Letter about what are you doing about it?…
To the Editor,
Find yourself blaming our elected leaders? One issue after another? What are you doing about it? Are you a citizen of the U.S.?
You have the most important position in this country. If you are a voting citizen, what are you doing for your community and your country? In this coming election?
First, make sure you are registered to vote. If you have a current driver’s license, it tells you your political address and where you go to vote. If you still need to learn where your polling place is, check with your county government office now.
We are Americans. We may not like some other Americans, don’t like what they say, they must be misguided, and they may even live down the road. All of us are Americans and we all have a responsibility to make this democracy work for all of us. Listen, and talk to each other!
You hold the most important office in this democracy: citizen. Do your job. You may lose, you may win. There may be disappointments. What is your best to make this country all it is designed to be?
The rest of us count on you.
Nancy Bratrud
Preston, Minn.
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