Letter about why does Sen. Miller vote against our interest?…
To the Editor,
Once again, Sen. Miller has voted against the economic and public safety interests of our district, all while hiding behind bad faith straw man arguments. Why would Sen. Miller do this?
A wide coalition of conservative and progressive groups have supported “Driver’s License for all” as a commonsense reform that benefits all Minnesotans, keeping them safer on the roads and increasing economic activity. This law has been broadly supported by the business community, by the law enforcement community, and by the agricultural community. Yet Sen. Miller wrongly states that the new law will allow votes to be cast illegally. He also neglected to mention that adding language “not for voting purposes” to a driver’s license was opposed by law enforcement groups as it would lead to more discrimination. Sen. Miller wasn’t even in the Senate Chamber as the bill was being debated.
Again, it is important to ask why would Sen. Miller vote against this bill? If you vote against making our roads safer, increasing economic activity, and helping farmers, why are you in public service? It seems that Sen. Miller is more interested in being against Democrats than in being for us, his constituents.
Daniel Miller
Rushford, Minn.
Jillian says
Staunch republicans and staunch democrats are both a large part of what’s wrong in our country. It used to be people were decent; they’d compromise, work together, agree to disagree, and conduct themselves with decorum. Now it’s “you’re wrong, I’m right”, name calling, insults, ignorance, and division. That’s evident with our elected officials and certainly evident in this comment section. None of us are always right all of the time, and clearly most people can’t be open and honest and admit that or approach topics with an open mind. This conversation is nothing but ignorant, uneducated, and juvenile. What an embarrassment.
Ken says
Do you really believe that those people will give all personal information to get a drivers license? Just another way for the liberals to get us to fight amongst our selves .
Rock/Cow per Waltz Rock/Cow says
You sound like a socialist. Give all people all things. Just wait until those moronic DFLer’s pass a reparation payment to minorities. And when the funds come out of your own pocket, you will scream “unfair” to high heavens. When I went to school, I never had a “free meal”. Education in this state is dead. Maybe CRT should stand for “Cannot Rely on Teachers”. Now when the kids get filled up with a free meal, Waltz can bus them to a clinic to get their sex changed. I cannot believe Waltz ever got a job as a teacher. But wait, there is a saying…those who can, do, those who cannot, teach, and those who cannot teach, go into politics. Waltz has never had “real” job in his life. Maybe Waltz should parade his own kids into a clinic for a sex change. The best way to turn a DFL/socialists to a conservative is to make them a victim.
Anonymous says
Would Minnesota be the first state in the union to authorize driver’s licenses to immigrants? Nineteen states currently allow for immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses, including Utah, where Republicans have remained firmly in control for decades. There are even a few purplish states in the mix.
Here’s a recent article about those nineteen states: https://www.ncsl.org/immigration/states-offering-drivers-licenses-to-immigrants
Who would you rather meet on a public roadway: an undocumented immigrant who has passed a driver’s exam and is insured, or one for whom neither applies?
Undocumented immigrants will continue to be with us. They are a dream come true for some employers who can subject them to the worst possible working conditions, comforted by the knowledge that a mistreated immigrant worker would never dare to lodge a complaint. Does anyone seriously think that the meatpacking plants could continue to operate around the clock if every immigrant worker were deported? The same would apply to many jobs that few native born Americans would ever be willing to perform.
If the United States truly wanted to put an end to undocumented workers in this country, we’d be reading about CEOs of the companies that hire them (without proper vetting) going to jail This seems rather a cheap political ploy to scare voters into voting in a particular way for those who most loudly rail against immigrants while at the same time fully intending to allow the status quo to continue.
On the matter of free breakfasts and lunches for Minnesota’s school children, Rep. Davids and Sen. Miller both voted against this provision. Perhaps they believe that a hungry kid will learn more than if they were fed. Those kids who reside in homes where money is scarce most certainly did noy choose their lot, and in many cases, their parents did not either, Many life circumstances not of their choosing have the potential to drive a once prosperous family into financial ruin.
Why would some politicians vote against the needs of their constituents? Could it be because they receive large campaign donations from ultra wealthy benefactors (including out of state i9nterests) who do not want to see one penny of their tax dollars used to help alleviate the suffering of the least fortunate?
Those same politicians might claim to be doing the Lord’s work. Really?
“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.” — Jesus, Mathew 18:6 (NIV)
Rock/Cow per Waltz Rock/Cow says
You sound like a socialist. Give all people all things. Just wait until those moronic DFLer’s pass a reparation payment to minorities. And when the funds come out of your own pocket, you will scream “unfair” to high heavens. When I went to school, I never had a “free meal”. Education in this state is dead. Maybe CRT should stand for “Cannot Rely on Teachers”. Now when the kids get filled up with a free meal, Waltz can bus them to a clinic to get their sex changed. I cannot believe Waltz ever got a job as a teacher. But wait, there is a saying…those who can, do, those who cannot, teach, and those who cannot teach, go into politics. Waltz has never had “real” job in his life. Maybe Waltz should parade his own kids into a clinic for a sex change. The best way to turn a DFL/socialists to a conservative is to make them a victim.
935 says
The standard device of Republicans for decades has been to frighten their supporters with dire warnings of what might occur if they lose power.
Social Security…
From the moment of it’s passage in 1935, far more Republicans opposed Social Security than did Democrats. Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed Social Security into law on 14 August 1935.
I an certain that most self-respecting senior citizens who support Republicans have opted out of accepting any Social Security benefits, as a matter of principle.
Forbes magazine is hardly a mouthpiece for the Democratic party, however, they published the following article in 2018: https://www.forbes.com/sites/teresaghilarducci/2018/11/02/republican-public-opposition-to-social-security-and-medicare/?sh=a591534e71eb
Consider Ronald Reagan’s 1961 warning of what would result if Medicare were enacted…
“If you don’t, this program, I promise you, will pass just as surely as the sun will come up tomorrow; and behind it will come other federal programs that will invade every area of freedom as we have known it in this country. Until, one day, as Norman Thomas said, we will awake to find that we have socialism.
And if you don’t do this and if I don’t do it, one of these days you and I are going to spend our sunset years telling our children, and our children’s children, what it once was like in America when men were free.”
For those would like to hear the entire recording, here’s the link, courtesy of the Reagan Foundation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYrlDlrLDSQ
Medicare passed in 1965, and the last time I looked we aren’t all in shackles yet, although you may find many seniors who would prefer to pay their own way, rather than accept a penny of Medicare benefits.
Donald J. Trump quote on 6 January 2021…
“”We fight like hell. And if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore,”
Well, I guess we no longer “have a country anymore”, so how is it that we are having this discussion?
Perhaps you purposely misspelled Governor Walz’ last name, and are not familiar with his background, which was not exclusively devoted to serving in elective office. His first ever ever term in elective office began on 3 January 2003, three months shy of his 43rd birthday, as the U. S. Representative for Minnesota’s First Congressional District.
Finally, you mention “socialism” as if it was a dirty word. People residing in the Scandinavian have yet to rebel against their governments, which are largely socialist.
Republicans love to attack socialism in any form, zeroing their contempt upon anyone who opposes fascism. They have shortened “anti-fascist” to “antifa.”
Minnesota’s cemeteries contain the grave sites of thousands of brave Minnesotans who fought and died during World War II, in opposition to Hitler and Mussolini’s attempt to impose fascism upon much of the rest of the world. Apparently, those who believe as Rock/Cow seems to would argue that those brave souls were “suckers” and “losers” for having died in combat (to use Donald J. Trump’s reference to U. S. World War I dead in 2018). The deaths of Minnesotans are apparently doubly tragic for having fought on the wrong side.
For those who may be unfamiliar with Donald J. Trump’s words in 2018, here is the link to a contemporaneous article published Forbes magazine: https://www.forbes.com/sites/mattperez/2020/09/03/report-trump-called-us-wwi-veterans-suckers-and-losers/?sh=1940c1476f57
Finally, with respect to those who allow fear to rule their lives…
“No passion so effectually robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear.” —
Edmund Burke, “A Philosophical Inquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful”, 1756
Rock/Cow (Per Walz) says
Hey 935, I am surprised you did not call me a racist. If I understand you correctly, Walz has been on the payroll of the taxpayers his entire life. I wonder if he ever had to worry about meeting a payroll. Maybe if he had, he would understand what a business has to go through.
Rock/Cow per Waltz Rock/Cow says
You sound like a DFL/socialist. The DFL/socialist party voted for this bill so they will have a bunch of new voters. They do not care about the illegals, take guns out of the hands of law-abiding gun owners. History shows that the first thing a ruling government does is to disarm the civilian population so it can be controlled. All they want to do is turn MN into another CA with just a one-party state. And that has been going so well for CA. If you like the way CA is being run, then move there and leave the rest of us alone. An example of the socialist control is the banning of fossil fuels at 80% by 2340 and 100% in 2040. I wonder if the socialists thought of how I am going to heat my home in 2030 when natural gas will be illegal. Maybe they believe the “dirty air” will stop at the state’s borders. Let’s go all out and ban all snowmobiles, boats, ATV’s, etc., since they pollute the air also. Maybe close all state parks so people do not walk on the grass and then turn them into solar panel farms. Then the state can hire the illegals that will be coming to MN to brush the snow off of the panels in the winter so they will work.
Barbara says
Well said! Your question, “Why do Republicans consistently vote against our best economic, safety and health interests?” is applicable to most GOP legislators these.days. They vote against adequate funding for infrastructure, education, healthcare, early childhood programs, daycare and environmental funding. All they seem to care about is massive tax cuts for wealthy people.
Rock/Cow per Waltz Rock/Cow says
“Comrade Barbara”. I am tired of paying taxes to fund education and all of the welfare programs in this state in this state. Seems to me the more money that gets “thrown” at the schools; the schools seem to be getting worse. CRT should stand for cannot rely on teachers. They are only on the job 24/7. That is 24 days a month and 7 months out of the year. A Democrat’s solution to any problem is to throw more money at a problem. I was a banker for 38 years and you cannot or ever will spend your way to prosperity. And by the way, based on your party’s equity belief, I want you to send me $10,000.00. Being a DFLer, you should be OK with this. You have and I want it. It is like when you go fishing at a lake. You do not want to fish on the “left” side of the lake. Because the people that live on the “left” side of the lake will take your fish and give them to people that are too lazy to fish. You always want to fish on a “right” side on the lake. Then you get to keep the fish you worked hard for. Before you call me a “racist”, which your party accuses people of that you do not agree with, I am not prejudice, I hate everybody.
Richard Clark says
I am an Election Judge and know that, Due to this law change illegal aliens will be completely free to tamper with MN Elections.
Anonymous says
According to the Minnesota Secretary of State website regarding election judges…
“On Election Day, there can be as many as 30,000 election judges temporarily employed at polling places across Minnesota. You too can be an election judge—many towns and cities are always looking for qualified applicants.”
“You must be eligible to vote in Minnesota and able to read, write and speak English. Students 16 and 17 years-old can be election judge trainees.”
“You must attend a required training that will be roughly two hours in length. Many classes are in the evenings.”
For those who would prefer to access the source: https://www.sos.state.mn.us/elections-voting/get-involved/become-an-election-judge/
Presumably, this two hours of training took place prior to the most recent election, held in November of 2022. Did your training include specific mention that such a dire outcome might result from legislation that had not yet even been proposed?
Did you and the other 29,999 election judges in Minnesota converge on the state capitol to testify against this measure during legislative hearings?
According to my source, “In Minnesota, only individuals who pass the driver’s test and prove legal immigration status are allowed to receive a driver’s license.”
Yet, you mention that due to this legislation, “illegal aliens” will be able to tamper with elections.
I don’t know about you, but my thesaurus tells me that the words “illegal” and “legal” are antonyms.
For those who would like further information regarding the states that Minnesota recently joined, here is that link: https://www.ncsl.org/immigration/states-offering-drivers-licenses-to-immigrants
Perhaps you could explain: 1) How Utah, which has had a similar measure in place since 2005 has not seen fit to repeal their law? After all, Utah is hardly a liberal stronghold. 2) Why would an immigrant, who has likely undergone considerable effort to reach Minnesota risk deportation by interfering with Minnesota’s elections?
Please be specific with this answer, could you tell us if such a predicted outcome is based upon: 1) What you imagine might occur due to this legislation or 2) If you have an objective source in support of your statement, then please provide a link to that source so that we can all review that source and draw our own conclusions.
Rock/Cow (Per Waltz) says
I agree with you. The DFLer’s/socialists do not are one iota about these people. They are just more voters. What was the point in going through all of the BS I had to when I renewed my driver’s license a couple years ago for that “enhancement” so I could get on a plane? The next thing the Mn DFLer’s will do is to ban all home appliances in 6 months. I will really enjoy washing my clothes on a rock.