Letter about voting matters…
To the Editor,
Voting matters, in order to insure that Government “of the People, by the People, for the People “ will not perish from the earth! The future of our country depends on making “wise” choices if we wish to preserve our freedom.
I was shocked when Donald Trump became president! It was always clear that he didn’t have the experience, skills or temperament to lead our country. He had a “television show” in which he presented himself as successful business man. His presidential campaign and his four years in the White House were a continuation of his TV show.
Along with millions of Americans I watched in horror, as the mob descended on the Capitol on January 5 and 6! This was the sort of thing that happened in “third world countries,” not in the United States! “Trump” claimed the election was “rigged” – that he had actually won! When he was president and took the oath of office, he promised to protect Americans from all enemies, foreign and domestic! In undermining the results of the 2020 election Trump not only failed to “protect” us, he became part of the insurrection! He incited the attack on the Capitol! It seems to me that this is called treason!
During the time Trump was President, “Roe v. Wade” was rescinded. For over 50 years women had the personal freedom to discuss their reproductive health with their doctor and choose when and if they wanted to have a children. If women care about preserving their freedom in health care they need to elect politicians who represent their interests!
Yvonne Nyenhuis
Lanesboro, Minn
America the Beauitiful says
How about we all focus on what we have in common and not become distracted by fringe elements in BOTH parties that fixate on extreme views that the majority of Americans don’t want. Republicans used to be about personal fiscal responsibility, a strong national defense, and a healthy economy. Democrats used to be about good public education, expanding the middle class, and a living wage. Now- we have Republicans, supposedly all about states rights and smaller government, obsessed with telling guys whether they can wear make up and a wig, and Democrats making sure we use Latinx instead of Latino/Latina.
How about we all talk about advancing high quality affordable education and trades training, good paying jobs, establishing a strong national defense (especially cyber defense), and investing in US manufacturing and US farming?
Let’s leave religion, abortion rights, transgender issues to the people they affect – the private citizen, and get the government back to strengthening our country, not dividing it by pandering to the crazies on either side of the aisle.
Ranked choice voting in state and national elections would bring sanity back to this country and allow us to work on problems that the majority of us view as important, instead of what the radicalized fringes, big donors and PAC money thinks.
Think about it- we might have politicians that appeal to common sense and the business of governing instead of who can write the most obnoxious tweet to bait the other side.
Anonymous says
Because I used democrat in referents to bad policies you won’t post my statement. You must work for Budweiser and are woke. Sad and cowardice.
Anonymous says
Amen Val.
Val says
Really, you are still whining about Trump? – I hv a challenge for you. Tell me the good things Biden has done instead of complaining about President Trump – what do you like about Biden? Open borders, on the verge of a nuclear war, outrageous gas prices, inflation, 31 trillion of debt, his ongoing investigations about he and hunters actions, war on oil in the u.s. at our expense, the list goes on . Sometimes I read about things and think this is the height of stupidity but you people keep raising the bar..
By the way, the abortion wasn’t changed under the Trump administration, it was changed under your guy, biden
Rock/Cow (Per Walz) says
I agree with Val. I saw on March 31st, the DFL/socialist party had a drag queen at the state capital that put on a show that including school age children. The DFL party stooped to a new low. Now with the illegals getting drivers licenses, they have a block of new voters. Mn is turning into CA at a record pace. I wonder if Yvonne figured out how she is going to heat her home in 2030 since the DFLer’s outlawed/banned fossil fuel usage. I do not think a DFLer can think that far ahead. But what do I know. I am only a rock or a cow as Walz describe people in the out-state areas on MN. Maybe it is time for the GOP voting counties to join either ND, SD, or Iowa. At least they are “free” states and have common sense. I bet these states would welcome the tax revenue. Yvonne, if you do not want to live in a “red” county, you can move to the twin cities and they Utopias society they want to create. Just make sure you bring/wear your bullet proof vest.
Rock and Cow says
Thank you Val. I agree with you as well.