Letter about code of ethics…
To the Editor,
The recent news about Clarence Thomas’s financial entanglements with GOP megadonor Harlan Crow should be alarming to every American. This is what happens when the highest court in the land is given free rein to police itself. Clarence Thomas isn’t the first justice to engage in unethical behavior. And if Congress continues to ignore the need for a Supreme Court code of ethics, he won’t be the last.
Of the nine justices currently on the bench, four have been called out for unethical behavior and connections in the last year. Neil Gorsuch sold property to the head of a law firm with cases in front of the Supreme Court. Samuel Alito dined with anti-abortion activists and allegedly leaked decisions on reproductive health. John Roberts’ wife has earned millions of dollars from law firms with business before the Supreme Court.
Congress has a constitutional duty to act as a check on the Supreme Court and restore faith in our judicial system. It’s time they act and pass a Supreme Court code of ethics.
Dave Engle
Harmony, Minn.
Donna Halvorsen says
Now that another example of deep lawlessness has surfaced on the U.S. Supreme Court, Dave Engle of Harmony must know how right he was in his May 8 letter advocating a code of ethics for the court. This time it’s Justice Alito, who accepted a luxury fishing trip on the private jet of a conservative hedge fund manager, Paul Singer, did not include the trip or the flight on his annual financial disclosure, and did not recuse himself from a Supreme Court case involving Singer’s hedge fund.
Other federal judges must follow ethical rules, but judges on the highest court in the land, who rule on the most crucial issues affecting all of our lives, have lifetime jobs and oversized senses of entitlement. They decide when they’ve done something wrong, and of course a couple never do anything wrong. My
newspaper said, “Alito, who denies any wrongdoing…” Interesting how justices who are the ultimate authorities on the law and the Constitution, develop amnesia when it comes to the ethical issues in their own lives. We need a code of ethics and an independent office to assess justices’ ethical issues. It’s not a question of Republicans or Democrats. It’s a question of the integrity of our third branch of government.. Americans, who can’t decide whether to pay a fine for a speeding violation, aren’t standing for this ignominy anymore.
Rock/Cow per Walz says
I once applied to law school. The 1st question asked on the entrance exam was “Do you have ethics?”. It was a yes or no answer. I answered “Yes”. The next question was “If you answered “Yes” to question one, then stop right here and go home. I agree with Cody Kid. The DFL/socialist party comes across as “righteous”. I guess that is why they want to clean out the prisons, disarm, law abiding gun owners, have legal weed, have drag queens perform in front of young school children, etc. Let me know when to stop. I think it is time to move to ND, SD, or Iowa. At least these states are governed by common sense people. I have to go now and buy more condoms to place over my body, since I keep getting screwed by the DFL/socialists.
Greg says
See ya, don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
Rock/Cow per Walz says
Gee Greg:
Good comeback I am surprised you did not call me a racist. I guess you like paying high taxes, having the state tell you what car to drive, what appliances you can buy, etc.
Rock Cow #2 says
Agreed. What is happening to Minnesota under Walz and the Democrats is full on evil. It’s like kiving in a twilight zone.
Cody kid says
Sure, Dave. The democrats are so righteous. Give me a break.
K. Rogers says
I ran across your newspaper and read the letters that were printed. My fingers itched for my blue editing pen, but I doubt that only one would have sufficed.
I have a question: do you have a school? If the answer is affirmative, I suggest that the board require intense emphasis on English, history, and civics.
And I would like to note that no one I have ever met in Europe, Australia, or New Zealand is desperate to relocate to the United States! But I haven’t been to Cuba, Haiti, or Venezuela.
Democracy is not socialism. Read the Preamble.