To the Editor,
The old bridge at Historic Forestville will be saved. No county road is going to punch through the historic site. The bridge abutments, deck, and railings will be fixed, and the bridge reopened as a trail for horses, bikes, and pedestrians. The people in Fillmore County will not let their parks be ruined. The county engineer, who says tearing it all down is an option, does not seem to understand that the site is a registered landmark, the bridge is a contributing structure, and that no federal pass-thru money is available to projects that destroy landmarks. The county commissioners seem indifferent to bad advice or else are content to put kids in danger and ruin one of the tourism assets we count on to attract business. Our state representative and senator, Davids and Miller, are all too eager to provide the money, but for which project? Demolition or preservation? Trucks or children? Trail open or bridge closed?
Tom Hogue
Preston, Minn.
Kyle P says
I am a concerned citizen of southeast Minnesota, and I want to make sure this historic and culturally significant bridge is preserved! What steps should be taken to ensure the future history of the town of Forestville?