Letter about connecting with others…
To the Editor,
The suffering that’s happening in our world fills me with sadness. I believe one antidote is to feel connected to others. Connecting can be as simple as one driver waving to another as they pass. Or reaching out and telling someone how much they mean to you. Or the act of smiling at someone you may or may not like could brighten their day.
I remember when our neighbor Elton Redalen stopped by after plowing snow. Elton told me who he plowed out and I was surprised he helped a person I knew he did not like. Elton’s response was, “She needed plowing!”
It is that caring and compassion that I believe can help hold us all together. A smile. A wave. Finding a way to let someone know that you see them and that you care.
Mary T. Bell
Lanesboro, Minn.
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