Letter about get ready for rifles for deer hunting…
To the Editor,
Did you know that DNR and MN Deer Hunters Association (MDHA), which I’m a member of, is pushing through a bill right now to allow high powered rifles to be used for deer hunting beginning next deer season? Let me go on record stating that I and every one of my deer hunting friends that I’ve talked to about it, are opposed to it. Let me point out that MDHA did not send out a questionnaire asking their members what they thought about supporting this bill. I see no reason why we need to have thousands of hunters in the woods near cattle, horses, homes, etc. using rifles to kill deer. It’s just common sense, the safety concerns are real; however, those pushing this through want you to believe that there are no safety concerns. If you live in the country, or near woods where deer are hunted, be ready for that stray bullet. It’s not fear that I’m promoting, but fact. Currently, shotguns are able to kill a deer adequately out to around 200 yards, but some of the rifles hunters will be using are capable of killing out to 1000 yards, which is over a half mile! There will be those hunters bragging that they are shooting and trying to kill deer further than that, which is where these stray bullets will be coming from. I feel that this is major change in and around our community and we, as residents, should have a say in it. There is at least one Senator, David Senjem, from Rochester that is opposing it. If you live in this area and don’t want rifles to be used in the act of deer hunting, reach out to your legislature now, before it’s too late!
Robert Wick
Rushford, Minn.
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