To the Editor,
Politics is a process. We all have a part in shaping our country, whether we vote or abstain from voting. Our Constitution is a rainbow in the sky. It does not solve our problems. It offers a direction – a vision of what the future can be.
I celebrated the Fourth of July by reading “The American Spirit” by David McCullough.
A Government “of the people” is a messy business. We are fortunate when we have the opportunity to meet the candidates running for office. I was pleased to meet Dan Feehan who is running for the U.S House Minnesota District 1. He is a school teacher and a former Army Ranger. While I am impressed with his experience and accomplishments, what stunned me was his calm demeanor. Along with being self confident, humility is embedded in his character.
Another candidate I had the pleasure of meeting is Sarah Kruger, who is running for the Minnesota State Senate. She is soft-spoken and a good listener. My question to her is what is being done in the State Senate at this time and what needs to change? She has done her homework. She has a clear, comprehensive grasp of the issues and the persistence and dedication to pursue a strategy to move the state forward.
It is exciting to see young people who are prepared and willing to take on the monumental challenges we face today. These young peole need our support. They need our votes. If they lose it will be us who have failed!
Yvonne Nyenhuis
Lanesboro, Minn.
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