To the Editor,
Lee Hamilton, you did it again. You write “Remember What Government Can Do” just at the right time!! It is so easy to complain and criticize our government at all levels. Of course we have the right to be critical and we also have the obligation to consider what the government has done and what they are doing right now. Lee Hamilton points out the “biggest chunk of federal spending has tradionally gone to Social Security, Medicare and other programs for elderly Americans.” Recently that money has been surpassed for economic security and family income support during the pandemic. Let’s look back at what our government has done — our land grant colleges, the civil rights legislation and recently the Affordable Care Act which rapidly developed the COVID vaccines, and of course, we also have world’s strongest military.
What we need now is “trust” in our leaders. Lee states that the percentage of Americans who trust the government is in the low 20s. Many factors have caused this mistrust — wars, Watergate, Income inequality, January 6, 2021, social issues, etc., etc… Our government leaders must be honest, trustworthy people who care about the people they represent. It is up to us as Americans to research and learn as much possible about the people who are running for offices. We all must VOTE!! Good effective government is important everywhere — locally, state wise and federally. SO — Be Sure To VOTE!!
Kathleen Haynes
Canton, Minn.
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