Letter about speaking out against injustice…
To the Editor,
I am writing in support of Catherine Glynn and the commentary she wrote in the September 6 edition of the Fillmore County Journal.
Ms. Glynn is right: we do need to speak out when we see our community or society walking down an unhealthy path. Stealing a yard sign or displaying a Confederate flag may seem like minor issues, but when we look more deeply at the message these acts convey we see someone saying, “No. Black lives don’t matter as much as MY life.” and “It’s okay to oppress people who don’t look like me.” It is NOT okay to oppress people based on the color of their skin! It is NOT okay to make a mockery of someone else’s religious practices. We – our minds, our hearts, our regulations, and our policies – need to acknowledge this. Let’s work together to make our communities better, more welcoming, and more equal. Thank you for raising these important points, Ms. Glynn!
Pam Seebach
Canton, Minn.
Carol Skadsem says
Black lives matter, but in their own culture they discriminate against blacks who are half white. These people are not accepted by the blacks or whites. Children are told by their peers that “I don’t like the color of your skin” or “Your skin is brown”. All people matter!!! No one likes to be discriminated against.Carol