Letter about meeting the future king…
To the Editor,
It was with great pleasure that I read the article about the visit of the Norwegian royalty – I was there!
My dad’s brother, Dr. A.W. Highum, was the mayor that welcomed them to Lanesboro. The article states the ceremony “lasted a few minutes”! What most people did not know they came to my aunt and uncle Bill’s home for a quick cup of coffee and rest – and a good visit with my parents, George and Gertie Highum, Bill and Stella Highum, their two sons, Billy and Paul; and myself, Herb Highum and younger brother Glenn. Those two cousins were the same ages as Glenn and I. Billy and I were 11 and Paul and Glenn were eight years old.
I remember shaking hands with the future king, when they came and then when they left. I remember all six of the adults chattering in Norwegian, a lot of laughter, us four in the other room not knowing what it was all about!
They then left for more places to visit! One more thought – am I the only one living that was there?
Herb Highum
Rushford, Minn.
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