To the Editor,
I listened to the discussion (at the last Harmony City Council meeting) on what account the monies ($12,500) for the trailhead park pump/grinder was to be taken from. Devin asked the council this question, seemed fairly simple even though it has no association with the splash park other than the work was done under the same contract with the provider. Probably could/should have been invoiced separately but can be dealt with.
In the end it was suggested that $10K be taken from the DW fund and that $6K be taken from the park budget. A motion was made and seconded by council members without question. How did the request for $12,500 turn into $16,000?
The council is giving the contractor a bonus of $3,500?
The council is donating $3,500 to the splash pad project? (Obviously this is helping reduce the cost of work to the splash pad project.)
If the council is donating monies to the project, which monies (DW fund or park budget) are being donated?
Trying to understand the backdooring of this $3,500 that would seem unnecessary. Please explain.
Brad Thacher
Harmony, Minn.
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