Letter about let’s celebrate good news…
To the Editor,
Thank you Fillmore County Journal for the recent article about our low unemployment rate and good job growth. It’s now even better than when the article was written. Our nation’s unemployment rate has dropped again from 3.8% to 3.6%. Current unemployment is lower than all of the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s and most of this century. The last 11 months have seen the highest job gains on record for our nation. Yet you’d likely not know this from our corporate media. They prefer to feed us stories on inflation, war, and murders. Of course while Fox News is likely to forget to announce any good economic news when a Democrat is president, other media should make a better effort to limit American ignorance and that level of ignorance is mind boggling. A recent Navigator Research survey found only 19% of Americans thought we have had more job growth than usual and 35% thought we had more job losses than usual.
The next time you hear someone say, “No one wants to work anymore,” you might mention that (nearly) seven million new jobs have been created since Biden took office.
Gred Rendahl
Ostrander, Minn.
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