To the Editor,
I researched the possibility of recalling our 1st District representative James Hagedorn because of his treasonist conduct leading up to the terrorist right wing insurrection in Washington, DC January 6th. Unfortunatly, our constitution has no provision for a recall of a congressional representative. I hope his constituents in our 1st District will remember in 2022 his seditious choice, along with co-conspirator Michelle Fischbach, to support the lie that Joe Biden won by “fixing” the recent election. Does he actually believe this insane conspiracy theory or standing by it will be politically advantagious to him? Either way, he has proven he is unfit to be our representative.
Jerry Grehl
Kent Larson says
Ignorance does reign supreme in leftist Democratic mindsets. Ever since President Trump won the 2016 election the now Marxist Democrats have been pushing conspiracy theories against President Trump as the crown they wished to place on crooked Hillary had to be shipped to a recycling center. They have been pouting for four years as their attempt to complete their Socialist overthrow of America initiated by Obama was stymied by a president who intended to defend America’s Constitutional principles and Judeo-Christian heritage. Biden is absolutely illegitimate, as multitudes of election corruption continue to be uncovered, including those evidenced in video footage and sworn affidavits. The vote count in several “swing states” was mysteriously halted to assess the fake ballot additions needed to overcome Trump’s lead. The Dominion machines had previously designed algorithms to not count votes, but to count percentages of the votes where Biden was assigned a fraction over and Trump a fraction under. But Trump’s lead was more than was anticipated and plan “B” was instituted. Trump actually had votes taken away in some cases and in others the same ballots were videotaped being run through the voting machines multiple times. Mail in ballots were curiously without any folds in the paper. A dramatic documentary exposing this fraud entitled “Absolute Proof” has been produced and can be ordered through But of course it will be a real challenge for a leftist to question their certainty of ignorance and to actually consider facts. Fantasy is their “real world”. Reality is their myth. China launched.a bio weapons attack with their release of Covid and a cyber weapons attack with their role in corrupting the presidential election, which is coming to light. Presently Biden is enabling Communist China access into America’s power grid. That couldn’t possibly be treasonous could it? The Lord warns Hosea, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” (Hosea 4:6) It would do the Democrats well to engage themselves in the novel idea of thinking and research the evidence before coming to conclusions devoid of rationality…
Russ says
Where was your our rage when the Dems pushed the Russia theory for the last 4 years? Biden is now a member of the Chinese Communist Party. He has been bought and paid for. Just like his worthless kid.