Letter about the
fake coronavirus…
To the Editor,
I refrained from going to church this past year because I didn’t want to put it at risk of getting shut down for not wearing a mask.
When I recently returned, board members and parishioners expressed concern because people they know are getting sick and people are dying, which I neither doubt nor dispute. I gently told them I’m fed up with the fake coronavirus. I’m inundated by communist propaganda and intentional disinformation from everywhere. At this time I trust only God’s Word in His Scriptures. Everything else goes through the filter of my own judgement. No institution, no matter how sacred and trusted, gets a pass. Over the past year I have more personal aquaintances that died from suicide than from the coronavirus, therefore it’s fake.
I have no doubt that the government will seize the assets of my church and pastor, throw him in jail, and lock the doors because of me.
I cannot participate in and affirm Satan’s lies.
Gerald Wolf
Spring Valley, Minn.
Matt Offerdahl says
The left also takes information at face value. They perceive themselves as educated, so if the source fits their narrative it gets a pass. You could say the same for both sides, while I give the nodd to the right for being more skeptical of news sources.
The amount of smuggery coming from the left is nauseating. Consequences of the self-esteem movement. Possibly a college degree giving you a sense of entitlement. Or maybe your kids went to college and you think you are default scholar now.
Just take a look at the horribly inaccurate tests we’ve been taking. Kary Mullis who invented the PCR test in 1985 said it was a terrible tool for clinical medicine and is “almost never reliable” and argued against it’s use for a diagnostic tool for clinical disease. He won a Nobel prize for its invention. It was developed for AIDS research and forensics.
The PCR test consequently has been the primary test used to test for Coronie.
I think Gerald is tuned into an instinct called the BS detector. He may not make the most logically sound argument making it easy for you two to poke holes at what he has to say, but make no mistake people smell rot for good reason.
What happened to H1N1, SARs,swine flu, ZICA and many more? I was supposed to be very worried about those when they were in the forefront of our news reels. My wife was worried our son was going to be born with a small head..lol
Isn’t it wonderful that no one got the flu this year? Have you thought about that Dale?
Most intelligent and aware adults see this CRAP coming from our government and take advantage of it. As in anyone who bought stock since March, in just about any company. The further consolidation of big business. Massive government spending. Just to name a few if you’re curious as to what the motives might be.
You my friends are asleep.
You’re not going to find that information on Reuters Dale..
David R Webb MD says
Well said , Sir! Thank you for the insight. I could not imagine a more cogent example of contemporary, brain-washed American delusional thinking.
I do wonder though, if before the DFL Communists come for him, God will strike your Pastor dead for his blasphemy. In either case, while God will no doubt be keeping you up to date, I’m sure the rest of us can rely on the Journal to keep us well informed.
Tommy says
Gerald Wolf, please consider you are sadly mislead. The coronavirus is not fake. I have lost relatives and a neighbor to it. As pointed out your logic is incorrect. Also please consider finding better sources of information like PBS, Axios, Reuters as pointed out above, and from both sides of the fence. The truth lies somewhere in the middle, and you are far from it.
Jeff D Abbas says
Mr. Wolf – Over the course of the last year, I have had more acquaintances die from a virus you don’t believe is real than from automobile accidents involving Saturns. Therefore, automobile accidents involving Saturns are fake.
I cannot participate in and affirm Saturn’s lies. Thank you for opening my eyes with your impeccable logic.
Dale Jones says
Your attitude is making China great again. Because of the idea on the right that covid is fake, we’ve got the greatest number of cases in the world. Because of it our economy has gone into the toilet.
China on the other hand got their outbreak under control early and is open for business. In the second quarter of 2021, the Chinese economy grew 3% while Americas fell 31%. China’s economy grew nearly 5% the second quarter and will continue to grow while the CBO announced last week that it’s projected that our economy won’t be back to square until 2024.
The latest GDP reports show that of the U.S. fell by 2.3% in 2020, while China’s grew by 2.3% amid the coronavirus pandemic. The divergence means China will likely overtake the U.S. as the world’s largest economy a few years earlier than anticipated, economists said.Jan 31, 2021.
China will overtake the United States to become the world’s biggest economy in 2028, five years earlier than previously estimated due to the contrasting recoveries of the two countries from the Covid-19 pandemic, a think tank said.
Because nations like South Korea, New Zealand, Australia, Vietnam and China took it seriously, their economies are open for business. You can pack sports arenas, theaters and restaurants because those societies followed the science. The right wing in America….not so much!
The right views the world down the barrel of a soda straw so they get to see only the part that makes them feel good. That makes them unable to view the entire landscape. That’s not going to make America great!
letsthinkaboutit says
Its real allright!
a real greek tragedy!
overinflated deaths due to applying true causes of deaths from natural causes or other.. to
covid … really?….
Yes , its a novel virus as was the last ones before and the ones that will come after it.
But when have world governments Ever acted so draconian in regards to a flu that has a 99.9% survival rate????
if that does not boggle mind here are more alarming FACTS
Using as a standard of diagnostic practice a PCR test????
which should never have been used on a scale that has been so widely implemented. As it has a high rate of false positives due to its extreme sensitivity?
Lets gin up some more numbers shall we? hmnnn…
And as the revered Dr Fauci has said ” masks dont work , they offer no protection( while laughing at the absurdity of who in their right mind thinks it does “) It may make people feeel better , but the virus is so small that it easily gets through the mask” And it can actually give a sense of false security causing people to engage in behavior that they would not otherwise( millions engaging early on in the pandemic marching, shouting at the top of their lungs, close contact and absolutely NO sociol distancing whatsoever!!!)
Ohhh could that perhaps have led in a logical critical thinking persons mind have been the cause of the huuuuge spikes we had in April and thereafter???
Hell no, we wont go say the naysayers.. We cant look there..
nothing to see move along.