To the Editor,
George Floyd was killed about two months ago. The news went back and listed the deaths of African Americans that had been killed in the past by law enforcement. The news still reports all the happening related to this killing.
Two policemen were shot by ambush July 11. The news media said nothing about their family, how many had been killed in the past, or hardly anything about it. How many of you even heard about it? Don’t police lives matter? I think all lives matter regardless of job or color. The media reports the mob violence (breaking the law) and complain about the law enforcement that tries to control the violence. Would they rather have mob rule instead of law enforcement? Are the news media and talk shows giving the news or their opinion? We should be thankful for the law enforcement officers who risk their lives to protect us. If we didn’t have law enforcement for our towns and highways it would be do dangerous that I would not dare leave home. Let’s all start thanking our law enforcement officers for protecting us.
Dale Underbakke
Decorah, Iowa
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