Letter about Convention of the States …
To the Editor,
We need our government back in the hands of the people and the states. Please learn more about Article V of the United States Constitution and a Convention of the States therein. Our need is more important now than ever. Ask Greg Davids, Jeremy Miller and other state legislative members to call for a Convention of the States.
Article V Convention of the States is perhaps our only chance to beat back Big Brother and to save our 245-year-old republic.
Russell Gerard
Spring Grove, Minn.
Daris p. says
Thanks Russel, I have never read Article 5. Although I do have at least two copies of the Constitution in my house. I wish every house in America had a copy of the Constitution and actually read it and understood it.
Yes, big brother looms from every direction. But the American people have a pretty strong backbone. Sad, I can’t say the same thing for Congress on either side.
King Brandon keeps issuing orders from his puppet throne but the American people will stand strong on our beautiful Constitution and the ideal of self-governance. We’re not giving up on our freedoms. They were very hard won by our ancestors of all colors.
I support our military and police for the simple reason that we don’t live in a perfect world. In case anyone hasn’t noticed that yet. I believe in equality of opportunity for everyone who comes to our fine country and is willing to work for what they believe in. Happiness requires pursuit and pursuit means effort. And I side with Thomas Paine when he said, “Government is at best a necessary evil, and at worst an intolerable one.”
America is best when politicians serve their own people first, and then get out of the way. #termlimitsnow