To the Editor,
Mr. Rendahl must have been looking in a mirror a couple weeks ago when sleazy came to his mind. What a sleazy person and party he belongs to.
The Democratic Socialist party is full of hypocrits! Between that party and national media, they have worked to divide and create hate in this country more than ever. Between their party, the media, and certain big tech companies, they have been on a mission for 40-50 years.
Fillmore County, where you live, voted over 60% for Donald Trump. We’re all sleazy, stupid… hah! I’ve got an idea for you, move to the metro area – you may fit in better there.
I’m just exercising my 1st Amendment right! But you people think you are the only ones that are covered by the 1st Amendment. Wrong, wrong, wrong!
Christmas Vacation star Clark Griswald had some famous words for this boss. I think they’re fitting here.
Wally Wilkemeyer
Rushford, Minn.
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