To the Editor,
Recently, after hearing that our first district congressman Jim Hagedorn was just recovering from kidney surgery, I was surprised to hear his name mentioned as one of the congressman who voted in favor of objecting to the electoral college vote that favors President-elect Joe Biden.
This vote occurred after the “Trump mob assault” on our nation’s capitol which ended in the killing of a capitol policeman and four who were part of the “mob.”
Questions: Was there virtual voting on this?
Why hasn’t Rep. Hagedorn replied to any of my correspondence asking for an explanation for his vote?
(During the campaign last year I was getting weekly e-mails from him telling of all the good things he was doing for southern Minnesota.)
Why hasn’t he responded to invitations to media requests to explain his reason for his vote?
If he is feeling okay, I feel it is time for him to carry out his duties to represent all of his constituents, especially in this troubled time for our dear U.S.A. I look forward to seeing a public response and hopefully before this is published. Thank you.
Sincerely, Joan Redig
rural Houston, Minn.
Dale Jones says
Trumps “charitable foundation “closed down in 2018 because it was a political slush fund, among other things. In 2014 Trump gave the Attorney General of Florida a 25K political contribution from his “charitable foundation” two weeks before she decided not to join New York in the Trump University law suit. He also took 100K dollars from his “charitable foundation” to give to Citizens United who was going after the New York Attorney General who was going after Trump University. That’s classic Trump! He later paid 25 million to settle the suit.
He captured his base with the lie that he sent an investigator to Hawaii who discovered Obama’s birth certificate was phony. Trump said he’d witnessed “thousands” of Muslims cheering on the collapse of the WTC on 9/11. The base seemed fine with Trump bragging about how he could grab women by their genitals because celerity stars could do that. He claimed a lot of “good people” were in the White supremacist movements.
The moral and intellectual bankruptcy of the Republican Party has been on full display. It’s no surprise they would support an insurrection born out of Trump’s lie that the election was stolen. It was expected!