Letter about pool story
To the Editor,
While your recent pool story was well written and informative, I was surprised to see the cover photo of children having fun in a public pool as if there was no pandemic.
This gives the impression that all is well. It is not. The quote, “Groups congregating together has been an issue” should be a huge red flag.
While Houston and Fillmore counties have been spared the horrendous numbers of cases found nearby, the count suddenly began to rise after the “stay at home” orders were relaxed and people forgot about the virus.
At local stores I was the only person on either side of the counter wearing a mask. People crowded in the check-out line with no thought of physical distancing, even with markings on the floor.
This is a problem for everyone because the virus doesn’t care what you think about it. It spreads via exhalation and others get it from inhaling it. If you talk loudly or shout or sing, you exhale more.
The more people you encounter, the greater your chance of being exposed to an infected person. The longer you remain in a large group, the greater your chance of inhaling the virus. Tight indoor locations are the worst.
The virus is not just for “old people.” Recent reports indicate that those in their 20s-30s are now getting infected because they take no precautions.
Masks, disinfecting hands, keeping your distance from others is the ONLY current working solution to avoid this potentially fatal virus.
Time to face facts that this is the real front-page news and deal with it or suffer the consequences.
Thanks for having local news!
John Socha
Spring Grove, Minn.
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