Letter about OHV trail
in Houston…
To the Editor,
I saw Keith Nelson’s letter promoting an Off Highway Vehicle (OHV) trail at Houston, Minnesota in the Fillmore County Journal today – Houston is not even in his Greater Minnesota Regional Parks and Trails Commission (GMRPTC) district. Safe to say Keith doesn’t live immediately adjacent to, i.e., within a few yards of an OHV trail which is the situation if an OHV trail is built in the beautiful bluffs next to Houston.
Nelson ignores numerous issues, all of which make an OHV trail at Houston abominable – noise, destruction of wildlife habitat including protected species, erosion, pollution, liability risk for the City of Houston, fire risk in the midst of drought, etc., etc. The idea that Twin Cities and Rochester OHV clubs, and the GMRPTC should ruin the peace, quiet and surroundings of Houston is an insult to our citizens and a crime against our natural surroundings. The vast majority of people in Houston DO NOT WANT such a trail.
There are better ways to attract people to a community and its businesses – an OHV trail is NOT one of them. We, the residents of Houston, are fighting this boondoggle! The citizens didn’t want it eight years ago when first proposed and we don’t want it now! Tell us Keith – would you like loud, polluting, high-powered, unmuffled OHVs ripping up the land and scenery, destroying the peace and quiet, next to your home? Be honest, neither do we and we will fight this trail at every opportunity. NO OHV TRAIL IN HOUSTON, MN!!!!
Frederick Beseler
Houston, Minn.
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