracy religious right, I narrowly would choose the right, though I’d rather have the libertarian right, though they’re not without their own problems as they are de facto anarchists and don’t understand the value of having a government at all. I have yet to find a political affiliation in this country that ISN’T cancer. But the left, oh they’re definitely the worst of them all. I’ll take the Christians that want me to burn forever when I die for the crime of not joining their hate group, over the feminists and SJWs that want me to burn alive here on Earth for the crime of being born white and male, any day of the week.
As for Trump…… he was great. Until he screwed up his whole re-election at least. That was such a fiasco. But he was the repudiation of much of what I thought the republicans stood for. He is NOT a religious man, he is NOT motivated by religion, he is NOT a warmonger, he did NOT start expensive foreign wars, he was isolationist. Yet the left hated him, it seems like they have COMPLETELY forgotten about George W. Bush, they hated Trump like he was the worst republican in history and not the best. I would say his biggest fault was that the man is terrible with money, despite SEEMING to cut down things that should have been expensive, the national debt kept going up under him. I guess when it came to money he was no better at running the country than his casinos. The devil must be in the details, he must have done things very inefficiently at every level. But the left’s irrational hate of Trump, really verified with me that there’s just no redeeming the left in any way. If they can’t see the good parts of someone with such good parts, then there’s no helping them, they’re just rotten to the core.
Mark Mercer says
Wow, what a dichotomist way of thinking. An almost apologetic way of agreeing and disagreeing with the most vile features of both “parties”. I have never seen the Dems as offering any kind of Utopian ideology and damn sure not the Repubs. Both parties have but one specific goal and that is money grubbing and special interest. And then your adoration of the Trump fiasco really revealed your disillusion with reality and the American psyche. In America, there are no Communist leanings, there are no authoritarian aspirations, there is only lobbyist, dark money and screwing the voters into oblivion. And then having some half wit like yo try to over analyze the whole mess with some Owellelian microscope that has little to no meaning. Good try though.
Bill says
Boy are you blind. The America hating democrat party has went 100% communist.
Kent says
Do you even understand what communism means? Wow.
Bill says
You people are sad examples of the human race
Anonymous says
This was easily the funniest damn thing I read all day. It almost seemed like you might know what your talking about. But nope. Swing and a miss. Im not a Trump Fanboy, but he earned my respect and damn near pulled off the draining of the swamp.
One will, sooner than the Dems think.
Smart Person says
I’m a christian person and you are obviously, in some parts, talking about fake christians, people who say their christians but dont actually follow through with their beliefs. When you said that christians are able to dish it out but unable to take it, that would be a fake christian doing that. But, if you don’t believe in God, you are going to hell and don’t whine in a comment about it. Also Christianity does not oppress anyone, you foolish person. But, I do agree that “America itself, was created on the ideals of REAL religious freedom”, not christianity. Agreed. You don’t need to attack christianity though. Also do you see me crying? No, because you’re reading this, but also no because I’m not.
Facts says
Christianity does not oppress anyone now, but they did when they could. That is why all religion was removed from the US government. Most Christians even try to claim this country was founded on their religion in some way. nothing could be father from the truth. ‘We the People’ means just that. The people make their own laws, free from the tyranny of kings, nobles and religious rules that can’t be questioned. The American Taliban is on the rise once again, they tried to take over in the 1950s changing our National Moto and Pledge with their religious BS. They want to change America not preserve it as it was intended to be.
A smarter person than you says
Well you completely missed the point in your attempt to appear intelligent the part you’re not getting is that they fled religious and financial persecution and yes it was Christians that were being persecuted for not following the church of England so maybe you should learn a little history unless you’re in California and then your schools aren’t worth a shit but that’s how they want you and no I’m pretty sure the pilgrims a.k.a. the Quakers and the other Puritans that settled in the Northeast not that you actually have a clue what happened on the East Coast in the colony since you think the world started in California… But no they weren’t slaveowning fat cats despite what your teachers try to shove down your throat you don’t know history otherwise you wouldn’t be spouting such an authentic bullshit while trying to pat yourself on the back,
Read up on the protestant reformation and yes Christianity is protestant as opposed to Catholicism another branch of Christianity but they Weren’t Muslims playing because nobody fucking cares about Muslims that’s the whole point that you miss here nobody cares how you fucking wanna live you just wine and P your pants when nobody wants to sit down and throw you a parade for all your fucking victimhood do your own shit the problem that you have is that you can’t control how other people live and that’s what this country was founded on the choice to live how you want to live and like who you want to like or not like them and you can live how you want to live but you need to learn to except the fact that you can’t control other people that’s what this was based on get some facts bitch
Michael Walls says
Early American settlers fled Europe so they could set up their own religious dogma zones here. In other words, they were fleeing STATE religions in favor of their own brand of fanaticism. New England was carved up by religion zones, Pennsylvania was the original “Quaker State” and Utah, was and still is a Mormon state for all practical purposes. Most likely, people in Europe gladly waved goodbye on the docks as they left.
How fanatical were they? to Wit: Salem witch trials. It took generations for people to ebb away from that. The founding fathers were largely “Deists”., not believing in a god as a personal servant.
Al that being said, Christian VALUES, broken free of insane dogma, DID indeed mold this country..
alex james says
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Saf says
A good anti-Christer response. Only you fail to look at and access the anti-Christers with their fascism totalitarianism muhammedism socialism communism. …. All those isms. Then add Aztecs and other groups of people who do evil…. Perhaps you need to take your finger and point to good verses evil to see who is the greater murderers…
concerned patriot says
There are no logical people left…. I play poker … Have a brain play what i see Even internet poker has become playform.. left coast can fall in ocean… who cares… Please god shove them into ocean Old testament…. let those states die… we dont need them south is good.. God has been blessing USA till this point in time….san andreas go for it.. realize Gods wrath…..
i look forward to hearing it on Jimmy Fallon show LOL
Im sorry GOD Was just joking…. Burn in the pit all u california hmmmm non believers Stay where u are dont bring your bs politics to our states… going to cost u soon 500k if coming from cali to florida just to come in Watch called demo tax
joes prob choking now… sorry hes sleeping..
Anonymous says
i just had a stroke reading this-
Anonymous says
Did you have a stroke while typing this?
Anonymous says
Imagine if all the European immigrants had an established welfare system helping them. Would they have still worked so hard to better themselves and provide for their families. We may never know for sure. One thing we do know, those coming here today feel as though they were invited. They expect to be taken care of at our expense. Our loss is their gain, and they see no problem with that.
Guest says
God is a real evil filthy scumbag altogether for letting these people breathe and multiply to begin with.
Justin says
In the America I would have envisioned is one where you hate no-one, as a rule but hate evil. Evil, I think, does not enjoy this.
Anonymous says
Is trump an alian..or just a dope?
Tom says
The good book tells you to do unto others as you would have them do unto you! I say kill the fuckers before they can do anything to you!
JB says
AMEN, these heathans on here are going to get a cery very bad awakening. Lol
Sam I Am says
We leftists don’t hate America, Gerald. We love America. We just hate you.
Justin says
In the America I would have envisioned is one where you hate no-one, as a rule but hate evil. Evil, I think, does not enjoy this.
Jon Trouten says
One year and nearly 3000 toxic comments later, one wonders when Fillmore County Journal will stop allowing comments for this article?
Eyegore says
What a bunch of whining white racist losers. Any of you trumpfisters interested in living in the real world?
Anonymous says
See you in 22
T-Bones says
Hey look as Americans and also as a veteran we are having our rights taken away from us by the biden-harris administration and whether people believe it or not it is show most Americans believe in our civil rights and the amendment what American out there we’ll let that pass buy some I don’t care leftist groups
goober jones says
Did you go to school or is education in the States really this awful?
John Public says
What civil rights has the Biden administration “taken away from us”? Be specific.
And before you go around screaming about mask mandates, you should do a littel research. George Washington FORCED all soldiers in the Continental Army to be inoculated against small pox. Period.
Washington recognized a disease posed a serious risk to PUBLIC HEALTH and did something about it. And because of the MANDATORY small pox inoculation, instead of losing 90% of infected troops to smallpox, he lost less than 5%.
See, Washington understood that when fighting against a disease, EVERYBODY has to participate.
Anonymous says
I blow my nose to that!
Natalie says
The first Smallpox vaccine was not developed until 1798. Edward Jenner experimented with the FIRST TRIAL vaccine in 1796. George Washington died in 1799. Moreover, George Washington resigned from the Continental Army in 1783.
Conclusion: George Washington could NOT have forced ANYONE, not even the Continental Army to receive a vaccine that had not been developed at the time of his service.
Natalie says
The first Smallpox Vaccine was developed in 1798. Edward Jenner experimented with THE FIRST TRIAL vaccine in 1796. George Washington died in 1799. Moreover, George Washington resigned from the Continental Army in 1783. HIs last term as U.S. President ended in 1797, a year before the Smallpox vaccine was formally developed.
Conclusion: George Washington could not have forced ANYONE, not even a Continental Soldier to have a vaccine that didn’t exist in the time of any of his services.
Patricia Susan Hurley says
The troops were 1% to 10% of the population here at that time. Depending on who/what you read. SO MUCH FOR “EVERYBODY” HAS TO PARTICIPATE. BTW DID YOU ASK ANYONE IF THEY HAD THIS DISEASE AND IF THEY HAD ANTIBODIES? NO. BECAUSE IT DIDN’T FIT THE AGENDA YOU HAVE BEEN FORCE FED AND BELIEVE. And only personal insults come from the left. Because that is all you have.
Sandra says
There are Hispanics that are Republicans and we are not racist losers. We want to see America prosper, not become socialist nation who depends on the government. Believe me we live in the real world..
Smart Person says
Thank God that at least one person so far is informed by something other than all the communist news channels and idiot leftists. The main reason I don’t help by giving money to homeless people on the streets is not because I’m some heartless person, but because they are likely going to take money and buy drugs with it, or because almost every store is hiring right now and they just need to get off their asses and work.
Colleen Fisher says
Then YOU pay for the thousands and thousands of illegals and pay for the babies with no fathers in this country for their housing, food, medical and education. YOU👈 pay while the majority of MY generation didn’t even know what a food stamp was, you super liberal socialist burning and looting and taking what isn’t yours and what you didn’t work for! Shame on you but you don’t care what your parents and grandparents have already sacrificed to see go to those who think the world owes them a living! I’m white and whiny? Kiss my ass!
Anonymous says
That’s the classic response from the left: don’t argue principles, just vilify the opposition and try to shut them up.
Anonymous says
WHy so mad at this? Hmmm. Maybe he’s right and you can’t handle it.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx says
Sounds to me like YOU’RE the “Racist”. You should be silent, then no one would know you’re a fool.
DW says
I’m betting that it’s YOU who are the “racist” . Seeing how there’s only one race, human, the charge of “racism is a bogus straw man and always puked up by ignorant morons who have no real argument.
I suggest you remain silent in future, that way you can hide the fact tha you’re actually an ignorant fool.
Anonymous says
not with you
Anonymous says
What an uniformed idiot who just follows along like a sheep. News flash kiddo socialism isnt going to work out so well for you either. Looks like eyegire is a useful idioy
Anonymous says
LoL, why don’t you state facts, you don’t have a point here other than to get personal and try to assassinate someones character because you have no communication skills. I’m sure you watch your 15 minutes of CNN and think you’ve got the world figured out. Lol
Mike Irwin says
Sounds like your the racist ,since your accusing!
Miftaha Rahman says
Write a short composition about “Dream of a girl with impaired vision “.Write at least five sentence about the topic. Remember to use capital letters, punctuation correct, spelling and sentence structure.
Scott says
Awe check your Kotex you weak libtard
scott says
Awe check your Kotex you weak libtard. You are delusional at best
Scott says
Do you nee a new Kotex sheep? Sounds like your vag is still bleeding like usual, Low IQ Beijing Bidener
Ashman says
100% agree, that’s insulting as fuck, cause we hate Teump we hate America.
I guess it doesnt bother them 1 iota he used the presidency as a personal business appointment
If anything, Teump hates America more than any other president in history.
He’s even goi g to be responsible for rie c wade being overturned
For people who claim they fight for big government to stay out of our lives and big companies shouldn’t have to pay taxes if they use legal loopholes.
(I am n being sarcastic but i fear i must point that out cause trumpers arent known for getting subtle comments.)
So how is a GOP who tells every woman what thet can and can’t do with their bodies, even if incest rape happened,who cares that the retarded baby won’t ever be loved as the mother will resent it every time they look at the rape, incest, or both baby.
GW says
Said the low life loser.
Truth teller says
Get in your knees and save your soul list one. God is and will reveal the TRUTH WATCH AND PRAY FOR YOUR WICKED WORDS!!! Stop the race card!!! We are all awake to your BS lies!! Pack up and leave America go elsewhere ma y will help you pack!! Martin Luther King Jr. brought us together you wicked lefty commies are trying to divide us by color evil doers!!! I will continue to pray for your soul! Although you all live and love to spread the lie of racism in America…. HELLO DID WE NOT HAVE OBAMA THE ILLEGAL NON AMERICAN BORN (LIKE KAMALA DEVIL ))AS A PRESIDENT FOR 2 terms!?! And sadly now his 3rd term!?!? Watch God continue to work for those who love him Conservatives coming God on our side not the wicked child pedophiles as will soon be exposed as well Obama, Clinton’s and more!!
frank powell says
You are either ignorant or stupid, I hope you are just ignorant, stupid is forever.
A concerned American citizen says
What an egotistical insulting and person in need of some mental health that you would go out of your own way to seek those that oppose your viewpoint and insult those do not share your viewpoint. If you really are as great as you think you are then you would appreciate other opinions and try to learn why it is other people think the way they do but no you would rather insult destroy and take that which is not yours to take and you wonder why people on the other side of the political spectrum do not listen to you.
Guest says
Said the real total loser.
Brenda says
The anti cristian conspiracy theory lunatics who simply DEMAND their own way or do not. Hesitate to tell every one they will hurt or even kill other Americans rather than own the truth. There are too many videos of the harm they did to others including other Repupublicans. To lie and deny what the world saw happening in the last 4 years is a shame on the party of Lincoln. These racist
Haters are not Christians NOTHING about their behaviour suggests anything but negative . Jesus is not a hater. He was a dark brown middle Eastern man who practiced Judaism till the day he died. He was a refugee who did not demand a way of hate that these people. Demand. People who use God and Jesus as their justification for violence, judgement,racism, sexism, so much of the excuses they use to demand people do everything they want, Regardless of breaking EVERY ONE OF THE TEN COMMANDMENTS!!
Leland Kendrick md says
Yes in America
If you don’t like America
The good news there is no ball and chains around your ankles
You are free to go
Try Iran or China or north Korea just to name a few
If you dislike freedom so much
And don,t come back
How many people are trying to break into Marist dictator death camp countries
Their borders are their prison
1.3 billion prisioners in China alone
Walt says
The greatest generation fought and beat fascism to save the world. How disgusted they would be to see Republicans taking help and false news from Russians and the Chinese, and trying to disenfranchise citizens voting because they are not fascists worshiping a man who is:
1. a coward – draft dodging pig
2. fraud (claimed $1m from his father it was $4`17M
3. cheated on all his wives and paid for sex/
4. misused the Justice Department to punish those against him. got his followers to swallow the false lie of a crooked election. tried to take over the government two months after he lost.
He’s trash and anyone that follows him is an idiot – or worse.
Steven Keller says
the economy is drowning due to inflation issues due to this nations abuse of progressive taxes,the solution is to implement a flat tax plan and reduce government spending as this very technique has been used to improve other nation inflation struggles with flying colors,then police funding needs to be increased with extra police training to ensure the security of every city of our nation with ensuring governors and politicians create the imagine of solidarity with police departments to ensure there is professional respect between politicians and police officers,then to focus on out control and chaotic protesters who can’t seem to grow up and stop protesting i’d suggest implenting a law that makes protesting grounds to have every public protester examined by a psychiatrist and any individual with psychological issues faces treatment at a secure psych facility while those that have no psychological issues are instructed to stop protesting and see a therapist and let american citizens live more relaxing cause citizens dont call it relaxing when protesters act like children and if that doesn’t work criminalize peaceful protesting under the public safety exception to the constitution,the left needs to grow up and act like an adult and some onn the right need to grow up to as most republican already have,demonizing your political opponents doesnt discuss the issues only addressing those issues with civility addresses the issues
John MacWilliams says
Washington exists to scratch its own behind. They will never agree to anything that reduces their power. The tentacles of government reach far and wide. The only way to defeat it is to cut off tentacles one at a time. Start with the Dept of Homeland Security Immigration Dept. the Dept of Education, then labor, then right the ship at DOJ, etc etc. this of course is a dream. Nothing will happen without a peaceful revolution so large, the bureaucrats can’t resist it. The Jan 6 protest is a lesson learned: The Washington Establishment, after a year of doing nothing about the nationwide riots built on a lie, went after protesters at the capital as if it was acRussian invasion. Up to the current president they vilified that crowd as right wing extremists and went so far as to spy on the National Guard to “root out” extremists in that organization for fear, (ohmygod) they would join forces with that mostly peaceful crowd. In other words, if you threaten them with peaceful protests, they will come after you, suiting”America’s #1 threat. Not China, Not Russian or Iran, but (almost non existent): “White Supremacy”
Sam I Am says
Inflation has been at historically low levels for 30 years. That’s why a gallon of milk has costed between $2 and $3 since the 1990s. Gasoline is currently the same price it was in 2000. In your very first sentence you discredited the entire rest of your post, which I won’t both to read.
Kiddo says
Right on!
Ash R sherman says
Fuck the police. If you havent noticed, they’ve been useless up till after every damn mass shooting.
Please tell me how police will change things?
Sonny says
What a dumbass! Wait until YOU are shot, your mother raped and your kid murdered. Then you can hurry and call BLM or ANTIFA! Hahahahahahahahaha. Can’t think beyond your own nose. Idiot…one born every minute. God help the rest of us!
Bruce Fairman says
Isn’t your letter an example of protest but in this this you assault the English language and submit false outdated “facts” that are nothing more than the oldest racist tropes and irrational fears of “the other” drummed up to spread fear and divide. I love this country but your bs solutions remind of my drunken Aunt railing about how great everything was back when we had prayer in schools. But if you want to pay my therapist with government funding by all means go ahead!
Tammy says
Perfect, But WHEN it’s not said AND done in the home where Dad gives the morals of how to live and obey FATHER and Mother ,GOD and education FROM sound parenting is the keys,for a house divided cannot stand, A Nation Nation divided cannot stand, this Nation WITH it’s great divide of what this country has been through and prosper for what ALL in other countries want SO badly to HAVE, But now due to such confusion ITS a Nation divided FROM GOD Almighty, PRAYERS are needed ,but revelations are clearly Here,
Shayne T. Pendrick, A.S. says
To criminalize peaceful protest is itself unconstitutional, the courts would slap that down faster than even I can down my favorite dinner which I won’t say because that is irrelevant. The right of protest is sacrosanct and inviolable. People like you just have to suck it up and deal with it, buttercup.
thomas says
the left is too far gone and when gop retakes house and senate in 2022 i hope biden resigns he is far worse than idiot jimmy carter and we know all dems are total socialist communists who crave power and money
Anonymous says
We are waiting for TRUMPS return to clean up the Biden & Harris mess all across the USA.
TW says
To Anonymous, You really nailed it. Trump in 2024.
joe says
U r one retarded stupid Hitler Lover. of a lying perverted selfish scared person. Your stupid trump. Let him fondle ur wife and or daughter. The country is not a business. Read the constitution. And if you don’t know what it signifies ask some people who do . I bet you don’t know .
Linda DeWalt says
I agree. The left has gone off the deep end.
Guest says
The lefts are very retarded to begin with, and a real bunch of losers too.
Anonymous says
They were not losers in the latest elections.
Anonymous says
The election was rigged in their favor unfortunately.
dkolda says
The GOP are Qanon, Trump loving, racists, bigots, xenophobic, LGBTQ hating, asinine racist fools. And as Americans they showed how unAmerican they are by the insurrection they committed on Jan 6th. The GOP also use the bible to spew hatred at people they dislike instead of using the Bible for love as it was intended. Speaking of the bible, Trump is an atheist, he’s never gone to church or picked up and read the bible before his presidency, it was all a show like everything else he says and does that you people fall for.. You people think he’s a god while he’s really the complete opposite!
Anonymous says
Guest says
You said the real truth.
Rob says
Yeah, that worked out pretty well for you, didn’t it?
wendy ruth says
w smthson says
Really? Lucky you
Truth T. Power says
INDISPUTABLE..As a 17 who VOLUNTEERED for the US Army during Vietnam and who wasn’t driven in a limo to school & given $18 million when I turned 18 by my slum lord daddy………….who never visited whores while married…never mocked handicap people..who never ripped off veterans a a supposed college..on and on..I DETEST THE MEGLAMANIAC MALIGNANT NARCISSIST SOCIOPATH DRAFT DODGING (yes daddy paid a doctor to say the poor boy had bone spurs) WHO CALLED A FELLOW VET HERO MCCAN A LOSER BUT CALLED A NON-VETERAN STEVIE BOY SCALAISE A HERO CAUSE HE WAS SHOT PLAYING BASEBALL!!!!!!!!REALLY YOU STOOGE, SUCKER, NAIVE, ASS LICKING, NARROW MINDED, MINDLESS FOLLOWERS OF THE BIGGEST BTRAITOR IN US HISTORY ..TRUMPY..ITS INDISPUTABLE THAT YOU ARE ABSURD IDIOTS TO THINK THE SILVER SPOON BUFFIN CARES ABOUT YOU…AND SOCIALIST!!!Really…..then give your Stimulus, , Unemployment, Social Security, Medicare , Obamma Care, Big OIl subsidies , on and on BACK..YOU HIIPOCRITS..THATS SOCIALISM……………………………
Michael says
You need to read a little history before you post something so ridiculous!!
Study world history and you’ll realize that we on our way to socialism !!
Please take this as constructive criticism.
The mouse is still trying to figure out why the cheese is free !!
Anonymous says
These moron people just don’t know right from wrong.
Anonymous says
morons like you dont know what socialism is
Kevin says
You are a complete idiot!!!
Anonymous says
Basing your political believes on hate makes you an idiot
Sam says
Work on your spelling, sir, but otherwise…. BINGO!
Anonymous says
Sunny days says
What a typical fool from the left .Better read cuz all you said are leftist lies. The name calling isn’t typical leftist immaturity and fear! You are a foolish little person . A joke actually…lol
Anonymous says
You’re a perfect example of how the media manipulates people emotionally to follow their narratives, false as they are. You, sir, are a brainwashed fucking IDIOT!
w mcmahon says
Your first sentence (if you can call it that) contained at least two lies.
You ARE NOT in your 70s.
You are not a Vietnam Vet.
Maybe if you could occasionally tell the truth, and then learn how to write a coherent sentence, then you MIGHT be take seriously. Until then,,, this is pathetic.
Jeff says
You’ve got a problem. I did give mine back the first one just gave it back, the second one I donated it all to conservative causes. None of your complaints about Trump would even leave your mouth if they weren’t fostered and festered in your brain by the mainstream media. Pretty sad.
pipper donnie says
Fact 1 about America and fail red states.
Both prop up by the American police/justice system that feeds the MULTINATIONALS BILLIONAIRE CORPORATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS!!!!!
UNLESS YOU’RE POOR WHITE (wallllllmart minimum wage on welfare queen)
OR YOU’RE POOR BLACK (prisoner working for free)
there is a name for this. Its call Instrumental Marxism!!!
Ya, the Billionaire and the government (one and the same) work to enslave their citizens just like China!
Facts 2 about America and the fail red states!
Reality Check. Outsourcing, automation, and immigration is NOTHING
It’s called instrumental Marxism where big business and government enslave their citizens to profit off of them! ‘Prison Slavery’: Inmates Are Paid Cents While Manufacturing Products Sold to Government Why conservatives are the biggest Marxist welfare queen for billionaire corporatist and fail fail fail to support their dying poor voters.
Will a Federal Prisoner Steal Your Job?
An Alabama clothing-maker recently found out just how hard, according to the Myrtle Beach Sun-News: American Apparel of Selma had to lay off 225 workers after it lost a contract for U.S. Army jackets to UNICOR, a $900 million behemoth with 89 factories around the U.S. Its workforce consists entirely of convicts. Sorry but calling “them” a part of the establish instrumental Marxism tool to enslave black America is not racist. It’s a fact.
Fact 3 about America.
Will a FREE Federal Prisoner Labor for Multinational American Corporations Steal Your Job?
An Alabama clothing-maker recently found out just how hard, according to the Myrtle Beach Sun-News: American Apparel of Selma had to lay off 225 workers after it lost a contract for U.S. Army jackets to UNICOR, a $900 million behemoth with 89 factories around the U.S. Its workforce consists entirely of convicts.
UNICOR’s workers, according to the government-owned corporation’s website, make custom draperies and curtains, mattresses and bedding; furniture, lighting systems, catwalks; fences, towels, shelving, eyewear (both safety and prescription), and trophies. They run help desks and call centers. They process credit cards and provide fleet management services. Oh, and they make license plates.
Federal law requires government agencies to buy products from UNICOR without competitive bidding.
The company, also known as Federal Prison Industries (FPI), is enjoying the kind of growth that might make some for-profit companies envious. How Louisiana’s Oil and Gas Industry Uses Prison Labor!!!!! BILLIONAIRE NEEDS SLAVES! SLAVES! SLAVE! IN RACIST AMERICA!!!!
Back in 2013 DPS&C report shows that prisoners are compensated directly by their employers, and are required to be paid no less than 50 cents above the federal minimum wage, although the DPS&C can grant exceptions. But facility operators —in Lafourche’s case, the parish sheriff’s office—pocket 64% of a prisoner’s gross wages, which are used to pay for their room and board. In 2015, operators across all work release programs in Louisiana made $35.5 million from prisoner wages, in addition to per diem payments the state gave for each state prisoner and millions from commissary sales to their captive clientele.
The Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) has the biggest prison population in the United States (over 140,000 prisoners) and the most prisons of any state (over 100). It is also known for being one of the most self-sufficient and profitable prison systems in the nation, thanks to zero pay prison labor.
That’s right: prisoners in Texas are working for free. Total sales for TCI in the fiscal year 2014 alone were valued at $88.9 million, and not one dime of it was used to pay those who produced this handsome reward. Whenever TCI is scrutinized by the public for this practice, they note that prisoners receive other rewards for their labor, such as time credits called “Good Time” or “Work Time.”
This exception laid a foundation, built on by racist Jim Crow laws, for the convict leasing and mass incarceration of ostensibly free black southerners, including in Texas. Even after the Legislature passed laws to end the state system of leasing people to companies for a profit in 1910, no pay for forced work is still the norm in Texas prisons more than a century later. Meanwhile, a third of the state prison population today consists of African Americans, who make up 12 percent of the general state population. And almost half of those inmates are serving time (and working for free) for nonviolent charges.
Facts 4 about Christian America in the fail red states. WOKE and the history of “Christian” Confederacy! I said it before and I’ll say it again. Christian Confederate Aryan “Cancel Culture” is all about Undemocratic value of Hate and Greed! It’s something “Christian” in the south will teach you under their Christian history of enslavying and rapeing people.
(1) “God fearing Christians'”GOP-backed voting measures could create hurdles for tens of millions of voters. At least 250 new laws have been proposed in 43 states to limit mail, early in-person and Election Day voting. 100% pure Confederate Aryan “Cancel Culture”!!
(2) There were over 700 public swimming pools in the Southern states! Socialism and southern white American goes hand in hand and these southern white folks have no problem with public parks and their swimming pools as long as they are for whites only! Just a fact kids. But as soon as desegregation came. Southern white Americans hated the idea of their white family “sharing” their pools with color folks. Check out “South Park” did a parody of it in the 2017??? You may want to look up the word xenophobia. It’s a 2021 GOP’s Aryan cultural identity Christian value thing.
See kids, White confederates hate black in America so much, they defunded and got rid off all 700 public swimming pools! Thus the birth of private Aryan American “cancel culture” and back yard swimming pools in the south was born and across America…
The birth of a whole new world of conservative/republicans/confederate/racists Aryan “cancel culture” policy has expanded to excluding blacks in business to employment in the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s even in the 2021 . Now its all about the weaponized pretext of attacking color folks. This is what it means to be a real republican today!!!
Tracy says
Liberals are the ones in the pocket of China and Russia actually they call liberal the useful idiots until the get ready take them out you surely don’t believe they are going to share with what they don’t need anymore ! When you don’t need anything anymore you throw it away !
Jim says
Or maybe what it means to be a “Republican” is don’t do strings that will land your ass in prison, then you can go to your job, make your wages, pay for your own room and board, and if there’s some money left over you can put a pool in your back yard??
Brian says
You are obviously one of the angry Karen types that thinks she is Right about everything!!, you Know NOTHING!! The knowledge you gained at your liberal college has made you a idiot!!If you actually did your research you would know that everything you just claimed the Republicans do is what the Socialist Democrat Party Has been doing for the last 50 years!! And in true Farm just like the Socialist Democratic party that blames the Republicans for everything that they are doing when it is in plain sight!!!! you are a sheep heading for Slaughter,… let me know how your health is in 5 years after your vaccine shot you stupid Ignorant School by socialism Hypocrite!!!
mary Jane says
Another Trump idiot I am a veteran and the dems are not socialist and I know a lot of Dems that served with honor, but your great white hope had a bone spur! What a racist bastard, we all know why trump supporters are so afraid of dems because they might be black, brown, red, yellow or women. What a bunch of cry babies republicans are Trump lost get over it.
Fact says
Trump really won the election to begin with, you idiot. And Biden won because the election was Rigged to begin with.
Jackcsc says
You have no idea what a Republican is. Your Democrat imagination is in full swing. Educate your yourself with some self-reliance; instead of your TV set. Your level of ignorance is impressive. Nothing you posted here is fact on the Republican side of things. Ask Bill Clinton about how Walmart got to where they are today. Not because of a Republican.
Cindy Jantz says
Democrats are the ones who instituted the Jim Crow laws in the South! You got your facts wrong due to your obvious hate for Christianity, and for the God of the Holy Bible! Your hatred is really against the Lord God of Israel, Creator of the heavens, the earth, the seas and all that therein dwells! You hate anyone who follows the Lord Jesus Christ, and you hate all Conservatives because we don’t agree with your twisted worldview! You don’t know me, neither do you know the Lord God of Israel! You cannot win your war against Him! You are not the Creator! He does love you, and it’s not His Will that you should perish, (suffer in eternal torment and darkness for ever and ever! Eternal death never ends, and it is horrible emotional, spiritual and physical torment for eternity), but that you should come to Repentance! God created you with a wonderful plan for your life; but instead, thus far, you have rejected Him and His Holy Word! You seem more bent on being bitter and filled with hatred towards God and all who follow Him, as well as all those who believe in Conservative values; and then there are the RINOS, They claim to be Republicans, but they often do not really hold to true Christian Biblical Conservative principles! They are double-minded, and usually speak in “,politically correct” language so as to gain the most votes, because they really don’t have true Biblical principles to stand on! They flip-flop often just to please whatever members of their constituency they think are listening at the time! They can’t be trusted to honor their promises once they get into office! No human being is perfect! Romans 3:10, 23 As it is Written, there is none righteous, no, not one. For all have sinned, and come (fall) short of the glory (Perfect, and Holy Standards of Almighty God) of God. Romans 5:8 But God commendeth (showed) His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 6:23 The wages (what we have earned due to our sins against our Holy, Creator God) of sin is death: (physical and spiritual separation from God in Hell), but the (free) Gift of God is Eternal Life through Jesus Christ our Lord; Ephesians 2:8 For by (God’s) Grace (which we don’t deserve, and we cannot ever earn) are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; 9 It is the Gift of God: not of (our deeds) works, lest any one should boast. Romans 10:8 But what saith it? The Word is nigh (near) thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the Word of faith, which we preach; 9 That if thou shalt confess (profess) with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him (Jesus Christ) from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 11 For the Scripture saith, whosoever believeth on Him (Jesus Christ) shall not be ashamed. 13 For whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved. 14 How then shall they call on Him (Jesus Christ) in Whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in Him (Jesus Christ) of Whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? 15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is Written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the Gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things! 16 But they have not all obeyed the Gospel. For Isaiah saith, Lord, who hath believed our report? 17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, (Nicodemus: one of the rulers of the Jewish religious leaders of Israel) Verily, Verily, (I tell you the truth), I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God. 4 Nicodemus saith unto Him, (Jesus Christ) How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother’s womb, and be born? 5 Jesus answered, Verily, Verily, (I tell you the truth, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water (our first and natural birth into this world) and of the (Holy) Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. 6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is Born of the (Holy) Spirit is Spirit. 7 Marvel not (don’t be so surprised or amazed) that I said unto thee, Ye must be Born again. 8 The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is everyone that is Born of the Spirit. 9 Nicodemus answered and said unto Him, (Jesus Christ) How can these things be? 10 Jesus answered and said unto him, Art thou a master (teacher/Rabbi) of Israel, and knowest not these things? 11 Verily, Verily, (I tell you the truth) I say unto thee, We speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen; and ye receive not our witness. 12 If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things? 14 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man (Jesus Christ) be lifted up: (on the Cross as our sin-sacrifice and our Passover Lamb). 15 That whosoever believeth in Him (Jesus Christ) should not perish, but have Eternal Life. 16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, (Jesus Christ) that whosoever believeth in Him (Jesus Christ) should not perish, but have Everlasting Life. 17 For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him (Jesus Christ) might be saved. 18 He that believeth on Him (Jesus Christ) is not condemned: but he that believeth Not is condemned already, because he hath Not believed in the Name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that Light (Jesus Christ) is come into the world, and men loved darkness (addicted to their sinful lifestyles) rather than Light, (Jesus Christ and His Holy Inspired, Inerrant and Infallible Word: the Holy Bible!) because their deeds (lifestyle habits) were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the Light (Jesus Christ and His Holy, Inspired, Inerrant and Infallible Word: the Holy Bible!), neither cometh to the Light, lest their deeds (sinful lifestyles) should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the Light, that his deeds (lifestyle) may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God. 36 He that believeth on the Son (Jesus Christ) hath Everlasting Life: and he that believeth Not the Son (Jesus Christ) shall Not see Life; but the Wrath of God abideth on him. (Because he chose to reject the only begotten Son of God Who paid for our sins by shedding His Own Holy, righteous and perfect blood in our place on the cruel Cross of Calvary! Jesus Christ never sinned! He took the punishment that we deserve for our sins against our Holy and Just and Perfect Creator God! We all deserve to suffer eternal torment in hellfire for our sins! Jesus Christ paid for our sins on the Cross! When you reject Jesus Christ, you are choosing to go to hell!
John MacWilliams says
Hell will be the coming socialist states of America. When that happens, at leastv20 states will secede, kicking off a major confrontation. I would suggest those states start right now beefin up their guard corps because they will be needed.
Sam I Am says
Keep the name of my people Israel out of your hateful mouth, you self-righteous so-called “Christian”.
Hope says
What planet are you from? Obviously you know nothing about the History of the United States! Who freed the slaves? Who was against slavery while writing the Constitution? Stop gaming, complaining, collecting unemployment, and blaming everybody else for your judgemental attitude, and inability to research before you open your mouth! First read the Bible and understand that not all people are after you! Next, understand that “blacks” are not the only abused people. In order to understand the last statement, read the Bible from front to back with an open mind. Then pick up an actual History book of the United States that was written before the computer takeover of Our Country.
Good luck, but better than “luck”, I hope that reading the Bible will open your heart and soul to the Truth that God does not see the “color” of our Skin! He sees the truth of your heart. Is it full of useless hate, OR is it able to change and follow the one that loves you so much that He (Jesus) died for your sin and can now give you an everlasting life, because He(Jesus) prooved that there is Life after death. It’s your choice. God gave all humans a free will to choose right or wrong; good or bad; there are No grey areas; truth or lies. You will find answers to your doubts, questions and mislead confusion in the Living Word of God who created you. Stop believing lies and start believing in the peace that only God can give you.
John MacWilliams says
You are right. But churches must share the blame for our secular society. They also drifted off into gobbledygook racial teachings, turning many of us off.
D says
You say open up your history books….you best get on it then…of course the Reps fired the skaves and then years later because of economics, the Reps changed to Dems and vise versa! Duh! Open up them history books dear one you bound to learn another. And as for the Constitution not anywhere in there Were they against slavery walwatt writing the Constitution in fact the majority of them owned slaves! I think you need to get your story straight before you go rambling on. And as far as God and Jesus are concerned, pretty sure they had Nothing to do with the writing if the constitution either, as much as you’d luv if that was the case. Anyone who says they’re a Christian yet believes in a man who lied daily to our faces. Bullies and cheated on wives, avoided taxes as a way to defund everything including the police., can’t be a true Christian. Be a Republican. Not a cukt leader supporter who thrives on Hitler style rallies. Read your history for that playbook!
Anonymous says
Biden is a sob piece of shit go to hell Biden
mary Jane says
Another Trump idiot I am a veteran and the dems are not socialist and I know a lot of Dems that served with honor, but your great white hope had a bone spur! What a racist bastard, we all know why trump supporters are so afraid of dems because they might be black, brown, red, yellow or women. What a bunch of cry babies republicans are Trump lost get over it.
Anonymous says
To Anonymous, Biden is a real complete scumbag altogether, since he is the cause of this mess altogether to begin with. And this is why he is destroying America on purpose.
Anonymous says
Not interested in a groups individualism.
Anonymous says
Your just an idiotic dip sh who has no understanding of his own country why don’t you leave
KB says
This is the ramblings of a drunkard. Nonsensical….
Anonymous says
The truth shall make you free!f
kb says
Nonsensical ramblings of a drunkard.
Anonymous says
USA is one of very few countries that fought to abolish slavery, in our own USA. Holding on to slavery is holding a crutch. It was not right to own slaves, and you forget that many were given land and freedom. Your holding on to a past that makes it difficult for you to realize that opportunities are available to all, you are holding yourself back and blaming everyone else.
Anonymous says
Joe Biden is all about segregation and has always supported segregation, as he continues to do right now…..trying to define us by the color of our skin. A very devisive tactic in order to divide and conquer.
JFK says
There is not ONE, not ONE SINGLE public swimming pool that is for whites only ANYWHERE in the USA. I only need to read a few selected sentences from your racist hatespeech to realize you’re spouting lies, nothing but hateful anti-American lies.
The right doesn’t ATTACK colored folks. The right, if ANYONE espouses the true ideals of EQUALITY. The left wants NOTHING to do with that, constantly claiming racism racism racism every chance they get. All we see in American Media today is the nonstop extreme threat against blacks when the reality is, they have EVERYTHING easier than whites do in life. Beneficial job entitlement over any other race FOR NO REASON, beneficial education opportunities over any other race FOR NO REASON, beneficial judicial and law hearings over any other race FOR NO REASON.
If you want equality, the whole BLM and making laws that cater to one race and one race only simply because they were slaves over 100 years ago is NOT the path to equality. I put in 10 years in the military to get my GI Bill so I could get educated because I come from a poor white family and NOTHING in the USA says I deserve any help or assistance in improving myself. I sat right next to 18 year olds who didn’t even have to take the freaking SAT or ACT to get into college, they simply had to say “I am Black” and they got admitted instantly and were given a free full ride. For no reason other than the fact of what happened over 150 years ago. They were not slaves themselves, their parents weren’t oppressed in any way shape or form. They simply are living off of the communist liberal democrat teat that stands against EVERYTHING that the USA was founded upon. These democrats absolutely do not want to see ANYONE that works hard for a living succeed. They don’t want to see the best candidate for the job, they want to see the darkest colored skin color for the job. We are becoming a nation of lazy scum living off of the government’s handouts.
I pity these scum, and will fight to the end to prevent them from taking America down and everything it stands for, as well as the work and sacrifices that thousands upon thousands before me gave their lives to protect and defend.
mary Jane says
What a bunch of racist crap, who the hell calls blacks colored people but ignorant white republicans most of whom want to go back the to 1950s when blacks knew their place and men told woman what to do! typical republican thinking.
John says
Much props for being so educated on actual problems, not the fake ones, and trying to promote some level of knowledge on a few of them. At this point the racist jerks feel like they’re persecuted but there is a difference between being actually persecuted and prosecuted. The latter is deserving of any negative effects from such actions and they deserve way more than they’ll ever recieve.
ExhibitA says
apparently you failed your history class smh.. democraps are the racists ones since their inception. they founded the kkk, and are pro jim crow.. what next? are you moronic baby murderers gonna claim that you were pro life all long and conservatives are pro choice when your baby murdering row vs wade fails? knowing the demonrats you would most likely do that.
———- says
Your writing skills suck!
I don’t think you got your point across because none of it makes any sense.
jane galloway says
The confederates were democrts, not republicans, the slave owners were democrats, the segregationists were democrats, the anti-civil rights idiots were democrats. Learn some American history!!
ben says
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ben says
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Anonymous says
You’re stupid
Janet says
This is a disgusting display of comments. How disappointing and how ashamed I am to reside in Fillmore County right now. I have lived here all my life and I am 58 years old, I have never seen such disregard for our neighbors throughout the county as I have recently and here on this comment section. Not a one of you should be touting God, Jesus or going to church on Sunday without asking God for forgiveness for the way you treat each other. I am truly disgusted and worried about the kids of today because they have the worst behaving elders and role models. I pray you all can get right with God and each other.
Anonymous says
You… are…. an ….. absolute …. IDIOT.
Anonymous says
That was a lot of writing to say you hate it here. So my suggestion would be to ask you to leave
as you don’t care to be here. Make your way back to where you came from and we will call it even.
Anonymous says
No balls republican I’m somehow sure you chicken shit.
cindy jantz says
Amen! These people are ungodly and wicked! Repent sinners! Some day you will face the Lord Jesus Christ as your Judge! You won’t have any human lawyers that will be able to get you off in the Righteous Judge of the Universe’s Court when you face Him at the White Throne Judgement! By that time, it will be too late for you! But you will bow the knee and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father! So I would advise you to humble yourself under the Holy and Just and Mighty God of Israel! The God of the Bible and Repent! You are headed for an Everlasting Torment in the Lake of fire for all eternity in Everlasting darkness and suffering!
Anonymous says
Oh hush Cindy, no one is listening to you. Try to hold back on coming off as a sociopath next time.
Janet says
Trump was the greatest president ever. Biden Obama are socialist who hate America and want America to fail! Biden is sick and has dementia and Obama is using him.
Guest says
Very True.
mary Jane says
What a bunch of racist crap, who the hell calls blacks colored people but ignorant white republicans most of whom want to go back the to 1950s when blacks knew their place and men told woman what to do! typical republican thinking.
Jim says
Jesus never existed!
Anonymous says
Prove it, before you say it.
Eyegore says
You omitted your joke’s punchline
John says
You clearly get what she was saying…..
You’re the devil in the church. Wicked, hateful, deceitful and the complete antithesis of everything we’re taught by Jesus.
Reality Bites says
Find hate, there is a religious defect….. find despair, there is religion’s result.
Religion is the root of all evil, it protects evil, provides for evil doers and betrays the ignorant.
Thoth al Khem says
Judge NOT lest YOU be judged.
jane galloway says
Taking a verse out of context as you did with Matthew 7:1 is what all marxists do when they denigrat Christians!! The truth is, if you read that whole chapter, you learn that it is not saying “don’t judge” It is a warning to be careful how we judge, because we will be judged by the same standards that we judge others by! Nothing in the Bible says we are not to judge at all; only brainwashed idiots believe that!!!!
C..S. says
I agree
Terry says
Public schools and expensive communist Private schools are the problem with those that hire in government jobs , people that could not make it in the real job market. So they sell us out. They have no care for others. Hope we take it back.
Jeff says
I was gonna write something snotty until I read all of your statement. I am 52 years old and have lived in 3 countries. What the heck is going on? Why is everyone so mad? Its the media I believe. Everyone is a politician now a days. They spread hate. The same way that hitler came into power. You are truely right Janet. I am glad I never had kids because no one goes to church and has no respect for their neighbor. What happened? I dont understand… Sad…
Bob says
You’re an idiot, hook line and sinker! You’re coconut is fully washed and primed. How embarrassing that you consider yourself patriotic.. YOU hate our Democratic values and principles. Or, maybe you’re just a Russian bot, stocking more division. Trump fawned over Putin and failed to be a true Patriot and protect us. So please go visit the wizard, and go get a new brain.
Anonymous says
Anonymous says
You are a true moron as all marxists. Very low IQ. Leave our country snd go live with your communist heroes you crazy anti God loser.
Anonomass says
The very fact you mentioned “I.Q.” and don’t understand the word “Marxist”, tells me EXACTLY where you fall in that spectrum. Oh, and God is irrelevant. You can believe in whatever fairytale you want and no matter what the Founders believed in, you are in the MINORITY! You and your Republican friends can not win any elections beyond small southern districts without Gerrymandering or restricting voting. That shows your FEAR. You should be afraid only if you want to decide for other people how they should live their lives or who they should love or stop the world from progressing to something better than it is today. The days of the minority deciding for the majority are coming to an end my friend. Every, and I mean EVERY single plan your “Conservative” friends have enacted has further degraded the massive leaps forward this Country has made. This is provable fact. Hard data and facts to go with what everyone else can already see happening around us. No one is trying to stop you from worshipping your floaty bearded guy or visiting your tax free “Go Fund Me” houses you refer to as Churches. You are left alone to wallow in your ignorance. Yet, all you people love spending your days telling everyone else how they should live, what they can do and that nothing should change as long as you have the advantage (basically the definition of Conservative). You cannot stop change! NOTHING stays the same! Every 5 year old knows this. You cannot stand in the way of progress but you can repeat the same stupid mistakes of the past by “white-washing” history and pretending things happened in a certain way so you don’t have to face the truth. That’s fine with me if you want to live that way. You will NOT decide that I should teach my children that garbage though. So take your “1776 Pledge” and the like, and stuff it!
Anonymous says
You can’t even type out a single line correctly yet you wanna call out our IQ!? No one asked you to stop breeding with your family so you could try and comment.
Suzy says
Trumpy is that you? Have fun in prison traitorous p.o.s.
jane galloway says
What treason did Trump commit! Only marxists like you commit treason!!!!
Mp says
How do you like your country now, bob?
Anonymous says
Its still full of you people so I’m assuming the same.
Bob says
Pretty great so far. Travel is opening, mask restrictions being lifted, key economic indicators are booming. So far so good!
Anonymous says
Darn right, Bob!
Anonymous says
Hey Bob, Your mom never taught you about manners apparently or you are just being an ass for attention. Hows them gas prices for you now? 70 cents a gallon higher and 12000 people out of work on the pipeline in the first day of stolen office. You listen to public bought radio and tv apparently. You dont have to insult people to get your point across. But your a democrat and dont have a clue about Dr martin luther king. So… youre an idiot.
JK says
Demoncrats DO NOT HAVE VALUES OR PRINCIPLES. They refute every religion, most especially christianity in their entirety. Demoncrats despise FREEDOM and LIBERTY, hence their ongoing 50+ year fight to overturm the 1st and 2nd amendments so they can further attack the constitution and destroy it to make way for their communist autocracy with Joe THE RAPIST AND CHILD MOLESTER Biden as their supreme dictator. Just think on that for a moment. These DEMONCRATS elected a KNOWN rapist and a well documented CHILD MOLESTER for no other reason than they HATE America, freedom, and Jesus.
They are solely responsible for 13.2 million deaths of innocents since the passing of Roe VS Wade in the US Court system. That makes them TWICE as evil as Adolf Hitler as he only managed to murder 6 million in the holocaust, as generally agreed upon by most every historical scholar today. Remember that the next tome some evil horn-sprouting pitchfork wielding satan worshipping communist DEMONCRAT tries to claim they have the moral high ground to you. THEY ARE MURDERERS OF INNOCENTS UNLIKE ANY IN ALL OF RECORDED HUMAN HISTORY AND THEY ARE GOING TO BURN IN ETERNAL HELLFIRE FOR THEIR EVIL WAYS. The fact that they outright hate America and our freedom that we have fought for is only the cherry on the cake for them.
mary Jane says
What f…ing planet are you from watch idiot trump tv much! Why are so many republicans so full of hate! Stop watching tucker carlson! I donnot see Dems on here spewing lies and hate about rep. most of whom are so afraid the others are going to take their stupid coal jobs!
Scott says
Says the Low IQ sheep. We are a constitutional Republic, learn something sheep. Trump trumped Obama in furthering the country for all, this is proven in statistical FACTS.
You sheep cried Russian collusion for years, yet you fell flat on your face like usual. Democrats have never been on the right side of history. You got whooped to end slavery and will get done so again….
AD says
Well, I’m just a 11 year old wondering why can’t we share ideologies and respect that? We all have different opinions that are both reasonable and unreasonable, but sometimes, no all the time we have opinions that oppose with what the other party thinks. So from this clashing political war, both sides compete against each other try to influence more people to join in on their views. I believe in our national security and that communists should be stopped, but I also want to help the environment and shrink the gap between the poor and the rich. I’m just saying that I have an ideology that has both Conservative and Liberal opinions. I may have some liberal/leftist views but some speakers say negative things about my ideology. That’s pretty ignorant of them because If don’t they anything better to say, then please don’t say it. The goal of being an influential speaker is not about using negativity to cause outrage against someone, but to be a reasonable and peaceful speaker who respects the opposing opinion and expresses views that most people can agree with. By doing that, you can influence people with different views more easily instead of causing them to resent your own ideology even more.
Wille says
AD says
Well, I’m just a 11 year old wondering why can’t we share ideologies and respect that? We all have different opinions that are both reasonable and unreasonable, but sometimes, no all the time we have opinions that oppose with what the other party thinks. So from this clashing political war, both sides compete against each other try to influence more people to join in on their views. I believe in our national security and that communists should be stopped, but I also want to help the environment and shrink the gap between the poor and the rich. I’m just saying that I have an ideology that has both Conservative and Liberal opinions. I may have some liberal/leftist views but some speakers say negative things about my ideology. That’s pretty ignorant of them because If don’t they anything better to say, then please don’t say it. The goal of being an influential speaker is not about using negativity to cause outrage against someone, but to be a reasonable and peaceful speaker who respects the opposing opinion and expresses views that most people can agree with. By doing that, you can influence people with different views more easily instead of causing them to resent your own ideology even more. If you have any opinions to say about this, then please reply. 🙂
TGiboney says
An 11 year old is showing more class, dignity, and understanding than 99% of all conservative republicans. Imagine that! There’s hope for the future!
Anonymous says
Oh boy, there are as many heated and serious debates as the eye can see.
Eyegore says
“You are a true moron as all marxists. Very low IQ. Leave our country snd go live with your communist heroes you crazy anti God loser.”
You consider this an argument?
You're all stupid says
So we shouldn’t strive to be better because other parts of the world are worse? Complacency is the death knell for every prior super power in history. Also doesn’t seem like you know the history of America spouting about how we are a biblical, Christian society when separation of Church and State is literally written right there for you to see and our ancestors were fleeing religious persecution with the ideals of a society where anyone could worship what they wished.
Anonymous says
Well, from what you just said, you dont know American history. America was founded by Christains and our laws were made by Biblical morals. Do you know that in Americas first goverment that you were not even allowed to be part of government if you were not a Christian, did you know that. Did you know the first person that brought slaves to America was a black man and he owned 8 white slaves and 3 black slaves. Did you know the first Republicans were black? Did you know that the first Republicans never owned even one slave. Do you know that the democratic party voted 100% against blacks able to have first second, 13,14,15,and the 16th amendment. Do you know that every single country in the world and every single group and type of people bought, sold and had slaves white and black.
TGiboney says
Do not be fooled. Take anything you hear or read as someone’s ‘idea’ of what ‘could’ be true. Do your own independent fact checking. Most of what was just stated are blatant lies.
Hope says
Jim says
Jefferson was an atheist
Eyegore says
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand….. the neo-Nazi in sheeps’ clothing has chimed in.
jk says
No, they don’t know that because they are illiterate and uneducated liberal demoncrats who have one goal and one goal only and that is to overthrow liberty and democracy and make the USA a communist dictatorship. That’s all the Demoncrat party has ever wanted in modern times. To hurt those that WORK FOR A LIVING and give everything to those that REFUSE TO WORK FOR A LIVING AND HATE THIS COUNTRY. We see this day in and day out today in politics where the left constant tries to erode our moral national standards, push evil upon us. Homosexuality to them is a virtue, not the blasphemy that they will burn in eternal hellfire for as EVERY MAJOR RELIGION ON THIS PLANET AGREES WITH. That is over 90% of our species that believes that these evil scumbags are going to suffer in the afterlife, but they somehow try to claim they have some sort of moral highground by constantly claiming every single person that doesn’t think the same way as them is a racist or a bigot. Despite the fact that the left is solely responsible for 13.2 million murders of innocent human beings thanks to Roe vs Wade.. Twice as many as Hitler was able to murder in the holocaust. Next time you see a DEMONCRAT, just remember that they are TWICE AS EVIL AS HITLER and will suffer TWICE AS MUCH in the hereafter as he is. There is not one sane soul alive today who thinks Hitler was a kind and just human being, and yet these liberal progressives are twice as bad as he is, yet we TOLERATE them to live amongst us as if they are real human beings and not the demons from hell that we know them to truly be. Reject the demoncrats. Reject Chinese communism. Reject evil and blasphemous ways. NEVER VOTE DEMONCRAT again and you will do your small part to save the last great free Republic on this planet from the clutches of evil socialism and communism.
Anonymous says
ok homophobe
BlueDolphin14 says
America was NOT founded as a Christian nation. That is historical revisionist balogna that was created and spewed because it serves the religious right. America was founded on religious freedom, not Christianity!!!
cindy jantz says
Amen! I just don’t know how many of the electorate, or is it those bent on holding onto the reigns of power and control over the people, that they are willing to pump out more propaganda? Using the main stream media who are in lock-step with those power hungry politicians who care nothing about our great Country, or it’s beautiful Biblical Foundation? Does everyone just feed on the lies and propaganda and swallow down the koolaid? When people that were forced to live under the horrible, murderous regime of the Soviet Union that fled the wretched persecution they suffered in Eastern Europe and came to the United States to seek the Precious Liberty they so greatly risked life and limb to escape their tormentors under the horrible atrocities of Communism; and then they see how gullible and naive Americans are, they are flabbergasted by our incredible ability to be so easy to be deceived by those who would steal our God-given Liberties, and just allow them to take what they have no right to! When a people (Country/Nation) forgets their history, or the lessons learned by our Founders when they Founded this great Country, we are doomed to repeat the wretched mistakes of the past!!!!!!
Anonymous says
“Does everyone just feed on the lies and propaganda and swallow down the koolaid? ”
You say, right after saying: “our great Country, or it’s beautiful Biblical Foundation?” So you kinda answered your own question. You seriously seem to be swallowing the koolaid for sure.
Cathy says
When our politicians are making millions while holding office pay attention they do not care about your crazy broke ass !!!!
MW says
Anonymous says
How can such stupidities be printed ! I feel sorry for you !
Brian says
You are obviously one of the angry Karen types that thinks she is Right about everything!!, you Know NOTHING!! The knowledge you gained at your liberal college has made you a idiot!!If you actually did your research you would know that everything you just claimed the Republicans do is what the Socialist Democrat Party Has been doing for the last 50 years!! And in true Farm just like the Socialist Democratic party that blames the Republicans for everything that they are doing when it is in plain sight!!!! you are a sheep heading for Slaughter,… let me know how your health is in 5 years after your vaccine shot you stupid Ignorant School by socialism Hypocrite!!!
Anonymous says
You must have people that loved you and thought that the years beyound.
Anonymous says
I am 30 years old and God has came into my life with great remorse he has opened my eyes to all that surrounds me of evil he is waking up the world my friend and truth will pour out through all the darkest pit God bless you my friend for God is good and his work is great for those that work in the shadows against their fellow man will be casted into the lake of internal fire for who believes in the almighty Lord Jesus Christ the King of Nazareth will live forever and his Temple . He who died for our sins for the biblical prophecy to only unfold beneath our eyes they are doomed and they know it. Knock knock who’s there? Jesus. Jesus who? Jesus the salvation our Lord amen.
Eyegore says
Oh no! Your opinion wins! You posted entirely in caps! Bravo! Bravo!
MW says
Anonymous says
Dumb azz
Anonymous says
There’s no such thing as a God, J.C. was nobody but A STORY IN A BOOK.
We don’t hate America OR Trump….we just didn’t trust a GAMESHOW HOST to be a good President, ESPECIALLY after he implied that we should invest disinfectant to kill the Coronavirus…. sure, it would kill the virus, but it would ALSO KILL US
We ALL heard that, you can’t say THAT was made-up….. and if you try to say that was made-up, you’re another Chumper moron.
If tRump hadn’t attempted to justify all of the childlike hate these people have for anyone who is not white, if he had not come across to everyone that we owed him something for paying attention to our once-great-before-Chump country, we would have had NO PROBLEM with him. If he hadn’t Blown the whole Right side of politics out of the water with his Hitlerlike hate for anyone on the other side of the southern border, he might have had a chance with us. All of that hate is simply in American. White supremacisty and systemic racism simply has NO place in our country.
Anonymous says
You don’t realize that you are a slave to how the information is presented to you. You lack critical thinking skills and then laugh at trump. Pot meet kettle.
Ron says
Wow such hatred you have. But can it last? Just look at what you are doing to the ones you love as a result of your hate. God bless you
keith says
No God????? Go on line, look for chariot wheels in the red sea – there are hundreds of them, some still relatively intact but mostly wheels. Also weapons and skeletons of horses and humans. They are coral incrusted and look just as they should for being there for 3400 years. And a windstorm did not blow a pathway across. There is only one beach on the west side of the sea large enough to hold 1/2 million people and from there to the other side it is 2oo and even 300 ft. deep!!! They also found Noah’s ark. It is on mt. Ararat as it says in the bible. They did enough excavation to know for sure what it was but were kicked out when the war got too hot. There is no reason for Americans to be so divided right now. Do a little more research. Look up information on the Bilderberg group (read all of it) the new world order and see what their agenda is. Also the rothchild family has a federal reserve bank in over 184 countries — you don’t think they have a strangle hold on the world??? If you look long enough you will be able to see very clearly what is wrong with the world right now. Finding the truth about these things will lead you to everything else you need to know and to stop fighting with your fellow americans. We are in a very fragile position right now — the very worst in all of history — Trump is a little rough around the edges BUT washington is a SWAMP .In reading about the bilderberg group etc. you will find out how all of our important news —politics etc.has been controlled and changed or even kept silent —so it really is fake news!!! We really do need God to bless Amerca right now!!!!! The new world order (including Bill Gates) wants to reduce the world population from 7 1/2 billion down to 1/2 billion. So it would just include the IMPORTANT rich. Which group do you think you will be in???? So, please please please find out the truth and band together – just as we did in the Revolution- ary War and broke away from England — and got our freedom — God Bless America!!!!
Eliny says
Anonymous says
Matthew says
Okay, so first and foremost, it was proven through a recorded interview that was not made by the left. It was done back in February of 2020 and in it he expresses the severity of the coronavirus, almost in a bragging fashion. He was probably trying to impress Bob Woodward, but in any case at the same time he was telling the public that it was nothing and nothing would come of it. It’s a rhetoric he continued through the whole crisis and it cost many peoples’ lives. Even Dr. Birx who had worked for him recently said most of those deaths could have been prevented had it been taken more seriously. Trump even said he didn’t want to talk about the severity because he didn’t want to cause a panic, which as we all know now was completely not true. He incited panics after saying that, most notably that takeover of the Capitol building.
This is not the left making him look bad to support their agenda. This goes beyond political lines into showing that he had an agenda with this coronavirus that we’ll probably never even know about by lying to the people, inciting riots and distracting them from it so more people would get sick and die. Luckily keeping us in fear did not get him reelected.
And so if you are so against the left, go ahead and give back those three stimulus checks you got because the right didn’t want you to get them.. You’re a hypocrite who’ll believe anything fox news wants you to believe and you’re what is the problem with this country. I hope for your sake you don’t have to find out why the hard way. If trump had been reelected a lot of you would have. Count yourself lucky and keep your narrow minded opinion to yourself. You’re not helping anyone.
Anonymous says
Just like all the other accusations from the left….they’re all losers…
Anonymous says
Says the sheep who terrorized Congress on the whims of a perverted, delusional dumpster-fire named loser Donnie Trump.
Franklin Powell says
Anonymous says
You’re an idiot.
Anonymous says
Sorry ass wipe but the loser is you. Trump got beat fair and out right the american majority has had enough of minority rule by your mob. Go back to church self righteous ass hole.
Terry says
Sorry you are wrong they have so much proof , I fack they have cheated for decades.
Terry says
You are going to be shock when you find out the truth.
Anonymous says
seditious moron says what?
Anonymous says
Neither are you helping anyone!!!’
Anonymous says
Yes, it’s not true what the Republicans say….. the left don’t HATE AMERICA. We hate what that gameshow host WANTS us all to be: a bunch of money-hungry, self-pandering, emotionless buttholes who think we can hurt everyone just to get what we want with NO REPERCUSSIONS. He REALLY should have stuck with his gameshow.
Anonymous says
stfu! The demoncrap party is a Cancer On this great country.
Anonymous says
They’re much worse than Cancer altogether.
Guest says
What is much worse is that these people are breathing and multiplying.
Anonymous says
So true.
cindy jantz says
The left does hate America!!! I don’t care what you say! You are obviously part of the deceived and propaganda spreading left! Which means that you are part of the problem! Go drink down your “stupid koolaid” and tell someone on one of your leftist ideologies blogs that believes your stupid lying agenda!
victoria Bankus says
You must be one that does not work and wants everything handed to you!! I never got checks on disability and retired and really do not care!! I worked for every penny I earned, Biden does not care about American people JUST BLACKS AND LATINO, TO BAD FOR HIM BECAUSE SOME AMERICAN PEOPLE HAVE BEEN PUSHED TO FAR!!! BIEN/HARRIS WILL NEVER BE MY PRESIDENT/VICE, ITS TRUM P ALL THE WAY AND HE NOT DONE!!
Anonymous says
You forgot, the left cheats
Doctor says
You must have forgotten that your Medicare is a lefty socialist program and that you did not earn all that you have gotten back. So. You did NOT work for every penny you have gotten….you can of course send back the portion that you did not EARN… T rump would throw a person like you under the bus in a second if he got something for it…i have pity for you
Eyegore says
Hitler’s spawn is here.
doug cary says
ONCE AGAIN.You are the supreme hypocrite.,Reveal an agenda of evil that only exist in your mind so you really cannot explain with any sense of reason ,what it is, Only that its bad like ”orange man bad”and look for someone to take responsibility for your made up scenario,Any republician will do…Lets just say anyone whom expresses a god givin sense of reason ,is the enemy. That simplifies your targets to defame and label as the natzis and hypocrites or whatever you are. You spend your time blaming and hanging your tag on others..Your a perfect hypocrite.
m says
Tonite when your boyfriend is behind you again… tell him to stop yanking on
your manbun so hard, Its really messing up those last two brain cells left in your otherwise empty skull cavity .
Anonymous says
Oh boy, the racist homophobes are here! Once again History will not be kind to you traitorous, congress invading lunatics.
Ben says
Wah wah …typical.
There are many that would give the money back to have their jobs and all the phoney rhetoric that there is.
Quit with the lies. Be honest. It’s
all getting very old. Along with the fake emotions.
Rob says
Turns out it really wasn’t a big deal. Weird how there’s so many corona cases, and a 97% decrease in seasonal flu. Hey, no problem with giving back those stimmy’s though! Never got em anyways. Apparently I made to much money the last 2 years, but I suppose I should be happy to have helped pay for yours and all the others so that you can stay home a little longer without having to contribute anything. It’s cool, the rest of us will continue working to pick up the slack.
Rhonda Machado says
ClearlySo True .No Pity Angree YES Shows No Class . By the Way Dont Count one me ever getting there Clearly i have been made a Ass of And Clear .I WILL NOT BE MEETING WITH NO 1.
Rob says
Sorry Mathew but you are dead wrong and also have a selective memory. As I recall Trump wanted a travel ban and was labeled a racist and xenophobe by our current president. In addition Pelosi was walking around China town telling everyone to come on down and not to listen to Trump.
Do you remember the governors of several Democratic states praising Trump for his swift action in getting them what they needed? I remember but that doesn’t matter to you because you can only think in terms of orange man bad.
How about Trump warning of a massive wave of illegal immigration? Oh that’s right it isn’t happening. To claim that Trump tried to keep people living in fear is a crock and you know it. Lying to others isn’t good but lying to yourself is even worse.
Tim says
Matthew, it’s very apparent that you cannot see the forest for the trees. You speak of inciting riots yet we experienced a year of riots from the left leading up to the election but I guess those aren’t important as a focus due to the fact they were instigated and executed by the leftist terrorist organizations like antifa and BLM. By no means is Trump a perfect man but how are you enjoying the dictatorship we are experiencing now with more executive orders signed by the chump in office than any president before him? Oh wait, you’re obviously a lefty so I’m sure you’re just fine with this. And the stimulus checks you speak of, are you fully supportive of these evil politicians putting so much pork into these bills that only a small fraction goes to the American people who are suffering? My God, it’s time to open your eyes and see that you can’t tax your way into prosperity and that socialism/communism has failed miserably and to the detriment of the population while only benefiting those in power. says
I disagree. The Left has completely politicized covid, first to get Trump out of office and now, I am not sure. It is not the fault of one person in the White House. Leftist policies and naivety toward drugs has created our opioid epidemic, which is killing thousands of mostly young and healthy people but CNN and USA Today would never know it.
Anonymous says
The left politicized COVID? LOL the delusional right speaks again, as they cry about masks as “a tool of control”….First you clowns believe Trump won the election, he didn’t pay off a porn star, now this….
Lou says
Wow you guys really are delusional. Sad.
Mark says
Matthew your wrong here. The media said loosely if there is any real journalist left, showed pictures of antifa members turning their maga hats around backwards so they could be identified. How dumb are people that continue to vote for democrats. They promise you the moon and deliver nothing. Look at Sleep Joe this week. Trying to take over guns again. Dems never run on their track records because they don’t really have one. They for slavery not against like the republicans. Dems came out with welfare to keep folks in modern day slavery for generations and it worked. The Dems will give away anything they can get their hands on. The government only owns what it takes from others. Those stim checks, yeah wait for the taxes you pay to support that. The average American will pay $7600.00 more under Biden than Trump. Sleepy Joe went after guns this week. In reality, all the major gun crimes were committed in no gun zones. People that pass background checks to buy guns are committing heinous crimes where? It’s an old sad argument that the left base likes. Socialism works nowhere! Giving something to people for nothing makes them appreciate nothing.
We use to have social programs that taught people how to work and have esteem, a sense of self respect, and an incentive to keep a job. Now the left has taught folks to stay home, teachers to be lazy in a union, and that anyone that has an opinion on their ideas, or against them is a Xenophobe, racist, alt right, or to be more frank, a republican.
Don’t take my work for it. Look at every level of government in Dem run cities. Crime at an all time high, gun crimes with black on black is off the rails. Inner city violence and poverty stricken communities are not being rebuilt, or kids are watching themselves. Look at the district Al Sharpton represented. Trump called him out on it and he lost his mind. It was the truth, but he attacked Trump and nobody called him out from the left. Because when you in power, you don’t attach your own. That’s why the Dems will eventuall fail again. They put party before country.
These communities have been run by Dems for many decades and they finally have you right where they want you. Asking for permission to stay in you homes, asking for more money because their welfare is not enough now. Having babies out of wedlock having babies by 3-4 different men to get the maximum money from the government.
We let thousands into the country so they can one day illegally vote for the Dem machine to keep the cycle going. Joe has opened the border wide so the new voters don’t trip on the corona infected folks coming across. We have kids lying on the floor at the so called kid centers shoulder to shoulder. If Trump did this there would be reporters saying how horrible he is, you journalist don’t care about that because you got a Dem back in the white house and all Dems really care about is power. Never mind that Joe is breaking all the laws he swore to uphold, because he’s getting future voters. Remember this when the country is broken and no more loans are available from his Chinese buddies.
You at some point must know that spending 7 trillion dollars in his first quarter is not sustainable. The only way to sustain this rampant spending is? Yes to tax the working Americans that still go to work everyday. Name a single Dem that lives in the impoverished environments they govern over. You can’t, just remember Joe Biden came into a flourishing economy, border wall was effective, policies were working to keep immigrants out, stock market was doing fine, lowest unemployment, and people had already come up with the cure for a pandemic in 9 months. Joe Biden will wreck this economy with his Marxist type policies. The facts are pretty easy to find, dems agenda is entirely different than there public narrative. Don’t pay attention to what they say, pay attention to what they do.
Sleepy Joe said he was not coming after guns, he just did yesterday. He said he would send folks back across the borders, he’s not. He said he would not ban fracking, he is. He said he would not shut down oil in this country, he did. He stated he would not send job over seas, he is by bringing back the worst tax on business at around 36%. Do you folks now realize the products have to be marked up 50% to make a 15% profit. That will barely sustain the average manufacturing company, and with the benefits the Dem run unions operate will force manufacturing out of this country again. This could not work under any of the other Dem presidents and won’t work now. Don’t you folks get it, to give all the low life’s that vote Dem that won’t work, you have to take money from someone and give it to someone else.
When are folks going to wake up. A shell game is easy to predict, most folks are going through life without watching the empty shells the Dems keep moving around, only the thinking people are keeping their eye on the empty shell. We call those folks republicans. There not all good, but remember it wasn’t their idea to take god off money, or out of the constitution, or schools. All ideas from dems and organizations that support dems..
Wonder who supports the ACLU, not republicans. Abortion orgs like planned parenthood that purposely puts clinics in black and hispanic neighborhoods, not republicans. It’s all part of the Dems master plan to remove what we use to call minorities from having children. The Chinese just tell their people you can’t have kids, we just put up abortion clinics in the poorest communities and call it planned parenthood. Anyone seeing the larger picture here.
Jeffrey says
An emotionally challenged retort riddled with fallacies is not an argument .
SickofDemMorons says
Let’s cut through the caca and quit trying to make ourselves feel better by telling the mean people meaner things… what is this, high school?
Two things that are very evident. The people are fed up, and we’re sick of hearing the other side talk. Literally, grammar and spelling aside, you still read it, still understood it, and you choose to be petty? What is this, high school?
Why don’t we all say what we mean.
Both sides suck.
But we love our country enough to admit that if we had our way the other side would suffer an unfortunate boating accident that cost them their lives.
Which eventually reduces down to: “why dont yall just scrap for it”?
Literally. This country needs a reset.
Just go into the street and fist foght for it. Bet your mouthy comments stop when you start losing teeth in order to pay the toll for saying it.
The problem is Americans are spoiled. Most of the mouthiest are often only such, as they lack the ability to best you in debate.
“Youre dumb. I can spell hypocrite. See hypocrite? I can spell. Im better. *raspberries*
Jacob Schaafs says
You don’t see the hypocrisy in formulating a poignantly narrow minded personal attack piece On the grounds of the person you’re attacking being narrow minded?
You’re both wrong. Smart people look to learn from those who think differently. You’re both obsessing on your own superhuman correctness. I bet you both that leaders from the republican AND democratic parties are currently, and have been for years (if not decades) working together to keep tension high between the right and the left, all the while embezzling government funds, and defrauding the American taxpayer.
As long as we keep bickering, the plan to divide and conquer keeps working.
Janet says
“Keep your narrow minded opinion to yourself”…That’s the PROOF that you’re the narrow minded one, since you can’t stand to hear different opinions & you want to silence any opinion that challenges your opinion. That statement PROVES that you don’t believe in freedom for certain people to express their opinion if it differs from Yours. You seem to be the “narrow minded” one, since you are instructing others (of a differing opinion) to keep quiet & not share any opinion that you find disagreeable. That PROVES that you are against freedom of speech (for certain people).
I differ from you in that I believe that everyone should have the right to share their own opinions without fear & I ENCOURAGE everyone to do so. I am the ANTI-KEEP YOUR OPINION TO YOURSELF person. I say, “PLEASE, SHARE YOUR OPINION. Come. Let us reason together; which requires 2 reasonable people. Someday, YOUR opinion might differ from the mob (majority’s) opinion & THEY will tell YOU (with threats of imprisonment or worse) to keep YOUR opinion to yourself. THEN what will you do? Fall in line? Submit your mind, will & heart to conform to avoid punishment? If EVERYONE is not free to express their opinion, the NO ONE is really free. Maybe think about changing that one attitude you seem to possess; that anyone who disagrees with you & dares to express it should be ordered to keep their opinion to themself.
Anonymous says
I am terrified that all we have in this country of ours is Trump or Biden, where are the geniuses and compassionate men and women that I know exist in this country?
We need them to step up and run for office!
Anonymous says
There is no political solution. Both sides are controlled by corporations
Anonymous says
Or maybe you’ve got your head shoved up your ass and can’t accept the fact your the very thing you hate. 1 choice is not a choice. That’s called totalitarianism bud. A choice is having the right to say fuck off or no. I am not going to be bullied into thinking exactly like you. Which is what you want. Go get a job, support yourself and stop begging the government for money you and Black Lives Matter (sorry white women matter). While your dealing with fake problems, I am here worrying about the unethical unchecked sweatshops that are over seas you hypocrite. Oh these people would love your first world problems.
They make less than a dollar a year and you and your selfish actions allow it to happen Say your all for life? Stop supporting abortion. All life matters. Facts don’t care about your emotions.
Anonymous says
I did’t get a stimulus check because I made too much, but I sure as hell financed your check, seditious welfare queen.
BlueDolphin14 says
Same here. No stimulus check. My experience is that I make WAY more money than any of the conservatives who accuse me if being a welfare queen.
alex says
no, sorry I was there watching the news it was a left it was saying it was no big deal such as Nancy Pelosi in Chinatown saying come visit there’s no problem here it was President Trump that locked down this country from travelers from other lands that had high cases of coronavirus so right off the top what you are saying is a lie at a bunch of BS you must just listen to the liberal media spinning their little yarns and changing the truth whenever they feel like it people are not as stupid as you think they are. Trump has a lot of successes and the reason why he lost the election was partly because of extreme corruption in the voting process but mostly because the corrupt liberal media continue to paint anybody conservative especially Trump as outspoken as he is as wrong and they promote lie after lie as truth and eventually the sad people that don’t really look deep enough into each and every thing because they’re too busy trying to feed their families and work end up believing the malarkey!
David says
I could care less about government peanuts handed out like coach seating expect to get on cheap airlines. I care about policy our government stands for overseas. Jobs creation in America and a moral compass for our children. None of which the current administration has a clue about. Just a few years ago the country lost it’s mind marrying people of the same sex. If they want to live together that’s been their choice. But dumbocrat socialist policy is what they want we clearly have 2 separate America’s and the division is not going to heal it is going to divide possibly irreaplicably. Civil war
level division. I for one am not moving left nor socialist. I don’t want government handouts I chose to stand on my own 2 feet the way my Father did working until his death at 87 in his hospital bed for his business… The Bible speaks of a day and time when men shall call wrong right and what is true a lie and I clearly see this as the norm today as if the whole Democrat party suffers from strong delusion they just cannot admit what is the truth and what is not the truth it seems like the left has blinders on like a horse on an. urban street. Biden dropping the Abraham accords is a direct giant mistake just as Biden not talking to Israel’s prime Minister yet is unbelievable. The Jewish state is one of our greatest allies and this disenguaged puppet presidents handlers need to get with the current oval office guy at least doing one thing Presidential.
They could at least get him an escalator for Air Force One if they really cared about him. Over half this country is disillusioned and can’t be as stupid as their votes reflect. How anyone can say Trump did a bad job is beyond me with 4 years of non stop harrassment from false charges from Democrats one after the other and still building our best economy in years and was so hated by the communist China regime they finally unleashed one of their under development weaponised viruses from their Wuhan state run laboratory in effort to destabilize Trump and we’re willing as others to do anything to get him out of office
To have so many against you sometimes means your too good and certain power seekers just can’t stand it. The first person to tell a lie often passes it successful as the truth. But not for long or ever. The truth ALWAYS PREVAILS
I feel sorry for all the blind people on the left and hope they one day will at least listen to the facts and truth not stories to meet their agenda whether it’s lbqtgz issues or their hatred of white people or desire to dismantle the biblically inspired Constitution of the United States. Yes that’s right our nation’s founders and documents drafters
Built this nation based on biblical principle a book very familiar to all of them and the fairness found within, making the greatest sense for creating the greatest enduring
nation. It will take more than one generation of moral and intelligence bankrupt persons to destroy it no matter how hard they try.
Anonymous says
You hit the nail on the head!
AD says
Well, I’m just a naive preteen wondering why can’t we share ideologies and respect that? We all have different opinions that are both reasonable and unreasonable, but sometimes, no all the time we have opinions that oppose with what the other party thinks. So from this clashing political war, both sides compete against each other try to influence more people to join in on their views. I believe in our national security and that communists should be stopped, but I also want to help the environment and shrink the gap between the poor and the rich. I’m just saying that I have an ideology that has both Conservative and Liberal opinions.
Wow! You say Trump didn’t take the virus serious enough so people died. If i remember correctly Trump was first to shut down travel to America from China! Then Biden called him xenophobic for it! So Trump saved lives that way. Also your vice president Kamala was telling the American people she does not trust the vaccine! As if Trump was the actual scientist that made it! She cost American lives that way! I could go on forever……. geez look at the border right now. It’s caos, they have 500 people crammed in cages only meant for 50 people, actually its 30 people because of covid guidelines. Then they turn those covid infected people loose in America! Not to mention all the children being raped on their way her. The border is a disaster! Trump has it buttoned up nice….. Biden turned it into this free for all. And he claims it’s for humanitarian reasons! Haha but i guess the left is dumb enough to believe it. I mean where is the outrage? Where are the protesters? If it was Trump doing this they would be protesting. And it’s all CNN and MSNBC would be talking about. But because it doesn’t fit their narrative they keep their mouth shut. It’s people like you Matthew that are slowly making America a shitty place to live! Think about it abortion clinics, and liqueur stores were allowed to stay open during covid, but i couldn’t go to church!? That’s my right! And they took it from me! The left sees the constitution as a road block that they want to get rid of. The right sees it as our guiding principle that should not be messed with!
Rogelio Quintanilla says
You are 100 % correct and CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NPR and NY Toilet Times and Wash Post should lose their licenses.
Anonymous says
What he said had no control of the outcome of covid. Let me know how sleepy joe is changing the world 4 u and the rest of us
Anonymous says
Twisted. Bad……
D says
Open your eyes and see what is now happening in our country with an idiot for a president. He is destroying America one Executive order at a time.
Lou says
LOL your comment is dated wrong…should read April 16, 2020. Trump is a murdering sack of feces, over half a million dead due to HIS incompetence. Go to hell.
Mo Gilis says
Yep, you’ve made some very good points there. It’s food for thought (my thought). I think it’s important to learn as much as you can from every player in the game. I appreciate you taking the time to share your point of view. I’ve been screwed by both sides; or is it just the Rich?
Catalina says
Thank you, Well said
Cam222 says
Thank you,
Why do people think the right are Christians? Batshit crazy white evangelist started with Reagan. He shut out immigration, caused a war on blacks and shut down the unions. Old man Bush did the same.
Trump did the same.
I’m only 19, but real Christians love thy neighbor. Help the poor and follow the constitution. It’s crazy how Trump wanted to rewrite history. That crap started with white evangelist. Pro-birth after the baby is born, they don’t care if it starved, has no shelter or try to help the ones who are unfortunate. Trump made a quick executive order before leaving. The “Patriot Act”. That’s white evangelist education system. It also rewrites history. It’s an abusive, brainwashing cult. Thank goodness President Biden ripped that executive to pieces.
I’m young, but I’m educated. Still at VCU. Debating in college has been a lot of fun and knowledgeable. But, I must say, democrats kick the republicans ass. Being young they use the same ideologies, rectories and conspiracies theories that were used 60 years ago. No, facts. So, this tells me it’s learned from their prior generations.
I agree, if Trump won 2nd term the virus would of killed millions. Now, it comes out he received the COVID-19 vaccine. He’s insane. A con man as our President who salutes a communist leader and gets Putin to interfere in elections with fabricated lies to ruin his opponents.
But, democrats are called, “socialists, communist and hate America. NOT TRUE!
Biden is standing his ground with Putin and NK Kim’. as he should.
Some Trump supporters are realizing they were duped. Especially the ones who donated to stop the steal”. He stopped it alright, cleared they’re bank account Sad!
Our troops are coming home. Fighting a war for 20 years. And it will continue.
That’s what batshit religions are all about.
Nicky says
So true, Matthew!
Anonymous says
Trump is the only reason people $2000.00 Left wanted to give only $600, while giving foreign countries millions for gender studies.
Anonymous says
You’re an idiot
TGiboney says
Amen to that! Truth!
Anonymous says
Your so right. Why does hate come from Christians that love Trump.? Because they still believe Jesus was a blond haired blue eye American, He was from the Middle East, Christians have made me sick with all their righteousness and hypocrisy, you turn us off religion because you don’t practice what you preach, Your in it for MONEY! Look at the mega church preachers- what about the eye of the needle folks. Yes- spew more hate at my conclusions,
Anonymous says
Your so right. Why does hate come from Christians that love Trump.? Because they still believe Jesus was a blond haired blue eye American, He was from the Middle East, Christians have made me sick with all their righteousness and hypocrisy, you turn us off religion because you don’t practice what you preach, Your in it for MONEY! Look at the mega church preachers- what about the eye of the needle folks. Yes- spew more hate at my conclusions,
Liam McAllister says
How’s Biden working out for you? The only thing you got right in your ridiculous response was “…the unwise practice of allowing the uneducated to choose the leader(s) of the free world (alert: that’s sarcasm!). Biden has been a disaster!
Gerri says
You’re absolutely right! Bide has en a Trojan Horse to destroy Democracy & implement their globalized socialist agenda.
The Socialist Democrats loath Americans
Lou says
No we loath YOU. Get bent and die.
victoria Bankus says
Amen. mask are a joke, they do not protect this virus. United States will never be United again, WAR COMING.
Anonymous says
SHUT UP cry baby no body cares that you could not go to church, I thought your God was everywhere. Go pray the hell at home. Your post is full of Trump cult lies.
Lou says
Time to contact the FBI again. You people are so ignorant, you announce your criminal intentions all the time. Losers.
Lou says
This site is being censored and all Biden supporters who bite back are not allowed to publish here. Guess it’s time to report the entire site to the FBI. You guys busy planning the next insurrection?
Jennifer says
I totally agree with you!
ccacarcarla says
Anonymous says
shut up if you are to much of a baby to get the shot OK but donnot try to keep others from saving their own lives you selfish idiot.
Anonymous says
Thank You! Well said!
Jacob schaafs says
You shouldn’t have to use parenthesis to make a sarcastic joke work.
Go outside and talk to a real person face to face please.
PlainDarkSedan says
“as a counter to the misinformation and outright lies put out by the right-leaning hypocritical nutters”
Fixed that. Now on to your drivel…
Biden, actually, is working out fine. Despite the mewlings and falsities of the Biden-hating Trump lovers and their cult.
Between the outright blatant lies of the tinfoil hat Trump crowd, and the incessant whining, it’s obvious that it is not the uneducated in this nation that should concern us, but the willfully ignorant would be fascists of the ” right-wing”.
Anonymous says
So a disaster is someone who gets VACCINES FOR EVERYONE against a virus instead of bragging about how great he is and”trying to avoid a panic”? I think that the REAL disaster is the guy who knew about the virus, didn’t tell anyone until people started catching it, and STILL
like playing it down, because he didn’t want to create a panic”
We NEEDED to panic. When there is CAUSE, YOU PANIC. Or you pretend that the problem doesn’t exist because it’s an inconvenience your reelection.
Lou says
If he does not go to prison for a long time, I have lost all faith in our justice system. If cops are not reined in and punished for murdering innocent people, I have also lost all faith. Fuck AmeriKKKa.
David says
Biden. ” IS ” a disaster!
BlueDolphin14 says
Explain how exactly. Examples of the disastrous things he has done.
I think it is nice to have a government actually try to help it’s own people for a change. Supportive government is not socialism. It is government doing what government is supposed to do. The conservatives want a complete lack of government, which really means the strongest survive and suppress everyone else. That is not freedom. Survival of the fittest darwinism is not freedom for the downtrodden. We are supposed to be civil. We are better than the conservative vision for us.
We are capable of planning and working together. Only the most arrogant and narcissistic amount us think otherwise! Government is there to be the tool of the people to represent us against those who would turn us into slaves. Americans are being slowly turned into slaves because the right has been attacking the government for 50 years. Without government, the strong, most brutal and devious amoung us end up ruling! Good job religious conservatives. It looks like you are winning, and ruining the america you propose to love in the process.
Lou says
Biden IS your president dipshit. I know, you lost your woody again, but no worries. No women want to sleep with boys like you. You are TRASH.
Anonymous says
This is why America is going down the toilet.
Anonymous says
David, This is why our world is going down the toilet. says
SI agree with you one hundred percent
Anonymous says
Hes working out great, thanks for asking. I got to tell you though, your misery and anger makes progress so much better. It’s like icing on the cake. I get so much joy watching you guys trying to do part in owning the liberals. Your cluelessness is an absolute delight. And we’re just beginning.
Lou says
YES! I too love to watch them cry and writhe about, tearing at their clothes. Their idiot tears are delish.
Anita Thoney says
If they think Socialisn is the answer to better medical care better think again. For God’s sake, look at countries that have tried to live under socialism/communism. The only countries who have it are smaller and pay half or more of their earnings in taxes.
Americans are too independent to fall for a socialist scheme and be happy with it. It would be ruinous We learn from other’s mistakes, if we are smart. We seem to be closer to Fachism, in which the people own their property but the Government tells them what they can do with it. We had the best president who understood America and her needs but the haters just couldn’t stand it. Why do we have to go through hell because some spoiled undereducated brats can’t have what they want in a moments notice? That is the ruination of everything, selfishness narcissism and the failure to plan. Just look at the problems in America now, mostly caused by the Failing Joe Biden, et al? It is heinous to even think of ruining the best country the world has ever known to placate a bunch of idiots. The world is laughing where they used to respect us. Letting the left run a questionable election , using the crisis of a pandemic ,may be the worst mistake we have EVER made!
Deb says
Biden has been a godsend. Thank his Trump is gone and hopefully will get the karma he deserves. All the repubs care about are guns, not paying taxes if they are wealthy, themselves and their fear that white people will some day be the minority. I’m white and republicans are selfish, bigoted and although they whine about their rights being taking, they have no problem taking rights from others. They hate progression and don’t care about pollution, health care or humans in general. They are a dying party and they know it.
R Dro says
disaster??? what planet are you living on ???
Anonymous says
Biden is working out great. Better than all the trash has been in the white house so far. In fact I plan on voting for him against Trump in 2024
mary Jane says
Great! And you are another Fox watching Trump idiot!
BW says
If these are examples of the intellect of the voting public, it’s easy to see why the country is failing.
Is there a single comment/letter here that doesn’t have a misspelled word in it? How many with complete sentences? And tenses? Don’t make me laugh.
This whole very long page of 7 year old insults and cringeable nonexistent grammar is a disgraceful comment on the unwise practice of allowing the uneducated to choose the leader(s) of the free world (alert: that’s sarcasm!).
Bob says
Your post has a staggering amount of grammatical errors as well.
Anonymous says
Name calling and perpetual finger pointing without a hint of common sense is equal to the left.!!
D says
Thank you Boob. Oh no, I may have misspelled that name. How unintended! Or maybe not. I do have trouble with names intermittently. D
Anonymous says
Right, because the future of America depends on how on point your grammar is. Not basic morals and the greater good.
Steve Hansmann says
“Basic morals and the greater good” are entirely absent from the right, particularly the evangelical horrors, the Dominionists and the Seven Mountain freaks.
MW says
😂😂😂💯💯💯🤣👊& they Have fear with diaper Rash like all the EVIL ONES they want the GOOD ONES to obey from the same quarter head / tails who Steal Use the same lame excuse DOUBLE MINDED are the ONES that THINKING EVIL is GOOD & GOOD IS EVIL DOUBLE MINDED.IS the BIGGEST Bigot IGNORANT as it guess & we DON’T FEAR like the REST OF HUMANITY
Michael says
It seems many things don’t end just continual blame. The truth is right or left both sides were mistaken. The right made wealthy more money left tried to heal others without judgement. We need to heal our country and Stop playing games. Covid is a perfect example of who knew and when they knew? Heal the country not the party affiliations.
david says
We know,Doesn’t look good for that becoming a reality mike.Power and money Im afraid have blurred the real objectives.
DC says
It is humorous that the only comments obviously leftist people make are attacks on intelligence and education and yet not bring a single logical thought to the table.
MW says
😂😂😂💯💯💯🤣👊& they Have fear with diaper Rash like all the EVIL ONES they want the GOOD ONES to obey from the same quarter head / tails who Steal Use the same lame excuse DOUBLE MINDED are the ONES that THINKING EVIL is GOOD & GOOD IS EVIL DOUBLE MINDED.IS the BIGGEST Bigot IGNORANT as it guess & we DON’T FEAR like the REST OF HUMANITY
Chooch says
It’s not really worth it. None of you know the difference between, fact, fiction, and opinion. 🤷
Deb says
What’s your logical thought? I don’t see it.
mary Jane says
Funny those comments seem to apply only to the right not the left!
Yes BW!! This *IS* the example of the general Trump supporter!
Clueless dolts.
They are praising THIS article, because the OPINIONs stated, match the narrative that was planted in their brains by their echo chamber of equally brain dead, illogical twits, being exploited by other people to do what they want.
Take this guys fact-check of the Pandemic response team…
…”Based on our research, the claim that President Trump fired the ‘entire’ pandemic response team is PARTLY FALSE. The Directorate of Global Health Security and Biodefense was disbanded under Trump’s then-national security adviser John Bolton. But Trump didn’t fire its members. Some resigned, and others moved to different units on the National Security Council…”…
So…..they weren’t fired, but, there was no more “Pandemic Response Team”, right? Isn’t THAT what matters?
That under Trump’s watch, the ‘Pandemic Response Team’ WAS DISBANDED….DID NOT EXIST ANYMORE….HAD TO BE PUT BACK TOGETHER for COVID with Pence “leading the way”?
These people shouldn’t even have the right to vote. Their OPINIONs are based on misinformation, far out-of-context information, and outright fabrications.
Piss pants joe says
You don’t work or pay taxes, do you? It’s easy to be a big man and talk your shit online, isn’t it? Just be grateful for your anonymity.
Catalina Williams says
Anonymous says
Ok grammer Nazi the reason for all life problems is misspelled words all right. Now kill your self and that will fix all misspelled words I promise.
Anonymous says
And please dont you ever kill yourself and i Promise i will never kill myself either trust me i WILL NEVERRR KILL MYSELF SO STOP TRYING TO GET ME TO DO THAT ITS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN YOU STUPID STUPID FUCK , BUT THANKS FOR THE TIP TO SHOW AUTHORITIES LIKE THE DEPT OF justice also my Mother. Be an honorable person be kind to others.
D says
Thank you Boob. Oh no, I may have misspelled that name. How unintended! Or maybe not. I do have trouble with names intermittently. D
Anonymous says
The people who follow Trump are ignoramus, racist, xenophobic, hateful, and selfish to the core, who only care about themselves. They are the ones who have put this country in jeopardy and real danger.
Anonymous says
What are you?
Michael Luszczak says
The people that follow Trump, or should I say his respect for Americans and the U.S. Constitution, are they same type of people which built this great country. If you notice Biden and the far left agenda has proposed not 1 Bill to benefit the American people. He has cancelled jobs from the fossil fuel area and now imports fuel from other countries, why? Because he and some of his followers have invested huge amounts of money in other countries fuel companies, such as Canada for one example. By doing this he is profiting from their soaring stocks as fuel prices rise dramatically. Less than 10% of covid relief goes to Americans and the rest is spread out to countries all over this world., and we are paying it off. Why did he give India hundreds of millions for gender study while people and small businesses are suffering here. I’m all for helping others but only when we can afford to. These are just a few examples of Biden’s plan to hurt America. Also, I believe many politicians are “on the take” but never as much as you are seeing now. The border crises is exactly that, a crises. There is not 1 country in this world that does not protect it’s border. My father met my mother in this country and they both had to prove their loyalty to this country before they became citizens, which they did in just over a year. They came here for a better life just like most of the others but you cannot let people in and just let them loose. You endanger US citizens and the immigrants themselves. The MSM billionaires along with the far left democrats have made their wealth from us and now they don’t want others to have the same opportunities. All signs and their actions prove this. They want to live in their ivory towers and have the rest of us live under their control in government housing and to be dependent upon them. I prefer to live free and have my own opportunity for financial gain by working hard and helping others. I can tell by your hatred that you only read Google news, follow nbc and other news agencies that regulate what and how much they want you to know. If you were smart you could see how true this is simply by educating yourself better by reading both sides of gov. news, use other sources like Sky news of Australia, go to and READ the Bills being proposed (the whole bill not just the highlights ) and then make your decision. Example: Georgia’s new voting laws say nothing about not allowing handing out water to people in line and the other un-true statements made by the dems. Read the Bill and THEN you will know what it is about. Don’t be lazy and internet dependent like they want you to be, read the facts. They use emotion and try to divide and conquer as their political tactic. They have been the strongest alley of keeping hatred and racism alive, it is a weapon of theirs. Do your research on that topic and you will see. (do it before they erase history, why would anyone want to erase history?). As for your statement of putting this country in real danger it already is and it started with their theft of this election and their push for socialism. Socialism never works because of humans natural greed and need for power, and fear of not having what it needs to survive. I work with many immigrants whose relatives still live in social countries and not a one of them like it.
Anonymous says
Why do idiots like you think democrats are socialist that is a lie. I served and love this country and it is embarrassing
To think idiots like you believe Fox and Trump. You need to look at yourself.
david says
The pot calls the kettle black over and over and over.
MW says
Anonymous says
You talk about Jesus but spew hate and division. Jesus said love thy neighbors. You are a hypocrite like the rest of your bible thumping haters.
Eyegore says
Someone forgot to lockdown the PCs at the local cuckoo for cocoa puffs hospital.
Michael says
I will not be bullied into thinking exactly like you. Also what happened to freedom of speech. How would it feel if we took away your right to vote. Wouldn’t be so funny. Whining and bitching you would be. Shut up get a life, and only form an argument with facts reasoning, logic and concrete evidence . Oh no wait you can’t! The freedom of speech must be protected and calling a person a racist just because they think differently from you. I am your worst nightmare. A logical person.
Joan says
What a lie this is! I am not racist, ignorant, selfish or xenophobic! I taught in a public school system for 33 yrs. and taught students of many races. I am a proud Republican from the conservative state of Louisiana.
Anita Rhoney says
Then why do all his ideas work? Who are the idiots? It is all coming to light NOW. Anyone with half a brain can see that we need the real visionary Trump, not this fantasy, no experience in the real world except to be catered to and spoiled group of radicals who are bound and determined to ruin America!
D says
At least I’m not a Democrat. Thank God.
Lou says
Yes thank goddess, I do not want trash like you standing next to me at any protest.
Parlous1 says
Name calling, insult and hate. That is all you Trump and/or Republican haters have to feel alive inside! The Leftist socialistic media (who have made hundreds of billions of dollars more than Trump has gained under the very capitalism they teach you to despise!) have given you a hate target to help you avoid facing your own personal failures, frustrations and inadequacies.
Hitler directed a struggling Germany to hate the Jewish people.
Just as a drug pusher gives the potential addict the first “hits” free of charge, the Leftist media got you addicted to the rush of adrenaline from pure hate of President Trump….but Trump is GONE now.., you need a new drug!! YOU MUST HAVE THAT HATE RUSH!!!
Well, here I am. Hate and insult me.
I am 100% combat disabled as a result of answering my countries call. I am proud of it! When I move down the sidewalk I know I EARNED the right to do so. I defended the right for you to disagree with me. I don’t HATE and rant and rave about what “worthless human garbage” you are for having a different view than I do. I’ve had a belly full of hate. I only hope some day soon you rid yourself of that media induced hateful “rot” growing inside of you and realize that it is okay to disagree.
EVERYone has a RIGHT to believe what they wish.
Mark says
The bottom line is Democratic Socialism turns to Communism and ALWAYS fails. Founded on Marxism ideas. Conservative ideas are based on America’s Founders and Christian Faith with God. It has build a America and many other countries.
And You’re worried about Grammar ??
Wow! so many words, with no truth. Good job.
Joe says
A few Scandinavian countries haven’t turned Communist yet. Also, if you care, Democracies are almost always taken by over/replaced by Authoritarian governments that turn into dictatorships. That has been the fate of most Democracies throughout history. We are in this transition currently. Interesting Fact: Most Authoritarian regimes are not successful their first attempt but they eventually win out most of the time.
Anita Rhoney says
Excellent! Keep commenting! We are the United (?) States of America, or used to be, and we still have the power because we pay the bills. We just have to take charge of our power and use it. The Left will spend us into poverty, as they usually try to do, due to their lack of business sense. Conservatives know how the economy works. You have to pay for what you have and do! So the Left and Right had better wake up or the purse could end up empty!!!
Trina says
Conservatism is based on America’s founders???? Indians were here first. Their land was stolen! Christian Faith with God??? The very essence of God is love!! Read the Bible! Conservatism today is based on hatred for people of color. You love God whom you’ve never seen but hate your brother? One blood! Shed for ALL of us!!!!
Deb says
The only Socialism in this country are social programs such as schools libraries, police, programs for the poor and disabled. It’s funny how repubs call themselves pro life when they are anything but pro life. Trump spent four years on Twitter whining about his hurt feelings, showed no empathy for the people who died from Covid or their families( I lost four family members, all young, He caused a riot at the capitol and he brought the racists out from under their rocks. I don’t care what party you represent. You don’t stand on stage at Rallies as a president and destroy people’s lives because they did not vote for you. There are two parties in this country and if you can’t handle one of them Russia is your friend.
Deb says
Are you kidding me Christian faith for God? Have you even read the Bible? Nothing you conservatives are doing these days is anything that Jesus or God would approve of. Whining about wearing masks to protect others not caring that 560,000 people died from Covid including four of my young family members. Oh the re-pubs of today like to say they’re Christian but everything that they are doing to people who don’t fit their narrative is anything but Christian like. You better get it right because right now what you just said was an absolute lie. Republicans don’t own this country. Nobody does. All I have seen from the ones in office now is hate. I don’t think a single Republican went to any of the services for the capitol police who were killed by Trump supporters.
Eyegore says
Yeah all those Democratic Socialist states in the EU have turned to Communism. You tell ’em Jethro!
Anonymous says
Anonymous says
Haha at least you use complete sentences. Good job! Hypocrite
JT says
Liam McAllister says
How’s Biden working out for you? The only thing you got right in your ridiculous response was “…the unwise practice of allowing the uneducated to choose the leader(s) of the free world (alert: that’s sarcasm!). Biden has been a disaster!
Cam222 says
Hush Qcumber.
Anonymous says
BIDEN is great to bad for the trump losers
Guest says
You’re a Liberal Retard.
mary Jane says
What the hell are you babbling about! It is clear to anyone with a brain the right is afraid of education and chose a moron to be their great White leader because they are afraid that someone not like them might take their low wage job.
Bob Hones says
I think focusing on the message from a practical perspective instead of focusing on a few typos and grammatical mistakes is more important here. Having a PhD after one’s name does not make one smart. And yes, the ignorant majority placed Biden in office – look at the cross section of people who voted for him. The Democrats were in the ghettos promoting folks to vote with food and booze. I know. I subscribed to their texts – one every 2 minutes.
With a senile president, I wonder who is calling the shots today. It definitely is not Biden – he is very much a centrist. That’s a pity.
Anonymous says
I agree
david says
The pot calls the kettle black over and over and over. and why without one legit reason are you censuring my comments by saying i think youve already said THAT? Well i think your seeing it and not hearing it..STOP CENSURING MY COMMENTS PLEASE ”TO THIS BIAS NEWSPAPER” WHO WONT PRINT WHAT IM SAYING.IM NOT SWEARING WHY ARE YOU CENSURING ME?
doug cary says
Deb says
Biden is better then a narcissistic sociopath who spewed so much hate for for years, family members have disowned each other and racism is at an all time high. You want to country like that go somewhere else because those of us who spent four years sick to our stomach‘s will never allow another president like trump in the White House. Trump is going to prison and I can’t wait.
Anonymous says
Your that messed up in the head still? Wow. Can’t fix stupid. Your such a brainwashed sheep. The left luv you morons for never thinking or researching anything for yourselves. Pathetic. Go get your free crack pipes kit… he fine 30 million for that bullshit for losers like you. To keep you dumb
Anonymous says
BIDEN is great to bad for the trump losers
Patriot. says
Lol biden is great that’s funny he can’t even complete a sentence he shakes hands of people who are not there he smells little girls hair .truthfully the democrats should all be charged with elderly abuse. I remember when a pack of ciggerttes were 50 cents. The milk man left milk eggs and bread at your door. Our country has gone down the toilet since those days .all I have ever seen democrats do is fill there pockets with as much money as they can steel from the working class and they are still doing it and America lets them so sad for us
Chris says
Who the hell do you think you are ?
Albert Einstein had poor grammar and spelling because of Dyslexia. I guess you wouldn’t have given him an imaginary A+ either. I look at ideas, actions, motivations and courage in a person both written and physical. If you can’t see past spelling and or grammar then maybe the problem with humanity should start with retraining people who think like yourself.
Betty Ryan says
Hello everyone. I wanted to tell you that I am happy to have found Dr. Todd . He made my dream come true. I’ve been in a relationship for 4 years BUT he never proposed to me. I really wanted to get married but he was afraid of commitment!. I ordered his spell and 12 days later he asked me out and propose to me. The wedding will be on June, I already invite Dr. Todd, of course? He is my best secret! I am the happiest woman in the world. Do not hesitate to contact him, he is the best! manifestspellcast @ gmail. com
Joe Hepperle says
Wait… What? You cast a spell on Dr. Todd, and now he is going to marry you? Well then, I suppose if Dr. Todd is going to marry you, you probably should invite him to the wedding.
So he told you he would marry you in June? But he’s been tapping that well for four years already? Poor you! I hate to be the one to inform you, but he knows a chant that counters spells like yours every time. His spell-breaking chant goes like this:
Why buy the cow when the milk is free?
He repeats this every day. When June arrives, I guarantee his chant will have broken your spell. Don’t spend too much in wedding preparation — there will be no wedding.
Brooklyn says
No thanks! Sounds like voodoo witchcraft and a scumscamming witchery.
Anonymous says
Spam or indian??? Hummmm. Bot maybe? Awhhhh, the struggle is real.
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Anonymous says
That is the very ignorant lefties for you, especially the young ones that don’t know any better.
leslie Woodbridge says
you should hear what we say about you pathetic frightened people. You people are the reason this virus is lasting longer than it should coupled with the fact that the useless Trump ignored the science and called it no more than a guys are so brainwashed you even quote him verbatim. Like you have no thoughts of your own. Who’s the sheep now? 562k thousand Americans DEAD. Now THAT is a FACT. I don’t seem to remember those deaths from colds in the last 5o years. You know though? What we didn’t get? Is the flu! Because we were wearing MASKS LMAOOOOOOOOOO.. I pity you.
Tim says
So Leslie, have you checked the total deaths in the US for 2020 and the years prior? Go check it out then spew your ignorant talking points based on your TDS. It’s easy to say COVID-19 killed so many people when all other reasons for dying drop significantly. Check out the facts then stop being a lemming blindly following any of the mainstream media.
Lou says
LOLOL the pot calling the kettle. Maybe an education would help? Also, don’t marry your relatives.
Anonymous says
My God, look at excess deaths in the US you fucking imbecile. Hope you already passed of covid.
Catalina Williams says
love it
Anonymous says
Ignorant?? Excuse me but lefty’s are the only ones in their right minds. And that is straight facts. And that’s all I’m gonna say about that
Anonymous says
Maybe you can convince your own ignorance…
Factcheckthis says
What a profound statement. I bet you were master debater back in your school days lol. I bet you were real proud of yourself for that one.
Anonymous says
totally agree
D A Nelson says
The left loves America more than any of the insurrectionist republicans. Congrats to M L B
Guest says
God was very severely mentally retarded for creating these type of people to begin with.
Anonymous says
So it’s not original sin on mankind’s part ,it’s actually original mistake. on god part for. creating such a lousy inferior product a.k.a. humanity . Yup that sounds like that scumbag. Jehovah blaming the victim for his lack of creative skill.
Anonymous says
The Lord made people with free will you make your own decisions don’t blame them on to other people
Anonymous says
You are the definition of ignorance and you don’t mind showing it off…..hehehehe
MW says
Finally I KNOW your in My age for a FACT 🙏🙏🙏💯💯💯💯😍😍& KNOW THESE OLDIES GOT DIAPER RASH NEEDED.
Catherine says
GOD is perfect…
Man has free choice and he chose to be the way he is!!
A REAL America says
Gerald J. Boyum of Rochester, Minnesota is one of the many false patriots and belongs to the largest, dumbest group of Americans that has ever existed.
People like Gerald are in fact the threat to America, and to the Constitution, and they aren’t smart enough to realize it.
Attention Gerald and people like Gerald: you are being lied to by power hungry right-wing liars. They tell you that worshipping them is patriotic. It isn’t. You are the exact opposite of patriots. You are traitors.
Ge says
You’re an idiot. Can you walk up stairs without falling on your face 3 times? Neither can your fearful leader.
Devon says
Ahhhh typical trumpy statement… Belittling others is such a common go- to response for you all… You act like you have never fallen or tripped over something… The man is OLD. So every older person that trips or falls is an idiot… Wow, you christians are on point with your views, claims and actions. Hahaha 🤦♀️
Anonymous says
Winnie Smith says
That’s hilarious!! Sad but true! The world is laughing at us!
Rundark says
Gaslight much? We already know that everything the lefties accuse everyone else of doing is being done by the lefties. So in fact it is you that “belongs to the largest, dumbest group of Americans that ever existed” However I would not describe you as Americans so much as you and your ilk are Marxist commie scum. Which would reflect your assertion of republicans being traitors right back on you.
It is in fact you and your ilk that are being lied to by power hungry left-wing liars. As democratic leaders openly break their oaths of office and behave like royalty treating the people like serfs instead of citizens. It is clearly evident to anyone with one eye, half a brain, and legally deaf that it is the democrats that would have us worship and bow down to them. Not once has any republican assert that anyone should pray to anyone other than the almighty creator of all things.
You sir and all your claims about who is who and what is what has been based on conjecture, feelings, and outright lies. You either support, engage, or in equal measure practice in full frontal hypocrisy. You are a know nothing know it all that swallows the blue pill and washes it down with the Kool-Aid the asshats of the MSM keep passing around. When everything you know is what you’ve been told, at best you know nothing, at worst you know lies. You then parrot those lies to other low information, lazy eyed, wannabe supplicants like yourself creating an army of useful idiots. Maybe you haven’t noticed, but the democratic constituency has gotten dumber and dumber. Why you might ask? Because the intelligent ones like myself who don’t make excuses for what they see and hear caught onto the democrats grift a long time ago.
I know the republicans aren’t perfect, in fact they are weak and ineffectual as I watch them point out those who break their oaths and do nothing about it. That is a crime of perjury, and on that level carries a four year prison sentence and the permanent barring of running for election to another office. Sounds good to me! But at least they don’t try interfering with my life in overreaching policies that violate my natural born god given rights!
Real America? Son, you haven’t a clue what that’s supposed to look like if you think what the dems are saying it is. Besides, even if they did somehow get their way, they wouldn’t deliver on it anyway. Haven’t any of you Libtard’s figured it out yet? Is it because of all the lies you spread around have become so common place for you, that you didn’t notice you slipped into Bizzarro world? Is it because you can only see and hear what they want you to, is what you really hear and see? Whatever it might be, I look forward to your illogical, based in fantasy, not fact, unsubstantiated, no proof to be had, rant in response to me calling you out as the fraud, and liar that you most certainly are. Have a nice day pumpkin, I hope you get good and rested up before you chime in with your bullshit!
Joe says
You could have just said “not uh, You are”…basically that what you post boils down to.
And if you think you have any idea that you know jack-shit reread the end of you post. Its called the human condition and none of us are immune. You live in your own narrative. Truth doesn’t matter to the brain it just wants control/predictability. That means confirmation bias is the norm in human lives regardless of sex, race or political affiliation.
Anonymous says
You need to look at yourself and your “definitely not communist” ideas
Anonymous says
Well said!
The democratic party has sunk to the lowest level of scum that they have ever been at.
Any person with a brain can see these media broadcasters are blatantly lying and putting their spin on everything. And the gullible dems believe it all. Never cross checking or researching what they hear. That would take a little work on their part and they aren’t willing to do that. They want to sit around and live off stimulus checks. This country was built around god fearing principles and beliefs. We have to rid ourselves of this black plague called democrats.
There is nothing wrong with having a two party system as long as neither is corrupt.
The democrap party is run by very rich and power hungry people who will stop at nothing to rob this country of its wealth. Corruption is the norm. That is why they hate TRUMP so much. Because he was draining the swap of all the blood sucking, scandalous, power hungry sell out politicians. And the dems knew that meant them,!! So they started and all out lie, slander and smear campaign against TRUMP to save their own asses. They don’t give a shit about Americans. Only about themselves. Nancy Pelocy is only concerned with making another 100 million for her self off insider trading. She just bought a million dollars worth of Tesla calls with over a year before expiration just before biden announces he is going to replace the entire federal motor pool with electric cars. If you or I would have traded on that insider information we would have the SEC on or doorstep taking us to jail. But it is legal for congress men to trade on insider info. Obama reversed the policy and then some where down the line it was reversed again. Check it out for yourselves people dont believe me just because i said it.
Brandon says
Nice tantrum, Kletus. Trump lost, and there’s literally nothing that you or your uneducated, unhinged buddies can do about it. Cry some more, losers. 🙂
Crys Stephens says
Wow. I never thought I would see the “I know you are, but what am I?” tactic used in grown adult political conversations.
Where do we even go from here?
Deb says
Are used to vote Republican and then Bush put us in a recession and many people I loved lost their jobs their homes because he was an idiot. Now The Republicans of today worship Trump won even made a golden statue of him which was absolutely against one of the 10 Commandments. The Republicans of today are not true Christians they are vile mean spirited don’t care about anyone but themselves and if you’re going to tell me Marjorie Taylor green is intelligent and is a good Christian, I may hurl. I have not seen a a Republican act christian like in over four years. The fact that they refused to wear masks to protect others prove that. They didn’t care that people died from Covid they’re only concern was I have to wear a mask and I can’t go get a haircut. Jesus won’t be welcoming any of the Trump republicans into his kingdom. No politician is perfect but Trump caused so much damage to this country with his hateful rants, I don’t ever see us healing, ever. You want more of that, take Trump and find a deserted island and make him your king, I’m an independent and frankly I’m sick to death of most politicians. But the Dems I know only want to help those who are less fortunate than them, I have not met one yet who is stupid or a socialist. They want balance and for this country to progress not go back to the dark ages when the constitution was first written. They also want clean air and water. How horrible of them to want their kids to grow up in a country that isn’t polluted and full of hate. I am thankful the younger people want clean air and water and this will be their country someday and I think they’re going to do a hell of a better job than the politicians we have in the White House now.
Deb says
That’s funny because all Republicans are doing today are taking away the rights of everyone who doesn’t approve of Trump. So sick and tired of hearing about your rights being trampled on they aren’t, You still have your guns in this nonsense about not having free speech are the only two things you care about. You do have free speech but you do know that there are consequences for that free speech if it harms others. Now go educate yourself pray really hard to become a decent human because from what I see Republicans today or as far from decent as Hitler was.
E=mc² says
Fat chance, hosebag. I know what I heard and I do to so. Really just get real with me. It’s that simple. Simplicity is the best route here. I assure you. Honestly you have two legs to stand on and now a good time.
Excalibur says
Talk about too ignorant to get out of his own way, absolutely nothing you said there was based on any facts or logical reasoning. Sometimes it’s best to just keep senseless and unintelligent thoughts to yourself
A realist.... says
Rundark just said out loud what everyone with a functioning brain already thinks and knows but doesn’t say out loud.
When you compare Republicans to Democrats and ask yourself which would be considered good and which would be considered evil, it is obvious that the Democrats would be the side of evil……Anyone who says otherwise is lying to themselves and everyone around them. They kill babies for selfish reasons, and often say others are doing things that they are actually doing. Hypocrite baby killers. It is hard to believe that these people that are somehow considered the same species as me can be so selfish and heartless, and then go around saying Republicans are selfish and heartless. Hypocrites….They say Republicans are full of hate, but what they fail to add is why. Society closed the psycho wards and we can’t lock up the crazy people anymore, so now all the crazies get to walk among us and spew nonsense. Crazy people used to get locked up so normal people didn’t have to be subjected to anything they said or did, but now most crazy people get to run around freely, so i yet why there are so many democrats now……sad.
Idiocracy is real, but its not the people with Republican beliefs that are making it a reality. It is the crazy liberal democrats….
mary Jane says
What the hell are you babbling about! It is clear to anyone with a brain the right is afraid of education and chose a moron to be their great White leader because they are afraid that someone not like them might take their low wage job.
Anonymous says
Almost like hearing the news, nothing but hate for each other on here. I guess we don’t have enough hate in the world already so let’s keep spreading more hate, I guess that’s all this world knows anymore. Have a blessed weekend
Suki says
Yes these people blaming & shaming the other, poor grammar and all. That’s hypocrisy. Cult 45
Smedly says
Most of you are living in a fantasy world. We nearly lost our democracy to an authoritarian demagogue and his enablers and all you can do is name-call perceived grievances at “leftists” and “socialists” based upon whatever false narratives you consume, this journal being one of them.
Mike says
I totally agree, Smedly., with everything you wrote.
I note, too, that some of the comments here are written by the same commenter under different names.
Right Wing Extremists are taking advantage of the simple fact that fully half of our population possess below-average intelligence and are the product of one of the worst education “systems” in the world.
And they vote. And they’re armed. And they are firmly convinced that they are the true Patriots, the defenders of a Constitution they erroneous think they understand. Many are certain they are doing the work of the Christian god.
Our Founding Fathers, who were predominately deists and theists who set aside the supernatural for the benefit of a democratically run republican, were radically liberal in opposing the monarchy and the Old World ways.
I hope the Trump supporters don’t kill too many before the last RWE can be somehow brought to the light or somehow neutralized in their power to damage America and the world.
PS: If your not familiar with General Smedley Butler, you should read his tiny book, “War is a Racket.”
Anonymous says
You are absolutely right…. and we have to make sure he doesn’t get another term as a wannabe king again. All of the KKK people were probably thrilled with Trump; also, people who have lots of money, etc. ..and these people are the ones who are supposed to be Christians? Every Trump voter I know really thinks he has the best interests of the nation at heart but they can’t tell me anything he has done for our nation. If anyone could tell me one great thing he has done for our once-great-before-Trump nation, I am open to any ideas of good things he HAS done for EVERYONE, not only for rich or white-American people. Honestly, I feel like he just likes being the boss of everything. .. and he did much better as a gameshow host.
Facts > Feelings says
You’re all a bunch of dumbass sheep who were convinced to wear a mask for a cold virus that has a 99.8% survivability if you catch it LMFAO
Stupid idiots like you people will let a new Nazi regime come to power. Because you’re too stupid to know any better.
If you believe the TV tells the truth you need to stop whatever your doing and save the future by killing yourself. Please for the sake of the future kill yourself you are as worthless as they come.
Bob says
If brains were made of gas you wouldn’t have enough to drive a piss ants motorcycle halfway around a BB
Commenter says
This is beautiful.
Anonymous says
What that guy said
J3LLy says
Lay off the Qanon conspiracy theories. 2020 was the deadliest year in US history. It’s hilarious that you’re calling other people sheep and whatnot because some people listened to doctors and scientists, and acknowledged there was a global pandemic, while you listened to an idiot who ran the country for four years. Why it’s so funny is because you don’t realize the irony of you saying something like that. You are the sheep, buddy.
Jerry says
This is all I got for democRat’s like yourself.. You elected Joe & the Ho, so watch how fast we get screwed by dipshit Joe…
Brandon says
That’s really the best you got? This is why you keep getting your ass kicked in elections and court cases. Your brains are undeveloped and broken. You lost. Trump lost. And there’s literally nothing you can or will do about it, little bitch. 🙂 Cry for me.
Anonymous says
Over 500,000 Americans, Republicans and Democrats alike, have died from Covid-19. It is a small percentage of the population, but it is still a lot of people. Since it mostly kills only older people, younger people are not afraid of it, and want to continue their normal lifestyle of drinking, partying, etc. They are safe from death, but can spread it to old people who are not safe from death. Is it really too much to ask that you wear a mask so you don’t spread the virus to the general population?
Miyenis Lu says
Tell that to the ones who still say we GOT 2 diaper Rashes as president and they care about the old hags fake queen and crown & how her life is ruin BECAUSE she can’t move on for fear of diaper Rash as no one cares who the president no more
On The Web says
Tell that to the 3 million people who died. Funny how people don’t care that somewhere out there, people are losing their families and loved ones. I myself recently lost someone to COVID-19, and death is nothing to laugh at.
leslie Woodbridge says
Who’s the sheep? You say if you believe that the TV tells the truth you need to stop what your doing and kill yourself?
Wow, so much empathy for your fellow Americans. One thing though.. there are over a half a million Americans DEAD from Covid..This pandemic that the WHOLE WORLD IS GOING THRU.
Where do you get your info? not on tv surely..of course it’s where your got all this bullshit fed to you by Fox and Newsmax that tell you continual lies and you like that because it makes you feel better. You are the SHEEP following the Trump serial liar machine and the GOP. Masks save lives, We wear them to protect ourselves but mostly for others. You can be carrying the Virus before you even get any symptoms. I think you are frightened to death..and take it out on other people. Because if you really wanted to know the truth it’s out there if you want to find it. You have no excuse except that you are a horrible person that doesn’t care about anybody but yourself. I know two people that are dead now and not old. One 23 the other 40. How this is possible for you to not see in the news on tv or papers the death toll this virus has taken 559 Americans DEAD. THAT IS A FACT. Go ahead don’t wear a mask infect others like your family and your kids..we shall see how FAKE you think it is then, when they die and you can’t go into the hospital see them because you would get infected. So basically they die alone. You are the reason this virus has lasted so long, except for the lying President who said it was like the flu. When one of your loved ones to me then about anti-maskers that are sheep. Those SHEEP are protecting YOU.
Jerry says
Really, so Trump is to blame for everything, right? Fuck you bitch, I’d rather back a president that puts America first than a dipshit president that puts us last… You lady can go ahead and kill yourself and hopefully many more like you can do the same, liberalism is a disease that has no cure….
Rundark says
“If you believe the TV tells the truth you need to stop whatever your doing and save the future by killing yourself. Please for the sake of the future kill yourself you are as worthless as they come.”
Great advice, but like all great advice, they never listen to it, lol (btw, change your to you’re cause it’s all these “Not See’s” ever have as an argument, like it makes the point any less relevant right? Have a great day patriot.
Awww poor cultist, got lit up. Next time keep to yourself idiocy. Now go cry in your moms basement. Maybe she’ll make you a sandwich?
I also bet that you don’t understand the irony of the name you gave yourself.
Deb says
You are the idiot I lost four family members to this, my 10-year-old nephew is still has side effects from a blood clot Covid caused.. My family members died back in April of 2020. Where I live people care about each other so they wore masks to protect others and guess what kids are back in school in September, my kids have been wearing masks since last April and have not caught so much as a cold. It boggles my mind how people like you can call other sheep for wearing a mask you became so obsessed with a president that you are now a bitter, hateful little soul. Wearing a mask is a heck of a lot better than choking on a ventilator and having to say goodbye to your family on FaceTime. Such compassion you Trumper‘s have and don’t even tell me that you are a God-fearing Christian. Do you whine because it’s a law to wear a seatbelt and put your kid in a car seat? Or do you think people that follow those laws are sheep too? You won’t bode well in life.
> Feelings says
You’re all a bunch of dumbass sheep who were convinced to wear a mask for a cold virus that has a 99.8% survivability if you catch it LMFAO
Stupid idiots like you people will let a new Nazi regime come to power. Because you’re too stupid to know any better.
leslie Woodbridge says
omg 99 percent like the cold?. Over a half a million Americans are DEAD from this virus/cold. How do you ignore that? We already had the Nazi regime in office, that was Trump who hid the danger of this virus from the public so he could get re-elected. He doesn’t care about you or anyone.
Laugh away because you sound so pathetic and frightened that you just might be really really wrong here.If you wanted to know the truth, it’s all over you can see on line and in RESPECTED newspapers. If this virus is all a hoax, then why is the WHOLE WORLD going thru the same THING! Do you have any idea how stupid that makes you sound?. Why don’t you look at the CDC website or the World Health Organizations Website..It shows all the virus stats all over the world. That is also why Trump has approximately 37 cases of fraud, election fraud, voter fraud, trying to call the Republican Sec of State to find him some votes. HAHAHAH he’s prosecuted for that too. Oh yeah and an Insurrection to overturn our Government. That is CALLED TREASON. Wake the fuck up before someone you love gets this virus…bet we won’t hear from you then..It’s so sad to see so many people that are so weak that they believe whatever their told as long as it fits with your miserable existence.
Bob says
Had the virus, not nearly as bad as bronchitis, sinusitis. Couple weeks down, no taste buds, exhausted, but basically like a cold. Many people passed that had underlying conditions. Heart, lungs, kidney issues. Trump is a hero for his response and having all companies, organizations work together. Typically 5-7 years for vaccine done in 1 year. With anyone else in charge, we may not yet have a vaccine and millions of deaths yet to come. After 4 years of listening to a leftist media, the left believes what they have heard. Message is, the left has been played by the media. Media divided this Country, not Trump. Trump 2024.
Anonymous says
Feelings says, You really are right. Then again, those people are naturally dumb altogether.
Leta Mancare says
All thanks to Lord Zakuza whose magnificent spell brought back my divorced husband within 48 hours. Email him on Lordzakuza7 @ gmail. com
Costumer not thekindthatedits... says
a. I’m sane you notice biblical coincidence. Either way letters and numbers are insanely exact for professional observers and should have recorded some interesting audio. And video. Imagine live lens
Truth > Feelings says
Republican or Democrat, if you follow either side you’ve been duped by the Deep State / Illuminati.
Trump was neither, but he wasn’t big enough nor had the political roots to actually dismantle their system of corruption.
You dumbass sheep are all wearing a mask for a cold virus that you have a 99.8% of surviving if you catch it.
You people are so god damn stupid and gullible you will gladly welcome the new Nazi regime that is coming. History repeats itself and stupid people with no critical thinking abilities let it happen.
Thanks morons, please for the sake of the future KYS
Joe says
A serious question. Why do people who post a statement like say yours “truth>feelings” in the name for the person creating the post almost always then make a post that is the opposite (i.e feelings<truth)?
Is it oversite?
Are you trying to frame how one should approaching the post?
Do really believe that what you post is not possibly ironic?
I especially wonder because you stated "people with no critical thinking abilities" yet your whole post is filled with logical fallacies. []
Chance says
The mortality rate for Covid in industrialized nations is 1% (that’s one person per one hundred). In poor countries, it’s as high as 5-6% (one person in twenty). Not good odds when you’re talking about your life.
Also, Trump is a corrupt and probably psychopathic moron. He’s the last person you should want dismantling our government.
wannano says
Iron Curtain Over America by Mr Beaty
should be required reading in all schools.And read by all Americans that love this country!
But first and foremost the right understanding of civics and the Constitution as written not as interpreted by communist judges… The above book can be read for free as a pdf as well. A short and concise to the point of how the true ends to a means of how our foreign policy has been ” directed and misguided towards a one world communist totatilatian dictatorship. As a young person I could not understand why politicians pointed fingers and when one group got in they really did not do much in terms of fixing our real problems, but rather weakened us as a nation even more. Then the other guys get in and pick up where they former left off. It seems the warnings fell on deaf ears as infiltration in high places had already been deeply seeded. Now both parties are complicit in our demise, and we the people are going willingly as we left off to be wise long ago. We are now going to see an unmantling of our freedoms, wealth,
etc.. at such an alarming pace that most wont know what has happened until its too late. And dont expect the nations that we handed over to the commies to help. They will be under it as well, but they remember that traitors have no allegiances….
Anonymous says
You should be writing a book. You pretty much nail it in this comment. You do realize the book is like 28 bucks and even tho it should be read by everyone, I, for one, can not afford it. i will visit my library.
Rundark says
Here you go my friend I hope this gets to you in time to save you $28. More money for ammo, keep yer powder dry.
Oh, I almost forgot, you can find just about anything that’s been published by entering in the title followed by PDF in your search engine. Have a great day.
Mr. Gene Salem says
The Democrats’ are Hellbent to erase all American history and start on an even playing field for all at the expense of hard working Americans by raising the taxation rates on the middle and upper-class Americans excluding themselves.
They do not want you to have original thoughts but rather have you believe in all they tell you. They want to censor everything that they do not believe in or eliminate their opponents so their way is the ONLY way!
Robert says
I’m disabled because of no fault of my own.And now I don’t know how to use a phone because the terminalogy wasn’t taught to me in the 1970-80’s school system.After a bad brain injury I have an even harder time trying to figure out what others take for granted.Now far be it for me to ask for help, but I’n my situation I can’t believe I am considered a quote “retard` by the former citizen trump people and he makes fun of disabilities.How can anyone but a person with no conscience or care deny further education for people like us.What part of WE THE PEOPLE is in the Constitution that was forgotten? Help me and others, please.
Robert says
I want to be like I was before being beaten and left with a brain injury, but it’s too late for that now.Dont further gang violence with threatening WE THE PEOPLE or political extortion if somebody doesn’t get their way.Whats next civil war…?
Mike says
Good luck to you. You might have to move top get the best medical care.
Rest assured that there are still a majority of voters who are doing our best to help those who need better medical accommodations than they could possibly afford.
Anonymous says
I think all true America loving people should get together and have him impeached and his sidekick,I’m pretty sure we can do that at this point just for letting criminals in to reek havoc on our country,this is our country it’s time to fight him legally,let’s do it!
Deb says
No this is not your country, it belongs to everyone who was born here or came here legally. You don’t get to decide who deserves to live here. Impeach Biden for white doing the job Trump refused to do? Trump is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths. Because he’s a selfish narcissistic sociopath. If you want a leader like that you can go to North Korea or Russia. Oh and please don’t say you are a Christian because you would be lying. I’m so tired of the Republicans thinking that this is only their country and only their rules apply. You miss interpret the Constitution on a daily basis just like your old leader did.
Nathan Michael Wagner says
in king James. Read the last page. Now we suffer together my brothers. A single man carrying a cross for an entire nation returned recently. Voot.up. in God we trust
Regardless aparaushaya ,
Nathan Michael Wagner
ps’n qs’ I, as an American self-leader, withdraw from the mistake of signing a united nations treaty. I’m with the lands who stayed true to them for history, and we hold the key for US! know the meaning of a race. Money= cotton and linen. No other country grew a rose that held the foundation we grew from nothing that was once something but a void. Existentially I am ready for world peace. Fuck whoever went to pieces when it came from US
Sack cloth prophet (?) aka (S. O. S) StampOutSatan aka Debra K. Jerik or (Debra It's OKbto be a Jerk to satanic influence) says
Wow! The Left is really fucked up. Excuse my strong language, It is not meant vulgarly, nor as a disrespectful manner. It is a statement of the times. Strong dissidence requires strong descriptions.
I feel sympathy for those bound on the left, if their disillusions with life has caused them to burn out so thoroughly as to cause mass psychosis. The whole problem stems from the poor attention of those in authority to monitor psychological abuses arising from any cause. Unfortunately there are those whose intelligence has not yet achieved the maturity to
Deal with the stress of proper analysation.
And those of us who see the problem; yet have no power or development to intercede on their behalf; become victim to our own emotions and want to ‘give up’ on bypassing the restrictions, self prejudices and narcissistic behavior of those whom having been given authority, abuse that authority by taking advantage of the sleeping public.
This sleeping public, unfortunately, carries the manpower and wisdom to get the job done yet have been lulled by the noise of dishonest advertising and opininion, corrupted on purpose.
Absolute truths truly exist. Absolute evil is also present in our world. There is GOD and there is the ‘deceiver’. The one given the complete mind of the UNENDING ONE. Who is not a part of THE HOLY TRINITY of GOD. THEREFORE, possessing no goodness within him, NO THING to redeem him. Where the SPIRIT should live, there is only darkness and no light.
Yóu are a man of ‘good’ thinking, pray for Wisdom. We must all come together. In the name of JESUS’ GOD’S Only SON. May His light become a beacon to all of us. Amen.
Deb says
You just bashed people you don’t know and then dare to drag god into it. I hate to tell you this but Jesus was a liberal. Yes he hung out with prostitutes thieves alcoholics all kinds and what he did was show them a better way to live their lives and he did it with love and a promise of life everlasting. He did not spew the hate you just did in this post. The Dems won’t be the ones going to hell.
Anonymous says
Agreed. Iron Curtain Over America may be the finest manual for understanding the origins of the left wing devolution prevalent in 2021 USA.
Glenn "Chesty" Fuller grandson Elam Quirk Census 1860 says
Quacks like a duck then its a duck dude.
Anonymous says
Seriously what does that so called ex president have to do , commit murder ! Oh yes he even did that by the thousands and 7 on January 6th ! He is a con man that spewed hatred on anyone that didn’t worship him! I knew him in NY he was a scoundrel then and still is !
Ge says
You’re a liar. You’ve never met president Trump. And do not know him. And the rest of your statements just as ignorant. Typical stupid democrat.
Rowanne says
To me I hope these are actually coming to you now because you’re absolutely incorrect and I have just been through a bunch of my fan mail from 2018 and 19 so where am I catching this from now? I have a lot of fan mail and a lot of knowledge so if you want to jump on board do so but it won’t be from little boys viewing stupid ass shit
Deb says
What are you 12? Trump knows he’s up the creek without a paddle and all the money that his followers are sending him, is going to pay his legal bills but he will serve time in prison for all the cheating the lying and the stealing he did from Americans for over 50 years.
Tom C says
eu f’n rah!
Charles Orem says
If you’re not a crow… won’t fly with crows…….I hate all draftdodgers and any bum who doesn’t pay his fair share of taxes……100 dollars a year for 15 years is a BUM!!!!…….A Republibum!!!!
Anonymous says
I love & agree with all u have said!
Gerald Quirkson adopted says
Trump acquitted in lightning-fast impeachment trial: What did … › how-to › trump-impeachment-t…
2 days ago — “There is no question — none — that President Trump is practically and … However, explaining his vote to acquit, McConnell said impeachment, conviction and removal are tied … debate the issues of the day without malice and without hate. … But following the impeachment acquittal, House Speaker Nancy …
Missing: value hype outlet
Letter to the Editor Why the left hates America and Trump › letter-to-the-editor-wh…
May 18, 2020 — Not that she’s a blessed by God patriot sticking up for America, but only as a … on the verge of financial ruin, and the people are nothing but slaves to elitist … just do a quick walk through of Donal Trump’ssteong Christian values… … now they whant impeach him again yy so much hate so much evil in this …
The Latest: Pelosi wants fines for bypassing House security › article › donald-trump-politics-ad…
Jan 13, 2021 — Pelosi says, “It is tragic that this step is necessary, but the Chamber of the … Led by Cheney, 10 House Republicans vote to impeach Trump … “an unprecedented assault on our democracy … unlike anything we have … Sorry I hate freedom? … Robertson told news outlets that he broke no laws, did not know …
Missing: value hype
Alicia says
I really don’t understand, if someone don’t like freedom and opportunities and love communism why they don’t leave the country and go to live in a communist country? Is easy. They can chose between Cuba, Venezuela, China and North Korea, all are communist countries, they can be happy there and eat a lot of sh……
I don’t believe in pandemic and I don’t believe in green problem neither.. they want people be scare and afraid of everything as they are, because they are bad people and evil.
leslie Woodbridge says
so the whole world is lying..its not trying to scare you it’s trying to INFORM you. But you are such a dumbass that you don’t want the facts. Stay in your bubble and when someone you love or friend dies from the virus. CRICKETS. 559k thousand AMERICANS DEAD. You have to be a real mental case to ignore these deaths. It’s the same all over the world. You have to wear seat belt right? Why didn’t you protest that? You are the ones keeping this virus from going away because of your uncaring irresponsible behavior like a 12 stomping their feet because they have to put a seal belt on.
Anonymous says
Yep! Spot on
Stanley Kumiega says
Love my freedom and MY COUNTRY. Do believe the ignorant c—‘ Pelosi needs to get a new job. How bout WELCOME TO WALMART. Believe she is more qualified 4 that. Well second guessing t hat maybe head TOILET SCRUBBER.
Joe says
Christians promote love, good will, kindness, tolerance to all of Gods children! U.S.Comstitution from our Founding Fathers inshrine this humanity ! Greatest liberal document written in America. But now,we have a Facist not a Republican Party. Democrats Are the only party supporting the Constitution ! I don’t see communist or socialist party platforms or persons running on those platforms any where in the media! We see Republicans insulting Democrats spewing lies on right wing blogs ‘ promoting domestic terrorist on cities and the capital!
Anonymous says
Rundark says
Please see Truth>Feelings post and follow his KYN advice. If you honestly beLIEve what you just wrote, you are not a good Christian or a citizen. You are a low info subscriber to the MSM that willfully washes down the blue pill with their special brand of Kool-Aid. I suggest you open up the bible to James 2:14-26 and find alternative news sources that are more centric. If all you watch is liberal biased media what do you think is going to be told to you?
Same with the other side, weak, ineffectual, grandstanding backstabbers that never get anything done. But hardly Marxist, obviously you haven’t figured out the lefties game of accusing others of THEIR crimes. If they say so-n-so said/did this or that, it is something they did/done, or plan on doing. Anyone who disagrees with their false narrative gets attacked by the “Wokerati” twitter mob and subsequently canceled.
The dems instituted “critical race theory” to be taught in schools, a Marxist anti American doctrine that teaches children to hate themselves for being white and to hate America for being racist.
Coca Cola just produced a training video for employees, “how to be less white”. This is all starting to feel like white people are being scapegoated, can you remember the last time a group of people were scapegoated? Remember what happened to them? Are you okay with having a hand in another event like that taking place?
Are you aware of the human rights violations China is committing on the Muslims that live there? Resident bidens comment to that was, “different cultures have different ways” I’m not even scratching the surface of the news you are not aware of because you only like MSM sources. You owe it to yourself and all Americans to be well informed and outspoken questioning everything. Instead you form salacious opinions based on a partisan sources committed to keep you quiet and afraid to dumb to do anything about their advancement of their evil agenda. SMDH!
Rob says
seems clear to me that you (and obviously many others here) are the one who needs to seek out better sources of information and stop suckling at the teat of right wing propaganda and misinformation.
Just to start with, you don’t even know what critical race theory is, so you’re regurgitating racist garbage. Not to mention that the Dems are hardly leftist, let alone Marxist. They’re mostly pathetically centrist,
You won’t though. God help you.
Youshouldprobablysuckit says
Yeah the people screaming good Christian morals and love towards all couldn’t possibly be the ones in this very thread urging strangers to kill themselves because they voted against their perceived interests, because this is America, the greatest bastion of freedom ever seen, with communsm looming as the greatest threat to our lives….but anyone who thinks differently should be hung as a traitor, you exercise your American rights but it wasn’t for my guy s you should have those rights taken away per my sole judgment, some nobody that these lizard people wouldn’t pass on were I to be set ablaze. I don’t care for this bullshit “gun control” and “woke culture” either but that doesn’t mean I’m better than anyone else and im sure as hell not forcing my opinion on someone who could care fucking less. The hypocrisy is laughable on both sides but I dont understand how any self proclaimed Christian can get behind a career con artist coined for “grab em by the pussy” and still claim this is the righteous following of Jesus Christ. Personally I hope this all continues to the point that those with common sense come to see ALL forms of religion as the brainwashing, holier than thou, 10% for me, let’s see how much of these dumbasses money we can get them to just hand to us, cash grab it so obviously is. Yea let’s just hang half the nation cuz they disagree with us, oh and anyone who doesn’t agree to let hondurans fuck your wife in a show of good faith, they’re a racist, this is getting ridiculous and its all of you. Wake the fuck up and realize it’s not your fellow countrymen who pose the threat, its the people who keep telling you they are. It was no accident that the confederacy was comprised mostly of por whites that had never and would never own slaves and the union consisted mainly of prejudice conceited Yankees involved solely for their own monetary interests. These old ass motherfuckers are gonna steal this whole shebang from right under you geniuses fucking feet while you decide which of your neighbors to murder.
leslie Woodbridge says
too bad about those 37 criminal and civil suits he is facing. He’s a criminal and also has been all his life and all of you bought it hook line and sinker..
Maybe you could visit him in Prison? Oh but they make you wear mask in there, Just take it off inside no problem. Except that the prisoners all have COVID. lol
SanityCheck451 says
Stop all media. Let’s go back 20-25 years. Let people live their lives a little, read a little, talk to one another a little…enjoy what they have a little….The media has destroyed our lives completely – created more hatred, more extreme view points, more greed, a feeling of fight or die……. STOP THE MEDIA.
Anonymous says
so said Hitler as he built his ovens
Chuckie says
That’s where the Dems belong!!
Jason says
Just quite watching and paying attention. People with brains don’t ever turn on garbage, they don’t get sucked in to lies and lost leftists negativity.
Never taking responsibility, excuses, blameful, manipulative, vindictiveness, embarrassing coward’s that have no pride or self dignity. Factually speaking, they are lost souls.
Djdj says
We should have stopped Reagan from repealing the Fairness Doctrine
Gino Fernandez says
This is a great comment and it is something dividing different points of view and making them believe they are mortal enemies. I’m what most would call ” the left” but it does not mean im gonna let China take our country and we are not out to ruin our country for having different thoughts on economic or government plans. Only in the United States r we TAUGHT to believe socialist is a bad word or any other name for governing philosophy. We dont want our country driven into ruin by changing how we do stuff. The point is “the right” has had governing power going back a long time now and its the way we have been doing things that put us on the brink of ruin. We could blame each other and I could call the leader u support a madman that was looking for a dictatatorship (as that’s the only way he would be happy), but we shouldn’t hate each other and be angry with each other. Why does that happen.??? I get most pissed off when I watch the news or read a paper or go browsing the net and see or read the BS I can’t believe or understand the right would be doing or why they would support thier points of view and I find myself getting so pissed off and fighting angry bcuz of the media and the way they drive a wedge between us. The wonder of our country is…We can believe what we want and we can try to do new things instead if continuing with “the rights” ways. I say that without anger, but say it bcuz is fact, so understand the left wants what’s best for our country too. We r brothers and sisters and don’t let news or media pump up the hate, bcuz if we didn’t read or see that crap we wouldn’t really ‘ve so stressed and wanting go destroy what’s different than we are.. Sorry for any typos as I had a thought and wanted to get it out. We r all Americans and we all have the same core beliefs once you cook out everything else and get to the basics.
Lana Smiley says
We most certainly do NOT have the same core beliefs.
Light cannot fellowship with darkness…
Deb says
Sorry dear but Democrats go to church believe in God and are just as worthy of him as you claim you are. How sad that the Republican party I used to admire is now a bunch of lying hateful and bitter people and they use God to gain voters and to spew their hate against The people that God created just because they don’t like who they are.
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@Local_Yokle says
At this point the Impeachment Trial should clarify any bout the most devout tRumpians that they live in a bubble of lies.
Allen Forbus says
Your sooo funny you should be doing STAND UP you are hilarious,
my stomach even hurts now,
I’ve been LMFAO… for the last 10mins. still can’t stop the bellowing!
You’d be better as a comedian than doing comments no doubt!
The Very Honest Truth says
Hey you lefty morons out there, Trump really did more for our country than most other presidents did over the years. And Regan was very good as well.
Dick says
MAGA. = My ass got arrested. Sorry goof At least go finish your GED. Of course it wont help you because you will still be wrong and just as stupid. At least try to sound like the 4th grade wasn’t your senior year.
Allen Forbus says
Your sooo funny you should be doing STAND UP you are hilarious,
my stomach even hurts now,
I’ve been LMFAO… for the last 10mins. still can’t stop the bellowing!
You’d be better as a comedian than doing comments no doubt!
Anonymous says
You sound like the 4th grade was your senior year. Maybe try some punctuation (which you learn in the 2nd or 3rd grade btw) before you go around calling people stupid.
Anonymous says
You literally did nothing but insult them, since when is that making a valid argument?
That’s all the proof you need right there, every one: Every single trump haters logic= you voted for; or support trump therefore you’re just stupid. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 And they’re all of a sudden better and smarter than you, somehow, just like that. Lol please, it’s all the evidence of a joke.
“My opinion is different, so you must be stupid”
I guess it’s hard to see shit clearly with your head up your own ass. No pun intended.
david farrell says
Judging by his first press conference, Biden might need his GED.
Paula Folk says
I was going to completely agree with you, but I was just reading about his HUUUGE CUTS IN MEDICARE AND SOCIAL SECURITY!!!! He and the world he lives in don’t have to worry about cost of medications, doctors hospital stays or even if they can get admitted!! Many millions of this country’s seniors DEPEND on these two programs he is so ignorantly cutting very deeply!! As ignorant as that is, I would rather see Trump still in the White House!!!!
Doug R says
I agree Biden is putting the American people last like our vets ,our homeless putting our hard working Americans out of jobs but letting illegal immigrants by the 1000’s putting our national security at risk and all the money the tax payer’s hard earned money to to pay for motels and education and more cages being built to house the migrants because we Biden and the left wing tear us a part socialists don’t care about this once nation we lived in . Joe Biden is not capable or should I say he is just a puppet to the democrats who tell him what to do and say god help us all . It’s also funny under the Biden administration W.h.o. Said there was no evidence that China caused the Corona virus there was plenty of evidence you forget the Biden family was in bed with the Chinese along with other high ranking members of the democratic party . we as Americans only have one choice TRUMP 2024
Paul says
You are an idiot
Anonymous says
you are exactly right. tere is no way i would trust biden and harris or biden wife they are the epitome of adolph hitler, even look like him
Anonymous says
Godamn right
Leslie Herman says
What did he do? Just tell me, he didn’t do anything that helped me at all. Reagan wasn’t bad. No other Republican president in my lifetime was bad. Trump. Wow. Bad. Anyone but trump.
Shaun Sites says
So you want a career politician who is systematically tearing our country apart and has clearly sided with the chinese CCP as opposed to a man who actually had them at bay and damn near reunited North and South Korea,somethjng noone else has EVER been able to do?!? The man literally brought back jobs farmed overseas and did several other things that actually was for the benefit of the American people? Granted I do not side with Trump but I would rather have him than this communist puppet we currently have who is clearly trying to destroy whats left of the country.Biden hasnt done shit except destroy peoples lives and line his pockets.Must be some damn good drugs….
Stanley Kumiega says
Fa Q. Let me know how ya feeling when gas prices r 5 bucks a gallon and your heating Bill’s r astronomical. Let me know how u feel then. Wake up and smell the Democrat coffee. It Stinks!
. says
You are part of the problem….Dumbass.
Rob Dyer says
Rob says
Lesie, you’ve got your facts twisted Trump not only built the economy to heights not seen in years (look at the stock market), but he protected our country from an influx of aliens that would tie down the economy. On top of all that, how about the military that Obama tore to shreds? Trump built that up, cleaning up the terrorist around the world. If you think Trump was not the best, you are the worst. AT the end of Trump’s four years, no country dared to threaten us.
leslie Woodbridge says
he inherited Obama 10 year job growth plan..Trump is the one that has dismantled our whole gov’t. This is useles the truth is coming out and Trump will spend the rest of his miserable broke as life in prison for one of the 37 cases pending against him. Funny how people never talk about that. He’s a con man and a russian asset. When this stuff comes out omg I can’t wait. Sex trafiker with Epstein, Insurrection TREASON, Fraud, Voter Fraud, Rape case, ah geez the list is too long.
Paul Lee says
Leslie Herman,
To start with, Honestly President Trump, was a Great President; Just only, who we Needed! He was striving to do well, even under the,
Millions, of people in this Free Country. Media and lies, are what the Socialists want, Bad things to happen!! So we want to keep Holding onto our freedoms, and quite honestly, Trump was a great President and a bit better even than the well Loved President Reagan.
Deb says
Reagan started trickle down economics and it destroyed the middle class and just made the rich richer and Trump is a narcissistic sociopath who his own family will tell you that themselves.
The dumest preosn says
hi what your name OvO
Anonymous says
Yes, he did more to destroy our democracy than any other president or citizen.
Paul Lee says
President Trump, Only Ever Always, supports our Democracy. We have now, a Socialist Dog, on our hands, and he’s only taking our freedoms away, our guns, suvs our Nation!!!
Thanks to idiot, joe biden, the Socialist dog!!! President Trump, on the other hand, Supported, our Free Country, our national, Anti-socialistic
Ways of Living!!! Socialism Kills, Please learn, just how scary, this will be, in 5 years! No freedoms, nor Church, no Singing, no,…………………………….
Anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😐 Sorry, I like I know, Right?! 🆘🚲😭🇺🇲 I will always, Always, Stand up, and Pledge Allegiance, to Our Flag!!!USA!!! Thanks
Rick says
It’s funny that most supporters of t bag have no education, but yet u call us morons. I also like guns and am a vetran, so try watching something besides Newsmax. That the new trend I hear..
Allen Forbus says
So you want me to watch CNN, ones who get the narrative of the day first thing every morning,!!!
Your the ones who play stupid games &
win stupid prizes every time,
I cannot wait to watch when all the (i hate Donald Trump sooo much it doesn’t matter if I destroy the nation) Pig & followers go down!!!
But that’s how PIGOSI really feels,
you know she’s calling the shots right,
“if you say no, your a idiot because if you say I’m mr knowitall clean man you know I’m right mr knowitall clean man!!!”
So funny!!!
& so see through!!!
Paul Lee says
Allen Forbus, you are so, very mislead!! The democrats, are the socialist pigs!! Not President Trump!!! Trump, was a great President, who Lowered Taxes, Kept our Freedoms and was Anti-socialistic!!! The democrap,
Group, have turned Everything to Dung!!! So, there is no way to live, without Honest, Freedoms. The, democrats want, seniors killed, and support abortion. So, if that’s not, Murder, there’s no such thing!! What would be, then?!
So, Please, Think, and stand up, to me, say I will not support socialism?! Your honest friends, will thank you,I support the Usa, not socialistic, Murders!!!
Like biden, the socialist dog!!!
He’s rising all prices, and gasoline too, besides, Taxes, before your name!! Lame!!!😢😱🔥💩🥵💨☠️
Moe says
Where do you get the facts you’ve been vomiting? Most of the Trump supporters I know are highly educated. They’re not out stealing, looting, and vandalizing to promote “peace and equality”. How educated were the looters, thieves, and vandals that destroyed cities all over the country and took over city blocks to have drug fueled criminal parties being patrolled by people with automatic weapons! How about we loot in your neighborhood? Would that also promote equality? How about you take a beating for nothing more than trying to run your business so you can feed your family? That’s right, I forgot that stealing Nike shoes and budweiser screams peace and equality! Then the left stains MLK’s memory by comparing their criminal activity with his world changing peaceful protests. Well, there was no peace or equality for the black owned businesses that were burned to the ground. Nor was there peace or equality for those beaten in the name of leftist peace. Two wrongs never make a right and neither does stereotyping. Funny how tolerance fades when dealing with anyone outside the beliefs of the nazi and socialist left.
Paul Lee says
Mr. Moe, I want to say, Thanks, for your reply! I Appreciate The Conservatives!!!!! I love President Trump, also, for being a Great President, before. I’ll Always support our Nation. It’s the best in the whole World!!!!! USA!!!
Rob says
The only world in which that happened was the one created by right wing propagandists and promoted by their media. Stop watching that crap and educate yourself. Try looking for confirmable facts instead of believing whatever those people tell you.
Lucy says
Yes he sure did cause a lot trouble…not mention what a lier he is…..
Anonymous says
It is spelled LIAR, go back to grade school!!!
Patricia wolfe says
God. Bless you for standing up for our real president instead of the dictator in washington
Anonymous says
please learn to grow up the words you’re saying just keeps coming right back at you I’m a Democrat I’m not on those same shells with the rest of those people but I do have my own thoughts and feelings you don’t own this country you never will it is all of ours not just one person’s or not just one big idiot it has come in and destroyed so much and you crazy people are letting him get by with it.
Paul Lee says
Well, to begin with, you’re saying if you’re a democrat, Then you support Scary, Socialism!! Socialism, is a rotten, murdering careless, and Tax rising Mafia!!! The Conservatives are the Total Opposite!! They know better than to kill or to murder, and uthanize. The democrats support Abortion!!!
Patrick P. Cosgrove says
Dear Paul,
Very rarely have I come across such uninformed, paranoid nonsense as you are spouting, and many other Trumpies here with you.
I grew up in a socialist country (England) and I have to tell you that food, roads, healthcare, libraries, museums, and politics in the major countries of Europe are far superior for the public than they are over here.
Nobody has ever told the American people (or shown them either) precisely what a Socialist country is like. It is exactly like America is today except certain things are better in Europe. For example, there is a free bed awaiting ANY homeless person in Britain. Not true over here.!Somehow in the American mind ‘socialism’ and communism are considered the same. I have visited many countries in my life. None of them was anything less than delightful. None of them were Communist. I am a loyal, American patriot and I would NEVER even THINK of living in a Commie country!
Rob says
Very few Democrats here are socialists. You also don’t seem to even know what the word means. You may want to look it up.
Pretty much every economic system in the world at this point is a blend of capitalism and socialism, and there’s absolutely nothing about socialism which is inherently negative, let alone evil.
Anne says
I so love it when people call others morons and then they can’t spell. It’s Reagan, genius.
Shaun Sites says
You had to google it didnt you? and its Ronald Reagan,he has a first name.
Nonya says
Anonymous says
You’re wrong, Einstein.
Roark says
We need to get serious about the communist subversion going on in our country. These rats have burrowed their way into every institution and subverted it from the inside.
Obamao and his Marxist minions aka Czars turned over every organization, embedding radical communists in important positions in order to fundamentally transform our country.
We are now living in Amerika – the poisoned nation that is the product of Sixty’s communist radicals inculcated in Mao and his red book.
We are a naive nation that allowed communists like Brennan, Clapper and Comey to completely weaponize our intelligence agencies against patriotic American citizens. People had no idea until President Trump how bad the situation actually is. It is as if we were all sleepwalking and woke up as an oncoming train was heading our way,
There is drastic action needed. Tragically our Republican representatives have mostly sold us out. There are laws on the books to deal with communist treason but the seditious FBI will not enforce the law. They are too busy entrapping patriotic Americans with fake crimes.
We are now living in Pandemonium.
Deb says
Quit drinking the Kool-Aid Trump lived 25 minutes from me almost my whole life. He has screwed contractors I’ve known out of money he wouldn’t let black families into his so-called low income housing, Five bankruptcies and he’s a narcissist and that’s exactly what Putin and the leader of North Korea are.
Rob Dyer says
Rob says
Lesie, you’ve got your facts twisted Trump not only built the economy to heights not seen in years (look at the stock market), but he protected our country from an influx of aliens that would tie down the economy. On top of all that, how about the military that Obama tore to shreds? Trump built that up, cleaning up the terrorist around the world. If you think Trump was not the best, you are the worst. AT the end of Trump’s four years, no country dared to threaten us.
Paul Lee says
You’re Right, I
Support our President Trump!!! Thank you, too. Bravo! Really, he was the very Best, And very
Anonymous says
Trump only takes care of trump. He does not give a damn about America.
Steve Green says
Reagan wouldn’t make it out of a republican primary today.
Jeffrey Epstein says
I love how hypocritical “conservatives” like to go on and on about the Hollywood elite, and yet their two most revered presidents (who they treat like Gods) are members of it.
RF. CRAIG says
Johnny Whitehead says
“Hey you lefty morons out there”… spoken like a true man of the people who harbors no hatred for anyone. Making a great case for the GOP. /s
Ron Bigelow says
Yes you are 100% correct! The dems leftist will never agree, they can’t deal with reality only lies
Anonymous says
Were you asleep or under a trans? Trump did nothing but eat, play golf, and steal from the tax that you worked your ass off from. You morton. Trump wanna be.
Shaun Sites says
Haha……Cute.What the actual fuck do you think Biden is doing right now?!? Except golf.
That requires being cognizant for more than 5 minutes…..
Paul Lee says
He didn’t, do such anything, like that!! He lowered, Taxes, anyway!!
He’s a Conservative, not a Socialist dog!!! biden/obama, would have!!
Not Trump!! The democrats are all socialists!!!!! I Promise, that socialism, Will never work!!!
Think, About Russia!! Maybe, for example! They lived under Socialism, years, ago!! Never worked, Now??!!
John says
Yes he did. His corrupt fascist regime turned more Americans into progressive freedom fighters than any other and cost the Republicans the White House and both chambers of Congress in ONE term. He really was a blessing in disguise.
Anonymous says
Trump really did a lot more.. killing americans certenly. Almost half a million dead from Covid is definitely an accomplishment!
Anonymous says
Trump got screwed that was a rigged election Heaven Help us now that the Democrats have the power
Nonya says
Heaven won’t help you and neither will Frump.
Sandy Carter says
Yes President Trump was screwed out of the election and now we have communists and traitors running our country.
Thomas Wayne Johnson says
Why do we keep putting failures back in office in our government Biden is the worse most corrupt ever, Are we really that dum, They are making me a racist when I wasn’t with all this white privilege bull shit, I never ever looked at color, And our borders is really messed up with biden
Rob says
I’m certainly no lover of Biden, but corruption? There’s zero proof of that.
On the other hand, there’s really no end to Drumpf’s corruption. All you have to do is look it up. The proof is in the facts going back decades, long before he was even president.
If you compare the actual statistics on border crossings, whether illegal or for asylum, Biden isn’t doing any worse than trump. Probably better overall. You wouldn’t know that if you listen to the right wing media, though.
Asylum is also an internationally recognized human right, completely legitimate, and both of their records on observing that are an embarrassment to our record on human rights.
Anonymous says
Left liberals want to CONTROL AMERICANS.
Cuomo refused to use the Naval Ship hospital Trump created to care for the long term recovery of Covid patients. It wasn’t used because Cuomo hated Trump. Instead Cuomo warehoused sick Covid patients in LTC facilities that were Homes to frail & elderly “Well humans”. Cuomo’s self centered EGO Genesized USA’s elderly and respected history as means to ERASE the historical past— he shamefully could not control or delete as “they” were reminders of USA’s wisdom of life learned experiences both success & failures— he did NOT want to acknowledge. Elderly threatened his drunken desire and driving power crazed thirst. He erased them. By refusing the LTR ship that President Trump set up as a Covid-19 recovery quarantined solution & medical care infected patient placement.
He will meet the innocent sacrificial NH victims —like lambs sent to a slaughterhouse— on his ego road to hell. God- forgive the little fake Demi-gods who in their Cuomo ignorance are stupidly “shallow” and know not what they do. The EYES of the planet see very clearly the TRUTH. LEFT controlled USA media platforms are equally ignorant as they write and present their skewed one-sided ego narrative to control Americans. To control American thoughts, beliefs, feelings and values. Like little hitlers, blue left media is NOT the Gods they lust to become. They are control freaks pretending to CARE. THEY lie to the world & to themselves. They are short lived. They will die slow deaths feeling empty, guilty, ashamed, exploited as fools, confronted by the many holy power’s beyond the veil who have always been watching.
Rob says
Cuomo certainly doesn’t stand in for most Democratic leaders around the country. He was a tragic exception.
Antimask and antivax Republicans cost many more lives in the long run, though.
Anonymous says
Smarter than the moron who made that comment. says
You’re a moron. Trump did very little positive move in America and did more to dimantle democract and move towards a dictatorship. Pull your head out.
Mk says
Trump was the best president and the most respected inside the USA and in the rest of the world. The world respected America so much more than in the last decade. Then the people failed to do anything about an obviously incredibly fraudulent election with astounding numbers of affidavits from respected lawyers from both parties , video evidence stacked upon video evidence stacked upon more, and deceased voters turning out like never before, the open government data available online shows more votes for Biden than there were actual registered voters in existance, even more than the total census in many counties. On top of that there was the media which is just a propaganda device of the c_a which is complicit and your main problem. Obama was an agent ag barr is an agent so many luciferian pedovores are in the Congress and Senate not only every Democrat but some good chunk of the GOP also. Anyways have good day
Mk fromn Canada
Ken says
Your a moron and so is your rapist,racist daddy Trump…. The idiot knows NOTHING! about politics!..kinda like your choice for president!…. You and the rest of the assholes that attacked the capital can get the hell out of the USA! YOUR NOT WELCOME HERE! YOUR NOT AMERICANS!
D says
Ken, Your comment is a great example of what is wrong with our country. You Hate Trump more than you love America,your family and possibly even God. I have never seen so much hate in a group of people in my life. Over time you were taught to hate this much. With leaders like Pelosi,Schiff,Schumer, and Naddler what else could be expected of members of the Democrat party. Now that Trump is gone let’s see what your party can accomplish or demolish. I really do hope things will get better. But what I have seen from Biden so far is troubling. Thousands of jobs lost with the stroke of his pen. Open borders. Nothing for Americans so far.
Rob Dyer says
Rob says
Lesie, you’ve got your facts twisted Trump not only built the economy to heights not seen in years (look at the stock market), but he protected our country from an influx of aliens that would tie down the economy. On top of all that, how about the military that Obama tore to shreds? Trump built that up, cleaning up the terrorist around the world. If you think Trump was not the best, you are the worst. AT the end of Trump’s four years, no country dared to threaten us.
Deb says
You believe all that because that’s what Trump told you he did not get rid of the terrorists they’re still building their bombs and wreaking havoc in North Korea is still making nuclear weapons when Trump thought he had a really good friendship with them. Your delusion about Trump is a sickness please get help you need it. The last time this country did well was under Bill Clinton and guess what our deficit was zero.
Anonymous says
You are so right my man look at this little bitch Bitten on TV crying about covid-19 who even knows how serious it is you’re trying your trust in the government when you believe anything they say and they cannot be trusted. Pelosi and Schumer should be tried for treason and hung
Anonymous says
Only treason is you sheep who terrorized the halls of Congress due to your lunatic, lying puppet-master Trump. You are a sick cult.
Anonymous says
Sure, he did to this country more than all presidents put together. And still he is doing a lot to every decent people {- lefties and rightists -, specially, he has created a bunch of cretins, morons and lunatic monsters like you.
Rob Dyer says
Rob says
Lesie, you’ve got your facts twisted Trump not only built the economy to heights not seen in years (look at the stock market), but he protected our country from an influx of aliens that would tie down the economy. On top of all that, how about the military that Obama tore to shreds? Trump built that up, cleaning up the terrorist around the world. If you think Trump was not the best, you are the worst. AT the end of Trump’s four years, no country dared to threaten us.
Anonymous says
I love America, but I hate Trump. My reasons? Because he created monsters like you. Or maybe because you love him, his lies, his hatred, and lack of respect for anything honest, decent and human.
Costumer not thekindthatedits... says
a. I’m sane you notice biblical coincidence. Either way letters and numbers are insanely exact for professional observers and should have recorded some interesting audio. And video. Imagine live lens
Paula mccreery says
Donald trump smashed hillary because of her marriage to bill clinton i lived in arkkansas and hillary through the years had guts moxey and she married badly men. Dont wear signs donald trump bought his way into the whitehouse he was and is the scariest person ive ever seen a true sochiopath. A wife beater he harted blacks gays women poor people clearly and thank god he did not have the nuclear codes i met bill clinton twice in little riock with hillary she was accused wrongly the world owes her an apology and mr clinton was morally indescent but with hillary in that office she is the one whi tried to do her job for the american people i will never believe she did or would ever d0 what the public accused her of bill clinton was also wrongly impeached he was morally a bad guy but his presidency showed he tried to help the people and do the job he was given. Onama got the presidency because he was black. Trump bought the presidency. Clinton did win the vote of the people. But in the last yesrd mr trump was the scariest most mentally ill president ive ever seen. Thank god he is gone. The people survived him. I would stand in front of any of them and day what im saying hopefully bidens experience will tell the story but the republicans dont disappear. We really need god and jesus to be in power in the flesh not just spiritually.bless people and pray this horrible pandemic will be ended by our god paula mccreery
fuck you says
you need psychiatric evaluation
you are a narcissistic uninformed ignorant fool
Trudy says
I agree
Tony Dove says
Hi Donna Marie Kelley,
That is one of the most well written letters I’ve ever seen composed by a Second grader. I’m sure your parents must be very proud of you. I imagine if you keep up the good work and keep studying you could accomplish great things. You could be the first in your family to make it all the way through the fifth grade and land yourself a dream job. If you can dream it, you can do it.
I see you as someone who might be capable of scraping gum off the bottom of theater seats or maybe even becoming a bathroom attendant in some old, run down, back woods gas station . Reach for the stars Sunshine.
I apologize if I used words with too many syllables. I dumbed this down as much as I could. If you need help reading it perhaps you could find someone who is not part of your family and actually made it through a few more years of school than you and your kin.
I wish you the best in Fantasy Land.
KEN says
Is this the best you could come up with for an argument ? Something a typical little weenie would come up with.
Anonymous says
Just to be clear about your comment sighting “coming up” with arguments you chose to end on: “Something a typical little weenie would come up with.” Do you see how in two of two sentences your argument collapses on itself?
Sandy Carter says
Yes President Trump was screwed out of the election and now we have communists and traitors running our country.
Franklin Powell says
Wow and Trump was screwing around on all 3 of his Wives. Double standard? Yep.
FU says
Hey right snowflake, get a backbone and an upper lip you whnny little cowards.
Gaines Crumpton says
Trump, still the best President ever
I Agree says
You nailed it.
Anonymous says
Go back to school Learn how to spell
Learn the meaning of projection
You’ll live better
bubba says
In Trump’s final year, the Fed printed 35% of all dollars EVER created. This created an insanely bubbled stock and real estate market,while the Fed has corrupted the bond market.
Trump has taken us to the edge of economic calamity, yet we’ve got morons who believe the man has accomplished something.
Trump has overseen the largest transfer of wealth from the middle class to the wealthy in all of history, and relies on the stupid people to think he’s good for them.
Anonymous says
False and really false … in fact it couldn’t be any more the other way around.
Rob says
Y’know, you might wanna try actually looking things up before you ut your foot in your mouth and make a fool of yourself. It’s really easy.
Anonymous says
he did not do anything for this country……
A concerned American says
You know what’s funny, everyone on the left that’s commenting is angry because they think journalist is wrong when in fact they are actually proving him right. All that blind hate, they hate this man because they think he’s racist and sexist and America and poor people even though he’s never shown or said any of those things he’s only shown his hate for the system. But it is truly blind date that the left as because you look at it from the outside all of these comments filled with hate and racism Someone they claim to be that. Why do you not own up to it look in the mirror and realize you are the racist ones you are the ones that hate America. And then you read the conservatives comments and they have nothing but love for everyone. Just makes the left even more angry and shows their hate even more. Lying to yourself stop acting like this person is a bad person when y’all are saying these hateful racist comments. What is wrong with you people. Open your eyes look what y’all are saying. Be part of the solution and not the problem
A Confused American says
Why are you calling the left racist, when everywhere you look there is some racist conservative online willing to spout bullcrap with no royal flush?
Susan Staley says
Be confused no more, this is not a war between the left and the right, it’s a war for America.
The left is owned by China, they are here as the ccp. Seems like most would get it my now. I myself have never seen a President strong enough to finally get to the truth. Be patient and as Americans go on, let’s go together. As ONE. China wants the World there way. Be grateful, and respect President Trump, love him he’s a fellow American who has followed politics for many years. China was coming for his family also that’s why he ran. For once leftist Americans, see through your eyes, not by your party. Democrats stopped long ago working in behalf of the working Americans. It is now the Republicans that are fighting so hard for your rights and your jobs.
Rick says
I’ve never cheated on my wife, ripped anyone off, or traded any of my morals or ethics just to be ahead.. I also didn’t storm our capital. The fact is ur the one with the hate when u turn a blind eye to it just to reduce taxes, or whatever ur hidden idea of law should be. If it was a person I voted for that acted in this manner then belive me I would vote the opposite side. That’s the true difference from the elephant and a donky. Making excuses is ur parties line. I’ve never been one to be upset, but it bothers me when someone pretends to be patriotic.
Anonymous says
Trump paid for a full page ad in the NYT to promote the death penalty against innocent black teens. He was sued for refusing to rent to black couples and lost.
“And then you read the conservatives comments and they have nothing but love for everyone. ”
You’re just trolling. Tons of comments from apparent conservatives on this page that aren’t very nice to say the least. I won’t even begin to discuss QAnon and its followers who have embedded themselves in the GOP.
Anonymous says
Well put.
Mervin says
Trump loves American values
Namely freedom
Your point well said!
Socialism destroys freedom and will remove our rights to choose how we want to educate our kids or choose healthcare
Joey ciotti says
You deluded piece of canine excrement. Trump did NOTHING NOTHING. The left will dance on Regains grave. The GOP has 20 yrs left. Maybe
Anonymous says
The leftist liberal Democrat pigs are of the devil they are run by the devil
Anonymous says
There is no such thing as “The Devil” you child.
Steve says
Well said,….pray that these insane left wing radicals and the corrupt main stream media outlets that are supporting their agenda are exposed for what they are,…. if not it will be the end of the country as we know it…. they’re deliberately dragging out the pandemic so they can commit voter fraud again at the midterms,… something has to be done, Jan 6 is just the beginning
Steve says
Allow me to clarify. When I said Jan 6 is just the beginning, it was not to imply that I condone violent protest. What I am saying is that BLM and Antifa participated in violence for 4 years and it was supported by the democrats and lied about by the main stream media, so after 4 years of being called racist and white supremacists solely on the fact that they’re conservatives who oppose the extreme left (even if it meant voting for Trump) these people finally lost it and stormed the capitol,…..but taking over a city block for 3 months and killing a trump supporter is okay……the truth WILL prevail,… even if it means an actual civil war…the patriots of this country are not going to back down,… this has absolutely nothing to do with Trump anymore
Anonymous says
It was Antifa that attacked the White House, not Trump’s supporters. How can one say Trump influenced only 2,000 out of the 100,000 that was the crowd listening to him? Gee, Trump certainly wouldn’t be very influential if that were the case. That is, 98,000 left while 2,000 raided? Hardly can say influenced by Trump.
Nonya says
Thomas says
The left left left hate hate hate blind blind blind angry angry angry they they they them them them racism racism racism bad bad bad you you you.
If the Former President was not racist, why did he pester President Obama about his birth certificate?
And after we were shown proof of the birth certificate, why did he further pester President Obama for his college transcripts?
Unless, he pestered G. W. Bush, Clinton, & G. H. W. Bush for theirs and maybe didn’t tell us?
frank matter says
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! non so blind as those that WON’T see! another case of the pot calling the kettle black. clean your own kitchen ,before spreading lies and conspiracy therories about mine!
Philip Harding says
First of all, don’t call us ‘y’all.’ And no, it’s not us on the left proving the writer correct- it’s the inability of those on the right to see justice, to preserve it, and to fight for it. The fight for justice is not a ‘utopian fantasy’ for some sort of fake equality. The fight is for truth. The break away from the British Crown was due to anger at ‘taxation without representation.’ Today we fight for ‘citizenship without representation and ‘prosecution without trial and without representation. Furthermore, the kooks on the right deny climate change; that we should do anything about it. They are killing my grandchildren, the children of our earth. And they are so hypocritical when it comes to their religion. Jesus would rail I tell you if he were here. The ‘conservatives’ today are not conservative. They want to destroy our institutions, our public services, our schools, and the American Way of Life. They hate democracy and embrace authoritarianism. They are a fascist fringe and must be stopped or we will not survive their nihilism. So am I angry? Of course! You guys are out to murder us. All of us.
And don’t you DARE compare Democratic Socialism, a perfectly acceptable set of policies made within the framework of DEMOCRACY within a bipartisan or multipartisan environment, with Stalinism or Maoism. That REALLY makes us angry you better believe it. If you don’t Democratic Socialism, DON’T USE THE INTERSTATES and don’t take any grant money for your infrastructure. Live as we did in the Middle Ages….
MW says
Rob says
*Slow clap*
Aesop says
The writer is either a Liar, or they have zero clue how many of our citizens died.
In simple terms they died from stupidity and utter FEAR pushed on them and constantly drilled into them to wear Masks. then NOT to wear masks, then OPPS sorry, wear masks. Maybe double up. Stay away from each other. You ALL have kooties.
Secondly: the absolute censoring and dismissing that fact that both and Ivermectin save lives. Its been proven. And even if they only saved 1 in 20 wouldn’t you have wanted your grandmother or grandfather to have AT LEAST had the Right to make that choice if it was the last choice they had? Fact is, had BAD Orange man Trump said he was against Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin you can bet you last dollar that Fauci, the CDC, and WHO would be FOR it.
Neither Americans nor Trump killed anyone. The Censors, Cancel Culture and Trump Haters did that.
They WILL come a day when the worlds doctors wake up and discover HCQ and/or Ivermectin could have been used all along and that they allowed thousands of people to die that did not need to. And they will be PISSED!
Aesop says
I think I just responded to the wrong article. OOPS.
Kerry Uhacz says
I agree with every word that you shared 100 percent. Watching all of this unfold is having a huge effect on families. Arguing for or against “cancel culture” make no mistake we are in the midst of modern day Civil War. Again the Patriots may be out-numbered but I’m betting on the God fearing Patriots. Restore God and follow your hearts to a stronger America.
God Bless America
Anonymous says
It’s Fine… it’s really all related, anyway 😉
dr says
agree and add those who killed our citizens the number one killer is China…..and add in the people who allowed the chinese comies into our government in the first place….the left bats in the demobat dominated congress and the freakin RINOS all who are on the commie payroll….and they exposed themselves ie all who voted rto impeach are the enemies of America.
Anonymous says
K totally agree the left started all this with the mail in ballots with NO IDS Required. Everything always wants IDs Why not then???? Because that’s how they stole the election & makes Trump look bad when only stating the TRUTH!!!!
Deb says
Ballots have been mailed out for decades without issues. Trump used them and he told the people in Florida and Georgia to use them. Trump lost cross the bridge get over it you’ll live just like the rest of us had to for the past four years.
l.l. says
you never blamed china who caused it. so all you spout here is hatred and evil as you dark inside. if you were truly made at the pandemic you would be mad at china (liberals like you). you all your hate does to conservative Trump and good people who did not start the virus. proving what you are and proving the writer is right! hahahahahaahahahahaha got ya evil doer. but it is so easy just hit the dem libs with facts stats and date and their fairy tales crumble proving their mental illness. libs are why psych drugs were created!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MW says
Anonymous says
My youngest son died on 12/07/2021 . He was only 35 years old and according to what
his nurse told me, he was her strongest COVID patient. He wnet to the hospital 2 times
with a fever and cough. The first time he was given what he called “breakfast of champions” which was a medicinal cocktail. The doctor told him to go home and let it run its course. My son was back into the hospital two days later. He kept saying that “I can’t breathe”. He died 5 days after going to the hospital. He was never on a ventilator because this hospital, Seminole Hospital in Texas had no ventilators. They were not properly equipped to handle my son or any other patient who would potentially need a ventilator.. He was on 15% oxygen for 99% of the 5 days he was in the hospital. The sad thing is that I lost my beautiful boy. I do not call COVID a virus. I call it a BIOLOGICAL WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION created by CHINA to wreak GENOCIDE around the WORLD. Now we have a new administration who is financially and politically involved with this COMMUNIST COUNTRY,CHINA. Well to be very frank about this situation, it is just another cover up. I want to know who killed my Son as well as millions of other innocent victims all over the world if it wasn’t CHINA?
Edmund r.samph says
Historyrepeatsitselfbutwendverlearn favorite pennsylvania dutch saying: Be get too soon alt undtoolate smart! Historyofthe human race! God help us tokearn from history or as some would say:HIS- STORY
Edmund r.samph says
Misspelledpostshould be:Be get too soon alt und too late ctwithsmart! Donotcorrect with auto spell!
Ron Aragon says
I heard her speak today in front of OUR Capitol via Fox News from my home in California, and I am here to say that AMERICA has a GREENE new deal in Congress and she is a patriot beyond my most fervent dreams. God bless Marjorie Taylor Greene, Congress woman from Georgia. Speaking as a United States Army combat veteran, I repeat, she is a true patriot, but look at how all of the far left, Communist media including CNN, MSNBC, and Wikipedia portray her. Not that she’s a blessed by God patriot sticking up for America, but only as a “conspiracy theorist.” Joe Biden is NOT just a theory by ANY stretch of the imagination. He is an outright Communist working for COMMUNIST CHINA, and he is the leader of a domestic Communist Party hell bent on destroying President Trump and ALL other American patriots like —
Kat says
You are absolutely right.
The censorship and well planned turning Republicans into the “hated” group, similar to Nazis Germany is chilling.
We need eyes open, prayer, right action and more prayer..
Also please don’t split party or Dems win.
Fix voting rules.
2+2=4, gravity is real, and the world is round, whether you believe it, or not. says
Folks that think Democrats are evil, America-hating, socialist pigdogs are dumber than cow patties. Folks that think Republicans are evil, white-supremacist, no-regulation-is-the-best regulation, capitalist cashhounds are more stupid than a pile of rocks (or even a single rock).
And, every single time – every time – I hear one try to demonize the other (instead of saying, “hey, we may disagree on the how, but we both want the best country for every single citizen – even the ones that voted for the other party,” it just reinforces this fact.
Anonymous says
Omg listen to them speak for themselves…They obviously Hate America because they are constantly saying we are all RACISTS AND NAZIS
Anon says
If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck… your “rallies” are filled with racists and fascists. Literal Nazis and KKK members show up in force. Trump kept a copy of Mein Kampf close to him.
So let’s just be honest with ourselves – you fell for the Trump cult of personality, a literal reality TV star with no talent or intelligence whose daddy had to buy him everything, and the rest of us who don’t support Trump (Rebublicans and Democrats alike) want what’s actually best for America.
Larry m Weissman says
Trump is a yellow bellied bum who’s afraid to talk to anyone who talks back. I wish I could see him walking on the beach so I could see just how much yellow he’s carrying around. If his daddy was my daddy he’d spend his life sleeping on the sidewalk and eating out of a garbage can. Bk x 6, -1b in ten year period, settles out 4 25m inre:TrumpTrump
Robert says
Yeah shows how much you know and how stupid you are you’ve been the best president for the American people he put America first making more jobs and making it to Americans are going to outsources in other countries if you have any decency or even common knowledge and you turn on your TV and see what the Democrats have been doing for the last year then you deserve to be in poverty after the Biden administrations is done destroying America. Look at all the lies and everything that they’ve done and I myself would believe they are the ones that started BLM and the coronavirus cooked up in China Joe’s best friend do you little common sense do a little reading turn off CNN go back to school you need some help or are you just really that moronic good luck in life
Anonymous says
your name was all I needed to see
Genetics says
Lmao typical braindead rhetoric, no argument just name calling lol. You people are so detached from reality you can’t discern fact from fiction. Tsk Tsk ignorance abounds…….. No matter what I say , I could slap you in the face with a truth burger and you’d STILL deny deny deny. I’m not surprised tho, that is the way of the Bolshevik style takeover. They are patient and spend many many years setting the stage , forming peoples opinion of what is “Racist’ and “anti Semitic”, Etc, then when we come forth with irrefutable evidence of the truth , you silly sheep start casting insults , calling us racist , anti Semitic, haters, Etc ….. you people are truly beyond help.
Concerned citizen says
Rip says
Your an idiot,
Don says
Republicans are criminals
In greater percentage than Democrats
Just a fact
Like read factual information about Trumps circle since becoming president
Just asan example
Anonymous says
That’s the two tier justice system we have Hillary should be locked up
Joe says
Tell that to Steve Scalise. I would agree with your post, but then we’d both be wrong.
Rip says
Your also an uneducated idiot!
Anonymous says
Don, Go fuck yourself you commie motherfucker! In ‘68, I would have whacked you in a heartbeat!!
Wesley says
Rocks have much more intelligence than Democrats. 🤔
Anonymous says
Trump was a lifelong republican!!
Look it up!
He switched parties!!
Also friends with Hilary!!
Julie Larson says
You forgot to add that liberal dems are childish and rude just like you !
There is a huge difference between the two. I swore an oath to PRESERVE, Protect, and DEFEND the CONSTITUTION of the United States, against all enemies. Foreign and domestic. The federal government and its bureaucrats have become that enemy.
When the CONSTITUTION is trumped on and ignored completely to push a special interest, by both sides of the isle, it’s the duty of EVERY AMERICAN to rise up. And That is what is Law. And now, under an ill legitimate administration(which was unconstitutionally forced upon us for thus very reason) we have citizens being prosecuted,targeted, and hunted as domestic terrorist for doing nothing more that being American and living up to the duties all of us share and all of us should be United in preserving, protecting, and defending. So called “lawmakers” have abandoned the contract and pass laws and amendments that are dangerously contrary to our constitution, despite The FACT that article 6 paragraph 2 says that no law shall be.
What you have called, and maybe believe is a simple difference of opinion is nothing less than one side relentlessly violating our constitution and the other side debating on whether they had good reason! This country is in the shape it is in today, on the verge of financial ruin, and the people are nothing but slaves to elitist political and bureaucratic power, because the people have allowed our constitution to be violated by the very politicians who swore an oath to uphold it. On both sides of the political isle.
The evidence you ask? The labor and monetary efforts of the citizen continues to go through the roof while the politicians and government workers and bureaucrats keep getting more comfy, more powerful and unchecked. Ask yourself if you believe that klinesmith was the only guilty person in the fbi? Ask yourself how many were more guilty in the Obama admin. How many violated oaths and laws in the trump admin. While trying to cover up the corruption of the previous admin. Then ask yourself if it is fair and just that only one of them have been, or will be punished. Klinesmith falsified a government document which lead to the violation of multiple people’s privacy and destroyed countless lives. Was he the only one who knew? Did he act alone? AND most importantly, is the punishment suitable for the crime. 6 months probation for a crime that requires a gallow! Make no mistake about it, we are living through the very tyranny that our founding fathers warned us about. And the reason it is happening is because we the people have yet to rise up and hold our government’s responsible for what has become a systematic violation of constitutional law.
It won’t stop until the citizens wake up and stop funding it. Until you decide to stop being slaves for the very government who enslaved you and currently has you laboring 50 hours a week so they can enjoy their royal lifestyle while you may have enough left out of your labor to take care of yourself and perhaps can lobby them to see if you qualify for “government help” to fill in the financial gaps
Anonymous says
Your right on!
The left is a socialist communist party that never get a guilty charge even with mountains of
evidence against the whole 8 years of dems & msm! not one has gone to prision!
imagine if you had bleach bit 33,000 supeonadaed emails, you be in prision probably for life!
Mark says
Try to get help from any gov program these wholes think it’s out of their own pockets. I’ve been working close to 50 yrs trying for ss. They give me a app.Cant get online or talk to real ppl. Govt really sucks
Anonymous says
Obviously your uneducated and ignorant. Bet you feel real good about your annoying post with all the bullshit Biden has already done. 💡🧠 what has he done for the people EVER?! $600.00 on a cc you get charged interest on if you
it lol awesome! Otherwise please keep your head in the hole where you came from
J says
You see this is where your lost. It the democratic penalty and beliefs that he is talking about the people. They are corrupt pigs and you should not get so defensive especially that its not you they are referring to.
Dut says
I agree
All these imagrsnts are coming to. What they come from provierty America has lost because Biden and his group in charge everything now China and thier allies shut down dealing with who they made deals with in America is can not feed its self so China take over America looses we may have bombs so if use them we looses again thier playing Russian Riulet can’t win eatherway now so nobody’s life matters
Leslie Herman says
The thing is the people who support trump are either not true Republicans, come on now, nazis maybe, or career politicians only looking out for what they “think” are their best interests, not the people’s. Get real.
sam Johnsomn says
Rights ,these guys are dumber than the word itself,so not bowing down to a crooked new yorker means you hate America,ReTrumpiacans are so naive ,that they will believe anything the con man tells them
Anonymous 2 says
YES! Thank you so much. I completely agree! And ironically, these replies only prove your point.
Jeb says
“Great spirits always encounter violent opposition from mediocre minds.”
― Albert Einstein
The American Spirit, tempered by a recognition that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, has been the greatest light and brightest hope this world has ever seen. But light reveals dark things that do not want to be exposed. And those dark beings will fight with a ferocity and malevolence that cannot be negotiated with or met with half-hearted measures.
Voter John says
Well said Jeb our President exposed the swamp and they’re fighting back tooth and nail. They stole and manipulated votes and censored any voice to the contrary. I’m sorry that’s Treason.
Ben Dover says
Albert Einstein was a socialist lol
Ben Dover says
Albert Einstein was a socialist.
Dennis newland says
Well his socialism was far more for the people than the current bundle of money grabbers at the top of the current tree, This socialism is only the top of the slide into-nazi ism That has impeachments where only one side provides evidence all else are told to shut up so shiff can hold the floor to his own desires and those of his leash holder.
Kat says
Well said.
Interesting to note similar plans in place by liberals/socialists in Australia. Been monitoring Sky News Australia, and the excessive quarantine restrictions. Travel bans between areas, territories.
Reminds me of travel ban plans for Florida.
Not just America revolution they are planning but appears of the world.
Steve Sarkisian says
This is a sad point in history. There are people who openly believe in conspiracy theories and it’s becoming mainstream. There’s less and less regard for facts, evidence, and common sense. I blame social media, at least partially. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc, are just making things worse. Their algorithms are written to keep people going down insane rabbit holes. So now there’s a huge echo chamber on the internet/ social media that allows irrational, angry, fearful people to feel validated in their crazy beliefs and feed off of each other. In the past, most of these people would keep their thoughts mainly to themselves because I think they knew, deep down, that their ideas sounded cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. Not anymore. We now have people in Congress who are equally as delusional as the social media crowds.
Christine Salmas says
Well written. Exactly how I feel I fear for our country but will keep the faith that more people will see the light.
It’s rare that I would even post a comment. I do not use any of the platforms. I too believe that has caused a lot of what is happening.
Thank you for your comments.
Agreed. We have people in congress who are crazy. I don’t believe that there is a single, free thinking adult in this country who can reasonably say and believe that this presidential election was ligitamate. But, since the media calls folks conspiracy theorists and domestic terrorist for suggesting there was voter fraud, and uses its influence to attack those who would stand up and speak out about it, we can’t get an honest judge to touch the cases for fear of the media destroying them for not following the narrative. I have spent much of my life studying the United States Constitution, colonial history, supreme court litigation and cases, and the genealogy of our Contry and our constitution. I have met very few people who have the knowledge, information and understanding to seriously debate me on the subjects. I personally don’t believe that Joe biden was legitimately or duely elected. All evidence leads me to believe that the 46th president of the United States sits in office because big government and bureaucracy used taxpayer dollars and influence over media giants and their control to threaten the careers and livelihood of those who would stand up to the corruption. They had courts and judges fearing for their lives and careers for even taking these cases. The ones who attempted to do right were few and outspent and out manouverd by an bottomless public purse and career bureaucrats.
This is voice to text and I don’t have time to proofread so forgive the poor grammer.
Anonymous says
You honestly think that people are just sitting around making this shit up all these so-called “conspiracy theories”. These things are a topic of discussion for a fucking reason. Information about these topics of discussion have been leaked out at some point, only the people to find out about it are either bought out and are now in someone’s pocket or killed. Why do you think all the social networking sites try so hard, and I mean really really fucking hard, to keep all this in the dark. What’s crazy is you people still think that the America that we have now was built and founded on people with love and care and compassion in their hearts?? Who share the good fruits of the world with everybody?? Please, wake the fuck up. It was built on corruption and greed which is why people of power are still aiming to take out the middle. The honest hard-working Middle-class American is what the people of power don’t want because they still have a sense of what is true and just and right. Those Americans are the ones that will fights for what is actually right, but unfortunately they will lose because the rich are back stabbers with unlimited amounts of resources. Who are hell-bent on keeping their power by any means necessary, driven with selfish, greedy, fearful and Inhumane thoughts, ideas, and motives. Think if you were in a fucking mansion and knowing that if you didn’t make the certain move, you lose the cozy mansion and you get to move into a cardboard box? No more catered parties, no more valet parking. I wish I could have the chance of telling a rich person that all their money is going to be taken away, but in order to keep it, here’s this dirty sleazeball alternative that can take away the lives of some of your closest friends and family (just as an example) and when behind closed doors, let them tell you what their answer is. Power changes people And those who have had the power for so long, will undoubtedly refuse to go back to anything less.
Rip says
Well said,
Joe Hepperle says
It is better to write about what you are thinking and feeling without stuffing in loads of profanity. You may be a victim of the Liberal Education Regime. In your writing, you have freely used contractions to save writing time and energy. Unabashedly, you then waste time and energy typing out “shit”, “fuck”, and “fucking”. Of course, this is America and you can ‘Free Speech’ all the profanity you want. But when you do that, you are following the play-book of the Liberals in their campaign to Dumb-Down all patriotic Americans. Before the Liberals gained control of our schools, we would write about
– creating (things) out of whole cloth, or
– fabricating (something) ex nihilo.
These descriptive phrases have now become the ubiquitous Liberal-sponsored trailer-park phrase, “making shit up”.
You write, “These things are a topic of discussion for a fucking reason.” Brother, adding the profanity adds nothing to your sentence. No one pays MORE attention to what you’ve written because you stuffed in the word “fucking”. The sentence works without the profanity (e.g. “These things are a topic of discussion for a reason.”)
You write, “. . .the social networking sites try so hard, and I mean really really fucking hard. . .”. Why have you taken the simple English phrase, “try hard”, and cranked it up to eleven? Before the Liberals took control, there was no such heirarchy, or ‘levels’ of trying hard. Trying hard is a ‘go, no-go’ assessment. Either you are trying hard, or you are not. Period. I’m telling you brother: There are no such levels of “trying hard”. It is a Liberal sponsored fallacy that one can be either;
– trying hard, or
– trying really hard, or
– trying really really hard, or
– trying really fucking hard, or
– trying really really fucking hard.
Next, you wrote that we should, “. . .wake the fuck up.” I guarantee you brother, not many will be awakened to what you are sharing here by including the superfluous word “fuck”. The exclamation, “Wake up!” carries more punching power than the Liberal sponsored dumbed-down phrase, “wake the fuck up”.
You then ask us to, “Think if you were in a fucking mansion. . .”. So, I started thinking about Playboy Bunnies, Hugh Hefner, and me — all in the Playboy Mansion — which is the only “fucking mansion” in existence (all the rest are just plain “mansions”). Imagining myself in a ‘fucking mansion’ made it harder to concentrate on your main point. Please brother, break free from your Liberal education. The English language has many words with which to precisely and thoroughly explicate your thoughts without using superfluous vulgarity.
Anonymous says
How true
Anonymous says
You are right on To bad we all can’t stop the social media lies and deciite. They only show one side of the story. I thought you are innocent until proven guilty but I guess that is no longer true.
Riff raff says
Well I do agree on that. But here it is . We are all Americans, But I could care less who you vote for. I’m not a damn politician.! Find yourself a few friends, chill & watch the river flow or do something that makes your kids happy. It’s a waste to spend your life ranting about some shit on a web site. Chill people.. Whatever it takes friend find a bit of the decency in something you do like.
Find a friend you can b.s. with, maybe a lady you like to be around cause you both make each other feel good in some way.
Take the good with the bad and carry on. Leave the politics to the suits and ties. They don’t care what we all say anyways.. Be cool and Live life!
Keith Williams says
Well said Steve. A voice of reason among a sea of fantasists. The ‘echo chamber’ syndrome effectively drowns out logical thinking, trouble is, they’re not even aware of it. Thank goodness there are still plenty of Americans who can see through the b.s.
Everything is published says
I love you all. Really. And all my Republican and Democratic coworkers and church members who love each other and Jesus and America.
Weird this spot we are in right now when many people believe that we are anything other than Americans and God’s creatures.
Stranger still how Fillmore County ended up at the top of the Google search engine on what I can’t even remember.
God Bless you all.
Lawrence says
There are people that use their biases to evaluate, and find reasons to suspend my account. The first two I was warned about, were black people that invented things they really didn’t get credited for.. you have an agent that is bias. I have not posted anything that was infringing on any other person. I have committed and expressed my opinion, but never have I insited violence toward anyone. I think you have a right wing, or white supremacist checking my post to discredit me without, proof. Fact check again my post. If it’s bad, is because your quality control let something in you didn’t want.
Anonymous says
Well, I think this is all bull TRUMP caused them to die and that’s it lm writing here because I find this shit unbearable.
nikto says
Gerald J. Boyum is a lying fool.
He puts a despicable man up on a pedestal for false reasons.
Few Americans in history have demonstrated as much hatred of America
and love of himself as Donald Trump has done.
Supporting him is a pathology, not politics.
B says
Trump is an American, unlike sleepy Joe, Trump put American first, not mexico, not the mid east, I d gladly kiss his ass in public than watch slippery Joe give away our country, total pis
Dennis Newland says
Just read a story on my Phone where biden is praised for playing tough (words) with The Chinese leader where they’r saying trump was wishy washy and did nothing. I would suggest a satellite trip over the south china sea to see if whether those on most of the US ships and the fleets of other countries are just out for a day or going for the long term fishing championship . In chinese claimed waters
I wonder who sent them their?? NO It Wasn’t. BIDEN ,,
Want to try again? Yes I;ve got it now it was Pelosi ? ???????????????????? NO.
Try Again Ok UMMM
Could it be what;s his name . Begins with a T mm mm TRUMP. “RAY ” “Ray
RAY! The Dem finally got it right. Try not to believe the conspiracy hogwash next time, JOE th
Dut says
In 1960@ 70estThe truth America lost back they sold out mexaico.
Buck Johnson says
A common comment from the Left narrative. And like every other comment like this you give not one provable example of what you’re talking about. Fascinating.
Anonymous says
You are blind as a bat
Anonymous says
Think of the baby’s trump saved that alone makes you blind if you can’t see right from left
Anonymous says
Trump still the American President .
Not that illegitimate person sitting in office or sleeping . Whatever
Carol says
Very wise comment. Thank you. I shared it with a very aggressive Trump supporter.
Tawni says
That is exactly correct. Trump and the Republicans that allowed him to kill at the capital are going down in history as treasonous monsters.
Robert says
Yeah she was like you know turn on your TV get the hell off of CNN BLM has killed more cops and people in over $8 billion in damage and no words or any mention was ever said for the Joe Biden and Kamela Harris explicitly express for people to donate to these people are you guys morons I’m a working tax paying American Trump made it better for me and I had a little less taxes at the end of the year to pay I work my ass off for what I have why should other people be able to sit on the couch pop out kid after kid in call discrimination and racism for everything. Get off the damn couch and go get a job is what they should do and for you saying what you said makes and shows how dumb you are. Trump was the best president in history he cared about Americans in America if you were turn on your real TV and see how in the democrats are acting right now and what they’re doing in the hopes of jumping through we’re maybe if you just had a brain. It might help if you turn off CNN you’re comparing a one day event and a couple people dying to a year of many people killed and $8 billion worth of damage you’re an idiot. And multiple police stations of they’ve tried to lock the police in and murder them get none of them are being charged with any serious charges one lady said all lives matter and got shot in the face for that that’s the group you support the group and the Democrats have been covering up for the entire year there’s not one news channel altar almost that will stay or short anything with BLM is John guess what dumb ass I live in a city where they tore it to hell. That’s good you can live in the chaotic America that they are making and that you defend. Joe Biden is an absolute pervert that smells little girls hair hits on them and has no brain at all and you think he actually won the election I feel bad for your mom she must be sorry for your stupidity
Anonymous says
Videos show Trump Supporter trying to stop an Antifia member from smashing a window!
Crowds pointing towards Antifia doing what they do , break law and order!
The first person arressed was an Antifia member & let go! WHY?The FBI , DEMS, MSM chatter was that there would be violence in the streets if thjngs didn’t go right according to DNC!
not one Trump rally was violent, why would they do such a stupid thing if that would change the counting of ballots to Trump’s triumph or addvantage! there is none except Pelosi’s lack of protection! This was a planned set up on the capital!
There were 2 police that committed suicide after! Why who threatened them to do something so awful or were they just killed because they knew the truth and wouldn’t confirm to the left!
Think America!
Rip says
A very uneducated thing to say
Mike says
Pretty foolish statement of hate, when you’ve never personally met the man.
John T Dryden says
Henry III says
You are stupid and iit’s lightly”
Cory Richard says
hatred huh?? he has never spouted hatred towards anyone.. ur funny for not utilizing common sense, reasoning or logic from which the basis of what ur views on Donald Trump is derived from a socialist agenda that u so blatantly fell for.. good job on being the a typical left
Anonymous says
He is the only one who got things done that he promised and without him we would have lost millions of people and still would not have a vaccine and Biden and his croanies would have left the border open so the virus would have been worse he is opening them gain during this pandemic how stupid is that we can’t even get the vaccine and he will give it to all of the immigrants instead of his own people
Betsy says
You are an absolute Media brainwashed idiot. Why do you think they call Trump a a Nationalist? Because he loves America. You must not even know about the document signed in 1992. The UN Agenda 2021/2030 (on the United Nations website). and discussed thoroughly by the World Economic Forum. They want to demolish the Power and Independence of all Free Nations, for Communist World Power. Trump was fighting them to save America, cause he loves this Country. The media is controlled by the egotistical communist Nazis that want to control the world.
Keith Williams says
At the risk of sounding patronizing nikto, it’s nice to see someone thinking straight, The great uneducated of the U.S. attacked its own seat of government. Their reason for doing so remains obscure since most of them were unable to string together a coherent sentence. They will always remain impervious to logic and linear thinking, preferring to exist in, what has rightly been described as, an echo chamber of quasi religious ignorance.
To most of us in the U.K. and Europe, it beggars belief that a science based drive against the pandemic has been hampered by conspiracy theorists hell-bent on preventing the U.S. from ever freeing themselves of this threat to both their life and their economic recovery. Thank goodness there are enough intelligent clear thinking Americans ready to win the day.
Rip says
Another uneducated idiot, where do you all come from’ some hole in the ground near the South Pole.
Hillary says
The Democrat are are an other for word for Liberals
Which do more harm than good They are only in there
To screw the country up and put more money in there own pocket they don’t care about how or Dany
People you can see that when all the movie so called stars reacted and that piece of garbage Hillary Clinton reacted she was mad because she could not get to Steal any more money from the tax payers now the Americans got what they asked for
Charlie D Amburn says
Why do.esnt the america. People rise up and get rid of biden and all his friends it can be done. Without violence if we dont usa will fall
Russel Stuck says
All the American people need to do is show their teeth! Via a count of legal firearms ownership, most democrats will piss themselves at the revelation that there may be a New Revolution and the blood will be on their hands.
Don says
The constitution is TheMost Liberal document ever written and acted upon
Progressive in its make up and over 200 years of slowly moving towards universal voting rights for all Americans not supremacy of white only Republican Nazi religious idiocy made up of cult extremists
Long live America and long live our striving for equality and JUSTICE
Which no democratic principles can survive without
Robert says
Yeah yeah yeah another person saying everybody’s are racist except the people out burning down the cities and killing people and having nothing done to them or even being on the media but a bunch of white people gather at the capital in their terrorist there are two sides to every story. And yes the constitution was a good thing your party tried to stomp on it recently and basically stomp on every American that it stands for I’m glad you stand with the left I’m with the right where there’s a little common sense and decency and integrity and most of our party works the people that you support are people that are living on welfare and the government living off of my paycheck and because of something they will just screaming from the rooftops for the rest of existence it’s their card for freedom to do whatever they want we have no card because of our skin color and you guys of made it that way. there is no racism everybody should work for what they get nobody should be able to live for free forever if you get any common sense you would turn on your TV and see what your Democratic Party has been doing and how they let BLM go all year killing people and cops. And doing billions of dollars worth of damage and one day with us doing some damage and not necessarily us. we’re the bad ones and no media coverage ever for BLM but for us they Won’t let it go. you’ve given in to the media Bureaucracy sea of Fake American politics and Democratic Party has totally taken over the entire news networks. Trump trump stood for the people in his whole whole entire four years he did more than any other president ever has and had they let him be he could’ve done so much more and had they not cheated and stole the election he would still be doing more and we wouldn’t be in this chaotic pathetic TV show reality that we now live in turn off CNN turn the channel please
Cam222 says
Easy Q cumber.
Anonymous says
Not all democrat are bad.and neither are all republicans.The devil is walking around the world! All I say god had a plan.
Angela Jones says
What the heck does this say? Lack of education makes critical thought nearly impossible.
Anonymous says
Why does the right have so many different derisive names for the left , or if not definitively derisive, why do they hijack otherwise innocuous labels to hurl as expletives
I have not found the left to be as given to so much name calling
Look in the mirror and try it on
Deb says
Tell me the last time there was a recession after a democrat lost to a Republican? I can tell you never. How many trillions did trump add to the deficit when Biden and Obama left it was 600 billion. I am so done was arguing with the people who say that they are intelligent but believe a man like trump save this country get help.
Anonymous says
Everything u just said made no sense. What rock do u still live under is the question????? Recession….um…. open your eyes to Biden…… Trump was the best we ever had…. facts are facts.. try researching for yourself you sheep. Facts are facts. Do u not see how bad Biden made things after Trump in every way…… wow. Go get your free crack pipe kit Biden funded 30 million dollars for sheep like you to dumb ya more. Wake up
Anonymous says
wheres my SOMA ?
Raj says
Complete garbage by a con as usual. The rotten so called other rotten wing also hates America and progressives for only one reason and that is the good progressives help uplift the poor, under privileged, down trodden which are minorities mostly.. There are a lot of cons on the rotten wing who also need help but envy the help minorities get from progressives and so hate America & progressives in US. Get it u rotten wingers of the con(servati) party, u stupidest punks and scumbags of on this Earth with dog in the manger attitude. Get our of here and go back to wherever u came from in Europe, u sucking leaches sand worms of the soil.
Buck Johnson says
If only the rest of the country could modeled after the Progressive haven of California. The world’s 5th largest economy. We have 12% of the nations population. And over 30% of the homeless. We have more people both as a percentage and actual number living below the poverty line. The nations biggest gap between rich and poor. A state retirement fund over $350 billion under water. The highest taxes yet the 43rd ranked schools in the country. The only growing demographic is undocumented. A true Progressive Paradise.
Dave says
Buck so true, California is 1.5 trillion in debt an growing. Highest unemployment, highest homeless, highest taxes. People and corporations moving out. California is trying to pass a bill to tax business for 10 years after they leave the state. This is truly what socialist democrats.
Twolup says
Ughh that’s why BLM right now protesting in DC! They’re mad at the dems for not giving more. Biden just rolled back the 250 million trump say up for United negro fund… yep they sure are helping! What a twit!
Mike Ray says
Mike says
The left act like they’re helping minorities, when actually they only want their vote. Trump won most minority votes. It’s a fact Jack.
Hector says
I don’t care if my feedback is public or not because I’m a honest person, 2 days ago my mother in law past away she was an innocent lady since this virus she never went out but one person who was take care her went to a party full of people didn’t fallow the rules about not been sick and got infested and of course did the same to my mother in law . My point is not funny that more 400 000 citizens lost their life’s in some cases because the virus but in many cases are because irresponsible and ignorant people are spreading the Covid 19 because are against to wear a mask or keeping social distance or been in quarantine and it’s so ridiculous claims mentality supporting because the trauma, are they Barbies ? I’m a bipolar depressed and it’s not easy for me read the stupid article from news paper this is not about politics is about empathy humanity, SHAME on that person I don’t believe is a journalist with that lack of intelligence, republican for sure , pro trump I don’t know is Native American the really Americans so don’t give me that shit about immigrants, the same way his ancestors stolen these lands and don’t fucking say the other nations are starving you can tell never had been in the Social Security office full from citizens claiming food stamps and if that idiot is continuing defending THE LOSER is wasting his time because thanks god only cares to the WHITE TRASH who when to the CAPITOL HILL under his order ,This mother fucker. Who wrote that shit doesn’t even Know what is Socialism because my grandparents are from Spain and two parties are in control one Socialist and other Popular worst is the communist Putin or the Buda North Korea dictators to finish that thing can explain to me where is the American Dream
KayCee says
Did ya kiss your mother with that mouth? You are disgraceful. Because you are a lefty no censor muzzles it. If you were a Republican you would have been. Go wash your mouth out. We never took handouts from Social Services. . NOONE helped us, but ourselves. The schools were free, what is the excuse for your inability to write decently? Because you are emotionally disturbed you feel its okay? Snap out of it!
I am truly sorry for your loss. I mean that sincerely. Also, I do not think Biden is our Messiah. Say what you will about Trump, he didn’t have to have 10,000 armed soldiers to protect him from the people on his inauguration.
Deb says
Are you kidding I know plenty of Republicans who take hand outs, they certainly didn’t send their stimulus checks back. You are living in a dream land if you think Republicans don’t take handouts or that none of them are on welfare. This is got to be the dumbest thing I have ever heard in my life.
Rob says
Our schools are a social program. That’s socialism. You might want to look up the definition of the word.
Republicans are happy to benefit from socialist programs, yet they fear socialism, something they don’t even understand.
Daven H. says
We’re all going to hell
Anonymous says
Only true statement I’ve heard in four years. We are all screwed. Amen!
Anonymous says
Completely ignorant .fumbing in America
End says
If we don’t quit bickering . Some other country will rise up as a super power and squash america.we have always been the leader of what democracy is all about.keep a vigilant eye on the real enemy in this . Our leaders need direction and give them the support they need in this trying time. And if they show irresponsibly then get rid of strong in God’s might an all else will fade away.God has always led America in truth and in justice again I say be vigilant. Little Children put away your toys before the enemy eats your little eagles…….
Gen says
Our Congress has become a joke. Aren’t they put there by the vote of the people & our tax dollars pays them their ridiculous salaries? Then they work for “We The People” correct? Then why are they fighting against what we want? Most of them are career politicians who should have quit long ago. They have become greedy & power hungry to the point of risking our freedom. If “We The People” dont stop being keyboard warriors” & not doing anything then our children & grandchildren dont have anything to look forward to if we dont take our back our country. It’s time to unite for our future generations so they can have the same freedoms we had. If we dont fight together, we will lose everything together.
Don says
The constitution is TheMost Liberal document ever written and acted upon
Progressive in its make up and over 200 years of slowly moving towards universal voting rights for all Americans not supremacy of white only Republican Nazi religious idiocy made up of cult extremists
Long live America and long live our striving for equality and JUSTICE
Which no democratic principles can survive without
dr says
they already are….its called China……fool….has biden in its pocket and the demobat party is raking in subversive money…..count the alll of a sudden rich demobats and and the wonder why all th ebig tech companies are sucking up to communism……let alone hollyweed…….. and dont forget hlf the talk show loonies at FOX
Tera says
So they are in a dreamland? God help us!
Anon says
Your spouse probably took it.
Randy says
Its time for the sane and balanced Americans to rise up with resistance to this now “Dictatorship Administration” along with these Crazy, Crazy lefty liberals!! The majority of the people did not vote for that “studdering monkey”= Biden!
Izzy says
As we look around our Country today I’m appalled at what I see. People don’t care whether they vote foe for evil or not. They can’t even see evil. The hatred just spews on out! In 2016 that brought in a President Donald J. Trump! So, from day one he started working for the American people! He always thanked the American people for putting their trust in him and that he would keep keep trying and Get America Great Again. Again, and again people were spewing out hatred against Trump but, at the same time couldn’t name what Trump was doing. There were not any of these children that were helping to ensure that American would be great again. They tore him down at every turn. They never knew President Donald j. Trump. They didn’t want to know him!! These democrats are liars and cheaters and don’t mint using the Oval Office as its sexual tool box instead of getting American work done, Hillary was put on trial for doing bad things herself. She even laughed and said at her trial as she laughed she stated it was over anyway so what does it matter. Talking about the men in Benghazi and these died. But, what did it matter to her. She’s evil to the core. Biden, was sitting in a dark basement for how long and someone I guess it was Obama that got him out and started helping him plan for Presidency. See, he’s showing the people, “I will get my third term in no matter what you You stupid Americans have to say. You see Obama things we are stupid and can’t grasp what is really going on. No, we aren’t stupid it’s just some are running around with blinders on ignoring what the right has been saying all along! But, no matter look at the orders that have been having an executive order in just 2 days the executive orders! This man Biden, came crawling out of a basement, could barely get around much less talked and stuttering over words. Supposedly having cognitive problems. Is that like Alzheimer’s? I mean if you had a spouse that was that bad sick, would you want them out making a idiot of themselves. Hardly able to put sentences together. Oh, wait could this all be one big game to throw the American people off with being so evil, they plan to kill as many American people over this pandemic which I’ve just now learned is actually a bacterial infection and could be on the mends in one day?? How could there be so much evilness in the world. Well, we are watching it playing out in front of us right now! Things are not going well. But, I hope there is someone with better smarts that is seeing what I’m seeing but, don’t know how to take it down and abruptly! Or we are are going down the tubes quicker than I thought. I’ll stop at this but, do research and you know and learn there’s a lot of truth in what President Trumps been saying all along. Wake up, be prepared, stay awake! We are living in the end times that’s for sure!!
Anonymous says
C ODDIE says
Thank heavens for common sense. All others deserve what they get as they sit , dumb as rocks, being manipulated and watching garbage like the superbowl..
Anonymous says
Trump is the only president in 20 years who didn’t create an overseas war in his name. Just saying.
dr says
i still have hope that there will be again an american majority with scruples enough to ban all left wing evil. Trump is the pathway too salvation. and truth.
dr says
the left is over stepping the constitution and as allan Dershowitze says….they should be told to go pound sand…..allan was a devote willy clinton supporter he is not a white supremist…….he’s a constitutionalist….soooo to th eleft……GO POUND SAND
Archie says
Same difference babe
USA says
Didn’t read it all. Check the Bible out tells you. A people prosper when a righteous leader leades becase he or she cares for all. People suffer when a wicked leader leads; they care only about themselves. Idious! They don’t take care of those who slave for them. I say they or insane and blind. ❤ less .
Ross says
This article is pure fascist garbage
FreightTrainHits says
The yankee “liberals” act way more like fascists than fascists ever did.
Anonymous says
Rebecca Tobey says
Reading several of these heated replies I’m just grateful for JESUS CHRIST, THE RULER OF ALL, KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS
We are living in Revelations. Those who believe in Jesus will be “caught up” and all the devil worshippers will be shaking in their skills lying flat on the ground, in awe by what they see, as Jesus comes through the clouds and every eye will see Him and realize THERE REALLY IS A GOD! WHAT A FOOL I’VE BEEN.”
And Jesus will say, “I never knew you.” And cast you into eternal hell, where you will wail in agonizing misery. See ya!
BOB says
Will the people who uphold a Liar, a thief, a woman hater, someone who has been married 3 times and committed adultery on all 3 wives. robbed his own family’s charity in NTC, stood back and let over 4oo,000 die and never said a thing or did a thing to stop it, stole the Trump University students money and had to pay it back, said he was dodging VD while the men and women in Vietnam where dodging bullets, got out of the service because his Daddy paid off a doctor to say Trump had bone spurs, (he sure can move around on the golf course with those bone spurs, a President who said he would have no time for golf, but has spent over 300 days on the golf course, a man who is BFF with the most blood thirsty, cruel and evil leaders of Russia, China etc. Has the morals of an alley cat by paying women for sex, married a porn star that posed as a lesbian and posed as a almost naked person in photos. Made fun of a disabled person while his cruel, hate filled fans roared with laughter, took health care away from his great nephew who had MS because he was mad at the boy’s Father, the list is endless, a man whose best friends are morally corrupt, Rush, Rudy, Cory, Hope, Newt and many, many more. Anyone who upholds evil is just as evil as the one who commits the evil. The Bible says “all liars will have their place in hell”, so it seems Trump is on the downward way, and I have a feeling anyone who thinks he is great are on the same path. Yes I know “judge not, lest you be judged”, but God has already judged those people who commit evil and has found them evil. When Jesus told the woman caught in adultery he told her “to go and sin no more” he meant for her to get her life straightened up, not to go back to her old way of life, Trump never repented and even said he had never asked God to forgive him for anything, and no, without repentance there is no forgiveness. By the way did you ever wonder where the man was who committed adultery with the woman was, if she committed adultery, so did he. Trump would have agreed with these man, let the man go but stone the woman to death.
B says
. Why boneheads always associate man’s personal life to business, very nieve, reason why we r stuck with Biden, 47yr, strike out, perfect record, of Nothing done, u people will very very sorry,when usa looks like venezuela, 20 dollar gas, no work, thats team biden
mac says
You sound like a “cast the first stone” kinda guy.
You should also spend a few minutes outside your echo chamber…read something that sheds light into the positive side of DJT — or go outside, take in some fresh air… life is good. It will still be good no matter which dictator we elect to run our lives.
AngeResists says
Bob, you’re absolutely right, and I agree with EVERYTHING you said, it’s ALL TRUTH & FACTS!!! I truly believe that Trump new what he was doing when it came to how he was going to talk about his opponents, in this case, the democrats with all the hate talk, and the whole “owning the libs” rhetoric. He did what he has always been the best at, LIE, ACCUSE & LIE again! He purposely brought out the HATE in people that were already angry due to years of right wing propaganda. It’s scary how some people look up to him, when most know he doesn’t care about any of his supporter. ONLY their votes, and of course for them to show up to his rallies, because numbers are EVERYTHING. Speaking of numbers, 700 of his supporters died of Covid, because they attended one of his rallies, within the last 2\3 weeks before the election, and he said NOTHING!! I really hope & prey the senate convicts him, so he can’t ever be in politics again.
dr says
are you talking about Billy Clinton?….or JFK ….or FDR…..or who???????
Amber Marie says
I am pretty sure that Jesus is supposed to be a very forgiving figure who died for our sins and would give a second chance to those who were non-religious if such an event occured. People like you are why many shun Christianity. No one wants to worship a God who would throw them away like trash if they were unable to grasp the concept of him, or have had too many traumatic events to believe that there’s anything worth living for or believing in.
Anonymous says
You should believe in something bigger than you because you are not god I’m sorry you are a lost soul
never was a “god”, Becca
Donnetta McMullen says
I agree with Rebecca she’s right but He’s still holding back the time do get it right now while u have a chance
Hillary says
]\how true that is
How right about
Christ coming back down to earth
The Democrat are are an other for word for Liberals
Which do more harm than good They are only in there
To screw the country up and put more money in there own pocket they don’t care about how or Dany
People you can see that when all the movie so called stars reacted and that piece of garbage Hillary Clinton reacted she was mad because she could not get to Steal any more money from the tax payers now the Americans got what they asked for
Anonymous says
joey says
you are so wrong jesus and god forgive all but those who did something thats unforgivable they will go doun to hell but jesus and god know all because god made all
dr says
th ebible says….”the country will be like a whore” (paraphrase)……count the demobats who are getting rich with chinese buy offs
Janinkas says
What a nice fairy tale. And you know it from a book written by very clever men who knew how to subordinate people. Gold, gold and gold. Just look at them today.
Joseph Bornn says
Thank you. Honestly is a gift. Thank you again
Susan Vertefeuille says
Rain says
I am going to assume that this was directed towards those who don’t like Trump, who are satanist, and members of the LGBTQ. Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong. I understand that you believe in god and that is totally okay, you have a right to believe that. But you don’t have the right to tell others they are going to hell for being themselves. In my opinion, I don’t know what to believe, if God exists or not. My reasoning for this is because so many things in my life have gone wrong and it’s kinda depressing to think he’s responsible but sometimes if I’m really down I will talk to him just for comfort, so I don’t know. But I do know that if he existed you would be sent to hell because in the bible God says to love ALL your neighbors. Thanks for reading
P.S. The bible said love between a man and a boy was forbidden, meaning a pedophile but in the 1940’s it was changed to say, homosexual
Kimberly Tanner says
Rebecca dearthereis good and bad in us all,so you who love to judge others as if entitled to some type of haute over everyone else. I couldn’t help but notice how adamant you are about the evil going to hell and all the good Christians going to heaven, but maybe you didn’t read the original post? Are you sure you’re on the right forum? Maybe you should go to but I want you to take my challenge and see if that exact same post you shared here on this fucktards bashing of Dems, who according to him are evil, responsible for millions of deaths over the past Century, hate Donald AND AMERICA. WOW is all I can say to the fairytale he is writing right here in saying that all Dems are delusional, believing for a perfect fairytale world… Who the fuck is writing that? The man who signed this name or his little girl because whoever wrote this for real might be concealing hatred for women who as far as I know are the real victims of fairytale delusions thanks mostly to good old Walt Disney and his people… Don’t worry though, Gerald. Most of us figure out that the fairytale is a fantasy, a dream…. Not a goal in life… Although I have to admit I cannot imagine how incredibly deluded young Donald must have been growing up to have become such a man, and his poor followers joined the cult and still don’t see that Donald should’ve been kicked out of the oval office the moment he set foot in it. He’s a disgrace as a person… Let’s hear again about how Conservative Republicans uphold Christian Values.. but do me a favor, and let’s just do a quick walk through of Donal Trump’ssteong Christian values… Start the day he publicly announced it’s okay to just reach up and grab their pussy when you’ve got money.. which is just about an admonishment of exchange of lkney for sex. That guy’s is a piece of shit. He doesn’t deserve to be a free man any more than U.S. citizens who’ve been jailed for like crimes…and he deserves nothing more to do with presidency other than the presidentcy everyone with an actual heartbeat wanted to forget they ever lived through. Two reasons to see the end of 2020 as a great mark on the history timline. Goodbye and Goodbye!!!
Anonymous says
&”’ ed dhbe yuh ehhwia in n I’m ou
wow this is DELUSIONAL
Mary says
Under Marxism ( right out of hitlers handbook) you must take away Christianity, have an oppressor to battle ( whites), and remove strong foundations and values of family. To make citizens …just like in communism….brainless sheep , indoctrination. God, created us as individuals….this goes against Marxist communist group think. Even Hitler got rid of scholars, books, statues, brain washed the Jews were taking their wealth away ( us now whites) and actually had the citizens believing Germany’s was under attach ….to visa versa. BLM are the brown shirts for the democrats. Already they are following hitlers handbook…coming after half of America to suit their Marxist communist agenda. We are at war with evil people in control of our government. Democrats are coming after Christians and many democrat members have ties to communist groups. These are facts.
Thea thruth says
I sware to god the way that u drew that conclusion. Last time I checked hitler got most of his ideas form America. Buy the way that America systematically oppressed POCs. You will never be oppressed for being white I hate to ruin your pity party but your delusions are what makes others feel the need to go blind towards issues that effect a whole group of people. So get your head out of your ass because really it’s embarrassing that there are grown ass adults that have victim complexes about shit like this.
KayCee says
He’s late! Just like a man.
Gregory Galas says
You get life dude! Thank you for gutsq uts.I have only ,like like you.NOthing .DOn’tget offended by saying so.And Always-GOD BLEES
Larry says
“America is the one that begins to resemble an idealized paradise”
America let 400,000 people die from a new flu strain because they didn’t want their meaningless stock market numbers to go down. They didn’t even talk about it for months, meanwhile those “evil godless commies” actually cared about their citizens and have prevented the need for mass graves. Any country that denies healthcare is the opposite of what Jesus Christ stood for, health insurance industry is downright satanic
Anonymous says
What countries deny healthcare
Doug says
People die from the flu every year. Way more ppl died in 2017 from the flu so this so called pandemic isn’t anything unusual it has just been sensationalized to fool and distract and take advantage of Americans. we have been lied too over and over and this election proves we have nothing but history to guide us. look at past death rates compared to this year. And u really are stupid if anyone believes Biden actually won. I personally know if 1 person that voted for him and I meet people from all over every single day. We can’t lettjis happen. Stop believing covid is something like the black plague. It isn’t. If most people show no symptoms it is less deadly than a cold.
Bill says
Send pics of u at the captitol to prove that ur loyal.
me says
The CDC reported 61,000 people died WORLDWIDE of influenza in the 2017 flu season.
In less than a year, America alone has lost 484,000 lives.
Anonymous says
Agree on the healthcare comment. However having been in other countries over the course of my life. America is WAY better off.
Anonymous says
Larry makes a good point.
Jen says
Lol The Democrat-Biden-China virus?
You are another victim of MSM.
Linda says
Thank you. I trusted God. Hallelujah. I started migraines at 27 years. old. 15 years in Honolulu. Hawaii. The neurosurgeon suggested an MRI. He finds 1 bleeding. blood vessel. Bad. I have 3 weeksnto live. I prayed. You get up again 77 times not 7. I reread the Bible. That night I woke up. I was not blind. Not paralzed. I could not walk or stand did get final jeopardy.
Anonymous says
Such bs
Anonymous says
Nothing is free and very few things in life are fair. Suck it up Nancy!
Jeff says
My health insurance bill is $243 a month. Can I just send the bill to you or will Jesus pick that up this month.
In case you do not get it. Before Trump was voted in and now due to COVID America is on the verge of bankruptcy. We can not afford to pay for universal healthcare. You probably think open boarders is a good thing as well.
It is people like yourself that is destroying this country!!!!
Gregory Galas says
You idiot -i think you should get the terapy for common sense and then apply to presiident Bidden or maybe Obama will help.
DV Frane says
America didn’t let 400,000 die! The estimate was 2 million would die therefore lifes were saved. If America is responsible the each Country is also responsible. However it was China and the WHO protection of China that is responsible for each illness and death!
You must have voted for Biden on his lies he could magically stop a world pandemic virus.
Thomas says
100% agree! Capitalism and Consumerism are the true evils. These systems reward greed, dishonesty, and cold-heartedness. I’m sorry, but I don’t see how that helps my fellow man. How can anyone sell humanities future health and prosperity for millions… or billions of dollars in the bank?!? I just don’t understand why the almighty $ has been raised above God, Morals, and Human Decency. Tell me… how important is money when the air you breath is slowly killing you? When the water you drink could give you cancer? When society breaks down (well… if… I pray it doesn’t break down anytime soon!) and money is worthless? Or… more likely what’s occurring right now around you, when single parents with kid(s) are struggling to pay their rent or utilities? When you could easily help them?
Robert Dyer says
Flu Smu! The exaggeration of the flu is a Democrat contrivance to bring the economy down and blame trump for it. It was never as bad has the contrivers contrived it. Now, we have a contrived presidential smuck that will bring our country down. He’ll do everything to unwrap the package Trump brought about to strengthen and expand on the country.
Biden was the Vice President under Obama back in 2012, and was identified as a lame brain. At that time, he was almost removed as vice president, and to our demise today, was not.
This election today was so obviously contrived.
As Trump did a masterful job on the economy and the protection of the country, out comes the virus in the election year. Do nothing Biden is right there, miraculously on the top of the chart. He does nothing throughout the year to clarify what he stands for, although we should know, and he remains on the top of the totem poll. Incredibly, the last day of the election, although Trump is in the lead in the vote count the last day of voting, there were five states still not finalized, four favoring Trump. The count was stopped at midnight, but the next morning Biden has those four states favoring him, and leading Trump by 7 million votes. Contrivance? You bet your sweet (whatever) there was. We have a brainless head of the country that is going to tear this country apart!
Kim says
ArchTerran says
If money is meaningless then you should have no problem giving it to those that actually need it. O wait, you’re just talking out your ass.
Go figure when you run defense for commies.
Ryan Birmingham says
Hey Larry, you cant blame a virus, that came from China, on a single person! Trump acted fast and put things in motion! The fact is, COVID hasnt killed anyone- its underlying issues. Listen, if I have asthma or lung issues and I come down with pneumonia and die, what would be cause of death? So, of you look at that example, COVID and pneumonia are pretty comparable. COVID has not been as deadly as they say; if this was true, there would be more deaths than the avg and we are under that number. The media and Congressionally Democrats politicized this virus to keep Trump from getting elected. Proof- watch how covid goes away now that Biden is President and I’m sure he wont be giving a daily update either!
Kimberly Tanner says
Absolutely Larry, well said. If I werent on my 3rd Brandy I’d proofread my original reply yet again and post that, but honestly the ridiculousness of this election and all that transpired from
beginng with grabbing pussy and ended with storming the Capital,and not an enemies Capital, nope Trump’s cult of idiots stormed the Capital of the country they owe patronage to. That psychotic child should’ve been impeached 3 times by my count. All is lot lost though, he definitely left a name for himself… Juvenile minded should’ve never been president donald t.. I don’t even want to hear his name anymore… Diy till play spades for a long time just to avoid hearing it.
Cheers though, vaccine udneray, check. End of 2020, check. Goodbye Donald, check!
dr says
larry…..where did you read that from…..?????? its people lik eyou that are destroying this country becaus eof your inablity to know and understand when you are being used… will wake one morning in a country that no longer allows freedom of thought…..sad how ignorant a human being can be….and so ignorant it allows brain washing without recognizing it….you larry have been brain washed
George says
Republicans are like a dirty Q tip. They hate the united states of america and all the citizens in it who are not white. Time to put them in the garbage where they belong.
We the people will rise up and replace these dirty qtips with loyal americans who support their constitution. We will outvote you where ever you run. Just like in Georgia and Arizonia. The new message is Republicans equal Kooks. Don’t vote for kooks. Put them in jail instead.
Paul. says
BLM take care of your own! 15% of our country responsible for 53% of our violent crime which is 6 times the national average now minus the good honest black people many that I know makes that 6 times a whole lot more no wonder the police are paranoid wake up America !!!!!
Anonymous says
Garrett Benwell-Ayotte says
From someone who A. Has never actually experienced Socialized medicine (waiting 4 years for a doctor, therefore every emergency room is plugged with 30 hour waits).
b. Hasn’t actually had any healthcare in the US.
c. Makes a claim that a government that continuously makes things less efficient, will magically fix the problem by taking money directly from you , then wasting half before it ever gets anywhere near helping anyone.
Which would you like?
If your child was dying, now, what would you prefer? When you finally get to see the overworked doctor after the heart has failed, or cancer has spread and you get the news. They could have saved him in the states but it might have cost you some money.
In fact I would venture to say, and it’s my experience personally as someone who was born in Canada grew up there and lives in the states now, Canadian Healthcare has almost always been deemed inferior by anyone who’s actually worked and lived in both places, and had healthcare both places.
There is a gap in coverage that needs to be filled in the states for the low middle class, no argument there. And bad legislation from both parties isn’t helping, but I urge you, if your on the fence, don’t fall for it.
There’s nothing nice or warm and fuzzy about people dying of heart attacks in waiting rooms after waiting 13 hours dying on the floor.
People die, it’s part of life. Often deaths feel preventable, and maybe they are.
If you want to talk about death horror stories, Canada has tons.
So bad in fact that paying cash for services was reintroduced.
So let’s go through this, Canada implements socialised medicine, to help those who can’t help themselves. The system becomes an overcrowded mess, where all classes of folks get to die together waiting for care (Canada loves splitting people into classes, and not by money but by law, funny for a lefty society trying to remove classes). People become so desperate from care they are forced to sue the government in order to have the right to PAY for care.
Sounds like an excellent system for 350 million people, if you have no idea what your on about.
mac says
It wasn’t a flu strain. And… with nearly 50% of those deaths coming from REST HOMES — you’d think a bit of honest reflection would be in order. Perhaps it’s time to take a hard look at the policies in MICHIGAN and NEW YORK that led to thousands of deaths — easily preventable BTW.
Sancho says
If a guy wearing a shirt says 6MWE and another guy has Auschwitz summer camp, you just might be on the wrong side of history
Mexican Patriot says
You are on the wrong side when your party is in alliance with the CCP, members of your party employ and sleep with Chinese operatives and the Democrats president and his son are on the CCP payroll. When Democrats call for censorship, re-education camps, removing children from Trump supporting parents and advocate violence and silencing opposing views this is not just the wrong side, this is the evil side, the side the Democrats and leftist admire and aspire to. The Democrats look to China, Mao, Castro, Stalin, Chavez, North Korea for inspiration and guidance. Pure evil!
Bwilson says
So correct. The lefts ignorance is the enemy of truth. Every American should thank GOD for our freedoms
and I pray that we will do not turn into Venezula..The far left don’t love America, just want to destroy our freedoms.
Marla Maples says
Woah dude you are wacked! Seriously. Yall really play the uneducated, communist,
brainwashed cultmember well. A freak. Wow. Do you hear yourself. Wtf? Trump is the AntiChrist and you are his minions. Anyone that supports Trump and claims they are Christian are only fooling themselves. He goes against everything God stands for. He lies, he cheats with porn stars, He covets Joe biddens presidency. If you look back Trump has claimed voter fraud since 2016.then he said the only way he would lose was if there was voter fraud..ah duh.. how do you think he knew that would happen? Uh duh, he doesn’t care about you. Didnt parden one of the capitol rioters. Nor will he. Oh, but he pardoned lil Wayne. What is wrong with your weak brain. You will be an abused husband or a woman beater. You are narrow minded and lack after thought just like the mob that let mob rules take over. Duh.. I think ill steal govt documents and photograph stuff. What did you think would happen. Just shut up. I know Donald Trump. Who am I. Grow up wake up and get help. Oh and find me 11, tbousand 38 something votes.
Anonymous says
You see things the right way we are all in a world of trouble. How the courts and most of elected officials allowed dumbass joe biden not the true elected president in is a travesty and the end of free AMERICA! stay strong and pray for a miracle..
Anonymous says
Nora says
You are so correct. Very well said. Democrat politicians are going down an evil path.
Linda D says
You Trumpsters are so gullible. Trump’s daughter has done more business with China than any other politicians children. Her line of clothing was made in China, and her cheesy line of home goods, too. She holds a dozen patents in her name in China. It’s a safe bet she paid a lot of bribes to the CCP to get access to cheap labor. You think that wrangling between Trump and China was real? Suckers! That was just Trump’s Unreality Show. His next hotel will be in Beijing.
Anonymous says
Bruh, Democrats are not even close to communist. They are a center right party and if they were truly looking to the communist leaders as you say, they would start a revolution instead of just running for president and picking a guy who can’t speak. The reason people view Democrats as socialists or even communists is because out of all the rightist parties in the United States, the Democrats are the most leftist of all of them, even though they are still a center right party.
Mari Broto says
I’m a Christian and a proud Democrat working in the front lines as a school administrator. What are you doing to make the world a better place? Anyone can be a critic and lie. We will never have unity in this country without truth first!
Lisa says
Exactly right! Bidens actions so far are anti American, no debate or talk from mainstream media about the harm to American workers and our future.
Chris says
Totally right you get it
Anonymous says
Linda Oliver says
I agree with everything you say because it is true. Well said my friend!
Mary says
So right….democrats are using Russia as their enemy ….avoiding the fact that China is the greater threat and Biden plans a alliance with China. He’s also avoided Israel completely… Obama tried a political ousting in Israel with our tax payer money….where’s the shock?? Democrats are the greatest threat to America…… they are coming after half of America .
Zhe says
Are you nuts? CCP? Biden?
CCP would love Trump to be the POTUS for another 4 years, and maybe more, just as Trump were turning Allies away from the US, CCP is seizing the opportunity to play the leadership role around the world. Trump can go golfing in hell
KayCee says
They aren’t even socialists. What socialist would raise the price of Epipens and insulin? They are
Rob says
Every single thing you said here is easy to disprove. Try looking it up.
Of course you won’t, though.
Joe D. says
People who hate Trump cannot cite one single instance of why. They heard that you were supposed to hate him in the media because of such and such but cannot be specific. He has had actual results as president that were positive for the whole world and few who hate him have never even heard of his accomplishments because their media does not discuss them. “Trump supporters” are not people who were lulled by personality, etc. They finally heard a candidate speak like they want someone to speak of the USA. Trump supported his voters not the other way around and the sooner people quit trying to explain away the “anomaly’ of why people voted for him and understand that he gave a voice to their concerns, the sooner they might start understanding that he did do many good things. He did things that should not be disliked by liberals because they do not necessarily clash with the liberal platform. Only blind hate and mass hysteria to dislike Trump rules on the other side. Trump was hated so much that democrats voted for a guy who has been around for decades not doing anything, never campaigned, and never stated a single platform specific just to vote against Trump. And let’s assume the election was perfect and all the Biden votes are real. That many Biden voters and you would think I could find one who can say what he stands for–I cannot. All I can see so far as he wants to do the opposite of Trump thinking that will win approval. And he also thinks that by appointing the least qualified people to work with him as long as they fit into some minority or deviant sexual group that he is more “woke” that anyone else. When things start to fail and the economy starts to crap with stupid decisions coming out of the current White House that support everyone else in the world except U.S. citizens and workers, you will see what I mean. Give it a year. You just do not know how good you had it.
Anonymous says
Yes, yes, yes!!!!!!!!
Constance Mead says
I don’t think I can expound on what I just read above. It is absolutely true. In my mind I doubt Biden will even be in office by May. I think we know who is behind all this and who is giving the orders. This new presidency is acting like they have the right to just tell us what we’re going to do and what we’re not going to do. A man has been elected as an official that is to work for us, we don’t work for him or any other politician. What Democrats are doing is absolutely a total nightmare. Trump did everything for every American. Granted, he is a narcissist and crude at times. Excuse me, but I could care less about that. all I cared about was he did that was good for the country, I wasn’t interested in his personality.
J, Duckworth says
You or we should be told, that is the job of a President and there is no reason why you should not obey and be thankful he is leading you in the right direction, not like where we have been for the past 4 years. Everybody knows that. The population is so bad anymore that they all think they have the right to change the government rules and they do not. If so, then why have a President? Why not let everybody live like unorganized animals that they are starting to become. Riots, demonstrations, everybody thinks they have the answer and there is no one correct. A President is there to direct the people and they should respect it. Trump gave no one a direction but where is the closest way I can make it better for him.because he had to take care of himself first. This comment is not directed to any one name in this section but a statement of today;’s society.unorganized, hateful and selfish. Anybody who thinks this unruly mobster in office from 2016 thru 2021 needs to have their head examined. People have lost respect and only think of themselves. Most do not recognize good when they see it, and with this new President yoiu will get attention, answers, and organization. President Obama was excellent, Kennedy men were good, Bush and most all of the others were good Presidents, and that is the END. I can be any party I think is right and vote for the President that knows how to do it with a bully
gangster attitude.
Marla maples says
I can tell you why I think Trump is The AntiChrist. Because he laughs at God’s Commandments.
1. He lies,
2. He is self serving and covets what others have and say. 3. He cheats, 4. He is a communist in wolfs clothing. 5. His favorite verse from the Bible is an eye for an eye. 6. He hates jews, black, Muslims and every non white. 7. He tried to STEAL THE ELECTION BY TRANSFERRING THE BLAME TO BIDEN. He was even caught in a lie on the telephone. He started a riot that killed 5 people and last but not least. He’s using people to get more power and turn this country into a communist country. He’s like Hitler and napoleon wrapped into one. Just keep coming. He drinks water like a person with drain bramage.. He walks funny he makes fun of people and he uses the poor uneducated whites. Brainwashing the handful of supporters. The truth will always float to the top.
Marla maples says
Biden stands for Truth, justice and the American way fool.
Greg says
I hate and despise evil and Trump is evil incarnate. Unfortunately when combined with ignorance and incompetency, his evil is even more damaging. His lies commenced on day 1 with attendance lies about the size of his inauguration and continue to this day on how the election was “stolen”.! In between we have making fun of women and physically impaired people, lies and purposeful omissions about the severity of the corona virus that cost tens of thousands of American lives, supporting the border policy of separating children from their parents or custodians (over 600 children still separated to this day), failure to call out white supremacists and racists terrorists and racial inequality, attempting to take away health care from millions of people with absolutely no replacement plan, gutting environmental regulations that compromises our clean air and water and our health, damaged our credibility across the globe and with important allies, cuddled up to dictators, denied global warming which and withdrew from the Paris Accords and his final act of inciting a riot at the US Capitol that resulted in at least five deaths including two police officers based on his lies about the validity of the presidential election, just name name a few of the reasons why we hate his incompetient ignorance and all his lies.
Anonymous says
We all agree I personally give it 1 month! So far Biden is the biggest fool this country has seen in history. Nothing he has said or done yet is benefited a single true American!
Anonymous says
Jerry says
That may be the single stupidest thing I have ever read
Jamie says
Not to bad at all if I may say, as an outside observer from the UK, I fully concur with your breakdown.
Gigi says
The media is still at it. They cannot stand it that Americans were being heard by our president and he actually fulfilled his campaign promises.
This bunch of leftist idiots will soon see that they have been deceived.
Frank Harris says
I hate Trump because he is simply a pathological liar, confidence man and has pulled the wool over all of these poor Republican’s eyes and pulled off the greatest con ever on the American people. He is an evil ’man and has always been. He cares nothing about America or people that support him except for their vote, otherwise he wouldn’t give you the time of day. He isI arrogant and profoundly stupid, having managed to file six bankruptcies in his ‘business’ career. Being from New York and knowing this filthy worm for 40 years I can tell my Republican friends he is simply not worth your time. I voted for Mitt Romney, who I consider to be an outstanding person and real leader. He would be great place to start for Republicans to get the GOP back.
KayCee says
So you prefer Bought by Beijing Biden a 47 year career politico who did exactly what for the American people besides creep women out sniffing their hair?? He has mush for brains and parading him about like a political puppet that he is for Pelousy and Schmuck Schumer is tantamount to elder abuse. Good going there buddy.
Brandi says
Jim A says
I do not support anyone who tries to violently overthrow the government. Why do you support treason?
Anonymous says
yes orange man bad Biden good what a joke the rusted weather vane Does what ever he is told Never ever an original thought
Sheila says
Joe D. You hit every nail on the head. Thank you for speaking exactly what I am feeling.
RED says
You are ever so right!!!
Rain says
Hello, now I may be young but I can safely say that we do not hate trump just because of what the media says. Yes, the media can be false which is why we are careful online but in this instance, the media has proof towards Donald Trump. He has been racist, he banned transgender people from joining the military and he planned the riot to overthrow congress. Now I also wonder what makes you believe the election votes are a fraud? Exactly, the only reason you say that is because you don’t like Biden. I don’t like Trump but if he was winning you certainly wouldn’t hear me say “those votes are fake”. The reason some voted for Biden is that he stands for LGBTQ rights and to fight against discrimination which are all great things to fight for. The least qualified people? I am going to assume you mean those of the LGBTQ or other races, they are not more “woke” and they are not deviant. We are just being ourselves and he is accepting that and hiring anyway. The economy will not crash I can guarantee that the economy was crashing when Trump was president. The white house is supporting everyone but their priorities are those who need more help than us. In a year I will be very happy Trump is not in the office because he was the worst president ever and has been impeached twice. So please maybe do some research before you try to state your reasons because I am not even 16 and I have reasons that I can prove and I have done my research. Hope you have a nice life though!
Anonymous says
Well said.
ConcernCitizen says
joe D, every sentiment you stated in your comment here. I completely AGREE!
I want to add & inform for any Screaming Liberals that may read this post or hopefully echo others beliefs and values.
It is frightening the number of people in this country/world are under the belief that everyone, as long as we all agree with the democratic liberals, should all have customized individual left wing (communist/socialist ) rights and be made a priority. They hide behind “rights for all, as anyone with a set of morals and a work ethic can see, its an “F” in” free for all out there! The country will never be what it was originally meant to be, because freedom of speech has been misused by so many who use it for an excuse to vomit there mental problems and lack of morals. They use it as a default button to make themselves feel as
If they dont have to be accountable for morally corrupt decisions. I sincerely hope that the idiots who did vote for Biden /Harris., I hope I get a chance to say to at least one of them (when things go sideways) so is this why you wanted him running the country? unfortunately for those who didnt vote for Alzheimers Joe and his Unqualified sidekick) we will all have to suffer in many ways to display the pure evil of the Government, Individual political operatives, Big Pharma…., the list is overwhelmingly long. Im so glad to know that the new administration is more concerned about even more “LGBTQXYZ” issues and rights (because that should be a priority with what goes on in this country????) WE have heard loud and clear, we get it, whos in the drivers seat now. People flipping out and angry because we didnt keep up with the entire alphabet of letters in the identity acronym used, you are all so very special, Im going to make my own acronym GXWFWLC . That stands for Gen X White Female Who Likes Chocolate. Oh ya and Im going to be pissed at whoever doesnt know that, maybe I can have my own blog or pod cast about my plight and how undervalued I feel because I was mis addressed or mis identified as GXWFWLC. JUST KIDDING my point is to those “THEY” we all know how important the Non gender specific pronouns are these days. Well anyway my point is your NOT THAT SPECIAL!!! No one gives a flying damn who you are. I believe thats the whole problem in a nutshell (no pun intended) who, what or why you even exist on this planet. I do agree that those individuals HAVE ISSUES!! Big time Alright., but they need therapy not government time & intervention. As far as the brillant idea of defunding and shrinking the police agencies in this country. WTF, yes Black lives matter ALL LIVES MATTER. (Black, yellow, orange, green and everything in between I would think that the good (All Colors, shapes & sizes) law abiding citizens of this country could find more creative & effective ways to root out the burnt out and corrupt law enforcement than shutting it down and leaving community’s vulnerable to the “NOT SO LAW ABIDING CITIZENS” skin color and ethnicity dosent give anybody the right to harm another whether with words or deeds. ALSO THERE IS NO
SUCH THING AS DIFFERENT RACES people!!! ITS THE HUMAN RACE, thats for any screaming liberals reading this ( that statement is not be trying to be PC its just a fact!)
and hyperfocuses on them so much, it hand holds the perpetuation of “problems”. That arent really problems. Im a Gen x, white female and, I didnt grow up in an affluent, fembot household, JUST WANTED TO MAKE THAT CRYSTAL CLEAR!! THOUGHT ID PREFACE THAT IN CASE you wanted to know who WAS speaking. I also am not going to apologize for who I am ( nor do I think anyone should have to) which seems to be another pissy waste of time in the country. Certain people having to apologize for who they are. I certainly dont! Lets see if I have it correct with the liberal thought process?
1. We should be able to say anything we like as
Long is it is in agreement and compliance with them. Even if it’s contradictory to commonsense or just good taste!!!
2. Rights for all Minorities ! (Good start) But then : what is to be considered the “Majority” should be made to feel guilty for everything and anything and reverse descrimination should continue to be cultivated and nurtured!!
3. Completely let the Government “help” us by socialist standards, take all
Freedom of choice
Away (because we are not capable to make are
Own choices for healthcare , etc…
4. Endless Government programs, that make decisions for us, that are not for the greater good. But for every individual Special interest group known to human kind. You know the oppressed sector of (3 toed, eyelash compromised citizens, of the economically challenged Sub-SubUrban Communitys (I just made that word up 😁, well… Just in keeping with the liberal dictionary (Yes you do need your own, not that I would spend my money on it)
5. Continuing the “in-bed” covert crap that is between, the Government, Big Pharma, FDA, Major Food manufacturers.
6. KEEP US IN A WAR (17 years isnt long enough?) so certain sectors can keep Profiting and we can keep losing American Lives. WOW CAN ANYONE SAY VIETNAM ALL OVER AGAIN!!
7. BELIEVE IN A PARTY THAT PROMISEs they will make a country that is a “utopia”,. NO ONE WHO PROMISES THAT SHOULD BE WALKING AROUND IN THE GENERAL POPULATION (A LIE AND SCARY ANYONE WOULD BELIEVE IT) They will fix all the woes of this world. They prey on the people who want someone else to do it all for them, hold their hand and wipe their chin of drool for absolutely everything. This world has massive hardships &, atrocities. LIFE IS HARD and unfair. Look to God to ease your soul and body of its burdens, and guide your conscience. people and government should NOT hold themselves out for being able to do that.
THE FACTS ARE THIS: WE NEED GOVERNMENT ON A NATIONAL LEVEL TO MAKE OUR COUNTRY HEALTHY, In these areas Civil Law, Economic HEALTH with stability & reasonable growth. Foreign diplomatic Relations and policy., which would or should in turn nurture HEALTHY values and behavior. & CHOICES. And oh My would that start closing the gap on economic and educational opportunities? I would think a Concentration and focus on several large areas of these issues (that are within the scope of what the government is supposed to be for) would have a positive ripple effect to all the others.
If people could just be ACCOUNTABLE for themesleves AND stop trying to have others hand hold and make excuses for BAD decisions (purposeful or not) & Behavior!!!
Bottom line is
PEOPLE LETS STOP USING THE GOVERNMENT TO FIGHT YOUR “special” little whiny corner. Suck it up make a
Plan then make move to make it Better!!! FOR THE ENTIRE HUMAN RACE!!!
Karen says
Where’s my husband
KayCee says
Yes, yes, yes. And Please let’s not forget he couldn’t make it from the bathroom to the bedroom without grabbing some (dog) tail and skipping the light fandango doing cartwheels across the floor injuring his leg.. President mush for brains. The plagerizer and thief. All the plot to get the real candidate in; he is just not flavour of the month let’s face it. Give it a month they are going to poison his cocoa or he will take another fall . Joe is a patsy. He just doesn’t know it yet. For the record, I am not a Republican. Fed up with the two ring circus.
AlinaMe says
Of course wearing a shirt with that slogan is wrong. But what you don’t know is that those are PAID protesters by Soros to make conservatives look bad. Conservatives (at least the majority) are not prone to revolt, which is why this had never happened before. But, even among liberals and leftist, the main trouble-makers are paid participants. Soros finances people to fly to protest sites and riot. It’s a serious problem.
Liz says
Woulx you please provide evidence for that claim?
Not a Fascist USA says
You’re 100 percent right, this article is just sad
Donna Parkerson Vidmar says
But, so is the actual truth about how 50% of the so called good guys in this country are nit longer worth anything, you no longer can trust the ones that are pledged to protect the ordinary decent citizines, there are too many opinions that are based solely on greed based attitudes. I have watched my country fall completely apart in the last 7 years.. 5 years, it has broken a part of my heart that I simply can’t even describe in polite words. I sat 9n my living room and watched my American President ( Donald Trump,) use the “f” word on international TV. I had voted for this jerk, thinking, …. Height just pull it off in changing my country into a better place for all to reside. Boy, was I wrong or what? Listening to the news about the behaviors if this man.. ( and I am very loosly using the word man here. ) Actually had real tears running down my face, hearing “my ” president , using such vulgar and completely unnecessary language on a forum that was being sent all around the world. I am not a Nazi not would I ever support any such ideals, I am not a white supremist, not a black or Latino hater. I , am an American. And that “used” to say a lot , ( at least , I believed it did.) I wish my countrymen and women could just push aside all their inner demons and negativity in the hate that is exploding inside the hearts of so many people. It’s so senseless to feed the core beliefs if all these things that feed the “hate” inside the hearts and minds and souls of the people if this earth. Our oceans are dying at a alarming rate that is actually terrifying for any future survival fur humanity. Our animals are vanishing, so quickly there can not possibly be enough peoples support to stop the ultimate loss if far too many of theistvnajestic creatures that were created to share this planet along side if us all. The rate of pollution and complete disregard for the obvious necessary habitats that are trying to simply survive to go on through to another generation if their own species us so downright dumfounding that “any” human with any level if intelligence could not clearly see the ramifications of the eventusl outcome for every living , breathing, thing that lives in this world is in a very dangerously precarious position. And , who has done this complete distruction ? It was not the animals nor the insects or fish either… There is only one species even remotely capable of the kind of total deviststion to the beautiful , living planet. If we all Don’t or better said Won’t, find a way to work together, to stop this crazy hate that is spiriling out if control very quickly, and headed fir a nightmare senario that only the last book if the Bible can begin to give any description of the true outcome if things to come. If we cant or Won’t, find a way to teach ourselves a better way if doing things , of treating each other and of treating our planet with the respect and attention it now is going to require to rebound it’s sicknesses, then mankind will find it’s only answers in suffering and the eventual extinction if all things that live and breathe on this magnificent earth. What , are we doing ? Why is greed and power and coruption so much more alluring to the nature of our species? Why can’t we just wake up? And care about each other again.. ? Are we truly that doomed to not want so much better for each other? I weot, as I stood in my living room and listened to my… “My” president sout out the “f” word in national television so carelessly. I have to openly say, I was ashamed of my country, my government, of my “leader” and “president” that day…. I weot because I never would have ever believed, that that day would have ever come in my lifetime. I clearly could see the level of “stupidity” and lack of any moral compass was now , …. Actually, the top leaders of the known free world. I simply say down a cried fur my country. And the rest if the world that was going to be capable of seeing and hearing the exact same program I was watching, and having the same negative impact concerning the truthful and actual state of the real future of my entire planet. I was so sad that day, abd I clearly realized, mankind has messed up everything and more then likely will never get it together in time to make ant real difference in the overall outcome that is going to come from this very staggering truth that we are facing. Concerning survival of our entire planet. Earth is breaking… Our oceans are breaking.. our planet is screaming for our help.! What do you actually think us going to happen ? Do any of you out there actually have “faith” in our species, to do the right things? I sat there and thought to myself, yup… We are all “f’ed” it so seems now…. If our leaders can’t have enough respect for themselves to speak with a elequent mannor and to show the people that are looking to them for very real answers to so many troubling problems in this world, in such a way to help us as a people, to further our differences, and embrace our simaliarities… To quit hating and start showing love toward all others.. and to our very ailing planet, then the truth of this matter is far more bleak and hopeless then any if us want to accept. I’m sad.. so so sad…. That hate is more important then the survival of all living things. And our own species. We are in deep trouble people.. deep deep trouble. And I am one if the simple little nobody voices in this world that is just truly and deeply sad for all if us. I will pray, u will hope, I will do all I can to make whatever little difference that I can to do whatever I can to help this world. But, .. unless we all come to the very serious realization that we have to stand up now to speak out true minds about the actual world we live in… then ourvfutures as a people are deeply in trouble and more theh likely will not survive this problem if the “breaking and shattering if all things around us” for very long in the overall outcome of this situstion. I just wish, with all if my heart, we could just find “love” and go from there with what we really know to be needed on this planet. I wish , we could all stop being so selfish and live each other … Really live each other…. It could be our last chance to do it. Think about this …. Won’t you? It matters. Thank you for reading my point of view. Donna Parkerson, Vidmar.
Ivanka Trump says
Worst. President. Ever.
Do I hate him because he’s not a socialist? No.
I hate him, to begin with, because I’ve traveled around the world a few times.
I’ve met shysters, swindlers, cheaters, liars and scumbags.
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist or a psychic to see he is all of these things.
He tells you what you want to hear, and any actual truth he tells is accidental.
He spent the first couple years in office trying to destroy everything accomplished by Obama that he couldn’t take credit for.
Worst. President. Ever.
His first lies, once elected (many preceded), were about his inauguration crowd and his “greatest landslide blah blah blah” with 306 votes. Reagan had 489.
He spent his last couple of years (yay) in office trying to swindle a re-election. When that didn’t work, and it was clear he’d lost (by nearly 7 million votes since he’s so reviled), he tried to use his blind followers to destroy our democracy.
He is out for himself, and hates anyone who tells him no.
His policies are terrible. He’s destroyed relationships with our friends. He’s cozied up to authoritarians and taken notes. And he’s bad at it. Everyone around him gets burned. He’s a disgrace, and voting for him once was a mistake and forgivable (begrudgingly). Voting for him twice means you’ve fallen into his cult of personality.
Everything he says is either a lie, a distorted truth, or an accidental truth that he can use to control you.
Worst. President. Ever.
Todd Marshall says
Your jealous because your wife is not a super model and you rely on the government to eat and he’s living the American Dream. He’s a winner and You are a jealous loser and only can wish for your own success so you tear into the successful and bitterly hate them. You need a handout and he will tell you go to work you lazy bum
Cuck says
He sleeps with randoms because his wife wont sleep with him, cuck.
Lady Fury says
And you are ignorant of your disgrace and have not yet grasped the concept of the “long game” nor do I feel you have the stamina and brain capacity for it. When you learn that instant gratification is fleeting and momentary then I will gladly participate in the war, because then and only then would I consider it a challenge.
John says
Syd says
Does a winner act like a sore loser? No. I am only 12 but even I know the difference between winners and losers. We do have to keep in check that he is a human and has accomplished more than the average human but he has also done a lot of harm. So he is not a winner in my book.
demstrash says
What a legend this guy just destroyed you and your liberal wailing
Worried about cancel culture says
I am a proud American and what is happening in America is frightening. I am neither a Republican or Demarcate I have always voted for the person I thought was the best candidate. I did not vote for Trump. He is socially as graceful as an albatross. But he started to win me over. The economy improved. I really liked they way he handled foreign affairs. I am amazed at the general disrespect that he has received from media.
I feel as a people we were bullied into hating him. We treated like we must be fools if we supported him. I started watching other media on reports on u-tub and saw some very disturbing things happening in America. The opposite opinion other than mainstream was being deleted. Every bit of information that supported something they did like was erased. We are losing the right of free speech in America. We are being told what to thing by mainstream media. We have to go out side of American sources of information to get another opinion. Most people around me seem to be blind.
I think it shows that media is not changing people as much as they wanted too by the election results. Sadly I saw too much information deleted that has caused me now to believe that the election was manipulated. I no long trust that votes are safe and true. I am worried for the rights of citizens to have free speech and that it will even be heard.
All of this Trump stuff is cruel. I can not respect those malicious people who wanted to impeach him. Many of the same people who supported the rioting of the summer and all the people who were killed and damage done to personal property. Very one sided thinking. American needs to wake up and see what is really happening and stop supporting the media bulling we have been receiving from CNN, MSNBC, and almost every other news source
Juanita Watson says
I agree. I have 12 phones, 3 tablets and 2 laptops that are proof that “AMERICA” was silenced until a victor crowned. I am aware of more than I intentionally share.
Mama can't sleep says
Thank you worried about cancel culture, many of my sentiments were in what you wrote. The left seems so intent to hate that they can not regard the very serious attacks at our liberty that came with the fraudulent election, and the loss of freedom of speech and our right to vote. Do they not care about how many people have fought for our country to have that right, not just Democrats, but the whole country! ONE vote cast incorrectly is too many, as it proves how easily it can be done, and that any safeguards against fraud are NOT working.. And somehow, Democrats believe this is an issue of being sore losers and they completely turn a blind eye to the denial of a fair election?!? My mom just keeps saying “this is not our Home.” Which I know, but it won’t stop me from being shocked by how easily the media can affect the minds of its viewership. I am so worried about the future of our Nation. My children and grandchildren will be living a vastly different life than how lived my youth. In a different world. With maybe severely lower quality of life based on a government whose concern for it’s people has depleted to none.
Linda Oliver says
The media like CNN and MSNBC are as bad or worse than the democratic politicians. I just cannot get over the hypocrisy that exists. Why is it that Kamala Harris gets to promote violence causing lives taken, police and others injured, police station burned down, businesses, flags and bibles burned and all the lowdown acts of inhuman jungle animals. She then wants to get them out and back on the streets. promotes them to keep on. Nancy Pelosi, when being asked about the terrorism stated so nonchalantly that people do what they do and she didnt care much about statues. A police officer shot protecting a federal building, but who cares it wasn’t the one on Capitol Hill. What happened to walls do not work> Look at the Capitol Bldg.
.Pelosi only cares for herself. A very sick woman. Am I aloud to call her a woman or she or her? Sick, pure evil and unbelievable!!!
Garrett Benwell-Ayotte says
Congrats you are a developing human being unlike anyone who dogmatically supports either side. Keep it up we need more sensible people and less hardcore leftists/rightists/ or NeoCon halfwits like Joe Biden
Clint Sparks says
People like you are so RETARDED!
(Broken,does not work properly ❣)
The number one thing wrong in America isn’t the corrupt DNC(Hitler used their playbook)
But Democracy…..❣
Democracy is beautiful in theory but in practice it is a Fallacy,False,we are seeing it in America for a long time now.
Maga eradicate Democracy and the DNC at whatever means❣
Constance Mead says
I really wish when people write their opinions they would leave out slamming other people for their opinions. State why you don’t like something, don’t just keep saying I hate this person and and also omit the foul language, because that really makes a person look stupid. It means you can’t expound upon your hatred or your reason for the hate. Just repeating people are stupid blah blah blah makes YOU look stupid. If you hate trump, say why. If you hate Biden, say why. It is best you leave the hate behind and try to reach a mutual solution where we can all work together.
Shahan104 says
What surprise is why Liberal Marxists still fear Trump.
misinformed and cant use your own name sad hater
Donna Parkerson vidmar says
I know… Has to say his hate behind a unknown name. Typical of the weak-minded haters that have no spine to stand up and be counted for who and what they actually think and believe. Pathetic.
Joe Wolf says
Yes Trump is a scumbag and emblematic of the pieces of shit that so many American are!
Anonymous says
You should not allow the staff to be printed. Let’s try to keep it civil in the language clean and I am talking to you people who should be editing these comments.
Anonymous says
Joe must enjoy to be told what to do and paying 4 dollar gas
Rob says
The president doesn’t control the price of gas. That’s done by the oil companies, who are making record profits.
leah johnson says
mob connected pedo see google for being well informed edudton and grandfather in Wash as a business dealership
RED says
You should refer to your self in such light hearted terms, Joe.
Nunya says
Obviously you are one of the many, many blind deaf and dumb idiots in this now pathetic country who can’t or just don’t want to have to think for themselves anymore. We will lose our right to bear arms, our freedom of speech is already greatly negated, oil is coming only from foreign countries immediately and taxes on vehicle purchases will be so high they will be forced lost in further development. The dollar will be valueless for the middle class family resultant in starvation of our children. Democrats may as well pluck our eyes out as what would we not stoop to, to save the lives of our children? People will be begging for government control foolishly believing they will be taken care of because there will BE NO OTHER OPTIONS! Go against me and die. Like Hitler. Biden said, “I will treat the people who didn’t vote for me the same as those who did.” Like hell he will. And what President has EVER made such a statement? You sheep out there will be as sorry as the rest of us but at least we won’t go lying in a bed of stupidity as those of you who actually believe the new administration is for the betterment of the people.
Joe Miami says
Damn democrats want to turn our wives into drag queen lesbians 😡😡😡who eat new born baby’s 👶👶👶👶they want us to commit arson 🔥🔥🔥🔥and also want our kids to LEARN about racism.
GW says
Said the real low life loser himself.
GW says
Joe Wolf, You really are a total low life loser altogether.
American says
We need give him a chance hes only been in office for few days . We lost thousands of union jobs and pissed canda off . And made China happy . To a different subject . I fell bad about them people at border we do need to help them . My plan is if I was president I would load them up take them to all the blue states and sum to White House to live with joe . And the rest to his brothers island .
Coop says
Seriously you have to stop spending all of your time on fakebook and listening to news outlets that are all controlled by the left. Get your facts strait before you post something as childish as that. But you’ll realize that in a month or two when gas prices go up, taxes go up, your friends and even you lose your job. Maybe just maybe you’ll realize that hating someone for their personality is not the rite way to go when it comes to picking a leader
I know that I have things “strait”, Coop.
Anonymous says
Yeah but Biden is criminal…
hell is not for people says
Carmen Mojica says
Iam patriota MrTrump has work very very hard for his country work very hard for the vaccine fauci and others said that was not possible on till April he has done a great job for America 🇺🇸 now they whant impeach him again yy so much hate so much evil in this world.they don’t want to believe there is god. They just whant to deal with the devil.drugs killing hate no Churche no police no laws no respect rape killing and stilling from old people horrible abortion the devil 👿 is winning so so sad.god bless you MrTrump and family the lord will b whit you always and god bless America Thank You MrTrump you are the greatest 🇺🇸🙏
Anonymous says
Bill Clinton cheated with his wife, on the presidents desk, lied in court, and people close to his awfulness became rich, trump is hated because people don’t like how he acts, but at least he gets results, like how he completed a COVID vaccine in an amazing amount of time, he isn’t somebody who “wants you to vote for them because they are a women”, he doesn’t want to “make marijuana legal”, and he isn’t like the new president, who literally couldn’t find the person who was supposed to help him off the stage, as well as messing up in a sentence which seemed a little too related to what’s going on, had a ton of people perform voter fraud for them in order to win the election, and is basically senile.
Jay says
That’s stupidest statement ever. The traitor lost because of the virus, which brought his stolen WHouse down to earth because he kept telling the virus is fake blah blah creepy garbage when it is real The virus showed the traitor who is real super power and killed his presidency in a jiffy. Good it came as October surprise but one year early in 2019 and NOT in 2020 because if virus had come in 2020 traitor would have faked his way again to stolen WHouse but Divine intervention was in 2019 as traitor was sleeping at the switch like his idol Nero fiddling when Rome was burning and finished this scumbag and his crooks criminals cronies forever. Thank the Divine intervention for saving this country from the traitor, crooks criminals of his ilk, birds of same feathers flocking together.
C. Barry says
All so true. Corrupt politicians in Democratic party
Fact says
C Barry, they’re like a real filthy disease altogether.
Anonymous says
This is cute, he won in 2016 by a rigged election.
You are exactly correct!
Lispeth Liberti says
Thank-you for explaining him so well.
Philip says
I totally agree not to mention we now have a reformed or so called whore for vice-president and that isn’t a lie how did this happen !!!
Carolyn says
And a pedophile for President? They cheated, lied and stole this election
Anonymous says
You sir……are a MORON
Nunya1 says
So so many things I want to say…better say them before that right is completely taken away. Ignorant? Try ignoramus! And spelled correctly. Three cheers for total government control over all our lives!! Hip hip hurrah!! Are you that pathetically lazy or just that plain stupid???
Paul Lee says
Hello, I’m sorry, but the President Trump was a Great President! I’ll always name him as my all time Favorite president, throughout history, till, as always!!! I’m freedom and supporting to get joe biden out and impeached, and Please say No-to socialism!!
G says
Workers rights are socialist ideals by the way. But socialism bad right?
Anonymous says
Your an idiot
Paul Lee says
No, we as Republicans, Who support What a Great President, Trump was aren’t idiots!!, Thank you, very much!! The, Moronic, socialists, are Stupid!!! They hate America. Those Democrats, are horrible!! Trying to take all our freedoms away, our Seniors and our land. It’s really Sad!! Tax raising heathens, ought, not to do those things.
Anonymous says
you spelled 1/3 of YOUR comment wrong.
Bill says
WOW……. Another educated idiot….
Luis says
His accomplishments are still there, not lies. According to you, he lied in his inauguration numbers of people present and because of that dismiss all 4 years of great accomplishments? Obama promised peace and hope and yet brought death and division. He was re-elected.
Reality says
You just described the left for the last 30 years .remember 20 plus years back the kids stop keeping score that’s a psychological fact to raise boys like girls to keep them weak and uniformed of the real world all colleges 99% of teachers are liberal that’s hiring practices it’s all by design and by the way Reagan ran unopposed ” figure of speech ” and how about Biden for all those months talkin about his plan for the virus ,yesterday he just said there’s nothing you can do just keep waiting lol your the foolish one .Trump was an American not a marxists dem politician..
Ben says
Says the democrat cultist. Totalitarian democrats changed election laws, paid for by Zuckerberg, and democrats applauded. Sounds like China 1948. I doubt you have ever been anywhere because if you had, you would know a free America is the pinnacle of the world and the communist democrats just want another communist crap hole.
Poor try, brainwashed cultist.
Anastascia says
What Ovamatwat accomplished please enlighten me.If your talking about him inciting black violence,if selling this country out to the Muslims and the Sicko in Iran.Look bud if you hate Trump then you hate America.If you hate America please don’t , let the door kick you in the ass on the way out.
Anonymous says
Boy the fascist, leftist brain washing really got to you!
Richard Roswall says
You nailed it……they ( the ones who are proud to be called deplorables ) think they can mount a defense for Trump…. THEY CAN NOT ……………..History will quickly prove Trump to be ” THE WORST PRESIDENT EVER ” !
BOB says
AMEN! You speak the truth which the Right hates.
Franklin Hortman says
All Summer Long Democrats burnt and looted stole everything in sight and your media said nothing but good shit but now a trump supporter gets shot in the neck and it’s the worst thing that’s ever happened on the planet… Stop watching Network news it’s making you dumb
Marti says
Such bs… Sir you are part of what’s wrong with America right now. Take your biased opinionated disrespectful self-righteous democratic behind to the backseat and set the hell down… Republicans certainly are not perfect but they don’t sit and spill hate just like you just did… We just don’t and you all cannot stand it and that is scary..
Papa B says
You sound young and dumb, getting your information, what little you have from social media, from people that hate the facts, that he was successful and didn’t run to help himself, he knew our country was becoming soft, I will bet you what little cash you have? Go talk to our generals military leaders, and ask them what they think of him? I would say, they love him! I was listening to Hollywood Journalist paid to did up dirt on people, she followed his personal and leadership actions for Ten Years, she went on to say, I couldn’t find anything bad about him, she went on to say, he was one of the most kind generous person, she had list of things he had done for anyone that he came in contact with, he help them with what ever their needs were, I guess you didn’t read that in social media, people haters thrive in media, they can’t stand that he’s been successful, in personal life and in office. I see after living on this earth, if you don’t agree with these hateful rich people on the far left having to pay, people to do their dirty work, start riots? You sound like a good candidate for Antifa, It’s so easy to see now, after President Trump left office we are heading in the direction of Socialisms, a Dictatorship if we don’t agree with someone, they sensor you, call you names make up stories, we’ve lost our right to freedom speech, however it’s amazing what kind of one sided crap the Media blurts out these day. We were lucky and blessed as a country to have President Donald J Trump at it’s helm, without him, we’re going to lose our personal freedoms to have a conversation like this, we can disagree that’s okay, I believe in Democracy. And there were real flaws in our voting process, I have a non American friend who lives in Malaysia, a successful small businessman electrical engineer, a brother who is a doctor, I asked for a neutral opinion about what was going on in our country, he said, I tried to be neutral looking at your situation going on in your country and couldn’t, your media and big tech are very bias, there’s no way that percentages of voters in American history have ever voted like that not even close? It would have been so easy to crop voters, with covid going on, something is seriously wrong going on in your country, the whole world see’s it but the people listening social media and big tech! Brother you’ve been blinded by hate, just look into the eyes of Biden, Pelosi, Bernie Sanders that joke of man John Kerry, Hilary pure evil, hate radiates now from so many people that support the left, my joy is some day they will be exposed for what they really are! Humble yourself and get on your knees and ask God for the truth, If any of you that lack wisdom let him ask of God,that giveth to all men liberally and up braideth noy, and it shall be given. Know the truth first before you speak.
Jamie says
You got the job at cnn start monday
Luv the us says
You do.nt have any facts to base your hate on biden won by fraud and justices that are afraid to stand by the constitution shame on you and them
Robert Daniel Fulbright says
Sounds like you hate Democrat Politicians more then Trump! If you’ve been all over the world and seen shysters, swindlers and cheats and don’t see that in Biden you are very deceived! Biden has already broken promises he made during his campaign like banning fracking! Warren Buffitt bought and paid for the XL Keystone pipeline to stop being built so he can haul more crude oil by rail on BNSF trains. Trump couldn’t be bought like that and I thought that was great! Go ahead and bow down at the feet of Joe Biden, a politician that has been in the game for nearly 50 years and has done nothing so far but sign 40 plus executive orders to pretty much destroy this country! Biden also signed to overturn Trump’s executive order to make insulin and epipen prices lower! I guess you liked that too huh?
Rain says
I agree and I’m 13…I also had more proof for my reasons than a probably 40-year-old man sooo
Donna Parkerson Vidmar says
Well said… I think, those comments had to hurt you as much as they will hurt all people. It’s just such a sad state of affairs in the real actual truth if things…. But, thank you for saying what you feel… I admire a person that isn’t afraid to speak the truth no matter what. Thank you.
Anonymous says
Biden will continue what obama did… get ready for WW3.
I agree to an extent. Trump is kind of crazy. Is he a good leader though? It looks like it. There’s a lot of crazy libtards and repubs on this site but overall trump is ok. The fact that Biden is my president scares the @#$& out of me. AT LEAST ITS NOT BERNIE because Bernie’s just a socialist. He even admits it. Biden is ok I guess. maybe it’ll shut the liberals whining for a month or two before they get told who to hate again. The reason polls always swing to the left is that if you ask a democrat who they voted for chances are they are kinda loud and ignorant and will tell you. If you ask a republican they will almost always tell you “why should I tell you who I voted for” BECAUSE THEY ARENT AS LOUD. So polls show a majority of more left based peeps. If you wanna comment or reply go right ahead as I would like to see a similar post from a more left perspective. Also sorry if there are writing mistakes I’m only 14 geez. HAVE A GOOD DAY YOU EPIC PEEPS AND REPLY IF YOU WANT id love to hear some different opinions
Vagirna says
I completely agree Bernie would have had us all convert to LGBTQism 🤢🤢🤢where abortion and racism (twords white people) are legal. Keep fighting and someday you will make such a great politician who has a sex scandal of course 🥺🥺.
Anonymous says
I agree to an extent. Trump is kind of crazy. Is he a good leader though? It looks like it. There’s a lot of crazy libtards and repubs on this site but overall trump is ok. The fact that Biden is my president scares the @#$& out of me. AT LEAST ITS NOT BERNIE because Bernie’s just a socialist. He even admits it. Biden is ok I guess. maybe it’ll shut the liberals whining for a month or two before they get told who to hate again. The reason polls always swing to the left is that if you ask a democrat who they voted for chances are they are kinda loud and ignorant and will tell you. If you ask a republican they will almost always tell you “why should I tell you who I voted for” BECAUSE THEY ARENT AS LOUD. So polls show a majority of more left based peeps. If you wanna comment or reply go right ahead as I would like to see a similar post from a more left perspective. Also sorry if there are writing mistakes I’m only 14 geez. HAVE A GOOD DAY YOU EPIC PEEPS AND REPLY IF YOU WANT id love to hear some different opinions
Ken says
For the most part, this thread is filled with hate for and from both sides. Are we enemies as Americans? I hope not. I will there are wrongs and rights on both sides, but a civil discourse among ourselves maybe the only solution that will keep America intact. While not perfect by any means, the American Dream offers a road TOWARD perfection knowing it is not attainable. What we are doing now is not anyway close to moving toward that dream. We hate each other, not for wrongs against, but for beliefs and ideas. We don’t talk civilly or with and open mind because we think we are right and you are wrong and there is no acceptable compromise. Didn’t we learn from Dr. King that we are all the same and deserve equal opportunity? Yet, we still don’t accept each other because they voted one way or the other. Brothers and sisters have always disagreed but, for the most part, they love each other more than they disagree. We as brothers and sisters in the American home, need to show our love for each other more. We can still disagree, but we must keep our house together. Love is the thousands of nails that hold it together. Don’t be the claw end of the hammer.
Fred says
What you say is your take on your agenda, The man was good to us who produce food for the world and take the wild animals given to us by God to eat,He stood behind our for fathers and beloved Constitution and wisdom that put quil to parchment,both made from animals.The grand list of his accomplishments is incredible,and given the duress in which he was forced to work due to the bratty Democrats and there nothing else to do jobs it was a hitherto spectacular accomplishment in 4 years.But barring that,how could you not recognize the gloomy alternative! The bloody demorats and jo biden!!! Absolutely and unacceptable trade-off. He will see how good Donald Trump was at the end of Biden term with his Unholy regime. And The Godly will pay for you to learn this lesson.
Joe D. says
Face it Ken. Conservatives tried to build a wealthy, employed nation for all groups. The Left now would just as soon shoot you dead in the street if they could get away with it. With all the censorship and banning this or that person because of what they said it is obvious that they want to kill us. They have openly stated that we are all just racists even though a significant portion are black and Latino–more than any other time in history. They take every action to stick us in the eye and call for “unity” in the same breath. The sickening inaugural address by Biden was total PC BUllshit! I heard white supremacy and racial injustice mentioned multiple times but have yet to uncover a single example of that in American policing for example going back over a decade. This summer’s riots were totally in the name of a fake cause that did not exist other than to day no leftist wants to see ANY black person arrested for ANY crime without calling the police interaction “racial injustice.” People do not like complainers but we especially do not like them to make up reasons to complain just so they can tell themselves they were heroes or social justice warriors and burn a city down to say they stood up for something. Adults are fed up with kids getting away with murder and politicians doing nothing about it because of political correctness. Political correctness cannot be allowed to sway decisions without bringing out the anger of those who try to do the right thing.
Joejo says
That sounds great and all, but what about these “people” outright STEALING our votes! Any fool could see that this was ALL a setup and if dirty Joe Biden got 5 million votes, I’d really be surprised! On the other hand, even with these sorry lying cheaters, President Trump STILL got nearly 80 million votes. It was very clear these commie politicians on the left, Pelosi, Schumer, Shiff, Nadler and the list goes on and on, but it was clear these China loving Commie Bastards hated President Trump and ALL that he did, because they were trying to do just the opposite, flood the country with the lowest class of people on the planet when we don’t even have enough jobs for our own people, where a lot has to take low paying jobs just to make it, now they want to flood in another 10 or 30 million of these people who will go STRAIGHT on welfare, where you, me and everyone else will have to help take care of them when we can’t even take care of the people we have now from Biden and Obamas last flood of people that was purposely sent here! This country’s in trouble now that this sick pedo has STOLE our public office’s, and if you think NOW, after all these shenanigans the left has pulled in the last two elections that you actually have a voice in who’s elected or that your vote actually counts, then your in denial because they just showed the entire world that we the people are NOT in charge and we don’t even have a say in who is elected much less a vote! Oh sure if you manage to live under a rock and don’t have any clue as to what these traitors on the left and right are up too and you manage to vote ‘THEIR” way, then yeah you have a vote that count’s, but for the rest of us who see these commie bastards for who they really are and who they really work for, we have no say and now everyone wants us to just bend over and keep taking it like a man! Well that’s just not what we’ve fought for and that’s taking a big huge dump on the men and women who’ve given their lives for this country, not just in modern wars but the men who fought to make this country FREE in the first place, what about them? That’s why we must take these traitors head on NOW before we don’t stand a chance!
Chrissy says
I Agree With You A 100 percent !!!!! We do need to Defend Our Country Now!!! I For One Am Not Gonna Lay Down And Take This Shit !!! Pelosi, Schumer, Shift, Nadler, CIA, FBI, the Generals and the Courts are all in on ruining America for Greed And Power Grab!!!! They Are Disgusting!!!
RED says
You are ever so right!!!
I’m glad to see that so many people recognize the criminality in the election. There is no way Biden should have won the election. It was apparently when he entered the raise at the head of the ticket. Total bull. Hopefully, t he Republicans will be able to get him out of office before he gives the country away or eliminates our armed forces so that we’ll be taken over.
Rob Dyer
Lispeth Liberti says
Eloquently put, Thank-you for showing class when there is so little of it lately. Your writing humbled me.
Anonymous says
Ken I agree with you. I don’t feel we will be able to be open minded when there are two different realities. That makes the unity even more difficult. Right now I’m worried stating we have different reallities because saying that sounds like a put down.? I’m just not sure how else to put it. Hope things get better
John Wise says
Well said
Ashley says
I didn’t vote.
This year.
Notalib says
Then you voted for Joe
Tineka Howell says
My husband and I have been married for over 10 years. We met when I was 18 and he was 21. We’ve been through a lot emotionally together. There were several HUGE fights and painful situations in our marriage, but we always seemed to come out stronger on the other side. Out of the blue my husband just sprung the divorce talk on me, I was totally depressed until I found Dr. Todd website online and I ordered for a Love spell. You won’t believe my husband called me at the exact time this spell caster finished his spell work in 48hrs. I was totally amazed! He is wonderful and his spells work so fast. His Email: manifest spell cast@ g mail. com
Jo says
Tinea, I believe, by your comment, that you may be on the wrong article.
Jim says
Your a satanic nut case at worst or a common ignorant faller of satanic crap.
Nathan Eckerle says
Mr Jim, I ask you what is the difference in Christianity and witch craft? Um tithes that’s all (the satanic bible at least sees pedophilia as a SIN) lol You pray as a Christian. you ceremoniously cannibalize. “ this is my body “ Baptism ceremonious spell! The only difference is you pay a preacher. If you decide to build an altar and pray and have a ceremony using herbs or other natural remedies. At least your not having to pay some douche bag to have him twist the” holy word “ to Benefit Himself! Oh and by way if god is all powerful why hasn’t he abolished the devil? Hunger? Stupidity? or Best yet!!! The fact that king James translated the scrolls that contain the “bible” by candle light in the 1600s but we still can’t translate it completely now.? Now ask yourself who is really to gain by convincing the masses to act accordingly. pay tithes to the king and to god. Such a smart man king James lil research and he’s an evil promiscuous tyrant. Albeit a smart one. Chew on that lil bit before you accuse, and verbally persecute a person for their beliefs if their contrary to yours! “
Lispeth Liberti says
Don’t you have better things to do?
Iseeyou says
When you say huge fight, do you mean he beats you up ? Or you beat him up? Oh , sorry, I should’ve said spouse instead of he. And you will probably get asked to get a divorce again. Anyone stupid enough to believe that they don’t need God and can turn to a satanic mind reader will be seen for what they are . A future problem and a chain around a good mans neck.
Anonymous says
Iseeyou I thought god was all loving and accepting. I respect your beliefs but you being extremely mean and judgemental diesnt and using god as a cover. Your faith doesn’t give you a right to be mean. How you treat others matters.
Nonya says
I thought the comments only purpose was to be mean and judgemental. so you can feel like your point of view is the only right one and bash someone over the head with it.
Nursy says
That’s nice…
Anonymous says
Well I dont agree trump was the president that keep. Prices low an he was so dogged. The miller investigation hell Biden is more of a Russia guy then trump. An no miller there hell. What. They put trump threw ID be crazy to
Anonymous says
We Lefties don’t hate America; YOU do, because you only love America when America is good for your dirty pockets. We .certainly hate Christian Evangelists like you, for your racism, greed, bigotry, xenophobia, homophobia, and more and more.
Asshole says
You only have one place to go ya dam commie
Paul Lee says
That is totally, your opposite, Liar!!!
We need to get socialism out for goodness’ sake!!!we need to imprison socialists, joe biden, and Nancy pelosi she’s a total socialistic monster, along with freedom taking socialist joe biden!!!
Paul Lee says
Hey, first of all, you don’t hate, second of all, Please just read the King James Bible. It will tell you how to live and to become a Christian. It is based on Non-denominational, truth, That was inspired by the Word of God. He made us able to live here, and to spread the Gospel. And He made us, with the ability to do so. And that we grow, in Truth, and we have to first, Hear the Word, then Believe, and be Baptized, Totally, Immersed, into pure Water. Live Faithfully, serving God. I appreciate, your reading this review. Please be nice and not be mean to who was maybe spreading the word of God.
Christian Love and care will get you to Heaven, someday, if we continuously Live right. Faithfully, and according to the Word of God. That is, the actual, written, non denominational beliefs we have and strive, living by. It’s a Blessing, and not a miracle, now days. Thanks. Take care.
Luis says
When leftists don’t get their way they riot and destroy, if right wingers do it they are called terrorists instead of leftists freedom fighters. WTF?!
Charles W Cossel says
If I was him and found out you believed in this bullshit, I would continue with the divorce in a New York minute!
Fred says
The Holy Bible is our guide to rightiounesss,for it is the word pf GOD. If you slander THE WORD OF GOD you have succumbed to Satan and his ways.your spirit will not go are blinded by the darkness,but even you can learn to see the light if you yearn for the truth.
Democratic Socialists forever!
Anonymous says
Dear about to be divorced. All i
Have is a message for your. HusbHusbanHusbHusband
John says
Democrats prey on the fears of the impoverished and the weak, that’s how they get votes, yet these very people don’t realize that they care nothing about their problems, they only want Power. Liberals hate God and they hate America, they want to shut down anyone who dares to disagree with them, because they. can’t really debate against conservative values, they need the media to help disseminate all the lies that they spew, and the media has gladly obliged. Our universities are brainwashing our children to become Socialist slash Marxist weak puppets. It’s terrifying how dumb the majority of Americans truly are and how easily manipulated they are by the Democratic party. Pray for the country and hope that this Blue takeover wakes up the fools amongst us and passes soon.
Will says
Hey John..
If I were you, I wouldn’t have even commented to this post.
You are repeating FOX, OANN and Newsmax BS.
I am a liberal and I spend a lot of time with GOD. I absolutely love GOD and read the Bible daily, which is something I encourage you to do.
You are on the side of White Supremacy- but you do realize that Jesus wasn’t white?
You are on the side of the very very richest people in America paying very little tax or in some cases, no taxes- while many underprivileged people are homeless and hungry? Would Jesus just let them starve or would Jesus help them to shelter and food?
Who are you to judge liberals the way you just did? I want you to know, that I am against abortions except for dire life and death circumstances, but also believe that those circumstances do exist..
So if we are lucky enough to make it to judgement day, I believe the ultimate Judge is GOD, not some hateful, racist supporting guy named John.. PS . Have a great life, and a bit of advice, turn off the FOX, AONN AND NEWSMAX and pick up the Bible.. start with Ephesians 4: 25-32
Chris Hughes says
So, according to you Liberals and Democrats hate America and God? Let’s start with Wars, Did you know Republicans started every war since Vietnam. Did you know the Republican Presidents have hurt or destroyed the economy? Did you know that Republicans lied about the WMD to start a war in Iraq that killed thousands and destroyed many other veterans lives and civilians? Did you know that Gore lost the prrsidency in 2000 by 545 votes in Florida, after 3 people, now Supreme Court judges changed votes? Now let’s talk about God, The Liberals didn’t Attack the Capital after a crazy man told them too. The Liberals don’t follow a man who is a known liar, a accused pedophile and rapist, who hung around and partied with a Convicted Pedofile ( Epstein) who told people to attack the Capitol because he wanted to fix the election and ignore the voice of America, and worst of all said,” I am the Chosen One” as he looked to Heaven. The question I should ask you is ” How can you support a man who said” I don’t ask for Forgiveness because I don’t sin or sin very little “? Us Liberals don’t invade the Capitol because our leader tells us too, or we don’t follow a leader who blaspheme God, but you do. Hypocrite! And since you brought it up, how dumb are the Trump supporters who follow him even though he’s a known liar and has said ( his inner circle) that his Supporters are ” DISGUSTING “? It’s sad that you Trump supporters follow him even though he’s done everything possible to Destroy America! Wake up! One more thing, when Trump said,” I can shoot someone on 5th Ave and still get there votes”! Do you know that he’s saying his supporters are so stupid or in a cult, that he can do anything, and say anything and you will Still vote for him? Trump also said in a news article in early 90s, ” That if I ( Trump) would run for president I would run as a republican, because they follow fox, are stupid, and easy to manipulate “,
So who really is blinded by a evil man and doesn’t releize it?
Susan Smith says
You do realize that wanting to fundamentally change America means you don’t love it, right?! I mean, this should not be hard to understand. The country was created by the people, for the people NOT for the Washington elite to Lord it over us and turn us into a socialist (and probably communist) nation. Stop making it about Trump and think outside the box. What about the issues??? And stop saying Trump told them to attack the capital, he said no such thing. In fact, he said to be peaceful. Oh, you didn’t know? Must be watching too much CNN. They cut that part out. Biden has been in office for two weeks, and I made a list today of at least 10 LIES he, the media, Pelosi and AOC have already been caught in. BIG lies. So stop acting like Democrats are Saints: they are the most hateful, divisive people I have ever witnessed. Back to the issues: a Christian should NEVER vote for anyone who not only condones, but gleefully celebrates the right to kill 800,000 innocent babies a year. That I have to even explain that to you is appalling, and shows the selfishness of American Christians who only think of how things affect them. You will complain about children at the border or police brutality, but you never seem to acknowledge the acts of injustice that got those people were they are in the first place. That does not mean I think the children should suffer or cops should be able to do whatever they want, but God’s commandments matter. As for the poor children at the border, at least they still have a chance! Imagine the outrage if we took illegals, lined them up and shot them?! Would this be humane? But most people, including Christians, have more compassion for DOGS than for unborn babies. It’s sickening. And don’t even tell me Joe Biden is a man of personal moral character, because he isn’t. So dont’ bother going there, because Democrats are the biggest hypocrites of all complaining about Trump when you have elected immoral characters for years! Why are you concerned with Trump’s personal sin when you clearly don’t care that Democrats want to institutionalize and moralize sin, forcing it on everyone? God says there are two sexes and one race. God says he created one man for one woman. God says to obey the government and pray for your president. (I doubt many people do this.) Democrats want to take away our freedom of speech, religion and the right to bear arms (for the purposes of protection). They want to do this because that is how they establish a State government is by taking away all other opinions and voices. This does not sound like freedom to me, it sounds like tyranny. Joes Biden has spent his first two weeks writing more exective orders than any president in HISTORY, and taking away jobs from the American people, banning fracking (which he lied about), shutting down the gas and oil industry, which will cripple us with gas prices, refusing to finish the wall (yet putting one up around the capitol)…so WHO does he care about protecting??? Abusing our military, and trying to intimidate them. And let’s not forget calling for unity while bringing up white supremacy and racism every day. 75K to 80K people in this country who votes for Trump are being labeled nazis, domestic terrorists, white supremacists, bigots, racists, everything else under the sun…and have been for 4 YEARS. We have been threatened in the public square, thrown out of restaurants, violent riots have been encouraged and justified, and Trump supporters have been beaten in the streets. Yeah, I’m pretty sure Jesus approves of that. Then the ONE time a small fraction of idiots gets out of hand, and you all act like all hell has broken loose. I’m sorry, I don’t approve of everything either party does…and in fact, I’m actually an Independent…but I have no respect left for the leaders of the Democrat Party. I don’t know how anyone does.
Jack Waus says
Sweeping generalisations make you sound like a moron which is why Liberals tend to call Republicans idiots. You obviously haven’t been to a university in the US or you would know that the vast majority are wealthy and right wing leaning and certainly don’t hate America – they love it just as it is – they can stay rich and the poor can stay poor just the way the forefathers didn’t want it.
B'Rock says
Yes. But you clearly have no idea what a true Liberal is. Every bit of freedom we love is based on classical liberalsm.
Paul Lee says
Liberalism??!! Nope it’s according to only the lefties, democrats, and haters, of America!! Liberalism is All to do, with democrats, Ruining American lives, our freedoms, and horrible socialism!!! It will make America horrible as the communism, is upheld along with socialism!! It will be very very Scary, in our future, if we do not take a Right Stand, Supporting our Constitutional Freedom, Pro life and for President Trump!!! President Trump was A Great, terrific President, he knew, what to do, as A President, and he supported, our Freedoms, here, at Home Land, U. S. A.!!! God Bless, the USA!!!
Randy says
I agree with all that you said.
Horrible times are coming under this blue wave. But these people would stay in a burning building and think it’s a cook out if CNN told them.
You and l see what hell is coming. They dont. They actually think these politicians and the media and the establishment cares.
Randyisoverparty says
TomT says
Those who know they are wrong and want to destroy all that is good with lies will call themselves “anonymous”.
Paul Lee says
Yes sir, or ma’am Thank you, you’re right on, and we need to imprison joe biden, kamala harris, and Nancy pelosi!!!!! She’s taking away our freedom, and along with that socialist joe biden. “We the People” stand originally, for freedom with “Us”. But really we need to uphold our Constitution. And, Freedom, God, has Blessed us with!! Sorry, but I’m trying to help spread the public, with about Nancy polosi’s socialism, is not going to work!! It will be scary, if we keep joe biden in our, white house!!! He is, A Socialist!!! Let’s run socialism and communism, out and democrats, out, Locked up with out Perole!!! Under prison!! he will continue to mess us up and raise gas prices, and everything will be a war!!! Please, vote, next again supporting President Trump, he’s who, we need!!! U . S. A. !!!
Jerry says
Who are you people, this is just a weird thread of ridiculous hate and paranoia.
Half the people get their misinformation
from one set of sources
and the other half from another set. I am old
enough to remember
when democrats and
republicans didn’t go to
war against one another
And we got our news from Walter Kronkite or
Huntley Brinkley at 6:30
Our problem seems to
be too much unreliable information. Do your homework, take the time to verify from a variety of accountable
sources before you speak.
Ken Turner says
Idiot. All witchcraft is of the earth and the earth is Satan’s. If you believe in the sanction of marriage- you can not enact love spells. The sauducees and Pharisees told Jesus you cannot cast out devil’s with more devil’s. You’ve been fooled.
Paul Lee says
Mr., Are you, a weirdo-homosexual??!! Well, your review, is implying that you’re against Marriage, and you making you sound like that you’re a weirdo. By that review, you wrote, and by that, Guys who, “get together” isn’t marriage, even if they have a so called-wedding. I’ll tell you, please, do not go, against Marriage!! It’s Only, Between a Man and a Woman! Only always!! And you’ll be glad you did, and it can make you happy. So I have always liked my opposite gender, as only we should! I like sweet Girls. The Lord God, only intended it this way, to not be weirddos nor homosexuals. Forbidding to marry, or anything. We are made for each other like a man and woman, Only!! I’m just helping to spread The logical good things, in Life, thank you. Good day!
Anonymous says
Why do you hate gays?
Paul Lee says
Ken, I’m sorry but you’re wrong about that. Well the King James Bible says, Jesus was the son of God. He is and we live here and he also dwells inside us, if we’re Baptized Christians, and live right. So, people don’t have the authority, to cast out devil’s, or demons. Were not demonized, Today, anyway. Today, we are Blessed!! Today, we are not devil-possessed nor anything, like that. The Bible is the word of God. Jesus is Lord. Please read the Bible. It’s based on Non-Denominational, Beliefs, and knowledge. Truth, that was inspired by the word of God, our Savior. We now days have Blessings and not miracles. We are Blessed to have the King James Bible, from the correct sources to get the Bibles, from. And we do not have demons, or devil’s today. We have also to First, Hear The Word of God and Believe, and then desire to be Baptized, Totally, Immersed into pure water! It’s the way to become as Christians, as part of what I’ve written. We have to Live aRight and Faithfully, continuing to live as a Christian. We have the 5-steps of Salvation. Hear. Believe. Repent and confess, Jesus is God’s son. Baptized, then live Faithfully, according to the Promises, of God, and as a Christian. We live daily, in prayers and to Help spread the Gospel. We are a Church of Christ, Who, Rightfully believe, are living without fear, of going to hell, after Judgement day. Jesus, his Angels will come back someday! I am also trying to Help you. If you will read, the King James Bible. It’s the only way that we can get to Heaven, someday. I appreciate it. Thank you, sir. I enjoy helping people. It’s my job.
Anonymous says
Ken I thought you wanted to not show hate from either side. Witches and other pagans don’t believe in the concept of satan. I’m pretty sure the person you are insulting is just a spammer. Also pagans believe in accepting others and respecting the religious faith of others regardless if believe their faith or not. What happened to the golden rule.?
Hare says
Really?? People will make up anything to try and rip people off of money. Get a real job!
Paul Lee says
Hello, I don’t believe in hurting anyone’s side, end of the spouse’s either hitting, nor fighting, one another!! Be gentler.
Anonymous says
FCJ! Please create a subscription for the left and one for the right regarding this post. Charge Conservatives $10.00 to join and pay Liberals $525.00 to join. If that does not explain the present political cadaver formerly known as the House of Representatives and their mercenary socialist army, then kindly read aloud The Affluent Society (John Kenneth Galbraith) to your nearest 12 year old. It’s the Socialist Democratic Bible and has been since the 50’s. If your children know better, so should you?
Anonymous says
I agree.
Sanford says
Ilove Donald says
Trump before Country!!
Trump for Dictator for LIFE then DonJr , Ivanka , Barron…
But not Tiffany, she’s a traitor!
D T says
Idiot. So stupid. This country has the lowest IQ with white supremacists. Alas, no hope for you racist idiots
nota nemo says
this will all be settled after the civil war, i hate to even call it a war becuase these cowardly liberal’s wont fight, their aces at burning center cities with liberal mayors protecting them come into West Virginia and try that lol. . get this through your liberal heads this country has been fighting the commies for over 100 years becuase your not happy with America i could care less like you people have a habit of saying we have the bibles but we also have most of the legal guns. these kids in the rural areas start shooting rifles around ten they shoot they dont if i was in your shoes go back to your colleges and your coffee houses your playing with fire do what most of you did in all other wars continue hiding under your desk in your university or college remember once you open that can of worms it’will have very serious consequences. God blass Amerca ! EX NYER chased out of the city becuase NYC has become a liberal cess pool !
Joe D. says
Show me one single white supremacist in the USA. You people do not even know the definition. You really mean just white people. You hate all white people and you want to kill us all so just admit it. You probably spend your days hustling from this to that trying to scrounge a buck from someone and you can only blame your failure in life on white people because who else could it be. Perhaps you should emulate the white people you see and you might succeed too. I bet you do not even know a white person and have nothing but what others tell you to believe.
Trumppieceofshit says
You people on the right are just delusional talk about living in a fantasy world, all of you should just go jump off a bridge. You try to sound smart but you don’t even know what the hell you’re talking about, talk about bias
Anonymous says
No, I’ll toss u off
BL says
Ok Biden Jr call for unity while still wasting tax payers money trying to impeach trump who isnt even president. Start worrying about Bidens and Hunters so called business dealings in china earning thier family millions at the expense of our country….real American!!
MW says
What president we have a president how were I KNOW my GOOD AND wrongs i have no problem being the PRESIDENT FOR MY FAMILY GO CHANGE OLD MAN PAPA JOE DIAPER WILL U
AGirlUShouldKnow says
As a socialist I can see you have no idea what you are saying. If you follow Jesus’s teaching, you would be a socialist. Or does that whole give your clothes off your back to the poor not reflect who Jesus was? Render unto Ceaser, rich man harder getting through the eye of a needle than to heaven, turn the other cheek.
Yep, Jesus was a socialist, non-Christian, brown skinned Hebrew Rabbi.
Anonymous says
Jesus said, ” perfect and spotless religion in the sight of God is this, to look after widows and orphans in their time of need and to keep oneself from being corrupted by the world”
Anonymous says
Mark Keneson says
Jesus was not a socialist. He did not call for people to set up a government to coerce people to help the poor. Jesus called for people to be compassionate and give to the poor. There is an enormous difference between those two methods. Charity comes from the heart. People giving of their own volition. Government takes with the threat of punishment for non-compliance.
Anonymous says
Trump is the greatest American and president we could ever have, now pelosi is going to fulfill her lifelong dream of running the country, GOD SAVE US PLEASE!!!!
Anonymous says
I agree , if America (media, celebrities) would have giving Trump the time of day we would be in great shape in the next four years to the point where we would have welcomed immigrants with open arms to fill needed job openings. Wouldn’t be so much better coming to America as someone wanted rather than a incurable cancer
Anonymous says
Your silly your really just not realizing it’s a war against evil old people. They lived a good life then bring foreighnor here and these exact foreighnor destroy every family by showing up in your home
My silly, and my really???
Linda says
Good article . The way how you explain this strategies. Is very professional.
Charles W Cossel says
And you cannot even use the right words in the right sequence to explain your thoughts. Another example how stupid you fuck-ups that support the donald are. Out of curiosity, did you drop out of school in the 3rd grade?
Anonymous says
Charles I couldn’t ever imagine my children going to war for u. 15 months ago I would’ve died for anyone in this country , now 74 million
BL says
So much anger from the lefts
Anonymous says
No I didn’t drop out but I’m sure you did they test IQ in children your education doesn’t make you intelligent your ability to comprehend what you learn is your level of intelligence
doh says
the way how you type does not lol
J W Democrap Woolpull says
FCJ! Please create a subscription for the left and one for the right regarding this post. Charge Conservatives $10.00 to join and pay Liberals $525.00 to join. If that does not explain the present political cadaver formerly known as the House of Representatives and their mercenary socialist army, then kindly read aloud The Affluent Society (John Kenneth Galbraith) to your nearest 12 year old. It’s the Socialist Democratic Bible and has been since the 50’s. If your children know better, so should you?
Joe Biden Supporter says
Oh so you want to give me 525 dollars? Huh? Why thank you very much! I can put that in my savings.
Anonymous says
You’ll need it when Biden is done with us.
Dawn Rettew says
I agree,
They want to charge maximum amounts and they want everyone else to charge less… I am a registered independent and my entire family are dems, social dems, we have nothing common.
They want to get paid top dollar, and they don’t want anyone else to earn what they earn. They are bitter angry and jealous of people who are successful. I am 53 years old, they think I do not have a right to own more clothing than my mother.
THe most oppressive parents in the world.
Maclean Makon says
after talking alot of medication our doctor ask us,to start on Tree of life Health Clinic Parkinson’s Disease Herbal mixture, 1 month into treatment she improved dramatically. At the end of the full treatment course, the disease is totally under control. No case of dementia, hallucination, weakness, muscle pain or tremors. all thanks to Tree of Life Clinic, Visit Tree of life Health Clinic website www treeoflifehealthclinics com She is strong again and able to go about daily activities.
Anonymous says
I think the democratic party and all the democrats are the worst choice for our country
Anonymous says
Yes most
The Real Honest Truth says
Trump was one of the best presidents that we ever had, and he really did so much over the four years that no other president has ever done. It is these very dumb Democrats that are going to make America go down the toilet unfortunately.
Annonamous says
Totally right. I was a Democrat for 50 years and they took good care of this country but now they have turned their backs on the people and our president . This new leftist group of racist people hate anything and everything this country stands for. They tore down our history and will even destroy anything they don’t like.
Anonymous says
He was the only president that cared for us the people unfortunately every politician in Washington it’s only there to enhance their pockets
Mildred Pokerfce says
Yeah, we ALMOST got all them politicians, including that Pence who is a turncoat. Elections Are A Hoax.
We don’t want NO MORE Socailism Elections!
Anonymous says
So right.
Charles W Cossel says
It appears your “Real Honest Truth” resides up your ass and can only be accessed with a finger! You Stupid piece of shit!
Paul Lee says
doh says
lol.. then you awoke…
Trumppieceofshit says
People who think Trump was a good president have the intelligence of a rock, it’s not even a question not even debatable Trump is the worst president in American history
Fred says
You sound very intellegent,you can read,you can wright,hell you are so smart you are stupid.
Park says
Yup, he did so much for America. He gave a U.S. Air Base in Syria to communist Russia. He stopped the sale of U.S. soybeans to China, destroying the U.S. soybean market; then communist Russia jumped in and started supply China with Soybeans. He asked Russia to cyber-attack our computers, and he withheld Congressional Appropriated funding from Ukraine until they would find dirt on his opponent on Joe Biden. That is an impeachable act violating the powers of Congress. He withheld funding from the U.S. Postal Service, which is under the Powers of Congress to stop mail-in ballots from being delivered, striving to stop Americans from voting during a major pandemic. He took no responsibility for the virus when he KNEW it was deadly and a fast-spreading virus — now 400,000 Americans are dead. He gave a huge tax break to the rich, and pennies to the working class. He said he would replace Obamacare…where is his replacement? He took Congressional Appropratiated Funding from the military and turned it over to build his wall — which he told America Mexico would pay for it., He has turned over our public lands to private non-energy coal and oil corporations when Congress under the constitution is over the powers of our public lands. He took us out of the Iran nuclear deal, which again pleased Russia and they can start producing more missiles. He basically canceled the Clean Air and Water Acts and other acts that protect our earth, our environment, our wildlife, and forest. He said he would drain the swamp, but his administration is now filled with corporate leaders that have built the swamp larger. He has mocked people with disabilities, a Gold Star Muslim-American family who lost their son who was killed fighting for our country. He supports racism, White Supreciacity and stirs the pot of contention. He has hinted to these radicals to kill Democrats. He has attacked our Freedom of the Press because he does not want them to tell the world exactly the corruption he is doing. He has attacked our Freedom to assemble —- and ordered that tear gas and rubber bullets fired into a crowd of peaceful protesters — so he could march over to the St. John’s Church and hold up a bible. He decides who he wants to serve — when he is supposed to be serving ALL Americans — and not just Republicans. He punishes people and States who disagree with him. He states he knows it all more than anyone else. He is a wannabe Banana Republic fascist dictator. He castigated Obama for golfing and told the American people he would be working all the time, but has spend one-four of his one term golfing. He then has “executive time” where he sits back and TWEETS to communicate to the world. He blocked the American Press from entering the conversation he was having with top Russian leaders in our White House, and refused to show Congress or the people the minutes from the meetings, and also the private meetings he had with communist Putin. He had key members of his campaign in Moscow—-obvi9osuly to have them help him win the 2016 election. He told the American people he had nothing to do with communist Russia, but at that time was working on a deal to build a Trump Tower in Moscow, and his buddy communist Putin would have had an entire floor for a penthouse. The project failed. In fact, he is not the great deal maker he claims to be. He has had at least 7 business failures. He has now been impeached TWICE. He incited his followers to attack our Capitol — .tellling the to “fight” at least two dozen times. Others said to go fan base to go to the Capitol and “battle.” He said he would march up to the Capitol with them, but lied again and rushed home to watch his plot unfold on television. He took the word of communist Putin over our own U.S. Intelligence agencies that Russia WAS cyber attacking our computers. He cheated on all three of his marriages, and the last time he paid a porn star to hush up paying her $130,000. (Art of a deal maker…paying for sex then having to pay $130,000 more!!) He committed adultery with his current porn model wife when she was still nursing Baron. He has a list of more than twenty women who have stated tRump has raped or sexually attacked them. They have not had their justice in court. Yet, Trump was out using Bill Clinton’s cheating (that he was impeached for and has had other court cases for his sins) to attack Hillary Clinton. She was a “victim” and was lied to her by her husband. That is what cheaters do as Bill and Donald. One can go on and on, but Donald J. Trump was impeached, and there is NO evidence that the election was a fraud or cheating took place. All states (Republican and Democrat) certified their elections were accurate…and Trump lost more than 60 cases, and with the SC — all cases were thrown out of court. He had no valid evidence. He lost by more than 8,000,000 votes! He lost the EC. But, he did break records on his popular vote….but so did Joe Biden. The fact is — the American people (both Democrats and Republicans) wanted a change and tired of Trump’s self-centered, egotistical, and always himself before the country and the Amerian people. He, in fact, built his campaign on the fact he said American was NOT great! Now, he incited a seditious domestic terrorist attack on OUR democracy. How did that make America GREAT? But, so many believe the KookAid he distributes. Democrats put Country First, not a man. We put the Constitution first — not a man. We put facts first — and not the conspiracy theories of the Republican Party, that I was once a member of….but has been crumbling under the Trump Administration.
Katrina says
Please provide solid proof for each of your comments—you’re repeating the same old diatribe. I’d be open to anything you can prove based on unbiased, factual information, studies, research, etc…Think independently and educate yourself instead of being a lemming. Try being an individual versus conformist. It’s easy for people to be indoctrinated on propaganda, disinformation, censorship, and blatant prevarication.
TomT says
I’m not Dem or Rep. I just hope that while the lunatic Dems are in control they will legalize meth. This is the only way I can put up with all this political garbage. Please don’t reply to this if you don’t know more about this subject han I. Thankyou
Youcan'tstopmefromspreadinggoodstuff says
How could he be a white supremacist when he is orange?Also, your statement about democrats putting their country first instead of a man is completely false.Joe Biden has not done anything useful as president and only helps the democrats to gain money.Also,most of those were not trump supporters that attacked the capitol.The Proof?The Police actually acted freindly towards them and let them inside until they realized that some of the people in the crowd were actual, peace loving trump supporters and proceeded to attack them.
Me says
More like DUMB and ignorant REPUBLICANS This idiot who wrote the letter has no freaking clue what liberals want or aspire to. All u conservs r jealous petty ppl and thank goodness TRUMP IS GONE hes crazy just like u ppl
Toltekayoyl native son of these lands says
Oh I see your are sucking on his 2″ er as well You idiots fear that you will be living in poverty like the white south Africans. Hmm what car we ill I be inherenting chump?
Sadie says
Prezzie Trump, was NEVER a Politcian he was a Leader, who spoke the truth and was NOt afraid of the consequences. A breathe of fresh air but too much for the Snowflakes and Swamp to handle. Hopefully, all the Traitorous Senators, that voted to impeach will all lose their re,elections. Fingers crossed! Now we can look forward to 4 years of the pandering sycophant, Trojan Horse, doing his masters (OBAMA’S ) bidding. Sad and Soooo bad for America..
Katy says
Dude lied 29500 times during his presidency….learn the facts ignorant fool
Jim says
Agreed. Biden’s name should be changed to Lie-den. A senile old man who will croak in office and then we have to deal with his California vice president. Good luck with that!
Tom says
Harris president? That is so scary I would offer free suicide tips for those who would rather die than see a country they love be ripped to pieces by a crazed white people hating racist who has no idea why she hears little voices in her head.
Daniel Cypser says
How the Democratic party still exists is beyond me. I use to ask my dad this question in high school and I’ve yet to get an answer I could understand. Why vote for someone who lies cheats steal and kills and takes away your rights? /what have they done that’s positive in past 30yrs???? I’m not expecting an answer because I already know it. JACK💩
Jane doe says
I’m so excited for generational turnover 💃💃💃💃
Paul Lee says
Yes!! Thanks, the toilet water and dung, are what joe biden and kamala harris need for horrible food/and drink!! They are idiots like Nancy pelosi!!! Trying to give U. S. A socialist country!!! Thank you, great applause, bow down!!! Then Stand Up America, Usa!!! Republican and freedom, Blast out Socialism!!!!! Trump, Yes sir!!
Deb says
Trump was the best president this country has ever seen he delivered on every promise he made.
What happened in DC was not his fault but it lets those jackass dems know what the riots were like in Seattle, Chicago where people businesses were burned to thee ground nothing was made on that score.
I fear for Americans that voted for the jackass of Biden and Harris he is weak and too old he will be run over by everyone and she Harris is a nightmare. Everyone coming over the border get your guns ready and plenty of ammo we are going to need it you have to protect yourself and your family. I just need my government to stay out of my business my insurance I just need them to protect me thats it plain and simple. God has turned his back on America we legalize abortion which is murder you just have people that were not taught right from wrong do not believe in anything or any consequences, legalize gay marriages everything that is wrong is now right and what has been right is no wrong. God help America but he has I believe turned his back all the great natiions have fallen from within and America will to its just closer than you think
Mike says
You’re thoughts are perfectly sane your opinions are 100% equal to mine but the important part is that I am canadian And our liberal leaders are destroying canadian culture heritage. They even tore down our first prime MINISTER’S statues its insane to believe that their is this many crazy people in our countries. Both nations are already at war and loosing. We just don’t want to admit it. Keep safe 🙏
Jon says
Youor Canadian culture is based on carrying out genocide against the aboriginals. You used to be a colony of the UK, and now you are a colony of the United States. So much for Candian culture.
James says
Yes Deb, among all the other promises, ”not actually kept,” Mexico has not paid for any section of the border wall, and millions of Americans have instead of having been able to get ”beautiful’ healthcare insurance, have been stripped of HC coverage.
I will give trump a pass on his promise that he would be to busy to play golf during his presidency. Once you come to realize someone is full of shit, there is no point in being unreasonable and holding them to their word.
Back to the ballgame for me !
Jeff says
You are a idiot and can’t even think how good this country was before the racist democrats and their hateful groups started tearing down and destroying everything the country stands for. Burning our flags and hurting the people who put their lives on the line everyday to protect us . We are headed for a lawless country run by radical idiots . I say love this country or leave it.
Logan says
When it was said that Mexico will pay for the wall it was said to be implied that Mexico was going to pay the people who build the wall on the US side of the border.. Mexico pays for the wall indirectly as sense we have increased the security of the border Mexico and other nations have assisted in preventing migrants from traveling to the US to abuse the refugee process claiming there lives are threatened after passing through several perfectly safe countries showing they are ALL migrating for economic reasons and there is a line for that with over a million approved to come in legally every year. We do not have the ability to construct the needed infrastructure and fill it with qualified people to work in things like schools, fire, police, etc for more then a million people a year. Unchecked immigration is what leads to overcrowding in classrooms and high crime rates and large populations in conditions of relative poverty in the country. Why don’t you stop looking at the world and wishing it was fair and heaven on earth as you alone think it should be and should be forced on everyone, even if they don’t believe in anything you do. Try to think it through, how do you go from what we have now to what you would like and just what you need to do in every aspect of life to get there. Bulldoze all the homes and replace them with identical section 8 housing? Have the workers own the means of production but somehow still organize to achieve any actual objective? How do you enforce that? Would you just get everything actually being in the control of the government and whoever happens to be heading the institution that tells everything what to do? Government is not a God, it can never do what you think it can, and people are not going to just get along because you think they all should. You idealized forced human civilization will do nothing but enslave everyone to a few in power AFTER a war kills off most the human population that fight this delusional socialist attack on prosperous stable societies where you were allowed to live and let live but demanded all other conformed and obeyed your will.
Not Mincing says
eejit,….. Steve Bannon was PARDONED by Fat Donnie, after he STOLE millions from Gullible TrumpDummies to “Build a wall”.
Build a wall around trump, then take a crap over the wall to thank him for NOT Serving his country like a real man.
LIttle Phony Bone Spur Coward, needs to STFU.
Jason Sethre says
Not believing Donnie’s Lies, Not Mincing, Vlad Tepic, Chick a dee dee, Alfredo Fettucine, Patton Franklin, and George Fillmore Watson… all the same poster coming from IP Address At least if you are going to post on comments, use the same name instead of pretending to be a whole bunch of different posters.
Joe Biden Supporter says
Exactly right, James! Either way, I will not vote for a President who does not put the lives of his Supporters, let alone America first, by focusing on trying to keep people safe away from the Pandemic. Him hosting this rally is not as much about the riots as it is about him not enforcing guidelines at his Rallies during this time, and we wonder why cases are going up? By the way, I do not condone the mass gathering at this time of the BLM movement, only because of the same reason of the Pandemic, as well as the violence.
Anonymous says
Your health your responsibility not mine
Anonymous says
Open your other eye
Jan Perillo says
And the parents of 658 children taken and separated from them at the Border are STILL unaccounted for!
doh says
YES YES!! Finally a sign of Normalcy in this Trump Turned Banana Republic
Ricky says
America is done, stick a fork in it. Just like the money left several cities and states, it will soon leave this country. Once that happens their will be no one left except those that can not afford to leave . That’s what Trump calls a shit hole . That’s America
Not believing Donnie's Lies says
Stick a fork in Fat Donnie, you can’t miss, grossly obese slob and pedophile!
Jason Sethre says
Not believing Donnie’s Lies, Not Mincing, Vlad Tepic, Chick a dee dee, Alfredo Fettucine, Patton Franklin, and George Fillmore Watson… all the same poster coming from IP Address At least if you are going to post on comments, use the same name instead of pretending to be a whole bunch of different posters.
tr says
Mexico Beefs Up Immigration Enforcement could be seen as paying for their part of the wall.. No has been stripped of health care. health care costs have went down and the economy has went up. That will soon end
Ams says
You are so out of touch with reality. It’s like you people have been programmed to believe what you can’t see. Keep thinking that all the way to the poor house<
Anonymous says
Hell is not for humans, or any other life says
I think this is the ONE and only intelligent statement I have seen or heard regarding these matters.. I only add this, Who hasn’t set out to prove their words are not worth my time?
Both sides of the coin are still the same coin anyway. I’m not dem, republic social, etc. I trust myself and have made a point as long as I can remember to be as honest with myself as possible and let my heart be the strength to keep love real. Which is not always so easy. But yet it is so simple when one can realize their own mistakes. No, not everyone is created equal, that is just ridiculous. Yet everyone IS of equal importance in this miracle called life. One cannot be without the other. If we didn’t have opposing view points the world would be flat. Not at all like that square globe I have on my shelf. But to get the full view we must communicate what it is we see. Like we are all standing around a huge tree. (imagine ) and the only thing we see of the tree is the part the is directly in front of us. this tree is so big that you can’t see around it. The goal is to have an accurate description of the tree. Yeah, id probably climb it too, but hey. Here’s another one. Guy named north, guy named south, tree in the middle, guy n. faces north guy s. faces south. Tree falls to the side in between them. North says it fell left, south says it fell right. Now they have something to entertain themselves (guy north and guy south) with while I go fishing CUZ your left right arguments bore the crap out of me. Until it gets out of hand, and you all start ending life over it. Wake up! You never had the power you think you had, fact check everything, really, even your coffee table., I mean the babble you’ve told yourself, I mean, if you’re so right then trying to disprove yourself shouldn’t be an issue if you’re standing on solid ground, and will actually make your argument stronger and with conviction. Oh yeah, that’s to myself to. Way before it was put into this comment. Heres a true story, I live in New Mexico, I don’t want the cartel over here, AT THEFUCK ALL. The movies make them look like bunny rabbits. And I am so pissed at the way the children were separated from their parents.,The way deportees were handled OMG, to my core. Yes, the majority of the immigrants were with their real families, and are not the cartel. so tell me, which side am I on? Because these are the truths of the wall I witness first hand. Wall hahahahahaha. okay, really? a wall? omg. Thats just to funny! Hey I bet…. NVM, ill keep that one to myself. my bad, got carried away.
me says
The you is EVERYBODY….. everybody
Anonymous says
Yes President Trump is a great president. So sad how people can be so hateful. Shame on all you hater’s.
Reach out and touch somebody hand and let’s make this world 🌍 a better place if we can. Does anyone one remember those words.
Mark says
A great president??? You must REALLY love living in the worst economy since the Great Depression!
AlinaMe says
The whole world is in economic recession, in case you haven’t realized it. That wasn’t Trump’s fault, but the global pandemic. Pre-Covid, the economy was booming. It is sad so many people lost their jobs and the lockdowns made it worse for the economy, but I support them to a degree.
Paul Lee says
Nope, President Trump was a Great President!! Don’t you all be making fun of Our Favorite President, So, do you, understand that democrats?!
You’re doing that all wrong for the future society, We originally Respect President Trump!! Thanks!
Vlad Tepic says
‘President” Fat Donnie, NEVER ONCE did anything for anyone that wasn’t named Trump. He’s a vicious, ignorant pedophile and likes to grab pussies, like Paul Lee.
Anonymous says
You’re as stupid as that dumb as trump. America as spoken! Live with it! And by the way God as nothing to do with the fix we’re in. It’s all on us.
Anonymous says
God would not want the terrible riots that were only in the democratic cities or would he want people to destroy peoples live like all the business people who just opened up due to covid. I think the racism is now from the hateful other side.
C mead says
Why does everybody now when they write a comment have to use foul language?sometimes they start off sounding intelligent and by the time they’re done with their foul language and hating everyone who does not agree with them people, They come off as street thugs with no intellect and no insight. And those people are dangerous to the country. Wonder how many of these people have actually served in the military I’ll bet most of them have not. But they are the first ones with any trouble arises any place in the world want the military on the job. Less than 1% of you brave Americans ever done a military uniform. Shame on you and I’m talking about women as well.
Anonymous says
mexico ruined the u.s
Anonymous says
Amen brother or sister. I’ve been trapped in rural nowhere southern Oklahoma for Twenty long years Now. The Right Wing CONservatives Are the most Hateful vindictive people that I’ve Ever had the misfortune of being surrounded by.The Right Wing thugs are Purely Evil.
Ty says
God still loves morons
Anonymous says
this must be more of that left tolerance?
Crystal says
Bifch i wasnt heard and i did not speak Biden give it time then u go ahead and call people dumb. U are a disgrace and exactly what the left is about cause u aint right
Anonymous says
Did you live with it the last 4 years?
Delaney says
Me says
Here here! These dumb republicans have no damn clue how we think and they believe BS all the time Just so sad we have so many idiots here
Anonymous says
Democrats and liberals calling every conservative Republican a xenophobic, racist, homophobic, white supremacist; I’ve heard it over and over…. I’ve never been called so many names in my life.
Democrats/liberals are the ones burning churches, fighting in the streets, watching small businesses die for political gain.
Where is the humanity in that?
The media supports all of it, as long as it hates on President Trump or a conservative belief.
Conservatives care about having a free country for our children’s children. One where ANYbody can own a successful business… and say what they want, not be condemned, like conservatives have been, more and more.
It’s truly sad. How can democrats claim equality with such a huge double standard. What you mean is: equality- (DISCLAIMER: only for people who think like we do).
I have seen hatred growing on a group of people, and it’s not a color… it’s people of certain beliefs.
Anonymous says
I wonder if Trump will be found guilty of inciting the capital ERECTION!
Paul Lee says
Yeah, the stupid democrats! Are Ruining, America, why??!! Yes God does have, to do with us, He is Real. God made us in his image!!
Anonymous says
Sure he was! That’s why he was re-elected! LOL!
Daniel Stovell says
No. The entire world sees Trump as he really is.. The worst President in history. Racist, misogynist, Economically incompetent. A bully. Totally self-centred. Completely lacking in any sense of morality. Zero compassion. Divisive… need I go on?
But you’ll hear only what you want to hear..
The man is guilty of inciting insurrection and treason.
Shot or hanged was the penalty for that not so very long ago.
Stop the steal says
Trump was the best president ever!!! Biden is the racist – even referred to as black children as roaches. Economic incompetency??? Trump???? With record low unemployment!! Self centered & a bully – have you seen the BS the Dems have put him through for the last 4 hrs?? Biden is a mental case & Camel slept her way to the top (with a married senator).
Paul Lee says
Biden, Along with kamala, the socialist, and Nancy pelosi, are all our enemies, as Americans!! We, need Freedom! Freedom to stand as A Great Free Country. They will not make me, have socialism, nor communism!!! We, deserve, Much Better Respect, and freedom of as a Republican, Home land. Those Socialists, are the ones taking our Lives, Away!! They need the Pin!! Lock the Keys up, Weld them shut, then, ship them to North Korea!!! To teach the democrat socialists, how they feel!!!!!
Anonymous says
Trump has had 5 bankruptcys. Just keep that in mind. Cheers!
Jennifer says
No, not the world. Just you who listen to what big media tells you. They leave out all the good he has done. Some people can’t do their own research. Trump may be crass but he made a lot of corrupt politicians nervous!
Shelley says
How about some specific examples? Sounds like your just repeating what main stream media is constantly saying. Back it up
Lori says
Whoah someone has had waaay to much of the koolaid.
Connie Teague says
Lowest unemployment in our history. Wages rising faster for working people not executives. Tax savings for working people. Arab countries actually working with Israel. Nickie Halley at the UN. Nato countries beginning to pay for their own defense. No new war!, Our troops are out of the middle east. Bet Biden has troops committed in the first 2 years. North Korea thinking about working with the rest of the world. Business and manufacturing jobs coming home from Foreign lands. The fastest growth in economy ever. More jobs for non European citizens, more jobs for women. And how you can ignore all the above is unbelievable, and seems intentional and politically motivated. Or simply intolerant, uninformed.
S. Shelby says
I saw very first hand how President Trump delivered his promises and made a difference to me, my friends and family. First President in my 62 years that ever improved my life. I voted for Obama. Then I watched my neighbors loose their homes in the 2008 era depression because he protected the banks and not the people. I work in RE finance for a “Big Bank”. What should have been done wasn’t. Trump saved homes for the people, not the banks in this pandemic. This is not an opinion, it’s a fact. By forcing banks to suspend mortgage pmts instead of bailing out the banks, no one I worked with lost their family home. Trump is a savior to the average American. Saddened he did not get to continue his Presidency as the future of our Country is in weak hands today.
Kevin says
So let get this straight, you are putting Obama on the hook for the ’08 financial crisis that was in full swing since 2000? Thats real smart lol
Joanie says
You are sick for saying shot or hanged it reminds me of when they killed Jesus and Jesus was not the guilty party. Trump did not deserve to have his words twisted by deceptive people when anyone who has a brain knew he meant no harm to anyone. He did not cause hate. The seven deadly sins caused hate. There was pride, wrath, envy, greed, lust, gluttony, slothful And democrats displayed those in high volumes compared to trump from what I saw. I saw that trump cared about America I didn’t see that the democrats cared about anything other then getting trump. The democrats wasted four years attacking our president then they’ blame him for hate. They reminded me of spoiled children who were not going to let anybody else get attention and made everyone else suffer so they can have their way. Super sick my opinion based on 4 years of watching him be attacked over stupid word manipulation taking what he said out of context
Dan Sterling says
You’re about as dumb a human as I can ever imagine meeting. Opinions are like but holes, everyone has one and they all stink, yours is no different. Opinions aside, Trump did things that were in the best interest of AMERICANS, the dimwitocrats want to do things that are in the best interest of ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS AND FOREIGN TERRORIST POWERS. Bitehead is talking about taking down the border wall to allow a massive increase in the flow of drugs and crime into the US. THAT’S WHAT THE F THE DIMOCRATS WANT, they want to see natural born Americans killed off to make room for their dirtbag drug cartels that are paying them off.
Mike says
God bless president Trump. The commie biden and the Whore will never be our president antiAmetican trash If we don’t spend our money and don’t support companies who don’t support our descent law abiding politicians if they loose enough money might wake up to see what WE the People stand for. FREEDOM. god please bless America we need your help
Anonymous says
Will said
Joseph Citizenza says
When companies make decisions which appear to favor or appease the left its not done w/o thought or consideration. They look at the different outcomes that are realistically possible, weigh their options, and choose the one with the most favorable cost/benefit ratio.
The fact is the most valuable customers & clients support the decisions that they’ve made. So if you dont then that ought to tell you how important your business is. (Not very it seems.)
This is likely due to two factors…
1. There are FAR more ppl in the US, and around the world, who do not agree w/ your views or see/feel the same way you do. Yours is a minority opinion.
2. Generally ppl on the left earn more, and have more disposable income than ppl on the right. And that is due to more ppl on the left obtaining advanced degrees that make them qualified for positions that pay a lot more. (Thats why federal tax revenue collected by blue states has to be used to subsidize red states, because red state’s govs wouldn’t be sustainable otherwise.)
Anonymous says
Whore !!!! So you only bless who you think is worthy of God!? You’re a hypocrite ! I don’t agree with you but I hope God blesses you! I don’t know you but I still want you to be happy and healthy!! Not everyone is left or right. I care about people and trying my best to understand where any person is coming from. To point fingers and bash people doesn’t get anything accomplished. Hating doesn’t get anything accomplished !! We all suffer !
Jan Perillo says
Yeah . . . Just your words alone tell your story — and tell the real story of why this wonderful country is in the shape it is. Just your first sentence alone tells me what a piece-o-**** you and your “we the people” sorry souls are.
Trumppieceofshit says
Yeah just like a Trump supporter to not know anything just make up whatever you feel like making up without knowing any facts, just say whatever you feel like the truth should be and that’s that completely forgetting the FACT that Trump added to the debt another $7 trillion dollars FACT, but you talk about democratics spending money right you don’t even know what you’re talking about
Mike Bennett says
I don’t recognize my country anymore as left wing groups and corporations decide who can speak freely and who can’t. We can never be United as a country if half the people can’t express their views without being bullied, harassed and pulled off platforms.
Joe Biden Supporter says
When freedom of speech and gathering has the potential to harm others, it is no longer freedom of speech. As long as your freedom does not heavily impact the freedom of others to practice their freedoms, then you are fine, but with the Social Media Platform doing what it did, I heavily support that. Why do I support that? Who knows what that freedom of speech could have led to in further possible riots and Super Spreader Events. People working at the capitol (Police, secretaries, and yes even politicians, etc) were in danger of possible harm, so when one’s words can lead to what we saw, that is when the government has to step in. If you came to my house to protest, do you think I am not going to call the police to have you escorted or arrested, especially if I fear for my life? I will do that if I have to, because it impacts my freedom to live in my house peacefully and happily. It’s almost the same concept here, only in that scenario, you are impacting my freedom by deciding to do that.
TomT says
Liar, if I disagreed with you, you would have me shot or hung. Democrats turned me into a hater, just like blacks made me racist by their actions. Hate Rules!! Without my hate you would not have your love. BUAHAHAHAHA
Jerry says
Wonder if you feel different now that the capital was over run by white people, only white people. If you are in a group protesting and everyone around you looks like you, might be a bad sign. I’m sure we all know a person who doesn’t know shit is lazy as hell and gets away with it cause they point fingers at others Keeping people distracted. That’s trump.
Trump told and showed America that he cares more about himself than anyone including you. How many acts of violence can be contributed to trump. Trump stole tax payer money, trump indirectly lead to hundreds of thousands of Americans Dying from COVID, trump allowed Russia to target our troops hack our government and meddle in our elections and not only did he not do shit, trump and republican worked behind the scenes to lift sanctions on Russia. Raised taxes on the middle class, openly racist comments, gave his children security clearances even thought the fbi said he shouldn’t, what have they done with that clearance ? Maybe you know. 15 acts of mass murder in our country were contributed to his speeches. Pressured other countries to help personally in business and politics. Use a foreign dignitaries to make up fake info on Americans to help his election. I’m from NY yeah trumps home town that he didn’t get 10% of the vote his hometown. There is a reason for that. I know trump is garbage , But what is your excuse?
Anonymous says
You are a moron.
Anonymous says
So here we are 3 days after this post…and ‘Obamagate’ has been released…open your eyes…The President was set up, by the Dems. Now maybe you can point the finger at the offending party and leave us Trump supporters alone.
Rhonda says
And when the USA ends up looking like Venezuela, you’ll be the first asking”what went wrong”? Democrats are all in for themselves as a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Maybe when you grow up and have a little bit sense, the world will be a bit more clear to you.
Anonymous says
You sir are an idiot. Just like Obama is an idiot. Trump lowered taxes and reduced needless regulation. When welfare queen Kamala shuts off your power keep your ignorant mouth shut. If you like socialism so much move your lazy a$$ to Venezuela and write me a big check so I can sit home. Liberals are idiots!
MW says
Anonymous says
Someone somewhere on this site talk like an intelligent person instead of a gang member?j
Paul Lee says
Yes, Me, right?!, I’m know how to spell, write and read, very well. Democrats, don’t, because, they don’t teach anything, but bad lies and spread socialism, Please read: Republicans, are for Freedom, along with smart answers, on how, to Run America! The way it was written in the good, old American History books, as the way we were, originally Founded, soon, as a Great American nation!! Schools, sorry to say, are run by liberals, as lies to socialism, and communism! It’s scary, sad and horrible! Go Read, Learn, read the American History Books,and Please support Trump, as President! Be Republican Pro American, your freedom, will thank you. You’ll be happier! I’m against those democratic type gang members, who murder, steal and stuff. Good Day.
Ty says
Check your facts
Ty says
Jerry needs to start reading more & check his facts. Your excuse is sad & reaching with the evil democraps pulling the wool over your eyes. God bless you & wish you live forever in this HELL you have created.
Robert Dyer says
R. Dyer
Jerry, you’re full of it. Trump’s the best President we’ve had. He built America, substantiated it at the borders, established a strong economy, and sent the terrorist, that Obama allowed to multiply, to their rest.
We became a strong country, but the Democrats came in with this so-called virus, multiplied the anxiety that closed down the country, and it brought on the clowns, like you, to blame trump for the past year of economical decline.
What’s your excuse? Are you just blind or dumb?
Paul Lee says
Thanks for your Supporting Mr, President Trump!! I appreciate that you said that! Neat. And he has really been a Great President, Trump was even better than Reagan, I’ve heard, mentioned! President Trump,was my all time favorite one, ever!!!! Those lying socialists, need to be held accountable, for Rigging the 2920, Election. Trump originally won but those idiot Socialist democrats Cheated!!! Sir, Thank you, for supporting President Trump. He will always, be my favoritest, Bestest, President, in History!!! I Appreciate that. Always will.
We need Trump!!
Paul Lee says
So sorry, I meant “2020”, not 2920! I apologize for that. Thanks!
Crystal says
i wasnt heard and i did not speak Biden give it time then u go ahead and call people dumb. U are a disgrace and exactly what the left is about cause u aint right
Anonymous says
My governor big grech lead 3000 people to their deaths ,inmich ,sameness as nyc
Anti social-ist says
You misspelled Biden, everything you just made up is cnn bs. do you have any direct proof, or is it all what you’ve seen on CNN? proof of stolen taxpayer money? the clearance for his kids, the ones that actually worked for the government during his term…Russia hoax??? you sound dumber than the Clintons do. ZERO racist comments, actually denounced racism over 100 times ON CAMERA. prove one act of mass murder, I’ll wait. HAHA! pressured other countries…Biden, you remember the whole bribery for hunter thing right?!?! No one cares that you live in NY, that’s a communist state and everyone there deserves what they vote for. President Trump did more for the American people that the last 5 democratic presidents, unless apologizing to Japan for WW2 is your idea of “for the people”. Careful Jerry, your ignorance is showing. Better tighten up that antifa mask, put on your “I don’t know what gender I am” t-shirt and finish masturbating to a picture of Pelosi. Tool
Joanie says
The va hospital improvements were way better once trump was in office I can send pictures and stories of how much the vets got better health care with trump in office than ever before at least in Texas anyway and our vets deserved better
Sandy says
Fully agree. The best way to reflect our LACK of support for this charade is to IGNORE Biden and his so-called inauguration! Avoid all lame stream stories.
Anonymous says
Will said
Anonymous says
Let’s pray for our country
Annoying says
When or better yet, deployments, what will they be fighting for? What they thought was democracy, now look like socialism or some other form of government. With Biben/Harris- elect, I don’t know! It’s scary…. Communism. In 1969, I was that Teenager, in college. studying.,.. thought I would all ways be FREE. IS THIS A BIDEN/HARRIS T. R. I. C. K?
Joan says
The Democratic platform speaks for itself and those who voted for it are the ones that have caused God hand to be taken from it AND many of them call themselves Christians and are running our churches.
But, then, according to the parable of the seed, only one in four, who hear the word truly become rooted and grounded in the word.
I just pray, that God will continue to glorify His name through His remnant.
Xxxx says
Amen !!!!!
Joseph Citizenzaa says
Remind us, what was the Republican’s platform this election..??
Oh that’s right, they didnt even bother to throw one together – because worshipping Trump & being loyal to him at all cost, no matter what he says or does, are now the only defining principles of Republicanism.
Nothing proud about that at all.
Anonymous says
This is truly hard to understand I know deep down in my soul that Trump was in office because God put him there for his reasons,I think he was the best President most honest He really loved Americans!! I knew this election was thee most important in history. My mom kept telling me I am scared they are going to be deceitful and take it away, And then America America will no longer be the same. My mom is 78 and very confused about things. She was a good mom she taught me about Jesus the gift of salvation. I went to church i know everything thatis happening right now and why. So more than anything I am grateful for is my knowledge and wisdom because my family raised us to love Jesus, So i told my mom well if Trump makes President for 4 more yrs,I looked at it as God was giving us some more time to come back to him, And if Biden wins we know whats coming .I am sorry but this is a warning to us all, When you vote i vote for my beliefs and values and who God would want in office, Well there is nothing on the left side that is Godly and its pure evil in this world, Pray for our Country our families friends the world! Pray for Israel!! So thankful for my Minister and my church i grew up in. Of course i raised my children teaching them of Jesus and now they are teaching my grandchildren!! We are gonna see some bad things, But God is King of kings.!
Judy says
No our god is a good god god gives us the choice to make our own desecions what there doing to our wonderful president is horriable. God forgive them they better start praying. Please don’t ever give up on. God
Anonymous says
Let’s pray for our country
Anonymous says
B S. Short and direct
Peter D Sturtevant says
All I can say to Deb is, Damn Right!! America First!!
Stormy Daniels says
You’re dumb!
Kelli says
I couldn’t agree with you more!!!
I concur. Amen.
Shirley says
AMEN Deb!!!
Renee says
I think you hit it right on the head the Democrats are so hateful and so evil they have no room for anything and they don’t believe anybody can be good especially Trump they’ve hated him from before he even took office they’ve given him four years of absolute hell and they’ve dish it out pretty damn good at guess because you’re still dishing it out and trying to impeach him again and they’ve got their heads up their asses and not knowing what they’re doing
Anonymous says
Trump has been known for decades before he became president !! He was defrauding banks … what’s the use!
I Love how some of you use God for your own agenda ! I personally cannot stand the left or the right! You are all ruining our country ! GOD HELP US ALL!!
Renee says
I think you hit it right on the head the Democrats are so hateful and so evil they have no room for anything and they don’t believe anybody can be good especially Trump they’ve hated him from before he even took office they’ve given him four years of absolute hell and they’ve dish it out pretty damn good at guess because you’re still dishing it out and trying to impeach him again and they’ve got their heads up their asses and not knowing what they’re doing and I didn’t comment before so don’t tell me I did you must be a Democrat
Joe Biden Supporter says
Oh, I am not hateful, but when I see the possiblity of having to fully return to school with full classloads, before getting the vaccine, which is a possibility where I live, and I see the President still holding rallies when the other candidate is not holding as many packed rallies as him, you better believe that I will vote for Joe Biden. I have a family whose medical conditions can be heavily affected by this virus, and I cannot afford to play Russian Roulette with my family’s lives hoping that I do not catch Covid. So, yes, I am a proud Joe Biden Supporter and I will say it out loud as many times as I need to, With the push for back to school immediately being nearly forced by Trump’s administration and our state itself (Texas), I will not hesitate to say that I do not support the GOP at this time.
Anonymous says
It’s like a bee trying to explain why honey is better than feces to a fly. It will never register with the fly, regardless of logic. Liberal Democrats are painfully naive.
George Myers says
Republican voters are painfully vacuous, and brainwashed by Rupert Murdoch and Rush Limbaugh. Unable to think and formulate their own opinions on any subject. Thinking is just too time consuming and exhausting (that’s why you didn’t like school, remember?). It’s much easier to just turn on Faux News. Rupert has a patent on fake news. He’ll save you the time and effort. Who hides behind anonymous? Who hides behind fake Christianity?
Joseph Citizenza says
Oh, if you only knew how ironicly naive that analogy is!
Files are opportunistic, they’ll eat whatever sources of food they find available. They dont prefer feces, its jst a readily available food source. Flies can’t chew so THAT is why they go for decaying matter which can easily be broken down by their saliva into small liquid bits they can ingest. They dont have the ability to taste because they dont have taste buds – but they can smell, because smell helps them detect the kind of rotting matter they rely on. Uktimately whatever food source is readily available works for them because they eat food to survive, not for taste. (They lack both the cognitive capability & senses required to enjoy a dining experience the way ppl can.)
So there is no point in a fly risking its life by entering a bee hive to get some honey to eat when there are countless food sources all over that pose no risk to them at all. But they’ll chow down on some honey if its just left in a cup unattended.
Oh, and they also drink nectar frm flowers too.
Thats more or less the extent of my knowledge on that subject though.. Being the naive Democrat that I am.
But hey, at least I dont come up with ignorant asinine analogies, errantly believing I’m saying something clever.
Anonymous says
well said
Marty Rutherford says
Amen..couldnt have said it better.
May God have mercy on us.
Anonymous says
Your a moron!
Collette Desmarais says
> Anonymous: It seems you have forgotten the lessons we all learned back in Kindergarten – you know; learn to share, be nice to others, and don’t call people names! It should interest you to know that when you call someone names, it only makes you look bad. It also indicates you have no meaningful discourse to indulge in. Do you really want to put yourself out there like that for all the world to see?
Crystal says
Scared to post ur name when talking shit grow up no name calling .
Jessica Pemby says
Can you please share when Trump provided the country with the “better” healthcare program to replace Obamacare? He clearly promised that. He also said that the wall was going to be paid by Mexico. Didn’t any cost that went to a wall in any way. We paid for all the concentration camps and the little bit of wall. The prescription drugs and homeless he promised that he actually had made deals (which we never heard about again and never seem to have gone into effect) We are not in a better situation than 4 years ago. He did not remove special interests from government.
So that statement that he delivered on every promise is false. BTW I’m a Conservative Christian and have realized that most of the people I had trust in, actually believe the claims they stood for. Why don’t you get a list of every promise he made and then have a link in the next column of when he achieved it. If he wasn’t able to get to it or even if democrats or the house prevented it. Then that goes to “did not complete the promise. WHAT DID YOU COME BACK WITH?
LM Larsen says
Molefarm says
Agreed. Promises just ‘made’ but never kept. I don’t understand why Christian evangelicals supported Trump when he’s the absolute picture of immorality. Very hypocritical – why is that?
Joanie says
The va hospital improvements were way better once trump was in office I can send pictures and stories of how much the vets got better health care with trump in office than ever before at least in Texas anyway and our vets deserved better
Kerry says
You sounds totally ignorant to facts and truth’s. Tell me what had Trump succeed at what promise kept. Do we have something better than ACA no. Did we complete the census as required by the constitution no we have something less we have TRUMP Census falsehoods untruths. Deb, did we get a job bill you know the one John Bohner Mcconnell promised 2010 11 12 13 14 15 No and we didn’t get it in 2016 17 18 19 2020 . Trump gave us nothing.
Anonymous says
Unfortunately I’ll pray for you you didn’t see what the economy did in the last four years cut taxes you’re an idiot
Anonymous says
Amen. Absolutely correct!
Anonymous says
go to the goverment web site that list ALL of his accomplishments you ignoramus
Paul Lee says
Ah, Socialism will not work-never will, never has!!!!! It’s scary, horrible, and we need President Trump, not stupid, joe biden!!!
Kevin says
Socialism sure as hell worked for his little wall project he wasn’t able to get mexico to pay for. But thats none of my business. Imbecile.
jaimero says
Why “We the people” cant’ de-throne N. Pelosi, Schiff, & the long ‘like’ tails whom clearly have been found culpable of American Treason?
Joseph Citizenza says
House representatives are elected by the voters in their districts. Every American citizen can cast a vote for who their district representative will be, but no one has any say over who other districts choose to elect.
This is basic American government 411 that is taught in elementary school. But the fact that you’d even ask that question indicates you dont even know that much about American gov/politics – so perhaps you should invest time in learning a lot more about it 1st, before weighing in on things you dont know about or understand..??
Alyssa says
Literally more than 1 in 10 Americans who were alive at beginning of plague are officially dead…
Only a functional brain could help you comprehend why supporting a psychopathic dictator who is directly Responsible for the deaths of a large portion of the citizens of the country it was supposed to run is a mistake…
Drinking the kool aide is special but snorting it in the quantities you obviously are will hopefully be fatal
Anonymous says
I dont think you have a good understanding of simple math.
Robert Dyer says
R. Dyer
Jerry, you’re full of it. Trump’s the best President we’ve had. He built America, substantiated it at the borders, established a strong economy, and sent the terrorist, that Obama allowed to multiply, to their rest.
We became a strong country, but the Democrats came in with this so-called virus, multiplied the anxiety that closed down the country, and it brought on the clowns, like you, to blame trump for the past year of economical decline.
What’s your excuse? Are you just blind or dumb?
Nancy says
Actually if you assume 320 million people in US of A and 400,000 died of Covid, that is one out of every 820 people Not 1 in 10.
Amda says
You people who like Biden are either brain dead or perverts like the left
Nadeem Wardak says
So many, if I could say to millions, long live Donald j trump. My support to u and the rest of republic family
Anonymous says
Amda, you nailed it.
knstanley says
Have faith god is with America and the world is also with america god will help All people to work on these human rights voting is a sacred right in its self and must be free and fair but we must have faith that each person will learn.wisdom as the holy spirit will witness seek faith and righteousness god never forsakes people nations see how much better we each can be
Anonymous says
Amen and amen and God have mercy on us
Anonymous says
Your right on. We nead to sever the head of the snake
Anonymous says
Well said, I agree.
CC says
Sandy says
We are facing evil and must face it with facts and help the public see real news. Not the lying reports that delete all of the positive information and appeal to emotion through manipulation of facts. The public is uniformed and needs to sources to learn from. Learning more history would also increase their understanding.
Sandy says
We are facing evil and must face it with facts and help the public see real news. Not the lying reports that delete all of the positive information and appeal to emotion through manipulation of facts. The public is uniformed and needs to sources to learn from. Learning more history would also increase their understanding.
Anonymous says
Guess you love dictators. Russia & North Korea are accepting Americans for citizens. Only if you are wealthy!!!
Anonymous says
What’s wrong with abortion? We have way more people than we can feed. I know a lady on welfare who has 14 kids. She can barely feed them and they never get enough attention. Wouldn’t it be better if she only had 2 kids? How do you know God doesn’t love gay people? He created them, he must love them. I don’t want to upset you but maybe if you pray about your beliefs, you won’t feel so hopeless. I have to pray a lot, bc many things upset me about America. All the best to you. I think President Trump is blamed for stuff that is not his fault. Anyway, right now life is messy. Hope it gets better ❤
Amda says
You people who like Biden are either brain dead or perverts like the left. God loves all sinners gays whore munger’s killers but anyone can get forgiveness. God didn’t make people gay or transgender that’s your screwed up perverted society
Barbara says
I agree, and I know many agree!!!!!
It’s Exhausting.
Ed K says
I could not have said it better.
America has told God to get lost and it will take care of the problems ,so God did.
Anonymous says
I totally agree. That’s why they hate trump so bad because they couldn’t do what he has done. He was making this country great again and those stupid democrats will tear it all down again.
Mark Ellision Lt. Retired USMC says
I challenge You to a Duel.
Your choice of weapons, place and time.
I served 11 years in the USMC, and buried many of my brothers. Pussies like you Deserve Trump. But please LEAVE America if you don’t want to defend it. Dam Coward.
Randy says
I just saw where commiecrats are wanting to reprogram us white conservative Christians. Con you imagine if we said this about black Muslims that mindlessly vote for commiecrats?
Kirk hynek says
The left better back off or that sleeping giant is going to wake up . 75 million pissed off Americans will take care of the left . Then maybe we can start listening to our maker . The devil is working over time to quietly cut all our throats love each other or face the rath of our god I pray for our children who don’t deserve to see this evil.
Anonymous says
Very True.
Trumppieceofshit says
If you think Trump is the best president ever then you’re a complete moron with the intelligence of a piece of turd, I do thank Trump for one thing showing us all the crazy, racist people in America that have been hiding their true feelings that have been hiding their racism their hate there unintelligent, He brought all of that to light that’s the only good thing he did
Leigh says
“he delivered on every promise he made”. Reeeeeeeaaaaaaallllllly? 6 wk paid leave? The promised health plan? Special prosecutor to investigate HIllary? Repeal Obamacare? Add $20 billion for school choice? Eliminate Common Core standards for schools? Remove ALL undocumented immigrants? Oh, and where is Mexico’s check to pay for that wall? ELIMINATE federal debt? How about the promise to release his tax returns?
Just typing it out doesn’t make it real. He didn’t deliver on MOST of his promises, and in addition, he lied to you more than TWENTY THOUSAND times (!!!) during his term. That’s just what was caught on tape!
I’m not gonna fight you on his character or anyone else’s, I’m just tellin’ ya that you’re delusional if you believe what you wrote about delivering on every promise. Ask Rudy how that promised $20,000/day went!
hell is not for people says
Hey, I came up with that Idea, school of choice! Really I really did! I did it for an English final. I got the first A ever I ever got in English (D’s and C’s before this ) and Professor asked if she could use my idea and make it real. Go for it please! Now we have far less drop-outs anyway. Its not perfect, but it almost follows what I had outlined. yay for me!
Robert says
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil!
minnie ----- pittsburgh says
God bless u and president Trump and america (so many should get their heads out of
the sand (dirt) – president Trump did so much good for this country ..
does the left not see straight – democratic-party is “not” the party of yrs ago –
now the republican party is for the workers / unions / the every day people who want
to work for what they have / we have pride in our lives – taking care of ourselves / family ..
Patrick P. Cosgrove says
Dear Paul,
Very rarely have I come across such uninformed, paranoid nonsense as you are spouting, and many other Trumpies here with you.
I grew up in a socialist country (England) and I have to tell you that food, roads, healthcare, libraries, museums, and politics in the major countries of Europe are far superior for the public than they are over here.
Nobody has ever told the American people (or shown them either) precisely what a Socialist country is like. It is exactly like America is today except certain things are better in Europe. For example, there is a free bed awaiting ANY homeless person in Britain. Not true over here.! Somehow in the American mind ‘socialism’ and communism are considered the same. I have visited many countries in my life. None of them was anything less than delightful. None of them were Communist. I am a loyal, American patriot and I would NEVER even THINK of living in a Commie country!
I will pray hard and long that God in his kindness sends you some REAL FACTS or, failing that, a new brain!
Anonymous says
All Nancy Pelosi does is spew hatred always!!! She shakes her shaky hand at us and points her finger in our face but she acts like a Jr high school student, getting into the little pack mode with “the squad” made up of childish foreigners that shouldn’t even be in our government! The little muslim (,imuslim doesn’t deserve a captial mmarried her brother to get into our country and she’s in OUR Congress? When will our country grow up and be like a real government? Not a government of people who hate our country and making changes for their good. Pelosi’s husband has interest, as does Diane Feinstein, and of course the Biden mob family. Vinson should keep her mouth shut and look at how Pelosi has acted this whole 5 years. Vinson is wrong about impeachment! Boy does all of the Democrats hate President Trump, Pelosi, H Clinton, Maxine Walters, Diane Feinstein,and boy does the list go on, on, on and on. And whatever happens to Trump for all of their hate should definitely happen to Hillary Clinton for all the threats she’s made agaiist Republicans. The rich and famous Pelosi should resign with all the Democrat Govenors, and mayors for their part in all the BLM & Antifa shenagans! No Democrat stood up and stopped the devastating fires. fights with the police, the loss of business they just alll stood by and watched and I guess they thought they were being funny. Our tax money should never go to fix the destruction they allowed to happen. And China needs to go for all of their interference with out government And let’s all remember the fake Russian lies Hillary Clinton brought to the table!! And all you people can do is is look for another feather in the evil Pelosi’s cap (or should I say wig), she is truly disgusting and I hope to goodness they’re all together on her new plane that we bought for her when it goes down!!! Or maybe they’ll all be together and she gets a bad batch of ice cream that’s very expensive!!! Nancy Pelosi claims to be religous. hate drips offf of her. This is all about the Clintons (always is) and what Bill & Donald did before Trump got married. Jealousy and hate always! That’s what all these women cause and all the hate will always be around because of the women; they are back biters to the end, just look that Hillary calls us names, what a rich bitch! And she got her panties twisted up because Trump beat her; let her know I wouldn’t ever vote for such a snob ever in my life. And now we have the Biden mob family, Obama and George Soros!! God, what did we ever do to deserve this?? Keep an eye on Pelosi, she’s unstable. So hateful!!
Concerned citizen!
Julie says
Awesome article Thank You for seeing what I see. It’s selfish and the Dems are evil including the biggest one Pelosi! She’s full of hate so let God judge her. Thank you Anonymous for your truth and the Dems and there destruction of America!!!!! I hope they love socialism and what they have done to this country!
Anonymous says
You talk about Pelosi’s hate?
Go back and read what you just wrote. That is HATE. period. Don’t fool yourself, you are still going to hell no matter how much you think you arent. You are a bad person, and a disgrace to America. Go fuck yourself.
Crystal says
Shut the shhhhhheep up god enough out of u
Josh Hawley says
You took the train to crazy town. Traitor!
Anonymous says
She’s a psycho from the beginning to the end
Anonymous says
Anonymous says
Perfectly said. Amen. God will step in!
Jessica Pemby says
Try and ask yourself if you refuse to like people or if you actually have reasons for those you hate. It is amusing to read someone complain and criticize others for not liking a person and that they will refuse to ever like him, then go on and on about who you dont like (which is so many more) George Soros is not in office and while I totally get that you think that he is funding a grand conspiracy, no one ever can prove it. Do you know that most Democrats are not all fans of every Democratic polition? Do you realize that every Democrat is not all anti god/pro baby killing or wants to take your guns? Do you actually know many Democrats? Sweetie, stop assuming that people are as binary as you think. You aren’t that simple, why would they be?
Anonymous says
Thank you for saying this!
cc says
You can always leave!
Anonymous says
Your prez spewed hatred all day long, every day. I call….. boo-shit. Stop making up your own facts, foo
Sadie says
Third World Immigration, In 1960 The American White Population was 88.9% – late 1960;s changes in the Immigration system, suggested by Ted Kennedy, and endorsed by the DemocRat Party . Changed the preference from European, immigrants (The host population) to that from the Third World. Fast forward to 2020 White, population in America, is now only 59%. In ten years, the White population will be a MINORITY.? The Host population now a MINORITY in their OWN country? Celebrate Diversity? You would have to be stark, raving mad to celebrate diluting your own culture, religion, language and value system.. Why did the DemocRats, set out to make the Host White Population a Minority? Simple -VOTES, in order to stay in power and control. Poor, uneducated immigrants, that have nothing to conserve vote for a party, that will give freebies, e.g. welfare programs, social housing, free healthcare and food stamps. This Mass Third World, Immigration has served one purpose it has allowed the DemocRat, party the opportunity to seize power and control on almost a permanent basis. The only way to stop the White Host Population from becoming the Minority, is to stop all further Third World, Immigration and Family reunification ASAP. Biden, won’t do that as he wants more amd more Votes, so America, ends up with a One Party Rule, same as China, Russia and North Korea. And a wonderful Western, country, is destroyed from within!
Patrick P. Cosgrove says
Dear Sadie,
Can you tell us all what it’s like to live your life as a racist hater? Please?
John says
I am sorry you have such a narrow view of not only Trump, but the world. Yes it is the American people who could make America great, but only when they can see clearly in order to do so. The Democrats have slid so far left in their views, that they will lie, cheat, decieve, sensor free speech, steal, kill or anything else it takes to make you believe in their European world view. BUT, MARK MY WORDS, WE WILL ALL BE SORRY FOR GIVING IN TO THIS DECEPTION, FOR BY THE TIME WE WAKE UP, IT WILL BE TOO LATE!!
Anonymous says
Awesome article Thank You for seeing what I see. It’s selfish and the Dems are evil including the biggest one Pelosi! She’s full of hate so let God judge her. Thank you Anonymous for your truth and the Dems and there destruction of America!!!!! I hope they love socialism and what they have done to this country!
Anonymous says
Googl will kil this
The democrats have gondo so far left. Unless you talk like Pelosi or Schumer, you’re done , See Parler
Ted Cruz says
Trump doesn’t care about you
I as well as many other millions of American Patriots have not given up. We will not live on our knees!
Anonymous says
Lockthemoon says
The great disgust Republicans feel should be directed at Pence who should have voted to check the votes, McConnell who pressured them to accept rather than investigate the fraudulent outcome. Lynn Chaney earned our disgust as well. She should have been removed from leadership-and the 10 who voted to impeach the President need to resign or be voted out of office. Sadly, cheating worked so why would anyone bother to vote in future elections? Now, we are seeing what Leftist ideologies do when they come to power. It is their nature to punish those who stand between their consolidation of power and control. The most corrupt people rise to the top- godless, merciless, self serving. With nothing greater than the State to worship- they promise heaven while creating a very real hell on earth. Democrats are Marxist/ Communist and they will soon cause great harm to America -and the world. Biden is a skeleton and national security threat. The Republicans who used and abandoned a Lion/ Trump are forever culpable.
Marty Rutherford says
I’m afraid you hit the nail directly on the head. What more of a God forsaken country will we be in, in 4 yrs? I worry about us all, but my kids and grandchildren, what are they facing? It really upsets me, because we have went so far away from God, the one true God. It is frightening their souls hang in the balance, not just our country.
Biden Harris Hillary and all the hard leftist want a country without God. That part is hard to figure, there are so many places on this earth they could go that doesnt recognize God. Its got to be power, to see if they can do it. satan has them all so blinded its shameful. And what s worse the so called church in this country let it happen. Most if you ask them voted democrat. How could a true Christian do that knowing what the left stands for. We have slid down a slope that I’m afraid there’s no return. I pray I’m wrong, but it sure is looking that way.
May the One True God have mercy on us.
Anonymous says
Anonymous says
Very well said may God have mercy on us. People have such black dark evil hearts it’s so sad
I voted Trump in 2016. I was 44 years old and never before cast a vote for any politician. And, that’s mainly why I did vote for him. Because, he wasn’t a politician. Also, I rationalized that he had enough wealth that he likely wouldn’t be “bought” by political lobbyists. And, honestly, I liked his whole, “Make America Great” platform. I liked what he had to say. For the first year of his presidency, I thought I’d made a mistake. I didn’t like some remarks that he made or some of his decisions. Then, I educated myself and found that his decisions were made in America’s best interests. I saw how the media, in general, was not reporting facts, but had their own agendas, instead. I saw how Democrats were obsessed with bashing him and doing anything they could to get him out of office, instead of doing the job that they had been elected to do. I had to question why? What were they so afraid of? Dispite the opposition and the hatred for this man, he was fulfilling his promises. He brought jobs back to the U.S. and was saving taxpayers a ton of money on needless spending and bad trade agreements. America was becoming great, again. I voted Trump in 2020, mainly because I saw how the Democrats would stop at nothing to destroy this man and frankly, it scared the hell out of me. If they were willing to promote riots, crash the economy, and put American lives at risk, then what else were they capable of? We found out when they undermined the whole voting process, which is what this country was founded upon. Democratic voters deny this. But, we all know what happened. Nobody can be that stupid. It was so obvious, it seems they really didn’t even try to hide it. I know this pisses some people off. Though, I base my opinion on facts and logical thinking, this is one man’s opinion. And, that’s the point I’m trying to make. Democratic voters have their points of view. Republican voters have their points of view. Who’s right and who’s wrong? Who the hell knows? One news outlet tells you one thing while another tells you the opposite. Day after day, over and over. I’m not even sure which way is up and which way is down, anymore. Keep an open mind, people And, educate yourself as much as possible. And, God help us all because some shit is about to go down. One more point. We need to create term limits for seats in Congress because that’s where the real problem lies. Stay healthy, people. And, let’s get though this together. Because, whether you’re a Democrat, Republican, or neither… we’re all Americans.
Anonymous says
Great words
Marty Rutherford says
Im not trying to argue your point, but a democrat as you put it, is not American. Most are totally against the constitution and the one true God, who in His grace allowed this country to become the greatest on earth, besides some of our failures. The left wants nothing more than to dissect America and turn it into a 3rd world country, so they, the left, will be all powerful. The democrat of today is not the democrat of our forefathers. They want to dissolve this country into the global economy, and rid us of our soverignty. This is not American.
Chris says
I’ve long thought that the radical left is the problem, and yes mostly they are. But where are the conservative heroes? So many grand speeches and so little action. Why haven’t we seen Hillary locked up in jail for obvious violations of top secret compartmentalized information. Where is the investigation into Epstein’s death. It isn’t coming folks. I will tell you why, because the left AND the right are in bed together lining their pockets with the money we work hard to earn. All while successfully keeping us at each others throats so we don’t turn our attention to the real problem. ALL of them. Violence is not the answer but term limits. They will never vote to have them so we must never allow an incumbent more than two terms, EVER. Let’s send a message at every election from now on. Stop voting the same crooks back in over and over and over. Please tell everyone you know, left and right to join in taking our country back from the elite by voting in real Americans who want to serve their fellow citizens not rule over them.
Anonymous says
This whole paragraph above explains the delusion that many supporters of this twice impeached president have. It is exactly like a cult. They believe anything that one man says, and then tell others to educate themselves without actually looking into the background of their savior. If you want to educate yourself, look into the decades of history that Trump and his properties have with Russian mob/oligarchs. This is common knowledge and public record. Russia propped him up as a “succesful businessman” even though his business failures are also public record. The Russian got exactly what they wanted out of these 4 years. We are now a hopelessly divided America that has also had our global reputation smeared. This will take decades to repair. Right wing conservative media (Fox News, Breitbart, OAN, and talk radio) have been pushing baseless conspiracies for the better part of 30 years now, and this is the result. A society filled with cultists who believe in conspiracies over news happening right in front of them, all the while blaming the left because they feel it’s a team sport now to follow politics. I hope that in the coming decades we can repair this nation’s reputation, and ween people off of the cultlike devotion to a political party.
Anonymous says
You are a total moron
Flyn says
It’s impossible to read most of what you wrote. You are talented at twisting and rearranging facts to kind of resemble truth. Have you been reading the writings of Ivan Ilyin, the fascist philosopher from the early 20th century? I hear he’s back in vogue.? He believed that God screwed up when he allowed the original sin. Stalin was a fan. But you’re on the right track. Your helping to create an enemy with lies.
Democrats would be the ones on the side of reconciliation and strong commitment to democracy. You don’t like your lot in life & have chosen to blame others. But you need to get facts straight. Except fascism doesn’t believe facts are pertinent. Too bad.
angela says
Your reply is the ONLY reply I could finish reading. THANK YOU…..ITS SO REFRESHING TO SEE EVERYONE HASNT BEEN BRAINWASHED…..I actually voted for first time in 2016 for Trump as well….I cant believe all the replies, bashing Trump and stating such ridiculous and absolutely FALSE facts is MIND BLOWING. Trump number one did not need to run again…he’s a successful businessman with a beautiful wife and family and did so because he absolutely believes in our great country and standing (many times all alone) up against all the bashing, and hatred and most importantly ALL THE LIES….I agree Trump can sometimes come off as harsh but he says what he says and what he believes rather than look in the camera and talk down to us with such unbelievable BS like Biden does. I’m so disgusted that people believe this man that cant get any facts,any statistics and numbers right, hell he’s not even close. He continued to lie about several issues (like fracturing for one) and would deny Trumps claims when he was on camera countless times stating the very claims he stood in front of the American people and denied. This man single handedly cost the lives of our honored navy seal team that risked their lives to keep our country safe from terrorist only to call out each of them broadcast worldwide. Where are they now? These selfless heros? He cost their lives. These people on here ranting Trump was worst president for our economy obviously do not have a clue what their talking about. Do your research, check out the numbers,the published FACTS AND FIGURES and you will see that NO PRESIDENT HAS COME CLOSE TO SCORING A RATING AS HIGH AS TRUMP OR HOW MUCH HE DID FOR OUR ECONOMY ALL WHILE NONSTOP BEING BASHED BY THE MEDIA, PELOSI AND DEMS….with all their LIES…THEY HATE HIM BECAUSE HE IS NOT A POLITICIAN AND HE CANNOT BE BOUGHT. THEIR DISDAIN FOR HIM IS SO SEVERE THEY WOULD STOP AT NOTHING TO GET RID OF HIM. FOR ALL YOU BRAIN WASHED INDIVIDUALS THAT ARE LETTING THEM THINK FOR YOU…WHEN BIDEN SINKS OUR ECONOMY AND SENDS JOBS BACK OVERSEAS AND CONTINUES TO STRIKE BEHIND THE SCENES DEALS WITH CHINA, you will be begging for someone like Trump to save us. FOR GODS SAKE QUIT BELIEVING THE BS THEY ARE FEEDING US AND GO LEARN THE TRUTH. GO WATCH THE DOCUMENTARY “THE PLOT AGAINST THE PRESIDENT ” and see what they did to this man, his family and the other honest members of our govt that put their family and career and life on line to get to the truth and DO RIGHT THING…It doesnt matter your race, religion, or social status we are AMERICANS…THE HOME OF THE FREE….quit letting them take our rights away from us.
BTW, Obamacare is absolute worst thing ever…To profit off of our right to choose our healthcare needs and charge people who dont buy into it….how do people not see this…do yourself a favor and wake up and go watch the documentary “Hillarys America: The Secret History of Democratic Party and learn the truth…It will enrage you if you have half a brain (especially the part showing Obama meeting big healthcare companies and you can actually hear what’s said and how WRONG and unconstitutional it is to take that right from us so they can make billions…or how you can hear comments made to Russian Leader on how he can do more when hes not president AND THEN THEY ACCUSE TRUMP OF 100% FALSE CLAIMS OF RUSSIAN INVOLVEMENT IN ELECTION (This was done as soon as he was elected and they didnt stop their tirade for 4 years) and he still accomplished more than him and Biden did in 8 years….Trumps #’s so far surpassed obama and Biden it’s a joke. THE ELECTION WAS BIGGEST FRAUD EVER THROWN ON AMERICAN VOTERS. NUMBERS DO NOT LIE. IT WAS IMPOSSIBLE THAT BIDEN RECEIVED THE # OF VOTES THEY SAY HE RECEIVED. MY ONLY THOUGHT IS WTH WOULD TRUMP EVEN WANT THE JOB TO DEAL WITH THIS FRAUD, HARRASSMENT AND LIES??? I KNOW I WOULDNT….BUT HE BELIEVES IN WHATS RIGHT AND HE KNOWS THE CATASTROPHE WE ARE HEADING FOR AND KNOWS HE CAN FIX IT AND THANK GOD FOR HIM….PEOPLE SHOULD BE ASHAMED….ALL THE NONSTOP NAME CALLING AND DISRESPECTING OUR PRESIDENT ALL BECAUSE THEY SAY HE’S ARROGANT OR HE’S EGOTISTICAL….REALLY? DO YOU NOT SEE THE IRONY??? I FOR ONE WILL NEVER WATCH BIDEN GIVE ANY SPEECH…..ITS LIKE LOOKING AT CREEPY OLD MAN WHO MAKES WAY MORE INAPPROPRIATE REMARKS ESPECIALLY TO WOMEN AND YOUNG GIRLS (and we wont even discuss his son or how absolutely fraudulent his dealings and payoff with China are). Nobody…NOBODY WILL TELL ME HOW TO THINK, HOW TO FEEL ABOUT SOMEONE (by their countless smear campaigns) OR HOW TO VOTE….WE ARE ALL AMERICANS….WE NEED TO FIGHT FOR OUR RIGHTS AND NOT LET THEM TURN OUR GREAT COUNTRY INTO THEIR OWN PROFIT AGENDA BECAUSE ITS WELL ALONG ITS WAY AND HOW PEOPLE CANT SEE THIS AND SIT BACK AND WATCH THE FAKE NEWS AND BELIEVE WHAT “THEY” ARE TELLING US TO BELIEVE….IF I WAS TRUMP I WOULD START A NEW MEDIA POWERHOUSE THAT REPORTS THE FACTS AND BRINGS THE REST OF THESE MEDIA LYERS OUT IN THE OPEN….I WOULD USE MY MONEY AND POWER TO EDUCATE THE HARDWORKING AMERICANS ON WHATS REALLY GOING ON…..TRUST ME ITS ALL GOING TO COME OUT IN THE WASH AND FOR ONE CANT WAIT….
Kevin says
Obama was operating within the corporate privatized equities the right defend so diligently. We don’t want health insurance for all. Thats just a band aid. We want what we don’t have in this country, HEALTHCARE not health insurance. You want to let the sick die of poverty from being sick before their sickness even kills them. You want to protect corporate agendas because …………economy……freedumb…… Wait til the shoe is on the other foot for you then maybe you’ll wake up and get a fucking clue.
Mitch says
I really wish they would stop calling these Liberals in America, Democratic Socialists. They are not. They like to talk like it, but the results are the very opposite. What is going on in America now with the Liberals who seem to talk about priveledge, then feel they deserve a pass whenever they burn, loot, or vandalize something. While pointing the finger and yelling terrorism, coup, or riot, is appalling. While they take every incident and attach a race or color too it, then mock conservatives about their lack of education, or use of a dictionary. When it’s painfully obvious that while the Right looks only through one eye, they only look through the other eye, themselves. They preach constructional rights, then go on crusades to deny basic civil rights, because they’ve decided they are wrong, while telling you all about how it’s bad for the right to do it. They forged an attack on free speech, by forcing the removal of all comment sections in 99% of all their media tools, which coincided with their burn, and vandalize insurrection across America, because the comments didn’t support such lawless aggression, it condemned it. Sad thing is, sitting here as someone who is neither Conservative, or a Liberal in America, but rather someone who truly supports Democracy and the EQUAL treatment of ALL it’s people, as well as the equal punishment of the same crimes, as well as reading ALL the facts, not just the ones you like, want, or suit your agenda. It has become increasingly impossible to communicate with either side. This past year though, it’s been impossible to get Liberals to stop telling everyone else they are uneducated, and to read just some of the simple basic facts, they try to duck, by pretending telling them, is trying to justify the things they say they are victims of, or having them tell you if you give them 10 other examples, it’s not the same as for them. My family escaped Poland when Hitler stormed across Europe. Yeah, what could my people know about oppression, and unfair treatment. Liberals need to understand that it’s not alright to disregard everybody elses pain and suffering, because theirs comes first, and if they do, that actually is what it means to be priveledged, racist and a bigot. They need to understand if you can’t even accept responsibility for your own backyard, that you can’t condemn anyone else.
Anonymous says
Waste of words, right here!
Anthony Scaramucci says
Too bad that the party of personal responsibility never takes responsibility. You almost overthrew the republic because of the lies of a narcissist
I mostly concur. And ( in your reference to) I find it funny when libtards refer to me as being uneducated. I’ve been to college twice. Recently having received my associate’s degree with a 3.9 GPA.
Anonymous says
How do you only have an associate’s degree if you been to college twice? Calling people Libtards pretty much shows that you have very little of value to say. You can be formally educated and still be uneducated on many things.
Jessica Pemby says
Yo, did you not see the MAGAs storm the capitol last week? those weren’t Democrats or Antifa. Very proud Trump followers for almost every singles one I have seen arrested. I checked
Kerry says
You should get out talk to business owners in minneapolis.
Many either black or somalia . They will tell you we didn’t burn our businesses . Outsiders white persons caused the damages. We didn’t burn our own communities.
They tell you your ignorant to facts.
Jake S. says
The Democrats are using a Biden body double since many days Biden is incapacitated. The person that gave a speech yesterday, Jan 6, 2021, was NOT Biden. His eyes were brown and Biden’s eyes are blue. His earlobes are different as well as the chin. He read the prepared speech with less fumbling and stumbling than Biden and he even walks differently. Once it was over, he quickly turned and almost ran from the podium. He did NOT take any questions and when one reporter continued to ask he responded only with, “Enough! Enough!” Evidently the Biden team was not able to get the real Biden drugged and propped up fast enough to read the prepared speech. They also have to worry about the sensitive microphones picking up the rustling noise of his Depends adult diaper.
Hugh Jass says
Jake you need help. This is just nuts
Cam says
This is a flat out lie.
Anonymous says
This comment is exactly the type of lunacy that has become normal in the conservative landscape. I mean, a “body double”! This is why mental health is something that needs to be addressed on a larger scale. Clearly Jake S. has some psychological problems which are being exacerbated by misinformation/conspiracies that he’s getting through his “news” outlets or Google searches. Please get yourself some help
Sid says
It’s stupid conspiracy theories like this and the one about Bidens ankle cast hiding an ankle monitor that make everyone on the right look like a bunch of morons that will fall for anything! Aren’t there enough REAL conspiracies going on that idiots on 4chan have to make new ones up. Like this OK white power nonsense. Some twelve year old liberal posts something totally fabricated, it goes viral and all of a sudden it becomes reality. As much as I hate the left, they have us out gunned with their control of the media, social media, school system and government. We better start worrying about the real problems that are happening or we’re gonna be totally screwed if we aren’t already.
Joe Biden Supporter says
And they call us Sheep for wanting to wear masks? At least we listen to teh experts when multiple experts say the same thing. That’s something that logic in school taught us, is that when multiple people wtih credibility and knowledge on the topic say the same thing, you should listen to what is being said. I refuse to listen to this conspiracy theory bullshit as time and time again, and as logic has shown, most if not all of it is not true.
Joe Biden Supporter says
Jake, seriously, enough with the Conspiracy Theories. Trump lost Joe Biden won. Want to know why? He does not ignore the Pandemic that’s why. It was little too late for Trump to do anything to change people’s minds, and he only proved our point more, with holding this big rally anyway, no social distancing and no masks. You say masks do not work? Well, it helps if eveyone follows the idea to try to stay home and if not to keep away from other people they do not know.
Donald Trump JR says
Guest4579 says
A man named Tom Nicholson posted on his Facebook account the sports car that he had just bought and how a man approached and told him that the money used to buy this car could’ve fed thousands of less fortunate people.
His response to this man made him famous on the internet. READ his story as stated on Facebook below:
A guy looked at my Corvette the other day and said,
“I wonder how many people could have been fed for the money that sports car cost?
I replied I’m not sure;
it fed a lot of families in Bowling Green, Kentucky who built it,
it fed the people who make the tires,
it fed the people who made the components that went into it,
it fed the people in the copper mine who mined the copper for the wires,
it fed people in at Caterpillar who make the trucks that haul the copper ore.
It fed the trucking people who hauled it from the plant to the dealer
and fed the people working at the dealership and their families.
BUT,… I have to admit, I guess I really don’t know how many people it fed.
That is the difference between capitalism and the welfare mentality.
When you buy something, you put money in people’s pockets and give them dignity for their skills.
When you give someone something for nothing, you rob them of their dignity and self-worth.
Capitalism is freely giving your money in exchange for something of value.
Socialism is having the government take your money against your will and give it to someone else for doing nothing.
James says
How could people complete the third grade even, without learning that the entire point of human civilization is to promote human welfare ?
How could anyone get beyond the second grade, and yet believe the many public servants , such as the police, firemen and soldiers who are paid via taxes levied by the government on the citizens who choose to use their nation’s legal tender, are people who do nothing ?
How could anyone who has attended the first grade, complete that grade and not know that many Capitalist transactions are not made freely, or because we are free, but simply because we have no other choice to engage in those transactions.
How could anyone live amongst other human beings and not become aware of the fact that while we can be conditioned to believe our dignity can only come from the work we do, our dignity as human beings, regardless of what our economic status may or may not be, is our most valuable source of dignity ? We humans do not live to work, but instead we work so that we might live better, and possibly longer.
How could anyone live for more than a few years within an advanced western society , and within what is the age of instant information, and not know that besides the fact that there are many forms of socialism, to pay taxes to a representative government which has created the currency said taxes are paid with, is not equal to being forced to give your money to the government ?
Finally, I am at a loss to understand how anyone could believe that to be given a thing of value freely, is to be deprived of one’s sense of self worth ? Our very lives have been given to us by nature, nature’s creator and of course by our parents. Surely no well person would believe that because we possess life as a gift that we certainly did not earn, we are to be ashamed ? Of course there are those among us who are not well.
Anonymous says
Bitch please. I would give a better response but you don’t deserve the modicum of brain power that would take. Instead why don’t you re-enroll in school? Or at least pay attention to your history lessons instead of cherry picking facts to make you sound correct okay?
DottiJ says
Exceptional response!! Can’t argue with that.
SueSue2020 says
The American people are entitled to know that the so-called Democratic Party has been perpetrating a fraud upon the public, where their designated candidate, Joe Biden, appears to be in the stages of Parkinson’s Disease, including the loss of his cognitive abilities, where the anti-dementia medication he is taking has the unfortunate side effect of incontinence, such that he could not participate in a public debate with his opponent, Donald Trump, for 90 minutes without changing his adult diaper. For that reason, it appears, the DNC resorted to “Plan B.” which was to use an actor who strongly resembles Joe Biden in his place. This has been done without notice to the American people and clearly constitutes a form of campaign fraud upon the public, which I substantiate.
Comparing original photographs, and reviewing the debates several times, I have noticed that Joe Biden has free ear lobes, not attached ears, like his body double; that Joe Biden has a smooth chin, not a cleft chin, like his body double; and that Joe Biden also has a wider cranium than his body double. Others, including myself, noticed that Joe Biden has blue eyes while his body double has brown. (more in full article at above link) Kamala Harris also has a double.
The speech that Joe supposedly made on Jan 6, 2021 was not Joe at all but his body double. The eyes were brown, not blue, and his speech was read without fumbling every other word.
Rick Santorum says
You took the train to crazy town for a deranged narcissist. Leave your bunker and rejoin reality
SueSue2020 says
A “low-level staffer” who claims to have worked at Joe Biden’s campaign headquarters in Philadelphia revealed some very interesting inside information concerning not only the general atmosphere of the Democrat presidential nominee’s campaign, but also his ongoing battle with a number of health-related issues – including incontinence and the rustling of his Depends.
If Biden is indeed on Alzheimer’s meds and his family and campaign thus are aware of his medical condition, then we have a pretty clear case of elder abuse.
Biden Incompetent and Incontinent:
James says
When Biden begins to believe that windmill noise is a known cause of cancer, and that a US president should repeatedly, intentionally, mislead the American people as to just how dangerous a contagious disease is believed to be by experts ,we had better for our own sake, demand his removal from office, before he goes as far as to incite violence while at the same time falsely claiming to be an advocate for law and order !
Zombies Fortrump says
SueSue is craycray
Jennifer says
I want to start off saying that I am a 16 years old and that some of you may scoff at my opinion because I am not old enough, but I still think I have the right to an opinion.
I cant understand this country, people are so focused on their opinion, people can’t even agree to disagree. We all as a human race are so fixated on being right but there really is no such thing as being right. I am currently living in a republican county and in school I hear nothing but how Trump is great, but when it comes down to facts, what makes him great? That he hasn’t raised taxes? If you’re in school then you don’t even pay them in the first place, and unless you are poor, you have no good reason to disagree. This country is far from perfect, I am not for Trump or Biden but I am young so my opinion ultimately does not matter, but I would hate to see the world with a man like Trump representing all who is the American people, he’s a joke. He is a man who is okay with orphaning children, with the excuse that they live in facilities with television. He is a man who thinks that drinking bleach can save us from a pandemic, he is a businessman who hasn’t made much money in years, he is the reason why I cry in the middle of class because a student calls my people drug runners, he is the reason why my teacher feels like a failure because the only African-American student raises her hand just to lower it and say “nevermind, I can’t say anything.” People are under the illusion that one man can make America great again, but no one can see that it isn’t him that makes America great, it is America’s people that makes us great.
Rob says
You did well.
But Trump didn’t say he would make America great again, he said WE would.
However, we have our collective heads so far up our butts that we can’t see the harm that socialism has caused every single time it’s been tried.
We really do care about everyone, including the Democrats, but if we don’t focus on fixing America, we’ll never be able to help other countries correctly.
DC says
Take your anti-American trump-loving communist bs back to russia, you terrorist commie incel nazi piece of republican trash. trump will die for his treason via military tribunal and the firing squad, and all you al-Qanon nutcase communist anti-American nutcases can join him in death.
Anonymous says
FAILED Education poster boy at his best !
C-T. says
WOW. You are the reason they created safe spaces.
Anonymous says
Your really an idiot now aren’t you. Pull your head out of your ass and take a hard look at the truth instead of your own ideal of America.
Daniel D. COATE says
Take your anti-American trump-loving communist bs back to russia, you terrorist commie incell nazi piece of republican trash. trump will d!e for his treason via military tribunal and the firing squad, and all you al-Qanon nutcase communist anti-American nutcases can join him.
Kay says
Wow I heard that all of you are set to annihilate all the Republicans part of the communist manifesto is that true
Anonymous says
Well someday you’ll find out who the socialists are when you’re old enough to know better sweetheart I hope that you do well
Sandy says
100% agree!
James says
Rob; what harms were caused by the Christian socialism of Francis Scott key’s time ? What are the harms caused by the democratic socialism that is practiced by nearly every NW European nation and to some extent, nearly every developed nation that is not ruled by an autocratic government ?
I would honestly like to know just exactly when was it that America ceased to be a great nation in the mind’s of Trump supporters ? Was it when finally the majority of Americans came to see slavery as immoral, or perhaps it was when the majority of Americans finally made a stand against Jim Crow laws ? Perhaps the Trump supporters believe America stopped being great as soon as the founders recorded in our founding documents their conviction that all men had been created equal and were deserving of the same Rights ?
Maybe the Trump supporters believe America stopped being great when we as a nation made the decision to establish age of consent laws , or perhaps it was when in defiance of the crybaby Conservatives who sought to prevent Elvis from preforming in towns all across this nation, Elvis was allowed to preform in those towns anyway ?
Surely the Trump supporters do not believe America stopped being great when the New deal and the policies that were part of that deal actually extended the average life span of middle and lower income Americans ? Could it be that Right wingers are not actually pro-life, and only pretend to be so ?
Finally, I would like to understand why it is the Left that should abandon the principle of human equality, when in fact, that principle is enshrined in the US constitution as one of the key principles this nation was founded upon ? If anyone should abandon a belief or principle it should certainly be the American Right with its contempt for the concept of equality and hatred for policies that make it possible to act out that concept.
Rick Pipkin says
America failed to be a great nation when it dropped to huge weapons of mass distraction on innocent civilians in Japan. When it legalized abortion, when it went to war against innocent people in the middle east
JIMI says
Wow, thank the universe for you James. At first I was just reading this blog because I always find it hilarious to read what absurd total nonsense these Republicans have been so incredibly naive and gullible to believe this time. The problem is, it quickly stops being amusing. That’s when I start losing optimism for humanity and the bleek future that awaits this next generations because of how far back Extremist Republicans have set this country and, frankly, the world. As I kept reading, it became painfully obvious to me that there wasn’t going to be one intelligent statement made between all of these posters combined. Then I read your comment and remembered that, lucky for the human race, they are the minority. Fortunately, there are still more people like you and I who put stock in things that most Republicans nowadays think are silly, like THE TRUTH or FACTS! Those things are like kryptonite to a Conservative.
Joseph Citizenza says
You nailed it.
I was doing and feeling the exact same as you were here.
Anonymos says
Have you been to Venezuela lately? Did you ever travel there in the ’70s or ’80s? Do you really know how the Cubans live? Have you lived in Russia or Soviet Russia? Did you ever live in Eastern Germany? Have you studied the real living experiences in Europe? You don’t realize that those people don’t have true Liberty. You need to try China? You need to travel, read, and study the true facts abroad. I have lived and traveled in those countries. you are very immature.
Joseph Citizenza says
Have you been to Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany (as it is today), France, the UK, Holland, Finland, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland, Iceland, or Canada..??
Bunch of socialist hell-holes right? Except they rank higher than the US in most metrics used to determine standard of living. You should look it up and learn exactly how well the US actually does compared to other western nations. You’ll be surprised by what you find.
Kevin says
Have YOU been to brazil lately? Completely unregulated capitalistic society. Read into it let me know what you find out lol.
Anonymous says
Your opinion is your own bit everything you just stated is what has been said on media outlets you should opinion your mind to other options not just what you hear but do the research for your self so with what you have said you seem to be confused you are a die hard liberal good luck in life kid
Jadia says
I am independent of party affiliation because just like religion, I feel un- authentic snd dishonest if I support something I’m not 100% invested in. That said, in this country, we are presented with two to three candidates from which to choose for President. Usually the honor is given to someone from either the Democratic or Republican Party. The problem we face first and foremost is our current government snd wven our very constitution, fails us miserably. We like to posture as a country where feeedom, equality and justice for ALL is our MO. This is not true. For so many reasons. Our system is fractured and inefficient and we have much wrk to do if we are to raise our civilization up and out of its current quagmire of schizophrenic law- ( those in positions of power are rarely held accountable while the general populace is, only certain ideologies are allowed freedom of speech, mainstream media has become opinionated and based on bias, assumptions and speculation, and not in any way objective and neutral, while sticking to the facts. This has never been more obvious than now. By law, this should mean they can no longer claim to be protected from slander lawsuits by Act 230 so these entities should now be sued and held accountable for inaccurate statements and reporting. They should now be prosecuted for slander, since they no longer are objective and have chosen to be opinionated. This is just one of many injustices the American people need to address. We can base our society on freedom and equality and justice for all, but we need to address legislation that backs that ideology, not contradicts it when it doesn’t serve the power holders! Which means we need to eradicate those who violate these basic human rights at the expense of their constituents. Time for us to cast aside our ridiculous trivial differences and unite as brothers and sisters from the HUMAN RACE- as there is one race we actually all can claim lineage to. United we stand ( a chance) but divided….. we surely fall ( snd fail, epically).
Anonymous says
FArner bastion says
Hoping all is well and thank you of that perfect response. Could you re-write that in english please????
henry Kahrs says
trump is the same as biden will be..Biden will first go to Israel to get his orders like all presidents do The problem is the white house is not yours but belongs to Israel. just ask Alan Sabrosky
Anonymous says
antisemitic much?
Anonymous says
I’m disgusted with CNN and all the harm that Biden and the Democrats has Caused. They insist on milking the word racism. They are convinced that black people are ignorant. The black community knows that they have freedom, justice, choices of education, in America. The democrates have used the word racism and hate to gain power. They have divided the country because of their selfish behavior. I know that Trump and the human race are not perfect, but we must agree that Trump worked very hard to unite this country and tried to bring prosperity to all of us. How could CNN and the democratic done so much harm.They have taken away my peace, freedom of speech, and happiness. They make me feel scared and insecure,. I don’t know what they are going to do next. I ‘m sure they are not going to try to unite the country and that is a sin. They gain power but they are destroying our country.
Stormy Daniels says
You make no sense. If you want peace, why are you blaming a news network for the militia crazies who attacked our country in the name of a narcissist
Anonymous says
Anonymous says
Your fear and insecurity is not the work of a news outlet. That is a coward’s way out. To honestly believe that only one political party or one news network is causing all the problems is utter stupidity, but there is a lot of that going around in this country. Stop believing everything you see in your filter bubbles. The majority of misinformation over the last 4 years is being peddled by conservative media, because they understand that their grip on power is fading, and they will do/say whatever is necessary to maintain that power. Stop being a mark for their con
Anonymous says
When social media has blocked President Trump … can we get everyones opinion?? Now all we hear is communist left
Dan says
That’s capitalism. Trump incited an attack on our nations Capitol. Trump broke the terms of use many times on Twitter. That business and many others decided he is bad for their business and don’t want anything to do with him. If you’d like the government to step in and tell them they can’t do that then that would be communism by definition. Damn conservatives are so dumb.
Gregory A Gutirrez says
This is a great example of the uneducated believing what is being told to them. Absolutely no education on how economics work in the USA. This person is a follower, it’s easy and popular with your friends. Not confidence or education to make ones own decission, too worried about what their friends will think of them. This is why 16 year olds are not allow to vote. They have no horse in the race, live at home witih free food and heat provided by their hard working parents, not the Happy New Year
Edward says
You’re the great example of a misinformed rightist who has failed to see how the government has failed them. The same goes both ways I’ve met people who’s parents were rightist and the only reason they were was because their parents are also rightist and when I asked them the reason they can never answer. I am neither I agree in many aspects of the right and the same goes with for the left.
Anonymous says
Edward people who are right aren’t ignorant. Many fought wars and rallied around Martin L. King. Your leftist agenda is pure evil.
Joseph Citizenza says
No, its not. You are wrong. Its as simple as that.
Daniel D. COATE says
All these republicans hate America. They are terrorists and America will be great again when they are all buried
Megan says
I would like to excuse you. Most republicans have Christian beliefs. In the Bible (the book Christians read, you know), it says to love one another. To take care of orphans and widows. To speak up for those who can not speak for themselves. To advocate for justice. To do what is right! These things mean that they can not vote (with a clean mind, i mean) for a man who thinks we should abolish capital punishment, make marijuana (which has caused overdoses and deaths of many) legal, and supports the murder of unborn babies. As to your comment above, surveys have shown that conservatives are loyal to their country no matter the party of the individual in office, and the loyalty of democrats waivers depending on who is in office. Now, that said, I do not think Trump is a good person. He can not say a kind word to save his life. Why can’t we just be kind? Why can’t we compromise on important issues?
All in all, I appreciate your opinion. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But I hope what I wrote here will give you some insight into the lives of people who love their country.
Signed, a 15-year-old girl from South Carolina
Crystal says
Marijuana has caused overdoses you have lost your fucking mind go back to sleep with Joe you freaking lost and confused sheep
Jen says
He actually does say kind things. You aren’t listening or perhaps repeating the long drawn out lie after lie of the left. It’s exhausting. That statement is just overwhelming false and instead of criticizing him with validity it’s all the same miss characterization we’re accustomed to. Thank you.
Crystal Tolley says
Go to sleep with joe u sheep
James says
Gregory; Economies are not entities that choose to work one way as opposed to another ! Our US economy, like most economies, is a system that we have created. I will go on to state that our economic system displays broad tendencies which we often call” laws,” but these so called laws are unlike actual laws, descriptive.
Being that you seem to believe the US economy is something akin to a natural force, when in fact said economy is a system that we have created, I would say that you are at least as well educated as the average sixth grader, so by the time you are as well educated as the typical 16 year old, you will still be in no position to harshly judge other 16 year olds !
Ron Drake says
Politics and politicians, judges, police, store owners and company bosses all have one thing in common- POWER. Once someone has control over others, they are
doomed. Why, because even if there were only 2 people on earth there would be conflict. This is because no 2 people think exactly alike, that is why as a Republic,
the majority rules, which is going to pass off those that disagree. Today’s issues
for some reason are creating a mental disruption in the ability of those that are
in the minority, to rebel. If you start going back in the History of America or other
nations you will find the thinking then may seam wrong by today’s standards. But if you just look in the mirror you will see someone that changes their mind on a daily basis, why, because you don’t know what will happen each day that could sway your decisions about things, You may hate the police, but have someone try to rob you , and an officer stops the thief or save your life, which changes your perspective. What each of us does is take what we’ve learned, what we’ve read or seen on TV, how we were raised and make decisions on our compilation of them.
So if you know your history, see or read the results of what others are or have gone through, you should be able to assess what the results will be from your decisions, right? Unfortunately the masses today want to destroy our history, good or bad,
throw race, religion, covid, Face Book, Twitter, Google and the social networks owners policies into dividing a Nation that was based on Freedom of persecution.
It is sad to see that just as other great societies, destruction is not coming from without, but from within! Socialism is for those that want to become sheep and
allow the government to determine and run their lives. They become an embryo again, dependent on everything they do to be done by others. Have we become so brainless that just like sheep we run off the cliff because everyone should follow the leader? Please Americans wake up or learn to speak Chinese, because that’s where we’re headed.
Me says
I just wish I could figure out which bathroom to use, it’s never been a problem until now. I think maybe if we all start smoking pot someone will lead us down the correct path. Maybe, I don’t know.
Anonymous says
Agree 100 percent. Too many sheep drinking the kool-aid. This is the beginning of the end.
Gary Alexander says
Ron that’s oh so true but let’s talk about Trump for a moment. Before Trump was sworn in to office he was under investigation. He’s been under investigation by the FBI, IRS and other agencies. They’ve tried to impeach him and slandered his family members, and now they are going to try and impeach him again. You never hear anyone in the media saying anything about this. I’m not condoning what happened at the Capitol on Wednesday was right but the politicians had to see this coming. The left is blaming the pandemic, the economy and now they want to lock him up! Trump is the first president in a long time that’s had the nation’s best interest at heart. Trump is a leader not a follower and I firmly believe that he believes in God and Jesus Christ. He was just trying to do the best he could for all of us including the Democrats. I do believe he cares for Americans and American!!
Gary Alexander says
There has never been a President that has been under investigation for five years like Trump has. The investigation’s started as soon as his run for office started. This is shameful and the Democrats wander what the hell is wrong with Trump!!!!
Tony Scaramucci says
So it’s Democrats who are responsible for the most embarrassing President we’ve ever had? Take responsibility
Susan delrosario says
I agree I don’t like it when people blame trump for the riot he is a very law abiding citizen he did a lot of good things found a vaccine for the virus to stop the pandemic Stopped the human trafficking made peace with Israel got rid of the bad terrorists got the unemployment rate down
Sadie says
100% correct! God willing, Prezzie Triump, will be back in 2024 where he rightly belongs in the White House.
Stormy Daniels says
You are not a Christian. You made a deal with a completely unChristlike devil, and you have blood on your hands
James says
Ron; Removing the statues, busts and flags from the public square of people who waged war against these united states, in order to preserve the immoral institution of slavery, will not destroy our history. Instead removing these things from the public square may very well serve to allow our nation to repeat its history of making societal progress. You do agree that ending chattel slavery represented societal progress, do you not Ron ? Surely your moral compass has not been so rusted by Right wing ideology that you believe slavery is a morally acceptable institution ?
I agree with most Americans in that we should preserve historical artifacts. Likewise it is vital that we keep documented records of our history, and that we teach our youth our history. The historical artifacts of the Confederacy can best be preserved in museums, while the written history of the civil war, and the Confederacy, should be recorded in text books from which students are taught the awful historical truth of the Civil war and the Confederacy.
I hope it is not too late says
You are. Right trump h
As been treated awful. god bless him
Mark W Masellis says
Of course you are entitled to your opinion. However, you should make sure your opinion is informed by the truth rather than what you hear on some news source or media platform which has their own agenda. This is just as true for those who support Trump as those who oppose him.
Always search for the truth and be open to change your mind if you learn new facts that change the equation.
We are about to get controlled by one party that has a very different idea about life and liberty than what we had previously. Good luck.
Mr. Patriot says
You are very correct. We are going to need a lot of luck with the new administration coming in. It is safe to say we can say goodbye to most of our freedoms
Steve Bannon says
Nah, you just feel like you should have the freedom to spread deadly diseases, ruin the planet, and carry 27 guns for no good reason. Your selfishness was not what the founding fathers had in mind
sue says
Well, I am still waiting for Trumpers to “search for the truth” instead of regurgitating Trump’s propaganda, his 30,000 lies (to date), and the Fox Fake News Network! After four long years – anyone with a brain knows they will NEVER seek the truth!!!
Anonymous says
The truth got an entanglement with all the chaos
Robert says
Trump was the only decent president we’ve had since Ronald Reagan the democrats are dirty scum
Cam says
You must be one of the few people who had the trickledown economic myth be good to you.
James says
Mark; Truth be told, the American Right views both life and Liberty as if they are privileges that should be either earned, bought or inherited at birth. It is the Left Mark, who believes that the Right to live in Liberty is in fact a Right that every American possesses by virtue of the fact that we are all born as equal beings who are equal as human beings.
Liberty, equality and solidarity happens to be the creed of the original French Leftists, who though they were not the first people to adhere to these principles, they were the first people to actually be called ”Leftists.” It is the case that the creed of the American Left remains the same as the original French creed. This creed is easily translated into a statement of American values as those values are enshrined in our founding documents. We American Leftists value Liberty and justice for all, since we believe we are all created equal. We as American Leftists stand in solidarity as American citizens, who though we each have differences of opinion concerning many issues, we stand united in our belief that every American, and in fact every human being is entitled to Life, liberty, the Right to pursue happiness and justice.
Bobby says
& they wine & say trump is a dictator. They have no idea what is actually going on in this world. We have democrats controlling media constantly trying to start race wars to cause controversy. The democrats are trying to change our god given rights & those god given rights is why America is what is & why it’s so free & isn’t like every other country. I’m 16 as well & my opinion is not valid but the fact that I see how gullible these liberals is mind boggling. They’ll believe anything that fits their narrative.
Theresa Josephson says
I appreciate your opinion and believe you are spot on. Trump’s speech and actions has made the racist, misogynistic, hypocritical, unChristian-acting people think it is ok to spread hate and discontent. Please keep thinking critically and doing the right thing. I applaud you!!!
Heavenly says
What makes a person “unChristian-acting” in your opinion? And do you feel Trump does what Jesus would do?
Heavenly says
I am guessing not nor do I.
4mail says
don’t repeat the “racist” trope unless you can back it up. But let’s test your assertion. Trump made sure Historically Black Colleges and Universities now are permanently funded. Why didn’t Obama do that? Trump reformed prisons to give inmates – who are disproportionately black – a better shot at getting a job and having a normal life. Why didn’t obama do that?
Now lets look at Biden. He called Obama “an articulate and clean cut negro.” He sponsored legislation with Robert Byrd, democrat from W. Virginia to keep segregation in place because he didn’t want his kids going ‘to a zoo.’ BTW – his buddy Robert Byrd was a formal KKK grand marshall. That’s right – your buddy that you voted for – Joe Biden – co-sponsored pro-segregation legislation with a former KKK member.
Now who’s the racist?
Charles L Crew says
I bet you only watch main stream media. They are not telling the whole story.If so you might try watch fox, ro newsmax.
Shaun says
Stop telling people to watch propogandist networks. The ones you mentioned present an alternate reality devoid of facts. Why is it that I’m supposed to watch only certain networks because Trump or yourself tell me to? If 9 out of 10 news outlets are reporting something, and Fox is the only one saying something totally different, you’re telling me to believe the one out of ten? Do you realize how counterintuitive and utterly ludicrous that is?
Anonymous says
Thank God your not old enough to vote.
You are too misinformed & emotionally unstable to make adult decisions.
Trump never said to drink bleach but someone convinced you he did, just like someone convinced you Trump orphans children. Maybe do a little research for yourself and you might realize whoever is feeding you these bs narratives, that are easily disproven, doesn’t really have your best interests in mind.
Anonymous says
It is true Trump never said to ingest bleach but some trump supporters did actually drink bleach because they are sheep to his word. She was not “convinced” that Donald trump orphans children she is talking about the children in the cages because of deportation. Which the leftist people are informed and feel entitled and the right has failed to see how the government has failed them because they are also informed.
Anonymous says
Sweet Jesus . The Misinformed and emotionally unstable? The term is projection look it up if you can read which I doubt you can you call other people sheep? please. You tell people to seek the truth yet you think you’re the only keeper of the truth which is bullshit. Everyone’s entitled to an opinion the differences is the 16-year-old actually boxes up with reality where is your in La La Land saying that the media is lying so where do you get your information from all the Internet that that’s reliable believe the stranger online telling outlanders tails good God our founding fathers are rolling in their graves. Morons invaded the capital one desecrated it they were animals they were everything the day cues BLM movement of being and then some. Patriotic is voting then shutting the fuck up when you lose your vote this patriotic to because that is how it works now you can believe the thinking people or you can leave it up to the sociopathic narcissist who just try to take over our country in a coup. To quote the child what has he done except wreak chaos. I break it down for you but there’s no point since you’ll be dead from coronavirus in no time anyways in your last breath you’ll still believe that it’s all a hoax so what’s the point you’re right I hate America I really do it because it’s full of idiots like you
Karin says
You are so wrong ! She knows what she is talking about ! Trump said to inject ourselves with bleach/disinfectant ! I watched this briefing live on TV myself. Make no mistake America ,Trump said this. He is mentally ill ! And yes this has been proven by many well-known psychiatrists across the country ! They have even written a book. This young girl is on track for a successful, positive life ! She knows what she’s talking about. She has obviously been listening, She may be 16 now. But look out in a few years! She may be one of our next Democratic politicians.
Anonymous says
what about this? or is injecting disinfectant different than drinking bleach?
Anonymous says
Yes he did say drink bleach. He is a sociopath. He lied about the election. He lost. He needs to tell his supporters the truth. And let them decide how they feel about his lies to this country. What he did was treason. John brown 1865. Read it.
Anonymous says
The kid has more brains than you. What do you based your opinions from? You tube? Fox News? Or from a conspiracy site? I am no liberal nor a Trump supporter but those of you who have swore allegiance to this clown must be out of your mind. No wonder America is the land of the dreams, anyone can fill your head with bullshit and you just believe it. You guys are so easy to manipulate. It just shows lack of individuality or leadership. Maybe Netflix is frying your brains. Bunch of fans and followers. You almost lost democracy for laughing and that loser’s jokes.
Jay says
Thank God your not old enough to vote.
You are too misinformed & emotionally unstable to make adult decisions.
Trump never said to drink bleach but someone convinced you he did, just like someone convinced you Trump orphans children. Maybe do a little research for yourself and you might realize whoever is feeding you these bs narratives, that are easily disproven, doesn’t really have your best interests in mind.
Caz says
You seem to be the one misinformed or just living under a rock, who knows.
These 16 year olds are the future voters so you had better listen to them instead of insulting them. They will be electing future presidents. Trump has made America look like a joke to the rest of the world.
The wall to stop Mexicans from crossing over, billions of dollars spent. Wouldn’t it have been better to help Mexico become a country where they don’t want to leave. He does take children and babies off Mexican parents if they illegally cross the border, shocking,and detain them separately.. If you want your proof just take a look online not all filming of these places were from news outlets or Biden supporters, but concerned citizens.
Trump did indicate that ingesting bleach could have an effect on the virus.
America has become a country full of gun wielding misanthropes under Trump. He has not made America great at all. America has the highest rate of coronavirus deaths in the world. This does not help that Trumps followers state “it’s my right not to wear a mask” how ridiculous, this is world wide pandemic with new variants in Europe and South Africa making the infection even more contagious.
Trump has not protected Americans at all, from the start he should have advised all Americans to keep a 2 meter distance,wear a mask and self isolate if they have any symptoms. The hospitals are overwhelmed with new cases every day.
I for one cannot wait to see the back of this orange man, and I hope he is blocked from ever running for president again.
Bill says
Indoctrinated Trumper/QAnon follower much? The influencers have been manipulating you with carefully crafted lies and you’ve been buying into it lock, stock and barrel.
Anonymous says
Obviously you never saw the actual news conferences that Trump suggested that maybe digesting bleach or some disinfection … was ALL OVER THE NEWS. The medical professionals sitting behind him just put their heads down in disbelief
Prudence says
Obvious you haven’t either!! 🤦♀️
What Trump said about disinfectants
After Bryan’s presentation, Trump floated the idea of using disinfectants to treat COVID-19 patients. He did not say Americans should ingest chemicals to prevent or treat the virus.
Here’s the full context:
“A question that probably some of you are thinking of if you’re totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So, supposedly we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. (To Bryan) And I think you said you’re going to test that, too. Sounds interesting, right?”
“And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful.”
Later, Trump clarified his comments after a reporter asked Bryan whether disinfectants could actually be injected into COVID-19 patients.
“It wouldn’t be through injections, almost a cleaning and sterilization of an area. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t work, but it certainly has a big effect if it’s on a stationary object.”
The briefing transcript shows that Trump did not say people should inject themselves with bleach or alcohol to treat the coronavirus. He was asking officials on the White House coronavirus task force whether they could be used in potential cures.
Get your heads out of your you know what!!! Come on really???? Every freaking single word. Look at Biden’s words. We don’t use it day in day out cuz you know what we don’t give a flip. You people are just so full of hatred and getting him at all costs this is a perfect example. At least we all know why the liberal politicians are doing this and for the entire 4 years and passing on to you. If you don’t know why is the exact reason why they pass it all on to you knowing who will believe all their lies. Their lies are nothing ever to benefit you it’s all for them and their evil which is money and massive coverups. How can you not think it’s mind boggling the extremes they have used before he even won and impeachment starting hours after he took office and continued for 4 years. Look at all the news one -sided. All articles on googled first three four pages agree whole heartily with your exact beliefs. You believe every single word. You don’t have to do any research believing the msm bot and paid for by the left that are supposed to be bias? Journalism is biased! It’s the definition. All of social media is only correcting one sides opinions? Turn on every news station and every msm says almost identical words sentences. They all say it to make you believe. They think you are stupid! They control you and it’s sad. You’re not even getting anything out of it. And abortions and the overjoyed left ecstatic to get Biden and want Hillary and will hate any who disagree and stop them from debating you.planned parenthood is the one of the lefts major donor and they sold body parts on the black market. If you have a child or a heart just look into your child’s face and tell them thanks to liberals you had the choice to say if they lived or died and you get to do the same to your children. And don’t come back with your usual if daddy raped daughter like you care and that soul idea be the basis of your stance. It’s not stop lying. Why do you want baby’s dead for any other reason than rape or mother’s health??? Why would you be proud of that. Thank god my mother couldn’t choose because she had every reason except love going on I’m her devestating life but I was born and the two most loving parents raised me with 4 of their own and gave me the most blessed life and life to children who will change the world and are. The love i received hurts and is cherished beyond words. If my mother had a choice I may not be here. Isn’t that enough. I brought a love to my parents they didn’t know of having different type personalities then the whole family. I softened them and they could express that love more openly because of me never hiding my love abd addoration. Stop listening to what strangers are telling you, politicians that don’t care if you live or die are sick or healthy happy or sad rich or poor. They only care what benefits then. Look at their houses and cars and vacations and clothing and jewelry and health care And retirement and power, disdain, entitlement hypocrisy, greed…it’s pure evil and nothing of god and goodness. Ask yourself why they hate trump so much for starters he threatened term limits and rules like normal workers with less then 8 week vacations, pay for healthcare not free for life. On 100-200 thousand dollars salaries making more than the president how are they all millionaires, multi millionaires. I think Biden has 4-5 houses. Most have multiple houses or I mean.mansions. Lobbyist?? China???
Sinister beyond you allow yourself to find out. Find out.
Rosi says
I am a 16 year old too. I’m not for Trump, but I think there is way too much attention on him. It’s gotten to the point where it dominates social media and even my school classes. I live in an extremely democratic state (I live in the US) and I’ve gotten so annoyed with the excessive hate on him. From what I’ve seen, he doesn’t seem like a good person, and I wouldn’t vote for him if I could. But given my situation, I’m so sick of people continously taking jabs at him and eachother’s views everywhere I go. Like, I’ll be watching a funny YouTube video, completely unrelated, and then they crap on him out of nowhere. I understand it’s completely fine to express your opinions…’s just annoying to me to see it everywhere….when I just want a break from it all. Even the safe havens I go to contain political stuff.
anonymous says
Rosi wrote: “I am a 16 year old too. I’m not for Trump, but I think there is way too much attention on him. It’s gotten to the point where it dominates social media and even my school classes. I live in an extremely democratic state (I live in the US)”
I see you’re another one of those misinformed miseducated people the public schools are creating.
The U.S. is NOT a “democratic state” and never has been. It is and has always been a “Constitutional Republic”.
although that might be about to change, for the worse.
But the U.S. has never been a democracy. Up until now, it is and always has been a “Constitutional Republic”.
Anonymous says
Good, then you can leave instead of being a jerk to teenagers.
Anonymous says
If the left hates America so much then leave America and do not come back you have money take it and go
James says
Rosi; Perhaps you hold the view you hold because of the fact that you personally have never endured the sort of suffering people Like Trump are capable of causing people to have to endure, or because you have yet to learn of the historical accounts of the suffering, people like Trump, have caused various peoples to endure ?
Finally, you need to accept the fact that you will never escape politics, since every thing you will ever do, think, or even feel, will somehow be related to politics. The very fact that you as a youngster have the time to escape to your safe havens, and do not have to immediately go from school to work, is because of politics. For a long time in this country, even 5 year olds were expected to go to work;even in mines and sweatshops. Conservatives resisted, but thankfully Liberals eventually brought child labor to an end.
Chris says
Really James? Apple is liberal. Who makes iPhones? Cheap foreign child labor. Please educate yourself before you repeat the lies you have been told.
Prudence says
Welcome to our world where we are the target. They beat us over and over and know the toll and disbelief and anguish they cause having control of 95 percent of media and hate and Hollywood and big tech and fbi and cia and who and now domination of voting finally.
Prude says
Welcome to our world where we are the target. They beat us over and over and know the toll and disbelief and anguish they cause having control of 95 percent of media and hate and Hollywood and big tech and fbi and cia and who and now domination of voting finally.
Rosi says
I am a 16 year old too. I’m not for Trump, but I think there is way too much attention on him. It’s gotten to the point where it dominates social media and even my school classes. I live in an extremely democratic state (I live in the US) and I’ve gotten so annoyed with the excessive hate on him. From what I’ve seen, he doesn’t seem like a good person, and I wouldn’t vote for him if I could. But given my situation, I’m so sick of people continously taking jabs at him and eachother’s views everywhere I go. Like, I’ll be watching a funny YouTube video, completely unrelated, and then they crap on him out of nowhere. I understand it’s completely fine to express your opinions…’s just annoying to me to see it everywhere….when I just want a break from it all. Even the safe havens I go to contain political stuff.
Joseph says
When one of these people say you are a P O S do you honestly believe that was meant literally.
Trump did not know much about treating covid at the time he made some reference to bleach which was definitely not a literal suggestion to anyone with a brain.
Mati says
Your reply was more more cogent and coherent than the opinion piece. Congratulations young one!
Liz Stamp says
Well said, you may be only 16, but you are seeing the ‘big picture’ a lot earlier than most teenagers, my daughter included! But, I have to disagree with one statement you made, your opinion DOES matter and in two years, you and a lot of your peers will have a say in who our leader is! We learned a valuable lesson with this election, every vote REALLY does count, because, WE, THE PEOPLE, turned up at the polls in record numbers to remove the toxin from the WH! Sadly, though, that resulted in him saying the election was rigged for the last two months and 4 people dying today after his supporters stormed the Capitol, which he encouraged!! I have never, in my life, seen an act like this from a sitting president and I’m disgusted! Sounds like you have good instincts AND morals, so in 2 years, MAKE A DIFFERENCE! 😁
Guest4579 says
Remember, the BLM/Antifa infiltrated the group. Most conservatives uphold the rule of law. It was the BLM/Antifa groups that rioted over the summer burning and looting and shooting. The woman who was shot was a victim of the capitol police, which is being investigated. The other three persons died from unrelated causes.
Bob says
Record numbers? Yeah, I wondered how they surpassed the population of some states all together?!?! Lol. We did get lucky…We kept the toxic Clinton machine out of the White House by legitimate numbers and you fools just couldn’t understand it…she had to have therapy, y’all had to have safe places created to pout during the day etc…like grievance counseling for little kids after a classmate has passed away. Dems are so Pathetic! I watched as the rest of the world did while blacks looted, burned and beat (elderly included) people in the streets for weeks. I actually saw some dumbassed white guy marching for BLM flag and all, got through, went to his car and got drug out and beaten by 4 blacks because he was white, lmao. What an idiot. You people think they give a damn about you and you’re crazy. You are just a means to an end for them. I watched them assaulting motorists, damaging peoples cars, blocking traffic of people who were (unlike them) trying to get to work. And you have the nerve to whine about those few who got into the PEOPLES HOUSE? Schumer said “if they’d been black they’d been treated a whole lot worse” lmfao. Blacks have gotten away with everything they’ve done for months now. So keep trying to play the race card and identity politics! That’s all you people on the left know. Then you (Dumbass) have the nerve to speak of the dead? An Air Force Veteran whom I guarantee has done more for this country than you ever have or will, shot and killed. For what? Being unarmed? Being White? Let me guess, she died because she had white privilege ?!?!? If that woman had been black it would’ve gone like this….she was just walking to the store after church and thought she could stop by and pick up her stimulus check in person and then go get her some skittles and a drink before going to help the elderly at the food bank where she volunteered blah blah blah etc…and some racist cracker cop just shot her for no reason! Isn’t that how it always goes?!?!? Jokes, one and all. You will have the Civil War you so desperately crave and talk about all the time if you people try to start turning this country into your utopian 3rd world country! You’ll try to taint the vote (like you did by dropping all the Somalis into Minn) moving all the Mexicans into Cal. illegal or not, moving to TX, NC,GA,Fl for lower taxes better opportunities etc…and bringing your stupid politics with you. Don’t let the few large cities that control the electoral college votes of that state fool you into thinking you are the majority. Look how red the map is. The only reason you people even remain relevant is due to the Lg URBAN areas, and about 4 other states! Whole states are red except some stupid broke down disenfranchised slum capital city that happens to be where all the morons live. Whole huge sections of this country, the entire Midwest, RED! Remember, half the country hates you people. Enjoy your short reign
Cam says
The misinformation spew here is ridiculous. I suggest the Trumpers go home and do something good each day in their own communities. Do something healing and not hurtful, from the heart and not from hate, something which you will not try to extact repayment or favor. Do this everyday, stay away from your preachers who only preach to your choir. Get to know your neighbors and then just maybe you will be able to join the greater good and see life as a gift and not a grand conspiracy against you.
Anonymous says
Your right your to young to know or see what’s really happening to this country. Go and read something like a comic book and shut up!
gary bailey says
extremely rude, this obviously well developed young person is already your superior.
Caz says
Wow great come back.
Anonymous says
With the structure of that comment, it looks like you are the one who needs to step back and reevaluate everything.
Edward Winner says
It is too bad that you cannot see the forest from the trees. While we get prepared to live under the Biden Rule, we will see China being “made great again”. Apparently, you didn’t pay attention to the havoc and division that Barak Obama brought to this country during his presidency or learned that in school. This is why we have groups such as ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter. They are mainly responsible for so many riots and why so many cities have burned. It is conservatives who are criticized for their values by the socialist left and the media outlets in this country.
From your comments, one can only guess that your educational institution is full of the liberal arts courses that has brainwashed you into believing that those who are successful in this country, are bad people. Shame on the successful hard-workers for making this country prosperous. Maybe you need to take more math courses so you can figure out what 1 + 1 is and become an asset to this country by showing all of us how you can make this country more prosperous instead of acting like a victim who wants others to feel sorry for you.
Try living in the shoes of a conservative white male in today’s society. You are afraid to tell the truth about injustices being done and are constantly being called a bigot or racist for your morals and values as well as your beliefs. You are considered to be someone with hate when you stand with your hand over your heart while saluting the flag to remember those who have served this great country and to those who paid the ultimate price for our freedoms so that “children” such as yourself can spew your hatred out on social media outlets such as this.
And do you want to know what “feeling like a failure” is? Failure is being among true American Patriots in this country who recently had the 2020 election stolen from them by corrupt politicians for political power and basically criticized by the liberal media when raising concerns of voter fraud.
While you might view President Trump as a “joke”, at least he got out and worked for his success; unlike Joe Biden – who has been a career politician for 48 years by making his money off of corrupt foreign deals and using the American People as his ATM machine. At least Trump has made an effort of protecting the American People from those on the outside who despises us and would like to do us harm. And he isn’t completely the blame for the COVID-19 pandemic that CNN and other hateful media outlets make him out to be.
If you hate to see the world with Donald Trump, then get yourself ready for a world with Joe Biden and hope that in four years we still have a country.
Anonymous says
I'm Just Me says
You are spot on
John Herman says
Sounds like you wrote what you heard rather than what you read!
You state stuff that is hateful and ignorant. This president is foolishly arrogant and very dismissive toward the military especially an American war hero. John McCain trump hates him yet loves Putin…another thing squirrel Barack Obama didn’t create Black Lives Matter Movement. Pick up a newspaper and read buddy.
Well said.
Alfred says
Anonymous says
Wah,wah, wah!!! Talk about playing victim! It’s a damn good thing you haven’t had to live a life where you had no guidance or support as a young child and were forced to figure out a way of life for yourself, not always having a choice between doing good or doing bad… get real. You have no idea what it’s like to have to “work hard”
Anonymous says
Well said bro, to think this kind of thinking is infiltrated into the younger generation is sad, people can’t think for themselves they rely on the msm for their information and believe everything they hear. Fucking sheep, and by the time they realize what’s really going on it’ll be to late for their poor dumb asses.
jenuwin says
We have had Trump for four years and are now facing the most difficult times I have seen in all my years. He said many times that he would not be satisfied with just another four years, but thought he should have twelve or sixteen or more. The man
Now we are faced with a terrible pandemic in the midst of which President injected his autocratic ambitions for unlimited power by feeding the lie that “If I lose it can only be because the election was rigged.” He worked this lie even though his attempts to change the results of the election through the court system were thrown out sixty times at least. He continued the lie of an illegitimately elected winner of the race and refused to admit to his own losses.
The threats now are of civil war if he. is impeached for fomenting an insurrection. I wonder how many of them rely on social security and medicare. Which hospital overburdened with Covid patients will treat them when men and women and women within their ranks are shot. or bludgeoned. Someone needs to remember that this nation is founded on laws and that if the wheels of government are brought to a standstill it will have dire consequences in many ways.
Way to make America Great Donald J. Trump.
Laura says
It’s great to have an opinion at such a young age, but unfortunately you base your opinion on fake news. As many have said, “you are entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts”. Have you spoke with the people who work at the border, or Trump himself. How do you know what he’s “ok with”. You don’t! You repeat what you have heard on left leaning bias media. Also, your family must be extremely wealthy to think that a man with billions of dollars, hasn’t made “much money “. And you’re right that it’s the people that make a country great, people who believe in freedom to flourish, not government oppression. Oppression like taxes. Look to the future young one. In two years you will be paying taxes. At 16, you might feel 2 years is too far away to worry about, but it will be here sooner than you think. Here’s my opinion, you should get all the facts before forming your opinion.
Joseph Dinya says
Someone with common sense, ty!!!
Jenny King says
There are corrupt people in our government on both sides (for a very long time) who have sold America to the highest bidder, (check out NAFTA for one), he wanted to root those people out, he called it the Swamp. You will understand when you live in a communist country what the corrupt people have done. Over a third of the nation thinks there was some sort of corruption in our 2020 election. They would like an audit of the Dominion voting machines, and would like to know why our vote information was sent to China and other countries, as well as other things that transpired. Ask yourself why is the media saying “nothing to see here, move on.” if there was nothing to see why couldn’t they appease the American people and give information needed to prove 75,000,000 people every thing was on the up and up? We will never have an election controlled by our votes again, so hey when you are old enough to do so, don’t bother.
Mister says
Dido, couldn’t of said it better myself..
Guest4579 says
President Trump did not ‘orphan’ children (their illegal parents did that and should be arrested by Child Protective Services) nor did he set up the cages – Obama did that and there are photos from then to prove it. He did NOT say to ‘drink bleach.’ You have taken that completely out of context from a speech. And if he hasn’t made any money in years, how did he manage to be a billionaire? You sound very much as if you have been absorbing bits and pieces of rumors and gossip without doing your homework. And just exactly who are “your people?’ If your teacher intimidates her students so they fear to give an opinion then SHE is the problem!
President Trump is the result of what Americans want to make America great and has stated so publicly. He is merely the focus of a giant drive in this country. He is fulfilling what we Americans are requesting. That is why he was elected.
Charles L Crew says
Donald Whistler says
your opinion is based on lies, I don’t care about your age , he did not tell anyone to drink bleach, like most of the info your feed about trump, it’s all taken ought of content. why would you believe anything so stupid. If something sounds to stupid to be true it probably is. check things out for yourself, you’ll being a better person for doing just that one thing .
Lou says
Anonymous says
You have no clue, you are young and don’t know what you are talking about. Let democrats have control, and you will see how fast things will fall apart. I am older and I know what I am talking about. They are moralless, and ungodly, and without God things will fall apart. Just wait and see.
Anonymous says
Ignorance is bliss , child
Anonymous says
Develop your options from research not from what you hear on the media or some liberal teachers you will be amazed .
David says
You are NOT 16, If you were truly 16 you wouldn’t half of the words you used or how to spell them,
A troll from the kingdom of stooooopidity
Anonymous says
You have no idea what mean people are like. You must have rich parents. Little girl.
Gary Von Neida says
Wake up and realize that socialism murdered close to (we may never know the real numbers) 200 Million citizens that dis agreed with a godless society.
mitch says
If you never form an opinion, you’ll never care to chase the facts. Don’t listen to anyone that wants to tell you, “the truth”. Find it for yourself and never be ashamed to raise your hand
E-3 Brandy Ranly says
I’m a veteran of the United States of America Air Force and I think you’re spot on in your opinion. I really don’t appreciate so many mansplaining to you how they are glad your opinion can’t be taken into account as you’re not old enough to vote. Age doesn’t correlate with wisdom. You’ve felt what you’ve felt and they shouldn’t invalidate you or your personal experiences. I don’t like treasonous hate provoking masses of unthinking mouth breathers being incited to violence in our Capital during our electoral certification process. I believe they’re all a bunch of seditionist traitors who deserve jail at least and some possibly deserve to be executed for violence against our government and the democratic process that we have to abide by and live with. DJT should be arrested for inciting this riotous attack on out Constitution and the law we abide by as citizens of this country. I just wish they’d have more faith in Almighty God if they actually believe in Him they’d know He’d not be diverted from His Will if He’d wanted DJT to be President again the election wouldn’t have went to Biden. I hated DJT for all of the lies. I’m sickened by his behavior and the way he has handled every issue since coming to office which seemed to only consist of attempting to destroy everything Obama had accomplished for 8 years. When all you’re fixated on is destruction then that’s all you accomplish. It sickens me how sycophantic and cult like most of DJT followers are acting like. Hang in there Jennifer and you’ll be old enough to vote eventually so you can help make a difference in your government locally and federally by being able to vote.
If you’re still supporting President Trump you’re nothing but a traitor to the Constitution and our Country and I don’t want to hear any lies about how great he was. He was a destructive fool who had an easy time of fooling you into believing his lies and that somehow he wasn’t as narcissistic as every action and word that came from him seemed to make extraordinarily evident. He loves money and if you read a Bible ever it says love of money is the ROOT of EVIL. He’s an evil man who has committed many crimes that he’s afraid could get him major jail time so he incited the violence against Congress to avoid jail. Smh any critically thinking human being could see that. Most decent people have begun to see the writing on the wall for DJT. I hope the rest will retrieve their heads from their rectum long enough to see the truth about their false messiah.
A concerned citizen of the people spreading hate says
What did Obama accomplished?
Sir, your tone is full of hate. People like you are the haters not the President. You clearly have not done any research to find out if everything you wrote is true. You sound like any other leftist just blah, blah with no evidence just hate fowards a great president. Feel sorry for you people. The only traitor to the constitution is a democratic socialist.
President Trump is the first President that DONATES HIS SALARY, as opposed to Obama who made millions when he finished his terms and bought a house worth millions…. could have been his cut received by the Healthcare field. . Is this the root of evil you referred to? Or the one that Biden did illegally with Ukraine obtaining millions too.
.Oh, and once again, what did Obama accomplished besides making himself rich??
Sir, please free yourself from the lies you are wrapped into.
Anonymous says
I am so impressed by your thoughtfulness and by the depth of your reflection and for genuinely seeking truth, as opposed to propaganda, at such a young age. You are much wiser than people twice and thrice your age because you understand that « it isn’t (one man) that makes America great, it is America’s people that makes us great. » As we have seen on January 6, one man and his unquestioning supporters can actually « make America less again.) it is never good to suspend your own judgement a no one can see that it isn’t him that makes America great, it is America’s people that makes us great. nd your common sense to the beliefs of the people in your environment, whose hardships and insecurity have led them to accept crowd mentality. Your letter strongly indicates that you belong to a pwhom I call « outsiders. » Sadly outsiders never fit with the majority of people and you end up no one can see that it isn’t him that makes America great, it is America’s people that makes us great. feeling like an outcast. Just know that you are in good company. The majority of great scientists (such as Einstein), great innovators, great writers and great thinkers were outsiders. Although most Christians do not recognize this (because they are stuck on the Old Testament instead of understanding that Jesus said that he had come to accomplish all that was written
before (meaning the other books of the Bible). Jesus most famous teachings were to not judge and to love. That was pretty simple. Much too simple for most people who would rather hold hate and resentment into
John says
“This country “
“My people”
“Orphaning children “
Trump is loved by the working man because he is the 1st president in a long time to reward hard work. I’m tired of people coming from there countries feeling entitled wanting benefits from my tax dollars. It is illegal to squat in another country when you’re not a citizen. If your people doesn’t like it STAY AWAY!!
I bet I’m paying for your education and healthcare. Should I go to your people’s place and tell you you what I don’t like.
Working Americans want our tax dollars to benefit working Americans again.
Your entitled 16 year old opinion is typical.
Want want want free free free
Confederates Lost says
You are a foolish person who doesn’t understand what the framers were trying to avoid. Trump traitors or Trump terrorists?
Charles L Crew says
The bleach thing was a sourchaistic joke to the fine and evil media. Fact check how often Joe Biden tells the truth. I did he lied 33 times on the last pres debate. Why you can go to prison for lying to congress. But its ok for congress to lie to the america. Get ready for communism, and a civil war started by democrats again.
Jared says
It is not that your opinion does not matter it is that you have no facts to support your opinion you have not done your research to See all the good that trump has done for this country and how he has turned around everything that the Democratic Party has destroyed. It’s not a matter of who is right but what is right If it were not for trump America would be in and even worse Position then we are now. If it were not for Trump America wouldn’t know exactly how corrupt the government is .I’m glad to see someone of your age does have an opinion on the matter though and highly commend you for Trying to follow along. However what you have failed to realize is that all the news and broadcast companies out there are pretty much own by the Democratic Party so have done nothing but lie to the American people for who knows how long.
Lora says
Trump didn’t orphan and children! First of all. If you break the law.. Consequences. All teens know that, so adults know that too. How are you blaming TRUNK FOR SOMEONE ELSE’S wrong choices? That’s crazy and that is exactly what sociapaths do. . He has done way more then NOT raise taxes. He has always been a good man and had done so much for so many. Maybe before your start running your mouth. Actually investigate. And I’m not talking about these child molesters and govt crooks & what they are feeding you. They been stealing and hiding way more then your brain could actually fathom.
Cedric says
Jennifer, you are right. Do not listen to people that have to degrade you due to your age or opinion in order to make themselves feel better about about their own failings in life. Your opinion matters more than you think because the future is yours and your peers to shape. All us old folks will no longer be around when it matters for you. Don’t let anyone tell you your views don’t matter. Some of these comments here make me laugh due to the hypocrisy. They claim you are being influenced by the fake news then turn around and make unsubstantiated claims about voter fraud and socialism…..ideas they got from the media and social media. They are not thinking for themselves they are followers and want a dictator. The current president is not quite up to the task but he is clearing the way for a smarter authoritarian. They are in a cult. Look into cult behavior and you will see a lot of similarities. And as you have probably noticed, they spew vitriol as much as anyone. Last thing….none of their arguments matter. It’s because they are arguments from bad faith. Most people are intelligent enough to know their was no wide-spread voter fraud. The true believers have been brainwashed. The fact is the Republicans despise the Democrats and everything they stand for to the point that democrats and others on the left are beneath them. Some on the right even think they are evil. The right wants sovereign rule for the duration. See, the right does not believe in equality. They see society structured as a hierarchy with themselves at the top. They do not believe that democrats votes should count. They do not believe that black people votes should count. They do not believe that minorities and immigrants votes should could. But they can’t really say this because then they expose themselves as the racist bigoted haters that they truly are and that does not look good so they talk about election fraud and socialism and all other sorts of made up nonsense instead. Most know better especially GOP representatives in government who fear the president and his base. Enough so that they go along with him so that he and his base don’t turn on them and ruin their careers and lives, not to mention threaten the well being of their families. That’s dictator stuff right their. But trump is just a wannabe. He’s a weak person with a lot of personal issues that render him unable to lead. The thing to worry about is that he and his followers are setting precedent for a smarter trump to come along. Their will be a lot of sorry republicans around when they realize, if that’s possible, what they’ve done. I often wonder, if they want an authoritarian ruler why not just move to Russia or North Korea or China. They’d fit right in. Just remember during these confusing and scary times that we really all just want the same thing. We want to be able to raise our kids in a safe environment, have decent jobs, contribute to our communities, be healthy,…..all those sorts of things. So don’t hate the right wing thugs. Have compassion for them. At the end of the the day we all want the same things, they just believe they alone deserve those things. So don’t let anyone tell you your views don’t matter or that your too young to have a say. Be strong.
Linda darnall says
Jennifer, I really want to encourage you>
What beautiful, wise and above all, POWERFUL words you have just written here! Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart- you speak from your experience, and from your heart– Please keep on speaking, and writing! You were given a gift: you & your words ARE the gift– please never doubt that your youth is not a negative, but a positive.
That you and others like you are not encouraged is a travesty and a sin– you deserve to be heard, just as much as any other person. Please don’t forget that! Thank you so much for sharing, in spite of your doubts about whether you would be heard– You are challenging us to THINK, which is what public schools should be doing—teaching critical thinking skills, but they’re usually NOT doing THAT! Don’t ever doubt that you have been given the gift of intelligence, and the ability to write and communicate wonderfully, for a reason. so that you can continue to encourage and uplift others, and help them find their own voice ,even in the midst of much opposition and pain. god bless you.
Your opinion is very important as everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
It is very important for anyone that wants to form an opinion to educate themselves and be open to multiple sides if the story.
There is a good reason that there’s going to be a 10 day blackout and that’s due to the RAW video out there. The ones that are live streaming or that are recording the events as they were taking place. That content will soon be destroyed if it wasn’t backed up.
Look up content from the White House events that took place just the other day.
Buses of individuals being dropped off. Look for people with backwards hats.
Guan Bulbus says
Jennifer, please consider this for you and your loved ones sake. Do more research before you allow yourself to be swayed by false narratives and seemingly good, but secretly malicious, ideals and “policies”. Don’t be fooled by their whole “unity” message. These people have wanted totalitarian control for years, and do not like losing power. Find the truth!
J says
Only a 16yr old would twist his words to say that he told everyone to drink bleach. I think you are correct at 16yr old you are not paying bills, tax’s or are old enough for the socialism to affect you. Thank your blessings & go find something more educational Or fun to do with your life.
God Bless you.
Heather Johnson says
Well, you are young, and you have not been taught the beauties of this country. You have not seen the world at its worst, in what socialism and Marxism does to communities. All you have to do is follow the death Trail, it doesn’t matter how old you are to figure that one out. And yes, Trump has done amazing things. And what about taxes? I’m sorry, my taxes went way down. However, Biden insisted upon a 60% increase for people making over $400,000 a year. Why do you think all the rappers said, nope, I’m voting Trump LOL. Maybe it’s because nobody is entitled to anybody else’s money just because they’re doing better in life than you. That is called theft. Somebody can be a multi-billionaire, and I could be living under a bridge, but they don’t owe me a damn thing, now, charity is one thing. A lot of people with a lot of money give to Charities and get really good tax breaks, but it’s all in their will, and it should not be required just because they have money and you don’t. No such thing is spreading the wealth. That creates pissed off bitter people. Why do you think we have so many amazing foreign doctors that live here? Maybe it’s because where they’re from, the ditch digger makes what the neurosurgeon makes. Go do some real homework. I know they don’t teach that stuff in school anymore, but stay educated, because the system will teach you nothing
young man, thanks for opining, however please know..It’s because of the grace of God that we live in the greatest nation in the world. I have lived where the people use out door toilets, no heat or running water, lived OUT IN THE MISSION FIELD. what does a good leader do.. they raise an honorable family, because the fruite never falls far from the tree.. our children are a reflextion of us. If a man is consumed with world affairs, and does not take care of being a good example to raisng his children, he has lost GODS commanding power. THE FEAR OF THE Lord..when a man does what is pleasing to God.. that is what makes great leaders that applys to you and to me. when a man had a family that cheats and steals or is crooked.. guess what, just like fruit..a rotten tree produces rotten fruite… this is not just an opinion.. it’s what the Bible says..
God bless you, read 1st samuel 8;— there has been thru out history five good kings…[leaders] and 33 evil ones.. so were does joe bien fall..good or bad??? time will tell..I am not his judge
Mitch Strong says
Hi Jennifer. Everything you said was exactly correct. Trump is a horrible human being. What you are seeing in the responses are frightened men who can’t walk into a sandwhich shop without a gun in their hand. As you would expect, if they’re that scared, the idea that they might fact check something — is really terrifying. And here you are, 16 years old, and you’ve worked it out in your mind pretty well. 67% of Americans believe that Trump contributed to an invasion of the Senate building. Many of the invaders wanted to kill the Vice President, stole things, punched and beat their fellow citizens, and spouted so much misinformation, it would make your head spin. So listen, save your post, print it out, and watch as time goes by — many protesters are going to jail. They think the election was rigged, but have been able to find not one concrete bit of evidence besides unproven accusations that they repeat over and over again.
My advice to you is this. Fact check everything they say…you will be astounded. From Obama’s birth certificate to claims that Biden molests children, they are all lies. What kind of men would lie like that? Very weak and frightened men. You will find, in the job market, these guys will get fired very quickly. As leaders, no one will trust their words or judgment. And it all goes back to their cowardice. Be brave, ignore loud mouths. Ignore people who have to resort to lies. Plan your life and when someone starts raising their voice and spouting nonsense…know that you won the argument long ago…and this is their way of revealing that.
One last thing, please notice how they treat women. These are some of the worst abusers of female citizens. A guy was just arrested who bragged on text that he was going to shoot Nancy Pelosi in the head. You don’t have to like Nancy, although I actually have met her and she is a wonderful person, but you have to ask yourself, do you want to raise a boy or marry a guy or be friends with a man who acts like that?
These men are really babies. Watch them. Fact check them, but mostly, ignore them. They are losers and that is why they act so silly…and Trump as you pointed out, is the biggest loser of them all.
Anonymous says
You’re a horrible human being.
John says
I am sorry you have such a narrow view of not only Trump, but the world. Yes it is the American people who could make America great, but only when they can see clearly in order to do so. The Democrats have slid so far left in their views, that they will lie, cheat, decieve, sensor free speech, steal, kill or anything else it takes to make you believe in their European world view. BUT, MARK MY WORDS, WE WILL ALL BE SORRY FOR GIVING IN TO THIS DECEPTION, FOR BY THE TIME WE WAKE UP, IT WILL BE TOO LATE!!
Jay says
Your option does matter no matter how old you are. You live here right? However you need to be careful just believing what the media tells you. Do your research. The policies used in how to handle people who come illegally were put in place before Trump. I admit he’s egotistic, talks way to much, and isn’t very likeable. However he brings millions of jobs back to America by lowering the corporate tax. He worked on prison reform. Strengthened our military, brought them home from never ending wars. Who profits from those wars? Look into that. Who has deals with China? He started to rebuild America’s infrastructure. He put hard working families first. You have to remember he’s not a politician. So all of the career politicians aren’t used to dealing with a business man. Check and see which president deported the most illegal immigrants. I respect that you have the courage to speak your mind. That’s what makes America great. Diversity, open mindedness, people coming together to achieve a common goal. You are correct because neither side will set aside the opinions and work together. Everyone seems to have the answer. Sometimes we just need to be humble and actually hear what is being said by our neighbors. Each person has a different perspective and when we bring those perspectives together we can achieve greatness. Remember how many men worked on the U.S. Constitution. Those men set aside their differences and worked together and put together the greatest country on earth. For 16 years old you have a great mind. Remember always question everything and look for the facts. Sometimes what is being said is far from the truth. Decide for yourself. Don’t always go with what is popular, because it’s not always right. Thank you for your time. God bless and keep working hard. I believe you can make a difference.
Shirley says
You have listened to the twisted lies if you go research on what Trump said it’s not what you stated here the media twisted what he actually said which was could a disinfectant be put into the oungs of people and yes it’s done sol the time by territory therapist doctors treat patients with many medications directly in to the lungs. Many presidents have said that illegal immigration has to stop
the children are safer being quarantined from some of the people who have been detained they are
at risk in the area that adults are held the children don’t all have parents but those that do get to see
their parents, the medical facilities are very nice better than a lot of Americans have, Obama had the holding areas built but unless you research it well you won’t hear that, the democrats don’t tell you
the truth about much of anything, I don’t depend on their information. Clinton Obama and several others have said it needed to stop but did nothing, now the democrats want to tear down what of the wall has been built, this only makes it more dangerous because people coming risk their children to ruthless people to be brought to America and hundreds die at the hands of these people. They are exploited held against their will raped sold and murdered it would be better to stop it and investigate people coming to do it legally it’s much safer, no one said they can’t come just do what is safer and
less exploitation of the people. For the piece of mind please research the falsehoods that people are being fed because of the lefts agenda to put our country in to Socialism and communism way worse
for every American. I don’t want you or my children and grandchildren to live in a country where everything is dictated to you. It’s makes no sense what they are lying about to get their way it effects
every young person, we are not perfect but if you have never seen what communism is you may want to talk to someone who has been there. Young minds like yours should always Look at both sides Dont listen to one side opinions, get the truth from studying what and why the things are being done. It’s easy to just believe what they push at you everyday but those tactics are not what you need check the news media are giving their opinion not what truly happened, you used to be able
to believe what was reported but now they give their narrative not what is really said or done.
SPayne says
Your writing skills are great from a grammatical standpoint, but you clueless to what is really going on. The propaganda that they are feeding you has got you thinking exactly what they want you to think. Look up Trumps accomplishments and you will be amazed at what you find. Your just not going to hear it from media controlled by the left. If you love America, I urge you to do your homework and prepare to defend it from the virus that has already worked it’s way in… and it’s name is not COVID-19. 🇺🇸
donna M mills says
You are right about 1 thing .
You are to young an inexpierienced to understand what really goes on you are apparently hispanic or black you point that out all to well.
So you are having a pity party in school.
Grow up get some counselling and read up on the real world my family was called Dago because the were italian .
Trump is good for business and minorities and together we can make america great agian unfourtantely we now have a socialist ass hole in office who is corrupt and yes cheated most likely with Obamas help to get in office and he is a carreer corrupt ploitician.
Grow up !!!!!
Tracy a Wallace says
As I read your opinion of Trump and the human race, by the time I reached the 3rd sentence of the second paragraph I quickly form an opinion that you make claims of yourself that you cant support and its painfully obvious that you are misinformed on the FACTS and therefore you haven’t even taken the time to educate yourself of the true FACTS of the subject matter which you chose to address. You are 16 and you are allowed to make these mistakes at this age as long as you learn from them and correct them. You make very generalized and vague statements that can not be debated to a sound conclusion because many of them have no definitive position to benchmark e.g.. “but there really is no such thing as being right” that statement is not true in a very big way and it is not well defined. If I say that” its a fact that man kind has landed on the moon”, and you respond by saying “that’s not true”, I am right and you are wrong. This is very important to understand because if you go through life believing that there is no such thing as being right, you are going to be the type of person that always must argue your point to no ends because you can not admit when you are wrong. By ‘wrong’ I define this as ‘your statement is one in which can be accurately defined based on the availability of published undisputable facts that exist on the subject matter. (scientific theories verses a hypothesis) People with Narcitistic Personality Disorder have an inherent characteristic of never being able to admit when they are wrong. There is such thing as a wrong and a RIGHT. Right does exist. When you grow older and engage in a relationship, if you make a false claim to your spouse and they decide to dispute it and happen to be successful because there are facts that support their position, but you insist that there is no such thing as being right, therefore your spouse is not right, then you are likely to develop serious problems in relationships and in life itself. Being able to admit when you are wrong is a very important trait in life. When someone admits that they are wrong, they essentially have admitted that the other person is right. So, there is absolutely such thing as ‘being right’ One more then I will stop. When you drink bleach its travels down ones esophagus. Covid does not travel into the esophagus to infect a person, it infects by traveling through the trachea, larynx and then into the lungs. Therefore drinking bleach never reaches the places where Covid secures itself to cause infection. I honestly believe that Trump is intelligent enough to understand this important part of the human anatomy. Therefore Trump would not make e serious statement as such nor stand firm on its truth. However, based on your statement, it appears that you believe that Trump did say this and does believe it. If I take this example and multiply it by 6 or 7, I summarize my response to your post and this tells me as the reader that you are one of millions that are misinformed about Trump and likely another victim of the main stream medias constant lies. You are holding onto this false information and judging Trump accordingly which is wrong. If you took the time to fact check your opinions and replace them with the real truth rather than letting other peoples statements permanently form your positions of subjects, you be on your way to becoming a well informed person and a realist. My intent was not to speak down on you, it was to be real with you so that you can make adjustments before you became an adult and become stubborn holding onto this very common problem with people today. I praise you for your courage to past though.
Common Sense says
Your Right your opinion doesn’t matter Obama built the cages you so mention of separation of Children. So you blame Trump that’s why your Opinion doesn’t matter a man that’s been in politics for 4 years and all the pricks that made it their career 47 years of failure.
American Woman says
You have evry right to be heard, just as any adult. Your thoughts are well written! I would hope that you will pay very close attention to what others here wrote, and again to YOUR writing; it is obvious who is for and who is against Trump. These people forget that we live in a democracy where there are SUPPOSED to be a check and balance system in place. Mathematically speaking,yes the election was rigged. Hundreds of thousands of votes for one person in a mere minute and a discontinue of votes for the other is literally impossible, even in the closest of counts. There is nothing that can be done when people decide to take action, which is my next point…It’s up to your and my generation to be the change we hope to see as we are the up and coming. The president does hold importance but you recognized he is just one person. News and social media blame one specific person but forget that Congress and Senate are a giant part of this as well. Forget the president for a moment, focus on getting Patriots in, not career politicians. Politicians don’t care about the average American. You are wise to see this now, because hind sight is 20/20! Leave the “sides” behind and choose to be American. Good job,and keep thinking! Keep questioning. Most of all take peoples opinions with a grain of salt. Some people are insightful and others…well they can process oxygen fairly well I guess. Don’t forget to take a breath. Nothing is permanent ESPECIALLY if you are the change you want to see happen. Also…anyone who took this opportunity to convince this poor gal for or against..shame on you. That is HER decision NOT an invitation for berating. Thank you to everyone adding perspective not pressure.
Anonymous says
U did not have enough facts to write this. More brainwashing
Nick Eliopulos says
I think that if you keep your senses open and your mind open and read and talk to a variety of people, you’re going to have a better chance of making it through the society. Your observations are fine. You’re a future voter. And try to keep in mind that most adults are too dumb and insensitive to appreciate younger people. That’s how many were raised. The authoritotalitarians in this country are sanctimonious and falsely pious. There is nothing good at all about the administration. The Democrats have their own history of collective mistakes. They are misguided and cautious because we are held hostage by the traditional minded people in particularly those with enormous wealth. And lastly, whenever an American tries to express something about socialism communism capitalism freedom Christianity democracy, they usually don’t know of what they speak. Be careful. It’s amazing as it is that you have not surrendered your mind. Good on you.
Anonymous says
The Best voice of reason I have heard on this sight !! From the mouth of a young person. Such Bravery and Common sense !! Take your Children to one of these trump rallies show them what Democracy and truth is all about. Go ahead and tell them that half of America are bad evil people because that’s what Trump told us. I want my children to know that we are all human beings and we are all worthy and God loves each one of us no matter what policies we believe in. We cannot pledge allegiance to one man we pledge allegiance to America and freedom. I pray that Republican and Democrat children will grow up and run for office and make America what it should be a balanced society based on freedom not just for some but for all!!!
Karen Green says
You have totally just “parroted” the the CNN talking points. How sad. If an African American student in your class feels she cannot express herself, that pressure is coming from the Left not Conservatives. The Left constantly makes minorities feel like they are incapable of an intelligent thought that they need “Woke” Liberals to show them the way to happiness. Your teacher should “nurture” this student and encourage her to participate more. She is getting pressure from some woke Lefties making her feel inadequate. I know, I’ve seen this “wokeism” before.
Donald Trump increased his popularity with African Americans, Latinos and Asians and increased their household incomes and jobs access for many minorities for the first time in a long time. Just wait for Biden. Yes, higher taxes, “Gimmie programs” FREE college, Free money, Free jobs.
Free this Free that !!! Didn’t your parents ever tell you Nothing is “Free” ?? Somebody pays for it.
He is beholden to China and has been compromised by China so you better learn to speak
Mandarin because you are going to need that talent in the near future. God help us all !!
VeeAnne says
Thank you Jennifer. It is the American people that make American great. We’ve always been great and although we have work to do, we have been a great nation that the world has looked to as a beacon of hope. But since Donald Trump we are seen as a country that has fallen to a demagogue. We have fallen for a cult leader who has now led thousands to attack the capital of the USA.. He will be the first president in our history who has purposely divided America, gaslights America and now impeached twice. He will be banned from running for president again. He is facing several state charges for fraud and more. He also had to pay millions in payouts for defrauding people with his phony university, he has more associates going to jail than even Nixon. He has incited violence against minorities too. He’s a horrible person, and he’s a charlatan. .
He will be remembered as a traitor to the USA. History will not be kind to Donald Trump. He is a clear and present danger to America. Last week’s terrorist attack by our own people (all trump supporters that he lied to that he won the election and they had to go get it back for him). It was beyond acceptable what he did last week. Top republicans have voted for him to be impeached and to never been in the party again.. We’ve never had a president who calls the other party “The enemy” and “radical” when he is the one who is radical and incited America’s radicals to go fight his “holy war”. God helps us. He also is responsible for the 4000 + deaths a day due to this pandemc; He has never felt any empathy for the victims, and he has shown no leadership for this pandemic. He lied about it and now has millions believing this virus is all fake news. The worst president in American history and there’s not even a close 2nd. He also lied about winning this election when his own attorney general has said it was a fair election and no facts to support that trump won, 50 lawsuits dismissed due to no facts that he won (Including his own appointed Supreme Court Judges), Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnel both certified Joe Biden as the winner.
People will be ashamed that their family supported this dangerous cult leader who is a narcissist and criminal. And he will also be remembered a traitor-Senator Liz Cheney said “he has betrayed America like no other president has ever done”.
God help us.” For many shall come and deceive many”.
Anonymous says
@jennifer !! You’re opinion does matter!! You are America’s future! You have the ability to possibly change all of this hate! I’m sorry you are so young going through all of this crazy! Stay positive and believe in yourself!!
Donald Trump JR says
TYPICAL RACIST COWARD black sheep are the worst.
Linda says
This is a very good article. Thank you for sharing. I look forward to publishing more such works. There are not many such articles in this field.
Fallen from usa says
My father died for this country in war He’s buried in this land We’re foreigners are walking over top of them Stealing his children’s job Stealing their money and Future Selling it to the Chinese Indian Russians Mexicans Everywhere you look There is more crime Our government is legalizing Drugs In our country Really I want all the politicians to realize what they’ve done They destroyed our planet Coming up with covid-19 So the Chinese can come in and take over a country The Democrats are at fault More than the Republicans But there are a lot of crooked publicans to What flavor ice cream would you like me to bring you some hell Love and miss you Dad Saw you died For these people to take over and sell your country up The disgraced us God bless I wonder what flavor ice cream no like in Hell I’ll bring it to him
Donald Whistler says
Amen brother,
Guest4579 says
Please try to use punctuation in your sentences which are very difficult to read. What does a flavor of ice cream have to do with anything?
Mike says
Wow.. You prove the point that the young people in America are so easily lead and manipulated by social media platforms and fake news. I only have one suggestion to you. Open up the bible and learn to care about people. Young one, it is almost certain that you will be run over and flattened out by the wave of hate in which the communists have planted in the far left democratic Biden administration. Enjoy your freedom of speech now because you are about to loose it.
Anonymous says
You all love the to live in terror.
Brandy Nicole Ranly says
Well then he’s turning in his grave with you supporting traitors like DJT
Llfrd says
There is no hell. The pope for the believers
Gary Von Neida says
socialism promised a UTOPIA and resulted in Stalin’s GIULAG (66 Million dead in slave labor camps) and communist china where they continue to die in 2021.
PermReader says
Trump`ve done the heavy dirty fight with the swamp for you, the talkers. So you`ve lost and will be punished for the laziness and the cowardice. And you have to fight the leftist plague now!
Daphne says
Agree! We will become ruled by a police state led by Antifa steadily cowed down by fear and broken by sky high taxes
Anonymous says
You’re a disgusting human being and should be put in a hole in the ground and considered a plague
Tracie says
Awwwww intolerant and offended that can always be expected from your single minded people. 😘
Toolman says
Tracie you are a moron the more you depend on government the less freedom you have
Anonymous says
Oh God. You are full of hate. You people seriously need to stop blaming Trump. Is your kind who starts Not president Trump.
Gary Von Neida says
socialism promised a UTOPIA and resulted in Stalin’s GIULAG (66 Million dead in slave labor camps) and communist china where they continue to die in 2021.Cowards like Pence shall go to their graves in UTTER SHAME–They could have —well i digress.
Earl says
CNN Biden and Harris are all Communists they hate America they hate the American people they want to take every liberty away from us they want to change the Constitution they want to be like Hitler
Gwen says
You know your not right in the head. You can’t generalize lefts or rights just like you can generalize all men..oe all women..or races like all blacks or all whites. Instead of fearing and hating those who are different than you realize how this world would be if everyone was the same. This would be a very beige world if we all acted and thought the same. There would be no poetry, music or art. The world would be a pretty sad place if everyone looked and thought the same. I try and have empathy for everyone. I daughter just graduated from UC Santa Cruz and she gets pretty upset with WASP males because she thinks they are all racists and phonies but I keep telling her that it’s not their fault the are white can’t help how ur born. And if they were raised by bigots thats not their fault either. But if they believe in God and don’t believe that all people are equal then we must pity them.
Guest4579 says
Biden and Harris have already PROVEN what they are and what they will do by THEIR ACTIONS.
And it is the daughter from UC Santa Cruz that is racist since she is making a generalization without facts and ASSUMING that “they are all racists and phonies” and lumping them into one group instead of treating them as the individuals they are. She has probably received the usual liberal brainwashing from her college.
Gary Von Neida says
Hate whites as they founded America—are ypu proud?
Charles L Crew says
Very good! But if the dems get their way no more god.
Lora says
Speak English. We are not weak. We will not let anti american confused gender and pro nouns take over. This is a passing phase. We will fight to get OUR COUNTRY BACK. DO OF GOD AND LOVE.. AMEN
Joseph Dinya says
Actually Trump is more like Hitler. Going on National TV lying straight to our faces, telling us to put bleach in our body to get rid of Covid, and totally ignoring ONE of the smartest docs in America. And don’t get me started on how Trump speaks. My 6 year old talks better than him. America is better off without an idiot like that
Debra says
You sound like a very uneducated idiot.
Gary Von Neida says
Oh You fools, Hitler & Stalin were both SOCIALISTS—a hairs breath away fro Marxist/Communists—stop watching the fake marxist MSM.
Dan says
They were authoritarians. Much like trump wanted and tried to be. Socialism and communism and capitalism are not forms of government. They are economic systems. You moron
Are you freaking kidding me…what on earth is someone like you doing with a child, your ignorance would suggest you shoulnt even own a dog let alone father a child..Seriously, God help us..
Luke says
The problem is that today’s Democrat voter is part of the dumbest, most indoctrinated group of morons to ever walk Planet Earth. While Earth has existed for billions of years, we have experienced the horrors of communism in just the last 100 years- what most clueless A mericans don’t know is that approx.100 years ago, Emma Goldman, a Jewish communist and others began infecting our body politic with commy ideology(leading one of her sheep to murder President McKinley in Buffalo).She ,being a good BOLSHEVIK, left the U.S. for Russia and helped her fellow lefties form the Soviet Union( which led to re-education camps where millions suffered and died). According to my neighbor, the Jew bolsheviks- set up ” rat squads” in every neighborhood to spy on people who would be arrested and taken away if they did anything or said anything which the commies didn’t approve of. Emma, apparently possessing a shred of humanity herself, became disillusioned with the Communist hell that she’d helped create, and begged to get back into America. Back here, our great General Patton knew that we were “fighting the wrong people” in going after Hitler- not because Adolf wasn’t a bad guy, but because he correctly saw the Jewish commy threat in Russia was more dangerous to America…turns out, he was right . Today, when u see our “Jewish friends” like “suckerberg”, Schumer, Sanders, and Soros( the four Jews of the apocalypse, as I call them) , and then u research and begin to note that Jewish commies have literally overrun every institution of power, then u might begin to wonder why the useful idiots tools of these leftists could be this cluelessly stupid- the truth is, propaganda is powerful-even intelligent people fall victim to the continuous drumbeat of hate coming out of Hollywood and the media for our country and conservatism( freedom). Karl Marx, I believe, said ” give me your children and by age 5 they’ll be devout communists. This is why Marxists here begin indoctrinating your children in govt- commy schools as early as possible now. By the way, I’ve got Jewish relatives throughout my family tree, so all of you “triggered ” sheep can save it. Just trying to shine the light of truth on an increasingly dark planet.
Charles L Crew says
The bleach thing was a sourchistic joke to the fine upstanding evil media. So you prefer lyin Joe Biden.fact check how often he actually might tell the truth.. Lyin Joe biden lied 33 times on the last pres debate. What’s going on now with brain washing the young is exactly what Hitler did. I fact check how many register voters and how many votes were counted. You more than likely can see the truth.
Jared says
All I can say is wow you’re really That ignorant evidently you are Not even sure why I’m wasting my time with Your response it’s just that it’s very upsetting to me to see people like you in our country
Lfrd says
Now will we ever be great again???
If you keep bringing up hitler you have to kill 6 millions of Americans to get a correct flavor of what u mean
Cannot believe how ignorant many Americans are. Don’t believe that?? Who stole the election??
Tillie says
OH PLEASE , He is not a liar, please tell us what he lied about.. The left hate that he brought forty evengelicals to pray over the white house, prior to moving in. To clear out all evil spirits within the living space/apartment.. Why because Hillary was talking to the dead and bragged about it.. she said she was having long conversations with Eleanor Roosevelt. thats called necromancy the practice of claiming to foretell the future, by alleged communicating with the dead.. called black magic sorcery..a very evil practise.. condemed by GOD..obama, faithful to his fait muslim, had prayer rugs a prayer room for his muslim practice.. which they do not pray to the GOD of Moses ,Jacob, or Abraham.. we belive there is only one God..and they belive alla is the almighty..that as well lieves unclean spirits. Nancy Reagon would aways consult FURTUNE TELLERS FOR HER DAILY ADVICE TO THE pRESIDENT.. THAT AS WELL WAS EVIL..we are to depend on Godly wisdom, by prays and asking GOD ALMIGHTY.. However my point is that many in washington.. are not God fearing rulers and the house was full..from evil spirits. and ungodly people peaple chosen by evil by the voters begiled by liaers. as for how,! TRUMP talks.. your now picking the fly shit out of the pepper. He was Gods chosen for this hour, and as always god has the final word. and our now president will be rewarded by god almighy and judges by God almighty not you or me. these are my personal opinons thank you.
I WROTE THIS, without looking at the key board, I type 88 letters per min..should always Check for mispelled words..yeak!
Mitch Strong says
Trump is very much an authoratative leader like Stalin or Hitler. This week, that was laid bare for all but the most brainwashed to see. It is astonishing that his people chanted “Hang Mike Pence,” and this didn’t bother him a bit. He didn’t even check in with Pence to see if he was OK. The good news is that those who believe in conspiracy theories always lose in the end. Look at all the MAGA maniacs getting arrested and fired this week. I really do hope they can get past all the hate and lies. We need a conservative party that is rational…not seething with hate.
Freedom says
You must be Joe Biden or Kamo Harris. Please stop spreading your ignorance and hate. Please educate yourself.
Lfrd says
Now will we ever be great again???
If you keep bringing up hitler you have to kill 6 millions of Americans to get a correct flavor of what u mean
Frank says
Liberals are so out of touch with reality. No one deserves or is garunteed anything. Go to school, learn a trade or get a degree that will actually get you a carreer. Pay your bills – nothing is free. If you dont like what America is or how it became, pack your shit and leave. No one is keeping you here. As far as Biden, he cannot complete a sentance. They will invoke the 25th on him and move Harris into office. Look at California – its broke. F**Ked up. That will be the model for the USA under her control. The liberal utopia is a pipe dream, better stock up with essentials and pick a overpass because everything will be taken away with no fight or questioning. They already provec it with the covid lockdown and mask bs. Only the strong will get through this. There will be no safe spaces, no cry rooms and nothing for free. Best of luck to everyone snd may God keep you safe. Oh and if the word God offended you, too F**king bad.
Anne jakobs says
The constitution was written by God fearing people for the safety of the people! Amen. It is for the people by the people the reason it used to work is because people were God-fearing people, people now don’t know how to govern themselves because they are self righteous people we are screwed!!! But God! He alone is our hope. COME ON JESUS, RAISE US UP🙏✝️
Bev says
The Fist says
You’re a scumbag maggot ignoramus, brainwashed with conservative Republican ideology, immoral to its core and supporting the American predatory capitalist economic system that rewards a handful of people with 95% of the resources, leaving American workers drowning in debt and struggling to survive. How about YOU pack YOUR shit and get the fuck out of here while us HUMANS create a system that guarantee health care and education as the human right that it’s supposed to be and actually IS in every other developed nation on Earth. You piece of shit.
Guest4579 says
Poor “Fist.” You’ve got it so backwards. It is the American capitalist system that has RAISED the wellbeing of people all over the world. And as far as your guaranteed health care and education – you will wait a looooooong time to see your doctor when it’s ‘free.’ I’ve spoken with healthcare workers and one nurses told me of her sister who had cancer. She had to wait in line to be seen and by the time she received her “free” doctor’s visit her cancer had metastasized and she died. If you want socialism so badly and love it so much then why don’t you go LIVE IN A SOCIALIST COUNTRY?! I’ll tell you why not — because you are full of bull.
Mebster says
Uhm, and yet the people in this country have a MUCH higher quality of life than in other countries where your “free” socialist programs exist. And BTW, how did you come to determine that education and health care is a basic human right? Why don’t you add food, water, cell phones, internet, and housing? Why stop there you jacktard? Let’s add transportation, clothing, gas, and electricity…, Herein lies the problem… You have someone’s fist jammed so far up your rear end that you fail to understand how these commodities are created, distributed and maintained. You have no end game.. Once you get everything for free you’ll still be the whinny little boy asking for more. Go to Venezuela and speak to the people there about the “Socialist Utopia” they have and how it destroyed the 4th richest nation in the world. Stupid A$$hole.
Sharp says
Can’t you express your feelings without looking like lunatic I’m sure people are avoiding. It’s ridiculous to be this way to anyone for any reason. People don’t have to agree with you
Mister says
Your are the piece of shit, & those with your mentallity.. Your also blind as fuck. Get your eyes checked & then go get a 10 dollar coffee from star bucks like normal, then tell your self some more lies about the other half of the country!
L says
How are we brainwashed. Why are you so disgusting and hateful. We don’t go around thinking killing innocent babies is ok. So. ..I think you are out of your mind bc. You are. That’s a fact.
Charles L Crew says
When communism hits us maybe you brain washed democrats at less some of you will see the truth its out there.What you going to do when China, Iran, Korea invade America. they already saying their coming after us
Freedom says
I feel so sorry for all of you that think you are owed free stuff. Let me remind all of you… the federal state and local gover6take money from people who get up everyday and go to work. That money is used for people like you that think all should be given to you for free. Where is the reward in that. I suggest reading the truth and making amends with your creator. Hell is an eternity not a great place to be.
ed says
Written like a true Liberal!
Heather says
Agreed with all you said.
Gary Von Neida says
Stop calling the useful idiots liberal—they are Marxist Communists parading as Socialists.
James says
Frank; To have the Right to life, literally means you are entitled to life ! You Frank are the one who is out of touch with the reality of what this nation was founded upon, and represents; as all Right wingers are !
Deb says
All great nations have fallen from within and America will surely follow with Biden and Harris at the helm
They do not get that its the person that bags your groceries or takes your call at the doctors office they are not for the people that keep America running. Biden will not be able to fulfill his term in office then we will get her and she is a nightmare.
We had the best President in Trump he delivered on every promise he made to the american people.
It seems like the liberal media want to erase everything that America was built on and instead of learning from the past they want to eradicate it.
Anonymous says
1. The left doesn’t hate America. Why would anyone living in America hate it. Does wanting to improve or change things in our country mean we hate it? No.
2. Donald Trump is a con-man and a crook. You can say the “fake news media” has convinced me of this, but that is not true. I have been convinced by the actions of the man himself. He violated the emoluments clause during his presidency. He was supposed to hand his businesses over to a blind trust. Instead, he signed them over to his sons and son-in law and has made millions while in office. If you think he is a good man you are a fool and a rube.
3. Nothing in the lives of middle class people has improved under his presidency. Healthcare has not become affordable. College has not become more affordable. Nothing has been down about exorbitant interest on student loan debt that is crippling a generation of hard working individuals. Yes, hard-working.
What the fuck is the liberal media? You mean the news? You idiots have no concept of truth anymore. The New York Times- not true. CNN- not true. All newspapers and major news outlets in fact constitute your so called “liberal media.” Wake up! You are being taking for a ride! If you had lived during Nazi Germany you fools would be wearing swastikas and shouting out Zeig Heil. Ugh, it’s just so stupid it hurts. It honestly hurts. You are cheering an evil man. You are not living in reality. You are the victim of propaganda, but you think I am, because I believe what I read in the actual news instead of what you’re seeing on Fox or even better, some fucking Q-Anon site. This editorial is nothing but platitudes and empty words. There are no facts in this editorial. American Conservatism is based on “Biblical Christian principle” while Democratic Socialism is based on “godless Marxism.” What about separation of church and state? Is our government supposed to be Christian? No it is not. It’s there to serve the people.
Anonymous says
Democratic 🤮
T.T says
Who is out stealing elections and using psychological terror it is not Trump. Its the spear chicken Obama who will recieve the death penalty before we the people are finished
Luke says
The problem is that today’s Democrat voter is part of the dumbest, most indoctrinated group of morons to ever walk Planet Earth. While Earth has existed for billions of years, we have experienced the horrors of communism in just the last 100 years- what most clueless A mericans don’t know is that approx.100 years ago, Emma Goldman, a Jewish communist and others began infecting our body politic with commy ideology(leading one of her sheep to murder President McKinley in Buffalo).She ,being a good BOLSHEVIK, left the U.S. for Russia and helped her fellow lefties form the Soviet Union( which led to re-education camps where millions suffered and died). According to my neighbor, the Jew bolsheviks- set up ” rat squads” in every neighborhood to spy on people who would be arrested and taken away if they did anything or said anything which the commies didn’t approve of. Emma, apparently possessing a shred of humanity herself, became disillusioned with the Communist hell that she’d helped create, and begged to get back into America. Back here, our great General Patton knew that we were “fighting the wrong people” in going after Hitler- not because Adolf wasn’t a bad guy, but because he correctly saw the Jewish commy threat in Russia was more dangerous to America…turns out, he was right . Today, when u see our “Jewish friends” like “suckerberg”, Schumer, Sanders, and Soros( the four Jews of the apocalypse, as I call them) , and then u research and begin to note that Jewish commies have literally overrun every institution of power, then u might begin to wonder why the useful idiots tools of these leftists could be this cluelessly stupid- the truth is, propaganda is powerful-even intelligent people fall victim to the continuous drumbeat of hate coming out of Hollywood and the media for our country and conservatism( freedom). Karl Marx, I believe, said ” give me your children and by age 5 they’ll be devout communists. This is why Marxists here begin indoctrinating your children in govt- commy schools as early as possible now. By the way, I’ve got Jewish relatives throughout my family tree, so all of you “triggered ” sheep can save it. Just trying to shine the light of truth on an increasingly dark planet.
Anonymous says
You are full of BS! Check your facts, they are lies!
Jenuwin says
well said Anonymous.
Michael Paul Hurless says
Thank you every word is true
Anonymous says
The healthcare problem is the fault of the other conman , namely Obama. Get your facts straight
Cynthia says
You are a person who is living in an alternate universe, you have Trump confused with Obama, your statements only go to show your derangement.
dr says
you are dead wrong….Trump is not the crook….Trump gives his salary to needed entities each and every month. Trump does not need tax payer money he has his own earned from many trials and tribunes in growing his business;s. the crooks my friend are the ones you support.and voted for…the bidens the clintons the obamas the demobat congrass and the cheaters in high places under the gize of working for the people….(algore comes to mind….) china props up the biden family for return favors with tax payer give aways….russia propped up hillary and willy……lobbyists prop up demobats and old swamp rinos. my advice to you…..start thinking with your brain instead out you a** and get some intelligence before it is too late….Trump is hated because he takes away th eability from those who are screwing this country into the ground…….nothing the left has charged him with in over 4 years has turned to be true…all false charges supported by a leftbat commie inspired news media
Ed says
You folks all have several things in common: You cannot spell. You think Trump cares about you. ( he doesn’t ) His tax cut only benefits him and other wealthy people. Not you. Not me. You all thought you were going to get health coverage. You didn’t. He had control of the senate. They passed NOTHING in the way of health legislation, in 4 years. He is a con artist. Always has been. Always will be. And it’s sad that he conned so many Of my fellow Americans. Why is it that whenever someone disagrees with one of his positions, they are labeled as socialists , or communist, I know why. You all are fucktards, morons, and stupid., who are following a fucktard, who also happens to be a stupid moron!
Anonymous says
Who the hell benefited from Obama care?
Anonymous says
Your a brain washed commi!good luck working for the cup or else your ass will end up in a camp!
Anonymous says
Both parties say whatever just to ge your both. After that. Oh well
Anonymous says
Totally agree. Thanks! Amen! says
Bruce Runner says
I can hear the hatred in your words ,
Anonymous says
Well done! Your last paragraph needed to be said by some one educated and willing to speak out. I reside in the bible belt of America and see for myself separation of church and state has to be in place for very good reasons.
Anonymous says
You aren’t making anything better with your progressive programs. You are inviting tyrannical government by giving it more power over things. Shut-up and sit down, real men will have to fix this because of stupid people like you.
Ed says
You folks all have several things in common: You cannot spell. You think Trump cares about you. ( he doesn’t ) His tax cut only benefits him and other wealthy people. Not you. Not me. You all thought you were going to get health coverage. You didn’t. He had control of the senate. They passed NOTHING in the way of health legislation, in 4 years. He is a con artist. Always has been. Always will be. And it’s sad that he conned so many Of my fellow Americans. Why is it that whenever someone disagrees with one of his positions, they are labeled as socialists , or communist, I know why. You all are fucktards, morons, and stupid., who are following a fucktard, who also happens to be a stupid moron!
Jane says
I see my vocabulary, you are uneducated, probably unemployed and collect from the government every way you can. Good luck with communistic way. Let others work for your entitlement!
Omegaj says
Sorry ED- I’m a SMALL business owner who started under Obama- I live week to week- I thank God for the tax breaks I got from President Trump. If Hillary had been elected I already had plans on closing up shop. VP Joe has already said he would cancel the tax breaks which will hurt me terribly.
Guest4579 says
Pres. Trump’s tax cut certainly helped ME! And you are the one who has no logical answer which is why you can only indulge yourself in name calling and filth.
SueSue2020 says
If you want health coverage then get a job, work and earn the money to PAY for it!
M. Davis says
I great awakening will come soon enough. I am unhappy that the government has paid out trillions to Americans in the form of “Stimulus Checks.” There are no “Free” rides. You seem to want complete equality.. That is Marxist and Communist. Read the history of those if you really care about your life and peoples other lives. Everyone must now pay for this fiasco. And it will come in the form of a recession… NO a Depression, the likes that this county has never experienced. Poverty will be rampant. Death will be rampant. Millions of foreclosures of homes and business properties will be lost as a direct result of this liberal socialists who want total utopia. Millions of men, women and children will be homeless. Many will die of starvation and exposure to the elements. There will be NO JOBS! There will be plant closures and layoffs galore..Your money (what little you have in savings) will buy very little. The USD currency will be devalued so much that it will take a wagon load of dollars to buy a loaf of bread. Your country prints money like water… a never ending amount of it backed by absolutely nothing. No Gold Standard, no precious or semi-precious metal backing whatsoever. Soon the USD will plummet in purchasing power. The United States of America credit worthiness will fall to all time lows. Yes, it has to to with economics and if you are smart, you should start studying that subject very carefully. Keep being misled or start learning basic economics and the history of the United States. My advice to you is that you reject everything that the “America History” that is being taught to every child in the US over the past two decades about how terrible the United States is. You’d be way ahead if you quit listening to Howard Zinn. If you think the new President elect Mr. Biden with straighten this out you are a dreamer. We are already doomed as a nation by this massive spending. If you are not happy, move out of this country and move NOW so you will feel better! Otherwise quit your complaining and start DOING SOMETHING to make things better here in the US.
Anonymous says
You are absolutely correct!
Brandy Nicole Ranly says
Really? Obama had 8 years to take your guns away and he never did. What’s wrong with Republicans wanting to send our hard earned tax money to countries like Israel who actually has universal healthcare and 2 years of service in IDF where they learned responsibility and had a free education during service? What can’t you understand about how the “left” just wants us to use that money to benefit Americans instead? DJT could’ve started taxing Wall Street trading since American workers are taxed on income and every purchase why not tax their profits from trading to improve our healthcare and educational programs/systems? That’d what Bernie Sanders was planning on doing to pay for Universal healthcare and 2 years of College/ trade school free by taxing Wall Street trading.
Anonymous says
Evil my ass ,where did you come up with that. Was it from a dream you had of DT becoming the antichrist or the Devil himself or better yet, both of them .that would make him twice as evil !!! He’s one of the nicest guys u could ever meet.Man for the evil.
Tracie says
“In God We Trust” appears on American currency. That fact all over Washington D.C. buildings, in official documents, and historical speeches. Less than a hundred years after its Declaration of Independence, In God We Trust was proclaimed on its coins.Maxine Waters Should be “Wearing Swastikas” /“If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, get out and create a crowd. Push back And tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”Healthcare has not become affordable because we can’t End OBAMA-CARE to do it. College has not become more affordable because Colleges or Professors are not willing to take “Pay Cuts” Stop Ignoring that’s the only way college can become more affordable.Our Tax Dollars shouldn’t be RESPONSIBLE for it. It’s your Ignorant Opinion “Middle class people HAVE Improved under Trump presidency. If you we’re not so consumed in HATE for him you could see some VERY Reputable Christians are standing with Trump. He became a “Born Again Christian” sure he’s raw, he’s a Fighter for Equal Opportunity for people. He’s had so much VERBAL Abuse thrown at him, but God Forbid he dishes some back. NO DEMOCRAT Could take the Verbal Abuse he has without probably WORSE Come-backs than Trump has said. He is based on a man raised by a VERY HARD Father. Your CONSTANT Negativity and Judgment make YOU LOOK HORRIBLE. American Conservatism, promoted by Republicans and founded on Biblical/Christian principles that have resulted in the greatest country to have ever existed. Democratic Socialism, based on godless Marxism that has resulted in catastrophic failure with over 100 million people murdered by their governments in the 20 th century alone, with millions more living in poverty and misery whenever and wherever it’s been tried. Venezuela is a current example. Democrat Followers spew the BS and the people in office are Laughing behind your back. You should really take a long look & listen to the crap your saying. Trump retains the support of most faith-based voters because he has delivered on the issues they care about most. Evangelical voters, with 82% saying they planned to vote for Trump. Just recently, brokering HISTORICAL Peace agreements in the Middle East. I Prayed & Prayed for GOD’S guidance about TRUMP. He told me he is a very good man. Maybe flawed more than others but is trying to do the rug things to HELP Americans. So many Black Americans now stand behind him for what he’s done for them. Alveda King highly supports him. Stop judging him on WHO HE WAS BEFORE He became POTUS. STOP Ignoring the DEMOCRAT CORRUPTION & HYPOCRISY. You make a FOOL of yourself doing it. The HATE Flows through your words like a Deeply disturbed Brainwashed Liberal.
Brandy Nicole Ranly says
Since when did Trump become a “born again Christian”? I seriously want to know because he stands for the opposite of everything the Messiah stood for and showed us how to live. Trump has admitted that he’s never asked forgiveness for sins. That’s literally a prerequisite to becoming a Christian. I won’t hold my breathe I’ve watched several interviews and Trump says he never asked forgiveness for sin or repented.
Dax Moon says
How do people toss away your fairly dispassioned points even most pre Trump repubs accept as true so flippantly?
Aspenlee says
Your a socialist idiot. Let’s see how you feel in 4 years when you no longer have any freedom or rights. Only people with money will be Biden and his entourage, you will be wallowing in mud but think your in paradise. Better start crying now!
Maybe you should dig into your facts a little deeper check out the clintons see how many “clauses” that they did not follow! First did the exact same thing Trump is the only one who actually did what he said he was going to do when he went into office and now all the American people act like spoiled little babies and can’t accept that they’re so used to people lying to them and being lied to they don’t want somebody who’s actually telling the truth in there they can’t handle that they’d rather people like Clinton who are killing people hiding things you need to get your facts straight and you need to quit watching your damn news programs! The news call themselves The show for a reason!
Me says
You are sucked in by “Fox lying news to the point that you can’t even see the world anymore. Trump has done nothing but lie chest and steal his entire life. I listened to him on a talk show over 6 years ago telling the host he knew how to control these people that didn’t do what he wanted. The host ask him how. He said I have these people who work for me. The host ask him who they were. Trump said well they are commonly called thugs. “They are probably some of the same thugs he sent after Stormy Daniels when she was threatened in the parking garage. I Love The United States of America but not Loser trump. Didn’t capitalize that on purpose. No respect for that moron!
Russell says
Move to China if you think the USA is such a bad place to live. It is not perfect, but I would not want to live anywhere else. As history shows, once Stalin and Lenin got into power, the first thing they did was to kill off the opposition and the people that put them in power. Both of these guys slaughtered about 35 million people. I guess that is progress.
“Sleepy” Joe is the traitor to the USA and has sold out the US to the Chinese.
DB Nebraska Republican says
Will this be included in the first 100 days of office; “When will the ovens be built?”
Bob Robbins says
Only cowards reply anonymously.
Anonymous says
Dear whoever you are;
If you prefer to have rulers over your life who have NO Moral Law Giver and therefore, NO Moral Law, Please move to another country that is is not guided by Christian principles or perhaps move to one where they persecute or punish anyone who has them.
Separation of Church and State simply means the GOVERNMENT is NOT allowed to dictate what religion someone ought to adopt. It also means that the Government has no right to
disallow, discourage or discount any religion that doesn’t infringe upon any other Americans’ right. I can only imagine you have never read the Constitution or the Bill of Rights or perhaps you lack comprehension of what the words mean. Either way, Know this, an HONEST JUDGE listens to ALL testimonies and then weighs the evidence. You have not done your due diligence to comprehend either document. I recommend you take an online course and perhaps expand your vocabulary so that you don’t have to stoop to imbecilic swear words.
Marlene says
The left does not hate America – they hate democracy, good morals, and seem to have no fear of their Creator. I used to be a democrat but when they became so liberal I could no longer stay with the party. When democracy is redefined to suit themselves then they will love it.
Anonymous says
Dear whoever you are;
If you prefer to have rulers over your life who have NO Moral Law Giver and therefore, NO Moral Law, Please move to another country that is is not guided by Christian principles or perhaps move to one where they persecute or punish anyone who has them.
Separation of Church and State simply means the GOVERNMENT is NOT allowed to dictate what religion someone ought to adopt. It also means that the Government has no right to
disallow, discourage or discount any religion that doesn’t infringe upon any other Americans’ right. I can only imagine you have never read the Constitution or the Bill of Rights or perhaps you lack comprehension of what the words mean. Either way, Know this, an HONEST JUDGE listens to ALL testimonies and then weighs the evidence. You have not done your due diligence to comprehend either document. I recommend you take an online course and perhaps expand your vocabulary so that you don’t have to stoop to imbecilic swear words.
EE says
The Nazis dehumanized an entire race of people (actually, several races and religions) and thought they were not worthy of life because of their beliefs. You are the one name calling and judging. I didn’t see the author calling anyone stupid or Nazis…that came from you. When all you have is hate for people who believe differently than you, you are the dangerous one and the one at risk of dehumanizing those who believe what you hate. Before you judge us, look in a mirror.
Anonymous says
Now that way of thinking is what will destroy this country..I expect the idea that everyone has an eight hundred square foot apartment to live in, free education ,x amount of money allocated to you weekly is your dream come true.The heck with having to make it on your own.We know how that ends don’t we?
Anonymous says
You are so stupid living life with your eyes an mind closed to everything around you an it’s people like you who need to wake the fuck up open eyes an see the truth about Joe Biden an all of Hollywood child Molestor’s an Evil worshippers unless your one of them just wait your time is coming too
dr says
hahhahhaahahhah ahaahah haahhha ahhahhahahhhahh ahhaahahaahhaahhaahhahah ahh hah a hahhahaha haa hahahahhahahahhhhhahah hah ahha hhahhahhhhahah hahhhahhahhhahahahahahahahah ahahhahahahahahahah ahhahahahahahahahahahah ahahhahahahahahahahahahhaha h hahahahahhaaahhahhahahahahahhahhhahahahhahhahhhahhahhahhahhahhahhahhajhaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaaahhaaaaaiiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiiaiaiaiaahhhhahha hahhahhhahhahahhahhahhhahhahhahhahhah
Rob says
It’s not there to serve the people you half wit, it’s there to ensure the people have equal opportunity to serve themselves. Government ain’t yo daddy.
Love what you said!
Zolly Simon says
The disciples and heirs of the French egalitarians are the Marxists, Communists, Socialists, Liberals and the political churchmen of today. Who, themselves, believe they are missionaries and have theorized themselves out of reality. They refuse to concede that equal opportunity will inevitably expose unequal capabilities.
Rambvo says
You liberals have no clue!
Liberals are run by Khazarian Mafia which has now sold old America to CCP Chinese Communist Party! That is high treason even if everybody is doing it!
Fake media and medical mafia also corrupt as hell!
Do your homework then see why Americans want Trump! God speed MAGA!
Ask your congressmen to vote for Trump this January 6, email them now!!! 🙂
Anonymous says
You are right! The gates of hell are about to open up. These idiots have no clue, but the
school system has failed to teach history. The power hungry left are so blinded by money and power they can’t see because they have their heads so far up their asses they are not going to be in power. They will probably be publicly executed so the rest of America will comply. They give our hard working tax money to foreign countries and keep a percentage for themselves thinking they are protected Stupidity!! Trump is an American who wants for Americans. I had the pleasure of meeting him in 2004 at the convention center in California. I can tell you the man is not racist, he was the nicest and smartest man there.
Guest4579 says
Thank you for the truth!
Lisbeth says
This is the only sensible statement here.
Ron Massey says
Forgive them o lord, for they have eyes but cannot see, ears but cannot hear, a nose but cannot smell, and a mouth that spews trash.
Anonymous says
The rioting, gun carrying protesters are so blind to the fact that an egotistical maniac is running the country. And wants to continue to run it, even after he lost the election. He does not want to leave office because he knows that many states are after him and he could very well do lots of Jail time. Well deserved. He does nothing buy lie and bully. And today, he incited protesters to go to DC and riot. Carrying guns, knives and anything else they can use to harm, hurt and DESTROY OUR CONSTITUTION!!!! The Senate and Congress must act now and REMOVE THIS EVIL EXCUSE FOR A HUMAN BEING FROM OFFICE. HE IS UNFIT AND MENTALLY UNSTABLE AND VICE PRESIDENT PENCE SHOULD TAKE COMMAND UNTIL JOE BIDEN IS SWORN IN.
Anonymous says
You are the perfect example of the devil himself.
Sherry says
Hey stooge…let me tell YOU something. I worked my way through school. I paid as I went like many of my classmates and still managed to graduate with a 3.9 average. I wasn’t a crybaby with the attitude that everyone else must support my self-serving entitled pathetic self. Complain about the high cost of education?? You can thank your brain-washing and greedy professors for their exorbitant wages! If you consider “censorship,” telling half truths, and constant biased reporting as fair and honest, you truly are as brain-washed as you seem to be. Trump was the result of a population that was tired of the bullying and censoring of an opposing side. Be honest! What you really desire is a group-thinking, one size fits all, everyone march the same or you will be punished type of nation. You don’t get the obvious taking over of your freedoms type of country. Think China, North Korea. Many of us can see it coming and those of you who have no experience or foresight to figure it out can credit “yourselves” for losing your country. You and your children will get the country YOU deserve. The sad thing is by the time your eyes are opened (or when it is the rights YOU care about,) it will be way too late. I won’t be around but remember there were those that tried to warn you but you couldn’t think past your own arrogance and what you want NOW will be the benefactors of what you reap. Good luck!!
Guest4579 says
AMEN! I worked my way through school as well without so much as one penny of debt. You are absolutely right!
Laura says
To answer your question. Yes, you must hate or at the very least extremely dislike your country if you want to radically change it. And yes socialism is a “radical” change and definitely not an improvement, read a history book! Let me keep it simple for your simple mind. If you love your spouse/parents/child, would you think insisting that they need to radically change a loving gesture? No, you don’t radically change the ones you love, as you wouldn’t radically change the country you love. If you actually come up with some real “improvement” ideas, please past them along to your marxists freinds.
Fkamalaharristhecommie says
The government provides basic needs but it seems like most liberals these days view free food and ps5’s and 400 dollar nikes as basic needs. Joe biden will die in office and commie harris will take over and plunge this country sadly. thats my prediction.
Patriotic American Citizen Against Liberals says
You’re so ignorant and misinformed, next time you open your mouth, you fucking commie, get your fucking facts right first. If you don’t like this country then fucking leave. Nobody fucking wants your dumbass here trying to change what the USA is about. Patriotism, freedom, capitalism, and success. There are plenty of communist and socialist countries you take your sorry ass to. Quit trying to misconstrue everyone’s words and intentions you goddamn US-hating liberal.
Anonymous says
You are the fool! Obama, Clinton’s and Biden family had very little money before there presidencies and now have 100+ million dollar bank accounts post presidency. Do t talk about making money off the presidency.
To think there are not other countries or people trying to destroy this country from with in is completely naïve of you. It’s the new form of warfare because you would least expect it.
Talking about Trumps actions! He has done everything to save the people with in this country by keeping our money here to repair our own country before others. Putting up walls to protect our citizens from harm and corruption. By keeping illegals from running up our outrageous hospital costs that are paid by taxpayers. By entering proper trade deals that benefit the American people and not just those that send us goods. You should learn a little about politics for you make statements as to the knowledge you have of what Trump actually did.
And finally let’s talk about the fake news. When you can watch the news station tell out an out lies When you just listened to a talk given by Trump or when you see him censored no matter what he may say on Twitter or social media groups it is wrong. It is misinformation and miss guided. Who are you to say that CNN is better than fox or that any new station is better than another. You should always go to the source and listen to what they said and then make your own decision. Bottom line any news station that tells lies and doesn’t report the truth or has incredible bias should be held accountable financially as well as legally for Miss information and miss guidance. You talk about separation of church and state but they are not separate. We should all be fearful of God. This country was founded on godly principles it’s on her money and it’s in every aspect of our life. Church should not be able to pass judgment or certain laws and this is where we get separation of church and state.
Because you’re too blind to see that we can have the corruption under a Biden in Kamala for Obama and Biden presidency is completely idiotic. Look at what they’ve done during the presidency which is absolutely nothing I look at what Trump has done And it all benefits the people. Promises made promises kept which is something you never see from a politician. Praise Donald Trump! Fear and love God! says
The Left loathes America and wants to take over. Power is their goal and they will do any crime to get it. The Left are nothing but criminal thugs.
You DO realize what the term Nazi stands for:
The word “Nazi” is an abbreviation for the word “Nationalsozialist.”
The full name of the political party was the “Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei” – the National SOCIALIST German Worker’s Party.
DB Norfolk Ne says
Amen to that! May the fleas from a thousand camels backs infest their crotches!!!!!
Mister says
I got news for you smart ass, the next POTUS will be just as bad if not worse. (Be careful what you wish for) Any of them that are in office should have a 4 year run, no more. How hard is it to understand that any career politicians are corrupt?! The richest people in this “once great country” are calling the shots, not the puppets in office they got elected.
Cathy Frasquillo says
I think the Democratic party is the most evilest around. They want the new world order and most people are too stupid to see what it all entales. Trump has been the best President ever. You democrats are liars and pissed because you want to steal more money from people like your robbing everyone now and people are blind to this because you have ruined America by your lies and President Trump should stay in the white house regardless. Since the democrats cheated votes. And it was filmed. And these stupid democrats make up more lies just so the really rich underground government could run everything. Well I hope you all are ready to face your maker. Too bad it’s not for us to see cause I’d live to see it. But it’s for you to bear.
Anonymous says
Julie Reineke says
You have the mentality that is being derided in the lyrics of this song. This isn’t even a recent song. It came out in the early nineties, but the mentality is embodied by Trump supporters.
Bad Religion, “American Jesus”
I don’t need to be a global citizen
‘Cause I’m blessed by nationality
I’m a member of a growing populace
We enforce our popularity
There are things that seem to pull us under and
There are things that drag us down
But there’s a power and a vital presence
That’s lurking all around
We’ve got the American Jesus
See him on the interstate
We’ve got the American Jesus
He helped build the president’s estate
I feel sorry for the earth’s population
‘Cause so few live in the USA
At least the foreigners can copy our morality
They can visit but they cannot stay
Only precious few can garner the prosperity
It makes us walk with renewed confidence
We’ve got a place to go when we die
And the architect resides right here
We’ve got the American Jesus
Bolstering national faith
We’ve got the American Jesus
Overwhelming millions every day
He’s the farmers’ barren fields (in God)
The force the army wields (we trust!)
The expression on the faces of the starving millions (because he’s one of us)
The power of the man (breakdown!)
The fuel that drives the Klan (cave in!)
He’s the motive and the conscience of the murderer (he can redeem your sin)
He’s the preacher on TV (strong heart!)
The false sincerity (clear mind!)
The form letter that’s written by the big computers (and infinitely kind)
The nuclear bombs (you lose!)
The kids with no moms (we win!)
And I’m fearful that he’s inside me (he is our champion!) Yeah!
We’ve got the American Jesus
See him on the interstate (we’ve got the American Jesus)
We’ve got the American Jesus
Exercising his authority
We’ve got the American Jesus
Bolstering national faith (we’ve got the American Jesus)
We’ve got the American Jesus
Overwhelming millions every day, yeah!
One nation under God
One nation under God
One nation under God
One nation under God
One nation under God
One nation under God
One nation under God
One nation under God
One nation under God
One nation under God
dr says
julie sweety…..have you thought about better places to live????…..venezuala? china?japan?england, canada……..cuba……I know Kenya…….be patient I;ll help you think….Oh I know a muslem country where you can wear a bag over your head and hide from the world……what say?
Kim Polk says
Boom says
Nobody read your childish attempt at an insult. Gfy and do it over and over.
Sherry says
Wrong!! I read it and it makes PERFECT to anyone with a brain!
Sherry says
Wrong.!! I read it and it made perfect sense to me!!
Heather Cheree Land-Roessler says
And what Idiot wrote that song?
Anonymous says
Mussolini delivered on all his promises to Italy too.
CS says
To your point, The difference i believe is that Mussolini was about gaining power for himself not for Italy. he pursued control over other countries via war, not in the name of helping Italy become self reliant. President Trump has not stood for war, he has been pulling troops home, he has not tried to wage war to gain power and control over other nations but instead has encouraged us to lift where we stand to Make America Great Again. We want to follow Trump because we love God, we love this country God gave us, and our families God has blessed us to be a part of which I believe is where real happiness comes, Not because we want to Rule the world and have overreaching power.
My fear about Biden and Harris is that they are in it for themselves. We see by the way that Hunter Biden was positioned to play scapegoat/ money launderer for Dad is just sad. It came at the cost of what is most important, his relationship with his wife, and getting caught up in terrible circles of influence. I get nervous to think someone would USE their own son that way, how will they use us that they don’t know other than from a statistical standpoint? I have heard Kamala publicly state that non violent crimes should be given maximum sentencing because it’s “cheap labor”? What? I’ve also heard her proclaim that parents will be arrested if their kids don’t attend school? What?!She later said it was just a scare tactic. Well that’s a relief, I thought I was going to be punished for my adolescent teens choices ha ha shrug cringe and laugh it off? It’s about power and control and not about lifting up and helping people other than themselves. It’s just so weird to me how far off everyone has gotten? Could mediocre parenting and relying on tv news and not focusing on Gods role in American History at School really be what gets people to think that oppression and “hand outs” from a government entity is the sought after lifestyle? It’s Soooo weird, you entitled, ignorant, individual you, I honestly don’t know how to help, other than stand up and share my own personal opinion on matters of erroneous comparisons. God Speed until the Savior Comes Again and every knee shall bow and tongue confess (because we want and choose to).
Kim Polk says
Ignorance is bliss!! And you are full of it!!
Dr. Jeffrey Hampl says
The Religious White tend to be binary, Manichean thinkers (fascists are too, by the way).
Everything is X vs. Y, good vs. evil.
GOP-good vs. DEMONrats evil
Christian vs. Muslim
saved vs. unsaved
straight vs. gay
citizen vs. immigrant
love Trump vs. hate Trump
with us vs. against us
Liberals think differently. We recognize nuance, which means we tend not to interpret what people do and say in the least charitable way impossible. Recognizing nuance also means we are less likely to pigeonhole people. Liberals recognize the value and equality of all people. We have a big tent. The Right mocks statements like, “Diversity is our strength,” which seems to me pure projecting, because the monolith of a political party that is predominantly white and Christian and older is actually very fragile, for all its bluster, especially given how white and Christian and older are dwindling demographics.
White and Christian and older also means conservatives are prone to authoritarianism, which is how we ended up with Trump. You didn’t want someone “presidential.” You wanted a bully who would own the libs — damn the Constitution, ethics regulations, federal laws, norms and traditions, the nation’s reputation, and American exceptionalism, which was never about “winning.”
The party of Reagan has destroyed Reagan’s metaphor of a shining city upon a hill. He reminded Americans that we were a beacon to people in others’ nations so they know that equality exists, people truly can self-govern, and individuals are free to pursue their own destiny.
Now, though, these principles offend the Religious White of conservatism. Pretending equality exists is not the same as the existence of equality and you have to twist yourselves into pretzels just to convince yourselves (eg,” All men are created equal” was just a promise for what the nation would one day be. See also the Right’s outrage after the Supreme Court ruled federal law prohibits employers from discriminating against gays).
The Right’s talk about limited government is a joke given the zeal to not permit women to control their own destiny via abortion. Forcing girls and women to carry a pregnancy they did not consent to is immoral. In international law, it’s torture, rightfully so. Conservatives aren’t exactly known for having empathy.
But what specifically obliterated American exceptionalism is Trump and his sycophants’ attack on our elections. Trump started priming his fans early on to believe the election would be rigged, long before a single ballot was cast. He lied. Ad nauseam.
So did Bill Barr, who warned against China mass-producing ballots that they would send (somehow duplicating the exact font, weight and color of the paper and envelopes, titles of referenda and bond questions, and names of candidates) to slip into individual precinct’s ballot-counting (somehow without the registrar noticing there were twice as many ballots per voter registered). After Trump twice told his rally attenders to vote twice, Bill Barr didn’t correct him, pretending as if Trump meant people could vote and then change their vote. When asked what state allowed such a practice, Barr said he didn’t know individual state laws.
Now, two months after the election, Trump still has not acknowledged he did not win the election. Two days ago, he, with his immoral lackey Mark Meadows and attorneys, called Georgia’s secretary of state to beg and threaten him to conveniently “find” one more vote than needed to overcome Biden’s win for the state. This is not the United States of America.
Worse, GOP members of Congress insist — all evidence to the contrary — that Trump won. And here’s the kicker: they claim Democrats are so sinister we discovered a way to cheat so successfully no one could figure out how. This is desperation and mob-rule thinking, the exact opposite of Americanism’s values.
So certain is the GOP that they are right (a very authoritarian mindset, naturally), they intend to protest the electors elected by the Sovereign People of six states, including mine. How low we have sunk that Republicans are so entwined in their mythology of who is a patriot and who isn’t, who respects the Constitution and who doesn’t, who is righteous and who isn’t that they plan to strip my right to vote and self-govern based on nothing but gut instinct that “if God is with us, nothing is against us.”
Anonymous says
There are more contradicting and hypocritical statements in this diatribe than the average liberal can even count. Go back to school…wait..that’s right, you are a product of the dumbing down, give everyone an “A” education of the current lefty trend. God help us all..but you mostly.
jenuwin says
Come out from under the rock of anonymity smart guy and give us facts to support your many opinions.
Sherry says
This comment is full of more contradictions and hypocrisy than the average liberal can even count. Go back to school..oh are the perfect product of today’s education system. Give them all “A”s and pass them on. Dr??? Typical fake, deceiving, idiotic crap meant to impress..but not, that a liberal will use, but that only another libby will be fooled by.
Sherry says
This comment is full of more contradictions and hypocrisy than most liberals can even count. Go back to school…wait…that would obviously be the one where “let’s give everyone an “A” and pass them on, is the mantra. DR??? Sorry, doesn’t fly. Quit trying to impress because only the simple Libby’s will believe you anyway!
Guest4579 says
“Diversity” is divisive and NOT strength. America has always been called “the great melting pot” and you libs would know that if you bothered to READ history and LEARN. Socialism does not work; the very persons trying to break down our borders and come into America are fleeing failing socialist countries. The inflation rate of Venezuela is at 1,000,000% The people are breaking into the zoos, brutally stealing/killing all the animals with stones to take them and eat. The grocery shelves are bare. Doctors and nurses earn $3/week. If one is needs surgery and is fortunate enough to have money, they must even pay for the cab ride as well as the surgery for the doctors and nurses. The citizens refuse to use their own money because it is WORTHLESS. You are probably too young to remember the Berlin Wall where citizens were risking being shot with machine guns in order to flee the kind of socialism you espouse.
Ted Schultz says
The Democrats were the party that favored slavery. Biden claims KKK clan leader Sen. Byrd as a mentor! That is one thing he has not lied about.
Pelosi’s attempt to get millions of dollars in the stimulus package to “planned parenthood” is a sham. It is not about contraception. Everyone knows Planned parenthood’s number one activity is killing babies, especially black ones. She is a spokesperson for eugenics and calls herself a Catholic She is an idiot- a very evil, hypocritical person (if we could even elevate her to that status). .We could save billions by getting rid of Nancy.. The rest of the over 5,000 page bill is full of pork. Trump wants money spent on US citizens who need the it now.. Biden “slams” President Trump because the president doesn’t wish to send billions of our dollars to foreign programs. Thankfully he wants the US dollar to go to Americans. We have massive foreign aid already. Too bad the lying news doesn’t report about all the pork in the bill instead of trying to make our president look like the bad guy. Of course they have done this for at least 5 years now–very typical. .
dr says
right on Ted
Steve lavalle says
Trump may not have been your outstandingboyscout and may not have been real clear on some issues he should of been , but every President has there l little peves and hangup.I watched D Trump from his beginning and that man has what it takes to make our country great and was well on his way of doing just that. But in order for him to do that he needed the people behind him along with his constitutes and all he got was stabbed in his back. By media the press and haters, he knows about politics as good as the next politician but the man ,was only half way done .a pres.needs both terms these days when every is so broken. And now we get to watch it break the rest of the way .man what are we going to do now. I see bad things coming our way. Don Im sorry this shit had to happen,One day people will see what could have been and realize only then ,you truly where on the right path. Dont let them get to ya,cause you have a warrior’s heart man!!!!!
Guest4579 says
You are correct! Only a person as strong as President Trump could have fought against the commiecrats, the RINOs in his own party, and a corrupt media. That’s why liberty-loving Americans love him and cheer him on.
Evidence Grows: ’20 Election Was Rigged
“Evidence!” CIA SCORECARD And THE HAMMER Used To Alter Election Counting Machines For Biden
Keith says
PROOF/EVIDENCE social media has spread so many rumors, lies and conspiracies. At least 60 lawsuits regarding the Nov. election. No proof no hard evidence no court case. Due to the ramifications of an attorney presenting FALSE INFORMATION and Evidence non of these social media conspiracies and lies are presented in the courtroom this the cases have been dismissed.
The Ring master/ clown in DC continues to fan the flames of lies and conspiracies!!
Guest4579 says
Evidence Grows: ’20 Election Was Rigged
“Evidence!” CIA SCORECARD And THE HAMMER Used To Alter Election Counting Machines For Biden
Kim Polk says
He is A CROOK WHO HAS DONE NOTHING for the little people!!
Dr. Jeffrey Hampl says
You know, there really is more to political speech than just regurgitating the same ol’ talking points you hear other people regurgitate — talking points that were false or misleading to begin with.
Yes, Democrats supported slavery: 160 years ago. How is it possible for Republicans to feel you “own the libs” by repeating such trivia ad nauseam? The GOP isn’t even the same party is was a decade ago, but you feel “safe” pigeonholing the Left as pro-slavery?
Not only is the argument stupid, it also glosses over the fact that the GOP is mostly the Religious White. By “religious,” I mean political evangelism, which maintains a caste order with God preferring some more than others — the opposite of equality, of course, although you and yours disagree because doing so preserves your caste system, which offhandedly relegates gays, Muslims, American Jews, immigrants, the disabled, Blacks, and so on as Untouchables.
By the way, the COVID19 aid was packaged within the Defense Department appropriations bill so all of your numbers are wrong, although I’m perfectly fine with cutting off the tap to Israel, which taxpayers fund obscenely every year, far more than any other nation. We would save billions right there so I’m glad we found on point of agreement!
Laura says
Uneducated Dr. Hampl, if the socialist democrats aren’t still the party of slavery, why then are nearly all the Democrat run cities so oppressive to the colored communities. Check some actual statistics before espousing your marxist learned ideas. In all democrat run large cities, the rich get richer on the backs of the oppressed. Typical democrat tactic, “give us the money and we’ll fix everything.” History shows the only thing that gets fixed is more money in the rich politicians pockets as living conditions get worse for the poor. Big government is a passive form of slavery you fool. Try opening your eyes to the truth instead of condescending to those you feel are beneath you.
Kevin says
Privatized Prisons (aka slave corps) are an ACTIVE form of slavery and supported by the right wing conservative party. Fool. What do you call making billions on the backs of workers who make a “minimum wage” that doesn’t currently support the economic climate. But we can’t raise minimum wage now can we? Because “MUH TAXES AND MUH FREEDUMBS”
Dan says
How is it that the Left apparently wields so much power? I mean, last I checked, Trump was still president, the Senate majority’s still Republican, and the House was too, up until 2018! The Left needs to come to grips with the reality that, like it or not, it’s IN CHARGE. It has to be because the current regime IS NOT. Nero’s been busy playing golf, while Rome is burning…
It’s just too bad that since 2000, the Left has to keep cleaning up the disastrous back-to-back economic messes left to them (Great recession 2008) (Great Depression 2020) by Republicant administrations.
dr says
danny boy wanna talk about the collaps eof the undocumented low income loans given by the democrats that gave us the junk bonds that drove our economy into that colllapse in 2008….fanny may freddy mac run by demobats……….2020 recession??????every dempbat state and city closes free marlket business,s but keeps open government run business;s. all usa citizens get thrown out of work,,,,,but all government workers still take up space and get a pay check each and every week how come?….the demobats and the chi-com devised the bio attack on the usa to destroy this economy and president Trump….too bad Trump was the only one who saw it and tried to do something but was blind sided by the news media, the congress, the leftbat cities, and the scum paid dirt ball thugs who fire bombed our cities and tore down our statues…….one man alone can not hope to combat onslaught…..especially when they stole from him from what the people wanted and voted for……..biden is now your senile loser president who wont make it through his first term and then you will get what you deserve….a real scum bag in drag
Tracie says
2013 interview, California Rep. Maxine Waters revealed that Obama possessed a “kind of database that no-one has ever seen before,” with “information about everything, on every individual.”It’s very POWERFUL what he’s leaving in place.” October 21,2019 In fact, Barack is headlining the big Democrat strategy meeting at the home of Alex Soros tonight. This meeting was supposed to be on the down-low with “Politico Playbook” getting tipped to the private invitation which went out to all the heavy-weight Democrats including their biggest donors: Former President Barack Obama will headline a fundraiser for the National Democratic Redistricting Committee (NDRC) at Alex Soros’s New York City home on Monday evening. President Donald Trump is fighting an uphill battle, trying to get the big mess Barack Obama left him under control. The most dangerous and biggest concern is the traitors, leaking top secret information that puts our country in harm’s way.Obama holdovers left in certain positions, still working in the government. These people are some of the traitors who are leaking top secret information, but now, we know more.Barack Obama under executive order 12333. He amended the rules section of that 1981 order, expanding who could access highly top secret information from just one agency, the National Security Administration (NSA), to over 16 other intelligence agencies, and by doing so, he created the means for a soft coup to take out Trump. IF ANY Republican did ANYTHING like these things because they HATED The DEMOCRAT Coming in office, Democrats would be in worse Melt Down than has ever happened. Democrats “TRUMP HATE” Has brought out EVIL, They can’t even recognize themselves anymore. The Historical PEACE Treaties Trump has made come about are Miraculous & your Still Walking in LIBERAL BS HATE. Karma will be coming for you people. You can’t hide behind pretending to be Ignorant. God knows, he sees what your doing out of HATE… If you won’t LOOK at the FACTS Presented that show you TRUMP Is Good, not perfect , then you think you can still hide behind what the Liberals lie about saying TRUMP is Corrupted. BELIEVE Their BS gives you CLEAR Conscious of Your GUILT Pushing LIES about him as its not Your Fault if they are really telling lies about TRUMP, your sadly mistaken. You will be held accountable by your maker. IF GOD Planned on TRUMP Winning POTUS 2020, If you even Turned Away to not look at ELECTION HACKING, Knowing it was going on or knew it would happen some how, makes you GUILTY AS HELL, You will FEEL GODS WRATH…
Anonymous says
Christians deserve death for forcing their religion into nonbelievers
Guest4579 says
Whether you like it or not this country has a Christian-Judeo background. If you don’t like it here, go live in a socialist country. Those coming here are very fortunate that we allow freedom of other religions to worship; it is not guaranteed in other countries.
It is not Christians who force their religion onto others but the other religions who are intolerant. A prime example are the muslims who flood into other countries and try to change the laws and religion of the other country.
Adapted from Dr. Peter Hammond’s book, “Slavery, Terrorism and Islam: The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat”
Islam is not a religion, nor is it a cult. In its fullest form, it is a complete, total, 100% system of life. Islam has religious, legal, political, economic, social, and military components. The religious component is a beard for all of the other components.
Islamization begins when there are sufficient Muslims in a country to agitate for their religious privileges.
When politically correct, tolerant, and culturally diverse societies agree to Muslim demands for their religious privileges, some of the other components tend to creep in as well.
Here’s how it works:
As long as the Muslim population remains around or under 2% in any given country, they will be for the most part be regarded as a peace-loving minority, and not as a threat to other citizens. This is the case in:
United States — Muslim 0.6%
Australia — Muslim 1.5%
Canada — Muslim 1.9%
China — Muslim 1.8%
Italy — Muslim 1.5%
Norway — Muslim 1.8%
At 2% to 5%, they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups, often with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs. This is happening in:
Denmark — Muslim 2%
Germany — Muslim 3.7%
United Kingdom — Muslim 2.7%
Spain — Muslim 4%
Thailand — Muslim 4.6%
From 5% on, they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population. For example, they will push for the introduction of halal food (clean by Islamic standards), thereby securing food preparation jobs for Muslims They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature halal on their shelves – along with threats for failure to comply. This is occurring in:
France — Muslim 8%
Philippines — 5%
Sweden — Muslim 5%
Switzerland — Muslim 4.3%
The Netherlands — Muslim 5.5%
Trinidad & Tobago — Muslim 5.8%
At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves (within their ghettos) under Sharia, the Islamic Law.
The ultimate goal of Islamists is to establish Sharia law over the entire world.
When Muslims approach 10% of the population, they tend to increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions. In Paris they are already seeing car-burnings. Any non-Muslim action offends Islam and results in uprisings and threats, such as in Amsterdam, with opposition to Mohammed cartoons and films about Islam. Such tensions are seen daily, particularly in Muslim sections in:
Guyana — Muslim 10%
India — Muslim 13.4%
Israel — Muslim 16%
Kenya — Muslim 10%
Russia — Muslim 15%
After reaching 20%, nations can expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings, and the burnings of Christian churches and Jewish synagogues, such as in:
Ethiopia — Muslim 32.8%
At 40%, nations experience widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks, and ongoing militia warfare, such as in:
Bosnia — Muslim 40%
Chad — Muslim 53.1%
Lebanon — Muslim 59.7%
From 60%, nations experience unfettered persecution of non-believers of all other religions (including non-conforming Muslims), sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon, and Jizya, the tax placed on infidels, such as in:
Albania — Muslim 70%
Malaysia — Muslim 60.4%
Qatar — Muslim 77.5%
Sudan — Muslim 70%
After 80%, expect daily intimidation and violent jihad, some State-run ethnic cleansing, and even some genocide, as these nations drive out the infidels, and move toward 100% Muslim, such as has been experienced and is on-going in:
Bangladesh — Muslim 83%
Egypt — Muslim 90%
Gaza — Muslim 98.7%
Indonesia — Muslim 86.1%
Iran — Muslim 98%
Iraq — Muslim 97%
Jordan — Muslim 92%
Morocco — Muslim 98.7%
Pakistan — Muslim 97%
Palestine — Muslim 99%
Syria — Muslim 90%
Tajikistan — Muslim 90%
Turkey — Muslim 99.8%
United Arab Emirates — Muslim 96%
100% will usher in the peace of ‘Dar-es-Salaam’ — the Islamic House of Peace. Here there’s supposed to be peace, because everybody is a Muslim, the Madrasses are the only schools, and the Koran is the only word, such as in:
Afghanistan — Muslim 100%
Saudi Arabia — Muslim 100%
Somalia — Muslim 100%
Yemen — Muslim 100%
Unfortunately, peace is never achieved, as in these 100% states the most radical Muslims intimidate and spew hatred, and satisfy their bloodlust by killing less radical Muslims, for a variety of reasons.
‘Before I was nine, I had learned the basic canon of Arab life. It was me against my brother; me and my brother against our father; my family against my cousins and the clan; the clan against the tribe; the tribe against the world, and all of us against the infidel. — Leon Uris, ‘The Haj’
It is important to understand that in some countries, with well under 100% Muslim populations, such as France, the minority Muslim populations live in ghettos, within which they are 100% Muslim, and within which they live by Sharia Law. The national police do not even enter these ghettos. There are no national courts, nor schools, nor non-Muslim religious facilities. In such situations, Muslims do not integrate into the community at large. The children attend madrasses. They learn only the Koran. To even associate with an infidel is a crime punishable with death. Therefore, in some areas of certain nations, Muslim Imams and extremists exercise more power than the national average would indicate.
Today’s 1.5 billion Muslims make up 22% of the world’s population. But their birth rates are higher than the birth rates of Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, and all other believers. Muslims will exceed 50% of the world’s population by the end of this century.
Well, boys and girls, today we are letting the fox guard the henhouse.
The wolves will be herding the sheep!
You should all know that Obama appointed two devout Muslims to Homeland Security posts. Obama and Janet Napolitano appointed Arif Alikhan, a devout Muslim, as Assistant Secretary for Policy Development.
DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano swore in Kareem Shora, a devout Muslim who was born in Damascus, Syria, as ADC National Executive Director as a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC).
NOTE: Has anyone ever heard a new government official being identified as a devout Catholic, devout Jew or a devout Protestant…? Just wondering.
Devout Muslims being appointed to critical Homeland Security positions? Feel safer?
Was it not “Devout Muslim men” that flew planes into U.S. buildings only 10 years ago? We must never forget this..
Was it not a Devout Muslim man who killed 13 at Fort Hood ? (He killed “From within” -don’t forget that).
Can a good Muslim be a good American? This question was forwarded to a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years. The following is his reply:
Theologically – no . . . Because his allegiance is to Allah, The moon God of Arabia
Religiously – no. Because no other religion is accepted by His Allah except Islam (Quran, 2:256)(Koran)
Scripturally – no. Because his allegiance is to the five Pillars of Islam and the Quran.
Geographically – no. Because his allegiance is to Mecca, to which he turns in prayer five times a day.
Socially – no. Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews.
Politically – no. Because he must submit to the mullahs (spiritual leaders), who teach annihilation of Israel and destruction of America, the great Satan.
Domestically – no. Because he is instructed to marry four Women and beat and scourge his wife when she disobeys him. (Quran 4:34)
Intellectually – no. Because he cannot accept the American Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes the Bible to be corrupt.
Philosophically – no. Because Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran do not allow freedom of religion and expression. Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist. Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or autocratic.
Spiritually – no. Because when we declare ‘one nation under God,’ the Christian’s God is loving and kind, while Allah is NEVER referred to as Heavenly father, nor is he ever called love in The Quran’s 99 excellent names.
Therefore, after much study and deliberation. … Perhaps we should be very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS in this country. – – – They obviously cannot be both ‘good’ Muslims and good Americans. Call it what you wish, it’s still the truth. You had better believe it. The more who understand this, the better it will be for our country and our future. The religious war is bigger than we know or understand.
Can a Muslim be a good soldier???
Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, opened fire at Ft. Hood and Killed 13. e is a good Muslim!!!
Footnote: The Muslims have said they will destroy us from within. FREEDOM IS NOT FREE.
EnterTheFray says
Your are completely delusional if you think the USA will ever get much more than 10% muslim by the end of this century. #1. #2, halal foods are already becoming more widely available as that population that consumes those foods, grows. That includes all the non muslims who eat it. #3-There’s 150 Million red blooded American non-muslims who own the majority of the 400+ million guns in this country. THAT alone will be a reminder, or more if necessary; to remind American politicians ‘we don’t do’ separate laws for ANYONE. Ghetto dweller or otherwise. And if the crime keeps increasing, you’re gonna see a backlash against ‘thugs’ in general that would make Commander Chaos blush. We don’t need to be goaded or frightened by the likes of zealots such as yourself to fear the muslim. The muslim knows how the non-muslim American feels about the extremes of their religious beliefs.
PS: You’re a typical ‘love it or leave it’ type. “If you don’t like the way we (READ “I”) say this country is, or should be, leave. You first asshole. Part of my ancestry goes back to Cherokee nation.
Guest4579 says
What nonsense. This is the only country that guarantees freedom of religion. You don’t like it? Go somewhere else!
Johnny Slotz says
And having to save the country every decade largely prevents them from actually enacting liberal policies
Jay Hepworth says
You need to fact check yourself, you probably didn’t know Barney Frank was at the heart of the Fannie May/Freddie Mack bubble that burst our country into a recession because the Bush Administration went to the Congress years before and said the program was falling apart and they needed to change it where they ignored the warning. that Obama bungled by his Obamacare Bill and bailing out every Democratic run city and state. Tired of idiotic responses.
Emily says
This ridiculous excuse of an editorial is filled with the lies and assumptions of the indoctrinated right. Because they wear red, white, and blue every day and vote red everytime I must be a true American. Why use facts and logical reasoning while attempting to have a discussion when I can just repeat naive tropes and end any couth by simply repeating “tRUmP 2020” until the other, more intelligent, debater gives up and leaves.
As a leftist, I am more patriotic than any conservative could claim to be. I’m not taking this way of government at face value when I see so much evil being done to the least of these. How many people everyday are murdered violently because capitalism couldn’t be bothered to help them? Something to google when you get the chance. I am an American and I will not let a fascist party take the face of what they assume is patriotism and make me out to be some traitor. No, we are changing the country to take care of all of her people. I would that was the original intent of the American experiment. Except they couldn’t be bothered to even take care of slaves or women. We are making the American experiment successful, but you are too focused on appearances instead of making actually progress in the lives of the poor and needy.
Be a proud American, eat the rich and 1312.
David Haynes says
You might be right but being a patriot means that we should. Follow the constitution but the left won’t right now if there was no voter fraud then why is the left not being transparent and not cooperating and investigate it. It was obvious there was fraud to many Americans have came toward and too many machinations are saying by the numbers it was statistically impossible for Biden to win. And far as that goes Trump had kept all his promises to the American people like no other politician and still just because people dont like his personality they don’t want him as President it doesnt make since when the man works for free for the American people. Hes doing everything in his power to help this country just because he doescare about other countries is not bad. I don’t care about this personality I didn’t vote for that I wanted a job done.he would’ve went down as the greatest presidentof alltime but the left can’t stand it they would rather have an old burnout who hasn’t done squat in 47 years just let the whole world take advantage of us I do not understand the left Ben Franklin would be mad to see that the US has no more common sense.
only lazy people hate capitalism. And with capitalism we are communist. Because capitalism and freedom walk hand in hand and without one there is no other and personally I’ll never give up my freedom to make sure my neighbor has something to eat and I don’t expect him to feed me either only if it’s done out of just because we wanted too. The world owes no man nothing. I hope this helps shed some light on the subject and remember he who is willing give some freedoms for security doesnt deserve either. And that comes from one one the greatest Patriots of them all.
Cynthia says
Amen, David, thank you for the ‘truth!’.
M says
Mary says
You are just spouting the same old lies as FAUX News spouts. It has been proven over 50 times that it was an honest election and Trump LOST! Get over it, use a little critical thinking and stop lying , 3 times adultery, lying about paying tramps, mocking a disabled man, taking insurance away from his Grand Nephew that has MS because he was mad at his Father. Cheated thousands of his workers and contractors out of money, took $220,ooo dollars out of the family charity for children, paid someone to make 2 huge portraits of himself, and to pay some of his dues.. He says filthy things about women ,”Grab her by the —–“, “My daughter is a a beautiful piece of a__””. Calls football players “Sons of Bitches”, Raves and rants to his moron crowd of fans, that are as dumb as he is. Lies with every breath. Brags .brags, brags about his wealth that Daddy gave him and he has lost. Won’t pay his taxes, the list is endless. If you want a thrill jump from Faux News and Go to News max, they are bigger liars than Lou, Shawn and Tucker put together. I howl with laughter , I love a good laugh so I flip it on for a couple of minutes every so often. Trump will be going to prison soon. What can you expect of a so called man who lied about bone spurs to keep his chicken ass out of the service, while he was dodging VD instead of bullets, like the men in Vietnam where. Snuggled up to some of the most evil, blood thirsty , cruel men who had their people tortured, beat, murdered, and starved, they where Trump’s Hero’s., but let’s not forget he’s a Christian, Bahahahahah and so are his so called Christian fans,LOL!
Cs says
Mary, some words of wisdom. Judge not, lest you be Judged. Or how about ….let he who is without sin cast the first stone…. whether you believe in it or not the only real way past all this mess is for us each to be better and do better each and every day. Glad to see Trump is trying to improve with the best of us that fall short and doing it by helping make sure things are honest and tested. Sure glad every wrong choice or bad words I’ve used in my life aren’t put on display for the world to see, people might hold it over my head too?
Logos says
And I guess your just LOVE George Soros? Get over your own hate. Your head is in it and your mouth is on fire but this evil Donkey is upside down on your collective backs you across a bridge too far. You cannot afford your own future without US. Stop hating!!!
Ross Goodman says
Looking from the outside in it is maddening to see claims of voter fraud but NO EVIDENCE,. I have scoured the media both left and right to find stories of actual proven fraud. It doesn’t exist, anywhere,. Its all just “how do you explain this” theoretical fucking bullshit, and its all coming from guess who, the people that lost. Show me the evidence please, come on, rampant fraud and NO EVIDENCE. All the affidavits I have read to date look like something out of the National Enquirer and could be espousing the proof of aliens running a New Jersey Pizza Restaurant, they are that damned foolish. 74 Million disappointed losers simply need to take their diapers off and smell the bullshit they have been swallowing, wipe their bums and put big people pants on. Out here in reality land (the rest of the world) we see everything because we have no reason to only read or watch one side of the story, and sorry to say when you look at both sides the Republicans and Trump supporters come off looking really really dumb, especially AFTER the election.
Tell the truth, shame the Devil says
Guest4579 says
Evidence Grows: ’20 Election Was Rigged
Breaking News CIA Involved in Election Fraud 2020: Obama Brennan Comey
“Evidence!” CIA SCORECARD And THE HAMMER Used To Alter Election Counting Machines For Biden
Keith says
PROOF/EVIDENCE social media has spread so many rumors, lies and conspiracies. At least 60 lawsuits regarding the Nov. election. No proof no hard evidence no court case. Due to the ramifications of an attorney presenting FALSE INFORMATION and Evidence non of these social media conspiracies and lies are presented in the courtroom this the cases have been dismissed.
The Ring master/ clown in DC continues to fan the flames of lies and conspiracies!!Liberal media
SueSue2020 says
“Evidence!” CIA SCORECARD And THE HAMMER Used To Alter Election Counting Machines For Biden
Jennifer says
Dude, voter fraud has been investigated over and over…. yall just keep losing the case because it never happened
Guest4579 says
Well I was one that witnessed it and will say so anytime! Armloads full were being bundled and added!
anonymous says
It hasn’t been proven because all of the courts rerfused to look at any of the evidence. They just stated “there wasn’t any election fraud” without even looking at ANY of the evidence. Which is a sure sign of definite voter fraud.
As another poster on this site said:
“Either way, Know this, an HONEST JUDGE listens to ALL testimonies and then weighs the evidence”
The court judges did NOT weigh ANY of the evidence. They didn’t even look at it. Just stated there wasn’t any without looking at ANY of the evidence.
Without looking at any of the evidence, there is no way they can know if it was fraudulent or not unless they theirselves are part of the fraud.
And if they weren’t part of the fraud, they would have looked at the evidence before coming to a conclusion on whether there was fraud in the election or not
bruce runner says
You know I read these ,and I feel the hate in the leftist, why? And you say change the world for the better ,tell that to the 2.3 million babies ABORTED. The left has kept their foot on black people’s heads ,and blame everyone else. You say reducing the population is a good idea ,tell that to the people you killing. COVID wasn’t a accident, my question to all leftists why do you hate GOD.
Mary says
Whoever wrote this letter to the editor sure is a big a liar as Trump and the Republicans. This newspaper sure doesn’t believe in freedom of speech. I have posted 4 times telling just what I think of Trump, which isn’t much, and the newspaper refuses to post them. I guess the truth hurts.
Mary says
So you say my post is being moderated. Stop your lying, you just refuse to post my posts because your afraid of the truth and you bully anyone who doesn’t agree with you, just like Trump.
Anonymous says
You are one of the few people left in this world with a brain that hasn’t completely liquified!
dr says
yeah we leftbats put all our black brother slaves into inner city boxes gave ’em food clothing and a place to sleep…..then we kept them from getting a good education and working their way to the top… why with Trump they finally see the light of day…..all demobat cities have the slaves killing each other…..this is tooo friggen funny to even respond to……Biden will solve the problems….and harris of course with her great knowledge and experience ..hhahhhahahahah hahhahhhahhahahahahhahhhhhahhhaha hahhhaahh
Don says
How is it that the government can take care of “all the people” when government is made up of “all the people” that can’t take care of themselves? Thank you for so clearly illustrating what is wrong with the left. The left is like a snake eating itself. Sure the tail will provide nutrition for a while but eventually it will begin to consume that which cannot be replaced by eating more.
What you refer to as evil capitalism is exactly what has provided the means to help those that are less fortunate…duh? But go ahead and keep consuming your tail because I can’t wait to see the look on your face when you get a taste of your ass.
Guest4579 says
Good post! As Margaret Thatcher wisely observed, “Sooner or later you run out of OTHER PEOPLE’S money!”
Laura says
Stating you are more American then people on the right doesnt make you a patriot. It makes you feel good to say it but words are not action. Wanting to make our free country a socialist country does not make you a patriot. It makes you a fool. A fool, full of feelings and no substantial intellect. Oh by the way is it conserative capitalism killing/murdering all those people in Chicago every day? I think not honey! Your “facts” are merely your opinion and opinions by definition are not facts. Maybe you should get more leftist education. Lol it’s served you so well so far.
Guest4579 says
“How many people everyday are murdered violently because capitalism couldn’t be bothered to help them?” What nonsense! It is you liberals who want to ‘DEFUND the police!’ And it is Biden the socialist idiot that paid to BAIL OUT THE THUGS AND MURDERERS and set them back out on the street to do MORE MURDERS of innocent Americans including toddlers!
John Q says
This has be to be the biggest collection of DUMB i’ve ever seen in once place on the internet. Zuckerberg is shedding a proud tear this very moment. Reddit users around the world will remember this article and worship the diarhea of idiocy.
Tamara Bass says
Anybody that cannot see the outstanding job that Donald Trump has done for this country is out of touch with reality. Smoke another joint! Maybe the need to get excepted by other democratic idiots? Always putting out opinions and false facts. Oblivious of true harm that their ignorance is inflicting this great country.
Skip says
You are correct.I hate that our direction is based on foolish groups who never paid. their Dues in life💀
Anonymous says
What do you mean pay your Dues
M. Davis says
Work, pay your bills, and be a volunteer in some way with your spare time to help America be a great country to live in. DO YOUR PART… That’s for starters.
Shelia Battles says
I do not vote, but this has an effect on me as a citizen and christian woman nor in the United States in Ohio; I’m 65 and divorced mixed race, from white…I admire the trump family…there are none like theirs…There is a lack to me of respect and love and dignity for the quality in our white or Caucasian races, when you get any…..he should be 4 more years, then his sons take it the rest of the years after…you know T R U M P …..what that means! He does want us to have the best he can do……..I’m a christian woman….STB in Philadelphia, pa
Crissy says
So you want Trump to be your king?
Guest4579 says
FDR, a liberal, had 16 years in the White House. I guess it’s OK for you commies only.
LM says
Who hasn’t paid their taxes in the US? Maybe those who deduct $70,000 for combovers from their taxes as a BUSINESS WRITE-OFF? As Charo said the bravest men are those who show their bald heads.
Ross Goodman says
Like Donald the draft dodger did? Like Trump the tax dodger does. Like Trump the sexual predator does. If this piece of shit ever pays his dues its going to cost him 20 years in the slammer. PLEASE!
Dennis Lanew says
Trump pays all his salary back to government Is that enough moron.
Robert fulmer says
I agree. With the Democrats, it’s all about getting votes. For the spaced out liberals, it’s all about being in touch with a perfect political ideology that provides everything to everybody at no cost to anybody.
Democrats: Try doing what’s good for the people of the USA, not what keeps, or increases your power, at the expense of
most Americans. You’re ahole idiots that are blinded by the false criticisms of the unbelievable. great things that the best President, in modern times, has accomplished ,
Jackson B. says
How does allowing as many American’s to vote un-American? How is advocating for Americans’ health to be universally taken care of? How is, as you are doing, calling the majority of our country, who voted for Biden, ahole idiots? What “false criticisms” are you refering too?
William Howell says
Probably because the democrats have a long history of advocating for good things as cover to engage a larger evil act. Under the guise of allowing as many Americans to vote, they removes measure designed to prevent non-Americans from voting, dead people from voting and people voting illegally. Under the guise of healthcare for all, they implement plans for killing babies at birth (satanic sacrifice), euthanasia, denying basic medical care to non-essential people, mandatory injections, forced sterilizations. Satan alway comes as angel of light, because would reject it outright if not marketed as noble causes. Nothing good has ever come from the party of slavery, KKK, Jim Crow, homosexuality, and social of the ancestors of their former slaves.
bruce runner says
You speak a lot of truth
Dr. Jeffrey Hampl says
Sorry, but anyone who believes Democrats are cannibalistic, Satan-worshipping pedophiles is not fit to “form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility…”
If you can’t even cough up the integrity to honestly characterize your fellow citizens who happen to hold values different from yours you will perpetually grumble about being sidelined, ignored, marginalized, and forgotten. None of that is true: you choose self-exile.
Why you and yours repeat Democrats were pro-slavery 160 years ago is beyond me. It only makes you look stupid.
Here’s more trivia: Donald Trump is a fan of Andrew Jackson, who owned slaves. I’m sure in your narrow thinking you find a way to not attribute Jackson’s past to Trump.
Blanket thinking is fascist thinking. It’s moronic to believe only one side in politics has a monopoly on virtue, intelligence, patriotism, and morality. “Nothing good has ever come from” Democrats is not true but the clause does establish your ignorance.
The same is true for gays. What does “nothing good come from” gays even mean — besides how bigoted you are, I mean. With no gay people, the US and UK wouldn’t have deciphered Nazi communications, which was the turning point of World War II. There would be no “The Importance of Being Earnest” and “The Picture of Dorian Gray.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., would not have had his right-hand man to battle another domain of bigotry. No votes for women. No “Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage” and “Don Juan.”
Honestly, your statement “nothing good from” gays is disgusting. You are a lazy, uninquisitive thinker, preferring to learn by osmosis that gays must be the parade of horribles the haters claim.
The unexamined life is not worth living. But you choose to indulge your detestable thinking.
Laura says
Anonymous says
ok homophobe
John Jarrell says
The author and replies that support this right-wing propaganda didn’t have any problem eliding over the profound sins of the Republican party and their callous disregard for the well-being of anybody that’s not white and well heeled. I don’t think it’s a Christian principle to allow children to go hungry in the Land of plenty. I think they easily slip over the part of the Constitution that says government for the people. They use government for the repression of people. And no Utopia doesn’t exist but evil does and it lives in the hearts of men. There is enough ugliness in the world without Republicans politicians adding to it. We can’t create perfection but by God we can do a lot better for everyone. If that impinges on someone’s personal pile of hoarded wealth too bad. God created the world and his resources for everyone.
M. Davis says
The real facts are that the US Government does in fact help people in need for food. But the vast majority of welfare for our lesser fortunate friends comes from the CHURCHES in this country. There are no guarantees in this life and Capitalism has proven to be the ONLY economic model that has helped millions out of abject poverty. Many people here in the US feel that they deserve a free ride… there are no free rides in life. Some people work hard and some don’t… some even hate to work and don’t work. Part of the individual’s PRIDE comes from what that person produces for society. It’s up to YOU! Have a heart of SELFLESS SERVICE to others and you will prosper greatly. No one else to carve out a prosperous life for you! In America anyone who wants to do that, will do that. Carve out that prosperity and give to your Church so they can help those who cannot help themselves who are truly in dire need. The blessing is in the giving.
Anonymous says
It’s allowing anybody and everybody to vote alive or dead citizens or not. And even cheating other ways, don’t lie and say no fraud here!!! Universal health care doesn’t work either.. As far as the people that voted for Biden most didn’t know the facts. Because the media is still lying. But you are probably a STUPID die-hard Democrat that likes Socialism. Go to China and live with lying Joe’s buddies.
Cynthia says
Absolutely! 100% correct, Anonymous! perfect comment!
Anonymous says
Yes! Right! And I’m SURE you know alllll the facts, looking on an opinion based journal entry saying that there’s voter fraud here and there trying to get commenting people to stop lying, while instead you could be taking it up with the authorities….. who’s the stupid one now bud.
Douglas G. McIntyre says
I believe in 2016 all this fraud gang was put in place…but they just we’re ready for the size of Trump support, but that wasn’t the case this time….look at the facts and if you can’t see Biden and the DNC have done…then your not being honest with yourself. What’s important is our Elections many good Americans died to get the chance to vote…blacks being young them!!
Brian says
Why don’t you secede the country. The hate now is so immense it will never disappear. America is finished as it was.
Anonymous says
So you’re admitting the left is looking for sedition??
Anonymous says
True that trump won the election by a landslide I know people that cheated I will not except Biden as ptprrdifent I will do nothing ask nor will I pay one dollar for taxes the demon craps don’t care about no one
I f the democrats are so eger to support other countries then why in the hell don’t they move out of the USA, instead of destroying it. It is our money they are giving away so why don’t we have a say in where it goes. It should go back to us. no money should be going out of this country. and the fact that the democrats want to give illegals 1,800 dollars but we the people only 600 dollars. what is wrong with this puzzel? The democrats are nothing but a bunch of scumbag criminals who all belong in prison. Nancy Pelosi belongs swinging at the end of a rope. TRUMP 2020-2010 AND FOREVER.
Anonymous says
You realise it was the RIGHT-WINGED FASCISTS who refused any funds to the American people and wanted to help with ties to other countries. Trump and his bullshit coupe that him and his thugs are trying to stage here is the reason everything keeps getting worse.
SueSue2020 says
Wrong. Pelosi Mafiosi! Her faher worked for the mafia; that’s how that foul democrat got her start.
Anne says
I agree. Biden has always been a piece of crap since I knew him back in the 70’s. A chameleon politician
Anonymous says
That was so stupid. Be a working american. Go to any suppermart. Look in your cart, curse the fact you had to add another ramen and hot dog meal With three for the week you had to already. Some woman in front of you, two or more carts say’s put it on my ebt card and give me two hundred back. Hurry please cause I have to get my things home so I can see my doctor. Get my subscriptions. Which I will pay nothing for. Khrushchev said in his time USA will fall without a shoot being fired. Look around, listen., happening.
Jillian says
I believe I was able to comprehend your babbling.
Every single working American is damn proud of what they can buy. Why? Because THEY bought it themselves. I’ve been the ebt holder, I’ve been the ramen eater for months, and I’ve been more proud buying the ramen myself than ebt. There are those abusing ebt, but that’s what happens in a Democratic ran society. Everyone is on ebt. It’s what they want.
My point is America is fucking awesome. You make your own life. If you dont work, it’s your own damn fault for where and how you live. Dont blame others. Blame yourself. Regardless of your upbringing, everyone has the chance to work hard and succeed in life. Fuck government handouts. That’s lazy and not American.
Republicans want you to succeed. That’s why they dont handout money like the left are so desperate to do. That’s why Trump cut the enhanced earnings in half months ago. Like a Dad who shows tough love, republicans believe you get what you deserve and you have to learn how to do it yourself. If you are given just enough to live on, why work?
I wish liberals understood the phrase, “Be the change you want to see in the world” you cannot change a society until you first change yourself.
Emily says
This is the most privileged comment I’ve ever read. Absolutely ignorant and I bet you will continue in this ignorance because you assume everything that happened to you is what happens to everyone. I’ll never get over how the party that is supposed to have “christian” values has the most selfish and entitled people who vote that way.
Anonymous says
Oh I see it went right over your head.. don’t get it huh… go meditate! Sad your statement shows your lack of intelligence…
SueSue2020 says
Oh what a load of rot. It’s you commiecrats who want to open our borders to let the scumbags of the world in to STEAL from us! Illegals get PREFERENTIAL treatment over and above our disabled and citizens thanks to you whiners. I’ve seen it firsthand for the last 30 years.
The U.S. govt reimburses hospitals for every illegal they treat. Illegals don’t get equal treatment but PREFERENTIAL treatment and they want American citizens to be their slaves and pay their bills. This definitely affects not only quality of care, meds received (or not), and length of stay, but also any follow-up care such as going to a convalescent center until well enough and/or physical therapy (or NOT). I have a disabled friend and have witnessed outrageous discrimination over and over the last 30 years. Nurses and doctors have sympathized with my friend, who lives in pain 24/7, but can do nothing. As one doctor said while patting his shoulder, “It’s because you’re the wrong color. That’s why you can’t get the care you need. I’m sorry.” ABLE-BODIED illegals are sponging off the taxpayers and stealing from the disabled! It’s time for the U.S. govt to stop DISCRIMINATING against the disabled and its citizens.
And don’t talk about the ‘free clinics.’ They also get federal funds for each illegal treated. They will turn a Caucasian away, even if disabled, because they know they won’t get federal funds or reimbursed by the govt.
Why should they become citizens and work when they already get it all for free?! Illegals are given free medical, free housing, free food, a free cellphone and $700/month play money for doing nothing at all. They get even more when they breed so they spew kids forth with the rapidity of maggots breeding in manure. And WE, the American taxpayers, are not given equal treatment but are FORCED to pay their bills on top of our own!! This is an invasion, courtesy of you commies, and Americans are in financial slavery to pay for the invasion of our own country. Even our disabled, who live in pain 24/7, are forced to pay. When will you commies whine and cry for THEM?!!
Donald Becker says
Very true: don’t blame others. so practice what you preach. Be your own person, take responsibility for yourself and each individual do the same. Wake up and realize more than half the stuff on the internet is false. no matter what perspective it is written in and for any it is politics, religion or anything else..Stop labeling yourself and anyone else and just be the best person you can for yourself and others! Simply that!
John Wayne’s words: “Forward movement, shared by all mankind. To learn, to love, to live with peace of mind. Learn the mysteries of Space as well as those of Earth. To love each man for what he is regardless of his birth. To live without the fear of reprisal” (an act of retaliation) “for belief. To ease the tensions of the world that cries out for relief.”
He also said: “Lifes tough! It’s even tougher if your stupid”
Karen says
So what you’re saying is that an opinion is not valid until it meets your personal beliefs about people? I may be mistaken on what you were trying to say but it really does sound like that…
Anonymous says
News flash! Not all opinions are valid or worthy of acceptance. Sometimes wrong is wrong regardless of your “opinion” What he’s saying is an opinion is not valid if it’s based on wrong thinking not because he “says so” as you implied.
Marty Rutherford says
I get what your saying, but some, counting myself, has to rely on Medicare. If you would have told me this would happen 10 years ago, I would have laughed at you. Im a firm far right conservative, but i am thankful for the safety net. Not congratulating the Dems at all, just thankful it was there. I worked hard from age 16 to 45 and then..well. Everyone cant help it, but the ones taking advantage of it, should be rounded up and sent to china, their hurting the rest of us that need it.
What i see coming since it looks like slo Joe is going in, is scary. Anyone who could not see how Trump helped this country is running blind. IMO there was no way slo Joe won without cheating. We are in real danger. The true patriotic American is in real trouble when/if this lunatic slo Joe goes in.
May God have mercy.
Anonymous says
I love , admire and voted for President Trump. He is honest and is the best we have had to protect our country away from Communist China. Now we will watch you and Democrats take us down. Pandora’s box has been opened by Pelosi, Biden etc. God protect us from them,etc and you.
M. Davis says
Amen on that!
Anonymous says
It took President Trump 827 days to top 10,000 false and misleading claims in The Fact Checker’s database, an average of 12 claims a day.
S says
And I’ve been the one on both ends to I was also had goals of getting off the system and there is such hateful people that are so angry that were ignorant the first reason why I was on EBT which is no one’s business for me to repeat but then there is hatred out there too much hatred and anger instead of loving and understanding and supporting those that were trying to get off the system and go back to work because of hateful people it’s back to the same beginning steps again because there is so much hateful anger anger now
M. Davis says
Everyone sometimes gets in a rut financially in their lifetime. There are some things in life that happen to us that are out of our control. I am glad to hear that you are taking the initiative to break free and work. I wish that the welfare laws were modified so that people on it were not penalized for trying to work. Unfortunately, they are not conducive to really helping people break free. And this is the way they get them to vote at the polls. Who wants to bite the hand that feeds you??? No One! Sad but true. I pray that God will restore your prosperity and that you continue to keep trying. I know with God’s grace you can do it!
SueSue2020 says
Why don’t YOU stop whining and end YOUR anger long enough to reimburse those of us working 70-hour work weeks to pay for you!
P. says
There is also some of us that have done that changed ourselves went back and had a goal of getting off the system but because of people that are hateful I was wondering harassed harassed for nothing because of their ignorance that they never knew in the first place because hatred fear and more Panic only to stop three jobs not for no laziness no laziness at all but I know I’m a damn fighter and looked forward to getting off the system and same thing proud to go to work but because of hateful people that are angry and ignorance and spread these things goes to those that are ignorant that don’t know what they’re doing and they drive those that tried so hard and change themselves and came so far to go back to work only to come in contact with hateful people that constantly cause in fear for my life to go back home and be done with it nothing to do with laziness at all
Vincent says
That’s why the GOP likes to give itself handouts and help out their friends in big corporations while the crumbs get left to some Americans if they are lucky. The democrats do the same garbage too, but right now it’s this echo chamber mentality of “it’s not us it’s them” that is hurting America as a whole, as well as brainwashing people to believe the exact opposite of the reality of the situation by Trump. Trump supporters are cultists; they are putting party over country (like how the CCP puts loyalty to the party above country, ironically). Handouts are bad but the restaurant industry has been destroyed by the pandemic, and the PPP loans were absolutely useless when the Trump organization literally took millions of dollars from it, as well as Kayleigh McEnany parent’s roof repair business in Florida, which got well over a million dollars. Trump has convinced all these people that handouts are bad at the worst possible time; when people actually need it, while taking the cake for themselves. If he asked some of these cult members to drink Kool Aid they would, just like how people got hospitalized for trying to drink disinfectant to scare the ‘rona away; that’s not how it works but what works like wearing masks or at least respecting personal space does not matter to these people. This is not the GOP I remember from years before. Trump did a good job of destroying the party, tearing the country apart and letting days of 9/11 levels of deaths happen for weeks. Very “American.”
M. Davis says
Actually, Mr. Trump is correct when he said that handouts are bad at the worst possible time. It all comes down to basic economic principles and that is why he said that. By giving out stimulus relief checks we are going deeper and deeper into debt. In my opinion, there should not be any stimulus checks and that would be fair to all of us and to our children and grand children. I believe that Mr. Trump wanted to help people now but he has just added to the debt burden. That debt has to be either be repaid or written off where we start over as a new country. Our country has spent and spent and spent non-stop. It’s why we are in the predicament we’re in now. And it is a serious one. We just had a recession back in 2008 and now we are really headed for trouble because out countries debt is way too high. The US mint is printing dollars as fast as their printing presses can print them. This dilutes our earned money and savings purchasing power. And yet the government says we have very low inflation… that’s just not true. Just go to the supermarket and notice prices are going up and up. Is it greed? Yes, partly but also the cost of getting the product there is getting more expensive. So inflation has to be dealt with but no one in Congress wants to do that because they will lose their jobs for doing the right thing. Eventually the FED will be forced to let the real inflation rise once the US government starts to default on it’s borrowed funds from other counties and itself (us citizens) who hold US Bonds. The worst was back in the Carter administration where our President Mr. Carter and the Chairman of the FED Chairman Mr. Paul Volcker did the right thing and the inflation rate increased to almost 22%. This present real inflation will be higher than that and may reach 30%! That’s 30 cents LESS per dollar in purchasing power of what we can buy. This will be devastating to our county for everyone. We have to stop printing money like water from a faucet. Our government is made up of men and many are corrupt. Mr. Trump vowed to clean the swamp… and that is a major threat to the establishment. No wonder they hate him… their jobs are at stake for being held accountable for their crimes against the People! This is one man that couldn’t be, “”Bought.” Further, at least he tried to straighten out the economy and was successful up until the COVID-19 virus happened. No one could foresee that virus coming. No one knew how to deal with it even the CDC best doctors! And remember Mr. Trump isn’t a doctor of medicine so he had to rely on Federal Government Career Professionals whatever that means. We do need to bring back jobs that have left this country so all people here can find meaningful work and make a decent living. Think about our children and what they will have to facein the future. Both parties have been torn apart for many decades and unfortunately, very little was done for the average Joe American during the past forty years because of them at the steering wheel of this country. Both parties are at fault. This is not a, “New” problem. Many Americans were just fed up with it… of getting nothing done. Having said that, I will say that Mr. Trump has done just about everything he promised to do unlike most presidents who promise the world and didn’t deliver. He gets no credit even though most Americans are doing better that they have in the last forty years. Now we are set up economically with skyrocketing debt and absurd debt servicing (interest) and Joe Biden will not be able to fix this problem with inflation. It is a sad day for America. Very sad.
Billy says
You’re a complete moron.
Mark says
Bill your attitude and verbage is the whole problem , Rude and non productive, you and Nancy! No manners to opinion !
Ramona says
Anonymous says
NO your a moron.
Brian Keigwin says
I’ll smoke another! Love what Trump accomplished as Pres and was astonished that the American people did not overwhelmingly re-elect him. Maybe more Americans need to smoke some Sativa…
Therese says
Biden cant fill a parking lot with supporters..and Donald Trump filled huge stadiums WITH 10’S OF THOUSANDS OF SUPPORTERS, and were SUPPOSED TO BELIEVE THAT “DEMENTIA JOE” got the most votes in all of American voting history?
Biden is now plagiarizing all the things President Trump spoke of doing for the American people..and things that Donald Trump ALREADY did for the American his ideas now…GEESSHHH
I HEARD RUSSIA TO OUT A HIT NOTICE ON MR SOROS…Lets hope its successful..That one person has caused more trouble around the earth…Hes not allowed in many countries today because hes a total psychopath.
IF YOU CANT GET YOUR ASS OUT OF BED AND WALK DOWN AND VOTE…just stay in bed..we dont need your vote..because your kind always votes for the enemies of freedom…
These idiots have never studied socialism..and have no clue its always a failure..
These idiots have never studied history..and have no clue that when the BOLSHEVIKS are finished using them..THEY WILL BE SHOT BY THESE SAME BOLSHEVIKS
and so is Kamala JOKER SMILE Harris…
Ricky Sandefur says
Obviously you are an idiot Trump supporter, I am a democrat and am not a socialist and you need to using that label we are patriots who think Trump needs to go away.
Ramona says
Holler back in 6 months… Youll be wishing Trump never left
Karl says
Never smoked anything, but think it should be legal, just like alcohol. Yours and mine are just more opinions. Trump did an ok job, I would have been ok with either winning. I could see being in favor of some of Trump’s policies, but is he an appaling human, and if you think he is a good guy your parents/church have failed or are appaling also. All dems are idiots, is that another fact?
Ramona says
Holler back in 6 months… Youll be wishing Trump never left
Dante says
Can you define “False Facts” for me please? Last time I checked, facts are literally the farthest thing you can get from false. I get it that you’re butthurt about democrats and that’s fine, but come on! You are an adult are you not?
Mark says
Tamara!! Well said ,!! I feel exactly the same way,!! God Bless America
Wayne Ballard says
AN outstanding job Trump has done???
Want some facts, then tell me how you can support::
A man who cheated on his wife with a porn star, play mate, housekeeper and who know how many more, less that six months after his wife had his son.
A man who paid them off to keep quite during the election.
A man who makes fun of people with handicaps and call people names but get mad if someone call him one.
A man who, after Russians meeting with his people in Trump tower, later said to Russia, Russia if you are listening.
A man who praised the Russian dictator and alienated our allies and after meeting Putin CONFISCATED the notes so no one would know what was said.
A man who, in the White House, gave Russians confidential information, resulting in a Russian operative being remove because trump might have outed him.
A man who has fired people investigating the “RUSSIA THING”
A man who told people to ignore subpoenas and himself refused to testify under oath even though he CLAIMS to be innocent.
A man who locked infants and children in cages, separating them from their parents with no plans on how to reunite them and at the last count still have 666 children whose parents have not been found..
A man who has tried his best to destroy the environment, like letting mining companies dump hazardous waste into lakes and streams.
A man who ignored the findings of ALL our intelligence agencies and believed a foreign dictator over them.
A man who has lies every day of this presidency, over 80,000 since taking office.
A man who criticized Obama for playing golf, yet has spent almost 1/4 of his time in office playing golf and has spent more in less than 4 years than Obama did in 8, (trump cost already more than $130 million)
A man who fired the national Pandemic Response Team and told the United States’ embed at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that the position would be defunded, causing her to leave her post in July 2019. The embed helped train Chinese public health experts and served in part as a liaison between Chinese officials and their counterparts in the US.
A man who call the Coronavirus a democratic hoax, said it was under control, said one day we will wake up and it will be gone and now we have over 320,000 and counting deaths in the United States.
A man who gave tax breaks to corporations that allowed over 90 fortune 500 companies to pay no taxes and has raised the deficit by almost $4 trillion BEFORE the pandemic.
A man who refuses to call out Putin, his hero, on the bounties placed on U.S. troops and the latest computer attack on government servers says it could be someone elst.
A man who lost the Presidential race you over 7,000,000 popular votes and lost the electoral college by the same amount he won in 2016, has filed over 60 lawsuits and is said to be thinking about declaring martial law.
If you think trump has done a good job your thinking is askew.
Tell the truth, shame the Devil says
100% true. But the Dunning-Kruger thinking fans can’t understand evil when they see it, and Trump is almost the most unpopular President ever.. Smart people wised up and realized Trump is a joke, a liar, a hater and many other evil things. He lost because people realized he was evil to the core.
M. Davis says
Hi Wayne,
Well you didn’t mention anything about the over 10,000 votes marked with a “T” that were found in a trash dumpster. You didn’t bother to mention the hundreds of thousands of mail in votes from the dead (Hmmm some died back in the 1800’s) who crawled out of the grave to vote for Mr. Biden, the late filled out votes that were counted, from dog’s cat’s and criminally forged votes by Democrat counters, the barring of Republican Observers when hundreds of thousands of votes for Mr. Biden were entered without ANY oversight… The huge trash cans filled with Mr. Bidens votes that were removed from under tables in the middle of the night to be counted. Why did you leave these minor things out? Of course this election is completely valid , isn’t it Sir? And what news do you listen to? I haven’t heard half the things you have said. We as a country deserve to fold up and we will. Watch what occurs with the US economy in the next year. Thank you Sir you’ve done well!
Anonymous says
You have all been drinking the kool-aid.
Anonymous says
You’re delusional… move to Russia
Bryan Willis says
If you’re going to call a group of people idiots at least get you’re basic grammar down in the sentence you’re calling them out on. It’s accepted not excepted… Excepted is is literally the opposite of what you’re trying to say.
They call us uneducated for a reason. Please don’t help their cause.
Ryan says
I think you mean, “at least get _your_ basic grammar down”, don’t you?
Anonymous says
For the past 50 years I have not seen a president who served
Truly and out of love for the United Stats of America and its citizen as President Trump.
Mike says
Donald Trump is making things that have no iusses. he has no proof .of fraud on the elections he is just starting more he is the one at fault that’s why the United States is broke he has to barrow money from other countries and that is not right he is the one that put the Americans in depth and they say he has been talking the campaign money in putting in his pocket. But I cannot provide it but there is something going on. He is really hurting the Americans plus workers and other. people they keep talking about the simulars checks and no body can agree on it so either pass it or if they don’t there are people are going to lose there apartments with no help plus the people that are unemployed and also. People that are disability benefits and veterans. Also other people
Anonymous says
he. Really did not due what. He was to due to help the Americans get jobs he has really. Put the United States in depth.. That’s why he really. Did not do his job very will but maybe he did. If he would dun his job. Right in the white house the United States would not be in this mess. maybe he thought he did but that is. His opinion he thinks that there were. Fraud. Voter’s but there was none he had no proof
M. Davis says
There is solid proof that the election was full of fraud if you just looked, you will see online the proof of it.
Lenny Miller says
Thank God for the good people that are responding to the OP ED written by Gerald Boyum. The left along with the media and the Democratic Part have hijacked the Election and are attacking our basic rights to an open opinion. IT IS OBVIOUS THE ELECTION WAS STOLEN. We are running out of time. How can we help????
Jason says
I think the massess
Might catch on but the lies run deep alot of upper end people are in bed w China money sways all that is not sacred even Google tries showing bias story’s it makes me sick the ads the story’s the main news bias and untrue
Tell the truth, shame the Devil says
Please do tell just what has Trump accomplished in the last 4 years, lied about Mexico paying for the wall, which they called him a bald faced liar, The President never told Trump any such thing, how about when he stomped out of the meeting when the people refused to let Russia back in, maybe he almost broke his neck pushing and shoving to get to the very front of the other leaders to make sure he had his big ugly snake eyes and chicken butt mouth in the photo, maybe your heart swelled in pride when he went to Wheeling, WV and spoke of his love for Kim and their love letters to each other. Maybe it was the trill of your life when he says such filthy things about women ,disabled people and honest, truthful, loving people. There are so many things that a demented person can admire about our Hail Trump ,dictator ,wannabe Hitler.
Anonymous says
Anonymous says
Trump is our Knight with sword who will free this country from Niggers.
Mike D says
Accepted not excepted.. Typical trump supporter smh.. what’s it like being so lazy and gullible? Trump is serial rapist, a conniving pos, a narcissistic lunatic, a skid mark in lady liberty’s panties and a 1 term president who hates black people, Mexicans, muslims, Asians, women, poor people, ect. The list goes on n on because why? Because he hates America. Donald trump hates you too. He only cares about himself and his wealth. The orange skid mark wont even give his own son a hug. He used his supporters to like tools. Then ignored their cries for help. Do some real research into who Donald trump really is but dont be lazy and stop there, dig deeper. Look into the trump foundation’s business dealings and where trump has and has had properties. Actually look into the allegations of sexual assault that are against him. Dont be lazy. The worst and biggest fake news producer/pusher is trump and the greedy Republicans n the fake Republican supporters that enable his bullsheet. Yall have destroyed this country’s image, reputation, and honor.. enjoy being on the no fly list…
Dan says
But there are steps he could have taken to greatly minimize the number of those deaths, and he didn’t take them. The virus isn’t his fault, but isn’t there some responsibility for every decision made since community spread began here?
Robert Fulmer says
Be specific. Name them. Doubt that you can. Assume you a perfect, and have a crystal ball that allows you to foresee the answer to all unknowns.
Darrin says
He did all he could while fighting a bunch of dumbass America destroying idiots. Open your eyes America.
Ann says
No country handled it well the United States done pretty good considering. While the Democrats were busy trying to impeach him they should’ve been busy preparing for a pandemic that they knew was coming. In spite of everything Trump has done a phenomenal we are ahead of everyone else with the vaccine I don’t know what you think he should have done because he done everything humanly possible to minimize the impact while The hysterical Democrats and biased lame Stream media were dancing on his head
Joe says
Obama was preparing for a pandemic (as seen here: and Trump did what he always does – undo what Obama did just because Obama did it, and didn’t even try to put a better system in place. Instead all he talked about were his ratings and spewed misinformation. Thank god he’ll be gone come January.
Sunny Hiroshi says
When P. Trump said, of the Pandemic, “It will just disappear”, he showed his ignorance. It was after the CDC and scientists began developing the vaccine that he made a couple positive statements. Having mask-free conventions was stupid also. He sent a lot of our young people the wrong messages. For example, the debates. Constantly interrupting, yelling, using profanity to try to get his point across, etc. I’ll bet his mommy never told him “NO” or slapped his fat fingers. He looks like a Cabbage Patch kid! I detest the monster!!
Anonymous says
Calling people names is not teaching young people well either.
Anonymous says
President trump closed boarders president trump followered fishing who said at first masks were not necessary President trump created warp spee to get vaccine. President trump wanted to pass the relief bill to help people with businesses. President trump brought in masks gowns ship created hospitals for sick franklin graham created a hospital in New York. Cuomo what did cuomo do he sent from nfected covid virus patient into elderly care places. Donald trump has gone though he’ll but now you have joe Biden. Look up all the things Donald trump has done. It’s there for you to read. Be informed
Anonymous says
I agree with you 100 percent. It saddens me to think of Biden as our leader, heaven help us,
I hope Trump never gives up on revealing the truth on our corrupt election!
Anonymous says
Aww I think you’ll be okay. 🍼👶
Anonymous says
You damn right
Lenny miller says
Absolutely. Pray for Trump and our country. The Evil Forces are working so hard against us.
Ricky Sandefur says
Obviously you are an idiot Trump supporter, I am a democrat and am not a socialist and you need to using that label we are patriots who think Trump needs to go away.
Ricky Sandefur says
It saddens me you support a racist ass hole. The man is moron want to be dictator.
Mike says
Brainwashed fool.
Barry says
The President is not a doctor. Be assured he seeked the most expert advice on how to handle this pandemic. In the end he made the decisions he made on the sound advice of the experts, prominently Dr Fauci (a Democrat). As it turned out, the experts were actually wrong in some cases. Yes, people have died and this fact is very unfortunate (I need to add that the government is paying hospitals $12,000 or more for every positive covid patient – a clear incentive for them to categorize more admissions as covid-related, whether it is true or not). Finally, IN RETROSPECT there are steps he could have taken, but based on the advice he was given at the time, he made the decisions based on expert advice. It is easier today to say what he should have done, but he didn’t have until today (with all the additional knowledge we now have of the virus) to make his decision. He needed to make it then. I think President Trump has done an outstanding job in handling this virus and getting a vaccine approved.
Alexa says
He took a great big step, he streamlined the vaccine. You can thank Trump for that. Thank President Trump for streamlining the vaccine,. That’s what he did… He closed the borders, which by the way, he was called a xenophobe for even though every other country did the same. Now why don’t you go and blame the real people for the spread of the virus… The Chinese government who lied and kept it from the world.
christine h darges says
The reality is that the virus was a biological weapon. The US CDC was complicit because we funded the lab in Wuhan and UNC for a while but at some point we saw what was going on but it was too late. The CCP orchestrated the release and the rest is what we have now. No one person can be held responsible for deaths in this country as there was so much influence from so called health experts, good and bad decisions made. The MOST unfortunate event was the second the virus became a political weapon to create an outcome of the election, instilling fear and lockdowns. This was through covert law changes state by state, taking away any faith in US citizens that they could vote in person like they should have, and frankly scaring everyone beyond belief. The real facts are better understood now but the reality is that the virus data was never and still is not reliable and continues to be manipulated by people in powerful positions that want to oppress the people.
Mary says
For the love of God! You sound just like Fox New, the new show that is taking over Fox News, and Trump!!! Dumb to the lying core!
M. Davis says
What are the EXACT STEPS should that President have taken? He relied on so called Federal employees who are Career Professionals. President Trump is NOT a medical Doctor! Is he? How would he know about the virus more than a CDC Top Doctor who fed him the information to say?
Help us all out with these exact steps please!
Charles says
As a moderate, I looked into Trump supporters’ claims that’s the Dems are like Venezuela, North Korea, and China. However after close study of those countries’ leaders, and speaking to friends that have families in Venezuela, families stuck in North Korea, and China; they all say Trump very much resembles those dictators. They all denied democracy and the fair election, refused they lost, spread fear and hate rhetorics. I fear Trumpets are supporting the very thing they think they are opposing. With Trump, we will be the next Venezuela, North Korea, and China. Especially those who are vowing to start a war for their leader, Trump. Who lost election fairly.
JOSE says
Watch much news? Are you out of touch. Biden is in deep with China and has sold out to them. The Ukraine dealings are nothing compared to what is to come from China,
Mary says
Jose, don’t you have a brain? Use it and stop drinking the Trump lies.
Robert Fulmer says
Dawg says
Please do not fear for Trump supporters. We can take care of ourselves, thank you. I reserve the right to ask you in a couple of years (if free speech is still a right) how you feel about the state of our Nation under President Harris’ leadership
Mike says
It’s pointless, trumps zombies are not open to using their minds in any way. trump tells them what to think, and they obediently obey master. A proven liar and two-bit conman is their chosen one.
M. Davis says
Sir, are you actually employed and working or are you on the Govt Dole?
Quin Appice says
Interesting debate. As a European I can tell you that Donald Trump appears to many of us to be the very worst aspect of the US character stereotype. Arrogant, seemingly far more wealthy than can ever be good for a person, self absorbed and full of bluster and hypocrisy about everything and anything. I don not think I am wrong to see the way he cannot accept the election result shows all these characteristics to a high degree. He is anti democratic and has run the USA in a terrible way apparently because he was humiliated by the intelligence and suave manner of Barak Obama over the Birthing business.
Robert Fulmer says
Your opinion is the same as many. Judge the man on his accomplishments, not on outdated stuffed shirt European ideas.
Ricky Sandefur says
Well, we would judge him on his accomplishments if he had done anything good besides be the cruelest president ever. Never a thought for others always whining he is mistreated. You know rich people problems, while the country is dieing, kids go hungry, and families go homeless. But donot worry no money for workers, got to give the country club crowd a tax break. Shame on republicans, this why I cannot vote for you.
M. Davis says
Dude, You really don’t know what cruelty is. I Do! I served in the Vietnam War for six years I have seen what real human cruelty looks like. Did you serve in the US Military and have you known what real cruelty is or have you lived the life of Riley here as a US citizen at the expense of those who had their arms blown off, their legs blown off or killed in the worst horrible ways in the bloodiest mess on Earth? I picked myself up and busted my but to WORK six days a week after I got out. I asked NO ONE for ANYTHING!
SueSue2020 says
Thank you M Davis; you are absolutely right!
Margery V says
Hillary first brought up the birther thing.
Karen Downey says
Donald started the birther conspiracy and blamed. It on Hillary.
Most of the stuff that he accuses other people of
are made up.
He’s the boy who cried wolf.
Not only that, but he contradicts himself, and denies saying things that are on tape.
Why would you still want to believe anything he says?
Turn around Don’t drown in the muck
David Weller says
not true. That was just another Trump lie.
Karen Downey says
This is one of the best comments on this site, and yet you are not American.
Hmn,,could it be that distance,,and. Alternative experience provides you with more objective perspective?
There are Trump supporters who do not believe in democracy;,they want an autocracy….just like Trump.
I met some of those having a meeting at a Huddle House.
Heaven help us!
Jason says
Just like so many you simply don’t like him because he is arrogant and self absorbed but if you can read check out his list of accomplishments pick a person to do a job not because you like who he is
Ricky Sandefur says
He has no accomplishments,done nothing but help destroy the environment and torture people.
But I guess Trump supporters love the cruelness of watching others suffer such deplorable idiots.
M. Davis says
Have you served this country in the US Armed Forces in any war?
christine h darges says
You are likely getting your information from main stream media sources. I have a cousin in Poland that says the same thing and he is insulated and doesn’t know where to seek real news. It’s amazing how censored US news is now. It’s a huge violation of our rights and people are very angry about it. You can’t see the outrage because it’s not covered so we are living through a transition to censorship, oppressions, lockdowns, and our economy is being destroyed by democratic governors on purpose. If you notice, Trump has become a president for the middle class. yes his demeanor is what it is but you have to look at policies and actions not ideas. Its easy to say this is bad and that is bad but life is life. The idea of a fantasy land where everyone is the same is equal to oppression. Obama was the beginning of the downfall, a 2 year senator preened by socialists behind the scene. He divided this country because he was black and he used that he was black to make that happen. he like many dems put people in groups and categories and when you do that you automatically divide people by the way you put them in a group. Its a trick.
jorge says
Certainly is hard to say but here in AMERICA the country has secret societies as the the MASONS and ILLUMINATI almost from the beginning of it formation, GLOBALISTS are selling this country to the COMMUNISM, as a JudeanMason agenda only the Americans can stop this to happen, the fight is just against TRUMP, this an assault to AMERICA in a WHOLE, Big Corporation socialist organization, liberal, communists, antifa and more… SOROS is the facade the same for GOOGLE, FaceBOOK and twitter..
Mike says
You are a nut case.
nikto says
Sure is.
Daniel says
If you look back in history, you quickly discover that no nation lasts for very long. Nations rise to prominence and believe they are the greatest nation on earth, only to fall into decadence and collapse in degradation. It happens over and over again, and the United States of America is well on it’s way to oblivion. People like to think that God will bless America, but God only allows nations to survive as long as they follow after His will. These United States of America were once composed of Godly people, but now the majority is busy with the work of the devil, and Satan is laughing at our obscene ways and evil lives. I’m sorry to see America collapse, but it’s no surprise. We’re the next Sodom and Gomorrah and the end will come quickly with fire and brimstone. The United States will soon become divided states and those of us who want to live in peace and harmony can only hope we will be in the right State and the right time.
Skip Miller says
You are so right.Now Commies will be in charge.I am a Christian, Babylon is falling.💀
Ricky Sandefur says
Anyone that still supports this want to be dictator is the idiot. It is not the democrats that are traitors like
trump who always sides with Putin
Your just another white guy afraid of minrorities and think women should stay home and wait on their husbands. Screw you.
Ricky Sandefur says
Why do you think you are so good because you are a Christian when you support the cruelest human alive? He is not appointed by god he is a fake a phony and a fraud and lies with every breath. This false idol is who jesus warned you about. But you are to blind to your leaders horrible cruelty and love for only himself and other dictators.But then again that is Why you like him you agree with his cruelty. Not very christian like for a bunch of bible thumpers.
Mary says
I’ll second that! You nailed lying Trump 100% correct..
m. Davis says
Will you or will you not accept the Stimulus Check. Yes or no? If you do you will be bringing this nation to it’;s knees in debt.
bill says
So, tell me, how’s the weather in Moscow?
Jordan says
Wow your ignorance and smugness is abhorrent!
Keith w Fletcher says
I am beginning to realize the depths of corruption ,and absolute hatred necessary to fracture the very foundation that is needed for any civilization to exist within the framework of world history,! Time alone dictates when tribalism becomes the natural antidote for the ills of entrenched governments- not borne of true rule of law or any visionary enmeshed enlightenment,- but one simply conjured up by the latest charlatans of any era. The ability of persuasion is probably more powerful when introduced to the upward mobile societies because the very same momentum that is required to navigate the rise is also the fuel that will widen the gap between the haves and the have-nots.
No goverment ( as we understand such elements today) could step into power here and make a balancing attempt short of totalitarian austarity , simply because those who have become the rich and powerful riders are not concerned by who , what why or how they are allowed to ride so comfortably up the rise . No ,sadly they only care about their seat and making it secure for themselves and theirs, not the multitudes of laboring hungry ,abused and neglected who have found their life is simply 1 of 2 choices . 1 is to just push and survive for themselves and therefore their families or quit pushing and try to get out of the suddenly backsliding monster , hoping to salvage something – anything – from the eventual catastrophic collision as the future propels itself into the reality of an ever looming past ; that is time itself and cannot be stopped. Certainly not by our insignificance, no matter how vainglorious we believe we are ! In the end ,; as in any beginning, time has shown that we are nomads to entrenched stone fortresses back to nomad to bigger, stronger fottresses that never hold forever- time sees to that as it passes by ,carryjng the latest brand of tribal nomads with it and crushing all in its wake. The world ,- I fear – has never seen the likes of the American nomads, who are now being.manufactured as we stand here today ,arguing about what MAGA means and what bathroom should be used . In literal terms again indicates a return to something we were , which is something time simply will not allow , as those riding high and unconcerned are determined to see for themselves as it flashes before their eyes . I am no longer pushing or encouraging others ,who may believe a rest will exist when we reach the crest. No crest exists because time is constant ,its march always steady and its path is a flat endless plane while we create the rise and angle of ascent in mathmatical precision …calculated by the number of and energy needed by the ones pushing multiplied by the unknown factor of X (what it takes to stay alive )
. Hungry hopeless ,frightened sick and neglected people ( no matter the good will and pride ) cannot keep going if more energy output only steepens the angle. Time runs this show and you know what that saying is …only time will tell.
Absolutly correct …only this go round we may still have an internet connection linking us back to who you were and what you did to your family name . That will be your legacy ,but it may well be the heavy chain of shame that your children and grandchilren will bear the weight of for generations to come- and only you know why they are sentenced to do your time as the Amercan version of untouchables
anny says
Very informative blog . I like the content. It is interesting to read . Thanks for sharing !! And Keep Posting !!
Benjamin David Steele says
Since most Americans are far to the left of the corporate media and the corporatists in both parties, what does it mean to say they hate America? If America isn’t defined by Americans, then what exactly is this hypothetical America that excludes most Americans? And how can the majority be on the ‘left’? Isn’t the majority position the very definition of the center?
American says
Why the left hates America huh? Let me guess because we don’t let you use your right hand to jerk yourself off could that be it fucking assholes
Jordan says
What are you talking about? A majority of the individuals posting statements and replying are fundamentally illiterate and ignorant. The left as a whole with the Democrat Party, Socialists, Media, Big Tech, Elitist and their evil minion/ pawns are almost outright copying Hitler’s National Socialist Party power grab in the 1930’s (aka Nazi’s) to a T! Then turn around and blame any and everyone who doesn’t agree and/or in the way of their illegal, manipulative, evil plans and actions focused on destroying the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the Judeo/Christian foundation (which the left HATES) that America was built on and thrived. Trump is not the major problem. Everyone who supports what he stands for and fights for is the systemic issue that must be destroyed in the eyes of the left. Open your eyes! Keeping Americans blind, def, and ignorant directed by the media, Big Tech, politics and the education system’s was the plan from decades ago playing out now in a full assault on this incredible country we knew as America!
carl cripps says
Americans have always been a bunch of gang mentality cowards… from Bob Ford who shot James in the back….. to Booth who was the brave Critter who snuck up and shot lincoln from behind so go for another civil war and annilate each other, ..if anyone deserves one you people do…you have worked hard for one………who cares about another third rate country such as the U.S. who cant even feed their masses stirring it up…….not one of you brave people have the guts to put penis breath trump out of his misery…. and while Custer was massacred his subordinates hid out in the forest…yes the american way….You have a snake on 2 legs in a suit in the white house who only eats mcdonalds and has shit stained underwear all the time the fat creepo…look at pences nose and tell me trumps tent underwear is not stained…
Anonymous says
You’re a little soy boy Psycho….Do us and yourself a favor and never speak again….Mr Limp Wrist.
Anonymous says
Get a dictionary
Dave Hillman says
It’s articles like this that only serve to further the division. DEMS don’t hate America any more than the GOP does, and versa-vice. Both love this country, however, they simply have different ideas of how it should be. Unfortunately, reaching across the aisle doesn’t happen much as it once did, where compromising has become a thing of the past. This constant battling amongst ourselves will only kill us, and possibly, quite literally. I am currently GDI, formerly GOP, never DEM. I must admit, I am having a difficult time understanding how so many cannot see what is happening. President Trump is screaming foul, we need to STOP THE STEAL, thus donations are needed, and so they believe, and give, even when they can’t afford to. As of five days ago, he’s raked in over $200,000,000, most of which will NOT be used for the election fraud legal fund. I supported his right to demand recounts. However, demanding it over and over and over, filing frivolous lawsuits (it’s an embarrassment to be GOP and watch what they argued) to stall for time, hoping SCOTUS would call the election in his favor, knowing he does not have ANY actual evidence of fraud. This is WRONG. He is manipulating his followers and conning them out of their hard earned dollars, playing on our emotions. This is not what a good leader would do. A good leader would also not rip the country apart at the core because he lost an election and can’t face his loss. It’s disgusting. I want my GOP back.
Lee says
As a life long Democrat I want you get it back. If we want to work at Democracy one cannot survive without the other.
The missing link to our failed state are conservative principles.
We are knee deep in radioactive Trump fallout. A country that knowingly voted for someone of this low caliber probably deserves what comes. . Only then can we look upon our mistakes to hopefully move forward from this stain of human failure.
Dawg says
Please do not fear for Trump supporters. We can take care of ourselves, thank you. I reserve the right to ask you in a couple of years (if free speech is still a right) how you feel about the state of our Nation under President Harris’ leadership
karl says
Who paid for the wall?
Chris says
You have got to be kidding the Republicans are as bad as full blown socialism no democratic socialism is B.S. if it’s got that satanic crap socialism is socialism is socialism PERIOD
Nancy Craig says
Republicans don’t love this country. Most of them are doing everything they can to overturn an election to keep Trump in office. That’s not American. It’s more like a third world country.
Dawg says
And the Democrats fabricated a dossier and falsely impeached a President. Sounds like liberals have done everything they can to REMOVE Trump from office. For FOUR years!! That certainly is not American either.
William Plemon says
the two party system has historically failed miserably over and over, if you and l can not see this we are the problem. you can’t change you can’t grow liberat or conservieyou can only pit youself against your own best interests
Karen Downey says
Anyhow. I digress.
Lou Hafner says
You describe our country as a democracy. We are a republic that elects people to represent us. The Electoral College mirrors the type of representation our founders agreed to. 435 Congress men and 100 Senators. It was done this way so the large states would not have absolute power over the small states. If you do away with the Electoral College, we would be turning back to the time when our country was founded
There is no law that says we can only have 2 parties. In fact our country has many parties. It is not about the Constitution(which should be relooked at-we have a Supreme Court making ruling, based on a 240 year old document) it is about The$$$$$$$$$. Take the profit out of national politics. No more PAC’s, $1000 individual donations, $100,000 corporate foundation donations. Then new and lesser known parties could compete..
Whether this last election was fair or not is of no consequence. An outsider or a 3rd party could not say one way or the other., but the illusion of possible cheating on both sides could happen. Tighten the election laws. WE need standard election regulations stringently followed in each and every state. Absentee ballots with proof of residency and only with good reason(soldier, work out of the country or illness with a physician endorsement. No early voting(that is a joke), no drop off voting, everyone has to produce a picture I.D. with 1 utility bill. Triple the amount of polling places and keep them open 24 hours a day for 3 days. If you cannot get to a polling place in a 72 hour period it is your fault and no exceptions. An official voter registration would be held 3 times a year for 5 consecutive days. Vote counting would have to be standardized and no votes could be could not be counted until all votes from outlying areas arrive at a central location. Vote counters would not be told what vote counting centers they would be working in until 2 hours before the polls close. Go back to all paper ballots. This would end all of the suspicion and lawsuits.
Something to think about. Since the Presidential Election, Nov 3rd, Over 70,000 new voters have been registered in Georgia. And the last number I saw was $504 million had been spent on this runoff election
Linda Fisher says
And what do you think the Democrats did to him? we have witnessed nothing but hatred and abuse of our President since he was elected from the Democrats. They have instituted one coup after another to put him out of office. Even when the Covid Virus came about, they were busy trying to impeach him and critisizing him for his efforts to curb the virus. The Democrats have had hearings when the Republicans were not allowed to have any sayso in those hearings nor were they allowed to have witnesses. The various crimes of Hillary Clinton and he paid for dossier led to the investigation by the Democrats that cost taxpayers $45 million dollars, but nothing was said about that. And then they instituted another investigation into our president that also failed because there was no evidence. So who is the victim here and who is the culprit? If you cannot see this then you are blind and deaf. The Democrats have also led the media and its half truths and absolutely no truths in their reporting. They all sound like puppets from the same wood and have noses longer than Pinnoceo’s.
Anonymous says
dems did nothing to him, thief liar and a con man coming in to fill his pockets up,, ignored deadly pandemic. Told the people virus is harmless told reporter virus DEADLY. the 1/4 million that have died. He paid his taxes in china and cheated on his us taxes (what a guy) Gave stimulus aid to wealthy family and friends tax 4 givness, cuts
Tax forgiveness on earnrd income over 1 million . over charged for secret service rooms a trump hotel while they protected 3 grown kids of trump, did nothing to help struggling families. Naw he done a lot wrong. Going to be prosecuted for some things too. STRIPES
Dawg says
Well said! Trump has had to withstand constant vitriol his entire administration. Pure hatred from the left. Zero willingness to compromise on anything. The media is completely at fault here. The have no journalistic integrity, they no longer just report facts. They slam left-wing opinion at America 24/7. Does Trump have a big mouth? Absolutely! But he has done a fantastic job improving lives of minorities, creating record jobs, helping the poor. Everything he was elected to do, he did it. It would not surprise me if Biden/DNC were in cahoots with Xi, and they schemed to create this terrible virus to unleash on the world and disrupt our economy.
Anonymous says
You have no proof the donated money won’t be used for the defense fund so why did you say it? Your trying to deceive people with your statement. If you don’t realize what’s going on in our country then I’m happy you left the GOP because you sound like all the other RINO’s.
Patricia MyersRiley says
You are correct, the man child who is now throwing a full on tantrum because he lost the votes of the majority as well as the electoral votes.
He’s not fighting for this country, he’s angry that he looks like the losers he’s always taunted. I have veterans of war on both sides of my family, going all the way back to the Revolution. That is fighting for your country, when your called to serve you serve, if you volunteer to serve you serve. This pathetic excuse of a man had his daddy buy him out of war five times. That is not patriotism. He doesn’t care about middle class or poor people, he wants his billionaire friends (who hate him and on a hot mic Rex Tillers on called Trump a fucking moron). You who go to the rallies, buy the hat, and want him in office even though he lost the majority and electoral votes, have basically been brainwashed into the cult of Trump. That is not Patriotism, it’s white nationalist/white christian supremest bullshit. Now you are going out there like your supreme leader tells you to do, to rip the greatest country in the world into bits, just to give him the sick satisfaction of tearing down and burning this country.
I have uncle’s who fought the Germans invading Normandy, some were belly gunner’s, some were boots on the ground. All seven of my dad’s brothers joined the US Navy, the younger one died at 18 serving on the USS Liscombe Bay which was sunk by a Japanese submarine. Every single one of them and all the other men and women who serve are patriots and heroes. Trump’s base is willing to do his dirty work, tearing at the fabric of this great country. None of you are patriots or heroes, you are soulless, gutless anarchist shithead’s. You are in a cult, you drank the Kool aid, can anyone remember how that turns out?
cecile says
The president had no ideal how to deal with a pandamic/but few did. He did have these trained people on his team they were trained for dealing with just that .situation, he doesnt take kindly to anyones advice. He believes his brilliance will solve all things. But this was ignored to watch and protect stocks that were plunging, when he got back around to the virus hw gad termed it a democrat HOAX nothing to worry about, just like flu he said. It will be gone in a month when warm spring comes in. He did share with Bob Woodward that the virus is very deadly,and still did NADT
Dave says
You are so wrong
F Brown says
Very good Mr Hillerman,The thing is we the people don’t like being classified , categorized , numbered or stop even thinking that way ever! In the world we the people are Americans …I’m proud of that .
BUT what about swing voters ? Or people who vote for a candidate based on his or her character regardless of political affiliation or race or creed? What will you do then reclassify ? Or what about folks that vote a split ticket? What will you do then say they have a split personality ?There is a movement of peace and love that still lives today and will never die. We the people do classify you ultra conservative ,racist, haters akin to the kkk and Nazis ,white supremacists power mongers , linch mob killers and assassins ! We the people are protected by the constitution but you are not!
Ann says
You can’t be serious oh my goodness you are so uninformed we are in the middle of a hostile takeover by foreign entities. Do you really think Trump needs money, he was a millionaire before he took office. Look at the career politicians they’re the ones who do that kind of shit. And fleece the sheep. You better wake up. I’m serious you better wake up
MB says
Amen…this is a ridiculous left article
Margery V says
but you are ok with the dems getting millions from BLM who have never actually helped blacks. And Biden on record being racists and not wanting to live with them in the jungle. What have the democrats done for minorities?? Just use them at election time. Convince them they are to stupid to get ID’s to vote and need extra points to compete for college. There is election fraud on many levels and you know it. Come on B got more votes than Obama, not likely. Trumps ahead and the big deciding states quit counting? Republicans not allowed to watch the counting.Dominion machines geared to flip Trump votes to Biden. You are either a liar or delusional.
Alexa says
First of all., you can thank your GOP leader for streamlining the the vaccine, he’s the reason we have it. Second of all, the election was rigged and completely fraudulent. Now, instead of looking at your hatred for Trump, look at the facts. The GOP today is the same GOP as yesterday, however, the liberal party has become a bunch of race-baiting, fear-mongering, bullying hypocrites. At least the GOP has proof against Biden and his son selling his influence, The liberals had no proof of the Russian hoax, in fact, they have proof that it was all orchestrated by your pals the Dems… Hillary and Obama.
Connie Tracheck says
WOW .. some people posting on here are super NASTY …… shame shame ..
Cam22 says
I know I’m a little late to the game, but I have to say our nation has been under great stress. A lot of things are going to be put out for all to see. We have a president who has bashed, liberals, blacks, Latinos, his own administration. And for what? Just because he lost a damn election. 200,000 plus lives, and still counting under his watch. And all he thinks about is having rally’s to stand up and Spur hate. He’s not there to benefit the senators. He’s just there to cause havoc for his supporters and our country. His priorities have never been nation first. It’s his ego that’s first. I wasn’t going to bring this up, but what the hell. Many Republicans are about ready to fall. 2 people are talking. It’s about the voting machines, not dominions its msm’s. Venezuela, China and our military. The 2 names who are talking is Sidney Powell and Lin Wood. It’s in black and white. He has done so much damage, and I feel for his supporters who vowed to fight for him. He’s letting them down mostly. And it breaks my heart. Let me just say, Biden is not perfect, but he has empathy and he looks out for the ones who need a little extra help! Under Biden we will never be Socialist or communism. It’s an old tactic that Republicans have been using for 60 years, it called FEAR. Our country is still the best and no one wants our freedoms taking away. I have so many truthful sources and so much more to say, but I’ll let you do some research. Government is the best place to start. Use Yahoo. I read where someone said, “Trump has blood on his hands.” They are correct, not just with COVID-19. It’s scary and I’m sick to my stomach. There’s a reason why he’s fighting. I’m not religious, but I do believe in God. I don’t pray as much as I should, because I feel God has more important things. But, weeks before the election, I prayed, that Biden would win and he did. God loved me and 80 million others. God knew, what our country needed. Sometimes you have to give it to God, if not I would be in jail. I hope Trumps supporters will have hope that nothing is going to change, except there will be no more hate, racism and division. I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year! Have hope and kindness and you’ll be filled with joy! 😊
Einstein says
Racism is not bad, it’s a fact of life, of being human….we don’t correlate other races facial expressions well, we don’t find other races romantically as attractive as our own, white babies and black babies pick the white doll at age 2 98% of the time.
The difference is most modern countries understand these tendencies and work through them; yes it’s hard, but it enables multiculturalism….which is what truly built America….not the authors warped perspective of Exceptionalism….slaves, Chinese, Latinos and CEO immigrants have build America, we lose when we forget who we are, the rejects of Europe.
Alex says
Einstein. 2 things. Your name – is accurate if you are referring to yourself as the Einstein of ignorance. The other thing, I stopped reading when you said “Racism isn’t bad…”. You and other like you (including this president) are exactly what is wrong with this country. I did not need to read any further to know that you are an uneducated, ignorant racist. May god have mercy on your soul
Thomas Beaty says
You must be a Godless brain washed unamerican moron. what pissed you off to the point of not giving a damn about this finest country on Gods earth? you sound like a goddamn commy! if you dont love this nation, leave. I am sure Venezuela will take you.
Anonymous says
Wow . Claming God while you use his name in vain. You are sadly a example of the hypocrisy rampant today. Sad so sad.
Maile Spencer Napoleon says
Maile Spencer Napoleon says
Nancy Craig says
You sound like a very nice person!
Margery V says
Totally agree but as a supporter of Trump the dems decided to call us all sorts of names even Hillary and her deploreable statement and all the dems harrassment of the sitting prez makes you wonder if the want coivil disobedient with the gang called antifa.
Crissy says
As you have us. The right has been calling the left names for years. It all needs to stop.
Anonymous says
You can’t blame deaths from a virus on a president.
Li says
You’re right.
However you can blame the vacuous and incompetent response of it to the level of sabotaging a crisis made worse.
His failure to seize the moment cost him and us dearly.
What Trump loyalists don’t understand about the reaction of a president during crisis is,
words matter.
In times of crisis, words separate the men from mice. He is impotent, lacks skilled finesse and couldn’t pull the trigger. He reacted by calling it a hoax because he didn’t have a clue what else to do.
The people spoke: One Term Strongman and a death toll close to 300K.
Margery V says
Oh please while Pelosi goes to China town and encourages travel and collectively the dems call Trump a racist for barring travel. Do you think their policies would have been better , you Monday morning quarterback??
cecile says
The president had no ideal how to deal with a pandamic/but few did. He did have these trained people on his team they were trained for dealing with just that .situation, he doesnt take kindly to anyones advice. He believes his brilliance will solve all things. But this was ignored to watch and protect stocks that were plunging, when he got back around to the virus hw gad termed it a democrat HOAX nothing to worry about, just like flu he said. It will be gone in a month when warm spring comes in. He did share with Bob Woodward that the virus is very deadly.
christina says
The ones he fired in 18 or 19?
Dan says
But there are steps he could have taken to greatly minimize the number of those deaths, and he didn’t take them. The virus isn’t his fault, but isn’t there some responsibility for every decision made since community spread began here?
Margery V says
Its a cold 99.5 survival rate. You watch to much CNN who are trying to convince us this is the plaque. If it were so deadly clerks in stores, nurses , etc would not be working. Obama had a similar virus that he ignored and more importantly the media never hyped.
Ricky Sandefur says
Why do you think you are so good because you are a Christian when you support the cruelest human alive? He is not appointed by god he is a fake a phony and a fraud and lies with every breath. This false idol is who jesus warned you about. But you are to blind to your leaders horrible cruelty and love for only himself and other dictators.But then again that is Why you like him you agree with his cruelty. Not very christian like for a bunch of bible thumpers.
Anonymous says
just did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bob says
You are the worst type of person that exists. I am legitimately sorry for the way you have been programmed to think.
Anonymous says
you don’t even know that person. why is it so important that you judge and pity them?
Anonymous says
Biden is Pro Abortion and has cognitive decline. He is not a candidate who deserves to hold the most important job in the world.
JSHH says
The support of abortion tells me a lot about a person. Who are we to determine what is viable or when life begins? I don’t even think anyone cares to debate that anymore when we have political leaders who support partial birth and/or full term abortions and are pushing for in our states. Anyone who believes abortion is a right is insane. It’s murder! Don’t you know that your father, the devil was a murderer from the beginning. He came to steal, kill, and destroy, Abortion is all of those things and the devil is behind it. Wake up people! People laugh at you and think you’re uneducated if that is the most important societal and political issue that you look at. Remember that things are that shouldn’t be, and that things that should be aren’t.
Anonymous says
And Trump doesn’t currently have cognitive decline he was never very intelligencent. Did you forget he paid someone to take his SAT’S to get into college. A good man is worse than a malignantr cruel narcissistic liar that almost got us into war with North Korea. Fortunately, Kim was smarter than Trump and beat him at the only game Trump knows how to play flattery.. That makes you feel safe, I don’t want to see tanks roll down the streets in a parade to feed his pathological ego.
Margery V says
Where do you get that info. Pretty sure from the mainstream media. He was never called a racist before he was president and your supposed facts need to be checked out. The media has been 100 percent against him from the start and fawn over Biden who is on record being a racist. Voting against bussing because he didn’t want his kids in the jungle with them.
Sherry says
But he’s still smarter than you are!
Bob says
This idiot has his or her head in its ass. Probably another know it all who does not know God or of him. You stupid ass hole look behind the media lines and the truth about Biden and the evil force behind him. All his intentions are focused on his wealth and his parties power over The the people. What if we had two presidents? I’m sure you would find out very quickly what a fraud and lier Joe Biden really is.. the people are separated because we don’t want to take chances with our life’s or the United States well being by allowing this spawn of Satan or his associates to rule .?
Anonymous says
You are right, brother.
Benjamin David Steele says
Someone who knows God does not speak with such hatred of others. Besides, one doesn’t need to be a fan of Biden to realize that Trump is not a good person in the slightest.
Kevin says
Wilful ignorance is apparently your special talent. Sad. Trump has left no doubt that he is literally a narcissistic psychopath career criminal. I would suggest another round of Articles of Impeachment. Trump and state GOP Attorneys General are guilty of Conspiracy to Commit Sedition; a Felony punishable with 20 years in Federal prison. Impeachment would prohibit any exercise of an Executive Pardon for those impeachable offenses. There’s ample time to impeach Trump and his co-conspirators before Biden’s inauguration. JUST DO IT!!!
F Brown says
Why do the republicans hate America. So much that in the 60’s future republicans presidents were co conspirators in the Kennedy assassination . Now this same hatred for democratic America
Is blatantly evident. Trump is be orchestrating anarchy . Telling his armed fanatics “to stand down “ one day then another time liberate Michigan followed by a conspiracy to war against Michigan! That is treason ! He’s going to command his pride boys to kill assassinate ! Protect Joe Biden B President elect
HB says
Wow Bob. If you’re such a Christian, try some forgiveness.
Margery V says
SO TRUE but they have been brainwashed by schools and media.
Gloria Alfonso says
Blue says
I feel like I’m reading a letter of a person’s special utopia, I suppose we all have one…if she really believes there will be no more racism, hate & division I say wake up, the sin nature is in all human flesh! I was led to believe if you work to the best of your ability & treat others the way you want to be treated you’ll achieve your goals and I have with lots of study, work & sacrifice, if you don’t work for it how does one mature, grow & learn from experience?
Today, it seems with this chant of a new society “love everybody, help your neighbor, be kind,” is it really that new? Not to me! What has happened to individual responsibility/accountability for all of us especially in our leaders?
I’m extremely concerned about transparency, is it wrong to demand it from those in authority or for them to take responsibility like “the common people” must in our culture? It’s interesting everyone seems to think Trump is the reason for all the countries whoa’s & didn’t give a crap, I say STOP following the crowd, find your authenticity, it’s a journey & not an easy one! Alot of us are living in our self described Utopia but some are more selfish & greedy as they maneuver through life, democrat or republican or libertarian or independent a heart change is necessary & only God really knows one true motives remember our hearts are deceitful & cannot be trusted! I want to always remember that!
John says
Without fully alive, free, enlightened, progressive people, in human history, humanity would still be living in caves, in the dark, in fear, Many fully alive enlightened progressive people called fully alive liberal/liberated/free enlightened progressive democrats in the USA, in 2020 many called fully alive liberal/liberated/ free enlightened progressive republicans in the USA in 2020 many called Christians in the USA, in 2020. They are assisting in healing, improving lives with words and deeds Living knowing truth, love, and showing the truth, love with words and deeds A part of love is right action. Fully alive, liberal/liberated/free, enlightened, progressive people are defending inalienable human rights and also defending civil rights written into USA Constitution. They are defending the USA Constitution against foreign and domestic enemies. They are rejoicing and glad in this day. Trump is a domestic enemy of the USA Constitution Trump is a domestic enemy of the USA Constitution.
Margery V says
Fully enlightened then they wouldn’t think socialism/communism that has failed over the world over and over again, is so great and new. As to Trump, you might research Biden and his son being in bed with China, I call that treason !!! Obama and Hullary spying on Trump. Obama not leaving DC so he could arrange an overthrow against Trump.How many EO’s did Obama write that were against the constiitution? Hundreds !!
E.F.A says
Are you kidding me who ever wrote this first comment is either blind or has been living under a rock for quite a while. No president for as long as I can remember as takin on China, the China flu, the trade embargo, putting up the wall usually without the g.o.p helping him. Fighting the U.N for not paying their fair share, and now you have the balls to say he wasn’t, a great president. I just don’t, know where you’ve been. When crazy Nancy held up the 2nd stimulas package most Dems thought it was the gop, oh my how easy it seems to be when the media can rool out the lies yet we still listen to the corrupt left m
Wing media, hell I just heard that the CNP is helping to pay these left wing rags their bills,but hay don’t take my word for it just look it up, that is if they will let you.
George Washington says
We won. You did not. That was the last time your proven corrupt pack of witless attackers of our sacred constitution will be allowed to hold high office. So to all of you so called american citizens I offer this word of advice. Stop trying to overthrow my government! You made 60 attempts to take my vote away from me thru lies. The judges, ALL OF THE JUDGES SAID NO! Never again will we allow anti American nutcases to hold office. Give up now.
Anonymous says
i have watched,and heard a 1/4 of a million americans die, as trump watched the stock market recover. Damn shame he never checked or really even cared about the sick , not to mention the familes. They did think he would take charge after finding that 40 % of americans had no food to feed their family
TRADER tried to steal our election, by lying on us and using our courts ,now he dont want to pay 4 recounts. THIEF/ LIAR we will fightfor our country and citizens. We will demand your
prosecution for lying cheating,stealing from americans
George says
No more hate or division? So Cynthia Johnson’s remarks really solidify the feeling I see and hear from many people.
Blood on Trump’s hands? Your boy was the first one to call him racist for wanting to shut China down then play Monday morning quarterback. The “science”, “experts”, and CDC have been completely wrong about what to do and constantly revoke their own recommendations. If you think you can blame ONE person for any death you’re sadly misinformed and clearly believe what you’re fed. How many deaths were SOLELY from the virus without any underlying pre-existing conditions? We wouldn’t want to not scare people would we, or should I say they, ie media, agenda based groups, etc….
If you don’t like Trump for whatever reason that’s your preference. But on paper he has done more for this country because he can’t be bought, he’s not a career politician, and he’s not in it for the money. Don’t you think that scares the people who pull the strings of the newly elect? Hmmm. China definitely hates it.
Your idea that this country will be in a better position with the new left agendas, Antifa, BLM, and politicians that cater to them and everything in line with socialism is utterly insane. You will reap what you sow and when there’s no one left to protect what you have or your person, maybe then you will realize the error in judgement.
Margery V says
Yep go to China and see how much freedom you don’t have ! Biden is bought and paid for by the Chinese but he is so out of it Kamala will be Prez
Ron Stortz Sr. says
Wishful thinking, Joe Biden is already being investigated for illicit dealings with Russia, China, and Ukraine! Biden may be gone before he is inaugurated!
Zuzu says
Why are truckloads of ballots driven from New York to Pennsylvania in the early hours of the morning, the day after the election and why were Republican poll watchers not only kicked out but cheered at as they left. Why did they keep running ballots over and over through the tabulators ?
ex-GOP says
Why? Because you’ve probably heard it on your right-wing “news” media.
Trump hasn’t won one lawsuit contesting the election. The Supreme Court denied the Texas challenge. No one outside your little cocoon has found evidence of tampering.
Clinton and every other presidential candidate took their losses with grace, thinking of the country first. Trump thinks of Trump first, and whines like a little girl, So do his followers.
Shaun says
Shut up,Supreme Court is been paid a hefty sum to denie the truth
TMAC says
Shame on you. You are truly a communist in your thinking. Equality in a government will never become a reality. It is only a dream in a child’s mind. We are not and never will be born equal in this world let alone in this country. Grow up, Get educated. And most of all come to a sane conclusion of who you really are and where your information in put comes from.
AlexaB says
First of all, 200K lives weren’t lost by Trump, they would lost because the Chinese government lied about the virus and didn’t want the world, go to CNN, They even admitted it. And the vaccine that’s out now, you can thank your President Trump for that. You know, the one you said did nothing?Second of all, all the anti-conservative stuff started with Obama. Right now, we have a president-elect who’s been compromised by China, whose son sold his own father’s influence to China, We have Hillary Clinton who lied about the steel dossier & there’s tons of proof now that she started the whole Russian hoax, her and Obama, She bashed her servers and also bashed her cell phone . You have to ask yourself why? Why would she do that if you did do nothing wrong. Now, we have liberal media that won’t tell the story about buying it, they purposely withheld it until after the election. Then, we have an election that is rife with fraud, but Americans so blinded by what their spoon fed by the liberal media and the hate for Trump, they’re willing and opening their doors for China to be involved… Here we have actual proof about foreign interference, yet left-wing stupid liberals don’t want to hear it.
Anonymous says
Hate to say , its gonna take the Patriots of America to stand up and rid the country of this socialist party in order to protect our nation, it may take a show of strength and courage and numbers. Civil war is coming!
Brian says
How many republicans? How many democrats? The population of the US is immense and nobody would win a civil war. This country is about to crumble due to hatred on both sides. It is everywhere.
carl cripps says
Brian you hit the nail for sure ….and your short reply is so full of truth nothing else needs to be said…the only thing i wonder Brian is how many Americans will die of hunger before the shooting starts….
Anonymous says
Well said, ” Lets gird up our loins and put on our breastplate of righteousness. Civil war is in underway.
Anonymous says
The right would have fascism and a GOP so fearful and cowardly they can’t protect anything – let alone this country. They are cowering to a failed businessman, failed billionaire, failed President – how would they cower in.a pandemic or an attack . I think we know.
Van says
I have spent some time trying to understand what fascism is, and on solid attribute that it has with communism is that it cannot thrive in a strong democracy, and they hate to share power. Neither a fascist or communist party would have a problem meeting behind close doors to create massive legislation such as Obama Care, and look down their tyrannical noses at the citizens telling them they have to wait until its law, crammed down there throats without have to vent the legislation.
Before there was fascism for Hitler to embraced, he was a dedicated socialist like Bernie Sanders, and anti capitalist like Elizabeth Warren. These are strong attributes of those who are dedicated to the left.
World War I came to an abrupt end when Germany turn to democracy, which was the first thing that was taken away when Hitler came to power. The Nazis came to power by demonizing the opposition party as the Dems do the Republicans.
What the left hates about America is democracy, They hate to share power which is why many champion packing the supreme court and making states out of DC and a territory to insure their one party run in all branches of government.
Fascism is not the right wing party that the left wing fanatics brainwash young people to believe. They want a large strong central government to micromanage as lives while, as a conservative, and opposed to fascism, I want a smaller central government, where the state have more leeway as to how to manage their own affairs.
When I heard President Obama say there is no real difference between capitalism, socialism, and communism, and hold Fidel Castro to high esteem whose inquisition techniques resulted in an estimated 10,000 deaths, including women and children trying to escape the slave existence that communism imposes in its people, I thing that is a big tell as to which party is the biggest threat to our democracy and free speech.
Tyrannical states put up border walls to keep there slave citizens imprison, oftentimes killing those trying to escape to countries like ours.
I have been saying for awhile now that if the left ever takes over this county, it will cease to be a country to die for, and one that you will want to escape from. Citizens are fleeing New York and California to escape high taxes and micromanaging governments. At that point, you will see the left embrace border walls on our northern borders, and we will become a problem for Canada as illegal immigrants.
But truth, like beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and when a nation turns from God, good become evil, and evil becomes good. We are polarized today as to how we see good and evil.
Ali says
Of course all democrats aka socialist are too coward and are always anonymous..
Civil war always won by warriors who believe in their honesty. China, Russia, North Korea and Iran is all you got. All evil like you. We will win. We always do.
Damion Thomas says
You mean the KKK of Amerikkka
Dave Hillman says
Patriots don’t attack their fellow citizens, Mr. Russian Troll, nor do they start a civil war. Traitors do that, not patriots.
Ali says
It’s will take a civil war that will make our 1st civil war nothing. We will easily defeat the socialists. Because we are “””AMERICANS””
Ali15 says
Yes. Let’s do this
Thomas Beaty says
To anonymous: I am a feared that you may be right but , not a feared of the fight. I love my country ,would do what ever it takes to keep it free. ONE NATION UNDER GOD.
Thomas Beaty says
To Anonymous: hate to see it come down to taking up arms but , will if necessary. if that’s what it takes to keep our nation out of the hands of the red left . my father fought for this country in ww2, my for father’s fought to make it free. I will fight to keep it free. enemy’s with in or enemy’s with out!…God bless America!
Li says
Where would the skirmishes of civil war take place? The local Winn Dixie parking lot in Boise Idaho?
How would a Proud Boy spot a dirty, left wing Lib in Boise, Falls Nebraska or Black Oak AK?
Perhaps their Teva Sandals, lesbian vampire novel and a canvas bag filled with organic produce could be a dead giveaway.
Perhaps an occasional kidnapping of a Governer.? How would a civil war affect the local economy?
How many Fox, sorry, ( NewsMax) watching seniors would get off the couch and come rumble with their canes?
Anonymous says
I believe you’re right
joe says
The left as you call us dont hate america, we just hate trump cause he is such a total brutal dictator idiot moron pig who cant open his mouth without telling a lie…
Remember your LEFT HAND is closer to your heart than your right hand witch is closer to your ASS..
people of the world (not just this country) celebrated in the streets when king trump was dethroned.
that says alot of folks dont approve of the greatest moron to ever live since hitler.
Anonymous says
I would love to run into you on the street one day and just beat the fuck out of you
Anonymous says
So says one of the 74 million stable geniuses running around this country. One thing about the Trump presidency…….it exposed the stupid underbelly of America
Anonymous says
I always said they existed and one day they would come out of the closet.
anonymous says
No it exposes the yellow bellys of America….
Anonymous says
I beg to differ with you it wouldn’t be anybody here but somebody would maybe Russia maybe China but they couldn’t miss the chance to screw us the Civil War would help
Jaybo says
You ARE the left because you are way way out there. You lie. You Want socialism.You want communism. You want abortion.You want gay rights.You want to burn the flag.You want GOD out .You want prayer out. You want American history and anything that represents it out. You want riots and looting.You want illegal aliens.
Li says
My turn MAGA,
You want authoritarianism. You want a DICK Tator. You also lie. You want dudes dictating about women’s reproductive system. You want GOD to look and act like a white male who makes you feel less human, guilty and sinful. You like Russia’s flag better than your own because it represents Oligarchy.
Not all libtards agree American history should be thrown out. It’s ugly but it’s ours.
We beleive in diversity because it’s natural, sexy and brings more innovation, skill and talents by all to contribute to the economy.
We are probably both descendants of white immigrants dare you judge brown skin.
While cities unfortunately rioted, police brutality included, a growing cause and momentum was being built that rippled throughout the country.
If we had it your way we would be smothered under a repressive, archaic system where a handful of mostly stuffy white guys assult the environment and monopolize it’s resources for pure profit and nothing more. It’s vomit producing.
Religion, Unfettered capitalism, mass media, over population and dwindling resources are causing what you would probably refer to as the rapture and I would refer to as human destruction bloated from addiction and greed.
Cam says
Calm down, good news is coming actually just research. Trump, Lin Wood, Lindsey Powell, Rudy, and Flynn, and many more, they have been the ones who rigged the election. bigger names to come.. But what’s ironic, the dealings are with China, Venezuela, and a few more. But the Democratic Party are the ones who want to turn our nation into communism. SMH…Damn, I’m not upset with Trumps supporters, it breaks my heart that he let the ones down who actually loved this character. I seen right through him many years ago! Anyone who can’t run a business and give their word or a hand shake, how the hell do people think he could run a country. I knew all this evil months ago, I just sit on it… looking forward to 1/20/2021.💙
Bob says
I bet you seen right through him. You been had dem thoughtz huh?
Sven says
Surprise surprise – name calling in a pro left response.
Marcus says
The original letter said leftists hate America. That is a filthy stinking lie. It deserves a harsh response.
Phil says
Yes, it does
Marcus says
The original letter said leftists hate America. That is a filthy lie. It deserved a harsh response.
Bob says
Learn how to properly use which and witch. Take a second to proofread before you vomit whatever dumb thoughts come into your mind. The fact you can’t use proper grammar in the age of spell check and autocorrect proves how unintelligent you are. Your opinion does not matter and you should stop posting comments everywhere.
Dave Hillman says
Read your comment and replace Trump with Biden or Obama and read it. You’re part of the problem, not part of the solution. Try rewriting it and expressing yourself in a respectful way, WITHOUT name calling. Try expressing yourself in such a way that you get your point across WITHOUT being disrespectful.
Lance Barton says
You are unfortunately the byproduct of a individual who has let the communist owned media dictate their knowledge of events happening around them, if you were to actually take the time to investigate for yourself away from social media and other left owned propaganda machines that our president has actually done the most good for this country since Reagan was president. As for the puppet Biden…we all unfortunately will feel the shadow of the CCP growing over the United States, they have already made statements that it will be back to business as usual now that he is president not Trump, thank you to all that cheated the American people and stole the election from us and have showed us that money means more to you than the values of your own country!
Anonymous says
are you drunk
Anonymous says
Sounds like derangement syndrome. Shows your mentality you think with your hate before you use logic and one day it will cost you hopefully not your life but it will cost you your freedom asshole!
Joe Bloe says
Many of the commenters here have more in common with autocratic nationalists in Russia or ethnic-religious-fundamentalist in Iran.
Who says YOU define what America is?
Dave Hillman says
Try reading your own comment. It’s not exactly something Biden or Obama would encourage. Geez.
Simon Patchin says
Does it seems like your relationship as ended or about to end? Lord Zakuza is here to help out with his love spells. To get your ex bf/gf back, email Lord Zakuza on Lordzakuza7 @ gmail. com for he’s a GOD on earth.
Dave says
Thanks, I needed a good chuckle after reading these comments.
Chris says
Worse than a corrupt government is an incompetent one, not least because having the second characteristic does not exclude the first one.
Pamela Smith says
“the leftist media is exploiting the COVID-19 pandemic”
Really? This opinion was stated in May…it is December and there are now 266,000 PLUS dead from Covid. Florida just became the third state to have one million cases. Still think it is a leftist fallacy?
Andrew says
Its blown out of proportion. Nothing gets talked about as much as covid 19 has unless someone is trying to sell it. Wake up.
Anonymous says
Yes I do. How come in 100 yrs we have a flu shot that’s only 40% effective but in just ten months we have a covid shot that’s supposedly 95% effective? Seems fishy…
Marcus says
COVID and Flu are two different diseases; didn’t you get the memo?
So I guess you consider all medical science to be a bunch of fishy hoaxes because some diseases have not been cured and others have.
Bill says
Hate to tell you this but that all come from the same type category of viruses. This thing will play out and nothing more that another virus we learn to live with. We will never have an accurate accounting of how many deaths were caused by this virus. Because this virus is listed and every death certificate with a number of other viruses and aliments as the cause of death. Is it bad yes is it dangerous yes so is the flu and pneumonia. this is about fear and control nothing more. There are high risk groups for sure but the survival rate is above 99%. Get over it.
Sam Osborne says
Trump and his supporting prevaricators engage in the destruction of reason by means of the “big lie” that Hitler outlined in his autobiography, Mein Kampf (My Struggle). The nefarious perpetration involves casting blames on its victims, making the charges of guilt totally preposterous, and repeating them in so many twisted ways of concoction that it is near impossible to believe that anyone would stoop to such wild assertions.
A climate greatly devoid of rhyme and reason needs to be maintained for this “big lie” technique to long endure. In wartime 1943 our Office of Strategy Services commissioned a psychological analysis of Hitler that concluded:
“His (Hitler’s) primary rules: never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it.”
True, the above accounts are old hat from times before Donald Trump was even born. However, if the hat at all fits atop his head, wise will be the rest of us if we have our thinking caps on well enough to be guided by the gist of words Santayana left behind. To wit, those uniformed by or ignorant of history are in danger of reliving the worst of it.
Is it not obvious to you? as it is to us, that you and your leftist party are the ones whom you speak of. you obviously cannot see further than your own evil eyes, they appear to us. We can see it! You are the ones trying to convince us of your lies, that the media has been repeating for almost 4 years now loudly, sometimes whispering in our ears, Screaming over the web the conspiracies of the orange man who has done so much bad in the past! we are forgiving for one’s past of his sins. we see all the good in him and what lye ahead of us through this man who has changed and reached out to all of us asking forgiveness by giving himself to all of us, for the good of our country and its people! You and your socialist friends in the social media, who have been hiding from the world, plotting your great divide of good and evil. so intensely overwhelming us with deceit, and hate for this man for exp[osing us to the truth of your lies and deceit, twisting and spinning your agenda across our nation! California and New York are owned by evil presents and now want the rest of the globe! that time is here and we see it thanks to Trump who has deflected it and why. your letter above tries to force your hat upon our heads. It is fortunate for us your hats will not fit over our halo! our staff is wielded from the integrity of the truth from God and to the good of the lord’s people! your pitchfork is forged from the heat of hellish lies, deceit, hatred, the devil himself holds it over all his minions who spread vermin and disease and all his evil!
We see you! the truth will reveal itself to the rest of the world!
Joy says
Excellent……My exact thoughts.
You could not have said it better.
Anonymous says
Sick burn with your “I know you are but what am I?” reply.
Tim Worstall says
Relative poverty (let it be read as Inequality) was invented to give the left something to whine about now that we really have conclusively solved a real societal problem.
Anonymous says
Socialism equals communism per Karl Marks . The Democrats want to destroy America.
The Nazi party was a socialist party , and see history , and the puppet Joe Biden is who they are going to use , and they will get rid of him Nazi style. Americans be ware.
Anonymous says
I was Well aware ! Too bad
Nobody else Cared !
berlioz says
This totally BS. Democrats want to bring in a safety net for those left behind by unregulated capitalism, poor people, disabled, seniors, etc. The Nazi party was extreme right in its extreme nationalism and adherence to the superiority of one race over another, namely the Arian.
Bill says
I’m with you and so is President elect Mr. Don
ald Trump.
love it! im all in! 4 more years!!!
rueben says
Nazis were socialist as much as the DPRK is democratic. They were the right wing enemies of communism. Accept them as your own bubba.
Vickki says
Haruto Kaito says
This is so false and ill-informed. Firstly, it’s Karl Marx. The Nazi party was NOT a socialist party, they just used the name in their name. They went after socialists and unions first! There is a BIG difference between communism, socialism and democratic socialism 9which is what we want and what most educated European countries have). Educate yourselves. We have socialism for the rich, and unfettered capitalism for the rest. The bilionaires get bailouts, we just want fair wages and healthcare.
Anonymous says
Sorry not true and Trump is the problem he doesn’’t care about the people just himself.
We’ve had democrats
before and the country ran fine.It’s been a mess even before COVID.Republicans only serve the Rich to line their pockets
Derwin says
Sorry not true and Trump is the problem he doesn’’t care about the people just himself.
We’ve had democrats
before and the country ran fine.It’s been a mess even before COVID.Republicans only serve the Rich to line their pockets
Please don’t be offended…it’s not your fault, but you’ve Been Brainwashed!
I’m a Jewish Conservative, I’m as poor as our voting process has become! I didn’t like him either but it ain’t Trump…you’ve been fed 4 years of lies! forget the man’s past, look at his accomplishments, which you know nothing about because of the media outlets you listen to! they’ve been lying to you. fact check what he has done before Covid and Biden/Harris have been saying all this hate BS leading up to the election. read more of the other side of the coin.
Alexa says
I think you need Covid Chinese… Because the Republicans didn’t bring the virus all over the world, the Chinese did. Funny how you would rather blame your own American citizens when nothing to do with it then an anti-American, hateful country that kept the world from knowing about a virus that could kill so many people. Tavares didn’t start at the White House, it started in China. Even CNN admitted to that, and even CNN admitted that China kept it from the world and lied about it.
Anonymous says
coming after you proud boy
Akexa says
And the Democrats, such as Biden’s son who sold his father influence isn’t a rich ingratet who only cares about himself? First of all, the virus wasn’t started by conservatives, it was started to by the Chinese. Second of all, the reason why there’s a vaccine is because of the biggest Republican there is… Donald Trump. So you can thank your Republican president for the vaccine, and thank the Chinese government for lying to the world and not exposing the virus a year ago before got out of hand.
joe says
put your crack pipe down and go play ibn the street moron
Kenneth McCandless says
I agree the democrat party has gone to hell. Most people I know agree. So sad.
Marcus says
His name was Marx, not Marks. You are a real Einstein, aren’t you? Democrats don’t want to destroy America. That is a filthy and stupid lie. They want to save it from the fascist Trump and his brownshirt followers.
BTW, Nazis weren’t socialists. You aren’t very smart. You think you have cleverly discovered the word Socialist in the party name but you don’t know the history of it. Do you think members of the Christian Democrats in Europe are Christian? It’s just a name. Hitler sent socialists and communists to the gas chambers, just like Jews.
Tim says
You can’t have “conclusively solved” a problem when millions of people are trying to tell you it’s still broken.
Ricardo says
i think relative property changes due to the standard of living. If you barely make ends meet, well that would be considered poor since their “living” from paycheck to paycheck. This leaves many starving but surviving on the brink. Although many who do take it to far, like comparing Jeff Bezos to a middle class, make it seem as though its a bigger problem than made.
Bill says
I’m with you and so is President elect Mr. Don
ald Trump.
Anonymous says
Ha ha lol
Anonymous says
You’re starving? Go to a food bank you idiot.
Stfu says
This is written by someone who lives in an incredible safe bubble, or is so brainwashed by years of right wing media he actually thinks his side is patriotic when they are in reality, authoritarian fascists. As Trump currently tries to deny the majority of Americans their choice for president, because no evidence of massive fraud exists anywhere., you see former military members like Flynn asking for sedition on Tv. The left is far to weak to do what should be done. Round up every one talking about civil war and not following the peaceful transition of powered debt to gitmo before they are sent to a firing squad.
Anonymous says
Do you plan to collect Social Security? Do you take the tax breaks for having children knowing full well families you use a rose more only use the schools use Emergency Services upwards of five times as often as people without kids and yet people that kids have to pay the higher taxes. Do you plan on collecting Medicare advertisement?
If you answered yes to any one if not all three of these questions you are socialist and you know it. Put your money where your mouth is and refuse these benefits in the name of capitalism not wanting to let socialism Rule the Day. How convenient your rules are for everybody else and not you.How very typically for a Christian like you.
george carson new zealand says
The best way to stop the mess is to petition the Lord in the courts of heaven and this means prayer in the Holy Spirit with praise and thanksgiving and you must plead the blood of calvary and the power of the resurrection and the ascension into glory and now his high priestly work and advocacy in the court of Heaven and request that the Lord Jehovah will urgently allocate and send one legion of his mighty angels and these are real beings about 15 feet tall same as in the holy of holies and they have divine power and they must be requested to help all believers in California and New York to bring down the socialist stranglehold in California and New York and also for them to help all true people who are fighting for righteousness in USA and victory will happen and make sure you pray this with Holy hands and beg for the mercy and help of the Lord Jesus and in his precious name Yeshua and always praise him praise him Jesus our blessed redeemer sing oh earth his wonderful love proclaim hail hail him highest archangels in glory strength and honour give to his holy name. Please note that one legion is about 6000 of these massive beings that cannot fathom why our Lord made such a huge sacrifice.
Ricardo says
The thing is, the reason for America to become one of the greatest countries to exist is due to its openness and acceptance of all no matter that background (obviously besides people who break the laws set in place). If we were to introduce the lord into the way we think, it breaks the foundation this nation was built on. I think we should find something that can unite all no matter what background without bringing in the lord
Anonymous says
Im not a religios person, but I will say that United States was found because of free of religion, that is why the people came here, it is different on Central America, sud America and Mexico they came to all those places for gold and to see what they can get from them, that it is the difference between us and the others countrys, so, there you now why it’s so much corruption an the other countrys, they want things what people work to have it, to giving to them without any sacrifice, I’m born on another country, but I love sooo much this wonderful country, that I don’t understand why some people try to destroy it.
Shane Wiedewitsch says
Christianity and it’s principles are what this country was founded on and why this country became a world leader, now if the people ((Democrats) decide we no longer need Christianity in our government or our country we can expect a speedy Armageddon
Hippocripocity says
The real issue is that these Democrats want a loyal tax base to supply their retirement with the payroll taxes of anyone they can get a buck from and illegals would be fine with that or they get, DEPORTATION SEE YA.
Sonia says
Do not agree with Ricardo God Bless you George
Anonymous says
Your completely insane !
Nebraska Girl says
You are on the right track but where do you get these numbers? Heaven? We definitely need Jesus to be Lord over all of us. We also need to believe that we are beautiful and loved by our Lord! The heavenly realms are filled with glorious beings who love humanity. And, if they question why God/Jesus put the Holy Spirit in us, they are not heavenly servants but of a different kind. God can save us! God can save the US if He wants to. He knows exactly what we need when we need it! Rejoice! Rejoice!
Furfakegod says
And this is why America is stupid.
Anonymous says
“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: ‘There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.’ There is nothing more or else to it, and there never has been, in any place or time. … As the core proposition of conservatism is indefensible if stated baldly, it has always been surrounded by an elaborate backwash of pseudophilosophy, amounting over time to millions of pages.” -Frank Wilhoit, commenter at Crooked Timber
Katherine says
Ridiculous. Conservatism refers to conserving the Constitution, which protects individual freedom and defines a limited government. The things you describe are due to non conservatives in positions of power. And do not confuse “Republican” with “conservative” (perhaps that is why you are confused).
Carl says
You don’t get to whine about conserving the constitution if you support the efforts of the man-child-in-chief to nullify the results of the election or the executive orders that he slung around at a faster clip than obama
Anonymous says
Obama obviously is all involved
COMMUNIST EFFORTS INFILTRATING in this country USA answer today when shall we expect to receive God principles for America’s 🇺🇸 🙏 Faith and His Grace and Mercy strive for strengthen the Most effective American culture .
God Bless Our USA 🇺🇸 🙏 ♥ within first.
Marie says
Our Constitution has provisions in it to challenge elections. Democrats lying about Russia colluding with our President is called a coup, that is unconstitutional! I
David says
I agree the child currently on his way out of the white house, via a police car in handcuffs! Biggest b buffoon ever .
Hasn’t stopped talking shit in 4 years..
Alexa says
I think you have it wrong, I think it’s Biden that would be hurled off in handcuffs, and then Hillary Clinton. Unlike the Russian hoax, there’s actually proof that biden’s son and Biden committed treason by selling their influence to China. So funny how you believe a Russian hoax with no proof, but there’s tons of proof about Biden, The hypocrisy on the left is absolutely astounding.
Joseph Daniel Johnson says
What did You Say???
Tim says
It used to be that conservatives in this country were the cultured elites, the ones who espoused education and enlightenment while the democrats were the workers and the dispossessed. It’s gone completely 180 now, where a few big words are enough to completely shut down the brain of the average Republican’s and send them all running to Facebook in search of easy-to-read conspiracy theories. …conspiracy headlines though, because theories is too hard.
David says
Best answer yet, keep up the good work man.
Educated & Concerned says
My Karma ran over your Liberal Dogma man. It’s beyond character assassination to near if not already actually taking lives. It’s an attempt to demonize conservatives. Hurling insults and shutdown name calling like “racists” or “privileged”.
Once the legal system has failed 80 million people; 30 million are males of fighting age; after all of this dude; I would be surprised if this major erosion in rights is allowed to go unanswered.
Communism is an abject failure globally. All of these tactics have been attempted before 2020. It just brings death and misery.
Look at the cities and people exploited by communist party indoctrinated politicians in the US today. Take a look at free speech and now the vote. Not ok. Not ignorant to point it out. Trump just pointed to the monster. That’s why the monster (tech and media giants, politicians, judges, & left Democrat sympathizers) are out for blood. Listen to the shrill tone. Anywhere else and you’d be condemning the behavior.
That’s ok; we didn’t ask for this fight. But here it is. Let’s see what happens. Keep talking. So are we now.
Linda says
Tim you’re a sad excuse for a homosapian with reasoning power. History and
Global state of affairs can’t be toppled. Socialism don’t work my brother.
billy says
Hey tim. Time for and update. Conservatives don’t use Facebook anymore. for God’s sake get current tim.
Alexa says
Funny, because I used to be a Democrat and now I’m a Republican, because I see the absolute corruption & hypocrisy of the left. I see a liberal party who has turned into lying, cheating, hypocritical bullies that they accuse Trump of.
Chris Moler says
Wow you sound like a attorney with all your verbiage, probably a liberal brainwashed by your college professors!
Free bird says
You forgot to mention how its the left who doesn’t want god in schools or anywhere in our culture for that matter, you worship government! Your party is also the party supporting the violent mobs BLM, ANTiFA burning cities and attacking people that have a different ideology then them as a matter of fact they are founded and funded by the left. Hitler attacked bis political opossition just as you anti-freedom nuts are doing. I was a democrat when they were a party of the American people but the democrat party is gone now it is the atiAmerican radical communist party. You are blind sheep following each other to the slaughter house. Your not the party of truth, and good you claim to be you are the party of lies and violence to anyone who is different. America is about Liberty and we the people will never let you steel that from us!
Pat CLEMENS says
God bless America. I agree 100 percent. Now what are we going to do about it. What do you want the Republicans to do about it. Go into streets and burn down the towns like the left did! It like living in NAIZ Germanys with phones. Because the news is not reporting the truth .
Patricia Clemens says
Lisa says
The media has gotten immensely worse. As long as their narrative is pushed, they’re happy with their own lies.
Anonymous says
Every vile piece of infested disease that comes off of your fingertips is another example right winged Hypocrisy,accusations that are faceless and unsupported by any credible evidence. That has been vomited out of right wing propaganda. At first the lies are so ludicrous and insane you can’t help but laugh and then a wave of depression takes over. because of the number of Americans that are brainwashed by republican crap and you just ate it like it was southern chicken fried steak with. Gravy gravy. You talk about the left wanting to be governed by socialistix5 mll?
Frank Bosch says
…I concur. But, we specks of blue who still desire what’s good for all, what works for all are still fairly outnumbered by the right, who feels very disenfranchised, apparently. Nothing wrong with medicine for all that cares for all, for example. And, I don’t consider countries like Sweden or Norway to be Marxist–or, Godless–because they believe in socialized medicine.
And, our founding fathers believed in God but separated Church from State for a good reason: inept rulers that were said to be “ordained” by God should not have to be tolerated–hence, the beginning rumbles of what became Our Nation. If they felt strongly enough to emphasize that, then it was meant as a safety “for All.”
Alexa says
I can see why you are anonymous.. Why don’t you try turning off the liberal media and start thinking for yourself? You accuse the conservatives of being spoon-fed when most of the media is left biased and liberal, You have all of the media and all of Hollywood on your side. So who’s being food fed? I think you are the one being spoon-fed… You are the one who believes everything that you see on TV. And maybe try taking a Xanax or doing a meditation before you post, because there’s no need to get so angry and get your knickers in such a twist just because someone disagrees with your liberal BS.
jimmimac says
they did steal ot this November 2020 with 15 million dead people voting for the traitor in the white house China Joe
Katherine says
He is not in the white house yet. Election happens 12/14. Join million+ march in dc on dec 12!
Anonymous says
Why don’t you March out here so I can fucking aim something. At you
Alexa says
Oh, such a tough armchair warrior. We’re so afraid of you anonymous… 🤣😅😂
Ernest Kearney says
You really need to get back on you meds.
Alexa says
Exactly. Anonymous didn’t take their lithium this morning.
Zipp says
It’s 15 million now?! That’s amazing. If Biden pulled of a conspiracy of this magnitude, involving millions of people in numerous states, including thousands of Republicans and Trump appointees, he really would be the greatest chief executive this country has EVER known!
Susan Maners says
You know as well as the rest of us, Joe Biden is not in charge here. They told him he would win and they cheated like hell to do it. The democrats are anti American. Donald Trump is our President.
Anonymous says
Just another uneducated Trump supporter who can’t provide proof the election was stolen. Provide us with solid proof or shut the hell up!
Anonymous Too says
It’s up to the polling places caught on video and with sworn affidavits from hundreds of people witnessing fraud to provide proof that it was a fair election. Sheep like you are willing to sacrifice your right to vote because you think this went your way this time. I am sure you didn’t have a problem when Gore challenged after the election he was in. I wouldn’t want any of your “education” if you don’t think the people have a right to ensure their right to vote is upheld.
Robert Cates says
Well said freebird. gGves me hope reading this and realizing just how ma y we have. All I hear about in my busy schedule is crap the news spits out and its pathetic.
Doug Holum says
👍🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸They have awakened a sleeping giant… The people that love this country and our freedom
Anonymous says
all the people who support the left are nothing but the lowest form of life on our earth they will never take over as long we have GOD on our side and we all stick togather and pray for god to lead and guide us each and every day. I PRAY every day for god to rid us of this party of people and he will just as he has from the beginning of time he will lead his people out of the hands of the injustice and keep his people free of the ungodly May GOD bless AMERICA and keep it under his watch
Melinda woods says
Are you ever off the rails. May I ask the writer who seems have the ability to take the heat off the Republicans why do the righties protect a sociopath who if given more time in office will become an authoritarian dictator? Wake up you people in your maga hats he has actually said out loud he finds you people disgusting. He is not what he appears and left up to him none of us would have rights
Greg says
So let me get this straight; you’re a God fearing republican who prays to God to wipe out anyone who isn’t a republican? My God are you an ignorant fool.
Pandora says
Its beyond hurtful to see someone who says they speak for the lord talking about praying to be rid of a party of people. Praying for genocide. The hate and or lies you must have consumed to get there is astounding. Sending you and yours love and I hope you’ll take my words into consideration and really mull them over before deciding or responding.
Consider Jesus’ message and the fact that he spent time with the lowest in society. Do you really think he would be on the side of the rich folk who are acting out of fear and hate? If we open our hearts and look say reality, instead of just looking for what confirms what we already think and have been taught we wouldn’t want to hate any groups just because they are what they are. Each person is unique and can’t be labelled and put into a box. This entire world is too nuanced to fit into boxes.
Consider that propaganda is only useful and good if there seems to be some truth to it. No one is trying to take over and change our country into anything but a capitalist democracy. Oh, except for Donald Trump. Donald Trump wants whats going to be best for him without exception. You have to know that to be true. That means that he WILL and HAS chosen himself over this country. He would throw away our entire democracy if it meant avoiding jail. He’d probably throw it away for less. Consider that nazi Germany didn’t start out the way it ended. It’s a gradual rise. It doesn’t look like tanks and military. It looks familiar to THAT SPECIFIC COUNTRY. Stalinism, Hitlerism, Trumpism. In america, it looks like free press (but a discredited media) and baseball caps. If you watch the video at the bottom it will make even more sense. On the other hand, there’s no evidence whatsoever that dems are trying to take over the country with socialism. This is the response to social change (in this case black lives matter) that happens EVERY SINGLE TIME in American history. Look it up for yourself. It happens bc our country is a push and pull between conservatism and progressivism but this pull is pulling much harder than it’s supposed to to make sure that our country doesn’t go any further left than the rich people benefiting want it to go. Joe Biden is right wing by the standards of most other countries and he SURE AS HECK ain’t the one who is going to make any big social changes that scare you. Same goes for Kamala. Don’t do what people tell you to do, think about what’s right for yourself. Do your research with ab open truth seeking mind instead of confirming the biases you already have.
Fact check about Dems supporting violence. Trump and Conservatives meanwhile haven’t condemned the actions of the attackers in Georgia. Google lifetime Republican, Trump voter, and former supporter Gabriel Sterling and you’ll see Trump’s reaction or lack thereof.
Here are the actual facts about antifa murders vs alt right murders. Antifa murders don’t exist. Tons of the things that start to pulse through the media are NOT factual and their purpose is to scare people. We have to navigate digital information using Fact and bias checking websites so that we’re aware of what’s going into our bodies. Everyone knows there are people on both sides with something to gain by influencing us to have certain opinions which is why we have to be mindful and check multiple sources. We are part of the world and how we act on a micro level should be how we want the world to look on a macro level. Kindness and empathy. Facing and working through our problems instead of pretending they don’t exist. Not living in or making choices out of fear.
When you hear a story, dont you usually think that the truth is somewhere in between the two sides? Well, it stands to reason that reality works the same way. You weren’t born in exactly the right place with exactly the right views that mean you are automatically right. Some of those views probably arent gonna be right or great. In fact, no one is born in such a place bc the world is always changing.
Check out this video that you’ll initially disagree with but here’s a secret, disagreement is GOOD and its actually how we gain knowledge (e.g. debates, discussions, idea exchanges). It helps describe the issues we’re facing right now. We can’t ignore our problems and pretend they don’t exist, we’ll just end up doing more work later on.
Bertha M Rios says
I agree 100% the Democrats are corrupt and manipulate and steal the truth. Keeping people ignorant is their best weapon. Biden will continue to plagerize, cheat, and steal. But what is worst, he is in bed with China, Ukraine and anyone willing to give him a kick back. He will always put his pockets first, the world second, and America last.
Anonymous says
Sounds exactly like draft dodger donny
Fuck Trump says
You people (uneducated Trump supporters) really can’t think for yourselves. Several reports came out just today that Trump is offering pardons for his cronies in exchange for cash. God I wish you people would actually read or watch something other than Fox News. Fucking morons – all of you.
Joe Arsanis says
The lying, criminals of the Dummycrat party will do whatever it takes to create chaos, including Killing of innocent people. They are vicious, sick mother fuckers, most are mentally ill. Morons like whoooopi &, prick Deniro and other sick Dummycrats. Trump has helped lifted this country from the sick homo skinny black guy and white trash above the law Hillary Rotten Clinton’s from the damage they have created, including lying to military survivors of dead soldiers, Obama has never really even helped the Black community, however he has helped Muslims get hired for Government positions and on and on, and on. He has placed illegal immigrants over the military and homeless people. Hey moron clean up your own country before playing Santa Claus so you can be elected again. Haa Haa, Oregon has released several ISIS terrorist, yes the liberals have lost there minds, soon they will lose there heads. Biden President will be another Disaster. He will not last 1 yr., however the other will fulfill his position, then win reelection, and then run for office again because she is Black, liberal.
Any average minded individuals know the Dummycrats have lied, killed,
destroyed the country to now seeking a Socialist government that has never, ever been successful in other countries. I can write for hours but it is difficult to converse with: Mentally ill, Dopers, Alcoholics, Democrats, just not going to happpen.
Joseph Daniel Johnson says
What did You Say???
Dorrene Shake says
The Christian’s I’ve been interfacing with are acting like a cross between the Jim Jones Cult, & Kim Jong Un’s who WORSHIP Trump who will leave them BROKE because if he stayed in past Dec 2020 he’d be STASHING all our SAVINGS IN SOCIAL SECURITY, MEDICARE in his OFF SHORE ACCOUNT IN CYPRESS…….I suggest you NOT SPEND ANOTHER PENNY ON AMAZON BECAUSE he profited $%$$$ BILLIONS of We the Peoples money. TIME TO.PLACE LIENS ON MCCONNELL & REPUGS FOR THAT HORROR OF A CONTRACT.
from Trum
Jay says
You couldn’t have said it any better !! 👍🏼👌
Pandora says
Sending you and yours love and I hope you’ll take my words into consideration and really mull them over before deciding or responding.
Fact check about Dems supporting violence. Trump and Conservatives meanwhile haven’t condemned the actions of the attackers in Georgia. Google lifetime Republican, Trump voter, and former supporter Gabriel Sterling and you’ll see Trump’s reaction or lack thereof.
Here are the actual facts about antifa murders vs alt right murders. Antifa murders don’t exist. Tons of the things that start to pulse through the media are NOT factual and their purpose is to scare people. We have to navigate digital information using Fact and bias checking websites so that we’re aware of what’s going into our bodies. Everyone knows there are people on both sides with something to gain by influencing us to have certain opinions which is why we have to be mindful and check multiple sources. We are part of the world and how we act on a micro level should be how we want the world to look on a macro level. Kindness and empathy. Facing and working through our problems instead of pretending they don’t exist. Not living in or making choices out of fear.
When you hear a story, dont you usually think that the truth is somewhere in between the two sides? Well, it stands to reason that reality works the same way. You weren’t born in exactly the right place with exactly the right views that mean you are automatically right. Some of those views probably arent gonna be right or great. In fact, no one is born in such a place bc the world is always changing.
Check out this video that you’ll initially disagree with but here’s a secret, disagreement is GOOD and its actually how we gain knowledge (e.g. debates, discussions, idea exchanges). It helps describe the issues we’re facing right now. We can’t ignore our problems and pretend they don’t exist, we’ll just end up doing more work later on.
Susan says
Well said! My parents came to this country to escape socialism. It is not the ideal form of government. If anyone thinks so, just wait and see because when it does happen they should be prepared to lose their homes they will be told that they have to share the home with other families, the homes they worked so hard to get, the American Dream . Wait until everyone gets the same wage, who then would want to go to school to become a doctor when the pay would only be about a dollar more than the cashier at the grocery store. How about waiting in line for hours to get a potato. I wonder how all of the elite millionaires, the actors, football and basketball players would feel if they no longer had their multi million dollar mansions, and that they will be earning the same wage. How would they feel when the tanks roll over them or their loved ones who dare to speak out. But hey we get socialized medicine.
Anonymous says
Well said & AMEN
Edith Hellyer Felker says
I know why the left hates Trump – some of these people are my extended family members who abducted me and tortured me and some of my beloved family members. TRUMP IS DRAINING THE SWAMP AND THEY ARE THE SWAMP. If Trump is out, these sadistic and satanic people are the richest people in the world and control every move. They screamed that what they really want is a lesbian utopia which Hillary promised them. Ask them what they mean by a lesbian utopia and mean is a good word for that. I have been lesbian raped because I refuse to express interest and psycho/sexually tortured and tortured in more ways than that.
Rob K says
It shocks me to see how stupid trump supporters really are… have you never asked yourself why is it every time something doesn’t go trumps way its always a conspiracy??? How is it you all spew these dumb conspiracy theories that are easily proven wrong with 3 minutes of research on a computer???? You all said you were tired of lying politicians and thats why you support Trump and yet this man has lied more than the last 10 presidents combined, proven lies that are also easy to research and see they are lies. The fact is that you weirdos, your weirdo soon to be ex president are all the problem, your all anti American. You blindly support a man we all know used a sworn enemy of the US to get elected the first time by having Russia pump all social media outlets with fake conspiracy theory bullshit. How can you support a man who has seen more dead Americans on his watch than the last 5 major US wars combined???
Katherine says
You have it 180 degrees wrong. Please realize that your media are censored. And cnn, nyt, msnbc caught in proven lies. Google is censoring searches (provable). There is big money influencing social media..they are public for profit corporations:They colluded to interfere in the election. Lots of corporate and foreign money involved in our media. You must think independently, ask your own questions, and seek truth creatively. Look for live feed events not reports of what happened, or opinions. Ask yourself why are they covering what they re, and what are they not talking about that is important. Do not be chummed by the talking points of the day. Ditch twitter and get on parler and gab. Also there is only one party that refuses to arrest people for beating up, harassing, terrorizing, assaulting, censoring political opponents, that demonstrably institute laws and advocate for violating at least the first, second, fourth, fifth, and sixth amendments in the bill of rights.
Doug Jaynes says
Mainstream Media has become opinionated and not doing job of journalism, reporting all the facts unbiased.
James Dean Hart says
Just follow the money, it will tell you who is doing what and for how much!
Dump trump says
Funny – you described Fox News. Moron.
BlueDolphin14 says
Parler invited right wingers onto their site because all of the other sites have finally started to block fake news and conspiracy theories. You are not enlightened by watching Fox News and disparaging the others. Think about it! Why is Fox the only station that claims the truth and all of the others are considered fake news? It is exactly the opposite. Fox is the one on the fringes reporting opinion as fact and conspiracies as news daily! Now all of you wingers have been pushed to Parler to continue your conspiracy theories because other platforms are losing their reputations at the hands of people like you. Rightists are wrong and a complete bore with their conspiracies and their king who has no clothes. Learn some critical thinking!…then again… Critical thinking, religion and the right hardly go hand in hand.
Andrew says
You don’t need the mainstream news outlets, and the filtering Google may or may not do is irrelevant: You can witness Trump’s, the Republicans’, and FOX News’ lies and propaganda in photos, text, and video!
Benjamin H. says
It’s clear that you actually don’t do any research. Because actual fact information given to everyone here and world wide would show exactly the kind of man you voted for to be true. He’s the true liar, has been in office for over 46 years and done absolutely nothing to better our beautiful country, and has lied to all of us about his dealings with Russia and his son. That’s facts and I can gladly link you the information if you’d like to do some reading. I’m guessing you also support slaughtering unborn babies too? The left is no longer a “democratic representative” they are indeed a democratic socialist party. America has never been a democracy, we are a conservative republic, and always will be because people like you have never been able to succeed in keeping real American people down. There is a reason we’ve been successful in defeating so much evil in this world. Because united we are a force that will not be beaten. As long as one man or one woman has the true American spirit, America will not rest until liberty is safe.
Mike says
You definitely have already been programmed and brainwashed and now your anti-america and follow the Democratic party of Satan, may God help you if he chooses to do so
Anonymous says
We are on our way out, they’re going to take us over, we don’t deserve to have a free country no more, there’s too many Americans that need to be taken care of properly and put in camps! The troublemakers, they are not smart enough to have Facebook they shouldn’t even be on an iPhone
Anonymous says
I feel sorry for your strong ideology based on what you wrote, It demostrates that you have been brained washer by the mainstream media, in additiona bunch of politicians, who actually doesn’t do much for their people. You are a fool to believe what your Democartic leaders are delivering to you, they’re not there for you, only for themselves because its a great business opportunity to make money. Unfortunately, what they are teaching is encouragin violence amongst communities. This moment and time is a great example in today’s society. I am an immigrant who came to this country 32 years ago, and I am grateful for every bit this wonderful place has to offer, I didn’t get it easy in the begining, but I didn’t give up, I kept going. After reading your comment, for a moment, I got angry based on what you wrote, since I am real Aficana I felt the urge to write something back to you, just letting you know that, attacking human being is not okay, next time think twice before you decide to write such a comment on the internet, people actually reads them, it’s quite alright to express our opinions, but with respect to others. Finally, I trully wish you the best, it doesn’t matter what party you belong to, just be more careful, and aware of your word, even amongst your peers. Hopefully one day you will see light with your own eyes, Democratic, Republicans, or Independent. Soicialism is defectively not the way we should be living in the 21 st century. Great example read what is happening in Venezuela Best of luck to you.
Linda says
Hey you call it a conspiracy but it really is a caldron of vile people. Sauros, his ilk, big tech , ceos of big companies( most of which are foreigners and have no allegiance to America or it’s history) misled people like you that are all stirring in the swamp. Down the drain you go!
dennis richardson says
I agree with you and NOT with my pastor. He say that both parties are NOT synonymous with Christianity. I say yes the republican party is not synonymous with Christianity but the Democratic party is synonymous with Satanism. America was not founded a perfect nation but democrats are unbelievably dishonest, child murderers, general criminals, slave owners, the KKK were demos, the demos were/are warmongers, homosexuals and political criminals. They have become rich being bribed. They have cheated in elections for decades. My pastor is being deceived by Tim Keller, some clergy say he is a MARXIST. I think that Tim Keller is a MARXIST.
Anonymous says
So didn’t HITLER
Shane_toups says
Oh look- a Libeled Liberal
Lisa says
The liberal are very clever with the way they work. They use the label to proclaim how they can in no way be racist. After all, they are liberal right? Most liberals are atheists and want to take our black Americans (the ones who are the backbone of our Religion in this country) and convince them that their skin color is now their religion and to hate all republicans. They’ve done a fairly good job of doing this.
Anonymous says
Wow thank you
Leopold Novak says
Amazing how we are controlled by the mass mainstream media left and uncontrollable that will take over your freedoms your rights and the USA.. I hope the Democrats we’ll take all the billionaires 2 the clock and make them pay for everything free in the USA!
James says
Nice idea, but you could take ALL the money the rich and elites have, and it wouldn’t do squat to the bill these Marxists are preparing for the U.S. Say goodbye opWhat really sucks, is what theyre going to do to our posterity. BTW, did you NOT NOTICE that most ridiculously rich folks support the Marxists? Hmmm? Now why do you think that is?
Radicals are fooled again.
Joseph Daniel Johnson says
That is completely right.
Anonaymous says
I wonder what communist controls this site ???
Dave Smith says
Here we go profiling people into demons Satan and all the other bad stuff just cause you’re a Democrat you’re a fucking asshole you don’t have that much education obviously. COVID-19 is the way the Lord is punishing people for reaping the land and all the crimes they committed against each other it’s a shame all for what money .
Ben says
Dave is delusional…don’t be like Dave..
SHANE says
trip says
Please rewright this i want to know what you had to say im intreaged
Anonymous says
shane please rewright what you wrote its all scrambled up
James says
So God is of Chinese decent? Or is he just using them?
Diane says
You are extremely paranoid and delusional!!
Please get yourself committed to a good mental health facility!! ASAP, for the good of society!!
Linda says
Don’t be judge and jury. Time for your medication Diane.
Anonymous says
Your a demon Democrats cheater and styled socialistic asx
Professorpaul says
Diane says
I’m truly convinced after reading the right conservative postings, that are similar to yours, that all of the funding that’s been cut out of the mental heath system needs to be reinstated for the Trumper’s immediately! They are all delusional and paranoid nuts of society.!!
The hate they spew is sick and mentally ill.
They are nothing short of pure crazy nonsense!
No normal mind thinks their way. They all need to be medicated.
Ernest Kearney says
That should be “You’re.” Apparently you failed in English as well as so much else.
Anonymous says
Democrats are so brainwashed by the communists in this country they have now divided this country you want this go to fricken Russia and live there you stupid democrats. You’ve voted for a perverted oldman that fondles little girls and a women that supports full term abortion what is wrong with you. Democrats.
Anonymous says
I agree not to mention China backs all this chaos and job closures
Ralph says
I hate to say this but there is a strong ugliness to both parties. there has never been one honest politician since the creation.I swear all you people are completely blinded by stupidity.
There is not one single politician I would vote for, even I was given all the money in the world.
As far as one party smarter then the other party is all a myth smartness is like an opinion and everyone has one. Everyone just quit the arguing and try to show who is smarter it only makes both parties even look dumber
Joseph Daniel Johnson says
yes sir.
Evans says
Yeah I agree, most politicians are corrupt and up to no good.
Diane says
Please seek help for your paranoid, delusional state of mind!
You are seriously mentally ill !!
Your rambling sounds insane.
And as far as Russia goes. Trump thinks like, and admires all the dictators and tried turning this country into a dictatorship!!
Open your eyes!! Put down the glass of Kool- aid!
Linda says
Hi Diane. I’m sorry you think the way you do..
I’m curious. How long have you and your family lived in this country? I’m doing a survey?
Anonymous says
Trump’s a autocratic becoming a dictator! You’re chosen one will burn in Hell! We all know he sold his soul a long time ago! BTW Trump was a democrat!
Lisa says
Yes, he was a democrat, as were so many of us and as we found God, we left the democratic party. I’m ashamed that it took me so long to find God because I would have been a better wife, a better Mom, a better friend, and quite simply a better human being had it not taken me so long to find God. Not all Democrats are socialists but all socialists are democrats. Not all democrats are atheists, and some democrats align very much with Republican views. God is about to wake all of us. He’s very angry about corruption and millions of babies being slaughtered and the hate and division of our nation. We will all feel his wrath, democrats and republicans. It’s a time for great prayer and great thought, not hate. It’s been enough already.
Sam R says
That is exactly Right Lisa.. very well written and the truth. That is what we stand for..
Mari says
Lisa, do you really think that banning and criminalizing abortion will stop women from having them, including married women who cannot afford more kids but their contraception failed?
History teaches us a different lesson. Women will seek abortiins no matter how stiff the penalty for doing so.
Anonymous says
The best way to know your evil enemy is to watch them close from within
Tumbleeed says
That simple statement is a book in writing. “The Art of War”” Chinese. Centuries old.
Sam R says
This is about the Commie Liberal vs The Constitutional Conservatives in this Country. Right now and yes there is a War Brewing. Joe Biden will have his opportunity to show us what he has. For the ones of us that give men a chance we will give him that chance. If we don’t like him we will not dwell on it and burn down property. Because we get up and go to work every day to provide for our families and spend time with them on weekends and attend Church of our choice on Sunday. We also love out neighbors..
Nicholas Tsimekles says
Act like an adult , stand up , anonymous is a whimpy . If someone threatens you then it should empower you,, Seems we live in whimpy society. My name is Nicholas Tsimekles, USMC veteran and I am writing this post.
Anonymous says
Now that was a “less than intelligent” remark. You must have been schooled in a liberal district, funded by Liberals.
Martha says
Hey Dennis, when you say things like “the Democratic party is synonymous with Satanism” and they are “unbelievably dishonest, child murderers, general criminals” that is dehumanizing and literally demonizing language. When we think other people are less than human, we are more likely to act violently towards them and allow others to act violently towards them. Dehumanization is the seed of violence. No matter your political party, we are all Americans with sons and daughters, uncles, mother, fathers and families that we love. We all deserve to be treated like human beings that are just trying to do the best for the world that we can. I challenge you to try to connect with a Democrat and find some common ground. Maybe you have a family member that moved away and is now “liberal.” Maybe it is a neighbor. But I promise you that you have a lot more in common with them then you think you do. Let’s not tear apart the country based on who we think the other side is. Go find out!. I think you would be surprised what you learn.
Anonymous says
Beautifully said Martha.
Anonymous says
U are weak and will cause our great nation to fall stay weak and meek
Bryan Terrell says
Martha, it’s obvious in your comment that when you talk about dehumanizing people this is your way of masking your true guilt and playing as if you believe in fairness.. I see through the mask and so does most people who are fed up with the lefts hypocrisy.. smoke that!
Roger says
Dude, I’m also fed up with the right’s hipocrisy and selective naiivite.
Smoke that!
Bryan Terrell says
Martha, it’s obvious in your comment that when you talk about dehumanizing people this is your way of masking your true guilt and playing as if you believe in fairness.. I see through the mask and so does most people who are fed up with the lefts hypocrisy.. smoke that!
Anonymous says
I love you I could not have said it better. We need to be smart look up truths it’s all online even the voting machines that cheat
Liz says
Thank you Martha for your words of wisdom in what has become a increasingly divided country! I think if we all walk across the street and talk to our neighbors, we will find that we have more in common than we don’t! Our current leader has used decisive words to divide America’s people since he began campaigning. His tactics have only damaged this country. Remember the saying, “ a house divided against itself cannot stand”. It’s time to stop looking at someone with a different view than ourselves as an enemy and realize that we are all very different but also very much alike.
Jim p. says
Martha, dennis speaks the truth, the fact in the matter is the democratic party and it’s followers are so wrapped up in evil and the love of Satan and all things immoral, that you folks don’t even see it. Anyone with common sense knows killing a baby is wrong, morally and spiritually, and disguise the act under the guise of “choice” choice is wearing a red dress or a green one, choice is wearing heels or flats, killing an unwanted baby, because of the inconvenience it causes is murder & I assure you that every one of those little babies sacrificed makes satan smile. The whole foundation of liberalism is founded on hatred and lies, hatred for this country ( because it was founded on judeo-christian principles), hatred of God’s devine order ( feminism) ( homosexuality), everything the democratic party is promoting is our of line with God’s word. The democratic party doesn’t even want the name of God uttered anymore if they can get away with it. These so called ” neighbors” have been anything but ” neighborly” the past four years, I cannot count the times I have been flipped off by democrats for proudly displaying a Trump flag and american flag on my truck, it is your “group” that has torn this country apart & “go find out” is nonsense, ask any God fearing Trump supporter, I can assure you we already know. We have NOTHING in common with anyone who despises us for taking a stand for our country and our president, who gleefully exterminates children and then has the nerve to lecture us on morality. So yes it is true that the democratic party is absolutely synonymous with satanism, that is as close to a confirmed fact as I can think of, it’s rather ironic that you would use the example of a “seed of violence” as if antifa and BLM haven’t been busy antagonizing and accosting conservatives just because our worldview doesn’t align with theirs. So I think no conservative is interested in accepting any such challenge, but instead perhaps you should take up the challenge of finding out what you represent is really all about, Marxism and socialism only lead to misery for all, look up Karl Marx and you’ll find his contempt for God is quite evident
Anonymous says
Ok homophobe
ted says
You don’t like being called out “So What” there isn’t room for both ideologies within our borders. But there are other counties whos ideology more closely aligned with Democrat control freaks. All we conservatives want is for you to leave us the @%&# alone. Stop trying to force me to eat tofu and subsidize abortion. Don’t want babies here’s a novel idea don’t have sex or at least go get some contraceptives at the local store and pay for it yourself. I have nothing in common. With my liberal relatives they can’t survive without a supermarket and they can’t fix anything all they know how to do is pass and moan about its not fair that they’re not millionaires. This life isn’t fair none of us deserves jack$#!+. This earthly life is a test to see how you will choose its purposely designed to be unfair to see how you react when the chips are down and marxists are failing wholesale they are choosing the devil’s glitz and in the end will lose it all.
Wasted breath says
I praise your attempt to be a voice of reason on here and stand with you in your call for a collective deep breath, step back followed by nuanced critical thinking unhindered by heated emotion.
This being said, at a certain point, you have to understand there is a small portion of the country who are beyond trying to help.
These types of folks have been living in parts of the country where not only is the news feed they tune into an echo chamber of hilarious conspiracy theories, they don’t have contact with anyone in their social circle or community who carries a different point of view regarding politics or life in general.
These are the people who would believe in a heartbeat if OAN reported Nancy Pelosi has been discovered to be a lizard reptilian halfbreed who has infiltrated American politics to gain enough power to steal babies for her reptile comrades to rape and bbq as weekend entertainment.
Simultaneously, when every news outlet (their former Fox News favorite turned enemy of the state) reports that Trump has lost both the electoral college and the popular vote, they’ll yell rigged, stolen election till purple in the face long after anyone has stopped listening.
The most interesting thing about somehow stumbling on this insane website, is it seems that the cream of the crop of crazies all gather here to post endless steams of certifiably mentally unhinged pseudo religious blathering along with not so stumble undertones of partisan civil war excitement.
What these people don’t and will never understand is that there’s a majority of the country who voted for Biden (I voted third party, but same difference being from blue state…) ONLY because they did not want to see Trump really inflict irreversible damage to the country if given another term.
That is a far stretch from saying that any of these Dem voters were or are the very least bit optimistic about Sleepy Joe. The funniest thing is conservative news trying to pass Biden off as a Progressive?!!! This is the same man who wrote the 94 crime bill, which made the “tough on crime” rhetoric become so ramped up in decades to come causing non violent “soft” drug possession arrests to carry life in prison if it was the defendants third strike and was in a school zone making it a felony.
So yeah, the guy that put non distribution weed possession defendants with 3 strikes away for life with no parole taking sentencing discretion away from judges and adding a turbo charger dual hemi to the growth of the prison industrial complex is simultaneously the socialist, communist, far left progressive all the right leaning conservatives need to fear! Hahahhaahhaha
What in the hell are you people buying into?!? Why don’t you actually use your minds and do a bit of research about what you go posting online and stirring up all your craziness.
Like the majority of others, I don’t trust the right and equally don’t trust the left. Washington is a swamp, filled with Democrats, Republicans and every other coach roach in the pockets of lobbyists special interest groups.
So, if you guys on here form a Jesus militia or whatever the f@“k, people march on the capital, not on your fellow civilians!
The Average Democrat says
Wow… it’s very interesting to see how Democrats went from being your neighbors, coworkers, friends, teachers, doctors, fellow members of your congregations – into suddenly being what you believe to be your enemy and all of these horrible things that you are claiming. So YOU are claiming, no factual evidence by the way, that half of the country, myself, my family, and friends are: “Satanists, unbelievably dishonest, child murderers, general criminals, slave owners, members of the KKK (Who all supported Trump by the way), warmongers, homosexuals, and political criminals. They have become rich being bribed. They have cheated in elections for decades.”
That’s very interesting since all of the Democrats that I know are well educated professionals (Doctors, Medical specialists, Researchers, Program Managers/Directors, Business Owners, Attorneys, Professors, Managers, Pastors of Christian churches, Social Workers, Therapists, etc.
Democrats hold to the idea that it’s the American government’s job to protect it’s citizens, environment, and land (including everything over it, on it, in it, and under it, including bodies of water) from harm through governing using programs, rules, and regulations. Traditional Democratic Party platform supports: equal rights, human rights, pro-strong middle class, pro-choice (which includes the choice to HAVE the child), pro-education, pro-diversity, wants immigration reform, wants new gun laws to get guns out of the hands of children, mentally ill, known domestic and sexual assailants, and gangs. Pro-science, fight Climate Change, protect the environment, protect the American people from corporations and products that could harm humans, animals, or the environment. Pro-facts, facts over religious beliefs, freedom of the press, get money out of government. Helping those who have fallen on hard times, giving them a helping hand, a temporary boost to get them back on their feet. Those who can physically and mentally work need to work. No handouts for lazy people! Helping those who are too sick to work. Taking care of our elderly, sick/dying, and children..
If you read your Bible (the New Testament), all of those things that Democrats believe in are ALL based on Christianity and what the Bible actually says that good Christians should be.
So here are the questions that I pose to you and others who share your beliefs…
WHO wants you to believe those lies about Democrats? WHO holds the wealth, the power, and controls all American media? Certainly not the average, normal, daily Democrat who lives in your neighborhoods. It’s the wealthiest 1%. The super wealthiest people, and they are 50% Republicans and 50% Democrats. We live in a Plutocracy where the wealthiest 1% are controlling everything. So, my next question to you is WHY. WHY would they pit Americans against each other? Because the wealth inequality has become unbalanced in the United States. Because they don’t want to lose all of their wealth. We’re talking about the people who have multiple houses and yachts.
But, you don’t have to believe me. Listen to a billionaire who is one of the top 1% of the wealthiest Americans tell you for himself:
TN says
Thank you for explaining this so eloquently. Trumps “us vs them” dangerous rhetoric has poisoned the minds of so many, including this writer obviously.
Jim p says
That rhetoric came from the likes of Maxine Waters (D) California, if you’ll remember, she is the one who uttered those famous words that stoked all the division and got many of my conservative friends attacked for simply wearing a red hat ” when you see them in public, get in their faces, in the restaurant, in the store, push back, let them know they’re not welcome” we have been under attack from you leftist ever since, so it is your leaders, your kind that started the poisonous rhetoric and made it physical, so per usual the typical liberal response is to blame others for what you are doing. Indeed, the democratic party has caused every bit of division we have now and it will continue for the foreseeable future
Ben says
Ben says
Thank you. I am glad you said that. Most republicans I know all want those things too.
I think 99% of the people want that. It’s just a 1% that does not.
Divide and rule
Tim says
There is a mountain of evidence.. you like to think your smart enough to write this long comment and convince good people the left isn’t the evil part of all this.. not working at all so save it.. your mask is transparent and your to stupid to notice.. your simply putting a wig on a pig.. it’s still a pig?
Diane says
Talk about a mask being transparent. Your are paranoid and delusional. Do us all a favor and get some help!
Bryan says
There is a mountain of evidence.. you like to think your smart enough to write this long comment and convince good people the left isn’t the evil part of all this.. not working at all so save it.. your mask is transparent and your to stupid to notice.. your simply putting a wig on a pig.. it’s still a pig?
Anonymous says
Democrats paid for riots for businesses to be shut down and for mothers to go nuts stuck at home no work no food no money 5 kids n a husband
Liz says
To the Average Democrat:
Thank you! Very well said!
Nicholas Tsimekles says
In the end we all will be on our face in front of God, Racism, antifa, pro abortion reparations, the desire to create a utopian society without God will be put to the test. This is beyond politics, and the quest of power, we will given an account of our lives, Biden or Trump will not be there to offer support, nor defend us. What will we decide??
Anonymous says
Donald Trump’s Republican party are the Devil that the bible speak of. GOD PLEASE HELP THEM
Anonymously says
God loves mankind, all of us! He gave us rules to live by called the 10 commandments. Dumbocrats do everything in THEIR power to eliminate God from everything in this country. Take homosexuality for instance, he calls it an abomination, where as it’s a rallying cry for Dumborats. Though shall not commit murder, well Dumborats, what do you call abortion (not a woman’s right to choose) you don’t want to have to make that choice, then keep your legs shut. He will deal with those who commit rape. Black lives matter, of course they do, but ask God and he will tell you ALL lives matter. But that narrative doesn’t sit well with the left, with that, there is nothing to divide us by as a nation. This world will understand whom is in charge when Jesus returns. Jesus died on the cross that no man shall perish. John 3:16 who so ever believeth in him shall not perish, but have ever lasting life. If the dumborats would spend even a fraction of their time in his word, they would understand, we are all created equal under his name. But, they don’t want that, because the more you know, the less likely you are to be controlled
Anonymous says
Ok homophobe
Anonymous says
Anonymous says
I havent seen Donald Trump name in the BIBLE STUPID
Jus crusin says
My family has Democratic roots as far back as the depression era. My family lived through the depression era in Oklahoma. We were staunch, middle of the road Democrats, until the last year of the Obama administration, we all voted for Obama on both of his runs for President, and that will never happen again. The Democratic party has gone so far left, that socialism now reeks from the very being of party.. It doesn’t take a Nuclear scientist to see the direction that the Liberal, Socialist party is going. I’ll never vote for another Democrat again, I wouldn’t vote for a Democrat to be the local dog catcher.
Philip Iorio says
Right now, more than ever, We The People must unite as one against the anti-American, far left Liberal Socialist Communist Demorats. There is so much proof coming out daily of the LSCD cheating the election system, to steal the Presidency, as well as take over America. They will take away all of your rights, possessions, and liberty! We must activate the militia, and take back our country.
Arthur Vasquez says
Its spiritual warfare satanism vs the Most High God who rules over all nations of men
Anonymous says
If you people hate so much A.merica and peoples skin color so much why dont you. Purchase a huge beautiful Island and be happy. Surely your leader has money. Why complain aboutthe tone of skin colors ohr parents gave us. It all seems so silly instead of growing gardensand loving children the way loving parents do. Some are teaching children such evil things. God sees all of this. Hell see to it that things be worked out. Help your neighbors stop being so hateful its not becoming. The Holy Bible says. Love peace and oneanother. Talking evil about someone. Do you like it when people say bad things about you. Dont dish out what you cant endure yourself. Mugslinging can go on and on so be sure itll come right back at you. My goodness you people are ruthless. Learn to love. God the Faith Creator will help you. Read His. Book. Stop your discusting jealousy. Its as cruel as the grave. Thats Gods Word
Bob Marton says
TN says
So literally everyone, including your own pastor, is being deceived if they don’t agree with you? 🤣
Robert Russell says
gj Dennis I agree.. The key here on Earth is balance what ever your beliefs… without balance life will be tough with some 7 billion people here on earth. The left to say the least is… out of balance.They are also known by others as Neo Cheaters… Neo Cheaters = value destruction . They stand for the total destruction of the core values this country was founded on… Neo cheaters drain your energy then use it to destroy the very values you carry. Tell ya what…NOBODY IS GOING TO DESTROY THE VALUES I HAVE TO OFFER THIS WORLD FOR THE GOOD OF MAN !. I am sure there is plenty of you out there that feel the same.Mr Trump is doing a great job of bringing all this into the white light where there is nowhere to hide ! Once there is exposure to the light they will have nowhere to go.
We need to as a people Wake Up we have been sleeping for far to long and the time is NOW !
and NOW is the time to pull together as a whole and stop the deception of the value destroyers.
The Demos will not stop… They are like Terminators that get paid to spend our money destroy our values we have built on for 200 years. While the media and the social networks kiss there ass on all levels because of a bribe or money ( gee I wonder who owns the TV networks and how long ? ) Anybody involved in such actions at any level is a Neo Cheater working hard against all the values we as a people created.
Wake up people and bring your awareness up its all around you just got to pay attention. Ask questions its your right… Look them in the eyes and say I am here to burn your BS and seek the essences of TRUTH.
Robert J Russell
Ralph says
No president has ever done a good job it is all about dishonesty, control, greed and so there is no such thing as a good politician or ruler .
Patricia says
So well said, Robert!! Thank you. We who know God know truth. Never in my life have I ever seen anything like this in our country. Four years ago America was blessed with a president who actually loves the American people!! He is not a politician. He is a businessman who said he was going to drain the swamp. They hated him because he would not govern as they wanted him to. They never helped him once but stayed hidden until they would come up with one lie after another to bring him down. All the while getting paid and using taxpayers money sitting in meetings for the sole purpose of bringing down President Trump. But I am so proud of our President. He just kept on under all of this shit they put him through to complete all the things he promised us. He brought God back to our nation and was never afraid to use God’s name, to thank Him and to fight for lives of the innocent unborn babies. Abortion is just an easier word to say. If they had to say to the women, you can have your baby murdered today, they couldn’t do it. But that is exactly the word. Their baby is murdered in a most horrendous act of all. By the way women should have a choice what they do with their own bodies BUT the baby inside has a body separate from the mother’s. We are all born from our mothers and we are all separate bodies from our mothers first growing in the womb and then living in the world. This is truth. They are spreading lies. People believe lies when they are constantly bombarded with them and don’t try to see the truth. Never has ABC,CBS,NBC,CNN,MSNBC etc ever say one good thing about our President. You had to search and find Fox news, Newsmax, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Sean Hannity, Tucker, Candace Owen. Laura Ingraham and many more good people who believe in truth and our President who loves us and hardly sleeps so that he can get his work done for the American people. He did not even take a paycheck !!! Unlike the left radical dems who made a mockery of the American people taking our money while sitting in closed meetings for the mere purpose and goal of taking down President Trump. When each different strategy of theirs didn’t work they would go back and think up something else . Nothing they did worked to stop our great President . Thank God!!! So now the end and their final hurrah was to sabotage the voting system. Sending out thousands of ballots to anyone and everyone. I ripped mine up and went to the polling station to make sure my vote was counted correctly. This is a blatant outrage to America. It makes me so sad to see and hear just how hateful and jealous they are. I am a conservative Christian and have tried to get some of the liberal people I know to sit down and just talk together about why we all feel the way we each do. They will not!! When we are speaking the truth it’s easy to do that. But the left refuse to speak to me about anything relating to both political sides. I feel sorry for Biden because he is the puppet and they are the puppeteers. God help our once free America.
Robert Matthew Camunes says
Everyone is right and everyone is wrong. Yes, countries have failed at Socialiism but I don’t think that was their intended goal. Like China, they used it as a tool to control and keep the people in ignorance.
I cannot believe they have somehow eliminated the past to the people. Ask any Chinese teenager what he thought of the revolution and that iconic picture of man standing in front of tank. They won’t know what you are talking about..
I may be a dreamer, but I believe in a capitalist society where there is opportunity for everyone. Unlike today you are weighed down by corporate greed and thousands of businesses bought out or shut down because of corporations getting bigger and bigger. And what is their goal? To own the world? I mean c’mon, when is enough.enough..
All I know is, it has to change or we are gonna hang ourselves. Lied to me about Thanksgiving, lied to me about history, lied to me about so much and yet I’m supposed to be a patriot. I am. I served my country and I do love it here. But we have to do better.
I don’t know why I’m preaching. It’s over. No turning back. Biggest lie of all. Global warming doesn’t exist. Hahahahaha. We did it. There is no fixing the planet. They lie to our faces and spend so much trying to habitat Mars. Now I know why….
Anne O'Nymous says
You can not even prove your god exists. Your religion has no legal authority in this country. Keep pushing it on us and the end result will be that your religion will be outlawed and you and the rest of the rabid “christians” will be sent packing.
Jim p says
I can prove God exists, the more compelling point is that you cannot disprove his existence. Many of your kind, the “non-believers” rely on mysticism and “science”, the problem with science is throughout history, time and time again the “scientist” is always wrong, the difference is my God is never wrong, nor has he EVER let me down. “Science” told us the earth was flat, until it wasn’t. “Science” told us flies come from meat, Science told us black people had tails, “science” told us a New Ice Age was coming, then it didn’t. If we didn’t do “X” by year “xxxx” the world would end, Oceans would rise, the world would be in inhabitable and other fallicies. The only consistency I have noticed with “science” is it’s consistent with being wrong & consistent with being manipulated to further an agenda. Their in lies the problem, anything promoted by man is always subject to manipulation such as the whole idea of global warming, either say “x” or your funding gets cut off. The most high God is not subject to such nonsense. Just the mere fact that president Trump got elected should be proof of that, the political class in the country has been corrupt for far too long and he has exposed that, now for the matter of proving my God exist, I simply need to direct you to a movie called “God’s not dead” part of the value of such a wholesome movie is part of a philosophy students’ thesis is predicated on pricing just that. And for the sake of time it would be far more expedient if you take a moment of your time to watch the movie and indeed, my argument will be made valid. As far as legal authority, all authority is derived from God, the purpose of your “government” you so vigorously worship in fact is to be his revenger and execute his laws, nothing more. Government has no authority whatsoever to exceed God’s mandate, whether you accept his existence or not.
Ralph says
well then you better be able to prove there is no God, and maybe it is you that does not belong in this country and maybe your the one who will be sent packing Get a brain your opinion is not
the correct one . so quit trying to make yourself look smart , because the harder you try the dumber you become
Bear says
So why don’t you stand at the front of the line and send me packing. I guarantee you the result of your action won’t be pretty. You think I’m going to just roll over. At the very least we’ll both go down.
Sam R says
You need to get back on your Meds. Evidently you have zero idea of how and why this country started.
Anonymous says
Who’s going to that buddy u cant even change a light bulb buddy no ones going to outlaw anything u know why cause u dont got the fire power to back it up
Airus says
Your voice smells of rotten flesh, a fool without any hope whose future will continue to get worse and worse. There is no happiness for you and all of the good things that you remember will be just that a memory. You no longer feel loved and the truth is no one will love someone like you. There is nothing left inside of you that anyone truly wants. Your will never escape the unbelievable pain and torture that owns your soul, eternity of the worse things ever imagined. this land in AMERICA will never lay down our souls to the devil only the week and stupid ones do that like you. The place that you speak of without GOD is HELL your future place of mistakes and lies that you tell yourself. FOOL YOUR GOING TO BE THE ONE SENT PACKING ! GOD WINS IN THIS STORY OF LIFE! THE HIGHEST PRIEST OF THE SATANIC CHURCH LEVEY ON HIS DEATH BED WAS DOCUMENTED IN HIS LAST MOMENTS OF LIFE SAYING ” IMADE A MISTAKE, I WAS WRONG, IWAS WRONG ITS REAL.” Because it is real, God is real
J Bailey says
honorable citizens voted for someone besides trump and trump lost the election & the electoral . RESPECT your American way . So Putin is out of OUR WHITE HOUSE ! Thank goodness!
Anonymous says
Oh my , another Demonrat rocket scientist !!
Isabelle says
Its goes against our constitutional rights for the government to tell us the people to close churches businesses or wear mask or have guns or who n when where how we see other’s for whatever reason we choose to do so. Covid 19 has been around since 1983 its the same virus soars swine bird bat they renamed it and called it an epidemic to scare people protest close down our economy and make you suffer live in fear hate misery and discomforting. This is how they strip your constutional rights away. First take your money by no work or closing. Business that’ leads to feeling worthlessness no money loss work home business credit then stuck at home with your kids driving you nuts then lack of oxygen to brain because of mask.
frank morales says
little by little there striping you of your rights its physiological.they will keep pushing until you push back than they will learn there limit and let you get comfortable until they start to push again a little at a time soon they will control your life.were adults and responsible for our own lives and family but there taking that to your children are not yours they even control that too
Roger says
Wow! Have you been drinkin’ the Kool-Aid!
I suppose that there is no evidence, no matter how irrefutable, that would persuade you to take a more objective look at conservatism’s flaws.
And no, I and MOST other progressive liberals (not radical leftists) do not hate America, want communism (hard line socialism without Bill of /Constitutional protections), and all the other conservative smears you hrar on the highly-biased conservative media.
I don’t agree completely with all the archetypical liberal and progressive views, but after many years of personal observation and study, I find many conservative views wanting, especially those rooted in religious “faith” (a completely non-falsifiable, non-verifiable notion crafted to get people to believe a false narrative about the universe’s and human origins and the cause of destructive human behavior, etc, etc!
Fuck trump says
Republicans are unbelievably dishonest as well. Just look at all the ones who have gone to jail for lying to Congress. They were caught! My God you Trump supporters are so fucking blind it’s downright comical. Open your fucking eyes instead of blindly following your orange god who is currently blowing up our democratic process as we speak. Oh you actually believe the lies he’s told about the mass amounts of fraud? Moron.
Anonymous says
Someone disagrees with me on something? They have to be sAtAnIC lIbTURds
Leesa says
The Left doesn’t “Hate America,” you simpleton Ignoramus.
It’s kinda funny, in that, the whole, “The Right Wing” are a Buch of Raving Hypocrites” sorta way, that all you Orange Azz-Kissers were all about, “Give it up,” “You lost,” Bullcrap back then… now… not so much.
Anonymous says
We won’t loose the Uncivil War “We R Gonna Have….
Anonymous says
listen to yourself, kinda spewing hatred. Let the healing and unity begin.
jb says
Can you explain 4 years of the fake Russia Russia Russia hoax? The fake report that Hillary Clinton paid for? The fake news coverage? The well you know the thing…..
Roger says
Nope. Sorry, but you’re flat out wrong.
Don’t just consume conservative news and opinion.
Tc says
The left wants to change our country into socialize communists. How dumb can you be. Did you read about Harris,Saunders,,ocs and all of their group.
Get your head out of your ass and read..
Do you think the media is telling the truth.
Never have never will !
Roger says
And you believe Fox News, Breitbart, Limbaugh, and Q-Anon?
Take your own advice. Don’t fall hook, line, and sinker for those on the right, either!
Diane D. says
Since the right is so convinced that everything is fake news, why do you believe all the right spewed nonsense??? Obviously, fake news!!
The average left is neither communist nor socialist.
But the conservative right are in need a good therapist to help cure their mental illness. They all sound paranoid and delusional.
Anonymous says
you my friend, are so stupid! open your goddamn eyes and see what’s really going on in this world. People like you should just shut up and go hang out in your basement. The presidential election of 2020 is by far over with.
Mike says
I told my Democratic friends 14 months ago that the main stream media will start dividing us on race soon because of upcoming election, it’s simple, divide and conquer. That’s how they get votes every election, check the facts over past 20yrs. Do your own research, facts don’t lie.
Many of my friends observed this and omitted that it’s disgusting. Americans of all races color and creed are learning the Marxist tactic’s. Win or lose, Americans want to be free, not lied to and controlled.
God bless all American patriot’s.
Roger says
So just ignore our social problems and hope for the best?
Now, THAT’S naive!
Trump sucks says
The main stream media or the party you support? Trump has done more to divide this country than anything the media has done. But you’re too blind to see that.
J Bailey says
honorable citizens voted for someone besides trump and trump lost the election & the electoral . RESPECT your American way . So Putin is out of OUR WHITE HOUSE ! Thank goodness!!!
Mag says
Arguing with a Trump supporter is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good you are the bird shits on the board and struts around like it won anyway.
Depend says
This comment is highly admirable and true
Truth says
As always, what ever the left makes claims of, they themselves are doing. Way to go Mag!!!
Debra says
Like that one! SO TRUE!
Anonymous says
🤣 I not laughing at you I’m laughing with you!
Steve Dwyer says
you just described the raving maniacs called Social justice warriors! Amazing how the LEFT uses mirrors constantly to try and project their Satanic STINK onto others. It’s futile and doomed LOL
Pete says
George Soros has been running the left. He has paid off everyone on this election and everything he possibly can to destroy it , Sidney Powell will demonstrate that very soon and bring the whole damn corrupt thing down on their heads. Stay tuned
Roger says
Great comment!
Roger says
The website mislocated my comment.
Larry says
I do not want to argue with so called Liberals or communist morons(same in my book). But really? more failure? History repeats its self WTF are you Idiots thinking free stuff. Free everything, it does not work that way. You disgrace all and everyone whom fought and died for our country. You should be ashamed. I have tried to argue with left wing dummies and it gets you nowhere. There is a difference between ignorance and not excepting the facts/ Arrogance. and you let the holly wood circus make your minds up. Simple entertainers whom provide no essential service. Getting Dumber by the day.
Elmo says
Like the movie ideocrasy
Anonymous says
Very true, thank you
Starr says
Totally agree with you Larry…. the only Dems I know are Rich , greedy know it all’s & the election isn’t over till the fat lady sings… can you imagine what left wooses do if the Right proves that the left really lost…🙀🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💘💘
ronald Papineau says
B. Wilson says
It is so easy to spread lies about people who have a different view than yours. It is one of the weapons Hitler used to gain power. Preaching hate, and instilling fear of those who you categorize as an enemy creates enemies. Our Republic has always, in the past, embraced differing views and “freedom of speech,” with the exception of the McCarthy Era, when fear was embraced, and caused much harm and suffering. There are hate speakers on both sides now, and that has given the American Nazi Party and other groups like them an opening they have been waiting for since WWII. Jefferson and the other authors of our precious Constitution must be turning over in their graves in shock at the imminent threat of the destruction of all their hard work and sacrifice. Be frightened, but not of the left or the right,, but of people who preach hate and fear..
Ronald says
Amen Larry–from a retired Veteran from 3 war eras—and this is what all the people who died for our freedom would say.,,THANKS.
TN says
PLEASE take a class to learn basic spelling, grammar & sentence structure before calling people dumb!
Trump sucks says
The main stream media or the party you support? Trump has done more to divide this country than anything the media has done. But you’re too blind to see that.
Phillip Sayers says
God, please help us.
Truth says
Oh He will. And based on Prophecy and what we see taking place today, it won’t be long!
Romans 1:28-32 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
Terry Martin says
Us 73 million americans must defend our constitution and freedom get rid of joe biden and Kamala the commmunist.
Goobie Gillis says
You all are so beyond ignorant, it is truly a pity. The only ones with hate their hearts are people like YOU, who try to create more division in this world for “PROFIT”…That is Satanic and Evil. So, you are on the Road to Hell my friend.
Stop and turn towards Compassion, Forgiveness and Love….
It’s not too late.
A Friend
Debra R. says
I think we’ve arrived already! Satan is in control already & greedy leaders are following………..
I’m relieved my mother & Gil aren’t here for this, among others……….
Little M says
I agree that there is a lot of back and forth but this is at least getting the motors running for some discussion that may be getting perceived by some as inaccurate yet the more the the law of the land through the one original word from the (“Holy Bible”) is expressed though love, compassion and redirection to the only law I know of the (“bible”) hopefully God will save us ALL.
The article itself is “I” believe highly factual and whether discarded or even possibly shared “I will” to allow minds the opportunity to expand. Discussion creates good and bad but the good will ALWAYS outweigh the bad. Believe me, the day we are judged we will need above all things, ARE faith. TOGETHER WE CAN DO THIS…LOVE LIFE, LIBERTY AND FREEDOM FIRST PEOPLE. and PRAY!
Gino Fernández says
Trump lost the ellection, accept it, just as we accepted Trump when he won in 2016. The “left” has no plans of running the United States into the ground either. Most of America or as the paranoid right calls us the left since anything, but thier ideas r correct wanted was to see a millionaire rich boy who was never told no out of office. He had no touch with any of America and only he with his hysterical paranoid followers would think he actually had a chance at winning. Now as he threatens to hold office, like a dictator we see his true colors. “Make America great again”, and his policies sounded alot like Adolf Hitler and his policies when he told the German public he would make Gemany great again and pointed to Jews as the problem, just as Trump points to the left as a problem.
Any president that claims he should be president from 2016 until his death should throw a red flag up, but no not for those that drank his cool aid. Delusional and out of touch just like thier leader that would’ve run them along with the country into the ground. We are a democracy people and that means we have to be open to other ideas other than that if our own and if u don’t like it maybe YOU should get out of our country.
You really are delusional.
Anonymous says
Aren’t they…
Jeff says
That sounds exactly like a communist response lie, lie,lie the communist left never moved on from 2016 they never accepted Trump’s election and I will never accept communism
Beverly says
You need to educate yourself or keep your opinions to yourself – your ignorance is blatant!
Accepting it he says!?
4 straight years the left wing radicals and All MAINSTREAM MEDIA never “ACCEPTED THE ELECTION RESULTS IF 2016”
This election is not over because you the “MSM media “PROJECTED BIDEN WON after a slim margin and so many odd things happening yet alone WE KNOW ANY YOU KNOW no buddy voted for BIDEN they voted NOT TRUMP very accepting and tolerant. Once these legal votes are recounted it will be 2016 all over again the left wing SJW WILL BE SCREAMING WITH RAGE BURNING THINGS TEARING THINGS DOWN AND CHANTING ONCE AGAIN NOT” MY PRESIDENT “
Will you accept it then? We will accept a new president when your president dosnt have to do a president recorded speech and use CGI PROJECTED INTO AN EMPTY PARKING LOT WITH RED WHITE AND BLUE JEEPS yes they used CGI watch Biden’s LIP DISAPPEAR ON YOUTUBE AND LOOK AT the corrupt family’s feet when dancing MOON WALKING AND slideIng OVER THE PLACE maybe should have went to the the guy for the union instead of the diversity hire WITH GREEN HAIR AND A FACE TATTOO that LEARNED how to do CGI it on Facebook LOL If he can’t even go out and ACTUALLY DO A un prerecorded speech on how he won and not be transparent and block all the people who want to recount the irregularities of his (astonishing VICTORY ) with a woman Vice President btw this should be HISTORY AND HE SHOYLD EN PROUD AND WANT TO SHOW EVERY ONE TRANSPARENCY ON HOW THEY WON BUT THEY WONT LET THAT HAPOEN AND ARNT BY COURT ORDER HA SO IF HE CANT MAKE A REAL LIFE SPEACH HOW IS HE GOING TO TALK TO OUR ADVERSARIES ? They are going to manipulate him so hard and EAT HIS LUNCH FROM LAST THURSDAY SUCKING OUT ALL HIS LIES FORM HIS DRUG INJECTED BODIE, ha
WILL “accept the vote”
HOW STUPID CAN YOU BE? Biden is going to start wars with Russia right away and be sucking chinas you know what for free probably paying China for the USA to get of there knees BY THE WAY PROJECTED ISN'T THE FINISH-LINE “
Debra R. says
trish fathi says
you are sooooo right what does it take for people to not be sheeple anymore..ei..think for themselves and make decisions based on that.. oh I love Trump and his ATTITUDE. .he is strong and we need to stand strong with him.. I am ready for the marking of the boundaries with the
left.,.let’s draw the line and dare them to cross it. REVOLUTION!!
The Chocolate Dragon says
Man, listen to yourself. You are clearly repeating a bunch of things you heard, over and over, yet you are calling other people brainwashed. In the end, none of us really know what’s going on, We just repeat whet we hear from the news sources that appeal to our bias. There is, however a difference between bias and outright lies. I understand that you think my news sources are lying and I think yours are. At the very least. considering that we both get our information secondhand, It is just as possible, therefore, that you are being deceived as that I am.
I have studied techniques of manipulation, and mass persuasion, and Trump uses all of them, as do all politicians, What’s new is how blatantly he does it, and just how far he will go. I know he has promised you many things and you are quite happy with the results. You live in a country with many many people however, who are not happy with what he is doing, or with what he is sacrificing of our governments checks and balances to do it. That includes conservatives and moderates who just want a return to civility and the rule of law, not socialism, not communism. We do not see any of that coming from Trump. We see a man who is behaving like a monarch of old: surrounding himself with his family and cronies. We care about our country but we know it is not perfect, and we understand that our actions in other countries have created many of the problems that people are running away from. If you really took the time to get past your hate for people who are not really that different than you, you might just see past all the conspiracies and made up news from both left and right, and understand our alarm. I know Your mind is made up, but I’m going to try anyway. its very hard to read points of view outside of your own bubble, I know, I find it hard to see how i am seen by your lot, since i am the kind of person who would give your the shirt off my back if you needed it , but there it is. This country will not heal until we can see each other as fallible human beings again, and talk. There have been lies all around. Ask yourself How do I know this is the truth? Because somebody on the internet said so? That ain’t no reason. My father was a salesman and a sociopath. He told a lie as if it was the truth, just because he could, and he promised you anything if he could close a deal, even if it was his own children’s love he was trying to buy. I recognize all these things in Trump. That’s my experience. I’m sure it is much more compelling to think that the country is under siege by a cabal of satan worshipping pedophiles, and Trump is the holy warrior rooting them out, but sadly, evil is much more banal than that. We are not your enemy. Please consider that.
Jim p says
If you think Beijing Biden and Heels up Harris don’t stand for communism and complete total government control of every single aspect of your life, I am afraid you are beyond help. You haven’t seen anything remotely like a Monarchy in this country. President Trump is doing exactly what we the people elected him to do. If you think this country is not currently under siege by a bunch of satan worshipping cabal members then you definitely are suffering from a normalcy bias. The vitriol from the left has been unmatched in history for the past 4 years, never before on american soil have americans flat out attacked americans physically for having ideological differences, pedophilia is running rampant in Hollywood and throughout government, hence the hardcore push to de criminalize it and lessen penalties for it, the constant barrage of pro LGBTQ propoganda, the constant nazi push of feminism, all designed to undermine God’s law. The MSM willingly lies and distorts the truth, omits facts and twists them as well. How much do you know about Nick Sandman and his 250 million dollar defamation lawsuit against CNN? Exactly, I imagine not much, how about the Abrams Accords? The who? Exactly, how about the first step act & platinum plan? Heard of either? Not if you listen to the MSM, let’s talk coronascam… A virus that has. 99% recovery rate and the economy is shut down, businesses ruined, and in the beginning of you closed the borders you were a “xenophobe”?? Why is it you lefties always have a label for anyone who doesn’t now to your demands? On to the enemies comment , yes you people are our enemies, you want to impose your will and your values on us, attack us if we don’t comply, cause us to lose jobs, businesses and friends because of what we support and you people have the nerve to claim you folks are not an enemy? Anyone who loves communism & the state, hates God and his laws, want to strip me of my rights and firearms, force me to accept their dogmatic worldview or be persecuted is absolutely an enemy, your liberal calls for “healing” are falling on deaf ears, I can assure you of that. Some people at least 71 million of us will not compromise on our values or principles , it’s almost comical to sit here and listen to you spout your nonsense about how we are supposed to be not much different than you??? Are you kidding me, you people believe that you have a right to kill babies, I will NEVER reconcile with that. I cannot count the vitriolic comments I have received from the left over that last 4 years and all the sudden that never happened?? What kind of bubble/echo chamber do you live in? In the real world actions have consequences, to simply claim none of us really know what’s going on is nonsense, if you care to look it’s pretty obvious, it’s a battle of good vs evil right before you. I never thought I’d see the day in this country where election officials would board up windows to hide what they were doing, where poll watchers are thrown out so they cannot ensure a free and fair election, where ballots are destroyed, ballot counts are stopped, ballots are brought in by the truckload in the middle of the night? Is that normal? Do you really believe that? Or is it because your news stations claimed it didn’t happen you refuse to accept the possibility? Since when in the history of this country has the election not been decided on election night other than in 2000? Since when have mail in ballots with unverified signatures and after deadlines been allowed? Doesn’t the whole thing stink of something nefarious? Or is it all good since it’s your candidate? Imagine the outcry if president Trump engaged in these things? I think every conservative on this page has considered that every time a Trump flag was stolen, or a sign out of their yard, or been denied service due to wearing a Trump hat, being beat up or spit on, cussed out or friendship ended, fired from a job, had rioters or looters destroy their business, been singled out for discipline or even had their lives destroyed, how you could sit their and say that is simply mind boggling. We patriotic americans have nothing in common with your kind at all, we respect diversity of thought, your kind abhor it. Your goals are to censor us, shut us down and silence us, I think you should consider that as you spout your nonsense about” not being an enemy”, don’t make me laugh, the lack of self awareness with you people is unbelievable
TN says
It’s embarrassing that you’re so sure you know everything, but don’t even know how to spell basic words.
Donna Gregory says
Actually the United States is a republic, not a democracy. Our system derives from ancient Rome which was a republic. That’s why the Pledge of Allegiance says – And to the republic for which it (the flag) stands, One nation, under God-. We elect representatives. That means we have a representative government, not a straight democracy. After the creation of the Constitution, a woman asks Benjamin Franklin, “Well, doctor, what kind of government did you give us?” He answered, “A republic, madam, if you can keep it!”
Little M says
This is a fantastic read. Thank you for your insight to the lifetimers, new beginners and future arrivals to the U.S. either way it goes to me it doesn’t matter how long or how little you’ve been in a place so long as you love what you do and stand behind from knowledgeably for the greater good of you yourself your family friends and Country because if it’s one thing we all have in common we all have families India like that we must protect by all means necessary so I’d much rather protect mine through peaceful endeavors however, protecting yourself extends to your privacy, security and danger so if the fight is necessary then it must done to allow transgression into the next.chapter of our lives that promotes the perception of wellbeing and peace and quite in your homes, minds and communities through fellow commitments to giving a hand even if it’s to a stranger to allow the “PASS IT FORWARD” momentum around you 🙂
Mark says
Perhaps you as an individual accepted Donald Trump as president, but you cannot deny the lack of acceptance by the “ left.” The Democratic led house wasted hundreds, if not thousands, of man hours as well as a considerable amount of taxpayer dollars trying to remove him. A newly elected Democratic member of the House of Representatives publicly called to “ impeach the m**********r.” If you believe this is acceptance, I am curious as to how you would categorize rejection.
I am sorry, Gino, but if you truly believe what you have written here, I think you might be the one who has hit the Kool-Aid a little too hard:
Aprel Bond says
Are you insane ? You cant have 300 million people running around . We have to have some kind of order . Having do’s and dont’s , if not we would all look like San Francisco. Living in tents , shooting up while holding down little screaming kids being raped. Sorry , but that’s not being opened minded nor does it have anything to do with democracy, that’s being like wild evil and demonic animals with a serious perversion spirit. So is that the fantasy world that y’all want? For the rest of us don’t believe that we love Trump we support Trump. And believe me there’s a lot more Trump supporters then the Democrats the Democratic parties the Liberals the left and the radicalist. And no we did not lose …Trump did not lose America he will serve a second term mark my words have a great day God bless
Lise says
wow. that’s either a pretty blatant appeal to peoples prejudices or you actually believe that. It is about as true as my talking about ignorant hillbillies in the south raping their kids while thumping bibles. It happens but that because well, people. Homelessness is a problem all over. There is great inequity all over, but it shows up in big cities more because there are more people there. Check yourself, man, and come back to a place of compassion instead of repeating gross distortions to make a point
Kp says
Bwaahaaahaha! Accept it like you did??You are freaking kidding me! That’s a joke, right? 2016 was a fair election. Trump was ELECTED. Biden? Um…
pete says
All you that voted Bidon for President ,that’s ok I will talk to you in 2 years if you will still be alive, to hear your opinions..
Bobby mccarty says
socialism is obviously of Lucifer and his followers. it leads to total destruction of family and life. these evil people that are trying to destroy our country are simply doing their job to aid the devil. they will see in the end that their deceived wrongful motives will endure their souls forever with the devil in hell for all eternity. Gods word does not lie and believe in it because its the breath of life. turn to God and accept him unto yourselves for eternal life in heaven after death is conquered.. I love my God of righteousness and he loves me. he loves us all and wants us to depend on him and not an evil government that is as fake as it can be. nothing is real with the false prophets , all is real with God…
Anonymous says
You’re an diot and anybody on the left iis. and if you think you’re going to be immune to what’s coming you’re full of shit. How could anybody vote for commie baby killers that want to take your guns?!! They want to change everything about America. We are a republic not a socialist nation! The left doesn’t want to uphold our Constitution or anything this country has been built on.. The left plan on increasing open boarder entries by 700%. If that type of invasion policy alone is allowed, we’ll see a spike in crime and terrorism like never before.. Not to mention the ones wanting to kill fossil fuel. Get ready left ass kisser—expect much higher taxes, utility costs, and gas prices. And even more intrusions into your rights.
Travis Britt says
President Trump has never said he should be the president until he dies and lying statements like that are the reason I don’t trust the Democrats. If your as honest and truthful as you say why do you always try to make our president look foolish. You’ve done it since the day he took office. Look at all the time and money that was wasted on the Russian Collusion and the ridiculous impeachment scandal you all perpetrated to try to remove him from office in my opinion as a 57 year old veteran you should all be thrown out of my country. I can honestly say I’ll never vote Democrat for the remainder of my life
Anonymous says
Amen Brother!
Anonymous says
It’s my belief that any good business man could run this country better than any politician. Republican or Democrat. All politicians are overpaid public nuisances . Ut the Democratic party really takes the cake . Y’all been whining since before Reagan.
PB says
Actually, you didn’t accept it when Trump won in 2016. Evidenced by your comments about him to Hitler and the other false claim of him being president to his death. Not what he said. No, I didn’t drink the “Kool-Aid”. All of he “He is Not my President” and crying and sulking. Continued efforts to block and remove him from office, continue even now. Craziness.
Perhaps you should do your research about what an actual democracy is as well as how the media has influenced our country, the ultimate propaganda machine. Now this is reminiscent of Hitler and his ilk.
The far left is problematic. Just read the policies they want to enact. Raise your taxes, go with the Green New Deal (which would remove thousands of jobs and not be of any real benefit to our environment. (research those studies that are unbiased). Remove many of the very things that our current President started that has increased minority jobs, education as well as resources. Look that up too. The media never talks about this at all. The middle east peace deal and on and on.
If you prefer to live in a socialist country, which is what you are saying (what the left says and they have actually spoken those very words – look it up) then perhaps it is you who should move out of the country to perhaps to China or Venezuela. Or, if Biden actually wins (the election is not called by the media) then just sit back and wait. Hope you have a stockpile of funds as well as other resources as those will begin drying up.
Best of luck to you!
Johnny Baggett says
Nonsense. You’re one of those followers that if we said jump off a cliff you would do it. Go back to school and learn what the Constitution says. The press has no power to call anything. You are obviously very ignorant and very easily swayed. Seriously…read the constitution if you’re going to live in this country.. If you had more of an understanding of history and of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights you would’ve said what you said.
N/A says
I think you’re the one that needs to go back and read the constitution if you have ever read it at all.
The Democrats have spent four years giving everyone a nervous break down with a non-acceptance of Trump. They ranted and raved endlessly. So help me, if he stepped on an ant the Democrats would want him arrested for murder.
Patti says
YOU need to accept that Biden has NOT won yet, just because the lying media thinks they’re kingmakers..
Kathy says
A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing. Can you do one google search for a positive Trump story of any kind.? If you can’t find any I suggest that TDS is for real. Maybe you have good listening skills but lack critical thinking skills? Spend some time playing devil’s advocate. It provides perspective. Trump won. We know it, but so do you.
Volodymyr says
I am certain after the ballots are counted properly without dead people votes and drive-by dumps, the loser will acknowledge the loss.
Anonymous says
Wow, you’re about as uneducated as you and your ilk claim Trump’s supporters are… shocking.
LAH says
Thank you, well stated. This makes for some crazy reading. I believe in democratically elected representatives. It’s the foundation of OUR country. Trying to lump every American that doesn’t support Trump into one monolithic group they call “the left” is ridiculous. I’m an independent and consider all issues facing this country separately. I don’t let a party, person or TV “news” tell me what to think. I read proposals and bills and carefully consider how they effect the people, all of us, not just blue or red. This undying devotion to a rich, spoiled brat who throws fits like a child and abuses power for self gain is mind boggling.
I have friends who support Trump. I encouraged one of them to take her daughter out to vote for the first time because it’s a right we share and I don’t need her to change herself to my views to remain my friend. That’s democracy, people can and should disagree without spewing hate. All citizens are all REAL Americans!
Stephanie says
You are truly detached from reality. All your comment proves is that Democrats HATE America. Your hate and jealousy of a “rich man” as you call him is greater than seeing this Country be the best it can be. One day you will see that these “Left Democrats “ will ruin this Country and the Free USA 🇺🇸 will be no more.
Anonymous says
I’m sorry, but the left certainly did not “accept it” when Trump took office. The left did nothing for 4 years except try to figure out ways to get him out of office. Also, the comparison to Adolf Hitler is just ludicrous. Yes, Donald Trump did talk against the left, because the left attacked him personally, professionally and politically before he even took office. I’m not a “Trumpster”, myself. However, I do call it like I see it. And from where I’m sitting, the left agenda is “do as I say, believe what I believe or you are a racist, fascist, stupid, gun-toting hillbilly”. Everything you say you are fighting for, you are destroying. You demands free speech, as long as that speech is what you want to hear. You demand the right to protest, as long as the protesting is in accordance with your beliefs. I’ve been hearing non-stop how Donald Trump is the reason for the divide in this country. Look in the mirror. You, the left, are the people bringing the fight and causing the divide. Politically and more sadly, racially. But I will sit back with a bowl of popcorn and watch, now that you don’t have your “evil minister of hate” to blame all your problems on, who or what will be next. Because there is one thing I know for sure. You, the left, will not stop hating. You will just continue to make blame.
Jeff says
I’m sorry, but the left certainly did not “accept it” when Trump took office. The left did nothing for 4 years except try to figure out ways to get him out of office. Also, the comparison to Adolf Hitler is just ludicrous. Yes, Donald Trump did talk against the left, because the left attacked him personally, professionally and politically before he even took office. I’m not a “Trumpster”, myself. However, I do call it like I see it. And from where I’m sitting, the left agenda is “do as I say, believe what I believe or you are a racist, fascist, stupid, gun-toting hillbilly”. Everything you say you are fighting for, you are destroying. You demands free speech, as long as that speech is what you want to hear. You demand the right to protest, as long as the protesting is in accordance with your beliefs. I’ve been hearing non-stop how Donald Trump is the reason for the divide in this country. Look in the mirror. You, the left, are the people bringing the fight and causing the divide. Politically and more sadly, racially. But I will sit back with a bowl of popcorn and watch, now that you don’t have your “evil minister of hate” to blame all your problems on, who or what will be next. Because there is one thing I know for sure. You, the left, will not stop hating. You will just continue to make blame.
Funghoul says
Jokes on all of us….we shouldn’t be fighting each when both sides are the ones duping the tax payers…..we should choose where our taxes go like a 401k…….instead of “voting” and then arguing with each over some idiot we don’t know…..I’m not saying get rid of government just downsize and truly make them our bitches the way it should be……both sides have been just completely ridiculous the last 4 years and it’s time to stop the soap opera because it’s fucking embarrassing at this point….
Scott says
I agree with your thoughts on Trumps personality flaws – he is a narcissist – (I am an independent) – however the Democratic party has taken it upon itself to judge the character of ALL free Americans by implying that if you are not a Democrat you are. a Racist. This tactic is sickening and so flawed. It basically is saying that if you don’t buy in (like a cult) to the entire Democratic party platform (which I don’t – I do buy into Equality and Affordable Healthcare but don’t buy in to defunding the police or socialist economics, this country is successful because of capitalism). So now I am labled a Racist. Where does the Democratic Party belive they have the authority to classify people? They are blatantly exploiting minorities to accomplish their own agenda. Its sad. I voted once for Obama – did minority lives really get better??? Minimal change at best – that is because minorities are the primary pawn of the Democratic party. There is a reason Al Gore is a billionaire – environmental lobbyist money – and guess what nothing he predicted happened. Careful what you follow – from my independent point of view – the Democratic party has become evil.
TN says
Your entire comment is about Democrats unfairly judging anyone who isn’t also a Democrat…then you end with saying Democrats are evil.
Extremely hypocritical & contradictory!! Also don’t forget we’re all here to reply to this obvious Republicans letter spewing hate about Democrats/satanists.
TN says
It’s extremely hypocritical & contradictory to write an entire comment about Democrats judging people & ending it with saying Democrats are evil.
Joel says
Go back to English class.
Robert Osborn says
You make a lot of comparisons between the National Socialist party of prewar Germany and, the current Republican Party. In the United States. A prime tenet of The NAZIs was blaming one particular ethnic group for all the problems in society. Now I wonder which party is emulating the National Socialists more?
Peter Shrock says
The Nazis hated plenty of groups, idiot. Just like Republicans hate blacks, Mexicans, gays — everyone except middle-class whites.
PeterShrock Sucks says
I’m a Republican, and the only thing I hate is ignorance. Would you like to tell me what the rest of my values are?
Susy says
The left accepted Trump in 2016? That would be the Statement of the year. I mean of the last 4 years. I see you have a Hispanic last name (yes, hispanic, NO latino, No brown), but you certainly are not from Cuba or Venezuela who suffer under dictators (Castro, Chavez, Maduro). Castro who took power with a coup d’etat in January 1959 and ruled with no free election until his death Nov. 25, 2016 (Thanksgiving Day).. How these Socialists love power! Once they get it, there is no letting go. USSR 70+ years, Cuba 61 years and counting. And, as Castro used to say “Elecciones para que?” Elections whatever for? And, when he died he put his brother Raul in power because, “Elecciones para que?” I personally do wish with all my heart, that every sympathizer of the Socialist system were made to live under that system for 60 or 70 years. And, not as the elite of the Communist Party who have food while the people go hungry, but as a regular citizen. They will know what desperation is, and they would deserve it.
Capt America says
You socialist ass” I fought for my country’s shed blood in a war created by democrats, who arllmun
Moses says
You never accepted Trump and you NEVER sucked it up. Show me one Democrat in Congress that gave him support his entire Presidency. Remember Nancy’s disgraceful behavior when tearing up his “State of the Union” speech. You call that sucking it up.
He never said he would be president until death. Shame on you for your lying ways. YOU SHOULD GET OUT OF OUR BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY. You have plundered and stole from it. Broken glass and death follow the democrats.
May God have mercy on your soul.
Anonymous says
The Democratic playbook is the same as the Nazis. Wake up and educate yourself on history. The Democrats did to President Trump what they did to their own people. Manipulated the press, spread lies and dis-information and caused fear and uncertainty. Took away everyone’s right to own a weapon, first disarm the masses. They did everything the Nazis did, play by play. How can you be some obtuse and closed minded. Snowflakes, the media, your baby video games, and turning all snowflake men into little sissies. Go cry in your safe space little boy.
friendly Trumper says
you’re right the Trump supporters should have gone into the fetal position and cried in the street or maybe do a little break the windows shopping for sneakers or big screen televisions or start a few bonfires using innocent peoples businesses like the ever peaceful democratic whiners did in 2016 that’s something you people would probably relate to rather than to using a total legal system of re-counting votes you know the ones that didn’t belong to dead people
Anonymous says
Right on
Anonymous says
The left accepted trump are you kidding me lol? You guys cried in the streets (literally) for four years and smeared false information all over the place. Get over yourself and if you knew what the left was really about. Yes they want to take away freedoms in the name of equal outcome not equal opportunity and they use racism and division to get it. They control the media Hollywood and academia. You are lying or blind to deny this. By the way trump probably did lose but guess what we don’t know yet still to this day. And you won’t see masses of conservatives crying in the street and wearing pussyhats or doing any of the ridiculous childish things you guys have done. There are some conservatives like this. But most all leftists are like this.
Anonymous says
I’m sorry I’ll make this short and sweet you have no right to sit here and bash trump when for one your own president elect is a criminal a pedophile oh and should I add delusional he’s nothing but a puppet that they will rule to incompetent to rule and out in a old folks home the left has always alone with the democrats wanted socialism and free stuff nothing is free my friend and the sooner you understand that the better to rephrase your final words if you don’t like it here you leave
Anonymous says
Looks like the Natzi’s have already done a good job on you.
Of course you are dead wrong.
Your whole diatribe is obvious taken right from Marx and Lenin.beliefs.
You are an obvious Athiest..Freethinker..
Since when does
Religion HURT anyone???
In short, YOU come across as a terrible person..and we do not need you in my country…Soyou will be the one (and those like you) who should get out of this country .on foot, or in a box…take your pick!
Mike says
“ just as we accepted Trump when he won in 2016”
Are you aware your party spent 3 years trying to impeach the guy and claiming he wasn’t a legitimate president due to Russian interference? Can’t make this stuff up lol
Anonymous says
like full term abortion
Rosie says
The AP does not pick a president neither does voter fraud, First poll watchers the democrats locked out of the counting showed their agenda, cheat at all costs. Trump was ahead when all of a sudden “ballots” showed up by truck and car. NO this is a democrat/communist coup. You need to look up the BLM marxist trained leaders. And antifa, same as the KKK was a military arm of the democrat party. Democrats lost their slaves, but kept them on the plantation and took their racism underground in 1965, I lived it. Grow up, democrats in public office have gone full bore communist/marxists.
Thomas E Sonne says
You low life conmmunists have cheated your way to another election– it aint over till its over and we wont be tolerant as we were with Obama we are tired of this communist BS!!!!!!!!!
Du says
You haven’t accepted Trump from day one. All you have done is tried your best to destroy America and blame it on President Trump and the GOP. And you’re telling me to accept Biden just like you accepted Trump. OK, if you’re sure that’s what you really want. You had better think long and hard before you make a request like that. I wouldn’t treat my worst enemy the way the Democrats have treated America.. You should be ashamed of yourself and the party your backing. If everyone thought like a Democrat you may not have lived to make these comments . You could well have been aborted at birth……….
Laura Beland says
The letter to the editor was mediocre.
Examples were left out. The angle waned,
It’s supporting ideas were weak, vague, absent of order of importance an diluted.
A set up for an attack. Despite my desire for perfection in the former acknowledgment, the response was jumpy, full if holes, and wreaked of loose associations, name-dropping, inaccurate, emotional, and twisted.
Craig Curran says
Really! The democrats accepted Trump in 2016? What a joke! The resistance has been in effect every day since his election!
Trump is out of touch with America? Really? Then, why is he up for three Nobel Prizes? Trump has been harassed and lied about every day. By the way, the left IS a problem for America! Burning cities, looting, and hating cops that protect them is NOT civility.
The main differences between Republicans and Democrats is that Republicans play by the rules. The Democrats demand power at any cost. Truth is NOT one of their values. Republicans believe in law and order and civility. Democrats believe in chaos and lies.
Godlessness, arrogance, ignorance, and lunacy is the democratic party today!
Anonymous says
You are a Natzi.
Jamie says
You are a Natzi.
You never accepted the fact he won in 2016, even with the false media. Then, tried to impeach for the next 4 years.
Now you say “just accept it like you did”, that’s rich.
Anonymous says
I agree with you completely. Trump is NOT for me!!!
Howie says
Who are the only people benefiting from the pandemic the Democrats it’s about time the bidens are investigatined they More than likely they started the pandemic
Daisy says
america will be doomed by the new politicians coming in, G-D has already chosen when america will be destroyed, long before she became a free land when the British and European immigrants beat king James 3rd military. And all the abominations that can’t hold a candle to sodom and gomorrah, G_D have mercy on your ugly selfish, power hungry corrupt ways.At least Australia doesn’t have homosexuals in our government.
Stacy Osterhoudt says
The Left did not quietly go into the night after Trump was elected in do not think you can take the high road. With the crying/screaming snowflakes…”Not my President” You must acknowledge that happened along with safe spaces for them. Along with many protests over the years not just this past summer.
Now, on that note, there were also extreme right groups in all these protests over the years which did not make things easier at all. If you are going to place them with moderate/centric republicans then you must take ownership of the progressive left side as well. Which includes the whole defunding the police, As many have said to me, that’s not what we mean. Then why say it???
How we as Americans on both sides behave over the next several months, will really determine how this country grows, not by our politician, but by her people themselves.
I also think the fears people of both sides of the isle have whether real or imagined should be taken seriously, And worked through.
I did not vote for Biden, or any of the Democratic candidates, but I do NOT WISH them to fail, for that would be wishing for America to fail, and that has no room in my heart.
michelle says
You foolish idiot, your so narrow minded, but you will be sorry these next 4 years you biden dummy are gonna eat it! It just sucks cause we have to suffer too
Tommye TreadwellbTomm says
Firstly, you need to learn how to spell.
Your every statement is incorrect.
Perhaps you need to get an education.
Tommye Treadwell
YourAverageAmerican says
The left didn’t “accept” the 2016 election. They rioted for months, and spent 4 years spreading misinformation and atempting to impeach him.
anonymous says
YourAverageAmerican says
November 16, 2020 at 3:21 pm
The left didn’t “accept” the 2016 election. They rioted for months, and spent 4 years spreading misinformation and atempting to impeach him.
Still spread
They’re still trying to impeach him.
Z says
“Just like you accepted Trump in 2016? OMG…you have terrible memory….go.back to YouTube and listen to the most horrible things anyone could say about a person, his wife, his children, ,it started when he was elected and we are still having to.put up with it.
Jamey Craig says
Absolutely right. The same thing has happened to me. Im Now a middle aged 50 yr old Biologist and illustrationist Artist trapped in the middle of nowhere southern Oklahoma. Im also a lifelong environmentalist and due to my outspoken(the First amendment gives me that right.) Which has literally given me a target on my back. My Name and my life have been completely destroyed by these Sick Evil Hateful vindictive Right Wing Psychopaths!!! I pray to God to die peacefully in my sleep.
Anonymous says
Come on. Don’t be a dumbo. 4 years of Russian collusion, and the impeachment saga, and you couldn’t find anything on trump?
Care you take your head out of the hole the fake news media created for you dumbos
John gerstbrein says
Maybe you should get out the country if you don’t like it. Your characterization of Trump and his followers is not only a smear but also a lie : but that’s what people on your side do and are very good at. Also your comparison of Trump
to hitler also reinforces the fact that liberals like you can only rationalize their arguments by name calling and demonizing someone they disagree with. It’s much easier for haters like you to respond with histrionic statements and pretend they are horrible people to justify the hate you project on them .Another down and dirty tactic pulled from the pages of marxist handbook
TN says
Something tells me you loved it when the author called Democrats “satanists” & didn’t think of it as a “down and dirty tactic” to “justify the hate you project on them.” Total hypocrite!
Lola says
People who voted for Biden want the country governed like San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, NY,Chicago…it’ll be sorta fun watching.
Guest says
Lola, People that voted for Biden the clown were very severely mentally retarded in the first place.
Danielle says
I agree with you on Trump’s behavior being a red flag….I am in agreement with you there, and as a Christian I don’t understand why so many Christians voted for him. However I do not want to see America become a Socialist or Communist country because those systems (especially the last one) hinder free speech and freedom of religion, as well as make nations more collectively poor as a typical result. We need to “tweak” Capitalism without throwing out the baby with the bath water….we need to get rid of policies that hinder all peoples from reaching their full potential, but not make it where “equality” means everyone (workers) are poor.
Danielle says
Forgot to add that I am politically Independent and a swing voter….and to those of you who commented about Trump having the 4 more years PLUS possibility, that’s is very frightening…because you say you are afraid of Biden and Harris turning the U.S. government for the worse, but do you not see the betrayal of your country if you are indeed proclaiming that Trump’s presidency should NEVER end until his death? That TOO is authoritarianism and dictatorship…..America should NEVER have a king or one ruler for life!!! And I have seen the Republican Party gain the power within the House and Senate enough under President G.W. Bush to reverse Roe v. Wade, but they didn’t even bother to even try to implement a small blockage of abortion, that could have at least been a start in saving a few, rather than no, unborn babies…I am under the impression that the abortion issue is held over Christian’s heads like a carrot over a donkey, in order to keep them voting Republican….but to me, if the GOP is never going to overturn Roe V. Wade, PLUS they currently do not seem to care about OTHER pro-life issues, such as keeping our general environment, air and water clean (which is a pro-life issue in and of itself, since it shortens and/or cripples human lives to have a dirty environment, dirty water to drink and filthy air to breath, in addition to the sin of extinguishing biodiversity), the GOP presidents are usually the first to rush to war instead of war as a last result (again, a pro-life issue because war can kill innocent people on the sidelines as well as takes soldiers’ lives before their time), and the current President talked about taking away Obamacare but neither replacing it with another plan nor making regular insurance affordable for all…plus they wanted to potentially get rid of preexisting conditions in ALL insurance. Think of poor children on Obamacare with cancer having their insurance suddenly stripped from them with no other insurance option that is affordable open to them. Again, another pro-life issue…what is the point of voting GOP if they are never going to deliver what they promised, plus be anti-life on the other issues I have raised? So my conscience does not condemn me for not voting for Trump, my being a pro-life evangelical Christian. Seems like today’s GOP only supports a pro-life stance for undeveloped children in the womb, and maybe the elderly or handicapped being euthanized, but everyone else they forget about. Christians need to be consistent on ALL pro life issues as well as other issues, and seek the Holy Spirit as their guide in voting and not their church leadership or “Christian Right Voting Guide” pamphlets in place of the Holy Spirit. It is shameful, but did you know that it is the evangelical churches in Germany that got Adolf Hitler elected? Perhaps they did not know what he would become…but it is obvious that they did not listen to the Holy Spirit on that one!!! You can vote for “the least of the evils” and do grassroots action outside of voting season to bring the desired results you want to see. Blindly voting a certain party on one issue only, only not to see the objective fulfilled, time and time again, plus that party doing the opposite of what Christ would do on other fronts, plus hating people who don’t agree with us, makes Christianity look bad and is slowly turning people away from Christianity….and giving Satan potential ammunition to persecute us through them later. We need to start caring about the way we present Christianity to the world, about the appearance of our witness. Long live America, democracy, and may God grant us repentance and revival before it is too late to save this country and nation!!!
Baron says
Because many of us Christians know he’s got our back not like the pinheads and dumb s*** that don’t I think it’s going to be a good deal if Biden gets in because most of you’ll starve to death because you’ll lose your businesses you won’t have no place to go you’ll be living in your car or on the side of the road with the rest of the bum so it’ll be a good deal and all and then your families and then when there’s nothing left to eat you can eat your children and then when that’s all gone then you can eat each other or just kill each other I think it’d be wonderful but like Bernie Sanders said hey bread lines are good bread lines are good. And just like Biden said about 10 years ago get used to it the us is going to be a third world country get used to it it’s like screw gods and guns get used to it so when you suffering just know God was smiling and saying you deserved it because you did look at the big picture but that’s what happens when you’re a progressive liberal lunatic that doesn’t have common sense that’s great you like f***** Hitler like f***** cuz they did a great job on little kids and women and stuff and the concentration camps oh Joe Biden type but then you probably do like perverts and creeps maybe somebody else might be a little creepy huh or like sick in their fingers in places they don’t belong I find that many Christians are a joke behind the Bible but there’s about a true a Christian as a bag of s*** I got more respect for that at least I got to say one thing about Hitler he had an agenda but then he was a stupid Jew I should say half Jew so he was an underachiever compared to anybody it was a German descent like myself and I don’t like the fact that you discriminating sons of b****** keep calling everybody of German descent Nazis f*** heads many of my family went over there and had fun killing their asses in world war II something that most your family’s probably ran and crawled under a bed or came over to the country well after the war my family’s been here 300 years s*** stains that’s something that you probably don’t have The graces of cuz you’re not a true American you’re just a phony poser Christian and a phony poser American have a nice day
Anonymous says
IRMA says
You say just as you accepted Trump in 2016? You’re joking, right? A bunch of diabolical losers already were figuring out how to impeach him before he was sworn in. Obama and Biden have accomplished nothing. NOTHING! That’s why Trump was elected. He made promises and promises kept. Obama was caught in a hot mic with the French president both talking about how they hated Netanyahu from Israel. Now do nothing Obama wrote a book saying that the Israeli prime minister Netanyahu is lying against Obama. Obama says the reason Trump was elected because our country is racist. He needs to be ashamed because so Many white people voted for him. Obama is making so many excuses in his book about so many things he did not accomplish. He and his wife’s narratives is racist everywhere. They’ve brought soooo much division. They did nothing for the black community. All they did was party in the White House with black entertainers. Never in the history of USA have so many minorities voted like they have for Trump. God bless America. The Republican party is no longer silent.
Brian says
America is the greatest country ever to exist on this planet and if you don’t like being a part of it please do us all a favor and jump the hell off!
Anonymous says
if you think this is a great country then you are blind, there are many great countries and I am sure there is bad and good in every country. one person’s opinion is no better than a 1000 opinions. the facts are still the same it’s only an opinion and everyone has one. Americans think they’re the strongest and better, well until you go live a lifetime in each country. you really cannot honestly say that, once you have done so then you may say that but until then you do not have the experience to back up your words
Lisa Reeves says
You guys that live a criminal like Biden need to go to his basement and live with the crook that has sold our country out for years. He knew he couldn’t win this election so he got the one software company that he could have it rigged. Anyone that doesn’t see that has about one brain cell. And by the way, Biden is 77 years old. Know facts before you try and put our President down! Trump 2020 by a landslide!
Sherry says
Nice comment…could have gone further. trumpie and his ilk are doing ALL they can to hurt this country, whether it is economically, (no the stock mkt. is ONLY the wealthy buying and selling, never been an indication of good times), environmentally, ( see the pollution going up in the G. Lakes). Wants oil exploration in our wildlife preserves, all the while pushing for electric cars/trucks in Lordstown. Due to his ‘no plan’ for Covid, we aren’t using much gas. He would remove ALL health care if he could, but you repubs are so ignorant of costs, you forget all those WITHOUT ins. that get ill, go to hospital, etc. will be paid out of our taxes. It is cheaper to fund a health care plan, than to allow folks to get ill, then have to pay for their care…goes into the hundreds of thousands. It amazes me to see and hear how absolutely uninformed the right wingers are. trumpie has said he ‘wants a government like the Chinese guy’….said we should try that here. You think things are bad now…wait…trump is a FAILED, 6 bankruptcies does not a great person make, business man. He is a liar, cheater. All you women raise you hand if you are okay with a p____ grabber, or a man that looks in on your partially clothed daughter for a neighbor. That is your guy. He could laugh at your crippled child as well.
John says
Anyone who really believes that President Trump really lost to Joe Biden needs their head screwed on. The liberals did everything in their power to sabotage President Trump even before he was sworn in. The entire Russian hoax financed by the Clinton clan. Persecution from the scurrilous so called Intelligence establishment. Impeachment after impeachment attempts. Outright total media bias. WHY?. Biden cannot point to a single career accomplishment. He’s destined for a nursing home and then the marxists, socialist, antifa and hate America gang will be in charge. The greatest Country ever produced is going down the toilet. The USA certainly has its faults but it’s truly the land of opportunity., charity and hope.
Jon says
If they cheated to beat Trump, why didn’t they cheat to get rid of McConnell or Graham or Ernst, etc?
TN says
Quit using logic Jon, it hurts their little brain!
Anonymous says
Donna says
The left did not accept Trump the day he won in 2016 the protests started and didn’t stop for 4 years
Truth says
Very good Geno, you have pipped up and showed everyone here that you have no brain of your own but rather the brain of the fake news media where you get all the words to speak, type and think.
You have reduced yourself down to yet another mockingbird.
Debra R. says
A Democrat says
You are correct according to World renowned and highly respected historians and Holocaust survivors are issuing warnings about the similarities of this period to the rise of the Nazi era.
2. “History is repeating itself, Holocaust survivors warn before March of the Living”
3. “’I’m afraid it can happen again’: German-born Holocaust survivors in U.S. reflect on anti-Semitism today”
4. “Holocaust survivors alarmed by rise in anti-Semitism in US”,7340,L-5422310,00.html
5. “Holocaust Survivor Warns Trump Administration: ‘History Is Not on Your Side’”
6. “Holocaust Survivor On Trump’s America: It’s ‘1929 Or 1930 Berlin’
7. “A leading Holocaust historian just seriously compared the US to Nazi Germany” –
8. “One Scholar On Similarities, Substantial Differences Between Trump And Hitler / NPR Here & Now” –
9. “It’s Time to Take the Nazi-Trump Comparisons Seriously”
10. “An Expert on Concentration Camps Says That’s Exactly What the U.S. Is Running at the Border”
11. “Leading Civil Rights Lawyer Shows 20 Ways Trump Is Copying Hitler’s Early Rhetoric and Policies”.
12. “UN rights chief ‘appalled’ by US border detention conditions, says holding migrant children may violate international law”.
13. “Bernard Marks, the Holocaust survivor who challenged Trump’s immigration tactics, dies at 89.” Read more here:
14. “This Holocaust survivor’s message against Trump is more urgent than ever. Will we listen?” Read more here:
15. A Jewish Perspective on American Concentration Camps.
Rainbow Pilled says
Yeah, “Not my President!” was totally accepting it. You’re another stupid hypocrite. And so am I, because I know lashing out at you only makes things worse. But I have found no way to get through to you delusional fools. You ignore the truth whenever it comes up against your narrative, every single time. You voted for a guy that is everything you pretended Trump was for the last four years. How can we heal this rift when the left and right are literally living in separate versions of reality?
Anonymous says
last 4 years ass hole, you peple did not do it how can you even say get over it. We are over it, it was a free and far election. Now the people that need to get over themselves are the people saying get over it while ignoring the last 4 years.
Ronald says
TN says
You should be awarded the Biggest Entitled, Triggered, Snowflake Veteran in the US medal!
Aaron says
What a delusional reply. If you look at the facts the left are preaching Hate toward all others. You just did that! We have a system that works without riots and hatred. America is the greatest because we have to earn it. Not allowing the government to decide what we can accomplish is the opposite of socialism/communism. Once you far lefters realize Trump won this election “With 80 million red blooded Americans demanding the system our country was built on”. I suppose the far left riots will begin? We sure want those people running things so we can become more like North Korea. A one party dictator “get rid of those pesky elections that stop us from erasing the American dream”. WAKE UP!!!! I grew up poor and became a millionaire and never stop giving and helping others to realize they’re dreams. Can you do that with One party socialism? Our hard work and pride will out last all you useless eaters for generations to come.
TN says
You’re right, 80 million Americans demanded the system our country was built on. The other 74 million voted for Trump.
Anonymous says
You.did NOT accept the 2016 election result. The last 4 years democrats spent the entire time trying to overturn it. From the entire clinton, obama planned Russia bullshit to impeachment over something that Beijing biden actually did
C mead says
I beg to differ the Democrats never excepted Trump as president. And by the way you people that respond with swearing and calling people names are exactly what’s wrong with America. It might be nice if you grew up and tried to write your opinion as you see it reasonably try that someday
Sam r says
You must have learned all that at some fine college or prison. I am not sure could you clarify.
Sam R says
Does not help your cause by calling Trump supporters hysterical. Those would be taken as words of war by most of us. My self I am ready for the tree of liberty to be replenished with the blood of our enemy’s. This we will Defend.
Without A Doubt says
The left are low life loser people to begin with.
Anonymous says
Trump did not lose
Lots of illegal ballots.for dems. Now, only legal ballots will be counted. Trump WILL get 4 more years as Our President. The left CHEATED
and this is getting discovered. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris did not win!
fu says
Gabriel Claus says
may you please substantiate this claim?
Anonymous says
The lefts are low loser people??? I’m not liberal… Your remark is about you and obviously your chosen party…
Who’s the LOSER???😂
Sam R says
The country is the loser!! Will sit back and watch the circus. While I work my but off and stop spending. Got my 401 k ready to go into safeguard mode for when we see the great Biden Harris crash.
leesa says
…says the Deplorable dipsquat.
Rich M says
The left hate this country so much,pick up their bags and get themselves out of the USA.
Daniel Umarov says
That commits the ad hominem fallacy
Lisa Reeves says
I totally agree! Sea of RED is coming and we will start defending the people you thugs attack. We have been peaceful but when the low lives start beating defenseless people in the streets, we have had enough. Ball less Biden is hiding and getting ready to skip this country because he will go to prison!
None ya business anti-biden says
Even if that commie idiot Biden still gets to take the office after Trump fights it, I WILL NOT ACCEPT OR ACKNOWLEDGE him as my president nor will I ever!!!!!!!! I will refer my president as “Trump” because HE WON and you will never convince me or brainwash me into thinking otherwise. I hope all you idiots that voted for him get what you deserve and oh yeah, I’m sure you ding dongs will be the first ones to cry when it don’t play out like you think it will and I damn sure don’t wanna hear about it when it backfires in your face!!! Enjoy, you stupid ding dongs, you all been warned but would not listen you all don’t have any common sense. Biden bought his position and scammed and I would imagine Clinton and Obama and most of the Holly Weirdos helped too and they all are paying to shut people up and threatening anyone that don’t let him be president I’m sure, probably even the courts are being threatened.
Dorothy Cecchi says
Ditto, Ditto
Sue Lione says
I feel very sorry for your twisted opinions of Democrats. Trump and his menions have demonized the word, Liberal. And you have no idea what socialism is. You’ve been brain washed by his lies. You are to be pitted.
Sue. Lionel BlowsGoats says
I know what a cum-guzzling whore is: YOU
And Kamala Harris
By the way, there is no “e” in “minions” you stupid Leftist cunt.
Polly Benatti says
You suck…and you know it..🤣
Anonymous says
Every word you wrote is the truth my president will always be Trump he’s also one of the biggest Liars that I’ve ever seen Biden is a crook and he should not be running this country
Anonymous says
This is what I see from the dems,media and big tech.
The did exactly what Hitler did to control the Germans by completely controlling the narrative. They didn’t tell the truth about anything Trump They only distorted the facts and rally if ever reported Trumps
accomplishments .
Most Dems when I talk to them never knew about the peace deals,
Bidens families dirty deals with China,the riots in America and who
was boing it, ,help for black communities,flag burning and I could go on for a very long long
time. 93% of the news didn’t report the truth in the news so the Dems..where totally not informed
and totally lied too. This is exactly what Dictates Commonest.,Socialist ,and and Hitler did. If you want America to stay great we must change this or we will lose our freedom.
Anonymous says
there millions of real Americans who will always be Trumpers and he will always be always
our President voter fraud was your only way to win
Patton says
I agree, Trump, is the victor!!!,,,the election was rigged.from.the start,he hardly had an even chance, and with swarms of foreign refugee cockroaches voting against us,, in all the urban center polls theres no way to win!
Anonymous says
He a traitor piece of garbage same as you white supremist snakes devils drop dead
leesa says
Thanx because you’re a cowardly “Anonymous” “ijit.”
TN says
What’s your last name Leesa? If you don’t give it publicly, you’re also an anonymous coward! Show us all how brave you are.
Nuther Anonymous says
Exactly! Here’s the left’s innermost beliefs, and what they wish all conservatives would just accept without question once and for all..”To form the most ideal America, study hard in school, put your nose to the grindstone, get good grades, work your asses off, build a truly substantial amount of wealth through hard work, then give most of it away to those that didn’t, those that wasted their fucking time, youth and energy enjoying their free time without a thought to their future. And be nice to A Holes from S Hole countries who come here with their f’ng hands out thinking America owes them something…unlike the immigrants of decades long ago who came here with true humility and gratitude, ready to work.”
LethlDsage says
Awesome, Awesome!!!
Julia says
Amen to those words.
Phillip Sayers says
God please help us.
Janice says
God has a plan for President Trump is his man four more years plus. God will have his way no matter what the fake news says. Gods way is always the right. Total corruption in voting counting will be exposed
Beverly says
Pat says
I agree with you Janice! I am not a devout religious person, but I do agree that the end times are here and there is nothing to stop it here on earth
kATY says
Mack Trucky says
Praise GOD for removing the false idol Donald Trump from power. He has stolen so many souls from our LORD, so many ignorant misinformed fake believers. Their master Donald Trump has been flushed by the almighty GOD. They must have forgotten that he is a jealous GOD. I pray for their lost souls.
Mack Trucky says
Praise GOD for removing the false idol Donald Trump from power. He has stolen so many souls from our LORD, so many ignorant misinformed fake believers. Their master Donald Trump has been flushed by the almighty GOD. They must have forgotten that he is a jealous GOD. I pray for their lost souls.
Anonymous says
He a traitor piece of garbage same as you white supremist snakes devils drop dead
Anonymous says
I don’t think God hates America so much that he would choose the devil as our leader.
Despise Trump says
I don’t think God hates America so much that He would choose the devil as our leader.
Facts Do Matter says
God’s plan for Trump has been very visible for a while now.
~Trump wanted Obama impeached. Trump was impeached.
~Mitch McConnell wanted to make Obama a one term president. Trump is a one term president
~Trump lied during the 2016 campaign that unemployment rate was as high as 42%, guess where Trump’s unemployment rate landed during the pandemic?
~Trump accused Obama as incompetent, guess how world leaders see Trump?
~Trump claim his 2016 306;electoral votes were a landslide. Now he won’t admit Biden’s 306 electoral votes are a landslide, just as his.
~Trump lied that he did more for blacks than any other president. 90% of blacks voted against his dishonesty.
~Trump took credit for some of Obama/Biden’s accomplishments all the while trashing them in the most disgraceful manner. His presidency will now the bookmarked by the two men he hates the most.
-Trump bullied, attacked, insulted, spewed hate. He portrayed himself as a strong man. Now the world watches a very weak man repeatedly lying to his supporters, as he loses lawsuit after lawsuit… in hopes of cheating to a win because his life outside of the WH and without the protection of the presidency will be his reckoning for his life of crime.
God’s plan for Trump is to REMIND us of Galatians 6: 7-9. That what a man sows, he will reap!
N /A says
I am amazed by those who quote “God” and miss everything else around them. Apparently you need to do some research on Obama. I mean, look things up in a library, read some books, read some papers, read comments by people in the know. You can tell by by what people write whether they get their information from the TV or the next-door neighbor, as opposed to actually researching an issue.
I had the experience of researching all 17 candidates of the Republican party in the 2016 election, then I researched all their spouses. Also read five books re Hillary Clinton, written by both Democrats and Republicans. The opinions re Clinton were much the same in all books. It was amazing what I learned!
Sam R says
Interesting how you quote the Bible as the commie liberal Democratic Socialist Society loves Abortion and controlling the good colored folks of our Nation. You people started this war and we will end it.
leesa says
You’re god must be a real a-hole… much like his “ijit” followers. Of course, maybe you’re talking about “Her” plan for the entire Trump Crime Syndicate spending their lives in jail.
Anonymous says
Trump didn’t accept pay, could he possibly be legally do 8 more yrs.payed
Guy North says
You are already so pathetically brainwashed all there is left to go and shoot your sorry self, give real Americans a break. trump is a complete fraud, as you are, and you are extremely ignorant and clueless.
Anonymous says
Poor baby, I’ll pray for you and your family to give you the strength to endure after all truth is manifested. Never forget God’s promise to His faithful: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me…
If God is for me, who can ne against me
My God, is a God of justice…
Good luck
Beverly says
Have you been living under a rock? Did you just come to and miss the real crooks? The media is among the real crooks . Just because someone says or prints something doesn’t make it true.. Can’t you think and reason for yourself? Go live in Cuba or Venezuela if you want to live in socialism. Trump has exposed the lies and corruption that the Left has set up to gain control of the US government and their intolerance for anyone who does not see the future as they do. Our country was formed by diversity and differing beliefs., our belief in family and God. Our constitution protects our rights. Trump is not lying when he says they want to take away our rights. Listen to their own words!!!
Anonymous says
Your attitude says it all.
T k Britt says
Think of this also Obama’ all but ruined our country and the main reason the majority voted for him was so the white man could prove he wasn’t prejudice I’m not ASHAMED TO BE BORN WHITE and if the blacks don’t like it tough. None of them have ever been slaves or know anyone who’s been a slave I don’t owe them shit!!!!!
Little M says
This is a fantastic read. Thank you for your insight to the life timers, new beginners and future arrivals to the U.S. either way it goes to me it doesn’t matter how long or how little you’ve been in a place so long as you love what you do and stand behind it from knowledgeably respecting every faucet of your surroundings. If not, the Golden rules of wreckage by fellow believers of treating others as you’d have those treat yourself goes forth for the greater good of you; yourself your family, friends and Country because if it’s one thing we all have in common we all have families that we must protect by all means necessary so I’d much rather protect mine through peaceful endeavors however, protecting yourself extends to your right to privacy, secure from intrusions and the right to speak through our free will as we do and if stood correxted by warning through a person just remember we should all recall the messengers from God. Its never been the dog that’s in the fight rather the fight in the dog!! If this is what how people really feel regarding ones who KNOW they argue on matters that really matter none and carry on by TRYING through manipulation or fear based tactics to get domination over the other and as we see it happening we also see less drive in many to defend the #1 focal point that MUST be addressed first and foremost before the transition to change starts. Therefore if the fight is necessary then it must done to allow transgression into the next.chapter of our lives that promotes the perception of wellbeing and peace and enjoyment free from fear and loathing in your homes, minds and communities through fellow commitments to giving a hand to yourself first, then your family and if their good then and only then because of capability to handle more lend a hand, voice, opinion to HELP even if it’s to a stranger to allow the “PASS IT FORWARD” momentum around you 🙂 otherwise minds that have focusing to be worked through for themselves seem to be fragile and not well managed with reasoning the whole truth and nothing but that because the rights and wrongs they’ve spoken, committed or pre-meditated on are confusing their alignment which greatly impacts out earthy vibes that are made up then by harmonies from the peaceful goodness of others that she’d these qualities of betterment not for themselvea but for the others that they and myself wouldn’t like to leave behind for our kids, mine to suffer in when I’m gone. Just thinking of this makes me cringe thinking when I die who will protect and see to it that my babies are still guided down the right lane towards the basic morals and values that AMERICA 🇺🇸 stood for and COULD still be saved and turned around if enough minds created a new scenario that’s not so new but worked way better then than now because becoming what a good hardworking american dreamer is is a process of investment in ones self and discipline on that focus rather than the issues that were never intended to be put in the american hands to fight and argue about but was placed through visual enticement and heard enough and talked about enough negatively to be tested like dummies as this is the higher % of people that line up and get controlled rather than controlling the line up by finding your place in life as a good person always seeing and trying for better in ALL areas of your life and screw the rest. If your writer, write to world good and rationale speeches to create stimuli for their dreams. If your a speaker, speak of what is, was and to become through your God given blessing of being a people person influencer of good that can guide through the ability of relating to so many audiences but hold fast on boasting as their may be an audience that you couldn’t reach or relate to so maybe your annoying neighbor that’s everything opposite orher than defending the red white and blue in America and the principle for which we stand and fight for over. God bless America and Donald J Trump and bless it be for God who gave us earth and free will of speech and land to the free to be as good to each other as he is only perfect so don’t think he has not so perfect for forgiving and turning around to the join the good because this is perfect forgiveness from the One and only whom is Perfect. Don’t forget it 😉
Travis Britt says
Why do you believe trump is a fraud what has he done that was fraudulent? I can afford to fill my gas tank I can work every day I don’t fear China anymore I feel like my kids have a real chance at a good life. All you left wingers do is spread lies and false rumors your the true frauds
Anonymous says
lol 😂
Anti Biden says
LMMFAO!! Biden stays in basement dreaming of touching women inappropriately, thinking of little girls rubbing his legs, was caught in so many lies, “all president’s lie” hardly anyone shows up at his rallies, but yet he beats Trump in votes?! Honestly do you believe that crap?! Funny how they want to take our guns , but yet hire personal security to protect them using same guns they want to take from us! Since everyone knows Obama is pulling the strings for “Puppet Joe” that’s how you do a 3rd term as president! Careful what you wish for and do your homework before voting for someone just because you don’t like Trump , because I’m sure you blame him for everything bad in your life! Oh , you saw it on the news? Funny thing about that is most of them are run by the democratic party CNN
Stephanie says
Wow “go and shoot yourselves” another peace loving tolerant comment from THE LEFT. WOW just wow. Democrats are so full if hate
Joel says
You need to stick to your consorting with swine.
Missy says
All i see so far in these comments are trump people making comments of opinions and bidens people making comments of threats.not one trump people said kill yourself or threaten harm to others.i think i said enough of who has better morals and values
Bob says
Provide women examples instead of talking like an angry child. Make an intelligent rebuttal if you’re capable.
Anonymous says
Really better buy a horse you are going to need it when fuel goes out of sight
Zachary T Howard says
You realize telling people to shoot themselves online is a crime, right? And that you’re a garbage excuse for a human for saying that, right? It’s easy to sound tough behind a screen where no one can break your jaw for the things you say.
Zach says
Imagine being so delusional that you think the people who are advocating for the expansion of the federal governments power over the individual as well as trying to abolish the 2nd amendment which are things the founding fathers would be disgusted by are the “real americans”
John gerstbrein says
What’s your delluded definition of “real americans”. Probably the same as the dishonest and lying democrats.
dr says
Trump is a fraud????….that makes Biden a dirty old white pervert racist greedy thief whop ought to be in the Big House not the Whitehouse….who you kidding leftbat?….not me….Biden became a millionaire by using his office….Trump became a millionaire by building things and working his butt off…….
Jenny didp says
You are so right
What can we do to save our president donald j trump
. Those dimwits morons that voted and cheated. For biden they are liars.crooks.cheaters.that is the only way they ca.n win
.that is what we are teaching our children
The only way you can cheat lie and steal
. Let’s start by boycotting hollywood.
Steven says
You are absolutely correct !!!! That’s why the Democrats are in BED WITH CHINA!!!! They have learned from the Peoples Republic of China how to steal and cheat!!! China is notorious for stealing intellectual property from the USA AND OTHER NATIONS!!! It is soooo ingrained in their CULTURE that they make millions of dollars selling Cheats and shortcuts for video games to their own people that it has become a very lucrative cottage industry for them… And the Democrats are simply using the SAME MODEL!!!!!! IF YOU CANT BEAT THEM ….. CHEAT THEM !!!!!!!! REPUBLICANS ARE PATRIOTS !!! DEMOCRATS ARE JUST PATHETIC !!!!!! And I am PROUD to have served my country…. THE GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD !!!! GOD BLESS THE USA !!!!! GOD BLESS DONALD J TRUMP !!!!
fu says
can u all please leave ur names and addresses with the moderator. They will be sure to see they get passed along to the incoming administration so they know your not interested in reaping any benefits from the “United” states & the people who want a fair, calm, peaceful, “empathetic” country….ugh,of course I’m being facetious but really people can’t we all try nice & co-exist?? Obviously the opposite hasn’t been working…
Patriot says
It’s absolutely amazing how many of Trumps followers have no idea what democracy is or that Trump has been ripping off American taxpayers for his own personal gain for decades and still continues to do so. Trump is perpetuating his lies because he understands once he’s nolonger President he is probably going to prison and his lies, cons, thievery will be fully exposed.
Trump is the least American patriot to hold the office and the most corrupt President in this country existence.
If you Trumpest wish to remain in his cult(The Confederacy of Dunces) please go ahead after all this America and you have the right to do anything you want-no matter how stupid- ass long as you hurt or violate the rights of others
Despise Trump says
Go online and google the times that Trump has said things like
“we killed some of them so they are killing some of us” (about Russian bounties on the heads of American servicemen)…or has the “fake news” doctored such videos?
Look at Ben Sasse’s comments on Trump…or has the evil liberal conspiracy got to him with bribes and intimmidation?
I don’t like liberals either, but, Jenny, you are supporting the devil. The devil is a liar and he has coopted your patriotism for the purposes of furthering of his own interests. Liberals created Trump, by denigrating the values that Americans hold dear, but Trump is still the devil
dr says
the left will wake up in about a year when they realize they have no rights left after Harris gets done with this country and the controls put in place.
ryan says
wow. hope you are retired. i can’t imagine how you make a living with those reasoning skills.
Need2know says
What reasoning skills do you question dumbass?
Or you just run around the internet insulting people to make your own miserable existence a little better? Ya I’m going with the second option. Enjoy your hot pockets and moms house loser.
John gerstbrein says
Her reasoning skills rival and surpass yours and other like minded morons.
Anonymous says
Who cares your as much of a loser as trump
BM says
you’ll see when you lose out…
Anonymous says
You don’t English good.
Anonymous says
Suck start a pistol.
John gerstbrein says
We think the same about you and biden
Robert says
Yes. I voted for Trump because I’m a Christian and I can’t support somebody who is pro choice, pro lgbtq rights, against the wall, open borders, etc. Yet the young and non whites voted and celebrated when Biden/Harris won. The four young women of color who won the House again are giddy and say now they will be able to push their progressive socialist agenda. I am sick. It was my state, PA which helped Biden win. Yeah, the Black neighborhoods in Philly voted 90-100% for Biden. There was dancing and cheering in the streets in Philly with car horns honking last Saturday. Mostly young and non white. The youth are brainwashed by schools with darwinsim, etc. Satan is waging war against Christians. We may very well see Christian persecution and church closings under a Biden/Harris administration. God help us.
Anonymous says
Steven says
Debra says
Amen and let’s quit this petty infant bickering God will make the decision and that settles it Neither one is that wonderful!
Donivan Potter says
Funny, I took the best care I could of my dad, he passed away sadly. I live alone, have done my best to help those I can and when dealing with my own health I lied to doctors out of fear of losing care. I am part of the LGBTQ you loath. I’m Transgender. I didn’t choose this no more than I chose my muscle disorder. While hospitalized doctors said medically they were seeing things they thought were impossible but it was happening in me. I hid the truth about being Transgender, and no I wasn’t transitioning. One thing has happened since telling doctors the truth and addressing the gender dysphoria as a medical condition my muscle condition is improving. You and others assume things and judge wrong what you are ignorant of. I only did what anyone does when presented with a health issue, the best treatment and it’s a shame that unlike many I get people like you saying I’m bad for trying to save my own life. And I’m sure many like you who will read this will like you call me a liar and worse. You are blind to evil, it is Trump and liars like him. I should know hiding and lying my whole life was killing me. I believe in God and to me lying is a great sin. So go on judge me a sinner someone telling you the truth and go on continuing your beliefs in a con-man like Trump, the man hates the poor and that’s anyone not a millionaire.
Anonymous says
I agree with you.
Anonymous says
A men! We are in for some tough times, but in the end, the strong will survive and the brsinwashed-leftists will crumble like the “government” they chose to take care of them… sad to say, but it’s gonna take true adversity and struggle to make them realize what a true American is… #reparations?haven’tgivenyouenough?
Marilyn Willett says
Him and his running mate want abortion in the 9’th month they and everyone who supported them with a vote will face a vengeful GOD before they are kicked in hell. God destroyed Sodom and Gommorah for the sin of homosexuality, including the animals and the grass–”even the women did exchange that which was un natural with one another and God gave them over to their sin” in other words; no repentance. THIS IS ALL PUSHED BY COMMUNIST CHINA.
leesa says
Hey Little Bobbie. Put your Superstitious belief in your Invisible Friends somewhere where they won’t harm the rest of us, you raging, infantile, simpleminded hypocrite.
Mike Hawk says
You are the brainwashed one Darwinism is proven also the school’s didn’t brainwash the youth it educated them which is what you need. And you’re saying you don’t support lgbtq rights and you want to keep others out of our country for what they weren’t born here so what there still humans supposedly created by this god you worship
Daniel Umarov says
Bringing religion into politics is never a good way to go since most of them are corrupted on both sides. It only gives you an out to when one makes a mistake. The definition of the word conservative is “averse to change or innovation and holding traditional values.” That is selfish in its own right. Obviously, I cannot convince you of your beliefs and I will respect them. Also just don’t bring up race when talking about voting
Jeremy says
But you voted for a guy who had sex with a pornstar and paid her off while he was married lol,
Trumpists really are morons.
Anonymous says
ok homophobe
Anonymous says
Despite what you think about us “leftists”…we didn’t *want* Biden. I know I didn’t, despite voting for him. I wanted Trump out. Period.
I voted for him the first time. The experiment interested me/Hillary’s inability to admit to her mistakes won me over in a situation of equally shitty options. However, while most would say (including Trump himself) that he lived up to all of his campaign promises, he did not. Chief among them would be his blatant disregard and hostility towards the LGBTQ+ community. One of the selling points of him in 2016 was that he WASN’T going to tow the party line, yet here we are.
This article likes to bring up how great it was under the biblical/Christian way of doing things. Clearly it’s not written by someone persecuted by cherry-picked verses from said Bible. The irony is that if the Republican Party was more in-line with the actual message of the Bible over the verses picked to insight hate and intolerance, they’d be VASTLY more popular. But they don’t do that, so they lose votes. Truth is, those who hold the Bible to be their main/only guide are in a declining position.
With all of that said, I return to the first point…I don’t want Biden. I want Trump out for how he treats people, and not *JUST* the LGBTQ+ community either. When it comes down to it, I’m more of a centerist, that leans one way on some issues and the other on others (ie liberal for the LGBTQ+, but conservative for guns). He’s the 46th President. If Trump contests it too long, you’ll get Pellosi as acting President, so remember that. But don’t think we won’t complain, march, protest, and everything else to keep him in check. The majority that voted for Biden want him out/didn’t want him as their candidate to begin with…we just couldn’t stand the 45th president for another term (or worse, Pence). Some of us wouldn’t have been able to live with it literally, or had our rights intact if we did.
Steven says
OR WORSE, VP PENCE ???? What? VP PENCE IS A GOD FEARING MAN!! Rights and liberties ARE what the Democrats WANT to take away from us… WAKE UP PEOPLE ,,,,,, TRUMP 2024 !!!!!!! GOD BLESS THE USA !!!!
James says
Say goodbye to your firearms
Joel says
The left are nothing but sore losers stricken with TDS. Not one contribution towards anything positive. Buttsex and babykilling defines the Democratic Party.
Anonymous says
ok homophobe
Yours truly says
That’s ok. You didn’t vote for biden anyway. You just voted trump out and that’s all they wanted. We will finally have our first women president. Just give it time. Yeah 25th amendment. Like blowski said it wasn’t instated for Trump.
You don’t need2know says
Perfect example of a stupid voter. LGBTQ community actually said Trump has done more for them than any othe President. But you won’t get that information from CNN so…..I see why you missed it. Every Gay friend I know is a die hard Trump voter. So……expand your social group maybe you’ll find more information.
Robert McShane says
I wanted Biden, he is an American ! He loves, supports and defends the constitution.
Most people vote against an ideal that makes then uncomfortable. BIGOTRY AND FACSISM MAKE ME FEEL UNCONFORTABLE . The U>S>A> has the worlds lowest voter turn-out. of the industrialized world. I live in Oklahoma we live in the state that has the lowest voter turnout of any state. Talk about disenfranchised voters. so in closing : fuck all dumbass bigots supporting Don the con and Moscow Mitch McConnell
N says
Bravo! As an educator who has been asked by 3rd graders if trump could shoot someone and get away with it, is true or why does he call everybody horrible names. My words to them to not be a bully even though we have a president who speaks like this to everyone that doesn’t stroke his ego is exhausting. Everybody should care about our youth. They see and hear all the hatefulness.
For those who call yourselves Christians if you know the Bible it says that there are to things that the gospel is founded on love God and live your neighbor as yourself. It also says that the only ones that you are to judge are the brethren because they should know what God’s word says. However, sadly many of you choose to judge those that don’t know Him. If Trump is a Christian then why didn’t the “evangelicals” talk to him about his racist remarks or how we are to care about others not just ourselves!
DAM says
In 1917-1918 the WORLD experienced a similar PANDEMIC . Over 50 MILLION HUMAN BEINGS DIED & MANY MORE DISABLED.
The COVID-19 is for REAL.
Maybe you are all FUZZY BRAINED from SNORTING meth & adderall w/ psycho
trump who is a LAZY, THIEVING, TED BUNDY WANNA BE…… If this VIRUS DOESN’t kill you, it goes after your BRAIN- PARANOID & OBESE!! SHALOM!
Wild Child says
Sounds like your happy about the pandemic……. You are a sick person . Maybe you got the COVID and it affected your brain… Or what’s left of it at least ???
Joel says
You need psychiatric help.
Living in the physical world not the electronic one says
Why don’t I see open graves and lines at the cemetery or the crematories working over time . I was a funeral director and I just don’t see more dying than usual. Where are bodies? Nov dec and Jan are the biggest most busy time for us. The cemetery financial reports are not much different from previous years normal climbs. I don’t watch tv or use social media but I have eyes and I live in a city . Bring out your dead is missing.
Anonymous says
You are of the devil & he is your god
Anonymous says
did you push the caps lock button?
Jamie says
Please find another source of information. Saturday night live and the view are not telling you the truth.
Anonymous says
I am with you
Trump is my president
Anonymous says
You sound like a conspiracy theorist.
Andy says
You are going to get everyone any of us ever loved killed with your hate.
rmwhit says
Well, what an amazingly moronic description of Republicans -vs- Democrats! My God, are you delusional! Neither party has any mandate from God, nor gets to claim it.
There is so much that is completely wrong in your description of what Democrats have done for THIS country. There is NO COUNTRY that is governed like the US, so to compare a country like Venezuela (run by an autocrat like Trump wants to be) is insane.
Seems that the call to support the current President, as Trump supporters have said we all should, doesn’t seem to apply to them now..
If you believe there is fraud in this election; PROVE IT OR SHUT UP!!
There was no widespread fraud and whether Trump holds his breathe and stomps his feet to say otherwise, HE LOST! Get over it, grow up, and like like a REAL AMERICAN!!
Otherwise, pack your bags and move to Russia with Donald Trump!! I’ll pay for your ticket!!
God Bless the United States of America!!
Katrina Grammer says
You are absolutely blind. This Election is not over with, and if you think the Trump supporters are going to roll over and allow it to be stolen then you better think again. Oh, the Trump supporters will not behave like the criminals on the left and riot, loot, murder and thieve in the name of what we do passionately believe in and god Dear; but you can be sure we conservatives’ will stand up for our votes.
Stephanie says
Hahahahaha boy, that’s the kettle calling the pot!!!! Kinda like the Democrats should of “got over it” when Trump won in 2016?? Didn’t all the Democrats stop their feet and hold their breath for 4 years?? WOW hypocrite much?? Lol
Debra says
I’m tired of it all, people who are trustworthy are hard to find and politicians are the worst I’m tired of illegals tired of abortions tired of black lives matter tired of of me too whatever the hell that means and tired of liberal crap They dont like Trump cause he doesnt play ball nicely and he is not politically correct He is doing fine nothing is perfect not even Pelosi with her phoney smile and hateful disposition and that’s worse than Trump soooo
Anonymous says
Hey stupid dimwit!!! how much fkg! Fraud evidence,,do you need!the election was stolen!Mass,Ntional Fraud!,,,worthless Reffugee somalians,illegally harvesting votes,for months before the race,,and admitting it in visual documentation! US postal workers dumping loads of ballots in the dumpsters!? documented! keeping poll observers from observing ballot processing across the nation in just about every state, black postal workers, setting fires to mail trucks carrying ballots,or dumping trump ballots in a wooded ravein or elsewhere,,, thousands oballots counted for biden that were intended for the President,,
Zach says
It still amazes me to this day that liberals are trying to act like there the real super patriotic Americans who are the defenders of the democratic republic when they are against everything this country stands for like how they want to abolish the 2nd amendment by only allowing shotguns and bolt action rifles which defeats the entire point of it being the ability of the citizens to overthrow a tyranny, you people hate america and everything it stands for and its disgusting
Cosmo says
Oh, we’ll get over it, but really?
We’re not bad people. We are true Americans. We love this Country and detest what the Democrats are trying to do to it.
The difference between you and I is, you lead with emotion; I lead with logic. It’s not a bridge too far for you. No matter what you feel, you can’t lead with feelings. It always ends poorly.
I encourage you to put the emotion aside and take the bridge to enlighten yourself.
First and foremost, I can all but promise we will not burn any cities to the ground. Dems torch things, Republicans resurrect them.
How delusional must you be think Democrats have your best interests at heart? Wake up! They don’t care about this country. It’s all about globalism. I you believe otherwise, you’re seriously misinformed. Please educate yourself.
Also, if anything, please do this with an open mind. It will be a process for you, but the truth is out there (and is freely available), please seek it out.
Your fellow American,
Daniel Umarov says
thank you
teresa swoboda says
communist? The toddler in office is fire security heads and leaving this nation vulnerable to nations like Russia , Korea, Iran and China. They will take advantage of this chaos to set to strike us. And who is call people stupid. Trump is a bigot, sexist, racist narcissistic toddler; who throws a tantrum when he does not get his way. He treats the white as if he owns it and is his personal business. He is not my boss, he does not own the United States. Trump is the employee of the United States Citizens. We do not work for him, He works for us. But as far as I can see, he did a few things for you ding a lings to keep you supporting him, but it was for his privilege (oh, I will dumb that do for you, to benefit him). Again I will dumb that down for you (benefit means he gets what he wants for himself and nobody else!) Lets see has done. He wanted Pennsylvania to stop counting when he was ahead, and for Arizona to keep counting votes where he was behind! Now who is corrupt?? I think we know who (Trump)!!!!! Grow up take it like an adult not a toddler. Oh excuse me, you like Trump, forgive me, toddlers’ brains are not that developed yet!
Wild Child says
Teresa swoboda…. Love the way you just GLOSS over How much President Trump HAS done for this country….President Trump has done Waaaay more for this country in 3 1/2 years than President Obama did in his 8 years . You Never TRUMPERS are soooo blinded by rage its acutualy a bit comical at times….I could list President Trumps accomplishments if you like… Like Securing our boarders… Enforcing immigration laws that are already on the books. Hammering out new MCA trade deals .. Peace Accord between Isreal and Palistien He also received three separate nominations for the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE… More than Obama HAHAHAHAHAHA…Energy independent … I could go on ….. But your RAGE IS BLINDING YOU….You do know that Rage like yours eats you up from the inside like a CANCER!! Good luck to you and GOD BLESS
Joel says
Theresa, see what consorting with swine does to diminish your mental capacity?
Toddler says
Theresa, Why don’t you go home to Russia, you’re the toddler here, you’ll see, fool
dr says
hillary failed at including the russians in our decision making ….she got caught
dr says
is that why you leftbats abort them?
Andrew Dickens says
You are already brainwashed, you just don’t realize it.
Kelly says
I agree whole heartly. The Dems could only win by Cheating!. The media is disgustingly biased and miss leading. Those who cheated in the name of “Biden ” will be very sorry especially when Heels Up Harris takes over. Those who think they will be cared for know nothing about Communism wil be those left with nothing. You don’t work you don’t receive any thing from your government. Stupid, stupid, uneducated Americans. You will l be sooooo sorry when reality hits you hard. If you are useless as so many democrats are you will be left behind and destitute.
George Burns says
Trump is just a con-man and he got over on 72 million idiot hahaha.
T k Britt says
Think of this also Obama’ all but ruined our country and the main reason the majority voted for him was so the white man could prove he wasn’t prejudice I’m not ASHAMED TO BE BORN WHITE and if the blacks don’t like it tough. None of them have ever been slaves or know anyone who’s been a slave I don’t owe them shit!!!!!
Cheryl Lawlor says
The left will blame Trump for the next four years of Bidens incompetency….anything that goes wrong, higher taxes, banning fracking, ridding the oil industry…whatever bad happens they will ultimately blame Trump just like Obama blamed Bush for his failures. .
draklor says
Its funny how 20 years ago whenever someone talked about conspiracies they were laughed it. Now because of 1 persons daily tirate about conspiracies half the nation buys into the garbage that Trump and others spew on the news. I am an independant and not no lefty like everyone on trumps side thinks if we don’t vote for him. I actually did vote for some republicans but I did not vote for trump. Trump is an egomaniac and as a world leader people should seriously be asking yourself do you truly want trump having access to our nukes when he goes into tirates on twitter over someone disagreeing with him ? Yeah well he also has been getting more crazy lately . If republicans would have nominated another candidate for president I bet you we would have seen a different story . Trump would not have gotten as many votes as he did. Most republicans are not fooled by trump and have outright distain for him . Its just they did not want biden in office. Unfortunately Biden is the lesser of 2 evils IMO. Trump is too much a tin foil wearing conspiracy nut job to be leading our country and try and dispute that because I can bring up his twitter posts to prove otherwise.
Doreen Clapper says
You are a perfect example of why people hate Donald Trump. He literally preaches the kind of hatred that just came vomiting out of your mouth. Your rantings of him, sound very much like someone who has been indoctrined into a cult. It is you that should be very careful,. Psychiatrist’s around the globe have stated he has Narcissistic personality Disorder, of Wich I’m an expert. He has so twisted your minds with pathological lying,hatred against others. A person doesn’t have to be to bright to know, when someone CONSTANTLY accuses others of something,it is a psychological fact that they are guilty of that themselves. Do you honestly believe that everything and everyone is a fraud and a fake and liars ? That is what a narcissist is !! A fraud, fake, liar. Why do you just believe everything he says. You believe he is a christian ? Then I feel sorry for you, truly,. Because I’m a democrat and I am not your enemy.
friendly trumper says
you won’t have to accept him just learn to live with kammala (aoc puppet) harris
Anonymous says
i post a reply and it doesn’t get printed, typical suppression make you feel at home if your home was in venuzuela
Despise Trump says
I love America. Socialism is not the solution our problems. But Trump is evil and his telling you that Biden cheated is the most anti-American thing he has done. Democrats called patriots xenophobes and drove patriots (like you, I am thinking) into the arms of an evil Nazi demagogue. Trump called the media fake news and you, being an idiot, believed him. Such is the state of American politics.
Erik Wille says
It’s pathetically sad, that the democrapic party even exists, they stand for anything evil, the fall of the U.S. and will cheat, steal, threaten anyone that stands in the way of their psycho , satanic plans, if the U.S. is to continue being the strongest most powerful country past, present, future, the democrap party must be dismantled and never allowed to return, similarly to the nazi’s.
Anonymous says
If you want to be credible in your beliefs u suggest you brush up in your gramnar
michelle says
These Biden followers are brain washed. Its a cult. And a lot of people are apart of this scandal. Its sad, but like you said. Its common sense and yet they got none
Kay HIgdon says
Cat Lady says
Well at least he knows his business and what is bigger business than running this country at least under him we had a thriving economy, gas and groceries were affordable what drives an election comes down to this how much money do you have in your wallet at the end of the day. Biden looks and acts like he belongs in the nursing home he has to have notes to speak he never nor his vice president or what I call the gigler cannot answer a question openly and honestly they hem and hah and you never get a straight forward answer and you tell me going back as far the Kennedys they were and are murderers and can get away with just about everything same way with the Clintons not worth a dam either and since you are so against the right thing what does that say about you not much either you must not be worth much either
Mary says
You need professional help. Most cities have free mental health clinics available. Please find one near you.
James Fabian says
Yeah! Biden is just a tool! And Kamala Harris? Give me a break. Ask her a tough question and she laughed her ass off.
John gerstbrein says
I agree. Biden is crooked and so is his party – the lot of them. I too will
not accept him now or ever as president. Furthermore I believe he physically and mentally iunfit to be president.
Anonymous says
Lisa Reeves says
I agree. Biden and especially that ignorant Harris will never have my respect as the leader of this country because there will no longer be the great nation of America! We will be a 3rd world country! No guns, no God, no beef, no more constitutional rights as Americans! How in the hell can anyone with one brain cell want them. I know 80 million Americans that don’t and will not stand for a stolen election!
Bob says
I read the comments from “the left” with interest and amusement. One guy says he owns 50+ guns. Another says that Biden is a middle-of-the-road Dem, blah blah blah. Let’s all check back in a few years after Beto is appointed Gun Czar and see how many of those guns he still owns. Then we’ll check on the price of gas after fracking is banned and we rejoin the Paris douchebaggery. Then we’ll check on our march towards socialism after Uncle Joe is removed (either due to incapacity or corruption (what???…the media started covering Hunter/China/Ukraine/Mayor of Moscow???!!!)). Komrade Kamala will be in power.
Obama gave us Trump. What will Harris get us? I have a feeling there is an unbelievable red surge coming (as in Republican) in four years.
Bury those guns, boys! In God we trust.
Unouno says
VictorPowers says
You can’t take something you can’t find.
Uoh-no says
Good, well thought out, intellectusl “left” comeback. Good thing we have people like you and social media to help stoke your pettiness 😊
Guy North says
Were in the world do they find you pathetic ignorant fools. This nonsense with the Second Amendment that you sick fools carry-on about. Any Constitutional Amendments take an Act of Congress, go back to grade school to understand how this Nation works! trump is a fraud, as are you not to see through that translucent orange.
Virl Alan Strong says
How many acts of congress did it take president obama to circumvent our existing immigration laws?
Guy North says
We’re in the world do they find you pathetic ignorant fools. This nonsense with the Second Amendment that you sick fools carry-on about. Any Constitutional Amendments take an Act of Congress, go back to grade school to understand how this Nation works! trump is a fraud, as are you not to see through that translucent orange.
Debra says
Ignorant or not there entitled tobe ignorant if they want. There is no law against ignorant last time I checked except by folks who think they are intelligent
Wild Child says
Your not paying attention Gary…. Wake up Gary…
Jerry b says
Even if Biden decided to be a honest man which will not happen any way he wont be able to because communist China and the democrates own him because of his dirty dealings with communist china the billion and a half dollars that china gave to joe biden his son hunter and joe biden will always be hanging over joe Biden head so china and the leftist in america will leverage against joe Biden and they will be the one pulling the strings in the USA from now on and what surprises me is how america went along to our own fall like sheep to allow such a great country. To fall
Michael Lowe says
Jesus warned us about the sheep ! Sheep are dumb too !!
ryan says
considering that you remain in a slight minority (there are more democrats than republicans)… just what is your plan when things don’t go your way? you say you are “burying guns”.
there is far too much talk of violence on the right these days. you do not have “more” of a right to America than anyone else. and certainly not any more (or less) than democrats.
Stephanie says
Uh Ryan what rock you been under last 4 years??? Who the hell you think has been rioting and burning down the cities? I’m always so shocked at what hypocrites the left is! 😂
James says
The left doesn’t want America. They hate America and think they can do better. It’s disturbing they’re not very smart
Mark says
Hateful jerk get real Trump is a certifiable sociopath ! I don’t hate no one ! But I know people like Trump and they all scare the hell out of me ! He , like you give true meaning to the phrase ; It’s hard to win an argument against a smart person , But , it’s impossible to win an argument against a stupid person !
rmwhit says
Wow, the same lie about grabbing our guns!! I am not worried!! Supposedly, Obama was going to come get our guns. I watched my Republican friends go crazy buying ammo and guns… Now they have more than they need, cause, NOBODY CAME FOR THEIR GUNS.
I canceled my NRA membership because of the frantic lies about the impending horror. Just a lobby for the gun manufacturers and a way for Wayne LaPierre to steal more money!!
No thanks, I’m not buying it!! And, I will still keep mu weapons!
Anonymous says
Can never have to much
Wild Child says
Amen Bob…….Amen and God Bless you sir
Doreen Clapper says
I don’t think Jesus would be very happy with the way you and Donald Trump talk, You should all be ashamed to speak God’s name at the same time your spreading hatred among your fellow man.
Anonymous says
Anonyomous says
Firstly, imagine waking up everyday being attacked by the leftist media/politicians, no president in the history of this country has been attacked the way Trump has. Now imagine trying to constantly defend yourself while trying to run a country, the amount he has accomplished all while being in and out of court battles and impeachment trials, defending his way through false coups is honestly rather remarkable. Love him or hate him he did a great job, now i’m not here saying hes was perfect by an stretch of the imagination but what president was i’m only saying that if he wasn’t constantly pushed up against the wall things could have played out a lot better for him and us as Americans. Now what we as Americans need to do is come together and take down the lying, divisive, left or right leaning News channels/media, their job is to report facts not fabricated stories to side with their political agendas.
Unouno says
Great job? What color is the sky in your world
Vector Powers says
Dude, you are a contrary curmudgeon looking for a fight. You might get one.
Anonymous says
Going to be ALL Indian colored sky and ALL our holdings and businesses too
Former kool aid drinker says
Even the most brainwashed Kool aid drinking liberal can’t argue with facts as far as the job president trump did fantastic I would hold it up against any president in recent years
Mya Glubpanny says
Indeed. Liberals don’t seem to realize they have been brainwashed in the universities, or else, the craven NAACP has convinced them they will be fired from their jobs if they disagree with black-activist fiats.
Anonymous says
Im ready just say the word. I believe the job President Trump did was totally outstanding while dealing with stupid bullshit that never should’ve been allowed in any court since they were nothing but made up fariey tales. My how Nancy pelosky can put on a show.. but I have to admit we are the ones that are not so bright. Because as they made up all these lies and kept our eyes gluedn and wondering what there going to do to the President next.
while they knew they had us busy that’s when that want to be Dr. (but dropped out of medical school ) was ready for his part in there sick game. Oh he has so much money he helps so many. No people, yes he has so much money but I hear some say he gives to charity alot? Well surprise! There his charities that he created so he gives nobody any money. And these vaccines that they say will be manditory. Of course and what’s gates say about that? His statement, as long as the vaccines go well we will depopulate quickly.
And there’s no way in hell these eleite people would vote for a man who couldn’t even remember the name of the pandemic the world is dealing with. So yep it’s rigged and we’re in huge trouble….even all u lefties, they got what they needed from u all so don’t expect any special attention. Now u jus
BM says
looks like you are too JACK!!!!!
John Brick says
Our faith in God is being tested as we wait with extreme anguish as we watch the Marxist Leftists try to fit their crowns on their evil heads and already plan to reverse all the good things Trump miraculously accomplished for our country, and they now gleefully renew their path for the Anti-Christ and our nation’s destruction. Jesus where ARE you??!! Show us the PROOF of all the massive voter fraud by the lying deceiving demons NOW PLEASE!! Don’t let this happen to your people and your Christian country!!!!!
Sick of It says
You’re speech was just as much drama as Trump. He was a rich spoiled child that could never keep his big boy pants on. He was always throwing temper tantrums and would loose control of himself. The same prayer that you say put him in took him out! Now isn’t that funny?
Oh says
I’m so glad you can spell smart pants
Mike Hawk says
All you republicans talk about is god the United States isn’t a Christian country
Tammie says
Agree 100%. People who dispute this use the same rhetoric time and time again ‘he’s racist, homophobe, liar’ blah blah blah….prove it! Oh wait, when they go to google it they get all of the same crap from the liberal main stream media and when they tune into CNN, all they get is more liberal options. CNN is simply an opinion show, they do not report real news or the truth….unless it fits their agenda. All libs and Dems wise every name in the book towards us, however if we were to say something (or vote) differently than them….we are also racist, homophobes….again, blah blah blah! President Trump has done more for our country than they will ever know because THEY CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH!
rmwhit says
What?! Donald Trump has been the instigator in EVERY dustup he was involved in. He acts like a dictator and attacks anyone who has a contrary opinion! Completely Un-American!!
AAC says
Obama was attacked by citizen Trump. He may not realize it now, but I would wager that some publisher is compiling every tweet he ever wrote, categorize them including all of the filthy language and personal attacks, all of the firings of personnel HE HIMSELF chose; and they will publish the sentiments from a large hosts REPUBLICANS who urged people NOT to vote for him. Someone will also make note of the negative books on him by Bolton, Cohen, and his own niece. None of these people were leftists Democrats. Then the judges HE placed in the Supreme Court have already rendered decisions against him. Kavanaugh and Roberts are NOT leftists Democrats. They are leaning toward upholding OBAMACARE. And, Trump will not likely run again in 2020 because he may be the first President sent to prison–sent by those judges in New York the HE chose. You can talk all you want to but your boy is a MESS! Who would want to be in his shoes? No wonder he can’t talk about losing. What is he going to say? You can emote all you want but your boy is getting whopped.
falcon says
usual republican retoric insults i get so sick of that, all you do is insult and smear the other party while claiming
to be the victim. Keep in mind i am no democrat im an independant, we shouldnt be the other side is the complete enemey work together. this country was built on working together not tearing each other down seperation of powers is very important prevents any one party from going to far, and i get this is not you but
you wonder why all media attacks trump he has basicly made them public enemy number 1 sence day one
that makes enemies just saying
Anonymous says
The media and corrupt swamp have came after this man before he stepped foot in white house.From every angle they fought him.Accused him.Can you imagine if they would have just worked with him some.No instead of doing there job.,What we pay them to do.They continued on there demonic attacks.We all know why thry fought him.They are all corrupt thieves and they knew this man said he would do what promised and look what he accomplished.The promise that scared all of them the most.Thry knew he would “Drain the Swamp”They would all be exposed for all the money laundering and trailtor politics.I hope thrle swamp is drained and they go from there palaces straight to prison where they belong.And the media should be ashamed.You watch this country turn into a shit hole like all the Dem ran cities.They lied and sold you all down the river while they continue to get filthy rich.You all get what you deserve.The worst part of it all.You voted in a man that is obviously not capable of doing the job.We all see it.So you sold your country down the road for a vote against Donald Trump not a vote for Biden.Pitiful.Some patriots you all are.Be sure and check Bidens tax returns ,He was so concerned over Trumps.Ask him how on his income and his fake ta. Returns did he go from broke and a second mortgage to owning multi million dollar properties.We all know how that happened to.Also ask him about his character.Its so outstanding.Do you think anybody believes that.He has no shame and they will throw him to the wolves as soon as they get rid of what they used him for.The strings of tne puppet will be cut.He will get what he deserves at that pointEverybody with a partial brain knows the laptop and everything in it is real.I love the fact its all coming out and when most of you that voted for him wake up from your kool -Aid drunk you will see what you voted in to run the USA.Things have a way of showing there face.I hope everyone involved in the whole scam pays the price.Ask Joe about his integrity that he always talks about.Oh im sorry The media was paid off and if not paid you didnt have the balls to stand up and do your job.You will all be looking for jobs anyway because you idiots were pawns also.I hope all of you are washing dishes to pay your way.Congrats America.You will go down as the biggest played idiots by the elites to use you all as pawns to accomplish there goals. You ask for it.You got it!
NoHellNo says
Anonymous says
And most of us sane Americans, unlike you cult members, have never able to accept a sexist, racial hating bigot who has no respect whatsoever for women, including his own daughter and his wife. A man who has gone bankrupt 5 times and has respect for the financial organizations that have stuck out their necks to save his ass.
conservative biker says
Well bankruptcy is a legal option most businesses have failed at least 1 chapter 11 reorganization. I am a professional woman married,children,very successful, very well educated. I don’t find Trump offensive in any way. What I do find offensive however is kamala Harris who rightfully attacked the molester Biden while they were running against each other for being what he is, a touchy, feely molester.In my mind that’s not really respecting women not to mention the little girls. And while we’re at it why don’t we talk about how much respect democrats in general have for women unless they’re not the right kind of women say one that is conservative or one that is young and impressionable and taken advantage of by a much older sophisticated commander in chief. That woman doesn’t deserve to be believed and is villified and Disrespected. No thank you. I was a active member of the Democrat cult. I finally got sick of the sick, mean, horrible people who hate babies and boo God.
Anonymous says
You got beat in the election in 2016 Russia
Helped you
(So lock him up ) he locked up children in a cage and had some country kill our USA soilders in Syria look him up Lock him up folks he’s mentally ill
LT says
Biden is a racist hating bigot, which is why I did not vote him. Now shut up and eat your Corn Pops.
LAH says
I don’t know if he’s a racist or just pandering to them but he has shown his sexism. To support someone who brags about grabbing women by the crotch and watching pageant contestants getting dressed and then complain about Biden is obvious hypocrisy that should be untenable to anyone who chooses to think rather than just do as they told.
Toni Barnett says
Really? You already have accepted one for the past 4 years. Remember the Audio tape? Grab them by the pussy! Yeah! That was your current President here and now. The Biden stuff has been made up by Republicans. And If you are a Christian please get down on your knees and pray for Forgiveness!!!! And Remember Trump said if he killed someone on 5th Avenue and you folks would still vote for him because as he said ya are just too dumb. Are you? Dumb that is? Read something that is down the middle of the news media.
Robert says
Keep fighting for Republicans to keep the Senate and for s GOP candidate to run in 2024. We can’t let AOC and Omar have their way! They want to shove progressive socialism down our throats! Biden will reverse everything Trump did and return us to an Obama-like state. The godless young people hate Trump with a passion because he is against equality, women’s rights, lgbtq rights. Well America, your day of reckoning is coming. God is still King of the Universe.
Robert says
It’s no longer Make America Great Again, it’s Make America Worse Again.
Anonymous says
Ok homophobe
Debra says
Come on most men are serial gropers and and I sure you could find some women as well
Come on says
Now tell me you think he is the only groper in politics hmm
Mj says
Hey anonymous, you just proved the Left’s point as to how ignorant you Trump supporters are. Look at what you wrote: misspellings, incorrect English, no spaces between sentences, no punctuation. Thanks for validating what we already knew about the ignorance of Trump supporters. Hey, how about this? You all talk about how government shouldn’t be in our lives. What is Trump doing? He had the nerve to demand they stop counting votes. Really? Is he now a dictator? Oh, I forgot, he always believed he was.
Kc says
Your just an asshole! An indoctrinated over educated yet dumber than owlshit asshole! You don’t have a clue what your talking about. Socialism has never worked! When you realize that you don’t get to be a member of the elite ruling class and you can’t find toilet paper, it will be too late!
Hillary and Obama and Biden and Pelosi says
we’ll get free toilet paper when we turn you into the reeducation camps.
Hope you like using your hands!
Chris G says
An asshole who cannot spell and is proud of his stupidity. “Over educated…blah,blah.” It’s just hilarious to watch the most uneducated in this country ‘slam’ others for their edumacation!! It’s like WE’RE DUMB AND PROUD OF IT.
Joe Biden has NEVER AND WILL NEVER be a communist. That’s just fantastical thinking. I’m personally shocked that 70= Million are so brainwashed, they actually believe the shit coming out of this mans mouth. The Whiner-In-Cheif is finished. Deal with it!!
rmwhit says
Wow, KC, such an erudite response! I assume you live in a trailer somewhere and are married to your sister… Typical Trump cult member!
Enjoy your insanity!
Anonymous says
wow conspiracy theorist much?
Michael Merrill says
Francis Bellamy (1855 – 1931) was the author of the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance and socialist Baptist minister who believed strongly in the separation of church and state.
Anonymous says
I am a true independent. Having said that, Biden supporters are far more ignorant. They were fooled into believing Biden represented peace and equality. Biden is a Dixiecrat. He wrote and supported some of the most blatant racially motivated polices in U.S. history. It’s all public record. The 1994 violent crime act isn’t even the worst example, which he wrote. His support of the 1986 and 1988 drug act should disqualify anyone running for president. Those acts were written and supported to incarcerate minorities. First time possession for crack was mandatory jail time, but not for powder. Five grams of crack got you a five year mandatory sentence, but it took five hundred or more grams of powder cocaine to get the five year mandatory sentence. Which ethnic groups do you think were more likely to use crack? So what is more ignorant, someone who misspells and doesn’t use correct punctuation, or someone who knows nothing about the candidate they support to govern them?
L. Gardner says
Honestly, this interests me. I grew up on 5th Ave. and we were all aware of President Trump ,he was not president then, but I don’t think any were too surprised he became the president. He was always this larger than life figure, surrounded by luxury, envied by most. I just might interject and say that his ideology and Biden’s history are very similar. I am not afraid to admit I did vote for him, but it was more of knowing that there would be someone in office that understood the upper class, and didn’t want to punish us for it.
Anonymous says
that all you got you turd
Lethl says
You and some of the others on here can hardly wait to throw a little hate and call names. You are SO CHILDISH!.
I don’t like Joe Biden, and I did not vote for him, but at least he is urging all of us to tone down the rhetoric. His words are totally lost on a lot of you here.
Vector Powers says
Perfect example of what the article talks about. Perfect.
Anonymous says
The left cheated and their evil will be shown to the world. They are anti American. They demonized Trump because he is a threat to their luxurious life style paid for by the American citizens. No need to vote anymore cause main stream media and dems already decided who will win. I read that Nancy Pelosi’s husband is in charge of the election software.
Chill Kootpass says
i read that you studiously circled ex-President Dump’s rectum with your tongue picking out and thoroughly relishing bits of peanut and corn along the way. Is it true? Because I don’t believe everything I read…
Anonymous says
Excuse me but if you are going to insult someone on grammar, please know that the standard is two spaces after a period or question mark. It is not that hard. Try it.
Greg says
Showing your age there. In the age of word processors, the two spaces after a period rule is no longer used Oh, and the age thing wasn’t an insult. I learned to type on a typewriter too. Peace! 🙂
God Sees All says
MJ, sir I must say you hit the nail on the head. You said what needed to be said, but so many blinded Trump supporters refuse to see that this man was the catalyst that divided this country. He made people comfortable with being openly racist, supported the racial hate groups and lacked empathy/remorse for those who lost loved ones to covid-19. How can one support a man who lacks compassion, empathy, integrity, equality for all, lack care for our troops/ veterans, human life, families and doing what’s right for Americans as a whole?
When people don’t see a problem with an issue it is because they are apart of the problem. They are supporting a man who lacks respect on all levels. He is a very sick individual, narcissistic, racist, a liar, a con artist, a fake, clueless and a CLOWN 🤡
You have to be a special kind of fool to support anyone that showed no remorse for those that died of covid-19, or from racism. I NEVER once heard him address either issue in a respectful or compassionate way. He ONLY cares for self and for those of you that LOVE his dirty drawers he could give two 🤬 about you.
I mean all of you must evidently share the same traits. Which means you must be racist, lack remorse for human lives, harbor HATE in your hearts for your fellow man, and just heartless. People never understand until they experience what is happening to others. Karma is is very real. You will definitely reap what you sow.
I will never follow, or praise no one, but God and Jesus! They are the head of my life. I do what’s pleasing in His sight. Because guess what this world we live in is simply a stage and we are all puppets; this place is temporary! This is not our home! I glorify no man, but God! So, my plan is to see His face while you all are praising and idolizing an ungodly man. He is a man that will LIE. We have all seen and heard him on tv. But God is not a man who will lie and most of you claim to love God and call yourselves Christians🙄
Matthew 7:3-5
3. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
4. Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?
5. Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.
P.S. Think before you spit your words out. Life and death is in the power of the tongue. Would you rather be judged by God, or a simple, imperfect man? Because WE all fail God daily! 😏😉
WOW! What a Bible Scholar?? You are picking and choosing what you believe in the bible! Take notice, the Bible is the inspired word of God which means no matter how popular killing babies is in our world today, its ALWAYS WRONG IN THE EYES OF OUR GOD! How can one call themselves a Christian and quote scripture and then vote for a politician who supports killing babies? Watch out for false prophets in these last days. Go back and read the bible, GOD SEES ALL! You will be held accountable for who you vote for. Go back and read the 10, not 9 commandments!!!!
Are you a Bible Scholar? NOT! Apparently you only read NINE of the TEN Commandments! What about Thy SHALL NOT KILL? Just like all liberals, you pick and choose according to what you want to believe. HOW can you quote scripture? You SHOULD be ashamed of yourself! BEWARE of FALSE PROPHETS in these LAST DAYS! A TRUE CHRISTIAN WILL NEVER SUPPORT A POLITICAL CANDIDATE THAT SUPPORTS TAKING A LIFE! EVERYONE will be HELD ACCOUNTABLE for every vote cast! HOW CAN YOU? OH MY GOSH! WOW! WHAT A SAD CASE! RE YOU JOKING? REALLY? BLESS YOUR HEART!
Cosmo says
The division happened well before Trump….try 8+ years. Not matter what you think, Obama did this. He ripped the band-aids off.
Shame on you for attributing this to Trump. You’re just wrong. It was here well before this.
If I had a son…please.
Connie says
I love you Prissy right fighters; people who worry about how someone spells and punctuation. I am dictating this so how the words are
spelled or the punctuation is, I don’t claim responsibility. Why don’t you worry about the subject at hand and stop being so smug and self-serving? You really need to do some research. I researched every single candidate prior to the election and I also researched every single spouse. I was surprised at what Iearned. By the way, when I said spouse this iPad wrote sprouts, the I corrected it, but there times I do not bother. Hope that meets with your approval. I am not writing the great American novel. This is the Internet.
brad jillespie says
Brilliant response Mj ! I’m guessing from your comment that you are a superior intellect, and hence the collective grouping together of Trump supporters as ignorant, because one person has bad spelling and some questionable grammar: what more could one ask for as evidence of a very intelligent person? And of course, Trump was a dictator — just because low IQ morons like yourself decide he is. Here’s a perfect example of how well thought out your comment, and your judgement is — the specious trope that Trump is a dictator. This is a common theme among leftwing idiots, without any proof whatsoever. Its just easy to say, and has impact, even though devoid of any intellectual substance. You are a perfect example of a leftwing moron.
BM says
to Mj, you are a complete idiot. you’ll see one day soon. will pray for you my friend.
Joel says
Oh sure, we’ll overlook the creeping (pun intended) dementia that corrupt joe Biden exhibits while China owns all the crackhead tapes.
Linda says
That’s funny whenever I read comments in any kind of forum it’s usually the Left that doesn’t know how to construct a sentence, use proper English, constantly swear, and doesn’t know how to use punctuation. Most of their comments come across like rabid dogs snarling and spewing saliva all over the place. You also talk about ignorance yet you don’t even know that the President is within his rights to request an injunction to have the vote count halted on those ballots that came in after Election Day. FYI. Democrats went into court before the election to try and get signature verification as well as postmarks eliminated on ballots.
Steven Everett says
The left came after Trump because he entered the White House with a background of corruption (Trump University, the Atlantic City casinos debacle) and the hateful things he says about women, African Americans and others, all heard live and caught on tape. This man declares bankruptcy to get out of paying his bills and continues to live an uber-rich lifestyle. This is not “fake news” but a matter of public record BEFORE he ever announced running for office. He has a history. He’s not edgy, he’s not “real”, and he’s not an outsider: he’s corrupt. His actions as president have proven that. You keeps you off his scent by accusing everyone around him of doing what he’s been doing. The right doesn’t want to hear it so they plug their ears and go “LA LA LA LA LA – – Fake News!’ There are problems on the left but we can’t even begin to address them or take you seriously until you stop chasing the false threats he keeps throwing at you. Instead, you display the traits of cultists, believing whatever your cult leaders feed you and your opinions can’t be trusted.
Vector Powers says
Just out of curiosity, what did he say about “African Americans”?
Anonymous says
I attempt to find these “on record racist/sexist remarks”, but can’t. ?? There are many things trump has said that are insensitive to special interest groups, but not overtly racist or beyond egotistical, locker room-like, macho talk (allegations of sexist remarks). I just can’t find the proof that millions of leftists are pointing to. -likewise I don’t see the proof that Biden is hair-sniffing groper. -just lots of well angled/timed pics. I will continue to judge both sides of the horrible, biased media coverage and cast my vote accordingly. Hopefully others do the same.
mr fixit says
This is absolutely fabricated. Trump never declared bankruptcy, he declared Chap 11, which is restructuring. One of which involved Atlantic City in which ALL the hotels declared Chap 11 bankruptcy protection because the entire of Atlantic City has lost revenues due to casinos being built in NYC and no one wants to travel so far anymore. The place is a total ghost town. So dishonest to single out Trump. Bankruptcy protection is NOT bankruptcy, it is restructuring debts to prevent bankruptcy. Meanwhile all of other Trumps properties are known to be the elite of Hotels and are doing just fine and they are very profitable for over two decades. You fail to mention the horrible CEOs and managers who actually Chap 7 bankrupted publicly traded companies that work on the LEFT, as well as all of the investors who operate with their Democratic cronies to fleece working people and replace Americans with H1B indian workers. Those guys are OK yea?
mr fixit says
And your idiot leaders commit fraud and censor the entire internet through crony and monopolistic practices. Did anyone ever notice that 5 of the mainstream media outlets are billionaire oligarchs, who just incidentally have a personal rift with Trump. That scumbag Bezos who pays his workers $7 in a pandemic and is bankrupting the post office is so busy using his Washington Post to spew anti-Trump rants on a 24×7 basis just because he doesnt want his Amazon postage pricing to go up and to curry favor with Washington. Just remember it was the scumbags on the left that are corrupting the DC establishment with their oligarchic corporatist collusion. I will let you mull over the fact that the Democrats also cheated Bernie Sanders TWICE! And while you clueless morons pine over some minor BS crap that Trump has done, your putz savior Biden is making speeches about healing the nation meanwhile he never once mentioned UBI, Free Medicare for All during a pandemic, and cancelling rent. Enjoy your crappy new President, dont call me when everyone is evicted on the street. Oh wait Biden already evicted millions in 2009 into the street, and with no stimulus checks to boot. Hurray you won!
Joel says
Boo hoo hoo. Poor Stevie baby.
Julie says
Frank says
I’ll second that. The Republicans have closed their eye,, ears and brain to this evil, wanna be, Dictator.
Former protester says
I wish I could say as a former life long Democrat That you will get what you deserve because socialism does not work if you can give me an example I would be ever so grateful to see it. I have 2 sisters that are still drinking the Kool aid otherwise intelligent women and they are so hateful and so full of anger all the time. Its sad.
Anonymous says
name one thing he did that reminds you of a dictator?
Cookinglady says
Omg. Right on! I’m waiting for the taxes to hit, for the freebies they think they get, for China to make minced meat out of that old bastard. Harris is sitting on the side just waiting for this greedy fool to die with the brotherhood Muslim association right behind Harris with the money and agenda of their own. Senate won’t let her or that squad get very far at all. Wait till the economy breaks due to their complete mishandling of covid. And the same old crap from MSM And Google , Facebook and Twitter. Watch out folks. Gates coming after you all with his progressive new vaccines. Mandatory if he gets his way. Check out his interests in vaccinations around the world and his idea of a perfect world with far far far less of us in it. If they push their NWO even more on you you’ll see your money gone into government controlled cards. No more cash. You’ll be traced even more. What a brave you Marxist world with Agenda this Agenda that. Research it. Progressive, sustainable, eco friendly. You’ve been sold a Bill of horse poop. And you’re intelligence agencies now are all so corrupt so filthy they only serve to protect the swamp. Murders, lies , money laundering via foundations like the CLINTON or Biden are just fronts. And you eat up the lies every hour every day and now you have a fixed election, you know it The works knows it and the swamp is protected. Obamas, Clinton’s, Now Bidens and many in Congress. All protected. Can’t touch them. That’s why they hate Trump. He’s not bought. Not obligated to anyone and he loves this country and for that he must be removed . I hope you all payed attention because you had the last 4 years of a great economy for everyone. It won’t come again. They will screw it all up again but this time I don’t think we can pull ourselves out again. Not until the people take back their country ,their rights , and become far far less apathetic and lazy. When I think of all that died that we might have real freedom unlike anything any peoples have ever had in all of human history and a bunch of idiots threw it away for food stamps or whatever they promised you. . You deserve all you’re about to suffer. Get your moral compasses back or expect to live in a very controlled world. You gave away your power. For hates sake. How stupid can you get. I would rather have a unpolished man than a snake for a leader. Good luck to you all. It’s you’re time , you’re responsibility. My generation paid and meet theirs. He tried to warn you. Remember that. He tried.
Anonymous says
You are exactly right! Anything for free comes with a huge price tag! I knew there were ignorant stupid people but the magnitude is beyond anything I could imagine! The amount of corruption exposed and just stupidity from coast to coast!!!!
Want answer says
I don’t understand how Democrat’s think they are going to pay for what they talk about. I cannot get a clear answer.
EMILY says
Did your mama ever tell you “It is better to keep your mouth shut and let everyone think you are stupid, than to open it and leave no doubt”? She should have and your Daddy should have told you to find out the facts, not what people like Trump and his stupid fans say. Cookinglady take some critical thinking classes .Wise up!
Vector Powers says
Maybe you should take less school and get a job.
Tell It Like It Is says
Omg, Emily thank you for telling it like it is. You deserve a standing ovation. Some people don’t realize that loose lips sink ships. Trumps mouth is not shaped like a Bible. Heck, he couldn’t even hold it correctly (lmao). I am so glad that we serve an all seeing God.
“To bankrupt a fool, give him information.” I must say you did exactly that! Fools allow their loyal to make a fool of them. They need to remember this!
⭐️Matthew 7:3-5
3. Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4. How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5. You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.
Kay says
Great post, Cookinglady! It was spot-on!
Former zombie says
YOU NAILED IT. Unfortunately liberals will NEVER admit to the truth. I’m sad for our country. I was once a born Democrat. My entire family is. I finally stopped blindly following the matching orders from the left. Now I am truly free and happy. Mr Trump is a true Patriot.
Chris G says
A lot of rambling accusations, no links to prove any of it. “Socialism”. That’s laughable. The richest 59 people in America have assets equaling $35 TRILLION FUCKING DOLLARS! The bottom 160 Million have assets equaling under $3 Trillion. So who are the Socialists again? The corporate elites (including Commander Chaos) have rigged and used the tax laws to rob the entire country blind for the past 50 years, and nitwits like you are bitching about people who need food stamps to survive. The brainwashing that started BEFORE most here were born, is complete. Fully half the country would rather believe a lie, than face the truth.
John says
Your kidding right? You would toss the country in the garbage so you can suck somebody’s thing? Trump is rude and sarcastic but he does what he said he would do and has helped us become energy independent. I remember 1973 and the gas lines and being dependent on the middle east for oil. Oil is used not just for cars n trucks but a whole array of products like medicine, plastics, solvents, heat etc etc California can’t make enough electricity to power the AC during summer now add 20 million electric cars that need 220 to 440 volts to charge with thousands of Watts each. A honda gen. Doesn’t produce enough power to charge your car as you cannot get more energy than you put in. Your in fantasy land! Wait till you have the technology before you put us back in the dark ages
Mike says
We really are doomed when there’s actual people who think like you. Literally everything you said is backwards. I can’t fathom how anyone can believe a single thing out of trumps mouth, yet alone millions of people. He is such an extreme obvious fake, yet here you are echoing his lies as fact. He uses projection with every single thing he does, This means he projects onto his perceived enemies all the things he’s doing. His followers, especially the ones like cooking lady, are the real problem because without his mindless supporters he’’d have no power. You and your ilk will not stop until we all have no Constitution left. How can you all be so incredibly blind?????
joblow says
Agree 100%! They scream cheating and all the other nasty filthy crap that come from they’re nasty pie holes when they have not one ballot or one single piece of voter fraud! Now, let’s turn the tables! All you see are people on the left burning President Trump’s ballots, thousands of ballots mysteriously showing up over night when we all went to bed pulling dirty Demon-c-Rats closer and closer when the President was up by 100s of thousands of votes! No nothing to see here folks, just go on now and bury your heads in the sand we got this! How many states have shown thousands of ballots from dead people, cats dogs, and even people voting 20 30 times, NONE of these are votes for the President though, all are for these stupid corrupt lying disgusting disgraceful Demon-c-Rats! And the MSM backs it all up with their sorry disgusting disgraceful disinformation! They always accuse everyone who disagrees with them of the EXACT same sorry ass things THEIR actually doing!! They’ve been doing this now for decades! To think I used to be a member of one of these sellouts still hurts me to this day! I’m and independent and I AM fully AWAKE… and to be honest, millions of people who also USED to be Democrats also left the party, the only ones that’s left are the Lying MSM, Helly-Wood actors (not all), people still asleep, and the worse of the bunch, people who sold out to George Soros money like BLM and Antifa, that’s all they have left and that’s why they CHEAT and LIE and use their Satanic MSM’s disinformation which needs to be and should be destroyed and never allowed to be on the airways because they are the biggest problem not only for REAL American people, but the world! Our forefathers (God rest their souls) LEFT the corrupt EU to get away from these control FREAKS, fought many battles and wars so WE could remain FREE from their tyrannical rule of Satanists., ONLY to be followed. Now we as sons of our great forefathers have to either stop these ass-holes NOW, or we will fall to them sooner not later especially if we just lay down for this sham of an election! Let me tell you just how corrupt they’ve become and the hate they have for President Trump and see if you too have noticed this! When trying to type anything on any comment forums or social media, every time when I type President it always brings up the next word that you use the most when you type that word. Now I have rarely ever typed the last so-called presidents name because of the traitor and liar he was. On the other hand, I’ve typed “President Trump” thousands of times, thousand’s! Yet every time I type President it ALWAYS pulls up the next word as that “lying monkey man sorry excuse for a human, well, you know who he is” but it will never pull up our President TRUMP, knowing good and well that’s almost going to be 100% the name that I’m going to type next, but they won’t ever pull it up!! Now how much of a Nazi do you have to be, to be that damn disgusting and basically, jealous of a REAL MAN like PRESIDENT Trump! Try it for yourselves and see if it’s just me or are these people (if we can even call them people) this damn petty! If the Real numbers of the election were to be known (and I don’t think they will) I’d bet PRESIDENT Trump would win 5 to 1 easy! We have got to stop these Dems from their evil ways and preferably thrown OUT of the country along with their MSM and George Soros sellots with them never to be allowed back here, but then they’d just cause more and more trouble from afar. So, what do we do with these traitors to our Republic? Lock em up Guatamala, for life with an allowance of one thousand dollars a year for food and crap? Because a US prison is just too good for these people and a public hanging would also be to easy IMO, so, what do we do to fix this once and for all? Anything other than these people out and never allowed back is no fix and no choice, and anything but death and or prison would ever be adequate! Just think, what would our forefathers do? I think we know what they’d do back in the day of our first president. What about back in 1850, or 1900, or 1950?
Linda says
No Proof, just more lies from the filthy Trump liars.
Kay says
They’re finding proof. Actually, just the actions of some of these poll workers and the fact that in PA they ignored the laws on the books by not allowing republican poll watchers to be there and allowing 3 extra days for ballots shows there were some shady dealings going on. It’s kind of pathetic and disgusting to call 70 plus million people filthy liars, but the left seems so blinded by hate. Sad.
Joel says
I know you are, but what am I?
Anonymous says
Do some research on the history of the National Socialist (Nazi) Party which many of our parents and grandparents fought & died to defeat. The Nazi’s weren’t left but RIGHT wing you uneducated internet conspiracy reading idiot, Trump has more in common with Hitler than the great Abraham Lincoln. Lest us compare: 1. Holds rallies to bolster his faithful followers. 2. Has his own private stormtroopers (Proud Boys, etc. 3. Like Hitler attacked the media from day one to sow mistrust. 4. Has his own personal propaganda network. 5. Demonized his opponents or those who disagree with his views. 6. Hitler blamed the Jews & Trump blamed the Hispanics. Etc. & so on…Please spare me any comparisons of the left to Nazi’s when it looks more like the right.
Joel says
You hide behind anonymous because nothing but feces spews forth every time you open your mouth to defend the indefensible left.
Mije says
trump is the scum of the earth, and your inability to see that is dangerous. You and your ilk are true scum, supporting such an obvious fake. How convenient to call all his lies fake news.
Anonymous says
Wow… I got to say I read the whole thing. A bit wordy but I think you hit most everything. Except the fact that you resize you just voted kamala Harris as the president of the untied states. Count your blessings if Biden even makes it to inauguration.
Maggie says
Well said! The fight is not over yet. I still have faith in Trump that he will win the case in court. It’s so obvious there’s election fraud.
Sandra says
If you had followed each state and how they chose to count it would be obvious. Ballots counted first generally were Democrat as Mr Trump discouraged Republicans from mailing. He had this whole FRAUD thing he was orchestrating and couldn’t afford missteps. The country is split, the Democrats are using their voice for change. Both Bush and Romney clearly said the election was not fraudulent. Accept democracy and free speech. The conspiracy theory is unattractive. Accept reality, after all, half the country had to suffer insults and embarrassments by our leadership. CHANGE is a force of DEMOCRACY.
Frank says
No election fraud, just more lies Trump and his moron friends has spread. Like Obama was from Kenya, he didn’t have sex with a porn star or a playboy bunny, he had bone spurs, he said he didn’t cheat TU students ,that’s just a few of the thousands of lies he has told. He took health care away from his own great nephew after he had screwed his Dad out of Billions, that he lost with all his great so called business deals. Sexually harassed at least 20 women. , said grab them by the you know what ,,a person could forgive a teenage for making such a stupid remark because of ignorance and youth, but a 59 year old man? No way. He is a racist, a liar,, a thief, a woman hater, a lover of Putin and Kim ;:also Saudi Arabi. If you remember correctly, he never said a thing to Putin when Putin let people kill our own men and women in the service for money .Yep Trump let Saudi Arabi chop an American to pieces and never said a word, he is Buddy buddy with Saudi Arabi and seems to forget Saudi Arabi sent 16 of the 19 people who took down the Towers How can any person uphold such a vicious, evil ,hate filled, bullying, spoiled, lying ,piece of crap. Don’t you have any decency? No you don’t , you are just a bunch of Joe McCarty (AKA Trump) liars, you are the Devil’s own!
Joel says
I know you are but what am I? Stick it, feces brain.
Anonymous says
Amen to that!!!!
Anonymous says
Than ypu
gary bailey says
well said, thousands of american soldiers who are turning over in their graves can rest now that some truth is recognized by at least 1 american
Anonymous says
I dont thank you could have made it eney planer except their gona make it so we wont be able to pray to our lord jesus without being prosecuted look at CHNIA that’s were we will be very shorty!!
rmwhit says
Wow, you are not only illiterate, but you have no concept of reality!!
Joe Biden prays, for REAL, unlike the Orange Fart in the Whitehouse.
What a sad comment on our country that you are reproducing more of your kind.
Joel says
Gotta call bs on corrupt joe Biden having any interest in spiritual matters.
Anonymous says
I know that this election was not fair. The mail in vote decided it and there was not proper security. I don’t think a recount but a revote in Arizona Nevada Michigan Pennsylvania Georgia and Wisconsin will make a difference. You don’t see people burning Trump votes and miraculously finding 138000 Biden votes and not think”hmm there’s something wrong here “ I believe in the US and am glad I live here but I am finding it more and more difficult to believe the media and our politians. The media is so one-sided it sickens me and now we have a government that is going to kill so many more babies cater to gays lesbians and illegal immigrants. So I’m a white heterosexual female and steadily becoming a minority. Im just so disappointed that this has been chosen for us we will be just fine because I really do believe In God We Trust. That’s what this nation was founded on and it still stands.
The Economy is tanked. says
Since were 27 trillion dollars in debt right now there will be a recession.
Trump was not a decent person he offended disabled people, Native Americans, Latinos, LGBTQ, African Americans, Asians, Nurses, Military, Muslims, Indians, Women and much more. You can just make the country good for the ones you want it to be good for. I has to be for everyone that is here.
Joel says
Gotta call you on your bs. We’ve put up with your TDS for 4 years. Let’s see corrupt joe Biden and willie browns side piece catch covid and keep on truckin’.
ExtinguishSelfishAmericans says
Look, neither Joe Biden and Donald trump can fix the real problem in this country. We need to exterminate the willfully ignorant, obese, moronic. Selfish, entitled, needy, inattentive and generally worthless Americans that make me ashamed to admit I grew up loving this country..
Doreen says
WOW, I am stunned by how much hatred you have !!!!
Did Trump teach you to do that ? It’s interesting that you say we will go down as the biggest played idiots. Why don’t you Google :. WHAT THE WORLD THINKS OF DONALD TRUMP
TRY REALLY HARD TO NOT READ IT FROM A HATEFUL PERSON BUT FROM MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS,although you probably hate them also. Take a breath, be calm,bits all going to be ok.
Jimmy Hugemuff says
Is there a party of morons? If so I believe we found it’s leader. Cry baby.
Clarence E Williams says
Biden is an idiot and therefore anyone who voted for him must have a very low IQ also.
Tt says
Why was all this covered up why in Wisconsin pallet thousands of ballots, why is it all I want to just throw out balance without somebody requesting it people have moved away the people of gone you’re talking about doing for years ago Indian people die over 500,000 between is a diseases how many people have died Old age District 567-2530 2927 I have over 100% average is 62% in Wisconsin Everybody is leaving also I know of for families stealing an election why isn’t you’re a congresswoman In jail, AOC all these corrupt dark money Soros bought and sold Joe Biden and Kamala Harris names in the holy books mean evil Donald John Trump means From Gd
Anonymous says
What’s your stance on the people who can’t afford to sit on toilets in trump tower.? You all forget that if not for rallies, you wouldn’t get close to Trump. I say the world in general is dumber. No president is for us. It’s all a bunch of rich guys, the rich, prep school, silver spoon…..I don’t think he’s racist one bit, but I sure do think he sits on a gold toilet and was always surrounded by the Buffy’s and Ivana’s, not the Jim Bob’s and Tammy’s for a reason “ poor people are gross” as Paris Hilton would say.
Sandra Starr says
Biden’s supporters are theirs , losers , illegals, want something for nothing when another man earned it, drug cartels, looters , burns the American flag, hates America and can’t stand the thought of a white man to b the leader . but it’s our Country our stupid betrayal government allowed the total disrespect after we have been the brains and prosperous ones to have a successful Country… Whites are hated and cant even b proud of our race and heritage or we are racist or somehow owe people our success…. Trump won ,, the only way Biden could have ever won even a prize out of a cracker jack box would b by Racist left anarchists…. Biden for our leader and Commander & Chief .. O m g That is frightening.. U type are ate up with thinking you may get what don’t belong to you.. However you can get it by bully or fear but y’all lack common sense when a Country is in the state of division with NO return..Things like this occurs and dumb greedy wanna b people don’t realize war comes from other Countries and This one will b bombed for the first time in THE history of now a disgraceful Country we will b attacked in our own home and land with devastation like has never been experienced before. We are weak and devided. All of Trump’s voters are leaving this Country and taking our money with us… In the making and y’all will b takin over by another country… So who will u cry about then .. What race card will u pull?? This is my wish and Theory. And I can have my opinion n beliefs ,, oh wait a minute no we can’t only people of color can .. In our own Country we can’t do nothing without vultures blaming us for being nice enuff to allow others to EVER come here to begin with and really the most idiotic thing ever.. Hate America but yet here yall are… And we white original Americans are hated can’t have our history in schools have to give everything you believe in respect and take all our future since America has been heritage n history is out of our schools.. Our children won’t learn nothing but how we are hated because of racist. It’s okay for Black news channel or black history or yadda yadda but we cant have no just white nothing or we are racist… .. No but we love our race just as much as blacks Brown’s yellow… Yes deep love like the rioters for their people.. So this Country doesn’t Stand anymore it
Will fall… I want no part of a place which was our nice very successful home,,, I want n hope for a miracle soon for a new Spot soon and away from the evil hate of this sad way we have been forced out of or came to what we go through in unsafe America it’s disgusting , vile and a disgrace… Nor would nobody b proud to die anymore to defend ths country … For Biden supporters NO… Heck so disrespectful and dumb most won’t even do stand for the national anthem for those who have died for you to b here right now n b free . they kneel. So good luck to y’all..
Truth Teller says
Typical mindless Trump stooge..absurd ludicrous pathetic desperate fear mongering… .looking like this country would be better off with those supposed illegals than you red neck hillbilly backwards low IQ meth heads..I spent 20 years in Military Intelligence you naive idiots…its the RUSSIAN KGB who is putting out all this disinformation and plants with peaceful protesters to start isn’t them who terrorized..its Trump, loser militias and corrupt bullying racist cops…How bout Trump grabs your mother, wife + daughter between their legs…you SAD excuses for citizens likely would do nothing..YOU all have no dignity, shame or integrity…you ‘ll pay maybe $15,000 a year in taxes..but your puppet master basically none…WHAT FOOLS..he LAUGHS AT YOU suckers
Kay says
How about Biden being accused of sexual assault by Democrat Tara Reade and Kamala Harris said she believed her. But I’m sure you’re okay with that.
Doreen says
I think I love you !!
That was amazing
MJ says
See comment from me to “anonymous” above. Ignorant much? Learn how to write. The word “be” actually has an e after the b. And Democrats are the dumb ones? Get an education.
Jesus Rico says
Make sure to send a post card from where ever country you move to.
Evariel says
Why is it that anyone with a smart IQ would believe all the lies and drivel that has constantly flowed out of Trump’s mouth like venom? To set it right, The Trump supporters (Republicans from another state) came to a Republican show of support in Portland OR and shot another Republican supporter. The only demon display I saw was from Republicans who do not obey the commandments like Thou shall not murder, and Thou shall not give false witness against thy neighbor.. As for me and my house, We worship the Lord and cannot condone the law-breaking Republicans who have many skeletons in their closets and do not sound in any way shape or form “Christian” I hate hypocrites.
Democrats are no angels, but they were not looting and injuring protesters…Republicans were.. You can’t miss it in pics of the violence when Trump was all over their hats, faces, clothes etc. Try getting your facts straight. And if these folks are going to Mexico, that proves you do not love this country as much as the rest of us who had to vote outside of our party to help remove a career criminal from the Presidency. Trump cheated to get out of a military draft. Biden and his supporters love this country more than life itself . He and his family are proud military men who served the country to keep us free. They love God and go to worship every week while Trump plays golf.
I suggest, you remove the log out of your eye before you start on the splinter in another person’s eye. What Trump did to our country will take time to heal. He was on the brink of destroying the world’s global economy while isolating us and ignoring our century old promises to help our allies which he was leaving out to dry.. He was hoping to create another world war only this time it would be the world nations against us. How patriotic is that?
I am Green party and am really sick of both leading parties. It’s time for more parties to enter the arena.
Kay says
You’re insane and ridiculous post accusing Trump supporters of all the mayhem and murder is the most ludicrous thing I’ve read in a long time. The mob in the streets looting, burning, rioting and killing were the Biden supporters. You have the nerve to call Trump a criminal, another ridiculous claim, yet you apparently are perfectly fine with the the fact that Biden was corrupt and used his VP office to enrich himself to the tune of millions! What kind of stuff are you smoking? It has seriously deluded your brain!
Doreen says
So let me get this straight, you believe that Joe Biden got Millions with his son Hunter, because Donald Trump did so. That is absolutely False. You seem like you would be intelligent enough to look up Fact Check. After that why don’t you Check with the legal Departments and see how many lawsuit’s the Donald has pending. Joe Biden is a gentle soul. You will never hear him calling you names.
Anonymous says
I could not agree with you more.
Believer in God not man says
Ediots for Biden brainwashed you take God out of the equation and you are what you have you are brain dead do homework sorry you are not capable of that you are a a grain of sand drifting in a sea lies have no common sense you will reap what you sow. Check it out you are being deceived by the left poor things.
Peter Mulcahy says
Doreen, you’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier.. That’s what GENTLEMAN Joe called one of his supporters at his rally. He’s a strange man.
Clarence E Williams says
The Democratic party believes that we need to redistribute the wealth. People like Amazons Jeff Bezos, Microsofts Bill Gates, Apples founder, etc. They are all super rich people and they support the Democratic party. Do you really believe that they want to redistribute the wealth? If you do then you must be a naive moron. Get real these people don’t want to help anyone but themselves.
Paul Beau says
The grammatical mess that you’ve dumped here, puts your stupidity on stark display, as well as invalidates anything you might offer as an opinion.
anonymous says
You can dish it out (relentlessly for years) but you can’t take it. Crybaby. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black… oops I meant to say talk about the sheet calling the pillowcase white…excuse me…
Clarence E Williams says
Biden supporters and those who voted for him remind me of the Jonestown cult when Jim Jones their leader told them to drink the kool aid and they did. Voting for Biden is just like you agreeing to drink the kool aid and screw up your life.
Clarence E Williams says
The Democratic party needs to be renamed the Communist party because that is where it is headed
Laura T. says
Learn how to spell and use correct grammar….
Kurt Eduard says
I do not feel very good about looking into my little new businesses future of 4 years with Biden / Democrats with the steering wheels as they cannot make any wheel spinning but only add weird public spendings and raise taxes.
However, I shall be the first to agree that Mr. President Trump never should have had access to a Twitter Account, but try to be in his place with a whole armada of Democrat politicians and their armada of lying Media yelling and screaming their lies out even from before Mr. Trump was elected as President instead of seeking a joint political agenda with the Republicans there would have benefitted our country and made us all proud of being Americans under the Stars and Stribes!
I think Democrats should feel very ashamed by their behavior doing Mr. Trump’s Presidency of our country, deeply ashamed!
Now I will like anyone when reading the following facts to think if a future Democratic Mr. Biden President of the United States of America will be able show same employment results as Mr. President Trump just did before USA got infected by a new type of deadly Virus from China:
In 2019 the national unemployment rate declined by 0.3 percentage point over the year, to 3.5 percent in the fourth quarter of 2019. Although the decrease in the number of unemployed people was relatively small by historical standards, the jobless rate fell to its lowest level since 1969, when it was 3.4 percent.
Please note that this happened despite Democratic politicians making all kinds of political obstructions and screaming out in their media’s that Mr. President Trump
Was a bad President for USA?
Was he really?
I see these numbers and I think Mr. President Trump did the best for the people and the Country……he gave us new business opertunities and work!
Imagine how good good we would had been doing if we didn’t got infected by Covid 19….
But now you have it, Democrats, stop lying about everything and do not start giving our businesses that we were able to make the last four years back to China for a couple of airplanes they newer buy anyways, (Clinton) or other parts of the world, again.
PLEASE for the love of God, the people and the County do not screw it up again!
Haley says
Everybody relax sit back apparently this is God’s plan and we’re about to get schooled and maybe after we are forced to live through the consequences of y’all’s actions and ignorance.
This traitor to our country is supposed to stand up for us and unite us after four years of making it their main mission in life to divide this country. They don’t give two shits about us they don’t give two shits about you. All these people care about are themselves. They have blatantly broke laws done corrupt things right out in the open and nothing is done to them but God forbid if anybody in the Trump family were to do any of the stuff these Corrupt politicians have gotten away with doing they would have been all over it but instead they had to make lies up because they couldn’t find anything bad enough that the Trump family has done nowhere near as bad as the stuff they’ve done themselves. so they just lie and keep repeating themselves over and over and over until these morons believe what they are hearing. They accuse them of everything that they are actually doing it’s so freaking obvious.
Well we shall see I have a feeling that we’re about to be given a little lesson to show us we actually had a good thing going until the race baiting, corrupt, greedy, power hungry, traitorous Democrats slithered their way back into the White House. The man can’t even put two sentences together come on. Welcome to 4 years of hell because I guarantee you it’s going to be. Karma is a B. Peace out.
Jim says
We shouldn’t Eh ! For 4 years dems have been tearing this country apart … what’s changed ? Why is their mantra to come together now ? Am I missing something ?
Rick says
Actually you are the one hurling insults. That what liberals do when they can’t debate the merits of an argument. Demonization is the standard tact for democrats when they are losing the argument on facts. Stealing elections thru fraud is their other method when losing an election.
Anonymous says
At the very least use spellcheck so your ignorance will not shine through at first glance.
Kay says
The Grammar police!
Scott Hrdlicka says
Just to let all you dummy’s know corporations font pay taxes people do .Biden says he wants to raise taxes , this is my real time response , I own rental property , 75 percent of my. Tenants are minorities all my rents r now going to be raised on average $100 per month which will net me a extra $72,000 per year I am also going to tighten my restrictions on who I rent to. When the leader of our great country says how bad all the white peoples are it pisses us off and it will definitely cause us to hold any people we have business relation ships with feet to the fire . For some reason most minorities would rather pay the rent late and assume they won’t get a late fee and for the past 25 years I was okay with that , that policy is also changing .from now on late fees will be charged at a rate of $25 per day . I could go on and on but I won’t . I will leave you with one more thought , black is beautiful tan is grand but white is the color of the big boss man and whitey is no longer doing any good deeds for anybody .
Dee says
And this justifies lying and. censoring by the media, keeping half the country dumb and stupid for 4 years?
Ethel says
You are no independent. You skirt the facts and mismatch the truth with fiction. Leftist and Dems are attributed with whining and name calling. The right is too busy working to pay for the free crap offered up by the left to stay in power. Further, Trump did not draw first blood with the media. He propagated it to his advantage for sure but also gave them plenty of opportunity to work with him.
Kerry Brown says
Kathy Cobb,
You are exactly correct.
By the way, right wingers, Biden is not even close to being a leftist or a socialist of any sort, he’s an ordinary middle of the road Democrat.
No American progressives are actual ‘leftists’. An actual leftist couldn’t even be elected dogcatcher in this country.
Not that there’s anything wrong with being a Democratic Socialist or a Socialist Democrat like Bernie Sanders. Nothing wrong with being a so-called leftist either.
The right wing American conservative’s fear of ‘socialism’ is just plain silly. Social Security is socialism. Ours is the only advanced country in the world which does not provide free health care.
Most other advanced countries also provide free primary and secondary education, including college and grad school.
Most other advanced countries provide maternity leave and child care.
Most other countries make sure retired and disabled citizens are provided for.
Rx meds in other countries are not priced sky high, in fact most mads are provided free of charge in most advanced countries.
Federal and state welfare programs that include cash assistance, healthcare and medical provisions, food assistance, housing subsidies, energy and utilities subsidies, education and childcare assistance, and subsidies and assistance for other basic services. are government ‘socialist’ programs. Similar social welfare benefits are sometimes provided by the private sector either through policy mandates or on a voluntary basis. Employer-sponsored health insurance is an example of this.
Farm subsidies are socialism.
I could go on and on.
Thank the imaginary sky god that Trump lost the election. Biden is no prize and neither is Kamala but they are infinitely better than Trump.
(I am a Bernie bro but the DNC made sure to sideline that so-called commie, who’s not even close to being a commie or a marxist or whatever else the right wing dummies can dream up.)
Tose says
Then, leave to those perfect countries you mentioned!
Sban says
What years did you serve under? You know so much…. What the hell did you protect…? Give us DD214 info…
You can not…. And will not be treated as a true PATRIOT…
So what the fuck have you done in your life?????
Truth Teller says
Hey freaking and your cry babies who are now saying ‘Biden isn’t my president’ leave.. We d be so better off without you ‘ya hoos’..should I as a 17 year volunteer for Army during Vietnam who gets government VA benefits + voted for Biden..also leave… stooge fool of the traitor who maniac malignant narcissisttic sociopath..who likely never severed just like your idle draft dodging silver spoon punk
GOD says
What a sad lost excuse for an American. Why don’t you go live in a real 3rd world country. And cry over there. God have a special place for you. Pack your bag kerry it’s gonna be a long scary trip with biden at the wheel.
Truth Teller says
God!? LMAO .. Typical Traitor Trump butt kissing brain dead stooge…think God on your side..really? Wife cheating ..hirer if hookers…insults tortured vets and handicap innocent people…you , him + your kind are so delusional..God already got you all’s one way ticket to hell
Kay says
He never insulted handicapped people. That was debunked! Nor did he insult vets. That was fake news Nor is he a traitor. You crazy leftists are sounding angry and insane more than normal. What happened to that unity speech we recently heard? Yeh, democrats didn’t give Trump one ounce of unity but now all of a sudden, we’re supposed to all come together and under the cloud of a fraudulent and stolen election. What a joke! PS: it is none of your business about Trump’s personal love life but apparently Biden was having an affair with his current wife while she was still married. So, enough of your holier-than-thou attitude. Maybe look in the mirror at your own flaws, because sounds like you’re pretty darn judgmental!
Joel says
And there you are, holding the door open…
Rose says
Corruption is a problem in socialism or conservatism. We do not live in a perfect world time has proven socialism fails when greedy men and women lead nations, in our own democracy we have been able to have checks and balances to defeat corruption, it appears that we are loosing the ability to protect those checks and balances .the fall of the greatest nation in the world will only bring disaster globally . No need to worry about climate change . There will be bigger problems to worry about .
Evariel says
Thank you for that. I agree with you, Rose. We have a large uphill climb from the bottom where Trump put us. And climate change can take care of itself if we remain vigilant of our rights and responsibilities to God, family and country. As our economy improves, so will the worlds.
Joel says
If you think Trump has put us at the bottom of anything, you obviously have nothing to contribute and need to sit back down and be quiet.
Truth Teller says
Glad not all Americans like you and I aren’t Trump stooges and who Adolf Hitler described when accurately stating. “The Achilles Heel Of Democracy Is Ignorant People Get To Vote”..sorry Trump fools, Achilles Heel is an acronym for ‘weakness’..sorry I need an acronym for acronym for you ya hoos
Mk says
I lived in those countries Australia and South Korea. Do you even know how much tax you have to pay???????
You should appreciate what you have here.
Anonymous says
6000 votes in one county in Michigan switched to Biden votes. Faulty software is to blame- yet the same technology was used in 30 states!! Even if the votes are corrected and Trump doesn’t win- doesn’t the fact that there are so many mistakes and illegalities( votes showing up in the middle of the night all for Biden) plead for a recount or re-vote? Cmon libs. You are all so soft. Grow a spine you bunch of fucking pussies. You would not have won without all the bullshit hack job vote counting. You all should burn in hell for fucking with best country ever assimilated.
Kate says
Votes didn’t show up in the middle of the night. We were warned for months prior to the election that the outcome would be delayed. Do you know why it was delayed? GOP didn’t want the ballots to be counted as they came in except it was allowed in Florida. They wanted to wait to count the ballots until AFTER the initial results were posted because they knew Trump could take advantage of them and claim a win despite the fact the percentage of votes listed were approximately 60 to 80% of the total of the number of ballots received. You all fell for Trump’s b.s. just as you’ve done for the last 4 years. This man has a decades long history of cheating, lying, stealing from employees, bankrupting numerous small business contractors who he sued, offering them pennies on the dollar and tying them up in court because he knew they couldn’t afford the attorneys fees. To top it all off, Trump didn’t pay his attorneys, either. He is the most ignorant, unfit, poor excuse for a man to ever occupy the White House. He had no idea what he was doing there. He didn’t turn the economy around, he was handed an economy that had a 75 month straight period of growth, the trajectory would have continued under anyone. None of his policies made a difference. He kept his businesses overseas, because it was financially to his advantage to do so due to executive orders he signed.
For all the claims about socialism, what do you think the farmers’ subsidies were? Or the ridiculous subsidies given to extremely profitable oil companies every year? There are many incidents of socialism in our country, our highways, our police and fire departments, our libraries and public schools and Medicare…all of these help people, and there’s nobody among us who hasn’t needed or used any one of these things at one time or another in your life. When everyone does well, we all do well, especially the wealthy. Money never trickles down, it rises to the top. Decades ago, the wealthy paid a much higher income tax rate and our country had never been more prosperous. Over several decades their wealth has risen at astronomical rates while the poor and middle class are unable to keep up with the rates of inflation. When the top 1% have more wealth than the lower 99% combined, it’s horrific inequality. Look at the ridiculous number of companies that make billions yet pay no taxes! Are you so ignorant that you’re in favor of them using our public roads, service departments and more yet never contributing to them? Wake up and open your eyes.
As for your claims of cheating in the election, if you really want to see cheating, look at the number of people on the voter rolls whose names mysteriously disappeared w/o good reason. Trump was always complaining about the number of people on the voter rolls who had died but when Congress voted for funding for the states to clean up the voter rolls and bring them up to date, he denied them the money for security. Why? Because he was counting on foreign countries to help him again. It’s why he refused to admit Russia helped him in ’16. It’s also a ready excuse for him to use. Why are all those names removed always in areas w/minority populations? He cried about rigging in ’16 saying the same thing as this year, unless he wins, the election was rigged. What an ignorant SOB! He couldn’t handle the thought of losing. Maybe if he had been competent when it came to handling COVID, instead of politicizing it like he did, saying one thing to Bob Woodward and the opposite to the people, he would have had a different outcome. The only thing he was concerned about was the impact the virus would have on his election. He never came out and spoke w/empathy for those families who lost their loved ones. He compared his briefings to TV ratings for basketball games and reality shows….seriously?? Yet his supporters fell for all his b.s. over and over again. As for burning in hell, Trump will be the one to burn in hell w/the blood of thousands on his hands, for separating over 500 children from their parents w/no plan to reunite them, for his cheating, lying, thieving lifestyle, not liberals who care about others. You’re all pitiful for following a man who mocks all of you behind your back. You’re the ones he was referring to when he said the upside to COVID was his ability to have good reason not to have to shake your hands or get close to you. The losers & suckers are the Trump supporters, not our military heroes who he mocked, claiming they died for nothing.
Joel says
Kate, you have nothing to contribute but leftist lies. Please sit down and be quiet.
Jo Lewis says
Dear Kerry,
Regrettably, due to the very very very scary pandemic (sarcasm here) you will not be able to travel abroad (and possibly move to ) to these awesomely socially woke, just, magical, utopian “advanced societies”. The godless institutionalized socialism you speak of which seeks “equity” takes from ME and gives to OTHERS without regard to m or my consent. It’s very easy to be generous with other peoples’ resources when you haven’t worked for it. I assure you that 4 years of Biden— who you incorrectly label as “middle of the road dem” (which he is not!) will inch us ever closer to institutionalized socialism/marxism. He is NOT in control, everyone knows it.
Adding the euphemistic word “democratic” in front of socialism masks its true meaning: socialism/marxism then communism. We are NOT a democracy. We are a Constitutional Republic. There is NOTHING in our constitution about equitable distribution of wealth/resources.
But let’s use the socialist “equity” claim and put it to the test, shall we? (Can you smile, please? 😉 I am!)
Let’s pretend that you worked very hard for your 4.0 Ivy League college degree (ouch! expensive). I, on the other hand, went to state-sponsored university for free (thank you Bernie!). However, I partied like a Rock Star (had an awesome time dude!) and I only obtained a 2.0. Under socialism you should be more than willing to give me what I believe is my “fair share” of that glorious Ivy League GPA because, well it’s only fair and you’re filthy rich anyway because you can afford to go to an Ivy League school, right?
So to accomplish this here’s what “they” decide is “fair”:
Government decides your “socially woke generosity” contribution is 50%, ok? Terrific! (And thank you for your involuntary generosity Kerry!) That would mean that my GPA is now a an amazing 4.0 and you’re stuck with a 2.0. AWESOME dude! I LOVE SOCIALISM!! YAY!!! Thank you for being so magnanimously generous in spite of all you’ve WORKED for and giving it to me, who DID NOT WORK for it FREE — courtesy of my socialist government!
See how easy it was for them to “redistribute” YOUR wealth? THEY had NO SKIN in the game, yet they happily gave me YOUR “resource”. Gosh my government is fair, just, and GENEROUS! (and get re-elected next election when they show off that “generosity”). Now apply my simplistic example to your personal earned income/tax burden! YIKES!!
Feeling queasy yet, Kerry?
Well that’s the sickening uneasiness conservatives feel every time we here AOC, Pelosi and Biden wanting to spend OUR hard EARNED money and GIVING it on “our behalf” for every utopian ideal of the day!
Taxation without representation was a core tenet leading to revolt in 1776 and that ultimately created our Constitution. The programs the dems/socialists/progressives are proposing does NOT represent ME. That’s the issue democrats/liberals/progressives always miss… it’s NOT the government’s money… it’s ours. And it’s not for the government or dems to tell ME how to live my life, what I can say, what’s socially “woke” and keep taking from the central money trough with every Tom, Dick and Harry that needs a handout for their perceived “inequity” of resources and re-distribution thereof!
No rational conservative says we shouldn’t take care of those who need it. We support Medicade for the poor, short term welfare assistance, rehabilitation for inmates, lower drug/health care prices. We are already an incredibly generous lot! We don’t need to have our government to tell us to be generous. Conservatives donate more money to charities than any organization VOLUNTARILY. We support preserving Medicare (we PAY into that by the way) and Social Security (we PAY into that). We do NOT support free medical for everyone including illegals (who get free health care anyways because they go to the ERs!). That would take away from the legal immigrants/citizens who actually deserve it. We support enforcement of secure borders (imagine if all those caravans of illegals were coming in during a pandemic! Trump saved us from that. See why we need borders?) We believe that if you are able to work, you should, and support yourself including taking responsibility for yourself. (I Ido agree 100% with you that health care prices need to come down but socialism will create a single payer and eliminate competition– Pharma oligarchies!)
All in all, systematic/institutional socialism doesn’t work! Anything you get for “free” isn’t “free”. If you drain all the wealth from those who earn/work for it you are essentially shooting yourself in the foot! Your “socialist trough” will dry up, resources will become scarce, those in power will ensure their needs are met first and hoard any already limited resources. We will spiral into communism where we wait for a loaf of bread in line. You are disrupting supply and demand applying socialism!
(Remember the great toilet paper fiasco of 2020? LOL).
We already have social programs, absolutely. And they are part of “support the general welfare” contained in the preamble our constitution. What we have now is good. It can be made better if we work together and not ridicule the other points of view. Some programs may need to be contracted, some expanded… but reinventing the wheel is futile. Don’t throw out the baby with the bath water every 4 years. Seriously research and look at this president’s accomplishment: Permanent funding for HBCUs, prison reform, Platinum plan, Opportunity zones, etc.etc. and Peace in the Middle East for God’s sake! Come on… give him some love here!
What conservatives hate most about the left is being “ridiculed as ignoramuses” , “cancelled” and “censored!” Won’t you join me in stopping that? Force these giant tech companies who have accumulated so much wealth from censoring us and inciting the hatred between the two factions? They fuel the fires of discontent, use us as pawns in their little tech games seeking “the collective”!
You know, we might actually agree on some stuff Kerry! I know, crazy, right? I believe these tech companies are using you, the left, as pawns in their grand scheme to take over our way of life. They don’t care about social issues, injustice etc. Are you kidding me? All they want is to have MORE POWER than the government. So while the left is busy being Social Justice Warriors (and terribly worried/frantic about it) the tech companies are taking control of our lives and the media is terrifying us with a virus that has a 99%+ survival rate! They caused this voting chaos and the dems took advantage of it. Please try to see it from our side just a bit? They love to keep us divided and busy with unsolvable “human condition social issues” so we can’t see them robbing our constitutional republic right in front of our eyes! Trump is not the enemy… he’s the only one that stands between you, me and THEM! He’s rough around the edges… but you know what? If I were in the heat of battle in a foxhole… I’d want him by my side! No doubt! He’s shaking up the “deep state” which is fantastic for both our parties!
Let’s work together instead of ridiculing each other and please don’t force me to be you, think like you, talk like you and walk like you. I think that’s become too easy for the left/dems to do these days with the MSM as the bully pulpit for disrespecting/dismissing conservatives. Remember, we cannot as a government distribute resources and solve 350,000,000 issues that anyone encounters in their life. We do what’s “generally” beneficial, not “all inclusively” beneficial. We do the best we can.
I respect your views Kerry, I trust you will respect mine. I’m pretty sure many of our founding fathers trapped in that room in Philly for months on end probably disagreed and fought like cats and dogs too (thank God there was no media or Twitter, right? LOL) But in the end, they stuck to the “universal” tenets that all people can agree to: LIFE, LIBERTY and the PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. Simple, don’t you think?
I tried adding a little levity to this reply because… well sometimes it’s just more fun to laugh together, right?
Blessings to you!
Anonymous says
Sorry but your lost and totally disagree.
Anonymous says
Sorry you havr been brain washed idiot
Anonymous says
You sound like a brained washed sheep.
Anonymouslikeyou says
I’m assuming you had a hard time comprehending a factual and intelligent post. How do so many of you have that same difficulty? Such a mystery….
Dee says
Exactly. Social Security IS socialism and we can thank democrats for that now that every senior worries how the hell they’ll survive once that collapses. I’d have far rather kept my own damn money. Who the hell are they to decide to takie our money and save it for us?? Then make all kinds of rules about how and when we get it back? Really? And they’re at liberty to make people work till they’re just about dead? To add insult to injury, there eventually WILL be cuts. Oh wait…eventually it won’t be there at all. Yep, that’s socialism.. Thanks for pointing that out.
Ethel says
Yeah Kathy, you keep telling yourself Biden is moderate. Say something enough times and it becomes your truth. The poor old man can’t decide if he is for or against something. When your utopia never materializes don’t complain. My suspicion is that 4 years down the road everything will continue to be Trump’s fault. He is already planning executive orders to institute the green new deal.
Bob Barton says
Bob Barton Sr says
You may be wondering if Bob. Barton is a human capable of being coherent. Bob is no longer a human- he has transcended humanity and turned into a pure being of Murdoch FOX news indoctrination. Bob is not a conservative. TRUE conservatives don’t spew nonsense garbage like Bob just did. Bob is trash. He is not an American.
Anonymous says
All knowledgeable persons understood what you say and agree totally 💯
God Almighty says
The fact you need to bring unproven bs called Religion into this proves you have zero understanding of facts vs fiction.
Religion isn’t real. The mere idea of a God is silly and a slap in the face of intelligence. Why do you only quote the verses that benefit you? Did you know your God is not against Abortion? Your God is against Women’s Rights? You didn’t because you and the majority of Christians have never actually sat down and read your very own Bible as most Atheists have. I can quote religion too but you would probably call it fake because you’ve never heard it before.
If you make extraordinary claims, you, the person making the claims, are required to provide extraordinary evidence or proof that your God is real. But, this has never been done. NEVER. Because it’s not true. Humans evolved and that’s a fact with evidence to support it. There is far more evidence to support evolution than religion, yet your simple mind is incapable of understanding such simple ideas.
Religion is nothing more than a tool of control and you are proving that by spewing unproven bs to make a point. You’re no different than a child who says their imaginary friend is real and they are talking to them while the parents sit there and can’t see them and have to just play along.
You and your unproven religion help pass laws that directly affect other humans and their ability to live their lives. Why do you get so mad when someone tries to tell you how to run your life but you have no problem helping pass laws that directly affect how others live their lives? You are blind and have been trained to think religion is real when in fact we are a factor of evolution and why doesn’t your God just speak up? He did a lot back in the so called time of Jesus with burning bushes and talking snakes and donkeys. Why is this something your God is completely unable to do now? You have nothing to defend yourself with other than more bullshit.
Believe what you want but don’t use it as a defense and stop trying to control other people’s lives with your immature and extremely jealous God. Worship me or burn in hell. Yeah, that’s not jealousy.
You are clueless to facts. The funniest part is Satanism is far more moral than any other religion. They support and fight for people’s rights, Christianity tries to take them away.
You were born an atheist and it took a HUMAN BEING to make you Christain. If you were born in Saudia Arabie, you wouldn’t be Christian, you would be that religion. The only reason you believe in a religion is you’re unable to think critically and for yourself, instead, you just believe everything you’re told to a certain degree. You were brainwashed as a child
You are completely clueless to facts and only believe something if it fits your agenda. The left owns guns too. I lean more liberal than anything and own way over 50 guns of different kinds and an am avid shooter and hunter. I have taken my courses and know how to use them. I support Cops and BLM. Both are a much-needed thing in America. I also support Free Healthcare and Free College. I also support the rights of women to be allowed to make their own decisions on their bodies for how they see fit JUST LIKE you have the right to believe whatever batshit craziness you want to.
You and your stupidity of religion is my main reason I stay away from Republicans. You are completely clueless to anyone but your kind.
The fact you have no understanding of reality is scarier than Trump being president again. I hate Trump because he is a disrespectful person. He treats people like complete shit and has done far more fraud in this election than anyone else. Trump is by far the least Patriotic person in this country and his love for Vladimir Putin is just sickening. He is a dictator and is pushing for an authoritarian style of leadership.
Trump is the type of person who believes everyone has to love him because he’s President and if you don’t say anything nice or talk shit, you’re automatically against America and are fake. This is extremely stupid and a very typical trait of an Authoritarian Figure. Hitler was like this.
The only reason Trump calls the media fake is that he disagrees with it. He has openly admitted this himself. He never said he doesn’t believe it, he just DISAGREES WITH IT. Which his supporters “Don’t hear that part” and continue to call everything fake as if they think it’s fake. You don’t even listen to your own President. You just make up your ideas and say them whether they make sense or not.
The democrats don’t hate America, they simply just have a different set of views than Republicans. To say they hate America is saying Republicans also hate America. Because if the only reason the right is saying that is because of a difference in views, then that logic has to be used in the same way on both sides.
If anyone truly hates America, it is Donald Trump. He is a monster who doesn’t and never deserved that spot.
Every Republican who reads this and supports Trump I ask of you one thing, the next time you are injured, do not go to a doctor. Go to your local library and ask them to heal you.
I say this because you support a guy who has zero experience in politics. If you are so comfortable with someone who has no experience in something, then you don’t need a doctor. You don’t need any professionals, you don’t need cops, you don’t need the military. You just need some random people to do things without any prior knowledge of it.
What was that? Does that make no sense? Of course, it doesn’t. You thought of it. If you come up with a set of logic, you need to understand that logic has to be used for everything in that context. You can’t just use that logic with the most powerful job in the country while seeing doctors for health and a mechanic for your car and a framer for building a house. It shows you are trying to cheat. It shows you would rather be stupid than use simple logic.
Oh and one more thing, When Biden wins (I cannot stand Biden, I voted for Dr. Jorgenson), you have no right to complain. You cannot protest in the streets, you cannot commit violent acts. You have lost your right to all of that when you made such a big deal over the BLM protests that turned violent which if you knew what facts were, the BLM protests were mostly peaceful. The violence you did see was NOT BLM, it was agitators and criminals who used it as a reason to commit those acts and this is a known fact. I remember even seeing Republicans saying those protestors should just be mowed down by vehicles. So, if there are any Republicans out protesting this election, watch out because you might have a Republican mow you down.
Yes, some of them turned violent but you also need to add in those Republican protestors who marched right up to BLM protests in a way of agitating them. So both sides are to blame.
I do agree with some things Trump did but the majority of his presidency was spent removing protections to our earth ONLY to SPITE Obama. Trump is a business guy and a conman and Republicans were conned and are now mad that they were conned.
You can go ahead and call me names and call me whatever you want but I could care less because I’m not a child and don’t need to name call people to get my point across. That is something people who can’t defend themselves in an argument do and know they lost. They resort to name-calling which is ad hominem. In a discussion, the moment you attack the person’s character instead of their argument is the moment you lost.
One more thing, Trump projects his crimes. He says other people are guilty of something he himself is guilty of. How any Christain can support Trump is truly odd. You are not a true Christian if you support Donald Trump. He is not even a Christain and has actually voted more democrat in his prior life than anything else. Yet, here are.
It was just a joke at first, but someone claimed Trump said the only reason he ran as a Christian Repubkcan was that those are the only people dumb enough to believe anything as stupid as the shit he says.
The fact that it was a joke and something he never said and how true that has become is fucking hilarious.
I won’t ever come back and read this as I don’t even know what website this is. But, you will still call me names and say a bunch of hurtful shit because that’s all you know and that’s what Trump does so you see it as ok to do when in reality it’s no different than being beat as a kid by your parent’s and turning out fine only to say you think kids today should be beaten. Which just says you support child abuse.
Sban says
You are amazing
Robert E Leasure says
Lucylou says
Oh my dear dear sad human,You will be the first one to scream Jesus’s name when His wrath is poured out on you. You will stand and stare up in the sky as His angels deliver the judgements God has in store for the unbeliever. If you are an atheist and do not believe in God or a little floating spiritual ball floating around why should it bother you that there are those that do believe? What do you care? You talk about owning guns etc. but want to go into a ranting rage when scriptures are spoken by a true believer. What is your problem? This is a free country as of right this second. We can say or do anything that one desires. We can believe in anything or religion we choose. Are you the religionpolice? Going around bashing Christians because they are not like you? I would hate to be you. I fear for your life and eternal soul. You obviously don’t and that’s your choice. Quit letting the demon inside you speak. Keep it quite so real Bible believing Christians can live in peace and harmony. No one has bothered you. You keep right on believing any way you choose. But why spew out such demonic words on those that choose to believe? Perhaps deep inside you are full of hate and pain. Perhaps you’ve been hurt deeply by a person that said they were a Christian but in fact they were not. If so I hate that so bad. Something obviously has turned you into a very mean ugly sad human that’s walking around day to day having nothing to give you hope or peace. I pray for you. Your eyes will surely be opened to the truth and I pray you have time to call upon our Savior before you draw your last breath. Until then please keep your ugly comments to yourself. There have been Christians on this earth for over 2000 years. I don’t think anything you say or do will change that. So basically your wasting your breath and out time. God Help You
Anonymous says
Who is a true believer, according to you??
Anonymous says
Just like you support abortion. Oh wait that’s not just child abuse…that’s murder….not the same
John says
You did exactly what you said you would never do……you “name called” republicans. You stated that they are stupid, dumb shits, and unable to think for themselves. Your opinion is null and void.🤣 so, are you a “moron” too? Yep!! You sure are!
Klatu says
I noticed that your one more thing turns into many more things that still aren’t trueAnd I also don’t believe it’s over yet.I know you think that George Soros gets to call this election but there are many legal battles ahead to deny your illegal vote count
Chris G says
Soros hasn’t got a damn thing to do with this election. That’s fantasy conspiracy bs from right wing trolls. There aren’t “many legal battles” to be fought. Commander Chaos’s crap accusations are being tossed out faster than yesterday’s news. Most recent, the lying Postal Worker who had to tell the Judge “I have none, and I was lying” when asked for ‘proof’ he had about ballots being stolen. Lies and more lies. That’s all the right has. NEVER has a President refused a peaceful transition of power until we elected a Dictator wanna be. He won Michigan in 2016 by 10,500+ votes and claims a ‘great victory’. He loses Michigan in 2020 by over 145,000 votes, and suddenly “it has to be fraud”. Remember, any one who claims “Unless I win, it’s been rigged”, is a lying sore loser and a malignant narcissist.
Edward Winner says
I have a question for you Chris and hope that it isn’t too hard for your educated mind to answer:
If there is “NO FRAUD” as the democrats and leftist media claim, then why not have a forensic audit and we can find out? What are they afraid of? Give us the transparency and prove it! We just want to know if this election was legit. Because if they keep hiding, it will just piss us off even more. By denying it, you are convincing all of us that election fraud did happen.
Here are some interesting questions that need to be answered:
With President Trump comfortably ahead on election night, why did the voting count suddenly stop?
Why were observers not permitted to reasonably observe the ballot counting?
Why were observers removed from counting areas?
Why did Democrat counters cheer when Republican Observers were removed?
Why were windows boarded up in Detroit so that observers could not observe?
Why were ballot watchers in Pennsylvania not allowed to meaningfully observe to the point where they had to get a court order? Then when they got one, they still weren’t allowed to observe? Why was this?
Why when observers were allowed to re-enter, there were an unusually large number of ballots with an unusually high percentage with 90% and above for Joe Biden?
Why was there a failure to match signatures on mail-in ballots?
Why was there destruction of mail-in ballot envelopes which must contain signatures?
Why does the voter integrity project in Georgia estimate that over 20 thousand people who no longer meet residency requirements – were allowed to cast ballots in Georgia – where Biden’s margin is 12,000 votes?
Seems kind of odd that someone completely brain dead running with the least popular candidate in the Democratic primary – just got more votes than any other presidential candidate in the history of our country, including our first black president. Not buying it.
Anonymous says
You are smart.but if you could just go back and honestly look at all that the trump addminatration accomplish you will be surprised and happy. Crristions without goverment give much to the poor and needy. Sorry about my text but have a hard time seeing. I think you will someday be a great advocate for Jesus. You are amazing
Problematic says
I know you will come back to read this, and I want you to know that I sincerely do not like you. It isn’t because of the points you made, and it isn’t because of your stance. However, I found it important enough to let you know, from human to human, that I do not like you, and I hope we never meet. You are difficult to listen to. Good day.
Anonymous says
Wow! Congratulations for
Sban says
Which one will and will fit your views….
Revelation 3:9, NIV: “I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars–I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.”
Revelation 3:9, ESV: “Behold, I will make those of the synagogue of Satan who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie—behold, I will make them come and bow down before your feet, and they will learn that I have loved you.”
Revelation 3:9, KJV: “Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.”
Revelation 3:9, NASB: “Behold, I will cause those of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie– I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and make them know that I have loved you.”
Revelation 3:9, NLT: “Look, I will force those who belong to Satan’s synagogue–those liars who say they are Jews but are not–to come and bow down at your feet. They will acknowledge that you are the ones I love.”
Revelation 3:9, CSB: “Note this: I will make those from the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews and are not, but are lying–I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and they
Truth Teller says
Really you narrow minded supposively religious person..God doesn’t like haters…you like the other narrow Minden , flat earthers, low IQ in bred ya good supposively don’t want big government interference..BUT want to have government force your delusion views on us..making it a felony if an innocent 12 year girl gets brutally tortured raped..becomes pregnant and YOU + REPUBLICAN GOVERNMENT FORCE THAT ANGEL TO LOOL AT HER TORTURE RAPIST FORVER!! THATS SICK..BET IF UT WAS YOUR DAUGHTER YOU D CHANGE YOUR TUNE YOU HOLIER THAN NOW CONDESENDING HIPPOCRIT..+ IF YOU WOULDNT THEN MAYBE YOU LL GET WHAT YOU WISH FOR
Joel says
Go back to school
Lucylou says
Yes I agree 100%.
Evariel says
What a bunch of hogwash! Obviously you do not understand Judaism. Because since Christ’s day, all the Jews were reform, not Orthodox. That group splintered off during the 18th century. They were not the original Jews, but left mainline Judaism. I suggest you see a psychiatrist because you have lost your hold on reality. Every Jew by line or by conversion, has a real Jewish soul put there by God, not Satan. Our Yedid Nefesh calls us to God to repent. Satan can’t touch that because our names are written and sealed in God’s Book of Life.
By the way, the media only reported what was happening. The real destroyer as always was the man trying to get rid of our nation’s checks and balances. And the same who cut us off from alliances with our allies while helping to destroy the global economy. He said he was a “Christian” to get their vote, but Trump is not religious. He plays golf while Biden goes to religious services each week.
TrueAmericanPatriot says
Trump is Satan and the Golden Calf rolled into one… Pure Idolatry! Right down to his golden toilets. How do any of you fall for his Deception?! If you TRULY believed in God and studied the Bible, this would be blindingly obvious to you… You fools are going to burn in Hell for worshipping Satan on Earth [Trump] thereby ushering in The End of Days for all of humanity and wonder… “How could I have been so badly fooled by the Devil in disguise…?” May the TRUE God have mercy on your souls…
Sban says
Nicely put
Anonymous says
You poor naive, weak minded fool. Do you actually believe that Biden is going to help you ? No Biden is going to turn this country over to Communist China for him and his families own benefit. I would suggest that you learn to speak the Chinese language because the Chinese communist will be running this country before long. Trump has done more positive patriotic things for this country than any other president has in my lifetime and I am 70 years old. You must be one of those indoctrinated, brainwashed college fools.
Kate says
You’re the fool. Trump is the one w/the Chinese bank accounts, w/Ivanka receiving trademarks she’d applied for years ago on the same day she and her father met with Xi. He’s the one who has the majority of his manufacturing done in China. When he was campaigning, he claimed he would have every business coming back to the U.S. and if they didn’t listen, he was going to tax them to the point they would have no choice but to move back to the U.S. How’d that work out for you? Positive & patriotic? Do you believe attacking & name-calling a POW who spent five years of his life in a POW camp patriotic? Remember the attacks on Hillary for Benghazi, the dozens of investigations and her having to testify for 12 hours about what happened? Remember there was nothing found but the Republicans ignored the 4 troops who were killed in Niger under extremely questionable circumstances? Why didn’t Trump have to answer for that? He attacked the wife of one of the men killed and Republicans ignored it. Trump claimed he wasn’t stupid enough to end up in Vietnam and said you had to be really stupid if you didn’t find a way to get out of it like he did. He had a wealthy father who bailed him out w/a phony doctor’s note, just as he bailed him out of all his business failures until the day he died. Then Trump used his inheritance to pay off his debts and had nothing left, turning to funding from overseas because the banks wouldn’t lend him money in the states because he never paid his debts.
RW’ers have been claiming for years that China, Russia, and numerous other countries would take over the U.S. if we didn’t elect them. Instead, Trump praised dictators and attacked our allies we’ve associated with for decades. Joe Biden isn’t the one w/the Chinese bank account or receiving money from unknown countries or institutions. He released all his taxes for years unlike Trump. You’re the naive one. Trump said he was going to take care of the blue collar workers…this is the guy who didn’t pay his employees for OT and did away w/the ability for many to receive OT. What a help he is to those in need. He’s the one who has us paying more for everything due to his tariffs on trade. Our trade deficit is higher than ever w/Trump’s so called negotiating skills. You are most certainly one of those brainwashed fools, no matter what your education level is.
Real American says
You poor, naive, weak minded idiot.
Ronny Hawhtorne says
The ‘anonymous far left’ has been so indoctrinated because of their hate for Trump. They roll over other peoples rights gleefully, while burning their property and with the endorsement for the democratic mayors, senators and governors. Linen and Stalin would be proud of his followers. But they are NOT the builders or supporters of Democracy, they are the weakest and most undesirable mortar in Liberty’s bricks and stones of The Republic. And when Trump is re elected, the liberal press will really be sucking some wind. Don’t believe it grab a chair and watch?
Anonymous says
You are a complete idiot, Democrats do not hate America that is another of trumps lies! He is disrespectful to everyone, even calling his own constituents stupid(which they are for buying into his lies and corruption he is the worst President the U.S. to has ever seen and will go down in history books as so hopefully he will still be alive to see it. He is a Sociopath, no doubt about that. He treats everyone horribly and makes up lies .When he doesn,t get his way ,just like a two year old child.
God Almighty says
Hey, stop calling people names. You’re better than that. Calling people names causes people to not understand what you’re saying. They just see “Hateful comment” and argue back with more insults.
If you want to call people names, become a Republican. That’s all they can do because they are unable to argue.
The only way to get a point across is to act as a civil adult. When you don’t call them names and are respectful, they don’t know what to do.
Gracie says
Right on! Agree 1000%. Thank you.
old fuzz 695 says
Apparently, you were asleep and missed the Democrat anarchist bitch who spit in the cop’s face while cursing like the devil.
Yo momma says
Your previous comment has already proven to discount your opinion… tell others not to name call……..but you did in this post and your last……pull the branch out of your own eye before you accuse someone else of having a splinter in their eye.
Ricky says
Trump 2020 !!!!!!!
Marie H says
No another lie, is that all you can do is lie?FAKE NEWS .What you do is called PROJECTION. Donald Trump projects what he does on to others. so everyone just know when he’s blaming anyone for anything it is really the things he has done.SOCIOPATH!!
Rob says
You literally follow an authoritarian play-acting as a king attempting to tear down the fabric of the republic and think you know anything about “rights”?
At this point conservatives are one of two things; Idiots. or Evil.
There is no third option. Which are you?
Anonymous says
Think about what liberals believe and support? Do some soul searching for yourself. Ask God to reveal to you Who is evil?
Chris G says
The arrogance of the American right and conservatives is beyond belief! They ACTUALLY BELIEVE that God only gives a shit about America, and it’s only “THEIR GOD” who matters. Americans, for the most part; cannot think for themselves. THAT’S why they need an alleged ‘supreme being’ to guide everything they think and/or do. Liberals ‘believe’ in treating all people fairly. Sharing the wealth equitably. Such evil ideas, it’s hard to fathom.
Anna says
I can not understand people like bloomberg and gates. what do they believe in besides their own superiority> Not God. Not freedom, not America. Think of the millions of lives they could change if they didn’t seem to believe they are better than everyone else. they are richer. greedier, arrogant, pompous, and self important than like dictators we have read about through out history. I always thought we as a nation had learned from the many failures repeated through out history, and demonstrated in the scriptures of evil dictators, rulers. I would really like to know why these wealthy arrogant , pompous million airs think that regular people ( who desire no more than to provide for their familys and live a righteous life. ) Why … Why do they think they should rule and reign over regular people? who gave them the right to dominate people’s lives? As for their New World Order bull shit… Where like China . the government decides who will live and die? Who is the KING ? Who decides how and what people eat, drink, wear, and where they live and with whom? How and who is going to decide how much money any one person is allowed to have?
With government run health care who will decide who will receive life saving health care? ” Bloomberg or Gates ? Who will decide who will live and who will die? Obama said Americans need to learn to give up some of their freedoms! Why, why would anyo !want to take freedom away from someone? Most people voting for ” so called “free health care” free food, free education bull shit don. They are giving up freedom for free stuff and do they really they will get every they want? Their tummy/s will always be full, they will always have great clothes. Money will be given to them at their whim? NOTHIING IN THIS LIFE IS EVER REALLY FREE! lOOK AT THE BLACK COMMUNITY? LIBERALS/ DEMOCRATS WERE SUSPOSTO PROVIDE THEM EVERYTHING! WHO IS GOING TO WORK FOR ALL THE MONEY , FOOD, CLOTHING, HOUSING, AND ALL OTHER THINGS REQUIRED FOR LIFES NECESSARIES? WHO? BLOOMBERG? GATES? THE ROCKAFELLERS? You can bet AOC and the DC greedy mob will never give of their substances. Like Nancy’s freezer, fuel for THEIR cars, planes, boats, and what ever they so desire.. So King Bloomberg, and King Rothchild, and King Gates will go with out nothing. All the while doling out pennies for those they believe deserve deserve their believes of what others deserve!
I wish these arrogant million- airs would be forced to live in Venezula with the same resources they plan on dole out to regular hard working Americans..
Annas Father says
Hello! Please be advised that Anna is an angry and uneducated anti-American.
Anna is not a conservative.
TRUE conservatives don’t spew nonsense garbage like Anna does.
TRUE conservatives areally NOT indoctrinated by Murdoch FOX news.
Anna please jump out of the gene pool. Please. If you really care about yourself and humanity do not reproduce any more. Trash.
anonymouse says
The democrats want a free ride, free insurance, free money, and not have to work. Free unemployment benefits for 6 years. The people have to pay for this. Republicans, more specifically Trump, has banned the Rothschilds from his establishments long ago, much like the original 13th amendment – look it up. Banned Rothschilds and Royalty from holding any public office in the USA. It is Trump and Putin fighting the secret shadow GVMT of the true evil. I hope Trump wins, and the liberals of America and the world stop destroying everything. Importing male insecure Muslims from 18-40 to each country in Europe and USA is not refugees, it is blatent destruction of a way of life. USA was okay in the 20s when the Rothschilds imposed on us, we made it through the depression.. But through control of media has brainwashed the common non readers to fight for destruction. Killing cops, taking their strength away, killing and raping citizens in grade school, importing illegal immigrants, building the wall against Mexico the 6th most dangerous country in the world. Anyways, Whatever. Good luck, Im going to the country and building a shelter with many arms.
Truth Teller says
You are another pathetic in bred Trump ass kissing stooge, sucker, patsey, fool, here mentality, racist, traitor loser.Bet you and your black boot Nazis collect your GOVERNMENT Social Security, Stimulus chwck, Pandemi Unemployment, FEMA disaster checks…likely unlike you + indisputably draft dodger silver spoon malignant narcissist sociopath Trump, Purin’s puppet..I joined the Army during Vietnam at 17…I get compensation for my I O be of those ‘free riders’. I would spit in that fat spoiled punk if he insulted me like MCCAN. YOU + THE other documented low IQ followers are the enablers and supporters of that nut jobs insults to me and all vets.. Read history if you can read. He was doing same as MUSSOLINI and Hitler. And you all no different than Nazi guards at concentration camp..get over it cry babies. Thank God and sane voters FOR SAVING OUR DEMOCRACY
Joel says
Have your doc try to dial your meds in a little closer to reality.
Lucylou says
Very good idea. They are not very intelligent or they would do their homework on Socialism and see the destruction it causes.
Robert E. says
You are clueless, resembling dumpthy do da mentally and in dogma. Dumpt is headed t jail, you can follow her there.
Lisa says
I so pray you’re right. Conservatives are all praying. Maga2020
Don says
Unfortunate it looks like Trump will not be re-elected
God help us
Gatekeeper says
Trump will serve a 2nd term!!!
Chris G says
Not without stealing it. The election is over. His lawsuits (to delay the inevitable) are all getting thrown out of the courts, sometimes multiple times a day. 99% of his claims are absolute made up bullshit. He released dozens of names of dead people he claims voted in one of these states yesterday. That states Secretary of State went through all of them and PROVED none of them has voted. NOT ONCE since they died. Just more Dump bullshit. Get used to this. Biden won, and Harris will probably win in 2024. You right wing loon sycophants are gonna have a rough 8 to 12 years ahead of you.
Edward Winner says
You are a democrat and you want Biden to win and think all of this fraud stuff is just a bunch of smoke by the Republicans, Donald Trump and the Trump Supporters. Great; then you’ve got nothing to hide.
All we wanted was to see the evidence. When you don’t show us the evidence, it just makes everything worse – whether it is real or not. So you should not have a problem with this. right?
Folks like me are pissed and aren’t going to stand for this shit. The democrats and the media owe the American People the truth. If they are so confident there was no fraud, then why not have a forensic audit and we can find out? What are they afraid of? Give us the transparency and prove it! We just want to know if this election was legit. Because if they keep hiding, it will just piss us off even more. By denying it, you are convincing all of us that election fraud did happen.
Beware of the fury of a patient man.
Bill Cakin says
Wow… this whole comments section is just a massive echo chamber for in-denial conservatives isn’t it?
And this site being designed so terribly and coded so wonky tells me it was made by old people who don’t really understand tech. I could code a better site… I have coded a better site actually.
But whatever. Here’s why I am not a conservative. Because I don’t like aristocrats. I don’t believe that there are people inherently better than us and I don’t believe that any one group deserves to rule over us “lowly peasants”.
The entire philosophy of conservatism started out as a reaction against the idea of Democracy to protect the monarchy. Historically, conservatives wanted to preserve the status quo… which meant continue being ruled by kings and queens in the 1800s. Conservatives hated the idea of democracy because they found the idea of a peasant having the same amount of power as a noble on election day to be highly offensive… in other words… conservatives were assholes!
Don’t believe me? Look up the fathers of conservative thought! Edmund Burke is one of them and he hated the French Revolutionaries who fought for Democracy. Why? Cause Burke was friends with wealthy nobles and the king and thus had a lot more power than the peasants… he wanted it to stay that way. He wanted to conserve the status quo.
Obviously, kings and queens aren’t popular in America so conservatives had to rebrand… now it wasn’t a monarch who deserved to rule over the masses… but wealthy landowners. American land owners fought against extending the right to vote to even poor white men when America first started. Conservatives didn’t believe anyone who didn’t own land should have the right to vote. Landowners were their new aristocrats.
This obviously isn’t the case today because Liberals fought hard for Democracy… not conservatives. At every turn, conservatives have fought against an expansion of voting rights because conservatism started as a belief that some people are born with an innate right to rule over others. Conservatives believe in aristocracy. Power in the hands of a few. They don’t believe in Democracy. Power in the hands of many.
Today… conservatives fight for giving more power to big corporations… the wealthy. Because in their eyes… simply by being wealthy… they have proven to be better than everyone else and therefore deserve ultimate power over the poor. Regardless if whether that money was earned… or inherited… it doesn’t matter to them. They disguise this fact by saying they are fighting for everyone’s rights to live the American dream and become a success… but that’s an obvious lie that can be easily disproven by taking a look at history. If we look at Reagan… his policies helped corporate consolidation… which makes it harder for any new business to get started.l as it usually means an entire market being completely dominated by one or two major companies. (Amazon… Microsoft… Google… anyone?)
We’ve been following conservatives policies for the last few decades (yeah… even the Democratic ones have been talking about making government smaller… Clinton and Obama never really raised taxes on the rich to pre-Reagan levels)… and this is where it got us. The highest wealth inequality since the Great Depression… an entire class of billionaires… who haven’t worked a day in their life… massive unbeatable corporations that hold entire states hostage by throwing tantrums and threatening to take away jobs if they don’t get their way…. deregulation of safety conditions that put workers in more and more harmful situations with little to no consequences for the company… companies running oil pipelines until the break and contaminate water supplies of poor working class people because it is cheaper for the company to do that than it is properly maintain the pipeline.
This is where we are… an entire class of people (wealthy corporate executives) who use the poor masses for whatever they want to get whatever they want. This is the American aristocracy as established by conservatives. And that’s what conservatives want to conserve… a rebranded aristocracy.
Anonymous says
Actually you do believe others are better tan us….like criminals, gang members, drug dealers, people who don’t work…that’s who you all support and look up to dope.
Chris G says
Talk about a stoopid, baseless comment. Bill didn’t say squat about ‘criminals, gang members, drug dealers, people who don’t work…” etc. UNLESS, you include the criminal gang of right wingers doing as he just laid out so succinctly. Drug dealers? You mean like the CIA rouge’s like Casey and Colby, who facilitated the importation of 3 Million pounds of cocaine into the US in the 1970’s, to fund their illegal wars in South America against any sovereign nation who opposed the right wing hunta’s policies? Learn something other than how to act like a “Parrot”. Parroting every right wing talking point you can copy and paste. Which you didn’t even bother to do here very well either.
Smarter than you says
Well, there you go……another super smart …..way smarter than anyone else leftist!! Rotflmao! Please read some history before you make another comment on here. And I am talking about history books, not believing social media sites and the garbage they spew at you!
Chris G says
This has got to be one of the best summations of ‘how we got here’ I’ve ever seen. And I’ve seen a bunch of them. I’m going to copy/paste (steal…hey, I”m a ‘Demonicrat, amiright?) But seriously, I’ll leave a link for others to come here and suffer the same indignities I just did. Attempting to read some of the incomprehensible garbage being posted here as actual ‘werds’, hurts my ‘over educated’ brain. I was literally accused of being over educated by an old school mate from 50 years ago. I didn’t have the heart to tell him I only have a GED. How frigging crushing would that have been? See, libtards DO care about others’ feelings!!
PS: for the loons who don’t get it, here’s the breakdown. If you’re accusing someone with a GED of being over educated, your education has been MUCH MORE DISMAL than even I could imagine. Thanks Bill Cakin for a very well thought out expose’.
I also don’t ‘fully’ endorse Bill’s sentiments here, either. I do believe there are ‘good conservatives’ who actually just believe in fiscal and personal responsibility, limited government AND those who still know (like Warren Buffet and his business partner) that the rich have enough to take care of the ‘have nots’. They endorse that. Conservative minds explode. It’s under 10 minutes. You have the time:
Bill Gates, Charlie Munger, Warren Buffett on the socialism versus capitalism debate –
Marilee DeRosa says
God bless you for telling the TRUTH
What the left are doing to our Beautiful America and this President how they never let him transition in to his roll when he was elected and this corruption of thisPresidential election
I pray GOD deals with All of them
Chris G says
As a very wise man once told me, “God is Dead”. He’s not interested in ‘your’ silly machinations. He didn’t chose Drumpf, nor Biden. If he’s not dead, he just doesn’t give a shit about your politics. He’s got much more important things to do than ‘tarry’ in mortals delusions. Born and raised a Catholic American, I’m constantly reminded of the delusions of humans who seem to think God has time for their personal little peccadilloes, while running the entire Universe.
George Carlin — Religion –
“”…And the invisible man has a special list of the 10 things he does not want you to do. And if you do ANY of these 10 things, he has a special place. Full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish. Where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry, forever and ever until the end of time.”” — “But he Loves You!”
“He loves you, and he NEEDS MONEY!” “He always needs money. He’s all powerful, all perfect, all knowing, all wise. But, somehow; he just can’t handle money!!””
This kind of truth makes religious people recoil in sheer terror. That we might just be ‘on our own’ is more than many humans can handle.
John schwerdt says
We the left LOVE this country, we just don’t like where you are taking it. Stop poising people’s mind by writing this b.s.
Anonymous says
your the poison !!!
Jo Lewis says
Dear John,
I love this country as well and legally CHOSE to become an American for all the “opportunities” it offered that I could secure through merit, not handouts. You may agree/disagree with my perspective but I cannot, should not, and will not dismiss your points of view or anyone else’s for that matter simply because we have different perspectives on governmental philosophies.
With that said, we constitutionally have rights that include “freedom of speech”. You don’t have to agree with conservative points of view (written or oral) and vice versa. However, we cannot shun, castigate, or squelch anyone’s right to that free speech (even if you perceive it as “BS”).
You also do have a right to ignore it.
This is a tactic I employ that serves me well in these contentious times.
I am a very well-educated woman who thinks for herself. I logically process facts and opinions and can distinguish between the two. I think both sides have points of merit or consideration. What is drowning out the positive or negative points of each side is in our “manner of expression” that has become filled with vitriol and hyperbole!
If you truly love this country, as you say, then let people express themselves without fear of being shunned, castigated, or squelched and try to see past the vitriol and hyperbole. Will you join me in an effort that looks at both sides respectfully (sans vitriol and hyperbole)?
Very Respectfully Yours,
Kenneth king says
I’m praying for this !! I was wearing a mask because of the virus!! Now I’m wearing one because I can’t stand this socialist air!! It makes me throw up !!
Anonymous says
You should ask someone to show you just how those masks work. Like, it sounds as though you could use a visual aid to learn not to choke while you eat.
I’ve heard that God works in mysterious ways.
God Almighty says
You sit there and say the left has been indoctrinated by their hatred for Trump WHILE acting the same way.
This all falls back to how logic is used. If you think the left is the way they are because of a disrespectful person like Trump, then you have been indoctrinated by your hatred for the left.
Why is logic so hard for people to understand?
The problem lies with our education system. It sucks. America has the worst education system out of every developed country. You actually think this is just a black and white issue, it’s not. There is so much that goes into this and the simplest answer is quite simple. Religion. Remove religion and people will have the ability to critically think about stuff. Instead, as we are now, you just assume it’s all about hate. Hate is probably the lowest denominator in this situation. Education is the top. How you are educated and taught and what you were taught is the main issue. The American history books talk very little about actual factual events in our history.
For instance, Christopher Columbus was not the first person to discover America, we don’t know who was. That is still taught in schools and has no evidence to support it.
Thanksgiving is another problem. If people actually knew what actually happened, they would be sick to their stomachs. What we celebrate is just the aftermath, after the killings happen, after the diseases were given. America is literally built around lies and greed. Those lies and greed are pushed year after year, generation after generation and people keep believing it even though we have the evidence to disprove its legitimacy but most of society is too scared of change.
Your inability to have a civil conversation is another example of our failed education system, You think it’s perfectly ok to mix opinions and facts as if they were the same thing. They are not.
A fact has to have evidence to support it and without evidence, it is merely a theory or opinion, even calling it a theory is reaching. Evolution has evidence to support it. It is a theory and a fact.
Your inability to understand other people’s opinions isn’t something you can use to argue with.
It’s just funny how the average argument is based on opinions and nobody shares their evidence. They just call people names and actually are ok with that.
I couldn’t for the life of me stoop to such a low level and disregard my intelligence given to me by years of human evolution.
Thousands of years ago they knew more than we do today because society has become dumber and dumber the older we get. Too many people are too scared to just move on, they want to stay in the days where things were easier FOR THEM. People need to understand if we live in a community and have millions of different people in one area, there will be disagreements, there will be hatred, but to rise above that and not add yourself into that group. To be a better person than you are. We all can become better people and the only way to do that is to stop hating people who are different. Which is another logic I don’t understand.
Republican/ Democrat meets the other party. Automatic hatred.
A random person in the grocery store meets a random person in the grocery store and notices they have whole milk in their cart and not 2%. Nothing happens. They politely pass each other and move on with their lives. Why do you get so mad when someone has a different political view than you but not that someone drinks different milk than you? This is the utter stupidity I talk about. It makes no sense how people hate someone for no reason other than having different opinions. That is pure and utter stupidity at its finest and truly shows how far we have come as a country that isn’t saying much.
We need to stop the hate. The hate divides us. The hate causes people like you and me to say things we don’t actually mean and cause more problems than we already have.
Youareamoron says
Negative moron, remove religion…..and this is where we are right now! How blind can you be? Shame on your parents for raising you this way……oh well, I guess you can talk to your parents about it when you all are burnining in hell! You need God!
Truth Teller says
Not the far left you Mindless sucker of Trump..I am 70 year old Libertarian wounded war veteran and retired law enforcement..voted for Biden..I am as far from far left as Attilla The Hun..Traitor Trump spoiled silver spoon draft dodging punk’s pasty fool
Joel says
It’s past your bedtime, truthy.
Tammy Reenstra says
I find it hilarious that you’re sitting here calling Republicans bat shit crazy when you are the reason why this country is divided. I am an atheist as well, I also do not believe in God. But the one thing I did not lose was my common sense. Making special little groups for everyone to fit into is called DIVISION.
Furthermore, I am simply disgusted that I have to go to work every day and pay taxes and do everything I’m supposed to do as an American, while leftist decide to give all of my money to the people who are too lazy to go to work, or people that come from another country that know how to use our own system against us and they do it very very well. You would not be able to get away with that in any other country but in America? sure!!!! come on over here and we will support you for the rest of your life. Oh and that free check you get every week will go up for every child you have.
And I find it hilarious that you’re talking about health care. When Obamacare came into this country my mother couldn’t get the healthcare she needed because she couldn’t afford it. Why are you ask? Wasn’t that meant to help everybody?
And now we have a man running this country who couldn’t even remember what position in our government he was running for. At the end of these four years when we are back in war, when our taxes are outrageous, when I am watching welfare recipients eat better than my family because I work for a living, I will look forward to hear how Biden has helped me, a natural born American citizen Who can’t get the same benefits that foreigners who don’t speak our language get.
Anonymous says
Amen to everything you just said…..worked 12 hour days taking care of sooooo many illegals with all their fake IDs and demands for everything they could get for free while I a single parent was told that my children didn’t qualify for any help when it was time for college because I made too much money….and I owned my own home which I didn’t…. I had a mortgage. But every day I had to take care of these people using and abusing the system….. at times it was disheartening to know my tax dollars were giving them everything for nothing while we my children and I ate a lot of PBJ and Mac and cheese……
Vera Baptiste says
To say the USA is “the one” country that is somehow the closest to utopian ideals screams of naivety. The five countries that make up Scandinavia alone are some of the wealthiest and most democratic nations on earth, boasting significantly lower levels of poverty, homelessness, and joblessness that the US could ever hope to achieve. The US also being so staggeringly young, only ~245 years, and to have already suffered a civil war and to be on the brink of a second doesn’t speak well to our system’s efficacy.
FluffyPillow5 says
Maybe you didn’t notice that those five Scandinavian countries don’t have open borders and don’t give free handouts to intruders.
Ricky says
That’s because stupid people shouldn’t breed and the working class shouldn’t have to pay for it
jb1215 says
Aren’t you sweet with your made up facts? Are you talking about Scandinavian nations that have done things such as ban skateboarding for over 10 years? Norway, btw, because I know your liberal brain is compromised. Why haven’t you moved to Scandinavia it it is so Utopian? Please leave as soon as possible.
Sara says
You are very naive about Scandinavia. For example Sweden has povery, crime and social problems, and If you care about you personal civil liberties just forget about it. Swedish government treats their citizens like cattle or children.
The United States constitutional representative democracy government is one of the oldest in the world. Scandinavian countries until fairly recently were ruled by aristocracy, until around the turn of the last century Sweden was still decapitating prisoners with axes. Stop fantasizing about leftist utopias, they don’t exsist.
I’m Swedish, and I prefer to spend most of my time in the USA.
LBetancourt says
They don’t have the immigration issues the US does, they have extraordinarily high resource use, CO2 emissions, some Nordic countries tax at almost 56%, 2 have pretty high unemployment rates, and certainly when the US is footing your defense bills, funds can be directed elsewhere.
Dean V. H. says
You know why? Those Scandinavian countries have a low population, high oil exports and 39% tax.
Quit using them as a model for socialism in the US. We have way to many people and not enough oil to sell.
You want to eat? Work. Or beg from your family. Leave my tax contributions alone.
Oh and that goes for your “free” Healthcare and college too..
Socialism doesn’t work. It’s been proven time and time again through history. Get over it.
Anonymous says
That’s right.
Carley Coker says
Kenneth king says
I’m praying for this !! I was wearing a mask because of the virus!! Now I’m wearing one because I can’t stand this socialist air!! It makes me throw up !!
daniel says
Thank God for using prophet munak to save my home with peace within 7 days of his spiritual intervention that change her mind about the divorce. I will forever recommend him to anyone who needs help because he has proven his power to me. Here is also his contact to reach him holyprophet8@ gmail. com
Mark says
I’m glad you’re not getting divorced ! Please focus on Jesus and not the power of munak , never heard of him ! Jesus Christ is Lord over all !
Anonymous says
What IDIOT’S become with this idea to SEPARATE the CHILDREN from the PARENT’S neither ANIMALS DON’T DO that
Anonymous says
Perhaps the part you don’t know about this story is that most of these children did not have their parents with them. Strangers were posting to be their parents and they were not related to them at all. Do some research for yourself before you believe everything the media tells you. The media is trying to control people by twisting everything.
Joel says
Ask Barry and corrupt joe about those cages, feces brain.
Pantalones says
I think we are being too soft on the radicals. It appears they will not stop until they are stopped and from what I have seen, they are weak, and don’t seem to empathize with others who are not them, as instead they laugh and attack single targets perceived weak, in the most cowardly, and dispicable way. This is how truly, ridiculously, and un self aware these Millennial Antifas useless idiots really are. They beat on old folks and kids in groups of several, All the while they shout F the police,.
But I have seen situations flip where one fit black guy scared the crap out of a dozen of them. Running away while threatening they’re gonna call the cops…
In other cases so called Antifa leaders crying like bitches when they get caught, and arrested, or hit as they well deserve.
Keep in mind that just minutes earlier these same precious victims were beating down some random person with a bunch of others while giggling just for the hell of it.
So yeah I don’t think it will take much to scare them into behaving themselves. I believe all it would take is a couple of batons or fists to the head and body, and we’re done. No more Antifa and BLM. The BLM thugs released from Jail once the Antifas numbers thin out, they too will dissipate once they don’t have a frail wall of large minions of well off delusional millennial white people to hide behind,.They don’t wanna go back to jail, so they’ too will fade-away.
Anonymous says
So wrong, so sadly stupid…
Anonymous says
What is wrong and sadly stupid?
Anonymous says
Last I checked, the white supremacist are evil and always attempt to make it seem like antifa. White supremacist agin down, drag people behind their vehicles, hang from trees, beat children, women, elders, attack for no reason except hate, burn and blow up churches. So who is evil? Some police are KKK in a uniform. That why driving, walking or being black is a cause for brutality. What have any Black done to you? NOTHING EXCEPT BE BLACK IN YOUR HATEFUL EYES
FluffyPillow5 says
Do you really believe it’s white supremacists that are throwing rocks at police, shining lasers in people’s eyes, setting fires, looting, rioting, and chanting “defund the police”, while they hold up Black Lives Matter signs?
When you said you last checked, what did you check? Do you have any clue what you are talking about?
As Biden would say, “Come on man”.
Anonymous says
Hey, I’m White, and live in The Bronx, below the poverty level, on a 6 month seasonal work program, working for the NYC Parks department. When this job is over, I will have to go back on Welfare, the redundant programs, keeping you down, with a vicious circle! It’s really sad, For the past 60 years how Minorities keep voting for Democrats, and all they do is bring higher taxes, fund useless programs to keep people down, instead like the Republicans, who feel the need to help on shorter terms, believing in the individual, but never bait by using the race card against, as the hypocritical Democrat’s say they are for Minorities, when they are definitely not? Turning America into a Socialist Society, will destroy everything all our freedom stands for! The more Government, they will control everyone! Many People don’t like Donald Trump, because he is blunt, not politically correct, and goes after Democrats, as well as Republicans who are underhanded…. However, many will always think and are swayed by others, but if you look at the agenda for what it really is, take pride in yourself, and change yourself, without others pointing in the wrong direction! Minorities Wake Up! If you live by the system, you’ll die by the system….
Gypsy says
Wow, you touched my heart and I will pray for a miracle for you. I am middle aged and my family fled from a communist country. They came to America searching for freedom and an opportunity to give me a hopeful future, I will forever Be thankful for the courageous decision they made. They were hard working parents not making much money. I qualified for free lunch at school, so that can give you the idea that their salary was not much.
One thing I can tell you is that God was looking over our family. I went to college qualifying for financial aid and earned Degrees that got me jobs where I was able to help pay the bills and had spending money left over.
I ended getting a bachelor’s degree and now consider myself a middle class American able to support myself and my family.
It was not that I loved to study but the determination that I was not going to spend my life border line to poverty. I was resilient and I was going to become someone who one day could offer my children a better life.
My recommendation to you is to try to get some sort of skill to enable you to get a better paying job. If you qualify for welfare you can apply for a student grant. Not sure if you are male or female. Here are some technical job careers that pay descent money. Beautician, electrician, plumber, bookkeeping, secretarial, landscaping, CNA, certificate to work in convalescent homes, LPN. Prayer is powerful, I recommend it highly. God will not fail you. Follow him, because he loves you just the way you are. But it does help when we surrender to him and let him take over our lives. Accept that we are sinners and that we need Jesus in our lives. The word of God says that if you believe in me, that I am God and my son is Jesus And I sent him to die for your sins, then I will give you eternal life.accept me as your Lord and savior And you will never be thirsty. Ask God to give you guidance and to place people in your life that will lead you in the right direction then take a leap of faith. Do not allow negative people to discourage you. Don’t let the devil place excuses in your head that you can’t do something. Yes you can and God will plant a reasonable idea of a goal for you to achieve and He will help you through it. You need to have the mental strength to push yourself and not give up. Do not let anyone or any circumstance distract you from your goal/dream in life. I am praying for you right now. Blessings!!
dr says
and we are suppose to believe this crack induced illusion of yours?
SH says
You think that might be in part do to the fact of the very small numbers of people. The fact that they have requirements of individuals coming in to the country and don’t just give free stuff at the drop of a hat.Im not against immagration as long as its legal. The same for my brother in law thats is Hondurian. There are a million levels to this and BS media is part of the reason people are stupid and don’t look at all factors.
Coming for you says
Maybe because THEY TAUGHT ME WHAT DISCRIMINATION AND HATE IS. I was blissfully ignorant of their hatred, and thought they were beautiful people. but i was WRONG- THEY ARE ANIMALS.
Anonymous says
There are no white supremacist. My father was white and he fought for this country all of this country. My husbands father fought in two wars for this country not just white people. you suburban women should shame yourself for your greater than thou ways. you voted for a socialist. Our Americans whether they are black or white all have the same opportunities to make their lives better. All this nonsense needs to stop. Their is no black or white just Americans. You spew hate out of your mouth causing more division in our country.
tiredofleft says
Your systemic ignorance of history is just amazing. You are no older than 18 I suspect with the brain of a 4 year old . I do not blame you entirely. . The education system in the U S is much to blame over the past 45 years. . Let me help you understand where you have been misled. Slavery was democrats . KKK was the militant creation of the democrats after the civil war. keeping women and African Americans from voting were democrats . Jim Crow voter suppression, owning property, owning firearms all yep ,did you guess it yet DEMOCRATS . Your ignorance on any subject involving history of a great nation is amazing.. Your party will kill anything that kept them from keeping slaves. Christianity and the Republican party.. The lives of many were laid down to make this nation Free . You are now willing to kill the Bill OF Rights to make all slaves to the democrat communist party. Communist tally over 100 million killed in the name of utopia this century. In the 1920s this divide and conquer was tried in the United States it failed . Systemic ignorance has been instilled for 45 years by the education system Democrats and the Main Stream Media . Tell me oh educated one is the KKK even relevant today the 1920s was peak under a democrat controlled government. So was the push to go communist. Stop sitting in your parents basement playing video games get a job , Do some travel around the world . Come back and say this is not the the best most free country in the world. Besides if you are so concerned about slavery do something about it in the world now where it exists today.. You are unable to help about the slaves in Egypt , Europe , Africa , China , North America , South America ,Asia , and all islands over human existence over thousands of years. But yet you do not raise a voice over slavery today . Only what was done for 90 years that ended 155 years ago in the United States . Please educate us about white privilege and your systemic ignorance . Give any proof that anyone other than Democrats Communists and Antifa is responsible for the violence and destruction of this country .
Reality says
You’re the one who sounds like an insecure bully, looking for excuses to be violent, hateful, prejudiced, and racist. You are attempting to make your desired actions sound righteous but you just sound like a useless, lazy thug trying to attack others whom you’ve deemed guilty without seeming to understand the situation. I say that not based upon politics. I have no horse in this race. I say it as a passing observer who finds your attitude alarming because you’re just accusing strangers whom you do not know anything about of motivations that ONLY YOU HAVE. You could not possibly know what is in their mind, only yours. So you are interpreting their behavior as you live.
Maybe it’s time to step away from this nesting situation where you guys are just feeding into each other and fueling this hate cycle.
Just because you do not understand something doesn’t make it wrong just like even though you do not understand dome’s history, motivation, and situation, it doesn’t mean you should judge. Because when we are in a shitty situation
And bad behavior happens, do we think that you are terrible, awful, weak, and cowardly? I would guess not.
I notice you have issues with discipline/authority and mocking/humiliation. I’m guessing you had a strict upraising.
I have to say that you do NOT sound happy. You sound angry. There are plenty of reasons to be angry in this world. It is surely the easy route to go, for sure. For me, I just realized one day it was a waste of precious energy that could be spent productively, creating something, having fun with loved ones, and doing something physical so I really grind out that anger. It’s a healthier and more valuable way to spend your life.
Or keep screaming at your media like a deranged neo nazi, thinking that one day something with change and you won’t look back at your life in regret as wasted opportunities to do something more. It’s up to you.
Sarid says
First of all this country , America, is suppose to respect all people. This means separation of church and state. This is not true. One must put their hand on the Bible and swear to tell the truth. Geez just look at what the Presidents of this country have accomplished. A. They are all white Males B. They are all Christians per say. C. Andrew Jackson who is on the $20.00 Bill took the American Indians on the Trail of tears to take their land away from them. FDR gave social security to all and once you put in to it no matter what party you are in you get retirement money. Next: Pro Choice means women have a choice a personal choice to choose if they can handle having a baby or not. Next : the women in this country are punished with words and blocks to do what they believe is necessary for them to handle their lives. . Next. Instead of women being responsible for birth control and getting more dangerous surgeries to tie tubes when is the last time yu heard men who play encourage other men to go out there and ensure that women do not get pregnant by getting the male version of birth control, vasectomy. Next. Mud slinging seems to be taking place with inflammatory statements by the conservatives by saying that the Left hate let’s get over this one..poor people came to this country to get a start. At one time the American dream existed despite the fact that signs on restaurants read NO DOGS and NO Irish. Next. It took women 75 years to get the vote now let’s talk about fear from men on this one.. smiles.. 75 years to block women to stop them from voting! Next. Education. Please explain to me why i wasn’t taught that it took 75 years to give women the vote? Next. Why do chronically ill middle class people lose their homes due to high medical bills when in other civilized countries everyone has the opportunity to get medical help free of charge even if they have to wait? I can’t accept that any thinking person would find kicking a person down when they are sick or after a surgery is correct behavior. I can be at this all day…but will not . Human dignity is supposed to be what people came to this country for and yet so many here carry guns including children and shoot and kill others senselessly. People came to this country believing that their lives will be respected no matter what walk of life they come from and yet we have lynchings, house burnings and verbal mud slinging to those who are different and who are peaceful This country states all men are created equal.. I ask what men and why are women not included in this statement? We know why women were not included in this statement now don’t we! It is because back then women had no rights a throw back from victorian England.
Jesse says
> It appears they will not stop until they are stopped and from what I have seen, they are weak
Sheer hubris. Sheer !@#$ing hubris.
We have every right to have representation in politics, and we will fight for that representation for as long as it takes.
You sound like you want to exterminate us. You may test your assumption that we are all defenseless hippies who won’t touch a gun with a ten-foot pole at your own convenience.
No Name says
Well said! Yes i be-leave they will fade-away once the Democraps quits paying them.
Anonymous says
Amen yeh!!!!
Triangle_Vex says
Yes, I agree 100%. I think that apart of why these antifa shitheads get away with so much is precisely because they look so weak and wimpy, so people either view them as “children” and go easy on them, or simply underestimate how despicable the braindead hyenas can get when in large packs.
Notice how the average antifa loser tends to look like a scrawny 16 year old even when in their 30s? Their youthful appearances protect them from suffering the proper punishments. We should keep that in mind when dealing with such people, as they have likely gotten away with too much already.
The amount of conservatives, moderates, and sensible people responding with “just take the high road” is sickening. To that I say hell no. Taking the high road doesn’t work with nasty people who celebrate cowardly tactics and property destruction.
What I would give to beat the shit out of a twig-armed sniveling pantifa idiot. Too bad I actually have commitments and can’t spend my night in the streets where the stores are peacefully looted.
Analysis Complete says
The pattern of most of the black shootings has been thugs not having any respect for authority and not following the commands of authority. Simple “yes, sir” and “no, sir” and total compliance will ensure that the arrest is fair and nobody gets hurt – no matter what color you are. It is when this authority is challenged and assaulted that the authorities have to, and rightly should, neutralize and arrest the perpetrator.
This is very simple and I have witnessed the “attitude” that gets these uncompliant people in trouble with the police once they start spewing forth with their indignance instead of just simply complying.
Nobody talks about it though. The police do not say – “Look, simply work with us and do what we say as we are legal authorities and we will treat you respectfully.” And BLM and such do not say, “Hey folks, quit resisting and just face the music. Have personal responsibility and stand up for what you deserve, but do it the right way.”
Brandishing a weapon at police will never end well and ANYONE who does this is simply begging for the result. You’re not brave – you’re not special – you’re not going to win. it is like heckling a seasoned comedian on stage – the man with the microphone is going to win no matter what you think or how fair it looks. Simple respect for others is important.
Arleen says
I agree. Its not blm its elm. That means for the brainless that Every Life Matters.
Lol says
A boomer wrote this for sure lmao
Islam sucks says
I think we are being too soft on the radicals. It appears they will not stop until they are stopped and from what I have seen, they are weak, and don’t seem to empathize with others as instead they laugh and attack in the most cowardly, and dispicable way. This is how truly ridiculously, and un self aware these Millennial Antifas really are. They beat on old folks and kids in groups of several, All the while they shout F the police, but I have seen situations flip where one fit black guy scares the crap out a dozen of them, all the while threatening they’re gonna call the cops…in other cases so called Antifa leaders crying like bitches when they get caught, and arrested, or hit as they deserve.
Keep in mind that just minutes earlier these same precious victims were beating down some random person with a bunch of others while giggling just for the hell of it.
So yeah I don’t think it will take much to scare them into behaving themselves. I believe all it would take is a couple of batons or fists to the head and body, and we’re done. No more Antifa and BLM. The BLM thugs released from Jail once the Antifas numbers thin out, they too will will dissipate once they don’t have large minions of well off delusional millennial white people to hide behind, and they don’t wanna go back to jail, so they’ too will fade-away.
edward kaluf says
throw out god and you will see how fast this country wii fall
Joe R says
Which god? Why don’t you prove your god exists first! Just another example of a weak minded simpleton who needs a sky daddy. You all have been trying to argue that there is a god for years. Yet not one single time have any of you produced any evidence. You rely on “faith.” The very reason people give when they have NO evidence. So are you talking about Allah? Thor? Zeus? Which one?
Lauren says
You rely on faith too, you just don’t realize it. You rely on Liberalism as your faith. Everyone has a desire to believe in something to make them feel like a good person-and you believe in Liberalism and collectivism-which will swallow you whole and eat you alive in the end. And that’s ok-maybe that’s what has to happen for you to finally learn that the very revolution you support will rip you apart. You are just as invested in your faith as any Christian. It’s just that one of us is worshipping God and the other is worshipping Man.
Anonymous says
You must not know a single Democrat and only read and listen to far right news outlets. The left as you call it are people who are compassionate as Christianity has taught us to be. We don’t expect utopia but we do expect humanity which Trump is incapable of. Children separated from their refugee status seeking parents shows he cannot be empathetic. Trump “loves” his country by praising dictators and doing nothing about Russia paying Isis to kill our soldiers. He is a pathalogical liar. I don’t want a president who lies to me daily and oh, doesn’t represent me because I didn’t vote for him. Claiming the left hates America is a childish and ridiculous statement to make and shows you aren’t fit to make political statements.
PC says
You have bought into every single lie that has been spoon feed to you. All you need to do is do a Google search and find the list of countries with single-party or socialist governments-China tops that list and they have been waiting us. Just as with all predators-and it’s best to think of a child predator-they will tell you everything is going to be wonderful, everything is going to be “free”! Healthcare, college, no taxes except for the very rich, etc., why not? As long as you’re not analyzing the logistics of how any of this could be possible why not the sun and the moon too! Back to the predator-if the Democratic Party is allowed to take control in 2021 this country will never be the same and Biden will not be the President, they will give medical reasons for him stepping down and the real Socialists are waiting in the wings to take over.
Anonymous says
And yet once again these same corrupt career politicians had to admit when finally pressed by president Trump that it was actually Joe Biden and Barack Obama who had the children in those cages yes Joe Biden they were built in 2014 President Trump was not president yet? i thank God ive walked away from the Democrats because of their behavior towards a sitting president not to mention the very lies an deception propaganda bs fear tactics that they have been using for decades.
Wake Up says
Obama admitted to building but Trump used them. SMH that is just basic facts. No wonder a majority of right wing people perpetuate false news more than any other political party in the USA. Some says the most stupid sh$7 on Facebook or twitter and you guys scramble and share as if it’s facts. Dear GOD We are literally DOMED regardless of what party sits in the White House, Senate or any decision making seats. A Majority of Republicans belief anything as fact as long as it’s from the Right. 99% of this over the top BS can be fact checked with ease. Such a shame to watch half of America become sheeple to Trumtopia. Bet you will be first to sign up for his call to eliminate anyone who doesn’t agree with your dear dictator. Look up the history of “the big lie” your right on track to become his little as guard.
Anonymous says
You are an idiot .The children were not in the custody of Obhama or Biden ,Trump is the one who put them in the caves as a matter of fact Putin has a lot of people in caves and when he anecdOtal Trump he said,I think it’s a good idea .Let’s be real You all know what Trump did and who he is ,that makes you a party to his depravity. stay away from the koolaid,Soon be will end up in prison maybe some of you will be joining him if you keep doing his dirty work for him!
Anonymous says
I do know many Democrats who are Christians, i was a Democrat for over 35 years and i decided to walk away because of all the lies and deception from the mainstream media’s corrupt career politicians Hollywood elites who have shown their true colors and for the 1st time I’m embarrassed of all of them. There’s no gray area written in the bible there’s right an wrong an anyone who is telling the truth knows that they way they have been treating our president is absolutely wrong. I will not be apart of all their power money grubbing greedy evil agendas towards not only the president but towards American’s as a whole.
Joseph Belvedere says
You do know that the pictures of children separated from their parents at the border in cages are 1. Doctored to push an agenda by removing context and dates, and 2. Are pictures and videos taken from the Obama administration right? It’s hilarious that you liberals think that anyone right of Obama is “far right”. By your standards even Obama is too Conservative. All because you can’t fathom a society that’s not your heathenous dogmatic socialist agenda. The left is a cancer and cancers must be killed before they get too big. It’s high time we Americans cut your cancerous ideology of suffering out.
Anonymous says
Please read article below from the
National Immigration Law Center
May 12, 2016
President Obama Ramps Up Family Separations
ICE actions violate due process and will send waves of fear throughout immigrant communities
WASHINGTON — The Obama administration intends to ramp up raids against Central American mothers and children fleeing violence, according to news reports from Reuters and other outlets.
In forging ahead with more of these planned raids, which were first announced in late 2015, the administration is turning a blind eye to the many serious due process violations that took place during the last round of raids, which have been repeatedly highlighted by attorneys, advocates, educators and elected officials, and the shockwaves of fear they set off throughout the immigrant community.
Attorneys with the National Immigration Law Center, who visited mothers detained during the first rounds of these raids, reported clear instances in which women were not fully aware of their legal rights or adequately informed of how to get in touch with their lawyers, even when they had strong asylum claims because they were afraid of being returned to their home countries of Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador—all of which rank as some of the most dangerous places in the world for women. Below is a statement from Marielena Hincapié, executive director of the National Immigration Law Center:
“These military-style raids against mothers and children fleeing violence are reprehensible. We are outraged that the Obama administration has once again decided to engage in a PR stunt that serves only to create fear and paralyze everyday life and civic participation in immigrant communities, in our schools, and in workplaces. The federal government’s failure to address the violent conditions that are causing women and children to flee in the first place mean that these raids are a complete and utter policy failure.
“The damage caused by such raids extends far beyond the families swept away and broken apart by them. Central American students will be kept away from schools for fear that they, too, will be detained and deported. U.S. citizen classmates of raid victims will be left without their friends. And entire immigrant communities will become even more afraid of participating fully in our communities and society.
“How these families fleeing violence are being treated reflects a blatant hemispheric bias. President Obama refuses to view increasing violence in Central America as a regional problem that needs a regional response and somehow denies that the people fleeing violent conditions in Central America are, like their Syrian counterparts across the globe and other vulnerable populations, simply seeking refuge.
“It is incomprehensible that President Obama continues to rely on this failed deterrence approach, which will do nothing to deter a mother’s decision to make the perilous journey north in order to save her family’s life. Instead, parents will fear sending their children to school or to a medical appointment. These proposed immigration raids will serve only to confuse immigrant communities about an administration that has detained and separated our families in record numbers.
“These raids—and his deportation record—could be President Obama’s immigration legacy. Those who hope to succeed him will have to work that much harder to regain the trust of immigrant voters and their allies, making their journey to the White House that much more difficult.”
None says
Anonymous says
Read Eileen statement below it’ll show you how much of a fool you are.
the ironic thing is there are a ton of decent liberals but they believe they are supporting ideas that are not true they are misled the far-left and aggressive hateful people control what used to be liberal party used to be decent people many still are like I said misled actually the conservatives of today are more in line with liberals of 20 years ago.
this is why so many 40 and 60 year olds vote left foolishly thinking that they’re supporting things that used to be our Democratic party.
the Democratic party was good enough 20 or 30 years ago and that’s what the Republican party has become.
things are about as good as they can be as far as base ideas it’ll take some work to clean up the reality from there but we’re not going to change anything for the better by changing the structure of government definitely not going left.
the vote for whom you wish that’s the difference between me and you I don’t bash people for voting differently yet that is a theme with liberals the comparison of people attacked for supporting Trump to the other way around is way misproportion
one of the things you support by supporting liberal party is that intimidation and not recognizing person’s right to have a different view because you’re supporting a party which is so hostile, violent & intimidating that hostility essentially is a platform.
like I said reblow from a person who’s lived in communism and there’s no denying we’re headed toward communism a lot of the big money people who are behind this are beginning to admit it soon they will openly admit it all.
you probably a decent Democrat who thinks that the Democratic party is like they were decades ago. It’s not. I switched
Caryn Whipple says
Every sentence of anonymous was a lie.
Anonymous says
Your projecting again! Trumpsterss
Montgomery Lines says
That was Bush who sent our boys to the desert. Obama kept them their for our economy. Just for extra measure he sent plane or 2 full of combat virgins from Oklahoma just to prove he is an Idot Fuck. Maybe we should all head to the truth the real truth that either one of you wouldnt like. I can fucking tell you there is not a Republican or Democrat circle in that round table. Good luck, Ill take the truth. Sianara
Craig says
It’s a fact the left hates America… you must only listen to CNN. I can go on and on and show how programmed you are and honestly a complete idiots Democrats want socialism and communism and are blatantly stating it. It’s never worked and has completely failed and ruined countries. We live in the greates country in the world and now people who have been in office for 40 or more years that have accomplished ZERO want to change it. Great idea. We do need to make adjustments… like regulating social media and news outlets that provide false info and are the reason for all the negative that is going on. But your a fool if you think voting Democrat will be a positive. I am a lifelong Democrat that switched to republican 4 years ago…. the far left is taking over the party and poisoning the minds of our children and society…. I am baffled how any can vote Democrat but watched the Netflix documentary social dilemma and realize now why we have the issue we do in this country and why you can never have a educated debate with anyone from either party and potentially get them to see the other side. This country is doomed unless social media is regulated and the fact alll these media outlets are ru.n by far left democrats who are billionaires and want to control the people and you fall for it is beyond me…. Trump 2020
RtBrown says
If you don’t like live in the great free country in all the world , I will be glad to pack you hobo bag on a stick and send on a one way row boat to Gillian’s Desert Island
Anonymous says
I have a Democrat-or-die Mother in law. All I’ve heard from her for the past 35 years of marriage is hate speech about everyone who questions the policies of the democratic party. She purposely starts emotional arguments that have no basis in facts, just angry emotions. She is racist and considers herself to be above others. My husband and I are trying to teach our children respect for others, our religion, and our country, but it’s hard to explain to the children grandma’s utter lack of respect for that which we hold dear. She is a widow recently and we want to include her in our holidays. She makes it so very hard. When reading your emotional, irrational and ignorant views, I wonder if she wrote your comments. So sad.
Robert says
Demonicrats are veiled they see what is good as bad and bad is good we have only 2 choices God is dividing those who are on the left and middle and calling yourself a Christian and being Democrat is an oxymoron the democrat agenda is for the enemy and mans goal to achieve being god and rule the world yes I believe we are truly in the last days as bible prophecies describe and God is in control
Anonymous says
History warned all this both partys work together making policy thats best for big buisness and themselves…Republicans party of tthe koch brothers ideology and Democrats never put up fight or punch back, no after they get some shitty legislation passed etc the dems and chuck Schumer or are really Republicans playing dems , what we now have is a 2 party system whos goal is too tear down the social fabric of our emocracy… which is why we need multiparty open primaries not closed, because these people are the biggest phonies and cowards and they no in a free and fair election they have no chance..
rkin says
You did not know what you are talking about. Democrats being loving peaceful individuals. I guess they are the same one’s protesting in the streets, destroying business, injuring police. Press that encourages violence and por liberal. Press has you brain washed
Lee says
Three party not two, the far left is weeding out the old Democrat party as they will become the new Democratic Party at the same time trying to break up the Republican party to become the dominant Party. …that’s why the left is owned by big tech. And the news for what you see and hear. .controling people mind’s , to stay in control of population growth and your views. We don’t want people thinking for themselves naw do we..
Jesse says
> Demonicrats
You expect us to take you seriously when you sink to such a low level as to call names?
Anonymous says
I don’t understand why every little tiny thing he does wrong you guys have to make a big deal out of it. Obama made mistakes but democrats were just like oops didn’t mean to do that and acted like it didn’t happen but when trump makes a mistake you guys jump on it like he just blew up the world. republicans did not criticize obama for little tiny mistakes he made but you guys do. Your not compassionate. Your inconsiderate.
FucktRump says
Seriously? Sean Hannity did a segment about Obama using “fancy” mustard on his hot dog!. And oh my gosh, remember Obama’s tan suit?! Don’t forget about Michelle Obama showing her bare arms! Trump is a completely inept, corrupt, racist, misogynistic, narcissistic liar. He deserves all of the criticism he gets and then some!
Anonymous says
Lies on a pandemic that killed 230K and counting is not a mistake. Tell the families that lost their love ones, oh, I am sorry I made a mistake. Then the idea that Democrats aren’t spiritual. Another lie that trump spew. Bottom line don’t judge before getting to know people. We have seen what trump d and its degrading with no morals at all. As a country, we should spend time working together and understanding we are all different but made from God. Look where we are now and as we speak, the enemy is plotting. Republicans sit back on their high horse claiming so innocent. Fact, there is no perfect person in the world. There are crazy people in all race not just one. Republicans fail to see both sides. Always trying to limit some people rights while enforcing theirs on people. Racism, divide, violence, or hate begins with a narrow minded person with no values or morals. Then attempt to justify by character assassination. Many of the same people that judge are on both sides but undercover. Why make it about party? Its should be about character , values, morals, integrity, honesty and competence. Equal/Freedom means equal for all not just some
Larue Sanchez says
WHOSE POLICY? Mr Obama and the democrats policy..
PRESIDENT TRUMP Called on the Democrats to “end the horrible law that separates children from their parents Once they cross the border in the US.
President Trump has reported his assertion that he Inherited and ended a policy from President Obama that separates children from parents who cross the US and Mexico border illegally. President Trump ended that policy, however, some family separations have continued to take place. President Trump signed an executive order in June 2018 reversing the policy (Of Mr Obama), Promising to keep families together. A court order then ended separations and required families to be reunited.
So it seems to me Mr. Democrat of the rightist that you are very leftist way out there leftist and have no clue what you’re talking about you would rather blame our great President Donald Trump then to give the blame to Who it really belongs
Which would be your president Mr. Obama.
So it seems the gentleman who wrote this political article does have business writing political articles and it seems like you have no business replying to them unless you want to reply with the truth and and get the facts Before opening your democratic mouth which we know the Democrats are the liars.
Anonymous says
Matt Ossen says
that is a flat out lie, most of what is written here is
Anonymous says
You are a liar just like Trump,and you know it! He is losing the election because everybody knows he’s a psychopath you better watch who you support as psychopath care for no one but THEMSELVES Trump to a tee.When his trumpeters are not around he says terrible things about you all.I know someone in the white and they told me. When he loses they will come forward
and you will all look like Moore for believing him.
Anonymous says
You should do your homework. The Democratic party under Roosevelt started your communist party that all Democrats wish they could have and bring forth their utopia Read something
Anonymous says
If you can watch something other than CNN or CNBC go to Amazon prime watch the show hidden agenda and maybe you’ll change your mind about the Democratic party unless you love socialism and the total destruction of America then keep your thoughts the way they are
Please know what you are talking about says
And which type of socialism are you referring to specifically?
Jimmie chapman says
Jim chapman subject matter “Democrats” we are Democrats. We are the best Democrats ever. Why?? We will never vote for a democrat. We have studied both sides and conclude. Which is the best of both evils. God warns those without sin cast the first stone. Democrats ignore this and throw their stones regularly. We will only vote for the candidate who has America in their best interest And it’s very easy to see that this is trump. We encourage other Democrats to follow our guide. Examine yourself and be truthful to yourselves. To vote democratic is to enslave yourself. Democrat means “to demonstrate evil. I have found this to be true through the years and my view has never changed…why?..?. Trump has built our nation up. Democrats wants to tear it down. Democrat run cities are showing the ugly truth of their ways and this is not GODS way either. Sure trump is way from perfect. How about you, are you perfect….if so ,then go ahead and cast your stones…..but you must be perfect in order to do so. Be very careful what you wish for, you just may receive It regrettably .we wish the very best for our nation and for now , this is trump. We feel that GOD is in control, and what GOD wants ,this is what will prevail. Trump was GODS choice. We certainly hope he has not changed his mind for us this time around.
Darrell Sprout says
Obviously you’re oblivious to Real Facts .
The left is not for The American People .
You may not agree with all that President Trump stands for , But he stands for The American People , Israel and Pro Life .
That’s good enough for me .
Have a Blessed Day
Wayne says
Christian or Liberal? Cant be both. If you think we should kill children in the womb because “Its a womans choice” whether to butcher her child for her self idolatry then YOU are not “christ-like” which is the definition of Christian. Your misinformation about what it means to be a follower of Christ is sickening. Dont speak for us again.
Millie O'donnell says
The Pope is a Liberal. God hates fascism.
HopeD says
Have ONE word for this statement…”PERFECT!’
l.l. says
1. childer were never separated from their parents. most in the images i have seen are adult men posing at underage teenagaers…. they are older teenagers who most likely came to the usa border by themselves as i see in the caravans (90% youger men who are not with a women) but moron you would never think to do investigations of your own… i did them and that is what i found, you see i am smart… smarter than you as all are on the right side of the isle. we are not lazy we actully do not do what you accuse of us of doing which is watch tv and believe all we hear………………….. which is exactly what you do proving how evil you are and what a hypocrite all on the left are. if there are small children there the evil hispanic parents abandoned them in the hope they could do chain migration in the near future. hey, dummy remember when the hispanics sent busloads of infants to the USA? no, you’re too stupid. they did it to do chain migration (they are cheats, thieves, and utterly evil).
2. democrats and liberals are the party of the secular, which means they only bring God in when they need to. God is mostly just something they use to prove a point, they do not worship God, or love God, or follow his rules. SO KEEP THAT OUT OF YOUR CONVERSATION HERE, YOUR NOT WITH GOD, WE BOTH KNOW IT.
3. idiot the only one catering to dictators has been the libs, dems, left. site one instance of Trump praising a dictator…. site one instance of Trump pay isis I DARE YOU, there are none. but i can show you obama doing all the things you claim. i can do this because i am good on the inside and every smart/informed… you are neither. TRUMP HAS ALSO NOT LIED ABOUT ONE THING…………. BUT BIDEN HAS LIED ABOUT MILLIONS OF THINGS AND IS NOW BEING EXPOSED. the left does hate the usa, they say it all the time publically, your mental illness is showing as you deny what reality it. your day is coming evil lib. God has got his eyes on all you evil-doers. He is sick of what you do to the rest of the good people and He is going to make sure you know who is good and who is evil, you will be marked for evil and as part of the underworld and there is nothing you can do to change. Trump will win and all his children will run for president for the next 50 yrs. until all the libs have either left the USA or aged out and passed away! no more libs ever in the USA, God is with us and this is what God wants. your war is not against God’s chosen on Trump or God’s children who support pres. Trump, your war is against God himself. so go fight God, good luck with that. satan whom you have been following will not be powerful enough to help you win the battle over God. God Bless America and God Bless Pres. Trump. Trumps for the next 100 yrs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahahahahahaha you have already lost, maybe migrate to a corrupt nation like china where satan rules you will feel more at home there!
Bubba says
God praise you because you do speak the truth, and so many of us are sick and goddamn tired of the left twisting shit around imagine all that this country could have gotten done in the last four years if these little whiny bastards would’ve at least tried to work with our great president. Just imagine but no they spent shit loads of money trying to build a fire to get him removed when there was never even any smoke some people need to go to the electric chair for real some people need to pay the ultimate price because in America‘s eyes they are the reason why our country has been in civil unrest. And now let’s bring the leftist media into it as well they are a great deal of the problem there needs to be repercussions when you print lies just so you can get the sheep to follow it’s fucking sickening and we are getting tired of itGod bless you and your family I don’t wish for bad things to happen to people I just want to see those accountable get certain Justice I think a lot of people do
yo says
true tru good nob
yo says
Why would democrats want to give money to illegals and not legal people that lost there job ? So in my opinion your FULL OF IT.
Drew Mead says
This is in responce to the above comment. I stopped reading your stupidity when you blamed Trump for separating children of illegal aliens from their parents and detaining them when this action is in direct responce to changes in the law WHEN OBAMA WAS IN OFFICE! Christianity also preaches against murdering unborn children, it preaches against murder in general. It sure wouldn’t support murdering police, rioting, stealing, etc. Politics in general are satanic in nature, open your eyes and stop being a moronic sheep
Kurgin says
I truly know you need to fact check your facts. You facts are not the truth. I respect other ideas and thought as long as they are based on truth. You need to ask questions and seek answers. Ask for the receipts opinions are not truth!
Carrie says
Agreed! I wondered where these Democrats were as I’d seen neither hide nor hair of these rare radical types that are seeking a Utopia. That’s some seriously old school Zanadu crap. Truly bizarre!! ANTIFA is not necessarily millennials, and F the police is my generation. Beat on old folks and kids -not seen any evidence of this, but LOTS of video of police doing this while exercising excessive and unnecessary force upon unarmed elderly and children protesting peacefully. There’s a lot to unpack there but it’s unbelievably overwhelming and interwoven does just no. What I will do however is just point how laughable it is that the poster said Dems lack empathy then proceeds to describe them in an incredibly heartless manner and what violence he wishes upon them after degrading objectifying and dehumanizing them.
Anonymous says
You are joking right… The pathological liner is Mr. Biden….listen to Facts…
Biden has so 47 years of documented plagiarism, lies about is education, where he was educated, lies about his policies, lies about his involvement with money laundering…so an so on…
Oh, and Obama’s administration built the cages…. and in no way can I judge your Christian heart, that is between you and God, but supporting an agenda and party that supports killing babies is what I would call ungodly.
Anonymous says
Are you crazy you will soon soon see if democrats win everything we taxpayers will go to hell and worse
Dannymadness says
Literally every thing you said is the opposite of reality, yes all those”right wing media” outlets…theres so many….its totally not true that 99 percent of media are all anti trump anti conservative anti Christian far far far left neo Marxists freaks….nope thats not real at all……cause the two gay commies on Cnn told me so…..and theres nothing Christian or moral about the left there Godless abortion/trans kids pushing/ immoral Luciferian Marxists freaks. and your as brainwashed as they get.
FluffyPillow5 says
You don’t want a president who lies so you are voting for Biden?
No wonder the communists call you people useful idiots.
love the USA says
what rock have u been living under all your life,these far left idiots won’t be satisfied until we crush them to meaningless pieces of shit that they are,I would have loved to have them in my line of sight in Vietnam,oh i’m sorry they wouln’t defend their country like so many of us have so we can have the freedom we have today!!!!!!
Dean V. H. says
People seeking refugee status don’t sneak in. They apply for citizenship.
How many can come stay at your house? Leave my tax dollars alone. I ain’t paying for them.
P.S. Obama and Biden started the immigration separation thing. Look it up.
Lauren says
You aren’t compassionate.
It’s not compassionate to point a gun at someone’s head and demand their money so you can give it to someone else. When you take someone’s choice away you take away their ability to be moral and to be good. That doesn’t make you a good person. It makes you a thief and a hypocrite.
Good compassionate people don’t support BLM and Antifa-collectivist, mob-like revolutionaries who want to burn down this entire country. Now that it looks like Dementia Joe will win-they will only be more embolfened. Don’t come crying to us when they burn down your business, if you even work.
You do hate America because you don’t support the ideas this nation was founded on-Liberty, Individualism, Limited Government, Personal Responsibility, Judeo Christian values. You hate all of those things, so you absolutely do hate America. You can’t love something that you want to fundamentally transform.
The sad part is that you will be ripped apart by the philosophy that you support. It will eat you alive. And I don’t want to hear you come crying to us when that happens. Because we tried to warn you. But you have these pipe fantasies about free healthcare and free this and free that. You aren’t going to get any of that. You are being deceived.
Good people don’t treat their fellow Americans like less-than humans. Good people don’t endorse those who harass citizens in restaurants. Good people don’t call everyone a racist who disagrees with them. Good people don’t believe in abortion up until 9 months. Good people don’t throw a 4 year long temper tantrum when they don’t get their way.
You aren’t a good person. You’re a collectivist. You’re a Marxist.
Anonymous says
Can you quit spewing more of the bullshit?
Trumps hated because of his mouth. Left wing doesn’t hate America if anything both isles are under the same party more now than usual. Republican…end of day their all shot heads and citizens are suffering because it seems that only the rich mean shit to politicians and us struggling to make ends meet 2 jobs and all don’t matter WE ARE MAJORITY! We shoulder 98 percent of the work with ought is those fucks would have nothing someone needs to remind them that!
FluffyPillow5 says
If the left didn’t hate America then they wouldn’t want to radically change it.
You don’t change things you love.
How can you claim the left doesn’t hate America when it calls America systemically racist, and said America was founded on racism?
Hello? Do you have any clue what you are talking about?
Anonymous says
The most “hated” gets my vote!!
Cindy says
Mine too
Irene says
I grew up in a Socialist country run by the Communist Party. IT WAS HELL.
All those (Liberals) who are advocating socialism in America should learn from Eastern Europe, Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, and others.
Anonymous says
Amen to that yes it’s about time ive walked away from the Democrats who have been doing everything and anything to undermine the president simply because they lost an election? Oh my goodness gracious have my eyes been open like never before.
Anonymous says
Your problem Irene, is that NO ONE EVER SAID WHAT YOU’RE CLAIMING.
FluffyPillow5 says
WRONG! You haven’t been paying attention to the democrat candidates have you?
World Traveler says
Irene, is there anything to be learned from the very successful democratic countries like Luxembourg and Switzerland? Two of the world’s wealthiest nations?
Anonymous says
Me too! I’d rather be right and think for myself, than go with the herd that is being manipulated by the media.
Trump 2020! Silent majority against socialism!!🇺🇸🇺🇸
Anonymous says
President Trump vp Pence im actually voting for Republicans for the 1st time in my life. Thank you to the mainstream media’s corrupt career politicians hollywood elites who don’t care about us our families or even the very future of America. The only thing they care about is their own personal evil politic agendas that Americans have voted against in 2016 and the Democrats lost and they can’t seem to get over it? it’s a disgrace to all Americans regardless of what there political views are?
Bruce m johnson says
Facebook wont post my story on Obamas and Biden.The racists are facebook.I lost a house with Obama.Applied 3 times for Obama loan package to save my house l lost my house l lost Turned down all 3 times.And when Obama and Biden gave out a stymulus checks in the amount of 600.00 for singles and 1200.00 for married couples. I never got one.Or anyone l know or asked.Wheres all that money.Nobody questioned Obama and Biden.WHY? Former dem never again
Exhibit A says
Heck ya! Go Trump! I’m so happy that a lot of fellow Americans are finally opening their eyes. Fake news love to brainwash and won’t mention a peep about Biden’s corruption. The media are truly the enemy of the people!
Anonymous says
Mine too!
Anonymous says
KSH says
I’m older than most of you….relax and enjoy life while you can. Stay armed stay smart stay ready for anything…..keep the problems of the country in the pockets of the business men and buy war bonds……lol
Jason P. Wawiernia says
This article, and not even the article itself but another underlying trend that I have seen in online journalism and “news” reporting, perfectly shows the clear intentions of the left versus the right, what single aspect is it you may ask? Well it’s what we are all doing right now…….commenting! That’s right, comments, simple comments, the ability to leave comments on a news story or article is paramount to the credibility of the contents laid out by the author. I have been keeping track and making notes of this matter for well over a year now and what I have found is extremely one-sided: left-leaning new sites do not allow commenting, try to find one….you can’t, why is that? Because the left don’t care what you have to say they don’t care what you think you can think what they tell you to think what they say is fact undisputable fact and you cannot deny it or say anything about it there’s no room for public interest. On the other hand, just like this new site right here that we are enjoying the freedom of speech and the ability to comment, you will find this on the majority of right-leaning news outlets, why is that? Well that’s because the right is just that….Right! We believe in free speech being allowed to voice your opinions criticize what is written and in doing so truth is almost certain to be found. This is the world we are living in and I’m sorry if you’re angry and want to scream and yell at me and call me names and say that I’m stupid but that’s your right so feel free go right ahead and I will respect that but next time you’re flipping through your Washington State Journal, New York Time or Yahoo news stories, think about that as you try to find somewhere to comment and realize that you can’t…… And with that I take my leave, I respect your opinion, I care for your well-being and I wish you the best, God bless!
James Mcardle says
Wow, dude, you might actually be an idiot. You just threw a whole bunch of words against a wall, but none of them make any sense. Please stop.
Anonymous says
I don’t know what’s going to come up here but yeah he just went on a complete false rant period and it’s kind of funny LOL
Rusty Wallace says
Marxism has NEVER worked, Nationalism has Never worked, Adolph Hitler’s story can tell you that. The far left say, Socialism is the way, it has Never worked. Try the socialists ‘work in progress’ in Venezuela, unless you are in a coma and not listening, they are not doing too well, that is unless you are watching CNN. Try the tried and proved Truth, Capitalism in America, with Freedoms no other country on Earth enjoys. The Freedoms Americans enjoy everyday are at a premium, that’s just one reason everybody wants to move to America. Home of the great because of the FREE. In the end, “The truth will out”. A book has been out for a long time, it chronicles the liberals lose and go on to lose for an eternity. God Bless America, land that I love.
Anonymous says
you really are delusional,Scandanavian countries and canada are far and away better then the US,you only nitpicked the worse or failed examples because they were more dictatorships then what Marx envisioned
Anonymous says
Um…no, they’re not. America is the greatest country in the world.
It is only country in the world where freedom of expression and the right to self defense are constitutionally enshrined.
Sure, it’s not perfect, but it’s far better than any of the alternatives.
You are nothing but a whiny, entitled brat, who assumes that everything you desire should just be handed to you on a silver platter, and when you don’t get what you want, you throw a freaking temper tantrum like the petulent child you truly are.
You don’t always get what you want, and you certainly do not hold a monopoly on truth nor morality.
It’s also crystal clear that have absolutely no idea what the hell you’re talking about.
Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election. Get over it. You are NOT entitled to the White House, no more than, Biden, Trump or ANYONE else is.
If you hate America so much, then stop your complaining, pack your bags and passport, and get the HELL out!
SH says
If youre calling him delusional am I’m allowed to call you a moron on how you equate things. First limited immagration. Second ridiculous tax rate. Third very limited growth for most of the nation. I could go on and on. If we look at us numbers of 20 mill in illegal immagration and say that 60 percent receive government assistance that would leave billions that we could put back in to helping people advance in this country. If those that couldn’t afford to have children didn’t have them, or those that are being blatanly in abusive in how they bilk the government it would add millions more to the coffers.
Then take away corperate welfare and close some loop holes. Both sides have made this mess and what you espouse makes it worse. By the way Canda got rid of welfare the way distrinuted a few years back.
“All provinces maintain a program of this sort known by names such as “social assistance”, “income support”, “income assistance” and “welfare assistance”; popularly they are known as welfare.The purpose of these programs is to alleviate extreme poverty by providing a monthly payment to people with little or no income. The rules for eligibility and the amount given vary widely between the provincesThey also pay much more in takes and many of their citizens come to the us for better health care (surgeries).
These don’t include medical care etc. The extent of public financing varies considerably across services. For example, approximately 99% of physician services, and 90% of hospital care, are paid by publicly funded sources, whereas almost all dental care and most prescription drug cost are paid for privately. Most physicians are self-employed private entities which enjoy coverage under each province’s respective healthcare plans. They also only pay for a small portion of those that aren’t citizens. (small numbers as well)
The Right wing stuff is pretty funny though and extactly the main reason I asked about using term moron. Right wing extremist aren’t causing the majority. Anyone with a brain knows they are bad/dangerous and need to be in check or gotten rid of. No antifa problems HAHAHA. Question it’s ok to loot as long as I call it reperations right? This shows the stupidty and ridiculousness of your entire arguement. I am an idenpendent and no real fan of president or GOP but this is exactly the type of stuff that will push me to the right. People such as yourself are the exact reason I won’t sit out of a vote anymore to protest the bad canidates. Free speech but only if you agree with your view points. Trump caravans harrasing not good but it’s fine going into resteraunts harras and threaten people or Maxine Waters go out and get in their faces, hypocrisy at it’s best
Anonymous says
No, again you are another (lenin’s phrase, he applied to students and professors) “USEFUL IDIOTS.”, as they are willing tools, not relying on facts. Z
Anonymous says
100% though
Anonymous says
If you are so hard headed that you don’t understand what he just said you are the idiot
Anonymous says
Patricia says
Agree! But see the Dems can’t see any truth because their brains have been brainwashed into thinking we are a bad country and they need to stomp out the injustices they have dreamt up. Working hard, saving your money and being successful is now a crime in America according to the left. I’ll be dead and gone but wait till they find out this fantasy world of socialism they think will be utopia will bring nothing but a desperate existence for all Americans!
Anonymous says
Explain How it would be a desperate existence? Jesus Christ and apostles literally practiced socialism and the early church is clearly socialist until the Roman Catholics badgered the gospels. Prosperity doctrineis satanic in origin and its unbiblical. It is much harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven than it is fora camel to pass through the eye of a needle.
Chuck U. Farley says
“I’ll be dead and gone.”
Sooner rather than later, let’s hope.
Anonymous says
God will bring an end to them but as long as we have a man or woman in office to fight the CIA the Treasury and all the fat cat democrats this beautiful country we call UNITED STATES OF AMERICA will be God’s shining light on the hill
Anonymous says
Agreed says
God. Have. Mersey. On. Your. Soak. You. Are. Saten. Dave
Anonymous says
Anonymous says
You are so correct! He made complete sense and is right!
Anonymous says
Julia says
Yeah. What he said a was quite clear, and accurate.
Schnertzman says
Excuse me, but I believe you are lost McArdle… You no sense of the context of Socialism if you think he’s not making any sense.
You probably have been well indoctrinated in today’s colleges… They can’t even help students now achieve what a High School grad could 40-50 years ago. No wonder foreign students are kicking our asses in testing.
Something tells me you’re failing at life and you need this… That’s just sad.
MA says
Some people are just lost. Save your energy. No matter what evidence comes out there will always be a segment of society that doesn’t have the critical thinking skills to analyze the news they’re told. Even worse, you have pure Bolshevik style indoctrination going on in our schools. God help us all against where tis country is heading. Maybe Trump can hold the worse off for a few more years, but I’m afarid it’s to late long term. The country has been sold out by greed and corruption on both sides of the isle. The country will head into a 1 party dictatorship and about a third of the country will happily vote that crap in being to ignorant to understand what they are voting for.
Anonymous says
This type of exaggerated nonsense are the true dangerous forms of ideological calcification that wittingly or unwittingly prop up existing forms of exploitation and oppression,and stifle opportunities for progress, equality, and social change. Just because people express their disappointment and unhappiness with a particular policy or the way things are conducted in this country, that does not mean they HATE America. The very thought of that is so ridiculous and only fosters a delusional illusion of some so-called enemy that isn’t there. This country was built on different ideas. What might be great for you, may not be equally be great for others.Civil rights movement is a great example of that. Because Black people in this country have long been mistreated, though they greatly contributed to this country’s success, they have fought and died in wars for this country, they pay taxes and still where not treated well, so they stood up and refuse to take the BS anymore. This article wants them to shut up and be complacent. Anyone who agrees with this article really needs to evolve beyond the darkness they dwell in and find Jesus. The true Jesus, not the false prophet sadly labeled as the savior of the right. Nothing I have said should be translated as someone hating America because I do not. I love this country, I’ll die for this country, but I will not tolerate this hateful rhetoric towards other members of our society simply because you have different political and ideological views. How self centered are you to think that because this country is great for you, everyone else should shut up, or leave. Wow. Who are you to say that? What have you contributed to this country that gives you the right to tell another US citizen they should leave. Why don’t you leave. You don’t see liberals tell conservatives to get out. Maybe they understand better than you, that this is a country of many views, many nationalities, but they all want what’s best for this country, though they may disagree on how to achieve that. This country was started by dissent. That’s why the founding fathers wrote a constitution allowing freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of assembly in protest. Because this country isn’t just YOUR country. Its OUR country and we all have the right to say what we do and do not like without persecution. You people want to persecute people for having a different opinion than yours. That’s more communist than anything! Also what is the problem with evolving. What is the problem with progress. What is the problem with others who do not look like you wanting to be treated fairly. These things benefit all of us! Progress is what made this country so wonderful, when other countries controlled by authoritarian regimes are left behind. Telling someone they should leave the country if they don’t like it the way it is short-sighted and narrow minded. This country has gone through a myriad of changes that have made it great and will go through a myriad more in its strive for perfection. What you want is for it to go backwards, or just stay the same. That’s fear. Fear of change. That is weak. Change can be a wonderful thing if you open your mind to it. As human beings, you should always strive to evolve, to be even better than you where yesterday. Why you are so arrogant that you think you don’t need to learn and become better. You falsely think the country doesn’t need to evolve simply because you believe it to be the best in the world. You just cut off your own lifeline and will slowly die because of it as other countries leave us in the dust. Liberal and Conservatives both love this country. There are those on BOTH sides that want to cause destruction, but they are the minority in each party, not a majority. They are also called extremists. Those that are so far far left and far far right they are literally insane with their irrationality. Liberals and Conservatives are both Christians who follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. Both parties also have other religious beliefs, and some don’t. THAT doesn’t make them bad or evil people. If you are a christian who actually reads the entire bible, you would not have such hate in YOUR heart for others. This country may have christian roots, but it is not a christian only society. Again, the founding fathers made sure of that with separation of church and state. Forcing your beliefs on others is not truly Christian and it isn’t American. God has no political affiliation. Don’t be so trivial and simple-minded. Jesus tells us not to hate our brother. Jesus tells us that not one of us has the right to cast a stone when we should focus on the spec of dust in our own eye. Jesus favored the downtrodden, the poor, the disenfranchised,, the ones who are belittled by the oppressive ones in power who persecuted those who where different, or didn’t obey. When you follow anyone who furthers such hate filled messages like this article, you are more in line with the path of the deceiver, not a believer.
Anonymous says
Look how much space you receive for your answer comparing to others. The media’s are bias and favoured people who have leftist
views this is why we are bombarded by minorities rights of all types
you call that justice ? I call that chaos, division and asking to be
looked after by the state. You pretend that there is an utopian
country somewhere on the planet, there is none. The argument
of injustice from the past is dishonest at best, because you are using
the past to justify violence, looting, etc.. this is not what I call an honest
Keith says
Well said..
Anonymous says
Spot on. Thank you
Gayle says
Well said. Many thanks. God bless USA and the world.
B says
Who ever you are, you are incredibly indoctrinated through religion and infused with democratic communism or marxism, what ever it is called, it’s all disgusting, sick and thoroughly demented. Real, authentic Americans known for their talents and Independence, who self governs themselves are right and stand correct with GOD. You, on the other hand should not take things SO personally and don’t be so quick to judge others. You should get a different Bible, I think the one you have is lying to you.
Chuck U. Farley says
God? You mean that fairy tale?
God was a violent misogynist jerk. I have no use for him.
Jesus was cool though. Although I think he would want nothing to do with white Christian Americans and all the horrors they commit in his name.
Anonymous says
Well Said!!!
Dank says
Perhaps you should figure out “what it is called” before posting. None of what is written above defines communism or marxism.
Anonymous says
So incredibly well said. I completely agree.
Anonymous says
Sorry…I wasn’t paying attention. Please repeat yourself
Anonymous says
vote for trump
Anonymous says
You must be tired after that run on sentence rant of yours. I think the pharmaceutical company makes pills that will help you with your issues!!! You might want to get on that before November 3rd so when you have your liberal breakdown you’ll be good to go!!!
Dank says
Your last sentence is a run-on sentence by the way. Otherwise you would have to place a comma between the words 3rd (sic) and so.
Anonymous says
I take your response as a Long Ridiculous RANT.
Schnertzman was just illustrating a point that “the grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence” Not literally saying that James Mcardle should leave the country if he was not happy or that he was not welcome. Really?
Brion Bell says
Just another splendid grouping of words to try to convince y9ourself and others that the Liberal Democrat, (Think, ‘AOC’), is tilted toward every single thing outlined in the article! Listen to the core values that are being expressed. Chief among them is the idea that the Conservative Republican has NO RIGHT to speak his/her mind! We see that behavior on EVERY NEWS OUTLET! You have eloquent command of the written word, but you are woefully ignorant on the actual truth of things.
Yes, this country was built on the exchange of ideas. but none of them included socialist ideals until now. Socialism, in its very best state, does not solve the problems of a nation, and especially a nation that is as large and populated as we are. It leads to oppressive government at best, and succinct tyranny at worst. This has been proven time and time again.
Then, there’s communism. So, tell us, you’re really not aware of the communist tilt in the Democrat narrative? I’m SURE that you are aware of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party)? They are incredibly influential here in the U.S.. They guide educational institution, (and directives), they own much of the infrastructure, and are present in representative government positions. Like ‘The Squad,’ they truly hate America and our values, and they have as much said so in front of national television cameras. The elected Liberal Democrat is interested in RULING.
(Let that sink in…)
They want to usurp the common citizen’s decisional power and change the rules so that people have zero ways to change their government except outright, physical war. (Of course, they will discard that ‘provision’ of the Preamble as one of their first acts once they have taken over Congress, the House, and the Senate. In their second act, they will make foundational changes to the Constitution that outline our rights, especially the 1st and 2nd amendments!) If you don’t see this, then you really are another tainted mind that has been reached and fundamentally changed by the endless and powerful, media-driven propaganda.
On the face, Trump is no worse a human being than ANY of our government officials. He is only human. The difference is that he refuses to play ball on the tilted court on which the Washington politicians play. He doesn’t need ANYTHING, and cannot be swayed by the influence of leftist political ideologies, or their fantastic money. He is an outsider who loves his country. Think differently, do you? As yourself, how does Trump actually BENEFIT from being POTUS? He’s given up his idyllic lifestyle, sleeps maybe 4-5 hours in every 24, and has pretty much relinquished control of his ’empire’ to actually SERVE instead of RULE.
Yet, the gutless and lying media keep their vigil. The gutless and disrespectful Congress keeps their behaviors during Supreme Court justice appointments, (Cavanaugh debacle – REALLY? These are the people you respect and trust to fairly and respectfully SERVE our nation?!? Wow, just WOW!)
Sorry to say it, but you, like so many have been successfully ‘washed’ into thinking the Democrats have our backs. They have shown DECICIVELY that they support the removal of history, the tearing down of government property, the burning and destruction of personal and public property, and the wholesale destruction of the U.S. economy. THIS IS BASED IN FACT!!!
So, when Biden and company get in, and suddenly you can’t afford ANYTHING that you have now, and the best prospect for all of us is to live in some modular, government housing, with no vehicles, ‘telescreens’ in every room, and chip-infused vaccines, you could try to tell others your opinion, but forums like these will ‘magically disappear.’
I hear Costa Rica is nice…
Liarreg Or says
Stop exploiting Black people and your Critical Race Theory , all relationships are master slave, oppressor-oppressed is judaio-marxist psychopathic [=human intra-species predator/parasite obsessed with compulsion to dominate/control target/prey, individual, group/ host population.
It is being exposed now and hopefully your violent antifa/ psychopath Billionaires backed
predatory Frankfurt school birthed, psychopathic psy-op on American youth will be ended and at last we will learn to see the psychopath entities among us. Academia is being murdered by para-scholarship because psychopaths weaponize everything. The exploitation of black folk by the descendants of the masters of the trans-Atlantic Black African slave trade and then the China opium/heroin trade that is now Afghanistan not China, is something that needs to see the light of day. Also, the falsification of history
needs to be addressed. America as a whole is the oppressed by anonymous or hiddenhand racial supremacy seeking destruction of America and it’s subordination to Globalism in which Communist china is the shining model. That is why the hidden hand pressured the removal of MOST of the US factories to COMMUNIST CHINA -it was ongoing ’till covid-19 & Trump and will resume if he loses the upcoming election].
That is oppression by psychopathy by hidden hand, and it is the same entity hat deployed the Critical Race Theory weapon to divide Americans the easier to build the multicultural society, de-industrialized , and to be transformed into a panopticon prison state .
Naturally, the anon entities will deem my observations as somewhere on their “”attack scale” of stupid–crazy- evil. . Plus a few additional usual denigrations/projections.
We are in a time when frank honest speech is possible and necessary.
Pat Devlin says
You need paragraphs, desperately.
Megan says
Absolutely amazing.. Absolutely correct..It’s refreshing to read something so honest and thoughtful.. It saddens me greatly to be in a country fueled by hate and such division… We are one Nation..The constitution is not a document for the government to restrain the People- It’s an instrument to restrain the government.
Anonymous says
Social media just shut down your right to fair and impartial news. Left or right just because they are muting your opposition is no reason to go along with the The suppression of information, it is setting a precedent, in the future don’t be surprised when it comes for you. Think for your self do the research and come to your own conclusion, it’s your right and Obligation no matter what side you are on. To often it is a left against right, forgetting about the “people” who will ultimately be paying the price for bad policy and disinformation.
Mike says
Tell me this…how much money do you think you’re “succeeding”.
Based on the fact you’re here posting on a random message board makes me think you’re not as well off as you claim
Anonymous says
What??? Do you understand what he is saying? If you disagree, fine. Articulate your argument. I think a lot of what he is saying actually makes sense.
Rod Woodley says
Please read James’ comment as it nails 100% of the Democrat’s problems! “Wow dude” is an opening that identifies the out in space somewhere attitude of the sender. “You might actually be an idiot” shows that he is not sure of “Dude” being an idiot but he must be because he makes sense and I don’t like that. ” You just threw a whole bunch of words against the wall but none of them make any sense” proves that the words make perfect sense so something must be wrong with them. The final statement is the best of all. “Please stop” (LOL). Sounds just like Nancy Pelosi talking to Wolfe Blitzer.
Napoleon Gauthier says
You are a Jacobite fool with no historical perspective. Democrats are the new National Socialists with a Sieg Heil or die attitude. Thought police, hate crimes, and your rigid radicalism that eschews debate, humility, and respect for those who disagree. Best defense for the lazy is always taken from the demagogues playbook. Tell lies, falsely accuse others, gossip and eschew the truth. A similar polemic has always killed democracy. The Democratic Party is a a party of the fearful, the passive aggressive and the backstabbers of life. Fucks like the you are the inbred morons, with the intensity and arrogance of Little Lord Fauntleroy ……and the balls of Neville Chamberlain.
Carey says
Check your facts,foolish lamb, if bidens keepers win you will soon see how marxism in power truelly treats the general public, no longer private, a serf society. Then hell will break out and perhaps peeps can see the regret of believing social and other media, Must look at all sides
Kim says
Every word he said is true. You are obviously a Liberal. LOL
Kim says
The article is spot on.
Liberal tears.
Anonymous says
The reason why people hate Trump and those who called they self American when they are descendants from somebody else the only Americans are the Indians the reason why people hate Trump and his clansmen is the fact that Trump is a sleeper or terrorist a Trader at a murderer a pedophile a kidnapper Anna feet that’s why people hate America and no one can trust him nor those who follow him this is why I’m Erica has been to Hell in a handbasket
me says
Anonymous says
What are the three Democrats is just as stupid as the other two
Mike says
I hate Trump because he’s killed 222,000 and counting with his negligence.
And you people claim to be pro life.
MN888 says
I think you should call your therapist
Lee says
What are you talking about. Every word he said is tge truth and for you to speak such nonsense is a freaking joke. So sorry that you have been duped into believing what the democrats are telling you. Why don’t you get your mind right (dude) and start supporting this country instead of wanting to burn it down. Better yet if you hate it here so bad why don’t you leave. Ill buy your ticket to Venezuela. Thats what America will look like if this country elect Creepy Joe with that crazy rich radical Harris. Im surprised you enjoy allowing the rich to get their money from our people. You dont get it, the left want you gone. Sadly if those two have any say in running this country we are doomed.
Anonymous says
Anonymous says
Utter delusion. You’re off you’re rocker if you think Donald Trump tells the truth. He wouldn’t know the truth if it bit him in the a$$ and paid for the privilege. Allowing the rich to get money from our people? Are you obtuse? Sure, DT doesn’t get a salary but he funnels plenty of taxpayer money into his pocket. How? Every golf outing, hotel stay, event is at one of his businesses. Instead of choosing to golf at the green near the White House, he and his entourage take a plane to one of his hotels, staying there, hosting events there, eating there, all at your expense. He’s golfed the same amount of times in 4 years that Obama did in 8 years. Obama also golfed near the White House and stayed on a military base. Trump gives kickbacks to business who host their events at one of his businesses. If you think those kickbacks don’t affect you, you’re sadly mistaken. Get your head out of the sand.
Hope says
While the Whitehouse was getting needed renovations the president couldn’t stay there, so he went to his resort. Also many Trump supporters voted for him because of the career politicians & the destruction they caused while damn near ruining this country! B4 the pandemic America’s economy was the best it’s been ever & a lot of the younger generation have never actually seen or were too young to remember the thriving America where each generation did a little better than the last. USA isn’t perfect no country is, but despite what teachers/professors tell u ANYONE can make it here with hard work & determination! They want to divide us & make people think the white man is to blame for everything when it was the white man that pushed to end slavery & many gave their lives. They never tell you blacks sold their own & some even had their own slaves & actually it was the middle eastern places that continued slavery & terrible things like wanting castrated men for servants, and it was the western places that would punish them & if anything they were the most immoral due to slavery. It is just plain wrong to say it’s white peoples fault for slavery when it went on everywhere in the world & to this day continues in parts of Africa (look it up) interviews with kids saying how horrible it was so why no outrage when it’s going on now? Again Trump isn’t perfect but he’s way better than Biden since Biden is in fact either racist or race insensitive & yet he out of all people lectures America for its “systematic racism” he’s more of a con artist!
Anonymous says
Are you suggesting that because Trump is successful that means he is evil?
It is not an evil thing to work hard and live well because of it…That is actually pretty much the American dream.
He is generous, even in holding the presidency. He did not need the money or power, but loves this country, and that’s why he sought the presidency.
He is not at all what the liberal media portrays. They are spewing hatred and lies about him, and it’s because he calls out corruption in the Left as he sees it.
Make no mistake. THAT is why the Democrats and Liberal media hate him, and as Americans we should be able to see that he is America’s only hope to avoid the Democrat’s determination to make this country weaker, a socialist nation.
Democrats are not true Americans.
Maryann says
Did you know that Billy Graham was a democrat?
Anonymous says
Let’s remind the libtards he donated all 4 years of his check in office. He didn’t take a dime….. the list is so long off the accomplishments that the orrupted fake news would never celebrate nor acknowledge its not HARD AT ALL to do a simple research for facts your damn self. And the left are so blind to what’s happening from Trump Era to disastrous Biden era…… Era…… are easily fooled…. the democrats hold about this one once…. Hillary did at least. Stupidity at its finest
Kathy Cobb says
Just because the man wrote to the editor and seems to honestly believe what he is saying does not make it true.
None of you fact-check Donald Trump, and trust me, if God wanted you to follow someone to salvation, it would not be this man.
All Democrats want is for the deck not to be so stacked toward the average American and for our taxes to go toward programs that help individuals instead of bailing out Wall Street, various corporations, and applying tax cuts for the rich. Republicans scream socialism but certainly do not mind it when it benefits them, and they are the biggest recipients of government hand outs, Trump included.
All Republicans want is to protect their own wealth with no regard for anyone else. They think that if they wrap it in a neat, tidy bow, mention God, and the bible that they are fooling people.
No one is fooled,
Anonymous says
You are clearly a product of the American public school system if the words above make no sense to you. Please buy yourself a clue with your government check.
B says
And You are a democrat.
Carrie says
Amen to that. Don’t worry, if the infamously intelligent Kardi B has her way and has her endorsed candidate elected by her derelict and classless minions, we will all be paying for free college for the masses.
Now, who’s stepping up to pay back my loans for my graduate degree that I chose to pursue? Hmm..
Mike says
Why not…we’re already giving idiot small business owners bailouts because of their failures.
Nevermind the high school dropouts in the military.
But let me guess…somehow that’s ok with you.
Anonymous says
what does make sense? asking for clarification
Ellen Martin says
You are a jerk who is not very smart!
Anonymous says
I’m really starting to hate these dumb conservatives who think being critical of Trump or evil gop policies is un American. They really mean it’s a threat to their white identity and white mans control over government. It’s not un American to call Trump the moron he is and its not un American vote for Biden. These idiots truly believe he’s socialist because all conservatives can do is call people communist and socialist and fear monger to rile up an uneducated, white base.
Hope says
You think your so smart go find out the real story of slavery thru out the world & how it’s even practiced now! Go find out how Hitler took up practices from democrats & how teaching race relations helped him to get Germans to trust him, those are the same things that are going on now in America! Elite democrats like Barack embracing Castro & How Biden made millions from public service from “book deals” if u believe that. Trumps net worth has went down since taking office & that is polar opposite from Hillary, Obama & Biden they all got filthy rich for their public service look it up of course they all made that from book deals & speaking deals.
Jules says
Reading this, or trying to read what you just wrote shows, just how incredibly far our educational system has fallen. For you,, who is unable to form a proper sentence, to speak on anyone’s uneducated is rich, indeed! The indoctrination by MSM, Hollywood, music industry, while the democrats use every tactic to push this into the minds of the weak, is illuminated by a bright light, and once seen you can not unsee…it’s etched into the mind of those still equipped with discernment and wisdom. The simpletons, however remain lost, dazed and confused. Something has to change, ppl wont survive on their own with such low IQ’s and warped sense of reality. Its sad, so sad., but I’m frustrated and fed up living amongst the ignorance. Can they ever catch up or will the left always lag behind?
JHS says
He’s not an idiot look at any socialist country and follow its demise. A few will take over as dictators controlling the nation . No more “we the people”
Anonymous says
And you just said…don’t talk anymore. Your opinion doesn’t matter. My ears are shut to any ideas outside of my little realm. Who’s the idiot?
Anonymous says
Aw lil guy
Old guy with experiences you'll never gets says
Anyone who uses the word dude in a response doesn’t deserve to be an American , l didn’t see any reason to attack the author for stating a correct assessment of what’s happening in this great country and driven by rich people who know that fellows like yourself are eager to follow their lead, but be careful, because they will reap the rewards not you or the other dudes and dudets that follow their good for us but screw you spewings. Sorry you can’t thing things thru for yourselves before it’s too late.
fredi says
You are the type of person Gerald comments are directed. You call him an idiot for having a differing point of view than yourself. Rather than accepting his point opposes yours. You resort to calling him an idiot. Why don’t you write something intelligent as to why you disagree with Gerald’s position.
Anonymous says
It makes perfect sense to those who are thinking for themselves, and not allowing the media to brainwash them.
Alberto Burns says
If the United States of America falls under the Democrats this time, then the whole world will also fall. Mr. Trump, knowing that the only way for the Democrats to win is through a massive electoral fraud, please Mr. Trump, do not concede. If Civil War is what comes next, then let it be. We will be victorious over and over again. The United States of America cannot and will not fall under the ideology of the communist socialist.
Dank says
Civil War? Really?
Preston parker says
Socialism only works until you run out of other peoples money.
Every country that has tried socialism has ended in a tremendous failure for the people that it was supposed to benefit.
Socialism has a fatal flaw the government thinks he can make decisions for people better than they can for themselves.
Socialism has failed in every country where it has been tried. Russia Cuba Venezuela are socialist countries but I haven’t seen people trying to break the wall down to get into those countries, because socialism sucks.
Bimbo politicians like Nancy Pelosi AOC Bernie Sanders Joe Biden all the Democrats believe in Socialism, but socialism does not work never has never will.
Plato was a socialist he lived 400 years before Christ and Aristotle was a capitalist.
To make a long story short capitalism overcame socialism and in the end the people asked Plato to do the honorable thing, to take a drug and kill himself, because it would be the honorable thing to do, because socialism had not worked out for the people and it caused a big problem in Athens.
I have worked with people from socialist countries like Russia. My boss asked me after they’ve been working for about a month are we going to be able to hire any of these people I had to tell him hell no these people are socialist they have spent their whole life learning to work slow, because the hardest worker and the slowest worker gets paid the same in Russia and they have a Saying , we pretend to work and the government pretends to pay us, this is why socialism does not work.
If you took all the people out of Russia and you put Americans in there place, Russia would instantly become a world power, because were capitalists and we know how to work.
Can a socialist society build an iPhone. I think not nobody would ever get the money from stock to build an iPhone. Socialist want to outlaw stock they think that stock is bad for a society, but the truth is socialism is bad for society.
Can socialism build a Tesla car the answer is no, because of social justice they would never allow stock, because it might be unfair to the lazy and useless people.
– [ ] Russia a socialist country has a problem as all socialist countries have.
– [ ] In order to have a strong economic country you need to have productivity, You need to have innovation, you need to have private property, so people put money back into there homes, you need to be able to save money and buy things to create Commerce. Russia can never achieve any of these goals, socialism does not work never has never well.
– [ ] Have you ever worked on a Russian car like the doninvest. I had a girl friend so poor she bought this car it was poorly engineered by Russians and broke down frequently. This is what you get from a communist country. Remember in Russia the hardest worker and the slowest workers get paid the same. Human nature will drag down the innovation, productivity of workers is poor, Russians we have a saying in Russia we pretend to work and the government pertains to pay us.
– [ ] In America hard work is rewarded and lazy work in not rewarded. This is why communism does not work, never has never will.
Preston parker says
James stop watching the clown new network they are lying to you pee brain, moron
Robert mueller and 27 lawyers deleted there phone data.
They claim it was an accident, but 27 accidents that not a mistake that a bold face lie, the data is stored on NSA data servers in Utah. Trump needs to completely declassify the Mueller case so the America people can judge for themselves.
Here is a list of people that broke the law and need to be disbarred from the fbi, I would like to see jail time for obstruction of justice.
Robert mueller,
Quarles III,
Van Grack,
Lisa page,
Peter strzok,
And unnamed lawyers
that wiped there phones clean.
The irony of phone gate is mueller lawbreakers claim that Trump had obstructed justice.
The Obama administration FBI agent Christopher Wray, hid the Muellers phone gate erase from investigators for two years.
The Mueller team FBI agent lawyers, broke the law by erasing they phones and they need to be put in jail for obstruction of justice. Christopher Wray for his part in phone gate cover up needs two in years in jail for his part in the Mueller phone gate cover-up, by the FBI agents on the Mueller team.
Please fire Christopher Wray he is blocking the investigation John Durham.
Anonymous says
Think you bigger idiot !! Yep !!
Star.G says
wat the frick people are destroying the country let get a move on people!!!
Shannon Hale says
100% though
Nancy says
Let’s just do our best to keep socialists out of government. We don’t need big brother we know how to make money and how to spend it too. In Russia BLM would be shot. These are trouble makers. Antifa would be shot also. These groups are lucky they
live here. These brainless movie people need to shut up. Harris needs to stop bailing out felons. Reparations!? Are people crazy? Poor Biden is being used, Harris and Bernie can’t wait to get their teeth in him. This country has turned into a bad place. This is thanks to the dems and their people. It’s going to take a lot to clean it up. Trump has been trying he sees the mess it’s become. The disgusting democrats. Let’s just vote for Trump and try to catch all the cheating dems.
Maureen says
I strongly agree with you
It all started after Hilary Clinton lost.
The Democratic Party started plotting and planning deep hatred and revenge on how to demoralize the President at any cost
I never knew what they were capable of until they created almost all the Media channels to become weapons to put hits on the President
It is the Media that has divided this country not Donald Trump.
They have actually placed a target on the President’s back that creates unsafe groups of people to harm him if they could.
They have created so much hate between the American people that families are falling apart meanwhile teaching children and young people to hate and disrespect their own President
No matter if it is this President or the next you cannot teach your children to hate their country or their President .How can you explain hatred to a child.
I want our traditional news back and not these talk shows that call themselves the news
I call them The World of Haters!
Kathy says
First off, politicians need to have consequences for their crimes. Hillary is a crook. She made up the whole Russia Hoax because she was jealous she was beat. I don’t think anyone liked her anyway. Especially after her husband was so disgracing in the Presidency. Durham, or Bill Barr needs to start prosecuting people. They wasted two years on Russia crap for nothing. How much money? Billions? We do have starving people in this country. Right?
Adam Schiff is scum, Nadler is scum, Pelosi is immature and ridiculous. At the beginning of the Covid, she was showing all of us her stupid ice-cream in one of her 5 freezers where she lives on a hill in SF, away from all the homeless, mental ill and hypodermic needle all about the homeless camps. It is pitiful.
And if anyone doesn’t like Trumps attitude, look what he has been through? He has non stop been harassed during his whole presidency. Can you believe they impeached him? I would have a pretty bad attitude if I had to go through all that.. Im surprised he hasn’t had a heart attack from stress. Couldn’t they find something constructive to do like answer to all of their conniving schemes and lies, dishonesty. Congress hasn’t done anything for us.
Nancy thought it was cool to go get her hair done while all the salons in SF were forced closed. (with no mask as well). As well as Chicago mayor, Cuomo on CNN had corona virus and supposed to be on lock down and then he was found outdoors at his house he was building. No one says crap about him. And he is so hypocritical and talks crap about everyone else. Im a nurse and his brother IS responsible for all of the nursing home deaths. You don’t send people with a deadly illness to a nursing home with the elderly who are all immunocomprised already. And he won’t he take responsibility.
And all these riots who are un happy with our country and the law system. They have destroyed nice cities and still complain. If they are so miserable, get the hell out. I haven’t heard of any that left yet. And BLM is a joke. They preach of being treated unjust by law enforcement and riot if someone who deserved it gets shot. Yet, they could care less about all the children shot in Chicago and Atlanta and anywhere else. I haven’t see Sharpton mention one word about the poor children getting killed in drive byes or anything about the black on black crime. He and his cohorts just show up to cause chaos and to make big bucks. This isn’t how Martin Luther Kings imagined our society. A lot of black Americans play the victim and they still blame us from 200 years ago over slavery. We have Black American day, Black Entertainment Television, Everything black they can think of. They are discriminating whites and other nationalities. I think they just want to plain out right take over the country and run the rest of it into the ground. And Antifa, why do we put up with this crap? Democrats are doing it all on purpose so they can elect the demented loser Joe Biden? Why? He is a freaking idiot!! Just ask PopCorn!! I want our new back too and not all these dishonest, no ethic media mobs running the country. This is the worst I have seen this country in my over 50 years. CNN needs to be obliterated and taken off the air as well as ABC, MSNBC, and the rest of the wicked, evil media. They have no respect for anyone and say the most inappropriate things and lies. Why can’t we crack down, prosecute all the criminals in FBI, CIA, White House and make them face the consequences? I hate this place right now. Not because I am inherently unhappy with the US, but all this craziness going on and they get away with it. And I am a RN taking care of Covid patients daily and nobody really cares, they just want to tear our country apart.
Jennifer says
From one RN to another, you are so spot on!! I pray we get through this crap🙏🏽
Thank you for your well articulated input!
Shannon says
You can’t fix stupid! and you are not correct. I am sorry. Maybe you need to do some more research or something because this is not what is going on right now. It’s not about any of that. let me guess you solely trust Fox and don’t watch any other station is that correct? I never realized until the last year how bad Republicans are I was raised in a republican family and of course we voted for Reagan nothing in this administration is like Reagan so therefore no I’m not a republican in this election. Ohio is a swing state . We pick whoever we choose to think will do the better job not whether it’s democrat or republican constantly but right now we are a hundred and fifty percent democratic!! I guess we’ll wait and see…
Schnertzman says
To Shannon. You say you never saw how bad Republicans were? Please do tell… Point out some actual damage Republicans ha e done to this country…. You must be bliss in your ignorance. Only one party is trying to remove your rights as written constitutionally. Only one party is destroying the country in the streets and you are blind if you can’t see it…
Anonymous says
Well said! I’m an RN too! You just said everything I want to say everyday about this corrupt democratic run news!!
Mike says
Nurses are awesome. They are needed, wanted, and serve a great purchase. THANK YOU
Trump will win the election and Justice will prevail. The President is not going forget what happened. He will set things straight.
Shannon says
You can’t fix stupid! and you are not correct. I am sorry. Maybe you need to do some more research or something because this is not what is going on right now. It’s not about any of that. let me guess you solely trust Fox and don’t watch any other station is that correct? I never realized until the last year how bad Republicans are I was raised in a republican family and of course we voted for Reagan nothing in this administration is like Reagan so therefore no I’m not a republican in this election. Ohio is a swing state . We pick whoever we choose to think will do the better job not whether it’s democrat or republican constantly but right now we are a hundred and fifty percent democratic!! I guess we’ll wait and see… You can only speak for yourself about what you said sorry…
Anonymous says
Don’t give up. You are not alone. We do have a great fight ahead of us. Will good people prevail. Only time will tell if it is too late to save America from the cancer that seems to be out of control.
Preston parker says
Political coorruption or Malpolitics is the use of powers by government officials or their network contacts for illegitimate private gain. Forms of corruption vary, but can include bribery, extortion, cronyism, nepotism, parochialism, patronage, influence peddling, graft, and embezzlement.
Joe Biden Corruption
1: Joe had Vitktor Shokin fired because, “ Biden said fire Vitkor or no aid in the form of two billion dollars in aid.
Ukraine say the official, Viktor Shokin, was ousted because he was investigating corruption Hunter Biden served on the board of Burisma Holdings, a major Ukrainian natural gas producer, from 2014 to 2019. serious challenge: a series of criminal investigations launched by Vitkor Shokin against its owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, a multimillionaire former minister of ecology and natural resources. The allegations concern tax violations, money-laundering and licences given to Burisma during the period where Zlochevsky was a minister.
2: Hunter Biden did not speak Russian.
Hunter Biden had no gas transmission experience.
Hunter Biden did not have storage field experience.
Hunter Biden had a drug and marijuana substance abuse problem. How did he pass a drug test that all gas companies give employees before they start to work?
Hunter Biden received $100,000 a month while he worked at Burisma yet lived in Los Angeles, in a $8,000 a month apartment, and all he did was walk to the mail box and got a check from burisma gas company.
Investigators in Ukraine think that some of the money was laundered to Hunter Biden in fake bank accounts and so-called loans to Hunter Biden.
3: China corruption Hunter Biden
Robert Hunter Biden, Vice President Joe Biden son. He is a founding partner of Rosemont Seneca Partners, an investment and advisory firm, in China.
Hunter Biden’s efforts to make money in China while his father oversaw U.S.-China policy have caused concern since the author Peter Schweizer highlighted the issue earlier this year in his new book “Profiles in Corruption.” (Schweizer first exposed the Biden connection to the AVIC-Henniges, Hunter Biden’s connection with the peoples Republic of China military.
Hunter Biden‘s job is to find trade secrets buy companies and give the secrets to the Chinese military.
Hunter Biden’s BHR fund also made an investment in 2014 in the China General Nuclear Power Corp., China’s largest nuclear power company. In 2016, the company was charged along with a nuclear engineer named Szuhsiung “Allen” Ho for conspiring to help China illegally obtain “sensitive and controlled” nuclear technology from within the United States. Ho, a naturalized American citizen, pleaded guilty and was sentenced to two years in prison.
“The jet fighter and the aircraft carriers that China deploys to threaten the South China Seas can be traced back to financial transactions involving Hunter Biden’s companies,”
BHR Partners (Bohai Harvest RST (Shanghai) Equity Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd.) is a private investment fund founded in 2013 by Chinese and American partners to make investments .
network contacts for illegitimate private gain.
Forms of corruption vary, but can include bribery, extortion, cronyism, nepotism, parochialism, patronage, influence peddling, graft, and embezzlement.
These are examples of corruption by Joe Biden.
James Biden.
James B. Biden Joins Hill International Subsidiary as Executive Vice President. James was not an engineer he was not a construction man he had no knowledge of the construction business that he was a vice president in a company the only thing he had was his brother Joe Biden could get the company money and contracts by the government in the billions of dollars and this is way James Biden worked at Hill construction company.
James Biden joined a construction firm as an executive, the firm received a contract worth more than a billion dollars to build houses in Iraq while Joe oversaw the U.S.-led occupation of that country.
Along the way, James partnered with his nephew Hunter, the younger of Joe’s two sons. A graduate of Georgetown University and Yale Law School, Hunter, 49, has struggled with substance abuse while hopscotching between endeavors in law, business and politics.
Frank Biden was in charge of installing solar panels in Puerto Rico and in the Virgin Islands.
Frank Biden had no knowledge of electricity he was not an engineer and went asked did he understand ohms law he said I think it’s a speeding zone in Puerto Rico ohms law is what you use to read current voltage and amperage.
Frank Biden had no knowledge of electricity or construction of power substations at all yet he was the one in charge of putting up these solar panels in Puerto Rico the only thing he had was his brother was vice president and could pay for the job that Frank was doing.
I think this is called cronyism. n late March 2009, Vice President Joe Biden landed in Costa Rica aboard Air Force Two, and went to the Costa Rican presidential palace for a one-on-one with President Oscar Arias. The Biden visit had symbolic significance. The last time a high-ranking American official had visited the country was back in 1997, when Bill Clinton had come.
Joe Biden’s trip to Costa Rica came at a fortuitous time for his brother Frank, who was busy working deals in the country. Just months after Vice President Biden’s visit, in August, Costa Rica News announced a new multilateral partnership “to reform Real Estate in Latin America” among Frank Biden, a developer named Craig Williamson, and the Guanacaste Country Club, a newly planned resort. The partnership, which appears to be ongoing, was wrapped in a beautiful package as a “call on resources available to the companies and individuals to reform the social, economic and environmental practices of real estate developers across the world by example.”
In real terms, Frank’s dream was to build in the jungles of Costa Rica thousands of homes, a world-class golf course, casinos, and an anti-aging center. The Costa Rican government was eager to cooperate with the vice president’s brother.
As it happened, Joe Biden had been asked by President Obama to act as the administration’s point man in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Frank’s vision for a country club in Costa Rica received support from the highest levels of the Costa Rican government — despite his lack of experience in building such developments. He met with the Costa Rican ministers of education and energy and environment, as well as the president of the country.
On Oct. 4, 2016, the Costa Rican Ministry of Public Education signed a letter of intent with Frank’s company, Sun Fund Americas. The project involved allowing a company called GoSolar to operate solar power facilities in Costa Rica. The previous year, the Obama-Biden administration’s OPIC had authorized a $6.5 million taxpayer-backed loan for the project.
In June 2014, Vice President Biden announced the launch of the Caribbean Energy Security Initiative (CESI). The program called for increasing access to financing for Caribbean energy projects that he strongly supported. American taxpayer dollars were dedicated to facilitating deals that matched US government financing with local energy projects in Caribbean countries, including Jamaica. In January 2015, USAID announced that it would be spending $10 million to boost renewable energy projects in Jamaica over the next five years.
After Joe Biden brought together leaders for CESI, brother Frank’s firm Sun Fund Americas announced that it was “engaged in projects and is in negotiations with governments of other countries in the [Caribbean] region for both its Solar and Waste to Energy development services.” As if to push the idea along, the Obama administration’s OPIC provided a $47.5 million loan to support the construction of a 20-megawatt solar facility in Clarendon, Jamaica.
Frank Biden’s Sun Fund Americas later announced that it had signed a contract.
Joe Biden says he never took money from China, but his business partner Anthony Bobulinski, says hunter Biden, called his dad Joe Biden, the chairman or the big man as incognito names so they didn’t email Joe Biden‘s name they called him the chairman or the big man.
China gave millions to Hunter Biden but The Who family was in on the take. The Biden business was for joe to go easy on China and let American jobs go to China and trade secrets. In turn the Biden’s got millions for access to Joe Biden in the Obama administration. This is why Obama didn’t want joe to run because he knew about Joe Biden’s corruption.
Debbi says
U r 100% correct
Michael Gibson says
Every person wanting to play soldier can run around with a gun and act like a badass shooting cans and trees,if they ever see real war,real guts and blood,real family dead,they will wish to God they hadn’t started any kind of war. BLM wants a separate country for black people,they already have one,Africa. To make a black country in the U.S. would mean doing the same thing the south did in 1860,secede from the nation…aint gonna happen so all people who don’t like it here should run buy a plane ticket now,go on,git!!!
SueSue2020 says
Ghana is actively seeking black Americans to come to their country and will give them free land.
Anonymous says
Just read this bipartisan report. This shit is ridiculous. How can you possibly not see who is legitimately abusing their power and kleptocratically robbing our beautiful nation. Guess what? Putin wants us to crumble, Trump wants autocratic immunity and for our nation’s wealth to continually be exploited and be shifted to the extreme(ly rich) opportunistic assholes, it just so happens that Putin knows that these two goals go hand and hand.
Of course if you learned the history of right-wing media and the development of Fox(and eventually OAN, etc)(I hope you know about Roger Ailes and their plan after Nixon got called the fuck out) you would recognize that Trump would be beyond impeached(and probably in jail) if they hadn’t figured out how to subvert the fairness doctrine and weaponize mass media (as a tool for right-wing abuse). Their bullshit even bleeds real media that tries to be a balancing force against the abuse of our democracy.
TLDR: Check your fucking shit, if the “mainstream” media did half the fucking job they are morally obligated to do(you know as a check on the abuse of power as our founding fathers intended) you would probably(if you haven’t already) went full Nazi against them Lügenpresse style. ✌️
Anonymous says
You forgot to say to destroy FOX News as well. Or they can stay because they tell you what you want to hear? If I were Republican, I’d be upset at the party for constantly trying to scare its voters. Whatever happened to Trump “not wanting to cause a panic?” Or it’s okay to cause a panic because it benefits him? This president has divided this country like no other probably since the Civil War. He’s not a politician. He’s a crooked business man. No more, no less.
Preston parker says
Anthony Bobulinski has three cell phones that verify that the big guy or the chairman were code names for Joe Biden.
Chinese businessman
Hunter Biden bag man for the family.
Joe ( The big guy)
Gets 20%
Jim Biden gets 20%
Hunter Biden gets -X%
Can Joe Biden be fair when it comes to China not ripping us off.? Answer hell no.
Will Biden take away our gun leaving us defenseless against black lives matter.
Will Biden pack the courts? Yes
Will we become a communist nation? Yes.
Will joe Biden open the borders and destroy the environment. Yes
What’s the up side to this ? No upside just communism.
Anton says
It might help Trump’s cause if he didn’t do things like cheat on his wife and pay off hookers, and then lie about wanting Russia to help him win the election, and then lie on a daily basis about how great he is at everything, and how his denial of covid cost more American lives than all other countries on earth. He has always been a white supremacist at heart, and that’s great for all the poorly educated white people who can’t see that the man is a grifter and sociopath, but he has the right color skin and knows how to manipulate weak minded people into believing in some demonic Left, which doesn’t exist in the US, unless actually allowing people health care is “communist”. He has done nothing in his life except take and line his own pockets as he managed to get himself bailed out repeatedly by foreign powers when he drove himself into bankruptcy. Regan and McCain were real men, while Trump is a narcissistic buffoon. He is a liar, cheater, racist, and sociopath, and that’s why so many in his own party want him out…
Anonymous says
You are a blind sheep
J. W. says
Exactly! All these leftist Trump haters recite are liberal talking points which have ALL been proven false. They’ve got NOTHING ELSE!
Sean F Black says
You follow Trump and call someone else a sheep.What a joke.If you actually had a brain you could see Trump is the worst President ever.I guess you Trump cultist who believe fox news and fantasy land shit like QANON have it right though.The rest of the entire world including all of our allies and the millions of people who didnt vote for Trump are all wrong.He did lose the popular vote remember?Fact he is a racist who says he doesnt believe in science and is destroying the environment.What he actually believes is anything that lines his pockets.A sheep is someone who blindly follows someone without having any facts.Thats you and usually anyone who calls others sheep.Trump doesnt give two shits about you except for the fact you are easily manipulated into voting for him.He is a professional con-man and everything he does is for him.I hope you dont like healthcare,clean air and water or social security.No matter how many people who are close to him come out and say its all about him including his own family members and staff if doesnt matter to you does it?Cause your a SHEEP.
Kelly says
Yes they are
Anonymous says
Pot, meet kettle. Trump supporters cast more projections onto others than any other group, tenfold! It truly is laughable to call someone else a sheep while literally the only reason you refuse to wear a mask or denounce any news that isn’t Fox as “fake”, use the word “radical” to describe anyone who doesn’t agree with you, don’t believe in science, think the pandemic is a hoax, etc. is because Trump said it first! None of you are capable of thinking for yourself. Not once did you describe liberals as radical before Trump did, not once did you ever utter the word “fake news” before Trump did, not once did you deny science until Trump did. Do you go to the doctor? Have you ever been to the doctor? That’s science, Hypocrite! You guys live, eat and breathe Trump. If he says jump, you say how high. If he told you to open up so he could take a dump in your mouth, you’d ask how wide. You hate anyone who doesn’t think like you, you’re incapable of accepting facts, you lack comprehension to even process words. Your entire vocabulary comes from Trump. It’s literally the dumbing down of society. Yet once again, the confidence is high amongst the ignorant. What a sad, sad reality to have to witness.
Preston parker says
Obama put us 13 trillion dollars in debt, business flew out of America to China, I lost $750,000 in stock while Obama ripped of America so China could get rich. Obama and Biden gave billions to Iran, only morons would believe that sand nig— s would keep there word. Several Terrorist organizations like Isis got Obama’s funds from Iran to terrorize the Mid East,
Many Americans lost limbs from bombs hidden in the road by Iran.
Trump put sanctions on Iran.
Trump stopped job from leaving the USA.
The illegal aliens that will destroy our environment,
We’re going to A.I. And won’t need illegal aliens.
Anonymous says
Talk about drinking the Kool-Aid.
Anonymous says
Anton,you need help,your views are sick,I’ll bet you don’t have the education to run a men’s bathroom much less a country,you should get mental health evaluations ASAP
JOHN H says
Anonymous says
I don’t know how many times you did this but what your doing now is just wrong and eveil. I’m not a threat to the community. I say forgive all work together and let’s make a city of gold and love and compassion in the name of us veteran. I have love lots of good ideas that join the club. And work behind closed doors cause nobody will accept me. I survived and learned don’t have hatred just don’t end it like this.
Justin Knott says
I love hearing from GENUINE people who haven’t been TRIGGERED by the Communist Marxists democrat LIARS that only believe every lie they are fed by the media that is more then 80% owned by Big Tech and the DemoRATS so they use it to fill nonsense and lies into the heads of very UNINTELLIGENT or easily brainwashed people. Trump may not be a saint by any means but at least the man gives a crap about preserving this country and actually being ABOUT taking real steps to help people of color in this country. All the Democrats of today do is show the rest of this great country just how deep the COMMUNISTS and MARXISTS ideas and plans are being pushed to try to end this country and force it into a 3rd world country. If the democrats love people of color so much then why have they spent 40+ years agreeing with plans that lock up people of color for not violent crimes and continue to filter thier lies into the empty stomachs of those suffering to survive. Allowing Antifa and other to destroy thier own communities taking away jobs that people need and driving violence to a fever pitch because DEMOCRAT leaders think we need NO POLICE and that LIBERALISM is somehow going to stop violence or crime without enforcement. Crime has more then quadrupled in democrat states because of the lack of law and order. Now the Libs are going as far to setup RACIAL farses in order to put fuel on the fire. While Antifa gets caught starting forest fires and dont get so much as a slap on the hand for thier crimes against humanity.
Anonymous says
FACT CHECK: Antifa isn’t a group, it’s a movement. Do you even know what Antifa is based on? The word itself is derived from of anti-fascism.
Instead of blindlessly following what Trump says with zero fact-checking, you ought to do yourself a favor and I dunno, maybe do some research before you open up your face hole and spew out a bunch of erroneousness and outright lies.
“But in reality leftwing attacks have left far fewer people dead than violence by rightwing extremists, new research indicates, and antifa activists have not been linked to a single murder in decades.
A new database of nearly 900 politically motivated attacks and plots in the United States since 1994 includes just one attack staged by an anti-fascist that led to fatalities. In that case, the single person killed was the perpetrator.
Over the same time period, American white supremacists and other rightwing extremists have carried out attacks that left at least 329 victims dead, according to the database.
More broadly, the database lists 21 victims killed in leftwing attacks since 2010 , and 117 victims of rightwing attacks in that same period – nearly six times as much. Attacks inspired by the Islamic State and similar jihadist groups, in contrast, killed 95 people since 2010, slightly fewer than rightwing extremists, according to the data set. More than half of these victims died in a a single attack on a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, in 2016.”
Were you able to comprehend that or did your head explode? That’s right, right-wing extremists killed more people than ISIS since 2010. How’s it feel finding out everything you were told was a lie? You gonna make it? Want me to call the doctor? Whoops, sorry, they can’t help you…science is a giant hoax, remember?
Preston p says
Antifa is a communist organization intent on destroying the United States of America and the way we live you would have to be a moron to think that they were some kind of nice kind people they are terrorist that should go to jail. I laughed my ass off when CNN was portraying Antifa As peaceful demonstration and a man and a ski mask that we could not see his face walked up with 2 gallons of gas and poured it on a building and lit it up with a flair yes Antifa is a peaceful people , kind people, but it’s there right to burn down some poor guys business that he spent 20 years working 7 day a week to build. Yes! Yes! You must be a moron to believe Antifa is good.
Anonymous says
220000 dead and 8 million infected…farmers lost billions, businesses are shutting down after decades of business never to be seen again. Millions of Americans unemployed still from pandemic and idiots like you still think he cares about you, about every day Americans? He only cares about himself you idiot.
Scotty Johnson says
Right on
Anonymous says
No matter what you do or say you Democrat’s are liers And GOD HATES A lier and we will all stand before our Lord and our Father in heaven and will answer because he will have the last say !!!!!!!!
Anon says
Then God must really hate Trump
Anonymous says
And democratic baby killers
Sandra says
Yes, Democrats are doing Satan work, they created The Deep State over 80 years ago and Obama creatwd The Shadow Government. All Demoncrats are pure evil.
Anon says
If Trump is pro life why have 225,000 Americans died since Feb, 2020?
Sean F Black says
He also hates people who cant spell liar.
Anonymous says
Doesn’t the Bible say something about ‘God helps those who help themselves’? You should help yourself to the dictionary and look up the definition of liAr.
Also, if God will have the last say, why are you here again? Just wasting your time condemning people. You’re not God.
“Thou hypocrite, cast out first the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.”
I’ll also leave this here:
“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves. By their fruits ye shall know them. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but the corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Therefore by their fruits ye shall know them.”
Dank says
“God helps those who help themselves”
Although it has been commonly attributed to Benjamin Franklin, the modern English wording appears earlier in Algernon Sidney’s work. The phrase is often mistaken as a scriptural quote, though it is not stated verbatim in the Bible.
That just took 30 seconds of research. Perhaps you should do that sometime.
R-E-S-E-A-R-C-H, there I spelled it for you. Your’e welcome.
Dank says
Oh God hates? I must be reading the wrong Bible.
Kathy says
Not looking that way today, boo hoo
Obama watched our citizens get their heads cut off on national news and did nothing. What a wussy!! I was embarresed he was our president
Eat says
Ooh that hurt. I guess.
Ty says
These riots in the name of “social justice” are the product of a culture that simply does not value objective truth. Everything is a narrative, intertwined with the politics of identity and propagated by, in my opinion, the most destructive invention in the past 100 years: social media. if we give a megaphone to the least intelligent among us, indoctrinate entire groups of people to believe they are “victims”, and additionally have the MSM fan the flames, then we stare down the barrel of a chaotic few years.
One thing should be crystal clear to you by now: government does not act in your best interest; nor does the media. I wish so badly that people would think critically and form a rational basis for their decisions. Riots? Race Wars? Destruction of private property? Idiots…..
Anonymous says
Sounds like you’d like commy trump to shot BLM l don’t think I’ll continue with your president and his trumpery
Anonymous says
Agreed. About time people wake up. How about teaching American history in school too. Who decided to take that out. Omg. What happened to learn from mistakes. Hm.
Anonymous says
Frank Lee says
B says
You got the RIGHT idea.
JHS says
Right On- Well said!
dictators are not a good thing says
Are you seriously praising a country ruled by a tyrannical dictator where protestors are shot? In favor of capital punishment for those that speak out against the system? Russia sounds good to you? ..Please move there •_• -North Korea might be a welcome place for you as well 🙂
Barry Aishton says
I was messing around with Google’s algorithm, just searching nonsense, asking questions as though to a sentient being. My theory is that Google, Facebook, Amazon have already established dominance of the market in such a way that the they have enough influence that it is effectively control over the way human beings socialized with each other, discover new information, spread information, create culture. I realize that I’m tilting windmills by attempting to use the internet in such a fashion as the internet’s adware, and therefore internet, have absolutely no idea who I am, but since this is the comment section of a letter to the editor then I am assuming you know the feeling of just feeling like doing it anyway.
In any event the author of why the left hates america has no understanding of any of the things which I just mentioned, the left, what they think the left’s complaints are of Trump, what Trump has accomplished, what Trump has promised, what a leftist utopia of a worker’s paradise is, or what the conditions of reality are that are preventing a better world. They certainly are not aware of what a false dichotomy is, or a number of other logical fallacies.
They claim racism, economic inequality, and exploitation are natural states of humanity that are inevitable. If they had been writing satire that would have had a point, if their conclusion was that Capitalism definitely depends on racism, economic inquality, and exploitation. Capitalism, however, is not a biological fact of human nature, nor is it an even a little bit of an old one; Capitalism is a baby, just like America. The engine of capitalism’s function is absolutely exploitation. If people were paid what their labor was worth than the profit could never be made because their labor is what makes the product more valuable than the sum of the commodities parts. It’s a scam that a very small percentage of the world are running on the majority of us.
Does anybody suppose that any of this logic will be helpful in a discussion with this person, or has the google/facebook/amazon control I spoke of earlier already become so successful that we are incapable of seeing things from any other way than the same things that google/facebook/amazon continue to show us because it is what we “like” and they are in the business of selling us things?
Would it be of any use to point out the many ways in which Trump’s actions have been so consistently unconstitutional that anybody in support of Trump would have to be the ones that hate America?
Is anything going to be worth my time writing this?
Anonymous says
Trump will win no place for socialism in this republic everything is backwards the left has lost their control and it makes them crazy.
FraserCrest says
Most of the founding fathers considered themselves to be liberal. George Washington was very clear when he said America was NOT founded on any Christian principles. Anyone who believes that people should run the gov. and not the other way around are basically liberal. Liberalism stems from the Bibles list of virtues, is in harmony with the command to help the poor & needy (not doing so destroyed Sodom, according to Ezekiel and Jesus). Lincoln’s Republican Party was socially liberal and conservatives fought against Lincoln and the Union.
Conservatives used their Bibles to justify slavery, opposed Citizenship for former slaves, opposed voting rights, opposed interracial marriage, fought for Segregation with violence, opposed Civil Rights Act, oppose the Constitutional Guarantee of Equality.
Conservatives have been on the wrong side off history, even with the 13 Colonies before America’s Independence, they persecuted others and behaved more like the Taliban than a people following the teachings of Christ, whose gospel was love and peace.
Conservatives switching parties and then altering the Party platform to reflect their ‘conservative’ views, does not wash away their history which required Amendments to the Constitution in order to protect the unalienable rights of ALL People from Conservatives who wanted to have more rights than others. (Emancipation Amendment, Right to Vote for Women and citizens of African descent, and the Civil Rights Act).
S. S. says
Oooh!!! BAM!!! U absolutely nailed it. Thank u for ur courage to say what needed to be said. GOD bless ur new week and the rest of ur days. And, never be afraid to speak the uncompromised TRUTH to those who need to hear it in order to bring change that is necessary. Those who have ears to hear— listen and take this to heart. And, those who have, perhaps, only one ear opened— wake up! And, for those who go on in their greed and wanton lusts for more power and control, especially over other people (with both ears closed)— may GOD have mercy on u.
S. S. says
My above reply was for Frasercrest.
Cansayso says
FraserCrest changed the word Democrat to Conservatives to fulfill his Socialist Idiology.
Natalie says
That’s EXACTLY what I thought, too, when I read his leftist rant! You took the words right out of my mouth!
JMC says
And there goes another liberal trying to blame slavery on the conservatives. But hey, we still have our right to freedom of speech, most of it anyway. So those that wish to attribute slavery and the fight against equality to the conservatives, how about you quickly search all than statues that’s been removed. Find the names of the people those statues represented and then look up to see if they were Democrat it Republican. You can’t guess with my mention that nine out of ten were Democrat. As was it the Democrats agenda to fight against ending slavery and equality. We’re there conservatives fighting along with the Democrats? In fact a great many were supporting that cause.
But why?
I’ll tell you why, just as they continue to do today, they sit and think up schemes on how to get what they want and plot and plan until they get it. A great many southern conservatives were uneducated back in those days, and never did anyone question the news. Back then, if the news said it, then it may as well been true because it became the gospel when the news reported it. Them Democrats, knowing that Lincoln was a conservative could see exactly what was about to go down, with lincoln supporting equality and being against slavery. All the Democrats could see at that time was thousands and thousands of free slaves that would be gaining the right to vote, and giving that conservatives were fighting on there side, the assumption by Democrats was a huge number of conservative voters were about to enter the population of they couldn’t stop it.
So they made use of a lot of the southern people who were less educated, by getting them all worked up with propaganda and out right lies. The Democrats started the war and used conservatives to fight against conservatives. It was a win, win situation for the Democrats. Prevent a bunch of conservative voters from entering the population and through the war kill off a bunch more by having them fight each other. If you look around, you’ll see that same tactic being used right now, propaganda and lies have caused thousands of people to protest, riot, and destroy cities and towns all across this nation. For the Democrats all that matters is gain of power and control and they really don’t care how many people have to die for them to attain that power. They don’t care if cities and towns get destroyed none of that matters. So as they did long ago, they will continue to divide the people creating two sides to fight against each other, because they know that United we stand and Divided we fall. And as long as they can keep a division they know they are above the law and can get away with whatever they want. It’s when we start to stand together that they become worried.
Anon says
I guess you can’t handle the truth. Funny how the KKK and Neo-Nazi groups back Trump.
M.D. says
Democrats are too dumb to know America’s history and have been exposed for all their corruptions and I’m pisitive there’s alot more that we haven’t discovered yet! Everything just about that comes out of Biden’s mouth is a lie, but there aren’t alot of democrats that want the truth anymore! The media is so full of lies and their sheep eat it up! If the truth is not in you, you can be ruled by satan and I’m starting to believe that those on the left are either totally decieved, or purposely following the dems straight into satan’s plan. Socialism leads to communism and how many times in the bible did the Lird say that he wants to set all of free from bondage? Well, you are either for God or against him and there is no in between! The U.N. having complete control and the One World Order are satan’s ultimate goal to rule and reign the earth. It’s all in scripture and back by scrolls, the Greek text, and Hebrew! Everything predicted has happened and once the rest if the prophesies are fulfilled, Us Christians will be raptured and satan will be their master for only a few years, until we come back with Christ and make things right again! Fir all you haters who don’t believe, when you have to rake a mark and deny Christ, remember that you are sealing your fate in hell for eternity! President Trump- a flawed human being, is being used by God right now. God could use anyone! If you have any knowledge at all about the bible, you’ll know that God used a murderer if Christians( changed his life too), he used a drunk, a tax collector, and many other’s that not even Christians would consider Christians to change their own lives and bring thousands of other’s to Christ. The bible also says to pray for our leaders, he never said that you had to like him or her either( which I absolutely agree 100% with Trumps policies btw) but if you you claim to be a Christian and hate our president, your not only hating God choice as our leader, but your consuming your own heart with hatred and dying spiritually because of it! God hates liars, and if you support all the lies( even as God is exposing them) you’re lining up with satan and his deceptions. I hope Biden goes to prision for holding back funds promised to Ukraine until the prosecutor who was going after Hunter Biden was fired. That is called quick pro quo. Obama did nothing about this! Biden has recieved thousands of dollars giving foreignors access to the White House. If anyone is ok with this- there’s plenty of proof of all of this, your already being decieved by satan. The truth is already out there! You just are too blind to want to hear it! Don’t bother responding to me either, the truth is either in you or not, that’s your choice to make!
Deodie Hammac says
The south lost. The Republican Party was formed to stop the democrat party that wanted to keep slavery.. The democrats were the kkk, Jim Crow was a democrat. The democrats were a racist party. The republicans were not. I don’t recognize anything that you said as actual true history. Your account of it is backwards to say the least.
Erin says
Rest assured, the celebrities who earn 200 million a year and the multi billionaire tech giants will be just fine. If anyone thinks these people actually care about the rank and file, you are delusional. Actions always speak louder than the lies that are circulated constantly. The President has actually helped the people of our country, as well as the rest of the world.
Believer in God not man says
Rolls and rolls of words words words if you are smart learn the meaning of freedom and the meaning of socialism take your pick it is your life.
B says
Then why are the liberals “antifa” removing George Washington’s statues, along with any of the other singers of the Declaration of Independence statues/memorials they can find?
Anonymous says
I realize you’re probably just an indoctrinated kid or maybe a little mentally challenged. Nothing wrong with that, but maybe you shopuld read a hisytory book. You seem to have a complete failed understanding what the two political parties represented thoughout history.
Anonymous says
When did the left have control???
Anonymous says
Right, but It’s obvious they always have, it’s just our President has exposed this truth.
Nancy says
We need bigger prisons.
George says
I thought the democrats were the ones that backed slavery has for the Bible the word of God is not bad except to the godless democrats
Jennifer says
Exactly! Lol
The Dude above who thinks that people should be paid what they’re worth and is stating that they’re not needs to go open his own business then and run it all by himself. Or he can just stay living off of the system and hope that the government pays him what he’s worth sit around and do nothing! 😆
Deodie Hammac says
You are so so right!
Kathy says
Not looking that way today, boo hoo
Eat says
God you people are sick.
Gofer broke says
We used to have statesman now it is politicians
FraserCrest says
Now, politicians and businessmen completely devoid of ethics who have committed fraud, money laundering, and tax evasion, to name a few.
Anon says
More like Con Men
Juan C says
People are so ignorang that vote for crooks,scun like parasites Biden with a dossier of 47 years doing nothing but getting rich.Like voting for a homosexual with his trans partner that enter the WH with 200,000 bank account in 2008 and when leave in 2016 the first thin he do was to buy not one but two manssions. How he got the money? For sure not working
Summer says
Would you consider watching this in its entirety?
Anonymous says
great talk.
thx for the link
Daniel J Smith says
I watched the Jordan Peterson video. Amazing insight!
EB says
No it was not worth you writing I’d down,
Deb says
Nope nothing worth your time writing this. Everything is bad. Selfish. Hypocritical. Just the way it is
Deb says
I LOVE that you wrote that! Preach! True patriotism! Obvi Trumpers hate America because they worship a DICTATOR!
George says
I thought the democrats were the ones that backed slavery has for the Bible the word of God is not bad except to the godless democrats we Republicans hate America have you been watching the news we aren’t the ones rioting and robing beating up on people it’s you crazy democrats
Deodie Hammac says
That is the true history and facts. The democrats are the ones that wanted to keep their slaves and their kkk.
Deodie Hammac says
You need to find a news station that is known for reporting the facts and not their view. The democrat view is unstable and President Trump is not a dictator. The radical left-wing news and the party itself just framed it that way so that the people that still watch their BS keep believing it.
Romero says
What kind of dictator is he? One that has been openly criticized, insulted,, ridiculed, harassed by the media, tried by congress, etc. etc.
You should live in China, Cuba, Russia, to understand what dictatorship is like.
Laura says
I don’t know how you found your way onto this threat, but you speak truth to power. I grew up in a different America, one where this was a two party system (and the money that controlled both) and every few years the metronome would swing more Democratic or more Republican but was within acceptable bounds because it always swung back toward the middle. It kept the rich getting richer but there was also a healthy middle class, and for the most part, less hatred and a bit more civility. I am biased because I grew up in New York and it’s almost its own country.
I don’t recognize this level of hatred. I do know that we now have monopolies all over again, the way we did back in the old AT&T days etc
Words so matter. Democratic Socialism is no different than Christian Right.
T says
Kathy says
Big Tech rules our country, distorts info and tries to make people think the way they want them too. And if you say something they don’t like, they just remove it from their site.
jh says
You are so right! It such bullsh*t.
Lori says
This is the only intelligent comment to this post, so I’m thankful for you taking the time to work the algorithm and share your educated thoughts on this. Kudos!
Schnertzman says
Let’s dig into one thing here… You referenced so called unconstitutional acts by President Trump…
So just as I have in many blogs and hundreds of posts across the net asked, : what has he done that meets the stated criteria.?
You cannot point any too anything in any legal aspect of the law or the Constitution of any said violations. The original Collusion story and the subsequent Mueller probe was deemed and stated directly by Mueller’s team, “No Collusion, No Obstruction of Justice… As stated in congressional and senate hearings. Documents released recently, show the Intel agencies telling obama that Hillary was commiting illegalities and they backed up her action to stop Trump. The whole predicate was based on false opp research, that was illegally acted in.
The Impeachment was false, and without evidence. They lost, as there was no legal basis for it. It was done to cause problems because they could. It was an exercise in RESISTANCE. How could you be so ignorant to fall fo allr that? I could go on and on about the fraud the Democrats have done in the process. Heck Trump could have had several of these politicians arrested for seddition.
I suggest you find another place for your misguided views other than law, because you are falling flat on your face on this.
You fell in to that Liberal Leftist trap, The media spoon fed you lies for years and it’s all been proven false by documents and investigation, yet you cannot accept it. Such is the actions of petulant children who were denied additional playtime when failed to do their chores or homework.
Why would you allow yourself to be used in such a way. And yes, Google, Facebook, Twitter, and 95% of the media has suppressed conservative views. They fire their conservative employees, they suppress users comments, and they allow abhorrent behaviour on the left to be.
There will be no socialist or eutopian life here for you. Eventually the Tough Americans are going to stand up and fight back. Oh yeah, and were the ones on the right.
What I run into in the real world, is no Liberal or Democrat that ever debates. You either believe them. or they just block you out, or attack you even physically. With leftists,, no one is allowed an alternate POV. They want you to held for thought crimes. Purely insane. That’s singularly on the left.
Good luck fellow Anerican
Alareenie76 says
Yes ! Thank you! Even the language is horrid ! How is the “Right ” wing the Pro Life And the other is pro choice rather than pro child ! The pro choice side is all about every Child being born wanted Not about every fetus being born ! Americans are so in love with fetuses but neglect children . They do not want healthcare Americans only believe in their Christian “God” believing God is a great guy that only murdered all of mankind a few times Men, fetuses ,babies, children , women ,animals ,and plants, were murdered by God ! They must have an archaic explanation of miscarriage ! Is the woman evil or a witch ? Maybe God causes miscarriage! Miscarriage =abortions by God ! It is indeed an evil society that encourages intelligence and is run by theology whilst pretending to separate fiction from facts ! We are at a precipice now where we will fall into infinite darkness as the Middle East has and go back to the stern religious rules that disregard women or we can move forward to the light . Do you remember the Shah of Iran ? He was terrible but the religious right in power now is a vision of Trump’s version of America ! I voted against Trump I had to vote Biden
Dennis Richardson says
The political left in America does not understand why the Templar to London banking system over the last nine hundred years has the world presently enslaved by the Rothschild-Rockefeller-Bush-Clinton-Obama crimes families in America and many other European crime families. Dishonest currency has the human race enslaved, the Almighty warned that this would happen because HE can see into the our Future. Donald Trump is not liked by the British Royals because Trump is going upset their self serving gravy train. This little con game has been going on for several hundred years in London and the Vatican in Rome.
Deb says
I LOVE that you wrote that! Preach! True patriotism! Obvi Trumpers hate America because they worship a DICTATOR!
Obama crime families? Wtf are you smoking
NotONEofTHEM says
Exceptional compilation of the many twisted lies of the liberal socialist Democratic Party of guilt. I was driving through a 95% insanely wealthy, white neighborhood yesterday and counted the black lives matter and “I can’t breathe” signs. I counted 47 signs. This here lies the problem. If these wickedly wealthy people want to help the poor, black families….they should use their money and build a few homes in their own backyards of the 3 million dollar Potomac and Chevy Chase homes. Protect their new black neighbors from the nasty racist police with their stone and steel fences which surround their mansions..(home). They should be giving all they can to pay the bills of these poor black families (the ones they took on to their property and are now supporting them).
Instead, they want me to apologize for my white privilege and elect a president to tax the hell out of me while their wives play tennis and meet at Starbucks. The nannies and illegal housemaids can clean their mansion and all the homes they built for the poor black families in their back yard.
Sick and twisted democrats with their Biden and BLM signs.
Harry says
Good stuff! Hollywood and the athletes should put their money where their big mouths are.Big nba strike,23 hours!
Erin says
Exactly. The celebrities and tech giants and inherited wealth love to march and talk about how sympathetic they are to the causes, Then they beef up their security and tell their fans to vote for the liberals.
Gorbz says
Here’s the long and the short of it. Left isn’t stupid they just know alot about Nothing and don’t listen. Right isn’t wrong but they don’t like to be not be heard and talk down to by pussys.
Donnie H says
You people are either brainwashed or are accomplices in the brainwashing of gullible uninformed or misinformed Americans. Ever since Republicans pushed for the repeal of the Fairness Doctrine more than 30 years ago, right wing media has used lies,propaganda and deciet to divide Americans by using fear and anger to herd their sheep who listen to them. It’s always and us vs. them mentality. In the warped reality of those under the control of right wing brainwashing, the left wants to take your, guns, your freedoms, your jobs, your religion. You scare people into thinking that the left wants to implement Sharia law, communism, socialism, Marxism. You scare them into thinking immigrants are coming for you. BLM is coming for you. Antifa is coming for you. Mexicans are coming for you. Gay people and transgenders are going to rape you in public restrooms. Hell I’ve even heard that Hillary Clinton and Obama, excuse “Killary” and “Obummer” is running child sex rings out of the basement of pizza parlors and that the left secretly eats children. The right throws all these outlandish conspiracy theories against the wall and sees what sticks with their ignorant gullible sheep. They then use the fear and anger that their brainwashing generates to divide the country and keep Americans worrying about each other instead of paying attention to what those in power are doing. It’s classic divide and conquer to maintain the status quo and keep those who are rich and powerful, rich and powerful. The rest of us are left fighting over what’s left and blami h each other for all of our problems instead of blaming the politicians who wage a daily propaganda war to keep those who are rich and powerful in power and the rest of us subservient to them. I’m a 16 year USAF vet (combat search and rescue) served in combat in multiple theaters around the world. Including Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia and Bosnia. After retiring from the military I continued to serve my country locally as a firefighter (Asst. Chief/Medic) and also as a reserve deputy Sheriff for 7 years. I currently work for NASA as a project manager. I have spent most of my adult life serving this country and putting my life on the line daily and for uninformed, ignorant, gullible right wing sheep to claim that I hate this country really pisses me off to no end. Especially as they worship a draft dodging president who supposedly had bone spurs so bad he couldn’t serve but not so bad that he couldn’t play high school and college sports. A man that has had no one in his family ever even attempt to serve in the military. A man who has taken Russia’s word over his own intelligence agencies. A man who to this day has not even condemned the Russian bounties put on our soldiers heads. A man who attacks POW’s who were tortured in service to our country while he stayed home with “bone spurs”. A man who attacks Gold Star family’s. A man that called those who lost their lives in war in defense of their country “losers”. Any one of his followers who continue to support that is not patriotic but complicit in his teasonous behavior and no better than he is. The real Americans and Patriots are the ones outraged by his actions. Not the ones who try to defend it and continue to worship him like a cult…
Anonymous says
Jesus will set you free. Turn to Him.
Aspyn Noëlle Dommer says
LOL you’re the pinhead who is brainwashed. Pull your head out of your hind quarters and educate yourself on what is really going on As for Trump dodging the draft that is a bold faced lie but that is what you Progressive Liberal Imbeciles do best. Tell me Mr. Marxist. Did Barrack Hussein Odumbo serve his country? No he did not. He didn’t serve a America’s President either. He spent 8 years apologizing for America. He empowered our enemies, he depleted our Military, he incited violence and death on our Men and Women in Blue “The Police”. I could write a flippin’ book on Odumbo’s FAILURES. President Trump has done more for America, and We the People than any President in history. Don’t like it than pack up your bag and head on over to VENEZUELA, CUBA, CHILI, MEXICO, SYRIA, IRAQ, IRAN, VIETNAM, HAITI AND SO FORTH IF YOU HATE AMERICA’S PRESIDENT AND OUR COUNTRY.
Signed: Proud Daughter of REAL VETERAN who gave HIS life for PEOPLE like you.
Anonymous says
You are a fake American. Our Democracy is on the line. You have No clue. The False Evangelicals Pastors want Trump to be Their man King to rule them and to Praise and Worship Trump because they want a God they can see..They have lost their faith in God. We have The King Of Kings Jesus Christ Of NAZARETH. Your False Pastors have Deceived you. They love Trump because of money. Just follow the money trail my friend and see all the False Evangelicals Pastors who are backing Trump. They Got Millions of dollars in their bank accounts. They want to keep deceiving peoples like you. They are rich and Taxes free. They are just like Trump keep deceiving you about making America great. America always have been great. Trump is destroying America; he trying to take away the Dreams and Vision of young Americans who one day may have a desire to become President of America. Trump is on the edge of being a Traitor. He working with all kinds of enemies: Coronavirus, Russia. He is a person who is highly corrupted, He is a Racist, he is a Liar, instead of trying to defeat the Coronavirus he is helping the spreading of this enemy,he allowed Russia to attack our Troops. Trump owes every nations China an all Money. He have robbed the Country by not paying taxes. He doesn’t care about Americans he owe so much money and is in too deeply over his head. He have completely divided Americans. We are Americans and We can not fall for this Con man behavior. We Got to Glue America back. We can’t fall for these Television Reality stars. Our lives can’t be in the hands of such a Narcissist individual. I an I alone type peoples. This type of behavior is the act of SATAN. For all the False Evangelicals Pastors you all know this to be True. So stop lying to your flocks. You are sending them all to Hell because you all have fallen for the Antichrist character. Trump has no Characteristic of Jesus Christ of NAZARETH. Every since Trump became president The False Evangelicals Pastors have changed their principles of what Jesus Taught. They are so wide open now with their Morality. All sins are sins and will lead to Death. Faith without work is dead.
Anonymous says
Learn proper grammar please and then maybe your points would be valid
Mary Rogers says
Cannot wait to re-elect President Trump. He is not owned by the CCP unlike #DementiaJoe & the democrat party.
Anonymous says
Everything you just said it false
Anonymous says
Trump has COVID!!! There is justice after all!! Say what you will trump supporters! Your boy, who downplayed and dismissed coronavirus NOW HAS IT!!! SUCK IT!!!!
T says
Ramble on much?
Rdog says
Every point you made is false or completely misleading. You want to keep practicing your faith in Christ, then vote for the man defending religious liberty and vote against the party that has introduced godless, nihilistic marxism.
Kathy says
Not looking that way today, boo hoo
Obama watched our citizens get their heads cut off on national news and did nothing. What a wussy!! I was embarresed he was our president
_ says
Careful Aspyn, your racism is showing.
Chris says
I just want one of you idiots to show me a SINGLE mention of Christ or God or the Bible in either the Declaration of Independence or the Consititution. Go on geniuses. I’m waiting.
I will give you non-researching fundamentalists a clue: there isn’t a single one, unless you count the word “creator”, which is mentioned once in the Declaration of Independence. That’s it. No mention of this being a Christian nation or a biblical nation or any other, for that matter. So, please kindly STFU about this country being founded as such.
K, thx idiots.
Rhina says
*In God we trust” is printed on our Money. You are an ignorant one anyone in America who hates us do hate God. Enough is enough America citizens are not dumb as you haters believe. The truth of America is an inspiration to the world. No wonder every day citizens are being terrorized while the media keeps on lying, the real traitors are greedy terrorist who think wearing a mask keeps you safe from a virus. You haters will get your war and just like history the American spirit will win because this is God’s country.
Bill says
You will find out one day that you were wrong when you meet your maker. The word of God says plainly that all leaders of all nations were established by God himself. So bottom line good luck with what you think you know….
Dennis Richardson says
Best answer yet; no historical, economic, political answer is better.
Dvldg94 says
You’re a good man Don. I wish I was surrounded by more men like you.
Shane says
I can see your a smart man and has common sense . But Trump is not the enemy it’s the people in Congress that have been there for 20 30 years and all they do is stall everything and is divided . For once I am proud of this country and have faith because of President Trump. It don’t matter who is in office it’s only 4 to 8 years and I hated Obama tho he was a good speaker that’s about it . America will either prevail or fall like the Roman empire. It’s inevitable.
Mark says
Shane – could not have said it better. Like him or not, If Trump loses, we’ll only have him for about 3 m0re months. If he wins, we’ll have him for about 4 yrs and 3 months. Then, he will be gone. But the DNC and RNC AND CONGRESS will still be here. All they do now is favors for some kind or another BIG business. The Left loves Banking and Finance and HUGE Tech and everybody else who is extremely wealthy. If you don’t believe me, then tell me why WJC repealed the Glass-Steagal act?? Asinine move. All it did was make investment bankers, Insurance Co’s, Stock and Finance brokers and some Politicians wealthy. The cost, of course, fell on the average American taxpayers’ shoulders through the crash of ’08. The Feds turned around and bailed out the large banks et al (and they were the ones who caused it!) by giving them Trillions of $$ because they were “Too big to fail!?!?!” The audacity! The RNC also loves its’ big $$ also, of course. More traditional biz like oil, pharma etc. But, BOTH parties have giving up representing the average American. We have no money to speak of so they don’t give a crap about us unless it’s to squeeze $50 bucks out of our fingers when the election is drawing near.
Unfortunately, the ones that need to fix this are those same criminals who are benefiting from it. And, in the meantime, we’re being attacked by Marxists who are sneakin’ in the back door while everyone’s paying attention to Trump. All of our institutions have already been taken over by the Marxists and are putting 100% of their energy into making damn sure Trump does not win re-election. They’re very scared of Trump because he’s a renegade, not a Politician from one of their political machines and so, like him or not, he catch’s more grief than I ever thought was even possible. The LYING by the press is MIND BOGGLING.
All we would have to do is put much more of a limit on campaign donations and put in place term limits on the Legislative Branch.
So. This will never happen, therefore, we are doomed. And, after the smoke clears, they’ll also blame this on Trump.
Michael Ogden says
Thankfully as of yet Trump has not completely managed to derail the election, but not for a lack of trying and i don’t trust those who are swearing they wont let him steal the election any more than i trusted they were telling the truth about “never putting a new justice on the Supreme Court in an election year after the primaries.”
At this point i hardly think i have to explain the rational behind any Trump supporters still left trying to find excuses as they have eliminated every excuse but hate. I bet when the secret service is forced to evict him the chances are 50/50 he will have to be forcibly removed as he is fully aware the dozens of charges against him have been waiting for Donald J. Trump the citizen who has benefited from so much white privilege if he had been a normal or even close to normal person as soon as he moved into the white house it would have been marked as the residence of a sex predator. We have lost credibility we can never regain as long as the world remembers that agreements with the U.S.A. will be violated on a whim by the next degenerate racist that is voted into office.
Mary Rogers says
The Democrats & China are the only group trying to derail the election .
Rhina says
Racist like your self obviously doesn’t even know America is a colorless society. Look at your license it doesn’t say what race you are does it? Hmm only you racist wouldn’t notice this. Truth hurts but lies kill people.
Jane says
Stop in 2nd line
“right wing media has used lies,propaganda and deciet to divide Americans by using fear and anger to herd their sheep who listen to them. “
Let me Tell the REAL truth -I have lived in this country for 64 years. I’ve lived through the 60s and witnessed actions that a very young age I didn’t understand and my mother telling me “it’s wrong”. I appreciated and respected Martin Luther King. None of you could fill his shoes. And let me correct your story – OBAMA started this whole division in America. I’ve lived it, I’ve seen it and I was shocked that was it happening again with OBAMA. I felt our country had gone back in time to the 1960s and Obama was the one pushing the agenda. Democrats are guilty of allowing this to continue – not one Democrat nor Black stood against him. Now, unfortunately, we have arrived to a peak of hatred and disaccord that it is sickening, disgusting and it’s not the way America operates with thugs/Antifa criminals destroying our building and police cars. setting fires, beating up innocent people and spewing curse words and antagonizing innocent people trying to have dinner with their family. This is not the Republicans fault this is 100% the production of the Democrat party.
Donnie, you are filled with vile. and hatred, you joined the right party.
Mary Rogers says
Jane has a severe case of tds. I look forward to re-electing President Trump in November.
Kathy says
I agree
Anonymous says
DON-DON YOU MUST HAVE GOT HOOKED UP TO A COMMUNIST BUDDY TO HAVE SERVED AND HATE AMERICA. I got drafted in 1968 in the VN WAR AND LATER SERVED IN THE Air guard and the Air Force overseas and I believe Trump is NOT PERFECT AND NEITHER ARE YOUI. Stop your down grade of America behind your communist beliefs and JESUS SOMEHOW WILL TOUCH YOUR HEART. Your not superman just because of your military service, be glad you are alive like so many others are DEAD. So many other men and women served and are quiet you just have a big mouth.
Anonymous says
Hmmmm…….I could really care less for either side. but from what i have observed in life……no man is perfect. If God had made man perfect……..he would of put his dick on his chin !!!
Cora says
This is proof how the left backed media has effectively brainwashed you! They want to turn people against Trump so you will vote for Biden.
The Russian bounty hunters story was made up. The suckers and losers story was made up. There are several people that were with him the whole day and said he never said that! Bone spurs are extremely painful, you can’t even walk. He would have been a liability to the military if he joined. The last 5 presidents haven’t been in the military. Why don’t you villainize them? Because CNN didn’t tell you. Trump is anti- war. He is bringing our soldiers back. Obama got us into 7 wars in the middle east, causing our soldiers to die while he lined his pockets with kickbacks from weapons manufacturers. They tell you Trump is racist. Trump has given historically black colleges over $750 million in funding, the highest in their history. He brought 5G to poor black neighborhoods so they could access remote learning. He’s released blacks imprisoned unfairly for minor non- threatening drug offenses (see Alice Johnson). Under Trump, Latinos and blacks have the lowest unemployment ever. With the wall, he’s reduced human trafficking, drug smuggling and rapes in border states 90%. But you will never hear positive from CNN and other mainstream media. Killary paid to have the Russian collusion dossier made up! The corrupt FBI went along with it. She’s evil! Oblahma and Biden are traitors to America! They, through Hunter Biden’s company Bohoi Harvest RST, received $1.5 billion from the CCP, so the China Communist Party can obtain American military technologies!! They sold us out to our enemies!! China got our nuclear secrets through the Oblahma Biden admin! As a military vet, you should be horrified! Trump signed 3 bills for our veterans to get better and immediate treatment and help for suicidal veterans. You can Google all this info yourself. The deceiving mainstream media and evil democrats have 1 goal and it is to destroy America and our freedom! They are turning our country socialist! If you watch SOTU ADDRESS 2020, you will see no evidence of the bad things about Trump that you believe… you will see proof of how hateful the democrats are! You will see Trump positively change the lives of 5 audience members, most of them not white. You tube:
Blacks for Trump
Round Table Trump Meets With Latinos
Lonnel Harris
Dan Bongino
Walk Away America
You just parrot all these claims you heard from the mainstream media. I have actual proof. Educate yourself and don’t take the media’s words… they only want high ratings.
By the way, even foreign countries know the truth as Trump has been nominated for 3 Nobel Peace Prizes.
Hope you see the truth and share with others who are brainwashed by the media.
God bless you
Charles says
Thank you for your comments on here. It’s sickening for me to hear all this negativity and hatred for one man without any basis except jealousy! I say jealousy because Trump was once a Democrat while just a businessman. He left that party of corruption to join the Republican Party because he became WISE to their agenda and has been on a quest to take down the democratic socialists and deep state and end all of the government’s corruption! His tireless and fearless non filtered approach is exactly what is needed. Oh he has certainly pissed off quite a few on the left because he doesn’t talk with the tongue of a politician… “ use proper political words when speaking”.
No not Mr Trump. Political lingo is hush words to the public and covert. Trump is and always will be one that will use “ common English “ to speak and that pisses the left off. Too bad crybabies! You want real truths or do you want fake ass political words to sugar coat what the corrupt politicians are doing to our country???
The great division began way back in the Clinton Administration and perhaps even further back. Clinton is the one the cut drastically our defense spending so much that he closed many many military installations which opened the floodgates to allow terror to enter this country and this is what they want to blame on Trump? Bs!
Corruption runs deep within the leftist democratic socialistic bastards! You want to see racism? Look no further than them. Leave Trump out of that. For Ch. sake how many times in the last 30 years does one need to denounce any and all hate groups before it sinks in that he does not support or stand for supremacy of any race??? How many??? He denounced this all long before his presidency and has repeatedly continues to do so!! And I have those proofs! In fact he has even gone on record several times to say he has no room for hatred in this country.
3 peace treaties in 29 days signed. This alone is unprecedented as Obama nor Clinton made any attempt to restore peace in the Middle East. Trump has 3 ! So don’t tell anyone this man has accomplished zero. Look past your own nose and see Pinocchio Joe at it for 47 years and has zero to show for it except he’s the liar! Hell he can’t even tell you the truth about his education much less what policy he supports . Ex. New green deal is the framework for his no fracking policy and no more fossil use. Oh wait that was last months news. Now it’s I don’t support the new green deal and I’m not about to eliminate 600,000 American jobs from PA alone. Send that career loser to the nursing home before the left destroys him more. Joe is just a puppet on a long ass string and the puppet master is one of your rich BILLIONAIRES that want to wreck America! Joe didn’t pick that whore to be his running mate. They can’t even stand each other. The puppet masters son picked her after she swallowed his load!
As far as tax avoidance story. Fake as fuck! He actually overpaid his taxes by. Nearly $76 million overall! And prepaid much of them during those years your left wing CNN pussy fake reporters spoke of! I have proof of that as well!
Oh by the way, calling vets losers… another fake story to add to your liberal left wing deep state narrative. How would a potus say that after boosting our military, increase their wages, drastically improve the VA healthcare system to name a few! Gimme a break ! Your hatred for one man is so deep that any negative mention about President Trump and you people run with it and twist it even more!
Rob Dwyer says
I take it that you’;re a stone-cold Democrat that has blinded himself so that you can’t see the road before you. A pity?
Pat says
Very well said. That article is a pack of the biggest bullshit I have ever read. They just keep trying to blame blame blame others on the gigantic mess this country is in. Stop blaming and stop enabling your cult leader. Now he has the virus due to his irresponsibility, phony bravado, and ignorance. Please stop blaming everything on others beside your sorry leader and your sorry selves. We do not hate America!!!! What a stupid statement made up out of nowhere and I and many others find the insulting,
Lee Ving says
Seriously? Look at who’s brainwashed. Everything you accuse the Republicans of doing is exactly what the democrats are guilty of. Typical left-wing MO – Deny everything and blame it on the Republicans. Keep repeating your lies until more weak-minded people (democrats) start to believe your lies. Or just ignore an issue when you can’t deflect the blame to Republicans.
Anonymous says
Man you are either insane or a communist.
Anonymous says
It is obvious you, Donnie, listen only to the left wing democrat, socialist, Marxist media. You listen to and believe lies!!!
JJ says
Are you saying he hasn’t done anything good for our military? I’m not saying he does no wrong, he says A lot of messed up things and has done things i don’t agree with, but he also has done many many great things for us and doesn’t just say it without following through,like many in the past have. Did you ever really stop for a minute and seriously think about some questionable things? Like why are the Democrats trying everything in their power, since the day he got elected, to get him out? I mean it’s been one thing after another his entire 4 years, what are they so scared of? Why can’t they just back off for 5 minutes and let him do his job? And could it be possible that the left are doing everything in their power, to make anyone who calls them out crazy and conspiracy theorist? when there is actual proof of a lot of these so called “conspiracy theories”. I was on the fence for a while and questioning both sides but after doing tons and tons of my own research I have found so many evil things with actual proof coming from the dems side. Anytime I do start to question it again I find something else awful they do and it just keeps happening so try and just be open minded and do extra digging to know the truth. We are not brainwashed especiallly someone who was on the fence.
c c says
hey all you leftist dummies , you want to lose this county ??? vote dumacrate
you lose your freedom , lose all your money , take your life in your own hands with nothing to defend your dumb assses with ??? if this country is so bad than get the hell out .
tell me what did socialism do to other countries but completely destroy them .
explain your way out of this
Nick says
Godless Marxism? Haha.. whatever ya #fakechristian
NikNak says
Why does calling Marxism “godless” make someone a fake Christian? Are you a “real” Christian, or do you just like throwing names like “fake Christian” around? Lol, never mind, I already know you’re a Christian hater. You guys foam at the mouth with hatred, get hysterical, violent and literally try to physically and mentally control those who disagree with you with violence. The leftists/Marxists, etc. can’t be reasoned with, it’s almost like they’re possessed with demons. The pure hatred is astonishing. The leftist ideology wants power and control of everyone’s lives via government. You reject organized religion yet you worship power, control and big government. You have no god, you have a giant void that you try to fill with controlling everyone else’s lives. Your religion is government and that is toxic and always leads to economic ruin, misery and death. #fakehuman
Terra says
Tell me this then…WHO did Jesus take care of and support in the Bible….constantly?
When did Jesus ever call people losers?
When did Jesus ever kick the poor when they were already down?
When did Jesus ever say greed and money is the way to salvation?
When did Jesus say adultery is awesome and accepted?
Who were Jesus’ friends and confidants?
When did Jesus say you should idolize anybody but himself?
On and on and on….
Check your bible. The current Republican Party walks every which way except with Jesus. They use his name to win votes from people like you. They worry more about guns then every single American. That’s another thing. When did Jesus tote a gun in the Bible? He didn’t!
If you’re gonna be a Christian follower of Jesus then you actually cannot follow the current WH admin at the same time.
Spence says
He isn’t Jesus, now is he? I’ma Christian and I know of all that you have cherry picked here.
When did Jesus approve of fiull term abortions?
I could go on and on, but I refuse to throw my pearls before swine. Those that have fallen away won’t be able to differentiate what’s right from wrong. That’s more and more evident every single day.
Liberalism/Socialism is a mental illness, plain and simple.
Steve says
You think the action of Jesus was conservative? Had His behavior/expectations been conservative, he would have supported status quo of his era telling culture keep current state of affairs—to love the kings. His actions were quite radical because His authority challenged the socioeconomic structure that was present in Biblical times. It could be argued today that it is conservative to follow the teachings of Jesus, because Christianity is status quo in many cultures. However for His time, His actions were left of liberal/radical because his authority sought a complete social change that harmed the structure that was currently in power.
Anonymous says
The only bible verse that mentions a practice like abortion is actually in favor of it.
chantel sieh says
What is wrong with you are you brain dead? and what is wrong with the person who wrote this letter to the editor.. Trump lies,cheats,he is a racist. He lied for goodness sake about a pandemic and you think thats ok? Something is wrong with people that cant hear his lies. It is daily listen then go watch again . He doesnt care about you. He doesnt care about America. But he sure has his head up Putins Russian butt. He cheated in the first election and he tried doing it a second time. Please turn the volume up on your tv or hearing aid. He is a con, a flim flam man. He has wasted his time in the Presidency causing problems, undoing good things,berates a 16 year old that is concerned about the environment. He doesnt believe the scientists that the climate change is real. He tells the U.S. to inject bleach after not telling us about a PANDEMIC! He is a FAKE President. He just wants to dictate. He is a crook and a big whiney baby. He has not done any good and is ruining America. Lets make America great again and dump Trump!
Jane says
I think you are meaning the opposite! You don’t see Republicans out there destroying the country, Jesus’ statue and our churches. It’s your democratic thugs. Do you think that Jesus would approve of all that? You know he wouldn’t. And HE would never agree or say what you said. Your hatred and anger showing. Maybe its time for YOU to go back to church and ask for forgiveness and peace on earth.
Ken says
You must be speaking to people the dont read the bible or have a personal relationship with Jesus. You can fool them,The real Jesus is a tough taskmaster. Heaven or hell its your choice he will not force himself on you. Repent and make him your Lord and Savior! I saw Joe Biden on the news one time and the Holy sprit spoke these words to me. He had a choice to save Americas children (vote on abortion) he choose not so I took his(children). He has the blood of 72 million babies on his hands.
Anonymous says
You are an absolutely disgusting individual and for your sake I hope you never experience the pain Joe Biden has in his lifetime.
Anonymous says
God isn’t real he’s a imaginary fairy from a book calm down soldier
American says
Let’s get one thing straight here. Trying to link Jesus to a presidential election is nonsense. Humans are fallible, thus imperfect. If I’m not mistaken, Jesus died for our sins…correct? There is no such thing as human omniscience so let’s not try to compare ourselves to something we are not! If you want to preach about the words of Christ, than try your best to live by it. Practice more love and compassion for one another if you truly want to try to walk in the footsteps of Christ. That being said, I already voted for Trump. Not because he’s perfect or speaks eloquently, but because he truly believes in our country. He does not possess the invisible handcuffs that puppeteer the past democratic rulers of our country. He tells it how it is. Most people don’t want to here the truth, especially, when it’s not so-called “pc”. Fuck all the sensitive feelings out there that are to soft to swallow the truth. Hopefully, at least 51% of the population are not idiots which would re-elect Trump. This is not a popularity race but rather the most important job on the planet. Trump is American! He cares about the future of this country, period. Why on earth would he want to listen to another 4 years of democratic whiny, bullshit if he didn’t believe in America. Just for the record, I’m a blue collar small business owner that got crushed during the Obama administration. Somehow, through all the term oil of COVID-19, I’ve never been busier in 25 years. Is this a fluke? I think not! Trump has kept our economy pumping. The DJ says it all. Any president in the last two decades faced with an unknown pandemic, would have buried our economy. I could write for weeks about the media mongrels and misinformation aimed at the lower aptitude of our society, but I have to go to work! If you read this and don’t know what “working” means, than you definitely don’t know what it is to be a part of this great country.
Deb says
This right here. Thank you for saying exactly what needed to be said. This country is miserable right now because grown adults in the white house are not for the people, they are for themselves. Jesus is nothing like any of them.
Leftists don’t hate America, they HATE INJUSTiCE and CORRUPTION and EVIL SELFISH males.
Anonymous says
chantel sieh says
Thats right!!!! True!!
Liberals are dumb says
They want to rip apart everything that has ever worked, and replace it with idiotic ideas that the world already knows fail. Socialism is a complete fail, read your history and look at the earth, and defunding the police no one has ever been dumb enough to recommend until now, our liberals in the US take the cake for being the home of the wrost ideas the world can come up with. Vote Biden!!, A senior with Alzheimers controlled by radical defund the police, climate hysterics and socialist is going to end well. If you are voting that way you are just mentally checked out on how things actually work.
yawn says
You need to stop listing to right wing hysteria.
You do know what the left in the USA wants already exists in pretty much every first world country on earth?
I’m sitting in one right now with my universal healthcare in a state that is fast switching to solar and i can go to college without paying it off for my whole life.
Country is going great 🙂
The only person who believe the USA is great are right wing Americans.
The rest of the first world looks on in horror.
Preston parker says
Obama put us 13 trillion dollars in debt, business flew out of America to China, I lost $750,000 in stock while Obama ripped of America so China could get rich. Obama and Biden gave billions to Iran, only morons would believe that sand nig— s would keep there word. Several Terrorist organizations like Isis got Obama’s funds from Iran to terrorize the Mid East,
Many Americans lost limbs from bombs hidden in the road by Iran.
Trump put sanctions on Iran.
Trump stopped job from leaving the USA.
The illegal aliens that will destroy our environment,
We’re going to A.I. And won’t need illegal aliens.
Real Justice says
Separation of CHURCH and STATE all you evangelical nut jobs like sicko pompeo and sicko pence….
Narkulus says
It seems funny reading this in the middle of September after Trump lied to the american people about the seriousness of Covid, saying behind closed doors in early February that Covid was “deadly”, “airborne”, ” and “killed not just the vulnerable”, all while saying in public that it’s a “hoax”, “just like the flu”, and “it’ll go away. Then the “losers and Suckers”. Then the AG comparing “mask wearing” that helps stop the spread to “slavery”.
What’s next, shooting people on 5th avenue? All this and all these comments quoting biblical passages, the only biblical passages relevant to all this might be Revelations.
Anonymous says
You are the liar, your head is so far up the demorat plantation owners asses that you chew their food for them.
Anonymous says
cultist gonna cult. tapes were leaked dude. If you would step back and get out of your brainwashing you’d see that trump doesn’t give a shit about you. He only cares about himself
Preston parker says
Trump gave up a great business to be president of the United States,
We still have our guns,
We’re getting our jobs back from China we’re making Europe pay for defense. We’re hammering Iran with sanctions and killed Isis cowards . No new middles going over Japan and South Korea.
kim says
so you’re saying trump DIDN’T lie to the american public about COVID?
Marge says
Let’s see, did he say that Covid was sent to us because of an offensive video? No wait, that was the past administrations lie about murders of American citizens unchallenged in order to appease the terrorists. Maybe Covid was not a real problem as stated by the WHO adored by the leftists and he chose to trust them and Fauci when speaking to us. The leftist media reports what they’re supposed to against our President and never reported any of the lies, schemes and propaganda from the leftist past administration. How sad that some of our citizens are so brainwashed by the lefts “loss of power mania and hatred”.
Anonymous says
You said it right. They hate trump because he is the only one standing between the radical socialist lefts idiotic agenda against trump and America. The left pays for antifa to tear down America. And they said death to America. You people better open your eyes people there destroying America now.
Anonymous says
If you read every headline in a newspaper and media – everything is Trump’s fault. I believe that the American people should see what the Democrats have created, roadblock after roadblock against the President since he has been in office and he STILL was ABLE to get things DONE!
John says
Does Fillmore County Journal moderate comments at all. Some of this is pretty racist content.
Arthur Johnston says
He said it in an interview with a reporter who hates him. It was not secret. The hoax was that is was all his fault.
Kenneth Darling says
This is what I hear reading this Leftist Comment : “Today On CNN, We Have More Uncorroborated Highly Biased “Reports” That President Trump Is A Really Mean White American Man. And Also This Just In.. “Easter Worshippers” Are Evil Bible Thumpers Who Still Believe In Some “God” ”
In Other Words, Mr Narkulus Needs To Take His Socialist Fake News Talking Points Somewhere Else. I Suggest Twitter Or Someplace Where People Are Incredibly Susceptible To Be Indoctrinated Using Fascist Democrat Party Tactics.
I Used To Be Shocked At How Everything Seemed To Flip Inside Out In This Country, But Now I Realize This Is How The Democrat Party Always Felt About America And Her Citizens They Just Used To Do A Fantastic Job At Lying/Hiding Their True Intentions. When Donald John Trump And Fellow Americans Blew Up Their Plan To Fully Sink The Greatest Nation In The World Into The Pit Of Socialism In 2016, These Democrats Went Into Panic Desperate Mode. And When People Become Panicked They Start Showing Things They Normally Do A Good Job Hiding. At This Point The Radical Democrats Are In Full Desperate Mode And Will Stop At Nothing To Take Power Back And Never Give It Back To The American People.
The Only Reason My Heart Hurts Over All This Is From How Many “Americans” In This Country Benefit Greatly From Her Yet Still Want To Rip Her Apart And Deny Our Future Generations The Prosperity That Only A Free Nation Awards. The United States Of America Is The Only True Free Nation In The World, The World’s Last Hope! How Did So Many Of Us Become So Stupid And Cowards. Cowards Willing To Surrender Their Freedom To Live On Their Knees Rather Than Die Standing For Something Worth Living For!
MAGA 2020
Everyone Please Rise For The Playing Of Our Beautiful National Anthem:
“Oh, say! can you see by the dawn’s early light
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming;
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight,
O’er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming?
And the rocket’s red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there:
Oh, say! does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
President Donald Trump : “Cause In America We Dont Worship Government, We Worship God!”
God Bless You All, May God Have Mercy On Us All If Those Anti American Leftists Get Back Control Of America!
TrumpDemolishesBiden says
He didn’t lie, you stupid indoctrinated troll! Let’s go over just a tad tad bit of the covid timeline, if you can handle seeing what a miserable failure you are are lying:
JAN. 31, 2020 – TRUMP imposes travel bans into the US from various countries, especially 🇨🇳 CHINA! Got that? CH-CH—CHINA, you freak.! As soon as he does that, Joe Blow Pedo says, “OMG 😳you’re a Xenophobe! How dare you?!” A few more of the pathetic losers like Pelosi & Chuck (probably your idols cuz u have nothing else in your sad, miserable life) call him a few other names too like racist, fascist, the usual accusations!
Feb. 24, 2020 – Nancy Pelosi (Who should’ve been the one to die instead of Ruth cuz she’s fucking evil & rotten) goes partying in CHINA TOWN in the San Francisco bay Area & encourages others to go out and about also!
That’s just the beginning….I could go on, but I don’t want to or need to embarrass you anymore! 😩 I wouldn’t want you to soil your little diaper, Baby 👶🏼 Lefty 🍼!
Have a nice evening, & remember:
Kimba says
In fact they were so upset when President Trump started closing China border and others……..the two idiots Schumer and Pelosi…..were going to open another investigation,because they were so against it………….If it had been left to the dems our country would have been completely over taken by this virus with no return
Romero says
I agree with you: since day one after the election victory of president Trump it has been a continuous criticism of the president. We should be thankful that he has big shoulders and has endured and fight back.
With regard to Covid 19 I remember that in January he asked funds to fight the virus. He was rebuked by Pelosi and the DEMO GANG. “ what does he knows about Covid 19 ! “ fund we’re finally approved the best medications were produced….now the GANG accuses the president that he did not act :”he does not care, he should have imposed the mask” why should be up to the president to impose the use of a mask ? If a president could impose … he could impose using condoms to prevent unwanted pregnancies, he could impose wearing specific clothing , etc, etc.
Don’t be ridiculous you cheater Biden ! Ask not want your country can do for you ask want you can do for your country. Kennedy was correct. Let’s not blame , let’s work together!
Amanda Elaine Skeen says
I love how you leftists lunatics have absolutely nothing on Trump so you have to push lies and hearsay to the forefront of everything. The “losers” and “suckers” garbage that was reported anonymously like most stories from democrats has been debunked countless times by sources not afraid to go on the record. Also if you knew anything about being leader instead of a follower you’d know that creating panic in an already bad situation is the absolute worst thing you could do. When people panic they tend to make bad and irrational decisions which only creates more chaos. Instead of jumping up and down like an idiot Trump took action early on and was said to be “fear mongering” and called “xenophobic”. You liberal idiots hang on to every word and recommendation that comes from Fauci so you should maybe listen and process the fact that he said Trump did NOT distort any information to the American people when talking about covid. You liberal parasites should be embarrassed of how utterly pathetic and insane you’re acting. It’s like watching a bunch of toddlers that are throwing ridiculous temper tantrums! #TRUMP2020
Becky says
Because trump is a liar and a waste of humon skin and so is his familey
Kimba says
I think you need to learn how to spell……before you spread lies
WowIdiots says
Nothing on Trump? You far right wingers are astounding how blind you are. Incredibly stupid and stubborn about it. This isn’t stuff that needs explaining. Just fully observe things and you’d see immediately.
Kimba says
Jane says
Maybe you need to read Dr Fauci’s comments on that.
Kimba says
wow…..every single quote you said was twisted or debunked…..its like you read every first line……CNN ever spewed and believed it……this is why we have so much division…..the news and media throw these lies out there……and it obviously sticks…..because people like you just keep repeating it like a ” fake news” robot….its downright scary
Ricky Sandefur says
Why are Trump supporters so ignorant?
Trump 2020 says
Why are Trump haters so hateful, hysterical, violent, and in denial regarding their idealistic, utopian society that was far from present during the Obama administration, even with rinos in office allowing him free reign? Our economy was poorer than ever, our military weakened, the threat of ISIS ignored with illegals flooding the country and receiving benefits on legal, tax-paying citizen’s dollars, spying and deliberate targeting of conservatives by IRS. Why was “systemic racism” not addressed then? He had eight full years to deal with that, but special bathrooms for transgenders was evidently more important, and ‘climate change’ a larger threat than Muslim extremism. Ironically, racism only became a hot button with Trump’s election, which by the way, was a direct repudiation of eight full years of abject failure. Trump’s election was an unadulterated shout of ‘we are sick of it’ by We The People. And the left is still missing it, with your best offering being poor, creepy, ol’ Joe O’Biden whose family should be arrested for elder abuse. Why did the Mueller investigators wipe their phones clean? The same reason HRC did, of course. Why do Trump haters keep singing ‘Imagine’ while burning down cities? Delusions on the left abound. Your own ignorance is appalling at best.
Nate A says
Nancy says
Oh my God seriously are you that dumb
WowIdiots says
I know right. HOW people choose to be this dumb despite everything they somehow manage to ignore that contradicts their beliefs… why in the world would anyone think that’s a good way to be, many for their entire lives. It’s freaking sad and frustrating is what it is. These people bring us all down.
Joe Adams says
Summed it up perfectly. The lef tknows nothing but what they are told to think No research and no looking for facts.
Casual Observer says
this is straight up agitprop with not too much fact getting in the way… you’ll lose 99% of people at “our economy was poorer than ever…” Were you even alive in 2014?
JackRabbit says
Good article. Of course, anyone in their right mind would choose A as the best answer. Actually, the only answer. Why would anyone want to live under socialism? Obviously, too many people. Personally, I choose to think on my own and not have anyone, especially the government tell me what I can and cannot do. I’m thinking most of the people that support the socialist narrative are simply….simpleton’s! I do not want my guns taken away by “her!” You know….what’s her name….How could anyone vote for a candidate that supports abortion? Abortion is just wrong. I also want to keep my freedom of speech, religion and fly the American flag on my front porch. Liberals are wanting to destroy America. They have an ultimate plan for America and it will not be good. God Bless America!
TRUMP 2020🇺🇸
Anonymous says
Larry Washingberg says
Catherine Piscitelli says
What a very true and insightful piece I just read before my comment. I don’t know who you are but please continue to speak out and not allow these radicals to silence you because you are a truth teller and they will do anything and everything to shut you down. The Democrats have become increasingly more and more radical. They have become so extreme that my family and I have abandoned the Democratic Party long ago when Hillary Clinton was campaigning. She was and still is one of the most corrupt politicians along with Joe Biden and yet the Marxist Radical Media protects them. Their evilness hatred intolerance and dangerous ideology is mind shattering. And yet the corrupt media continues to protect them. My family my friends my co-workers also have left the Democratic Party. Some say that we are the silent majority but what we really are is patriotic citizens who love this country and do not want to see it seized by these Marxist and radical dangerous Democrats who do nothing for the well-being of the American people they care only about power greed and absolute control. My voice are the voices of many Americans who will not be silenced by the radical dangerous left. Our voices will be heard on election day
frank sobotka says
imagine thinking ‘muslim extremism’ is a bigger problem than climate change lol
Kimba says
Well said……and extremely accurate
William says
I’m outraged at this man who consorts with America’s enemy Putin and receives his help to win the election, has America dying from a virus because he’s too incompetent to protect us, is anti science, says he favors one man rule, has weakened NATO our No. 1 organization for US defense, has unnamed federal police using violence on peaceful protestors, has his team committing crimes for which they’re put in prison, then pardons these law breakers. I see this as treason against our Constitution and laws by Trump and his supposed American supporters.
Brian says
Could you provide some proof?
Anonymous says
He has no proof whatsoever.
Anonymous says
WOW! – Are you seriously that misinformed?
Joe Adams says
You do know simple searches disprove nearly everyone one of your statements?
JoeMama Adams DUMB says
LOL – you must believe EVERYTHING you read on the internet ROFL
JackRabbit says
You’re so wrong in every word you stated. Where have you been? Stop wasting your time believing the socialist liberals. They will cut you.
Sue J says
Don’t believe what lamestream media tells you to think. Biden has been colluding with China and ex-Eastern block countries for years. The left say Trump lies whenever he says something they don’t want to hear. He restricts travel and the left said he was a racist. You know Woodward needs money and is trying to sell a book. Leaking conversations where Trump recognized the pending Pandemic made him, nsightful when Pelosi was screaming come on down to China town, we are open!
Stephan Bill says
Putin occupied a territory equal to the size of the world’s 33 smallest states in independent Ukraine when Obama and Biden were building socialism. How much territory did Donald Trump give Putin? So who is Putin’s friend really?
Anonymous says
I don’t think so, when I think of a dictator and violated of liberties and constitutional rightsI think of Tim jong Walz.
Preston parker says
Trump gave up a great business to be president of the United States,
We still have our guns,
We’re getting our jobs back from China we’re making Europe pay for defense. We’re hammering Iran with sanctions and killed Isis cowards . No new middles going over Japan and South Korea.
Bill says
Because they’ve lost all trust in fellow Americans by constantly listening to the multimillionaires on right wing talk TV&radio. That’s the scam: lose trust in everybody but your favorite conservative radio/Tv host who can then sell you books, gold, magic health oil, etc to make him richer.
RonL says
Pwhat is wrong with us americans that wint to military to keep american safe hope they the demrocats know hitler was defeated Ron L
black stalin says
the soviets defeated hitler
typical ignorant american
Anonymous says
The point is what’s best for everyone. Anyone who does not like trump usually are worried about personal gain. Like the promise off free everything they personally don’t work for. They like getting smoke blown up there ass Thinking that China is not a threat and taxing rich is a real thing. Liberals are smoke and mirrors politics and people who support them are pretend intellectuals and have no clue what’s really going on.
“there ass”? and which god do you pray to?
Joe Adams says
What does their god have to do with anything?
lenni shernov says
Ricky Sandefur says
Why are Trump supporters such morons like their leader? You can insult the democrats but they are service members and patriots. Stop watching the the trump channel and get informed. Republicans know they are the minority and try to cheat their way to win and force their views on the majority.. Time to vote their asses out.
America is awake!! says
Ricky do yourself a favor tape a picture Trump on your mirror so you see what real man looks like. Why don’t put on your big boy pants and get out of your mothers basement and do something with you life!! Stop smoking that laced weed.
Kryptonarie says
•A real man doesn’t berate people with differing opinions, knowledge, or facts, he instead listens to them, because he may just learn something important he didn’t already know!
•A real man doesn’t dictate what people should think, but rather he respectfully educates with truthful facts the misinformed or under-educated!
•A really man doesn’t bully people with threats, name calling, and slander for speaking out against injustice and wrong doing!
•A real man doesn’t belittle people who are different, and he most certainly doesn’t make fun of people with physical imperfections, handicaps, or disabilities!
•A real man doesn’t constantly need to tell others how tremendous he and his achievements are to hear their praise!
•A real man doesn’t criminalize and hurt poor souls seeking refuge from oppression and abuse!
•A real man doesn’t lie, he tells the truth even when it’ll be difficult for others to hear.
•A real man isn’t indifferent and without empathy for the loss and deaths people are feeling because of covid-19 –whether it’s one life or hundreds of thousands lives, a real man would never say “it is what is”!
•A real man doesn’t endanger the safety and wellbeing of others for a self-serving ego-fix!
•A real man doesn’t loudly interrupt others who are speaking, he waits his turn to loudly bluster out contemptuous and disruptive nonsense!
•A real man doesn’t paint his face orange and wear lifts in his shoes!
•A real man helps others, he doesn’t do underhanded things to disadvantage people to benefit himself!
•A real man graciously accepts defeat and honors the peaceful transfer of power –like every other President before him!
•A real man is humble and strong, and he does what’s best for everyone and not himself alone!
•A real man is patient, he doesn’t threaten a temper tantrum, violence, or a coup if he doesn’t get his way!
DJT is no example of what a real man is, he’s a power and wealth gormandizer– a wannabe authoritarian parasitic king, one who’s prepared to take the American people’s freedoms (Republicans too), dismantle the U.S. Constitution, and destroy 215 years of democracy for his own narcissism and greed!
Anonymous says
So many Trump supporters constantly start or end their opinions (that’s all they are because everyone else knows that a viable argument/debate is based on actual proofed facts and opinions are not) with name calling and childish bullying like tactics. Yeah, because that helps to solidifying their opinion based analysis of the current WH admin. 😂. #goodluckwithyourlife #namecallingbecauseselfdignityisabsent
Kimba says
Name calling and bullying…..guess what ” the squad” who runs Biden are the biggest name calling,bullying group……..and now Biden with no class calls a sitting president “a clown” and tells him ” shut up man” when Trump asks him for list of names……please……..the left has truly lost all class….Nancy” wicked witch” Pelosi calls Bill Barr a ” blob” and says they put their foot in ” dog poo” what are these people……..5yrs old…..
Deb says
Just tired of them all. I never blindly followed any president. I don’t know a single democrat who had been handed anything, in fact they give people the shirts off their back. I also know good republicans who would do the same. We are never going to get anywhere until we put people in office who actually care about country before party. Those of us in the middle trying hard just to live our lives in a positive way are now full of anxiety and are losing hope. Listening to some of you angry hateful people makes me believe our days are numbered. Far right and far left are destroying this country and the rest of us are paying for iit.
BW says
Ricky, I never knew that you were dropped on your head when you were born.
TrumpDemolishesBiden says
We’re not ignorant. You’re stupid & do nothing but listen to the lies of CNN & mass media that feed you garbage all day which indoctrinates & kills your brain cells. You have a closed mind & care nothing about the truth cuz you’re a lazy POS wanna be socialist who wants to get everything for free while not working & eating Bon-Bons off of the system all day while you watch Jerry Springet. So I get why you’re so stupid.
Too bad you can’t grow the fuck up. If you had any mentality to research, you’d figure out that all Biden would do is sell us off to China. He cares NOTHING about you & Kamal-Toe cares even less. No wonder other countries laugh at Americans & call us stupid. It’s cuz of people like YOU!
Lynette says
No, your so wrong. The rest of the world does not need to watch American news to laugh at you all. We pity you all in shock and horror, that this so called mighty world power is no longer united. You fight and squabble amongst yourselves when you should all be pulling together, especially now, like other countries did, like my country did. Political sides were forgotten as we all banded together and we fought and we won TOGETHER. You Americans allow your political views to invade and cloud every thing. THIS IS WHY THE WORLD LAUGHS AND PITIES YOU ALL.
Amanda Elaine Skeen says
Why are Biden supporters so deranged and clinically insane?
Kimba says
why are leftists so arrogant and bitter after 3.5 years
Romero says
The dummy are you ,
Debra Barnhardt says
A parable for modern times. I told someone who was complaining about the worthless people on welfare that my mother and I took welfare benefits when my father refused to pay child support and she could not earn enough to support us. I added as you can see I am well educated, law abiding, tax paying citizen who has a good job, owns a home and gives back to the community. He stared at me for five seconds and said, “Now about the worthless scum who take welfare….”
There are none so blind as those who will not see, none so deaf as those who will not hear.” Jesus Christ. King James Bible, New Testament
Phii says
“There’s no fixing stupid” as my American Friend says here in Australia.
Some of us See Thru The Lies More Than Others.
TV Mind Control Patent;
The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America;
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars;
The Project for a New American Century;
Report From Iron Mountain;
Frank says
Rather than just hitting the bloody nail, mate, you drove it through the material. Australia is looking inviting. Thanks for the succinct output.
TrumpDemolishesBiden says
Absolutely true! Obama (one of, if not THE worst President in US history) implemented this ridiculous new core curriculum education garbage into our schools to indoctrinate our kids & make them dumber than the past generations (why do you think all these GenZ kids are fucking idiots who hate America?)
Thank goodness Trump just appointed the 1776 commission to add patriotic education & fix these fucking failing American schools!
Sharon Soto says
Welfare is supposed to help out when you need it . It’s not supposed to be a way of life . That’s why so many are bitter .It sounds like your experience was just that – some temporary help . My sister needed help years ago , but also learned how to use a few different computer programs . She was able to get a job and ended her welfare. Now we have this culture of entitlement where people think they are owed . My family is Hispanic . My sister was able to get a job. Welfare shouldn’t be permanent. It ends up keeping people dependent on the government .
Debra Barnhardt says
You missed the point entirely. When someone is so lost in their point of view that they literally cannot see or hear evidence to the contrary then they are simply a bigot. I have had this response over and over again when I confronted conservatives with logic and personal experience. I no longer bother. Trump has blood on his hands and so does EVERYONE who supports him and his policies.
R Daniel King says
When you stated, “When someone is so lost in their point of view that they literally cannot see or near evidence to the contrary then they are simply a bigot,” and then follow that with “Trump has blood on his hands and so does EVERYONE who supports him and his policies,” you in essence have described yourself as a bigot. And I agree.
KAG says
Jim says
Lady, YOU are the bigot here. The hypocrisy is astounding.
Anonymous says
Just dillusional video playing society that grew up to be sooooo stupid! No dang common sense that there’s no need to even talk to them. It’s a waste of our time to reason with no common sense humans walking around saying blah blah blee blee wah wah wah. Did anyone see my pacifier? Is all they say all day!!!!
Anonymous says
Buddy because u read books and go to college doasnt mean u are smart cause u can remember what somebody else says doasnt always make it true it actually means ur brainwashed but as far i can tell u going to still be living in ur most basement acting like ur a tough guy when u cant even change ur oil in ur car buddy go back to sleep mamas baby i think funny that liberals think there going to force any individual American thinker what there going to do with what army man you really belive that man and women that swore a oath to uphold the constitution are going to back u fight for u liberals that want stay in ur mom’s basement all day on the internet all day get real i hope u know that Republicans still practice there 2nd amendment u guys are not going to outlaw anything
Roxane Fox says
Slow your roll there , chick ! I am not a bigot !! You want my point of view or does just your point of view matter . Yeah , welfare is supposed to be temporary . Tell that to the 80yr old woman living on 600. social security that gets 24.40 a month in food stamps when her neighbor that keeps spitting out children gets 600. a month in stamps !!! Or the homeless man that gets …get this… SEVEN DOLLARS AND ELEVEN CENTS A MONTH in food stamps . A MONTH !!! Trump’s policy is , if you can work then work !!! I don’t have any blood on my hands , from working TWO sometimes THREE jobs ! Here’s your quote ‘When someone is so lost in their point of view that they literally cannot see or hear evidence to the contrary then they are simply a bigot.’ That makes you ‘simply a bigot ‘ .
black stalin says
trump has never worked a day in his life you rube
the real parasites are the rich
Joe says
Some of the wealthiest people in the US are liberal Democrats, actually many are. So are those wealthy people evil too? Or only wealthy Republicans? Left wing radicals can never answer that one, doesn,t fit the narrative.
Deborah Henderson says
Do you not see the glaring irony when you defacto promote the Democrat party that is responsible for decades of ACTUAL BLOOD of murdered children? May God have mercy on your soul.
which “god” Debbie?
chantel r sieh says
Is this a republican journal? Trump is a Fake President a liar ,cheater,racist crook. Lets make America great again dump Trump. He betrayed the U.S. by not telling us about the Pandemic. He told us to inject bleach. He berates a 16 year old Greta for being strong advocate for the environment. He doesnt believe in climate changes. He doesnt like something he disregards the facts and makes stuff up. He fires people if they dont agree. Just because you are a republican you dont have to vote for a ruthless dictator who wants to be like Putin. Come on people the children our the future they dont need someone like Trump to be their role model. He is demented. He is a negative person.
Sue J says
His policies like “Right to Try”, Pro-life, peace treaties, immigration policies, military and veteran support, police and judicial reform, all designed to save lives. If you don’t know about his good works read his Nobel Peace prize nominee’s speach. 39 years of American aggression broken by Donald J Trump.
anonymus says
yes true! He is a FAKE President! Lets make America great again and dump Trump. He is a crook, a liar , a cheater. Berates a 16 year old that wants to protect the environment. But he doesnt believe in climate change wow. Doesnt tell the American people about a pandemic that he knew about for months. Tells the U.S. to inject bleach. Come on people wake up he doesnt care about anyone but himself. He just wants the power to dictate.
Preston parker says
Joe Biden I a big crook ask Andrew Bobulinski his business partner in a billion dollar shakedown of China for a pipeline to Obama. Bobulinski was told by the Biden family not to use Joe Biden’s name on any email.
Hunter and Jim Biden called Joe Biden the chairman or the big man so Joe Biden’s name would not be used on the Biden’s company called the hawks. Hunter told Jim there company need not show a profit, but there job was to make connections with China officials for favors from Biden company the hawk.
Ukraine Vitkor Shokin was investigating Hunter Biden’s company Bursima when Joe Biden said fire Shokin or no billions in aid. This is corruption, Obama knew everything Joe was doing that why Obama did not endorse Joe,.
Joe Biden lied about attacking ms Reade and for some reason the attack is missing thanks to some senators removing it from Joes government profile.
No one ever said Democrats aren’t corrupt.
Joe Biden unmasked General Flynn’s phone call to Russian ambassador .no one says the Obama administration is not corrupt for spying on trump.
Danielle says
Great point. Couldn’t agree with you more Sharon. It’s understandable though how some people who actually used the system properly (which is rare) feel the need to speak up.
TrumpDemolishesBiden says
Yup! They are bitter because they’re gonna have to go back to work soon! These wannabe Socialist POSs would ❤️ for this pandemic to last years and years so they could just live off of the government!
They realize the gravy trumptrain 😁 is about to deliver their last round of freebees (as they ignore the fact that it’s that demonic democrat beast, Nancy Pelosi, who’s always the one holding up stimulus payments or anything else financial for them – but the idiots still demonize Trump & continue to worship Pelosi & that horrid AOC c*nt – they should both be put to sleep!🤣
Liz says
You are an imbecile. There are Trump supporters in Kentucky living off welfare and some have lost jobs. Nobody wants this pandemic to last forever, the president is the one encouraging people to go maskless and spread this. Dead beats are on both sides but there are actual good families starving because they have lost jobs. You trumped call yourselves pro life but poor starving children can just rot. Hypocrites all of you,
Anonymous says
TRUMP 2020
TrumpDemolishesBiden says
Yup! That’s what they live for, welfare! They’re bitter because they’re gonna have to go back to work soon! These wannabe Socialist POSs would ❤️ for this pandemic to last years and years so they could just live off of the government!
They realize the gravy trumptrain 😁 is about to deliver their last round of freebees (as they ignore the fact that it’s that demonic democrat beast, Nancy Pelosi, who’s always the one holding up stimulus payments or anything else financial for them – but the idiots still demonize Trump & continue to worship Pelosi & that horrid AOC c*nt – they should both be put to sleep!🤣
Reese says
Its a true pleasure to read something as intelligent as this.. its a shame the young people of this country are so narcissistic and would refuse to read it..
TrumpDemolishesBiden says
They’re sooooo indoctrinated by the left that it’s almost like they’re in a trance! Only the mentally strong ones aren’t fixated with being idiots & see beyond the glorification of socialism/communism.
William says
Most people on welfare are poor whites. Is this person calling whites “scum” because they are on hard times?
Rocco Liogghio says
All politicians are assholes…no doubt about it. But that is a all inclusive claim…all.! That means conservative republicans, liberal democrats…and everyone in between. No politicians are left behind…all…are liars and assholes. Next…journalists and media. TV, radio, online, social, printed…etc…all media no exceptions…all liars and assholes. The extremely rich in our country…nay the world…all liars and assholes! Social groups that advocate/promote any type of physical or psychological violence against other groups or people they consider inferior or lessor…liars and assholes. I guess what I am saying is…clowns to the left of us jokers to the right…here we are! Now open your minds and hearts and lets figure this out for ourselves and not let anyone else talk us into what we actually all know is wrong and self destructive. Just sayin…
G Smooth says
Spot on my friend, racism and bigotry will always exist if you’re looking for it. Wealth has divided this country more than any single factor. The rich will always look down on those less fortunate regardless of race. Equality of opportunity is what we should strive for, not equality of outcome. Some people will always do better than others, that’s just the randomness of life. I don’t begrudge those that are monetarily wealthy if they’re good people.. Wealth is subjective and valued differently given whats important to that person. Tribalisim is inherently natural, most if not all people gravitate to those that resemble themself. That being said I believe America is great because of the diverse backgrounds of all it’s citizens.
black stalin says
lol there are no good billionaires, and amerikkka is far from great
Justice says
And you are a TROLL.
YoMamaDumberThanBiden says
That’s a lie, not ALL rich look down on people. You both are generalizing about anybody & everybody (politicians. Society) & that’s the same as saying “All blacks are thieves” – total democrat morons. Sad.
WowIdiots says
I hate that humans like you don’t want to better our species. Why in the world not? Because you benefit off others’ suffering and don’t care? I don’t get it.
Anonymous says
I couldn’t have said it better myself Amen to that this country is in trouble most of the people are just sitting there waiting for the government to bail amount the government that been keeping us under the ground for deck Ace people just have no brains call Jason whole bunch of sheep running around put a face on a mask taking their cool call bullshit around us and the ones that see it have no power
Anonymous says
You nailed it! Openness to learn, grow and work together is being quickly replaced by close-mindedness. Never will I walk the path of only one party or one type of American but I will walk the path for every American and every party that wants America to grow, persevere and succeed!
Greg Gateley says
battle i would not want to be end. some just do not have a clue. SOME POST FROM ABOVE. Then saying to the world, they will end the NRA.. if not for the NRA fighting for our rights, OUR GUNS BEEN GONE LONG AGO.. YOU TALKING BIGGEST RIOTS AMERICAN HAS EVERY SEEN. Then Obama having the gall, to say, do not let take your democracy..Filling all heads full of pure shit.. That is the last step in taking all gun rights from us, and to dis-arm America. That is our democracy.. Every foreign soil, Knows they cant fuck with an American. we are stocked and loaded… These thugs on street are a disgrace to America. All funded behind the scenes by the Democratic party. The Media driving it down yall’s stupid butt. Blaming on Trump. What else yall want for free????????????????????????? no agenda whatsoever. They love putting love in your heart so can rip it out. Then have gall speak on all this child care. BUTT, really want to kill your baby to adjust how they handle childcare. no kid, no worry. but blow smoke up your ass AND BELIEVE IT.
Kathleen says
J says
Well said. Absolutely true!
Non Delusional says
You should not be allowed to own a weapon. You do understand that the right to bear arms was created about 244 years ago in a very different time? Or did you fail basic high school government.
Stop using Trump’s sick sexual fantasies about President Obama to fuel some crazy conspiracy that your phallic extensions will be taken from your tiny hands.
Oh and Greg nobody invited you into their doctors office, so please stop wasting your energy trying to take over someone else’s medical decision, because believe this! You forcing your will is rape in any form! Believe it!
You take away someone’s choice, it’s rape, a medical procedure is not a life but you are obviously not a medical doctor based on your grammar. I have two sons and they are both from the south and certainly don’t use that ridiculously ignorant conjunction.
Sadly your children are the future population of Idiocracy, likely run by an offspring of Drump.
GB says
Obama got elected, Republicans went to work the next day know 4 or 8 years he’d be gone. He has left a path of destruction wide and far. Race relations were moved back 50-75 years. He weaponized the FBI to spy on the next president. And this is a man you’re proud of? Pretty suck! Then there is Biden, a criminal. He sold us out to the Chinese. Made his family filthy, filthy rich. Wait till Trump wins and you democrats see how dirty he is. And what about Harris? Another dirt bag imposter. She’s not black. She island American. The only black she’s had in her was Willy Brown. Trump will win, the left will go nuts. More riots, destruction, lives lost because of the lefts inability to deal with reality. Bunch of stoners, losers no jobs. This country is going to shit because of the liberals. Now live with it.
GB says
Obama got elected, Republicans went to work the next day know 4 or 8 years he’d be gone. He has left a path of destruction wide and far. Race relations were moved back 50-75 years. He weaponized the FBI to spy on the next president. And this is a man you’re proud of? Pretty suck! Then there is Biden, a criminal. He sold us out to the Chinese. Made his family filthy, filthy rich. Wait till Trump wins and you democrats see how dirty he is. And what about Harris? Another dirt bag imposter. She’s not black. She island American. The only black she’s had in her was Willy Brown. Trump will win, the left will go nuts. More riots, destruction, lives lost because of the lefts inability to deal with reality. Bunch of stone I rs, losers no jobs. This country is going to shit because of the liberals. Now live with it.
whoever says
amen brother on all counts!
Anonymous says
You should not be allowed? Hypocrite
imahater says
why are muslims and liberals complete piece of shit satanic assholes?
you are pathetic!
just die already so GOD can send you straight to hell!
whoever says
this is meant for any liberal on this site!
YOU are pathetic!
and YOU will DIE in YOUR SINS!~
only Jesus can save you!
so stupid.
Mark says
Completely correct!
VF says
Democrats may very well have become the malignant cancer of America. But let’s also keep in mind that the media net hundreds of millions to billions annually to get audiences.
So they will air the extremities that ignite people’s emotions, ideologies, concerns and even fears. It is yellow journalism, which sensationalizes such.Most Americans are in the middle. The media tries to make you think otherwise because there is money to be made
doing it. And let’s not forget the media is the government’s venue for propaganda. But that aside, many Democrats have really become the bottom of the barrel who parameters seem to sink lower every week.
Jonathan says
Greatest truth I’ve read in journalism for quite some time. Pish this to the top. Get air coverage!!!! Help save this country!
Mya LUCERO says
DEMOCRATIC COMMUNISTS, THEY WANT TO STEAL OUR MONEY AND OUR COUNTRY. They want it all and refuse to Work hard for it. Many are bitter radicals who behave like children and hopeless millennials. They have been purposely dumbed down by communist media and entertainment. THEY ARE exploiting the thought process of crybaby- hopeless millennials.
Instead of getting and education and working hard and being elected into positions power, they want to hijack AMERICA. These losers would never be considered into our government. So they chose to deceive us. THEY BEAT IT INTO OUR HEAD! That America is a terrible place. WE ALL KNOW ITS A LIE! THOSE LIARS ARE COULD NOT SURVIVE in CUBA, VALENZUELA AND SYRIA WITHOUT DEPENDING ON AMERICAN BORN RIGHTS. I WISH WE COULD SEND THEM ALL TO VALENZUELA OR CUBA FOREVER. I’d love to see them cry and beg for help! These people won’t give up their own freedom, in exchange for starvation and no freedom. They want to bully their way to the top so they can extort every penny from all of us. They would run AMERICA INTO THE DIRT AND BLAME US FOR IT. AMERICA is not perfect Nor is any other county. AND THESE COMMUNIST MORONS ARE TO EVIL TO REALIZE THAT. Meantime We’re supposed to give up everything, while those in charge fly private jet and live in carbon hog mansions.
Paul Mercy says
You have it exactly right. In fact not to be too comical but instead literal…They should change the name of their party to…
Lies, trickery, devisiveness, sneaky, hypocritical, hateful, indignant, power hungry, scandalous, abborous, abhorrent….etc. etc.
I used to be a Democrat when I was younger and paid less attention. Because I heard they were the party of the people. But as I’ve paid attention to the behaviour and actions of both sides. I’ll be Republican till I take my last breath.
For years I’ve watched presidential candidates make all these promises any person with even the slightest intellect could reason out that they could never keep their promises and..they never did.
Then came along TRUMP. Amidst daily visceral attacks of every kind and every direction, It literally is promises made promises kept. No other president in the mix, could ever handle the unyielding pressure and accomplish so much. Its plain as day and undeniable.
And yet they deny it.
God Bless America and all Americans. May God help us in 2024
george myers says
In fact not to be too comical but instead literal…You should change the name of your party to…
God Bless America and all Americans. May God help us in 2024
J says
The radical left wants a one world government. A lot of their ideas sound good on paper, but the reality is this. They want to take YOUR rights, so when they reveal their TRUE intentions, which is complete global power, YOU will no longer have a voice to oppose their actions, and if you don’t like what they are doing, they will simply disable the microchip (that they want to implant in all of us to replace physical currency) so you won’t be able to buy food, gas, pay rent, etc. effectively “locking you out” of the system, and you’ll no longer have firearms to to do anything about it. That’s the real globalist agenda. Don’t fall for it. It won’t happen overnight, but slowly they will sneak it in little by little until it’s too late to stop it.
Anonymous says
I pray America will Wake up to the Truth as J has°!!!!!!!!!!!
Ricky Sandefur says
Republicans have no room to talk, they seem to want this dictator Trump and are so selfish as not to wear a mask to protect others
Non-Delusional says
Schizophrenia is a real mental health illness and this person seems to exhibit the paranoid form and should seek medical help immediately.
black stalin says
lol ok nazi
Chance says
Good lord, America is full of broken people. It’s incredibly depressing.
I’d just like to say that Democrats aren’t globalists, they’re Americans working to make America better. I’m really not sure what the Republicans are, other than the party that starts wars all over the globe (maybe they’re globalists?). We need a healthcare system that works, not the garbage we have now. We pay our premiums, and they fail to pay our bills, and that’s not okay. Democrats are the only hope we have for getting it sorted out. I also prefer fewer corporate boots on my neck and more freedom, and currently that also means voting for the Democrats. They’re just a little less evil.
If you weren’t aware, it’s Republicans that are obsessed with IDs, tracking, and whatnot. Look up Peter Thiel and Palantir, and ask yourself how much data he’s collected on you. I guarantee he doesn’t collect it for advertising.
APerry says
Its funny because my view is that Republicans have become a cancer on this nation. They refuse to adhere to their own morals in regards to Trump. Whatever Trump says or does is just fine. Cause he is the greatest president ever and he will be happy to tell you so. When in reality he is nothing more than a rich entitled narcissistic misogynistic divisive reality TV host who gets off on his own rhetoric. He behaves in ways and says things that if you asked most people would not be acceptable but when he does it… it’s just fine . explain that to me. Really.
Anonymous says
Wake up America, before the pandemic we had the best economy and lowest unemployment we have had In years. If you go Democratic you will lose more than you can imagine.
Anonymous says
We are tired of lying politicians like Joe Biden!! Vote for a non politician President Trump to save America from all these violence in Portland, Seattle, etc!!!
George A Myers says
We’re certainly not tired of Trump’s lies, are we? I don’t imagine you hear them on Faux News or Rush Limbaugh, do you?
Panteutza says
No … we hear it on CNN and read in NYT … many lies that are not corrected even after the facts or proofs. I love how NYT from a prestigious paper became a ‘lie in your face stupid’ paper all while they charge quite a bit for it. But the intellectuals they all buy it an believe it 100%….what a waste of cerebral cells! Plus the deprivation that the Trump hate brought into their lives in quite pitiful … they profess love and tolerance yet their spiteful words, attacks and actions made them less human and less valuable as a whole … they became a ‘bad odor’
The only true news outlets are:BBC and NHL.
Anonymous says
National Hockey League?
D says
You mean the nonpolitican Trump who lies continually and incites violence? The one around whom swirls one scandal after another? All politicians lie to some extent, just like most people do to smooth social situations (white lies) or stretch the truth, or omit the truth. Trump is one of those people who has taken bald-faced lying to a grand new level – btw it’s called gaslighting. He is incredibly corrupt and fundamentally anti-democratic. He attracts same, witness all those who have been convicted of crimes already. So much for “hiring all the best people”. One thing about Trump – if he says he will try to eliminate the payroll tax (thus defunding social security and medicare) he means it. The GOP are so afraid of a tweet that almost all of them will do whatever he wants, and look the other way when he is shown (by Republican-sponsored investigations as well) to have committed corrupt acts including soliciting and accepting help from the nation’s enemies in order to get elected.
Yes, you could say that Dems also lie, but that is the difference between a pepple and a 20 ton boulder – there’s no comparison.
THE LEFT ARE COMMUNISTS, nothing can possibly be worse than that. Not sure why they choose communism over freedom, when none of them have ever lived under communism. Antifa, BLM and far left, seem to complain the most. The defund the police characters, are the first ones to call the police. Which under communism, They could not behave that way. Who will they Cry to, when the police and the US establishment no longer exists. My family left Cuba 25 years, because they were shaking down those who had family living in the US. The regime was looking for ways to extort money sent by Our Family in America. The regime, hates when citizens have a little extra change, so they find ways to take it from you. Bail fees, fines and shakedowns. The CASTRO REGIME are sick people enjoy the superiority. They love to see people beg for their lives. My uncle went missing from after being arrested and 25 years later, we have no clue to what happened to him. My family had to give up looking for him, or face the same outcome.
There is no food in the stores, no restaurants. The little bit of food that is shipped doesn’t last long & the store shelves are filled with the same items, your lucky to get meat because it’s scarce and very expensive. So forget About your favorite snack. Or even trying to bake a cake. You have to get creative with The scraps, That you waited 3 hours in a long line for.
I don’t think spoiled protestors or Antifa rioters would survive. Because the real gangsters Would strip them of everything they have. Those gangsters grew up with Nothing, in real oppression and will kill you for a leather belt or a cellphone. We laugh when we see how Antifa bully the police. There are no mayors in Cuba, to tell the military police to stand down’😂. Like in America. Instead, the government will round up your entire family and make you disappear, or sanction you and make the entire community shun you, which they will. In a snap, 300 hundred people will chase you out of the community. Yelling and shoving you and your kids. Forget packing up, they will tear you from your home.
Ricky Sandefur says
You are a idiot Trump is clearly a politician and every word out of his mouth is a lie.
black stalin says
the violence is coming from the pigs, you ignorant moron
Offthepink says
Never trust someone referring to cops as “pigs”. They are either criminals or anarchist criminal sympathizers who blame the police for preventing them from committing crimes. EVERY time that’s been the case. People without criminal records don’t call them “pigs”, just lawless idiots who should be (and HAVE been) locked up.
Marietta Haley says
Hyperboly runs rampant in your comments. Where do you get all your information about leftists? It all sounds like a conspiratorial plot against liberal or leftists, whatever you call them. Why is it that millions of people, democrats and republicans alike, can see right through his lies, which come out of his mouth many, many times on a daily basis. If the truth came and bit him on his substantial rear, he wouldn’t recognize it. He is a bore! The pandemic has just been a nuisance for him. It’s getting in his way. Maybe you heard this already. A young woman spoke at the DNC Convention about her dad, saying: “My dad was a healthy 65-year-old,. “His only pre-existing condition was trusting Donald Trump — and for that he paid with his life.” Following Trump’s ramblings, he went out without a mask.
Did I say that Trump only cares about himself, not me, not you, except for your $ and your vote. He’s a disgrace as a person and a failure as a president.
Sponge says
Much like Obama. All about me, me, me
Non-Delusional says
Nobody is talking about Obama except for Trump because he is obsessed with him.
Offthepink says
Obama shouldn’t even be a factor, yet he refuses to go the hell away! Why do democrats keep showing up after their presidency is over?? Friggin narcissists.
Anonymous says
Any one that takes medical advice from anyone other than a licensed Doctor is a moron . Even if he hadn’t said what he did about not wearing masks they would have some other kind of bullshit reason of why this is his fault . Im not some die hard trump supporter tbh I did not vote for him . Any fool can see that he hasn’t had a fair shot a doing his job ive never seen so many people that want to see there president fail . Were all in this together , like it or not . We don’t have to believe the same things but we can at the very least find a middle ground so we can stop treating dems & repubs as if we were bloods & crips . The media is to blame more than anyone . They know damn well that certain stories they put out are going to cause strife & division yet they still put them out .
Anonymous says
I like what you’re saying here, Anonymous.
Josue says
Yeah right! You blindly believe in doctors… Good luck with vaccines.
Keep swallowing all of the cr@p that Bill Gates through your “licensed doctors” (and experts) give you daily. #CovidHoax
Daniel Clement says
Why not? You blindly believe in Donald Trump who has proven himself to be a liar many times over and who has zero medical knowledge..
GR Savage GRSAVAGE says
Yes the media and quote hollywod have infiltrated by those who would silence all decent. They have been trying to indoctrinate our children from at least the 197os. And dumb down the citizens of our country. Check out the changing of histry to promote and expand hate and division. So more and bigger goverment can take over. States rights, lets see, not after George C Wallace has any tried to preserve them. No every all citizens should be the same by any law or government. Control of what you see or say sounds kind of communist. Hate is manufactured and tought. Lets treat the the dem/libs like they treat the unborne. Legalize “post birth abortion”
John says
I have worked in Hollywood and in media in other parts of the country. I’m a conservative, as are many others I worked with. The myth of the liberal media is just that, a myth. You won’t believe this, of course, because you’ve never been there yet somehow “know,” right?
Yet someone must be dumbing down America, because what else could explain the poor spelling and grammar and lack any unity of idea in your post. I mean, when you say this;
“Hate is manufactured and tought. Lets treat the the dem/libs like they treat the unborne. Legalize “post birth abortion”
you’re making spelling mistakes while simultaneously shooting down your own argument: that hate is manufactured and taught, yet following up by saying that people you disagree with philosophically should be murdered. So are you pro life or not? Do you stand for life or think people who disagree with you should be killed? As a conservative, I find your views dangerously on the fringe.
George Myers says
Oooooooh! Well spoken. A true devotee of Faux News and Rush (lol) Limbaugh. So profound.
Ricky Sandefur says
You clearly have hate for others surely an ignorant trump voter.
Anonymous says
You’re wrong
George Myers says
And you obviously have the courage of your convictions; don’t you “Anonymous” ?
Anonymous says
Oh good grief!! Don’t blame your Dad’s passing on not wearing a mask. It was his time to go period. The Lord gives and the Lord takes.
Non-Delusional says
There is no god, gods, or otherwise, don’t blame life’s mistakes, diseases, etc. on some book of short stories a bunch of men wrote thousands of years ago. Most religious people have never read the Bible and quote scripture incorrectly.
The scientific community isn’t perfect but if you notice, most humans rely on those professionals for medical, weather, food, water, infrastructure, power, etc., so don’t downplay science for a false idol, even your Bible taught you that.
EnterTheFray says
That’s nonsense. I get all my news from the source himself. You can tune in too! He can be found on WGAWD! He’s also got a podcast. I think it’s called ‘Come Hell or High Water.” /s > But truly, I don’t know what it’s going to take to get thru to some of these people. It’s a bit ‘disconcerting’, to say the least!
anonymous; “the Lord”?-is that Odin or Thor or who?
Mike says
You are a big dummy. Trump wants credit for things, yes he does, but it is probably because the MSM put a negative spin on everything he ever says or does. If you can’t see that you are delusional.
The lady who said her dad died from corona virus from not wearing a mask, doesn’t she know that the masks are supposed to protect others from the wearer, not the opposite. The stupid virus is invisible and from China…. you want to place blame, do it appropriately.
Mozza says
They are only ‘lies’ if YOU want them to be…and Trumpism, is not an ailment. Its a syndrome…
Concerned American who loves this country says
Go on YouTube and look up the violence and destruction and bullying being carried out in democratic run cities, they don’t care about Americans, it’s all political and they are controlling most media to decide the country- wake up, if they think America is so bad why don’t they get out instead of promoting violence on the law abiding citizens who are grateful to be here
Sharon says
Yes! I wish they would leave if they hate the rest of us so much!
Non-Delusional says
Just stop, you sound so idiotic. Go take the citizenship test and pass, not with 60% but 100%, then you can stay Karen.
Your not grateful, your privileged, spoiled, and ignorant. You believe in some utopia that doesn’t exist and plug your ears when someone tells you the truth. Trump love dictators, sells our country out, kills Americans to look good, uses the us treasury as his personal bank, hates each and ever poor person, brown, foreign, and women. He only cares about him.
Yes, we all must be lying, why? Who the f! knows? I’m a registered republican, That thing! Is not an American or a Republican. He is not responsible for a good economy! It was Obama! Yes the black man recovered from the 2008 bubble, it took til 2016, that does seem logical, but you will deny it.
He (Trump) destroyed us! Killed us with his COVID response; China benefits from his fake hate. They are getting away with all kinds of atrocities, he’s still kissing XI’s ass! Putin is his idol, follow the money, and he writes love letters the Kim. Why can’t you see the traitor he is. Mexicans scare you? The wall is a joke! Waste of money and we are giving more money to Mexico to assist them with COVID. He lusts after dictators. You follow him… so you leave.
Anonymous says
The CDC said masks weren’t necessary early on, So did Fauci. Even today, relying on masks alone won’t prevent you from getting Covid. Time to get real and stop blaming Trump for everything. Let’s be adults and stop letting the media control your thoughts. I’m tired of the general accusations toward Trump as well. Facts please. BTW, I chose to wear a mask early on…my choice. Just like I choose to get a flu shot every year. I choose not to go to large gatherings. Common sense is important and I’m very grateful to have a President that has some too. A one size fits all President will ruin this country.
George Myers says
And you obviously have the courage of your convictions; don’t you “Anonymous” ?
Elvis says
How do we know that George Myer is your real name ? All the crap that is going on is it really safe to use your real name ? One day you might have a nut job pounding on your door.
Where did you see a president with common sense in the last three years, anonymous?
gary bailey says
mask do not defend against infection just as a chain link fence cant keep out mosquitoes.lets dont blame it on trump !
George Myers says
You should be the RNC spokesman, Gary. Right on!
Anonymous says
My doctor and him only gives me medical advice. Never a politician.
Steve R says
I’m very sorry for your loss. However., I recall that, early on, the CDC was even saying that masks were not necessary for the general public.
There was so much mis-information coming from all directions – you cannot single out Trump and blame him for your father’s death. They still have no clue whether or not wearing masks is helping me, helping you, or not even helping.
Panteutza says
But of course…haven’t you read the latest report of the CDC? We never had a pandemic….the Covid deaths were 6% around less than 15 k. Many establishments categorized all the other deaths under Covid to help the democrats to have at least one ace or to get funds. I am sorry to put it bluntly but Democrats have nothing to show for the last 3.5 years except impeachment based on ‘own’ interpretation, lies and deceit, a costly investigation that was based on a faulty dossier which they were completely aware of, hate and their inability to admit that Hilary was defeated … just all around shameful, self center and revengeful behavior. And when I think I used to hate Trump in 2016!!! At least I am happy I did not jump on the hate wagon and let the hate eat me alive but I had kept an open mind, watched the actions and arrive to my conclusion on my own with my conscience in the driver seat…Yes, I still don’t like his Twitter, while his attacks and name calling are less I still find them distasteful but in comparison to the other’s side actions, they seem very pale…
Now in the new light of the conclusion that the government illegally spied on its citizens under President Obama (as Snowden kept saying all along), President Trump …’what you see is what you get’ personality is less dangerous that the eloquent’s evil, behind the scene actions.
Anonymous says
Yes trump managed to keep the already booming economy Obama left him going by throwing 3 TRILLiON dollars worth of freebies to himself and his buddies. That much money thrown at the stock market is like bragging about being able to start a forest fire with only 50,000 gallons of gasoline and a match. -And then bragging about what a skilled boyscout you were to get it going with only 1 match. Bush showed his brilliance by attacking the only country that everyone knew HADN’T attached us and then turning his rich buddies loose until once again their bright ideas led us strait into a depression a democrat had to dig them out of. rinse and repeat with Trump, and trust me, unless we give him ANOTHER 3 trillion dollars worth of fuel to throw at his buddies companies he’ll never get this economy going again. Republican are magicians who can pull money out of thin air, -and then you look in your wallet and find it empty.
Anonymous says
Why didn’t we have the best economy when Obama was in office if he was so good.
BCBS says
Trump doesn’t need any more money and does not take a salary. That argument is so silly.
George Myers says
Silly, silly, silly.
Ricky Sandefur says
Who the hell are you kidding Trump cares about nothing but himself and money he is a sick selfish greedy bastard.
Anonymous says
Let’s see how much you love your country in a fair election after trump loses you republicans will burn it down. WATCH ! TRUMP LOSES IN LANDSLImo m.p ml
EnterTheFray says
I hear ya. You must have freaked on Jan 6th. You knew. Many of us did. But just like my shock at how many voted for this jackal in 2016, I didn’t think he’d go straight at Pence and the House like he did. That’s the sign of a desperate man. “Somebody” owes some very dangerous people a lot of money.
jim says
what about the 19 Trillion Obama utilized. Hmmm, and it was stagnant, nothing happened, unless you want to count his bank account and scandals ( fast and furious) oh and his sexual scandals too where his accuser died. (questionable) and a man he was familar with in chicago and used drugs with. so much more……….
Bryce says
Remember, trump is the same guy who OPENLY ENVIED A COMMIE DICTATOR for his DICTATORIAL powers. Patriots REJECT fascism.
Ken says
Do you have the link to Fox news interview as stated in La times article to find out what he actually said? Its no secret that La times hates Trump.
George Myers says
Ricky Sandefur says
Fox News that is really funny you mean Trump TV.
C Payne says
USA Christian America, the Evangelical Right and President Trump, is like the Biblical last king of Judah, Zedekiah.
Zedekiah listened to his political (religious) prophets and ignored what God’s prophet Jeremiah warned him of concerning bad pagan Babylon.
And just like you republicans who tell the democrats to leave their country because of your Religious Politics, Jeremiah was forced to leave Judah in fear for his life.
But what happened? Jerusalem and its Temple destroyed, and what was left of Zedekiah and his righteous were taken captive to Babylon.
Bill says
keep your religion tales to yourself, nobody cares guy. this is a serious discussion. Jeremiah wont stand up from the dead and help settle this election you clown
Anonymous says
Your comment is so disrespectful; everyone had a right to their opinion, thank you. And can the name-calling pal❗
Joe Adams says
If you noticed thats ll the left have. Read through these comments When a person from the left is writing its all outragoues accusations and name calling. No facts, evidence, per emotion and name calling
cindy says
well the people from the left side just are mad cause there can’t push trump around so there have to dig in his passed well dig in to Biden and see what you come up with that is all I have,to leave
Wake up America! says
To anyone reading: This entire article is Trump/Republican propaganda. Ask yourself… Is the American military socialism? Everything is provided for you in addition to a monthly salary. By the whole “Democrats are Marxist/socialists!” Argument, you completely overlook the biggest example of socialism in America. Who funds it more? Yup! Republicans! But the real question is: why is socialism such a threat to you?
Kenneth Darling says
Except You Have Everything Twisted, But Then Again You Have A Perverted View Of Reality That Clowds Your Authoritarian Mindset.
The Fact You Bring Up The American Military As Any Kind Of Socialist System Doesn’t Make Anyone Mad… It Makes Them Incredibly Saddened. Your Ignorance Is Just Astounding.
You Are Apart Of The Belief System That Worships Government As GOD…
You Somehow Think That GOVERNMENT Creates Wealth..
You Along With ALL The Other Really Stupid Leftists Think The Government Earns The Money It Spends All By Itself…
You Obviously Slept In Civics And Free Enterprise Or Any Other Capitalism Class You May Have Taken When You Weren’t Attending Your Underwater Lesbian Basketweaving Major..
ANY DOLLAR That Is Thankfully Put Into Military IS THE TAX PAYER DOLLAR
So You Did Have ONE Thing Correct.
REPUBLICANS Always Adds More Funding To The Military Because We Care More About The MEN AND WOMEN Who Wilfully And Who Volunteers Their Lives To Protect Yours. So While You Sit Down In Your Moms Basement As A Keyboard Warrior Cancel Culture Idiot Marxist, They Are Risking Their Lives. As You Struggle Under The Weight Of Your Victimhood Mentality To RUN AWAY From Every Hardship You Face, They RUN TOWARDS Every Conflict, They Run Towards Gunfire, Grenades And Death…
I Think They Should Have A Reasonable Amount Of ANYTHING They Want When They Come Back To This Weird NEW Ungrateful Feministic Surrender For Peace Nation We Call America.
Its Really Funny Because Republicans Raise Military Spending Every Time, While ALSO Lowering Taxes From The American People…. While DemonCrats RAISE Taxes From The American People, While ALSO LOWERING Military Spending…. Hmm
Its Because Democrats Have Been Taken Over By This Radical Left Wing Anti-Semitic Anti-Liberal Anti-American China Sucking Authoritarians. They Have Abandoned All Reality For Feelings Of Grandeur. They Use Tactics Invented By Some Of The Most EVIL People To Ever Walk The Earth, Satan Included. Adolf Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Maduro, Lenin, FDR And Mussolini ALL Fall Under Leftism And Socialism At The Cost Of Millions Of Lives.
It’s No Shock Really. The Democratic Party Has ALWAYS Been Headed By Some Of The Worst Americans In Our Short History. The Democratic Party Was And Still Is The Party Of Racism, Violence, Elitism, Hypocrisy And Worst Of ALL Slavery. Using Indoctrination In The Education System And Leftist Propaganda In The Media, Both Tactics Perfected In Nazi Germany, They Have Really Dug In And ALMOST Ruined America For GOOD. Thank God For President Donald John Trump!
We Can Have The Good America Back, The Pre Obama America Can Be Restored And Greater Especially For African Americans, Latinos, Asians At Same Time If We Allow President Trump Another 4 Years And Republicans Presidency For A While After Trump Atleast Until The Democratic Party Fixes Itself And Their Extremism Is Adjusted To A Reasonable Middle-Left As They Have Had To Do Previously When The Nutjobs Have Forced Control.
Anonymous says
Yes! Put perfectly!
Tammy says
Beautifully written! Well said!
Wow says
@ “Wake up America!” sounds like you struggled to finish high school. be quiet before you further embarrass your self
Sharon says
Wow! You hit the nail on the head!!! Never heard it said better!! Thank you! My 84 year old dead beat dad and his 76 year old wife with an eigth grade education, are absolute socialists and CONSTANTLY expecting the government to take care of everyone! They are so clueless, but think anyone who disagrees with them is a “fundamentalist fascist”. Haha.
Anonymous says
George Myers says
Republicans start the wars, profit from the wars, and very few fight the wars. They value the working class for cannon fodder, paying the bulk of the taxes to run this “democracy”, and their votes (if they can con them). And yes I served in the military. Wars are a great source of revenue to the upper class, but let’s let the working class carry the load. That’s what they’re good for, right?
Dennis Richardson says
Wilson, Roosevelt, Truman, Johnson were democrats, Bush’s foreign policy made him a democrat in reality. You are no history student.
M. Freeman says
Isn’t that ironic? Reading your comment two years later and look who pushed for the war in Ukraine. Who fueled the fire to make it happen. Who was in office when Putin decided to invade? That’s right. Democrats. Joe Biden and the Democrats. So again, who did you say starts wars? Lol 68% of Republicans would fight for their country compared to only 40% of Democrats. Republicans enlisting in the military outnumber Democrats 2 to 1. Your statement that very few Republicans fight in wars is simply false. But what else would we expect from a Democrat? Truth? I think not. Keep lying to yourself but stop lying to others.
Ricky Sandefur says
What is wrong with you fear mongering hateful republicans
Democrats are patriots and serve their country.
Republicans seem to think only they have a right to their opinions
You seem to think Trump is some sort of macho man, when the truth is he cannot stand his own supporters and uses them to steal from America.
Eddie Swiney says
commie bastard
GR Savage GRSAVAGE says
Socialism is a threat to the freedoms that so many REAL Americans have fought and died for from the beginning of this great country. Nobody is in a hurry to move to any socialist country, rather they want what WE have hear in the USA. Yes that means the rights we have like speach, vote, religion, assembly. But leftest would silence all that don’t agree with their agenda. That is why the leftest media and “protesters” try to talk over and drowned out all that are unaccepting of their views. All that is wrong with this GREAT country can’t stop others from wanting to come hear by any means even illegaly. Stop trying to stop freedom and embrace the ones we still have. No one left England for the new world in hopes building a nation with no god and less freedom. Sorry for your loss.
Preston parker says
Gr your right socialist have failed everywhere it has been tried,
Have you ever seen an American fill up his ten horse power outboard with gas in a plastic gas can and set out from usa to Cuba or Venezuela
So they can get socialism?
The up side of escaping into these country’s is you get to eat out of the back of a garbage truck.
Anonymous says
No the military isnt socialism… You have a choice to join. Honestly a little socialism may help America out. Let’s grab up all them liberals and force them and their children to serve in the military like a lot of other countries. Maybe they could learn a little respect for others. Trump 2020.
DEMOCRATIC COMMUNISTS, THEY WANT TO STEAL OUR MONEY AND OUR COUNTRY. They want it all and refuse to Work hard for it. Many are bitter radicals who behave like children and hopeless millennials. They have been purposely dumbed down by communist media and entertainment. THEY ARE exploiting the thought process of crybaby- hapless millennials.
Instead of getting and education and working hard and being elected into positions power, they want to hijack AMERICA. These losers would never be considered into our government. So they chose to deceive us. THEY BEAT IT INTO OUR HEAD! That America is a terrible place. WE ALL KNOW ITS A LIE! THOSE LIARS ARE COULD NOT SURVIVE in CUBA, VALENZUELA AND SYRIA WITHOUT DEPENDING ON AMERICAN BORN RIGHTS. I WISH WE COULD SEND THEM ALL TO VALENZUELA OR CUBA FOREVER. I’d love to see them cry and beg for help! These people won’t give up their own freedom to in exchange of starvation and no freedom. They want to bully their way to the top so they can extort every penny from all of us. They would run AMERICA INTO THE DIRT AND BLAME US FOR IT. AMERICA is not perfect Nor is any other county. AND THESE COMMUNIST MORONS ARE TO EVIL TO REALIZE It. THESE PEOPLE ARE MINI HITLERS, whom should never be in power.
THR says
Well said. They do not deserve to live in this country. People who disrespect our privilege life in America need to be deported!
Deb says
Wow. No this is the anyone who does not like Trump must be deported idiocy his supporters use on a daily basis. My dad fought in Vietnam And we grew up learning to respect the military but never would he or any of his military family would ever speak the way you are now. The Republican Party he respected is gone, but he does not care for the far left either. So your stance is you either vote for a narcissist or be deported. I don’t know any middle of the road democrat who wants socialism. They just want the crooked government on both sides to pay taxes and stop giving huge breaks to people who have more money than they could ever spend. Country before party is what most of you are not doing in this thread. Just keep bashing each other with ridiculous conspiracy theories while you decide who the heck you think deserves to live here. Nobody on either side owns this country. Selfish bunch of people who care nothing about anyone but themselves. Real Americans who do love this country agree that both sides arguing with each other make two year olds seem more mature. Do you really want a country where just one side gets to make all the decisions? That would be a dictatorship. Now stop acting like angry bitter people and actually maybe listen to the people who are tired of all of you.
David says
All I can do is answer that question for myself. I hate America’s corrupt government that is bought and paid for by the wealthiest oligarchs. I hate a president that has told 20,000 lies and only in it for himself, enriching himself with taxpayer and foreign money at his properties. He won’t even confront Putin on hits on our troops. I hate that 150,000 Americans have died from coronavirus because it has been so bungled at the federal level. No other country is close to the number dead. I hate we have to fight disinformation and conspiracy theories and the source of truth are called fake news because the US is stupid (#31 on the list of countries IQ levels). I hate the how many racist people live here. I hate that half our government to bought and paid for by the NRA and another 35,000 people die from gun violence a day. I hate that our government is so ineffective and corrupt we still don’t have a healthcare system that works. I hate that we spend more money in defense than the other top 11 countries combined and for what? Schools are broke, infrastructures falling apart and we have arts are defunded. I hate that other countries now pity us and our inability to get the virus under control and they see the lies we are constantly being told by the president. I hate that America doesn’t believe in science and we refuse to change to save the planet from climate change. I hate the way we treat immigrant families, caging children. I hate not being proud of my country.
Anonymous says
Your reply saddens me because you are a hater and there are so many of you. You say things like Trump has told 20,000 lies which is such a falsehood. You are so misinformed by the MSM which is owned by Marxist who take hold of weak minds and feed them lies so they will vote like you. You and people like you will be the end of America and you will replace it with pure evil and you will yearn for the America of today. I feel sad because you have convinced yourself that what you say is true and cannot see through the real liars, socialists and oligarchs. The oligarchs own CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, google, Facebook, Amazon, Washington DC. Walk up and think critically and be wise because you are being used by the true oligarchs who are counting on you not thinking for yourself and to blindly believe their blatant lies. I hope you and people like you will wake up and see truth.
Thomas Giboney says
You are a Russian troll spreading misinformation. Trump is evil, along with most Republicans. That is the truth.
Maja Nowakowski says
Now, if they were a so called “Russian troll,” they would not have a republican standpoint. After all republicans are not communists and don’t have that kinda of ideological standpoint. What you say is not the truth, but put simply, an unfactual opinion of yours.
cindy says
well the people from the left side just are mad cause there can’t push trump around so there have to dig in his passed well dig in to Biden and see what you come up with that is all I have,to leave
Anonymous says
AMEN !!!
Ricky Sandefur says
Sorry to tell you but you are the one that is misinformed. Democrats are not communist that is a lie. Just because they see Trump for what he is a liar and a cheat. It is all on tape stop watching Trump TV. Many democrats are serving their country
and are ashamed of the behavior of Trump.
Edward Winner says
Talking about the fire calling the kettle hot. If the democrats are not communists, then explain about Joe Biden and his son Hunter’s dealings in China. Joe himself stated during his campaign that he wanted to make China great again. What about America.
And as far as serving their country, I think the democrats “cheated” their country in the 2020 election.
I don’t believe for a second that the guy who lowered our taxes and built the strongest economy in recent history just lost the presidency to a guy who promised to raise our taxes and lock down the economy again. Do you really think these two messages are equal? Of Course not.
Joe Biden ran the worst campaign in history. I mean, the guy barely got out of his basement, and struggled to put a sentence together. This is the person whose son is under investigation for what we believe is money laundering and couldn’t even get endorsed by his own predecessor until the last minute, somehow got more votes than Barack Obama did in 2012.
I’m highly skeptical and you should be too on the allegations of dead people voting. He stated that they have reported more than 3,000 people in just Nevada for criminal charges for voting there despite not being current residents. And those are the ones we know about.
There are huge alleged in consistencies and the number of votes tallied in the middle of the night in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and other states and statistical improbabilities going to Joe Biden and not for Donald Trump. Pretty much all the errors go to Joe Biden.
And what’s worse is that in many cases republican poll walkers were barred from even entering to observe; even after a judge’s order told them they could. In Michigan, there were reports that say 6,000 votes were switched back to Trump after a quote glitch was found. And that same software is also used in 47 other counties. And now we are learning about the Smartmatic and Dominion systems. So yeah, I’m suspicious.
What’s even more odd, is that the democratic strongholds that are the last ones to be counted under democratic mayors and judges, and in most cases – governors. I watched these same idiot liberals burn down their own cities after they became irate over the fact that Trump was elected in 2016. And now after calling Trump supporters racist bigoted homophobic Islamophobic deplorable uneducated groups, they want all Trump supporters to just turn around and except that Joe Biden won in a fair election. Fat chance of that happening with me.
Who is the lair and cheat now, Ricky?
Chance says
Democrats are Capitalist and I’m not sure what Republicans are, but neither are Communist. Trump’s economy wasn’t particularly good, he had low interest rates and his tax policy led to stock buybacks, but still he managed to destroy everything by 2019 with his trade wars. If not for massive Covid spending he’d be remembered for the damage he’d done to farmers, the steel and aluminum industries, and manufacturing. He was a disaster.
In his 4 years in office, I did not meet a single Trump supporter. Not one, and I’m in Georgia. Suggesting Biden had to cheat to win in 2020 is asinine. Trump was voted one of the worst presidents in US history while he was still in office. All Biden had to do was show up and he was guaranteed a win. You might ask yourself how Trump managed 74 million votes as the most hated president of the last 50 years, because there is actual evidence of cheating on Trump’s side, and very little on Biden’s
I hope you find peace, because the world will never bend to your will. Reality always wins.
Dave says
All I have to say to you, and any other person that can’t stand this beautiful, God loving, gun toting, bacon eating, beer drinking, English speaking, land of the free because of the brave place we call America is… GET THE F OUT!!! We don’t need you, or your snowflake, millennial, craybady, do nothing and expect everything handed to you, worthless leeches on society in this amazing USA. Seriously, I’m sure every red, white, and blue bleeding American will gladly chip in, and even help you pack just to see you get on that plane and head elsewhere. We don’t need people bringing down this country and trying to turn it into something it’s not. USA became #1 in a short couple hundred years, most other countries have been around for thousands of years and still can’t get their $#!& together… that means we are doing something right. And president trump is bringing our country back after obama ran us into the ground. Like I said earlier, if you really think it’s that bad here, feel free to leave, trust me, no one is stopping you. And PS… thank you to all of the military, past and present, for keeping this great land free and safe from the terrors outside and inside of our great nation. God bless America
Millennial Mom says
Here here!!
Barbara says
I hate that you hate the greatest country in the world. Name one country that surpasses us. Everything you say is distorted – remember when Trump wanted to dictate what was to be done – BUT NO – everyone : media, democrats, republicans – said it was a LOCAL issue and upto the local governments. The media is democratic propaganda – they falsify hate crimes, and mainly report only part of the news and don’t cover anything that would praise Trump or discredit do-nothing democrats. I was never a gun lover – but after seeing the couple forced to defend their home against so called protesters advancing on their property and verbally threatening them – I have changed my mind. Defund police – well I guess we will all need guns. As for defense – you better believe we need a strong defense – everyone in the world wants what we have so we need to be able to defend it. And we defend most of the free world too. If we don;t spend – you may as well start studying chinese or russian. As for the virus – you should be very angry – angry at the CCP – the communist China who unleashed this on the world. America believes in science but we reserve the right to challenge it cause they are often wrong – and we are not sheep. And you don;t have a country if you have no borders. Imagine there is limited water and you and your family are patiently waiting in line for hours – but then someone just cuts the line with no legitimate claim to that water – how would you feel? Well illegal immigrants are doing just that. And you have stupid judges and policies that mandate that you must separate children cause you can’t detain families more than x days instead of extending x. We give the parents the choice – be separated or just go back – if they were good parents they should just go back and wait at the port of entry. But you don’t believe people should be accountable for their own actions.
Frightened Kid says
You know, the way they were able to brainwash the Germans in WWI was by dehumanizing language in their schools and lecture halls. That’s where it started. This was all possible by a people who did not believe in “absolutes.” Everything is relative, even morality. Exterminating the “fetus” on the inside of the mother’s skin- Championing Women’s Rights! What kind of society could argue away the mass murder of its own infants as a woman’s empowerment tool !? “My Body My Choice” ?! Oh yes, women everywhere are elevated by the slaughtering of the most powerless humans who should be protected by the law, as much if not more than any other citizen in America.
Notice the language is always dehumanizing. It’s not a baby, it’s a fetus. During the Holocaust, Nazis referred to Jews as rats. Hutus, involved in the Rwanda genocide, called tootsies “cockroaches.”
“When people dehumanize others, they actually conceive of them as subhuman creatures, says Smith. Only then can the process “liberate aggression and exclude the target of aggression from the moral community.“ To dehumanize a person or people is to literally see them as lower than human, “a soulless animal or creature.”
With that in mind, listen to the words the Democratic Party uses to describe the President of the United States:
“Pond Scum,” a “human turd,” “toxic sludge,” a “sebaceous cyst,” an “infectious microbe,” “mountain of rotting whale blubber,” “bursting landfill of municipal waste,” a “walking staph infection.” All these are from family friendly publications… if you have any kind of social media, you see the hatred and vitriol spewed out daily.
Yes, the President has done his share of name calling, but it is not being indoctrinated into our youth. Plus can you compare “Lil Marco, Pocahontas or Crooked Hillary” to the *dehumanizing* language that our kids are hearing from celebrities and news outlets alike?
General Patton was essential in WWI, You know, the way they were able to brainwash the Germans in WWI was by dehumanizing language in their schools and lecture halls. That’s where it started. This was all possible by a people who did not believe in “absolutes.” Everything is relative, even morality. Exterminating the “fetus” on the inside of the mother’s skin- Championing Women’s Rights! What kind of society could argue away the mass murder of its own infants as a woman’s empowerment tool !? “My Body My Choice” ?! Oh yes, women everywhere are elevated by the slaughtering of the most powerless humans who should be protected by the law, as much if not more than any other citizen in America.
Notice the language is always dehumanizing. It’s not a baby, it’s a fetus. During the Holocaust, Nazis referred to Jews as rats. Hutus, involved in the Rwanda genocide, called tootsies “cockroaches.”
“When people dehumanize others, they actually conceive of them as subhuman creatures, says Smith. Only then can the process “liberate aggression and exclude the target of aggression from the moral community.“ To dehumanize a person or people is to literally see them as lower than human, “a soulless animal or creature.”
With that in mind, listen to the words the Democratic Party uses to describe the President of the United States:
“Pond scum,” a “human turd,” “toxic sludge,” a “bursting landfill of municipal waste,” “walking staph infection,” “blob of decaying whale blubber.” That’s just from family friendly publications. It’s impossible to miss the hatred and vitriol spewing out of the mouths of everyone from celebrities to new journalists/broadcasters to literal children on Tik Tok and Instagram. These kids who know nothing hate with absolutely everything. Why? Leftist propaganda, controlling our media… it’s downright scary for a young person to admit to being a Republican or to even question why exactly Trump is going down as the most hated president in history. Try it, you will attacked! Especially if you aren’t white, then it’s okay for the color of your skin to be used to judge you.
And let me just address, I know that the President has done his fair share of name calling. I just can’t seem to find the same cruel dehumanizing tactic in the names “Crooked Hillary,” “Pocahontas,” or “Angry Democrats.”
Lastly, if we have learned anything about General Patton, it’s that we needed him for the job on the beaches of Normandy in WWII. As it is, he is remembered as being bold, brash, and intemperate in manner. Does that disqualify him for the job? Does that take away from his heroic efforts? Sometimes it takes a certain personality to get things done.
I, too, am scared for the future. I feel alone because no one else my age seems to be able to see past their phone… or even into their phone, past social media celebs bashing Trump and blaming him for everything wrong in the world as if racism just happened overnight and he invented the coronavirus.
Same Kid as before says
My comment kept deleting and it took me an hour to rewrite it only to see it was still there. I wrote it in another app and posted it here. 🙁 It deleted the second “I” in WWII when I originally started my point about Patton and then pasted my whole post over again. Sorry about that 🙂
MW says
Scott Hutchins says
Y9ou right-wing clowns support “states’ rights” only when it suits your interests. When it doesn’t, you scream and complain and get it shut down like California emission laws.
D Smith says
Obviously you have been brainwashed by the bias left corrupt media! Everything YOU have said is a lie! Try researching the truth, Turn off the Main Stream Media BS and work towards finding out what this President has really done. Hate him too much? Only because the media and the hateful left have fed you full of this for so long, you believe it. They have done a great job sending their corrupt messages to oust one of the best President’s in history. That is the very sad part; I know way too many lazy ass democrats that complain about our president while not knowing a THIING ABOUT HIM or his successful changes in this country. To say he botched the Coronovirus response really proves you have NO knowledge of anything that he has done. We have the best testing and a very low mortality rate compared to other countries. We have therapies (except Hydroxychloroquine which was stopped by greedy big phama and Trump haters) He has a vaccine in third phase of testing due to his “Operation Warp Speed” and continues to monitor this virus daily. You are an idiot. Wasting my time trying to tell you what a great president he is….you won’t do any work to find out this truth. He is a Patriot, what are you? You are a whiner that thinks the world should coddle you instead of you working to help yourself and your country. Why do you think the left hate him? Because he stands for the country and our freedom and the left wants Socialism, Globalism and probably even communism . Are you reading the other comments? Go ahead and fact check. Go to the While House website and review his accomplishments for our black, Asian and Latino communities as well as women and Veterans. This is only the beginning. The media is only broadcasting hate and lies about this President. Some of America is smart enough to do the work to find out why he is hated. He wants to drain the swamp of far left corruption and the dismantling of America and our way of life. Get a clue!
Millennial Mom says
Great points!
Marilynn says
If you hate our Country so much you are welcome to leave any time. Please go, maybe you can start a go fund me page and people will contribute so you can buy your one way airline ticket. You do realize that in a lot of countries you get punished for saying the things you said in your post. So freedom of speech is another thing to hate in this country. I will pray for you. You are a sad sad person.
kristie a. little says
Now that’s propagandists
Kat B says
Why don’t you leave America if you hate it so much?
By the way,Putting children in cages was Obama’s policy.
Goodbye pinko. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.
Jon says
The policy was created by Obama for legitimate trafficking cases. The process of separating families and putting everyone in cages? That was Trump.
Anonymous says
Obama used an unconstitutional executive order to sign DACA into effect which further derailed our immigration policy and enabled illegal migrants under the age of 18 to come here consequence free and never face deportation, this is just one of the countless examples of democrat incompetence that resulted in our massive illegal immigration problems. Trump is now tasked with solving decades of democrat incompetence and the gall and hypocrisy these democrats have proves that they believe their own voterbase is dumb as rocks. Trump has been in politics for 4 years now and I have heard him blamed for everything in the book, It wouldn’t surprise me if he’s blamed for cancer, the democrats deflect their own stink onto Trump and the Republican party and their stupid voterbase is always eager to waft the democrat farts.
James Longeran says
Obama used an unconstitutional executive order to sign DACA into effect which further derailed our immigration policies. DACA allowed all illegal migrants under the age of 18 to come here consequence free because our immigration laws could not be enforced against them. This is only 1 of the many problems the do nothing democrats caused by ignoring our borders. Now some of the illegals that have been here a long time because of DACA ended up having kids and now Trump is left to deal with the entire mess. The democrat incompetence when it comes to our borders has been going on for several decades now so blaming Trump who has only been in politics for 4 years for democrat incompetence that spans decades is absolutely absurd. The democrats have been deflecting their own stink onto Trump and the Republican party for the last 4 years and there’s always a constant supply of liberals who will waft democrat farts and eat the shit right up. They must think you guys are pretty damn stupid because the shear gall and hypocrisy these liberals have is unbelievable, it’s almost like it’s right in your face but they think you’re too dumb to figure it out. They must believe their audience is a bunch of braindead indoctrinated college kids who live in an echochamber of wokeness.
GR Savage GRSAVAGE says
At least you admit that you hate. That should be a starting point for your recovery, that is that “you” are part of the biggest problem here and around the globe.
Shannon says
Go live in any other country you choose.
Take your hate with you.
Anonymous says
I hate the way your weasel tastes .
Preston parker says
Political coorruption or Malpolitics is the use of powers by government officials or their network contacts for illegitimate private gain. Forms of corruption vary, but can include bribery, extortion, cronyism, nepotism, parochialism, patronage, influence peddling, graft, and embezzlement.
Joe Biden Corruption
1: Joe had Vitktor Shokin fired because, “ Biden said fire Vitkor or no aid in the form of two billion dollars in aid.
Ukraine say the official, Viktor Shokin, was ousted because he was investigating corruption Hunter Biden served on the board of Burisma Holdings, a major Ukrainian natural gas producer, from 2014 to 2019. serious challenge: a series of criminal investigations launched by Vitkor Shokin against its owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, a multimillionaire former minister of ecology and natural resources. The allegations concern tax violations, money-laundering and licences given to Burisma during the period where Zlochevsky was a minister.
2: Hunter Biden did not speak Russian.
Hunter Biden had no gas transmission experience.
Hunter Biden did not have storage field experience.
Hunter Biden had a drug and marijuana substance abuse problem. How did he pass a drug test that all gas companies give employees before they start to work?
Hunter Biden received $100,000 a month while he worked at Burisma yet lived in Los Angeles, in a $8,000 a month apartment, and all he did was walk to the mail box and got a check from burisma gas company.
Investigators in Ukraine think that some of the money was laundered to Hunter Biden in fake bank accounts and so-called loans to Hunter Biden.
3: China corruption Hunter Biden
Robert Hunter Biden, Vice President Joe Biden son. He is a founding partner of Rosemont Seneca Partners, an investment and advisory firm, in China.
Hunter Biden’s efforts to make money in China while his father oversaw U.S.-China policy have caused concern since the author Peter Schweizer highlighted the issue earlier this year in his new book “Profiles in Corruption.” (Schweizer first exposed the Biden connection to the AVIC-Henniges, Hunter Biden’s connection with the peoples Republic of China military.
Hunter Biden‘s job is to find trade secrets buy companies and give the secrets to the Chinese military.
Hunter Biden’s BHR fund also made an investment in 2014 in the China General Nuclear Power Corp., China’s largest nuclear power company. In 2016, the company was charged along with a nuclear engineer named Szuhsiung “Allen” Ho for conspiring to help China illegally obtain “sensitive and controlled” nuclear technology from within the United States. Ho, a naturalized American citizen, pleaded guilty and was sentenced to two years in prison.
“The jet fighter and the aircraft carriers that China deploys to threaten the South China Seas can be traced back to financial transactions involving Hunter Biden’s companies,”
BHR Partners (Bohai Harvest RST (Shanghai) Equity Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd.) is a private investment fund founded in 2013 by Chinese and American partners to make investments .
network contacts for illegitimate private gain.
Forms of corruption vary, but can include bribery, extortion, cronyism, nepotism, parochialism, patronage, influence peddling, graft, and embezzlement.
These are examples of corruption by Joe Biden.
James Biden.
James B. Biden Joins Hill International Subsidiary as Executive Vice President. James was not an engineer he was not a construction man he had no knowledge of the construction business that he was a vice president in a company the only thing he had was his brother Joe Biden could get the company money and contracts by the government in the billions of dollars and this is way James Biden worked at Hill construction company.
James Biden joined a construction firm as an executive, the firm received a contract worth more than a billion dollars to build houses in Iraq while Joe oversaw the U.S.-led occupation of that country.
Along the way, James partnered with his nephew Hunter, the younger of Joe’s two sons. A graduate of Georgetown University and Yale Law School, Hunter, 49, has struggled with substance abuse while hopscotching between endeavors in law, business and politics.
Frank Biden was in charge of installing solar panels in Puerto Rico and in the Virgin Islands.
Frank Biden had no knowledge of electricity he was not an engineer and went asked did he understand ohms law he said I think it’s a speeding zone in Puerto Rico ohms law is what you use to read current voltage and amperage.
Frank Biden had no knowledge of electricity or construction of power substations at all yet he was the one in charge of putting up these solar panels in Puerto Rico the only thing he had was his brother was vice president and could pay for the job that Frank was doing.
I think this is called cronyism. n late March 2009, Vice President Joe Biden landed in Costa Rica aboard Air Force Two, and went to the Costa Rican presidential palace for a one-on-one with President Oscar Arias. The Biden visit had symbolic significance. The last time a high-ranking American official had visited the country was back in 1997, when Bill Clinton had come.
Joe Biden’s trip to Costa Rica came at a fortuitous time for his brother Frank, who was busy working deals in the country. Just months after Vice President Biden’s visit, in August, Costa Rica News announced a new multilateral partnership “to reform Real Estate in Latin America” among Frank Biden, a developer named Craig Williamson, and the Guanacaste Country Club, a newly planned resort. The partnership, which appears to be ongoing, was wrapped in a beautiful package as a “call on resources available to the companies and individuals to reform the social, economic and environmental practices of real estate developers across the world by example.”
In real terms, Frank’s dream was to build in the jungles of Costa Rica thousands of homes, a world-class golf course, casinos, and an anti-aging center. The Costa Rican government was eager to cooperate with the vice president’s brother.
As it happened, Joe Biden had been asked by President Obama to act as the administration’s point man in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Frank’s vision for a country club in Costa Rica received support from the highest levels of the Costa Rican government — despite his lack of experience in building such developments. He met with the Costa Rican ministers of education and energy and environment, as well as the president of the country.
On Oct. 4, 2016, the Costa Rican Ministry of Public Education signed a letter of intent with Frank’s company, Sun Fund Americas. The project involved allowing a company called GoSolar to operate solar power facilities in Costa Rica. The previous year, the Obama-Biden administration’s OPIC had authorized a $6.5 million taxpayer-backed loan for the project.
In June 2014, Vice President Biden announced the launch of the Caribbean Energy Security Initiative (CESI). The program called for increasing access to financing for Caribbean energy projects that he strongly supported. American taxpayer dollars were dedicated to facilitating deals that matched US government financing with local energy projects in Caribbean countries, including Jamaica. In January 2015, USAID announced that it would be spending $10 million to boost renewable energy projects in Jamaica over the next five years.
After Joe Biden brought together leaders for CESI, brother Frank’s firm Sun Fund Americas announced that it was “engaged in projects and is in negotiations with governments of other countries in the [Caribbean] region for both its Solar and Waste to Energy development services.” As if to push the idea along, the Obama administration’s OPIC provided a $47.5 million loan to support the construction of a 20-megawatt solar facility in Clarendon, Jamaica.
Frank Biden’s Sun Fund Americas later announced that it had signed a contract.
Joe Biden says he never took money from China, but his business partner Anthony Bobulinski, says hunter Biden, called his dad Joe Biden, the chairman or the big man as incognito names so they didn’t email Joe Biden‘s name they called him the chairman or the big man.
China gave millions to Hunter Biden but The Who family was in on the take. The Biden business was for joe to go easy on China and let American jobs go to China and trade secrets. In turn the Biden’s got millions for access to Joe Biden in the Obama administration. This is why Obama didn’t want joe to run because he knew about Joe Biden’s corruption.
Albert says
The rioting and vandalism and looting that you see taking place right now will become the norm if Biden is elected in November.
Under a Biden administration, the criminals will go free, while those trying to protect themselves from the criminals will be prosecuted. Recall the couple from St. louis.
David m Oeser says
Absolutely. We must defeat the democrats to preserve our way of life, and our freedom. They want to erase God , Patriotism and the American family. I don’t know why any American loving or baby living person could ever vote Democrat. Look at the people who give money to the Dems and the Clinton’s in particular. They end up later being Harvey Weinstein in need blurbs 10 yrs later. Even if you hate Trump, if you have any love at all for America, you cannot vote Biden and whatever unqualified person he picks to succeed him.
David says
All I can do is answer that question for myself. I hate America’s corrupt government that is bought and paid for by the wealthiest oligarchs. I hate a president that has told 20,000 lies and only in it for himself, enriching himself with taxpayer and foreign money at his properties. He won’t even confront Putin on hits on our troops. I hate that 150,000 Americans have died from coronavirus because it has been so bungled at the federal level. No other country is close to the number dead. I hate we have to fight disinformation and conspiracy theories and the source of truth are called fake news because the US is stupid (#31 on the list of countries IQ levels). I hate the how many racist people live here. I hate that half our government to bought and paid for by the NRA and another 35,000 people die from gun violence a day. I hate that our government is so ineffective and corrupt we still don’t have a healthcare system that works. I hate that we spend more money in defense than the other top 11 countries combined and for what? Schools are broke, infrastructures falling apart and we have arts are defunded. I hate that other countries now pity us and our inability to get the virus under control and they see the lies we are constantly being told by the president. I hate that America doesn’t believe in science and we refuse to change to save the planet from climate change. I hate the way we treat immigrant families, caging children. I hate not being proud of my country.
Deborah Woods says
You have been brainwashed by the far left media and far left leaders, and this comes from a life-long Democrat. They are NOT Democrats any longer. You are right that there are a few who own this country nowadays, and that is on both sides. However, Trump was elected because of that fact. Trump takes what he is paid for being president and give it to charities. Did you know that fact? Of course you did not because you just watch CNN/MSNBC, etc. You are brainwashed if that is all you watch. You need to always know all sides of the story. Our media has caused almost all of the hatred coming from the left. Our left media and left leaders have turned us against each other on purpose. This country is far from being perfect, but compared to all countries in the world, this country is at least one of the best, if not the best. I believe it is the best. Someone told me years ago that the left kept black people down and scared just to keep their vote. I told them they were crazy and that was not true, because we Democrats are the good guys. I started listening/reading both sides and paying attention. It is definitely true, as much as I did not want to believe it. Democrats have turned into the bad guys now., like it or not. Obama divided us more than any president has ever divided us. He started all of this racist crap. The vast majority of Americans were NOT racist. And I say “were”, because all of this is making some Americans racists, and blacks are more racist than any others in this country. That is a fact. I could go on and on. Democrats nowadays believe in guilty before being proven innocent and are the lawless ones. They are destroying this country and do not care in the least. They will do anything to get the power back. Unfortunately, I voted for Obama twice. I have never regretted votes as I do those two. If you watch/read the other side of this story, you will find that Trump is NOT a racist, homophobic, or whatever. In fact, long before he was elected president, he had two gay guys working for him and they got married. He let them stay in one of his motels free for their honeymoon. Does that sound like a homophobe the left have tried to paint him as being? I have seen him host dinners or whatever for black organizations many times. You have been brainwashed if you only watch one side. They brainwash you just like cults brainwash people. They have turned our Democratic party into a cult. Look up the definition for cult. A cult has to have someone to hate and make their followers be afraid of and hate. Trump is that person for them. They divide and conquer. They are horrible. They use propaganda just as Hitler did. I always wondered how Hitler brainwashed an entire country. Now I see it happening in my country. While Trump may not be the greatest in the world because of his big mouth, he stands for the people taking our country back and spitting in the fact of the few millionaires who own this country now on both sides. Remember, the Republicans were not thrilled with Trump being president. They hate him because he cannot be bought. Trump actually loves this country. People like you have got to open their eyes. Biden could not run anything. I have never in my life seen an election where they would not allow someone running for office to debate. They know he cannot do it. If he does, there will be so many rules, it will be a fake debate. He can’t even make a speech. Wake up! People who have been brainwashed into hating their country in history, their countries have been destroyed. We have been taken over by a bunch of marxists/communists/socialist. They want to destroy us and I worry about the country my children will have to live in because of uninformed people like you. There’s so much more. All you had to do was watch how they treated Brett Kavenaugh. There was absolutely no evidence whatsoever against him and they made him guilty. I could not believe that would happen in my country. They are destroying us. The Democrats we used to be would have thrown a fit over how they did Brett Kavenaugh. Wrong is wrong, no matter what side it is on, but nowadays Democrats will go along with anything. That will definitely come back to bite them. Wake up!!!
Alexandra T says
Deborah, what you are describing is exactly who I’ve been: a Democrat who voted for Obama, and now regerting my decision every day. I don’t like Trump for his unpolished way of expressing his thoughts through words, that big mouth that gets him in trouble, but I support him for what he has done as the President of this country. He is no racist, he is no homophobic as he is painted in the media. And I’m tired, absolutely exhausted of the left-wing propaganda and biased media.
tom Anderson says
AS soon as God can give that cunt Nancy a storke the bettet. my cock will get hard again. Nancy is so very old, time for her to have a maccive stroke. Then go to hell sucking Hiltlers cock. I wish someone wood off Nancy like that bitch in Haiti. Can we use the same guy. in 12 mon that bitch will be out of office. I hope she get gagbanged in the cheap pussy she has. I only wish the very worst for her . fucking cunt.
Anonymous says
That is spot on, keep up the fight and we will win with Gods help. God bless you and your family. ( :
Anonymous says
This type of rhetoric is very disturbing and makes me sad. The amount of social media hate for Trump is absolutely evident. I don’t understand how educated people can even listen to the left anymore. Why did all those people lose their lives fighting communism, only to have our country controlled by oligarchs who want to strip the American people of their rights. If you are a Democrat take this challenge…watch one day of the regular bs left media and then one night of Tucker Carlson, Hannity and the Ingram Angle & you will see the biased news angles of the left.
Nine says
And you have been brainwashed by the Right wing media.
Must be hell in your mind.
Ricky Sandefur says
You are the one that is brain washed by Fox.
Preston parker says
Sandefur socialism does not work. I realize you are not a person of education, you have not studied history. Socialism does not work never has never well.
Let me put this in layman’s terms so even you can understand.
Plato was a socialist 400 years before Christ in Athens and Aristotle was a capitalist. The people of Athens tried socialism, but the found socialism caused everyone to starve so they put Plato in jail, when Plato realized his communism ideas did not work in real society the people of Athens asked Plato to do the honorable thing and kill himself.
Ask your self would you like to live in a socialist country led by these leaders.
Mao Zedong
Fidel Castro
Carl Marks
Vladimir Lenin
Joseph Stalin
No free person wants socialism it stinks, Bernie Sanders is our present day communist.
robert c wehner says
david is full of hate–hurry david–the wall isnt finished–perhaps mexico has room for you and your hate
D Smith says
Again, you watch too much biased lying corrupt Main Stream Media. If you hate things so much, do something about it instead of whining! Give this President another 4 years and watch how many things on your wish list are accomplished. Except taking in all of the illegal aliens and criminals which is ridiculous. The media lies about the majority of the treatment of these people. If they are not being treated like royalty, you liberals are pissed. They are breaking the law! Should we start bowing to them and them give them a free ride like the left is wanting? I love our people who have come here legally, but not those who continue to try to enter illegally wanting to be “taken care of” instead of working for a living.
John says
I agree david, biden and the democrats are stealing from this country. Yes the billionares from Facebook and Twitter do think they own the country and only a idiot would think otherwise. Students taught to hate our country and complete idiots repeating the lies. Shumer and his cronies voted against preexisting conditions just this week. Your probably too involved hating and holding a hustler magazine with one hand to have bothered to have read that. But that’s ok. You attack people and then attack them again when they defend themselves.. your something else
thomas says
americas founding fathers created the constitution that all men are created equal but dems who are pure socialists and communists who only want money and power are mentally ill and will wind up destroying what our country is made of. we must vote all dems out unless we want totol destruction of our great country and marxism
Rhina says
90percent of illegal aliens are here to kill and destroy America those who protect them and help them are traitors plain and simple. Americans Patriots stand for freedom and will continue to dye defending our values and our country. Political correctness or identity politics does not belong in America.
Anonymous says
May I ask why you think that illegal immigrants what to kill and destroy the US? They ran away from Mexico to not be sold into child slavery and what not. They just want a better life. Not to destroy America. They want a chance at a good life. What did they do wrong aside from crossing the border illegally?
Preston parker says
What happens when hundreds of cruse ships show up with Chinese or Africans and the all want to come into America illegally and Democrats let them and the destroy the environment and go on Medicare and welfare
anonymous says
Preston parker says
October 26, 2020 at 11:43 pm
What happens when hundreds of cruse ships show up with Chinese or Africans and the all want to come into America illegally and Democrats let them and the destroy the environment and go on Medicare and welfare
Unfortunately, we’re about to find out. soon.
Guest says
Preston, if Trump had still been President which so many of these problems wouldn’t be happening today at all in the first place.
Anonymous says
Where in the world could you possibly find evidence to support this completely baseless claim? And, it sounds like you don’t belong in America.
Read a book, figure out the difference between die and dye, and join a century that resembles the one you currently and unfortunately live in.
Nikhil Melgiri says
Ummm… What are you basing your idea that Democrats are mentally ill, money hungry, and desire to destroy the country? You know the Democrats are just as American as you are, they have American citizens in them.
Just so you know, we liberals don’t hate America. We just don’t like the way you guys are making America. Liberalism =/= socialism/communism. Liberalism also entails libertarianism and social democracy.
DemsAreEvil says
All you need to do is take an honest, hard look at democrats like Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, and the list goes on. Do you honestly believe these people are not corrupt and self-serving psychopaths? If so, then you probably need a bit of mental health therapy yourself. Open your eyes to reality.
Ken says
There are also some republicans that can be added to that list as well. They were part of the swamp.
Preston parker says
Show me one that is as corrupt as
Nancy Pelosi
Adam Schiff
Robert mueller and 27 lawyers deleted there phone data.
They claim it was an accident, but 27 accidents that not a mistake that a bold face lie, the data is stored on NSA data servers in Utah. Trump needs to completely declassify the Mueller case so the America people can judge for themselves.
Here is a list of people that broke the law and need to be disbarred from the fbi, I would like to see jail time for obstruction of justice.
Robert mueller,
Quarles III,
Van Grack,
Lisa page,
Peter strzok,
And unnamed lawyers
that wiped there phones clean.
The irony of phone gate is mueller lawbreakers claim that Trump had obstructed justice.
The Obama administration FBI agent Christopher Wray, hid the Muellers phone gate erase from investigators for two years.
The Mueller team FBI agent lawyers, broke the law by erasing they phones and they need to be put in jail for obstruction of justice. Christopher Wray for his part in phone gate cover up needs two in years in jail for his part in the Mueller phone gate cover-up, by the FBI agents on the Mueller team.
Please fire Christopher Wray he is blocking the investigation John Durham.
Adam Schiff is a congenital liar and I never saw anyone that could perpetrate false hoods like Adam schiff.
Americans expect that politicians will lie, but sometimes the examples are so brazen that they deserve special notice. Newly released Congressional testimony shows that Adam Schiff spread falsehoods shamelessly about Russia and Donald Trump for three years even as his own committee gathered contrary evidence.
The House Intelligence Committee last week released 57 transcripts of interviews it conducted in its investigation into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election. The committee probe started in January 2017 under then-Chair Devin Nunes and concluded in March 2018 with a report finding no evidence that the Trump campaign conspired with the Kremlin. Most of the transcripts were ready for release long ago, but Mr. Schiff oddly refused to release them after he became chairman in 2019. He only released them last week when the White House threatened to do it first.
Now we know why. From the earliest days of the collusion narrative, Mr. Schiff insisted that he had evidence proving the plot. In March 2017 on MSNBC, Mr. Schiff teased that he couldn’t “go into particulars, but there is more than circumstantial evidence now.”
In December 2017 he told CNN that collusion was a fact: “The Russians offered help, the campaign accepted help. The Russians gave help and the President made full use of that help.” In April 2018, Mr. Schiff released his response to Mr. Nunes’s report, stating that its finding of no collusion “was unsupported by the facts and the investigative record.”
None of this was true, and Mr. Schiff knew it. In July 2017, here’s what former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told Mr. Schiff and his colleagues: “I never saw any direct empirical evidence that the Trump campaign or someone in it was plotting/conspiring with the Russians to meddle with the election.” Three months later, former Obama Attorney General Loretta Lynch agreed that while she’d seen “concerning” information, “I don’t recall anything being briefed up to me.” Former Deputy AG Sally Yates concurred several weeks later: “We were at the fact-gathering stage here, not the conclusion stage.” I would like to have Adam shift brought up before the Senate and explain why we get so many lies from him.
Kate says
Several posters have repeatedly called out others as being “dumb” yet you couldn’t write a two word sentence accurately. It’s “you’re dumb” not “your dumb”! The Qnuts & Trump supporters are easy to spot because they can’t spell, write a coherent sentence and have obviously never read a book. If they had, they’d use punctuation rather than nonsensical word salad as seen. With every post, they demonstrate their inability to spell correctly.
I recall Trump saying he loves the poorly educated. It’s not surprising because he has an inferiority complex leading him to boast about his alleged intelligence. He loves an uneducated base because he has noticed they’ll fall for every lie he tells and beg for more. He mocks them openly, lies about what he’s going to do for them and when called out for his lack of health care, higher wages, better paying jobs, cheap housing and all his other promises, he claims it will be announced in two weeks. Trump pardoned Bannon after he was found to have stolen from his base. He took $$ designated to build the wall, pocketed millions and didn’t fund any part of the wall. The pardon mocked his supporters very openly. He is shameless!
Trump also begged for $$ from his base for his so-called defense fund to overturn the election but there was no defense fund to be found. Why does an alleged billionaire need $$ for anything, especially for legal expenses that were covered by the RNC? Even worse, on the donor website there was a pre-checked box that automatically turned a one-time donation into a weekly withdrawal from many who couldn’t afford to give weekly. What did he do when called out on his scam? He sent an email to his donors about how difficult it would be to return everyone’s $$ and that he wasn’t responsible for taking money from supporters.
Many obviously didn’t ask for their money back, although he did refund over $100M demanded by the banks on behalf of their customers. Trump never answered the inquiries as to what he did with all the money he received. We do know it sure AF wasn’t used for a lawsuit regarding the election. Trump was never responsible for anything that went wrong but he’d take credit for things that happened in the previous administration, as in the VA bill, while attacking President Obama for not getting it done!
I think many people refuse to believe the reality of Trump’s actions because if they did, it would mean they made a mistake in supporting a serial-lying con artist who they gave their hard-earned money to on a regular basis. It’s too bad they refuse to open their eyes and minds enough to read about Trump prior to his running for office. He didn’t call the media “fake news” before the White House although he did call many members of the media, pretending to be “Trump’s P.R. man. John Barron” to fill them in on Trump’s latest antics. He loved to talk about his female conquests as he referred to women he allegedly dated. They were often supermodels or well-known actresses, along with celebrities, the younger, the better, claiming women weren’t worth pursuing if they’re over 35 y.o. He said they were washed up and didn’t want a woman who had given birth, saying it robbed them of their appeal! Of course at the time he was saying this, he was well over 50.
If anyone who wanted to vote for him took the time to research his well-documented scams, adultery, theft from employees, friends, business associates and even family, I can’t imagine how they could possibly still vote for him. Is it ignorance, stupidity or maybe they are much like Trump and see no problem with his criminal actions and the cost to taxpayers.
I Certainly Agree says
These are the very severely mentally retarded people that just don’t have a real clue to what is going on in our world today at all. Very clueless and brainless people all over the place nowadays unfortunately. Oh Boy, these people really need to be educated a lot more.
Roger says
So you know there is a difference between liberals and democrats. The issue is this liberal/socialist parasite has latched on and corrupted one of our political parties. Also to the douche who said 90% of illegal immigrants are here to destroy America. You are an idiot and part of the reason the left can call us Republicans racist. The issues arise from the unchecked criminals led by LIBERAL hollywood and their like minded cronies.
TRUMP 2020
G-love says
What an odd editorial. Are all leftists Marxists? Are all Americans who call themselves democrats Marxists? It’s hard to follow exactly what you are talking about or what your argument is. Your basic political categories are poorly defined, for one, and include many who would claim they are not who you say they are. For example, your idea that democratic socialism is based on godless Marxism is simply false. Rather, Marx offers us one example of socialism that presupposes a certain form of atheism. Democratic socialism is something different all together. Second, putting aside the philosophical claims, your factual claims are wrong too. The vast majority of Venezuelans identify as Christians. Furthermore, many communist and socialist countries around the world adhere to principles of freedom of religion and even justify their socialist practices and policies on their religious faith. Russian identity affirms Eastern Orthodoxy. And many would argue, the Israeli kibbuts is a form of socialism.
What you or any other person actually believe, and to what extent, would determine what “category” you would be in, and where on that given spectrum (from radical Left to radical Right) would be. Those people who’ve swallowed the radical left’s propaganda “hook, line, and sinker” and believe in overthrowing the government by any means, including violence, would be “hard” or “radical” leftists. Liberals would be more towards the middle.
“All leftists Marxists?” Actually no, but it’s the predominant one that we hear about most often. Maoism would be another source, but with some differences. Marx focused on industrial production whereas Mao concentrated on agricultural production because of the huge population of farmers in China. However, all leftist versions share the following common elements of socialism/communism:
1. God does not exist, and hostility to organized religions. Religion is the “opiate of the masses.”
2. There are no absolute moral standards. If God does not exist, there are no absolute moral standards (relativism) and no accountability in an afterlife. “Nobody” is watching”; everybody does what’s “right in their own eyes”, and all things are permissible. The “ends justify the means.”
3. The State is the ultimate authority and vehicle for establishing universal equality. It should have enough power (no limits) to bring about universal equality which is the ultimate objective.
4. Individual rights are determined by The State. What the State gives, the State can take away. Rights are not unalienable.
5. Means of production are controlled by The State. Factories, farms, forests, etc.). are owned or controlled by the State using central planning.
6. Capitalism and private property ownership are “evil”. They promote greed and inequality, the ultimate sins.
7. There is only one party. It controls all aspects of society to include media, education, entertainment, etc.
8. The end result is the same. Utopian promises have always resulted in dystopia because it is based on falsehoods, such as the nature of man: primarily good (people, especially, leaders) can be trusted to do what’s best for the common good.
“Are all Americans who call themselves democrats Marxists?” This answer should be obvious- we’re talking about Democratic Socialists. Again, list what “democrats” believe in and compare it to what Marxist ideology involves.
“Political categories are poorly defined.” OK then, define what they should be. There are almost as many variables in defining political spectrums as there are people writing about them.
“…democratic socialism is based on godless Marxism is simply false.” This is false; socialism is socialism- read paras. 1-8 again, and “democratic” supposedly means electing their leaders. Right!! In practice, it’s been one election and then the need for more elections disappear.
“The vast majority of Venezuelans identify as Christians.” So were the majority of Germans when they “voted” for Hitler. What matters then and now is the ideology supported by the person you vote for, and the real-world track record. Make/Keep America Great or make America Venezuela! Read the last sentence as many times as required to understand and vote accordingly. If all voters did that, Trump would win in a landslide. In our upcoming election, it’s American conservatism vs. “democratic socialism” which is, in reality, anything but democratic based on the utterances of some of its leaders, and then of course, there’s the Marxist-hijacked BLM and its influence on the so-called “Democratic Party”. We’re getting a preview right now of what’s in store for America if Biden/Dem. Socialists are put in charge.
“…many communist and socialist countries adhere to principles of freedom…” Name them, but don’t mention Scandinavian countries- they are capitalist countries with large social programs. While I’m at it, socialism and social programs are not the same. Social programs such as social security, Medicare, welfare, etc. can be administered under any political system, even communism. Socialism is a political and economic system which I’ve described above.
FS says
Well said!!! You really have insights! Wisdom is in the discernment.
Karen says
Democrats say capitalism is greed and evil. No. There’s nothing wrong with someone who works and and wants a nice home and other nice things. It is not oppressive. The right are not the radical ones. But the left are. They condone and encourage blm an the marxist. And there is no room Christian people in a social/communist country. Christians are be killed for there beliefs and faith.
Anonymous says
Please provide evidence of these Christians being killed for their beliefs and faith. Also, please google Marxism so you can actually understand what it means and what it stood for. Then google Jonestown and cults and see the similarities of those behaviors and that of Republicans.
Then google fascism and explain to me why you’re ok with that, but socialism is so radical and evil.
Maja Nowakowski says
Have you ever attended history class, or even listened during history? If so then you would have been smart enough to know that during the era when Christianity was first founded, it was highly criticized. The Romans found them as a threat and in order to keep Christianity from spreading they fed them to the lions in arenas. However this didn’t stop the spread of Christianity and actually caused it to flourish because people were willing to die and be persecuted for their religion. Nowadays Christians are still being persecuted and I’ve heard several people state that we are homophobic. No. I come from a catholic family and the last thing I am is a homophobe.
Geotge says
I don’t want to understand Marxist ideology I’ve lived in a socialist country it’s not funny standing in line for food not like in a grocery store you’re given what the govt wants to give you ask asking permission to move a Dr md makes 25 dollars a mos so is that what you want for this country if you do go to hell I remember this old saying better dead than ref
Anonymous says
All your missing is wisdom from above and lots of Jesus!
Kirk says
Perfectly explained!
Denise says
I consider myself a democrat and I live America. All I want is decent healthcare, equal rights for all and to not be have believe in god. Is don’t bother anyone and I have many friends from both parties. I don’t think I deserve to be hated. I’m a child advocate, pay my taxes and stay out of trouble. But I get labeled a libtard and I American. This country is so full of hate because nobody can respect a persons political choices. I don’t like Trump but that’s because of the crap he did before he became president. None of the dems I know are anything like this man described. I’m 58 and have never seen the hate I see today. It’s really scary.
Jim says
It’s your right to choose Denise, no one has the right to tell you otherwise. Myself I come from a Democratic family, we (my brothers & sister) were raised democrats, but we are DIVIDED now. I don’t know if it’s because one half of us is awake and the other half is asleep or not, but politics is a sore subject when we talk to each other, so we leave it dormant and don’t even bring it up. I don’t make my voting choices because of the way my family votes, I truly don’t they vote, I vote for myself. With that said, I’ll say this; I listen to the candidates that are running for office, I want to know what they are going to do for the American people, how are they going to help us.
For years all we ever heard from all of them is; “I WON”T RAISE TAXES,” I think everyone of us was getting tired of hearing that campaign LIE. every four (4) years….
When president Trump ran for office, I didn’t vote for him. Why? Because my thoughts were, oh yeah as soon as he gets in office, he’s going to take care of all his RICH buddies and forget about his campaign promises. I thought he was just looking to put another check mark on his list of Billionaire accomplishments. Boy was I wrong.
I watched after President Trump got elected to see if he was going really do anything.
Well once again I was impressed with President Trump.
Here was a president that wasn’t sitting around waiting to be sworn in before he went to work to repair our country, he jumped right in. Starting with the overhaul of “OBAMA CARE” (which I never liked).
Another thing that impressed me about President Trump was he was actually talking to us America’s citizens) and keeping us (America) informed as to what he doing and the progress he was making..
While at the same time the HATRED was rising up from the Democratic party (sore because they lost), I don’t ever remember the Republican party acting this way when they lost to OBAMA. The republican party just let President Obama (who also had no political experience) run the country. There was no Republican vendetta against Obama because they lost the election nor did they show HATRED towards him (as the Democrats have shown towards President Trump).
I’ve found President Trump to be strong willed and meaning what he says President, he bows down, nor surrenders to no one, President Trump has to be the strongest President I have ever seen. I’ve often wondered how he retains his energy, he seems to never sleep, I don’t believe (unless I missed it) he ever stops to actually enjoy himself (no work).
President Trump has done a lot since taking office, but the media and the Democrats don’t want those who could possibly turn and vote for him in this upcoming election to know this.
For Instance President Trump formed a new trade agreement between Canada the United States & Mexico (CUSMA)
President Trump stopped letting China take advantage us with their tariffs. We were paying high Tariffs on goods being sold in their country while China was paying outrageously low tariffs on goods sold in our country.
President trump has brought businesses back to the U.S ending outsourcing. With that accomplished, unemployment dropped to an all time low in the U.S.
President Trump also got Steel factories up and running again (they’ve been down for years)..
“MADE IN THE USA” is President Trumps goal for our future
He’s has addressed the nuclear arms issue with North Korea & Iran and imposed embargo’s.
Our border wall, which the Democrats don’t like. I don’t know how you feel about the border wall, but everyone using the words “we are a free country” has nothing to do with the wall. We have no problem with people entering our country as long as it’s done legally. The wall is to keep those who want to immigrate to our country, honest.
The Democrats want to give away our tax money to people who are not U.S. citizens. Of course they will debate you, but California’s Governor (Democrat) has been on tv saying this is just one of things he would like to do. So American citizens starve while he and his constituents give away our hard earned money to someone that is not a U.S citizen?
Also have you ever stopped to think about the BLM (I call them terrorist), here are armed soldiers in battle dress uniforms terrorizing the city of Portland (Democrat State), while the Governor, who has the power to call up the National Guard and restore law & order, does nothing. And… why does the Governor want the President to pull the federal agents he sent; out of Portland? Same thing in Chicago & New York (also Democrat States). None of these Cities have done anything to protect the American people nor the assets of the city. These are the people you want running the country. NOT ME.
I’ll stop there, but the list is much, much longer. Plus everything you say you want in the President you vote for… well that’s exactly what President Trump wants for you and every other American citizen in our country, He fights everyday for America’s Rights & Freedoms and he gets treated like dirt by the Democrats.
Do you realize that the HOUSE has not done one dang thing in four (4) years; there are BILLS in Washington that have been up there since I was a kid, but have they looked at them? “NO!” They’ve been to busy trying to overthrow our President? Four years?, that is the most time I have ever seen or heard of them (politicians) actually being at work in Washington, I didn’t say doing work, I said being at work. Now that is pure HATRED. But as you have seen, it hasn’t swayed our President in the least, he still presses on trying to straighten out the mess that has been created over the years.
Oh “YES,” I will for sure vote for President Trump this time. I’m not for the government telling me how to dress, where, when and what I can eat, if I can come out of my house or if I have to stay in, who I can talk to, who I can’t, how close I stand to someone, if I can see my family or not… I love my rights and freedoms to much to relinquish them to the the democratic party, my eyes are wide open, I see what their agenda is and I refuse to let them control my life.
Anonymous says
Great response!
Ricky Sandefur says
You are. so afraid of a lie, what make you think if people donnot support this liar then they are commies. Plenty of real americans see him for what he is a rich bastard that cares about no one but himself.
Anonymous says
Wow, that’s radicalization all the way…nothing you said about Trump is true and he isn’t talking to Americans to find solutions. He’s dividing us and starting culture wars over masks that would’ve prevented all these deaths. You claim no one was evil towards Obama you are a filthy liar. Obama was constantly attacked for what suit he wore, what mustard he used and there was no petty story that fox news would not paint him as Satan. He was called a dictator for giving millions healthcare which makes no sense as no ones rights were infringed. He didn’t have a secret Chinese bank account like Trump not does he owe foreign banks hundreds of millions of dollars. Obama was constantly threatened with impeachment over mundane things and they could never come up with evidence of criminality, they only sought to obstruct and tarnish Obama’s name. You’re a sick individual who lived through multiple viral outbreaks under Obama and saw a coherent and responsible agenda against viral outbreak and yet you seem to think Trump’s failure is a win when no one suffered this much under Obama. Please get help
Kate says
You don’t understand the economy and are misinformed if you believe Trump was in the White House for any other reason than to enrich himself. He cut taxes for the wealthy yet the poor and middle class have seen their pitiful tax cuts be eliminated while the wealthy are gaining more and more and the middle class is being phased out as Republicans cater to the 1%. Trump is not a Christian nor does he care about the Evangelicals except to use them as a means for more votes. He mocked them for praying over him, saying to his staff, “Do you think they really believe all the nonsense they were saying?” Educate yourself about what has gone on in Trump’s administration and learn about the disgust they developed while being aware of his antics on a daily basis. I’m surprised we have so many people who have closed their eyes and mind to reality.
Mikey says
It is incredible the lengths Democrats and more specifically Progressives will go to just to paint themselves and their views as virtuous. When in reality what do their views boil down to? Destroying the 1st and 2nd amendment. They used to say that was just Conservative conspiracy yet here we are, June 2020, and Progressives are rioting and demanding anyone with old tweets that they see as bad be shut down or fired from whatever job they hold. Demanding Police allow criminals to flee after assaulting police if they are Black. The open attacks on the right to bear arms is very clear from the endless proposed bans and laws. California puts out new restrictions every year. Now we have the NYT promoting journalists who write how much they have White men yet shut down any conservative op-eds. The Hypocrisy is insane.
Anonymous says
So you consider yourself a “democrat” and you love America- I do not doubt it. However, be advised that the so-called Democratic Party is definitely not the party of your parents or your younger years (think JFK and Harry Truman who were staunch anti-communists); now it would be hard to tell the difference between this party’s platform and that of the Communist Party USA’s!). If you are “hated”, it’s most likely for your support of socialist politicians who will attempt to use a political ideology that has ruined every country where it’s been tried: Soviet Union, North Korea, East Germany, Cuba, etc. Now, it’s Venezuela, once the richest country in South America. Leftism/Marxism destroys everything it touches as seen in many of our cities that the Dem. Socialists have controlled for years. Rioting and looting are continuing in some of these cities.
A lot of good, well-intended people have had the wool pulled over their eyes for quite some time by political activists who masquerade as unbiased journalists who favor one political party. They are functioning more like a propaganda ministry than a free press which is critical in the democratic process associated with self- government. However, much to their credit, over 2/3rds of the American people don’t trust them, and rightly so. The main rule in dealing with a propaganda ministry is to ignore them or assume that whatever they say, the actual truth is closer to the opposite! Compounding the problem is an education system that indoctrinates students instead of educating them; i.e., teaching students what to think instead of how to think.
The most critical consideration, especially during a presidential election, is the political ideologies associated with the candidates. You are not electing just the “Chief Executive”, but also the people who will be working with the President and elsewhere. The most critical responsibility of any leader is:
1. Defense. The #1 priority is to protect the American people and American interests at home and abroad. Failure here and nothing else matters. Trump:
– Directed rebuilding of US military, acting to counter Iran and block its path for acquiring nuclear weapons, and acting to strengthen NATO
– Is working to build border wall despite fierce obstruction from a party that places political power over national security and personal safety.
– Formed new Space Command to counter weaponization of space by potential enemies.
2. Promote American prosperity. A strong economy benefits all people and is a major factor in defense considerations. Trump:
– Withdrew US from job-killing deals such as Trans-Pacific Partnership and unfair Paris Climate Accord.
– Jump-started America’s workers and economy by cutting taxes and getting rid of job-killing regulations
– Unlocked America’s vast energy resources. Energy policies have resulted in America as the #1 energy oil producer with many more job opportunities.
– Is defending essential rights such as freedom of religion, right to life, and self defense..
3. Biden Proposals. A Biden victory in the next election will mean a 3rd term of a former president who will try to undo all the good that Trump has accomplished- “fundamental transformation”. Biden,under direction from the radical left, will promote:
– Reduced spending on military and police.
– Rejoining Paris Climate Accord.
– Cutting off spending for border wall and possibly even tear it down.
– Increased taxes on businesses and individuals.
– Renewed attacks on Christians, conservatives, law enforcement.
In summary, as noted by past actions and comments, Biden and the radical Dem. Socialists are anti-God, anti-America, anti-Christian, anti-fundamental rights such as freedom of religion, right to defend oneself, anti-rule of law, anti-capitalism, anti-family, etc. In short, they are against everything that the West and America stand for. The choice could not be clearer: American Conservatism/Republican with Trump who gets the right things done or Dem. Socialism with that other guy. Is it going to be a prosperous future with individual liberty that has resulted in the greatest country to ever have existed, or possibly catastrophic failure and misery that has failed every time it has been tried in the real world? If you and others who claim to love America, then vote accordingly. Try to overcome all the propaganda and indoctrination designed to increase political power of one party and the wealth that goes with that power. It’ll be the top party hacks and the managers of the means of production who consider themselves “more equal” than the rest of us. And the rest of us do not matter at all! “For the people” means only certain elites”!
EnterTheFray says
Hey Russkie, not gonna bother with your entire diatribe, mostly because most of it is lathered in BS. However, I will point to this one line that elicits the Russkie attribution.
Now, read this in your ‘heaviest’ St. Petersburg “Boris” you can muster (YOU, will have no problem, this is mostly for the Americans’ here) this line: “”Is working to build border””
Nice! Tell Vlad we see him.
Reply to Greg Rendahl’s Response, May 26, 2020
1. Nice try in your non-answers and non-sequiturs in an attempt to dodge the questions. These items are not rhetorical questions; to get anywhere in a discussion of reality, I need good, realistic answers. I’ve listed fundamental issues- some are mutually exclusive (like a coin toss- either heads or tails); i.e., God either exists or He doesn’t. The evidence for a Creator God is all around us, starting with us humans and the natural world. “The heavens declare the glory of God and the earth shows his handiwork.” (Psalms 19-1)
2.“… hard won socialism…”. The items you’ve listed are social programs, not socialism which is a political and economic system. There are huge differences, but too many people use them interchangeably. These programs can be administered by any form of government, including socialist and even communist ones.
Here are some of the key elements of a socialist government: ultimate authority, The State; anti-God, anti-Christian, anti-America, anti-family, etc.; government ownership of the means of production and distribution of goods, no limits on government power, centralized planning of economy, diminished individual liberties, one-party system, control of media and education, etc.
3. Compromise. There is a spectrum of beliefs, from Hard Left to Hard Right; not all Leftists would agree with all of the Hard Left positions just as most American conservatives would not agree with the Hard Right positions. Examples of Hard Right would be Iran. Left positions in the real world are those of North Korea, former Soviet Union, Cuba, etc. where people are killed or imprisoned for not supporting the current regime.
Key fundamentals are non-negotiable; any compromise on these means that a person no longer believes in them. However, some polls use a spectrum of “Strongly Agree” to “Strongly Disagree” and “Undecided”, The sum of answers will determine where a person stands on these major issues and the subsequent positions. Incidentally, I’ve seen only one survey that uses the fundamental belief or foundation that starts with the existence of a supernatural creator:
a. God either exists or He doesn’t. It’s a “YES/NO” answer. This is the most important decision a person can make. Ideas have consequences and theological ideas have tremendous consequences.
The answers to this vital question separate the “wheat from the chaff” right up front and will determine how a person, especially politicians, would respond to the following choices. No survey is really valid if the starting point or foundation is omitted. As I’ve mentioned before, the political ideology supported by candidates, especially at the federal and state levels is the key determinant as to how a person should vote: it determines the future path of our country.
Put me down as “Strongly Agree” or ”Yes” on the critical choices. Strong Atheists would respond as “Strongly Disagree” or “No” for #1. This is irrational- a person would have to have the knowledge of a god to make such a statement- ability to know what’s in the whole universe and all its dimensions!
Iran, a theocracy, would be a “Strong Right” selection followed by Saudi Arabia and other Islamic countries that execute people for not “believing. America now would be closer to the middle, whereas in colonial times, it would have been farther to the right
b. Origin Of Man. Divine Creation or Evolution of Man. “Yes” or “Strongly Agree”. There is no evidence whatsoever that supports “molecule-monkey-man evolution.
c. Man’s Nature. Flawed, not changeable vs. basically good and changeable. It is impossible to develop any system involving human interaction, especially government, without answering this question. It was the reason why the Founders designed our government with separation of power (three branches) and limits on government (Bill of Rights). The Soviets tried for 70 years to develop “The New Soviet Man”, but they failed as did the Soviet Union.
4. “…President I was not ashamed of.” You can clarify this statement by identifying what a Chief Executive of the United States is responsible for; i.e. a “job description”. Candidates are “interviewing” for this position as are all the others for “key open positions” in Federal and States. We, the voters, will be making “hiring choices” and you’d think that this would be obvious, but it’s not. Why not? Is it the attitude of media and education that we really don’t want an educated citizenry, but one that can be manipulated by propaganda and indoctrination? Do I have to develop this critical item? I don’t mean you or other citizens; I’m talking political parties, think tanks, higher education, etc. Of course, if any of them actually would tackle this critical element; it would most quickly devolve into vague nonsense, non-actionable generalities and emotional appeals designed to confuse and manipulate the public as is too often now. The founding documents would be the first places to start when writing job descriptions.
For the presidency, I’ll start with the #1 priority for any leader and others in the Federal and state governments: defend America from all foreign and internal enemies. Failure here would render anything less meaningless. Just ask the French during WWII and South Koreans during that war.
Greg Rendahl says
On your point 2, virtually all progressives want more and better “social programs.” Your concerns over communism and socialism approach the hysterical. The Trump Administration is constantly seeking more authority both directly from Trump and from the endless string of sycophantic subordinates. Today’s cult iteration of conservative Christianity is an anti-Christ movement that makes a sick joke of Christ’s teachings. Money and power, the God of Mammon takes over. The Federalist Society with Trump and Republicans are shoving corporate-loving, money-loving judges down our throats that will plague our nation for years.
1. On Point #1. No response yet, but I’m not surprised by the inability or unwillingness of leftists to articulate foundational elements of their belief system. I would definitely re-examine my belief system, especially the source, if I had concerns about discussing it publicly.
I thought that you wanted to talk “realities” and the best way is to begin with the foundation of a belief system which is the “Ultimate Reality” or source of absolute truth and moral standards. This reality is the source of law and governing political philosophies that are used as the foundation of every social order. As has been demonstrated many times throughout history and mentioned in the Bible, a false foundation is a prescription for disaster.
2.“all progressives”. I can remember when “progressive” meant “communist” as in “progressing” from capitalism to socialism to communism, the end goal.
3.“sycophantic”. Leftists have a well-developed capability for “projection” – accusing others what they are guilty of in spades. When Obama was in the White House, much of mainstream media fell all over themselves in fawning over him and covering up for him; other public figures even called him “The Messiah” or “Savior”, and teachers had their students sing songs about him. Now, where else in the world were (or are) things like this done?
4. “Anti-Christian, money and power, etc.” also describes many leftists, including the Clintons. Weren’t they almost broke at one time, but now have a net worth of over $150 million? It must have been all those good investments in the stock market. Trump certainly has fulfilled many of his campaign promises already; however, he did America a huge favor by keep one of the most corrupt individuals out of the White House.
Other comments: “People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.” Speaking of “stones”, “Let he who is without sin throw the first stone.”
5. “Federalist Society”. Never heard of them, but I’m not a lawyer or legal scholar. However, it sounds as though they’re on the right track by pushing for justices and judges who read FROM the Constitution and other legal documents, not INTO them using their personal beliefs as though they were the original writers. Here is the source of “legislating from the bench” which is about as unconstitutional as it can get.
BTW, much of the Dem. Socialist playbook comes from Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” which is all about gaining political power by whatever means necessary. Both Obama and Hillary were quite familiar with Alinsky and his work.
Devout says
On the 4th point, just saying “Yeah BUT THE ENEMY DOES IT TOO” is an extremely childish response. How do you base so many of your claims on the Christian faith and yet back a man whose greed and gluttonous manner precede any mental picture of him you could possibly paint?
Greg Rendahl says
Hello, Mr. Boyum. On your point 1, I and most folks don’t care about the opinions of Alexander (?) or David Barton. On point 2, “smallpox blankets” are a speculative possibility, but other cases of mass killings of Indians are undeniable facts. The 5,000 mile forced march on the Trail of Tears left thousands dead. The massacre at Wounded Knee was so despicable that large numbers of medals of honor were given to our soldiers. On point 3, yes, Christians were a very important force that led to the end of slavery in the British Empire and in America. 1% or less of black slaves were owned by free blacks. Large southern farmers were the driving force in the continuation of slavery. They worshiped money over decency which nearly destroyed the United States. Despicably, one still sometimes sees the most evil symbol in American history, the Confederate flag. On point 4, you make the totally false statement that one political party seeks to “eliminate charitable organizations.” Interestingly, none of your Bible verses come from The Gospels. Conservative Christians seem to always spend more efforts on the opinions of ancient figures other than Christ. “Sell your possessions, and give to the poor” Luke 12:33. “You can not serve both God and Money” Matt 6:24. The man with two shirts must share with him who has none, and anyone with food must do the same” Luke 3:11. “sell everything you have and distribute to the poor” Luke 18:22. and Mark 10:21 “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God” Mark 10:25. See also: Luke 6:20, Luke 14:33, and Luke 16: 10-15. Now days there are growing numbers of fake Christian ministers who preach the “prosperity gospel” aimed at those who hate Christ’s teachings.
1.“… I and most folks”? Here is a bandwagon logical fallacy that implies that most everyone believes or is doing it-be with the “crowd”. Is this perhaps the case of “does truth determine your agenda, or does your agenda determine what you’ll accept as truth? I suppose I could have taken the same close-minded approach about “opinions” of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Howard Zinn (wrote “A People’s History of the United States” with no references. A better title would have been “A People’s History of the United States Through the Lens of Marxism’s Trinity: Class, Sex and Race”), But reading “The Communist Manifesto” and the history of communism/socialism has been worthwhile in understanding where the Dem. Socialist primary beliefs and playbook come from. I know several people who lived under Communism in eastern European countries who escaped before emigrating to the US. They all said the same thing: “I can’t believe we’re hearing the same crap over here that we heard then. We’ve been warned by former Russians who lived in the Soviet Union many times, and currently by Venezuelans about the dangers of communism/socialism. However, we have people here who think that they’re smarter than the Founding Fathers, and even God. Smart people learn from their mistakes; really smart people learn from other people’s mistakes. People whose political philosophies are based on emotion and fantasy are incapable of learning and must “learn the hard way”. Problem is that all will suffer if they are successful.
2. Mass killings of Indians are well-documented and undeniable. I have not encountered anyone denying this. When people bring up examples of “man’s inhumanity to man” they are confirming a truth of the Bible, “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. [except Jesus] (Romans 3-23) It’s why a savior, Jesus, is required.
3. Black slaves owned by blacks. Here is an attempt at minimizing the significance of this fact. As I mentioned previously, black African chieftains and slave “catchers” were the origins of this slave supply chain- the number most likely was much higher than 1%, and it may be closer to 100%. 1% may seem insignificant, but it’s the impact that counts. Would you feel reassured if your doctor told you that he/she has good news from your diagnosis; only 1% of your body cells are cancerous?
4. “… the most evil symbol in America, the Confederate flag.” Really? I would have guessed, according to radical leftists, that it is our country’s flag that represents an evil country. At any rate, it is part of southern history that represents their efforts to preserve their states’ rights, the right to secede. I wonder if you would feel comfortable writing or saying that statement in Georgia, Alabama, etc.
5.“… totally false statement…” I probably could have worded it differently. I was primarily thinking about the leftist war on The Little Sisters of the Poor, a group of Catholic nuns who minister to the poor and adhere to their church’s teaching on sterilization, abortion, and contraception. Also, other cases involve bakers who have refused to provide cakes for same-sex marriages and have been threatened with lawsuits that could put them out of business. At any rate, the Left has worked to ban crosses and nativity scenes from the public square, Christmas symbols including the colors red and green Christmas carols, voluntary prayers, and posting the Ten Commandments, voluntary prayers, etc. from public schools. Then, there’s Hollywood that puts out movies (10 pieces of garbage for every one that treats Christianity respectfully), blasphemous performances mocking the Catholic Church at award ceremonies, and artists painting blasphemous pictures.
6 “ …none of your Bible verses…” As a person who seems to be reasonably familiar with the Bible, you should know what is coming:
a. Jesus recognized the two divisions of the Old Testament as divinely authoritative. “Think not that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets; I have come not to abolish them but to fulfill them. (Mathew 5:17,18).
b. Jesus cited 14 different Old Testament Books. For example:
– Marriage, from Genesis. Mark 10:6-8.
– Ten Commandments, from Exodus. Luke 18:20.
Greg Rendahl says
Mr. Boyum, I find it vastly interesting how people can view the same reality in such different ways. I’ll finish up here with just a couple of points. First, I think you worry excessively over communism. It absolutely ain’t gonna happen here. Secondly, Howard Zinn did America a great favor by writing A People’s History. In high school we learned about some Presidents and some dates and some wars, blah, blah, blah… Zinn brings alive the struggles of workers, women, minorities, etc. He shows how so many brave people fought for their rights, because without fighting, either peacefully or violently, the downtrodden will never get anywhere.
1. Are we actually viewing the same realities? Reality is defined as the state of things as they actually exist, what we consider to be true, as opposed to an idealistic idea of reality. Let’s see where we may differ.
Reality #1. Ultimate Authority. The question of authority is inescapable. All belief systems have a starting point or foundation that must be accepted by faith. Is it God as He has revealed Himself in the Bible, or Man’s institution, The State, based on godless Marxism and secular humanism?
2. This ultimate authority is then used to evaluate the truths of subsequent beliefs or presuppositions that are assumed to be true:
a. Reality #2. Origin of Man. Divine creation or evolution from lower life forms? The answer is vital in questions involving “right to life” such as abortion, euthanasia.
b. Reality #3. Individual Rights. Endowed by our Creator or determined by The State? If the latter, rights are not unalienable; i.e., they can be invented or taken away.
c. Reality #4. Man’s Nature. Flawed and unchangeable or basically good and changeable? People, especially leaders, will do what’s right for the common good. History says otherwise. This is a primary reason why socialism fails.
d. Reality #5. Purpose of Government. Protect fundamental individual rights and secure blessings of liberty or establish universal material equality?
e. Reality #6. Purpose of Law. Establish “will of the masses” as defined by leaders, or punish and restrain evil (man’s behavior), and provide justice for all people. Without absolute moral standards as a foundation, justice and order are not possible.
f. Reality #7. Role of Property and Economic System. Private or government owned/control of the means of production? Creator of wealth and key part of individual liberty, or sources of greed and inequality?
g. Reality #8. A vision is a road map for the future of any organization, including countries.
Is it “fundamental transformation” from a Biblically-based foundation that has resulted in the greatest country to ever exist, to a system based on godless Marxism that has failed wherever it’s been tried in the real world, sometimes catastrophically? President Trump with his “Make/Keep America Great Again” closely mirrors the Founders’ vision. Democratic Socialism contradicts almost everything associated with the Founders vision and American Conservatism. The political ideology supported by a presidential candidate and other politicians is the most important factor in determining who should lead us. A focus on reality vs. emotions and fantasy based on lies and falsehoods should indicate which path America should take.
3. Worry about communism? No, we shouldn’t be concerned about a growing trend, especially among younger people who’ve not experienced the Cold War and are most susceptible to the leftist propaganda of “free stuff” and other appeals to emotion who seem to favor a political system that has failed miserably and sometimes catastrophically in the real world? In a way, I agree that it “ain’t going to happen here”. The route to communism is socialism which will fail before the end state of communism is reached.
“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But under the name of ‘liberalism’, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.” Norman Thomas, U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate 1940,1944, and 1948.
Greg Rendahl says
Mr. Boyum, I see you are basically an either/or kind of guy without moderations or compromise, I don’t know if you think the hard won socialism that we have, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, college help, etc. are evil Marxism or if you have grudgingly (?) accepted them. I don’t know if you think if was a good idea for Trump and the republicans to cut taxes mostly on the wealthy and give us trillion dollar deficits. I don’t know if you think we should have the freedom to infect grandma in the nursing home with covid or the check out girl in the grocery store. We need compromise to decide what freedom we should have. Some might like to drink and drive and not worry about dang old lane guidelines on roads. Personally, I’d love to have a President I was not ashamed of.
Aaron Bishop says
Greetings Jeff, you seemed to miss my last post to you on your article.
It is quite difficult to know where to begin. Lot’s of “He said, he said” arguments, as far up the chain as I dare go.
Let us just start this whole thing off with this rather true statement from our President. “Leadership: Whatever happens, you’re responsible. If it doesn’t happen, you’re responsible.” Pre-Candidate Trump on Nov 8, 2013
You said: “S] “Trump fired the Pandemic Response Team.” [Van Gorp]
A] Such a nasty lie. John Bolton had orders to streamline and reorganize the National Security Council. Senior Director of Global Health Admiral Tim Ziemer resigned in May 2018, but the pandemic response staff stayed on and continues to serve, a key part of NSC.”
John Bolton had orders to streamline. True. Two notables: 1. Orders from whom? Well, orders from whom is simple. Ultimately, Bolton was acting on behalf of Trump’s orders. The President didn’t specifically fire individuals, however, he certainly gave that authority to Bolton. Essentially, Bolton’s actions were signed off by the President, who is (in his words) “responsible”. And 2. Streamlining meaning what exactly? And how?
You claimed “the pandemic response staff stayed on and continues to serve, a key part of NSC”. I think it would be more accurate to say that the Pandemic Response Team was largely disbanded, but *some* members were reassigned to relevant roles, not all. The CDC team assigned in to China was particularly hard hit by this “streamlining” process. The Administration via Bolton under President Trump cut staff by more than 2/3rds in China, according to a report from Reuters. “The CDC’s China headcount has shrunk to around 14 staffers, down from approximately 47 people since President Donald Trump took office in January 2017, the documents show. The four people, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the losses included epidemiologists and other health professionals…” (Taylor, 3/25)”
Indeed, it appears some of the Pandemic Response Team were reassigned and continue to work within the NCS. As in many cases, there are half-truths and misunderstandings abound.
You said: S] “Medicare for All would save $450 billion and 68,000 lives per year.” [ Van Gorp]
A] What a whopper. While the leftist media touts those numbers, competent experts including MIT Professor Simon Johnson estimate an increased cost of 13.5 to 47.5 TRILLION over 10 years. When did a government administrated system ever operate on budget or deliver equal results for less money? Saving lots of lives? I doubt it.
Let us delve into what *more* MIT Professor Simon Johnson had to say on the subject, not just his cherry-picked comments you provided. I believe this is the same source from which you retrieved your information, but it is hard to tell because you did not cite your sources in your original article.
“Johnson collaborated with Donald Berwick, who served as CMS administrator during the Obama administration, on his analysis. Johnson emphasizes that he does not work for the Warren campaign but was asked as an independent expert to review it. Berwick helped Warren formulate her Medicare for all plan, according to many media reports. Johnson has cowritten a second analysis, with Betsey Stevenson of the University of Michigan and Mark Zandi of Moody’s Analytics, that assesses Warren’s plans to raise enough revenue to properly fund Medicare for all.
The bottom line, he says, is that the revenue-raising and cost-cutting estimates in Warren’s proposal, relative to the Urban Institute’s estimates, are credible. “Every projection has to deal with some uncertainty, but we feel confident there is less here because we were evaluating very specific and plausible policy choices,” Johnson says. “The baseline government forecast of what will happen to costs under the current law is considerably more likely to be wrong on the downside—that is, in being too low—than Warren’s plan for the simple reason that in a single-payer system, you can control health care costs,” he says.” -
You said: S] “Normal wasn’t working.” [Van Gorp]
A] Really? The Free Market has created more wealth and raised more living standards than any other system. America was booming, and it will again. Socialism never works. Prove me wrong.”
The Free-Market has done wonderful things for many people. However, liberals would likely ultimately contend that the Free-Market no longer exists, nor does the “Invisible Hand”. Instead, liberals would likely argue that a heavy, yet subtle hand has been pushed on the scales of economic justice to favor the wealthier comparatively more and greater over the last several decades. As I said in my previous article about the economy, such things as the Stock Market are not good indicators for how things are going for the average American. Look at what is happening now. The recent stock market rallies, even within a time when COVID-19 is claiming tens of millions of jobs in a matter of weeks, is evidence that it benefits only a fraction of people and is therefore a reflection of only a fraction of people who hold the majority of stocks.
Your obsession with Socialism is a constant source of amusement. It’s almost as if you think that most liberals and Democrats advocate for a full-blown Socialist state, instead of Capitalism to be reigned in. Remember the heavy and visible hand weighing down economic justice? What do I mean by that? Who writes the laws? I think you may find many liberals recognize that key bills are authored by large companies (with ideas to benefit themselves chiefly) and signed on by Congressmembers who likely are financial beneficiaries of the same companies come election season. The fact is, it is not a fact that the more you work the better off you’ll be in this system we have. The ideal capital meritocracy does not exist for so many as you seem to believe it does.
You said: S] “Asian Americans are being Scapegoated for CV19.” [Buckbee]
A] Where? Big cities? No rational person would do that. China is being blamed, deservedly so. Americans are overwhelmingly decent people, not racists.”
When you say “China is being blamed” what do you mean? The government? The culture? The people? I would agree that Americans are overwhelmingly good, decent people. But it does not take a vast majority to make problems for others. This means that “Asian Americans are being scapegoated for CV19” and “No rational person would do that” and “Americans are overwhelmingly decent people, not racists” can ALL be true at the same time. It is not a dichotomy.
You said: S] “Trump called the Coronavirus a Hoax!” [Buckbee, Torgrimson]
A] Even the Left leaning SNOPES called this stinker a lie and I quote, “Trump did not call the coronavirus a hoax.” Excuse us if we don’t hold our breath waiting for you haters to publish a retraction.”
Actually, SNOPES called this a Mixture, not a “lie” (which I do not believe is even a categorical conclusion they provide).
And you quoted them wrong. I could wager a guess as to why, but I won’t. What you said SNOPES said was: “Trump did not call the coronavirus a hoax” what SNOPES actually said was: “*Despite creating some confusion with his remarks,* Trump did not call the coronavirus *itself* a hoax.” And therein lies the confusion, likely from the authors you were responding to, and the media itself that reported such. This is what President Trump actually said at the Feb 28th rally: -Feb 28th
So, it’s clear to see that President Trump wasn’t clear about what he meant. But, to his credit, he did clarify the next day. – Feb 29th Press Conference:
And that is quite understandable. The problem is, there was quite a bit of time between the original statement and the clarification. Time where, due to the sincerely ambiguous remarks, the American public watching could reach their own conclusions as to what the President meant. I think something that most Republicans and Democrats alike can agree on is that President Trump is not a great orator. Hence the confusion and continue circulation of this belief. Naturally, some people on the left will likely believe Trump meant the virus itself, but backpedaled when advised to, something that is certainly not uncommon in his tactics.
You said: “S] “The Trump Administration’s response has been total chaos.” [Torgrimson]
A] Some things could have been done better. Is it fair to say a phony collusion with Russia investigation and an ill-advised impeachment attempt caused unfortunate distractions? I think so. But many leaders had let their guard down. Pandemic expert Dr. Anthony Fauci was on the radio on January 25 telling us the risk to Americans was “very, very low.” As late as March 11, Democrat politicians [Pelosi, Schumer, de Blasio, Cuomo] were on mass media urging citizens to gather, go to movies, attend parades in Chinatown, and pushing legislation in Congress to curtail the President’s ability to enact travel bans. But the pandemic staff [you know, the one Trump supposedly fired two years ago!] was intact and functioning. Despite Democrat opposition, Trump wisely implemented travel bans experts say saved many thousands of lives, and set up a task force that has held hospitalizations and fatalities far below projections.”
No. It is not fair to say that. What were the President’s responsibilities that were distracting him from this? And what did the President do during the month of February after this ended?
Dr. Anthony Fauci CDC Director Redfield were: “pretty certain that this was not transmitted human to human” given what the information coming out of China suggested in January.
As for other officials encouraging people to go out and about, my question for you is, what were their resources compared to those of the President’s? Were they right? No. They were wrong. But President Trump did not provide any federal guidelines for coronavirus concerns. Bill de Blasio’s comments about going out “If you’re under 50 & healthy” should include the context that the knowledge of how COVID19 may spread before symptoms show up wasn’t available yet. Even now: “Some reports have indicated that people with no symptoms can transmit the virus. It is not yet known how often it happens. WHO is assessing ongoing research on the topic and will continue to share updated findings”
Without the resources nor guidance from the Federal Government, mistakes by States and State Officials were made. Even after March 13th, when the Administration finally made the National Emergency Declaration, it forced states to compete with not only each other, but the Federal Government for acquiring the much anticipatedly needed medical equipment.
As far as I can tell, Congress’ push for the No Ban Act took place on March 11th, which had by far most of the co-signatures *before* the Coronavirus was even detected in China (meaning it predates all of this and wasn’t a response to the travel ban from China):
Additionally, a key point here is that roughly 40,000 people still came to America from China after this travel ban from China was enacted. Clearly, that was enough for the virus to infect more Americans than Chinese.
Let us end with some thoughts. Crimson Contagion was a simulation designed to show U.S. blind spots. This was conducted last year. Also, how often has President Trump called upon the reduction of CDC funds (which Congress denied)? Finally, what do you think of the people marching in state capitals, even going so far as to block ambulances?
Joe says
A response this long, full of big words and vague concepts, is obviously a untruthful I don’t even necessary disagree with your viewpoint, but, boy, you can do a better job explaining yourself. This would get a grade off “C” at best on a high school opinion piece assignment.
Aaron Bishop says
Greetings Joe,
Full of big words?
Also, for more context of what I wrote and why, you’d need to go to the original article and follow the comments.
Jon Trouten says
How many commentaries and letters to the editor does the FCJ need that assert why their neighbors who have different opinions hate the country and them?
Greg Rendahl says
“American Conservatism…founded on Biblical/Christian principles…” Yes, murder the Indians, enslave blacks and later try to never let them have full human rights, deny women the right to vote, deny LGBTQ folks equal rights, fight against Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps while endlessly pushing riches at the wealthy… “Democratic Socialism, based on…” the teachings of JESUS. Jesus was possibly the greatest promoter of the poor and denigrator of the wealthy in the history of the world. Surely, you must know that.
Gatekeeper says
Christ says
Liar, I’m ashamed and embarrassed you bring your pony-ass fairy tales into your definition of America, grow up.
God says
For the love of ME, stop your babbling!
Jeffrey Erding says
@ Mr. Rendahl, you are not just your usual ” frequently wrong” this time, you are amazingly, spectacularly wrong!
Blaming Republicans for the persecution of native Americans?? How could that be, when the Republican party didn’t exist until the early 1860’s, and was organized mainly to oppose any expansion of slavery? It’s unfair to judge those who lived many decades ago by modern standards, but Democrats like Andrew Jackson were the driving force behind the relocation of Tribal people beyond the Mississippi to western reservation lands deemed worthless to white settlers.
Slave owners and the politicians that supported them were all DEMOCRATS, not Republicans. The Ku Klux Klan was formed and composed of ONLY DEMOCRATS, and continued to be so in the modern era with prominent DEMOCRAT politicians providing support and leadership.
Republicans formed a party and nominated Abraham Lincoln as a successful presidential candidate. Republicans prevailed over Democrats in the Civil war that ended slavery, and 100 years later overcame stubborn opposition from Democrats to grant equal rights to Black citizens.
Republicans do not oppose equal rights for LGBTQ people, but we do reserve the right to refuse participation and support for actions which our properly held beliefs deem morally wrong, as is our right under the Constitution.
Democrat policies have wreaked mass damage on the black community, destroying the family structure that children need to thrive, encouraging fatherlesness, discouraging marriage, creating a welfare state and government dependence with their poisonous, sickening bigotry of low expectation.
The best social program is a JOB. and the Trump Administration and Republicans have done more good for minorities and the poor in 3 years by accident than Democrats under Obama did on purpose in 8.
Democrats, the party of Jesus???My goodness, what an imagination one must have to support that fantasy. Mr. Rendahl, your logic on that line of reasoning is just as faulty as your understanding of history…. which is to say, incomprehensively bad.
Greg Rendahl says
Hi, Jeff. You made a simple mistake with your response. I said nothing about republicans. I spoke of American conservatives. You also have not done well studying history if you blame political parties of long ago with today’s far different variations. Yes, a job is a wonderful thing. It’s also especially nice if that job pays enough to live on and includes health insurance. Sadly, many jobs simply keep people down while hoping they don’t get sick. If you think Jesus would oppose food stamps, health care, and other assorted social programs then I feel sorry for your understanding of the Gospels.
Jeffrey Erding says
@ Rendahl, now you are trying to say you like Republicans and blame ” Conservatives”?? I know what you meant and so does everyone else, and splitting that hair does nothing to hide your stupendous lack of historical awareness…. either that, or the truth is no more important to you then it is to all the leftist zealots that pretend to be journalists in the MSM.
Republicans don’t oppose social programs for those unable to work. America has a robust safety net for those who cannot pay for their own medical care. America is the fairest, most liberty oriented, greatest country the world has ever seen. The policies you and your leftist friends advocate have always failed miserably. You delude yourself if you deny that.
As far as following Christian beliefs, anyone who truly knows me would laugh in your face if you questioned my beliefs. If you have done more than I in the service of our Lord, then you have been a very busy person.
Greg Rendahl says
Jeff, I did not split any hair. Your understanding of American history is obviously very limited. Why is Trump trying to cut food stamps during this plague? Why does Trump want the Supreme Court to strike down Obamacare and end coverage for pre-existing conditions? Why did so many republican governors refuse to improve Medicaid for their citizens? America’s “safety net” has been forced on America even though most conservatives fought tooth and nail against their adoption. Again, do you have any real knowledge of history? And finally, if you are truly a follower of Christ, then I challenge you to read the Gospels. I believe there are quite a number of people who call themselves Christians and are very glad that Christ died for their sins, but also glad that he is no longer walking around praising the poor and denigrating the wealthy.
Kim wentworth says
Silly guy, I always thought you were a little bit off, but your latest response shows you are whacked. Blame a Republican on slavery??? Do you ever get tired of being laughed at?
Ricky Sandefur says
Listen you Trump idiot you are a laughing stock!
1. Before I get to some of your comments:
Democratic Socialism. “There is no difference in principle, between the economic philosophy of Nazism, socialism, and communism, and fascism and that of the American welfare state and regulated economy.” (Alexander’s Essay – March 10, 2011)
“…ultimately there is no consequential societal distinction between Marxist Socialism, National Socialism, or the most recent incarnation of this beast, Democratic Socialism. The conclusion of socialism by any name, once it has replaced Rule of Law with the rule of men, is tyranny.” (Ibid)
This should be no surprise; they all have the same foundation- atheistic Marxism. “Every human government ever established, was the product of definable political theory; that is, each embraced a philosophy which, at least in its own eyes, justified its existence and manner of conducting affairs. The American government was no different. (David Barton, in “Original Intent”)
2. “Yes, murder the Indians,…”
a. No leftist should bring up appeals to emotion and feigned moral indignation by using the term “murder” which implies “genocide” when governments based on godless Marxism killed over 100 million people in the 20th century alone.
b. Many Indians perished as a result of diseases they contracted from exposure to smallpox, cholera and typhus. Typical leftist tactics: distort, deceive, disinform, demonize, deny, etc. per Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals”!
c. The people we call “Native Americans” or “Indians” were not the 1st people to occupy America. What happened to these former occupants, and how do you suppose the Indians acquired that land? Dominant tribes, kingdoms, countries, etc. became “dominant” by subduing others, an activity practiced throughout history. This in no way is an attempt to justify such actions, but that’s the way it’s been from Biblical times on, and things haven’t changed that much since. “Might makes right”. This is why “peace through strength” is such an important national strategy. BTW, various North American Indian tribes indulged in torture and slavery of captured enemies as well, but I don’t think that they engaged in human sacrifice and cannibalism like the Aztecs did.
3. “Enslave blacks…”. Here is another activity that was practiced throughout the world since the dawn of time. What is uniquely Western is not slavery, but the abolition of slavery, thanks primarily to Christians. From America’s founding to the end of the Civil War, there were black slave owners in America. In 1830, there were 3,500 American black slave owners who together owned over 10,000 black slaves. It also should be noted that it was chieftains and “slave catchers” in Africa who supplied traders with the slaves they transported and sold to other parts of the world, including America.
4. “Democratic Socialism, based on …’the teachings of JESUS.”‘
a. Here is the leftist distortion, “Jesus the Socialist” which is exactly the opposite of what Jesus taught. Socialism is based on atheistic Marxism. This would mean that Jesus did not believe that He was the Son of God, co-equal with God The Father, because the philosophy of atheism is “the natural world is all there is; God or gods do not exist.”.
b. Jesus did not suggest that we give our earnings to lazy people (help needy, not greedy), nor did He mention that Caesar should take money from the producers and give to the non-producers. He taught that our excesses should be given voluntarily to those in need, not like socialism which gives to all, including sluggards. Guess which political party members have acted to eliminate charitable organizations. Here is what the Bible teaches concerning this topic:
– 2nd Thess. 3:10, “…if any will not work, neither let him eat.”
– Isa. 65:22. “They shall not build, and another inhabit; they shall not plant, and another eat…”
– Proverbs 14:23. “All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.”
c. While we’re on this topic, here are some more teachings from the Bible in the book of Exodus: (we all have violated most, if not all) of the Commandments as individuals; however, Leftism, as a political ideology, is built on violations of all Ten Commandments. Here are some of the main ones:
– 20:3. “You shall have no other gods before me.” Leftism/liberalism denies the existence (or relevance) of God.
– 20:15. “You shall not steal.” They embrace redistribution philosophies of Marx in the quest for “material equality”.
– 20:16. “You shall not bear false witness.” The “ends justify the means” which includes lying about opponents of leftism.
– 20:17. “You shall not covet.” Man’s inherent covetousness is used as the driving force behind all leftist/liberal economic policies; i.e, economic envy and class warfare.
d. Other comments about Liberalism/Leftism and the Bible: 2 Corinthians 11:4 addresses masquerading as doing “good” by deceptive “feel good” sound bites that promise “equality”, “tolerance” and “social justice”. A lot of good, well-intended people have had the “wool pulled over their eyes” by politicians, educators, and media for a long time now. It’s no wonder that over 2/3rds of American no longer trust much of mainstream media now. The actual real world history tells a different story. Socialism has failed everywhere it’s been tried- sometimes catastrophically. There will be “equality” alright- equally miserable in poverty, except for the elite who will designate themselves as :more equal” than others. People from Venezuela and others have warned us many times about their “socialist utopia”. A vote for socialism is a vote against America!
Ken says
Thank you
Kim wentworth says
Maybe write a book, good grief.
Jeremy Olson says
That’s actually a great idea. If you write a book, I would definately buy it! You have very good insights and I agree 100% with everything you have said. Thank you!
Anonymous says
I agree!
Olivia says
I agree! Very insightful , I enjoyed very much.
cc says
Kathy Cobb says
Good grief, no one is saying that American is going to become the next China. No one is going to take your income and divide it so everyone will have the same wealth. Democrats simply want taxes to go toward the betterment of people instead of feeding the rich and corporate bail outs, etc. You would think that Wall Street is a good example of capitalism but the bail out showed how much they rely on the government -THAT IS SOCIALISM.
Socialism is not arriving in America, it has been a part of our culture for at least fifty years. There is no such thing as a purely capitalist society. Every country you think of as purely capitalist has social programs to help others.
You yourself have probably reaped the benefits of socialism: tax cuts, pell grants, welfare, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, public schools, public roads, public parks. These are all elements of socialism and work well with a democratic society.
The problem with you Republicans is that you assume anyone who is on government assistance is on it due to laziness. Sure, there will always be those who take advantage of these programs, but more often than not, these people need real help.
Republicans want to believe no one else works, and everyone on government assistance wants to be there because then, you can be as selfish as you want to be without feeling guilty.
Right now, the biggest abusers of socialism are the rich: wall street bailouts, auto corporation bailouts, excessive tax cuts for the rich.
You guys are fine with socialism when it benefits you, but put a needy person as the beneficiary of a program, and you start complaining.
Stop using the bible, Jesus, and God as an excuse for your selfishness. The bible is nothing more than a lot of moral precepts written from the perspective of men.
When you bring up the bible as your basis for why you are right; you lose the argument.
christine h darges says
Actually your response is what the socialists / commies want you to feel and say. It’s part of subversion and their slow subtle trickery tactics. It is presented as a nice and easy approach where the intent is genuine. By definition, socialism is a last step before communism and nothing by itself. The slow transition to government programs means government control, which means you have lost your freedoms, so you are wrong about everything you wrote above. You need to read some literature and do some homework on Marxism.
MW says
Robert says
Smart answer! Boy this is a long thread of people throwing axes at each other. Can we just try to follow the golden rule? Please.
Truth Teller says
Hey dumb a…. Bet you like your other holier than now idiots…the Bible was written by PEOPLE hundreds of years after Jesus died…with only selected passages
.and transcribed from long obsolete Aramaic language to Greek then to Latin undoubtedly with all kinds of mistake and the PEOPLE born hundreds of years after Jesus adding their own bias…JESUS NOR GOD SAID ANY OF THAT D HEAD
B Renee Jainese says
Applause!!! an intelligent and concise portrayal of the TRUTH! APPLAUSE!!
Kim wentworth says
Silly guy, I always thought you were a little bit off, but your latest response shows you are whacked. Blame a Republican on slavery??? Do you ever get tired of being laughed at?
nan yamane says
Kim, I’m not sure what you are saying??
Really, I just wanted to post a comment about the editorial, the writer totally misses the point of the multi-community struggle to oust 45.
Put a random sample of people in a room and you will likely find those who are repulsed by the president feel strongly because he is so unstable, he is delusional, he incites violence, he snorts when he talks (my petty grievance), and just as he is doing now, he constantly lies with the agility of a five year old!
The Democrats are unbelievably dense in running Biden. Dem organizers should roll up their sleeves, rally at the precinct level–in poor precincts as well as the rich neighborhoods, they should promise to regulate the health care companies–otherwise they will literally kill us, and they should court labor.
To suggest that people dislike 45 because of ideological reasons is simply ridiculous.
Jeremy says
It’s you that is dense.
Benjamin David Steele says
In poll after poll, the majority of Americans state they don’t like or trust Donald Trump. But right-wingers are suggesting that only liberals and leftists are critical of Trump. Are they finally admitting that most Americans are on the political ‘left’? That said, it’s a bit odd to assert the majority is on the ‘left’, as doesn’t the majority by definiition represent the center.
christine h darges says
Weren’t the polls wrong for the last 4 years? Polls don’t produce anything anymore and no longer believable.
Mike says
Christine obviously has no understanding of scientific type polls and looks at FB polls. Trust me she probably believes every negative poll about democrats and post them online.