Letter about what’s not to like?…
To the Editor,
The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) has been controversial and rejected by a big part of congress. There are so many pieces of this bill that benefit me and my neighbors that I’m glad it passed in spite of the “no” votes. One part of the bill controls insulin costs. A cap was put on the cost for Medicare folks but some were against this and caps for the general public have yet to be put in place. More than eight million people in the US have insulin-dependent diabetes and not all are seniors. I am for helping Americans with diabetes. How about you?
Another part of the IRA enables Medicare to negotiate drug prices so they become more affordable for seniors. I am for this too. How about you?
Yet another part of this bill gives subsidies for more renewable sources of energy to help us towards reducing carbon output. This would put us on track for helping curb excessive heat, fires, drought, and severe weather.
I am for making progress on healing our planet. How about you? November elections are coming soon. I strongly recommend looking at how your candidates have voted on issues that affect us all and voting accordingly.
Harvey Benson
Harmony, Minn.
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