Letter about registering to vote…
To the Editor,
The total population of Fillmore County as of the 2020 census is 21,228 people. Of this total 24.7% were under 18 years of age. So, the number of eligible voters was 15,985. Of these eligible voters, only 82% are registered to vote. This is a pretty high percentage and Minnesota is known for great voter turnout. But that’s still 2,384 people in our county who aren’t registered to vote. Furthermore, in the 2020 election, 976 people in our county who were in fact registered to vote, didn’t vote.
There are numerous reasons why people don’t vote. Some by choice, but many people don’t have a say in the matter. Minnesota is included in the 48 states where people convicted of felonies cannot vote. Elections are on Tuesdays and many people can’t afford to leave work or school to vote, or simply don’t have transportation to get to the polls. And some people just don’t believe that their vote makes any difference. The fact is, voting, especially at the local level, is one of the best ways citizens can voice their opinions.
If you aren’t registered to vote, please do so. Please encourage your family, friends, and neighbors in your community and others to do the same.
Delia Bell
Lanesboro, Minn.
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