To the Editor,
If there was “massive fraud” in the last election as Trump endlessly claims then isn’t it odd that nothing has been discovered by the many state Republican investigations? If there was massive fraud does that mean that Republicans in general are inept and stupid? Or, of course, it could mean that the Big Lie is just that: a lie. And what should we think of the majority of Republicans who either accept the Big Lie or are too cowardly to refute it? What should we think of those Republican politicians and political operatives who continue to push lies and misinformation that festers and infects our democracy? Perhaps we should call it by its name: Evil.
Greg Rendahl
Ostrander, Minn.
Save America Patriot says
You leftists/Democrats/Republicans party line puppets just don’t have a clue do you? In answer to your question, it is because the Republicans and the Democrats are all in the same club, the same big government power corrupt system.
POTUS Trump did win by a significant margin! The problem is that he is a People first, Freedom loving American first candidate, that is why. Wake up. Why do you think Patriotic freedom loving Americans turned out in droves to support him? Again, wake up. Btw, turn off the boob tube propaganda.
A Patriot says
You must be a member of the DCP (Democratic Communist Party) and get all your news from CNN (Communist News Network. Why is it when republicans win the DCP screams fowl and is illegal? Sound familiar? Your party is all for free speech and ask questions as long as your party is OK with it. Then that person(s) needs to be silenced by any means possible.
Anonymous says
All evil will be uncovered some great day and this is one of them. The American people have a right to have the election results questioned and hopefully turned over to the true president. We are tired of being railroaded by bullies