To the Editor,
I’ve heard people say that they are glad to see 2020 over and are looking forward to 2021 with hope that the suffering is over.
Some people want to drain the political swamp in order to fix all of the problems. The problem isn’t politics but rather the heart. Politicians are merely a reflection of society. For example in Jonah chapter 3, Jonah preached to the large city of Nineveh to repent or else God will pour out his wrath on them. He preached to the people first, not the king. The people had already decided to turn from their evil ways when the king proclaimed fasting and repentance. He was being a good politician and doing what the mob had already made up their minds to do. Once God saw how they feared Him, He relented of His wrath. The same is true today. God will repent of His wrath when my community, church, family, and I turn from sin and confess Jesus as Lord. Until then I’ll continue to prepare for more of the same.
Gerald Wolf
Spring Valley, Minn.
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